Repair Design Furniture

Garden fountains for a garden and giving. Do-it-yourself decorative fountain in the country house: a step-by-step analysis of the stages of construction We build a fountain in the country house with our own hands

For those who want to update the exterior, make it special and memorable, we suggest using a small homemade fountain. The step-by-step instructions for making a fountain with your own hands are quite simple and anyone who has a certain set of tools and materials can create this beauty in their yard.

We install a fountain in the country

The first point of the fountain installation plan is planning its size and type. Consider the size of the yard, do not make the fountain too big or small - this will not give a positive visual effect. Remember, the power of pumping equipment is directly proportional to the size of the structure.

Now you have to choose correct plot land for installation. Firstly, the fountain should be located where it will be clearly visible. Secondly, it should be close to the place of rest. The sound of running water and cool freshness in the summer heat are important components of a pleasant and peaceful holiday on fresh air. Try not to install the fountain in the open sun. Water will have to be changed frequently due to its flowering. There is also no place next to the construction trees, the roots can damage the thicket and for repairs you will have to disassemble the entire decor element.

To install a fountain with your own hands on the site correctly, do not choose places near the walls. In this case, the structure will not avoid acquaintance with mold and fungus. And this, in turn, will not only spoil the appearance, but also cause an unpleasant musty smell.

Plan ahead for future buildings on the site. Do not install a fountain on the road to them.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step guide for installing a fountain in the country

Let's talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands using the example of a very simple design - fontanel fountain. This type of building has several advantages:

  • Effective appearance;
  • Easy care;
  • Easy access to parts for the purpose of repair;
  • The possibility of parsing for the winter.

Having picked up a place for installation, we dig out foundation pit slightly larger than a fountain bowl. Additionally, a shallow hole should be dug around it. gutter(about 10 cm).

Do-it-yourself fountain. Instructions in the photo

At the bottom of the pit should be sand cushion 15 cm thick. This will protect the underground part of the structure from plant roots. We level the surface and install on it plastic bowl. We set the font according to the level, pour and ram the sand. The container should be installed in such a way that its edges protrude by 5-8 cm.

The next step is to fill the plastic container under the bowl with water. It is not necessary to pour “with a slide”, leave 4-6 cm to the edge.

Now you need install a fountain and check the operation of pumping equipment. If power pumps can be adjusted, then we adjust so that the water falls back into the bowl. Approach to the choice of equipment should be very careful. Ideally, at the time of purchase, explain to the seller what bowl size and bowl volume is expected. Then he will help you choose the equipment of the required power.

Do-it-yourself fountain. Instructions in the photo

After installing the bowl and pump, you need to do waterproofing fabric. Cut out the canvas with a diameter of a hole for the fountain. Starting from its center, cut into strips. This must be done so that the diameter of the resulting inner circle is equal to the diameter of the bowl of the structure. We bend the resulting strips of material and lower them into a container. You can fix them with a sealant. Do-it-yourself fountains always require a lot of patience and accuracy in work, especially this stage of construction.

So that the base of the structure does not lose its shape and is stable, we put a couple of rods on the sealed fabric fittings, and on top of them - galvanized fine mesh. The cell size will affect the size of the stones or rubble used. used in the decor of the fountain.

Do-it-yourself fountain. Instructions in the photo

The final stage of construction - decoration designs. The border of the fountain can be laid out with larger stones, but you should not make it too clear. Small stones like sea pebbles or gravel are laid out on the grid. If you want to add a natural fountain, then its boundaries should not be too clear. Various plants will look good along the edges of the structure.
Thematic japanese fountainfor lovers of oriental exoticism, it is installed in a similar way. Step-by-step instructions for making a fountain with your own hands for the garden in Japanese style consists of the same items. You will find a diagram of the structure below.

Do-it-yourself waterfall fountain

We will not build anything grandiose, but small, about 1 m high, cascading waterfall we are quite capable. It has already been described in detail above how to prepare a foundation pit for a pond bowl. But this time we are building a waterfall. And if there is no natural elevation for him, he will have to create it himself.

Make mound convenient in the process of digging a pit. We just throw off the ground where the hill should be, and carefully ram it. For the hose supplying water to the point where the water falls, make a small groove in the wall of the pit and embankment.

