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Landing plums in spring and autumn: gardener tips. Rules of autumn landing seedlings plums landing plums in spring distance between trees

Plum is a good thermal-loving tree, which gives plentiful harvest. Grow and care for the drain simple enough. But when and how to put the plum in the spring? How to choose a plum sapling? And what fertilizers need to be added to the soil? Below you learn the answers to these questions.

The best landing period begins at the end of April and ends at the end of May. In this case, the roots of the seedling will fall into the heated primer, which will benefit on the health of a plum tree.

You can plant a plum and in the fall, and the optimal time for the landing will be the period for 1.5-2 months before the soil freezing (usually the soil begins to freeze at the end of October, so it is necessary to plant in the fall in September). Also when landing need to take into account climatic conditions.

Experienced gardeners recommend the residents of the southern regions to plant the fall in the fall (in September) or in spring (in April and in early May), and the inhabitants of the middle strip are only in spring (in April and in early May). Plum loves warmth, so this tree is not recommended to plant in the northern regions.

How to choose a place?

The plum is a light-affiliated plant, so it is necessary to plant it in areas with good lighting. Also, the plum must be planted on sites that are not blocked by the wind. Other trees should not shade the plum, so it is necessary to plant a plum in the south of other trees.

The minimum distance between the trees should be at least three meters. Also, it should be remembered that the plum is a cross-peeled plant, so it is recommended to plant at least two plums simultaneously to get a good harvest.

Soil requirements and its preparation

Plum grows well in loose fertile soils. The best plum is growing in loamy soils with neutral acidity (pH level - from 6.8 to 7.2). Drain can not be seized in the swamp; It is also not recommended to plant a plum in the soil, which contains a large amount of gravel and rubble.

  1. In the case of drum or podzolic soils, a mixture should be added to the ground, which consists of 15-20 kg of humidiation, 200-300 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium (1 square meter of the Earth).
  2. In the case of peat soils, 300-400 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium should be added to the Earth, and it is not recommended to enter into the soil.
  3. In the case of chernozem soils, 5-10 kg leveling, 100-200 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium should be added to the ground.
  4. If necessary, you can perform the limestation of the soil.

Planting Yama

2 weeks before planting a seedling need to dig in the ground a special pit. The diameter of the pit should be 60-80 centimeters, and the depth is 50-70 centimeters. Also in the pit you need to drive a thin wooden peg, to which the seedling will be tied when landing.

This pit needs to be filled with 2/3 fertile soils and fertilizers. The fertilizers use such components such as humid or compost (1-2 buckets), peat (2 buckets), superphosphate (300 g) and potassium sulfate (60-80 g). If you plan to plant a plum on lowland soil, then it is necessary to increase the volume of the pit 1.5 times (the volume of fertilizers increases 1.5 times).

Preparation and selection of seedlings

Let's now learn how to choose a good plum seedling.

Step by step guide, with which you can choose a seedling, looks like this:

  1. When buying, you need to make sure that there are no defects or damage on a sapling. A good seedling should have a powerful root system (at least 3-4 roots, the length of which should be at least 25 centimeters).
  2. Also, when inspected, it is necessary to make sure that there are no broken branches on a sapling.
  3. If you bought seedlings in the fall, then for the winter they need to be jammed. To do this, dig a narrow wide pit, and the pit itself must be inclined; After that, it is necessary to put seedlings into a pit and sprinkle their land.

How to plant?

Scheme (photo):

So, you supported the soil, dug the pit and bought a sapling. Let's now learn how to plant a seedling.

Step-by-step instructions for landing seedlings in open ground looks like this:

  1. Before boarding, make a small hormick from the ground next to a wooden peg.
  2. Place the seedling on the hills in the pit, and then put the roots seedlings.
  3. Slowly float the hole of the earth somewhere on 2/3 (at the same time you must hold the seedling with your hand so that it is in a vertical position and did not twist).
  4. After that, it is necessary to gently tie a seedling to a wooden peg.
  5. Now completely fall asleep the hole of the earth.
  6. Carefully confuse the ground with a shovel and pour 2 buckets of water into it.

Care after landing

Now you know about how plum landing as seedlings.

Let's now find out how to care for the drain after the landing:

  1. It is necessary to water the plum 2-3 times a month in the event of a climate with an average moisture level. If the humidity is very high, then watering can be carried out less frequently; If the humidity is low, then watering needs to be performed more often.
  2. The first plum feed must be performed 1 year after landing. Urea must be used as the first feeding, and its concentration should be 20 g per square meter of the Earth. Urea feed must be performed every year before the first fruiting.
  3. During the first fruiting you need to feel the land. To do this, mix 5-8 kg of compost, 50 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium chloride. This mixture is enough to fertilize the area whose area is 1 square meter.
  4. After the first fruiting, it is necessary to perform the landsca of the Earth every year. In the spring, compost, urea and manure, compost and manure, as well as various fertilizers based on potassium and phosphorus in the ground.
  5. Also, after the landing, it is necessary to cut the crown of the tree for 1/3 each year. If the lower branches have greater coverage than the upper, then they also need to get rid of them.

Plum enters the circle of favorite fruit and berry crops. It is able to give crops in various agricultural zones. Perennial productivity directly dependent from the landing conditions . Step-by-step guide will help competently place plum saplings in the garden.

Plum landing time depends on the growth region and the type of seedlock root system.

When it is better to plant a plum: in autumn or spring?

  • In the central and northern regions (including and) Optimal time for landing plum is spring (April or beginning of May). Plants with open roots should be in sleeping condition (before the blooming of the kidneys).
  • Plums with a closed root systemwho did not start vegetation, plant as early as possible. And the desired specimens are transferred to the ground with the onset of sustainable heat, covering for 2-3 weeks by observing material (from the scorching sun and return freezers).
  • Landing in the fall is possible in the southern regions. Sometimes it is practiced and northerners, but there is always a risk of winter freezing or spuning a gentle young plum. Plant fabrics planted in the spring are better matured and more successfully adapt to harsh wintering.

Assortment of saplings

Among the plurality of varieties, it is necessary to choose the most adapted for cultivation in local climatic conditions.

In an effort to variety, gardeners are looking for plums of yellow, red and blue color. Pay attention to the dates of ripening (early, medium, late). But these are not the only parameters of choice.

Substorms of plum

Such a culture, as a drain, has several varieties:

They are not always able to pollinate each other. And each subspecies have their own climatic conditions.

For successful maritime

Many varieties of plums are self-visible (self-free or partly samopidal - very little, and they are not deprived of the shortcomings).

Most of the varieties of plums are self-proper, so they need neighboring pollinkers.

  • Crossing pollination Between different varieties of one subspecies (or nearby) is a prerequisite for the formation of high-quality fruits and a good crop.
  • Another requirement is same time (synchronism) flowering . If plums bloom abundantly, and the wounds are very small or not quite - this is a sign of the lack of nearby the desired pollinator.

Plum varieties home reversible. Chinese and Russian varieties can be capable of mutual pollination. Many modern plum varieties are complex hybrids, and it is necessary to specify information on their best pollinators.

One plum plant in the garden sometimes quite enoughif the right pollinator blooms at the nearby country site. A lonely fruit-making village get another way - vaccinating different varieties in one crown.


The problem of spontaneous

Spare in the root part of the trunk in plums.

Many bone cultures, including plum, are susceptible to spontaneous. This is a dying (darkening) of the crust and Cambia on the root neck or at the bottom of the barrel, emerging snowy in winter or in the offseason.

The reason lies in the fact that the anti-natural area of \u200b\u200bplum lies in the regions with a different climate.

Conditions provoking spontaneous:

  • snow Pokrov, Light on the Improper Earth;
  • snow depth more 40-60 cm ;
  • thaw in the offseason;
  • spring flooding;
  • poor aging of plant tissues.

Partial recovery strongly weakens the plum. Ring sparing (on a closed circle) leads to a drying and death of the plant above damage. If the roots are intact, then new trunks or root pigs may later appear. Sometimes such "swings" are observed for several seasons.

