Repairs Design Furniture

Street lantern from the pipe. DIY: Miniature Street Lantern (33 photos). Installing the backlight of the fountains with your own hands

One of the most important parts of the design of country sites is beautiful lighting. Many dackets buy lamps in stores and do not even think about the fact that you can make a great street flashlight with your own hands. After all, due to the high-quality lighting system in the yard, you can enjoy your garden even in the evening. Make a lamppost with your own hands is quite simple, just follow the instructions.

Types of street lamps

Before making hands to make a street lamp, you need to figure out what they are. Four main varieties can be distinguished:

An excellent choice will be the use of decorative lamps to illuminate its yard. With your own hands, they are pretty simple. They perform two important features at once: lighting the territory near the house and the harmonious supplement of the exterior.

Lanterns from different materials

There is an extensive list of elements that are used for street lamps. It is not difficult to prepare them. You can use various glass bottles and cans, unnecessary building materials, tin cans, wood and metal.

From glass bottles and cans

For such a lamp, you can choose any glass forms that you like to do. The main problem with which you may encounter will scatter light, because ordinary glass is not suitable for such a purpose . Decide it is quite simple - Take advantage of a special light bulb, which has a high level of light scattering.

An excellent solution will be painted the inner walls of the lantern with special luminescent paint. Her principle of operation allows you to accumulate energy from the Sun throughout the day and create an attractive glow in the evening day.

To give the product a more beautiful view, try to fill it with fragments of broken glass, shells, beads, wine corks, or other similar elements.

Tin cans from under beverages can also be useful in creating street lamps. To do this, make a hammer, nails, round wooden bar and vice. Pre-sketch the desired pattern on the sheet of paper, after transfer it to the bank itself.

Any simple pattern is suitable in a circle. It will also be appropriate to paint the product in the necessary tones and put a light bulb in it, cutting off the bottom in advance. After that, you can hang a kind of lamp in a suitable place.

Wood lamps

Here you will need a minimum of effort and source materials. Prepare various wooden rods and some shape in the form of a bowl. Great Rubber Ball. Tightly glue the rods in chaotic order in such a way that the design does not break. After that, remove from the ball.

Inside the resulting product, place the light bulb and place the lamp at the suitable place of your garden.

Metal lantern

If you have experience in welding, as well as a welding machine, you can try to make a metal lamp. Such a design boasts its practicality and durability.

Prepare iron bars and corner. With the help of welding, secure all the elements by creating the desired type of construction. Secure the light bulb in it suitable. It remains only to put the product to the place suitable for it and connect to electricity.

Power supplies and types of lamps

Of course, the lantern must be connected to the electricity, as well as select the lamp for it. The most suitable lamps can be divided into the following categories:

Electricity should be used as power sources. If this is not possible, you can contact solar batteries that can be installed in any place. However, attempt to select such location in which the largest amount of solar energy is directed.

Garden lamps allow not only to improve the design of the exterior of your home, but also raise the level of lighting in the dark. And it is not necessary to acquire them in the store on expensive prices. Only enough to make a little effort and make a similar product yourself. It all depends on your desire and fantasy.

How to make a street lamp with your own hands, which will create an unusual light range on the terrace, on the courtyard area or in the garden.

The game of light will be achieved due to the combination of painted and transparent glass.

From a simple cut glass bottle

We will make a cylinder

Inside the cylinder Position the electric cartridge

In the cartridge we will spin the energy-saving threaded electrical light bulb E27, with a thread diameter 27 (mm)

Cylinder ends Close the usual or matte glass

How do you make such an unusual street flashlight with your own hands, the design of which is shown in the figure in the context:

Lower ring (1)
Transparent or matte glass (2)
Cylinder of wine bottle (3)
Top Ring (4)
Cover of the upper rings (5)
Connecting rod (6)
Electric cartridge E27 (7)
Cartridge mounting bracket (8)

Assembly order:

1. Screw three connecting rods on a thread to the bottom ring.

2. Silicone is placed on a transparent glass to the bottom ring.
3. On silicone, install the cylinder.
4. Top of cylinder on silicone put the top ring.

