Repairs Design Furniture

Beautiful wooden fence with their own hands: photo and video. We decide how to make a fence made of wood wooden fence of the Christmas tree with their own hands

Wooden fence "Christmas tree", or as it is also called, "American" is a traditional type of fence in the United States. It is a fence from a horizontal wooden stakenik, the boards of which are located steps or the "Christmas tree". The tree is also a very popular building material for fences and in Russia, so interest in wooden fences in our country does not weaken, despite the newcomer metal and plastic. Zaborivorota is building a wooden fence "" in the KP "Great Lakes" of the city of Bronnitsy of the Moscow region. For a large unauthorized area in a clean and beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region, the hosts chose a fence from a natural tree - a beautiful, environmentally friendly material that emphasized the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

After the preliminary stage of coordination, the measurement of the plot, the preparation of the estimates and the conclusion of the contract, the company's specialists start installing the fence. Starting stage of work: the markup of the site. The location of each post of the fence is determined, a peg is driven into its place. Between the pegs stretch the construction cord. The location of the gate and wicket is noted.

At the same time, materials for construction were brought to the site: metal profile pipes for fence pillars, lags, , impregnation for wood, gate frame and wickets. The materials were unloaded and stored on the site.

Wooden stakenik is made of 140 mm width and 20 mm thick. In addition to the natural humidity board, our company uses a high-quality board with a moisture content of 12% - such a material is not swollen, and your fence will not lose an attractive appearance.

Metal From a wooden stakenice is performed from metal profile pipes 60x60mm. The thickness of the wall of the metal columns is 2 mm.

The installation of support pillars begins in the ground. On the plot is dense, stable soil with a small amount of stones, so in this case there is no need to concrete poles. This method of installing pillars is the most economical because it does not require any consumables: sand, rubble, cement. The driving is made by a sledgehammer, while the verticality of each post is controlled by the level.

Fencing posts after installation are ground and painted with special enamels. Such a coating reliably protects the pillars from the negative impact of natural factors: precipitation, temperature differences, sunlight. In this case, an enamel color was chosen in accordance with the basic color of the fence. The upper part of the pillar is closed by a plug so that moisture does not fall inside.

All wooden components for fences (lags, stakenat) are painted by the protective composition of Aquatex, the color of the rosewood. The composition penetrates deep into the tree, forming a water-repellent film that does not hide the wood pattern on the surface of the stakenice. The impregnation is applied with a brush and roller: with this method of processing, the coating falls smoothly, deeply absorbed into the tree.

"Aquatex" protects the tree from atmospheric influences, fungus, mold and woody blue. It also reliably protects wooden products from ultraviolet radiation, so it is widely used for external work.

Aquatex is able to give a pine board a type of wood of valuable breed. After drying, the composition gives the surface of the boards soft silky shine, but at the same time the wood texture appears through it.

We proceed to the installation of the stakenik. Painted strips with a screwdriver with self-draws are fixed to vertical wooden lagam bars attached to the supporting columns of the fence.

In the places of the height of heights on the site, the installation of the fence is carried out steps, which does not spoil the appearance of the fence.

Installation of the stakeholder specialists of the company is quickly, with the task of the installation two workers cope with the task, two others are engaged in calibration and tart board and lag.

The straps of the stakenice are mounted at a slight angle in such a way that they are slightly visited on another, forming the steps or the "Christmas tree". The jokes of the boards from the outside are closed by a vertical final eaves.

The fence canvas turns out to be deaf, without clearance, which will perfectly protect the plot from prying views, wind, dust. At the same time, the fence looks almost the same as outside..

And inside. The difference in the inside of the fence from the external constitute the support pillars that we close with wooden falsecodes.

Wooden falsecodes installed on the support metal poles of the fence give the designs of uniformity and harmonious appearance.

On the upper edge of the spans, a wooden stipped bar is installed, which helps to visually align the fencing line. Planck is also an additional protection against atmospheric precipitation.

We are familiar to everyone Currently, they do not pass positions, since modern installation methods and installation techniques allow you to quickly install a beautiful and durable fence on the site.

Ecological purity of wood is a predominant characteristic that affects the choice of material for the fence. Natural wood is perfectly combined not only with metal, but also with a stone or brickwork, which gives unlimited opportunities for applied creativity of designers.

Modern wooden fences are reliable and durable, impregnation and antiseptic compositions protect the tree from rotting, fungus, insects and precipitation. Toning formulations allow us to give simple wood a kind of noble tree.

Fence from a wooden church's wooden stake - an excellent choice for the country or garden plot! Due to the variety of design solutions, the wooden fence will harmoniously fit into any landscape and will help favorably emphasize the dignity of the site and make the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Wooden fences are not only easy to install, but also are easy to care. Such a fence is easy to repair: you can simply replace the damaged bar to the new one.

