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Landing and care for Dutch bulbous irises. Proper landing of irises in the fall - guarantee of abundant flowering in spring as planting irises in spring bulbs

For the summer house there is nothing more pleasant than the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the first spring colors. After all, for many, they are harbing heat, followed by summer. It is just one of the reasons why many gardeners are grown by irises on their plot.

Already in early May, many cottages can be seen flowering irisestransfusions with all the colors of the rainbow. And it's not surprising this, given all the variety of species of these decorative plants. Thanks to this, every gardener has a unique opportunity to pick up flowers of any color for their flower beds so that they harmoniously complemented other plants, creating a beautiful composition. However, in order to achieve such an excellent decorative effect, each gardener should know the features of planting bulbous irises and care.

Soil preparation: drainage and feeding

In principle, Iris do not create special problems in cultivationHowever, they still have their own preferences that the dachanik should not forget, which decided to acquire these colors on its site. It will be difficult for you to raise irises if there are following conditions:

  • moistened soil;
  • poor minerals soil;
  • permanent shadow.

So that excessive overvailing did not give you problems in the process of growing irises, it is recommended to be placed on an artificially created slope. If in the selected section, the groundwater is quite close to the surface and create a risk for the roots, then good decision There will be a low elevation device with a slope in the southern direction and the manufacture of the drainage system. This can be done if you raise a flower leaf by 20 cm and create conditions for the natural output of rainwater.

Iris refer to light-affilical plantsHowever, abundant lighting throughout the day they are contraindicated, so it is best to be in the shade for some time. You can comply with this condition, if you select a plot for a flower garden that will have a partial shading. Before transferring to the selected section of the plant, it is necessary to add to the ground organic fertilizersAnd after that it is thoroughly overlooking and breaking the earth. If you want to help the earth with a manure, then it is necessary to make it much earlier, about a year before the landing.

Best bulwing grow on lime soil. Change its reaction to the required you can, if the peroxide is added to make such fertilizers like lime, chalk or egg shell. When preparing for the landing of sandy soil irises, it is recommended to add humus to it, which is also useful to add ash or 40 gr. Superphosphate at the rate of 1 square. M.. On clay soils will not be extreme sand of a large fraction, as well as not a large number of Horing or compost.

Blue irises can grow in one place no more than 10 years. For hybrid varieties maximum time Growing is 5 years. Considering that the irises tend to grow pretty quickly, the problem of lack of nutrients in the soil becomes relevant. It is why it is necessary to choose new places from time to time to grow these colors.

Autumn - landing time on bulbs

Agrotechnical landing may include certain features that may vary depending on the variety. In territories with temperate climates it is recommended to grow iridodikioma, Turkish and Caucasian, as well as their hybrids that are not only easy to take root, but also perfectly withstand winter cold. Suck them need to dry, open placewhere it is started to prepare the pits in a depth of 7 cm. After the carriage of the bulbs in the wells, you need to make sure that the soil can be easily adjacent.

It can be done even easier if you fall asleep them with a mixture containing a small amount of sand. Serious harm to iris can apply fungal disease. Therefore, after buying a bulb, it is necessary to treat insecticides: for example, "Fundazole" or "Benstt". In the summer, when the stems and leaves dried, it is necessary to separate the child bulbs that will be used as a planting material.

Unlike other species, the "Juno" variety has quite large bulbs with a fleet structure that every year renew the roots. Therefore, when working with them, it is necessary to be very neat. Important avoid injury to KoreshkovOtherwise, this will lead to the death of the plant. Plan a transplant of blue bulbous irises on permanent place Recommended in the last week of September or in the first decade of October. To do this, in the prepared holes, it is necessary to transfer the bulbs as careful as bearted, following not to damage the roots, and then they are sprinkled with a layer of soil to 6 cm.

In the summer, the following operations are held in relation to the bulbs: when the plants are detected clear signs of wilting, the bulbs need to dig and move to the drying room, where it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius. But you can do otherwise - for this, on top of the flower, they laid the film, so that it does not rain, and leave in this state until the beginning of October. Subsequently, subsidiaries or seeds, whose seeds are carried out to breed a variety "Juno". Moreover, planting material in both cases must be pre-succeeded. When the "Juno" reproduction, the first seeds appear for the second year.

When placing future plants you can choose different intervals: However, the colors should not be closer than the width of two bulbs. Extremely permissible distance Between adjacent plants - 0.5 meters.

