Repairs Design Furniture

Furniture transformer for small-sized apartment (53 photos). Contemporary ICEA Trend - Cabinet Bed Transformer Chair Bed Transformer For Low Sigase

If you need regular use furniture, buy at an suitable price for a small-sized transformer bed apartment in Moscow in the online store "Bed Transformer". In indispensable bonuses for the purchase will be variations only from proven manufacturers, often updated directory.

For compact housing, you can choose and buy a transformer wardrobe bed for a small apartment. The significant strength of the folding mechanism allows you to form a surface for sleeping any orientation and dimensions. Behind the bed half can be a niche for bedding or useful trifles.

Transformers for the furnishing of small-sized rooms also combine significant space savings and multifunctionality. It is important to prefer the optimal folding mechanism. Will this "Dolphin" or "Puma", or, perhaps, "book", "Eurobook", "Click-klyak"? One thing can be said definitely: the more the stages of the transformation, the more increasing the possibility of failure. However, benevolent managers of our online store will always prompt a good option, focusing on your capabilities and tastes.

The main problem of budget housing is a lack of free space. For this reason, many are forced to abandon, using uncomfortable narrow. It turns out, there is a simple and original solution - the bed transformer. For a small-sized apartment, this is the best option. What happens to be guided when buying and how much such models cost - in this material.

Thanks to such a furniture, even in a small room, a double bed will easily be located

  • it is better to stop on the model without springs, it is not known how the springs in the vertical location will behave;

  • it is not worth buying a mattress with a coke shaft filler, it is very heavy, it will create an additional load on the mechanism and require great efforts in the process of folding;
  • the best choice for the transformer bed is a light latex mattress, it has good orthopedic properties and at the same time remains for a long time.

Varieties of transforming mechanisms

The most important part of such a bed is a transformation mechanism. There are three types of mechanisms:

  • spring;
  • gas-elevator;
  • counted.

Each of them has its own working resource. The gas elevator will be guaranteed to work ninety thousand times.

For your information!It is better if the gas elevator is filled with nitrogen, not air. With such a filling, corrosion of parts will not be formed.

Spring design will work only twenty thousand cycles. Springs have the property stretch and lose their elasticity. But they are much cheaper than gas elevator.

The most durable of the presented mechanisms is counter. His only drawback is the need to allocate a place to accommodate counterweight cargo. Such devices are rarely found on sale, they are usually used in models manufactured by their own.

Helpful advice! Choosing double-purpose furniture, it is better to stop on the model with a metal frame.

The cost of transformer models

A type Picture Average cost, rub

from 8,000
Folding cabinet
from 16,000
Cabinet-sofa bed from 25,000
Table bed.
from 15,000
Bunk transformer for children
from 18,000
Bunk sofa
from 23,000

As you can see, buy transformers for a small-sized apartment forces to the family even with a small sufficient. Of course, there are models whose cost is calculated by six digits. There is only one question here - if you have the opportunity to purchase such a valuable thing, why not buy an apartment more?

The rational use of each square centimeter is the task of many families. Too many live in small-sized apartments. In this case, the furniture transformer will help. There are different models for different premises: for bedroom, kitchen, hallway, children's, living room. There is no such furniture only in the bathroom or toilet. Yes, and that, probably, will soon appear.

Types and species

Transformed furniture is convenient if the room is small. For small-sized apartments, this is salvation. Another area is if the room is multifunctional. It is also characteristic of apartments with a small square. There is no need for spacious homes or apartments. Is that to organize additional beds with guest visits.

In any embodiment, folded or unfolded - it looks great

Mainly furniture transformer in one subject combines two types of objects. Moreover, most of them are connected to the bedrooms. You can find a wardrobe bed, a bed-bed, a bed-sofa.

By the way, in the case of an example - a bed-sofa - be careful. Do not confuse with our grandmothers from our grandmothers with soft furniture called "Sofa bed". It was not the most comfortable sofa, which was laid out in something resembling a bed (also by the way, not too convenient).

