Repairs Design Furniture

The comfort of the warmth of my house crochet. Country style: comfort and warmth of your home (photo). Street and mess, plants and pillows

I love when the cozy atmosphere is warm and reigns in the house, despite the frost outside the window. Therefore, with the beginning of the marking weather, I will definitely have cute little things warming the body and soul.

Comfort in the house in winter

1. Candles

Buy a set of candles different sizes. The warmth and magnetism of the fire will warm not only the body, but also the soul.

2. Bright utensils

In the summer riot of paints I prefer to use a white dining room. And in winter, when the monochrome landscape is happy, multicolored plates are pleasing. Alternative to the dishes can be any bright accessories. The main selection criterion is your favorite color that always raises the mood.

3. Warm and beautiful home shoes

My favorites are warm and very beautiful knitted boots from the ACCESSORIZE home collection. They are always comfortable and warm. Scroll and you instead of the usual slippers of a woolen masterpiece, knitted with a grandmother or created by hand in a felting technique.

4. Citrus flavor

The delicious and invigorating smell of oranges or tangerines in one instant changes the atmosphere in the house. In addition Aromatherapy is an excellent prevention of colds.And only the aroma lamp and natural aromamasla need.

Returning home from work, man wants to go to cozy apartmentwhere happiness reigns, warmth, comfort, harmony. Do not feel comfortable in own apartment - Start to act! Home comfort depends on action. The house should be primarily safe. Create easily. If you want to build a house with your own hands, it is worth preferring the construction of the house from the bar, to purchase and find out easily, simply by clicking on the link. Let's see in more detail in the nuances of creating comfort.

Comfort in every home

Cozy housing takes into account the habits and wishes of all residents. Comfortable house Lights with good, warm, calm, convenience, smiles and a good mood. The hosts of the house should independently create a favorable atmosphere in the apartment, embodying the dream of a dream, so that I wanted to find yourself in a warm home furnishings after a working day.

Creating comfort in the house with your own hands, it is important to consider all the nuances:

  • Features of windows, space, home rearrangements
  • Color gamut rooms
  • Cuisine, bathroom
  • Cleaning schedule for creating homemade utya
  • Pleasant, unpleasant odors
  • Homework houseplants
  • Musical accompaniment for comfort in the soul, to create a good mood

If you consider all the listed parts when creating comfort, the house is filled with warmth, you will always go home with pleasure to plunge into home comfort.

Give the windows of a cozy

When examining the apartment, you may seem that the rooms are dark and dull. To saturate them with light, wash the windows, replace the curtains brighter. Given the financial capabilities of your own family, replace windows. Competent experts will install plastic windowswho will face the house, fill your rooms sunlight. Large window sills can be decorated with a variety of indoor flowers in beautiful colorful vases.

Plants for home comfort

What colors will stop? So that the room was stylish, pick up a pot of the same shades for vases as soft furniture, or other home textiles. On the windowsill, place some cute vases on the windowsill.

Lovely look high flowers on the floor as a separate composition. Homemade vases create comfort in the house. They are saturated with oxygen. At night, the flowers absorb a lot of oxygen, so in the rooms where you sleep better not to put plants.

Thanks to live colors, the comfort is created in the house, air is cleaned, the energy industry is improved. Flowers can become talismans, as well as healers for owners of housing. They also help work fruitful.

Color gamut cozy house

Think about whether you will be comfortable in rooms with red, orange walls, purple color? Or when will the interior be created in black and white tones? Such colors are now fashionable, original. But, they badly affect the psyche, because of what a person is constantly annoyed or excited. Located in such a room for several hours - it is possible, but it is not recommended to live constantly.

Rooms place with the help of unobtrusive, muted environmental shades. For example, pale yellow, light brown, light blue, pale green colors. Such colors calm down a person, satisfy the room with comfort.

What to do with old things?

Old things and furniture can hardly lit up a house, kill all homemade deck. Therefore, override them and without regret, throw out the fat things to free the space to saturate the positive energy, adding something new and more comfortable.

