Repair Design Furniture

Treat the wood with linseed oil. What kind of oil is suitable for covering wood. Disadvantages of oil coating

V modern construction many materials are used to build solid houses, ready to serve their owners for more than one decade. However, every year all large quantity people give preference to the material that has served since ancient times for the construction of housing, especially in forest areas. Buildings built of wood have properties that are ideal for people to live in them, because walls made of wood, uniting people with nature, perfectly store heat and create an optimal microclimate in the premises.

So that the tree is not exposed to the external environment, it is necessary to impregnate it.

Wood that has not received special treatment is subjected to negative impact environment.

The greatest harm to the tree is caused by moisture, the effect of which significantly shortens its life. Even in ancient times, wood was impregnated with oil to protect wood during construction. For this purpose, linseed oil was used, an inexpensive wood impregnation with excellent protective properties. This composition impregnated not only wood intended for the walls of houses, but also household items - furniture, carved ornaments and even wooden dishes.

Linseed oil and its effects

The depth of impregnation of linseed oil is 2 mm, which is quite enough for the formation of a protective layer.

Flaxseed oil is a natural product made from flax seeds by cold pressing. The temperature during the manufacturing process should not exceed 50 ° C. The lower the temperature of the substance during the manufacturing process, the better its quality, the faster and deeper the wood is impregnated with it.

The penetration depth of the impregnation when processing wood with a composition of flax is about 2 mm, which is quite enough for the formation of a protective layer. At the same time, the resulting protective layer remains permeable to air, but prevents moisture from entering the wood.

Linseed oil is a natural antiseptic, therefore, used to impregnate wood, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • protects against the appearance of fungi and mold;
  • wood treated with linen is not affected by pests;
  • impregnation of wood ensures its protection from temperature changes, preventing the occurrence of cracks on wooden surfaces;
  • impregnation of wood with linseed oil gives it a pleasant shade.

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Linseed oil impregnation technology

There are several technologies for protective treatment wood with linseed oil:

  • immersion in boiling impregnation;
  • the heated surface is impregnated with hot oil;
  • vacuum impregnation.

Usually impregnation is done in this way. wooden products small dimensions - for the most part it decorative items... When impregnating wood for construction work, the most simple technology- the work is carried out by applying impregnation to a wooden surface with an ordinary paint brush.

With any method of processing, wood requires preparation before starting work. Initially, the wood part must be dried and cleaned from dirt. If the wood has previously had any coating, it must be completely removed with sandpaper. If the impregnation is applied a second time, for better penetration into the wood, it is also recommended to walk along the surface sandpaper.

Before starting the impregnation, the oil should be thoroughly mixed, then applied in two layers and allowed to dry for a while.

Before starting the impregnation, the oil is thoroughly mixed. Apply the impregnating composition to the surface of the product by rubbing the brush in the direction of the wood grain. The oil is applied in two layers, and then it is necessary to let it soak for some time. This process takes no more than an hour. Then the excess impregnation must be removed with a soft cloth.

A completely oiled surface dries slowly, at least a week. If a decorative effect is required, then the wood is polished. For this purpose, natural wax is the ideal polishing agent. Available for sale special formulations for impregnation, including combinations of linseed oil and wax.

After such processing, the wood gets a pleasant natural shade, its texture stands out clearly. The product acquires resistance to peeling and cracking, it does not change color under the influence sun rays... It is recommended to treat the external surfaces of wooden buildings with linseed oil annually.

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Linseed oil based wood preservative products

There are many types of linseed oil based wood impregnators on the market.

Today, manufacturers offer a sufficient range of environmentally friendly protective and finishing materials for wood, based on linseed oil.

Among them, the most popular is the primer for wood, intended for work both inside the building and on the outside. Made with linseed oil, it is excellent antiseptic, protects wood from moisture, mold and dirt. The primer dries quickly - in just 4 hours the treated surface is ready for further processing. After soil treatment, the wood can be left in its original form, since the soil will provide its long-term protection. You can use this composition for any kind of wood.

For people who want to see their home painted without using synthetic paints, manufacturers offer paints under the NATURA brand. It contains only natural ingredients - linseed oil and mineral pigments. These paints have a long history - they began to be produced in the 18th century. How more humanity draws attention to the ecology of the surrounding space, the more popular are natural paints based on linseed oil.

Manufacturers also took care of those who, when impregnating wood with a natural substance, would like to change the shade. finished product... For this purpose, they developed a pigment paste. To obtain the required shade, the pigment paste is thoroughly mixed. Then, guided by the attached instructions, mix the paste and linen base.

