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Planting pepper seedlings into the ground. How to put pepper sediment. Possible diseases and pests, and the fight against them

Pepper is a rather demanding culture, and it is possible to get a harvest only with appropriate care. Gardeners with experience are achieving excellent results without problems, but newcomers often have difficulties in growing pepper. It often happens that strong healthy bushes give 2-3 fetus not the very best quality or binding is falling out without visible causes. But so I want to collect pepper buckets, so that it is juicy, big, fragrant! In fact, it is not so difficult to achieve a good harvest, you only need to carefully examine several important rules of agrotechnology of this wonderful culture.

When going to grow pepper in the open soil, first of all you need to choose the right grade. The period of vegetation in pepper is very long, and even in early grades, the first fruits ripen days after 100 after the appearance of germs. Therefore, in order to have a harvest, you need to pay attention only to early and secondary varieties. In addition, the climatic features of their region should be taken into account. For example, in the south of the country, peppers of different maturation terms are successfully grown, since the conditions there are the most favorable, and in the Northern and Eastern regions the best results show mainly cold-resistant early grades.

The shape and size of fruits also matter. For stuffing and canning it is worth choosing varieties with cone-shaped small fruits, large thick-walled fruits of a cubic form are more suitable for fresh use.

If you are going to grow pepper for sale, take a look at the hybrids of Dutch selection: they are cold-resistant, early and friendly ripen, less often affect diseases.

The novice gardener is difficult to understand the abundance of varieties, so the most popular and reliable are below:

Preparation of place

Select and preparing a plot for pepper follows from autumn. Qualitatively prepared soil is a guarantee of normal growth and fruiting plants for the next year. The perfect place is a gardening from the south side of the house or household buildings that are in the light shadow of the afternoon. Such a location provides protection from the wind, and from the burns of the leaves in the July heat. Do not land pepper where tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and other grained cultures have grown over the past three years. Bean and pumpkin cultures, cabbage, fringe, siturats are considered the best predecessors of pepper.

Preparation of beds for peppers

Soil for pepper should be neutral or weakly acid. On the beds with a sour ray plant for a long time of transplanting, weakly develop, almost do not bloom and do not fruit.

Tip! Check the acidity at home is very easy: you need to take a little land and moiste with ordinary cutlery. If no reaction follows - the soil is acidic and needs lime, if bubbles appeared on the surface - this indicates neutral acidity.

So, if the earth on the chosen area is sour, with a permeated lime (1 cup per square meter) or wood ash (1.5-3 kg) are made. If the soil is neutral, it is necessary to make a recoverable organic (from 5 to 10 kg per m2) and switching a garden to a depth of 20-25 cm. In the spring, it is additionally introduced by 40 g per meter of potash-phosphoric fertilizers, the soil is well loose and align.

Growing seedlings

Severy pepper seeds into open soil is inappropriate, plants will not have time to enter fruiting to cold weather. That is why sweets and sharp grade pepper grown through seedlings. The secondary and average varieties are sown around in early February, early - in early March. Note that the overgrown seedlings adapts for a very long time in the open soil, especially if there are already flowering plants.

Step 1. Seeds are immersed in warm water for 5-6 hours for swelling. Then lay them on a wet fabric, wrapped and leave in a warm place for 2-3 days until the sprouts will be processed.

Step 2. Mix 1 part of the garden land, 1 part of the sand and 2 parts of the revolted organic, warmed in the microwave or ordinary oven for disinfection. Then, 1 kg of the mixture add a tablespoon of wood ash and mixed thoroughly.

Step 3. Torn potatoes or disposable cups with a capacity of 0.5 l and fill them with prepared soil. You can suck seeds and into a common capacity, but as it becomes closely, the pepper does not like the pepper picking.

Step 4. The proceeding seeds lay down one in each pot, the ground is slightly poured, moisturized through the sprayer. Then the containers are covered with glass or film and put in a warm place. Temperature must be maintained within 22-24 degrees.

Sprouts appear for 2-3 days after sowing. At this time, they need to provide at least 12 hours of lighting, so prepare phytolamba in advance. Film from the pots are removed that the elevated humidity does not destroy tender sprouts. Pepper seedlings are very moderately, only when the substrate begins to push. Water is used only warm and resistant, the development slows down from cold water.

If there is too dry air in the room, seedlings should be sprayed in the morning (too warm water). After checking the room, be sure to clean the seedlings from the draft, avoid sudden temperature drops. A week after the shootings, the night temperature is recommended to reduce to 15 ° C. Thirsty and hardened seedlings should be gradually hardening. On warm days, when the temperature outside the window rises to 13 ° C, the pepper needs to be placed on an open air, providing wind protection. The first time is enough half an hour, then the time of staying in the air is increased daily. In cold days, seedlings do not endure, since already at 10 ° C plants may be damaged.

