Repairs Design Furniture

Make out of a hill. Beautiful fence from the hill: mount the stylish wooden fence with their own hands. Options for photos

Attractive and durable fence from the porridge - the original way inexpensively protect the site or zoning the garden. Such a fence looks good for a cottage or country house, it is put on a small foundation, which ensures greater strength of the design and durability. The small-breeding belt foundation also performs the role of the base, protecting the hill from moisture and extended the deadlines for the operation of the fence.

Obapol is used for work - this is a board with an internal propylene and external non-propylene party, that is, the front side of such a fence will create natural texture. The cost of such a board is low, the material is available and is often used in the country construction. In essence, these are waste production, divided into two large groups: business board and wood. When choosing materials for the construction of the fence, it is very important to take into account the differences in these two groups.

A business board is a porridge with a side part of a log and a subgromble. According to the established standards, the thickness of the finest part of the board is equal to 1.5 cm, the width is from 8 cm, and such parameters are observed for any part of the hollow. Material mainly deciduous and coniferous rocks, including poplar, birch, cedar, pine, fir and others. No more than six worm, the presence of through cracks up to 1/3 of the length of the canvas is allowed to one mongon meter. The strength of the material is sufficient to use it as a formwork, the cost is low - up to 1000 rubles per cubic meter. It is such a board that is the optimal structure of the fence, it possesses a beautiful appearance, after installation work does not leave a lot of marriage.

A woodcuting hill for the fence facility is not as attractive, most often it goes to the construction of economic buildings, setting temporary fences for the beds or for extracting furnaces. The material is characterized by a large number of defects, its durability and strength are small. The cost is usually negotiable and low.

For fences, only business porridge is used, more durable, attractive and durable, not serious defects.

Making a beautiful fence from a naked hand

The peculiarity of the fences from the bastard is a quick and simple independent installation, the low price of such a fence. Almost everyone can cope with the work, although certain skills will be required, for example, with preparatory work and a tape basement, during the attachment of the supports.

It is recommended to start work from sorting the material, it is necessary to remove strongly damaged elements, with large cracks and worms, traces of the dropped bitch, rot. Such poor-quality material can be used for other works, for example, time protection of the beds or for extracts.

The selected high-quality board needs preliminary preparation, for which the surface is sliced \u200b\u200band grind, removing the main irregularities. Then the material is processed by special antiseptics, if necessary, is toned and varied.

Marking site

Starting to build a fence from a horn board with your own hands, you also need close attention to pay the markup of the territory. This is one of the most important stages, it includes the markup of the plot around the perimeter, for which ordinary pegs and the twine are used. This makes it possible to determine where the fence will be held, how much of the support pillars and the boards are required, in where the wicket and gate will be.


On the markup performed, there are copples of the shallow trench and the fixation of the support pillars, it is recommended that special attention is recommended to devote the corners of the structure and the calculation of the length of the sections for the sections adjacent to them.

Cancer and Harrow Processing

One of the stages of preparation is the groove, that is, the removal of the cortex layer with the non-sucking part of the board. It is possible to do this with a shovel, ax or a man choosing the most convenient way. This work is done only if the board is bought without preprocessing. If the bark is already removed, there will be enough surface grinding using ordinary emery paper.

The next phase of preparation is processing for protection and tinting. In this case, you can use ready-made compositions, for example, antiseptics. But the surface will still have to be toned for a more attractive appearance. Therefore, it is immediately recommended to take the composition of olifes and mangartages, ready-made tintings, for example, oxol.

All of these means provide effective protection against rot and mold, give the material the properties of fire resistance and moisture resistance, which is important for any wooden design operated in the open air. In addition, the toning allows you to give the chalkboard a pleasant shade, that is, after installation, the surface is only enough to check.

Installation of columns

The next step is to install the supports that can take a different appearance - from outrageous wooden pillars, bricks, natural stone or concrete, metal profile pipe.

Fencing pillars should harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape and combine with the main building material - Gornyl.

If during the construction of the fence it is required to use the cheapest material, you can stop your choice for ordinary wooden supports. For the construct solidity, brick poles are recommended. It all depends on the existing budget and experience with a specific material.

When choosing wooden pillars, it is recommended to take a conventional thunderbral bar with a cross section of 10 or 15 cm, it will be enough for a solid and reliable fencing. The step between the supports depends on the length of the board, but it should not be more than three meters, the optimal value is 2-2.5 meters. Therefore, simultaneously with the preparation of the supports, it is necessary to take consumers - horizontal lags to enhance the strength of the section.