In addition to these protective compounds, other finishing materials are offered:

  • floor impregnation, which contains pine resin, rosin, wax and other natural additives;
  • linseed oil sealant;
  • putty for glazing and elimination of wood defects, made from natural ingredients.

Without a doubt, protective and finishing materials, which include natural substances and natural oil from flaxseed, are one of the important components in the construction of a house that fits perfectly into the surrounding nature. Such Vacation home will not harm its owner, since only natural materials are used for its decoration.

Linseed oil is traditionally used to treat houses and wood products. Undoubtedly, linseed oil for wood is the most valuable product that the best way ensures safety and protection wood material. Classic version involves the use of the product in its purest form. However, despite obvious advantages, the traditional product has certain disadvantages that cause inconvenience in its use and limit the scope of use.

Modern industry offers many professional impregnations based on linseed oil, in which all the advantages of the product are most clearly manifested and at the same time its disadvantages are completely excluded. In the review, we will consider both those and other means, and find out what effect their use gives to wood.

Flaxseed oil is a natural product. It is made from flax seeds, which undergo different ways processing:

  1. Pressing (cold or hot).
  2. Extraction.

Cold pressed oil contains fewer impurities, has a mild odor and is more long term storage.

Hot pressing produces an oil with a specific smell and taste and an intense color.

Extraction involves the separation of the oil using solvents. The resulting product is subjected to refining, resulting in the formation of a pure, slightly colored fat, practically odorless.

Oil types

Depending on the method of production and processing, the output is a product endowed with certain properties and characteristics:

  1. Unrefined oil. It has no mechanical impurities, retains all its properties (smell, color and taste). During prolonged storage, the product deteriorates and forms a precipitate.
  2. Hydrated oil. It is a crude oil treated with water. As a result, the properties of the original product are retained, but without the formation of a precipitate.
  3. Refined oil. It is processed with alkali, resulting in a pure oil without sediment, with a low color and odor, and a long shelf life.

Which oil is better: edible or technical

All of the above types refer to edible oils that are allowed to be used for wood processing. However, not everyone knows how long food compositions dry. Note that these products have a long drying time. After processing, at least 7 days should pass before the surface dries out, and it will be possible to apply the next layer of oil impregnation.

It should be noted here that, since the oil is highly absorbent, 3-5 or more layers are required to obtain a high-quality coating. Thus, the processing process can take one and a half to two months.

Unlike food, the process of polymerization of industrial flaxseed oil is much faster. A strong protective film forms on the surface, protecting the tree from moisture and insects. Due to this property, in the construction industry, it is industrial oil that is most often used to stabilize wood.

Fire hazard

Any vegetable oil, including flaxseed oil, belongs to organic substances that, reaching a certain temperature, on outdoors flammable. Oil also ignites if you are in the immediate vicinity of an open fire.

However, when applied to wood, the oil does not increase its flammability. Over time, oxidative processes occur in the oil. As a result of oxidation, the oil ceases to support combustion.


Flaxseed oil has characteristics that are most valuable when applied to wood - good waterproofing, antiseptic and protective properties.

  1. A tree treated with a linen composition receives reliable protection from the ingress of moisture, the appearance of blue, damage by microorganisms, including different kinds mushrooms. Using linseed oil, you can prevent the wood from drying out and cracking.
  2. The oil has the ability to be completely absorbed into the wood, penetrating into the deepest layers. Only the smallest part of the applied product remains on the surface. This protects not only the outer surface, but also the inner wood layers. Linseed oil does not form a film and does not deprive the tree of its ability to "breathe".
  3. The use of linseed oil improves the aesthetic characteristics of the tree. The surface becomes dull, the oil coating emphasizes the natural beauty of the wood grain.
  4. Linseed oil is great for renewing old wood products. It masks small cracks, scuffs and other minor defects, and gives the surface a dirt-repellant effect.

Inexpensive price and availability (the oil can be bought at any pharmacy or hardware store) add to the popularity of linseed oil, which today is one of the most popular products for processing wood products.


Above, one significant disadvantage of using edible flaxseed oil has already been noted - a long drying period. This disadvantage is partly compensated for by the use of technical staff, which allows you to speed up the polymerization process.

However, the use of a pure product has other disadvantages:

  1. The polymerization of oil in the inner layers of the wood has lower rates than outside. As a result, a dry-looking product may still long time leave greasy oil stains when touched.
  2. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the drying period is shortened, but here another drawback emerges: in the sun, the color of the coating changes, which acquires a yellowish tint.
  3. Wood treated with pure linseed oil needs regular renewal. The frequency of processing is once every 6-8 months.

