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What paint is better to paint the house from the bar. Painting of the house from Bruus: order of work. Material selection options

Thanks to excellent construction characteristics, a wooden bar is often used in the construction of houses. However, additional protection for any type of wood never hurts, so the walls are often covered with paints or special impregnations. Together with increasing operational characteristics of the painting of the house from the bar makes the facade more attractive, and the interior is more cozy.

Painting - the process of time-consuming and in some cases requires the involvement of professionals, but with a large desire and a certain experience, it is possible to try painting the facade or interior walls on their own.

Main goals Painting

The bar has many advantages over artificial building materials and even over a cylindrical log, but only after pre-processing or applying specially selected coatings.

Painting has several goals:

  • preventing the reproduction of microorganisms, spread in the wood;
  • reducing the effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • protection of the surface of the bar from climatic influences, including precipitation, temperature differences;
  • raising the fire resistance of the material;
  • underline the originality of the design.

To achieve these goals, the painting of the walls should be carried out not only in accordance with the technology, but also with the use of properly selected quality coating material.

Selecting paint

In the market of paints and varnishes, funds of various composition and cost are presented. To optimally select the finishing of the facade or inner walls from the bar, you need to determine the priority requirements for the surface.

From a number of funds that can be used to dye wood, the following types of paints are distinguished:

  • water based. An excellent option for those who seek to preserve some natural properties that originally possesses a house from a bar. The means are well absorbed, to a certain extent protect the surface, do not violate the natural circulation processes, allow wood to breathe, do not have a sharp specific smell. Recommended for use mainly indoors, as they do not differ in high wear resistance;
  • oilly based. Oil base allows you to create a film that protects against chemical and mechanical influences on the surface, which is why it is suitable for outdoor painting of houses. So that the tool is completely dry, it will take at least a day, the bar after painting will have a specific smell, it will not be completely eliminated. Throughout a long time, insects will not be treated in such wood, the rot will not spread. Oil paints are available on the basis of natural oils, there is a budget option - synthetic oil;
  • on wax basis. Those who have in priority to use the minimum number of chemical agents, it is worth choosing paints on a wax basis. They are also released in the form of mastic, impregnation. Apply for interior decoration, simultaneously protecting the bar from moisture exposure and emphasizing the natural beauty of the tree. Waxing compositions retain most of the original properties of the bar, including if it is glued. The composition may be a transparent or colored shade with a lesing effect;
  • based on organic solvents. An example here can be alkyd paints. They are resistant to moisture, have a bright color, relatively quickly dry and easily applied on log surfaces and timber.

The most common paint applied in the tree is acrylic. It is characterized by high practicality, resistance to ultraviolet, and also allows you to protect the wooden house comprehensively.

Note! Acrylic paints can be used inside and outside the house, besides, on the basis of acrylate, a large number of transparent compositions are produced, which love to apply the owners of wooden brushes.

Each of the categories has its own characteristics, a separate classification and application technology. For any designer performance there is its own color gamut, it is possible to achieve a certain effect, such as frostedness or light glitter. If you wish, you can choose a varnish or paint with any composition, but to save the properties of the natural tree, it is recommended to give preference to natural finish, especially if you need to paint the timber inside the residential building.

Differences in outdoor and internal processing

The painting of the facade of the building and the decoration of the inner walls in the house from the bar is distinguished by the selection of the material applied. The main criterion is the composition, on which the functionality of the means and the influence of it on human health.

Usually means for painting a cut outside are more expensive in price than compositions for internal processing. Requirements for each of the types of coating.

For internal or interior staining, such items are important:

  • safety, environmental friendliness, lack of aggressive components that negatively affect well-being;
  • the ability to execute various design solutions. This is a variety of color solutions, imitation of individual wood species or other materials, giving additional surface effects;
  • paints must dry up quickly, not to have a specific resistant smell;
  • ease of care.

These requirements are responsible mainly to water based on water, but there are also some types of paints with synthetic components allowed for use in rooms, including acrylic varnishes.

If we consider the characteristics of the facade paint for the house from the bar, then it is more important for the resistance to climatic influences, including temperature differences, increased humidity. It must confront mechanical loads, possess vapor permeability, which is especially important if the house is erected from the bar.

Facade impregnation or paint must have certain flame retardant properties, resistance to biological effects in the form of microorganisms, insects, mold, fungi.