Using plastic growing baskets

Many supermarkets today offer baskets that will be an excellent option for a container in which can be grown on bulk cultures. The main advantage is that they are simply extracted from the ground, so together with the basket you can quickly and without much effort to move the planted bulbs for drying.

How to care for iris?

Landing and care in the open ground involves not only right choice time for planting and soil preparation. When plants come true, they should ensure care during flowering. W. early grades The first flowers are formed in May, and later in June. First of all, bulbous irises need feeding and pest protection. No less important for colors and watering. Naturally, in the rainy period, the irises are pouring less frequently. It is more actively necessary to carry out irrigation in dry years, and plants water in the evenings.

Making mineral fertilizers

For holding feeding, you need to pick up suitable time. In the spring, they are engaged in this after the snow melts and will dry upper layer Soil. For feeding, you can use ready-made solutions and dry universal mixes, for example, "rely" or "good strength". To do this, it is necessary to decompose the number of fertilizers recommended by the instructions on the top layer of the soil, after which it needs to be braid. However, it is necessary to ensure that the roots are not damaged during this operation.

As a possible course, feeding for hybrid irises not the first year of flowering can be suggest the following schemaconsisting of three main stages:

  • nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus (2: 3: 1) - spring on dry soil;
  • a similar composition, but the relation (3: 3: 1) is observed here - at the time of the formation of buds;
  • potassium, phosphorus (1: 1) - one month after the start of flowering.

If during the departure timely and in the right doses to carry out feeding, then in the spring of Iris Dutch will demonstrate all their attractiveness, rapid growth and long bloom. Special attention to the gardener should pay the moment when flower kidneys are formed. If at this stage of the life of the Irisov to carry out feeding, then next year the flowers will delight gardeners in lush, full bloom.

Especially neat need to be using nitrogen. The oversupply of this element often becomes the cause of "fat" - the process at which the leaves grow strongly, with the result that the plant does not have for flowering forces.

Preventive pest protection work

Regardless that bully irises blue grows not so long as I would like, and in this case it is still necessary to carry out special protective events. Various pests will help darken the joy of flowering irises. Therefore, in order to avoid their appearance, it is necessary to carry out once every two weeks planned processing of plants.


If the gardener already wants to admire the first colors in the first weeks of spring, then he should pay attention to such a plant as a bulbous irises. Putting them on the site, the summer house can be one of the first to know that the long-awaited warmth will come very soon. However, he can enjoy the beauty of bulbous irises, only if it will take care of these flowers throughout the season. And for this you will have to solve a lot of questions.

In addition to choosing suitable area For landing the irises, it is necessary regularly make fertilizerSince they largely depends on how abundant and long the flowering of these plants will be. An important event is to protect against pests, because these gentle flowers can become a light prey of many pests, including TRIPS.

Dutch bulbous irises

One of the most beautiful and most romantic plants is the Iris Dutch bulb. Landing and care for him is a little troublesome business, but it will pay off a beautiful flowering flower flower. Outwardly, he resembles a tropical butterfly, sitting on the stalk, in order to relax and fly to the world. Thanks to its beauty, Iris instantly conquered gardeners. Without him, there is almost no flowerbed.

Description and varieties

As the basis, we take Iris Hollandica (Iris Hollandica).

To begin with, we will take away from the topic and mention that there are three main varieties from the thermo-loving irises:

Iris Dutch is a xifium, and refers to hybrid varieties Dutch category derived in the same country. In flower shops, they are sold in the form of bulbs covered with multiple layers of scales. In an adult, the height of the plant is on average 0.6 m, but it all depends on the variety. For example, Irisa Dutch Blue Diamond (Blue Diamond), Casablanca, Blue Majik (Blue Magic) and other height varies within 0.45-0.7 m.

If you land the irises in places of inaccessible wind, they will not need supports.

The plant is in itself winter-hardy. Nevertheless, with severe frosts, they need to cover with something in order to prevent freezing. Found wide application. They not only adorn the flower beds of gardens and flower beds, but also grown under the cut to create bouquets and flower compositions.

The flowering of the Dutch Iris (photos are presented below) comes in last week May and continues until the beginning of June. As for the spectrum of the shades of buds, they can be the most diverse starting with white and blue and ending with orange and purple. After flowering, the plant begins to dry the foliage, and by the end of August she completely dry out.

