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Is it possible to plant flowering irises. How to share and plant irises. Time and ways of landing

Irises are charming plants, which are a representative of the kind of perennial rhizable plants of the columns family. It should be known for their correct cultivation when a plant should be planted, how to prepare a place to care for iris and when a transplant should be held. About this and many other things will be discussed.

When planting irises

  • Generally accepted opinion regarding landing time determines the fact that the most suitable time is the period immediately after flowering. The choice of this time allows plants to grow to winter.
  • However, it all depends on the conditions for the passage of autumn and spring in the region in which flower landing will be conducted. If autumn or spring is extremely warm, then you can not rush to disembarking. It is possible to carry out disembarking in the summer.

Considering the time and timing of the disembarkation, you should also select the following moments:

  1. Most suitable time For landing The colors in question are the first half of the day.
  2. You need to choose timeso that there is no strong wind or drafts.
  3. If strong early frosts are envisaged in the regionYou should hold a landing at the earlier time.
  4. Irises do not tolerate the cold immediately after landing. Therefore, you should choose warm days.

Choosing a place and soil preparation

When landing, Iris should pay attention to the preparation of the soil. The characteristics of the soil preparation include:

  1. The plant under consideration does not recommend landing anywhere in the garden.despite the unpretentiousness of the Iris to the conditions ambient.
  2. A plot that is planned to be used for landing must be prematurely planted with regard tothat the flowers under consideration do not like an excessive amount of water.
  3. If the groundwater has a high location pointThe soil drainage should be carried out.
  4. Perennials are bluntfully bloom in the event that there are little light on them. Therefore, it is preferable to choose a well-lit place.
  5. It is recommended to raise the flower bed About 15 centimeters.
  6. Mineral and organic-type fertilizers will ensure na better conditions For the growth of Iris.
  7. Many are not recommended to make directly before planing the iris. It is better to do it a year before the landing of the Iris. Per for a long time Founding in Earth useful trace elements will become part of the flower beds.
  8. The preparation of the Earth is to thoroughly loosen. It is recommended to make a flowerbed with a slight bias in the direction of the south.

As can be seen from the above list, the soil preparation for such a landing unpretentious plants How iris does not cause special difficulties. When choosing fertilizers, you should pay attention to those recommended for perennials.

Landing Irisov

After selecting the most suitable time and soil preparation, it will be possible to start landing of the iris. The following plants under consideration can be attributed to the following:

  1. Flower kidney can be laid in the summer. This moment determines the fact that it is already formed before winter. next spring And the summer is ready to give flowers.
  2. When landing, Iris should consider the fact that the most susceptible to cold plants of this kind cannot carry the effect of frost about -10 degrees Celsius. When exposed to such a temperature, flower kidneys may die.
  3. The landing unit of Iris is considered to be a fan, a drain, a blade. It is a commercial root link, the length is 3 centimeters, the diameter of the landing unit is 1-2 centimeters.
  4. The leaves are shortened by a third of the lengthThe roots must have a length of about 10 centimeters.

The above recommendations relate to the case of landing in spring and summertime. On the this moment The kidney does not begin to get tie, but the rhizer has already produced young links. Young links start actively developing only 14 days after landing. At the time of laying the flower kidney, the iris is already well rooted.

When landing at the autumn time, it is recommended to choose the kidneys that have already laid, the length of which is about 6 centimeters, and the diameter is about 3 centimeters. Provided favorable conditionsThe flower is quickly rooted and starts to bloom the next year.

The success of the landing carried out to a greater extent depends on the correctness of the location of the root in the ground. Create a landing point can be tailored to the following recommendations:

  1. How the plant takes place depends on the correctness The location of the root system in the ground.
  2. The pit must match the length of the root systemBut to be at the level of the soil, which was pre-fertilized.
  3. At the bottom of the pit being created, a small holmik is createdwhere the root system is located.
  4. During the landing, the seedlock is pressedAnd then falling asleep with a layer of land.
  5. Location of Leaf Werewa Iris It should be strictly vertical.
  6. The fatal land from above is slightly condensed.
  7. Immediately after landing, the iris should be pouring.
  8. Repeated watering is carried out across the following 3-5 days.
  9. If the landing is carried out on a hot day, then a seedling should be pronouncedSince a strong heat can worsen the growth of Iris at the very beginning of its landing.

Care after landing

Special attention should be paid to the plant immediately after its landing. At this point, it is most vulnerable to environmental exposure. Requirements for the care of iris are somewhat different from those that are presented to the care of other perennial plants.

To the main points that relate to the departure after the landing of the Iris can be attributed as follows:

  1. Need to periodically carry the soil, as well as remove weeds that may appear near Iris.
  2. Perennial plant under consideration May be exposed to disease and pests.
  3. Timely irrigation also follows Conduct in case of severe drought.
  4. Seasonal feeding is carried out in orderTo prepare a plant to deterioration of growing conditions.
  5. At the time of wintering, it is recommended to cover the one-year-old irises of foliage, and when spring is offset, the shelter is removed. This is necessary in order to protect the non-fully fit plant from the exposure of the cold. Old landings do not need to cover foliage for the winter.
  6. Use fertilizer for feeding not always required condition ensuring best growing conditions. If the type of soil requires feeding, then three types of fertilizers use. As a rule, feeding is carried out in early spring And during the ripening of buds, as well as a month after passing the flowering stage.
  7. In the dry time, it is recommended to spend watering in the evening. It is impossible to make water to flowers and petals. After passing, half of the summer should significantly reduce watering.
  8. Flowerons that completely bleweIt is recommended to cut closer to the base almost immediately.

Special attention should be paid to the fight against diseases and pests, as they can more harm Iris. Despite the fact that the plant has high resistance to diseases and impacts of pests, a certain impact may damage the base of the leaves and the root system. It is recommended to avoid oveurgement of the soil, as this will lead to the roting of the root system.

If you avoid oveurgement of the soil and reloading the root system, then it follows:

  1. Dig a bush.
  2. Cut uploaded parts of the root system.
  3. After removal of the affected areas, the bush should be placed in a special solution.
  4. After making soaking in a special solution, you can leave the root system for about 12 hours in the open place.