Improving performance

Using flaxseed oil in its pure form invariably raises the question of improving the characteristics of the product. For this, there are a variety of both folk and professional means. Let's dwell on those and others in more detail.

Acceleration of polymerization

If for processing a log or log house edible linseed oil is used; to reduce the drying time, the following products are included in the product:

  • turpentine;
  • tar;
  • wax.

When choosing a means to accelerate the reaction, one must take into account that turpentine is quite toxic, which limits its use only on external surfaces. In addition, it can cause skin burns and allergies, therefore protective equipment must be used when working with it.

Tar is the same turpentine, it is obtained as a result of the distillation of wood. It is less toxic, but it is also undesirable to use it indoors.

The wax is absolutely harmless, it can be used both outside and inside the house. He is one of better means for bath treatment, since it does not form a film coating, it can also be used for steam room shelves. The wax is used both in pure form and in tandem with linseed oil. To prepare the composition, the wax must be preheated in a water bath.

Purification of the composition

It has been noted that linseed oil turns yellow when exposed to UV rays. To exclude the yellowing of the log house in the sun, the composition is cleaned of impurities before application. To do this, use the following methods:

  • preparation of brine;
  • adding lead salts;
  • mixing with ethanol;
  • exposure to light (photooxidation).

Color change

To give this or that shade, linseed oil is tinted with natural pigments. Beautiful colored coatings are obtained by first staining the wood and then applying clear oil. In this way, you can achieve a wide variety of shades: from natural to vibrant exotic.

Some craftsmen, in order to tint the oil, use improvised means, for example, spices: kukurma, to color in yellow, paprika - for giving a red tint, carrots - for painting in orange. In some cases, add to the oil oil paints or gouache.

Professional remedies

All of the above methods are used exclusively by home craftsmen in order to save money. All of them are available, but at the same time they significantly complicate and lengthen the painting process. When using pure linseed oil, improved with improvised means, it is impossible to achieve High Quality painting and durability of the coating.

Today, there are many professional flaxseed oil products under the brands Osmo, Tikkurila, Remmers, Biofa, GNature, Teknos and others. The products of these companies have become widespread and have earned a lot. positive feedback consumers.

The impregnations include additional components that improve quality characteristics linseed oil:

  • driers to speed up the polymerization process;
  • additives that increase resistance to UV radiation and increase the protective and water-repellent properties of the oil;
  • antiseptic additives;
  • color pigments.

Manufacturers produce different types of impregnations for internal and external treatment. You can choose glazing (transparent) or tinted coatings that give the wood the chosen shade. A wide palette of colors allows you to choose a product for any interior.

V product line each manufacturer can find specialized oil impregnations:

  • to cover various elements at home: floor, ceiling, walls;
  • for baths and saunas;
  • for processing furniture and countertops;
  • for terraces and decking.

Each product has a specially developed composition that allows you to effectively solve the assigned tasks, and its own application technology. Linseed oil-based impregnations have good absorbency and low consumption. The service life of the coating obtained with the help of professional impregnations increases to 8-10 years.

Oil application technology

Stages of work

Work on processing a house from a bar or a log house will be similar. They can be conditionally divided into three main stages:

  1. Surface preparation. This stage includes surface cleaning and sanding. If you are painting a new house with a painted surface, first of all, the old paintwork is removed.
  2. Priming and antiseptic treatment. This step is mandatory when using pure oil. If processing is carried out by professional means, the manufacturer's recommendations should be followed. Some impregnations already contain an antiseptic and soil in their composition, which is necessarily indicated in the instructions.
  3. Direct impregnation application.

The process of applying oil to wood is described in detail in the article. Therefore, in this review we will not dwell on the description of all the stages, but we will give only the basic rules of oil painting.

Oil painting rules

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the moisture content of the wood. The optimal indicator in this case is 15%.

Air humidity during painting is also essential. It should be within 80%.

Conifers with a high resin content must first be impregnated with white spirit.

When painting a tree with pure linseed oil, to obtain a better result, it is required to apply at least 4 coats. When using professional products, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions. As a rule, to achieve the desired effect, manufacturers of impregnations recommend applying 2 layers to unpainted wood, and one to painted wood.

Apply the oil along the grain of the wood with a hard brush with artificial bristles or a lint-free cloth.