Iris Dutch bulb: landing

In principle, landing of bulbous irises is identical to the root. But still there are a number of nuances who need to be strictly followed:

  1. The growing season of bulbous irises is rather short. Blossom comes late, under the summer, and quickly stops. Therefore, it is important to choose the right material for planting. It is worth paying attention to the golden color of the bulbs, the absence dark spots or soft zones. The development of the plant and the state depends on the election of the choice.
  2. Before boarding a flower bulb in obligatory It should be omitted into a solution of fungicide and withstand there for several hours. Such a procedure protects it from rotting in the ground. After a weathered bulb carefully dried.
  3. A landing of a bulbous Dutch Iris in spring is underway.
  4. Earth on the flowerbed or in the place where the irises will be planted, they should be plowed in advance, and after decaming by manganese (just pour.). This will help get rid of microbes, bacteria that can harm the bulb and destroy the plant.
  5. The bulbs are planted when they will begin to appear roots. At the same time, they are sled to a depth of 10-15 cm, following the distance between the instances of 15 cm. Such a distance will provide good development and the growth of the plant and will not allow to shadow each other in the group with each other.
  6. Planted bulbs sprinkle soil and watered well.

Basic Rules for Lukovichny Dutch Iris

In order for the plant to develop without complications and has long rejoiced bloom, a number of rules for the care of flowers should be observed.


Irises - light-loving plants, so it is necessary to choose dry and well-lit places for planting. But at the same time, they need to be protected from direct sun ray. Perfect place For flower beds, halftime with sufficient illumination.

The soil

As for the substrate, nutritious and loose soil is important for irises. In this case, its pH should be alkalic or neutral. If the indicators are different or on the site the clay substrate prevails, the addition of sand preventing the caution of water will help correct the position, as well as the introduction of harees for the reinforcement.

Irises prefer loose soil, so after landing should be regularly carried out. 1-2 times / week will be enough.


Because the irises are very sensitive to the mooring of the soil (this leads to the root of the roots and the further death of the entire bulbs), before boarding, you need to take care of good drainage so that the water can "leave" and not accumulate in the landing site.

Russia is characteristic of rainy seasons, so after flowering the bulbs it is recommended to dig up, dry and put in a dry place for storage.


Also, the plant does not tolerate the effects of any chemicals. Therefore, with feeders need to be very careful. It is better to stop the choice on a compost or humus, in the amount of 1 bucket / m 2. After planting the bulbs, the plants can be "feeding" wood ash.

Often in stores sell Iris Dutch mix. Landing and care for the bulbs is identical. Only the color of buds for you will be a "surprise".

Now you know how and when to plant Dutch irises. Compliance with all rules will allow you to raise the amazing beauty of the plant and revive bright colors Your plot.

Video about iris bulbous

Irises Dutch are considered one of the most romantic and beautiful plants. The Iris flower resembles a tropical butterfly, ready to take off. He has long conquered the gardeners for his beauty. Almost all panstones Now you can see the flowerbed with these amazing plants. Let's talk more about Irisa Lukovichny, on landing and caring in the open soil.

The Dutch Iris is one of the varieties of irises. This is a Ksifium. In flower shops, you can purchase flowers in the form of bulbs that are covered with multiple layers of scales. On average, plants reach a height of 0.6 m. Some varieties, for example, Casablanca, Blue Diamanth, grow in the range of 0.5 m. Do not require support if they were planted on the windows not blown out windows.

The plant moves well to freeze, but requires shelter at a very low temperature to prevent freezing. The bulbous irises bloom in the last week of May, bloom until the beginning of June. Iris flowers can be the most diverse color: white, blue, purple, orange. After flowering, the foliage begins to dry, and at the end of August you dry completely. Dutch irises are widely used in gardening, they are decorated with flower beds, flower beds, they are used to create beautiful flower arrangements and bouquets. For many irises are best colors, the harbingers of heat, because they bloom very early.

Features of landing Irisov

Ludgeing bulbous irises includes several mandatory procedures. This is a preparation of bulbs, drainage and tillage, mulching. Knowing all the secrets of growing iris of Dutch bulbous, facilities of planting and care, one can achieve an excellent decorative effect.

Preparation of bulbs to landing

The bulbous plants are susceptible to fungal diseases, so the bulbs of Dutch irises require special training before planting. Planting material It is necessary to acquire in proven flower shops and gardening stores. When buying should be examined by bulbs, there should be no damage.

