Repairs Design Furniture

Garden figures made of concrete. Figures made of gypsum for the garden: fungus, caterpillar Garden figures with their own hands from gypsum step by step

Relatively recently entered the fashion make the crafts for the garden and the garden of the gypsum. Today, almost every family having a private house Or a cottage, there is someone who seizes the desire to decorate the local area in such a way. For garden plot can be made various subjects Not only from plaster, but also with the addition of clay polymer, beads, beads, seashells, bottles, etc. By connecting fantasy, you can create a real work of art with your hands with your own hands. Such different figures will revive your garden and bring new and bright colors to it.

Everyone can familiarize themselves with several master classes on the manufacture of interesting items of the jewelry of the local area or giving from the gypsum. Working with such a material is a real pleasure, and he also has a pleasant value. In addition, crafts from plaster, with their own hands made, you can paint in different colors, which allows you to decorate the whole garden with interesting and vivid items.

If there is no experience with plaster, then it is recommended to start making simple crafts with your own hands. In this case, consider the manufacture of multi-colored stone leaves, which can be subsequently placed along the track or near shrubs and favorite plants. Such a master class requires the following materials (photo 1):

  • rhubarb or burdock sheet;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • paint at will.

The sheet must be pre-rinsed to eliminate unnecessary pollution and dust. After that, it follows on paper or the oilcloth to lay out sand, apply the front side of the sheet from above, is good to raise it and pour over the already diluted cement (photo 2-3).

Dilution cement is necessary as follows: The dry component is mixed with water until the thick consistency is obtained. When pulling it out onto the sheet, you need to control the solution covered completely the workpiece. It remains to let dry sculpture.

When the handicraft for the garden or garden hardens, it needs to be released from sand and leaf. Now you can proceed to the decoration of the crafts (photo 4). It can be decorate with multi-colored stones, draw on top of the drawings or emphasize the paint lines. Not bad, the handicraft looks in natural form. For the garden, such colors are often used as bronze, pink and green. In conclusion, it is recommended to cover a sculpture on top of a water-repellent mixture or soil so that water does not spoil such a beauty over time.

Production of garden fungi

Very nice and naturally in your garden will look mushrooms from plaster.

After the previous experience, many have already been convinced that it is easy to work with such material as plaster. Therefore, it is recommended not to dwell on the achieved and proceed to creating a little more complex craft.

Such mushrooms are made using the following materials and tools:

  • building gypsum;
  • a bottle of plastic (you can several different sizes);
  • plate round shape;
  • food film;
  • wire;
  • acrylic paints;

Consider the stages of the master class, and on its basis it will be possible to make a different size of the mushrooms to arrange them along the entire local area or at least in several places so that they are not lost in the garden in a single form. To make mushrooms, initially need to create legs for them. To do this, crop the prepared bottle of plastic, removing the donyshko. For stability, the crafts is recommended inside the bottle to place the wire.

After that we breed the plaster before obtaining the desired consistency (sour cream lungs) and pour it into a bottle. The solution should be completely dry, only then can be released the feet of the mushroom from the bottle. To do this, make a diagonal incision and remove the plastic with your hands. Now the workpiece needs to sand.

The next action will be the manufacture of a mushroom hat. It will take a deep plate of round shape and film. Wanted with dishes need to be displayed so as not to spoil. We will drag the plaster again, pour inward the bowl and, without waiting for the frozen of the workpiece, in the middle we put the finished leg. After frozen, the cracker can be released from the bowl and films.

The final stage is decoration. Fantasy turns on here, because the mushrooms for the garden do not necessarily have natural colors. You can select them or decorate in accordance with the surrounding landscape. When you finish with painting and it will dry, do not forget to cover the mushrooms with varnish.

As you can see, such an exercise is done too quickly and without much effort and costs. In addition, the process of creating a given sculpture can be connected to the very process of creating a given sculpture - they will also be interested in making real works of art for the garden personally.

Walking cotton flowerbed

The next master class is already suitable for craftsmen on creating gypsum crafts for giving. And if you are practiced with previous master classes, it means that you can safely begin to more complex tasks.

We offer to create a flower bed for flowers in the form of a racing cat. For this you need the following materials and tools:

  • latex gloves;
  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • plastic bottle (big);
  • wire;
  • tree rails;
  • paint and varnish.