Landing in the primer

Before planting seedlings, the beds are stolen from weeds, looser and smash. The wells are made at a distance of 30 cm in the row, there are 60-70 cm. It is necessary to plant peppers in the evening or in cloudy weather, as the daily heat is an additional stress for the plant. Approximately 5-6 hours before transplanting, the seedlings are abundantly watered so that the root system is easier to adapt in new conditions. Water for watering is also prepared in advance: dial in buckets or a large container and put in the sun for heating.

Step 1. In each well, 2-3 liters of water are poured and allowed to absorb a little.

Step 2. Seedlings are neatly removed from the tanks so as not to break up the earthen com. If peat pots were used, peppers planted with them.

Step 3. Plants are lowered in the hole slightly deeper than they grow in cups, sprinkle from all sides of the earth, seal with their hands.

Tip! Pepper is easily overstated, so if you plan to collect seeds, plan different varieties as far as possible from each other. Additionally, it is possible to broadcast their tall cultures, such as corn, sunflower, Topinambury and others. Acute and sweet peppers should also be planted at the maximum distance, otherwise all the fruits will have a sharp taste.

Pepper care in open soil

Watering and feeding

2 days after disembarking, peppers watered and pour out the ground with shallow straw, dry grass or sawdust. In the future, watering plants need once a week until the ovary is formed, after which the watering is raised - 1 time for 5 days. In order not to water so often, you can increase the mulch layer to 10 cm.

Feed the landing three times:

  • for the first time, fertilizer is brought 10 days after landing. Used for this bird litter, diluted in the proportion of 1:10, with the addition of 200 g of ash and 40 g of superphosphate by 10 liters of solution. The specified volume is enough about 10 bushes;
  • the second time the pepper is fed at the beginning of the fruiting of a cowbling solution in a ratio of 1: 5 or divorced bird litter (1:10);
  • the third time fertilizer is brought during the mass formation of fruits when plants need the most replenishment of nutrients.

In the appearance of pepper it is easy to determine which substances it is not enough. If the leaves are dried around the edge, and then twist, it indicates a lack of potassium. The lack of nitrogen is expressed by the mattiness of the leaves, the presence of a grayish shade. In addition, the leaves become small. But when an overlapping nitrogen is beginning to fall off the wounds and flowers. A rich purple color of the back side of the leaves indicates the lack of phosphorus, the marble pattern occurs with a lack of magnesium. Fill it all helps the use of mineral fertilizers, but do not forget to accurately observe the dosage, otherwise all excess will be fruitful.

If the autumn was warm, with the help of another feeding, you can extend the fruiting early varieties. To do this, 50 g of superphosphate is divorced in 10 liters of water, 15 g of ammonia nitrate and potassium chloride.


The soil in the aisle should be regularly loosened to a depth of up to 10 cm. The formation of soil crust slows down the development of peppers, causes oxygen fasting root system. It is best to carry out loosening on the outflow after irrigation, while the earth is still quite wet. If the mulch is not used, the loosening is carried out under the most bushes, but very carefully, since the roots are located very close to the surface. During the period of bootonization and flowering, each plant is desirable to extinate at a height of 10-12 cm.

Formation of bush

To get large overwhelmed fruits, the plant should remove unnecessary shoots (stepsing). All the processes below the first branching are completely removed, since they only pull the juices from the plant and interfere with fruiting. In addition, it is necessary to cut forward the crown so that each branch receives enough air and light. Too thick bushes form little barring, the fruits grow small and thin-walled fruits.

On average, trimming is held every two weeks, but if summer rainy, the steps will have to be removed more often - about once every 10 days. Pruning is desirable to combine with loosening soil to disturb the plant less.

The shoots from pepper are quite fragile, and any careless movement can damage the stalks. To avoid this, it is recommended to tie tall grades to supports.

Diseases and pests

This culture is subject to phytoofluorosis, white and vertex rot, tobacco mosaic and some other diseases. The best way to combat them is prevention and proper care. Compliance with the landing scheme, timely thinning and trimming, the right watering, the removal of patients with the beds will help you keep fitting healthy and get a crop in full.

From pests effectively acts dusting of wood ash rustic. It is necessary to do this at least 5 times per season, preferably in the morning clock while the leaves are wet. The spraying of peppers with garlic influence also helps the spraying of pepper with a spraying tick. Slugs that do not mind to enjoy fresh leaflets are collected using traps or scare saline, lime, mustard, pepper powder, filled with rustles.

Video - Pepper: Growing and Care in Open Ground

Video - Pepper seedlings landing

Video - Formation of the Bush Pepper

When peppers plant in open ground? Approximate deadlines

Even if pepper seedlings develop, do not rush to plant her outdoor ground. This is a thermal-loving culture, so his disembarking can be carried out only when the threat of frosts and the air temperature will not fall below 13-15 degrees at night.