Another threat to the plant can be heteroscope. Such a disease is manifested quite often in the second half of summer. It manifests itself brown spots on the leaves. Progresses the disease very quickly. Recommendations for the treatment of a plant can be called cutting the affected leaves and their combustion. In order to help Iris, it needs to be treated with copper vigor, which is created when calculating 5 liters per 50 grams of the drug.

Not many pests attack the iris, but the most dangerous can be called gladiolus trips. When exposed to plant, the leaves become oppressed, after a while wax raid is lost. Get rid of the pest under consideration can be special chemical preparationwhich is sold in many gardens stores.

Another pest that attacks the Iris is a scoop. They renew the base of flowers - as a result of this, the blooms are yellow and the whole plant dies. It is possible to avoid such a phenomenon when spraying the plant at the beginning of vegetation with a 10% carbofos solution. Spray frequency - 2 times with a weekly break.

Slugs can also affect the irises. Most effective method The fight against slugs can be called the placement of wet rags and the leaf leaves between the Iris bushes. Slugs use wet rags and leaf leaves as shelter. By collecting these leaves and rags, you can destroy the slugs. Another, more efficient way to deal with the pest under consideration, can be called use in the evening, with dry weather, granulated metaoldehyde at the rate of about 30 grams per 10 square meters of the area.

When to transplant Iris

  • Cut transplants are recommended every 5 years. Compliance with this recommendation eliminates the likelihood of extrusion of the root system outside. If the root system is open, it can lead to a reduction in abundant flowering plants.
  • Ideal for the transplant procedure The end of August and the beginning of September.
  • Replancing follows only after flowering.
  • Late autumn to hold the procedure under consideration is not recommendedSince the plant will not have time to take care.
  • The main requirement can be called transplants every 3-4 years. Siberian irises should be transplanted 1 time in 10 years. If you do not fulfill such a condition, the plant is degenerated and stops blooming, after some time, starts to dry out.

Preparation for wintering

Often, special actions for the preparation of the plant for wintering are not necessary. Despite the fact that initially irises were immune to environmental impact, in lately Irises consider non-jams. Some recommendations allow you to maintain a plant in winter time.

Gardeners over long years experienced way We defined the fact that low-spirited irises are best tolerated cold. An example can be called iridodics whose height is approximately 15 centimeters. Dwarfs can also withstand the exposure to low temperatures.

Wintering depends on the proper fit and flower care. To wintering, the plant should be well prepared. The main rules include:

  1. When landing, you should choose a slightly sublime place to eliminate the likelihood of water accumulation around the roots.
  2. Lukovichny irises after passing the moment of flowering must be contained in the sweeping conditions.
  3. Spread the bulbs only after drying all the leaves.
  4. Some carry out the bush with dry leaves, which allows you to protect it from low temperature exposure.

Basic mistakes

There are several reasons why the plant under consideration does not begin to bloom. To such errors can be attributed:

  1. The main error is incorrect landing. It is this reason that leads to basic problems with flowering.
  2. The second reason - the plant becomes closely. After passing 4-5 years, the bush must be replant.
  3. Iris loves a lot of light. If this is not secured, then the bush will not bloom.
  4. Often the reason becomes the soil does not fit.
  5. Failure to comply with the conditions of wintering.
  6. Many do not protect Iris from pests. Some of them can seriously harm the Kuste.

Many gardeners refuse the plant under consideration due to the fact that they consider the process of their breeding complex. However, this is not so. When taking into account some subtleties of the cultivation of the Iris, you can significantly diversify the garden or courtyard.

Similar tolets include the following:

  1. Rhizome bushes grow in a horizontal direction. In this case, the part of the root system is broken, some roots go to the surface. Therefore, for the winter you can sprinkle the roots peat to exclude their freezing.
  2. Adding a lot of organic fertilizers are not recommended. Most suitable minerals that are in liquid form.
  3. It follows the fan of the leaves along, not across the row.

The beauty of blooming irises amazes, and if you add their unpretentiousness to this, it becomes clear why these flowers can be seen almost every cottage plot. Irises belong to perennials, easily winter in open soil. Soothers in plants are generative (bloomon) and vegetative (underground roots from annual links). One blooming can give up to eleven flowers. It depends on the variety. Rhizome can be urine, filamentous or cordless. By the way, the root of the irises improve the structure of the soil. The reproduction of the irises is carried out and vegetatively, sharing the rhizome on the links, and seeds. The last method is used mainly to eliminate hybrid varieties. If you put an iris in a vegetative way, the flowers will appear for the first year. When landing seeds - in two or three years.

Preparation for landing

The landing of the Iris is carried out in spring and autumn. In order for the spring landing of Irisov on the bulbs with success, it is necessary to prepare planting material From autumn. For this, waiting for the moment when the flowering of the plant will end. During this period, the flowers fade, and roots and green mass continue to actively grow. Loose the moment - the plant will die or will not have time to root. If you are interested when we plant irises in the spring, it is recommended to plant them at the end of March - early April. Site later than June, then flowering plant See the next spring. By the way, Irisov has the most magnificent blooming on the third year.

Before planting bulbous irises In the spring, it is necessary at the end of September, when the vegetative cycle is completed, choose the largest and developed shrub, dig it and smoke from the ground. Hands or with the help of a knife divide the rhizome on the fragments so that each leaf bundle has a sheet and at least one annual link (better two). Shorten the roots of the mother's bush by one third, and old links that dried, delete. All dried and damaged leaves doine, and green shorten half. After that, the rhizome is offset for fifteen-twenty minutes in a weary solution of manganese. Then we dry them in the sun, and dry cuts are treated with gross coal and sulfur (mix them in a 1: 1 ratio). In such a state in the cool dark place of the rhizomes, store until spring.

Rules landing

And now about how to plant irises in the spring. First prepare the soil on an outstanding plot, rebuilding and explode it. Experienced gardeners Recommend the soil to sift. If you treat the soil with herbicides, then in the summer season, save yourself from the need to ride the irises often, removing weeds. You can make fertilizer soil and, but Irises feel great and without feeding. If you used fertilizers or herbicides, then it is possible to plant irises in a month. Prepare pits (no more than 10 centimeters depth), making a small mound in the center. To put rhizome on this holmik, carefully straighten the roots on the sides and pumped the smell of the earth. Pight with a pretty water. Observe the recommended landing scheme of the Iris: Between two plants, the distance should not be less than half a meter, between the rows - at least 70-80 centimeters. Note that when planting different varieties of plants, it is necessary to plant so that the dwarfs grow in the front on the south side of the row, the average - in the central, and tall - in the back.