Depending on the type of fence, the ribbon foundation or the fencing of the foundation will not have at all. The second case is more economical and simple, it does not require any work experience with concrete. It is enough just to mark the perimeter of the site, dig a holes with a depth of 20-30 cm on the places of installation of the column. The following steps include follows:

  • at the bottom of each pit, the layer of sand and rubble is poured, it is rambling;
  • poles are installed in each pit, the verticality of their position is checked;
  • floating with rubble, broken brick or construction garbage (approximately 1/3);
  • poams fall asleep soil and tamper.

If the ground on the sandy or samp area, after the backfill it is necessary to moisten it with water and compact with the help of an ordinary log. This will provide greater reliable design.

Installation of fence

Boards can be mounted in various methods, the simplest is the vertical fasteners with self-draws. When installing boards, it is recommended to leave between small lumets to reduce the strength of the wind load and maintaining the normal movement of air flows. If you need reliable protection of the site from viewing, it is better to make sections with solid, that is, not having slots. In addition, it should be borne in mind that small lumens give the fence a certain village coloring, such a design will be perfectly harmonized with the landscape design and the country style for the surrounding buildings.

With vertical attachment, they are simply attached consistently, observing one height. With horizontal installation, ordinary lags are not needed, bars 5 * 4 or 5 * 3 cm used for the face fastener of the porch are used for fixing. Fixation with self-draws does not require special actions, but when attaching ordinary nails, each of them is recommended to pre-dip in the Olif. Such a simple solution makes it easy to score nails into any board.

In order for a beautiful wooden fence from a porger for a long time retained its appearance and integrity, it is necessary to correctly process the surface of the board:

  • when mounting, the board should be cleaned from the bitch, uneven and bark, pollute its surface;
  • cover the surface with a layer of antiseptics or tint;
  • after the installation is completed, the porridge can be covered with a layer of the selected shade of the selected shade, paint or check.

To extend the operational period of the fence from usually a hill need to remove all the remains of the cortex, as it is a source of reproduction of pests and insects.

To give the fence a bright and original appearance, the surface can be painted with a variety of paints. They not only perform aesthetic function, but also protect the design from ultraviolet rays, humidity and sharp temperature differences.

Features of the material

The type of any fence depends on personal preferences and the material used, the installation conditions. For example, metal pillars with a lining of brick or natural stone will make a simple fence from the hill with stylish and solid. And the presence of the base will provide better protection for regions with a high level of precipitation.

To ensure that the fence looked beautiful and stylishly, the following actions are recommended:

  • when laying "Christmas tree" it is necessary to make a total of up to 2 cm with a width of a 20 cm boards;
  • it is not desirable to use a very wide board, as it can quickly crack;
  • instead of conventional olifa, it is possible to use sunflower oil treatment, which also creates reliable protection;
  • the standard depth for the support is 30 cm, but at weak soils it is recommended to make a blowout by 50 or 70 cm.

Coloring and care

An important step in the care of the fence is its staining you want to do regularly. Depending on the requirements for appearance, the natural texture of the tree can be emphasized, for which the lesing paint is perfect. In addition, you can use the following finish options:

  • staining using acrylic paints by primer layer;

The most budget and practical version of the wooden fence is a fence of a hill. It is easy to make it with your own hands, and the material is easy to purchase for any softener in gift or for little money. The fence is obtained reliable and durable, and if you try, then also beautiful and unusual. What is the material, and how to build a beautiful design of it?

What is hill?

In essence, the hill is waste wood waste. It is a board-powered board, the second side of his side retains its original appearance and texture of a raw log. It was previously used only as firewood and for finishing temporary or draft objects. But over time, the summer residents have learned to build strong and original fences from the material. Its value depends on the wood breed, type of processing and size.

The advantages of the fence from this material in the country

  1. Availability and low price
  2. Easy installation
  3. Strength and reliability
  4. Aesthetic appearance
  5. Atmospheric resistance
  6. Originality and originality
  7. Naturalness
  8. Universality

The disadvantages of the bastard are also available. First, the process of processing the raw material is folded - each dye should be polished and processed. It will take a lot of time. Secondly, in any wood material low fire resistance.

The porridge is two types - wood and business. The first type is not suitable for the device of the fence, as its surface is uneven and most often it is a sprocket of unstable wood species. A business hill are shedding sheds, use for the construction of formwork and household buildings, fences and partitions. He, in turn, is divided into fat and thin. Formed in packs of gorny is more expensive than the felling in heap, as it is less than waste. The best is the calibrated type of material, or a block house. He is ten times more expensive than ordinary business cake. But it will have to be processed and cleaned.

The non-spoken hill serifies its texture, but with the time the bark will be peeling, and a cored beetle may start in it. The cooled and the observed material looks expensive and noble, and if it is also processed by protective impregnations, then the durability (20-25 years) fence is provided. Grinding services are provided at an additional cost of the sawmills, but it is possible to clean the dies from the bark on their own - with the help of an ax and grinding machine.