In order for paint to fit the basic requirements, it should include special chemical compounds that are undesirable for funds applicable to staining walls in the room.


High-quality house painting assumes a certain sequence and technhylability of actions. Phased this process can be represented as follows.

Initially, it is necessary to remove the old coating, which is relevant for houses that have previously painted. Then there is a cleaning of the surface from dirt, alignment, if necessary, seal defects. To the paint lay well on the bar, you need to polish it. The surface of the grinded timber looks very beautiful, so transparent and lesing materials are used sometimes for processing.

You need a device for grinding, using which you need carefully. If you do not have experience in such work, it is better to practice. Excessive effort immediately will form irregularities, eliminate them problematic and long.

Note! Mandatory before painting or varnishing it is necessary to apply primer, preferably the same brand as the main composition.

Prior to that, you can use antiseptics or other means that ensure the protective effect. They are selected in advance depending on the requirements, apply them according to the instructions.

After drying the preparatory layer, the coating of the bar of the main paint begins. It is important to do this, taking into account the recommendations of the producer itself, since for each type of material there are features of application. Usually, the paint is superimposed in several layers with preliminary drying of the previous one.

On top of the paint you can apply a lacquer coating. It forms a peculiar film that protects the surface and makes it aesthetically more attractive.

At first glance, painting at home seems simple task, but for beginners in construction, this event can delay, and the quality will be dubious. In addition, it is necessary to have a paintopult, since the painting of large areas manually perform difficult.

If there is no experience and coloring of the bar need to be held in the shortest possible time, it is better to work to entrust specialists providing a guarantee for their services.

Color the walls of a log of a bar outside means to protect the house from a negative external influence and give it a unique appearance. For all types of timber use the same coatings. The differences between the outer color only in the coating. For the street, it is mainly used impregnation and paints on an oil-based basis, persistent and durable. About how to paint a log house from a bar outside speak numerous forums on the Internet, we summarized the most popular methods in one article.

Painting houses from the bar from the outside should carry two main functions: protective and decorating. It is possible to decorate with the help of transparent compositions, or colorable which will hide all irregularities and disadvantages.

As an impregnation outside on the forums, it is proposed to use natural mastic. It will prevent the development of microbes and mold. But mastic will make the walls darker, but all defects will be painted. This option is not suitable for the profiled or glued bar, whose texture I want to emphasize.

Ticcuril Vinha - an excellent solution for painting houses from a bar

In winter, for the construction of a house from a bar, the forum participants propose to use Olifa diluting it pre-gasoline or white alcohol. Olife is good in that in the process of coverage, dust and garbage will not be pester. Also, up to -5 degrees fits parquet oil, but it is more difficult to work with it, since condensate accumulates on the surface.

The forum also says that the coverage of external walls is not recommended with dark compositions, since in the summer time the walls will be very hot.

To protect the construction of the house from the profiled bar from the blue and mold on the forum, it is proposed to use an antiseptic from valtikolor. They write on the forum that she keeps 7-8 years old. Those who stayed Ticcuril Vinha complain that when dried, he begins to crumble and crumble. But this may occur due to unlaigned technology or at a low temperature. A colorable antiseptic behaves well from Finkolor Spil Decor. Besides, he has low cost from 125 rubles.

Also participants of the forum discussed, the better the walls to paint the walls. When painting, paint loss pulverizer make up about 20%, but here much depends on weather conditions. In the wind loss more in dry calm weather less. This method is good to use for painting inexpensive means of the type of snow 107, for expensive, such as ticcurila (cost from 250 rubles.) It is better to take a roller or brush.

How to paint outdoor walls?

Building a house from a bar in 80% of the owners prefer to preserve the appearance of natural wood, especially if it is the construction of a house from a glued timber. If the house is built from a simple bar, then cheaper to hide it for the finish than to systematically paint.

To protect the timber and giving it the brilliance use paints of two types:

  1. On a natural basis (oil, water, clay, etc.)
  2. Synthetic (based on synthetic components).

And then painted with a matte composition

Paints for the facade of the house of the bar can be classified on:

  1. Half-timed;
  2. Matte;
  3. Semi-man;
  4. Glossy.

Of all manufacturers, it is better to choose those who are present on the market for more than 10 years. They have nothing to spoil their reputation and offer to the buyer poor-quality coverage.