5. We compress the parts collected by the connecting rods using nuts M3.

6. Electric cartridge Breppy to bracket and connect the electrical pipe to it.

7. Screw the light bulb into the electric cartridge.
8. We screw to the upper ring.
9. Through the cover of the upper ring, we derogate the electric pipe.
10. The lid is secure to the ring.

How to make a street lamp with your own hands - yes very simple. Cut off the bottle, order a pair of three details, cover the details with a nickel or other protective layer, collect and admire the results of your work.

The advantages of the design:
The model is protected from moisture
Purchase in the manufacture
Three ways to fasteners:
- horizontally (can be mounted on the wall, for example above the door)

- Vertically - transparent glass down (can be mounted for the ceiling in the gazebo)
- Vertically - transparent glass up (you can install on the columns)

Fast interchangeability of details

The dimensions of the parts are calculated independently, depending on the size of the main used configuration used in the assembly: bottle, cartridge, light bulb.

If I liked the idea, try to assemble and share the results of working with others.

Each owner of either a country house, or a country area, not once thought about organizing the street coverage of the nice territory. But many of this process consider laborious and costly.

How to make a street lamp for giving?

In fact, it is even a newer-eletristic novice. We offer you your own hands to make stylish and safe coverage of the household plot.

Outdoor lighting will allow not only to highlight the plot, but also decorate the landscape around the private house. For example, street lights along the garden track will guide guests to your home. Lanterns on solar panels are an excellent choice of each owner of a private house, they can be installed anywhere.

In addition, they collect the energy of the Sun, and this will also save and save on electricity. The radiated light from the solar lanterns is a bit softerly ordinary street lamps, but it is worth considering that on cloudy days, solar panel lights may not work.

But you can install a low-voltage lighting system on the site.

This process is more costly than, installation of lights on solar panels, but the low-voltage system will provide bright and reliable lighting of the site. The low-voltage lighting system is connected via the wires, and is powered by a power outlet. Next, we offer you a step-by-step instructions for installing low-voltage lighting your private courtyard.

Necessary materials:

- Roulette,

- chalk (or lime),

- Wooden pegs or dowels,

- low-voltage cable (12 W),

- shovel or other tool for ground tool,

- stapler with brackets,

- scissors,

- Garden lights,

- tape,

- power transformer,

- Lamps lamps.

Step 1: Make a Plan Lighting Plan

According to the layout of your home, we make a lighting plan and find a rosette where we will connect outdoor lighting.

Then we measure the distance from the socket before the place where the lighting is planned. To do this, you will need a power cable, its length should be slightly longer than the measured distance.

Tip: Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for maximum cable power, which you will run from the power source.

Step 2: Cable Wiring Marking

Following the landscape lighting plan, we note the location of the cables in your yard.

This is done with the help of chalk. Make the layout of cable wires must, it will avoid unforeseen interference in the yard.

Step 3: Wiring

It is safe to lay low-voltage cable directly to the ground.

More safely and attractive will be if the wires are shit. To do this, dig a narrow trench along the markup line you made chalk. Place the cable in the trench, leaving the cable supply of 30 cm on the transformer. The same stock of the wire (30 cm) must be made in every place of attachment.

Step 4: Preparation of wires to connect

Prepare a cable to connect to a light lamp.

For this, cut it. The cut end of the cable consists of two separately enhanced wiring. Clean the ends of two wiring from isolation.

Step 5: Cable connection with lamps

To connect the cable with a light source, take one separating wire from a 12-volt cable that goes into a lamp, and one removed wire from a 12-volt cable leading to the side of the lamp and twist them together.

Tip: If your transformer is located outside, make sure it is waterproof. Do not connect the transformer to the outlet until all cables are connected to the lamps. Make sure the transformer is protected by a fuse or circuit breaker.

Step 6: Connect to Transformer

After connecting the lamps, connect two cable wires to the transformer.

Schedule one wire to the wire marked with a number 0, and connect another wire to 12-, 13- or 14 volt line. If you insert several cables into a transformer, always connect one wire from each cable to line 0 and spend another conductor to the cable.

Step 9: Connect to timer

After all wired connections are made, connect the low-voltage transformer of outdoor lighting to the timer (if you plan so that street lamps are turned on and turned off automatically at different times), and turn on the timer into the outlet.