Easily. The plant is not demanded to the soil, feeding. In the hot period, irises can be watered. Without watering, they will not die, but they can lose their decorativeness.

Irises - one of the most magnificent colors, characterized by their sophistication.

Their cultivation is not much difficult, but each gardener will be useful to know some practical secrets of growing these colors.

Irises need to put it right and correctly divide. The division and transplant of Irisov can be held until mid-September.

At the same time, it is not worth a rush. The division is not necessary not earlier than the forty days after their flowering. This is very an important rule. It is by this time that the nutrients manage to go to the rhizome of the plant.

Landing Irisov

The external sign, speaking about the preparedness of the plant to transplant, is the purely middle of the bush. At this time, the bush loses his decorativeness. Irises seem to run away from the dead dignity.

  • When dividing it is better to dig a bush completely.
  • After the dragon, you need to smooth the soil and gently divide the rhizome, capening it on the sides.
  • After that with acute knife Rhizome is divided into smaller parts, and 1-3 sockets should remain on each defense.
  • Old and blackened parts of rhizomes are removed.
  • Cut black roots need to be healthy.
  • The plants obtained during division are soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of fungicide for the prevention of diseases of fungal etiology.
  • The leaves in the irises need to cut on an altitude of 10-15 cm, leaving a small fan.

Before landing the deteen received, they need to be dried for several days. When drying, the extreme leaves of the plant can be brightened. It is quite normal - after such a procedure, the irises are rooted faster.

It is necessary to plant irises on a small holmik so that the plant hugged the soil roots. Irises can not be plugged during the landing. It is also very important moment When growing irises. The back of the root of the plant should perform above the ground by 5-7mm and better so that it is deployed to the south. This is explained by the fact that a well-hot back is a guarantee of the successful laying of flower kidney. When Irises are planted, do not try to plunge them (if they strongly burst the irises, then the rhizome can be contrary). If the plant and will survive after the Blow, then the flowering of it will be weak. For the winter, young irises need to cover the backs of peat or land, and in the spring it is necessary to open them. Old plants do not cover if only the grade is not different in winter hardiness. It is necessary to plant irises only on a well-lit plot. In the shadow, irises bloom badly.

The composition of the soil also plays a major role in the cultivation of irises.

The ideal for the soil irises is neutral, well-aligned loam. If the soil is heavy, it is necessary to add peat and sand into it. Irises do not like sandy soil - it must be moistened with clay. Also, the irises are not overwhelmed, so they need to be protected from close position. groundwater.

We continue the conversation about the iris - the amazing colors of our garden. We previously talked about them, and now it's time to learn about landing Irisov and care for them.

In this article, we will talk about bearded irises, as they are of great popularity among dacities.

When they bloom, they no longer have rivals and there is no similar one among them, and each of them has an amazing fragrance.

In most regions of our country, they grow well, but this is subject to all nuances of agrotechnology.

Not knowing what Irises love, and that you can not like to wait long - when they bloom.

Selection of land and soil preparation

First of all, choose a suitable place on the summer site for planting Irisov, because it largely depends on good and abundant blossom Iris.

It is best if it is open and sunny, but protected from the wind. If it is not possible to protect against winds, it is necessary to use the supports during the flowering of irises (especially tall), otherwise the flowerines may not withstand the wind pressure and break.

Irises and easy shading are well tolerated, especially in the afternoon. By the way, it has long been noticed that the irises grow well near the apple trees.

In the highly shaded place, our kators will first cease to bloom, and in the future they are also violated. At first, they can still blossom because young or newly planted plants require much less light than adults.

It is possible to grow irises on any soils, but they like more light lighter and sandy with a neutral or weakly acidic reaction.

And if there is an acidic soil on your site, then the irises will grow well, but there will not be blossoms. In addition, irises growing on sour soils can get sick so dangerous diseaselike bacteriosis.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a loss of soil. It is also possible to neutralize its acidity with ground chalk or wood ash.

If the soil is heavy, then they can be significantly improved by adding sand, peat or old 3-5-year-old compost.

Peat soils improve the introduction of organic matter or can be added to the Earth of a heaver.

And the Irisians are not very focused by the mooring of the soil (except, of course, the iris of the marsh or aliens) and the close occurrence of groundwater.

Therefore, for the landings, we choose the area higher. But at the same time, our kazes easily tolerate the flooding of planting waters of early spring, if the air temperature does not rise above + 2-5ºС.

And if the temperature at this time is above 7ºС, the fermentation of spare substances begins in the rhizomes and the plant may die.

Although Irises and Sukhitruhes, but still they have periods when the need for irrigation increases, namely: young landings, a period of bootonization and flowering, the period of active growing of the vegetative mass.

It is noticed that the irises love to grow on moderately fertile soils, but do not tolerate fresh manuza (Rhizomes can bend).

Therefore, it is best to select such sections to land, where long-term time was made and from it became black, crumbly and easy.

So we chose the place for the irises, and now we will deal with the preparation of the soil before boarding.

The land is drunk on the bayonet shovel and carefully choose all the roots of perennial weeds.

Pay special attention to the removal of the roots of such hard-expirable plants as: drinking, oily, sick, bodian.

By step, if necessary, you can make a compost or well overwhelmed manure.

The site under the irises is desirable to prepare in advance so that by the time of the landing of the soil already asslaved and one could observe the right landing depth.

Selecting planting material

When buying the landing material of the Iris, you should look carefully:

  • firstly - on the size of the root itself, because it is larger, the plant is better leaving, it grows faster and earlier blooms;
  • secondly, whether rhizomes are healthy, there are no signs of diseases;
  • thirdly, the vegetative kidneys are well formed, but at the same time of active vegetative growth should not be;
  • fourthly - rhizomes should be dry but not overheated.

In the event that you buy landing material on the market, then true way Purchase exactly the grade you wish, it is to try to buy a tuber with a color-seater.

And if you have already growing irises and they have reached the age of 4-5 years, the planting material for further reproduction of irises can be obtained by dividing the root of these plants.

Over time, the Iris is growing up and the bush center is gradually disappeared. Therefore, it is desirable every five years to update the landing.