Usually such conditions occur somewhere to mid-June (). But if suddenly, after disembarking, the temperature dropped at the time and arose a threat of frosts, it is necessary to cover the plants at least for a while with non-woven material or with some other remedies.

The age of seedlings, ready for moving to open ground, 60-65 days. Usually the first bud appears on each bush.

All buds formed before transplant is recommended to delete. Usually it happens from overgrown, over 65 days, seedlings.

Such a procedure is necessary to stimulate new flowering and formation of fruits. The fact is that the peculiarity of this culture is the wave-like fruit. Tied the first fruits, the plant stops flowering until they grow to commercial sizes.

Only after that new flowers begin to appear. If you do not remove the first buds, the development of fruits will slow down.

Removing the first few buds will result in abundant formation of leaves, which is favorable for pepper. Unlike tomatoes, he only benefits a large number of leaves, as it increases the harvest.

Selection and preparation of the site

When selecting places for landing should be taken into account heat-loving and very demanding to light culture. If he does not get enough sun rays the maximum time during the day, good harvest you will not wait. Therefore, any sections that within the course of the day fall into the shadow of buildings or trees should be immediately excluded.

It is also important protect the pepper from windespecially northern. Anyone, even the most temporary supercooling during the day, it is contraindicated. You should also plant pepper on draft.

The best pepper predecessors are carrots, zucchini. It is impossible to plant it in those areas where in the previous season they grew, or. In no case cannot be planted for the same place for two years in a row.

This is due to the fact that in the development of each culture consumes certain mineral substances, pulling them out of the soil.

And the landing of the same culture in one place will lead to the fact that each subsequent generation will not be elements for nutrition, which means that it will be bad.

For growing pepper suitable areas with light soil low acidity. If the acidity is raised, it is recommended to make it up for autumn. For landing, high ridges are preparing, so that the root system is warm. Direction Grocery make the West East. With the soil resistance in the spring, it is necessary to add humid, compost and superphosphate.

Effectively for growing pepper use "warm bed" on biofuel. For its preparation, a trench of a depth of 40-50 cm is rotated. At the bottom it is necessary to put the manure mixed with chopped straw or compost. A layer of soil is poured over this mixture.

A few hours before the dropping of pepper, the beds are watered with hot water, and biofuels begins to highlight heat. The roots of pepper on such a garden will be warm and will not suffer even from some cooling. In addition, the lower layer will serve as an additional power supply for plants. Different varieties on one garden.

IMPORTANT! Do not land close to pepper tomatoes and potatoes, they are bad neighbors for him.

So that sweet pepper is not bitter

Pepper is self-polished plant, and it must be considered when landing. If you plan to grow bitter, sweet and sharp grade, it is necessary to plant them in different places. When planning, their close to each other will occur, and the taste qualities of each variety will change. Sweet will begin to chant or become sharp.

How to prepare seedlings?

You should not immediately carry out drawers with pepper and plant pepper into beds. If seedling was at home, it will not transfer the cutting conditions and die.

Before falling down pepper into an outdoor ground seedlings need to order.

Events on the preparation for landing start in two or three weeks before the expected date. Seedlings need a few hours a day to carry out on the street and install it in the pronted place. In the first days, the walk should be short, only 3-4 hours from noon and up to 16 hours.

Gradually time increase. For the night, be sure to make seedlings to the house. In the last two or three days before disembarking, leave the boxes for the night on the clock.

IMPORTANT! Watch that the seedlings do not hit the straight rays of the sun, so that the leaves do not get burns.

In addition to hardening, it is necessary to provide seedlings to protect against fungi. 7 days before landing must be treated with system fungicide (Bordeaux liquid, copper vigorous, oxych).

The day before extracting the soil from the box, it is necessary to pour well.

How to plant pepper seedlings into the ground?

  1. For planting pepper prepare a garden of 80-100 cm wide.
  2. The wells depth 15-20 cm are made at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other, 50-60 cm between rows.
  3. At the bottom of each well, you need to pour a handful of well overwhelming and pour at least 2 liters of water.

IMPORTANT! The size of its fruit depends on the pepper disembarkation scheme. If the bushes put on the distance described in the previous paragraph, the fruits will not be very much, but they will be large. Thickened landings (25x30 cm) will allow you to get a large number of medium or small fruits.

If each instance is grown in a separate container, disembarking exercise. Removing the plant along with a room of land, you need to try so that it does not fall apart. With this method of transplanting the roots of peppers, they will not suffer, therefore, the plant quickly takes on.

When growing seedlings in boxes, the roots of individual bushes can be intertwined. Removing such plants from the ground, you will definitely damage the roots.

In order to maximize the plants from damage to the root system, the longitudinal and transverse slots for the entire depth are made before landing in the box in the drawer.