First of all, cut the bottle, which will perform the role of flower beds. After the form, it is necessary to clean the wire well, which will chain the cement solution, because otherwise it will simply slide on the plastic. Then, from the RECEK, it is necessary to shoot down the framework, and attach to the plastic billet (photo 5).

Let's proceed to the kneading solution. This must be done with the calculation of 1 part of the sand on 1 part of the cement. Gypsum is added to the finished mixture, since the solution with this component will be glad quickly. We do not forget to wear gloves, and the solution itself is kneaded by a separate wand.

Now you can proceed to the most difficult part of the process - the modeling of the desired form. It is necessary to take a prepared solution into the hand, add 1 tbsp to it. l. Gypsum, after which it is in hand and, rolling the sausage, attach to the frame. Thus, it should be sticked up with a solution, separating the necessary convexities and smoothing the surface of the workpiece.

While the frame will be filled, you can create a cat's face. Here you will need experience from childhood when the various features from plasticine have sculpted. By the same technology from a small ball, we create a face of an animal. And for better fastening of small elements, it is necessary to pre-lubricate the torso with water, it is those places where a new layer will be superimposed.

In complete with wet hands, the surface of the craft should polish. For the best drying, the product needs to be covered with cellophane and postpone at least 3 days. However, the cat does not need to forget. On the first day of drying it must be additionally moistened with water. When the craft is completely dry, it is using emery paper You should sand (photo 8).

It remains to paint the cat. It can be done water-emulsion paint, autocracial or enamel. After painting, it is necessary to cover the surface also with varnish, so that the flower bed is not spoiled for the cottage under the influence of adverse weather conditions.

See what beautiful floral containers can be made from cement mortar and an old rag. That's really, crafts from girlfriend!

Crafts for the garden do it yourself. Decorative openwork ball from cement.

For work, we need a solution of cement - we knead a thick solution 1 part of the sand, 1 part of the cement.

Immerse a rope solution, it can also be strips from old T-shirt etc. Inflation balloon, prepare a stand for him where it will dry. It can be the usual bucket. Watch the ball with a rope in cement mortar.

After drying the solution, the needle blow the ball. Everything! Our garden art object is ready. You can paint, if desired.

Original Cement Garden Crafts.

Agree, it looks like a dragon eggs)) we will do this from the cement.

We take all the same air ball and coated with cement mortar. Here you can add a tablespoon of plaster to the solution, only you need to work quickly.

After drying the solution, we remove the ball and paint the inner of the egg. You can use as an Easter decor at the cottage - making it in it flower composition From primroses.

Crafts for the garden. Garden gnomes do it yourself from cement.

These are cute garden gnomes Made too much simple.

For the gnome, we need cement, metal rod, stockings and ropes. The cement solution is poured into stockings, for the fortress insert metal reinforcement into it. Spinning rope, form nozzles, legs. Will not forget about the beard - this is an additional piece of material under the nose at the gnome. Let the dwarf in the top of the hats and leave dry.

When cement dry, remove the gnome and on top with a more liquid cement mortar with plaster. We are waiting for a gnome to dry and can tint or paint. Sympatia, isn't it?

Garden crafts do it yourself. Garden fountain with leaves.

We will not talk about the principles of creating a fountain in the country. This topic is a separate article, and you can get acquainted in detail with it. We will make leaves from cement.

We need enough large sheetAnd with the help of cement, we form it a copy.

After drying, the sheet can be developed in more detail and paint.

And you will become almost free of charge, the owner of such a beautiful fountain.

Crafts for the garden. Original flower beds with their own hands.

Are you not a sculptor at all? But believe me, you can make these original floral containers.

We need a plastic container, foam, reinforcing grid. We make a solution of cement by adding a spoonful of plaster right into the palm with a solution and so form our "sculpture"

But not all of us fans of modern abstract art. But you can easily make crafts for the garden in a classic style.

But, because You do not yet sculptor, you need a template - it may well be an old doll.

Because It will not be just a decorative garden figure, but a flower garden in the shape of a girl's head, then the upper part needs to be trimmed.

Then the head is painted. In order to give the texture the template paint first with dark gray paint. They give dry and apply a layer of brighter paint. After drying, with light strokes, they make a layer of even brighter paint.

This is a very simple process, and all samples of this style that you see in the article are made by teenagers in the lesson.

Beautiful crafts for the garden. Garden figures do it yourself.

For those who liked the process of making crafts from concrete, we will also tell us just a stalking garden figuresoK.