We proceed to the installation of the input group -gate and gate . The frame of the gate and the wicket is made of profile pipes and painted in the same color as the fence columns. The carrier posts of the input group have a greater cross section than the fence poles. The installation of the input framework is made by concreting pillars in the ground: in the bored hole, the columns of the gate are installed, aligned and poured concrete.

The frame of the gate and the wicket is also squeezed with colored boards. Planks are attached as well as on the spans of the fence.

Installed Make a single design with the fence. Durable Metal Frame will extend the service life of the input group.Modern wooden fences are significantly superior to similar products of past decades in quality and durability.

Installation of a wooden fence must comply with quality standards, so each structural element of the fence is aligned horizontally and vertically.

The number of building materials and their diversity every day only grows, but the traditional wooden stakenik does not lose its relevance. It advantageously emphasizes any style of the house and the site as a whole, and also does not cause large hassle when installing or repairing, which are easy to do with their own hands. Special love and confidence earned a fence-ladder.

This looks like a classic fence of a wood ladder

Characteristics of the fence "Lestenka"

At the installation of the ladder fence, of course, it takes significantly more time than on a simple classic option -.

An example of the fence "Lestenka" from the uncircumcised board

However, this type of fence has a whole set of advantages.

  • The horizontal location of the Vanoslest boards does not allow to accumulate water and snow. It becomes another factor for protecting the fence from dampness and rotting;
  • The design of the ladder (another name - Christmas tree) is a bilateral fence, externally resembling siding. Thus, an eco-friendly equivalent becomes also a profitable solution regarding cash costs;
  • The fence-ladder, due to the presence of holes, is also a fencing for the fence, due to which it becomes protected from the effects of external factors;
  • Dense construction protects private houses from road dust and dirt.

Finished flights of ladies resemble steps. To set the fence with your own hands, it is enough to connect the sections together.
For used multiple types of boards:

Installing the ladder fence with your own hands

Initially, the installation may seem rather complicated and incomprehensible process, but the wooden fence of this type is easily amenable to self-installation after a phased consideration of the design and the entire sequence of actions.

Materials for fence

The main component of the ladder is a thoroughly dry material of suitable sizes, well. All the narrow boards will spoil the appearance of the fence and will not give the necessary decorativeness. Choose carrier parts, to which it includes stirred and pillars, is also thorough.

Original lason type fence decor

So, for the ladder fence, you will need:

  • Dry planed board, the desired dimensions of which are 25 x 120mm;
  • For jumpers - steel profile 60 x 20 mm;
  • Screwdriver, selflessness, roulette and level;
  • Antiseptic solution for;
  • Paint or lacquer coating.

The pipe from the profile is quite replaced or, just the lags are more convenient to fix the metal bases.

Works on the site

If the old wooden fence has become unusable, but the basis is quite suitable for reuse, you can remove the former coating and install a new one. It is best to pre-strengthen the increasing pillars and lags, eliminate the twisted frame elements and even replace unsuitable parts. And wait for his complete drying.

Wood fence installation process

To install the fence from the very base, the territory will have to thoroughly prepare: Clear from garbage and grass, to dissolve the surface of the soil. The desired run width, as for any other wooden fence, should be no less than two and no more than three meters. First, there is a place for the most extreme supports, then the width of the run is postponed from the first support, followed by the next mark for the support - and so to the last extreme pillar supports.

For the fence with turns from one end, perpendicular and, further, the number of runs are measured in the same way.

In places marking. You can do this with the help of special equipment, but you can cope with your own hands. A good help in this case will be a bur, which not only will speed up the process, but also makes the deepening more neat.
By the way! It is the soil and the height of the fence point to what should be deepening. In a weak soil, poles close up at least one meter depth. The same applies to the high designs. For a small fence into a dense soil, the poles are installed at 80 cm.

Wooden solid fence "Lestenka" refers to the uneven hedge. Its main element are well-dried, treated with special means of the appropriate board. Such a fence will not only become a beautiful addition to the house, but also has a number of practical advantages.

Outward type of laying resembles siding. Due to the fact that the boards are installed on each other, water and snow will not accumulate. Accordingly, the fence will be protected from rotting and dampness.

Price from 1,300 rubles. / P.M.

In order for the future fence that the aesthetic appearance is recommended, it is recommended to use 100 mm size board for its laying. They can be several types:





For the installation of the fence, steel profile pipes 60x80 mm are used, often replaced by wood supports, brick or concrete. They must be concreted into the ground to a depth of 1-1.5 m.

The running width between the sections should be at least two meters and no more than three. The casing of the base begins to bottom-up. Well dried and pre-treated with special means the board is applied to the columns and a lag in a horizontal position. It is fixed on top and bottom with self-tapping screws under the web, which does not spoil the appearance of the fence. And thus laid every layer of brackets of the Vansel, accurately customizing the end sides. Special covers are mounted on tops on the poles.

