Repairs Design Furniture

Hosts grade and types of care. Green garden decoration - host, types, landing and care. Flower care in winter time

Description and features of the Host Flower

Host flower many years oldwhich is able to serve as an excellent scenery for any site. Home Raisin hosti. Not in her bloom, but in a big and juicy foliage.

Its leaves can be of different shapes and have all sorts of shade. Leaves can be both green and blue, with a golden tinge or even striped. In September, the leaves become yellowish-golden and such an amazing color will be kept until frost.

The hosts are called "Queen of Shadows" and there is a reason for this. After all, this flower adores more shady terrain. He will grow perfectly there. In the US, the host is considered very popular. Numerous gardeners - professionals and lovers wish to buy it.

Host has a lot positive Parties. He is not whimsical and perfectly feels in the shady places of the garden. Not a gift it is the host ranks first among those who loved annuals. Every year she grows and becomes more magnificent and more attractive. Her foliage acquires a brighter color and gaining power.

On the photo of the chost flower It can once again prove its superiority and beauty. Many people prefer host leaves in addition to any landscape composition.

In the garden of the chost flower Will perfectly complete any composition. The host in the garden behaves like the queen among the rest and plants. The breeding of the host people are engaged in long ago, thanks to the selection of completely new varieties. In America, there are about 2000 species of this flower.

Types of chost flower

The plantain host is the most popular. Foliage large, saturated green color. During flowering, flowers are slightly reminiscent of white bells. Suitable place of residence - wet and shady spaces.

On the photo of the plantain host

Green Fontein - Large leaves, bright green colors. Length of such leaves up to 8 cm. Flowers are not large with a lavender tint.

Host Green Fontaine

White Cairned marginat - green leaves, and they have white edges. It will be perfectly looking at the scenery in the garden. Flowers of such a variety are white, and may also have a shade lilac color or be violet.

On photo Flower Host White Cairned Marginat

Host flower varieties

Colors of Host Have a wide variety and are able to satisfy every taste of the consumer.

Night before christmas - leaves, compacted green, they are decorated with white stripes in the middle. Flowers of beautiful lavender color. This host grows up to 50 cm high.

Host flower night before christmas

Alex Summers - the largest side of the vase. The leaves are fleshy, green with a blue tint, and the edges are golden. Lilac shade.

Host Alex Summers

Allegman Fogh - Emerald Green Leaves with a White Center. The grade is distinguished by the fact that the leaves are twisted. Purple flowers, bloom height up to 40 cm.

Alleghan Fog Host

Ann Kulp - the leaves have green. In the middle of the leaf cream strip. Flowers can be white or lavender.

Ann Kulp

Athena - foliage of elegant bright green and on each leaf you can see a kind of drawing.

In the photo of the Host Athen

Atlantis - green leaves Framed with yellow border. The foliage has the shape extended, and the tips are sharp. It can feel good in the sun.

In the photo of the Flower of the Atlantis Host

The moon of August - the spring leaves are green, and then they turn yellow. Flowers white color.

Host Moon Augusta

Avocado - convex leaves. The color is golden-green. Quite large.

In the photo of the host avocado

Wavy queen - wavy leaves. They have green-yellowish. It has a lavender shade.

Host wavy queen

Host Flower Landing and Reproduction

Do host flower landing Preferably at the end of the summer season or in September. Plant the host is quite simple. It is important to find a suitable place. The first rule is shaded places. The hosts are absolutely not demanding to the soil, but they love it to be wet.

Very often the host is planted by the method. In March-April, you need to plant host seeds in a container or a pot. The first spout spout will show approximately 3-3.5 weeks.

Young can not be put in open solar places. At the end of the summer it can be placed on permanent place Residence, open soil. The host is usually multiplied by three ways: the division of an adult bush, a seed method or ordinary stalling.

Decision bush. To multiply the plant to the host by the method of dividing the bush can be started at the beginning of April, when the first germs will appear or in early September.

The maternal bush is neatly divided into small bushes, and then each bush is planted in an earthen hole (the soil should be poured before planting). The depth of such wells is recommended not more than 20 cm. The next first days landing must be water.