The stem of each bush is shuffled into the soil at the same level on which it was in a box or a pot. It is impossible to plant it deeper for two reasons:

  1. With a plated landing, the roots will fall into the cold soil, and will also experience a lack of oxygen.
  2. The pepper stem does not forms additional roots, like a tomato. Therefore, part of it, found in the ground, can start rotting.

The plant with a lump of land is placed in the well. The soil is tamped. If the bushes are already high, you need to put the pegs next to them for tapping. While the stem is not fat, it can easily break with wind gusts.

After planting the plant is good, the soil around the stem is thoroughly mured to prevent her drying. The mulch can use humid or peat. The next watering is better to produce 1-3 daysSo that the roots can take care and start it to be rotated.

Disembarking needed in the eveningSo that the sun does not burn the plants. For the same purpose, in the first days after landing, it is desirable to pronounce plants.

Tip! To smooth out the consequence of stress when transplanting pepper into open ground, spray it per day before the solution of the epin-extra preparation. Spend the same processing through the day after disembarkation.

How to prevent plants overcooling?

To delay the pepper falling into the open ground before the onset of sustainable warm days is impossible. The reasons for this are two:

  • In the heat planted plants will be bad and even can burn.
  • The grown bushes, on which buds have already begun to form, will reset them. And you lose part of the crop.

Therefore, the disembarkation has to be carried out when the night temperatures are not yet perfect for pepper. Yes, and the threat of return freezers exists almost until the end of June. Temporary shelters for landed peppers will solve the problem.

For their preparation over the garden, arcs put arcs and cover them with a film or nonwoven underfloor material. This method, except for the heat, gives another opportunity in the first after landing the days to protect the seedlings from the scoring rays of the day sun.

The shelter, pounded on the arc, is fixed by heavy objects or poured the earth. We need to open such a mini-greenhouse from one end.

ATTENTION! Do not open both the ends of the tunnel cover from both sides. Plants at the same time will be on the draft and begin to freeze.

A few days after the seedling seedlings of pepper into the ground, when the plants are rooted, you can remove the conditioned material for the day. For the night, it needs to again throw on arcs, because the night temperatures in June are not yet sufficiently comfortable for pepper. When hot weather is established, the temporary greenhouse can be dismantled and continue the cultivation of pepper in the open soil.

The birthplace of sweet Bulgarian pepper is the central part of America. Having come to us, the vegetable was without any problems and began to enjoy popular. Rich bright colors and a special taste of pepper will make any dish unique and festive.

It is possible to plant and grow pepper in summer cottages, greenhouses, vegetable garden. Landing this vegetable - the process is not difficult, but has its own characteristics and nuances. Therefore, if you have a cottage plot, you can try to grow this vegetable rich with vitamins yourself.

Chicken pepper

Preparation of seeds to the existence

Acquired sweet pepper seeds require special preparations. This will give the opportunity to get strong seedlings in the future, which will be less susceptible to diseases and death.

  1. Begin to search for the seeds of Bulgarian pepper at the end of winter - in February, when the day is not yet long. Planting seedlings in open ground advise after 95-100 days. During this time they fix and will be prepared for landing and further growth and development in the fresh air.
  2. Transplantation (dive) of this vegetable is undesirable, it takes it badly. Therefore, it is recommended to initially sung seeds into individual containers, and then plant in the ground. The diameter of them should be not more than 10 cm. Deep and wide containers are not used expedient.
  3. Pepper loves the soil lung and explosion. So that the planting was made in such a soil, mix one part of the sand and peat ground with two parts of the underflood soil. By 1 kg of the resulting substrate, add 1 tbsp. Wood ash.

Pepper seed soaking

Before landing, the seeds are properly processed:

  • For the beginning, the seeds are disinfected in a weak solution of manganese for 20-30 minutes. After this time, they are washed with water.
  • Then the seeds are treated with special stimulants for active growth and proper development of the root system. Such drugs can be purchased in specialized stores for gardeners.
  • Final processing of seeds - antifungal agents. They will protect future seedlings from diseases, primarily fungal.

When the seeds are processed properly, experienced gardens conduct them stratification. This process is that the prepared seeds turn into a wet fabric and are kept in this state for 2 days. The fabric should be constantly wet, and the location of seeds is warm, 25-30 degrees. So the seeds of the plant "wake up" and it will be possible to plant them in the pots.

When the seeds were processed, you can start landing. Each seed is seeded into a separate container to a depth of 6 to 12 mm.

The shown pepper is poured from the sprayer of warm water and the tank is covered with a polyethylene film or glass. Seedling is placed in a dark place.

The seedling temperature seedlings should be about 25 degrees. In case the seeds were generous, the first shoots can be noticed already on the 3-4th day after seeding. After the emergence of the first germs, the temperature is advised to lower for 5-7 days. It will not allow plants to stretch up and lose the necessary strength necessary for the further development. After a week, the temperature can be increased again, but slightly.

