Repairs Design Furniture

The team of flower bed with their own pyramid. Pyramidal flowerbed with her own hands: Step-by-step instructions and features of use. We choose plants for vertical flower beds

It is difficult to arrange a compact landing, if there is not enough space in the garden. This is especially true of such an exquisite culture as strawberries. Many experienced gardeners invent different ways - pipes, frames, pyramids. As it turns out, this is not such a difficult thing - there would be enough fantasy.

This is a wooden design built of boards filled with soil.

It looks like this design is very attractive, but to make it quite simple.

The cultivation is carried out by a vertical way - so that the roots are directed down, as if planted on an ordinary bed, but raised above the ground.

The design is pretty simple, her you can build it yourself, attracting remedies to this. The principle of the pyramid is that the lower layers of landings are not observed by the upper layers from access of sun rays and just light. Directly the beds are arranged in the form of steps - seedlings are located a few tiers, while tiers look like an ordinary planted horizontal garden.


Even this small design can accommodate several dozen strawberry roots.

The main advantage of the pyramid is that it is possible to save space on the garden, in addition - to plant a large number of seedlings on a relatively small area. Another plus is a beautiful aesthetic look - looks like an exotic flower bed.

Scheme cutting boards.

Order assembly

Summing up the foregoing, you can select the following:

Due to the fact that plants are on the elevation and practically not in contact with the soil, the root system is significantly less subjected to rotting. A similar method of cultivation makes it possible to avoid infection, infection with slugs, cabbage.

Strawberry stability to fungi when landing a pyramid

But the culture also acquires conditional immunity to infect and spread fungal diseases.

Concerning prevention is simplified - reduces the amount of prophylactic spraying or therapeutic treatments. Among other things, plant care is simplified - it is convenient to overturn the first flowers, steps.

And the pyramid can be made collapsible and remove for the winter in the barn.

Reviews of gardeners

  • Easy to loosen the soil, remove possible weeds, bring mineral or.
  • It is simplified by irrigated - There are several tiers at once.
  • Reduces fruit ripening time , simplified harvesting - No need to constantly bend.
  • Many gardeners use pyramidal beds as element of landscape design - It looks great and in the period of flowering, and during the period of fruiting.
  • The structure can be reeded by curly plants - bindweed, wild grapes.

Selection of material and mechanism for designing the pyramid

By deciding to build a pyramidal design for strawberries, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities - the presence of the necessary material, skills and fantasies.

This design can be constructed from various raw materials - wood, metal, polyethylene, plastics, but, in addition to titled materials, you can use the following means:

  • unnecessary tires;
  • a set of old pipes of different lengths and diameter;
  • bags for construction needs;
  • plastic bottles;
  • empty container - barrels or boxes;
  • color Vasons.

From these materials you can create not just a solid pyramid - to portray a beautiful decor element on the site. It is desirable for long-term ministry to use raw materials that can be firmly standing for several years - from one to four years.

In most cases, gardeners choose wood - Boards or long bars. The structure that is done from wood is usually built with three or four corners, while several steps - tiers are erected.

It is more difficult to make a high pyramid, since it is necessary to calculate sufficient stiffness of the structure.

Place definition

If there is a place for the garden on the household site, then there should be no problem with the choice of space.

Otherwise, you will have to choose a place right in the courtyard, and with a similar situation it is worth showing a fantasy, install a vertical bed in the form of a decorative element of landscape design. The same solution should be taken if desired to establish a building in apartment conditions - you have to come up with how to make a frame in the form of a beautiful colors stand.

Pyramid with strawberries in the apartment

If the installation is made in the apartment, the best place for this will be a balcony - it is desirable that it be insulated and closed tightly for the winter period.

For a balcony, it is better to come up with something compact, for example, a small rack based on pots.

If the frame of a small size, it can be. At the same time, it is important that the location of the vertical flower beds was on the southern or south-west side. In extreme cases, must be provided maximum light access - You can equip artificial lighting through a special lamp.

When planting saplings

In some cases, you can land until mid-September, but in these circumstances it is necessary to place landing in such a place to do not expose new to the first frost - In the apartment, on the closed balcony.

Preparatory work and drawings

In order for high-quality and durable pyramid to be published, it is worth calculating the parameters using the drawings.

Pyramid scheme from boards.