Methods of struggle

The cultivation of plums on the artificially created elevation almost completely removes the problem with sparing the bottom of the trunk.

To combat the problem, various agrotechnical techniques are applied.

Sometimes gardeners practice the preliminary coating of the strain with a special mixture ( clay, korovyat, lime, vigorous ). Another option is the various fencing of the strain for its isolation from raw snow. Apply the periodic winter sweeping of snow cover, exhausting snow from the trunk, etc.

Plum accommodation in places with low snow pool, landing on the hilly - important elements of agrotechnics to protect against spontaneousness.

Most successfully oppose the recovers of Turn, Alycha and some of its hybrids.

Features of planting in the Urals and in Siberia

In many areas of Siberia and the Urals, climatic conditions for plum are very complicated. Deep snow provokes recovers.

Winter frosts and interseasonous frosts cause the death of flower kidney. Here you need especially carefully approach assorted (giving preference to the most winter-hard, zoned forms), selection of places landing And spontaneous protection.

Choosing a place under the plum

Fruit plum is a light culture, it is placed on sunny sites. From the soil drought, the plants suffer, but they do not tolerate and overvaluate.

Plum loves places opened for the sun and protected from cold wind.

For landing do not suit:

  • swampy and sublighted shorts with groundwater standing closer 1.5 M. ;
  • closed basins;
  • territories with strong winds;
  • footage of the slopes (cold air accumulates).

A good option will be top of the slope : Here the return freezes less often and weather is warmer. Air in such areas is heated intensively, and cold air masses quickly flow down.

It should be avoided by places where there is a lot of snow (near the fences and buildings, in the Relief folds). It is desirable that the maximum height of the snow cover does not exceed the half-meter.In areas where the depth of snow is more than a meter, they do not recommend falling at all: very high risk of sickness.

Soil should not be stony, too easy or heavy . Preferred acidity - neutral. Acidic soil must be pre take (The dose is selected according to the degree of acidity and the type of deoxidizer).

The required distance between plums depends on the varietal features - the height and diameter of the adult crown. Options are possible 1.5 to 4 meters .

Step-by-step instruction and guide

Consider in more detail the process of proper landing.

Choice: landing pit or holmik

A suspension pit should ensure the free development of the root seedlock in the first years after landing.

The landing pits dig up and fill in advance ( preferably from autumn). Drainage can be put on the bottom. The depth and diameter of the pit is a half-meter or a little more (on the poor lands to 1 m).

In areas where the maximum height of snow exceeds 40 cm It is recommended to plant a plum without landing holes below the ground level, but for small elevations (natural or artificial). Man-made hills form in advance or create in the planting process.

Approximate Diameter Gorka - from one and a half to two meters, height - half meter. In the following years, during the growth of plum roots, the earth is being plucked to the hilly to increase its diameter (before 2.5 - 3 meters).

Fuel supply

The question of which fertilizers to enter when landing, directly depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site. Experienced gardeners advise at all refuse primary bookmark additivesIf the earth is good.

Pleasant soil is better to focus. On one plant plum spending 1-2 liters Wood ash, near 300 g simple superphosphate (or 150 g double) 100 g Potassium sulfate, 2 buckets Pretty manure or compost.

Fresh manure and chicken litter is impossible!

To fill the landing pit perfectly fits well-matched humus.

In severe land add sand or nine peat, in sandy - a little clay. In an acidic ground, the deoxidizer is added (approximately 300 g Dolomite flour).

Featuring components are thoroughly mixed with soil. This mixture fill the pit at least half. If a landing option is selected for a hilmik, then the land in its future base (approximately 150x150 cm ) go to depth 40 cm Together with the recommended fertilizers (their number can be increased in one and a half - two times). From above puffed with a layer of light earth without additives. Plant roots when landing should not come into contact with fertilizers.

In the center of the pit (or the founding of the Kholmik), the pegs are driven, to which the village will later be contacted.

Sedna preparation

The most successfully carries out the single-airdons or two years, it is desirable with a closed root system (in this case, the roar of the landing is preserved).

When choosing a seedling with open roots, a plant should be carefully examined.

If the roots are open, they are obstructed (removal of calmed, dead sections) and soaked for 2-4 hours in the solution of the root formation stimulator ( Heteroaceuxin, Zircon, Humat Potassium).

Plant location

It is not accepted in a stalancing culture. Plants disembark vertically, without tilt.

Landing depth

The landing depth is determined by the root cervix.

Saplings can be grafted either with kinsevobochemicals (from pins or multiplicated with cuttings, grain, less often bone). Plants from the pores are recommended to burst when landing at 15 cm; The rest of the root neck should be located at the ground level. In the landing room, the ground with time slightly sends, so the root neck is originally located with a small elevation (about 5 cm ) Above the level of land.

If the vaccination on the plum is lowthen some gardeners prefer blowing it by 10 cmsprinkling very easy, not delaying moisture soil. Then the lead will eventually form his roots and will be able to repent in the case of the death of the above-ground part of the freezing or spontaneous.

Option for pit or well

The seedling is installed in the center of the landing pit, on the land of the earth without fertilizers, from the northern side of the crawl.

The device of the planting pit for plums.

The roots neatly straighten and fall asleep with light soil without chemical impurities, slightly sealing from above. Similarly place a seedling in a pre-cooked hilly, pre-breathing a small well on top (this is convenient if it is convenient if root system small).

Without a hole, with a submail of the earth

The elevation can be formed in the planting process (especially when the plant is large, with big roots).

Principle of plum landing on the hill.

  1. It is more convenient to perform work together. On a flat surface of a fertilized land, a small layer of pure soil is pure, a slightly exceeding the length of the roots.
  2. From above they put a seedling (from the northern side of the head of the knick), hold it with their hands.
  3. Roots spread and sprinkled in advance prepared soil without fertilizers, slightly sealing it and gradually forming a hill with a diameter around the plant 150-200 cm and approximately height 50 cm .

Finishing procedures


It is advisable not to trim the plum at the landing and in the first season. Only dried twigs are subject to removal. You can meet recommendations for trunk trunk by a third (especially if open roots cut off, damaged).

The diagram of the first pruning of plums.

Experienced gardeners are advised to dissolutely not to distort the natural shape of the variety, laid by genetically, is a bush or tree. With age allowed periodic decline in the height of the crown by.

Mandatory events

Caring for the drain in the first year after landing is quite simple.

Mandatory event is. To do this, you can apply effective biological insecticides - phytodeterm, spark bio, akarin.

The soil is desirable to support moderately wet state, not allowing the root zone to rehash in spring and in the summer heat. It is impossible to allow the growth of weeds.

We can tell about the useful and taste properties of plums for a long time, these trees are found on many garden sites.

However, like any plant, agrotechnology has its own characteristics. Landing plums in the fall is the best option so that the tree is good and plentifully fertile. Why is it better to sit in this period, how to cook a plot than to feed, how to trim and protect against pests and diseases? It is important to understand these issues in order not to be mistaken with the varieties and methods of cultivation in a certain region.

Often discussions are underway when it is better to plant a plum: in spring or autumn? In the autumn period, intensive depotation is stopped. The seedling is in the state of the semi-window, so it takes better transplant, gets used to a new place, will not suffer immediately after the transplantation from the summer exhausting heat. In the autumn period there are more frequent rains, so you can do without an additional irrigation.

Rational landing dates in autumn

When to plant plants? It is important to perplex before the onset of frosts. For the middle strip of Russia, the seedlings are placed on a new place at the end of September. In Siberia and in the Urals, it is advisable to have time in the first week of September.

If the planting material is bought late, it is better to touch the tree under the tilt and transplant in the spring. In this case, an intense watering is needed during the summer.