Among the old things you can find a thing that is valuable for you and for your family. Statuette, painting or vase Just wash, wipe, update, refresh something and place them in a new place.

Some old furniture can be reanimated. For example, in a strong old sofa, change the upholstery, work a stylish bright case for him or buy a new plaid. Sometimes old furniture Much tightly new. Therefore, do not hurry to throw it away. Thanks to the updated furniture, you will create a cozy family corner.

From the walls you can remove the carpets and set them on the floor. Walls decorate children's drawings within or family photos. In the shelves, put the crafts made by hand with the kids. Thanks to such trifles, your interior in the house will be individual and cozy.

Homemade permutation

Freeing the house from unnecessaries, refreshing the old things novelty, you can proceed to permutation. Measure the size of rooms and furniture. Draw an exemplary plan on paper. Think some interior you want to get. Consider various options. Featuring the best option of comfort, position furniture and interior items in its place. Cozy house It will always be delight and warmed even with rare weather outside the window.

Making a home permutation you can find a lot of lost and long forgotten things, wipe all the dust. Clear Rooms OT bad energy and fill their positive energy.

General cleaning will help create comfort

For coziness in the house good repair Not enough. Daily follow the order and cleanliness in the house. Spend from time to time general cleaning In all rooms.

Usually after work there is no desire to make dinner, where to clean the cleaning there. Therefore, highlight the day and once every fourteen days spend the general cleaning. Wipe the dust in all corners of your apartment. Stuff spread so that they do not get rumbling, and they can easily get out of the cabinet at any time.

Things that you wear in the summer keep in a separate place from winter things. The total efforts of the whole family in a few hours will lead to the fact that cleanliness, order and comfort will settle in your house.

In addition to large cleaning, make up a graph of daily small cleaning, which must comply with all family members. Your schedule may be like this:

  • On Monday you need to clean the toilet, bath;
  • On Tuesday - Kitchen Plate;
  • On Wednesday - wash the floors in the kitchen, in the corridor;
  • On Thursday - stroke all clean things;
  • On Friday - Liver Rooms.

If you split all the cleaning business on the listed days, it will be completely easy to clean and quickly. After all, it is easier to clean the little, than to remake all things in one day.

Order in the kitchen

The comfort depends on what state is the kitchen, kitchen utensils, a bucket for garbage, a bathroom, cosmetics.

  • It is important to place everything intelligently in the kitchen. Under the sink in the boxes can be hidden all kitchen objectsthat help cooking.
  • Store all the necessary items in the drawers. Kitchen utensils, rarely used, can be placed in distant drawers. Closer put the saucepans and pans that use daily.
  • Covers arrange on racks hanging in a prominent place. All forms for baking, boards, banks can be stored in boxes located closer, so that at any time they can be easily taken.
  • On the doors, hang a few hooks to hang sorting packages or clean kitchen towels For hands and dishes.
  • For cozyness in the kitchen, soap, spray and kitchen sponges store under the sink, carefully putting it to easily reach the napkins or detergent at the right moment. To keep such subjects convenient, buy a kitchenette with a rotating stand. Store thus all kitchen need and fixtures, the kitchen will always be clean and in order.
  • Garbage bucket positioned at hand, but not in sight. Hide it under the washbasin or in the closing lower locker kitchen headset. In order for the garbage bucket compactly, paper waste dispose separately, empty container and grocery waste separately. In the sliding boxes fold the redemption. Plastic bags store in chrome holders. Having made a small incision in the package with packages, you can easily get the desired number of bags.

Create comfort in the bathroom

If there is a storage space under your bathroom, store all means for cleaning and washing dishes. All accessories used every day, place in an affordable place. Thanks to such a storage system, everyday cleaning will be easily and quickly. Jars S. washing agents Place in a large box so as easy to find necessary tool. If there is still a place in the cabinet, in the second box, arrange an extra toilet paper, sponges, rags and other cleaning items.

Bottles used often store separately, in an easily accessible place.