  1. Next, you need to prepare wooden boards, nails for connections - size from 20 to 50 millimeters.
  2. Take the hammer, planer, Waterpas.
  3. But they also need pipes from asbestoscertic or PVC, in which there are holes in diameter ten millimeters.
  4. To fill the cavities of the flower beds, the ground mixture is needed - black mill, sand, peat, humus.
  5. It is desirable for all surfaces to treat Olife.
  6. It is better to avoid processing with chemicals in view of the fact that these funds will affect the quality and size of fruits, the level of development and adaptation of seedlings.

Selection of connective grooves


The base is the board with a thickness of about forty millimeters. When all the blanks are ready - to connect through nails and glue.

You can use for a larger screw strength and metal corners. The lower tier is filled with a compost with a small gap of 6 cm for subsequent feeding. Next, the soil compacted. This method establishes all the floors of the pyramid. Taruses can be from three to nine.

I fall asleep fertile soil and planted strawberries.

Features disembarking

Each design is used.

  1. Start from the lowest floor - seven seedlings on each side.
  2. The next level is five bushes on each side.
  3. The third and fourth row - three bushes on each side, the upper level is two seedlings at the base of the pipe.


Landing care is regularly watering seedlings, but it is impossible to repel from any conditional scheme.

Watering is carried out as needed. The feeding is carried out by means of liquid nutritional mixtures. Besides other it is worth taking care of the protection of landings from low temperatures and providing sufficient lighting .

Video on how to make a pyramid from slate

The best decoration of the country area is, undoubtedly, flowers. They fill the space with bright colors, mounted fragrances and warmth of home comfort. It can be spontaneous flower beds, and alpine slides, and decorated flower beds. In addition to flower beds and flower beds, conventional forms look very original in the countryside, multi-tiered flower beds. If competently approach the selection of colors for such a flower, it will be the whole spring and summer period to please you with your blooming view. Build a multi-tiered flowerbed with your own hands is possible even without large material costs.

The first and very important stage of the arrangement of the plot of flowes and flower beds is the overall planning and zoning of the entire territory. Do not be afraid that such a flowerba will take a lot of space. Better on the contrary, avoid bulky forms. When choosing a flower bed design and materials, of which it will be made, be sure to repel from the overall style of the design of your summer cottage and the main buildings.

Materials for the construction of multi-tiered flower

What can you quickly and not very expensive to build a multi-tier flower bed? If you have a rich fantasy, then from anything:

  • trees trunks;
  • stones;

Multi-tier flower bed
  • old furniture;
  • old tires;
  • dishes;
  • wooden pallets;
  • boxes from a closet or chest;
  • boards, bars.

The main materials for multi-tier clubs are wood and stone. These natural eco-friendly materials will perfectly fit into any design and landscape.

Multi-level flower beds do it yourself from a tree

You can use new boards and bars, and you can also apply old pallets or boxes. Flower beds made of wood can be a square or rectangular shape or in the form of a rhombus or a triangle. The flower bed is a pyramid of several tiers of boxes installed on each other. The lower tier will be the largest, upper - respectively, the smallest diameter. The optimal option for such a flower beds - 5 tiers is a height of each about 30 cm.

Flowerba-steps of wood
  1. On the prepared soil install the box.
  2. At the bottom laying a layer of drainage 2-4 cm.
  3. Fulfing the wind to the ground and well tamper.

With all the subsequent levels of flower, we produce exactly the same actions. Before starting work, it is recommended to add complex fertilizers for flowers to the prepared soil and moisturize it.

Council. To extend the life of the wood, it is necessary to process it with an antiseptic or paint.

Multi-tiered stone flower bed

No less beautiful and spectacular, multi-tiered flower beds are obtained. In addition, flowerbeds from such materials are more durable and unpretentious to any weather conditions. And at the same time, it doesn't matter exactly what stones will be made by the flower bed: from large or small, from smooth or fragments, from a broken brick or specialized decorative stone. Applying all your fantasy, you can make an interesting flower composition from any option.

Multi-tiered stone flower bed
  1. We choose a place for the flower beds, dig a 25 cm deep at this point.
  2. Fill with a pit with sand by 10 cm.
  3. At the bottom of the obtained deepening, we lay stones, for the strength of the whole design it is done on a liquid cement solution.
  4. Then I put 2-4 cm drainage to the bottom, and the rest is a fertilized soil.

Attention! Each layer of stones laid on the cement should dry well.

The big advantage of the multi-tiered flower beds from the stone with their own hands is the infinite set of versions: and in the appearance of materials, and in form. In addition to strict geometric forms, such flower beds can be round, and semicircular, and oval and with multiple soft bends. Such forms of flower beds fit very harmoniously into the natural landscape and landscape created by nature itself.