There are no substantial difference in the rocks, but a poplar (rot) and birch should be avoided (overly solid and breed). It is worth remembering that after the delivery of the material to the place, it should be sorted and processed in a short time, otherwise the cored beetle will very quickly lead wood into disrepair. Then the dies are recommended to dry.

Options for fences

  • Vertical, or frequency. This is the easiest version of the option when the dies are screwed up vertically on a pre-harvested frame.
  • Horizontal, without applying. The porridge is stuffed horizontally from the post to a post of jack, with gaps or ankle.
  • A double-sided fence in which the unedged boards are mounted on both sides. This is the most expensive option, since the material is two times more.

Gallery options

Combined fence decorated with hollow Simple fence from the hill Double fence from the hill

Materials for the device

  1. Gorn
  2. Poles (metal, wooden)
  3. Fastener
  4. Cross-shirts - rhe or bar, or long garbal dies
  5. Sand, Lecherk
  6. Special composition for wood processing
  7. Resin or practice
  8. Paint
  9. Cement

Fencing tools

  1. Bellow and Roulette
  2. Plotnitsky ax
  3. Sander
  4. Shovel or bur
  5. A hammer
  6. Brush

It is important that at the time of construction of the fence was dry weather and the unedged board could dry up after processing. The fence device from the porch can be divided into three stages.

  • Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe fence and the amount of material.
  • Preparation of the site and its markup.
  • Preparation of lumber.
  • Installing the support pillars and the framework of the frame (when necessary).
  • Rush stripe on the frame.

Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe fence and the amount of material

To calculate the number of columns and building materials, you can use the free online calculator, or make calculations yourself. Start the calculation from measuring the perimeter of the territory that must be protected. Then the distance between the supporting columns is determined and the number of necessary building materials is calculated, as well as the costs of them.

For example, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot is 12 acres, the perimeter will be 140 meters. If the distance between the columns is 2 meters, and the wicket width will be 1 meter, then you will need 70 pillars. With a 2 m board length, 10 cm width and 2.5 cm thick for the entire fencing area, and this is 278 square meters. Meters, you will need 1390 pieces or 6.95 cubic meters of hill. The material is taken with a margin, then not to buy. With the height of the fence 2 m and the width between sections 2 m, a metal pipe is 76 x 4 mm.

Next, we calculate the depth of pillars to determine their length. So that the fence stood firmly, and was not subject to the strength of the wind, the depth should be at least 60 cm. The foundation is not needed from the garbage, but metal supports must be concrete. Wooden poles are necessarily treated with bitumen mastics or coagulate.

In soft soils, pillars are clogged in pre-drilled pits. Poles exhibit strictly by level.

Step-by-step guide to the conservation of the fence from the naked hand

Step 1. Preparation of material. The hamper salary is necessary, and it can be performed by a shovel, or a carpentry hatcher. Next, hubbles should be placed, to write and open. After careful grinding, wood is covered with any protective composition in two layers. To do this, you can use a sprayer or a wide brush.

Step 2. While the poverty is dried, work on the layout of the wells and the installation of support pillars begin. The distance between them should be no more than 2.5 m. The horn can be mounted on both wooden and metal poles. Metal supports are swapped into the ground to a depth of at least 50 cm, and concreted. Wooden supports are necessarily processed by bitumen mastic. We should not forget about rubble drainage. Zautovka is carried out in layers with a subsequent tamper. All poles are aligned by level.

Step 3. Fastening the hill. Even before the start of the stripes it is worth declaring what the appearance of the fence will be. If the gorny is attached vertically, then the horizontal planks will be needed. A nails 150 or screws are used as a fastener, pre-lubricated with oil or machine oil. With horizontal installation, the bar is not needed, since the porch is attached directly to the supporting columns or lining bar. It is better to mount the dice flask to avoid subsequently gaps. Gorny - the material is inhomogeneous, but it gives it a certain originality.

From above above the films, you can navigate the board-visor - protection against moisture.

How to decorate

There are several ways to turn the usual fence in the designer.

  1. Figure sawing edge of the dice.
  2. Painting, tinted by the veil, varnish coating.
  3. Partial firing, after which the dies are covered with varnish or oil.
  4. Brash - scratching fibers with a brush, and the subsequent toning. Before launching, the porch can be burned - and finishes and protection.
  • The backbet of the boards when stinging the hubble tree should be no less than 1.5-2 cm, especially it concerns the poorly dried material.
  • The optimal width of the board for such a fence is 20 cm. Wider dies during operation can crack.

Video on "How to build a fence from the naked"

The fence from the umbered board is in some kind of art object. If you approach the task with the effort and fiction, it will rejoice for a long time with its exclusive appearance. On average, the fence from the hill will last from 10 to 20 years.