In the current embodiment, these are two different subjects arranged in one. A full-fledged bed with a mattress at daytime rises, depicting a closet and part of the sofa back. Available is a soft seat. It turns out a sofa. But not folding, and so to speak "stationary". Convenience to him, as a rule, give extra pillows. For the night they are cleaned (it can be a storage box under the sofa seat), and the bed is lowered. So, as you can see, this is a completely different piece of furniture.

There are still furniture transformer, which is associated with the "appearance" of the table. Moreover, the table may have different purposes:

  • to organize an additional (or main) workplace;
  • to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe dining table;
  • to increase the working surface in kitchen headsets.

There are also triple transformers. Basically this is a wardrobe bed-sofa or wardrobe bed. From double, they differ only to the fact that the cabinet has large dimensions due to the untransformable part with the shelves.

Furniture Transformer: Pros and Cons

The advantage of furniture transformers is obvious: they occupy less space than two separate items. That's all. Other advantages, actually no. But there are minuses:

In general, everything. If you still want to have furniture-transformer, choose not only the functionality and appearance. Pay attention to the mechanisms. They must be made of good steel, the move should be easy. With the slightest problems when placing or folding, it is better to give up the purchase.

Bed transformer

All built-in bed cabinets are equipped with orthopedic mattresses that are fixed on the frame. Basically, the furniture is a transformer of this type - folding. In one state of the frame raised vertically, its spring or pneumatic holders hold it. It looks like furniture as a wardrobe. In another position, the frame is lowered and relied with legs to the floor. In this case, everything looks like a bed that stands near the cabinet.

When going to buy a lifting transformer bed, keep in mind that it should stand near the carrier wall. Since the design is attached to the wall and it must withstand solid loads. So put such furniture from a weak partition will not work. Is that roll-out models, and they are not so much and they are not so effects.

Wardrobe bed

Different wardrobes on the orientation of the mattress relative to the surface of the cabinet. There are models that are attached to the furniture with a long side, is short. In the first version, the cabinet is wider, its upper part can be used for direct purpose - as sections for storage of things.

This type of transformer wall is suitable for narrow rooms. But only one-bedroom bed can be embedded. This species is also called the "horizontal folding bed" - the long part is located along the horizon.

By the same type, bunk beds are arranged. In them, two separate bedrooms are located one over the other. As a collected form, they look like a closet.

To climb the second tier, put an inlet ladder. That's the main inconvenience. First, it is far unsafe 0 railing is not at all. Secondly, it must be kept somewhere when the beds are folded. In general, there are cons. But there is a huge plus - saving place is very solid.

The advantages of this option is a smaller price. In these models, high power of the lifting device is not required, since the load on the mechanism is not so high. The most budget versions can use springs. Due to this, the cost is reduced.

Transformer furniture: Vertical folding bed is convenient for small apartments

There are still models in which the bed is attached to the wall short part. Such models are sometimes called the "vertical folding bed". This is the price above, since the load on the mechanism responsible for lowering and lifting, considerable. There are already used pneumatic lifts, and they should be good quality. There are even options with automatic drive and control panel.

In this embodiment there are single, one-time and double beds. The more size, the more attention should be paid to the lift. You should also check the mattress fixation system. It should be reliable, but at the same time, to provide the opportunity to remove the mattress for drying / disinfection without any problems.

Walls with built-in beds (transformer wall)

This is an even more solid and expensive type of transforming furniture. Part of the wall - side or central - can move away, opening the vertical bed hidden behind it.

This furniture has no less functionality than the usual wall. Unless it takes more space in the "depth" - so that you can push the cabinet part. But all the shelves are functional in the transformable furniture. Let even they are less depth than could be in the usual closet, but the beds in the daytime are not visible. View - business or official, room can be a living room or dining room. And in the evening, with the lowered bed, turns into a bedroom with a full-fledged bed.

Bed beds

Another transformer bed is hiding under a worker, game or second berth. This option is most often used in nursery. It is safer, since the sleeping place is low that for children it is important.

Pay attention to the photo. To both the bed and the table it was convenient to use, and the table and the bed are put forward. Very reasonable and compact. For small apartments, an excellent option in the nursery.

Another nuance: Box for storing linen under the bed. In principle, this place can be empty. In this case, you can do without a pull-up tabletop, as your legs can be hidden under a folded bed.