Multi-tier tire beds

Tires still do not come out of fashion! The fastest and easiest way to build a multi-level flower leaf is made of automotive tires. If there is an opportunity, it is better to use in this design of a tire of different diameters. Those that larger diameter will serve as a reason, with a smaller diameter - the following tiers of flower beds. And of course it is recommended to paint them into bright colors. Such an event can be attracted to small assistants, children or grandchildren. Together to build more fun!

Cover flowerbed

The empty space inside the tires is filled with a fertilized soil and tamper. Bright and original flower bed ready.

We select flowers for multi-tiered flower beds

Most multi-tiered clubs are arranged so that after watering, part of the water flows from the upper tiers to the lower. This is a very important feature that is first to take into account when choosing plants and flowers for flower beds.

Thus, for the lower layers of our flower composition, we choose plants that feel comfortable with high soil moisture.

Once upon a time, the hanging gardens of the Semiramides were a miracle of the world glorifying the beauty of nature. Today, only the legend remained from this miracle, which we can bring to life by attaching only a little effort and fantasy.

Landscape designers often decorate their work with hanging flower beds. It looks truly beautiful, stylish and unusual. In addition, this design saves the garden area. And if desired, suspended flower beds can be decorated not only the garden, but also at home or even apartments. After all, they can be hung, for example, on the loggia, on the terrace or onbalcony.

But before decorating your site on the similarity of the hanging gardens of semi -ramides, you need to know several features of the design of such suspension clubs, which today will tell the "Dream House" in this publication.

Selection of Vason Vasona Klumba

Landing of any room plant begins with a selectiontorch . But if the choice of a vase for traditional plants is extremely simple and depends only on its own taste, then when choosing a vase for creating suspended flower beds, some features should be taken into account:

  • first, it is necessary to initially determine where the vase will hang, and calculate what approximate weight there is safe to install;
  • secondly, as the hanging flower beds are a very bright and noticeable decoration, the vase must be perfectly harmonized with an exterior or interior. For example, massive ceramic containers will look majestically, perfectly complementing strict classic or antique styles. Light plastic vases themselves are unlikely to become a designer decoration, but they should not be better suitable for the design of flower beds with long hanging plants.

Suspended flowers in the garden

Those who love naturalness and want to focus on the beauty of colors, it is worth choosing a variety of wicker pymbols. Very beautiful looks from the vine, which can be performed in a wide variety of forms, for example, in the shape of a ball, cone or a rectangular box.

Perhaps the harmonious decoration of any landscape design will be vagnets from wire or forged metal. Especially this option is attractive in that it creates a feeling of some complete "flight" of flower beds.

In addition to the shape, material and design of the vase itself, it is important to pay attention to the fastening. In addition, the fastening of capacities for hanging clubs should be very durable and reliable, especially in ceramic models, it should still rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees freely. This is necessary in order to make a plant from time to time when decorating flower in the yard, a plant to protect against sunlight can rotate.

Specificity landing of suspended flower

Landing hanging flower beds depends on the shape of the vase. In simple vases, resembling pots for indoor flowers, that is, those that have only one open surface, plants are planted as usual.

It is quite another thing if the vase is designed to create a hanging ball. In this case, the frame walls are filled with moss, which is designed to hold moisture, and the entire basket is covered with a special film, which is most often sold with such vases. Then, in those places where plants come from, it is necessary to make small holes. Seedlings should be carefully shook into the velocked holes, and pouring the soil inside the vase and put the plants at the top.

Putting flowers to create a hanging flower beds with your own hands, you should pour a little soil and hang the vase into a cool place for several days.

Suspended flowers in the garden: which plants are suitable for hanging clubs

To create hanging beds, it is better to choose unpretentious plants that do not have special requirements for the state of the soil. In addition, choosing the inhabitants for such vases, it is important to take into account the ratio of the size of their root system to the size of the pot. For example, the roots of Petunia grow very quickly, and if the vase for this flower will be less than 6-8 liters, then its root system will soon fill the entire capacity of the capacity, which is why the plant may die.

Very beautiful design will have a suspended flower bed with their own hands when planting in the vases of magnificent blooming seals, for example, pansy eyes, petunitions, verbena, velittsy, etc. Also perfectly get along and grow in suspended porridge or vase almost all the home plants, among which Calanechoe, Nasturtium, Daisy, Moldova, Cancer, etc.

