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Monochrome paintings for the interior. Beautiful paintings for home interior: What to choose and at what height hang in the apartment. Paintings for living room interior

Today, each person can use paintings as elements of the decor of their own housing. Once, such decorations were considered a sign of luxury, and only wealthy people could afford themselves. Over time, it was possible not only to acquire original copies belonging to great masters, but also their less expensive copies, the work of little-known artists and all sorts of glossy posters.

In order for the cloth organically fit into the furnishings of the room, you need to get acquainted with the basic principles of design art before purchase. On the Internet there are a huge number of photos of various pictures for the interior, and this article will help to determine the choice, given all the nuances.

General principles for selecting interior pictures

In the world of design exist certain rulesthat help create harmonious combination Pictures with a general setting of the room. The most basic are listed below.

Rule number 1. style. Picking up the picture, you need to stick general style Designation.

Rule number 2. Color. The room where juicy, saturated colors prevail, needs calm painting, and bright accents will look good on the walls of neutral tones. If it turned out that the tint of the canvas coincides with the tint of the wall on which it is hanging, it can be corrected using a contrast frame. It is also important to know that dark shades help visually reduce the space, and bright - to increase.

Rule number 3. Size. In the room with high ceilings, large portraits located vertically look harmoniously. Pictures located horizontally are used more widely, and even suitable for standard apartments. It must be borne in mind that small-sized rooms should not overload with decor elements, because it helps to reduce space.

Rule number 4. Placement. The picture is best located on the wall so that its central point is at the level of the eye.

Rule number 5. Plot. Choose the image is the same as you choose future emotions. After all, each time a look at the acquired work of art will be tested certain feelings.

Modern paintings for interior

Particular attention should be paid to modern options for paintings, able to organically fit into any fashionable interior. Bright examples Modular paintings, abstract canvas and democratic posters can serve here.

The modular picture is called an image divided into several segments. With such canvases, you can decorate not only residential premises, but also office institutions. They help create a very stylish interiorBy adding notes of novelty and originality.

For each picture the number of fragments, their position in space and the value is absolutely individual. The subject can be any, but mostly, these are abstract motifs, nature, animals, as well as urban landscapes.

Abstraction is considered a unique direction in painting. Its main goal is to develop an imagination in a person, causing a variety of associations. On such canvases are not depicted the usual subjects, and different color combinations A combination with fantasy or geometric shapes.

Abstract images will become an excellent solution for modern interiors decorated in minimalist style, as well as in high-tech style and modernism. They are able to create a unique creative atmosphere in the room, become fashionable designer "chips."

When placing abstraction, it is necessary to take into account that wallpaper with the patterns will put it in a disadvantage, creating the impression of a misession, but a one-photon wall is perfect.

Also excellent room decoration can serve all sorts of posters. They differ from traditional paintings by the fact that their creator is the printing industry, not individual artists.

Posters are suitable for any modern interior. Their peculiarity is that they are able to reflect the personality of the host of the premises, its worldview, tastes and hobbies. The poster may look like an artistic poster, which shows a graphic pattern or text, or it can be in the form of a photo.

It is important to remember that whatever image option is not chosen, the main thing is that the picture in general is harmoniously combined with the room atmosphere.

Living room interior: how to choose a picture

It is known that the living room is designed to receive guests, celebrating important events and communication of family members with each other. Therefore, she needs a special designer approach. In such rooms, the paintings are appropriate, which depicts urban and rural landscapes, portraits of people, flower compositions, as well as all sorts of birds and animals.

For interior B. classic style Suitable traditional painting. High-tech and modernism welcome the abstraction. The interior in the style of pop art, perfectly combined with a variety of posters.

In order for the canvas above the sofa to be organically looked, you should not be mistaken with the choice of size. One to two is the perfect ratio of the width of the picture and the backrest of the sofa, and one to three - optimal option Free space for two or three works of art.

If there is a desire to create a feeling of dynamism in the room, then the canvas are worth hanging asymmetrically to each other. Conversely, the pictures located symmetrically create the impression of stability and commitment to tradition.

