Repairs Design Furniture

The most beautiful rooms in the house. Walls in a beautiful bedroom. What is a beautiful bedroom interior

How designers are equipping beautiful bedrooms - photo design in the apartment can be found in of different kind catalogs and portfolio of certain specialists. What can be chosen for yourself? What of all this can be implemented in real life with your own hands without the use of qualified builders? And what are there clear receptions Creating a comfortable and cozy situation in the bedroom, which has a healthy sleep?

What is a beautiful bedroom interior

So what should be beautiful interior For a bedroom? First, the situation should be done, which will predispose to rest. And this means - warm lighting ( low temperature on Kelvinam), pastel gentle tones (including furniture). Everything else should be remembered that now in honor minimalism. Therefore, it is better to use the minimum of furniture and leave the maximum possible amount of free space. The design is also selected with the guideline on this direction.

The bedroom is a place that most has to rest, so equip this room in the apartment designers recommend in the style of "minimalism"

As now, the bedrooms are equipped - there are several unwashed rules:

  • The room is allowed to install only a wardrobe (preferably separate), as well as a ladies' table for applying makeup (or removal);
  • The bed in no way is placed in the corner of the room. It should be placed in the center by installing the end with each side of the sides and the floor lamp;
  • In the bedroom must be big mirror. You can simply make mirror doors on a closet (or combined).

What interiors for bedrooms are optimal to date? With a bias on the baroque. And in this style, as you know, a wide range and luxury prevails. And all this is graceful need to combine with minimalism. It would seem - the impossible combination, but in fact it is the best option.

Beautiful bedroom do it yourself: where to start

What can be done in the bedroom do it yourself, so that it becomes significantly more attractive in the design plan? You should start with the ceiling. Traditional option - Suspended panels. They are pretty beautiful, inexpensive and easily mounted. Those who previously worked already with plasterboard can be tastefully faced. Or, as an option, make it tension. At the same time again you should focus on the delicate pastel shades. As an option - brown from the stretch canvas. It looks like this solution is quite attractive. And there are those who are generally dreaming of creating a star cannon on the ceiling (directly stars and other decorative elements at the same time draw paint, which is capable of accumulating light).

It should also be planned to plan the way in the bedroom all the furniture will be located. The most important thing is around the bed to leave as much free space as possible. For this reason, designers do not recommend using a lot of furniture in this room. In principle, you can find ready-made schemes. In trend - minimalism, so you can not use anything else in this room. Such a decision will be correct in studio apartments, where the visual bedroom is separated into the zone. It is not a room as such.

As for the decoration of walls and gender, there are a lot of solutions here.

The best among them:

  • Parquet on the floor and wall decoration under the tree (you can and plastic use or even ready-made panels, such as siding);
  • If the bedroom is located in adjacent room With another apartment (joint wall), it is better to close it with sound insulation (the facade foam is well coped with this). On top of it is covered with plasterboard or by the same plastic panels;
  • Do not put the tile on the floor, unless heated flooring is not provided;
  • The bed can be placed on a small elevation. The platform will be empty from the inside the box. Space can be used to store some things.

But the colorful wallpaper here will be superfluous. In the extreme case, you can take vinyl, but in gentle colors (monotonous, without colorful inserts and the more photo wallpaper).

How beautiful to furnish the bedroom and do not spoil her comfort

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in to correctly furnish the bedroom furniture. In fact, everything is somewhat different. First, the room itself may be incorrect form. It is better to remove transitions and close their false wall. Or on the place to form a built-in wardrobe.

If a we are talking About Bedroom B. big House, on the form you can "play", adding some fireplace to the room (it is not necessary that it fully performs the specified functions), coated marble. Or if the bedroom window overlooks some lake, then you can put two high and narrow aquarium from the window opening. It looks very interesting. Here in the apartment all this is unlikely to succeed.

So, with furniture everything is extremely clear, and regarding decoration?

To do this, you can use the bedroom:

  • Pictures. This is especially popular today modular, as well as various kinds, homemade;
  • Floor candlesticks. They can be embedded in the walls that will good decision To create an intimate setting;
  • Just a pleasant photo or family pictures from recreation in exotic countries - here you can enable fantasy.