If the bulbs were kept at home, they also need to thoroughly examine. The bulbs, on which there are rot, painful spots, it is better to immediately postpone and throw away. Good specimens should be treated with antifungal drugs. For these purposes, Maxim, Fundazol fungicides are used. Many gardeners use a strong manganese solution. Iris bulbs are placed in such a solution for 30-40 minutes. After drying the bulbs become ready for landing.

How to choose a place and prepare soil

Irises are not created special troubles When growing, but it is necessary to reckon with some preferences of this plant. Irises do not like the shadow, poor soil, overwhelmed soil. Choosing a place to land these colors, you need to give preference to the sunny place, and in order to prevent moisture stagnation, you can place them on an artificially created slope.

To do this make a slight elevation with a slope, equip the good drainage system. When planting irises on flower beds in 20 cm high, it is possible to provide a natural output of rainwater. Like close soil waters were not to the surface, they will not be able to create a danger to the roots.

Irises are very loved by light, but they don't need a rich many hours of the sun, preferably, if some part of the day the plant will be in the shade. Plot with partial darkening is perfect.

Soil before planting should be filled with nutrients. For this make organic fertilizers. Then the land is carefully loosen and loosen. If you start cooking the soil in advance, about a year, you can make manure. Best of all, limestone soils are suitable for bulbous crops. If the soil does not match, the egg shell, chalk or lime can be added to it. The sandy soil add humus. It is useful to add superphosphate or ash in the calculation of 40 gr / 1 kV. meter. Clay soil enriched with a large fraction with sand, a small amount of compost or humus.

Hybrid varieties of irises can grow in one place for five to ten years, depending on the variety. Irises grow very quickly, it quickly depletes the soil, you have to choose new places for planting these colors.

A hole is digged under each bulb, for the northern regions, it is necessary to make a depth of about 14 cm, for the southern - about 10 cm. There are 15 centimeters between the wells, in such conditions the plants will be developed adequately.

When and how to plant irises

Many experienced flowerflowers Recommended to plant tubers of irises in the fall. Features of landing depend on the selected variety. If the climate is moderate, you can put on the bulbs for a small depth. Tubers put in the wells, the soil slightly tamper.

If we sit on a bulb, which has already sprout, it must be placed so that the border of the green arrow is at the soil level. It is not necessary to plunge it hard. Hands need to carefully grab the soil around the bulbs. The surface is closed by peat to protect from weeds. Such a landing occurs in early spring.

After landing, the irises do not watered, they should have enough moisture from the soil. During the growing season and during flowering plants, watering needed, but it should not be frequent.

Experienced flowers recommend landing in the greenhouse Iris at the beginning of autumn. Already in November you can get garden flowers suitable for cutting. Time to landing bulbs for distortion - the first decade of February. For the rapid formation of buds and growth, the stalks require a constant temperature of 15 degrees. Plants need bright lighting, feeding and moderate watering.

You can use a special bulb basket for landing of Dutch irises. This is a plastic container in which there are a lot of holes for outflow of water and air access. It is inexpensive, it can be purchased in a garden shop. The basket is put on the ground and drive around the contour. Then, for this contour, they take off the turne to get a landing pit in a depth of about 16 cm. In her contribute required fertilizersTop plays the basket.

At the basket, the soil is poured, which is mixed with a compost. The bulbs are planted in the basket, covered with a layer of land. Once the irises will cease to bloom, the container is digging. It is very good to clean, so that the leaves dried in a secluded garden garden, and the bulbs are dosed. After graduating from the season, the bulbs dig up to remove storage.

Care for iris

Iris is a modest plant, not loving excesses. Do not water it too abundantly, or overload fertilizers. Moderation in care is the key to success. How to correctly care for iris? Correct care For iris includes:

  • watering;
  • soil loosening;
  • removal of weeds;
  • soil fertilizer;
  • fighting diseases and pests.

It is necessary to remove weeds around the landing manually so as not to damage the plant. After the flower breaks down, the weeding can be stopped. In the fall, young landings are necessarily covered with foliage to protect against frosts. Adult fittings no longer need shelter. In the spring, after snowing snow, the folia is cleaned.