Do-it-yourself waterfall fountain. Instructions in the photo

After the foundation pit and the base of the waterfall are ready, we begin to cover the bottom and walls of the mini-pond waterproofing material (for example, PVC film). It is necessary to lay the canvas in such a way that it not only completely covers the bottom and walls of the pit, but also protrudes about half a meter on the sides of the pit.

Be sure to lay a pipe for supplying water to the top of the waterfall in a pre-prepared channel-ditch. Bend one of its edges 30-40 cm up.

This time we are making a permanent structure, and therefore it is best concrete pond bowl. To begin, carefully lay out metal mesh at the bottom of the pit. Do not allow the waterproofing to be damaged. Next, pour a layer of concrete with a thickness of about 12-15 cm.

How to make a fountain in the country with your own hands. Photo

Now you need to prepare bowl walls. We lay out the grid, strengthening it in a solution that has not yet hardened. You can continue to install a fountain with a pump with your own hands, which will look like a cascading waterfall, in a day. We fill the walls of the pond bowl and finish the most difficult stage erection.

The next part of the build is decoration the resulting structure. We build steps on a pre-rammed hill. The step should be about 30 cm and three ledges will be enough.

On the resulting flat surfaces posting flat sandstone, pebbles or any other material you like. We decorate the rest of the fountain, including the film around the perimeter, with stones, rubble, marble or other pre-prepared materials.

It remains only to turn on the pump and fill the font of the structure with water. We observe how the stream falls steadily down the steps of the waterfall and enjoy the originality of our suburban area.

DIY stone fountain

How to build stone fountain? We will talk about this right now. First you need to take care of the availability of all necessary devices and materials. We will need:

  • Water pump (underwater with medium power is suitable);
  • Plastic container for a bowl;
  • Tube made of metal or PVC for holding an electric cable;
  • Coupling;
  • Flat stones and gravel;
  • Bars of wood;
  • Water flow power regulator;
  • Copper tube with a diameter of 15 mm.

foundation pit for the bowl of the fountain should be a little more than the capacity prepared for these purposes. By filling the space between it and the walls of the pit with soil, we will significantly strengthen the position of the bowl. As in previous cases, do not forget to create at the bottom of the pit sand cushion. Lay a layer on top pebbles.

Water pump located freely in the water tank. This will make it easier to repair it if necessary. From debris, the water tank can be secured by a simple fine mesh. To give structural strength on top of the metal mesh are placed wooden bars (if desired, they can be replaced with metal fittings).

The base of the fountain will be metal pipe which is attached vertically to the pump.

The next step is preparation flat stones. To do this, using special tools, we make holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter metal pipe- Foundations of the structure.

Further, according to the principle of the children's pyramid, we “plant” the stones on the pipe. It remains only to add decorative elements to the fountain and connect the pump. Very simple but effective beautiful fountain at the cottage with their own hands ready for use.

A variety of do-it-yourself fountains on personal plots

Submersible fountains

If there is already a pond in the yard, then it can be used as a basis submersible fountain. The principle of its work is simple. Water is supplied by a pump directly from the pond. In this case, to install a submersible fountain, you will need:

  • Pump;
  • Pipe for water supply;
  • Appropriate nozzle for shaping the water jet and setting it in the right direction.

Nozzles are very different. For example, bell nozzle is a two-disk design. The flow of water passes between them and changes when the gap is adjusted. Nozzle " geyser” - a tube narrowed to the top - quite effectively copies the corresponding natural phenomenon.

Such structures have quite a lot of possibilities. For example, you can create the effect of a key beating out of the ground. To do this, do-it-yourself fountain is mounted in such a way that the end of the pipe does not protrude above the surface of the reservoir.

Using more complex nozzles, you can significantly expand the possibilities of decor. The effect of spraying water, the simultaneous combination of several nozzles and many other variations for the choice of those who design a fountain in their country house.

Stationary fountains

A fountain of this type is a real find for lovers and professionals of design art. Structures can take the form of natural stone fonts, antique structures; they are made from clay pots, plastic bottles and any material that is at hand. Particularly popular in Lately fountains for Japanese gardens.

Any frost-resistant material will do: marble, artificial stone, sea pebbles, etc. To decorate such fountains, they often resort to painting. There are two ways to do it:

  • Staining of the material before the manufacture of the structure;
  • Painting of the finished figure.