Lighting in the bedroom

It is extremely important in the bedroom lighting. It is necessarily done adjustable. In the world, it is customary to do the main, additional (luminaires around the perimeter of the room) and individual (several lamps or ceiling directly above the bed). There are other variations. The most popular is the floor backlight. But such option will suit For large bedrooms. The photo, as it looks, can be found on thematic forums.

Scientists calculated that exactly the third part of his life a person spends in the bedroom. After a long grueling day, you want to relax in the cozy room.

Such a place is a bedroom - for many, this room is the most beloved in the house, because we rest from the fuss and various problems, gaining strength and positive energy.

Beautiful bedrooms for everyone

By itself everyone wants to rest in beautiful bedroom. Everyone has their own concepts about beauty, and everyone loves different styles. Some make a bedroom with bright screaming, with all sorts of built-in novelties modern technology. Others, on the contrary, choose calm, warm tones, muffled light, classic furniture And a lot of textiles.

Walls in a beautiful bedroom

And the first of them is the design of the walls. First, you need to determine the coating. In the world modern technologies exists huge selection Colors, wallpapers, all kinds of decorative plasters. Selection, five, for you. Regarding the color scheme, designers are recommended to be inclined to gentle colors, it does not matter what it will be. Well in the bedroom will look like a pink, blue, creamy, pistachio, and so on.

Psychologists also believe that the bedroom is a place to relax. And, for example, the red color causes irritation, aggression. You will not give you some rest. But the well-known system of Feng Shui advises to use a little red or its shades in the interior of the married bedroom. It is believed that this color will help to establish sexy life spouses. In any case, creating beautiful bedroom You need to focus on who it is intended for.

Ceiling in a beautiful bedroom

The ceiling in the bedroom can be used which soul. Some even manage to supply it with a mirror over the entire surface. Well, ... people like, waking up, see yourself in full height. You can make several levels on your ceiling. And you can, for example, make backlight some touch, it will be very romantic and mysterious.

In case you have a rather small bedroom, you can smooth out this problem again at the expense of the ceiling. It is better in this case to paint it into bright shades. In the center you can stick stucco, but not very cumbersome. And in no case can not be in a small bedroom to hang out unimaginable sizes to chandelier. Better play with light. Place it around the edges of the ceiling, hang scaves or lamps.

Stylish or Cozy Furniture for Beautiful Bedroom

Designers argue that the most important accessories for which special attention should be paid in the bedroom is curtains and bed. The color and interior of the bedroom each should choose to your taste, but there are several ways to decorate the bedroom that fit to any style.
And the main choice in any bedroom, of course, is a bed. In principle, it may not be at all. Its functions can perform a sofa or podium - such a phenomenon is now very fashionable.

The choice of beds is very diverse.The criteria for choosing this subject of furniture are quite understandable. The main thing is to sleep comfortably on this bed. Now exist big choice Mattresses: orthopedic, seasonal, with different fillers. Do not save on your health and well-being! So choose high-quality mattresses! It is very important to choose the correct bed frame. And one more criterion is the material from which the bed is made. Optimal option - Beds and environmentally friendly materials, in particular from wood. The choice of bed, in general, depends only on your desires, and, of course, material opportunities.

For a beautiful bedroom it is very important to choose a good stylish furniture. Well, when all furniture items will harmoniously look with each other. Therefore, the most optimal will buy or order a wardrobe, bed, bedside tables and dressing table In one design. Now it is very important to use the built-in wardrobes. Designers often recommend choosing a closet, one of the walls of which is equipped with a mirror, it is not only very convenient. Mirror "walls" visually increase the space.

Options Beautiful bedrooms: Photo

Option first. Beautiful bedroom

Normal and simple design - curtains and decor beds made of one material.Such a bedroom looks very beautiful, most often a similar design is used in the rooms of famous hotels and hotels. The use of three main colors in the material of the curtain and bedspread bed will make it possible to achieve maximum harmony. If you like this option, then in order to avoid constancy of the style and his annoyance, it is advisable to get a couple of sets " bed linen + Curtains. " Channel change and covered one or twice a year will allow you to make the interior not so ordinary and boring. For example, if light brown textiles change to red, the style of the whole room will look absolutely different.

