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How to cover the stake in the country. Painting wooden fence with your own hands. Painting wooden fence. Video

Staining any fence is a difficult lesson. You need to pick up paint in quality and color, and protective compounds. But how to paint a stakenik - after all, such a type of fence does not perform a protective function: it is difficult to imagine a thief that will stop the fence of five centimeter powder.

Beautifully painted fence - the face of your site

Palisader country sites, Decorative fences flower beds and a flower garden, the fence between the seating area and the beds is the sphere of applying a stakenice. And everywhere in sight, everywhere should be beautiful!

How to paint wood: selection of paints and varnishes

With incorrect processing, wood begins to collapse very quickly. Therefore, the choice of paints, varnishes and impregnations should be taken seriously.

First, the tree needs to be protected from insects, moisture, mold and other attacks. For this use or folk remedies or "branded". Not always independently made impregnations look worthy. Therefore, if the appearance matters, it is recommended to give preference to antiseptics of such manufacturers as "Tikkurila", "Sezheng", "Belinka", "neomide", "Pinotex".

Secondly, the stakenice surface must be prepared for painting: except mechanical processing (Planing and grinding) Wooden parts of the fence are covered with primer.

Thirdly, applying the main decorating layer - paints.

Tree paints: brief description

Many paints - both in composition, and for purpose, and according to the method of use.

  • All well-known oil paint will adequate your fence for several years. It dries for a long time (24 hours), forms a solid film on the surface of the tree. In order to paint, it is advisable to choose sunny weather, but the sun and "kill" her. After a couple of years, the paint begins to peel.
  • Alkyd enamel is a budget option. You can cheap paint jerks and forget about it for 3-4 years.
  • High-quality decks and paints, despite the high cost, is quite acceptable for the stake. We are not going to paint the fence around the site, and the surface of the fence of the parisader is small.
  • Acrylic paints are most popular. Inexpensive, reliably, beautifully - so you can characterize them.

Required comments:

Start with familiarization of the assortment of the store. Try to pick up the primer, an antiseptic and paint (there may be several of them, different colors) One company. Read the instructions for use on the bank, pay attention to the consumption of paint, the method of application, the duration of drying.

Go to the manufacturer's website - the most complete recommendations you will find only there. Buy with a reserve: for some reason the paints are always lacking.

Do not stop on a single-color version of the fence color, highlight the columns, make a drawing with different color - the stake will look original.

Original Painting Out of Stakenice

Choose tools

To prepare the surface you will need sandpaper, rigid brush ( new fence), spatula, metal brush, large sandpaper, wood putty (old stakenat).

Pussy of different widths (2-3 pcs.), Roller with a bath or a paintopult with a compressor.

Process of coloring

So that the result obtained does not disappoint you, we do everything in order and carefully.

  1. Cooking the surface. New planks are recommended to shine, cut into size, clean the skin and then trigger in the desired order and in the picture. If this is not done, the work is complicated. Can facilitate the process if used grinding machineBut without manual finishing can not do.
  2. With old fence with a spatula and large emery paper Remove the residues of the paint, change the spoiled strips, close the putty small damage and grind.
  3. Ground a wooden surface for better clutch of the subsequent layers. Let give a completely dry.
  4. We apply the first layer of paint. After drying, we look at, we obey, type.
  5. After a complete drying of the first layer, we paint the second time.
  6. Check the quality of work on skipping, inclination, disturbance of the drawing boundaries, etc.

Summer time is a great time not only for recreation, but also for repair work. Painting works are especially in demand. Masters from the company " Beautiful house"Specializes on and other wooden structures, know how important it is to appreciate each ride day when performing painting works. The company has been on the market for repair work for more than 8 years and has proven itself only with best side. Qualified company specialists perform external and internal paintwork, including painting fences. It uses only high quality paints and varnishes From the best world manufacturers. The result of such a responsible work:

  • Reliable protection of wooden structures from harmful effects ambient;
  • The aesthetics of the appearance on long years operation.

If the estate around the house is fenced with a wooden fence, then it should be updated every two years fresh painting. A painted wooden fence will be able to be operated much longer than unpainted. But, at the same time, the quality of the color will depend on how the fence is properly painted and the most susceptible to destroy the place is treated.

Rules Painting of the fence from the stakeholder:

  • If the fence was already painted, then you should first remove the old paint;
  • Degrease the surface of the stake with solvent or White spirit;
  • Apply primer on the purified surface;
  • Give dry surfaces with printed primer, then screaming it and sanding it;
  • The dried surface to polish and apply another layer of primer;
  • Thoroughly dry the primed surface and put the paint into one layer, and if necessary, in two layers.