Table transformer

No less models of transformable tables. For the living rooms are good transformer magazine tables that are laid out in the dining. A pair of movements and living room turns into a dining room.

Methods of transformation are different, but mostly used lifting and sliding countertops. In the folded state, two parts of the table top are superimposed on the other.

Transformer: Bed Desk

There is also a table-to-transformer table or children's room. In this case, the desktop rises upwards, and the bed is lowered onto a rotary hinge and relies on the legs. The location of the mattress in this case is horizontal, saving space is essential. In addition, the room does not lose the functionality in the afternoon nor at night.

Several lockers from above - for storing books or things lateral cabinets - for storing different trifles

This is a good way to free the area for children's games, organize an extra bed to accommodate guests. Ideal for schoolchildren, suitable for students.

There are more solid in appearance options that can be delivered, for example in a living room or dining room. Again to accommodate a large number of guests.

This furniture transformer can already be called the table-bed cabinet. Since more complex modifications contain more sections with shelves on the side. With a high height of the ceiling can be top, above the bed level, the shelves are made with doors - for storing rarely used things. This option is useful if you do not have, in which the unreasonable things are stored.

For kitchen

There are transformer tables for the kitchen. Some use the same principle as in well-known desktop tables. Some "piece" is added to the main working surface, one way or another fixed on the main countertop.

This furniture transformer is good for one-room small-sized apartments of the old building, where every centimeter on the account. When people are small, it can be folded. If necessary, the area increases.

Some drawn tracks can have a support on the legs, part hangs in the air, leaning on guides

There are still tables with drawn countertops. In this case, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fixation system. It accounts for a considerable load, so there must be a margin of safety. It gives a good metal and a reliable roller system, on which the tabletop is put forward.

Even for the kitchen, the type of metal, which is manufactured by the guides. At a minimum, it should be galvanized metal, but better - stainless steel. As a last resort, for budget models, the powder paint is suitable. It is impossible to say that it is much cheaper than the same galvanized, but gives more options in color.

Transformable sofas

Another type of transformer furniture is sofas. Everyone knows the old model - sofa bed. But it's not about her. This is not too good, albeit a widespread option. There are more interesting.


This type of transformer furniture is a fundamental difference from the old model: a full-fledged bed is converted to an equally full and comfortable sofa. The bed in this option is attached vertically, mostly mattresses are one and a half and double.

The principle of action is the same as the closet bed. The sofa is installed in stationary, the bed is fixed with raised and can be covered with a soft cloth into the tone of the sofa upholstery, the role of the backbone is performed. Before laying out, they are cleaned, they lower the bed, which falls on the sofa and rests on the legs extended. The role of the leg can play the shelf (as in the photo above).

There is another kind of such furniture: a wardrobe sofa bed. From the above described above, it is only distinguished by the fact that there are still sections with shelves or cabinets. With a sufficient height of the ceiling, the shelves / lockers can be above the bed.

Sofa bunk bed

For children's rooms, a good option is a sofa, which is transformed into two beds located one above the other. In this model, a complex mechanism is involved, so the cost of such transformer sofas is rather big.

But the model is very convenient. And the sofa, and the beds are comfortable. Compared to the traditional, the space does not "load", but it saves it no less.

Sofa table

Sofa with table. This option is rather exotic. Not so high its functionality. But as an option of non-standard furniture it is good. The sofa-table has a movable back of the tree (or its substitutes) or plastic. While the transformer furniture is used as upholstered furniture, there are no external differences. If necessary, the back is thrown forward, where rests on the floor.

Sofa table. Can be installed on a veranda - as a place to rest or possible gatherings

As a rule, one transformable sofa has another way to use: folded into bed. An additional empty is put forward from under the seat. That is, it is an option 3 in 1.

Another variant of the transformed sofa is a modular design. This is not exactly what was described earlier. All upholstered furniture is divided into segments that can be shown among themselves in different ways.

As a rule, the sofa itself is sliding or folding. It is installed inpatient, and smaller mobile blocks can move. Often they have videos.