Of course, bright colorful flowers will always be a worthy decoration of any garden or interior, but do not think that only flowering plants can be used in the design of suspended flower. For example, Vasons with spicy herbs - mint, rosemary, etc. look very beautiful and stylishly.

And those who love originality, can be advised to make a very unusual, but very useful decoration - a hanging basket with fine vegetables, such as strawberries, which will be fruitful even on the veranda or on the balcony.

Specification of hanging clubs

Caring for plants planted in suspendedcachepo depends on whether they have pallets. Baskets without a pallet prevent moisture stagnation in the soil that on the one hand, well, as it slows down the rotation of the root system of plants, and on the other - can lead to a lack of moisture, if Located on the sunny section. If the vase is equipped with a pallet, then you should not water the plant too often, as well as install it in darkened areas.

In addition, the soil in suspended flower beds must be periodically fertilized, because During irrigation, the minerals in it are washed out.

In all other aspects, the care of plants in the suspended garden flower beds is no different from the care of plants planted into open ground - they should also be regularly watering, eliminate dried leaves and fight pests.

Flowers and flower beds are undoubtedly an important part of each garden. It is they who create a general appearance and decorate your plot. There are many types of flower: they differ in forms, design, location, methods of seating and care.

One of the most convenient, popular and beautiful types of flower beds is a pyramidal flower bed. It is a stand with a vertical rod, and several disk containers with a soil are attached to it. Such a flower bed is convenient because it takes a little place, while allowing you to grow more plants. It is suitable for both flower and growing strawberries and strawberries.
Often, under the pyramidal flower, they also understand the long-term disembarkation. This is such a type of seating when the highest plant is grown in the center of the flower, and then the plants are smaller with each round. Thus, the general appearance of such a landing is a pyramid and looks much more interesting and original than an even monotonous location of plants.

The frame of the pyramidal flower beds can be bought in the store or make such a flower beds with their own hands.

How to make a flowerbed with your own hands

Pyramidal flowerbed in the country with your own hands for everyone. First you need to decide on the location of your flower beds. The appropriate place should be sunny and not too frozen by winds. Plant in advance which plants will be planted on the pyramidal flower bed and their location. From the number of plants and the area of \u200b\u200bthe selected place will depend on the size of the pyramid boxes. In our small lesson on creating flower beds we will take averages.

Step 1
The selected place for the pyramidal flower beds should be seen with a chain grid (metal hex mesh) with a size of 240 cm by 240 cm.
Step 2.
We build a square root base from a tree or from slate. If you do not have suitable boxes, you can make them from boards with duplicated in each groove. The finished box should be less than your grid by about 20 cm (i.e. 220 cm by 220 cm), and height 25 cm.
Step 3.
In the box we fall asleep layer of Earth 15 cm.
Step 4.
Install the pipe in the center of our box. The diameter of the pipe should be 10 cm or more. In the pipe, we close in advance the bottom and drill holes for watering.
Step 5.
We put the compost around the pipe for heating our pyramid.
Step 6.
We make another box - 170 cm at 170 cm. Now we set it into the box base in the center, also fall asleep the earth.
Step 7.
We produce, install and fall asleep the earth three more boxes, each less than the previous one - 120 cm by 120 cm, 70 cm by 70 cm, 20 cm by 20 cm. The height of each box should be the same as the base - 25 cm.

You can also create a pyramidal flower leaf from the most ordinary tires. The greatest difficulty lies in the selection of suitable tires of different sizes. And the technology of creating a pyramid remains unchanged, only instead of boxes use unnecessary tires.

So, our pyramidal flower bed is ready. Now you can proceed to landing of selected plants.

Plant landing on pyramidal flowerbed

Any plants of the flower beds need some care. It is necessary to choose the plants with the mind for your new pyramid. It is very practical to make a composition of plants that will not require special care and shelter for the winter. It is also necessary to take into account the time of flowering and the "perennialness" of planted plants, so that every season your flowerba pleases you and did not look empty. Think up the adult sizes of the colors planted in advance so as not to put them too close. And before the landing itself, be sure to prepare the Earth - to redo it and support it.
The pyramidal flower bed is good what is suitable for both growing flowers and berries and even vegetables.
If you decide to create a flower bed, then the original solution will land multicolored plants on different tiers. Very beautiful on any flower, such flowers as non-phila, lavater, azalea, Ipomea, Passiflora and many others look at any flower.