Yes, we will need an old doll again!

First, the doll strengthen with hot glue and bamboo sticks for sushi on a heavy stand. It, by the way, can also make from cement. Cut out of the foam of the wings of an angel, kpripim hot glue to the doll. Give a new dress with a doll and, with the help of hot glue smears, create a more interesting texture on wings and hairstyle.

Fracting our template with a cement mortar with plaster. Pray.

Now, with the help of old toys, you can make almost any garden feature yourself.

Crafts for the garden do it yourself. Cat flowerbed.

This funny cat flowerbed is made of plastic bottle and cement. We will need: cement, sand, plaster, water, large plastic bottle, wire, paint, wooden rails, varnish.

The hostess of this cat Konev Natasha will tell us how to make such a funny figure with your own hands. Cut the plastic bottle - it is this container that will be our flower bed. In order for the cement not slipping from the plastic, it is thickly surrounded by its wire. Know from RECEK. wooden frame. Krepim to it our plastic container.

We mix cement mortar Consistencies thick sour cream at the rate of 1 part of sand, 1 part of cement. Gypsum will add only to the finished portion, which in our hand, because The solution with a gypsum freezes instantly. We work in rubber gloves.

We take a handful of solution in your hand and add a tablespoon of gypsum into it. We knew in your hands, roll the sausage and fastened to the frame. So step by step put the portions of the solution to each other, creating the necessary convexities and smoothing the surface.

The face of our cat is sculpting from small solutions balls about the same way as we sculpted plasticine in childhood. In order for minor parts to be better than, before attaching them on the torso lubricate the surface of the figure.

Wet hand polished the surface of our garden figurines. For drying, cover the figure to the cellophan for 3-4 days. On the first day, the figure should be periodically additionally moistened with water. After drying, we sand the surface of the sandpaper.

You can paint such a figure with water-mounted paint, enamel, autocarabs. After painting cover the surface with varnish. For the winter, the garden figure must be removed from the street, because From frost, she can crack. Perhaps you will want to have such a wonderful cat.
The most remarkable in the cement figures that they are cheap in manufacturing compared to garden figures from metal or wood. You can start with simple crafts For the garden, which may be no less interesting than some particularly complex. You can combine cement with other materials. - For the face of this little garden fairy "Ladybug" took the head of the old doll.

How to effectively use crafts for the garden.

DIY for the garden, made by their own hands, add more interesting details to general view Your garden. Place them thoughtfully, because you will have to admire them most of the year.

Its own garden is a true pleasure for its owners, a cozy corner in which you can relax not only by the body, but also to the soul. Clean air, Fragrance of flowering, affectionate solar races, a complete feeling of harmony and rest create a truly paradise pleasure.

Create B. own garden The unique atmosphere is a completely justified desire for each gardener. Decorations created by their own hands will be the most original and will be able to create a truly individual exterior that would fully revealed as much as possible. inner world owner.

Mentally, the gardener certainly and more than once moved ways and elements that would transform his garden: flower beds, fountains, ceramic or gypsum garden figures, miniature artificial reservoirs and much more.

Garden sculptures

Gypsum figures for the garden is just a great landscape element. The tradition is to have fabulous residents in the garden and unusual sculptures came to us from Western culture. And every day, this tradition is becoming increasingly popular among domestic gardeners.

As a rule, gnomes, boron mushrooms, forest residents and other fairy-tale heroes. Bought figures, everything as a selection is bright and noticeable.

Completely, when there are sculptures created in the garden, created by personally, which are individual and unique.


Before armed with fantasy, appropriate materials and tools start creating a creative process, it is necessary to evaluate and analyze general style and design territory. This assessment will determine which exactly figures for the garden from the gypsum will be appropriate and suitable, as well as their amount will be enough.

It is important to determine not only the number of sculptures, but also their style, overall dimensions.
Excessive a large number of Even beautiful and highly artistic elements can turn your territory into a beamless standard.

Refusing to planning, you can easily get bogged in the design, and your garden will always be underestimated due to the fact that you will follow all the new and new gusts of fantasy, and you will not have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe final result. It is for this reason that a sketch plan should be developed, acquire necessary materials and tools and only then start work.

Materials and tools

Small architectural sculptures are perfectly justified on country plot anywhere:

  1. On the ;
  2. At the well;
  3. Under a bush;
  4. At entering, etc.

In the modern market, enjoy more and more popular garden sculptures of natural stone, ceramics, girlfriends, gypsum or even mounting foam.