Step 10: Turning on Luminaires

Include light lamps and if they work everything, you can burst the main cable in the trench.

So, setting the lighting of the household site is completed.

The word "lantern" translated from the Greek language means a box with glass walls in which the light source is located. Modern street lamps serve to illuminate urban and village streets, roads, yards, summer cottages in the evening and night time, and are also an excellent decor element.

Street lamp from metal

Lovers of country sites are interested in: Is it possible to do such lanterns? What are the materials for this?

Street lamp and its features

A feature of the classic street lamp is its design: a glass beam with a lamp is fixed on the post, which is called "lam clock".

See also: Construction of the toilet in the country do it yourself

To install the lantern on its site, it is necessary to take into account a number of conditions:

  • natural climate of the area (precipitation frequency, temperature modes at different times of the year, etc.
  • characteristics of manufacturing materials (strength, fire safety, environmental friendliness);
  • possible mechanical loads;
  • properties of light sources - lamps (power, power consumption, period of use);
  • conditions for maintenance and repair.

By installing and installing such lighting sources, you need to adhere to such rules:

  1. You should not highlight the site from the fence side and on its perimeter (such a light when leaving the house is able to make eyes, which is very unpleasant).
  2. Be sure to first calculate the optimal height of the plaffone fastening to the post, taking into account the weather conditions (during the rain, the lantern may be in a puddle, and after the snowfall - snowing snow).
  3. Provide the use of the generator, RCD.

Ready lanterns for the streets can be purchased in specialized stores, but you can make them with your own hands.

Types of street lamps

Specialists classify street lights, based on the type of light source, which is used in them:

  1. Standard lamps - for such devices are used incandescent bulbs, both ordinary and economical.
  2. Solar is economical in operation, since they have built-in batteries that drill energy during the day due to sun rays, and in the dark, the territory is included and illuminated.
  3. LED - differ in bright white light, with a powerful light stream, resistant to temperature drops, mechanical vibrations (as a supplement can have different color solutions).
  4. Luminescent - with a lamp in the form of a long tube, so they have large dimensions, which is not always convenient.
  5. Halogenic - miniature, diverse color, but greatly warm in the course of long work, from which the color coating burns.
  6. Gas discharge - very bright, with low power consumption, allows using various color light filters.

Considering such a characteristic as mobility, street lights are two species:

  • stationary - fixed in one place, the electrical wiring to them is supplied by the underground method;
  • portable - You can move (transfer) from one place to another, so the wiring must be only ground.

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It should be remembered: the lantern is primarily intended for your safety, because it serves to provide visibility at the entrance doors, gates, tracks and paths.

How to make outdoor lanterns: Step-by-step instructions

The lighting layout should be engaged in the construction of the country area, as it is most often the need for a laying of electrical wires under the ground.

Therefore, equipping street lights with your own hands in my yard, you need to take into account not only the landscaped features of the site, but also the overall concept of design. For example, if a residential building is built of wood, decor elements, including lighting devices, are also best made from wood.

As materials for lanterns manufactured by their own hands, you can use various materials and remedies:

  • for ceiling - glass and tin cans of different sizes, cardboard and wooden boxes or boxes;
  • for pillars - wooden and metal beams, tubes.

The easiest all is your own hands, according to experts, make a street lamp of such a design: a ceiling (lamp shade) from submitted thrust materials, fixed on a standard rack.

Consider how to do it:

  1. Plan your work, that is, form the project of the future lighting device, prepare the electrical wiring scheme.
  2. Make it with your hands a glass jar with a spinning lid:
    • in the lid, make a hole that coincides with the size of the lamp;
    • at the lid, attach the cartridge;
    • in the cartridge, screw the light bulb (for such a design it is best for LED or energy saving);
    • cover tighten on a jar;
    • take a decorative decoration of a bench-plateon (paint it into a monophonic color or in different, stir the decor elements - plastic butterflies, leaflets, flowers, etc.
  3. Secure the ceiling on the rack, the wire from the ceiling through the hole in the rack.
  4. Make a stable base for a lamppost with a plafone fixed on it (this may be a metal sheet, for example, from galvanized steel).
  5. Install the finished lamp at the selected place.
  6. Getting Starting electricity to the lighting device.