It is safe to say that fences for the cottage sections from wood are the most budget. However, there are structures, on the construction of which you can save even more, for example, fence from the porch.

It looks like a classic fence from the naked

This building material is at a price substantially cheaper than boards, besides, it can be easily found in any trading organizations involved in the sale of wood. Gorny is, in fact, waste obtained in the production of boards and other wood products, which justifies its low cost.

The porch is wood, that is, suitable for burning, or construction, with which you can solve certain objectives on the construction site (make a formwork, stick the window openings, etc.). Despite the low price, all the properties that the tree possesses is saved in it. The hill is environmentally friendly, and also easily processed. If it is impregnated with the right protective compositions, it will last long enough. The only thing that can scare the owners of the ussers under construction is the appearance of a hill.

Original fence decor from boards

However, with the right approach in the design of fences from this material, a very unexpected result can be achieved.

How horn is treated

In order to build a fence from a naked, usually use boards wide about twenty centimeters. This size is incomplete, because if you choose thicker samples, subsequently from the effect of the environment they can crack.

Thinner boards look ridiculously on fences, so they are also better not to consider.

The processing of the bastard begins with the removal of the bark, because ignoring this may result in subsequently rotting the fence, and attacks on the side of the cored beetles. These works are usually produced by a grinding machine.

The processing process of hill

If there is no such tool at hand, you can use a small ax or carpentry. If it is possible to apply a grinding machine, you can not only significantly reduce the time for processing, but also achieve a better performance.

After the core from the porch is removed, it must be carefully dryed. Further, the porch must be Okres, which will surely require a lot of time and strength. When the surface becomes relatively smooth, you should apply an antiseptic to the tree, preferably in several layers, and each layer must be fascinated.

Installation of the fence from the naked

To give the necessary stiffness, fences from the porridge should be installed on support. Usually from oak or larch wood. It is less likely to be seen as a support for them, because in this case the installation process is hampered.

Metal supports should provide special attachments for lag in the form of plates. It is worth noting that even on metal supports, too high fence from the bastard will not be stable. Therefore, above two meters to build a design is not recommended.

Installation of columns

For steppe areas or regions with strong wind gusts, you can provide a deeper position of the columns, thereby making the design more reliable.

Mounting gorge

The porch can be located on the fence both vertically and horizontally. For a horizontal location in the arrangement of the lag, there is no need, since the hill will be attached directly to the columns. In such cases, it is preferable to use wooden supports, because for metal it will be necessary to provide a fastener system.

For the usual eye of the vertical location of wooden elements, it is necessary to provide lags for which you can use the same porch. Some elements will be attached to them.
The fence from the porch can be both solid and gaps. In order to make a solid fence, it is necessary to adjust all the items to each other, which is very problematic. Therefore, it is usually used a method of laying a porching mustache. The fence with the gaps to mock is much easier, however, it looks not so aesthetic.
Let's give some recommendations that may be useful to inexperienced builders:

In the process of processing a solid log, a board with a one-sided convex part is cut. It is this stuff that should be chosen by deciding to build a fence from the porridge with your own hands. This is a residual lumber, obtained by deployment of equilateral boards on a circular saw or sawmill. Call him "Gorny". When the breakdown of the log is cut off its side part, it turns out one side smooth, the second - "humpback", hence the name.

In the village

The thickness of this material also happens different, which affects its further use.

According to standards, it is divided into varieties:

  1. Large. Such boards comes the smallest percentage. It is called business, because this species has a wide range of applications. It goes on flooring, for the construction of fences and for use in other areas of the national economy.
  2. Thin or weekly (wood). The main part of non-standard wood. Used as a technological chips or for extracts.

During the construction of fences for giving, this type of wood has become indispensable due to its characteristics. However, to build an original wooden fence from the porch, you need to know all the qualities of this wood, which has the advantages, and disadvantages.

Beautiful gate.

  • durability, reliability, massiveness;
  • low price;
  • with a low weight creates a good and thorough building, it looks beautifully;
  • simple in construction, does not require the use of complex tools and technology;
  • durable, eco-friendly, moisture resistant;
  • available in acquisition, it can always be bought.

The photo shows a porch before processing.

Preparation of material

  • inhomogeneous structure of the tree;
  • different thickness of the boards, which will require the purchase of an additional amount of material;
  • the need to process fences with special means to extend operation;
  • requires the time consuming adjustment of the unedged board manually and processing each part.

It is a porridge that many owners of suburban structures are preferred to use the barrier.

Metal pillar installation scheme

Variants of fences from the porch

How to make a fence from a norbal - the question is quite simple. You can make a beautiful fence in different ways, but the main methods of grinding, it is customary to be vertical and horizontal.

Drawing for grid mounting

With the installation of dies, you can experiment, fixing their jack, braziness, in a checkerboard order. And cutting curly top with tools, set:

  • in the form of peaks;
  • as a frequency;
  • with truncated riding;
  • with convex or concave top.