The fertilizer of the soil must be engaged in the spring when the top layer of the soil after the melting of the snow, the back. Need to make mineral fertilizers, carry out loosening. Just do it need carefully, in order not to damage the roots of tubers. At the age of three years, the spring feed must consist of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus (1: 2: 1). At the time of formation of buds, the proportion increases (1: 3: 3). One month after the feast of potassium buds and phosphorus 1: 1 is added to the soil. Such a three-time feeding will make flowers rustier.

It is necessary to protect the irises from pests and a birth. From the moment that the flower leaves will grow up to 10 cm, every two weeks need to perform spraying using malathion and pesticides. This is done before the appearance of a bloody. Most often, leaflers attack the irises. They damage the leaves that need to immediately cut. Plant is treated with insecticides.

As preventive work By defense against pests, it is necessary to delete last year's foliage. If she was infected, immediately burn. The land needs to be resigned. From diseases for irises are dangerous various forms of letters of leaves.

Storage of Lukovitz

When bulbous irises have already been blowing away, and the foliage dried, it is necessary to dig bulbs. Beginner flowers will be pleasantly surprised, because in the place where one bulb was planted, a large number of young onions are formed. Every one of them needs to be planted separately. Preference should be given to large bulbs, small one will also fit, but they will grow up several seasons.

The bulbs of Dutch irises carefully dry. They must be kept before the beginning of autumn in a dry place. In the height of the lament of the summer you can start landing on the plot. It should be remembered that in the cold regions put on the autumn of the bulbs need shelter from frosts.

The variety of irises is so great that even the experts are impressive, who admire the infinite variety of forms, colorful colors and the prevalence of varieties in various climatic conditions. We will discuss varietal characteristics Plants, ways to plant and career features. What is the difference between the landing of the irises in the fall of other periods, you will learn here.

The best landing period

Newbies may have a question about what is the most appropriate time to disemboditate the irises, in spring or autumn. Many gardeners argue that the landing time begins early in the spring, and end in the fall. Even in the summer you can disassemble this culture, and it will be perfectly growing. But still experienced gardeners believe that landing of irises in the fall the best way It affects the adaptability of young to new soil.

Due to the fact that the accuracy of the roots is 1.5 months, then the autumn air humidity perfectly contributes to this process. And the transplantation of Iris from the beginning of September to the beginning of October allows plants before the onset of frosts to be mastered in a new place.

In the Leningrad region, landing and care can begin in August. In Siberia and in the Urals, due to the early grinding, the autumn is not waiting for the occurrence of autumn, and from the spring throughout the summer begin to sear the colors. When to plant a culture to tell you the blurred bloomer (escape). Immediately after flowering, it is already possible to deal with the roots and then landing of Iris in the fall smoothly moved to June, July, based on the variety.

For example: "Kasatar" grade loved flows for exceptional viability, winter hardiness and lush flowering On stone and swampy expanses of Siberia. In addition, it is rich in a variety of colors and shades, which proves the name itself. After all, Iris translated from Greek means "Rainbow". Having a kind of orchid, "Kasatar" does not require special care.

Famous varieties of Irisov

We choose landing material

Landing in the spring implies, above all, the reproduction of bulbous species. If you purchased bulbs in a package with a picture, then you have the opportunity to see seedlings and touch them with your hands. So that the bulbs gave healthy shoots, to the touch they should be elastic and without rot.

The note! "Some fans of primroses plant the bulbs in a pot to decorate arbors."

Features of care bulbous plants It is that they need:

  1. planting in spring;
  2. small moisture implies shelter from rain after disembarkation (rubberoid or plastic lid);
  3. solar seats and dry soils;
  4. digging immediately after flowering, as they tend to die in wet soils.

If you decide to breed the root plant and bought a seedling with a color-seater, then the old bloomer is removed, and the neighboring babes are divided by half. The root should be juicy with a bundle of several roots. You can independently multiply the loved look and transplant children to different sections. To do this, in early September, a bush is digging and shares a shovel into several plots between the groups of leaves. Cuts of the roots are definitely sprinkled with ashes containing potassium, and thus protect sections from the penetration of fungal and other diseases.

Seeds of Iris are placed in a wet land back in February or March. Seed germination takes place at home in a container under the film. The container is put in privacy, and after germination, seeds move it to the windowsill from the sunny side. IN open sad Transplanted with the onset of heat without return freezers.

Preparing the soil

When landing into open ground, it is worth considering that the overwhelming majority of culture loves bright places at least in the morning. It is desirable that abundant rains can flock to another place. To do this, it is preferable to build a small mound with a slope. With close location groundwater or liquid stagnation, the drainage is laid out on a shallow distance. After all root system "Bearded" (bristly) species is horizontally in the evening with Earth. The rest of the varieties will germinate a little deeper, but do not go too far into the ground.