You can make a plander with your own hands from a tin can, drilled holes in it or cutting them.

Camping lighting on its site, placing street lights, pay attention to their functionality.

The fact is that the lighting can perform several functions, depending on which the devices should be placed:

  • technical - Light is sent to tracks, entrance doors, gates;
  • decorative - allocates certain objects on which attention must be emphasized;
  • zoning - illuminates some territory, such as flowerbed, swimming pool or playground;
  • the accompanying - highlights, but does not light completely.

Read also: How to make a dog booth

Based on this, the materials are selected, calculated the size and power of the future lamp.

Worn lanterns

We offer the manufacture and installation of streetwood lanterns for lighting and designing the design around the house.

In stock Ready products for solving any tasks. Our masters install cast iron street lights with artwork details or compact designs, richly decorated with unique elements. All products are highly reliable and durable. To order the manufacture of wrought lamps, call us by phone or leave the application. We work both on ready-made examples and according to individual sketches.

Forged prices

Photo and sketches of mounted lamps

Forged lights and lighting devices presented on these photos, give areas of romanticity.

Especially beautiful these designs look at night.




Our products are strong, durable and vandalous. The latter is especially important when installing structures in parks and in open areas.





Our forged street lights are ideal for lighting.

And the thing is what. Even the most unique landscape composition will not look exquisite if the lighting is organized incorrectly. At the same time, it is necessary to competently select the design of the lighting device.



Forged lights are perfectly combined with bridges or arbors.

Such products have long been considered symbols of respectability.


Forged products emphasize the aristocraticity of the country site.

This popularity is not reduced over the years.


Forged products are perfectly combined with the most modern materials.


Due to competent lighting, it is easy to pay attention to other structures on the site. Install the lantern near the bridge or arbors with forging elements.

And stroll around them in the evening ...


We process metal products with anti-corrosion materials.

Forged lanterns retain well-kept species without requiring additional care.


Tip! In addition to street lamps, we have other wrought iron products: gazebo, fences, gates.


Wall-mounted forged lights perfectly fit in any style landscape design.

If you are planning to create an English garden - our forged products will become a necessary addition for such a design.


We are equally qualitative and effectively making lanterns that are needed for an old or modern design.


Light wall lamps are a win-win option that is suitable for designing any landscape style.


Forged street lights on massive metal pillars - a traditional way to saturate the evening garden with notes of the mysterious atmosphere.

Our advantages

  • We offer high-quality comprehensive solutions.

    And this is not just beautiful words.

    Do it yourself: a miniature street lamp (33 photos)

    We have a cycle produced by the manufacture of the most popular forged designs and products. We consider each order individually, we take into account the general state of the landscape and improvement of the plot. Forged products on the plot look even more beautiful if they are made in a single style.

  • Forged lanterns of our production are not afraid of atmospheric surprises: hurricanes, strong winds, snow, shower, hail, and ultraviolet radiation.

    Our products are strong, durable and reliable. In addition, they are resistant to mechanical exposure.

  • Our masters create products using traditional hot forges. Hand work and to the smallest detail, thoughtful design allow us to install beautiful lights on the customer sites.

    Originality and quality are guaranteed.

Video shows examples of mounted forged lanterns.

We make outdoor lights on ready-made examples or develop original products.

Call, recognize the exact prices and order high-quality forged lanterns from professionals!

You can check prices by phone: from Monday to Sunday from 9:00 to 21:00

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How do you make street lights: step-by-step instructions

Lantern from the past

Unique flavoring your courtyard or garden can give a few lanterns like those that illuminated streets, parks and squares in the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The main parts of the lantern: a concrete base, a pipe-tube with a diameter of 50-60 mm and a four-mohed lamp (Fig. 1).

The framework of the lamp is easiest to collect (weld) from steel corners with a cross section of 20 × 20 mm (Fig.

2). Removable cap (Fig.) Squeeze from tin 0.55-0.8 mm (cold welding technology is also suitable for connecting tin. The glass on the frame will hold the metal strips, welded to the corners.