There are several tips how to paint a fence from a stakenice:

  • The most convenient painting tool is a wide and flat brush. The width of the brush should be selected in the width of the stakeholder planks;
  • The most suitable paint powders are alkyd. Can use oil and latex paints;
  • To less paint spent, you can use in operation and brush and roller. Roller apply paint on the staks of the stakenice, and brush to cry out their side sides;
  • If you paint with a brush, then you need to drive up on the bottom of the stakes, it does not occur, and the paint is less consumed;
  • If the question is - how to quickly paint the fence from the stakenik, then it has a simple answer - using a spray gun. But this method is associated with the overruns of paint and additional costs for protective equipment for working with a spray gun.

Color selection for fence

Choose suitable color Paints are not a problem now. Gone into the past green, blue and brown fences. Bright, cheerful colors wooden houses And fences are pleased with the eyes. If you think that a yellow, pink or blue fence is not serious, then you can stay on white, beige, gray colors, or other no less calm shades.

You think that the painting of the fence will take you a lot of time and strength - then contact the company "Beautiful House" and experienced specialists will help you and advice and affairs. We can also

Fencing is an important element of any site. With the help of the fence designated boundaries between land plots owned. In its type and type of fence, there are various from wooden to concrete, sheet and forged. Fencing built of stone and metal can stand for a long period.
Wooden fence weak and not resistant to different external natural factors. Under the influence of the environment in a short period of time, it may be in disrepair (losing your color, glance). Wooden fence from staketin needs additional protection, with the help of which it can be protected from the penetration of moisture, temperature fluctuations and ultraviolet sun ray Under the influence of which the wood begins to burn out, darken, and the fibers are breathing and cracking. In addition, additional protection against insects (coroed) will also need, pending bacteria due to which wood also loses its strength and destroys.

But how to be lovers of old traditions, those who love the fence from White Staketin and not only. Of course you should not give up such a pretty fence as wooden stakenik .

The technology of production of paint materials on the tree today has enough good tools Wood protection from external factors. But the manufacturers of paints have enough and the usual one is difficult to make right choice.

Select paint for wooden fence

Choosing paint for painting Stakenika It is necessary to take into account the physical characteristics, its toxicity is as safe, its consumption, requirements for the surface of the stainable material.

Paints for wooden fence are:

Oil paints Previously, it was sufficiently popular, but today is already irrelevant, since it has their rather mines. Basically, there is an oil that is unable to penetrate dry wood, and only forms a certain shell on top. But the paint justified himself only on short term Services for a maximum of 2-3 years. Since unstable to environmental impacts. After time, the paint loses his bright color, becomes flexible and cracks that it requires re-staining again.
Bituminous paints Designed for staining of those places that can come into contact with the Earth. For instance wooden poles who are bought in the ground, their low part It is necessary to cover such paint.
In general for wooden fences coatings There are two types of paint - it stone and fastener. The differences between them are that the first fully hides the original color of the wood, and the second retains the texture and shade of the painted wood.
Very often for painting wooden fences apply acrylic paints especially for wooden surfaces.
To preserve the natural color of the tree. Then suitable construction glaze, or varnish on a tree.
Antiseptics Characterized by such a ability to penetrate into the wood a few millimeters. In its composition and physical characteristics of the antiseptics, the wooden stakenik from the effects of moisture and rot is perfectly protected.

The most common colming compositions are such as: Belinka Toplazure, Pinotex Ultra, Ticcurila Color, Olympus Omikron Max.

Preparation of the surface of a wooden fence to painting

Before as color wooden stakenik, It is necessary to prepare its surface. When updating the old stakenik, it is important to remove dirt, dust, along with them and old paint. What can be done with a scraper, grinders and sandpaper. When installing a new fence, it is also recommended to go through its surface with grinding or sandpaper, so that the surface becomes more even and smooth. When the irregularities are detected on the surface, to hide them, you can apply a putty after applying the primer, and sand up again. At the end of the stripping, the wooden fence to handle the antiseptic, it penetrates the structure of the wood and protects against moisture and rot.

How best to paint wooden stakenatnik

If a wooden fence Completely subject to replacement, then the stakenik is better to paint before installing in place. In a lying position paint Staketina Finished for installation will be easier, stakeholders ready to paint can be put on goats and start painting. Paint wooden fence better Tassel made of natural hair, with such a tassel, paint will fall smoothly without bands, if there is a pulp or roller, you can and them. Color wooden stakenik better From all sides so that with moisture precipitation does not penetrate the wood. Painting Staketina is recommended in two layers. The first layer is applied primer having an alkyd acrylic composition, and the second layer of paint. With this method of painting, the stakenik will last at least 15 years.