When the first shoots appeared, the plants are rearranged closer to the lighting source. During this period, they need special care: special attention should be paid to the watering of seedlings. You can not allow the mooring of the soil and breathing it. Watering is produced with warm water. If it is cold watering, it will badly affect young sprouts - they will become sluggish and unviable and landing them to open terrain will be meaningless.

High-quality seedlings pepper

Air humidity in the room where seedlings are grown, should be moderate. The land he will, the more often the plants will have to spray. It is also done with warm water. Premises itself every day, but try to protect shoots from drafts - they do not like them.

If possible, carry out additional lighting of young seedlings. The end of February is not characterized by a sufficient light day, so artificial lighting is required.

Before transplanting plants in open ground, they are recommended to harden. This will make it hardy and resistant to weather conditions and diseases. For this plant begin to endure into the air. The first day stay there seedlings should be 5-10 minutes. Every day the time will increase. However, it is impossible to allow young seedlings to approach, or was at temperatures below 13 degrees.

Landing in the soil seedlings pepper Bulgarian

  1. The seedling seedlings of pepper requires the right place that is chosen for this. Pepper is recommended to plant on those areas where there was no onion, carrots, pumpkin cultures or cucumbers. It is extremely undesirable to land it after potatoes, tomatoes or peppers.
  2. Soil for Bulgarian pepper needs to choose light and fertilized. Organic substances under the peppers are brought over the year or two before its landing, and all the others are in the fall. For 4-5 days before landing in the seedlings in the open soil, robes are recommended to carry out its disinfection. For this, a special solution is made at the rate of 1/2 of Article. Copper mood at 5 liters of water. This solution is processed by a plot.
  3. In open soil, the prepared plants are planted after three months from the date of seeding seed. It turns out in April or May. In April, this is done only in the case when the seeds were sown at the beginning of winter.
  4. Landing has a 40x50 landing scheme. It depends on the grade of pepper. The largest plants are assumed, the more distances between them should be.
  5. Saplings that are in separate containers are carefully removed from them. The depth of the holes in the ground should be the same as the depth of the seaside tank. It is not recommended to plant plants with naked roots or sprinkle the root seedlings. Planting pepper should be carried out in the morning or evening.

Bitter and sweet pepper must be grown separately

Landing several varieties of Bulgarian peppers should take into account that this vegetable is subject to the process of transferaging. Therefore, different varieties are preferably located at some distance. It is advisable to divide them with each other by other plantations: corn, tomatoes, sunflower, etc.

Nuances of the right care for Bulgarian pepper

Plant care includes its proper watering, weeding and timely feeding. First feeding in the period when the plants acquired two real leaves. The mixture for fertilizer consists of such drugs: an ammmonium agriculture (0.5 g), potassium (1 g), superphosphate (3 g). These means are bred in 1 liters of warm water, and seedlings are poured by this solution.

The second feeder is performed exactly two weeks. All components of fertilizers double.

The fertilizer of seedlings in Nasty from nettle is popular. For this, 1 part of the dry nettle is placed in 10 liters of water and there are two days. The resulting solution is watering seedlings.

The last feeder is produced 2-3 days before disembarking seedlings in open ground.

Care is also in the observation of plants:

  • If you notice that the leaves from the peppers began to twist and dry in the edges, this means that potassium lacks in the ground. But with his rebuppiness should also be neat - the pepper may die.
  • When lacking in the nitrogen soil, the leaves of plants become matte with a gray tint and are crushed over time.
  • With the lack of phosphorus, the purple tint is acquired from the bottom side, pressing the trunk, pulling up.
  • With lack of magnesium, pepper leaves become marble.
  • When the nitrogen is rebuilding in the ground, the leaves, flowers and wounds will be folded.

During the level of high humidity, the care is to remove side shoots in plants (steps). In dry and hot weather, steaming plants do not advise. This is due to the fact that the bottom leaves serve as a barrier for the rapid weighing of moisture from the soil and protect it from drying out.

The central flower on pepper experienced gardeners advise to delete. This will contribute to an increase in yield.

In the growing season, the care implies whether the plants must succumb to circumcision. Its essence is that the longest shoots are shortened, there should be no shaded branches on the plant. Pruning is recommended to spend every 10 days, the last one after harvesting.

The first flower of pepper is advised to delete

In order for pollination of the pepper occurred more actively, the experimental gardens spray it with sugar solve.

Among useful advice on pepper care are allocated:

  • sut pepper is recommended, given the advice of experienced gardeners;
  • pepper does not tolerate overheating and requires abundant irrigation;
  • regular loosening of the soil - a prerequisite for the cultivation of Bulgarian pepper;
  • to protect pepper from diseases, they are advised to provide plants with calcium and potassium;
  • pepper mulching is when the soil is protected from excessive loss of moisture and nutrients (it is produced using a straw rebel, which is laid out between the rows of plants);
  • pepper plants need timely garter and enhancement;
  • we annually carry out natural sevozmen (this will increase the amount of crop).