Varieties and descriptions

The breeders for a long time took the varieties with different maturity times. Fruits are distinguished by color, taste. Currently, such varieties are popular:

Greengage It has large yellow fruits, exquisite taste at the late maturation
July High yield, large fruit purple-red shade, early fruit
Zarechnaya early Winter-hardy tree with early harvest, purple fleet fruits of oval shape, ideal for home billets
Souvenir East Tree with juicy dark red fruits in the shape of a heart, sweet mid
Golden ball The plant has bright yellow fruits with a peach taste with early fruiting, is the top to taste
Spring-eyed Begins fruiting 2 years after landing, reddish fruits ripen at the beginning of summer
Svetlana The variety is suitable for the northern regions, the fruits are not large, but with high taste qualities
Romen. Mid-line variety with red fruits and tasty flesh.

Optimal conditions for growing

After landing, the first 7 years fruiting is weak, after 12 years comes the period of the greatest yield. Based on such physiology, it is necessary not only to acquire, but also to create living conditions. It depends on the right growth and acceleration of the beginning of intensive fruction.

For trees, low-spirits are not suitable for trees, in the spring and autumn the cold air accumulates, it destructively affects the plants. A good place will be the border of the site along the fence or next to the house, which will protect from the wind, but not in the shade. The drought is poorly reflected in fruiting, watering is organized into the arid periods. The optimal PN of the Earth in the range is 6.4-7.2.

Plum is afraid of high groundwater standing. Therefore, if they are at a depth of less than 1.5 meters, it is possible to plant a plush in the fall on specially trained high beds or organize water removal from the site.

Moscow region Landing and care: if the winter is honest, it is important to insulate the roots. To do this, in the fall in front of the frosts around the trunk, the hilloch is thrown and covered with grass or sawdust.
Leningrad region In areas with high groundwater standing, organize drainage: hot channels are digging around the perimeter. Be sure to climb the rolling circle of the tree with peat or hay.
Medium strip How to plant the plum in the middle lane of Russia? To do this, it is important to choose or create conditions for growing and reproduction: humidity, soil quality, security, fight pests and diseases.
Siberia It is necessary to grow varieties that maintain a harsh winter on the southern and southwestern slopes in the winds protected from wind.
Ural In this region with frosty winters, it is necessary to choose a zoned variety, prepare a plant as described below.

The right selection of the site and

preparation of soil

The plot should be protected from drafts: the trees have places near fences or buildings. Soil should not be acidic and overwhelmed. If a place does not correspond to the physiology of the plant, a special technology is applied: high ridges are created, fertilizer is made, protective shields are erected.

It is necessary not only to put the plum in the fall, but also to prepare the soil. A mixture is necessary for each pit:

  • upper fertile soil;
  • humus - about 15 kg;
  • potash salt no more than 15 g;
  • superphosphate within 100 g

Dolomite flour is introduced into the acid land - 0.5 kg.

How to choose a landing material

The best option for buying a tree is specialized nurseries that implement plants-sharing with grafted varietal cuttings. Such seedlings earlier bloom and fruiting. Main settings:

  • height up to 150 cm;
  • the height of the trunk to the branches - 50-60 cm;
  • age - about 2 years;
  • the diameter of the trunk at a height of 12 cm from the vaccination site - 1.5-1.8 cm;
  • not less than 5 roots with a length of 25-30 cm.

Planting Sazedans

Step by step guide developed by an experienced gardening:

it is necessary to properly prepare the soil in the garden. Put the land is good not only on the place of the future pit, but also around it. Landing plums in the fall begins with the choice of the optimal place, proper preparation of the Earth;

before placing the landing scheme of seedlings should take into account the dimensions of the adult plant, which form and height will be Croon. In any case, the distance should not be less than 3 meters from each other;

photo: ©

the landing pit is necessary for a diameter of at least 80 cm and a depth of 60 cm, it is digging two weeks before the planned landing. For a better drainage on the bottom of the sand. Filled with a fertilous soil not to the end. In the center of the pit, they are driven by a peg, it is intended to be support for a young plant;

before planting, gardeners carefully examine the plant and make cropping bad roots;

photo: ©

place a seedlove, straighten the roots, so that the root neck is slightly above the level of the earth (after watering it will slide below);

the roots fall asleep with soil without fertilizer, so as not to burn them, fill all the emptiness and gently thoughts. Then pour, underwind the soil and climb so that moisture is not lost.

photo: ©

After that, the question arises: care for the drain fall?

Care after landing

Landing and care in the open soil includes timely feeding, cropping, watering and protection against pests and diseases. In the first year, without fertilizer you can do. The plant will be spring and the entire summer season to use the fertilizer made before landing.


Annually pruning, which forms the crown. In April, in the northern regions in May is carried out a healing trimming. This is the best time for such works. The branches that grow inside the crowns are resettled with each other, shoots growing from the root. Crouch the upper branches to reduce the crown. This improves growth, fruiting and further reproduction of process.

Prevention of disease

Gardeners get rid of gamuseture and white rotting the early trimming. Sleeping the crown prevents holes in breathe. The processing of Bordeaux liquid eliminates the fruit rot, kokkikosis, the curls of the leaves, bacterial spot, moniliosis, it minimizes the population of the fall.

Protection against pests

During the spring awakening of the plant, malicious insects appear. To protect the garden you need:

  • plant healthy seedlings;
  • cut damaged branches;
  • land under the crooked wormwood, velvets;
  • in the morning, gardeners shake on the flooring of the pillet;
  • in the rolling colors, wood ash adds, it will protect against Tly;
  • sprinkle after flowering with an int-virus (3 tablets on 10 liters of water);
  • make cathless belts;
  • cracked cracks and wounds on the trunk and branches;
  • sprinkle with the drug "Insegoar" from the plum painting.


We found out how to plant the plum in the fall, let's talk about feeding. The fertilizer is made annually, which includes ammonium sulfate. For acidic soil use an ammonium salter. Trees can not do without organic matter: you can use diluted cow dung in the water in a ratio of 1:10. And also use humilias, it improves growth as a seedling and adult plum. Every year in the spring there is an extraordinary feeder of 0.5% urea solution.


Landing plums in autumn turns on watering: 2 buckets of water, but only if it is not foreseen of heavy rains. Plum does not like to overwhelm. From spring and throughout the summer it is important to organize a timely watering.

Preparation for winter

The plant should be helped to survive the winter, as plum loves comfort:

  1. whiten the trunk;
  2. shook the rolling circle;
  3. till the bump plant so as not to damage the rodents;
  4. if the weather forecasters promise a minor winter, fall asleep with a thick layer of spruce laps, sawdust;
  5. to the barrel and branches tie the peppermint, which rodents do not like;
  6. the branches associate together so that they do not climb the wet snow.

Interesting! "For the Urals and Siberia in an open place to protect against the wind make a shield shelter."


In the video of the experienced gardener tells and shows in practice how to plant a plum in the fall.

Despite the fact that the drain is a "characteristic" tree that loves good feeding and watering, protected places, applying the above-listed tips to it, even in the difficult conditions of the North, the Urals.

In the hope of being enjoyed with delicious and healthy fruits, many daches sit on the plot. However, not every gardener manages to provide the tree the necessary conditions for further growth, and it dies supremely. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the wrong spring or autumn planting.

When it is better to plant a plum: Features of spring and autumn planting

In order for the tree in the winter, it was not frozen in winter and to the arrival of heat quickly went into growth, it needs to be planted at such a time so that it would have to root well before the onset of summer heat and severe frosts. So, in the spring, the plum is planted at the end of March-early April, when there was no sludge, and in the fall - in September, about a month before the establishment of cold weather.

Better sometimes for planting plum is considered autumn. Looking at this time has several advantages:

  • Large assortment of fresh planting material.
  • Saplings do not react to damage to the roots

The main drawback of the autumn planting of plums is a seedling need to hide for winter, otherwise it will freeze.

Landing in the spring also has its pros and cons. The only advantage of the spring landing is the seedling season is well rooted and tolerates winter safely.

Planting the village is undesirable for the following reasons:

  • Many seedlings because of a long stay from the seller are blown up before the landing. Such weak plants after disembarking in the ground are sick and after a while die.
  • It is difficult to get the planting material of the required variety.
  • As the plum wakes up early from the winter sleep, you can not have time to plant a plant before the start of the sludge.

How to plant a plum: features and step-by-step instructions

Before running the head behind the seedliness, you need to carefully examine all the rules for the draining landing. What do you need to know?