Seed method.Hosti seeds germinate in the near future. It happens that some germinate earlier, and others later. After the emergence of new and young leaves, you can safely plant in open ground. To land, you should choose dark seeds, they have a good germination.

Shooting hosts.This breeding method is recommended to start at the end of the spring period. For cuttings take only young flower shoots. At first, in the new place, the cuttings can be relocated, as adaptation is being taken. A few days later, the leaves will begin to grow lively.

Care for the host

Care Colors Host There is not a difficult procedure.

Price of chost flower

The price of the hosti flower Depends on varieties. You can buy in flower shops, family supermarkets or you can order them via the Internet. approximate price For one sapling will be from 180 rubles to 400 rubles. They are also actively sold at flower bazaars and in a network of specialized stores.

What flowers are combined with hosts

Moligious host will look great on landscape design With Geikhera. Gayer leaves red and they will look even richer next to green hosts.

Decorative hosts will look good next to the slide. Very often they are planted along borders or in a group with other perennials. Good will look next to the hosts coniferous trees. They can create an ideal composition with floccals and.

Next to hosts will look good decorative flowers, herbs and other plants, for example, a medpetian. Often, cereals (benik or muscantus) are used for scenery. Also near the host it is recommended to plant plants with orange and yellow flowers or leaves.

Shady corners of your garden can be very beautiful - they add to it a variety and mystery. The host will make even the most problem placesFor example, under the crowns of trees or on the north side of the house - the same spectacular as the best pieces of your garden. It does not bother restricted access to the light, with her your most shady seats will never be empty.

If you want to decorate your garden unusual and bright plant, pay attention to this perennial who is amazing the imagination by the beauty of the magnificent fiber leaves collected into lush oakhas.

What you need to know about the host before landing?

Host , or Fuche - Rod perennial herbatous plantsTo which more than 40 species belong. Motherland Flower - East Asia and Far East.

In nature, the bush grows on priene sites, not far from the reservoirs. It is noteworthy that the Chinese use this plant in food, and believe that it is endowed with the sacred divine force.

The best places for landing hosts:

  • half-directed place, covered by winds;
  • the soil with a high content of humus, draned, well moistened, with neutral or weak acidity.

A varieties with a salad-yellow tint of leaves are more freaky than blue, which is better to plant in the shadow.

Squeeze it in early May, when the threat of frosts. For half a year before this, apply the area with organic fertilizers, and dig it.

Host plant in open ground:

  • prepare the wells at a distance of 40-60 cm for ordinary, and 90-100 cm for giant varieties;
  • prepare sowing material: Pour seedlings and remove from the pot together with an earthen room, cuttings and delices check for damage or fallen roots, if any, remove;
  • delinka or seedlings together with an earthen room, place 2 cm in the wells below the ground level;
  • roll into the roots (for delon or cuttings), pour the earth, pour;
  • tighten the land around the seedling.

Even unpretentious perennial requires care.

Host care assumes that you are controlling two important moments: Human content of humus and soil moisture.

The first 4 years after the fertilizer landing can not be made. It is enough to mulch the soil once a year. Also permissible 1 time in 14 days to use liquid mineral fertilizers in the first half of summer (for poor land with low contents).

The soil around the bush should be constantly moistened. Water it in the morning, avoid getting water to leaves. Watch that the flower did not hit the disease and pests. If necessary, use special preparations, or remove the patient plant from the site.

If you notice that the edges of the leaves darkened, increase watering. Moderate moisture in the soil is the basis for the care of these hosts.

The peculiarity of the plant is such that after flowering the socket loses the shape. So that it did not happen, some gardeners break the flowerons at the formation stage. 5 years after landing from the root, it is possible to separate the cuttings, and transplant to another place.

September - the time of preparation for peace. If the perennials are preserved with flowers, - remove them. During this period, you can deal with the division of the bush.

How to transplant a perennial?

The host multiplies the division of the bush, stalling, and the seeding method. The first method is used at the end of summer: the root is divided into parts that are transplanted to new places. In the same way, young cuttings are separated from the root system.