Unusual transformers

There are several transformers that are difficult to attribute to furniture. For example, a shelf that turns into a small table. The ideal option for the passing room, if the stationary table is nowhere to put, and there is only a piece of the wall in the passing place.

Shelves that turn into a table - at least, original

An equally original solution is a picture or mirror that turn into the table. In this case, the tabletop is attached to the wall with a loop. On its back surface (which in the raised state becomes facial) mirroring mirror or picture.

The mirror on the wall becomes ....

The legs are performed in the form of the salary of the frame. When the table is needed, it is folded. When not needed - reinforce on the wall. This is also one of the very good options if the table can only be installed in the passage zone. The ideal solution for some small apartments.

If the quadrature of the room does not allow you to be content with luxurious large-sized furniture for sleep, the Bed transformer is ready to come to the revenue. Thanks to compactness, practicality, a folding mechanism, a bed transformer for a small-sized apartment allows you to save space, make a room lighter and neat. A light movement of the hand with a simple mechanism, a sleeping space turns into another object of the interior, for example, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, a sofa, a wall or writing desk. At the same time, the space is released and a free place for storing toys, clothes, books, technicians appears.

Advantages and disadvantages

Be a bed, a sofa or a cot, like any furniture, transforming models have numerous advantages for which connoisseurs of rationality, are in dire need of the proper use of each centimeter. So, the advantages of transformer beds include indicators:

  • baby cot and playpen Transformer can be transformed into the chest of drawers, the desktop, the game area - it helps to create an additional place to store things and games;
  • a simple mechanism for folding and disassembling a sleeping box will not be required for more than a minute. Convenience is provided by the mechanism represented in the form of springs, belts, electric drive and components;
  • a variety of sizes, which allows you to choose a suitable model for both a child and an adult;
  • saving useful space, because in the assembled form, the transformer is a cabinet furniture, and when laying is transformed into a place for sleep, equipped with an orthopedic mattress;
  • available cost, a transformer can allow any medium-sized family;
  • the possibility of location in angular zones.

Similar transformers are used in cases where there is no possibility to arrange a separate full-fledged bedroom or for apartments of studios that do not differ in the large area.

But do not forget about the shortcomings and possible problems that you will have to face the owners of transforming furniture:

  • due to the constant folding, the bed is quickly wearing. The lifting mechanism suffers the most quickly because of this, due to improper use, it can quickly fail. It is important to pay attention to the quality of the furniture purchased, the manufacturer and materials;
  • High cost, as such structures are decent money;
  • This model will not suit the elderly, as the constant assembly and disassembling such a bed quickly tires;
  • To install the transformer bed, an unoccupied capital wall will be required, since only it can withstand heavy loads.


Conditionally, all types of beds with folding and folding mechanism can be divided into several types:

  • the sofa, which when placing turns into a full-fledged sleeping comfortable bed, is the most common option. The sofa is distinguished by affordable cost and ease of use;
  • vertical or horizontal folding constructions presented in the form of beds of cabinets, tables, chest of drawers, walls and other interior items. It can also be a sofa;
  • rotary-folding - innovative and most expensive models that allow the most productive to use the living space;
  • bed cabinets - on the top tier is a sleeping practical place, and there is a spacious wardrobe at the bottom;
  • bed tables - at the top there is a sleeping place, down - workplace;
  • retractable systems - in folded form, they occupy a bit of space and are quite compact, but with the onset of the night with the help of a roll-out mechanism are transformed into a large double bed;
  • folding systems are easily embedded in any cabinet furniture, take up little space.

Table bed
Sofa bed
Wardrobe bed
Cabinet sofa bed

Bed sofas

It is this option of transformed furniture, as a sofa, you can most often meet in one-bedroom apartments, hostels. Their low price, the uniqueness of the design allows you to make such a favorable acquisition to almost everyone.

Their assortment is not limited to a banal sofa book, in furniture stores you can also meet a sofa with a retractable mechanism, when the bed is compactly hidden in a niche along with metal legs, as shown in the photo. In addition, you can meet the following variants of bed sofas: with a harmonica system, with a regulating back, deploying models, retractable, rolling, advertisers, a sofa with a modular system and so on.