The lower outline of the frame should be welded to a metal plate with a thickness of 6-8 mm, which crosses the rack tube (Fig. 5).

Street lamp do it yourself

To make a lantern stylistic similarity with old "relatives", it should be decorated with decorative metal curls.

The electrical wiring to the lamp can be tested in two ways: outside or stretch through the concrete base and through the pipe. In the second case, it is better to pre-consult a professional electrician. For stability, the concrete base of the lantern should be burned into the ground, at least up to half a height.

  • Round table Round table shown in the figure, can be made without welding. The framework of the frame is the ring of aluminum or steel strip and four duralumin or steel thin-walled
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Today, almost any construction store is able to offer a beautiful and high-quality street lamp for every taste and wallet, which can perfectly decorate the design of the country house. Nevertheless, it is not always the cost of quality products capable of satisfying the buyer, but to purchase a cheap option is doubtful. Based on this, many owners of houses prefer to collect the necessary element with their own hands, thereby killing two hares - it turns out cheap and quality at the height (still do it).

In the article we will tell about the peculiarities of self-making and assembling lamps for a private house. Also in the material will feature photos of finished solutions from masters as examples.

Varieties of street lamps

Obviously, the street lamp that you intend to place on the country area should perform the following functions:

  • If possible, not just fit into the design of the country house and the design of the garden plot as a whole, but to complement it;
  • It is good to cover the territory near the construction, so that in the dark day it is not scary to move on its own site.

Lamps for street lighting have the following classification:

  • Suspended lights - Can be fixed directly on trees when it does not make it difficult to connect to the network, or to the ceiling beams on the veranda. In most cases, have the kind of a durable long chain ending with a flappon;

  • Ground lamps - Installed directly on Earth, an excellent lighting solution. In addition, often used as a backlight for green spaces on the plot, be it beautiful flower bed or, and additional decorations for any element in the courtyard, such as a summer pavilion or a swing. In most cases, ground fixtures are performed rounded or rectangular shape.

  • Lamps - Mounted on the veranda or on Earth. The classic floor lamp is an even rack equipped with a round lamp on top, but there are also more advanced versions that are distinguished by a large number of plafoons, interesting forms and unusual sizes.

  • Wall lights - They are considered the best solution for organizing lighting near the entrance to the house or near the wicket or gate. In terms of its design and form, such lamps can be performed in a different style, but most often buyers choose options performed by "under ancient".

Below is a selection of photos of street lamps that can be bought in the store and do it yourself.

Sources of light for lighting on the street

For the organization of street lighting, a wide variety of light sources can be applied:

  • Solar panels . Luminaires with them can be mounted even in places where the power supply is not provided. Such batteries operate on batteries with energy stored from sunlight. At his charge, the lantern will be able to last up to 12 hours.

When using the solar battery it is important to know that its installation should be produced in place where the sun shines maximum strongly during the day!

  • . Compared with the following option, it is possible to save up to 100% of electricity. Of course, the cost of LED lamps can not be called modest, but the service life of such lamps will be maximal. In addition, for its price, they offer absolute harmlessness and safety, because there are no harmful substances, including mercury. Yes, and the durability of the lamp is much higher than that of other products, since it is almost impossible to row the housing.

  • Halogen lamps . This light source refers to one of the most economical and durable, yielding only the previous option. In comparison with classic incandescent lamps, they offer a reasonable light intensity. The main disadvantages of such lighting are that the lamps are afraid of dirt on the flasks, they are sensitive to temperature differences and are very hot when working.
  • Classic incandescent lamps . The most fiscal option, however, do out of them a street lamp - not the best solution: after all, the lighting from them is too strong, and they will break off on electricity bills!

Selection of material

Most often, the summer residents prefer to make lamps of plastic, but this solution is difficult to be called successful, because plastic does not differ in great strength, often breaking and breaking. It is more correct and more reliable to make a street lamp from metal, for example, from bronze, copper or brass.

Steel is allocated by its resistance to precipitation, and therefore the lamp will be well opposed to external influences, which is very important when implementing street lighting. However, from the point of view of beauty, this option is difficult to name the best!