But if we talk about how the figures are created with your own hands, it is often elected plaster, the price of which is low, work with it is simple and understandable, and finished products have enviable durability.

To create a figure for a garden from the gypsum, you will need the next set of materials and tools:

  • Gypsum sculpture, the amount of which directly depends on the size should be the final product. For a small figurine, only a half-silicone gypsum is enough;


If necessary, plaster can well be replaced by a conventional cement solution, which has greater durability.

  • PVA glue construction;
  • Colored acrylic paints;
  • Waterproof glue composition necessary for fixing decorative elements on the surface of the sculpture;
  • Decorative elements, in the role of which beads, pebbles, glass, etc.;
  • Compass;
  • Cutters on a tree or a large gypsy needle;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Film soft food;
  • Simple soap;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Pure water;
  • Molds for plaster, in the role of which there will be cups of different shapes and volume, and even plastic bottles.

Once everything you need is collected, you can proceed to the creative process of creating.

Creating a garden sculpture

For example will be considered step-by-step instruction Creating a gypsum mushroom that will become a real decoration for the territory decorated in any garden style.

Create a feet of the future fungus

As you can understand, gypsum figures for the garden with their own hands, such as mushrooms, as well as a real mushroom will consist of two elements:

  1. Leg;
  2. Hat.

To create legs, it is necessary to act as follows:

  • First you need to prepare the neck from a plastic bottle;
  • We certainly need to take care that the element creates easily moved away from the form.. For which in a separate container we rub the soap and stir with water and sunflower oil in a ratio of 2 to 7 to 1;

  • With the help of a brush, we lubricate the form and go to work with a plaster;
  • On the package with the acquired gypsum powder will certainly be attended by the creation guide construction mix indicating proportions. With this manual, we mix the gypsum;

Do not immediately dissolve all the plaster, because it is quickly grasped.

  • Carefully stirrer and fill it into a prepared form in which you should install a small plastic bottle in advance so that the leg is empty, it will save the solution and reduce the weight of the product.;
  • As soon as the solution creates grabbing, it is about 30 minutes, with a knife, cut the bottle shape and carefully remove the mushroom leg;

Construction hats

The shape for the hat can be the usual kitchen bladder or a fairly deep plate. The chosen shape must be covered with the food film, or lubricate the whole mixture of water, soap and oils.

After such preparation, poured the form by plaster. After the mixture begins to be captured, it is about 10-15 minutes, insert the foot and leave the product and leave the product to the complete solo frost.

Mushroom base

As soon as the gypsum mushroom completely freezes, it will be necessary to take care of the foundation for it.

  1. The form for the base can be a small pelvis or kitchen bowl;
  2. We are processed by a film or soap solution;
  3. Pour the prepared gypsum solution;
  4. After 10 minutes, turn the leg of the mushroom into the film and omit in the center of the center;
  5. After complete solidification of the solution, we take a mushroom.

Decoration of figurines

In the role additional elements And decorations for this figure may be leaflets, flowers and bugs, created also from plaster. You can make them using specialized small molds.

When the details are ready, they need to dry well, for which they are laid out on the sunny plot.

In sunny weather, it is enough 12 hours for the figures to dry, and it would be possible to start the next stage of work.

  1. While the gypsum mushroom and figures are frozen, think about how you show it, and better create a sketch on paper;
  2. When the figure is dry, apply a sketch directly to its surface with a simple pencil;
  3. Lines created by a pencil must be made relief with the help of cutters or needles;
  4. Treat the sculpture of the soil, it will reduce paint consumption. The role of the soil can perform a solution consisting of a construction glue of PVA and water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Such a soil will stick about 2 hours;

  1. Now the finishing stage is coloring. According to the sketch, the mushroom is disappeared, after which we wait until the paint is dry;
  2. The painted figure is treated with colorless varnish, carefully not leaving the raw areas.

If the sculpture is not carefully lacquered, at the end of the season she will lose its attractiveness, because Paint will wash off with precipitation.

  1. Now ready mushroom It remains only to glue to the base and install the figure in the garden.


As you ourselves could understand from all of the above, garden figures from gypsum are not so difficult to create with their own hands, and it takes such creativity not a lot of time. In such a process, children can be involved, and you can get close to them, develop a creative veil and decorate the garden at the same time.