Watering pepper is of particular importance.

When the soil is prohibited, this can lead to diseases and death of plants. Insufficient watering can trigger the dropping of flowers and stocks. Before the flowering period, pepper watering once every 7 days. After the start of flowering and the formation of fruits, pepper demands watering 2 times a week. Watering pepper is recommended for warm water with rain watering. After irrigation, the soil between plants should be disappeared. Proper pepper care will make a good result.

California pepper grade

Diseases and pests of Bulgarian pepper

Pepper care involves the prevention and treatment of this plant from diseases and pests.

Processing pepper with chemicals is not recommended. This is due to the fact that the pepper is capable of accumulating all substances that fall into it in the fruits. This can adversely affect human health, with the use of plant fruits. Correcting correctly, observing the main agrotechnical rules, to process the pepper with additional drugs is not necessary.

If it happened that the plants got sick, then it is possible to solve it with the help of safe tools and methods

The cultivation of Bulgarian pepper is an exciting and grateful occupation. When creating a plant for this, all the necessary conditions, it will thank you with a rich harvest of large, juicy and vitamin fruits.

Most of the vegetable breeds are engaged in the cultivation of peppers on their summer cottage. Pepper has useful properties that are stored even after defrosting. This vegetable culture loves warmth, and therefore it is recommended to determine in advance when it is necessary to plant pepper into an open ground for better growth. After all, if you put it too early, and the minimum temperature on the street drops below 0-5 degrees, then frozen seedlings will die.

Before planting peppers into open ground, it is necessary to define the timing of its landing. The seedling period depends on the two main factors.


It is no secret that a very important role during the planting of pepper in the garden plays the optimum temperature. At what temperature will be grown by pepper seedlings, its quality depends. Therefore, you should find out in advance what minimum temperature is withstanding seedlings. On the street, the temperature should be at least 15-18 degrees of heat. This is enough to grow a good harvest. Critical temperature for planting a culture is 0-10 degrees. With such indicators, the freezing of seedlings may begin.

Optimal temperature indicators in different parts of the country occur at different times. Residents living in the southern regions, planting the Bulgarian pepper is recommended not before May. This month, even a strong decrease in temperature will not affect the planted seedlings. If you plant seedlings in April or March, then night frosts can destroy all bushes.

In more northern regions, it warms a little later and, therefore, so that the bushes do not froze at night, they plant no earlier than the second half of May. Some gardeners from the northern regions of the country prefer to grow peppers in the greenhouse. At the same time, in the greenhouse, the temperature and in the evening the temperature is kept at the level of 20 degrees.

Moon calendar

A considerable part of the vegetable rods determines the favorable landing days for pepper with the help of a special lunar calendar.

It is known that the Phases of the Moon can affect the period of pepper landing. With an increase in the size of the moon, all the strength of the plants is sent upwards, and with a decrease - down, closer to the roots. The pepper fruits are overhead and therefore their landing in the spring should be carried out during the growing month. This year, the sizes of the moon will increase during such spring days - from April 25 to May 10. People living in the northern regions should wait for the next phase of the Moon, which will begin on May 29 and will last until June 10. It is in these numbers it is better to plant pepper into the shade or in the sun to achieve good yield.

Planting seedlings

Having determined the optimal date for planting for pepper after frosts, you can proceed to a transplant. Planting vegetables into open ground is quite difficult and therefore it is better to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of this process.

Selection of site

Before spending spring transplants, it is necessary to choose the most suitable area in the garden. From where the pepper is planted, the quality and amount of crop depends. So that the planted seedlings do not join during cultivation, it must be planted only on solar sites that are constantly warming up.

Also, when choosing, the culture should be taken into account that were planted on the site earlier. You can land this vegetable culture there, where the cabbage, cucumbers, legumes and zucchini were grown. At the same time, sweet peppers will not grow well after potatoes, tomatoes, Physalis and eggplants.

In addition, it is necessary to determine which soil is better suitable for this vegetable culture. Pepper is recommended to grown in lightweight and loose soil. In it, they grow best, and their root system almost never frozen. Pepper is afraid of clay and sandy soils located on wet lowlands. Such soil during cooling quickly freezes, so the reduced night temperature can harm the bushes. Some gardeners are still growing pepper in clay and sandy soils. However, the seedlings in the afternoon or at night do not frighten, they are better to plant them in the greenhouse.

Preparation of soil

Determining where pepper disembarks will be carried out, the soil should be preparing. First, it is necessary to treat the territory of fertilizers that will help to normalize the acidity of the Earth. To do this, the entire area should be sprayed with a mixture prepared from surrounding sawdust and humus. Then in the soil is added a bucket of large sand mixed with peat.