Host from seeds?

The host, indeed, well multiplies with seeds. When landing seeds, pre-treat the sowing material of roots, epinoma, or other growth stimulants. If this is not done, the percentage of similarity is not more than 75%. Some flowerflowers claim to improve the quality of seeds, by placing them for several months in a cool place. Sowing seeds are made in the second or third month of spring.

The soil for planting seeds should be sterile. The best option is a special primer bought in flower shops. It should include vermiculite, perlite, and peat.

Stages of landing perennial:

  • disinfection pot;
  • place the drainage at the bottom of the capacitance, fall asleep the soil, moisturize;
  • place the seeds on the ground, and pour them with a thin layer of soil (no more than 7 mm);
  • cover the containers with the seeds of the film, and place it at a storage at a temperature of no more than 19-25 degrees.

Under these conditions, the first shoots will appear after 14-20 days from the moment of sowing. They need to be protected from direct sun ray, and spray soil with water as drying.

When 2 sheets appear on the shootings, transfer them to spacious tanks along with a lump of land. Soil in new pots on a quarter cover with sand. Water seedlings through the pallet. From this point on, the saplings are ready for gradual hardening: temporary and final removal of film, placing on fresh air at a temperature of 18 degrees. It is important to remember that the host grown from seed develops very slowly, but she more needs the right and regular care than an adult bush.

Why does not host a host, what care doesn't she have enough?

Slow growth and unhealthy species is a faithful sign of the disease. BUT best treatment Any disease is the right regular care. Healthy bushes have a big resistance to different unfavorable factors. Try to grow these perennials in those places where in the morning there is sunlight And the shadow in the afternoon. The host does not like extremes - neither a dense shadow, nor a bright sun. Grow it in a wet, well-drained soil, preventing the complete drying of the soil.

The most frequent pests of perennial are mouse-pools. They love both the tops of the plant and their roots. Therefore, if you see the holes next to her, you already know the answer to the question - why does the host grows poorly?

Keep the voles away from your host, thoroughly stepping from weed weeds, as they attract mice. Install the protective border from the wire near it so that the pools are harder to get to the plant. Make it at least 20 cm in height and approximately 15 cm below the ground level so that the funns do not dig holes on your bed. See how the bush protected from mice comes to the year:

Another problem is viral diseases that manifest themselves in the form of tiny spots and leaf distortion. With these viral diseases, it is difficult to cope with effective chemicals There is no struggle. Nevertheless, you have some levers to manage this situation. Buy perennials from reliable sources. Regularly disinfect your garden inventory. For already infected bushes, the option is to remove and destroy them.

They will decorate the north side of the house and space under large trees, places under the fence and in narrow shady passages.

Host varieties are happy with their diversity and beauty.

In the darkest corners of your cottage plot These perennials will grow and flourish if you highlight them rich, loose, wet soil and provide them with minimal care.

Then, you can be sure - the host will please you with their magnificent views of many more than one year.

Relive your garden with colorful greens, and in the helpers for this take the host. She is unpretentious when landing, in care and growing. This plant is popular in landscape design, because its leaves have different forms And painting, depending on the variety.

Description, varieties and varieties

The beauty of this plant is in the leaves, not colors. From green to golden and white, from long to round and heart-shaped - that is what the host happens. Landing and care in open soil It is very simple for her - another reason to draw attention to this perennial.

The host will be an excellent garden decoration from early spring to late autumn

Solving the cultivation of the host, see how it looks in the photo. Choose your favorite view from about 3000 varieties. By color gamma The foliage they are combined in 5 groups:

  • green;
  • blue (with a SIZY Tint);
  • yellow;
  • variagatoma (here includes hostes of motley and bordered by light color);
  • medissarigratus (Light leaves, with green edges).

There is a huge variety of types of hosts

Those who grow the host in the open soil, familiar and classify varieties in size:

  • dwarf (up to 10 cm);
  • miniature (10-15 cm);
  • small (16-25 cm);
  • average (30-50 cm), the most numerous group;
  • large (55-70 cm);
  • giant (from 70 cm).