Delim, plant

You can share the crumbling rhizome almost at any time, but still it is best to do this shortly after flowering (about 10-14 days), since it is in this period that the roots growing.

Plants planted at this time, firstly, they manage to root well to cold weather, and secondly, they bloom in the first year after landing.

The rhizome of the Iris is quite large and consists of separate thickened links - annual shoots.

First of all, it is carefully digging together with roots and leaves. Make it recommend for a pitchfork.

Then carefully consider rhizome and divide into separate landing deteen.

For landing, one- or three-year links are best suited, having good roots and fans of leaves.

You can share the rhizome in two ways: the first one is best to disperse it with your hands, the second is to cut the knife, but after this, after each operation, it is necessary to disinfect the knife in the payroll solution.

To prevent the development of such a disease as bacteriosis, our decenes should withstand 1-2 hours in a solution of manganese (10 g per 10 liters of water), and then peel carefully for 3-5 hours.

Recently, I read that the decenes are better to plant in the ground 1-2 weeks after dividing the bushes, since during this time the sections are completely dragged and the Koriy Bugorkas are scheduled.

In addition, there may be signs of diseases, which will give the opportunity to process the decenes of fungicides on time and prevent further dissemination of the disease.

I have not yet tried to do so and usually sazing deceives the next day, pre-very carefully examined them to eliminate areas affected by bacteriosis or soft rot.

If such are detected, then we cut them thoroughly and then for 20-30 minutes, disinfect the root in a strong solution of manganese.

After such a processing, it is good to dry them in a bright sun for 6-8 hours.

For the landing, we select the best decene, but the remaining arrivals of the rhizoma of the irises do not advise you to throw away.

Remove the damaged parts from them, let off the cuts pounce wood coal And put on a separate bed.

They can also give life to new plants that bloom not immediately, and 2-3 years after landing.

For Irisov, it is best to make individual flower beds, so-called iridarities. Iridari arrange necessarily on a raised ridge with a height of about 20 cm.

Even if you have sandy soil, it's still better to make a raised ridge. Thus, we avoid water stagnation of both early spring and rainy weather.

And the irises grow very well on the slopes, as the excess water is not delayed.

Before boarding, it is necessary to shorten the leaves and roots of the Delion: the leaves are cut on the cone, leaving, about 10-15 cm of their length; The roots are also cutting up to 10 cm.

We make landing wells at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other (for tall irises) and at a distance of 20 cm - for dwarf.

If you intend to plant irises in two rows, then the distance between the rows is better to do about 50 cm.

In order for the plants to grow towards each other and the rhizomes are not intertwined, try to plant delets according to the "head - tail" scheme. It means that the "head" is part of the decene with the fan of the leaves, and the "tail" is the place of attachment to the old rhizuch.

If you want to plant irises around, then the plants should be placed by "tails" in the center of the circle.

Lunka Make a depth, about 10 cm, then we make a hollyric from the ground in it and put our deceive on it, carefully placing the roots on the sides of the Holloch.

And now, attention! The most important thing in this operation is to correctly determine the depth of landing the decene.

After all, if it is strongly burst, then the kasaty will grow badly and do not bloom, and if the landing is too small, the rhizomes may be damaged in the cold time.

Therefore, we plant depletions to the depth of no more than 3 cm, that is, almost at the level of the surface of the Earth.

So, with the depth we decided, the roots were placed, then fall asleep the hole of the earth and gently weave her hands.

After landing, the irises water, trying so that the water does not get on the leaves.

Care for iris

So that our irises bloomed abundantly and do not hurt, it is necessary to ensure proper care for them. I offer you a monthly plan for landing of our clocks:

April. Immediately after the melting of the snow, we will examine the landing and remove all the remaining dead leaves, rubbed the land, turning the shelter, but until we remove it that late frosts do not harm the irises.

I liberty from winter shelter as soon as there is no threat of return freezers.

We carry out the first subcord nitrogen fertilizers (Urea or Calcium Selutyra) I bring them along the edges of the bushes.

You should not only feed the new landings of the irises, since they have not yet fully formed the root system and can only be harvested by the plant.

Good still for preventing diseases to shedding landings weak mortar Manganese or drug Hom.

May. Bloom dwarf varieties Irisov, which are desirable to feed the phosphorus-potash fertilizers. It is always worth remembering this golden Rule - Irises are better unfeeded than to overgrow.

The blooming inflorescences gently take out or cut off at the level of the soil so that water is not formed on the rhizome.

Higher varieties of irises at this time are actively growing.

If there is dry weather, the clock is required by watering. It is not necessary to water often and gradually, it is much better if we water the landing in 3-4 days, but more abundant.

After each irrigation, do not forget to loosen the earth. We also conduct a weeding regularly, as Irises do not like competition very much.

June. This month begins mass flowering of our communities.

We feed the plants for the second time, regularly remove the ridiculous flowers and cut off completely flashing patterns.

July. This is perhaps the most best month For transplanting and dividing irises.

However, it is possible to transplant the rust kuste with a large lump of land at any other month, but no later than mid-September.

The root system should develop well so that the plant can go to the wintering wintering.

But share the irises and disassemble is still better in July.

August. At the beginning of the month, we carry out the third feeding of plants, since it is this month that there is an intensive increase in the green mass of the climbers, as well as the laying of flower kidney of the future season.

We feed only phosphorus-potash fertilizers, nitrogen completely excluding.

Do not forget about watering (if the weather is arid), and about loosening, and about the weeding.

if you have remote varieties Irisov, then they re-bloom at this time.

September. In September, the first frosts are already possible. After them, the leaves of the irises are usually yellow and die away. They must be removed.

Since mid-September, we do not make any transplants.

At the end of the month, the last time we are wearing irises and no longer disturbing their roots.

And even if we note that the weed sprout inside the bush, then you should not pull it out. It's best to cut it.

October. This month we will deal with the preparation of the climax for the winter.

Cutting the foliage in the form of a cone, leaving a height of 10-15 cm, and in no case leave it here on the garden for the winter.

Comfortable wintering

Due to the fact that the last few years in November and December we have no sustainable snow cover, landing is desirable to hide for the winter.

Otherwise, floral kidneys laid during the summer may die from frost.

Flower use various methods Shelters, for example, such: First, the rhizomes fall asleep dry oak leaves, then plunge the ground to the height, approximately 8-10 cm.