It is imperative to intercoat sanding after each layer of oil has dried.

After the last layer has completely dried, the wood is polished with suede. Polishing allows you to give the surface an even, beautiful shine.

A few drops of water can be applied to check the quality of the resulting coating. If the liquid remains in place, the treatment is well done.

Self-painting errors

Often, non-professional craftsmen, having received superficial information from the Internet about the technology of applying oil, perform the work on their own. This inevitably leads to errors in work, which affect the quality of the painting.

Below are the typical mistakes which non-professionals often admit:

  1. Violation of technology. Despite the fact that in general the application process different types oils are the same, each impregnation has its own unique composition, which brings certain nuances to the rules of wood processing with this tool.
  2. Insufficient surface preparation. Many do not attach due importance to the preparatory work, poorly clean the old coating, do poor-quality sanding, leave irregularities and cracks. As a result, after applying the oil, all defects protrude outward, which greatly impair the appearance of the coating.
  3. Carrying out works with high moisture content of wood. Moisture is a very important indicator, if you apply oil to undried wood, the impregnation will not be able to penetrate into the deep layers and provide full protection.

To avoid these and similar mistakes, contact the professionals. The company "Master Srubov" has more than ten years of experience in finishing and processing wooden houses... In our company, special attention is paid to quality, all work is carried out under the strict control of the technical supervision department.

We are official dealers of well-known manufacturers of professional products based on flaxseed oil Osmo, Remmers, GNature, Biofa, Wooden Wood, Ramsauer, thanks to which we can provide special conditions for our customers. When ordering home treatment with oils from these manufacturers, the cost of products is calculated at the wholesale price.

We provide services on the territory of Moscow and neighboring regions, in order to leave your application, contact us at the coordinates on the page.

Calculate the cost of painting and insulating your home right now

It is not a problem to buy shop wax for wood, but the price for it "bites", and most importantly there is no one hundred percent certainty that you are taking a natural product. People are now drawn to everything natural, so I have collected 5 proven compositions that you can cook with your own hands. Here you will find wax and oil for wood, both for outdoor and indoor use, plus compositions for wooden dishes.

It is quite possible to make a butter wax for a tree with your own hands.

Wax mixtures

Waxing wood in its pure form is the first thing that comes to mind home master... The instruction itself is extremely simple here and it looks something like this:

Illustrations Recommendations

We will process a kitchen knife holder.

Natural beeswax(it is better to buy in the market from beekeepers or honey traders);

· We will apply with a brush with natural bristles;

· For warming up, it is desirable to have a building hair dryer, but you can do with a household one;

· From the dishes you will need a saucepan and a jar for wax.

Warming up the wax.

Natural beeswax melts at a temperature of 62 - 70 ° C, but it must be melted in a water bath, otherwise it will darken (burn).

· Pour water into a saucepan and put it on the stove;

· At the bottom of the pan, put some kind of support or just a rag;

· Put wax in a jar, immerse the jar in a saucepan and wait for the wax to melt.


In order for the heated, liquid wood wax to be well absorbed into this very wood, the workpiece also needs to be warmed up.

The easiest way to heat a piece of wood in the oven is while the wax is melting.

Then take a brush and "paint" the workpiece with wax.


It is not realistic to apply wax evenly with a brush, as the composition cools down, the layer thickness will increase, therefore, after applying the excess wax, you need to scrape off the workpiece.

For work, you can take a plastic card, it is not advisable to use a knife, you can scratch the surface.

Remember the rule that is common to all recipes: hard wax is never used for cosmetic treatment, let alone impregnation of wood! The composition should be liquid or pasty, but not solid.

The above method is good, but it has a number of serious drawbacks:

  • The wax hardens quickly and if you have to cover something voluminous, for example, the furniture, the wax will need to be constantly heated, plus a lot of hassle with cleaning the workpiece after application;
  • No matter how you try to rub the workpiece with a rag or felt, you will never achieve shine, the surface will remain matte;
  • If you do not take care of the waxed thing, it will become covered with dust and this dust will eat in. To return to its original appearance, you will have to repeat the entire cycle again, that is: sand with emery, cover with hot wax and rub.

Calling the above procedure as a recipe somehow does not even turn the tongue; it’s more of an application technology, I told you about it so that you have an idea of ​​the basics, and now we turn to specific recipes.

Recipe number 1. Designed for processing furniture

For furniture, the problem of ingrained dust is relevant, no matter how you wipe your furniture, and over time, a plaque will still appear on clean wax. To avoid this problem and at the same time not to lose in naturalness and quality, our wise people came up with the idea of ​​mixing hot wax with rosin.