Options for the fence from the hill are diverse. In any case, polished and processed material will look expensive and stylish.

Woodworking Waste Fencing

During the construction of the hedge, it is necessary to remember the permissible and oh. It is not recommended to put between them.

Preparatory work

The first stage of preparation is to draw a scheme of the future barrier on paper, draw up a plan in detail how to build a fence from the naked. The plan should be calculated how much the unedged board, pillars, fasteners will be required.

Mounting scheme

Necessary materials:

  • antiseptic preparation for wood processing;
  • lumber;
  • emery for grinding of a tree;
  • varnish or paint;
  • sand, crushed stone, cement;
  • fastenings;
  • crosschains, porses, planks.

Before starting construction, we should stock material from the unedged board with a margin, as it is uneven and there will be a lot of waste. You must purchase pillars for support.

The video tells about self-purification of the porridge from the crust.

Required tool:

  • shovel, hammer;
  • saw or hacksaw;
  • centimeter;
  • level;
  • ax and cord;
  • babel, paint brushes.

In order to make a fence from a porch with your own hands, you should start work with the preparation of the Unedte Board. With the help of a man with a bone with her bark, for three days, with dry weather, let it dry. You can leave the board with the bark, but there are quickly insects, which will destroy the wood. Then pollinate, impregnate the hill with antiseptic preparation, to cover with varnish.

Easy to manufacture a fence

These actions will help protect it from the cores, from the destructive actions of the Sun, wind, moisture.

Very effective homemade wood coating recipe: 200 g of rye flour, 90 g of iron vitrel, 90 g of salt, 90 g of iron turret, 100 ml olifa mix with 2 liters of water. Stir for 5 minutes. Thusten mass to dilute 1.5 liters of water. This mixture penetrates to 2 cm into the tree, forms a protective film from above, which will provide a long service life of the hedge.

Esekiz for making fences with their own hands

Installing columns and guides

When choosing a support for the fence, take into account their financial capabilities and the composition of the soil. The sandy soil is more loose, additional fixation of the support pillars will be required. The construction of a new fence from the gore is not temporary, so it is thorough to strengthen pillars. Varieties:

  1. Wood. The support wooden pillar with a diameter of 20 cm is impregnated with means that prevent the decoration of the tree. Nizhny edge several times to handle hot resin and wrap in rubberoid. Insert vertically to the ground to the depth 80cm. For sustainability, the pit of a construction garbage trash, small stone.
  2. Metal. In the pit, filled with a mixture of sand and rubble, vertically installed support, tamper, poured cement.
  3. Concrete. Install the support, for reliability seal with rubble, broken bricks, poured cement. When installing horizontal spans to the pipe, the plates should be welded on which the material from the Unedte Board will be recorded.
  4. Stone. At the depth of half the meter made from a gravel mixture with cement. After pouring the solution, a stone support is installed.

The video describes in detail how to install pillars with your own hands.

Deciding with the choice of support, stick to the planned plan, dig holes for pillars. With the help of the level strictly vertically, they are fixed with the help of strut and poured with a cement mortar. For transverse crossbars choose smooth and long rails.

As a rule, when adding a household plot, the issue of the rooting of the territory goes to the background, as it always lacks money and suitable materials. However, the wind constantly walks in such a plot, bringing with me the leaves, branches and other trash. That is why you can make a fence from the porch with your own hands. He will protect and decorate the territory.

Benefits and disadvantages of material

The porch is a material that is wood waste when processing logs on a sawmill. It has the appearance of an uneven board, one side of which with a flat surface, and the other is not cleaned from the bark.

For quality, the hill happens wood and business. In the first case, it is unsuitable for the construction of the board and trimming wood, which is used as a firewood. Business hill is a better material having a large thickness. It is suitable for the manufacture of fences, household buildings and other non-residential structures.

This material has several advantages to use it not only for the construction of temporary structures, but also capital buildings. With appropriate processing, it becomes the subject of inspiration of landscape designers, which use it as a decorating material in the manufacture of fences.

Positive qualities include the following

  1. The hill is inexpensive. In any woodworking enterprise you can always find it. The price for it is never high, so this wood can be purchased with a large margin.
  2. Material is environmentally friendly. In the manufacture of boards and BRUSIV, logs are not processed by any chemicals.
  3. Constructions from the hill are reliably protected from wind and noise.
  4. Installation of this material does not represent complexity and does not require special knowledge in construction.
  5. The processed elements from the porridge are beautiful, and often become details of the decor in fences.
  6. The fence from this material does not require the construction of a heavy foundation, you can simply determine the base of the pillar.