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Fence is reliable way Restrictions on free access to your territory. So that your fence served for a long time, you need to know how to paint it right.

Each host who is engaged in construction work In the country or in country house, the question will arise: how to paint an old wooden fence?

In order for the coating to be resistant and put the shine and gloss fence, you need to choose the suitable compositions for staining the wooden surface.

Selecting paint

What kind of paint is best suitable for staining of the hedge? If the question is relevant, the cheaper to paint the fence, then first of all it is worth seeking multicomponent or acrylic dyes.

Their advantages:

  • Acrylic dyes Resistant to high temperatures and severe frost. If you paint the fence of such paint, then you can be sure that in the bubble cold or in the heat at 40 ° C, the appearance of the fence will not deteriorate. In addition, acrylic paint perfectly cope with such a task like painting wooden fence from the stakeholder;
  • Multicomponent dyes They boast high resistance to sediments. Rain, snow or hail - a fence painted by a multicomponent composition, stealing all weather phenomena;
  • Reliability and durability. Life time acrylic paint It is up to five years, multicomponent paint will serve a little less (three or four years). Thanks to this, you can for a long time and cheaply provide a presentable appearance of the site.

Important! If you regularly tint the surface of the fence, then the service life of acrylic paint can increase to 10 years!

It is very good if the painting of a wooden fence will be performed using a varnish. It is expensive, but it provides a high degree of wood protection and perfectly emphasizes its structure.

The varnish is resistant to temperature differences and precipitation, and due to its transparency, it will give the tree a beautiful shine.

If the question is that the better to paint the wooden fence does not tolerate deletions, then pay attention to the impregnation. She attaches very beautiful view Wood, and also protects it well from bugs, precipitation and other negative external influences.

Impregnation is easy to make yourself. Its simplest view is an ordinary engine or transformer oil.

Note! For painting the fence is better not to use oil paints, enamel and other, not intended for wood processing compositions. They will not protect the tree from external influence, in addition, after some time, such paint for painting will raise and the surface of the fence will not be too beautiful.

Preparation for painting

  • Before starting painting your fence, make sure that its surface is absolutely smooth, without roughness and jar. If there are traces on the surface old paint.Remove them. This will help you emery, warm water with soap, sponge and solvent.
  • After the entire surface of the fence is cleaned, proceed to additional grinding work. Grinding can be carried out in several ways.
  • With the help of a piece of paper specifically designed for this type. It will help remove the extra layers of paint, pollution, cope with irregularities on wood. And it will also help to clear the rusty metal details of the fence;
  • In the presence of chips, cracks, dents and other serious defects on the surface of the fence, then it will not work out without primer. Apply it to the entire surface of the fence, and after it hardens, you can start a putty.
  • After spending, it will be worth it to walk once again with sandpaper on wood to progress and ensure one hundred percent good result.

Painting of fence

Before you start painting the surface, take care of the protection of the respiratory tract and skin. Many dyes when entering the skin can cause strong irritation, and inhalation of paint vapors can be dangerous to human health and life.

Therefore, when carrying out work, use gloves and a protective mask.

Also for carrying out work we will need:

  • Brush;
  • Paint;
  • Kraspopult;
  • Roller;
  • Putty knife;
  • Brush with metal hairs;
  • Ordinary brush.

All painting work is desirable to spend on weakly clear weather. However, it is also undesirable to paint into a strong heat, since in this case, the coating can dry too quickly and do not fully show its properties.

When painting, follow the "top down" method. That is, first it is worth treating the upper part of the fever of the fence, and then its lower part.

Tip! When painting the bottom of the fence, put under the boards thin wooden barber. Thanks to him, the brush will not get dark about the ground, and you can complete the work with comfort.

Having finished the entire fence of the first paint layer, leave the fence to dry on the day. After that, you can continue to work and apply the second layer if it is necessary. Also carefully read the surface of the fence on the subject of chips, painting defects, stains, etc.

Cost of painting

Any owner will be interested in the question: how much will it cost him painting a wooden fence with his own hands? And what will be the price of work, if you hire masters from the company offering your services.

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It all depends on the region in which you live, the value of the materials necessary for painting and the volume of work. But approximately estimate.

  • Suppose you decided to paint the fence yourself. In this case, you save on the services of employees and pay only for materials. Then the painting will cost you from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the cost of consumables..
  • When calling specialists, you pay in addition to their work also tool with consumables (If they provide them), as well as the cost of gasoline spent on the passage. Typically, payment is calculated on the basis of what the price is painting per M2. On average, the painting of the whole fence will cost you from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. You can find out the final cost of work from a specialist who will come to you and appreciate the front of the upcoming work.