Photos of Fences "Lestenka"

Brown Wooden Fence "Lestenka"

Wooden fence "Christmas tree" is a choice of people who value beauty and functionality. The bar of the barrier is assembled from horizontally spaced boards, each of which is fixed at an angle and slightly hangs over the previous one. Such installation technology contributes to the natural removal of moisture - rain water flows from the surface of the boards, without falling inside the design. At the same time, the wide opportunities for decoration allow for a fence in full compliance with the taste of the owner. For example, it can be painted, covered with a lesing composition, label, retaining the natural color and natural pattern of wood. Successfully combining high strength and attractive appearance, fences "Christmas tree" not only protect the indental territory from unwanted penetration, but also serve as a real decoration of the site.

Advantages of the Wooden Feed "Firby"

  • Reliability The design of the fence is such that it is very difficult to climb on it. This ensures additional protection of the area from the penetration of thieves and hooligans.
  • RespectabilityMounted with boards, forming the slaughter of the fence, create the effect of volume. Due to this, the barrier looks not only aesthetically, but also really rich.
  • Durability Installation is performed so as to minimize the aggressive impact of moisture. In combination with the use of protective impregnations, this significantly extends the service life of the fence.
  • Environmentally friendly having natural origin, the tree does not represent danger or for the environment, nor for humans. At the same time, it harmoniously fits into the countryside landscape.

Materials and components for construction
the fence "Christmas tree"

  • Board
  • Color palette

Planed thickness from 18 to 25 mm and a width of 90 to 200 mm.
Used for the manufacture of all types of fence: braids, chess, palisade, ranch, Christmas trees, stakenik

A carbonic thickness of 20 to 40 mm and width from 100 to 300 mm.
It is used to make decorative fences in the "Russian Fairy Tale" style and other epic fences. To underline the wild primarity. We recommend not to harvest or grind, but simply apply impregnation.

The cost of the fence "Christmas tree"

When ordering a fence for a cottage area, a country house or any other object, it is important to understand what the cost of the structure is consistent. First of all, the totetteful figure in the score is influenced by the type of materials, the brand of fittings, the installation method, length and the height of the barrier. An important factor is the complexity of the project. For example, the fence "Christmas tree" can be mounted on both wooden and brick columns. In the second case, the cost of the design will be higher. That is why we recommend clarifying the amount of managers after the coordination of all the details of the project.

Protect fence from rotting and corrosion!

Mounting order

  • 01 Marking perimeter

    The curvature and other installation defects reduce not only the attractiveness, but also the functionality of the barrier. That is why it is so important to correctly perform the markup of the site at the initial stage of work. For this use wooden pegs, twine or rope, roulette. The markup starts from the corners, and then on the twine, the pegs of the perimeter are installed.

  • 02 Installing support

    First install the corners, as well as the gate and wickets. Next mount the remaining supports. The distance between them is determined by the length of the board, from which the fence is going. Usually a step is 2.5 meters. The decrease in this distance leads to a decrease in the aesthetic qualities of the fence, the increase adversely affects the strength.

  • 03 Methods of installation

    To ensure the wind resistance of the fence, the depth of the column mounting should not be less than 1.2 meters. The support is installed in a pre-drilled shurf, with the help of the level aligned vertically and either concrete or fall asleep with fine-mellular rubble. There is another technology - scoring. However, it is suitable for metal columns only.

  • 04 Installation of planks

    At an equal distance between the support pillars, the vertical installation of two wooden planks is performed. In cases where the step between supports exceeds 2.5 meters, it is recommended to use at least three lags. Installation of intermediate reference elements is also performed by level with mandatory control of vertical.

  • 05 Assembling the web

    Installation of horizontal boards, forming the fence web, start from the bottom. Each element using self-samples is attached to the supporting columns and intermediate lags. The boards are mounted at a low angle to the axial line with the nasha for a previously fixed design element. Top of the fence is installed visor.

  • 06 Entrance arrangement

    At the final stage of installation, the reference pillars are strengthened with progress. The need to use additional fasteners is due to the fact that the movable elements account for the greatest load during the operation of the fence. After strengthening the rime, the wicket and the gate is hung on the poles and is trimmed by a board.

Wooden Gate Installation Scheme

Wooden Wicket Installation Scheme

Decorative arc on wooden gate

Decorative arc on a wooden wicket

Why do you order a fence in our company?