It can be done differently - they emphasize the earth, and then cover the sheet, straw or reed from above.

I do not advise you to use such materials such as: peat, sawdust, sphagnum, sand - they are very absorbed by moisture.

If the winter is expected too harsh, then you can additionally cover the irises with a dense passionate material, after setting a low wire frame.

In the spring, do not forget to remove the shelter in time, freeing the rhizomes from the extra land so that they do not start.

Why irises do not bloom

Quite often, summer houses complain that the tavern does not want to bloom. What causes could be?

Here is some of them:

  • Overweight landing. Rhizome must speak out of the ground and heat the sun. Planted deeply plant will increase the leaves intensively and before flowering it will not reach the blossom.
  • Lack of light. Only on bright and sunny plots, the irises show themselves in all its glory.
  • Lack of place for growth. If you do not transplant the flowers for a long time, then with time they are so tightly pressed to each other that there is no place for coloring spaces.
  • Features of varieties. Before planting, pay special attention to what the requirements for this variety to the soil, to illumination, to the feeding and humidity. It is very important! After all, some varieties do not get along with each other badly, others perfectly complement each other.
  • Wrong wintering. It is necessary to cover the irises for the winter on time, because if we are tightened too early, then the plant can snatch. And if we are late with the shelter, then it is to frozen. A row of varieties, such as Siberian, shelter is not required at all.

So, dear readers, we figured out how to properly divide the irises, plant and care for them. I hope you will not have problems with the cultivation of these excellent colors.

I want to bring you the words that I read recently and which I really liked.

"Love Irises, this extraordinary flower, not only during flowering. As Iris lays out floral kidneys, so we must lay our care in his future flowering, and the main feeding of all colors is our love! "

And in conclusion I advise you to watch a video where you will clearly see how to share and plant irises correctly.

See you soon, dear readers!

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Iris. Color breeding

Olga, in such cases cuts out the refrigerator. In it, of course, there is always enough space, and the temperature is not quite +7 ... + 8 degrees - but in the urban apartment you can hardly have something better for storage of planting material. I would have already laid onion irises, but put in a perforated bag or a dry peat box or a refrigerator, until spring. I have (in the conditions of the middle lane) even on time planted bully "Dutch", it happened, got out. Year for a year does not have to, so it's better not to risk, I think. Well, yes - when spring landing They can next summer and not blooming. But risk is less. The most difficult with rhizomes - they can dry in winter. Here I fully agree with Irina - in the pots of them (or small seedlings). And in the refrigerator. The main thing is not to overcover.

At the bulbous Iris-Ksifiums less size Flower, but varieties also abound. Elegant Dutch varieties are particularly different, such as broad-sized Blue Champion, Ideal, Symphony and narrow-on Seafire Beauty, Yellow Queen.

. If frost is expected, it is better to cover the landing by observing material. In the spring, they will go into growth very early, sometimes even the snow will not have time to go. The depth of planting is 2 loss heights, not less than 5 cm.

Planting Iris Spring

Maybe for someone it will be a discovery, but called "Iris" actually hid several very similar externally, but different plants: the root iris and a bulky iris, which is divided into xifium, iridodictum and junns. Each of them has its own characteristics.

  • The best soils for bearded irises are light loams, but they can grow on clay soils. Before planting, the plot is drunk on the bayonet shovel and carefully remove all weeds, especially crawling wheels, squeeze edible, all kinds of odds, etc. In the preparation of the soil, it is good to make a reworked manure to a depth of 20-25 cm, without mixing it from the ground.
  • The number of bearded iris varieties
  • Lily of the Lily, legends, cultivation, pasture lily
  • Dried planting material, withstood long-term transfer or storage, is useful to pre-process growth stimulants. Of these, the best in this case are "Zirkon" and "EcoGel".
  • Iris bristly
  • The standard landing unit of the bearded iris is a one-year link - "blade" with fan of leaves. In terms of the number of leaves, it is usually possible to predict whether the bloom will take place next year. If the fan consists of 7-8 leaves, the flower kidney must already be laid, and if from 3-4 leaves - blooms will have to wait 2-3 years.
  • Iris, the people famous called Cockerel - beautiful and unpretentious flower in caring. And his history of origin is so amazing: once the rainbow, who served the clothes of the goddess Irida, broke up and fell on earth with multi-colored drops ... These drops and bloomed incredible beauty with flowers, which were named after the goddess, the Benellites of the Olympic gods. In the cultivation of flowers, the landing of irises in the spring plays a significant role. Therefore, we will pay due attention to this issue.

Thanks for the advice. Apparently I will do it. I wanted to take a chance, planting the bulbs, but after your advice, I will put them better with the gladiols in the refrigerator. Let them live there. And in the spring, we'll see who survive.

Landing and reproduction of irises

Some varieties of iris-iridodicium boasts a thin pattern on the leaves.

Care is the same as for others perennial plants. Weeds at first pull out their hands at first, since the root color system is located near the surface of the soil. You need to loosen too neatly. When the plants grow up, the weeding and loosening of bearded irises will not be needed. Bulk species require greater care.

Root irises of light-loving, but not inspired

Planting material

Variety Iris.

There are several tens of thousands. In our country, the following classification of varieties are adopted: low-speed - 25-36 cm high, medium-tall 37-70 cm, tall more than 70 cm.

Roses, History, Reproduction, Care, Fighting Rose Diseases

When landing bearded irises on the bottom of the wells pour out an earthen hormick. It is installed on it rhizome, horizontally to the surface of the soil or at a low angle, and frame roots. Fan leaves should be slightly raised and directed to the south so that the bush develops symmetrical. Fall asleep, leaving the top of the blade on the surface, and water. Bearded irises at all endure the blocks of the rhizome, which provokes the development of rot.