Also, some strictness interior can give stylish monochrome patterns of the same size. And similar to the color and material of the frame contribute to the creation of a harmonious interior.

Cuisine interior: how to combine decor elements

For the kitchen, you can safely buy inexpensive paintings, because the elements of the decor in such rooms are more common than in other rooms, are subjected to adverse effects and therefore pretty quickly come into disrepair. It is best to place art copies under the glass - this will help them protect them from negative consequences.

Provide the interior with a complete image will help the competent combination of the color palette of the room with shades of decor elements. For example, monochrome patterns are organically look at the room where cold shades are dominated. For the style of Provence, painting is characteristic of which there are shades of yellow. Minimalism is in dire need of bright accents.

In the kitchen you can also hang pictures created by your own hands. After all, this trend is now very relevant, because Hand Made He became very popular.

Bedroom Design: Interesting Design Ideas

The main purpose of the bedroom is to enable a person to relax. Consequently, when choosing a picture, it is best to give preference to the image that, in your opinion, will allow you to better feel the atmosphere homemade utya, calm and well-being.

The choice of cloths with the image of wildlife is usually always a win-win option, because calm rivers and streams, thoughtful forests and majestic mountains help to create a peaceful atmosphere in the room.

However, if the mood requires romance, then exotic birds flying through the blue sky are quite suitable for this case. It is also worth noting that in the bedroom interior, muted shades help better relax and restore forces.

Thus, knowing all the nuances, buy a picture for the interior will be much easier.

Photo of paintings for interior

Trendy paintings are those that correspond to the spirit and trends in the development of the design of the modern interior.

Pictures at all times gave home nobility and some aristocraticity. And on the image of the host of the house, this also affects positively. After all educated person, not indifferent to works of art, always causes respect.

But if earlier it was available in mostly people wealthy or was the lot of true connoisseurs of painting, now the interior paintings are not much burdened by the wallets of everyone who appreciates the art and understands something. Or at least pretends to understand what is also not bad. After all, it is better so than in any way.

Times change, styles change in painting, change and preferences of those who acquire paintings. We will talk about these preferences, and we will try to find out what fashionable pictures are currently presenting.

It must be admitted that painting in the genre of the landscape or still life in the style of classical realism is more interesting at present those who have always been a commitment to this type of art. That is, they acquire such pictures more often because of their artistic value, and not to decorate the interior.

The massive interest in the design of modern interiors, unfortunately, the classical painting is currently not caused.

More precisely, this kind of interior paintings is still in demand, but the best way Suitable for interiors decorated in the style of baroque, classicism or neoclassicism. But such interiors are more inherent wealthy peoplehaving home with luxury elements. And we have, as you know, not so much as I would like.

This does not mean that the paintings in the style of classical realism do not deserve interest and respect. Rather, on the contrary, but fashion, alas, applies to the visual arts ...

Therefore, from the standpoint of fashion, consider the most popular views and styles of interior paintings.

What are fashionable paintings for the interior?

Under the interior paintings, we will understand, in addition to the author's artists, also copies of famous paintings, posters in traditional execution and modular paintings.

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It must be said that the demand for the design of modern interiors is determined not so much by the type of interior painting as its style. That is, the style of the selected picture must necessarily correspond to the style of interior design. Only in this case it will be organically fit into general concept And to give the interior finished look.

If it is painting, the picture is chosen in the style of expressionism or abstractionism.

For posters in the classic execution, that is, the usual rectangular shape, preferences remain the same.

For modular paintings that are currently quite fashionable, very unusual, spectacular images of various subjects are selected.

In general, if you say short, currently fashionable paintings for the design of modern interiors These are those in which images forcing the thinking and fantasy, that is, brave, original, creative.

All of the above is true of course primarily for bold design solutions in the interior, not classic.

And so, let's consider individually for example different types interior paintings.