Among the disadvantages allocate:

  1. One side of each hill board is covered with a bark. It must be deleted, as it will later become a great place for the vital activity of insects of wood and the reproduction of fungi.
  2. Before using for construction purposes, wood needs to be treated with antifungal impregnations and antiseptic means

Photo Gallery: Hard Fence Options

The carving of each dice decorates the whole design
The distance between the wood visually makes the smooth section
The gorny is perfectly combined with stone pillars, metal frame and tile
The fence will be careful if selecting the dies of the same size
Fastening the material by the method of "Christmas tree" creates the impression of the magnitude of the fence
Ordinary flower beds on a massive fence will make it more attractive

Preparing for construction: Calculation of the area for the fence

The fence from the porridge will not take a lot of useful area of \u200b\u200bthe site. Calculations should be carried out on its grounds. The diameter of the well for concreting a pillar depends on its thickness.

The width of the span should be no more than 200-250 cm. If it is more made more, then the fence will become small.

The height of the fence must be made from 150 to 220 cm.

Knowing the size of the flaps of the fence, it is not difficult to calculate its area so that with further calculations to determine the total value. For this, it is necessary to recall the school course of geometry, namely the formula of finding the figure of the figure (S \u003d A b, where a is the width of the span, B - length).

Suppose, a \u003d 1.8 m, b \u003d 2.3 m, which means the area is 4.14 m².

4,14 6.52 \u003d 26.99 m². The number needs to be rounded up to 27 m².

How to choose an unedged board

When choosing, you should give preference to the material laid in the pack, as it has already sorted wood in it.

It is also necessary to take into account the tree of the tree, for example, the poplar is not suitable for the construction of the fence. This is due to the fact that after a while such a porch will begin to rot. It should also be carefully treated for wood from birch, since when drying it becomes hard. To score a nail into dry birches problematically, which means that the electric drill will have to drill holes for each nail.

If you drive nails into a wet birch wood, then when the material is drying, they will get out, and the porridge is swollen.

The cheaper the horn, the greater the bitch, irregularities and other defects. Therefore, without a grinding machine, it is not necessary to do here.

If you bought a wet material, then dry it is not necessary under the sunny rays, but in the shaded place outdoors. Otherwise, the hill will quickly disperse. As a result, deep cracks will appear on its surface.

It is not necessary to choose a porch, whose width is greater than 20-25 cm. This is explained by the fact that there will be large cracks on this wood, passing horizontally along the entire length.

If the gorny is horizontally, it is not worth it for this to choose too narrow boards. The fence will look unesthetically.

Choosing a norbral need to take into account that after a while, it will become 1.5-2 cm. This will occur as a result of drying wood. Therefore, the laying should be made with the allen.

Calculation of material

If the fence posts are concreted, then you need to know the total volume of the mixture.

A column foundation is used on a plot with soft soil (height - 70 cm, diameter - 20 cm). To find out how much cement for one post you will need, you need to use the geometric formula of finding this value for the cylinder (V \u003d πr²h, where π is a mathematical value of 3.14; R - the radius of the figure; H is its height). We substitute the values: 3.14 0.2 0.7 \u003d 0.4396 m³. Now it is easy to determine the total volume of concrete required for all pillars in the fence. To do this, multiply this figure by the number of foundations. For example, if in the fence of 15 poles, it will require 6.594 m³ (0.4396 15) of the mixture.

By the same principle, the volume of the required amount of sand is calculated. For one column base, a layer of 10 cm thick is required. Knowing the diameter of the well is easy to make calculation. Substitute values \u200b\u200bfor calculating the cylinder volume: 3.14 0.2 01 \u003d 0.0628 m³ - sand is needed for one post. Now, if you have 15 spans, then the poles should be one more. Therefore, the entire sand will be needed 0.0628 16 \u003d 1.0048 m³.

Sustainability fecking the hard frame. As such, metal pipes with a square cross section are used with a width of 70-80 mm and a thickness of 2.5 to 4 mm. For the construction of a fence column, the pipe is placed in a hole to a depth of 100-120 cm, while the height above the ground is from 150 to 230 cm.

To build a fence from a porch, do not do without:

  • screw and bayonet shovel;
  • concrete mixer;
  • capacities for water and mixture;
  • grinding machine;
  • ax;
  • babel;
  • electric drills;
  • welding machine (if poles from metal);
  • cord and stakes;
  • construction level and plumb;
  • measuring tape measure;
  • bolts, nuts, washers, nails.

How to make a fence from a hill: step-by-step instruction

When all the necessary drawings are drawn up, the tools are prepared, the necessary materials are identified and acquired, you can begin the construction of the fence from the naked.

Before carrying out land, when digging the holes under the poles, it is extremely important to learn the composition of the soil, its point of freezing and the level of groundwater occurrence. It is of great importance, since the incorrectly selected base for the fence will lead to deformation or destruction of the construction.