And the video in this article will reveal you many more secrets of the garden decorating with the help of sculptural plaster.

Even inexperienced gardeners who wish to put the soul into their cozy accommodation and the courtyard, there are beautiful garden figures from the gypsum with their own hands, the master class will help to figure out all the subtleties. Production procedure is simple. Before the start of manipulations, you need to accurately decide on the idea and character to make the garden more cozy.

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    Learning to create a master class

    Master class on the manufacture of stylish figures will help to realize exclusive ideas and hand themselves garden sculpture. With absence special Education Or the skills will not be a real exquisite antique sculpture, but the miniature gypsum figure will be able to succeed in each wishes.

    Original compositions are suitable for creating summer decorative instances.Cat, which is located in flower vases looks. This animal can carefully watch the favorite mouse walking in bright summer grass. Extravagant mixboard, filled with flowers, can become an option for crafts for the garden. It will be perfectly complemented by a snow-white marble angel. Similar sculptures are able to recreate a romantic or ancient atmosphere, give cottage plot And the garden of styles. Using a master class, will be able to get a garden beacon.

    To make decorative and original craftIt will take to prepare containers from plaster or ceramic. There should be 3 pieces, all different diameter and volume (small, medium, large). These must necessarily have pallets. It is still necessary to use liquid nails, paint white as the basis. Red shade is needed for the windows, and the blue for the framing. In addition, the following materials are needed:

    • tassels;
    • scotch larger;
    • santimeter tape;
    • simple pencil.

    In order for the beacon as naturally, a flashlight is attached to it at the top of the top. In the inner part of each container should be attached to the pallet. All pots by using liquid nails Dress one on another in a certain sequence. The smallest vessel is located at the top, and the bottom will be a big pot.

    Next you need to fill plastic cup paint of blue color (Little). It will give the opportunity to dilute white paint. In the end, it should turn out heavenly colorwhich will be painted borders of the product. The connected pots are painted. Next attach miniature Lantern. It will imitate the observation cabin. The created handicraft is best placed on the spring green glade or in the garden among decorative shrubs, near the lawns.

    Original gypsum or cement bath

    If you want to see unusual garden figures on my site, you can make a swimming pool for birds. Externally, it looks like a colorful rhubarb leaf. Multicolored gypsum sheets are best located near shrubs, trees, along the garden paths. If there is a garden or on panstone growing rhubarb, burdock with large leaves It will only be left to make the following workpieces:

    The sheet of any of these plants should be put on the front side, and on top of it pour a liquid cement solution. After the solution snacks, the leaflet with sand is cleaned. It turns out a bath.

    For greater beauty, it is necessary to decompose newspaper pages on the table top, prepare a leaf of a large plant plant, cement and sand. On the newspapers, put the sand, lay the leaf with the withdrawal side upwards. The sheet must be neatly strung, its position is well fixed, for this you need to press it with your fingers.

    Such crafts from cement are allowed to make more perfect externally, creating a decor from pebbles. A swimsuit for birds made in a bronze and gold shade looks stylish and pretty.

    To create a product from cement with your own hands, you need to dissolve dry material with water so that the mixture has a consistency of thick sour cream. The cement is poured on a piece of rhubarb neatly, it should be covered with a solution all over the area. The billet must harden.

    With a cement leaf, you can draw the following actions:

    • decorate with bright colors;
    • cover lime;
    • leave in natural form.

    Ready sculpture must be strengthened. To prevent the cement blur to water from above, the bath is covered with a thin layer of soil and a mixture that repels the liquid.

    Irresistible flowering hand made of plaster

    The next master class will help make a popular home-made garden figure in the form of a compact flower garden. It looks unusual, as it has a hand shape and is made of plaster.

    To make your hand need the following:

    • gypsum;
    • several colors pots;
    • rubber gloves.

    At the first stage of manipulations, the rubber glove is filled with a solution of plaster and water. The mixture should be thick. The glove is placed in flower pot, there it must be pretty frozen. The fingers of the rubber product are placed so that the space inside has formed between them. Then there is a small amount of soil for the plant. When the solution completely freezes, the glove is cut off. As a result, the sculpture in the form of a hand, which will stand not only for beauty, but also serve as a pot. Similarly, the desired number of exclusive vases is created.

    It is allowed to smoke the hand with paints of different shades, you can leave natural color.