With a large number of funds for creating makeup, keep them in the bedside tables under the sink in the bathroom. For each family member, create separate boxes for storing only those objects that they individually use. Thanks to this approach, you will not arise quarrels about the disappearance of some important cosmetics.

How smells comfort?

From ancient times, a pleasant and delicious smell of pies and fragrant tea always walks next to the word. To make a comfort in the house with the help of a fragrance, do not choose aromatic sticks or toilet water, as such odors adversely affect human health. Give your preference to unobtrusive vanilla smell. Baking delicious baking can open the kitchen door so that other rooms are filled with aroma. With frying fish, on the contrary, close the door and open the window, as the sharp smell cause discomfort.

In winter, leaving for a walk, if possible, air the rooms. Do not let me lie down with dirty things, regularly take the garbage, store the products properly. Once a week, spend the inspection of all the shelves of the refrigerator. Product availability Check, and remove spoiled.

Fans of air fresheners are best buying funds with citrus aroma, vanilla, cinnamon or bergamot. Delicate notes will add to your home.

Home comfort with music

Musical accompaniment contributes to getting positive emotions and maintain good mood. Turn on the quiet, melodic and monotonous music to feel wonderful and comfortable.

If guests came, consult with them about musical accompanimentSo that everyone is cozy.

From the article it became known how to create comfort with their own hands, so that I would like to return home after the labor everyday life. Holding to the above-described tips, support the cleanliness and order daily, which create heat, comfort all family members. Take care of harmony and home comfort your own home. Love your home. Then guests will be happy to come to you to enjoy communication, comfort and get a positive energy charge. When there is a cloudy weather on the street, she will not spoil you mood.

The comfort in the apartment is very important for any family. However, to create a cozy atmosphere in your house is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. To do this, you need to pick up suitable interior And give it an appropriate atmosphere with various trifles. In this article we will share the ideas of creating home comfort in the apartment.

Creating a coziness in a small apartment

Create a comfort in an apartment with a small metro station is particularly difficult. After all, you need to find a place to place a lot of necessary things and furniture. It often happens that in one room you need to combine the place for receiving guests, work and recreation.

In such a room it is possible to create a cozy environment by separating it into the zone. It is necessary that these zones intersect as far as possible.

Big role in the interior one-bedroom apartment Playing a combination of different colors. Selection of brighter shades will allow visually to increase the space in the apartment. Moreover, in such a room it is important to maximize the use of each square meter Square.

therefore good decision It will be the acquisition of multifunctional furniture. It will be able to free the living space from unnecessary subjects and save space as much as possible.

Well, so that the furniture looked beautiful and stylishly, you can use a self-adhesive film.

Organization of cozy childish

The room for children must certainly be spacious and light. AND right decision With its organization there will be a refusal of severe and large-sized furniture. Of course, it is better to use comfort new furniture. But it is not necessary, because the old things and furniture items can be renovated in the style of the children's room with their own hands.

Children will help make cozy small details. For example, you can put a pretty mat with a pattern on the floor or decorate the walls with illustrations from magic fairy tales. And of course, bright colors should be selected for its design.

Cozy living room

In the living room we encounter guests, as well as going with the whole family together. Therefore, the underlying condition for creating comfort in the living room is space.

All necessary things must be as compounded as possible and located nearby. Do not give up carpets in the living room, as they will help create a cozy room in the room. And the additional comfort of your house will give a carpet with a long pile.

Make the atmosphere of relaxing and homely help make pillows with decorative trim on the sofa.

It is worth paying attention to the smaller interior items: vases, paintings, tapestries, various crafts on walls and decorations, which will also help make a house cozy.

The most appropriate element of the interior, allowing you to create atmosphere atmosphere and heat in the house, is decorative fireplace. It can be bought in the store, but you can make it yourself. The flooring with a high stand will also give the room a calm and cozy atmosphere.

The color gamut in the living room is desirable to withstand in bright colors. This will give the room the visibility of a larger space, and the interior of the room will make it easier. Best option In this case, the use of beige and white colors is to use.