If the bed and curtains from one material and the color seem to you monotonous and boring, and at the same time you want the bedroom style to be original, and not coughing, then you will fit the companyon fabrics - bed linen fabric can be a cloth-flipped relative to the cloth curtains (color The background becomes the color of the pattern).

Withdraw several principles for creating beautiful bedroom:

  1. Three basic colors, two of which are calm and neutral, and the third can be contrasting (your taste)
  2. Material for bed linen and curtains are the same, or from one collection.
  3. The style of the curtain continues the style of the bed: if the lush cobbled and with glaes, then a repeating or combined element may be present in the curtains.
  4. Adhere to the cost-effectiveness, lightness and accuracy, do not add too many objects to the interior. In addition, for example, furniture items should not be too dramatically different from each other, only in this way harmony can be achieved.

Option second. Beautiful bedroom

Use in coloring curtains one of the colors encountered in the design of the bed. In whatever style you do not want to make your bedroom, this reception is universal and is always suitable. If you purchased a white-pink bedspread, then pink pillows will be a suitable attribute to it, and in this case, pink curtains are perfect. The color of the curtains and elements of the bed should not necessarily coincide, they may differ by several tones, the main thing is that the texture of the bed and curtains can be the same or more or less similar.

Harmony and completeness interior will add a combination of color even a small detail in the design of beds with a color of curtains.

Design Principles:

  1. Coloring Curtains should cross at least one bed design detail (pillow, pattern on the bedspread, headboard, etc.)
  2. The textures of the bed decor and the curtains should not be very different - dense to the dense, brilliant to a brilliant, easy to light, matte to the matte.

Option third. Beautiful bedroom

Spectacular contrast combination of bed design and curtain design. Usually in this design of the bedroom bed of light shades contrasts on the background of a dark curtains, due to the design of the room becomes expressive. Contrast is ideally created using colors different gamps, For example, blue and brown. In addition to them perfectly look with each other pistachio and chocolate, purple and red, khaki color and brick-red.

For perfect design Created by contrast should adhere to several principles:

  1. Contrast expressively manifested in dense tissues (flax, synthetic, atlas), and not in transparent and lungs.
  2. If you decide to play contrasts, keep in mind that it should be bright, clear and noticeable.

Other design criteria for beautiful bedroom

To do beautiful bedroom, It is necessary to take into account the degree of illumination of the room and its size. Light neutral tones are perfect for small non-highly illuminated rooms with a small window, they will help visually increase the room. Also for visual increase Spaces You can use lamps, chandeliers, wall scaves. Than better lighting In the bedroom, the more spacious it will seem. Dark tones Add depth room and restrict space even more.

To date, it is customary to install musical equipment, televisions in the bedrooms.However, before do it, think! After all, it is difficult to stay from the temptation not to be closed on the TV console. But the bedroom is designed for rest and sleep, and not to absorb negative emotions From television!

And one moment. Do not clutch the bedroom furniture, carpets and plants. Well, when just in moderation. Designers note that, sometimes, the most optimal option for the bedroom is a minimalism style.

The tricks sounded here in the design of the bedroom - not the entire list existing ways Interior design. After all, the style of any room is limited to your fantasy!

Beautiful bedrooms - Photo

Nice to see on beautiful design The bathroom, the photo does not always pass all the thoroughness and correctness of the selection of the interior parts, but they are excellent for compliance with the stylistics of the room. Think over the design so that it is really done with taste is a non-trivial task that even designers sometimes do not very well. If you are planning to create a bathroom interior yourself, then prepare for a long and painstaking selection of all parts - from the materials for finishing before the selection of plumbing and accessories.

Little Bathroom Design

If your bathroom is small, then the interior styles are suitable for its design:

Let's look at each of them slightly in more detail and see how these interiors of the bathrooms look in the photo.

Modern design

If you go to the bathroom and you can not interpret its style, modern popular materials were used in the decoration (ceramic tile, PVC panels, etc.), plumbing and furniture, too, no special difference, then it is the so-called modern design interior. There is nothing wrong to make such a design in own apartment. On the contrary, modern bathroom design It looks attractive, fully corresponds to the functional purpose of the room, and the cost and time cost of repairs will be the most minimal compared to many other possible styles.