  • High qualityThe impressive experience in the production and installation of obstacles, as well as the use of the best materials, allows you to guarantee the quality of all structures.
  • 2 years warranty carrying out a full cycle of work on production and installation, we are confident in the reliability and long service life of fences, so we provide a guarantee for all products of the company.
  • Affordable prices Purchase materials and fittings wholesale, we reduced the cost of fences. In combination with loyal pricing policies, this provides our customers with comfortable order conditions.
  • Stable valueAt the initial stage of cooperation, we constitute the estimate and coordinate the cost of the project with the client. After approval, the amount is fixed and remains unchanged.
  • Own deliveryOur company includes a transport department, the forces of which the delivery of materials, equipment and installers to objects in Moscow and the region are carried out.
  • Ease of payment We care about the cooperation to be as comfortable for customers as possible, so it is possible to pay and cash and bank card.
  • Departure of the Call Manager Our specialist will come to the site and issue a contract. Departure of the manager allows you to do without a tiring visit to the office and allows you to save time and strength.
  • We do thoughtfully and responsibly.
    Quickly, while neatly,
    exactly, beautiful.

Ordering the fence "Christmas tree" you will get

When ordering the construction and installation of the fever "Christmas tree" in our company, you will receive a warranty certificate that will confirm not only the quality of the work done, but also our legal liability. Therefore, we will provide you with post-warranty service of the installed fence for two years.

Order Construction of a fence from with warranty 2 years

Wooden fence mounted on the cottage with their own hands, looks great, especially if the construction technology is observed and all important nuances are taken into account. The tree can be called a classic material that has passed the century and not lost its popularity. Despite the wide variety of building materials for the hedge, wood does not lose its leadership. However, the installation of a beautiful and cheap fence made of wood with their own hands requires certain skills and compliance with the rules below.

Beautiful fence - section decoration

To build a fence, first of all, you must purchase the necessary materials. Most often used lumber of coniferous rocks (pine, cedar). The fact is that these wood breeds have increased resistance to rotting and impressive moisture resistance. Construction of hedges with their own hands from these sawn timber fully justifies itself.

The fence from the stakenice refers to environmentally friendly and safe materials, moreover, such a hedge perfectly fit into the natural landscape and even give it the originality.

Features of lumber fences

Beautiful wooden fences are easy to be mounted. But to build them, you need to have some skills and knowledge. As a rule, the elevated fence in the country with their own hands does not imply.

Stakenists are attached to the in advance of the inserted poles, which makes it easier to install.

Combines Stakenik and Wicker Fence

The advantages of this solution

Because of the existing advantages of the hedge of the wood, the demand for them still remains high. Or for home is the best option. The fence from a wooden stakeholder has the following advantages:

  1. Naturalness and originality. Wood has a unique texture and structure, so that such booms look simply great.
  2. Aesthetics. In addition to the fact that a beautiful wooden fence performs its direct functions, such a solution will allow decorate the site.
  3. The lumber fence is quite cheap, which cannot be said about metal or brick barriers. The sawn timber is relatively inexpensive, and with proper care, it will last long.
  4. Easy erection. As a rule, the subsequent installation does not imply any specific knowledge and skills. Just follow the exact plan of work and comply with important rules.
  5. A variety of existing options. There are many designs of fences that can be energized. For example, the fence of the Christmas tree or the construction of the lattice fence and so on. Famous versions of the ingreders are not one hundred.

In some types of sawn timber, the framework in a horizontal position (louver fence), in others, is vertical. Also as the basis of the picture takes a Christmas tree or stakenists are located in the form of blinds. In general, the design of an existing board fence is very diverse.

Stakenik with forging elements


Installation scheme fence

Classic stakenik

Rustic style will never lose popularity. Wooden wicket with appropriate design, which can be an interesting pattern or carvings. Also, a decorative classic stakenik can be used for a flower bed. By the way, the mounted flower beds, they will turn out the most attractive precisely with such design.

Make this model of the fence will not be difficult, because a simpler design is difficult to come up with. Used wood for subsequent buildings Pine or cedar. This embodiment is relatively cheap and at the same time very attractive.

If wooden lags are used as a support, in this case, the lumber bumps must be processed to prevent the process of rotting in the ground. This part can be painted or squeezed.

With the help of a bera or shovel, pits in the ground at an equidistant distance are broken. You can do in two ways:

  1. Pour vertically installed land supports and thoroughly tumble them.
  2. Pour cement and wait for it to complete drying.

Urban version

Mounting scheme stakenika

Blind fence

This unusual solution requires a little big effort when assembling, but it is worth it, as it really looks great. If desired, it can additionally be decorate with decorative elements. The principle of assembling this design is similar to the aforementioned, but still there are several differences.

The excellent elevation option for giving is depicted in the photo below.


Installation scheme Blinds

Set of spans

Methods for fastening the sheets are extremely dependent on the material of the carrier pillars. Boards are installed in the prepared grooves. Schema is customary to install from the bottom up. The same top board is installed in a horizontal position, and all the other at an angle of 45 ° or any other.