The European method of covering the facade becomes more and more popular lately. According to this technique, you can take any paint that you like, but on top it must be covered with natural varnish. Thanks to such a double technology, the surface will be smooth, and the varnish will not leave the lip. So the facade will acquire the most attractive appearance.

Facade painting technology

To work, you will need a tool:

  1. Roller or tassel.
  2. Grinding machine with the small nozzle for planed timber or with several nozzles for easy.
  3. Primer - antiseptic.
  4. Paintwork.
  5. Brush.

The first step is cleared the facade from dust and dirt. Then gripped. From how qualitatively, the surface will depend on the quality of painting. About how to grind the timber, we have already spoken here. After departure, it is necessary to clean the prepared surface from dust using a brush.

Attention! You can quickly clean the surface with a simple vacuum cleaner with a blowing function.

The second stage is applied primer. The primer is better to apply in two layers, you need to handle all bends and cracks. The second layer is applied after complete grazing of the first (30-60 minutes).

A third stage is applied paintwork. It is necessary to paint the outer wall in 2-3 layers. How much it dries each will envy on the type of paint. Typically, this time is indicated on the package.

If the color is carried out with a brush, then you need to drive only vertically. Horizontal smears will be uneven, and the bar is poorly painted. You can paint the walls of the house from the bar with your own hands, but if there are no skills, but the time you need to use the services of professionals.

How much is it worth paining the facade of a brusade house

The cost of painting in all regions is not much different. It depends on:

  1. Do you need painting of frontones.
  2. What kind of height work will occur.
  3. Professionals or lovers work.
  4. How many layers need to be painted.
  5. Need or not pre-grinding, etc.

Painting the walls of the house from the bar outside is always more profitable with your own hands. But before starting the work, you calculate whether it will be more profitable to make a ventilated facade, given the repaint every 3-4 years and additional insulation.

Reflecting on how to paint the house from the bar outside, it is necessary to remember that painting for a bar is not only a decorative element, but also protection against negative impacts of the external environment, ensuring safety and durability.

In painting at home from a bar must include: antiseptic wood processing and lacquer coating or paint.

Have a country house or cottage - the dream of many city inhabitants and especially megacities. Permanent urban noise, stuffiness, crowds of the people on the streets are very tired and cause a desire to retire in a quiet place, breathe fresh air, chat with nature. Therefore, a comfortable country house is often not just material ownership, but a vital necessity.

Do not everyone may afford the purchase of a finished country house. But the house on the country site can be built with their own hands. This will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and the result will be exactly what the owner of the future structure is required. Especially if all the preliminary actions were made competently, thoroughly, intelligently: the choice of the site, the project of the future home, drawing up the estimates, planning of construction work, the choice of material.

The main thing is to rise in building at home, remember that it will require certain costs of time, labor, cash. Getting Started by the construction of a country house, you need to carefully examine the information on the materials presented in the market, consult with specialists and with those who have already passed along this path.

What is good home from a bar

After the site was chosen, the size and layout of the future home are invented, you need to decide on the choice of material for it. This is the main question. Depending on which the house will be built, the question of the necessary foundation, insulation, etc. is solved.

Currently, a timber is considered one of the most popular materials for country buildings: calibrated, glued or profiled. It is environmentally friendly, relatively inexpensive material with good thermal insulation properties.

Under the construction of the house from the bar does not require laying a massive foundation. The technique will only need to deliver the material to the place of construction. All this significantly reduces the cost of the house and facilitates construction.

In addition to the main house from the bar, you can also build a flaghel, mezzanine, summer kitchen, bath or sauna. For household buildings, this material is not used.

The insulation of the walls of the house from the profiled or any other bar is made of natural (moss, palable, etc.) or modern synthetic materials. For the home heating at the cold season, it is best to install an electrical or gas boiler with a steam heating system.

Finish ready home from timber

Proper painting of the house from the bar is a very important point. The decision of this issue should be related to special attention, because it depends not only by the appearance of the construction, but also its preservation and durability. Properly selected coating will protect the house from corrosion, rot, fungus, mold and other factors that reduce its service life. Waterproofing and protection against direct sunlight will also help the preservation of the initial qualities of wood and its natural color.