    It is planted extremely dwarf cultures in such a ripple, preferably with a long period of flowering so that they are pleased with their beauty during all summer months. Such garden figures are usually installed on the flower beds, where they look very appropriate.

    Decorative species have sculptures in which it mounted, the luggage. They are placed right on the ground in the garden along the track, on suspended shelves From wood, windowsill, porch.


    This master class will make it possible to make gypsum mushrooms. Materials and tools are as follows:

    • gypsum;
    • building glue;
    • pencil;
    • compass;
    • acrylic paints;
    • beads for decoration;
    • waterproof glue;
    • needle thick or wood cutter;
    • soap;
    • brush;
    • sunflower oil;
    • water;
    • food film;
    • unnecessary utensils or plastic containers for molds.

    The fungus will consist of the basics, legs and caps. Before the start of manipulations, a mixture should be prepared:

    • sunflower oil (1 part);
    • soap, grated (2 parts);
    • water (7 parts).

    The mass is smeared on the film, which turns around the container for forms.

    Immediately plaster is not divorced. It quickly freezes, so it is initially necessary to prepare a form. On packaging with the material there is an instruction that should be observed. For the legs of the fungus, the cropped plastic neck will become an excellent form. The form is well lubricated with a mixture. The center establishes a container of a smaller volume. It will help make the leg empty inside.

    Gypsum poured into a form, a smaller vessel is installed in right position Due to stone or other subject. With the help of a knife after solidifying the material, it takes a small bottle. As a shape for a hat, an in-depth plate. Actions are repeated similarly to the procedure for creating legs. When the plaster begins to push, the leg insert into the middle. After hardening the material, the mushroom is removed from the mold, removed the film.

    By doing the basis, it is better to give preference to a removable option. The form for this should be more. Manipulation with plaster is similar to the actions described. The feet of the mushroom is wrapped with a film so that it is convenient to pull it. It is installed at the time of the mixture setting. The product will be prepared after the final drying. For decorations glued different beads, flowers.

    The fungus is ground. Apply glue, which is bred in water. You can use a special building ground. He freezes for 2 hours. Next, you can decorate the product, and after drying, the paint is lacquered.

    Fabulous gypsum caterpillar

    Garden sculptures can be magical. The caterpillar in the reduced form will perfectly complement the gypsum mushroom. You can make such figures with your own hands individually.

    For the process of creating the caterpillar use the following:

    • gypsum;
    • waterproof glue;
    • acrylic paints;
    • brush;
    • priming.

    Gypsum must be divorced to such a consistency to obtain a similarity of a liquid cream. First, you need to cut 10 circles of different sizes that are slightly shoved with your fingers. Separately manufacture 2 balls of desired size (if the caterpillar is ridiculous, then you can make them more). It will be her eyes. The components of the fabulous heroine should dry well.

    Then the parts glued together with glue. The sequence can be any, it is not necessary to observe the geometric sequence from a large ball to the small. Having done the body, the eyes stick to the large head.

    Caterpillar needs to be fully primed. It must dry out within 1.5-2 hours. It is best to decorate the product acrylic paints bright shades And again wait for their complete drying. Finished caterpillar neatly lacquer. You can cover it with several layers of varnish. Between manipulations, you need to wait a bit to the first layer of the back. The completed figurine should be installed on the fungus, next to it or yourself among the vases with flowers.

    Gypsum as the best material for crafts

    The use of gypsum is sufficiently common when decorating a garden from cement. The main requirement for gypsum products is their stability and strength to the factors of the external environment, and, in particular, to the rain, snow, hail. In most cases, it is not necessary to comply with absolute accuracy in the image of any figure. Garden figures small sizes Went without creating a basis.

    If you want to make an impressive sculpture that will have the upper and lower limbs or other parts of the body, clothing, you should create a metal framework. For this purpose, the metal rods are cut into pieces of the desired length. Then they weld them, creating a single frame. It should visually recreate the skeleton of a potential statue.

    In the course of manipulations on the manufacture of figures, you can not forget about the details - the protrusions at the foot. Thanks to them, the sculpture will be firmly consolidated on the prepared foundation. The figure made of plaster can easily raise the mood if it is performed in a humorous style. If you do not want to create a pompous product, you can make a funny animal, such as a cat, dog, dolphin.

    To obtain a product from plaster to diluted material add glue. Its quantity is determined by the volume of the figure - take 1%. In order for the finished thing to be the most durable and beautiful, the gypsum impose gradually and layers. Applying a layer, you need to give it to dry, then - the next one.