The first option is much more expensive, but it is also much more reliable. To protect against moss, fungus and mold, it is useful to treat the fountain structure with special means.

Small stationary fountain will look good in family recreation areas or close to playgrounds. Our master class "Do-it-yourself fountain in the country" will help novice designers to correctly build, perhaps, one of the main elements of decor in suburban area. And it doesn't matter if it's a small fountain-geyser or a large-scale cascading waterfall 2 meters high. The main thing is that he pleases the owners and does not cause problems.

Video instructions for making a fountain in the country

Decorative garden fountain - an unusual and very modern landscape decoration on the site. Even in the absence of special skills, it is quite possible to make such a design with your own hands without a high investment of time and money. Usually, homemade fountains become a real decoration of the cottage and harmoniously complement almost any garden decor.

Species diversity of fountains for summer cottages

country fountain or an outdoor mini-fountain is not only a bright design decision, but also a structure that naturally increases the level of humidity in the air, which significantly improves the climate in the garden or in the yard.

Depending on the type of movement of the water flow, cascade and geyser models, as well as the “bell” type, are distinguished.

Kinds Characteristic
cascading Single sprayers are combined, in which water is dispensed with different levels of pressure and at different heights
jet The most popular version of the design, represented by a pipe with a nozzle in the form of a tapering nozzle, and a large pressure of water upwards after splitting into streams falls down
"Bell" The end of the pipe is represented by a pair of parallel discs and water falls between them, and the regulation allows you to get required thickness falling in the form of a "bell" jet
"Tulip" One of the varieties of "Bells", which differs in the angular arrangement of the disks, which allows to form the appearance of a flower
"Fish tail" A modified "tulip", which is characterized by the supply of water in separate streams upward at an angle
"Hemisphere" Multiple bell-shaped spray nozzles for an attractive jet shape
"Ring" The view is represented by a pipe bent in the form of a ring with a uniform arrangement of holes, which allows the formation of uniform water jets under high pressure.

Decorative fountain and garden plot style

The ideas of structures are numerous and the choice of form depends only on landscape features and taste preferences of the owner. The dimensions are preliminarily determined and the appearance of the structure is thought out with the execution of a paper sketch or the use of modern computer programs. Even a simple version of a hydraulic structure can radically transform a small area and have a positive effect on a person. A well-chosen design of a decorative garden fountain helps to decorate the territory quite easily.

In the design process, modern designers and architects use the most different styles and directions:

  • if the decoration of the house and landscape was used in ethnic or rustic style involves the use of traditional structures, which can be represented by sheds, mills or elements of rustic utensils;
  • if located on the site small pond, and was used in the design classic style, then the fountain can be supplemented with complex decorative elements, represented by statues, columns and other stucco elements with gushing water jets.

The most harmonious and effective modern architecture is combined with natural style or Eco-direction, devoid of pretentious and bright details, which allows the fountain to merge into the general context of the surrounding space. Also, the bowl of such a structure can be made in oriental or country style.

How to make a fountain with your own hands (video)

Choice of installation locations

After the appearance is selected and a sketch is made, it is necessary to determine the technical parameters of the design and a thorough study of the land, which will help to choose the right location for the location as much as possible.

Preference should be given to fairly spacious areas with some shading, which helps reduce the risk of water "blooming" under the influence of the sun's rays. You can build a structure at a sufficient distance from ornamental trees and garden plantations, whose root system capable of causing destruction of the reservoir after some time.

Garden Fountain Pump Selection Criteria

Pumping equipment for equipping garden fountains can be wet or dry type equipment. The choice of such a unit should depend on the purpose of the structure, because the pump for arranging a miniature decorative fountain absolutely not suitable for large and voluminous structures.

Criteria Feature and description
performance level This parameter must be equivalent to the water flow rate in l/h. Pumping equipment provides liquid lifting to the required height, therefore, in order to determine the required one, special passport data of the equipment are used
Power ratings A significant part of the equipment is characterized by a fairly economical level of electricity consumption during continuous operation. Continuous operation makes it possible to use more powerful devices equipped with a water supply regulator
Water lift height With the gradual rise of the discharge hose, the actual height of the liquid rise is determined, equal to the distance from the reservoir surface to the hose. Mini pumps need a 24V power supply

How to make a fountain in the garden with your own hands

For self erection similar decorative element on the backyard territory, it is necessary not only to correctly install and calculate the structure, but also to place plumbing system and power supply to optimal distance. All installation activities must be carried out in strict accordance with the technology.