Basic Rules Painting

Apply an antiseptic on wood is needed with a brush with a rigid natural pile.

The outer painting of the brusade house is carried out in the case when the developer decides to refuse to apply any finishing materials. Before painting a house from a bar with natural humidity, the whole design must be carefully dryed. Paintworks are better at dry surface.

After drying the walls of the cut, they are cleaned from natural pollution and grind carefully. This will increase the quality of painting. Coloring dust is removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner, put on blowing mode.

A primer (antiseptic) is applied to the surface thus prepared. The primer must be applied to all natural or artificial irregularities of timber: bends, cracks, small chips. The primer will usually dry no more than an hour. After that, it must be applied by the second layer.

Only after re-drying the primer composition can be applied paintwork. It is also applied twice or three times. The dryer of each layer should be carried out according to the technical instructions on the package.

Apply finishing materials better with a brush or sprayer. The main thing is to remember that the brush should only move vertically. Paints and varnishes, applied by horizontal movements, fall unevenly, insufficiently crushing the bar and look very inaccurated.

What materials are better to use

The choice of exterior decoration of the wooden house from the bar depends on the construction of the material. A house from a calibrated or profiled timber will be more practical to cover the outside of various finishing materials. In this case, you do not have to constantly update painting. The house from glued bar is better to paint.

Usually the painting of houses from the glued timber is carried out using natural coloring compositions. This contributes to the preservation of the natural type of wood, its environmental qualities, and is also safer for residents at home than, for example, synthetic compounds.

For the outer painting of the finished brusade house, painting compositions made on the basis of natural materials are used: clays, oils, water, etc. It should be remembered that the painting of the house from the glued bar with synthetic coloring compositions is extremely undesirable.

Facade paints can be matte or semiam, glossy or semi-shy. For timber used:

  • acrylates;
  • antiseptics;
  • oil paints.

Acrylic coloring compositions have high strength, are well applied and do not require constant updates. Their main minus is the high cost.

To work, you will need: roller, brushes, rags and so on.

Antiseptic compositions are made of organic substances, water and various additives. The dried antiseptics protect the painted surface well. The main minus of antiseptic compositions is low stability and long drying after applying.

Oil paints are still considered the most economical and reliable. Their popularity is ensured by high protective properties and low prices. The main disadvantages of oil-based compounds: long drying and exposure of painted burnout surfaces, cracking and small chips.

After applying paint and complete drying of the painted surface, it is also recommended to apply a layer of natural varnish. This will help consolidate the paint and further align the surface, because the varnish, as a rule, falls without incl.

When choosing a specific composition, it is better to give preference to products of well-known manufacturers. Their long-standing presence in the market of sales of this product will be the key to the quality of the goods offered. Reduce your rating by poor-quality product, the well-known manufacturer is unlikely to want.

Inner painting of a wooden house

Painting timber inside the house is also a very important point of finishing work. Painted walls from the bar look much better and become more resistant to the effects of moisture, temperature changes, mechanical damage.

It is better to use special paints for the internal processing of the bar. These compositions have high strength, various colors, stability and long retain a bright and fresh look, providing additional deformation protection.

To emphasize the natural aesthetics of the bar from the inside of the walls using wax, olifes or special oils. Small natural flaws of walls from a bar can be covered with mastic, which will not only help level the walls, but also give them special velvety.

Properly selected and neatly applied paints and varnish materials will protect and decorate the house from the bar. The tastefully decorated interior will give a country house special comfort. This will make such a lodge a great place to relax the owner of the house, his family and friends.

Painting the house from the bar outside implies a whole complex of work, which lies in the right choice of paint, surface preparation, and so on. For cutting cut, you can use a wide variety of paints. They can be bright, dark, bright and so on.

However, in most cases, a person is trying to preserve the pristine beauty of the natural tree, so it uses transparent or translucent paints to paint a house from a bar outside. So, as mentioned earlier, the painting of the house outside is a rather complicated process. However, in any case, it is best to do with your own hands.

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Preparatory process

Often painting at home from the bar is accompanied by very large-scale preparatory work. This is not strange, because if you do not provide all possible nuances, then the likelihood that the work will be made not at the proper level, and this cannot be allowed. That is why it is necessary to prepare in advance, namely, the following nuances take into account.