    Gypsum products can carry a semantic load, act in the roar of the facing. You can create custodians of garden flowers and other plants, for this it is worth making gnomes. With its brightness, good-natured look and a fun view, they will raise the mood to guests even on cloudy days.

    Do too many sculptures for the garden with their own hands. Everything should look natural, it is important not to overdo it, since the nature of the most fabulous. It is only necessary to improve it slightly. After the manufacture of a simple gypsum figure, you can inspire and create something else. Several unique copies will complement each other, especially if they are stylistically harmonized.

    Garden plot - a wonderful place not only for rest. Here you can implement your own creative potential. The landscape of the site is often developing a specialist if the owner wants to get his idea in the qualitative performance of a professional. However, this does not exclude his own participation in the creative process. Garden figures for gardeners can be exactly the detail that transforms the garden and give it an individuality.

    It is necessary to be guided by non-hard principles, based on which it is easy to make its own choice errorless and logical.

    • Figures must fit into the garden design, and not contradict him. Otherwise, their presence can spoil everything, no matter how cute they are.
    • If in choosing a place for garden decoration There are doubts, you can cut the outline of the cardboard figurines and try to place it in the most suitable places. This method helps to determine the choice faster.
    • Do not overload the area by sculptures. It can disseminate attention, to create the impression of the overload of the picture and the complication of the site as a whole. The goal of the garden decoration is to achieve harmony with nature.
    • The figure does not necessarily have to become the center of the garden composition. Little world, created by the desire of the artist, or harmoniously combined with the vegetation of the site is a lonely figure - this is what you need. Such decorations form the magic of the garden, become a pleasant surprise.
    • A beautiful picture is not in vain fits into the frame. It is very important that the garden figure is framed and complemented by other design elements. This role is performed by the "lunar gates" or windows in interior Walls Garden. But the background can be the arch, braided roses, rustic woven. A wonderful frame creates just correctly trimmed trees.

    Garden figures in limited quantities corresponding to the style of the site, harmoniously insisting in existing realities, revive the garden and pleasantly diversify it.

    Young Garden Driedy received news from an elegant elf, sitting on a cable - a great plot for a natural garden

    Mowgli looks harmonious and naturally, who traveled and fell asleep on his back at his faithful friend and teachers - Bagira

    The "lunar gates" is an element that is widely used in Chinese gardens, miraculously concentrates the glance and asks the desired perspective

    Style compliance of finished decorative figures

    When decorating the garden, it is important to decorate that it complement, correspond to a single storyline, proportions and landscape as a whole.

    The garden in the classic style requires valuable decorations, so sculptures that choose for such sites need professional skills and expensive materials. It may be bronze, natural tree or marble. Majestic and beautiful, they look like those that we see in the photos of the summer garden in St. Petersburg.

    Such a sculpture is unlikely to do it yourself, but in the classic garden it is she who looks most appropriate and attractive

    In the natural landscape, not too big figures are asked, which will perfectly fit into the surrounding greens, are practical to merge with trees or flower beds and become a pleasant addition, which is not immediately seen. But seeing such decorative elementsYou can not admire them.

    The tired nymph fell asleep in the garden on a hillow - such a picture opens suddenly, unwittingly want to go to whisper, so as not to knock off the sleeping girl

    Oriental Gardens in Japanese and Chinese style surprisingly differ from each other, regardless of what for many elements japanese Garden The starting points are ideas that originated in China. The sign of the Japanese garden is minimalism. Here you can see more stones than sculptures. But Chinese gardens can shelter on their territory stylized dragons, lions, etc.

    The Chinese Dragon is a reliable guard that will never miss those who planted something unkind against his owner

    Country style lovers can put funny German gnomes in their garden or even build a whole small world In the European spirit, inhabited by typical representatives of farms or fairy tales.

    The cute world in the style of country, populated by elves, dwarves or just garden spirits, will undoubtedly give a special color to any garden

    Rustic style is the most omitant of all. Animals, and birds, and fabulous characters, and people fit here. In creating such compositions, it is especially important to observe the sense of measure.

    A small piece of ordinary rustic life, in which a cheerful family is necessarily present, cow-cormalitz and other rustic lifetime

    For anyone style solution You can find suitable figures. Made of wood, metal, plaster or polystone, they are sold in many souvenir shops or shops for gardeners. But much more interesting to make garden figures with their own hands.