Made with her hands The lantern from copper perfectly complement the exterior in retro style. However, the main disadvantage of copper is that material is oxidized with time, acquiring not the most attractive greenish tint. As for bronze, it darkens, so that such a lamp will have to be constantly cleaned.

Considering all the above, brass remains the best material, satisfying the requirements of both appearance and strength indicators.

How to make a street lamp with your own hands?

Working with metallic raw materials requires timely preparation of the necessary toolkit:

  • Screws;
  • Drill;
  • Drills.

As for the material, quite often the lamps are performed from the following girlfriend:

  • Remaining building materials;
  • PVC pipes;
  • Wooden chips;
  • Old kitchen utensils;
  • Tin and glass jars;
  • Plastic glasses and bottles of which plaffones are made for garlands;
  • Clay;
  • Cardboard boxes and packages.

Lanterns from such materials look especially original and interesting, and you can make all the work with your own hands as simple as possible and quickly. The main disadvantage here will be the fact that the lamps from the primary materials are difficult to name durable and durable.

If you wish to make the most beautiful and original street lamp with your own hands, many dacms use the maximum fantasy supply, sometimes spying on third-party solutions in order to borrow a couple of ideas. Modifications of various ideas may be uncountable set. Below are a photo of some interesting decisions.

Well, let's deal with how the lamp is done with your own hands. Below we will look at the 2 most frequently used solutions that will allow all the work with your own hands as simple as possible and quickly.

Glass bottle lamp

Make a plander from a can or a glass bottle is easy, besides, the light can easily pass through the glass, completing the evening landscape with beautiful effects.

For work will be useful:

  • Indicator;
  • Pliers;
  • Decor elements;
  • Bank or bottle;
  • Cartridge;
  • Insulating tape.

Operating procedure :

  • Mount the electric pipe, fix the wiring in the cartridge, after which we insert the light bulb;
  • In a bottle with a narrow neck, it is better if the original color and shape, we place grinding glass, transparent balls, small beads or any other small objects that can reflect light;
  • We put a spiral-like wire in a bottle - you can give it such a form simply by screwing the latter on your finger;
  • Light bulb with the cartridge is lowered into the ceiling, after which they fix it with silicone.

Covered lamp do it yourself

Lighting in the form of an adhesive lamp will become a longer and reliable solution. To work will be required:

  • Welding machine;
  • Steel bars;
  • Stripes;
  • Corner.

Order of work:

  • The first thing is the trapezoid or rectangular case of 4 steel frames;
  • From the outside of the frame, the frame is covered with a steel bars of rods;
  • From above, the housing is covered with a metal cap;
  • Fastening to the wall will be a bracket that is made of a square bar of steel;
  • Steel bands will serve to create lower curls;
  • The latter at the end are welded and fixed with the help of interfacits.

Nuances connecting to the network

When you make a street lamp with your own hands, due attention should be paid to the work related to the network connected to the network. This will require:

  • Corrugated pipe or mattarowing for protection;
  • To fix the connection block terminal;
  • VG electric cable.

In most cases, for connecting homemade fixtures, a two-housing wiring is used by a cross section of about 1.5 mm 2. The best solution will be to buy the bay, where the total length of the cable will be about 100 meters. It is recommended to select 18-25 millimeters with a diameter of 18-25 millimeters. It is necessary to protect the wire from random damage at rustling of the Earth, as well as from rodents.

Depending on the plaffones and the number of compounds in terminal pads, it is worth providing one or a pair of slats with holes in 2.5-4 millimeters. Pads are recommended based on the current (5-10a).

Installation order:

  • The first thing at a distance is not more than 0.6 m from the house, a trench of a depth of about 0.8 m for laying the cable is digging;
  • When installing the flooring, the metal legs are initially installed, after which the wire is pulled through them. It is placed in the trench inside the corrugation. After dragging over all devices, the wiring is trimmed so that the end of the cable does not exceed 15 centimeters;
  • We prepare the second cable and also wake it through the pipe, after which they fix the terminals a pair of wires;