The paint necessarily needs to be breeding in strict accordance with the instructions. Here you need to take into account all the factors that will affect one or another layer. Special attention in the preparation process should be given to the first layer.

Before the start of work related to the painting house from the bar outside, it is worth spending its surface to remove everything too much that could accumulate between the logs. Otherwise, the places where the dirt or the remains of the chips can quickly change the color.

In case the painting of the house outside is carried out by ordinary brushes, you can apply only two layers of paint. If the kraaspult is used for these purposes, then you can walk 3-4 times one by the same place.

It is also worth remembering that from what tool will be used for painting, directly depends on how the house will look like. If here we are talking about the use of collapse, the surface will necessarily get a glossy, that is, shiny. If an ordinary brush or roller is used when painting, it will be matte.

Before proceeding with painting, the log house must be seized. And this is necessary to do as much as possible. Otherwise, roughness remains on the wall surface, which will then detect themselves during surface harvesting. This should be avoided.

Do not trust the color that takes place on the reference painted plate. In any case, it will be another on the wall. This happens not because manufacturers are cheating their customers, and because the area of \u200b\u200bstaining will be very different from the one that is used as a test. This is not to be afraid, since the shade will not differ much.

By the way, above mentioned some tools. Mostly you will need:

  • brushes;
  • roller;
  • empty tanks;
  • kraspopult;
  • sandpaper;
  • stairs;
  • some unnecessary clothing;
  • gloves.

If the construction time is delayed, then the likelihood that the log house in different places will have an unequal tonality. In this case, you will have to pre-do the surface color alignment. It is made extremely simple. A chemical bleach is applied to the wall before painting. Only after that the wall should be painted with the selected paint or varnish.

Before painting, it is worth thinking about the fact that after this process neither outside the house, nor from the inside will not smell the fresh smell of the tree. Any paint will instantly destroy this fragrance. And even one layer is quite enough. The only thing that remains is the properties of wood for which people and love wooden houses.

All those tools that can be applied to wood are divided into two large groups - lacquer and flaky. The first option forms a protective film on the surface of the tree, which protects it from external influences. The second type of coating is characterized by a short service life, which is often limited to five years. It also does not create a protective layer on the surface, but penetrates the wood.

It is best to use varnishes that have an acrylic basis. They have an elastic basis, which in the drying process of the tree will not collapse.

For external work, a wide variety of paints and varnishes can be used. What option to choose? It is worth talking about it in more detail. So, it is worth talking about the basic characteristics of the paints, which are used today for painting wooden houses outside.

  1. Oil paints. Used very rarely for painting houses outside. They are very sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet rays. They have a negative effect on them. Quickly quickly the surface, which is painted precisely such paint, comes in disrepair, that is, she simply changes its color.
  2. Alkyd paints. Poorly suitable for use outside wooden buildings. Here, rather, we can talk about metal or plastered surfaces.
  3. Emulsion paints coped well with the water that falls on them. They do not burn out in the sun. They are very similar to adhesive paints, which, over time, washed out with water. It is unacceptable for outdoor painting at home from the bar, so they should not be taken as the basis.
  4. Silicate paints, based on liquid glass, are also not used to apply on wooden surfaces. They are most often applied only on plastered, stone or concrete walls. And here we can also be conducted about outdoor use.
  5. Water dispersive paint can be used for outdoor painting at home from the bar. By the way, they are very easy to use and allow the surface to be applied to breathe.
  6. Acrylic paints are one of the best options that is used to cover the walls outside. They are easily flushed with water until they are completely dried. They are practically not susceptible to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Their durability may envy any other type of paintwork, which is used for the outer painting of walls from the bar.

Any paint has a number of parameters for which it is mandatory to pay attention to when choosing a specific option. For example, a gloss indicator shows how glittering the surface will be. This kind of paint has a number of shortcomings. All of them show a wide variety of defects on the surface, as well as cracks and focus on roughness.

However, they have one tangible plus. It lies in the fact that there is enough easy to care for a similar surface. It can be wiped with an ordinary cloth, after which it will take.

Some features

Drying speed in various types of paints is not the same. In this case, the paints dry out faster, which are made on volatile solvents and those that have an emulsion base. Oil colors will dry longer. If you add sent to any paint, it will dry out much faster than the ordinary standard option.

Another very important indicator for any paint, which is used for outdoor painting at home is light-resistance.