Create comfort in the hallway

As a rule, things are stored in the corridor who have nowhere to hide. However, this feature of the hallway is possible to beat correctly. To do this, you can put special hangers, wall shelves And other devices. First, they carry a greater functional load, and secondly, the decor is created.

Another important point in the organization of the hallway is the correct selected furniture. Most often, the corridor in our apartments is narrow and long. Therefore, the most optimal solution - put a headset with several niches. To give the hallway, the atmosphere of comfort and heat in it can hang shelves with different trinkets.

Space in the corridor is possible to visually increase with a specially selected color Gamma.. The best option will be a combination dark flowers with light. So, the long walls in the corridor are desirable to arrange in a light tone. Well looks combination white color With dark, and beige with brown.

Creating an atmosphere of rest and rest in the bedroom

Creating comfort and peace in the bedroom is especially important. So it's worth buying furniture made from natural materials. To create a romantic and calm atmosphere, the bedroom is decorated with flowers. It should be remembered what to put in the room better flowers without smell.

For the wardrobe it is worth highlighting a separate area that will not touch the recreation area. It is desirable that the lighting in the bedroom is scattered.

Very good if the room will be covered with several sources. On the one hand, it will make it lighter, and on the other, will add stylish decor. And of course, to create a coziness to put a good carpet on the floor.

Among the colors at the design of the bedroom should prevail bedtime. Suitable light blue, heavenly, pink, beige and gentle green colors.

Creating a homemade spot in the kitchen

The kitchen should not look clumsy. Therefore, you should avoid large number Household appliances.

The use of small decorative attributes is the most faithful way to creating a coziness in the kitchen.

The atmosphere of the home of the kitchen will give objects of decor: various degrades of fruit, boards with decorative painting, fridge magnets, multicolored lace napkins. If there are not enough money, these items can be made independently.

For the design of the kitchen it is worth using bright and rich colors. For this perfectly fit red, orange, yellow, green and purple.

Any room in the house requires love and caring owner's hand. Therefore, take care of it, create warmth and comfort: Shave, decorate, make things with your own hands or buy ready-made. Remember that the house is the manifestation of your soul, taste and attitude to loved ones.

The house warms us, shelters from the outside world, from adversity and prying eyes, but at the same time, expresses our personality. People rushes somewhere out of the house, dreaming to change the situation, although they are returned, trying to relax from the external fuss.

My house It's there, - where they love, suffer, they gather together at the table, hugging, look at each other in the eyes, live and die. Now you can live in two or three homes, even in an airplane. But modern people, everything is also needed a house, despite the fact that everyone has become independent and dynamic. Some, the house is needed only for overnight stay, and others in turn, equip their own hearth, repaired, decorate, hang pictures.

Most of all, people love the house for being protecting and supporting. This is a place where you can feel safe, and it is connected with the family and the warmth of the relationship. Today, these families are becoming less and less, and free and lonely people more, but despite this, everyone wants to rely on the walls of their house, although it's not in the walls. People gives a sense of protection Others: the usual things, relatives and pleasant smells, delicate memories. When we think about the house, often the thoughts send us to the memories of the parent focus. And when it becomes sad, and I want to become happy for a moment, many remember parental house, carefree childhood, love, the smell of mother's pancakes, which she baked in the morning, and at that moment, it becomes warm on the soul.

At all times there were people who preferred to spend their lives in hotels or move from place to place, they want to make changes in their lives. And in general, people are strange, they want change and stability, at the same time. But for everyone you need to know what is, the place where you can always return.

Getting into the apartment to a friend, you can find it in a few hours. What colors he prefers what things he loves, how he spends time, as far as he appreciates purity, comfort and comfort. The house tells everything about her owner, and reflects the essence of man. The atmosphere in the house speaks not only about the tastes of man, as well as about his culture and beliefs. She gives the story. The house is a huge universe that invites us on a journey. There is always a choice, in which direction to move: to get into yourself, know the history of my family or to realize your dreams. And to go on the journey, you need a little at home.