Surface decoration Performed using paint, ceramic tile, plastic panels and other modern available materials. No restrictions on color decoration.

Plumbing Maybe any modern - from the classic cast-iron bath Before the jacuzzi or shower cabin "Full minced".

Furniture Usually used from a special moisture-resistant chipboard for bathrooms. May be any colors.

Lighting and windows . The presence of the window is optional, and the lighting can be absolutely any. The main thing - the lamps must be moisture-resistant!

Accessories and decorations Suitable any of modern collections and materials (ceramics, plastic). It is worth adding a light mirror to the interior with a variety of wall accessories that look very modern and save the space room.

Tip! Consider K. ready solutions (Collections) ceramic tiles.


Contemporary is a pretty young style, which relatively recently began to apply for bathrooms. It appeared through modern styles and minimalism.

Surface decoration . No strict criteria for the design of walls, ceiling and floor. Preferably so that these are inappropriate colors or pure-white surfaces.

Plumbing must have simple forms and smooth surfaces.

Furniture It is used simple, modern any colors and shades - from brown or white to neon-red.

Lighting and windows. The room may not be windows, but the lighting must necessarily be bright.

Accessories and decorations . Accessories are chrome, and the decorations are modern, suitable under the rest of the design.


Small zone in french style In your apartment will create a bathroom in the style of Provence.

Surface decoration should be performed using natural shades. Preference to yellow, green, white and blue colors.

Plumbing It should not be some kind of special. Suitable both classic or retro baths and toilets and modern shower cabins. The only requirement - all the subjects of plumbing should be from a single collection, no "Preliminary" is allowed.

Furniture It should look thoroughly and be made of wood or with high-quality imitation for it. To give preference to forged adhesive accessories.

Lighting and windows . Be sure to have a window, from which there will be a lot of light in the room in the afternoon. In the evening, lighting the room should flooring, sconters or chandelier with forged base and light cheerful lampshade.

Accessories and decorations . You can additionally decorate the room with the help of an original mirror frame, flowers in a vase, paintings.

Tip! Provence style can be recreated in a small room, but it will lose part of his attractiveness and charm.

Country Style Bathroom

Rustic and cozy country just fit even in small room For hygienic procedures.

Surface decoration Performed in bright colors, using plant ornaments. Not special requirements to materials and texture.

Plumbing It is better to take a classic type, but even modern will fit perfectly acrylic bath Or a simple shower without noticeable parts from plastic, especially bright and color.

Furniture It must be sufficiently massive, but without beggars and monumentality, rustic functional and simple, from wood.

Lighting and windows . The window is optional. The overall lighting of the room should be a bit muted. Lighting Any simple, with the exception of the ceiling chandeliers.

Accessories and decorations . The main decor of the country-style bathroom is the beautiful accessories from the fabric: curtains, draperies, rug on the floor, lampshades. You can add it with pictures with simple plots or photos.

Scandinavian style

Functionality, practicality and visual increase in the premises - this is what attracts those people who choose scandinavian style Bathroom design.

Surface decoration It can be done with any materials other than wood and stone. It is advisable to perform everything in white or in close shades close to it (light beige, light pink, light yellow, etc.).

Plumbing should not be fade away. Buy a simple modern bathroom or shower cabin.

Furniture It is also better to prefer modern, from chipboard with light or white coating and strict forms.

Lighting It should be bright, but not blinding. In this you can help properly placed soffits and sobs.

Accessories and decorations You can choose from natural materials, but they should not be too much. Only what performs some additional functions, and not only decorates the room.

American style

Bathroom decoration in american style It has some unexpected features.

Surface decoration unusually by the fact that it is often used pink color. It is rarely used for bathrooms and is almost not used in other styles. If the pink for some reason does not impleate, then use any other light colors And shades.

Plumbing May be any modern, at your discretion.

Furniture Choose a good, but not large sizes. No frills so that the room seemed spacious.

Lighting and windows . In American bathrooms there are often windows. Sometimes these are small windows under the ceiling, sometimes huge transparent panels in the entire wall. The feature of the lighting is hostility to ceiling lamps.

Accessories and decorations Must be functional and in small quantities.