​(​If it is time to share the irises existing in the garden, then the bush must be pre-pouring, die for a pitchfork from all sides and remove from the ground. Washing, rhizomes are cut into segments with one or two annual units. First, they are disinfected in the solution of the drug "Maxim", then slightly dry in the sun. The leaves and roots are shortened to reduce moisture consumption, leaving only 10 cm. Such delays withstand dry storage at room temperature Within 2 weeks without any damage. Wet storage is contraindicated, as rhizomes can bend. The remaining after dividing the links without roots and the leaves is also allowed to be in the case - they are planted in a shovel for growing. Next season, sleeping kidneys are awakening on them, but such plants bloom later, sometimes for 5-6 years.This plant is known since the times Ancient Greece. His name given in honor of the goddess of Irida, means a rainbow. The myths say that the goddess Irid appeared on Earth, on the rainbow. That is why the coloring of the roosters may be the most diverse: starting with a monophonic and ending with a combination different colors And shades. Irises like their own orchids. This grows unpretentious flower Almost everywhere. Irises are a fairly common flower, there are more than 250 species. They differ in size, color, soil on which grow. We somehow didn't immediately work out with iris (by the clocks), whether it was not particularly united, whether it was inadvertently drunk in the spring, now there are a little stable (pah-pah), judging by the photo - it looks like chocolateAt the end of the autumn, cover the gentle varieties of foliage. At the beginning of Spring, hurry to remove the "bedspread". In the fall, yellow leaves and with brown stains are necessarily cut. In general, exotic species, half of all leaves cut off.. As can be seen in the photo above, they can bloom and under the tree, especially in the southern regions. We breed vegetatively, sharing the links from which the rhizome is. Make it with a knife, constantly disinfining by mangartee-acid potassium (15 g per 10 liters of water). The landing unit may consist of 1-3 coming annual units. Old links if there are live kidneys on them, you can also use for breeding. The sections are treated with a solution of potassium mangartee-cancer and crowded coal and planted kidney cuttings on the bedding in the washed sand to a depth of 2-3 cm.In blossom timing Lilac, Lilac history, landing place, soil, best varieties LilacFleeceless irises are squeezed otherwise, with a bulk of several centimeters, and mulched peat or coniferous opead to save moisture. In the hot days of landing shape. Iris.Get the landing material of the iris can not be disturbed by the entire bush. To do this, it is cut on one side and cut off part of the root, which is then separated into annual links. The remaining part is sprinkled by the earth only after disinfection of sections of wood ash or green. This is how the task is not only reproduction, but also the rejuvenation of the plant. Some species need wet soil and therefore grow on the banks of the rivers, others feel comfortable in dry places."Kasatar" is the name of the high yellow wilder-growing iris. We (in the floodplain of the Volga near Samara is often often growing on the filler meadows often next to the wild Blue Iris (this is lower than the growth). Often on the edge of the water lakes-swamps, and even the Volga!) Located in the "Red Book" as an eased plant. Very harmonious - unlike cultural. But no less beautiful - very large flowers! The forester transplanted the scaling from the swamp to the porch - passed! Yongon flowers have pretty narrow petals, the colors are also diverse and charming.Facely you can only feed the soil. There are soils that do not need fertilizers. Other Earth requires 3 different feeding mineral fertilizers: Early spring, during the ripening period of buds and a month after flowering. Most of all, they do not like frills. Unnecessary organic fertilizers, overvaluing can destroy them. In exhausted land, you can make fertilizers with minimal content of nitrogen. In the sour Earth, the irises are rapidly let the leaves, but do not bloom or weakly flow. In this case, the soil neutralize ashes or chalk.Best term for landing irises The varieties are divided into early (bloom in mid-May and bloom until the end of May), mediaTulips, soil for planting tulip, landing scheme, care

Preparation of soil

It is possible to plant irises until the end of September, but at the later time the danger of plants loss in winter is increasing. In case of late landing bearded irises They are covered with a 7-8-centimeter layer of sand with wood ash (on the sand bucket - 1 cup of ashes) and spruce napnik, flamingly mulched peat.

With the help of simple reception you can increase efficiency vegetative reproduction. On some rhizomes, small downtown kidneys are formed, which are not awakened due to the active end growth of the root. Immediately at the end of flowering, a narrow wedge, separating the upheat fan of the leaves from sleeping kidneys, is cut out across such rhizomes. The place of the cut is sprinkled with charcoal. The next growing seasonal kidney comes life and form several new links with roots and leaves that can be separated. This method allows to increase the reproduction ratio of difficult growing varieties and get a large number of planting material.

In Russia, bearded and Siberian irises are most common. All flower water, first of all, is interested in the issue of reproduction of plants. Petushki multiply both seeds and vegetatively. The first method is used for hybridization - growing new types of irises, with the help of a genetic material available. The second method is most common among flowerflowers. It is more preferable because thanks to it, the plants begin to bloom in the very first year. But the irises that are breeding with seeds, flowers appear somewhere for 2-3 years.

, Not a comment: Everywhere it is written that it is necessary to plant the irises at the end of summer, and I bought in garden Center Yesterday, April 8, 4 rhizomes, what now wait for the end of the summer and not to plant? Where to store them? Hope.

Landing Irisov

The same need arises with the cultivation of hybrid plants, in three to five years.

With all the unpretentiousness of the irises, it is impossible to plant them in heavy soil. Add sand and peat, well shut this mixture. If frequent rains are possible, think about the drainage of the soil. Then you will avoid the most unpleasant disease for the irises, reinforce the roots. The land is drunk on the bayonet shovel. Fertilizers (if necessary) are made a week before landing.

- The period immediately after the end of flowering. At this time, the growth of the root system is enhanced, which increases the survival rate. In any case, the landing should be carried out no later than September 10-15, otherwise the plants will not have time to root. Optimum time The growth of Iris in one place is 3-4 years.

(Blooming in the last five days of May and finish flowering in the first decade of June), medium and medium-stage (blooming all June), late varieties (bloom in early July).

He is so beautiful, this flower

Transplantation of plants with a lore land can be carried out in any period, from the beginning of the rustling of the leaves until autumn. However, it is advisable to coincide with the movement, as well as division, by the period of active root growth in the last decade of July.

Iris Multicolored

Iris, tricks landing, soil, reproduction of irises

Ferrance Iris - Iris Siberian
The time interval in which Irises can be attached is quite wide: from the beginning of the spring and until mid-August. Typically, these flowers are not capricious and transferred painlessly, quickly grow up and bloom every year.
Hello! I also love Irises very much. I have many different varieties. But this year I was very upset. I almost all do not bloom in me. They released 1-2 buds, and the rest do not bloom at all. I don't know the reasons and worry that it will be all the time

Spray from the pests of irises can be every 2 weeks (if necessary). The most effectively spraying for 6 weeks before flowering. Usually there is no need, pests are not the main enemy a cockerel, worse with diseases.