Main species that, including used for selection:

There are among the host chameleons that change the color during the summer season. Some types of this plant are difficult to classify, since their leaves have a blurry color. And overseas breeders brought three-color hybrids. Choose from what!

Host landing

The optimal time for landing hosts in the open ground is the early spring or end of August-beginning of September. At a later time to transfer is not worth it. Material for planting Choose carefully. Roots must be elastic, 10-12 cm long long, if the sprout has 2-3 kidneys.

Council. If you bought the host, but it is still early to deal with it, keep the sprouts in a cool and dark place at t + 5-10 ° C. The basement is suitable, the lower shelf of the refrigerator or insulated balcony.

Traditionally, the host is considered to be a spelled perennial. But there is a pattern: the lighter foliage, the greater the sunshine you need a plant. Dark green and blue varieties must be planted in the shade. For growing light host, a half-life is suitable or even a sunny place. Make sure that the plant is not under right rays, otherwise it is not avoiding burns on the leaves.

The host can be planted in the shadow or half

It is good for planting and reproduction in the open ground fits light, drained, wet soil. The wells should be made wide, in a depth of about 30 cm. The distance between them should be from 30 to 100 cm (depending on the magnitude of the plant).

Each yam is about 2/3 fill in the compost, peat, form a holmik. Place the roots of seedlings on it, but so that there are no empty places. Scatter them fertile soil, compact. Complete the landing of abundant irrigation. Tighten the roots with crushed bark or peat. This will help keep moisture. The watering procedure is repeated several times every 3-4 days.

Council. The kidney of the plant during the disembarkation must be at the ground level. If necessary, under the root, plunge the extra primer.

Plant care

Although it is not demanding a host, landing and care for it requires compliance with the rules.

Fertilizer and feeding host

What plants look in your garden - depends on the care, including from the intensity of fertilizer's application. The host is more decorative, which is feeding 3 times the season:

  • in the period of growth;
  • during flowering;
  • after him.

The host needs feeding several times in the season

For these purposes, fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are most often used. Also useful to the hosts compost and humus. They are better to make autumn. Organic fertilizers Preferably mineral. " Golden Rule»Care - not overdo it. Too frequent or abundant feeding can provoke burns.

Reproduction of the plant

There are 3 methods of breeding hosts:

  • division;
  • pavement;
  • growing from seeds.

They usually share bushes in May or at the end of summer. The smaller the cleaved part, the greater the time it will be necessary for its growing. Another way of reproduction, shilling, suggests a separation from an adult bush of a sprout with part of the root. The cuttings in the open ground are imprisoned immediately, they are watered and shared.

Delivery bush host

The cultivation of the host from seeds is a labor-intensive process and long. The germination of the material is 70-80%, so before sowing it needs to be treated with growth stimulants. Another way - for 30 days to hold the seeds in the cold. It is also important to ensure the sterility of the soil and tanks for planting. Before sowing the hostess of the pots, it is necessary to disinfive by manganese or alcohol.

Seed reproduction should be started in April or May. In the containers, pour drainage, then so much, pour it. Spread seeds, suck them from above with a soil (layer thickness - 5-7 mm). Slightly shake it, cover the container with glass or film and put in the shady space. Head germination temperature - + 18-25º C. In such conditions, shoots appear in 2-3 weeks.

Hosti seeds

At this time, care for a young seedler consists in moderate watering and removal of condensate. Keep sprouts on a lit place, protecting from direct sun rays. When the first pair of leaves appears, dial seedlings. Soil in new tanks should be covered with sand. For watering, put pots into deep dishes and wait until upper layer will not become wet. Hard the sprouts: for a while, remove the glass or the film, and in about a week, remove them at all.

If the air temperature is already above + 18º C, leve the containers with the seedle on fresh air. Experienced gardeners warn: despite correct careThe host develops very slowly. In addition, she often loses signs of varieties.