Digging a pit

On the site selected for the installation of a country fountain, we dig a pit, the dimensions of which should slightly exceed the diameter of the bowl of the structure. Around the pit, you need to dig an additional shallow trench, about 10 cm deep and wide. A layer of sand should be covered at the bottom of the excavated pit. The thickness of a high-quality sand cushion should be approximately 15-17 cm, which will protect the underground part of the bowl from the root system of vegetation.

At the final stage, it is necessary to carefully level the surface of the sand cushion.

Bowl installation

A fountain tank is installed on a leveled surface. It is necessary to expose the font under control building level, after which the sand is filled and rammed. It is required to install the container in such a way that its edges above the ground level are without fail protruded about seven centimeters.

The next step is also very important, which consists in filling the tank with water and installing pumping equipment.

Pump installation

Pumping equipment supplies water through a hose. Such a decorative design is best provided with a low-voltage submersible pump, if, in accordance with the original design, the height of the jet does not exceed a meter. A large garden fountain needs to be equipped with a network submersible pump.

The most difficult option is a “dry” installation of pumping equipment, characterized by a high-quality and competent connection of the supply and return pipelines.

Finishing work

After the bowl and pump equipment, it is necessary to use a waterproofing fabric, from which a canvas is cut, the diameter of which is equal to the size of the fountain pit. Starting from its central part, you need to cut the strips so that the diameter of the resulting circles matches the diameter of the bowl. The resulting strips of material are bent and lowered into a container, after which it is fastened with a sealant.

Decor options

The development of project documentation involves not only determining the style of the structure based on general concept design and binding to the area. At the same stage, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the color scheme, surface and underwater lighting, equipping the fountain with filters and auto-topping. Separately, you need to pay attention to the individual, most complex elements.

How to make a bottle fountain (video)

You can design the ground part at your discretion natural stone, sculptures, plaster figurines and living, as well as outdoor and underwater lamps:

  • you can use a single lighting fixture or the whole system with selection colors, and light-dynamic gushing structures with illumination, which are in optimal harmony with the movement of water, are especially popular;
  • in order to preserve the shape of the base and increase its stability, it is recommended to lay a galvanized fine mesh on the airtight canvas, which can serve as the basis for decorating with stone or gravel;
  • in order to get the most natural in appearance country fountain, it is necessary to use stones of one or two breeds to create a composition, which will avoid a heap of colors and shapes;
  • aquatic plants should be selected especially carefully, taking into account botanical features and requirements for growing conditions;
  • it is not recommended to plant bright coastal flowers that focus on themselves, so it is best to give preference to hardy and most unpretentious aquatic crops.

Very impressive in the design of fountain structures look special moisture-resistant led strip, which can be installed along the shore, which will highlight the contour of the structure. If a long-term operation of the structure is expected, and also so that its long and uninterrupted operation pleases the homeowner, it is necessary to ensure garden fountain competent and quality care.

Fountain structures at summer cottages and household plots need some care. It is optimal to install such hydraulic structures in an open area, without a close location of trees or shrubs, the falling leaves of which can quickly clog the surface of the water. Over time, as a result of the decomposition of foliage, the water in the bowl acquires a cloudy appearance, rots and begins to exude an unpleasant odor.

To avoid water pollution, it is necessary to use special filter systems. Large plant debris can be removed with nets on a long handle. Also, in order to purify water in fountain structures, some types of algae are used, which are planted directly in the bowl. Such vegetation allows not only water purification, but also creates a very picturesque natural composition, especially if the algae are supplemented with flowering crops or fish.

Fountain of stones (video)

Following the basic recommendations, it is not at all difficult to build a fountain structure in the country house on your own, and the presence of such a spectacular decorative element on the backyard territory allows you to transform the site beyond recognition.