When bearded irises flows away, it is necessary to select decens, one-year-old rhizomes, usually with cropped leaves. This is The first thing to be done in the springThe aboveground part (leaves, blooms) from the iris annually dies raids, the rhizomes winter. In the sinuses of dead leaves remain replacing kidneys.

Continued book

Wherever it is planted: a group on the emerald green greenery or against the background of trees and
The vulnerability of bearded irises to bacterial and gray rott makes use when crop rotation. You can return the irises to your previous place in 3-4 years. If the plants hurt, it is useful to improve the soil sowing Siderats - winter rye, mustard, Facelia. With a lack of landing space, Siberian, which is resistant to these diseases, can be ascended to the place of the bearded iris and has a healing effect on the soil.

Start book

Soil before landing the irises, you need to dwell to a depth of about 20-25 cm and to fit nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (proportion of 10/20 / 20g. At 1Q. M).
Hello, I really liked your article. I generally love Irises I have about 7 varieties somewhere, but I do not dig them for the winter. You could not help me help me such a problem now they grow and some varieties have such a problem: they produce a stalk with buds or even with flowers and stem falls for some reason as in the picture with a "pink bearded iris". Thanks in advance.

Your colors will be healthy if you love them. Good season!If the rot came to the rhizomes, it should be considered. The plant has to dig up the root to process with a special solution. Then he is dried all day in the sun, occasionally turning over. The soil that was near the patient is deleted. Last year's leaves in the treatment of iris are cut and burned. So it is necessary to act in any lesion of the leaves. Exception: When the leaves "wrinkled", this is a temporary phenomenon.

Time for landing bearded irises, roughly the beginning of July for the middle strip

The history of the origin of Irisa

After the resumes of snow, it is a winter shelter, which is completely removed in mid-April in the middle of April, depending on weather conditions. Irises are light-headedShrubs, among many other perennial colors - surrounded by two-year-olds and annuals. But it is especially beautiful in water, on the shore of small reservoirs.

Breathes the earth with all its aroma,Iris.

Iris.It is best to plant them in a sunny place where there are no drafts.

Iris, types of irises, classification of varieties

Marina, thank you so much for the article !!! I now have a problem with iris. A dozen years ago I transferred to another place (more outdoor sun) a large array of irises, and they pleased me for several years beautiful blossom. Other articles about Iris:
Healthy bearded irises have a dense wax layer on the leaves. Fully flashing flowers are always cut, as close as possible to the base.. Looking ahead, say, if the decens do not select, the flowers are growing with a dense carpet.

Ruff IrisAnd they grow well in sunny plots. They can only take out a light shadow from the deleting trees. They are afraid of excessive moisture, so it is best to grow in areas with low groundwater standing, but very demanding to moisture during flowering period. With severe frosts, the root or dying at all, or they make the upper part, located close to the surface of the Earth.

No wonder his name

The sky is deployed, only sighs;

Iris, the best conditions for growth


Irises do not like excessively wet soils. Before landing, the cuttings should be held in a solution of mangartage 2-2.5 hours. This will help eliminate grinding phenomena. You can still rinse the rhizome in the "White" solution. In the past, 14 year, the flower bed thickets, dying, dying, even the black-like raspberries out of the growing bush ... so now in the spring I decided to send everything, without waiting for July, I was afraid that I could not cope With thickets. Husband helped, a man with "green" fingers. And, about horror, on both flower beds, a leaflet height is 15-20 cm, dried from the tops, literally a pair of rhizomes let the flowerons, too, are also low. At the same time, several rhizomes of another variety and colors, transplanted at the same week elsewhere, have already blossomed. In a failed transplant, too, everything seemed to be done correctly: and the backs did not block, and poured on the same day. What happened, what to do? Or gain patience until next year? Or something to get down? The soil is sublinous, but on all the beds and flower beds add a 1-2-bit humid. Please advise, it's a pity to the tears, although there are no varietal plants, they do not smell, we buy everything in the market. Thank you all ...

Tricks landing and growing irises

Master class on the division of bearded irisesIn the arid summer watering blooming cocks in the evening. Water should not fall on the flowers. In windy places, high irises are tied up. They can break.

It is necessary to plant a shallow so that the kidney is at the surface level, the leaves must stick vertically. The upper part of the root to fall asleep the earth is impossible.

It should be very careful because the roots are almost on the surface.

On the bushes"Iris" in Greek means "Rainbow"

Soil for bearded irises

The sky with the rampant sunset

The reproduction of Irisov varieties

We divide every 10-12 years in August or early spring, at the beginning of the rustling. The leaves are shortened by 2/3, roots up to 8-10 cm. Dellets of these moisture-loving irises do not tolerate drying, so they are stored before landing in wet sphagnum. Iris water

Duration of landing of irises, care in spring

It is necessary to plant a plant in such a way that the root neck after falling asleep to the mile of the earth remains on the surface. I love the irises very much and I want to plant, but I don't know if the place at the bottom of the site. In the spring, during a flood, there is humid, sometimes even with water river fills 5- 10 cm. At another time of the year, dry, the soil is light, sandy. I got the site launched and now there is a meadow. What varieties are better to choose? Thank you who will respond.

Visiting the Breakinger of IrisDo not forget to separate the dealers after flowering. This is usually the only mandatory care element of the roots.
It happens for some reason you need 2 weeks to store planting material. It is impossible to store it in polyethylene and in wet fabric. If there is a choice, take larger rhizomes, in them more reserves nutrients. If the dealer with 7 and more leaves, the flower will bloom the next year, in spring. N. Ya. Ippolitov

Who have not been transplanted for a long time, first of all damage the upper tiers of rhizomes. Early in the spring, such bushes look completely lifeless, but after 2-3 weeks the plant grow new roots, leaves appear. Irises are quite resistant to late spring frosts and withstand up to -5-7 ° C.. His shape is exquisite, and the paintings are a great set, and they are combined in the same flower with such incredible grace and perfection, which is possible only in nature. The story of Iris, as the expert of this cult writes the doctor of biological sciences G. I. Rodionenko, goes deep in centuries.