Diseases and pests of hosts

The host rarely sick, but the phillostose is one of the most characteristic ailments. Yellow-brown spots appear on the leaves. The affected plants need to be burned, and the soil is to disinfect. If they have noticed gray rot or sclerotinia on the leaves, apply fungicides.

Phillostose Hosts

Pests that make large holes in the beautiful foliage of the host - slug. To scare them, inspirate the soil with something with a stalk: rubble or bits of seashells. Beer bait helps. Desk with this drink around the bushes, and after a day, choose from them slugs. To combat insects (caterpillars, grasshoppers), use insecticides.

Host: Combination with other plants

Hosts create leaves harmonious combinations With Brunner, Geikhera and Ferns. These plants are advised on the background of conifers. Also try compositions with primura, geraniums, Goriana. Make a beautiful landscape with a monument, anemone, anesty., Astilby.

Host on flowerbed

There is an opinion that it is not worth combining the cultivation of roses and hosts. This is explained by the fact that they have different lighting requirements. However, in landscape design, this combination is quite common. In these cases, gardeners are recommended to plant the host from the north side of the bush.

Host in landscape design

Options for applying this perennial in landscape design a lot. First of all, the host is the soil plant for shady seats. She creates a comfort in gardens stylized under natural nature. If you still decide to combine the cultivation of roses and hosts, decorate them, for example, the reservoir coast.

Host in landscape design

Use this Plant for Decor garden tracks, framing the lungs. Growing a host in pots, decorate her courtyard or gazebo. It is good for vertical flower. A good supplement in this case will become phlox or loyers.

Which of the ways to decorate the garden you chose, hardly the host will disappoint you. Rather, on the contrary: seriously and for a long time will conquer with its charm and unpretentiousness.

Host cultivation: video

Hosts: Photo

Decorative hosts B. lately Began to rapidly conquer popularity among dacities. The hosts became really fashionable. Heads of the host are like their heart. As a rule, the leaves of the hosts bloom from mid-summer until the end of August.

What you need to know when landing the host?

When excellent care For hosts, a person receives returns in the form of a beauty of the plant. Care and landing host - the process is not complicated, and short.

This flower is beautiful from nature not multicolored painting, but special leaves. For good care The leaves of the host become more colorful over time.

The host is not demanding to the soil. So, the soil should be humid enough, while without stagnant water. Excessive dampness will not go in favor of the plant, it is worth remembering.

Exhausted soil when landing should be fertilized by sand, humus, as well as a variety of mineral fertilizers.

If you want your hosts to look more colorfully and bright - put them in sandy soil, while you need to know that the hosts grow in such a soil quite slowly.

What place in the summer garden is most profitable for landing hosts? Dropped garden sections - perfect place for this interesting plant. Remember that the hosts prefer the shadow. If you notice on the leaves of plants the advantage of white color, then know that the plant needs light. Such a host will be delighted with sunlight.

In caring for hosts it is worth remembering that the hosts preferably float from the hot sunlight with a perennial. Host - a plant that is not afraid of winters.

Sometimes the landing of the host is made after the seed seedlings have grown. For successful seedlings It is in April to take care of planting seeds into special small pots. The plant is booming for three weeks. It is necessary to take care of seedlings, limit it from direct sunlight.

At the end of the summer, the processes disembark on a permanent place in the garden. The depth for the plant should be selected as in a pot. During the landing, the hosts are watered, as well as mulch.

In fact, clove care is a simple process. The main operations needed to care for the plant are weeding, watering, feeding, as well as loosening.

The main task of the Dachnik is the selection of the optimal variety of the plant.

Also be followed when choosing a variety of hormone host, which will come after a flower planting in the garden.

The host itself is a universal plant, because it is possible to plant it along paths, borders. It will be very beautiful to look a host if it is planted on a flowerbed.

Host composition is a great option for country house. In the forefronts, the hosts of brighter tones are often planted, and then darkened. It is worthwing to know that the hosts can live in one place for twenty years.

How to fertilize the soil?

Properly selected fertilizers will enjoy the beauty of plants for a long time. During the life of the flower feels ammonia Selievera, Infusion of cowboy, compost, sulfate potassium, superphosphate.