Rosin acts as a crystallizer and contributes to the formation of a strong film on the surface, while the wood will breathe. Turpentine is added as a solvent, it will not allow the mixture to quickly harden and you will have time to calmly process the surface.

The composition is prepared in a water bath, the sequence of actions is approximately as follows:

  • Beeswax is heated first to a liquid state;
  • When about half the volume of the wax has melted, you can add rosin, and it is desirable to crush the rosin;
  • After the wax and rosin are completely dissolved, turpentine is added to the composition and all this is thoroughly mixed.

Furniture processing technology is slightly different from the above described option.

  1. In this case, after applying the finished composition, you leave the thing alone for 3 hours;
  2. Next, take a building hair dryer and warming up the surface, wipe off excess mixture from it and again let the workpiece cool down for another hour;
  3. At the third stage, with a light heating, you actively polish the workpiece, you will not achieve a mirror shine, but you will undoubtedly get a noble shine.

In theory, rosin wax and pure wax for wood floors or walls can be used, but wax oil is better here, which I will talk about a little later, in the corresponding chapter of this article.

Recipe number 2. Inexpensive outdoor decoration

It is very expensive to use natural beeswax for outdoor use, plus there is no particular need for a 100% natural impregnation outside the building. Instead of wax, it will be much cheaper to take regular white or some other paraffin.

Ideally, instead of gasoline, it is better to use refined acetone, it, of course, is more expensive, but the smell disappears much faster. It is also better to take gasoline as pure as possible.

And don't forget - both acetone and gasoline are flammable liquids. In general, it is better to cook large volumes in the air, otherwise in a closed room, vapors at a high concentration can explode from any spark.

Wax mixtures with added oil

Impregnation under wood is done with the addition of oil. Such compositions are good from all sides.

  • The oil composition allows the impregnation to penetrate much deeper into the wood;
  • All oil mixtures after solidification remain either liquid or turn into a paste, which means they are always ready for reapplication without heating;
  • The oil gives the wood an extra shine and a beautiful shimmer.

Recipe number 3. Universal composition

Theoretically, this mixture can be used to process any wood, from walls and floors, to dishes, but many fear the presence of turpentine and rosin there.

In this regard, it should be noted that turpentine is a volatile substance and it completely evaporates, and rosin, firstly, is harmless to humans, and secondly, it is only 5% of the total mass there.

Flaxseed oil for wood is almost ideal, but, nevertheless, it is not the only option, it can be replaced with olive and even sunflower oil. The only thing that I would not recommend doing is pouring machine oil into it, then you will not remove the smell.

Impregnation of wood with linseed oil in its pure form is also practiced, but on large objects, oil should be applied abundantly from 3 to 5 times at intervals of a day, plus after the first time the surface is sanded with thin emery to remove the nap.

It is much easier to soak dishes with pure oil, plus here the tree can also be tinted. In a nutshell, oil is poured into a container and dishes or crafts are thrown there.

The dishes can be not only impregnated with oil, but also tinted.

If the tree just needs to be soaked in oil, then all this is brought to a boil and after 5 - 7 minutes the products are removed. To toned, the workpieces will have to be deep-fried, like potatoes. The whole process is shown in detail in the video in this article.

Recipe number 4. Add propolis

Propolis is also a completely natural product that is obtained as a result of the vital activity of bees, moreover, propolis is considered medicinal and is even included in some medicinal preparations.

Processing with mixtures on propolis is not only environmentally friendly, but also curative.

The technology is the same as in the previous versions: melt, apply and polish 2 times. Perhaps the only drawback of the recipe is that this mixture will be much more expensive than the others, because propolis is not cheap, so only dishes are usually impregnated with this composition.

Recipe number 5. Add lard

For those who are not in the know, lard is melted lard or lard. Outwardly, the results of processing with a mixture of propolis and a mixture on lard are no different, but lard costs a penny, so the recipe is much cheaper.

Lard can be a good substitute for propolis.

As you probably already understood, step-by-step instruction does not change: we heat it up in a water bath, mix well and apply the composition to the product at least 2 times, followed by polishing.

Colored wood waxat home it is more difficult to do it, you can be mistaken in proportions and not guess the tone. It is easier for you to tint the wood first, for example, with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then process it with one of the above compounds.


I have listed only the most common formulations, but there are many more of them, and if you know more recipes on how to make wood wax, welcome to the comments, it will be useful to everyone.