The trends of 2016 in the color of the premises. Contrary to his custom, the Pantone Institute chose two colors of the year at once instead of one. The colors called them are "Pink Quartz" and lilac "serenity"

Japanese style

Simplicity, harmony and the eastern attractiveness of mysterious Japan made it one of the most popular decoration styles in the last couple of decades. How to equip the bathroom in japanese styleif it is small in size?

Surface decoration Can be performed in two versions. The first is with the desire for light natural pastel colors. The second is using contrasting colors (gray, white, red, black).

Plumbing It does not differ from the modern European, but the washbasin must be square or rectangular. The toilet is desirable to hide or transfer to a separate room.

Furniture close in spirit to minimalism. It should be simple and laconic forms, without jewelry, but from a tree.

Lighting and windows . In Japanese bathrooms, windows are welcome to the entire wall, which is hardly possible in modern apartmentTherefore, it will be enough to make muffled lighting, which sets up on the philosophical way and on vacation.

Accessories and decorations Must meet the ideas about Japan. It can be a fan on the wall, which is located away from the bathroom or shell, a wish scroll, a picture in the appropriate style. Very to the place, although it is difficult to feasible, there will be the installation of the thematic door, - Södyzi, from paper on a wooden frame.


Bathroom in style minimalism attracts its functionality, conciseness and convenience.

Surface decoration Using 3 main colors: white, gray and black.

Plumbing Must be with simple lines that do not attract attention.

Furniture Only necessary, from any materials, but in compliance with the overall color concept of the room.

Lighting and windows . Even if the room will be the window, it should not be very decorated. Only blinds are allowed for this. Lighting devices must be simple and moisture-resistant.

Accessories and decorations Can complement such a room, but must perform any functions. It can be TV, a set of minimally necessary bathroom accessories, a rug against slip.

Tip! This style is suitable only for assembled, business peoplewho are very loved by order in all its manifestations.

High tech

Some confuse minimalism styles and high-tech, although there are quite a few differences between them. If you look at the photo of several bathroom options in both styles, you clearly feel the difference between them.

Surface decoration Usually performed using contrasts (red + black, white + black, red + white, sometimes complemented by gray), which is really very similar to minimalism. Materials for finishing should not be natural.

Plumbing may be simple or ultramodern, equipped with a set additional features (Illumination, radio, hydromassage, etc.).

Furniture Similar to style with the one that is used in minimalism, but it does not have to be only in strictly required quantity. You can easily hang "extra" locker or put a laundry basket.

Lighting It should be performed with accents on the details and use of the backlight.

Accessories and decorations May be in any quantity that highly distinguishes high-tech from minimalism. In the bathroom of this style, the multi-level or stretch ceiling, modern vases of bizarre forms and other similar details.

Tip! if you have small child, remove expensive gadgets and appliances on time from the area available for it. They will be excessive loads in the bathroom due to high humidity And the attention of the child.


Originality, sophistication in connection with the simplicity of the attic is the Loft style. It is rarely used for bathrooms, but this does not become less interesting. Rather, even on the contrary. You will understand why, as soon as you look at the photo of the finished "attic" bathrooms.

Surface decoration . Walls and ceiling should be without finishing or reorganized (under wooden overlaps, concrete or brick walls). This is almost the only style of interiors, where it is absolutely no need to hide the ceiling wiring and other communications. Them a large number of It is even welcome in sight!

Plumbing Any suitable - from classic baths on the legs to modern shower cabins. But you should not use the jacuzzi, it will be disharmoned with the rest of the room.

Furniture , like plumbing, should not strictly correspond to a certain direction. You can make it yourself.

Lighting and windows . The windows can be reeded with old kitchen curtains or even close with newspapers. Luminaires can be any. Especially attractive will look old floor lamps.

Accessories and decorations Provide a feeling of small litters. For decorating you can use old suitcase, Chest, magazines and other unnecessary items that are usually demolished in the attic.

Attention! If you live in the apartment on the 1st floor, this style can look a little ridiculous in the eyes of some guests of your home.

Concrete surfaces, a variety of accessories of bright "signaling" colors, all kinds of chains, supports and channels (absolutely optionally functional) will create a loft style in the bathroom of any size. Of course, it is desirable that this style can organically continue the uniform style of all housing.