Video: Proper phased plum landing

What should be a seedlove

When choosing a planting material, first of all, you need to pay attention to its origin. It is best to choose a zoned variety, which are adapted to weather conditions and the composition of the soil of the cultivation region. Saplings from other regions are not recommended to be used for landing, as they are in most cases poorly carry long and high temperatures, slowly grow and die for a short time.

As plums are divided into those who themselves are pollinated and those who need other trees of this species to pollinate, you need to decide on the way to pollinate. For this you need to take into account not only your own desires, but also the amount of free space on the site.

It is equally important to inspect the appearance of a seedling. The first thing is to evaluate the condition of the root: it should be well developed with the central conductor of medium length. The normal root system should consist of 4-5 processes, the length of which is more than 25 cm.

Important!Do not buy a sapling, whose conductor is too short cut.

The thickness of the trunk of a young tree should be 1-2 cm. In some varieties, the thickness of a 2-year-old seedling may be greater than or less a few millimeters.

For the landing, it is best to use the annual church or biennial age.

Place landing

In order for the seedling well to develop and in the future brought delicacious fruits to be very important to place it in the right place. It is necessary to plant a plum on well-lit plots or in a small half, only here it can form high-quality fruits,

It is impossible to plant a plum in lowlands, where water is caressed for a long time or in places where the groundwater flows close to the surface. The growing plum in such conditions often is sick of fungal diseases, which is why it is badly fruit.

With which it is impossible to plant

Accordingly, the map of the combination of trees and shrubs, it is impossible to plant a plum next to pear, cherries, cherries and walnut. According to the observations of experts, planted near the trees oppress each other's growth and badly fruit.

At what distance

Distance between trees depends on their variety. In order for large specimens of plums enough of the place, they are planted with a pitch of 3-4 m, the trees of weary grades are planted at a distance of 2.5-3 m.

Important!By drawing up the plan of the site, it is necessary to take into account the fact that many varieties are not able to self-pebble, so they should be planted only by groups.

What a soil is necessary

The ideal medium for the cultivation of plums is a sublinous soil whose acidity is 6.5-7 units. It is possible to determine the acidity of the soil using a lactium paper. To do this, take a handful of wet after the rain of the Earth and apply a test paper to it. If it was painted in pink color - the soil is neutral or alkaline. Red colors will signal that the environment is acidic.

In this case, the soil before landing should be necessary to snap: to the site pre-deposit the haired lime or the dolomite flour.

To improve sandy or peat soil, a layer of clay with a height of 10 cm falls asleep into the pit.

How and what to focus before landing

Even the highest quality seedling will be rooted for a long time if the soil be poor on micro and macroelements. To prepare a substrate, the following substances add to the soil:

  • 2 buckets of humus or compost;
  • 2 buckets of peat;
  • 1 tbsp. superphosphate;
  • 3 tbsp. Potassium sulfate;
  • 3 tbsp. carbamide

You can fill the landing pit and a simpler mixture. Two glasses of nitroposki and 200 g of wood ash are added to the fertile land. The last substance can be replaced by the same amount of puffs or dolomite flour.

After connecting all components, the mixture is thoroughly mixed.

What depth to plant

A week before the estimated landing date at the selected place, a hole of 70-80 cm with a diameter of 70-80 cm and depth is 70 cm. Camping space, the upper layer of the Earth is folded on one side, and the lower one is on the other.

If the soil on the site is heavy, the bottom is loosened to a depth of 20-25 cm. Then the fertile soil taken from the heap where the upper layer of the Earth was mixed, mixed with fertilizers.

In the bottom of the landing pit at a distance of 2 cm from the center, a wooden pegs are connected with a height of 110 cm.

The chopped egg shell is poured onto the bottom and fall asleep on a 2/3 cooked substrate. If the mixture turned out to be little, the fertile land is lined into the pit.

Important! To prevent sparing out young wood, the root neck must rise above the surface of the earth by 3-5 cm.

Technology landing

After all the necessary preparations, the Plum landing procedure looks as follows:

  1. Place the roots, place the sapling in the pit and deepen it so that the root neck is a few centimeters above the level of the soil.
  2. Fall off the soil, without impurities of various fertilizers.
  3. Then the land around it needs very well torture, so that the air does not remain near the roots (it can cause drying the horse system).
  4. From the soil, which was dug out of the bottom of the pit, there is a small mound around the village, which will contribute to an excellent water absorbing the saplth.
  5. Next, the garter is performed.
  6. The final barcode is carried out - a thorough strait of the plant.

Video: how to plant a plum

Care after landing

So that young trees have taken root in a new place, they need to create the most comfortable conditions. Seedling care includes the following manipulations.

Watering. Due to the fact that plum prefers to grow in a wet environment, the soil must be able to regularly moisturize. It is especially important to carry out watering after the spring landing, since after the arrival of heat soil dries quickly, and the young tree can die.

Later in dry weather, the tree is watered 1 time per week. The volume of water should be so that the soil at a depth of 40 cm was wet. Following such a rule, water consumption for watering a young tree is 40 liters, an adult - 60 liters.

Important!It is impossible to turn the soil around the plum into the swamp. Excess moisture is the main cause of the development of fungal diseases and cracking fruits.

To make a tree normally feel, in winter you need to follow the thickness of the snow cover. If snow near the saplings is more than 60 cm, it is cleaned.

Podrel. Young trees begin to feed at the age of 2 years. In the spring, an organic solution from a cowboy or a litter prepared at the rate of 1:10 and 1:20 is made under the plum. Fans of mineral fertilizers feed the plum of urea or complex mixtures with a large content of nitrogen. In the fall, the tree is fed by phosphoric and potash fertilizers: 100 g of potassium sulphate or superphosphate.

Trimming. In order to form the right crown, the seedling starts to cut immediately after landing. In the first year, a central conductor is shortened to a level of 1-1.2 m, in the second - choose the strongest branches and cut them to a length of 25-30 cm. At the age of 3 years, the top increments are shortened by 30 cm, side - by 15 cm .

At the end of the formation of Krone, it should consist of 5-6 strong branches located at an angle of 50 degrees. In the future, annually remove the shoots that thicken the crown, as well as dried, sick and damaged branches.

Loosening. After each watering or abundant rain, the soil around the seedling is thoroughly loosen. Due to such manipulation to roots, more air flows, and the plum is growing faster.

Mulching. To prevent the evaporation of moisture and the growth of weeds, as well as protect the roots from the frozen, the rolling circle of a young seedling is covered with a humus or compost. Organic substances will not only cope with the above functions, but also for a long time replenish the soil micro and macroelements. The mulch must cover the soil over the root, but should not touch the barrel.

Shelter. In the fall, the fall is not enough enough to move the winter struran without additional protection, so in the first year it must be hidden. On the eve of the cold, the rolling circle is mounted with a layer of straw, which is covered on top of thin metal sheets or slate. The barrel of seedlings are wrapped with burlap or dense material.

Read more about preparing plums for winter and care in the fall - trimming and shelter read in this article.

Video: how to care for the drain

Features of landing in different regions

In order to plant the plum correctly, the landing recommendations need to be amended, which are caused by various weather conditions and the state of the soil of a particular region.

In the Volga region

Due to the fact that winter in this region does not differ in harsh frosts, planting in the spring at the end of March-early April, and in the fall, in mid-September. For landing, it is recommended to use varieties resistant to moniliosis and slurryososporiosis.

In the middle lane (Moscow region)

Landing plums in the spring and autumn in the Moscow region is made on the above recommendations, without any features.

In Siberia and the Urals

In the north, plum in the spring is planted into the open ground in April, immediately after the soil flashes. Since the risk of freezing, the fruit tree is usually not planted in autumn. Only zoned frost-resistant varieties are used as a planting material.

Video: How to put plum saplings in Siberia and in the Urals

Possible errors when landing plums

Even in such a simple matter, as a landing of plums, novice gardeners manage to make several mistakes. Here are the most common of them:

  • Drain planted under the tilt.
  • Trying to create comfortable conditions for growth, the excessive amount of water and fertilizers contribute.
  • Do not take into account the growth strength of the selected variety and plant slurry and stronger plants at the same distance.