Bed sofas may vary by type of mechanism:

  • folding (book, click-klyak) - a space for sleep increases by lowering the back to the level of seats;
  • deploying (accordion) - the mechanism works on the principle of harmonic;
  • expansions (eurobook, dying) - to decompose the design, it is enough to roll out the base, and to lower the back to the vacation place.


With vertical extension

Often the bed transformer with a vertical folding mechanism is represented in the form of a double place, which allows you to save at least 3 square meters of living space. Architects minimalists managed to create a perfect design, which is in the collected form of cabinet furniture, which is shown in the photo.

The system works at the expense of a spring or pneumatic lifting mechanism, while the sleeping place is secluded in a special box, harmoniously complementing the appearance of the design. At the same time, the lower part of the bed can be supplemented with other decorating elements, such as a mirror or miniature shelves, as shown in the photo.

The most common is the beds with a gaslift system when the side panels of the furniture are complemented by book racks and meresers for storing bed linen. Also there are often models that transform into a written table or cabinet of compact sizes, which are ideal for a miniature children's room.

With horizontal rolling

This option will look good in the room for children or a miniature apartment guest room. This mechanism is still more compact than the vertical. At the same time, the attachment of the sleeping place is securely fastened to another element of the present furniture - a closet, a table, a wall, a photo.

Fastenings are often located at a longer side of the bed, it reduces the load and allows you to use cheaper and less powerful mechanisms. Such designs can be found furniture for children: two-level beds or so-called attic beds.

Modern models are represented by the original control carried out remotely through the remote control or by pressing the special button. Due to the ease of use, the child himself can lay out and fold his bed.

With a rotating or rotary mechanism

Such furniture will become a real decoration of the house, but it is worth understanding that the places for its location will need significantly more than for previous options. Rotating or swivel bed is a luxurious and aristocratic element of the interior for a spacious apartment or country house, which is shown in the collection of photos.

The principle of fastening is not much different from horizontal beds, the basis becomes furniture - Bookcases, Swedish walls with niches and so on. And the control is carried out exclusively remotely, so when creating such models, strong alloys of metals are used for the fastening system.

Built-in cabinet and table

Compact and practical beds that are retracted to the closet will become a real find for a small room, such as a miniature living room or bedroom. Various modifications allow you to choose the most suitable for square and style version of the furniture: one and double, children's, with a vertical and horizontal mechanism.

Bed cabinets may vary by folding mechanism:

  • pneumatic springs correspond to the lowering of the design to the horizontal position;
  • rotary-folding - operation facilitate swivel hinges.

The table bed is suitable for small children's rooms, the photo shows that with the help of a convenient mechanism in the daytime - this is a desk for games, study, drawing, and at night the bed the bed turns into a sleeping place for the baby.

Due to the presence of a folding mechanism, the design is easily folded and unfolded. As for the table, it can be attached both in the longitudinal and cross position. Lifting mechanisms are also found when the sleeping place rises, freeing the place with a folding or portable table.

What material to choose

Choosing transforming furniture, it is worth paying special attention to the materials from which the bed housing is made. Among the proposed range, you can find models made of the following materials:

  • noble wood species.

The beds from the chipboard are a budget option that for everyone to pocket. If we talk about the quality, then such a material is unable to withstand the daily load provided to it, so the operating time of the beds of transformers from the chipboard is limited to 2-3 years.

Transformers from MDF are more durable, models from this raw material can be found in a model range of domestic and imported producers, and their operating deadlines will be at least 5 years. The longest of the beds of their whole natural wood will serve, but it should be understood that the weight of the product will be much larger. Therefore, to the preparation of the surface where the system will be attached, it is necessary to approach thoroughly so that it can withstand the permissible load.

An equally important point is to focus on the metal, from which the fastener, lifting mechanisms and legs are made. Heavy metal alloys are not deformed and able to withstand a lot of weight, it is necessary to give preference during the choice of transformer for their home, a photo.



The dimensional grid of transforming models is not much different from the standard and fully complies with the requirements of GOST. The transformer can be provided for children with age from 0 to 10 years and has its own sizes.