This bathroom has its own name: "Gaudi submarine". When creating this mosaic masterpiece, designers were inspired by the creations of the Gaudi himself, the famous song The Beatles about the yellow submarine, as well as the film "Brazil" director Terry Gilliam

Large bathroom design

Large size bathroom arrangement can be performed in any style, including those described earlier in the section about small bathrooms. Very rich and beautifully look such styles in large bathrooms as:

Consider all of their features in more detail, with the photo.


Show your financial spending and commitment to the patriarchal past you can, creating the interior of the bathroom in retro style.

Surface decoration Better to perform B. basic colors Style: White, Red and Black. It is possible to use other colors: gold, beige, bronze. The decoration of the walls can be using strips, simple vensels and large patterns.

Plumbing Must have an old look. If you buy real antique bath or toilet, then they will have to remake under modern sewer.

Furniture Preferably massive. It is preferable that these are objects from whole roads.

Lighting and windows . If the room has a window, it should be beautifully alarmed with tissue curtains and tulle. Lighting devices should look rich. Possible installation of chandeliers with glass or crystal suspensions, candlesticks.

Accessories and decorations must fully fit the style. Even one knocking detail can spoil all the impression from the interior of the room.

Tip! Buy plumbing and faucets, cranes under ancient from one collection. They are almost impossible to harmoniously pick up if you decide to acquire these items from different firms.

Vintage style

Bathroom B. vintage style will require a serious approach to decorating it and the selection of each little thing, but in the end you will not just get the room with original designAnd the most real work of art!

Surface decoration It should be performed using gold, white, brown, bronze and cherry blossoms. Contrast can be used between walls and white ceiling. Often on the walls you can see vegetable or geometric patterns.

Plumbing. The main focus is on the bathroom, which must be performed in classic style: oval, on legs, with a raised headboard. Sink and toilet should be from the same set. Mixers and accessories are better to choose from bronze or coated with gilding.

Furniture The vintage style always attracts attention to its simplicity, elegance and beautiful fittings. There are various drawings on its surfaces.

Lighting and windows . A window reorganized by a curtain may be present. The lamps are selected rich, with glass or crystal suspensions, possibly with candlesticks.

Accessories and decorations Must continue a little frivolous and at the same time rich style bathroom.

Classic style

The wealth and beauty of the classic style in the design of bathrooms attract many, but fulfillmenting this design is quite difficult and expensive.

Surface decoration It must be performed using light color solutions, but the contrast for one of the walls or rare bright stains in the design is allowed.

Plumbing. Large luxury bathroom - central subject in the interior. It can be with a rich stylized screen or on beautiful legs.

Furniture There should be not only necessary, but also that that is rarely now you will meet in the bathroom: otfik, sofa, dressing table, wardrobe and other leisure facilities.

The bathroom is decorated in the present classic style. Requirements for the size of the premises of this style quite serious

Lighting and windows . If there is a window in the room, it must be decorated beautiful curtainsuitable under the rest of the interior. Luminaires should be chosen in retro style. A classic crystal chandelier will fit very well.

Accessories and decorations Must be old or made under the old days. Here will be appropriately a mirror in a rich molding rim, a crystal chandelier and paintings. Modern photos It is not suitable for decorating a bathroom in a classic style.

Tip! The design can be very well supplemented with the help of ancient candle tearing with candles and statuette of past eras.

Shebbi Shik

Shabbi Chic Bathroom Decor is distinguished by a special luxury. It is replete with gilding, stucco and original items.

Surface decoration You should do in white or bright color.

Plumbing Must match the retro or vintage style and be from one set.

Furniture Usually with gilding and, like plumbing, corresponds to vintage and retro styles.

Lighting and windows . May be present beautifully draped a cloth window. Crystal chandeliers and flooring should be used for lighting.

Accessories and decorations Very important in the creation of a Shebbi style chic atmosphere. Candelabra, plates, colorful magazines are suitable for this.


Another style that amazes with its luxury is an ampir. Connection of clear forms with original finish and heavy decorative elements They look rather unusual and attractive.

Surface decoration strikes with their diversity: staining, ceramic tile, natural decoration Materials. The only moment followed by: a combination with furniture and plumbing.