All you need to properly plant plums is a little time to study technology and implement it into life. Already a few years later, Plum will certainly thank the owner for the worries rendered to the abundant harvest of sweet fruits.

Video: How to grow plums


The purpose of autumn care is to prepare a plum tree to the cold winter period. The fruits have already been removed, and now you should thank your feed. The main steps of autumnal departments are as follows:

  • Podrel. After the summer season, the plum tree needs a fade, consisting of minerals and complex fertilizers.
  • Abundant watering. A plum tree, like no other, loves moisturizing. Therefore, regularly attack it with sufficient water.
  • Loosening. Soil, around the tree, needs good drainage. Do not be lazy to drag the land.
  • Insulation.Autumn will fly imperceptibly, and frost will quickly come after it. To protect the trees from freezing, its strains are carefully wrapped with roofing or rubberoid.
  • Protection. Confine plums from damage to rodents and hares. For this, on the territory of the household site you need to decompose bait containing poisonous substances against mice. If you wrap the plum pillars of the barbed wire, none eared can cause irreparable damage to the surface of the crust.

Plum landing process in autumn

How often you have to hear the complaints of the gardeners that the planted plum trees for some reason do not fron, or in general die. And the reason lies not at all in a bad variety or poor-quality saplings, the wrong landing is wrong.

The sequence of autumn planting of plum trees is such a chronology:

  1. First you need to choose the right place of the future landing. Prefer the well-drained soil area. It is desirable that she is also a moisture retention. Attention! The selected area should be perfectly covered, as well as have a shelter from winter frosts.
  2. Clean the Earth carefully from different weeds, and thoroughly support it.
  3. Now we go to the next stage of preparatory work - landing pit.Standard size is forty-forty-centimeters. However, each seedling has its own, special root system. It is from it that the size of the pit is depends. Speakingly determine the magnitude of the rhizomes, and dig a deepening, in which the reflected roots of young people will be comfortable.
  4. We take a seedling and carefully inspecting his rootsBy removing all damaged and crushed endings.
  5. Gently omit the future fruit into the hole pit, and we begin to slowly pour out the earth. Make sure that the soil is located evenly, without leaving any voids.
  6. Be sure to tie a sapling to the peg. It will save him from unfavorable weather conditions in the first time of life.
  7. Provide plenty of abundant watering, she loves him very much.

If the cold came, and you finally missed the time of autumn landing in the ground, there is still a way to save seedlings to spring.

This can be done as follows:

  • Fill in the soil boxes.
  • Place the seedlings in them so that the young woman lay and suck the land of its root.
  • Boxes must be placed in a cellar or any other closed cool place. Leave them on the street is extremely undesirable.

If there is a greenhouse on your household plot, then you can make a young man in it.

Pruning plums in autumn

Autumn pruning is necessary for the best preparation of a plum tree to winter. It is held in the first or second decade of September. Do not carry out the trimming later, otherwise the tree will not be enough time to prepare for the cold.

Proper autumn trim helps to create a future crown. If you leave too long branches, they can break under strong wind gusts. General recommendations on autumn pruning look like this:

  • If the pruning is the first, then the branches are shortening in a height of approximately one third.
  • Fast-growing shoots need to shorten the two-thirds.
  • Ruthlessly remove all dry, slightly dry and sick branches. All remote parts strongly recommend burning.
  • Try to cut forward the crown.

If you are lazy to cut a plum tree in the fall, then in the spring, do not expect a blooming and healthy appearance from it.

Undercalinking plums in the fall

Throughout the year, the plum tree must be fed several times, the final of them falls at the fall. It is possible to carry out the procedure after the final ripening of fruits. Each tree will have to use about thirty-five fertilizer liters, which consists of:

  • Chloride / sulfate potassium - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Superphosphate - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 10 liters.

Note that in the first year of life, the young man is perfectly done without fertilizers.

Conducted on a long time, autumn feeding will bring you a subsequently generous and abundant harvest.

Plum processing from diseases and pests

A very important stage in the process of growing fruits is the timely and scrupulous treatment of a plum tree from various pests and diseases. The greatest evil tree inflicts the TLL distributed by black ants. To protect yourself from this attack, you will have to actively take the case.

The processing of plums from this pest is carried out several times a year, but the control is in the fall. After you collect the last harvest (but before the foliage of foliage), you can proceed to the rescue procedure:

  1. Preventive. The folk remedies are applied, such as infusions. The composition can be prepared using wormwood, ash, onion husk, garlic plus a household soap.
  2. Targeted. When the enemy is detected, the urea solution should be used, alternately and richly spraying all branches. A mixture of evil-garlic water with one tablet of microfertres and fifty grams of mineral fertilizers has proven itself.

In addition, the main branches and strabs should be placed. Before the start of the event, you should carefully clean the bark from the extra garbage.

Methods of breeding plums

Any gardener dreams to learn how to properly multiply plum trees. There are three main breeding methods:

  1. Porn. Preparation The pig is necessary at the beginning of the spring, choosing the most advanced escape and digging it. The height of the sprout should be approximately 20 cm, the rest is cut. Lubricate the garden with a garden, in order to avoid infection. After that, the pigs are planted at a permanent location.
  2. Root cuttings. To dig cuttings, retreat from the barrel to the meter. Cut the billet into pieces of about 15-20 cm. The landing occurs in the first days of May, only in a good moisturized and loose soil. Sitty cuttings at a slight angle, at a distance of ten centimeters from each other. Cover the film from above that you need to remove in thirty days. Do not forget about regular watering.
  3. VaccinationThe best time is the moment of kidney swelling. First you need to choose a stalk. Your future crop depends on this. Possess the neighbors in the country area, maybe someone grows a beautiful plum tree. Ask a small stalk. Then make the same cuts on your plum barrel and a new cutter. Tightly connect them and thoroughly tie, using threads or burlap (any rebunny material). Now it remains to wait for the appearance on the process of green leaves. This means that the vaccination has passed successfully. Attention! As soon as young leaflets began to grow on the grafting segment, you must cut all the old branches. It will help better grow and develop a new row.

Blitz advice

So, the main points in the autumn caring for the drain:

  • feeding fertilizers;
  • abundant and regular watering;
  • whitewash;
  • insulation of the trunk;
  • protection against pests.

Modern varieties of plum can not be called unpretentious. They have certain requirements for landing, agricultural engineering, fertilizers, and without performing these conditions, the trees may not close, or even die at all.

We have repeatedly described in detail about the various stages of caring for the drain and operations that you need to do with it, but in this article we want to collect all the highlights for those who are just going to start this beautiful tree.

1. When and where to plant a plum?

Saplings of plum can be found on sale almost all the warm season, however, despite the assurances of sellers, the landing itself is better to spend early in spring. With autumn landing, young plums often do not have time to root and die, and the summer heat for these trees with a surface root system is destructive.

As a last resort, if you got a seedling of a very attractive variety in the fall, try to land it so that it remains for at least 2 months before the onset of cold weather, then the slander will have chances to live to spring.

Choose to plum illuminated and wind-protected place. It can develop in half, but definitely not on draft.

2. What soils like plum?

The best plums grow on fertile loose soils with a neutral pH. It can be both loamy and soup soil, the main thing is that there is enough nutrients in it, and they were made regularly.

    Type of soil on the plot - how to determine and improve the structure

    To independently find out what type of soil prevails on your site, it is enough to carry out several simple manipulations.

The drain does not carry out the stagnation of moisture and the convergence, therefore it will not grow in wetlands or lands, where the distance to groundwater is less than 1.5 m.

3. How to choose a plum seedling?

The choice of landing material is always not easy, because the eyes simply run away from the proposals of nurseries, shops and private farms. Whatever grade you prefer, remember that the seedling must correspond to a number of requirements:

  • dwarf or semi-class dive;
  • the lack of dry twigs and reinforced roots;
  • the height is more than 140 cm, the diameter from 1.3 cm (for the first grade), the height of more than 110 cm, the diameter of more than 1.1 cm (for the second grade);
  • branched strains with a height of at least 50 cm, with a diameter of 1.4 cm, with a length of branches from 20 cm.