It is desirable to produce soils three times for the entire season of vegetation: at the beginning of the season, during the bootonization, as well as after the flower pumped.

When do you need to water the hosts?

Like many other plants, the hosts prefer the morning watering.

Pay attention to the fact that watering the hosts are moderately, since excessive watering will lead to flower death.

How is the flower breeding?

Propy the hosts in two ways: division and seeds. The bushes sharing and transplant often until the moment as the flower began to show the leaves.

Regarding the time of the year, the most suitable for the reproduction of the flower, let's say that this is the end of April - May.

For successful breeding of the host, it is necessary to dig a bush of hosts, after which rinse roots in water.

Any amateur gardener seeking to create original design On its plot, it is necessary to carefully think about the choice of plants. Considering that only flowering plants cannot be in the garden, the owners of the plots have the need for beautiful background, distinguished juicy decorative foliage. For this, they are looking for unpretentious, having a magnificent greens flowers.

The host enjoys an undoubted advantage among other plants. A variety of varieties and species allows you to fully embody the most bold design fantasies on garden plotBy transforming it to be unrecognizable.

Host: Description

A perennial plant with a very developed rhizome, the main advantage of which is the leaves of a wide variety of sizes, colors and shapes - this is crowded with gardeners of a beauty-host.

The decorative deciduous plant, resistant to cold, greatly grows in the most shaded areas. The texture foliage is ideal for the arrangement of all sorts of bouquets, which is adopted by experienced florists. This is a universal plant for any gardener - both beginner, and experienced, which does not require much care. The plants on the shore of the ponds and artificial garden reservoirs, in flower beds and rocky gardens look great. The bell colts of the host has in the form of decorative brushes, but it seals the owners of the plots of their magnificent greens, a kind of colorful and original form of leaves, which sometimes have a wax. After flowering, the plant continues to delight the greens before the onset of cold.

Where did the Garden of the host?

Gardeners did not pay attention to decorative plant With beautiful leaves. Before that, the host was mainly in botanical gardens. Beautiful flowers were not the main advantage of the plant, more attractive looked leaves with the most diverse color and shape. The aristocratic plant has become a popular perennial in shady gardens and parks throughout the country. The birthplace of this plant is considered Japan and China, the Far East and Korea. The hosts actively cultivated in Japan's gardens throughout the three thousand years, in Europe received active distribution in the times of Leonardo da Vinci.

The plant who has fallen in the Middle Ages is forgotten over time, and only in the past century, due to the development of microclonal reproduction, it is remembered again. With the advent of new varieties, attractive flowers appear for gardeners, the host becomes a newly popular and firmly fixes the title "Queen of the Shady Garden" title.

By his name, the flower is obliged to Thomas Host, the doctor and the botanic of the 19th century from Austria. However, it is possible to hear that the host (lounge) is referred to as in honor of H. G. Futus, pharmacist from Germany.

What attracts the host of landscape designers?

When executing the site, it is necessary to think over the combination of plants with each other, acceptable neighborhood, which will not irritate the view by its inconsistency. Special attention has to be paid to the choice of plants when garden and decorative trees have grown and significantly sharpened a plot with their spreader crowns. Not every plant is able to dwell in the shadows, because it is destructive for most. Best option In this case, the host is.

Landscape designers love to use in the design of sections these flowers, the host is growing very quickly, which makes it possible to fill the space and create a beautiful green background.

It is profitable for it in mixed borders. Excellent combination with blooming perennials and annual, diverse cereals and ferns, melluccic plants and decorative foliage. Hosts look gorgeous on alpine slides and next to decorative fountains. The plant is distinguished by universality and allows for variability, fit perfectly into any style. And Rost. different species It vary from 5 to 100 cm, allowing you to luxuriously decorate the space by filling it out everywhere.

The weighty argument in favor of the host posted on the site is durability, allowing up to 30 years to enjoy its contemplation on its site.