To night, the Earth does not frozen and did not catch it frost, it needs to warm it a bit.

This procedure should be carried out 5-10 days before disembodies. Soil should be treated with warm surrelevant manure, which will help not only increase the temperature of the soil, but also restore it fertility. Before embarking on the ground with fertilizers, it is necessary to decide on the amount of feeding added to the soil. The square meter of the site spray a bucket of fresh humus mixed with a glass of ash.


The landing of any culture begins with the preparation of the bed. Make two or three small beds on the site. Before it is desirable to determine what sizes they will have. The length of one bed should be about three meters, and the width is 80-90 cm.

Also, determine the distance between the rows. In this case, it all depends on the landed varieties. If you give preference to low varieties, the width of the aisle is made at least 30 cm. For tall varieties, the distance between the rows increases to 60 cm. Make a garden should be higher, so that with severe frosts no root began to freeze.

When all ridges are created, you can plant the grown seedlings. At the same time, it should be traced that only the root of the bushes fit in the soil, and their stem remained above the ground. After planning, you can take care of protection against possible night frosts. To do this, all seedlings are recommended to cover the film overnight. The film is discovered only after the temperature rises to 15-18 degrees.


Many gobblers are interested in whether it is possible to get a qualitative harvest without proper care of vegetables. Uniquely no, since competent care helps to increase the yield of pepper.


Not everyone knows what to do that the pepper does not start to dry and not burned, and how to save it from it. If, in the absence of rains, the sweet pepper is lit, it means he lacks moisture. This vegetable is afraid of the drying of the soil and therefore the dry soil of the bushes will not stand for a long time.

After planting seedlings, it is necessary to carefully consider watering mode and determine which temperature will be water. I am afraid that too cold fluid will damage the peppers stems. Therefore, I will remain with my opinion and advise before irrigating water to warm up to 20-25 degrees. Moisturizing the soil must be 2-3 times a week on cloudy days. In the summer it is recommended to do this daily.


After planting seedlings, you need to take care of regular mapping of feeding. For the first time to restore the nutrient components in the soil is necessary after forming two real leaves on the bushes. During this period, the mineral feed will go to the background, as only the organic is added to the Earth. In the soil is added humid with peat and sawdust. You need to read again two weeks after the first. During the second feeding in the ground, mineral fertilizers such as superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium are added.


Pepper landing is a rather difficult job with which it is not easy to cope without experience. To do everything correctly, it is necessary to determine the optimal duration of sowing and get acquainted with the features of disemboding this culture.

Bulgarian sweet peppers came to our edges from the central American regions. Vegetables quickly adapted to several other climate conditions and began to be grown by gardeners. Pepper not only has a beautiful appearance and unusual taste. This culture is also very rich in vitamins and useful elements. It can be raised both in the open soil and in domestic or greenhouse conditions. In fact, planting pepper into the ground is not a particularly difficult process, however, there are still some important points. Let's consider all the points step by step.

The process of preparing seeds and growing seedlings

How should land and care for pepper? Before sowing seeds, several preparatory actions should be performed. It is these events that will affect the future harvest, will make it more resistant to diseases and other adverse factors.

Planted pepper is preferably closer to the first numbers of February, while the duration of the day is small. Many are interested in: when to plant pepper seedlings into the ground? The answer is such - the transplant to open plot is carried out only after 3-3.5 months.

This period will be enough to ensure that the plants become strong and are adapted to develop on the street. By the way, the peppers are not particularly well referring to the dive. In this regard, it is desirable to immediately sow seeds on a separate potty and after planting in an open ground.

Therefore, to land the pepper into the ground, it is necessary to create a substrate independently - sand mixed with peat soil in equal proportions (one to one), and then add 2 parts by humus. Next to the finished mixture, pour wood ash in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

How to plant pepper?

Immediately before landing, the acquired material must be properly prepared:

  1. At first, each selected seed should be kept in water with manganese about 15-20 minutes. Then drain the solution and rinse with water.
  2. The next, no less important nuance - process seeds in stimulant substances. They, in turn, will have a positive impact on the growth and development of pepper roots. You can choose a suitable tool by visiting any gardening point.
  3. In the final stage, processing should be processed using drugs aimed at preventing the appearance of fungi. Thanks to them, seedlings will not be strongly susceptible to diseases and fungal infections.
  4. After the seeds were processed, it's time to start stratification: put the planting seeds in a gauze, moistened in water, and leave in this form for a couple of days. Remember! Periodically you need to process with water with water, it is impossible to dry out. In addition, follow the temperature indicator indoors - it can range from 25 to 30 ° C. This process activates seeds and they will become ready for landing.
  5. As soon as the seeds sprouted, you can sow: fall asleep in the prepared pot of the substrate and put one seed one. The depth of their location should not be large - no more than 12 millimeters from the surface. Watering, using warm liquid, and put a polyethylene film.
  6. Capacities must be placed in a darkened place and observe the optimal temperature - approximately 25 ° C. Usually, when scarlet seeds are sown, sprouts are observed in a few days from the moment of planting.
  7. When seedlings break, reduce temperature regime for a week, and open the film. This action will prevent a sharp stretching of plants and retain them strong. Then you need to lift the temperature index slightly and move the containers with the peppers planted closer to the light.
  8. This stage of development of peppers requires special care and comfortable conditions. Cut regular, but moderate irrigation. Do not allow moisture to be aligned, but also make sure that the soil does not drive. It is impossible to use cold running water in iris, as the vegetation will be sluggish and does not fit.
  9. Stick up normal humidity in the room with a seedler. If there are no moisture, you need to make spraying from the sprayer several times a day (also with warm water). Each day spend the conducting procedures, opening the windows. However, do not forget that young seedlings will not benefit drafts.