Copies of pictures of famous artists

As already mentioned, for the modern interior, the painting in the style of impressionism is more suitable. Such pictures are more expressive, dynamic, and therefore more correspond to the rhythm of our time. And it is not at all necessary that these are the works of modern authors. Landscapes and still lifes, say, Vincent Van Gogh or Monet will look in the interior, too, quite modern and fashionable. What will emphasize to some extent not only your taste, but also formed.

Picture in the style of impressionism of the modern author.
A copy of the paintings in the same style, but performed by the artist with a world name.
The picture is well combined with the style of design of the room interior.
Picture in the style of impressionism with the image of the passionate Spanish dance is well suited for color gamma To some elements of the interior and generally fits in the proposed interior design concept.

Posters in modern style

Posters give more opportunities for a flight of fantasy, unlike classic paintings, at least because images that are used for the manufacture of posters, there are a great set on different taste and style. This is an abstraction, and eastern, African style, city landscape, thematic poses, such as auto-moto and others. Therefore, there is always here to choose from. It is only desirable that the plot of the poster corresponds to the purpose of the room, or rather did not contradict him.

By the way, since we started talking about posters, I would like to ask you a question: what is the actually different in the picture?

I ask because these two concepts are very often confused, both called paintings. Well, if you combine them with such a common term as interior pictures, then everything will be true. In general, painting is only what is created by a man's hand. All other images obtained by various technologies, just fit for posters.

Here are just a few examples.

The original poster with an intricate image looks easy and modern in the presented interior.
Abstract poster associated with the sun, rainbow and generally emitting heat and good mood.
The black and white poster with the image of the stylized urban landscape is well combined with the sofa and dark floor elements.
Black color is generally very well combined with red. Therefore, such an interior looks very bright, elegant and fashionable.
Good example Japanese style interior design. All interior elements are very well harmonized with each other. Design is not catchy, but well thought out.
Beautiful combination of an abstract poster with a color interior color gamut.
An example of a successful combination of the original poster with an unusual finish of the walls of the room.

Modular pictures

Modular patterns are essentially posters are also posters, but only the image is broken into several elements or modules. This made it possible to make them very popular at present, since such pictures look very unusual and modern. In short, these are fashionable paintings, alongside, of course, with other types of interior paintings, which are mentioned in this article. Choose a modular picture of any style, genre and directions from the catalog of goods of one of the most famous manufacturers in Russia you can in this.

Modular patterns can be located in the interior as horizontally and vertically. In the first case, they visually expand the wall, and in the second they make ceilings higher.

Another important property of modular paintings is that even with very solid sizes do not look cumbersome, unlike classic paintings, as they do not have frames and the image is divided into separate segments. An example of what you say can see below in the first image.

Beautiful modular picture, unusually reviving warm, elegant room interior.
Such a peculiar modular picture also looks good in the modern interior.
A very dynamic modular picture with a picture of the galloping herd horses corresponds to the tempo of our time.
A very accurate combination of a color gamut of an abstract modular pattern with the rest of the interior elements.
Another very interesting example of competent interior design using an unusual modular picture. The interior tone is not catchy, but not devoid of taste.

So what pictures for the interior are currently fashionable?

Fashionable paintings are those that look fresh, stylish and unusual. Examples of such interior paintings you have seen in this article. But of course they must correspond to both the style of the design of your room and its purpose. Then it will be beautiful, harmonious and modern.

What did I mean by speaking about the purpose of the room?

More specifically that you can choose as interior paintings for your home, it is described in the article.

Have a good choice and creative ideas In the interior design!

Yours faithfully, .

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Every owner of his own housing, even the smallest one-bedroom apartment, Dreams to make it unique, unlike others. Questions, what decision to accept and where large pictures on the wall to buy within the framework, acquire a special relevance at different times.

The best way out of the situation will become fashionable, creative, stylish and panoramic paintings to order a large size. Do not require significant financial investmentsThey are ideal for any interior from the luxurious classics and pompous Rococo style to distinguished Japanese style minimalism.

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By ordering modern fashionable paintings performed by professional designer artists, we will receive the following features:

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IN as soon as possible We will produce the reproduction of paintings for the interior to the office, living room and other rooms of various purposes. In the arrangement of the office office or hotel room, decorative paintings will make a shade of home comfort and exotic. You can buy a picture for the interior in the bedroom above the bed, and the picture on the wall in the living room will attract the attention of loved ones and friends.

For the design of a youth club, a high school room, housing for a young family will suit the catchy bright art paintings in fantasy style. Buying a picture to order will make a completed interior of a living room, bedroom or children. Everyone can book a picture on the wall to your liking and material possibilities.

Photocartes to order for the interior give a dream and excite the imagination

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We can order images for the soul, admire which never get bored:

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Picture - a decent gift for the jubilee and a business partner

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Pictures for home interior They are a special element that allows to make even the simplest setting of stylish and beautiful. At the same time, not only classical reproductions are used, but also a variety of original products. With the help of a properly selected element, you can transform the situation of any room in the apartment, and it is necessary to take into account that at what height should swell the paintings.

Wall decor in the apartment: Modern trends, at what height hang

Pictures presented in a wide variety and therefore It is important to choose them correctly. The latest design trends are quite diverse, but combines their one rule. General is that any stylish and beautiful project It assumes a harmonious combination of all the details.

Actual design trends involve a combination of contrasting shades. Black and white combinations are common. Also spectacular and stylish variations bright shades. For example, in the interior, made in warm or neutral colors, easy to place paintingsin the gray-blue gamma. In this case, elements of a similar color must be present in the setting. Thus, the maximum harmony of combinations is achieved.


The universal solution is modular paintings in the interior of the living room, bedroom, hallway. Products are presented in several species. The main feature of such images is that they are divided into several parts depending on the species. In this case, the drawing on each element may be continued or repetition of the previous part. In this case, one composition is separated, creating a spectacular complex of parts. Pictures Maybe or without it. Fastening modern options involves mounting the wall of the dowels to which you need to hang pictures.

Video: how to hang paintingsat the apartment


This option is an image that is divided into three elements. In this case, the drawing on each part may be a continuation of the previous one or on each part there may be a slightly different from all. Such a decor is universal and is suitable for the interior of any style. The color scheme, the type of image, the size of the canvas, the additional decor is of particular importance.

Triptych can be both bright and spectacular and made in neutral colors. Decor with a bright image perfectly complement neutral design. It also comes to the interior made in bright colors. Similar options are often used in design directions like pop art, modern, art deco, high-tech. At the same time, the main shades that are present in the figure may also be included in the interior.

Light, bright and neutral images are optimal for the situation that does not need a substantial addition. Interior in chinese, english or minimalism easy to decorate paintingsoh, image on which does not attract attention. At the same time, the situation will be harmonious, and the decor will be relevant and unobtrusive.


This species is a complex of elements that should be more than three. The image may be similar or one. At the same time, the sizes of extreme parts may differ. For example, the average element has a large size, and the rest are located at the edges symmetrically and have smaller dimensions.

Polyptih can become the only interior decoration.

Elements pictures Can be located on wall symmetrically or in different places. For example, the middle part is the main part, and the side parts on the left are placed above, on the right elements are located downstime depending on the position of the main part. Also, polyptypes can be two lateral pictures Odinlove size, and between them are small Elements.


A complex of two images is called diptych. Details of the decor can be located on the wall in any order, and the images may differ or be one. Such elements are presented in a large variety and are appropriate for living room, bedroom or dining room. You can hang them above the sofa, the bed on medium height. When choosing, style takes into account paintings and design Space, Size Cute rooms or color gamut.

Paintingsmaybe bright or nonsense, but the image is required must match the style of design and onroom value. Do not stand in the bedroom or children's placing strange abstract pictures that will not allow creating a comfortable atmosphere to relax. Stylish and unusual pictures appropriate in the living roomd Sofa or TV, hallway.

Options beautiful home Interior Pictures

Each type paintings It has certain features. Appearance, color and other characteristics affect the interior.


IN classic interior, Modern styles, neoclassic, constructivism and other directions often for the decor of the rooms are used bas-relief. Such an element is a voluminous image that does not need to be selected by color. Bas-relief is optimal for interior in chinese styleAnd also is often used in the classical direction.

The volume decor of the walls is created by hand from plaster, clay and other materials. Bas-relief is optimal for living room or bedroom, where it can be placed on a fireplace, a sofa or a bed. This option is universal for any style, because it is easy to pick up the image.


Pictures-Sosters are decorative elements with different Images, onpiens in the style of posters. Details are often stylized under a certain era of time, as well as there are neutral options with various images in the form of landscapes, animals and other objects. Pictures-Posts can be with a baguette, that is, the frame, or without it. Fastening is carried out using a dowel.

The selected option is easy to hang in different rooms in the House. For example, beautiful landscapes or pictures of animals, animal characters, music groups are suitable for children. In the living room of High-tech, pop art or minimalism should accommodate fairly bright poses, stylized under a certain era of time. Hang pictures This type is ond. modern fireplace Or design that imitating such an element.


Panel represents decorative elementwhich can be made of the most different materials. Models from plaster, wood, ceramics, polyurethane, metal and other foundations are in demand. Panel in the form of mosaic, appliqués, bas-reliefs are spectacular options for decor of space. Such elements are suitable for the interior in the style of Loft, constructivism, pop art, ecosil and other directions. When choosing it is worth considering the pattern, color and size of the element.

When placing a living room or bedroom over the bed or sofa, you can place a few identical panels. Similarly, you can make a zone with a TV installed on the fireplace, a chest of drawers or a special stand.

Frames, baguette

Frames for paintings can effectively complement the image or become independent decor elements. The baguette is made of wood, polystyrene foam, metal, plaster or ceramics and other materials. In any case, the design, color and decor of the frame must match paintingse, which is inserted in baguette. Such details are attached to the wall with the help of fastener "crocodile" and dowels. Place any paintingsu in the frame You can both in the hallway and in the bedroom, living room, office, children's or kitchen. In this case, the interior style can be anyone, and suitable option Bagueta is selected taking into account the general design room.


Textile options paintings - tapestries - optimal for any residential roomt in the Mediterranean, classic, chinese, eastern styles. Products can be performed in any color scheme, and the neutral interior is easy to diversify with a bright tapestry. At the same time, it is best to place such a decor in the living room over a fireplace or a sofa, as well as in the bedroom above the bed. Tapestries are attached to the wall with a special crossbar, but there are the most various options Textile paintings.

Embroidery or Fabric

Arrange the interior in country styles, Provence is very easy with embroidered paintings. Classic models of such a decor are performed on the tissue, can have a frame and any shape. Such details are optimal for the kitchen or dining room. Living room in Pop Art, High-tech can also be decorate embroidered paintingsoh, on which depicts modern compositions or urban landscape. Spectacular pictures From the fabric, performed very elegant, suitable for roomt in English style or modern, as well as classicism. Color combinations, embroidery method, shape and design of products can be different and breed depending on the design of the room.

With backlit

Lighting in any room plays an important role. Create unusual decor, you can use pictures with backlit. At the same time there are two main designer solutions: pictures With internal illumination and organization of external lighting, emphasizing image. Products can be of any size, but often such elements are used in rooms decorated in High-tech styles, minimalism, pop art, avant-garde and some others. In the living room most appropriate placement paintings With any backlight, and in the bedroom External lighting of images can serve as a night light. Products are attached on a dowel, but it is important to organize an electrical lighting system.

Large canvas

Large size canvas are suitable for room facilities. Pictures in the whole wall or less attracted attention and become bright accent interior. The image can be anyone and selected depending on the room design. In the bedroom, such a web should be placed the wall, the opposite bed. In the room, made in the styles of pop art, high-tech or in a modern living room, optimal options with photo printing on the fabric.

Maps of the world

Living room, bedroom, dining room, cabinet easy to arrange in the Mediterranean sea styleif used pictureswhere the world map is depicted. The image can be stylized under an old navigation map or be quite modern. Paintingsand especially effect Against the background of monophonic walls, sufficiently laconic furniture. For the children's room or bedroom in the marine style is also optimal this version of the decor. Stylized species paintings, on the which depicted mainland contours in the form of points are suitable for interiors in Modern styles, High-tech. The original is the placement of such photo wallpapers on the ceiling or smooth them through the wall on the ceiling.

With Pasparta

Photo I. pictures with the passecut are universal and often used in different areas Design rooms. The place for accommodation can serve as a region above the fireplace, TV or bed, in the children's room are appropriate pictures With merry plots. Often, small elements are used in the interior, which are easy to position in any order or chaotically. Depending on the image, it is easy to choose products for space, decorated in any style. Made with a metal loop or other mounting options.

Pop Art style

The special option is paintings in the style of pop art. Products are characterized by brightness, unusual images and are often represented in large sizes. At the same time, the usual items are depicted in an unusual color scheme. In this case, "strange" ideas are appropriate, and everyday things acquire other shades. In the living room, bedroom, office, decorated in Pop Art, are relevant bright and acidic shades, original forms. therefore picturescreated taking into account the principles of this ondesign Board, are the best addition to the interior of the room.


Product handmade Different with spectacular appearance and high cost. At the same time, especially original picturesMade of leather. Panno or Applique, Volume Decor is well suited for living room decoration in english style, Country, classicism and others. Often in the design of the rooms are used pictures small size. Such products in the living room or in the office are appropriate, but possible their placement and in the bedroom.

Black and white or bright

Diverse picturesMade in black and white colors are optimal for the strict setting in the styles of minimalism, High-tech, Japanese, Art Deco, Gothic, constructivism, eclecticism, contemporary, loft and techno. Pictures Make a bedroom furnishings, a cabinet or living room more spectacular.

Bright pictures Make a cozy strict interior in neutral shades. They effectively complement the space of any room. With the arrangement of the room, it is important to include elements of the primary color in the environment, which is present on paintingse. Thus, the harmony of combinations is achieved.

From puzzles

This version of the decor is quite universal. Unusual surface structure paintings Allows you to hang them in any roomthose with any design. The main factor in the selection of the decor is the image and color combinations. Product size can be anyone, and place pictures best in the hallway, living room ond fireplace or sofa, in the bedroom. Funny images or neutral elements are appropriate in the nursery.


Diverse images play an important role in choosing paintings. Abstract elements are quite universal and unobtrusive, but such options are appropriate in modern styles Room decoration. Landscapes are optimal for space in mediterranean style, as well as country, Provence and some others. Images of animals and birds are best include in the pop art atmosphere provided compliance pictures Style requirements.

Patterns with vegetable pattern Universal for any interior

Graceful flowers will easily complement any atmosphere in any room. It should take into account the style of painting, structure pictures. Appropriate image of the sea, fish or abstract drawings in the bathroom. In the hallway it is best to place neutral options with flowers, animals, birds.

Accommodation in the setting of any rooms paintings According to the rules, Feng Shui allows you to create The most comfortable setting. It does not recommend using images of any negative, negative, aggressive actions. Pictures broken mirror Or dishes also should not be placed in the rooms of a residential building. The frame should not be too massive and not corresponding to the format of the element.

Images equipped according to the rules of Feng Shui, images of simple plants, fruits, non-aggressive animals, turtles, herons, dragon and colors are welcomed. At the same time, the color gamma pattern should be the most harmonious, natural and pleasant to the eyes.

Mandatory condition for choosing products is the definition optimal size paintings, style and color scheme drawings. The structure of images, the material on which the drawing is applied, also affects appearance Elements. The correct interior decor will emphasize the atmosphere of comfort and hospitality.