In addition, there are no signs of diseases, traces of lichens, broken or cut branches.

4. How to plant a plum?

Young plums planted at a permanent place in April, before the kidneys dissolve on the tree. For the annual tree (and the survival rate at the drain is higher than at that age) you need to dig a pour of a depth of 60-70 cm. If you put a few drops nearby, then the distance between them should be at least 3 m, but from large-in adult trees, they are desirable To move away by 7-10 m, so that the "kids" do not have to compete for light and nutrition.

In order to provide a young plum tree, the optimal conditions, in the pit when landing lay a layer of drainage, and then 250 g of supelphosphate and a bucket of humus, stirring evenly with the main soil.

The tree put in the pit so that the root neck was 3-4 cm above the ground level, align and fall asleep to half, after 3 buckets of water soil soil, and sleep to the top. The priority range of plums is desirable to climb peat or humus.

If your seedlock is already greater than 1 m in height, bring it to a peg soft rope.

5. How to improve pollination of plums?

Most plum varieties available at the moment belong to self-visual. This means that one tree on the plot will not be enough, and the crop will not start. If the neighboring garden is located next to your territory, where the plums of other varieties are growing, blooming at one time with yours, you can do without disembarking additional plants. If this is not, you will have to plant several copies at once, specifying when buying, whether they match the flowering time.

However, you can find both self-free varieties of plums. True, even they will be better fruit in the company of themselves like.

    Top 5 best samopidal varieties of plums (photos, descriptions, care tips)

    A selection of the best samopidal varieties of plums for growing in the suburbs and the middle strip.

6. How to feed the plum?

Plugged when planting fertilizer plum is enough for the first two years, but since the third, it will have to feed it. This is not done every year, but with an interval of 2-3 years, depending on the state of the soil and the trees.

The plum fertilize not under the root, but in the wells or a groove, proofled at a distance of 60-80 cm from the tree trunk.

In the spring, after the awakening of the garden, the priority circle of plums contribute 2 tbsp. Potassium carbamide and sulfate on 10 liters of water. After plum flowed, conduct the second feeder 3 tbsp. Nitroposki on 10 liters of water.

During the formation of fruits, it is possible to solve the chicken litter solution (1:20), and in the fall, it is possible to spray potassium sulfate and superphosphate in the foliage of 2 tbsp. Fertilizers on 10 liters of water.

7. How much and how much to water the plum?

The bulk of the roots of the plum is located at a depth of up to 40 cm, that is, in that layer of soil, which easily dries. From the lack of moisture of the drain can be reset flowers and wounds, so it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the rival circle is always moistened, but will not flood.

On average, the young tree at a time need 5 buckets of water, and during the formation of fruits this volume increases by a third.

8. How to trim the plum?

Young plums grow very quickly, so need annual trimming. It is held 2 times a year: the spring forming, and the autumn is sanitary.

After pruning plums, all sections are treated with garden water.

The first forming pruning of plums is carried out a year after landing. Depending on the chosen crown type, part of the branches are removed, all the thickens and sometimes cut the central conductor.

    Proper pruning of plums - Tips for beginners (schemes, photos, video)

    We tell how to trim the plum in the spring, summer and autumn.

9. How to mulch the plum?

Improve plant wintering and reduce the soil drying will help the mulching of the priority circle of plums. If after the landing you covered it with peat, then in 2 years you can repeat the process, or surround the roots of the tree with a bark (chip) within a radius of 1 m.

    What muller to use for different cultures?

    The yield and beauty of plant flowering is often dependent on what they are inspired.

The mulch from freshly skipped grass or straw will also work, however, for the winter roots of the tree will have to be protected from rodents.

10. How to prepare a plum for winter?

Typically, plums are pilot tolerate winter, especially in the middle strip. But since their roots are located pretty close to the surface, it is desirable to protect the garden from strong frosts, sparing and rodents.

To this end, in the fall, wrap the root neck of plums with moss sphagnum, and as soon as the snow appears, he intensify it around the tree. If in the spring you for some reason have not been mulched by the rolling circle, in the fall, do not make it, but choose coarse materials that do not get mice by moral.

Do not forget to bloom to plum after the onset of stable negative temperatures - young trees with tender bark often suffer from Morozoboin. Credit with solar burns will help and wind the trunk paper or underfloor material.

11. How to get rid of the root row on the plum?

Plum is famous for the abundance of root row and its resistance. Of course, if you want to multiply the plum, these siblings will be useful to you. But if the number of trees in the garden is completely satisfied, then from the boosters it is necessary to get rid of the timely. She spends food and moisture, taking the force at the tree and reducing his fruiting.

Simple cut from the swords do not get rid - it will "eat" again and again. It is better to spray it with a 10% urea solution 2-3 times in sunny weather. The processes are "burnt", and new ones will stop appearing over time.

12. How to treat the plum from pests?

Many insect pests prefer to drain the rest of the cultures and actively eaten leaves, buds, flowers and fruits. They discover them, as a rule, quite late, so one, or even several yields can be lost on ignorance.

    The most dangerous pests of plums and the fight against them

    Description and photo of insects, which can leave gardeners without harvesting.

In prophylactic purposes, the plum is treated in a decreapply (early spring and late autumn) with a 3% burgundy liquid and a 5% urea solution.

If the pests have already appeared in your garden, plums must be sprayed with insecticides 3-4 times per season: before the renal dissipation, during the appearance of leaves, before the start of flowering and before the start of the ripening of fruits. Fufanon, karate, carboophy, actara, Mospilan, Calypso are well suitable for these purposes.

13. How to instill a plum?

If the young plum grown by you turned out to be insufficiently damned or gives tasteless fruits, it is possible to change its varietal qualities by vaccination. It is important to remember that the plum is put not on all cultures, but only on the plum, Alych and Apricot.

In addition, plum trees are very quickly aging, so making vaccinations on the plant older than 10 years does not make sense.

    All you need to know about the vacuum of plum

    Plum vaccination for you. Ensure yourself!

Plum vaccinations are carried out at any time of the year, but the autumn is the most risky and often ruins a tree.

Caring for the drain seems difficult only at first glance. After you master the main techniques and rules, trees in your garden will delight you with lush flowering and abundant harvest for many years.

Having gained experience in care of apple trees and cherries, it's time to think about how plum landing is carried out. This bone culture enjoys not less popular, meeting at every third summer cottage. In favor of its breeding, there is a lot: an interesting taste of juicy and fragrant fruits, the variability of their application, variety of varieties, simplicity of agrotechnology. Plum trees can be fruitful even in the regions with cold winters: in Siberia and in the Urals. The main thing is to choose the right hybrid for the garden.

Requirements for the site

Yellow or purple, colonifornic or tall - all plums love light and warm. For trees, it is better to take the highest possible sun, where the soil is quickly warming up. It must be located in the southern, southwestern or western part of the site. Even before landing, it is necessary to calculate how far the tree will deteriorate whether it will be in the shade of neighboring plants and walls of buildings. The lack of light will slow down the development of plums and will negatively affect the crop: the fruits will be small and sour, and their number will decrease. Decorativeness of the tree will suffer: his leaves will hang out and start yellowing.

In areas blowable with cold winds and drafts, the plums will not be well fron. Air flows will blow with pollen from them, and the trees will not be able to pollinate. It is more productive to grow more productive on gentle slopes or on plains with a broad-filled terrain. Here plums will receive the air drainage you need. Plants will be protected from cold air and from its cluster in one place. In lowlands, the trees are not planted. They bloom in early spring, when another threat of frosts is still strong. Therefore, plums growing in low-lying places are fruiting irregularly, leaving the owners without a crop.

With regard to the soil type, the culture is unpretentious. Only acidic soil is not suitable for her. Ideal for draining loose soils that are well transmitting to the roots of the trees. Earth must be wet, but not wetlands. Optimum groundwater level for culture - 1.5-2 m from the surface of the site.