Reviews and comments

(4 ratings, average: 4,25 out of 5)

Oleg 22.09.2014

By the way, if the size of the site, and especially the conditions of the landscape, allow you to make an oblong pond or even a cascade, then you can make a fountain in one or lower corner, and a waterfall in the other or upper one. What - you can see on the same site:

The intense rhythm of our life involves periodic rest, both physical and moral, and there is nothing more pleasant than to sit in silence, enjoy beautiful view and pleasant sounds.

For this purpose, decorative fountains for an apartment can be suitable, which fully meet all these requirements.

After all, there is nothing more pleasant than listening to the sound of murmuring water and looking at a pouring fountain. And build it in an apartment, even if not large sizes, a completely manageable problem.

In addition to those listed useful properties of this facility, the fountain in the apartment is good moisturizer air.

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Types of mini-fountains at the place of application

Small home fountains can be divided into several types. According to the place of application, they are divided into country and indoor fountain. It is clear that a country fountain, in most cases, is installed on the street, and a room fountain in a city apartment. The country fountain is made large and for its installation it is important to choose right place.

Do-it-yourself decorative fountain in the apartment video:

Place to install a country fountain

When choosing a place, it is important to observe three important conditions:

  1. It is highly undesirable to install near trees. Firstly, growing roots can damage the fountain bowl and its waterproofing. Secondly, falling fruits and leaves can also disrupt the water system and the bowl.
  2. If the fountain is installed on open areas, then water blooms may occur due to direct exposure to the rays of the sun.
  3. If the fountain is installed in the immediate vicinity of the house, then additional dampness may form on the building during windy weather, due to the drift of water drops from the fountain towards the house.

Classification of fountains according to the type of falling water

According to the type of falling water, a decorative fountain can be divided into several types.

  1. Waterfall. This view has a ledge design with falling water. It has a beautiful appearance and is used most often.
  2. Cascade. The installation scheme is the same as that of the first type, only it consists of several water flows. The liquid in them overflows along thresholds or inclined ledges.
  3. An ordinary fountain, made in the form of a jet beating up and spraying spray around it.
  4. Fountains made in the form of streams and lakes. They have an original appearance and are becoming increasingly popular.

Do-it-yourself indoor fountain

Looking at the decorations of some fountains, it seems that their manufacture and installation are very difficult to perform. Yes, there are rather bulky designs, and their installation will require you to have serious professional skills and knowledge, but a small do-it-yourself mini-fountain is quite capable of being made by almost every person who has simple skills in construction and installation work. In addition, you will create a design based only on your preferences and taste, the most suitable for your home interior. In addition, you will save a lot of money.

Materials and tools

So, if you still do not know how to make a mini fountain in your apartment, then read our step by step instructions. Before starting this work, you need to purchase necessary materials and tool.

  • Fountain container. It can be a basin, a flower pot or something else at your discretion.
  • The hose used to clean the aquarium is about 10 cm long.
  • Polyethylene with dimensions slightly larger than the container.
  • Glue waterproof, expanded clay.
  • Aquarium pump.
  • Medium or large sink, and stones or pebbles to strengthen it.
  • Small shells and colored ground used for decoration.

The bowl for the fountain, which we choose, needs to be checked for cracks and holes in order to prevent future leaks.

Fountain materials

Pump installation

If you are making a tabletop fountain, then you first need to find a hose to work through which a stream of water will come out. To do this, cut off 10 cm from a regular aquarium hose and insert it into the pump. Immediately check whether your system is in working condition so that you do not return to this issue later. We install the pump to the bottom of the tank and fill it with expanded clay. Do not forget to level the surface after backfilling.

Final work

After you have filled up the expanded clay, you need to cover it with a film, having previously made a hole for the hose. Then we put decorative soil on the film.


For a sea shell, it is advisable to make a base of stones and fix them to the shell using waterproof glue.

The next step is to push the tube through the stones and the sink, after making a hole in it. The end of the hose should protrude from the sink by about 1 cm. The surface of the fountain should be decorated with stones and shells at your discretion. Thus, you saw that you can make a table fountain with your own hands without spending significant effort and money.

Advantages of a fountain without a pump

If you think that when building fountain structures, it is imperative to use a mini fountain pump, then you are mistaken. You can make a small fountain without using a pump, while it will work solely thanks to the laws of physics.