The model range for adults can be divided into three types: single, one-time and double. Single beds produced by domestic manufacturers can vary in width from 70 to 90 cm. While imported trademarks offer more spacious options for one bed, the width of which is 90-100 cm. Length of the bed is 1.9-2 meters . This option is perfect for teenagers and adults with a slight weight.

The semi-second bed transformers are distinguished by a larger area and provide sleep freedom for one person, but for two places it will be not enough. Standard width - up to 1.4 meters, and the length of 1.9-2 m. Truly the royal option for the bedroom will be a double bed, the dimensions of which are 1.4x2 meters and 1.6x2 m. But among modern models, you can find instances, width. which will be 170 cm, which is not very practical for transformers, because you should not forget about the load rendered on the wall.

Bed table
Cabinet sofa bed Wardrobe bed

What mechanism is reliable

The main element of any transformer bed is the lifting mechanism, the reliability of which ensures the durability of the product. To date, there are several types of similar mechanisms:

  • spring;
  • gazlift;
  • with counterweight.


If you compare the spring model and gas lift, then the best is the second option that up to 90 thousand cycles can work. The problem of the spring mechanism is that over time the springs can relax. Because of this, such mechanisms work up to 20 thousand cycles.

Boast spacious apartments and many rooms, many Russians cannot. Small-sized apartments are not pleased with the abundance of free space. If you manage to fit a double bed into the bedroom, then the owners have to be squeezed by her sideways. Instead of a large, comfortable bed, unfolding sofa beds are purchased, which are also cumbersome, do not contribute to the final solution to the problem.

The cabinet bed from IKEA will help save in your room a large number of free space.

ICEA specialists went further in the development of engineering thought. The idea for the production of a transformer wardrobe, which has become a salvation from grinding for citizens and allowed to equip a personal sleeping place, for example, in the living room.

Bed-cabinet is 2 necessary type of furniture, connected together.

Solving the issue of space - a folding bed of an IKEA transformer, which is in the assembled state, is removed into the closet, representing a full-fledged interior member or serving a cabinet. Transformers bed-cabinets are made from a variety of materials - from a budget to a veneer from the real tree. The assembled bed is masked under the closet, transforms the room. The legs are also decorated, served with decoration, or hide into special nests.

A stylish cabinet bed will easily fit into any interior of the apartment.

The product itself because of its complexity, various decorations is expensive. But there are quite acceptable objects of furniture that are installed in urban apartments.

The scheme of using a bed-cabinet.

In the folding form, the transforming bed takes a lot of space. When buying such an item, the presence of space for folding is taken into account. Over the assembled bed you can build shelves.

The bed collection mechanism is very durable and can withstand a huge amount of operations.

Types of cabinets of transformers:

  • single;
  • double;
  • children's

Bed transformer from IKEA is best to provide an orthopedic mattress.

Options for lifting mechanisms:

  • horizontal, in which the bed is leaving the side;
  • vertical when lowering is going to the face.

Optionally, the cabinet bed can be supplemented with side racks.

Mechanisms themselves are fulfilled, with a guarantee of up to 20 years of daily use. Naturally, we withstand the weight of large individuals and married couples. Therefore, you should not fear the fallen bed, the sleeping place will remain your personal, safe corner.

The transformer bed is convenience and easy to use.

Advantages of a transformer cabinet bed:

  • functionality;
  • convenience of operation;
  • saving apartments;
  • elegance;
  • modernity.

Bed-cabinet is a new technology in the preservation of the free space of the room.

With all the attractiveness of lifting beds, they have a number of shortcomings. This is, first of all, the price. Young families must save on such an acquisition, or take a loan. Some make furniture independently. In this case, there is no guarantee that the thing will last long and safely.

Furniture Transformer from IKEA is very popular with buyers

In Salons, IKEA stores have a large selection of functional furniture at various prices. Even the most demanding buyer will find a solution to problems here.

Some are afraid of furniture transformers, fearing that the lifting mechanism can close while sleeping on a man's bed or falls on a bed standing next to the assembled bed. For complacency, make such serious purchases in proven furniture salons, where warranty documents for acquired interior items are issued.

The process of assembling the bed is easy and simple, you do not have to apply big forces for this.