The soil with a large content of sand during rain or after melting of snow can move, forming cracks or landslides. In this case, it is recommended to use screw piles as columns for the fence. They are screwed into the soil to the depth below the waterproof point.

Great content in the soil of clay and the sabees contributes to the deep freezing of the soil and makes it unstable. In such a soil, it is impossible to concrete pillars, since when frost occurs, the clay base is expanding, which is why the foundation is extruded outward, and the fence is deformed and loses its initial appearance. The impact on this weather precipitation is entitled to the formation of floors. Therefore, it is recommended to use screw piles.

The soil, as part of which there is a large amount of gravel, is not subject to deep freecy and displacement under the influence of moisture. This soil is ideal for pillars concreting.

Similar properties has a solid stone or soil from rock rocks, with the only difference that it is more solid. When building a fence at such a plot, all types of foundations can be used other than pile.

All work on making a fence from a hill consists of several steps:

  1. Before earthworks, it is necessary to prepare a hill to use. To do this, it is necessary to sort the material in form and sizes, remove the boring from each board. This is done not only to give wood a pleasant look. Thus, you will remove the favorable environment for habitat fungus, mold and zhukov-koroedov. For this, a carpenter has a carpentry. If there is no such tool, then sharp axes, knives or bayonet shovels will be effective. Then, with the help of a grinding machine, you need to make a smooth surface, removing burrs and chips of wood. After that, the hill is recommended to be treated with special antifungal agents and antiseptic substances.
  2. Now you can go to the land. First of all, you need to remove shrubs, stones and garbage on the site. The built-in zone should be dissolved so that small bumps do not interfere with the markup.
  3. Then you need to make marking with the designation of each well under the post. It depends on how much the fence will be located. For this use stretched cord and stakes.
  4. After that, in the marked areas you need to dig up the pits. To do during work, the earth did not appear inside the well, it is better to use a bayonet shovel, but a screw or special boring. The tool must be screwed into the soil and remove the content every 15 cm recess. Some builders with the same success apply the bur for drilling ice holes. The width of the wells should be 20 cm, depth 70 cm.
  5. Then, on the bottom of each of them you need to fall asleep sand and tamper it. So that the pillow is more dense, the bulk material must be moistened. A uniformly tumped layer must have a thickness of 10 cm. From above, it is necessary to pour gravel on it, a layer of 10 cm. It also needs to be pressed.
  6. Now it's time to set the supports in the well. If wooden columns are selected during construction, they are pre-treated with antifungal impregnations. That part of the material that will be in the ground, you need to burn and protect against moisture. Ruberoid or special liquid mastics based on bitumen can be used as a waterproofing material. If metal pipes are used as pillars, their ends need to be brewed so that the moisture does not fall inside. This material must be treated with special substances that protect metal from corrosion. To the columns you need to weld metal plates with a size of 5x10 cm. They are parallel to each other in the upper and lower part of the support. They will serve as fasteners for lags in the sections of the fence during the vertical installation of the hill.

    Prepared pillars to put in the wells. Using a sledgehammer or hammer, several blows on the upper end score them. So they are tightly put on the day of the wells. Using stretched cords, construction level and plumb, align the racks relative to the Earth and each other. To pillars remain in this position, you need to strengthen them with the stops. For this, boards or metal corners are suitable for at least 70 cm long. They must be installed in the following order: one ends of the material rests on the ground, and the other in the post.

    After that, you need to fall asleep into the holes with the pillars of a small layer of gravel. Evenly distribute it around the pillars and tamper.

    Since the concrete base will rise above the ground level by 10 cm, it is necessary to make a formwork that will hold an uncomfortable concrete. For this use wooden boards. It is manufactured by the design, in width equal to the planned base diameter. In this case, the formwork has the appearance of a box without a bottom, with a height of the walls of 15 cm. The frameworks of the frame are fixed with the help of self-tapping and nails. Then installed on the well. In order for this design when working, this design is not shifted, with each of its outer sides it is necessary to knock the stakes.

    Next, it is necessary to reinforce the concrete base. This frame will strengthen the column foundation and will not give it to collapse. To do this, make a volumetric frame from metal rods. As such, fittings are used with a diameter of 8 to 10 mm. These rods must be copped with a wire. As a result, a 50-cm tall design should be obtained. The distance between the rods is made taking into account the diameter of the pillar installed in the well. Armature should not touch him.

    Now everything is ready for pouring a column foundation. For these purposes, it is necessary to use concrete brand M 200. With the help of a concrete mixer, it is much more convenient to maintain a mixture in a homogeneous thick state.

    Pour the mixture into the wells with pillars and reinforcement installed in them so that concrete was 10 cm above the ground level. It should be noted that there are many air bubbles in the flooded mixture, and to remove them, use the reinforcement rod, which is lowered into the mixture and remove from it.