Yes, in these designs there are some restrictions on the power of the jet, but then you do not have to spend money on electricity and buy and connect a pump. You need to know that such a fountain should not be large, otherwise you cannot do without a pump.

decorative fountain

How the fountain works

Such a fountain will work on the principle of communicating vessels, with only some peculiarities. They need to be placed on the same level, connected to each other by two tubes. It is better to take plastic containers and preferably of the same volume, and tubes with minimum thickness, for longer uninterrupted operation of the fountain. Tubes are inserted into the bottom of each vessel, preliminarily drilled holes which then need to be sealed.

Illuminated fountain

Final assembly and installation of the fountain

In order for such floor fountains to work without a pump, you need to use a third vessel, equal in volume or greater than the previous two. To this vessel, in the walls, closer to the bottom, make two more holes, where you insert the two ends of the tubes from smaller containers.

We also tightly seal the inlets of these tubes, and insert a T-shaped adapter into the bottom of a large vessel. After that, the design of your fountain is considered complete. You will have to arrange it according to your taste, preferences and combination with the interior of the apartment.

Garden fountain

Where can I install apartment fountains. As you probably already understood from the above, fountains for an apartment are the most various kinds. In addition, they can be installed not only on the floor, but also on the table and even on the wall.


Desktop structures are usually the smallest in size and can even be placed on bedside tables and a window sill.

Floor fountains depend on the size of your apartment and can look quite impressive. Wall fountains look like real works of art and look like pano or paintings.

Their installation and manufacture, of course, is more complex and requires much more skills and material, but with a successful performance of your own, you will get indescribable pleasure contemplating them.

Watch a video on how to make a decorative fountain in an apartment with your own hands:

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1. The word fountain comes from the Latin fontana, which means "spring", "source", "key". Fountains have long been popular with people, and for good reason.
The murmur of water, the coolness created, the rainbow in the splashes of the fountain: they create a truly magical feeling. Near the fountain, a person quickly restores his strength,
finds a state of peace and tranquility. It is not at all surprising that many people strive to have such a wonderful structure located on their plots and adjacent territories. As we can see from this article, it is quite realistic because everyone can make a fountain with their own hands.

There are two types of fountains: submersible and stationary. The submersible fountain is installed in the depths of the reservoir and ejects jets of water above the surface, giving the impression of a natural
source. The principle of operation of the submersible fountain is as follows: the pump pumps water through the pipes to the nozzle, through which the type of ejected jet is formed.

Stationary fountain- this is a whole structure (usually made of stone, but not necessarily), which elegantly combines stone sculptures and jets and streams of injected water. It is the fountains of this type that we can see in the squares and parks of many cities. Modern fountains are made from artificial stone- polymer concrete, as this material is very resistant to environmental influences (primarily low temperatures) and can be made in the form of various figures.

The simplest option is jet fountain. This is a type of fountains, the water supply of which is carried out by means of one or more jets of water. When constructing such
fountain, it is important to observe the laws of symmetry. Of course, the fountain must be in harmony with environment. Size matters in this case. Agree, a bulky structure, on small plot will look ridiculous and funny.

Fountain location

2. No less important is the place where the fountain will be located. Such a structure should not be huddled somewhere in the backyard, where no one can see it and
appreciate dignity.

Fountains are located in a place viewed from all points. Naturally, at the same time, it should not create obstacles to access to residential or outbuildings on the territory of the site. It is better to install a fountain in the lowland part of the site, while the presence of trees nearby is not desirable.
Tree roots can damage the structure, and fallen leaves can clog the fountain's filtration system. The location of the fountain next to the gazebo or terrace is wonderful

We make a fountain with our own hands

3. It is generally accepted that the construction of a fountain can only be done by a specially trained specialist. Believe me, it's not like that at all. If you choose the right material,
then the fountain can be made independently. First we need to build a base - a bowl. If we are talking about a small fountain, then part of the canister or basin is quite suitable.
For larger fountains, we dig a small pit and strengthen its walls with bricks, cover the bottom with compacted sand.

From above it is necessary to lay dense polyethylene - it will minimize water loss during operation. When the bowl is ready, it's time to take care of the pump. Actually, this is the main and most expensive element of your
fountain. However, we do not recommend saving much on the pump. Reliable pump will last a long time, and the fountain will delight with flawless work for many months.
The power of the pump depends on the volume of the bowl and the height to which the water jet should be shot. When designing a fountain, be sure to consider pump access to
external power source.