For the reason that in February there are still short light days, it will not prevent additionally cover the seedlings with lamps. A couple of days before the seedlings of pepper seedlings into the ground, carry out hardening.

Thus, it will become much stronger and can safely transfer bad weather.

Leave it on the veranda or street at first no more than 10 minutes and gradually increase the duration. In no case do not allow plants freezing.

Change in open soil

How is the planting of pepper seedlings? Place into the soil pepper is preferably preferably on the right area. Experienced gardeners advise to plant this vegetable in the ground where there were beds with a bow, cucumbers or carrots.

It is wrong to plant pepper on potato, tomato or pepper ground. The landing soil should be air and saturated useful substances.

Organic fertilize the land in advance - for a couple of years before growing. But other feeding should be put on the autumn.

Before planting peppers, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. Do it costs no earlier than a week. This event is performed by treating the ground with a cooked agent, - half a tablespoon to dissolve in five liters of liquid. On the street, vegetation is transferred 90 days from the moment of sowing seedlings. For the deadline to plant pepper into the ground, you need to close by the end of April or in May.

At what distance should peppers? When we plant the peppers, you need to remember that everyone needs its own space. The landing scheme is calculated depending on the characteristics of the selected varieties. Accordingly, for highly large species, the distance should be greater and, on the contrary. It is impossible to allow some interfere with another, otherwise the crop you will not get.

How to plant pepper into the ground? The plant is removed from the tank and placed in the well. When transferring seedlings to open ground, you must follow the following rule: Sadim in the wells depth is no more than in pots. It is also desirable to transplant plants along with the soil in which they grew. It is worth doing this either early in the morning or closer to the evening.

Do not plant two in one hole, they will interfere with each other. Place no more than one thing in the hole. At the end, the Earth must be pouring.

Unwanted landing of pepper into open soil near other varieties. If you decide to grow at the same time several varieties of this vegetable, remember that they are subject to cross-pollination. For this reason, try to place different varieties away from each other. It will be great if, when planting pepper, you seize other cultures between them: tomatoes, corn and others.

Sweet pepper content and care

Of course, when plants are planted, they need good care and attention. As the saying goes: "Without difficult to pull out and fish out of the pond." It is necessary to follow the planned and create proper care: water to water, remove weeds and periodically feed.

The first time to make fertilizers in the soil follows after the seedlings have appeared the first pair of real leaves. The feeder is prepared as follows:

  1. Selitra ammonia - 1 gram mixed with 2 grams of potassium.
  2. Put 6 grams of superphosphate and pour all 2 liters of fluid.
  3. The finished means is used for watering.

The next feeder is performed at intervals two weeks after the first. In this case, each component entering the nutrient mixture is doubled. You can process seedlings with a strain solution. They prepare it like this: two parts of the grass are poured with twenty liters of fluid. Leave to come for two days. Then moisturize the soil.

The third time (it is the last) fertilizer makes a couple of days before the last reset.

When the bushes are planted, pay attention to its condition periodically:

  1. When the foliage of pepper in the open soil begins to turn around, and its edges dries out, make an emphasis on potassium fertilizers. However, it is also not worth over to overdo it, since a large amount will lead to the death of culture. How many substances need to be made, read the instructions.
  2. The lack of nitrogen defects the leaves in the grayish color, and after a while they crumble. Therefore, it will be correct to saturate the soil with a high nitrogen content.
  3. From the lack of phosphorus, the lower part of the leaflets becomes purple, and then begins to stretch to the top.
  4. With the lack of phosphorus, the purple tint is acquired from the bottom side, pressing the trunk, pulling up.
  5. If in the soil too much nitrogen, planting flowers, leaves and obscenities are observed in plants.

So we considered all the features of the cultivation and care of pepper in the open soil. Now you know how to the ground. Pay more time to your plants, do not forget to care, eliminate all the unfavorable factors. If you give your attention and love to peppers, they will undoubtedly delight juicy and large fruits!