This parameter characterizes how the bright coating will be overwhelmed over time under the action of ultraviolet rays. Very important parameter, if we are talking about outdoor painting at home.

Thus, there is a huge number of a wide variety of paint species, which are used to apply to one or another surface. Best of all, acrylic paints are suitable for outdoor work. They are easily applied, besides, almost in a few moments dry out. A good option for everyone who decided to paint your own home.

It is worth noting that all kinds of paints that are applied to the surface of the house from the bar must be characterized by high resistance to the rays of ultraviolet. It is very detrimental for many types of paints and varnishes.

When painting the surface of the walls, it is mandatory to take into account the set of nuances that allow you to maximize the quality of processing. What exactly should be taken into account was described a little earlier. If you ignore them, then the likelihood is that the coating will be disintegrate and work will have to redo from the very beginning.

Painting houses from the bar outside gives not only a unique appearance of the house, but also protects it from negative external influence. For all types of timber, the same coating is applied. The differences between the outer color consist only in the coating. Mostly for the street, paints and impregnations are used on an oil basis, durable and persistent. About how to paint a log house from a bar outside, you probably read a lot on numerous construction forums. We tried to summarize all the most common methods in one article.

What they write about painting at home from the bar outside on the forums

Painting of the house from the bar outside has two functions: decorating and protective. You can decorate with transparent or colorful compositions that hide all flaws and irregularities.

As impregnation, it is proposed to use natural mastic. It allows you to prevent the development of mold and microbes. However, mastic will make the walls with dark, but the defects will be exactly painted. This option is not suitable for glued or profiled bar, whose texture you plan to emphasize.

In winter, for the construction of a house from a bar, members of the Forumchani offered to use Olif, diluting it with pre-White alcohol or gasoline. Olife, first of all, is good because the garbage and dust will not be pester during the coating. Also up to -5 degrees can use parquet oil. Only it is much more difficult to work with it, because condensate often accumulates on the surface.

To protect the house from a bar from mold and blue forum, the forum is offered to use the Valtikol antiseptic. It holds around 7-8 years. Those who have already tried to use Ticcurila Vinha complaining that during drying it crepts and crumbs. However, this may occur due to too low temperatures or incorrect technology. Perfectly behaves the antiseptic from "Finkolor Spiel Decor". Plus it has a low price.

In addition, members of the forums are actively discussing that it is better to choose for painting the wall. Making painting from a spray gun, paint losses are about 20%, but it depends on the weather here. Losses in the wind more than in calm dry weather. This approach is recommended to use for painting cheap tools, according to the type of "Snezha 107", the expensive better apply to a brush or roller.

In the event that the construction time is strongly delayed, then there is a high probability that the log house in various places will differ in an unequal tonality. In this case, it is necessary to pre-play the color level alignment. Although it is very easy to do. Before painting on the wall, a chemical bleach is applied. Then the wall should be painted with a selected varnish or paint.

Color selection for painting houses from a bar

Before proceeding with painting, it is worth thoroughly thinking about the fact that after this process neither inside, nor outside the house there will be no fresh smell of wood. Each paint will quickly destroy this fragrance. At the same time, even one layer is quite enough. The only thing that remains is the positive properties of wood, for which we actually love wooden houses.

All means that are intended for wood are divided into two large groups - flaky and varnish. The last option forms a protective string on the surface, protects it from external influences. The first type of coating is characterized by a long service life, which is often limited to five years. It also creates a protective layer on the surface, but penetrates the wood.

For external work, they advise the use of a variety of varnishes and paints. What kind of choose them? This question is worth considering in more detail. First of all, it is worth talking about the main characteristics of the paint used for painting houses from the bar outside.