Types and varieties of hosts

You need to know how these plants are grouped to provide proper neighborhood. Hosts - beautiful flowersHaving more than two thousand varieties, choose from which you can suitable, and they will rely with the decades to please the gardeners with their own species. Fuckers are very much different in size, therefore this parameter is determining to allocate groups:

  • less than 10 cm - miniature, miniature (mini);
  • up to 25 cm - dwarf, dwarf (D);
  • up to 40 cm - Small, small (s);
  • up to 60 cm - medium, medium (m);
  • up to 90 cm - Large, large (L);
  • up to 150 cm - Giant (XL).

Another parameter for which you can classify these plants is the color:

  • blue - these plants are distinguished by a bluish-nasy wax chain (Grand Master, Blue Cadet, Stenantha, Love Pat);
  • variant - these are hosts having a cut of bright shades: yellow and golden, beige and white;
  • green - Plants with various shades of green (Green Fountain, Lancifolia, Royal Standart, Invincible);
  • medividual - sheet of such hosts light (cream, white or yellow), and border - dark green;
  • yellow - These include all hosts having yellow leaves.

The location of the leaves in the plant also helps to allocate their individual subgroups: with leaves up, falling and horizontal.

It should be noted that the most colorful color and small plants are inherent in the most mothers, and large and medium are often blue and green.

The bloom of the host little interests the owners. Most often, the buds are trying to get rid of the shape of the bush, which loses its attractiveness and disintegrates. The exceptions are the varieties of plantain funki with inflorescences that have the finest fragrance, remotely resembling Lily, Lilac and violet.
Hosts having a voyage color: Volwerine, Middle Ridge, Great Expectations, Gypsy Rose, Patriot, Spilt Milk.

Light or shadow? What's better?

One of the main advantages of the plant is its shadowness, which makes the host attractive for gardeners. therefore the best place The planting is a half-evening or shadow, and after flowering, decorative properties are preserved completely. But it is necessary to remember that for part of plants and the solar place will be suitable for landing, but there is a risk of losing varietal properties: size, color and shape of leaves. Mandatory condition For successful growth, it remains to ensure the shadow in a hot noon, then the host will grow well. Swim leaves and appear in the plant burn under the scorching sun. It will be reasonable to land from the sun sides many years of flower or bush.

It is noted that light-affilical hosts have yellow and white stripes or stains. This is most often there are flowers with a white cut on the leaves. For varieties having yellow In the color of the leaves, it is characterized by good tolerability and light and shady sites. But for blue varieties, only a shadow is needed, it is in it that the amazing properties and wax leaves are preserved. In a strongly shaded site, the hosts will grow slower, but will delight with spectacular and large leaves, and the plant will be more in height.

How and where to choose the planting material?

Flower landing is serious, and to choose planting material It should be approached. For reliability, you should buy naked roots in the store or garden Center. Better if they are crossed by sawdust or peat, because they can be considered immediately. Avoiding posting, it is necessary to remove them from the mixture for a thorough inspection. If you have discharged fragments, they must be cut off. The roots acquired at the end of winter - the beginning of spring are dry, you need to put in the cellar or in the refrigerator, to the fruit separation, where the temperature will range from 0 to 4 degrees.

In the case when the kidneys proceeded and began to germinate, and it is too early to plant in the ground, lowered the root into a solution of manganese or "epin" and plant a pot with loose soil. The vase is placed in a cool place, and watering is carried out from the pallet. And sit down such a host in open ground only in the late spring - early summer so that all frosts are behind.

By purchasing the roots of the plant in April-May, you can safely plant right into the ground, deepening the kidneys by 3-5 cm. But it is best to buy hosts from collectors in the fall and transplant from the soil into the ground immediately.

How to properly transplant?

Even a beginner flower can cope with the transfer of such unpretentious plantslike a host. It's just a find for busy people who daily plant care are reduced to a minimum. The most favorable time for transplant is spring. With the advent of new shoots, you can proceed to transplant. The plant calmly tolerates the summer transplant, attaching easily. In the fall transplanted a month before the start of cold weather, it will allow the plant to take root and root. It is necessary to know that some varieties allow the autumn transplant, because in the spring root system They do not develop. This refers to Zibold and Cudam varieties, as well as to their hybrids.