Suglinic soils with the addition of sand and weakly acid medium serve as an ideal condition for growing. Sand soils can create a risk of drying the plant. Then, when Coppe can make a scoop or two clay scoops, as it attracts water. If you divor the capricious variety, then it will not be superfluous to add humus, as well as superphosphate and potash fertilizers at Popile. Ash, dolomitic flour, Lime or chalk will significantly reduce the acidity of the Earth for successful transfers.

Tip! "During the landing, do not put the manure, then you will create a barrier for the growth and development of seedlings. Nitrogen fertilizers They cause active growth and flowering, so nitrogen is made in the form of feeding only in spring for the growing season. "

Planning process

If the root cultures are searched in the spring, then it is necessary to do this during the appearance of sprouts before flowering almost immediately after the snow melting. Closely located roots can be picked up neatly forks, pre-breaking the soil along the edge of the roots. However, it is not necessary to expect colors this year, because the plant gives strength to survival rate.

Pack for landings dig a depth of half a meter for tall bushes, and less meter (30 cm) for border or dwarf. If you specify the goal of burning deeper than the roots, then the plant either perish or pouches them to the surface. When to disassemble flowers in the summer, you will tell you the beat of buds. Depositted flowers are removed and thrown out, and the neighboring babes are planted into the hole. Root neck has a small bend. It is the convex bending that turn to the south and after falling asleep the earthly pour out planting place. Before landing, it is preferable to hold seedlings in a sun of 2-3 days to neutralize it from diseases and increase the germination. In the fall, we do similar fraud, not forgetting to cut off not only the color-point shoots, but also leaves with an angular cut from the edge to the middle. Thus, keeping vitality roots. Here you learned how to plant irises correctly.

Care after planning

3-4 days after planting, plants need to be touched by water and throw dry earth. Weeding from weeds will create spacious roots and conditions for the growing season.

The cultivation of the irises is not without the protection of young from frost. After autumn landing All planting wells on the eve of frosts are mounted with a noodle, peat or sawdust. The leaf groups in the form of a fan are cut by the "house" and trimming are burned in order to disinfect from pests and infections. Additional feeding under the winter are not required. If, with the right approach, the plant still blooms - it means you have a capricious variety. Do not hurry to throw it away, and with patience, wait 2 or 3 years, and then the bush will abundantly bloom every year for a long time.

Pests and diseases

As you already guessed, your plant is not demanding for additional care, but sometimes due to high humidity or transmission of infection by other plants it can be infected.

The more unusual grade, the more he is subject to illness. They are a bit, but you need to know about future gardeners:

  1. rota can hit the root or part of it. With a partial defeat, we carefully cut out the infected area, sprinkle ashes and please in the sun. With full damage to rot, throw the root in order to avoid the transfer of rotting to other plants. The soil and other roots are machining a solution of foundazole in a 2% ratio;
  2. rust and spottedness of leaves are removed when spraying 1% of the Bordeaux fluid. The procedure is carried out in the spring before the appearance of processes, and in the fall after cutting the flowering and leaves before wintering;
  3. the scoop can settle at the base of the flowering and not to give it to develop. The carbofos solution in a 10% ratio will perfectly cope with the pest. Processing is carried out at the beginning of vegetation twice with an interval of 12-15 days;
  4. tRIPS are breeding in the leaves and buds, without giving them to bloom fully and bloom. Leaves become brown and dry. Spraying with a carbofos solution of 10% will relieve the disease;
  5. the slugs disappear on the soils. If they overcame - add sand to the ground (or pour it) and smells will become much smaller, as they do not like dry places. You can put a board or wet cloth, and then they will take them down, and you take and throw away or discharge the slugs with snails from the board;
  6. the Medveda is afraid of a chicken litter solution. It is spilled in a dry day around the flower beds or along the tracks. The smell of velvets scares this beetle, or used pesticides, designed directly from the bear;
  7. the wire is not found in the soil with a normal level of pH, so in acidic soils make neutralization in the form of an ash, chalk, dolomki, lime. Ammonia nitrate or ammonium sulfate will get rid of the wire, if you contribute them to 20-30 gr. on m 2. Rucker loosening contributes to this procedure.