Fountain without pump

4. But presence electric pump is not a mandatory element for the fountain. If desired, you can build an electrically independent domed fountain. It's pretty original
a structure consisting of two hermetic communicating vessels, closed through a system of pipes to the bowl of the fountain. If the pressure in one of the vessels increases, due to overpressure water will flow into the fountain. This system has a number of limitations - for example, water must be perfectly clean,
in addition, such a fountain has a relatively short period of action. Periodically, it is necessary to remove water from the lower vessel and pour it into the upper one.

But you do not need to spend money on an expensive pump and be dependent on the availability of electricity on the site. Note that when designing a fountain without a pump,
attention should be paid to such details as ensuring the complete tightness of vessels and junctions with pipes, the volume of vessels - depends on this parameter
the duration of the fountain, the height of the vessels from each other - this factor affects the height of the jet.

So, we are convinced that the construction of a fountain in the country with our own hands is not an out of the ordinary task, and it is quite within the power of people without special experience and knowledge.
Moreover, this does not require any special financial costs, and in some cases, even the most tangible costs - the purchase of a pump - can be omitted.

3. Video: Do-it-yourself fountain from a tire

Fountain decorating country cottage area- a very bright design solution that will help increase the level of moisture in the air and improve the climate on the site. Anyone who values ​​​​rest in the country, but cannot afford significant costs for ennobling the territory, may well build an interesting element of decor with his own hands, while spending a minimum of money.

This reservoir can be absolutely arbitrary in shape, appearance, and created from various improvised means. Do-it-yourself construction can be built from wooden blanks, buckets, clay products, old vases that are unnecessary in everyday life. To create a water device, stones arranged in the form of an exotic dome shape are suitable.

Helpful information

In order to create a fountain in the garden with your own hands, it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Moreover, the design can be created from improvised, often unnecessary elements in everyday life. The only thing you need to spend money on is a quality pump.

A beautiful fountain, which will amaze with its splendor, can become a rare masterpiece if you get a special configuration and have a kind of decoration. The photo shows a variant of the country fountain.

Where to begin?

Pond in the country - a design to create, which you need to know a few simple rules, take into account some of the nuances of materials and mechanisms. Those who have never encountered the creation of a fountain are required to build one of the types of water structures tested in practice:

  • Open reservoir. Water is transferred to the nozzle element, and the jets are formed using different levels through which the liquid passes. To build this design, you need a container that is mounted one meter higher than the level of the nozzles. Giving preference to such a structure, it is required to constantly monitor the water level, because the water pressure can be very weak.
  • Fountain with water circulation. For the construction of such a design, a pump is required, which is placed on the bottom to ensure constant water circulation. Such systems impress with their appearance and are more practical because the water is not polluted by dust. The photo shows a version of the circulating fountain.

Selection of pumping equipment

For a spectacular presentation of the fountain to others, the structure is equipped with a pump. This equipment is selected depending on the desired height of the water structure. The power and performance of the pump depends on this indicator.

The first factor is selected depending on the size of the bowl. The larger the capacity, the more powerful the pump must be so that it has time to remove excess moisture from the drainage. The distance from the pump to the sprayer also plays an important role: the larger this indicator, the higher the power of the pumping equipment.

To connect pumping station use special waterproof connections that operate through a step-down transformer or recharge from a conventional power supply.

Water consumption

This important characteristic, since the correct functioning of the reservoir in the country depends on this. These figures range from one to one hundred and fifty liters per minute. It is very important that desired system water intake was formed by one of the following methods:

  • From central system with further ejection of water into the bowl of the water structure.
  • From the central artery with the discharge of fluid into the collector.
  • From a natural pond with a further release of water back to the source.
  • Using a pump, water is circulated through the water structure.
  • Using a pump that takes water from a separate bowl and then discharges it back into the tank.

Making your own fountain design

After selecting and installing all the necessary elements of the reservoir, we proceed to decorate the structure. Of course, the design of the structure must be determined initially. After all, this affects the choice of location for the structure, its type, the purchase of a pump and the method of supplying water. classic look The fountain is represented by a small sculpture, which is located on the side or in the center of the structure. This option is shown in the photo. Such a design in the country will decorate a large area, immersed in shady alleys.