You can grow a plum in a lightweight, fast drying ground, if you enrich it before planting it with organic fertilizers and do not forget to regularly feed the tree.

The best plants are developing on gray forest soil, loamy, sabad soil and chernozem.

You should not smash the garden in areas with peat-swampy ground and at close (less than 1 m) sand. Efforts spent not justified.

It will be possible to return plums to the previous place when it will take 4-5 years from the moment of irritation of old trees. During this time, nutrients will be accumulated in the soil, and the seedlings will be easier to take root.

Before planted with a plum, the soil is thoroughly loosen, deepening in it on 1 pin shovels. So the soil is saturated with oxygen. Usually proceed to the procedure in October. If the supply of nutrients in the ground is scarce, fertilizers contribute. Organic and mineral compositions are suitable for plums. On 1 m² of the surface of the site before Popile, the following components scatter:

  • humid or compost (6-8 kg);
  • superphosphate (40-50 g);
  • potash salt (20-30 g).

If a colonum-like variety of culture is chosen for breeding, it is better to prefer organic nature fertilizers. Add them only when preparing for landing, but not in its process. Otherwise, the abundant feeding can harm the root system of trees.

On acidic soils carry out lime. Use dolomite flour or ash for this. On 1 m² of land spend 600-800 g of substance.

The plum assigned to the cultivation of the plum should be released from high fruit-berry trees at least 2-3 years before the planting of culture. After them in the soil, there is a minimum of nutrient elements, so it should be well easier.

Jama dimensions

The pit for a seedling is digging in advance. The minimum period of its preparation is 2 weeks before the premises of the plum in open ground. For the spring landing, pull the pit is better in autumn. It should be deep (50-60 cm) and wide enough (70-80 cm). The top layer of soil extracted from the pit is mixed with other nutritional components:

  • humus (1-2 buckets);
  • peat (2 buckets);
  • superphosphate (300 g);
  • sulfate potassium (60-80 g). It is possible to replace its wood ash. 500-600 g of substance are put into each pit.

If the soil is on the plot of poor, the pit is more. Its depth is adjusted to 60-70 cm, and the diameter is up to 100 cm. Increase and dosage fertilizers. In fertile soil, it is enough to mix peat or humus. All components are taken in equal proportions. Sand (1 bucket on the pit) is added to the heavy land. When landing into the filled soil, the tree will require feeding only after 3-4 years.

In the center of the pit it is installed with a support - a long and durable wooden count. After the pit is falling asleep, its height must be at least 50 cm. Then the nutritious substrate filling on the bottom of the slide, filling the pit on ⅔.

An experienced way received the answer to the question of how to put a plum in lowlands. The tree is not placed in a hole, but on a hill with a height of 40-50 cm. Its foundation is made wide - 1.8-2 m. It is also planted to plum near fences and in areas where little snow accumulates in the winter. With a close arrangement of groundwater, professionals advise to equip the drainage drangums next to the trees, where the extra moisture will be leaving.

Dates and landing scheme

More popular Spring Plum Planting. It can be held in early autumn, but most dachants prefer not to risk, because the guarantees that the tree will have time to take root before the onset of cold weather, no. Especially high the risk of freezing young drains in the first year of life on a plot in the northern regions: in the Leningrad region, in Siberia, in the Urals. You should not postpone the landing for autumn and if a colonum-shaped species of wood is chosen for it.

In the open soil in spring plums are placed early. It will take 5 days from the moment of thawing the soil, and you can already start landing. It is necessary to spend it quickly - in just 10-15 days. If you put a plum in the spring too late, it will be worse. Negatively will affect the rooting of the tree high temperatures and the oversaturation of the soil moisture. For the same reason, you should not linger with plum transplantation. It is carried out while the kidneys on the plant still sleep. The exception is only a colon-shaped plum. It is recommended to plant it in the suburbs and the Leningrad region only when the frosts remained behind.

The scheme of placement of trees is determined by their varieties. If the plums are average, there are at least 2 m between seedlings, and between rows - 4 m. High trees will need more space. The interval between them increases to 3 m, and the width of the rod - up to 4.5 m. Compact colon-shaped plums are closer. Between their seedlings, you can leave only 30-40 cm. The ranks are made with an interval of 1.5 m.

Seat selection

By purchasing plum saplings, you need to take into account all the nuances:

  • his age;
  • features of the variety.

Kennels offer grafted and core trees. The first joined in the period of fruiting before. The grafted plum planned on the site begins to bring harvest for 3-4 years. From the core plants to wait for the first berries longer - 5-6 years. But they have other advantages: durability and ability to rapid recovery.

Silgoros of plum determines the survival rate of its seedlings. It is higher in annual plants, the root system of which gets less damage when digging. In the age of 2 years old, it is stronger than, so it is harder to adapt to new conditions. They get sick longer and often die.

So that the cultivation of plums did not bring disappointment, it is necessary to choose the right varieties for landing. Trees who bring harvest in the south will not be able to please the same in the context of the Moscow region or the Leningrad region. In these areas, it is better to plant cold-resistant varieties of culture. But not all of them are suitable for special conditions of Siberia. Here, successfully grown by the Ussuri and Canadian plum and hybrids, combining the properties of plum and cherries.

Choosing trees of different varieties, you need to take into account their compatibility, otherwise you can leave hope for a good harvest. There is a suspension plum, which pollinators are not needed to form barring. But to neglect their landing is still not worth it. Next to the plums of suitable varieties of berries on it is formed more.

Rules landing

Before placing in the ground, the seedloves inspect. Damaged roots cut. You can shorten them by ½ length. If the roots dried, they are lowered into a bucket with water for several hours. Before landing, they dip in the clay bolt.

The seedling put in a pit on a hilmik so that the support was from the northern side, and the distance to it was 15 cm. Its roots should not be contacted with fertilizers, so they fall asleep with their ordinary chernozem. The root neck of the tree does not plunge. In the regions where plum threatens the extinction (in Siberia, in the Urals), it can be filled with land by 5-7 cm, but then the risk of it is rising. In areas with a climate-favorable culture, the root neck should remain over the surface of the soil (2-5 cm from it). After irrigation, the soil will fall, and it drops to its level. Owl a seedling is undesirable. For the roots of the tree, it is fraught with washing and drying.

The soil around the planted plum is well condensed. There should be no air emptiness around the roots, otherwise the plant dries. Having made a hole, spent abundant irrigation. 3-4 water buckets spend on each tree. Good add preparations to it that stimulate root growth. Complete landing for the mulching of the priority circle, for which any organic is used. It is recommended to immediately conduct a prophylactic spraying of trees. Not yet rooted seedlings are especially vulnerable to diseases and pests.

Watering and feeding

Caring for the drain garden is simple. It includes standard events:

  • watering;
  • feeding;
  • pruning.

Plum can easily endure drought, but it is moisture. The regularity of irrigation determines the quality and amount of harvest. The first is carried out when the tree is prepared for flowering - 10-15 days before it started. After the same time, after flying the last petals, moisturizing repeat.

A dry summer care in the form of irrigation is carried out at the end of each month. Do not stop it in September, it is important for laying flower kidney next season. With irrigation, we need to take into account weather conditions and the natural moisture of the soil. The lack of water will lead to the yellowing of the leaves of the tree, and its excess - to cracking the fruit.

Often it is not necessary to feed the landings, the drain does not like excesses. Nutritional compositions in the rolling circle are made every 2-3 years. In late autumn, the soil is enriched with humus or compost (0.5 buckets per 1 m² of soil surface), pre-mixing them with superphosphate (50 g) and sulfate potassium (20 g). At the beginning of the vegetation, the trees are fed by ammonium nitrate, spreading it in water at the rate of 20 g of substance per 1 m².

In order for the growth of plums to be uniform, and unnecessary shoots did not pull the strength from it and the fruits were not shaded, the formation of her crown was carried out. Regular pruning makes it easier to harvest and caring for a tree. For the first time, she is subjected to just planted with a plum, leaving only the most powerful and even shoots on it. They should form several tiers, each of which consists of 4-6 branches. The main conductor make the longest.