Busy people strains the need to collect-disassemble the furniture every day. But the owner of the lifting bed quickly adapts, with sufficient skill and patience, manipulates the mechanism automatically. One movement, and a sleeping place is ready.

For all assembly mechanisms, the manufacturer gives up to 20 years warranty.

Cabinet Bed Transformer IKEA

Swedish brand IKEA monitors modern development of furniture production. Therefore, such comfortable and multifunctional objects, like lifting beds, sofa beds, bed beds, steel companies selling companies. The management makes serious investments for the scientific developments of this area to be ahead, to offer the buyer only modern, convenient, affordable furniture.

Options for ready-made beds-cabinets in the interior.

The dimensions of the folding beds are diverse - from cribs (for children of different ages), one and a half, double for adults. The bed is equipped with a mattress. At the request of the client, an orthopedic mattress is installed.

The orthopedic mattress will be the perfect companion for the transformer bed.

When choosing, you need to pay special attention to the size of the structure. It should approach the area to the room where the furniture will be installed. Also important factor when choosing - the mechanism of lifting is the lowering of the bed. The sales assistant must see it with you.

Even a child will cope with the laying mechanism of the bed.

Folded beds built into the IKEA cabinet are supplied with gas-lowering gas mechanisms. Even a child can use that it is so simple during operation, does not require effort. In one movement, the cabinet turns into bed, and vice versa. An ordinary sleeping place becomes a stylish decoration of the room, if the front side of the bed has been delayed by expensive materials, finished with mirrors, which visually increase the room.

The buyer can independently choose the mechanism of lifting the bed.

Furniture catalogs IKEA offer two types of lifting beds - a horizontal mechanism of lowering and vertical. With a horizontal version, the bed is mounted on the wall side. With a vertical version of the face. Salon store can always make a folding bed with a dresser, a bedside table or shelves.

IKEA provides a two-year warranty on the bed-transformers.

The warranty period for servicing the beds of transformers from IKEA is 2 years.

Transformers "three in one"

In IKEA stores, there are a large selection of lifting beds "Three in one", there are elite products that acquire owners of expensive country cottages. The buyer offers furniture items that serve simultaneously bed, wardrobe, secreter.

Bedroom transformer from IKEA is the perfect solution to save space.

Also interesting is the set of bed, sofa, cabinet. An option with an angular sofa, a wardrobe, a bed is popular with owners of small-sized apartments. Interesting solution - Wardrobe bed plus dining table.

Bed transformer is the furniture of the future.

That is, it is proposed a limitless palette of options that are limited only by the level of engineer's idea and the designer's fantasy.

The pike bed is a multifunctional furniture that will give your room a huge amount of free space.

Multifunctional furniture is installed, for example, in the office or living room, in case of unexpected guests. During the day, the folding bed serves as a wardrobe or table, and in the evening it becomes a lie to sleep. In the afternoon, free space is formed so that the cumbersome bed does not interfere with doing business.

Furniture transformer can be made of any colors of materials.

Transformers are performed interesting, elegant colors, without fringe. Complete with other furniture items from IKEA catalog. Products are easy to care, look stylish, modestly fit into the interior.

Bed cabinet is a stylish addition to any, even the most original interior.

The distinguishing feature of the company that it offers the full concept of the interior of an apartment or at home, takes part in the creation of design projects of the situation. Offers unique accommodation options for housing. The objects of "three in one" furniture are played a serious role.

Furniture "Three in one" competently organizes free space in any apartment.

Such things are indispensable when the apartment is one-room. This is also the only option in hotels and "Khrushchev". The country has active construction of multi-unit heights. The demand for real estate is constantly growing. There was a huge number of smallness apartments that need to be furnished with furniture. It is for this that multifunctional transformers are best suited.

The cabinet bed will help you enjoy a really calm and comfortable sleep.

Furniture-transformer is designed to preserve health, make a comfortable life, protect family relationships. After all, when people are constantly in flavored, there are versions, quarrels. The more free space, the calmerness. That is, multifunctional furniture is also a peacekeeping mission.

Video: originality of transformer design bed-cabinet

50 original photo ideas of beds of transformers: