Repairs Design Furniture

How to stick different wallpapers in the same room. Rules for plating wallpaper two types: I comply with the prescriptions. What is included in special occurrences of pasting wallpaper of different gamps

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the features of pasting the wallpaper of two species
  • What material is the wallpaper
  • What rules to stick when choosing wallpaper
  • How to glue wallpaper
  • How best to punish the wallpaper in the hall
  • What features consider when sticking wallpapers in the bedroom

Now most people in Moscow are trying to transform their apartment with the help of original design. A large selection of finishing materials in building supermarkets will help embody any ideas for creating a unique interior. Wallpaper over the years are the most universal way to finish the premises.

Now the wallpaper differ not only by the color range, but also texture, relief, material from which is made. With their help, you can easily zonate space, visually change the size of the room and implement the most courageous design solutions. In our article we will tell, what are the options for plating wallpapers and which of them are optimally suitable for a particular room.

What options for plating wallpaper today are popular

As you know, demand gives rise to an offer. Therefore, wallpaper manufacturers offer a large range of products of various structures and design. Moreover, many wallpapers have special shades and drawings, due to which it is easy to combine various views with each other with a combined transmission. Today, the choice of wallpaper and the corresponding method of sticking is not difficult.

There are many ways to stick and combine wallpaper options. The most popular today are:

  1. The combination of two types of wallpaper of one coloring, but different tones. Thus, one or more walls can be issued. The most successful with the option of sticking is considered to be wallpaper beige, gray and blue shades. For the design of the work office in the apartment, the wallpaper is better suited for strict colors.

  1. Combining wallpapers with a pattern or ornament with monophonic. The prerequisite will be a successful combination of colors. When making bold color solutions, it is better to consult with experts. Such an option to stick wallpaper will make the interior more dynamic. This method is also used to zoning the room by focusing certain sections of the room.

  1. Use of different types of wallpaper with a pattern. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the combination of shades. The most popular combination of wallpapers, on which an ornament is applied, with wallpaper having a geometric pattern or horizontal or vertical strips.

To give originality, the room often use the game of contrasts using the wallpaper of various colors. Focusing on bright shades, create zoning room. Wallpapering options of two species are more common among young people who prefer modern style design and bright contrasting colors.

In addition to the coloring and combination of wallpaper, one of the many options for their plating on the walls should be chosen, given the direction, the number of species and other nuances.

  • Now the popularity is gaining a room for wake-up room with horizontal horizontal. For this wall shall be divided parallel to the floor into two parts and are covered with wallpaper of different colors and design. Moreover, the width of the bottom band of the wallpaper should not be less than one meter. Often, with this method, two types of wallpaper of one color are used, but different textures. The locations of the joints are decorated with special borders - paper, wooden, plastic or PVC.

  • The originality of the room with wallpaper with the use of vertical stripes technique is originally. With this embodiment, the walls are perpendicular to the walls of the wallpaper of the same width and texture, but different colors.

This method allows to embody the most unusual ideas of design, since it allows for the use of monophonic, and contrasting materials.

Options for plating wallpaper two types

Large importance when designing a room design has wallpaper. Properly selected wallpapers are able to transform almost any interior. You can adjust the unsuccessful layout using two types of wallpapers that differ in texture, color or drawing.

From a variety of wallpaper design options, you can choose the most suitable design, but it is necessary to consider a whole list of conditions.

  1. Ceiling height.

It is from this characteristic that will depend on what type of drawing should be chosen for wallpaper, as well as what color and the textures they will be. With the standard height of the ceiling within 2.5 meters, it is recommended to choose the wallpaper of tender texture, light shades, without major drawings. Visually will help to increase the space with a very low ceiling combination of basic light wallpapers with other, having a low-generated texture or drawing. Another option is to stick wallpapers with drawn vertical stripes or alternating wallpapers of different color wallpapers. This way is better to arrange two or three walls in the room, but there is a variant of such a design of only one wall.

It is thoroughly different approach to choosing wallpaper in a room with a high ceiling (from 3 meters and above). In this case, it is better to prefer wallpaper with a large pattern, stretched in width. Possible options for plating wallpapers in the technology of horizontal division of walls. With classical reception, different colors are used in the upper and lower half. Modern style involves a more careful selection of colors and drawings in the design of wallpaper.

  1. What are the gabarits of the room.

In addition to the height, other room parameters should be taken into account. First of all, attention should be paid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The large room allows you to use the wallpaper of saturated or dark shades. With their help, you can visually reduce the dimensions and give the room a more cozy view. You can use dark wallpaper with large light patterns - it can be plant motifs, abstraction or geometric patterns.

Secondly, the geometric parameters of the room should be taken into account. If the room is very narrow, then we can remove the length of two types of wallpaper. In the photo the ordinary room, the geometry of which was visually leveled, killing lighter wallpapers on short walls and part of adjacent long walls.

If the input into the narrow room is located on the side of the long wall, it is possible to highlight the central part of the opposite wall using the wallpaper of another color. At the same time, the same wallpapers are used to design the angles of the room as on the walls of the short side. This technique will help to significantly change the perception of the room: it will no longer seem elongated.

  1. Choose texture.

Punning wallpaper of two types in the bedroom or living room involves a careful selection of thickness and textures of cloths. Especially important is the selection of the cloth cloth wallpaper, if their joint will be in the middle of the wall. Designers strongly recommend using predominantly wallpaper of one species, otherwise the room interior will seem too extended. Only if the jokes of the canvas fall on the corners of the room, you can allow a non-essential wallpaper transition of different textures or thicknesses.

When sticking, the canvas characterized by the texture should be used by the appropriate glue. Wallpaper on a fliselin or paper basis, with a vinyl coating, an acrylic or structured web require special adhesive intended for specific materials only. In the extreme case, you can use the universal glue, the composition is suitable for most types of wallpaper.

  1. Dark or bright room.

If the room is very bright or the interior looks a bit monotonously, it is not necessary for all the walls at all. It is enough to decorate the dark cloth only one wall, which is located opposite the window, and the three others can be arranged in bright colors. Thus, you can get rid of the gulling atmosphere, the effect of which usually produces dark walls, but the room will no longer look too light.

Also in the event that the room is very dark, it is possible to apply such a reception. You can stick the wallpaper of bright shades only on the wall in front of the window, and the room immediately will become much lighter.

And now consider how to compose the wallpaper of two types.

In practice, several techniques are most often used for two species wallpaper. For registration of one room, you can apply a specific method in pure form, and you can combine several techniques at a time. The main thing is to clearly imagine a detailed picture of the desired interior.

  1. Vertical combination.

It is well known that vertical stripes help to visually increase the height of the ceiling. At the same time, not necessarily the band must be present on all the walls. Modern style assumes a lot of interpretations, for example, one wall can be caught in striped wallpaper, and three others; Just paint a monophonic paint or draw up with wallpaper with a slightly noticeable pattern.

With a classic design version, vertical bands are distributed over all walls. They can be arranged with a certain interval around the perimeter or with different periodicity on different walls.

Strips may differ in color or pattern. It is recommended to combine wallpaper with the same texture, otherwise the design of the room will look ridiculous and inaccurated. For the vertical option of plating wallpapers, the canvas of one collection are perfect. Often manufacturers produce a series of wallpapers whose drawings are well combined with each other. Typically, this collection is represented in several colors, more often is a para-troop of wallpaper types with a monophonic background and as many options with an ornament or pattern.

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Vertical combination allows you to use another interesting method in which the ceiling seems significantly higher. To do this, one lane of wallpaper is set on the ceiling, as if to continue the wall. Thus, the transition boundary becomes inconspicuous and a sense of additional free space is created.

Graphic images will help to clearly demonstrate the principle of the distribution of the bands depending on the option of sticking. The following figures present a view from the top view of the rooms marked with wallpaper using vertical combination.

These options are considered the most win-win. When using one of the presented schemes, the vertical blending of the wallpaper of two types of one collection is guaranteed to be spectacular. Already many times, such wall design options were tested in practice, and as a result, the room has always acquired a great look.

  1. Horizontal division.

One of the classic design techniques that helps get rid of the so-called well effect. It is often used when making small rooms with high ceilings, as well as corridors and hallways. The division of the horizontal rooms have been used for many years, but in our time the abundance of textures and colors of materials gives it a special kind and originality. Most often, the room is separated by a horizontally non-trap band around the perimeter, focusing on the height of the windowsill. With the classical design, the wall plane is divided into three parts, and the slope is placed on the border of the lower or upper parts.

The modern style allows exclusion from the rules, and often the horizontal strip is drawn up at the level of the eye, and there are various decorative accessories along it. Looks beautiful and original. As a rule, the lower part of the room is drawn up more dark tones than the top, but it is possible to experiment with coloring.

Traditionally, when horizontal division, the room uses two types of wallpaper in the following combinations:

  • top - 2/3 - monotonic wallpaper or with a small pattern, bottom - wallpaper striped;
  • top - 2/3 - monophonic wallpaper or with large vensels, bottom - wallpaper with small pattern;
  • top - 1/3 - monophonic wallpaper, bottom - wallpaper with a large pattern.

  1. Zoning.

This technique is used to highlight certain areas in one room using different colors wallpaper. Thus, the studio apartments often arrange separate functional zones: for example, a dining room and a recreation area.

Zoning with wallpaper of several colors is often used in the design of a nursery. Here you can visually delimit the game zone, the training area with a desk and a sleeping place. Also relevant zoning of the children's room, if several children live in it. At the same time, the desires and interests of each child will take into account the wishes and interests of each child.

Such options for plating wallpapers in the room during combination allow the use of paintings with a different texture to isolate functional zones. So that the transition does not look defiantly, to poison different canvas in the corners or divide them with the help of moldings.

  1. Panel or decorative inserts.

For a long time, for the design of one room, the wallpaper of different colors was used, but before they were made of fabric and decorated them with special "frames". Such materials had a high cost and were available exclusively to higher estates. So from the past years and it was necessary: \u200b\u200bthe wallpaper of two species were issued as a panel. Today, this option is used when creating classic interiors, for inserts are used silk screen, embossed or textured materials.

Some design styles (classic, provence and country) allow you to decorate the elements of another color by the molding frame. Such registration in the interiors looks quite stylish and original.

More modern styles (for example, modern) also use similar panels in the design. But then the frame can be made from the border of the same coloring presented in the same collection, or cut independently from the wallpaper themselves.

Alternatively, you can arrange a niche in the form of a panel. To do this, carefully select the pattern and texture, according to the overall stylist and the main interior.

For these purposes, it is also optimal use of crafts from one collection. Professional designers can easily pick up the wallpaper based on their experience and intuition. Amateurs can be mistaken with the choice of suitable wallpaper. To minimize the risks of an unsuccessful interior, it is better to take wallpaper from one collection.

  1. Color accents.

There are several principles of using such techniques. The first - when there is a need to divert attention from any elements that seem to you unsightly. So, in some apartments there may be uneven or even beveled walls. In order for the presence of such disadvantages of the interior, the opposite side is distinguished using the wallpaper of another coloring or with another pattern. The main thing is that they can attract attention.

In the second case, when, on the contrary, there is a desire to pay attention to any interior items. In the bedrooms usually allocate the bed, sometimes the wall is opposite it. Wallpaper shook options in the kitchen will help switch attention to the dining table, distracting views from the place of direct cooking. In this case, the color accent is partially element of zoning.

Most often, attention is emphasized with the help of a vertically directed wallpaper strip, but there are other options for selection of individual places. So, in the room with high ceilings, a wide horizontal strip can serve as a wide horizontal strip or only some part of the wall.

Some rooms have a niche or protrusions of the bearing wall. Such plots do not necessarily disguise how often they are trying to do. On the contrary, making an emphasis on such architectural elements with the help of wallpaper of another color, you can make it a kind of "highlight" of the room. This technique will give a room style and individuality.

There are many ways to stick wallpapers of different colors in one room. Considering all the above nuances, it will not be so difficult to choose your own version that will like you!

Wallpaper selection rules

Choosing a wallpaper with a pattern, you should pay attention to that they are well combined with each other in design:

When choosing wallpaper, such an important factor should be taken into account, as the material on which they are produced. Building stores today offer a very large range, but at the same time the main types of wallpapers are the following:

  1. Paper.

The most fiscal option. In addition, paper wallpapers are an environmentally friendly material and have good breathability. There are many color options, with different patterns and drawings and without them. Of the disadvantages can be noted relatively short life, as paper wallpaper wear out much faster than other types. In addition, when planning the next repair, they are not so easy to remove from the wall.

  1. Vinyl.

Resistant wallpaper, not wears for a long time. If desired, change the design - on them in the future you can easily apply paint of another color. Vinyl wallpapers have an attractive appearance. Excellent option for uneven walls. The plated areas always look smoothly and gently.

  1. Fliseline.

This attractive look appeared on the market relatively recently, but is already popular. The fliser of fliesline wallpaper will not be difficult - they are well passed air and due to the plastic base, they do not require direct application of glue, it is enough to handle the walls.

  1. Textile.

Such wallpapers are able to create a rather rich and luxurious interior. They are certainly good, but differ in high cost and require constant additional care.

The choice of color of the wallpaper is not less important, since the total atmosphere of the room and the mood of its inhabitants depends on it.

  • Cold colors have a soothing effect on the nervous system of people. Therefore, for hot-tempered and impulsive people, it is better to use blue or green wallpaper dark shades in the room design.

  • Warm colors will more like romantic agents. For them, an excellent option will be sticking wallpaper of pink, beige and orange shades. But the colors should not be too bright, otherwise it can cause irritation.

  • Black, gray and brown tones are considered depressive, they are better suited for decorating or designing small elements of the interior.
  • With a vertical sticking, it is recommended to use the wallpaper of the same type and the same thickness so that the joints are completely invisible and did not attract attention.
  • When choosing wallpaper to combine, it is advisable to attach them to each other to objectively assess the combination.

  • Choosing a wallpaper with a pattern, should take into account the specifics of a particular room, since different drawings can visually change the parameters of the room, and not always in a positive side.
  • When making a niche in the room, as noted earlier, you can use the wallpaper of another color or special decorated wallpaper.

Wallpaper shoes options in the hall: Tips and Nuances

The design of this room deserves special attention, as it often visits not only households, but also guests. Therefore, in the hall always try to create a unique interior that will give the maximum comfort. As already noted, there are various options for plating wallpapers in the living room. Of these, it is necessary to choose exactly the one that will most answer the desires and interests of all family members.

The design of the hall, like any other room, has its own characteristics. In order for the future interior as a result, all expectations must adhere to the following rules:

  • you can view the ceiling height with vertical stripped wallpaper, and the wallpaper with horizontally oriented patterns will help to expand the space;
  • for small living rooms, you should not choose a cloth with large drawings;
  • dark room with insufficient lighting requires paperwork in bright colors;
  • combining several types of wallpaper in the hall, it is necessary to take into account the direction of their style.

Consider the types of wallpapers for the hall.

What wallpaper from a variety of abundance is better to choose for the hall? For the design of the stylish living room it is worth choosing wallpaper on a fliesline basis. They have a dense structure and long service life, do not deform in the process of use, help to hide the irregularities and other flaws of the walls of the walls, and if desired, they can also cover paint.

The quality of vinyl wallpapers is not inferior to phliselin. The canvas on this basis perfectly masks the seams. Wallpaper can easily be cleaned or washed. But the present decoration of the interior in the hall can be textile wallpapers. The fabric will make the room of the exquisite and original, give it a special charm.

It is possible to decorate the walls of the living room and bamboo wallpaper. They are easy to use and do not require special care.

Options for pasting wallpaper of two types in the hall will help designate the functional zones. Plots allocate with paintings of various textures and colors or companyon wallpaper.

You can perform the main design to perform by one-photon embossed wallpaper, and one wall can be caught with bright patterns or stripes.

Another original interior option involves the release of gypsum or polyurethane strips on one of the walls. At the same time, individual sections are covered with contrasting wallpaper, due to which the living room looks stylish enough.

Wallpaper shook options in the bedroom

Today, manufacturers offer the widest choice of wallpaper of various textures and colors, so it is very difficult to give preference to some one option. For decoration of the bedroom mainly use smooth or textured wallpapers.

Particularly popular paper wallpapers. Their cost is an order of magnitude lower than other types of wallpaper, and the choice of colors is simply huge.

Before you choose wallpaper in the store, you should carefully examine information about their types, properties, advantages and disadvantages, view all possible finishes. The process of sticking wallpaper is quite laborious and takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to prepare and decide in advance what style in the interior you will stick to.

Wallpaper sticking in a small bedroom

It is very important to correctly pick up the color of the wallpaper to finish the bedroom, because not only the interior of the room will depend on this, but also the mood of tenants, as well as the health of their sleep. The choice of color wallpaper for the bedroom is affected by many factors, but mainly should be repeated from your own preferences.

Choosing a color for the bedroom, be sure to take into account its parameters and the degree of natural illumination to visually adjust the space.

A healthy sleep depends on the energy that certain colors carry. Wallpaper of gentle blue color will help to relax and relax mentally. The bedroom finish in dark blue will make moments of relaxation pleasant and will contribute to strong sleep.

What else color choose:

  • Green, which also contributes to relaxation and allows you to relax well after the intense intellectual load.
  • Metal, which will give a pleasant coolness room, if its windows overlook the sunny side. Wallpaper with metal shades will be slammed the bedroom on a hot summer day.
  • Brown and beige, which will help create comfort and comfort, will give a warm and calm atmosphere.

Wallpaper Light shades will help to visually increase the space in a small room. In the bedroom with a small area, it is better to abandon the wallpaper of black and from wallpaper with a large pattern. Choosing wallpapers, it is worth taking care of the combination of them with lighting devices.

Wallpapering wallpapers in the bedroom with different style furniture

In order for the interior of the room favorably, the wallpaper should have a suitable color and the appropriate texture, and at the same time successfully harmonize with furniture and other interior objects. In most cases, wallpaper represents only a background to furnish the interior.

Of course, wallpapers are of great importance in the design of the room design, but not enough to correctly choose their color and texture. It is important that they are neutral, without screaming colors, because the sleeping room is primarily acting as a place to relax and sleep. The choice of wallpaper is better to schedule the last time when the final design style will be determined and the corresponding furniture is purchased.

Combination options:

  • For dark furniture, the wallpaper of warm and light tones should be selected.
  • For light color furniture, you need to choose the wallpaper of bright or muted shades.

At the discretion of the owners, you can or combine the colors of wallpaper and furniture, or beat their contrast. The second option will just look only in a large spacious room.

On the Internet, there are many designer and building portals, where you can familiarize yourself with all sorts of interior options and design projects. In their example, you can visually present the design of your future bedroom and repel from this option when choosing materials for design.

Walking photo wallpapers in the bedroom

This type of finish is also gaining increasing popularity in our time. The decoration of walls with photo wallpapers has many advantages, but at the same time they have a high cost. An important aspect when choosing such materials for the design of the bedroom is the presence of a large range and variations that allow you to perform the most bold and unusual ideas.

The choice of image for photo wallpapers depends on the individual preferences of the bedroom host. If the wallpaper is selected for a married bedroom, it is important to consider the opinion of both spouses.

The bedroom is designed to relax, so it is better to stop your choice on neutral photographic windows that will help relax and will contribute to a calm sleep. For this reason, it is not recommended to issue a room with wallpaper, which depicts stormy or disturbing scenes, negatively affecting the psychological state of residents.

Image options:

  • Forest landscape.
  • Water surface.
  • Heavenly expanses.
  • Space.
  • Green meadows.

Choosing a suitable photo wallpaper, you can purchase them in a construction store or place an order via the Internet. Moreover, you can choose one of the drawings offered on the site, or download your own option. Do not fear cardinal changes in the interior and experiment with the design.

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Wallpapering of wallpapers from cloths of different colors or pattern - reception for those who are not looking for easy paths, because in addition to the work itself, you still need to competently choose the wallpaper. Therefore, before walking the wallpaper of two types, in question you need to understand the most thorough way!

How to beat the wallpaper of two colors - Methods and combinations

If we are going to combine wallpapers in one plane, for example, on one wall, you need to select those that are made of one material. Paper combine with paper, flieslinic - with phlizelinov, vinyl - with vinyl. Due to different wallpaper thickness, it makes no sense to mix them, because they form visible drops on the joints that do not even disguise the border. Another thing is when the combination occurs on different planes - we have one wall with paper samples, and the opposite - vinyl. In this regard, photo walls are universal - they can be combined with any other coating.

The vertical combination method provides for the alternation of different-type strips through one or two, depending on your wishes and stylistic solution. The canvas must be the same size, but are different in color solutions. If you are the holder of an elongated room, you can apply a vertical symmetric method of pasting for visual expansion. In this case, the central part of the room is covered with wide bright stripes. If you need to visually make the room wider and shorter, it will fit the vertical asymmetric method of sticking - to combine the canvas with both wide and narrow strips, exploring them on different walls. The design of the shoes of the wallpaper of two types allows you to distract from the lack of room, for example, an uneven wall.

In this case, brighter or wallpapers with a more dynamic pattern should be blocked on the opposite wall with a more dynamic pattern - such a wall will become a point of focusing and distracting guests from flaws.

Horizontal combination will be appropriate in high rooms. Most often combine monophonic canvases, bright and dark. The upper part of the wall is covered with light stripes, and the bottom is dark. This classic flowing method is often used to design halls and living rooms. Wallpaper with a pattern glued in their method - for the bottom of the wall, one-photographic web or striped canvas are used, while the variants are glued to the top of the wall. An exception is a children's room in which everything is done just the opposite.

Masters of the site site prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the required number of wallpaper.

The separation of the area on the zones can easily be able to be easy if you wake three walls in one pattern or color, and one highlight to another tone or texture. Sometimes to highlight the zone, it is enough to make inserts from wallpaper, especially if we arrange them, like pictures within - for this it is enough to choose a good edging. Those who have more than once experimented with the walls of the walls, will enjoy the "patchwork" method of pasting - sticking in chaotic order of differentty ones, different both in color and magnitude.

Wallpapering of the wallpaper of two species - the rules of the combination

To avoid an unsuccessful experiment, it is necessary to follow the simple rules of the combination of patterns and shades, which in turn is the condition of how to successfully bleach the wallpaper of two colors. So, saturated bright tones look good with muted, neutral tones. If you are looking for a good "partner" for wallpaper with floral ornaments, take a look at the texture canvases. Geometrical drawings are best suited for abstract patterns. Patterned samples look good together with monophonic. Single options will help balance the situation when bright parts are present in the interior, for example, panel.

For more youth interior design, you will probably want to use active colors - red, yellow, green. However, the eyes will be tired of such juicy magnificence, so it is best to combine bright wallpaper with neutral. In addition, you can thus beat the zoning of space. The correct, beautiful and imperceptible blowing of the wallpaper of two types is ensured by the same thick cloth, so that their docking will become a completely simple business. In addition to the selection of wall coverings, you need to remember about the interior items - everything should be harmonized!

Different wallpapers for different rooms - hall, living room, kitchen

In the design of the hall you will probably want to follow the mood of solemnity, luxury and, at the same time, comfort. It is understandable, the hall is the place where guests meet and arrange family dinners. The wallpaper is best chosen in noble tones - golden, beige, brown, peach. In the design it is important not to overdo the solemnity - guests are once a month, and to live in your home all the time.

The kitchen is a special place in the house, by and large it is the very first room! In addition to beauty and comfort, you should also follow the principles of practicality and functionality. Today, the choice of washable wallpapers with constelorable household coating is quite large so that you can allow combining colors and in the kitchen.

Of course, the kitchen should reign a cheerful mood, so bright, funny colors - a prerequisite for design of the kitchen interior. For a more festive mood, a combination of contrasting canvases with monophonic are used. Before walking the wallpaper of two types with a dominant red color, think well - the red stimulates appetite, so if someone is fighting someone in your home, such a color will not be completely relevant. It is better to add more orange - this color stimulates the work of our brain. Pink helps to fight with despondency.

The best combination of colors for the kitchen, according to psychologists, is a combination of turquoise and orange colors - with such wallpaper your mood will improve from the morning. Green, gray and blue shades opposite soothe and relax, drowning appetite.

In the living room, the first thing you need to accommodately approach the selection of the main tone. Shades of yellow, green, beige, as it is impossible to suit the appointment of the living room - to be the center of the house. Dark red, ocher and brown tones will bring more comfort and tranquility, while coral and pearl shades will give the atmosphere of this room a gentle mood. Psychologists recommend decomriage the living room in the yellow-green gamma - such a gamma will allow any guest to relax and get used to the setting.

The wallpaper combination includes experiments with photo wallpapers. And at least the mention itself still causes an internal shudder in people who made the works of printed "art" of the 1970-1980, but the real state of affairs in this area makes you forget all the old stereotypes. Our time inspires the most outstanding designers to create interesting interiors, so you should not fall behind. In the living room for photo wallpaper, choose a central place, this design element will definitely become a dominant in the interior.

Design of blending of two types of wallpaper in the office, bedroom and children's room

Cabinet - in this room you need to forget about all external stimuli and fully immerse yourself in the workflow. Therefore, leave bright and screaming tones behind the door - in the office let me reign of conciseness, rigoriness and sophistication. If the first and second is necessary for you, so as not to be distracted during the work, then the sophistication of your office will serve as a good additional trump card at a business negotiation, if you arrange them on your "territory".

Therefore, pick a wallpaper in calm tones with a classic pattern, for example, striped and checkered canvas. However, such examples of pasting the wallpaper of two species are irrelevant if you are a representative of the creative profession. In this case, the working office must fully comply with the creative mood of its inhabitant, stimulate his imagination and ingenuity, and for this all means are good! Speaking easier - your office, you and cards in your hands! Choose what you like it is that when choosing will inspire you to new accomplishments.

In the bedroom, we will conduct a third of their lives with a single desire - to fill themselves with energy and good mood for the remaining two-thirds. Most often presented in beige, olive, peach tones. In the bedroom combination - an excellent opportunity to allocate the most important and beautiful objects of the situation. In this case, the entire room is placed in one layer of wallpaper and only in those places where the interior items we need will be decorated with contrasting canvases. Visually it looks like a niche in the wall.

In the children's room there are their combination rules - it is necessary to take into account the nature of the child, and its preferences. Experimenting with how to beat the wallpaper of two colors, do not cease with bright and too dark shades - the first can be too invigorant effect, while the second, on the contrary, can cohere your mood and even provoke aggression. Warm and tender palette as a basis is the best choice for children. And the photo wallpaper with the same animal characters will help to make the room with a brighter and original.

How to beat the wallpaper of two species - working nuances

By and large, the combination of wallpapers on the process of the walls of the walls is not reflected in any way - the combined options are glued in the same way as the usual. The only difference is not even thinking to make this feat yourself! You will need help not one person to have someone to hold the wallpaper when you want to first see how the combination you select looks already on the wall.

First, how to prepare the walls, harvested by the spatula of the residues of old wallpaper, upgrading the carnations and screws, cutting off sticking dowels. Secondly, knead the glue in advance, observing all the prescriptions in the instructions. For flieslinic and vinyl wallpapers, special adhesive with stronger adhesion is used. As a rule, glue should be not less than a few hours. Thirdly, prepare the wallpaper yourself - make accurate wall measurements, decide with the size of the canvas and cut at least a few cloths from which you start pasting.

Do not forget to close all windows so that there is no draft. When weeping paper wallpapers need to be smeared and the wall, and the canvas, whereas the flieslinic, vinyl and photographic walls are not smeared - it is enough to cover them with the wall. In order not to be formed by bubbles under the canvas, use a special rubber roller for moving. The windows in the room are not worth opening another day after sticking.

If you decide to punish the wallpaper of different types in the same room, it is pre-consult with the designers almost before each repair, when the question comes to finishing the walls, the option of combining wallpaper is considered. This option is especially considered, if we are talking about repairs in the living room. I want to highlight the main wall, make it an accent, setting a certain tone to the whole repair, adjust the appearance of the main room in the apartment. But is such a simple this task - combining wallpaper? How to make it beautiful and high quality, what ideas and methods are now relevant?

Combination rules: how to beat the wallpaper of two species

To know the theory in this matter will not be superfluous. For example, there are moments from which you need to repel. One of them is the ceiling height. Based on this characteristic, you should choose a drawing, to determine the color of the wallpaper and their texture. If the ceiling is low, not higher than 2.5 m, then the wallpaper is needed with light colors, with a small pattern, without coarse texture. And if the ceilings are even lower, then the main background of the wallpaper should be light with a neuro-pronounced pattern, and vertical stripes can be located on one of the walls.

Wallpaper in the room should be harmoniously combined by texture and shade

High ceilings - reason to glue completely different wallpapers. Here you already need a large drawing, which is stretched in width. You can also divide the walls horizontally using different colors in the upper and lower half. Horizontal bands visually expand the room.

The next point is the size of the room:

  • In small rooms, only light tones are correctly used if there is a texture for wallpaper - it is weakly pronounced if there is a picture - then a small one;
  • The second point is the geometry of the room, if the room is narrow and long, we need a mixture of combination, light wallpaper glitters are glued to short walls, some of which goes beyond the angle;
  • If the entrance to the room falls on one of the narrow long sides, then the middle of the opposite wall is distinguished by another color, and the angles are covered with wallpaper for short walls.

There are many visual techniques that are interested to do and see the geometry of the room. Watch examples of the photo - a lot depends on what you decide to make an accent wall. By the way, do not forget about vinyl stickers that can make their proof of the room.

Vertical combination: options for plating wallpaper two types

Vertical stripes, as you know, visually increase the height of the ceiling. And it does not matter whether the stripes are regular. The current design interpretation of such a "striped" solution suggests that on the same wall there may be striped wallpaper, and the rest can be smooth-wide or wallpaper with an infrared pattern.

An excellent solution when finishing the room is the use of blue and white wallpaper

But the vertical bands can also be distributed over different walls, in which case the repetition interval may be equal. The color and pattern of the strip can be different, but then the texture must be the same. Usually, in this case, you have to push the room with wallpaper from one collection to ensure a harmonious combination.

Horizontal division: how to salary a room with two types of wallpaper, photo

And this option is considered a classic sample of combination. It is used for a long time, and today's rich selection of wallpaper will make it possible to realize, probably the most interesting ideas. This technique is used usually in the rooms of a small area, but at the same time the ceilings should be high. And so that this effect of the well is removed, and horizontal division is performed.

It can be a conventional horizontal strip, as if a room ishing. Very often it is tied to the height of the windowsill. Or the plane is divided into three parts, and the band can be either in the top or at the bottom.

Sometimes the band is done at eye level. At the same level, some significant decorative elements are usually hanging. This technique is usually used in the design of the hallways, long corridors. The division zone, passing from above, it means light top and darker at the same time.

Zoning: Wall pastry design with different wallpaper, photo

If you need to somehow emphasize zoning, then various types of wall combination are used. If you have, for example, a studio apartment, then such an appointment with an accent pattern or pattern is sometimes necessary. And sometimes it is fundamentally different wallpapers.

Thanks to different wallpaper, you can easily perform zoning any room.

In this case, zoning may be like this:

  • One or two adjacent walls are covered with wallpaper with a horizontal strip, which makes it possible to visually reduce the ceiling and make the space wider;
  • The coating with a vertical strip on one wall or two adjacent will be relevant and in rooms with a low ceiling, but with a large area;
  • Floral print in the recreation area is also a frequent reception, very clear and ordering space.

If you, for example, use a light floral print with too small pattern, then the decorated part of the room will be light, air, and as if weightless. And here is a dark flower pattern and large flowers with a wall, on the contrary, you take away. But at the same time the wall is more noticeable, respectively, and it looks more significant.

Simple examples: how to shove wallpaper with different wallpaper, photo

Choosing a wallpaper, it is important to prevent them out to be outwardly not mounted. Before sticking, you try on, make a kind of attachment - "will be filled". It's easier, of course, choose wallpaper-companions, but not always possible.

Consider the following points:

  • It is possible to punish the wallpaper of different sizes and design, and molding is glued to the joints between these wallpaper, it turns out the effect of the panel - the room becomes elegant;
  • The living room can focus on the area where a fireplace or TV is located;
  • The central wall can be punished with accent wallpapers, imitating panels;
  • Patchwork-pasting is incredibly popular, but rather troublesome, but the effect of the flap is aesthetically very successful.

Often 3 walls are covered with one wallpaper, and 4 walls - others

For vertical pasting, it is recommended to use the same type of simply the same thickness for the same type so that the joints are not so obviously pronounced. For sticking wallpaper with a large pattern, at least "fitting in mind" is needed, it is better to somehow appreciate how the wallpaper samples will look in a particular room. A large drawing always adjusts the perception of the room.

Bright wintication: how different wallpaper can be saved

In the bedroom, the bedside zone is usually distinguished by bright wallpaper. It is possible that juicy wallpaper can be caught the entire wall, which is adjacent to the head of the bed or only the wall that is heated.

In this case, the following tips will be useful:

  • If the whole wall is in bright wallpaper, then many furniture should not stand near her - for example, only a bed with couches;
  • If only part of the wall is seized, the joint line can be emphasized by moldings, slats or baseboards;
  • If the wallpaper continues on the ceiling, then the ceiling is visually made above.

If the room space allows you to create a symmetrical pattern, it will also be allocated and a sleep and a certain zone, for example, a zone at the mirror. The combination of the combination is almost always the size of the room, the size of the room is not so important. Watch the combination samples - all options are successful, the room looks organized, cozy.

How to Choke a room with different wallpaper: kitchen photo

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen is not so often, but here you can wonder "play." The kitchen needs wallpaper that are not afraid of active care. Usually the choice falls on the vinyl wallpaper that you can wash freely - it is really very convenient.

If the kitchen is small, then you can enlarge it with the help of light colors wallpaper

Remember how the color psychology is significant. Experts recommend as the primary color to choose such tones like peach, milk, gray, and combine it with fruit-berry wallpaper, with red-strawberry, with bright green. Borders on the walls can be highlighted with a bright ribbon.

Color Value: Wall pastry options with different wallpaper, photo

Always contact the color spectrum - it will not let you be mistaken in the choice of colors, guess with a combination. Sometimes the colors are similar, standing close, but each other looks or frankly bad, or inexpressively. The color combination should be immaculate, harmonious.

Right and tastefully decorated in an apartment or house every time guests will delight guests and owners. After all, it is from this room that the first impression of your accommodation depends. Here you spend most of your time, relax with your family, watch TV and meet guests.

Create the most comfortable, light, stylish and bright interior of the hall - the task is not easy, so if you do not have time and financial opportunities to choose a special design, try using some of the original ideas that we are talking about this article.


It doesn't matter what wallpaper you have chosen, and how to glue them, the main thing is that it is necessary to do it extremely carefully. Errors are exclusive when sticking wallpapers in the bedroom or corridor, but not in the "heart" of the apartment where family events and meetings with friends are held. To avoid mistakes in the work, you should remember some tips.

Wallpaper sticking in the room means you will meet with different complex areas in the form of radiators, switches, sockets. Corners are also not the most pleasant places with which you can nourish.

Pick wallpaper for sticking with a small pattern. If the canvas with a large pattern, or the distance between the drawings are decent, then the consumption of the material will be much larger, because it will go when it is adjusted.

As soon as you laid out the wallpaper, the length was measured, compared whether the drawing coincides, be sure to correct them to avoid mounting in the wrong sequence. Starting wallpaper blending follows from the window, no matter - on the left or right side, as you are comfortable. To properly glue the wallpaper in the corner, it is necessary that the canvas came to the next wall at no more than 30 mm. If more - cut up too much.

When it comes to sockets and switches, you will need to unscrew them for convenience. When sticking the cloth on a socket or switch, make two small diagonal cuts in this place. Then carefully cut a small piece of wallpaper, leaving a little scatter. It can be carefully removed under the socket or switches. As soon as they coped with it, you can safely fasten the fasteners.

Do not forget to turn off the electricity in the apartment at this time.

With batteries, things are more complicated. Although, if you use the smell and cunning, you can cope with the shook wallpaper very easily, without errors. Starting from the top of the battery and to the bottom of the canvas, it is necessary to make several cuts diagonally. This will allow you to manage wallpaper as it is convenient for you. And the seams per battery will not be noticeable and the appearance of the room will not spoil.

If you coped with the blowing hall, you can safely move to the next room or arrange furniture and enjoy repair.

Master class on the right shook wallpaper look next.

What to choose?

Today there are many options for wallpapers for walls in the living room, even the cheapest wallpaper samples can look beautiful and stylish. However, there are many items that should be considered by choosing this finishing material.

Durable and high-quality wallpapers are vinyl, bamboo, metal, textile and others. The main thing is to remember that there are no absolutely perfect rolled cloths, they all may have their drawbacks. Thanks to their diversity, you can choose those that will suit all your requirements:

  • Paper Wallpapers belong to the category of light and cheap materials. They are just enough to attach the room. But they do not hide the flaws of the surfaces and quickly lose their "freshness".
  • Fliselinovye Wallpapers can also be used for an acceptable price. They have good heat and sound insulation. Hide the irregularities of the walls.
  • Especially popular now enjoy photo wallpaper. The choice is quite diverse, they look good and modern and, importantly, sold at an affordable price.

  • Wallpaper under painting - Very comfortable and practical option. They are able to refresh your room. They can be covered with paint more than once.
  • Vinyl Wallpaper is distinguished by their strength. They are moisture-resistant and embossed. However, not everyone may afford such a canvase. They include expensive materials, which is reflected at the total cost of wallpaper.
  • Textilewallpapers are considered one of the most expensive. Their production uses natural materials. Due to this, they do not have joints on the walls.

To make it easier for you to understand what kind of wallpaper samples are suitable specifically for your living room, several light rules should be observed:

  • it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the hall, such as the height of the ceiling, width of the walls, and even lighting, features of the planning, style of the room, own character traits;
  • choosing a wallpaper for the hall, it is worth considering both their wishes and the position of the room regarding the parties of the world. For the northern and eastern rooms, warm and bright colors are suitable if the room is on the southern and western side, it is better to choose the colors of cold shades;
  • the main thing is to decide which style of the interior you like, and then pick up the drawing and type of wallpaper, taking into account the idea, design and design.

Remember that the lighting and location of windows in the room can also affect how one or another color will be perceived in the interior.

When choosing wallpaper, Do not forget about the style and color of the furniture.If your furniture you have dark flowers, specialists advise attaching one or more walls with light canvases, while others are dark. Contrast is an excellent reception that will always be in fashion.

Color gamut and prints

Color gamut that will become the main in the room is almost completely predetermined by what the wall decor will be. It is worth remembering that it is better if the coloring of the wallpaper will be repeated in the interior, be it furniture, doors, gender, ceiling or decor items.

The warmth is considered to be the dominance of red, yellow and orange tones, cold - the predominance of blue, blue and lilac. Most often they advise not to combine warm and cold color. It looks no harmonious, you can hardly be comfortable in this room.

It is better to try to combine cold and warm tones with neutral. In the extreme case, the room should be issued only in one color scheme.

It is not worth decorating the walls with two different types of wallpapers of saturated shades. It is better to combine bright and juicy color with neutral. The same situation with the canvas on which there is a drawing. It advise to combine wallpapers with a calm and concise design.

A small step to the side of the color you thought can change the overall picture not for the better. If you decide to arrange a hall with two types, then, if possible, take them in one store, so that there is an opportunity immediately and accurately choose harmoniously combined textures and colors. The easiest way to choose the wallpaper of the same type. Coloring at your discretion.

Wallpaper of light tones or with a vertical strip will help to expand a small lounge with a low ceiling. To avoid toughness and the gullshooting in the room, you should not use the wallpaper with large contrasting patterns. No need to worry that the room will look boring. Remember, the classic will never come out of fashion.

Large rooms can be arranged both light and dark wallpaper. Light tones emphasize free space, dark shades will provide the ability to visually reduce the room to a more comfortable size.

The hall is the room where you relax, meet guests and conduct the main time. Therefore, it should not make a room with shades that contradict each other. For example, combine bright red and blue or pink and yellow. For the living room, a combination of beige and brown, red and white, gray and blue will fit well. Such colors will create maximum comfort in the interior.

Remember that the choice of wallpaper needs to be suitable as serious as possible. It is worth considering both their preferences and specialist advice:

  • a small living room is better to arrange in pastel colors. For example, mint, lavender or pink color;
  • for a cool living room, apricot, strawberry, peach tone of wallpaper is well suited. Such colors will help create a comfort and warming atmosphere.

Just remember that warm tones visually can reduce space.

  • if the living room is distinguished by its high temperature, then aquamarine, pale blue, mint or lilac colors will be appropriate here;
  • southern, oriental, southwestern and southeastern rooms look well in classic shades of gray, blue and blue;
  • expensive and stylishly watch pearl, silver, golden kel;
  • in the hall they will look good green, burgundy, cherry paints. They will give a special atmosphere, add brightness.

Decorate the living room, make it special help prints, print on wallpaper. Now you can print on any surfaces, including on the wallpaper. And there are so many options that you don't have to invent yourself. Today, animals, floral and newspaper prints are considered the most popular drawings on the wallpaper. However, a bright flower print is better to make only one wall, otherwise it is somewhat in one big drawing and will not become a highlight of your room.

You can arrange your room as you want. You can glue the walls of the paintings in any style or posters with celebrities. Recently, stickers and vinyl stickers have become popular.


The popularity of this method of pasting walls, like combination, is becoming more and more popular:

  • First, it's fashionable now.
  • Secondly, you can save one room with different types of wallpapers in case you do not decide on one color.
  • Thirdly, you can split space into several zones.

Now many connect the living room with a dining area. It is very important to zoning the room. With the help of combining different wallpaper, you can separate the kitchen from the living room or the living room from the bedroom in the event that one room is used both as a bedroom, and as a place to meet guests.

Let's talk about how beautiful to bleach the wallpaper in different residential premises. Let's start with how modern can be saved such a room as a hall. It is this room that appears to be a guest, forms them the impression of them about the whole house or an apartment. The interior planning must be performed leisurely, pay attention to different small details.

How modern and beautifully shove the wallpaper? This question worries all owners of urban and country housing.

Attention! In order to stick the wallpaper in your hall, you need to choose the right glue.

Interior options

For those who decided to beautifully wake the room with finishing materials, we note that you need to find them a specific type to begin.

Paper web, currently offered by manufacturers, are divided into several species. The photo contains paper wallpapers that can be saved a small living room.

Tip! The living room is better glued two-layer canvas.

Such materials have excellent mechanical characteristics, it is easy to work with them, you can buy them at affordable prices.

The photo shows an interior example demonstrating how to beautifully stick wallpaper in the living room.

Washing materials with a variety of drawings are better pasted on the walls of the kitchen or hallway. In the hall, such wallpapers are inappropriate, they will not create the desired atmosphere in this room.

Fliseline canvas can be glued in those rooms where the walls have significant defects. The dense structure of such materials will ideally cope with the task, will help get rid of protrusions and depressions on the surface.

Original solutions

How to beautifully wipe the room with wallpaper to enjoy the result? Currently, there is a huge number of diverse options for plating wallpapers, involving the use of a combination of wallpaper of different textures, colors. On the photo an example of how you can save one room with several wallpaper.

Among the fashionable examples of how beautifully glue wallpaper, we highlight the use of two types of wallpaper having one color, but various shades. Thanks to a similar combination of wallpaper, you can make a beautiful wall in the room.

Tip! An interesting solution is a combination of gray, blue, beige colors. Such shades can be used to design a working office.

Single wallpapers can be combined with wallpaper that have an ornament or drawing. This option will enter the interior of the dynamics. In addition, thanks to this unusual reception, the premises can be held, making an emphasis when sticking to a certain area.

You can stick the canvas (sample in the photo) with a pattern of different types. For example, a combination of materials with ornament, with canvas having vertical or horizontal stripes, gives an excellent effect. Beautifully looks at wallpaper with geometric shapes, supplemented with wooded topics.

Thinking on how to stick wallpaper beautifully, look at the contrasting options. For example, you can shove the walls of the room with contrasting materials, making the interior fashionable and unusual.

Young owners of housing prefer glue on one wall with bright accents, it is especially true in Studio apartments. The photo shows the option of how to salary walls in a small residential room.

Answering the question of how beautiful to bleach the wallpaper (see the photo below), we turn to the advice of professional designers offered in the video fragment

In addition to the combination when there are several types of wallpaper, there are plenty of other options for glue wallpaper.

Tip! The original view has (in the photo) horizontal stripes. It is the technology of wicked walls with horizontal stripes is considered a fashion trend in interior art.

The wall is divided into two parts. Each of the wallpaper of various colors and designs having one color. Relevant with such stiffering and materials with similar wallpaper structure. To eliminate joints, pick up special decorative curbs.

Attention! Bottom wallpaper should not have one meter.

You can select the canvas of contrasting color, use monochrome colors. The choice depends on the taste preferences of the owner of this residential premises.

Features of choice

If you decide to find wallpapers with a drawing, they must be combined with design. On the joints between such decorative materials you need to stick molding. It will give the effect of the premises of the decorative panel, will enter the sophistication and elegance in the room.

With the help of such an unusual sticking, you can create original zoning in the living room, the desktop. For example, select the fireplace, television location zone.

Recently, the interior specialists recently consider the allocation of a certain wall in the interior. The photo presents a sample, how to glue finishing materials so as to mimic an unusual panel on the surface. Patchwork technique involves the use of several wallpaper immediately, which are combined with each other in color, texture.

The technology of such decoration consists in preliminary cutting of sections of segments of the desired size and shape, sticking their jack. If you wish, you can carry a sticking chaotic, especially when decorating the wall in a modern interior style. This option of sticking can be used in the teenager's room, as they are due to psychological characteristics prone to maximalism, including in the interior.

If you have chosen a vertical sticking of hotels, try to pick up the options of one type that have the same thickness. In this case, you can avoid ugly junctions between individual canvases.

Tip! Before bouts to pasting with surface materials, first try to attach materials to each other. You can evaluate their combination to avoid disappointment after the completion of the repair work.

Special caution should be taken when combining decorative materials with a bulk pattern. It must be remembered that similar canvas can affect the visual perception of the parameters of the room.

For vertical salary, one-type canvases, having an equal thickness suitable. If there are any niches inside the room, they can also be isolated by decorative materials. Professionals advise for such purposes to use the trellis with a slight pattern.

When choosing paper materials, do not forget that they have excellent air permeability, but very quickly lose their original aesthetic appearance. Such materials are better to make children's premises, but they are not suitable for shocking walls in the bathroom, corridor, kitchen.

Vinyl materials are ideal for use in the interior of patchwork equipment. Their dense texture allows numerous experiments with the creation of decorative panels, the implementation of zoning in the room.

Textile canvases are suitable for lovers of a luxurious interior. They require additional care, besides have a fairly high cost.


When sticking the walls by any kind of finishing materials, it is important to take seriously not only to the selection of special glue, but also to choose their colors, textures.

Cold shades positively affect the mental state of the person. For hot-tempered and impulsive person, psychologists advise to choose green or blue saturated tones to decorate the walls. Romantic nature is desirable to pick up warm shades.