Collector paint

  • Alkyd paints. Not suitable for painting wooden buildings outside. Rather, there is talking about plastered or metal surfaces.
  • Oil paints. For painting houses outside used extremely rarely. They are sensitive to the effects of UV rays that have a negative consequence on them. The surface painted with paint quickly comes in disrepair, that is, it simply changes its color.
  • Emulsion paints are perfectly coping with the water that penetrates them. They never burn out in the sun. They are similar to adhesive paints, which over time can be washed out with water. For the outdoor painting of a wooden house, it is unacceptable, so you should not take them as a basis.
  • Silicate paints. They are based on liquid glass, so they are not taken to apply on wooden surfaces. Most often they are applied only on stone, concrete or plastered walls. Moreover, they can be used for outdoor work.
  • Water paints. They are often used to outdoor painting of the brusade house. They are easy to use and allow you to breathe the surface on which they were applied.
  • One of the best options are acrylic paints. They are used to cover the walls of the house outside. They are easy to rinse with water until they have never been dried. They are almost not exposed to the negative impact of UV rays. As for their durability, they present high competition to any other type of paintwork, which is used for outdoor painting of walls.
Each paint has many parameters for which you want to pay attention to when selecting a specific option. For example, a gloss indicator shows how to glisten the surface. Unfortunately, this kind of paint has many flaws. All of them show different defects on the surface, including cracks, and focus on surface roughness.

But they have one significant advantage that is that it is easy to care for this surface. You can wipe it with an ordinary cloth, and she will take again.

What is better to paint outdoor walls?

In 80% of cases, those who build a house from a bar prefer the appearance of wood, especially if it concerns the construction of a house from glued timber. In the event that the house is built from a regular bar, it is better to hide it for the finish than periodically painting.

To protect timber, as well as giving it glitter use two types of paint:

  1. On a natural basis (clay, water, oil, etc.).
  2. Synthetic, based on synthetic components.

Paints for the facade of the house can be classified on:

  • matte;
  • half-timed;
  • glossy;
  • semi-man.

In recent years, the European Wall Covering Method enjoys high demand. According to this technique, you can use any paint, but it must be covered on top natural varnish. Such a double technology makes a flat surface, and the varnish leaves no lint. Thus, the facade acquires a particularly attractive view.

Painting facade: technology

To work, you will need the following tool:

  • tassel or roller;
  • grinding machine with a shallow nozzle for a planed timber or two nozzles for a simple;
  • paintwork;
  • primer - antiseptic;
  • brush.

The first thing is cleared the facade from dirt and dust, after which it is grouped. The quality of the painted surface depends on the quality of the observed surface. After departure, it is necessary to clean the prepared surface with the brush.

Attention! Clean the surface is as quickly possible using a conventional vacuum cleaner with a reveal function. The next stage is the applying of primer. It is recommended to apply in two layers, treating all cracks and bends. The second layer should be applied only after drying the first, namely after 30-60 minutes.

The next step is to apply paintwork. The outer wall should be painted in two or three layers. How much it dries each of them, directly depends on the type of paint. As a rule, it is indicated on the packaging.

If you use a brush for coloring, then you need to drive only vertically. Otherwise, the smears will be uneven, and the quality of painting will suffer. You can paint the walls of the house from the bar outside you can you, especially since we provide photos and a video of this process, but if you do not have time and skills, it is better to resort to the help of specialists.

Some features of painting of walls from a bar outside

Drying speed in different types of paint differs. Moreover, the paints are drying up faster on volatile solvents, and those that have a water-emulsion basis. Oil paints will dry longer than all. If you add a sequiva to the paint, it will dry much faster than a simple classic option.

Attention! Another important indicator for paint used for outdoor painting of walls is light-resistance.

Such a parameter characterizes how the bright coating will strongly fade with time under the influence of ultraviolet rays. An important parameter, if we are talking about painting at home outside.

As you can see, there are a variety of paints used for applying to a certain surface. For external work with wood, acrylic paints are best suited. They are very easy to apply and quickly dry out. Excellent option for those who decided to paint their home.

It is impossible not to note that all kinds of paints applied to the surface of the house from the tree should be highly resistant to UV rays. For many paints, they are very detrimental.

When painting walls, we recommend considering a huge number of nuances that allow you to improve the final result. What moments need to be considered, we described above. If you ignore them, then there is a high probability that the coating will be low-quality, and you need to redo work from the very beginning.

How much it will cost Painting the facade of the Bruce House

The cost of painting in the regions is not very different. It depends on:

  • whether the color of the frontones is required;
  • lovers and professionals work;
  • at what height work occurs;
  • how many layers need to be painted;
  • will pre-grinding need.

Naturally, paint the walls of the house from the bar outside is much more profitable with your own hands. However, before starting work, calculate whether it will be not more profitable to equip the ventilated facade, given the need for repainting every three or four years and additional insulation.