You can soak wooden dishes with your own hands at home.

Oil-based formulations are one-stop solution suitable for decorative finishing any wood. They do not create a durable and wear-resistant coating, but they have a wide range of other advantages: excellent adhesion, ease of application, antiseptic protection, and environmental friendliness. Oil treatment of wood does not create a film on the surface of the product, it allows to emphasize natural beauty texture of the material and tactile feel its texture.

Simple application technology avoids streaks, smudges, brush marks and other defects. If necessary, the trim can be easily removed and renewed. As a rule, oil is used for wooden items that are not subject to intense abrasion and moisture.

What oils are most in demand?

Linseed oil - differs in ease of application, deep penetration into the structure of wood, high resistance to environmental influences. The main disadvantage is the long drying process (up to 3 days). Processing of coarse wood with linseed oil is carried out in several layers.

Drying oil Is boiled linseed oil. Due to the presence in its composition of desiccants - catalysts that accelerate drying, the polymerization process takes no more than a day, which makes this type of finish much more practical.

Tung oil Derived from the seeds of the Chinese tung tree, it effectively enhances the texture of the wood and forms a hard-wearing matte finish. The drying process takes about 24 hours. While linseed oil is more suitable for refurbishing old surfaces, then using tung oil is more appropriate for refurbishing new products.

Danish oil finishing composition based on natural vegetable oils with the addition of resins and absorbent substances. Treatment of wood with Danish oil allows you to emphasize its natural texture and create a durable matte finish. Drying time: 4-12 hours depending on the composition.

Teak oil - a mixture of natural oils, resins and absorbent components. The teak oil finish on the wood provides a durable decorative finish with a glossy finish. The drying process takes 4-6 hours, depending on the specifics of the composition.

What is oil solids?

Oil dry residue percentage - important characteristic, which determines the features of the finishing composition. The dry residue is understood as the percentage of non-volatile substances in the oil - these are various strengthening additives, waxes, inclusions that improve absorption, etc. The higher the percentage of dry matter of the product, the better the covering power it has. Accordingly, oils with a high solids content require fewer application layers. Moreover, the drying (polymerization) process of such compositions takes longer.

How to properly prepare the surface?

Before applying the finishing composition, the wood surface is sanded using abrasives of various grain sizes:

  • wood with an open structure (oak, etc.) - coarse abrasives P150-P180;
  • wood with a closed structure (maple, beech, etc.) - fine-grained abrasives Р180-Р240.

Dust off the sanded surface with a damp, lint-free cloth. When finishing on oily wood species (iroko, teak, etc.), it is recommended to additionally wipe the surface with white spirit.

How to process wood with oil: general principles

The oil is applied to the prepared and dried surface using a swab or brush, followed by rubbing. Evenly distributing an abundant amount of oil on a wooden surface, it must be allowed to soak (about 15 minutes), then wipe off the excess composition along the fibers using a swab. Otherwise, the surface will be shiny, sticky, with possible staining.

Spread the oil evenly to avoid mottling. Process the edges and ends first of all, because due to the capillary effect, they absorb the finishing compound more intensively. In multi-layer processing, each new layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried, with preliminary grinding with a fine-grained abrasive.

The optimum temperature for processing wood with oil is 15-25 ° C. With indicators below 10 ° C and high humidity, it is better to temporarily refuse to work.

Professional subtleties of oil application

If stains develop on the surface, increase the amount of oil applied.

Place the container of oil in hot water... Avoid contact with open flames.

The oil should not be applied in direct sunlight as it will it will be absorbed too quickly, which in turn will complicate re-processing.

Use a special dispenser for impregnating the surface - a simple and ergonomic device that contributes to uniform application and economical consumption of the composition.

How does the oil stick to the stain?

Oil and stain are not the best, but a perfectly acceptable combination. Any stain impairs the absorbency of subsequent formulations, because partially fills the pores. In combination with oils, only wood stains may be used. water based... At the same time, practice shows that a more effective alternative to stain in this case are tinting pastes for tinting oils.

How long does the oil dry?

  • linseed oil - 2-3 days;
  • linseed oil - 24 hours;
  • tung oil - 24 hours;
  • polyurethane oil varnish –12 hours;
  • Danish butter - 4-12 hours;
  • teak oil - 4-6 tsp

Since oils harden (polymerize) during oxidation, reacting with oxygen, drying of products should be carried out in a room with constant air circulation.

What you need to know about the risks of spontaneous combustion?