    Material for the manufacture of garden sculptures

    Garden figures can be created from any girlfriend. It is important that there is a desire to make your garden special and unrealized creative potential.

    Wood - Natural Material for Garden Sculptures

    A tree is part of the wildlife, which man has always read as a source of life. Figures from wood and for us, people are purely urban, always attractive: there is a living heat of wood in them. Probably, therefore, even the evil forest perfume in the form of garden figures from the tree do not seem terrible. On the contrary, it is believed that they protect this land from the unnecessary guests.

    An old man The ladner in the header from the green moss carefully looks at the garden of the garden, notes whether everything is fine

    Partially merging with the surrounding landscape, the wooden inhabitants of the garden will become friends, in whose company, even silence will be unfounded. It is nice to touch such sculptures: it does not feel cold from them. Figures can be very different: from the intricate embodiment of the pianist, which found in the bushes is not a piano, of course, but also a decent tool, before ordinary stump, which is clearly on his mind.

    The musician inspired by the old instrument, not noticing anyone around, maybe he was simply lost in time and space

    Even in the stone you can see life

    For the manufacture of garden figures, it is sometimes needed only a stone of a suitable size and an artist's eye, which seems to be asleep in the usual boulder of the cat, a dog that seeks the attention of the owner, funny turtles, a newborn, or a whole family of ladybugs. Elements of nature that can be used as decorations have always been and remain very popular.

    We often bring such stones with you to the memory of the sea, the sun and the wonderful time of summer holiday

    Such stones often lead from the sea as a memoir about happy summer days. They are great and in their original state. But some paint, varnish or other materials allow them to "ride", show their inner essence to make our home or garden especially attractive.

    Unusual application of ordinary mounting foam

    Minimum costs will be required to create durable, original and diverse figures from the mounting foam. Creative people are distinguished by enterprise: sometimes there is practically nothing to create a real masterpiece at their disposal. Not only creatures of nature come to the rescue, but also modern materials and technologies that can also be used in an unusual way.

    Application To create garden figures of the mounting foam makes them durable and waterproof. These qualities are needed to successfully resist the non-weather and changing temperature modes. With the help of the mounting foam most often make snails, dolphins, gnomes, swans, storks, donks, and so on. The choice is great: something interesting can be created for any style solution.

    The donkey is not so simple, for this you need to stock up not only for patience and foam, you need cement, tile and ... a great mood!

    So, the master decided on the model, it remains to stock by mounting foam, wear something old and protect your hands with gloves: the foam after frozen is washed very badly. This fact should be considered when preparing the workplace. The manufacture of the character begins with the formation of its skeleton. For this, sticks, plastic bottles, buckets or cups, wire and other items are used.

    Ready donkey from the mounting foam looks great even under new Year's Yolkovabecause in the garden he just goes in the summer

    Foam must be applied in stages. Each previous layer must dry well. The term of frozen foam is about a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to correct the finished product either before drying it, or after, cutting over a stationery knife. Ready product It remains to paint and cover with varnish so that it will be served as long as possible.

    There is another option to complete work. You can cover the form of cement, while simultaneously decorating its surface with multi-colored tiles. After drying, the product is strengthened with moisture-resistant grout for outdoor work. Now the figure is not afraid of rain nor cold.

    Gypsum - Standard Garden Decoration Material

    The main requirement for garden figures from plaster - they should be durable and resistant to precipitation. Academic accuracy of the image is usually not needed. A small figure can be cut without a base, but for a large sculpture, which has legs, hands or tail, a reinforced frame is required. For this, the reinforcement is cut into the frame, repeating the skeleton of the future product. Do not forget about the protruding elements at the foot, with the help of which the figure will be attached on the foundation.

    This wonderful cat, made with a great sense of humor, is a visual demonstration of the fact that the figures from the gypsum should not necessarily be pompous or, on the contrary, deliberately alyapic

    In the diluted gypsum you need to add PVA glue at the rate of 1% of general volume Products. Gypsum should be layered by layers, allowing each previous layer to dry well. If desired, the figure can be painted.

    Even garden gnomes are not at all obliged to be ill-sweet, they are the same as we: funny, lazy, good-natured, funny ...

    Figures make the garden spectacular, brighter. In addition, the gnomes, for example, are considered to be guardians of plants. It may very much that, thanks to such decorations, the crop will become richer.