    When this procedure is completed, it is necessary to protect the concrete base from uneven soars and evaporation of moisture, which can lead to cracking of the base. For this, the foundation is covered with polyethylene or other waterproofing material. For the complete hardening of the mixture you need from 3 to 6 days. The lower the air and soil temperature, the longer this process continues.

    When the concrete base has become fully solid, you can start installing the fence sections. The hill to the columns can be fixed both vertically and horizontally. For the hill attaching vertically, the installation of the lag to which the dies will be cut off. They are fixed horizontally to the inner sides of the post in the upper and lower part. To make the fence, it looks more accurate, you should not install the hill in bulk. Due to the irregularities of the edge of the material, your fence will have an unclear look. Therefore, they leave small gaps. If you do not need gaps in the fence, the dice can be attached to the flashes. This method of installing the hill reminds "Christmas tree". There is another way - the slots are closed with mounted dies on the other side of the fence. Visually, it resembles a wooden shield with stamped boards.

    For the horizontal hill plant, it is necessary to use lags, it makes no sense, since the dies will simultaneously play the role of guides. As in the previous method, the material is attached to the columns. Installing the poverty dies must be started below. The lower edge of each subsequent boards must be attached to the sparkle to the previous one. If this distance is to leave less than 10-15 cm, with time, slots will appear in the fence. This is explained by the fact that when drying, wood can be squeezed on the specified value. The optimal width of the fence plate with a horizontal fastening is between 20 to 30 cm. If the material is wider, then cracks will occur when dried in its middle. It is not necessary to use narrower dskens, since the design will have an inesttic look.

If the fence is located in the open sun, it is stronger prone to moisture drops and drying. In this case, painting in paints of deep penetration is required.

Before applying antiseptics or paint the surface of the hill, you need to remove the old paint, mold, damage from rotting. From how qualitatively you will do it, the durability of the protective layer service depends.

Effective folk remedies for the protection of the fence from the hill are:

  1. Processing of the surface of the fence of waste machine oil. This is a means popular among dacms and gardeners. Wood treated with such a means is unsuitable for the vital activity of microorganisms. Moisture will not be absorbed into the hill. Criminals will not want to leather through such a fence, as it is dirty, respectively, no one will steal such boards. Therefore, this tool is very convenient and accessible.
  2. Another equally efficient means is wood processing with iron or copper vitrios.
  3. Widely used paint prepared paint. In the people, it is called "Swedish".
It has proven itself a means for wood processing - liquid pergamine. It is designed specifically to protect this material in wet conditions. Its main components are antiseptics and herbicides. Pergamine penetrates the pores of the material, displacing the water. In the process of polymerization, it clogs the pores of the wood, creating mushrooms unsuitable for life and bacteria conditions.

How to make a "swedish" paint with your own hands

The recipe for its preparation is easy. For the manufacture of 1000 g (if there is exact 1030 g), the following ingredients are needed:
  • olife - 53 ml;
  • rye flour - 97 g;
  • iron or copper sipop - 43 g;
  • salt - 43 g;
  • surik Iron - 43 g;
  • color;
  • water is 750 ml.
This quantity is enough to process 3.5 m² of surface. The paint is applied on wood in two layers. Such treatment will reliably protect the fence for 15-20 years. For the facade part of the fence from the bastard, it is better to use impregnation and processing agents of proven firms, such as: "Belinka", "neomid", "Pinotex".

How and how to decorate a fence of a hill in the country

Using a hornbeam as a building material for the construction of a fence, many difficult to imagine that their fence can be made beautiful. You do not need to be a designer and have an artistic education to enjoy this fence.

The material has a natural natural look. The horn is very well combined with a stone, brick, foam block and metal.

This material is often used to build sections of the fence with stone columns. A completely different look acquires a fence from the porch, if the upper edge is not even, but for example, arcuate. Conventional kashpo with flowers raised in a checker manner, convert a rough design.

It is possible to make curly rods using a hacksaw or a grinder on the ends of each dice. In the fence sections, they will look unusual and attractive.

It looks very beautifully a fence from the porch, on the top edge of which is located a small duplex roof. It has a finished look, and resembles ancient Russian or Scandinavian fences.

The top ends of the vertically set dies of the hill can be made cone-shaped. Such a fence will have a type of paling.

It looks unusually and beautifully a fence in which the gorny dies are fixed by vertically by the "Christmas tree" method.

Video: Beautiful fence and hill

Gorny must be considered as a full-fledged building material. The fact that it is a waste production does not make it suitable only for the construction of temporary fences. It fits into the landscape and is combined with buildings from other materials. The methods of processing and mounting the norbal is so simple that it is very easy to build a fence from it.