The branches of the upper tier should be shorter than the branches of the lower. That's right if the left shoots form a 40˚ angle with a barrel or a little more. So they do not break down the weight of berries. Taruses must be at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other. Most of the branches are left in the lower, in each subsequent amount, their number is reduced. When the formation of the crown of the tree is completed, the task of the gardener will be maintained in perfect condition. We will have to carry out sanitary trimming and remove thickening and growing incorrect shoots.

In the gardens Siberia plum is a bush. Such a form is attached deliberately to help the plant adapt to adverse weather conditions. Colon's shaped trees are cut only if necessary, removing dry, broken and damaged by frost or branch diseases. Crane formation It may be necessary in 2 cases.

  1. If the top kidney, located on the main escape, becomes a non-visual. It is cut off, and the central make the side branch. You can leave several shoots (2-3), subsequently removing less developed or using them for a given.
  2. In decorative purposes. Then the pruning is carried out regularly, especially in the first years of the tree of wood. But it must be borne in mind that it can negatively affect its yield.

Preparation of seedlings for winter

Moroza is a formid enemy of young drain (aged 1-2 years). Fabulously survive the winter seedlings can only with competent preparations for it. It lies in the following events:

  • careful pumping of the soil around the trunk (it will saturate the soil with oxygen, which is important for the roots of plums);
  • touching the branches of the tree to a reliable support and their tightening with each other. After the procedure of Krone, the tree should remind a broom. It will save the shoots from clogging under the gusts of the wind.

In the first year of life, the plot for the winter is cheered, covered by a thick layer of snow. Such preparation will not be extra and for adult trees, especially in the regions where strong frosts are the norm. Snow is crushed to the trunk, and on top are covered with hay. Under the branches of high trees, leaving under an acute angle, put backups. So they will not break under the weight of snow hats.

Requires cooking and frost-resistant colonum-like plum. The soil between trees is covered with a layer of mulch. It is better to use for these purposes of sawdust of coniferous rocks. So that the trunks of the trees are not injured from rodents, they are wrapped.

In the cultivation of plums there are its subtleties, but you can't call it difficult. Even in the absence of experience in the breeding of fruit trees, it can be successfully cope with it, if we take into account the advice of professional gardeners and satisfy the requirements of culture. They cultivate plum almost everywhere. And from the variety of its varieties the spirit captures. Yellow, red, blue, purple, black - any of the varieties of culture will delight generous harvest, without demanding from the gardener of tireless attention and care.

Each gardener will come to the fact that he will have to independently multiply the plum for further planting a seedling on his site. Knowing these basics will help you independently spend the work, not acquiring seedlings in nurseries, because there are often selling seedlings not the best quality.

The first option is to reproduce the vaccination, for which you first need to grow in the winter-hardy grade. About a year later, you can work. Savages can either purchase either cut off with an adult tree. Conduct vaccination during active as an active as possible, which is usually happening in May.

The vaccination of plum

Another option is the reproduction of cuttings. They also work in spring until the start of the useful elements under the bark of the tree. It is desirable to harvest the cuttings late in the autumn before the onset of frosts, after which they need to be postponed until spring, storing in the basement at zero temperature. We are vaccinated in the spring, preferably early in the morning. Carefully connect the lead with a trip and wrap the location of the cut-off with a polyethylene film, and the cutting of the garden harder.

The easiest way is to reproduce with root processes. They should be used if you first decide to conduct similar work. To multiply the plum, you need:

  1. Choose a healthy and strong escape and dig it.
  2. Cut the root at a distance of at least 15 cm from the root neck.
  3. Put it.

When to plant trees? Landing deadlines depend on weather and climate. For example, in the Urals and in Siberia, it is better to spend in spring, but in the south - in the autumn period. Taking into account the fact that the plum is a very capricious tree, it is serious to choose a suitable place seriously.

Of course, the seedling will grow on any plot, but without all the necessary conditions, the drain will not be fruitless. Therefore, for planting, choose a lit part protected from drafts. Try to choose the place so that the shadow does not fall on the seedlings - the plum does not like her very much. Also, the selected plot should be slightly lifted, so that in the winter season around the seedling, the snow layer is accumulated on a height of more than 60 cm.

Autumn works need to be carried out about 50 days before the onset of frosts. If you purchased a seedling too late, then it is better to postpone the landing for autumn, joining a young tree.

Landing a plum saplings

It is very important to choose the right seedlock, given the following recommendations: it must have up to 5 powerful roots with a length of about 25 cm, while it should not be damaged and broken shoots; Saplings can be grafted either with a cornesological - the difference between them in the fact that the cornesological can recover after freezing; There are self-aluminous or self-visual varieties - for the second, so that they give fruit, the company is needed first, that is, there will be two trees. The depth for planting seedlings should be at least 50 cm, the width is about 100 cm.

The pits are filled with a mixture of the upper fertile layer of soil, 50 g of potassium salt, 15 kg. Houring and 100 g of superphosphate. If the soil is too acidic, add 0.5 kg of dolomite flour to each pit. But if you have mainly peat soils on the site, the fertilizer scheme will be different:

  • 50 g of potassium chloride;
  • 300 g of superphosphate.

Before planting a seedling in the center of the pit, we clog the wooden peg, which will serve as a tree additionally support. Next, we put the plant in the hole, distribute it the roots, fall asleep the cooked mixture and slightly tamper the soil. At the same time, the root neck should be located at a level not lower than 5 cm from the surface of the soil.

After planting seedlings need to provide them. Only in this case can be guaranteed and the survival rate of culture in a new place, and getting a good harvest in the form of juicy and ripe drains. The most important point is to create a competent water regime that looks like this:

  • after landing, paint every tree with 2 water buckets;
  • for the season, each sapling need to water about 3 times (everything also depends on climatic conditions - in Siberia and in the Urals the amount of irrigation, unlike the southern regions, will be less).

Be careful at autumn irrigation. If forecasts promise rains, then it is better to refuse work. The thing is that with too moistened soil and enough warm weather it may happen that the seedling will begin to grow new roots and will go to the growth of the green mass. Some varieties can even have secondary flowering. All this will lead to the fact that in Siberia and other cold regions of the drain just will not survive the winter. Earth is desirable to climb straw or leaves, which will save moisture in the ground.

Mulching of a plum tree

The obligatory condition for competent care is feeding. In the first year, fertilizes do not follow the plums of those components that you have been in the pit when landing. But in the next few years, it is necessary to additionally contribute to 20 g of urea to each square meter of the site. During the period of fruiting plums, add 10 kg of compost, 50 g of superphosphate, 20 g of urea and as much potassium chloride.

Important stage of care - soil loosening. So, it must be done every time before making fertilizers. Dropping the rolling circle on the bayonet shovels, trying hard not to zealously - lean at a depth of about 10 cm. It should not work deeper in order not to damage the roots of the tree. You also need to loosen the soil after the rains to provide seedlings of the inflow of oxygen to the roots.

It is very important to protect the young tree from frosts, especially if you live in the Urals, where the winter is especially harsh. The first step is the whitening of the trunks, what any fruit trees need on the plot. Conduct work using lime, however, you need to properly prepare a solution to achieve the desired result.

There are two solution options:

  • we mix 2 kg of lime in 10 liters of water;
  • we prepare the mixture according to the prescription above and add 1 kg of clay and 500 g of a cows.

Plum glasses before winter

We advise you to choose the second option, since the whirlwinds prepared in this way will stay longer on the trunk. It is also desirable to add copper vigor into the solution, mixing 300 g of a means in 10 liters of water. Thanks to this, the whirlwind will perform a role protective against a swasteporiosis.

When snow falls, you need to close the trees with shields from the old slate and sprinkle with snow. Such a structure will protect the young seedling from the wind. In the southern regions, where, unlike the Urals and Siberia, there may be a honest winter, seedlings are desirable to inspire a layer of fir branches and sawdust. And so that the plum does not damage the rodents, add to the insulation of the leaves of peppermint.