The plant is not capricious, so the soils are untranscript, but preference is given after all the humus sublinks, which are provided with a sufficient amount of moisture, but do not allow its stagnation. If the soil is poor, they make humus, sawdust, sand and mineral fertilizers. Soil acidity must be withstanding at the average level.

Before planting a garden, where plants are planned, should be poured in a few hours.

In a hole, a depth of 40 cm is covered with a drainage layer, the roots are painted and, avoiding voids, sprinkle with fertile land. Then everything is abundant. The root neck should remain at the soil level, the roots cover the peat layer. With a mass plant, the dimensions of the adult plant are taken into account. The distance must be sustained for large copies - 1 m, for medium plants - 50 cm, and for dwarf species - up to 20 cm.

What are the peculiarities of growing?

Amazing Host Flower! Care required is a non-permanent, which is important for busy owners. The plant responds with a rusty increase in fertilizer. This procedure is better to produce in the fall.

To obtain luxurious colors, it is necessary to take into account the features of the type of host, to withstand the distance between the plants, producing a transplant in time. It is not recommended to allow the location of the terrain, because the roots rotate. There is nothing difficult in leaving this plant. It is unpretentious and responding with gratitude to the scarce attention of the gardener.

How to care for the host in the garden?

The host garden planted in the feverish and shady corners is ideally in solitude, and in a variety of combinations. The varieties sprinkled on the ground are luxuriously look, ascent with a green carpet of land around the tree trunks and preventing the germination of weeds on other areas of the garden. Artificial reservoirs I. alpine Gorki Without this plant would have looked poorly.

To obtain a lush plant and abundant flowering, it is necessary to maintain the moderate humidity of the soil and in time to make fertilizers.

To preserve the appearance of the plant, some flower products very often remove buds and arrows. But there are lovers of blooming instances. Thus, the host with white flowers Grandiflora has large inflorescences that exude a fragrance resembling violet or lilac. Lined in a row along the alley, these plants will be able to please lush blossom after noon. This species in flowering the form of the plant will not suffer, the bush will not fall apart.

Reproduction by seeds and cuttings

To raise a plant from seeds, you need to take only fresh host seeds. Weathered in moderate cold seeds for three months give friendly shoots. But you can expect a full-fledged bush for the fourth year.

Most of the flower water preference are reproduced with cuttings. It is better to do in spring or at the end of summer. Even the smallest cuttings grow very quickly. Young sockets with small leaves perfectly fit in a new place. The cuttings after landing require abundant irrigation, shading and spraying at first. Such a plant will dwell in one place for more than a dozen years, so the moment should be taken into account when planning a plot. Cut-off cuttings in the place of fault are treated with ashes.

Features of watering and feeding

The moisture-boring plants will perfectly feel at the pond, but moisture should not be allowed. Watering should be regular. Replanting the plant, the first 2 weeks need to pour it daily. Adult plants with a well-developed root system are poured once a week. Before the onset of cold weather, watering ceases.

Fertilize plants should be slowly soluble granulated complex fertilizer. The feeder is produced twice per season.

Organic fertilizers in the form of humoring in the heat should not be abused, because the roots can snap. Requires feeding and for foliage, feeding and protecting them from burns.

If necessary, it is possible to use growth stimulants - means of "Zircon" and "Epin-Extra".

Caution! Pest

Like each plant, the host has enemies.

  • A rainy summer threatens invasion of slugs that can significantly damage the plant. Superphosphates, tobacco dust and ash, scattered by a strip in a plant, will not appear on moral pests.
  • Nematodes can hit plants. Fishering on the leaves indicate their availability. Finding a similar one, from plants get rid of. For prevention before planting, it is possible to put the roots from the ground for half an hour to put in water (70 degrees) with the addition of manganese.
  • "Leopard spotting" leaves cannot be heal. The viral disease will destroy the plant and reinfects the adjacent flowers, so the bush is hardened.