By reacting with oxygen, oils are oxidized. This process accompanied by heating, which can provoke spontaneous combustion of cleaning cloth and other items used in the course of work. Therefore, never leave oiled rags rolled up: dry them unrolled outside and only then dispose of. All items and materials (sanding felt, dispenser, sponges, etc.) that come into contact with oil should be stored in an airtight metal container.

Oil treatment of wood is a traditional way of maintaining wood surfaces. Oil formulations ensure the safety of the material for long years operation, give the surface hydrophobic properties and protect against the development of all kinds of unfavorable processes. However, oil treatment is not as simple an operation as it seems at first glance. Applying oil products to wood has its own characteristics, without knowing which, you can get a completely opposite result and ruin the coating. In this review, we will focus on how to apply oil to wood, what subtleties and nuances exist in this work.

The most common oils used for wood processing are:

  • tung;
  • teak;
  • tar;
  • linseed.

Each of the oils presented has its own characteristics, short review of all means are given in the article. Here we will dwell on the criteria for choosing an oil, and also consider the best way to cover the tree in this or that case.

  1. The most popular of these products is flaxseed oil. It is versatile and can be used both outside and inside the house. Linen impregnation is excellent for damp rooms, because has good hydrophobic properties. The oil dries long enough, up to three weeks, to speed up the process, wax is added to it. At low temperatures, the oil becomes hard, which complicates the processing of external surfaces.
  2. Tar oil is ideal for treating log facades and log houses... It perfectly withstands all weather conditions and is resistant to subzero temperatures... In addition, it is one of the best natural antiseptics and protects external surfaces from decay. It is undesirable to use tar impregnation indoors, since it contains turpentine.
  3. Teak oil is suitable for impregnating any surface, it provides effective protection against moisture, UV radiation and other adverse factors. This product is also used for coating expensive wood species.
  4. Tung oil is intended for the treatment of internal surfaces. It differs from other types of oils by more high speed drying. The oil creates a durable film that has a high water-repellent effect. It is very often used for the restoration of antiques.

All of the above oils are natural products, their use does not cause any adverse effects on humans. Today, mineral oil is often used for surface treatment, which is based on petroleum products.

Manufacturers assure that synthetics are safe and can be used for processing indoor spaces... However, this is not the case, synthetic additives are released into the atmosphere and are harmful to health. Therefore, the use of artificial oils is permissible only outside, and only if the product has been deeply cleaned.

Oil selection according to wood species

When choosing a particular oil, you should always consider the tree species. To determine what the oiled surface will look like, it is necessary to test a short distance.

  1. Conifers contain resins that prevent oil from penetrating into the structure, so they do not need oil impregnation. To protect the surface, if absolutely necessary, you can use thick compounds in one layer or treat wood of this species by waxing.
  2. For low density wood, alder and linden, it is also better to use thick saturated impregnations. The use of fluid compositions is undesirable, since with deep penetration, they remain inside in a liquid state.
  3. Beech and birch are characterized by high density, in this connection, they are first treated with liquid compositions, and then with thicker ones, which have a high degree of dry residue, and wax.

How can oil be diluted

To improve one or another characteristic of the oil, various components are added to it. For example, to increase the absorbency of tung oil, it is diluted 40% with white spirit.

To increase the drying rate of flaxseed oil, it is mixed with turpentine in a proportion (70:30), and then heated. However, it must be borne in mind that turpentine is toxic and has a pungent odor, so this composition can only be used for external treatment. Tar is less toxic and can also be added to the oil to speed up the drying process.

For impregnation wooden surfaces inside the house wax is added to the oil. It improves the water-repellent and antistatic properties of the surface and accelerates the curing process of the oil composition.

If you want to change the color of the wood or get a more saturated shade, you can tint the oil with pigments. Tinting allows you to refine the look of a wooden house, painting it in natural tones of more valuable wood species.

If you want to give the house a color that is unnatural for wood (red, green, blue), add oil paints or casein-oil tempera to the impregnation. You can also dilute the oil with gouache, but in this case, mixing must be done hot to remove excess liquid from the paint.

Oil application technologies

There are three ways to paint wood with oil:

  1. Vacuum impregnation. This technique is commonly used in an industrial setting. Such processing requires special equipment, so it is impossible to independently cover the surface using this technology.
  2. Soaking. The method consists in placing the tree in heated oil, holding it for a certain time, and then drying it. Only small wooden items can be painted this way.
  3. Interlayer smearing. This technology is the most widespread. It is used to treat wood surfaces different areas. This method discussed in detail below.