Flowerba Pyramid is ideal for growing strawberries and strawberries. Their seedlings are better to plant in August or September. Before planting, it is necessary to break the earth and fill with mineral and organic fertilizers. It is also necessary to straighten the roots of seedlings so that they do not get up, then fall asleep the earth and well tackle the earth around. On one flower-pyramid, it is possible to plant about 70 bushes of such seedlings, getting up to 50 kg of berries.

Design of pyramidal flower

The design of the club depends only on your own tastes and expanses of fantasy. Such a flower can be painted beautifully, selecting each tier in your color and adding pictures or patterns. It is important to remember that the design of flower-pyramids should be combined with the common type of your garden and other flower beds. You can arrange all the elements of the garden in one color or the same pattern.
Also, sides of the pyramidal flower beds can be placed in multicolored and different in the form of small decorative stones or figures. They can also decorate the land-free landing plots in the flower bed. In addition, sides of the flower beds can be arranged by backlighting so that in the evening your pyramid looked impressive.

The decor of the pyramidal flower beds, like the whole garden, depends only on your imagination and creative abilities.

How to make a flower-pyramid with your own hands? Flowers - one of the excellent options for the garden decoration, they themselves cause admiration, but even more beautiful look in the elegant flower beds.

Flowerbed is a flower garden that creates a general view of the garden and decorating it. There are many options for design, differing in size, form, care and method of seating, but one of the most beautiful and popular is flowerbed Pyramid. It takes a little place and you can grow more plants in it than in the usual one.

The flowerbed in the form of a pyramid can be made of tires, tires, edged boards, buckets, flower pots, broken furniture, bricks. If you enable fantasy, you can use all the available remedies and decorate the garden with your own hands.

To create a pyramidal flower beds from the buckets will be needed:

  • several tanks;
  • steel pipe;
  • drill;
  • sledgehammer;
  • soil and seedlings;
  • a little mixture of concrete.

The pyramid should be started to do at a permanent location, as it will be very difficult to carry it. At the bottom of the bucket you need to drill, the hole in which will be included. The diameter of the hole in the bucket must be 2 times larger than the diameter of the pipe. The pipe should be put in a pot and fall asleep the earth. Putting on a bucket on the pipe, you should pour the land immediately and plant plants. In order for the composition to be more elegant, you can plant hanging plants.

Another option is a multi-level flower bed of tires. It is necessary to take some old tires of different sizes, paint into different colors or draw some patterns on them, ornaments and assemble in the form of a pyramid. Fall asleep should be drainage, and then soil (Fig. 1).

A good solution is the original club of tires. Several old tires take and paint in bright colors, folded in a chess order, sear the flowers - and here it turned out the original flower bed-pyramid (Fig. 2). You can buy in stores for the garden ready-made pyramidal flower beds in which the flowers remain only to plant.

Decoration of flowerbed

In order for the flower bed to look spectacularly and bright, you need to make it beautifully. There are no obstacles in creating flower beds, you can use various materials: stones, pots, logs, bottles and much more. With the help of stones and pots, you can collect a beautiful composition around the flower bed. You can make a fencing from glass bottles, painting them into different colors.

The design of flower beds depends entirely from fantasy, each tier can be painted or painted with different colors or patterns.

You can equip the backlight around the flower, so they will look very impressive in the evening.

Color selection and landing

An important decision will be the selection of colors for flower beds-pyramids. After all, the flowers are different and their many: small, large, bright, dull, etc. Also, plants should be chosen by flowering and life: annual, two-year or perennial.

When designing, you need to take into account several rules. High plants should always be put on the back plan, and small ones on the front. Beautifully flowerbed looks in such colors, like white-pink, red-orange.

It is also worth remembering that when watering flower-pyramids water will always fire down, so drought-resistant plants should be chosen for the upper tiers. When planting colors, it should be borne in mind that the buds will grow towards the Sun, and if you look at them from the north, they will be rotated the back side. Therefore, on the northern flower beds, it is better to plant plants that need a minimum of the sun.

When planting plants, retreat to a greater distance. At first it will seem that the flowers are too far from each other, but after the buds bloom, flowerba will look gorgeous.

Beautiful flowerbed can be obtained by planting annual and perennial colors together. Be sure to plant bearded irises or Turkish carnations to this flower.

Of course, a real fairy tale of the garden in the country can be made with your own hands. And to know how to make a floweruba correctly and what plants are better suitable for her, it is not necessary to turn to professional gardeners. It is only important to give the will of his fantasy, and everything will turn out.