Continuation of the book "Flower language"

In a quiet bay he repeats itself.
Irises bearded at all end the water stagnation, only drained soils are suitable for their landing. With high groundwater standing, planting on elevation or raised ridges is practiced. The landing place should be well lit, although it is permissible for a light half day in the afternoon. In the shadow, irises bloom badly.

Irises: landing and care

After landing, it is necessary to generously water the plants in the next 3-5 days (of course, in the case of hot weather).

I put it under winter, in the fall, it was written on the package. Recently went to the cottage, already sprouted.

Irises-kings flower!

Landing Irisov

There are about 250 types of root irises and tens of thousands of varieties. 20 species are popular in Russia, among them bearded, dwarf, Japanese, blue. We started talking about unpretentiousness. This is about the most common bearded cockerels. There are delicate exotic irises. All the subtleties of the care described below belong to these rare species. From the root to the rhizoma, it is better to leave a distance of about 40 cm, on growing. Immediately after landing, it is necessary to pour plants. Next watering no earlier than in 3 days.

, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Tricks landing

On the island of Crete A. FetFor the Iris siberian, swamp, multicolored excess moisture not only is not dangerous, but also desirable. They can grow on more acidic (pH 5.5-6.5), improved by the addition of sand and clay peat soils, in the coastal zone of the reservoir.

Ruff the soil around the plant should be very careful not to damage the root.

Beginning of May and autumn

All about irisesBearded irises are of different colors.

Bulbous irises

Georgin, how to multiply dahlia, landing and care Is that characteristic feature Bearded Iris - the yield of root to the surface of the soil.Among the ruins of the Poala Palace, the fresco was found with the image of a young man surrounded by blooming irises. Fresco about 4000 years. It means that the rainbow flower was used by a person as an ornamental plant.

Care for iris

On this window of the site, we publish the chapter from the book of the candidate of agricultural sciences

The soil preparation phase for all irises is important. Dense ramifications of rhizomes make it difficult to buy from perennial weeds, especially do the iris sick, drinking, and dandelion. Therefore, the site is recommended to prepare in advance. Just step by the soil and choose weeds in this case not enough. Purpose Irisovodes sift it twice through the roar - first with large, then with small cells.


Especially should be attentive in the presence of buds.

The best landing date of the irises is considered August. They plant them at the end of July, when the second round of root growth begins, but at this rainy summer the root growth was delayed, so now the rhizomes are preferably digging and adding for better survival in a new place. At late autumn plantings Plants do not have time to be rooted, and without good shelter under the influence of frosts, the rhizomes of the soil takes place.

I fell in love with Irisus from recently ... a girlfriend hurt the rhizomes during flowering and advised to cut the bluerons after landing ... I was released, but I had to do it, it turned out such a faceless green flower bed. But for the next year, Irises pleased me with a multi-minded, white, chocolate, yellow bearded irises, just a fairy tale, the charm of spring !!! ... Thank you, Marina, I really liked your photos, and from the story I learned a lot of useful information for myself!

Love the sun, moisture and well-hot, fertile, loose soil. The most unpretentious watering look - Juno, she loves dry places. However, it is critical for it. Solar stony slides - the best place.

Chrysanthemum, history, growing, breeding chrysanthemum

Types of Irisov

No matter how hard we try to cover them with the earth, the rhizomes are again and reappearing "weighted". In the precinct period

In later times

N. Ya. Ippolites - "Flower Language".

Another option is to start the preparation of the site for landing the Iris in the spring, with the beginning of the rustling of weeds. During this period, the herbicides of total action - "Roundap", "Hurricane", "Sniper" act especially effectively. Already a week after processing the plant wept and begin to die, although it does not fully exempt from the mechanical collection of rhizomes after the rescue. By the way, since the irises belong to monocoons, with the remnants of weed vegetation in the future, it can be successfully combined with the help of herbicides of the electoral action - "Lontrela" or "Lintura" used to combat dicotar weeds on the lawn. And it is not necessary by spraying landings - with a small number of weeding herbs, you can use a more time-consuming, but no less reliable "labeling method", when the solution is applied to the leaves of germinating weeds with a brush.

Iris smooth

Feature irises you need once a month, complex feeding (proportion of 1 water bucket / 1 tablespoon of feeding). After three years, bearded irises need to be rejected. How to share and transplant German irises shown in the video:


Hello! I also love Iris, I have a little (7pcs), but I have already managed to transplant them several times. I can not choose them companions. At first they were just at me on the lawn, which hurt her husband to cut it very much, so Iris had not had time to beat a couple of times. For the second time I planted them next to roses, I also didn't really like this combination. Now they are sitting on a small flowerbed with geihans, roses, lilies, loyal, flocks, a syngue and a couple of cereals (generally assorted). Although this is the solar place, it looks medium ...

Chocolate Iris.

Flowers of bulbous irises mostly from May to the end of June. After flowering, somewhere in July, when the leaves dried somewhere half, the bulbs need to dig. The main thing is not to miss the moment if the bulbs fell rain, they will become very susceptible to fungal diseases. The dug bulbs are washed with a 0.2% solution of manganese or other fungicide, they are quickly dried and stored in a dry ventilated room until mid-September.

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The rhizomes of bearded irises are able to dive somewhat into the soil. It is recommended to prey the root of the root layer of the Earth or the peat with the subsequent discovery in the spring.

Iris interested people with their healing properties. Thus, in the writings of the Greek doctor, Dioscarid, who served in the Roman army in the era of the emperors of Claudia and Nero (I century), Iris appears as one of the mighty medicine.

Today, the story of Iris, the history of the origin of the Iris, tricks of landing and reproduction of the Iris

Iris is unpretentious, undemanding to the composition of the soil, but the aristocratic than the variety you have chosen, the better the conditions for its cultivation should be. On rich soils, flowering will be incomparably richer than on the poor loam. Therefore, in the soil under bearded irises, compost or fatty garden land is introduced, as well as phosphorus-potash fertilizers (preferably potassium monophosphate than superphosphate) and woodwood or dolomite flour for deoxidation. The soil should be weakly acid or neutral (pH 6.5-7.0). Sands are added to the loams, to sandy soils, on the contrary - clay land. To the upper layer of 15-20 cm linse more sand. For disinfection from diseases, it is useful to shed a prepared area with a solution of "radiance", "Baikal" or "Renaissance" or biological function "Phytoosporin-M".