Plumbing and furniture must be under the old days.

Lighting and windows . Window opening can be decorated with chic curtains and light tulle. Lighting devices can be made using wrought elements and in the form of torches or candlesticks.

Black and white bathroom in Art Deco


Another sophisticated vintage styleIt is difficult to repeat in modern conditions - Rococo.

Decoration surfaces can be performed using wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, ceramic tile. It is possible even a combination of several materials at once on one wall, but so that they come together to each other.

Plumbing . Special attention should be paid to the bath. She must be luxurious, can stand on a pedestal.

Furniture You should buy under ancient or antique, but get acquainted so that it is moisture-resistant.

Lighting and windows. All decor and lighting devices must match the antique furniture and plumbing. The decor of the window is performed from the fabric and color decision Must approach the interior of the entire room.

For the style of Rococo, which emerged at the beginning of the XVIII century, elegant, complex decor are characterized, an abundance of small stucco with a variety of asymmetric details, gilding. This style is very feminine

Attention! Photo and paintings in the bathroom of Rococo Style.


Beautiful medium-style bathrooms are distinguished by a special smoothness of lines and floral ornaments resembling nature.

Surface decoration Performed in accordance with Natural color gamut. Give preference to gray, brown, green, blue and their various shades. Materials are desirable to use natural. For example, ceramic tiles, Gypsum, real stone.

Plumbing and furniture Must be performed in the style of the XIX century. Between the items in the room should be enough space to pass an adult.

Lighting and windows . There may be windows that will decorate one-photo textile products (Curtains). Lighting devices must resemble plants or flowers.

Roman style

If the dimensions of your home allow you to follow the Romanesque style, then you can perform a bathroom decor in it. This style is very suitable such definitions such as invisibility, sustainability and representativeness.

Surface decoration It should be performed in brown, beige or white with the use of such natural materials like a tree and stone. The ceiling should be wooden, with massive beams and cause a sense of room monumentality.

Plumbing You can buy modern, but it must have a large size. It will be beautiful if the bathroom can be placed on the pedestal and decorate around the columns.

Furniture Must be made of wood and look at the same time reliably and monumental. Preference should be rejected with rectangular and cylindrical forms.

Lighting and windows . Curtains instead ordinary curtains and original lamps in the form of torches, etc. - Here is how you can immediately find the roman style.

Accessories and decorations Must continue the overall impression of the monumentality of the room. Large, possibly forged decoration items and stylized or stone details of the interior as it is impossible to suit the bathroom in the Romanesque style.

Attention! This style is suitable only for very large bathrooms!

English style

Bathroom in English attracts his restrained simplicity, accuracy and elegance.

Surface decoration It should be done with care and understanding of the characteristics of the style. Here a tree, moisture-proof wallpapers with a pattern or stripes, ceramic tile can be used.

Plumbing Suitable classic or retro on legs with a raised headboard. Mixers and faucet better choose in the same style.

Furniture Simple, but good, brown or white color. Mandatory from wood.

Lighting and windows : In the English bathroom, it is desirable to have a window, but at the same time it should not pour the room with light, but leave it a bit shaded. The same applies to the lamps. Their light should not be too bright. For muffled lighting, darkened beams can be used.

Accessories and decorations Must match the interior. You can supplement the bathroom decor in English with original ceramic accessories, rug, a vase with flowers.

Separately standing bath In the center of the composition of the Victorian bathroom composition, the stylantral bathroom, the Mediterranean flavor in which the shape of the mirrors and vegetable drawing on the wallpaper

Surface decoration It should be performed using those colors that can be found on the coast: blue, yellow, blue, green.

Plumbing May be modern, but necessarily comfortable.

Furniture There must be a rustic, wooden or wrought.

Lighting and windows . Bathroom B. mediterranean style Must be bright. Here it is just very necessary a large window! In the evening, lighting the room can lamps with forged bases.

Accessories and decorations . If you decide to make a room in the style of traditional asceticism, then limit yourself in the items used for the decor. The room must remind a simple peasant, without frills.

If you closer to modern modernism, then it would be very good to make a window with stained glass , Use the arches in the interior, and lay out ethnic ornaments on the floor and walls with mosaic.

Stone wall decoration to create a Mediterranean color