Each host owner country house Wants not only a good, but also aesthetically attractive fence. Imagine your dreams completely simple. The main thing is to come up with an interesting concept of painting ingestion and choose the right paint and varnish agent for this.

It should be borne in mind that the tree is "capricious" enough natural material And behind it should be thoroughly appropriate care. Since the wooden fence is particularly affected by the environment - ultraviolet rays, high humidity And damage from different bugs, mold, then impregnation and paint need to be chosen based on a certain variety of wood. Also for creative painting will need bright, "live" shades of the colora.

What are the materials and tools

Before painting the fence, it is better to prepare all in advance required tools And the materials so that everything is at hand. It is also necessary to determine in advance with the composition of the necessary paints, consulted with a specialist. After all, the painting of the fence is carried out for half a year, but I want the painted fence as longer than having lost your color.

When choosing paint products, it is necessary to pay attention to its operation - for what time the paint saves brightness. As a rule, by international Standard - paint suitable for at least 5 years.

There are 3 main groups of paints suitable for staining of the fence from a tree:

  1. Alkyd (base - oil, alkyd resins, oils). They are distinguished by the resistance to atmospheric precipitation, high and low temperatures. Serve up to 4 years. Such paints should be applied only on a dry surface to avoid the formation of bubbles and peeling.
  2. Acrylic (you need to mix water with acrylate). Advantages - protection against moisture, durability and brightness of color, frost resistance, not cracking, is easily mixed.
  3. Oil. Such paints dried long. A fairly budget option for painting a wooden fence.

Very popular for coating a fence from the wood of glaze and varnishes, as well as antiseptics (lesing and opaque). They not only serve to dye the fence, but also for its protection against aggressive atmospheric impact, fungal lesion and blue.

For the process of painting a wooden fence will be needed brushes various diameters (only from natural hair), roller, paintopult, newspapers, rags, container for mixing paint, personal protective equipment.

Preparation for painting a wooden fence

Before the main staining wooden hedge It is necessary to carefully prepare it for this process. It depends on the life of the painted surface of the fence from the stakeholder.

Preparatory work is as follows:

  • cleaning surface with water and soft brush from dust, dirt, moss and other contaminants;
  • removal of jar, knocked outwards with sandpaper, droplets of the resin - a small spatula, and all recesses fill with putty;
  • when covering the fence old pain store It is necessary to safely remove it with a brush for metal or heating. construction phenomenonBy reading the cloak, then pollute and align with putty.

The preparation for painting also includes paint preparation, if it requires mixing.

Creative ideas in painting fence

The fence from the stakenik, you can not just paint a monophonic paint, but also come up with "creative" for him designer decorationSo that it stands out against the background of one-grade neighbors. The flight of fantasy owners of such a fence is quite wide - from the classic elegant fence in a snow-style style to drawn cartoon characters.

Whatever the design of the wooden fence is not chosen, it is worth knowing that its painting occurs in 2 stages: priming and staining in two layers (background and final). After the primer, the fence must be satisfied for 24 hours. The first background staining is carried out in dry weak weather, after which the surface dries around the day.

The second final painting on the selected topic will allow you to achieve the finish option (all inaccessible places You need to paint a small tassel).

Interesting ideas painting a wooden fence from a stakeholder:

  1. White monophonic color is the purity of spiritualized classics, unusually and elegant.
  2. Bright variations - paint wooden planks in different colors. You can give the form of pencils.

  1. Drawing different flower compositions - On your fence, daisies, poppies or roses will bloom.
  2. Nature paintings on wooden fence - forest, field with grazing horse, river with pokucchy Iwami, Starry sky or covered with snow village with a smoke, rising from chimneys of rustic houses.
  3. For the fencing of playgrounds, fences are ideally suitable for animals with paintings, characters from fairy tales and cartoons, funny fairy tales.
  4. Registration of the fence in the Old School style with drawing thematic ornaments. If an add-on to such a format is an interesting thread, then the neighbors will definitely envy you.
  5. Colored petals blots. They can be covered with darker paint.
  6. You can paint the fence in the youth style of graphiti. Such an option for bold natur.
  7. Marine theme. Draw a snow-white yacht on the crest of the wave with alaymi sail. As an addition to the composition - sprinkled with sand with shells near the fence.
  8. You can create a vintage fence, specially "aged" planks special paints. Will look creative and unusual.

So that the wooden fence from the stakenice looked beautiful and original, you can, in addition to the main process of painting, add additional "Fishechki" to it - Vying Vserance Vases or bright flowers, clay vessels in the Ukrainian style, paintings within with drawn portraits, funny shoes, in country style.