Preparatory work

Correctly preparing the surface is 80% of the success in this work. The oil is very strongly absorbed and it is impossible to hide defects under it. Any scuffs, scratches, irregularities after applying the oil will remain noticeable. So here the main task- bring the surface to perfect condition.

It is quite difficult to do it manually, it is advisable to use professional equipment for this - grinders, pads for polishing. If there are no special devices, work can be done with your own hands, but of course, the appearance of the surface will be far from ideal.

So what needs to be done:

  1. If an old log house is to be treated with oil, first of all, we remove the old coating. Remove paint or varnish with a wire brush. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the wood itself. If it is not possible to clean the coating in this way, you can heat it construction hairdryer when the paint is bubbling, it can be removed with a spatula.
  2. Then you need to carefully sand the wood. Professionals perform this operation using a grinder with wheels of different grain sizes, which are selected based on the condition of the surface. For rough cleaning, use nozzles No. 40-80, for medium - No. 100-120, for polishing - No. 150-180. If there are no machines, you can sand by hand with sandpaper of different fractions.
  3. Front finishing polishing all cracks and cracks need to be repaired. It is necessary to putty with a putty in the color of the wood so that the patches remain invisible after applying the oil.
  4. After graduation preparatory work, all dust must be removed with construction vacuum cleaner... Remaining dust will also be visible after applying the oil, so do this work as carefully as possible.

Oil application instructions

Internal surface treatment

The oil can be applied cold and hot. Application rules are the same for both options. The difference is in the temperature of the oil impregnation. In the first case, oil is used room temperature, in the second - before use, the composition is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. It is also necessary to warm up the surface itself with a special thermal pad, since it will not work to soak a cold wood with hot oil, the product will not be able to be absorbed and will remain on the surface.

Regardless of the method chosen, you need to paint the tree with oil in stages:

  1. First, the first impregnation layer is applied. Apply the oil with a brush or cotton cloth in a thin layer and spread evenly over the surface.
  2. You need to remove excess oil immediately, if this is not done, the impregnation will dry out and form a crust, which will then be very difficult to remove. To remove excess oil, wipe the area with a dry cloth. It is necessary to rub the impregnation until the rag collects the oil. If the oil does not absorb and lies on the surface of the floor, you can take a rubber spatula and scoop up the excess into puddles, and then collect with a rag.
  3. Then the surface is polished with a soft cloth. After that, all wet areas are wiped dry with a cotton rag.
  4. With the cold method of processing, the application of the second layer begins no earlier than 5 hours, in some cases it is necessary to wait up to 12 hours. It depends on the type of oil. The second hot oil treatment can be done after 2-2.5 hours, because it dries much faster.
  5. Re-processing is carried out similarly to the first, each layer must be sanded. The number of layers depends on the condition of the surface, tree species and the type of oil. Usually 2-3 layers are sufficient.

It takes two to three weeks to completely dry the surface, the exact time depends on the combination of the above factors.

Processing the house outside

Applying oil to the facade of a house made of timber and logs should be done in warm sunny weather. It is advisable to prime the surface before this. Take linseed oil as an example. If the treatment is carried out with linseed oil, it must first be cleaned of impurities, since under the influence of solar radiation, the linen impregnation turns yellow.

Oil purification methods:

  1. Using normal saline solution. To achieve a good result, the oil must be rinsed at least 5-7 times.
  2. By mixing oil with lead salt and heating the composition to 60 degrees.
  3. The addition of ethanol.
  4. Photo-oxidation. The oil is boiled with water, filtered and kept in the light.

Impregnation process:

  1. We remove the old coating.
  2. We sand the surface.
  3. We remove dust with a vacuum cleaner.
  4. Apply the first layer of oil-turpentine impregnation with a soft-bristled brush.
  5. After drying, sand the surface and apply the oil again.
  6. After final drying, we process the wood a third time.


Oil is a product that is quite difficult to work with yourself. The slightest violation of technology and any inaccuracy immediately affect the quality of the painting. All work must be done with the utmost care, especially when it comes about a transparent composition. Perfect sanding smoothness, Smooth surface, absence of defects - mandatory conditions to obtain a beautiful and high-quality coating.

All of these conditions are feasible when professionals get down to business. The Mater Srubov company is your reliable assistant in creating high-quality and beautiful interior wooden house. Specialists high level preparation will carry out any work on finishing inside and outside the log house. To leave a request, go to the section. There you will find all our coordinates.

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