  • If the lantern is located on the facade of the house or its wall, it is necessary to insulate switching boxes well, while it is better if the cable will be connected inside them the clamping nuts. Alternatively, you can use passage, but in this case it will be necessary to additionally pour each connection. Scrucia closure zone with a tape;
  • Installation of the electrical circuit. Since it provides for a pair of wires - "zero" and "phase", then it is necessary to check that the switch is able to operate the phase cable. Only so when replacing the burnt lamp, in the off state, there will be no risk to get a shock. Determine the phase cable will be able to special Indicator;

  • The connection point can be the most ordinary outlet, which will allow you to quickly de-energize the entire system if necessary. In addition, no one bothers connect the street lamp directly to the terminals on the electrical tailor equipped with an automatic fuse;
  • During the installation of the switch, be sure to check the compliance of its network load power;
  • Before finally bury the trench, make sure the flashlight works properly. Strengthen the post of lighzing the soil or the bay of its concrete.

Decoration for plot and house: photo

In addition to its direct function, the street lamp is also capable of perfectly supplement the design of the country area and the house as a whole. To select the most successful solution, it is worth experimenting with lighting and luminaire forms. For example, you can use lighting devices in the form of mushrooms, decoring the garden track. The plafo-caps placed on top will be beautifully reflected down the light down, thereby creating the original light effect.

In the presence, as an option, use floating balls or cylinder flooring. Another option is glowing sculptures, vases, porridge or benches. Achieve the latter can be easily easily with halogen paintwhich is reflected in the luminescent light in the dark.

Obviously, the colorful and original design solutions for registration of lighting in the country can be a huge amount, which partly contributes to a considerable selection of lighting devices. However, much more pleasant and cheaper to fulfill all the work with your own hands and the street lamp to that direct confirmation! With due fantasy, you will not think of unique lighting, in extreme cases, you can always use our photo collection with lamps.

Street lighting plays a fairly important role in our life, because when in the courtyard it is dark, go there and spend time is not as pleasant as with high-quality and comfortable lighting. Thanks to a well-designed and installed lighting system, we have the opportunity to enjoy communicating with friends, enjoy reading your favorite books or just dreaming under the starry sky. To achieve a cozy and comfortable environment, it is necessary to correctly choose the lighting for the street, since not every lamp can cope with the conditions that nature prepared for him. In this article we will talk about the varieties of street lamps, as well as how to make the street lamp do it yourself.

Varieties of street lamps

Street lantern should easily cope and withstand such weather conditions as snowfall, heavy rain, hail, low and high temperatures, different kinds of physical impact.

Distinguish the following types of lamps for open space:

  • Wall. One of the most popular types of street lamps are wall-mounted devices installed in arbors, near the doors, on buildings near the path. Such lighting is good because the lantern practically does not occupy space, and its location does not interfere in the courtyard. Thanks to the ceiling, the light is remarkably dissipated and illuminated well enough. Placing several similar lamps on the porch, you can organize summer dinners on the street or immerse yourself in reading your favorite book.
  • Floor street lamps. Well suited for highlighting the flower, paths, all kinds of decorative bushes or installations in gazebos near benches. Such devices look outwardly almost the same as home lamps, but their plastic is made of plastic or glass, and must completely close the light bulb, all the wires from moisture.
  • The soil street lamp do it with their own hands has quite ample opportunities. Using such lighting, you will get the opportunity to illuminate the facade of the building, make an emphasis on the main objects on the territory of the yard, zoning the court area, create a variety of interesting effects and so on.
  • Suspended lamps for the street. As a rule, used under various covers, for example, porch or gazebo. They have a structure similar to a conventional chandelier, and can accommodate several lamps. There are both the main and additional source of light on the site.

Sources of light for street lamps

For dacha luminaires, different light sources can be used, for example:

  • Classic incandescent lamps are the cost of low, but for outdoor lighting, they are not always economical, because they consume quite a lot of electricity and too bright.
  • Halogen lamps - these light sources are more economical and able to serve much longer classic. Also on conventional incandescent lamps, they differ in reasonable light intensity.

Important! The lack of disadvantage is too strong heating, as well as the sensitivity to the dirt in the flask and the sharp jumps of the voltage.

  • LED bulbs. This is a more economical option than even halogen lamps. The price of them is quite high, however, they will serve such lamps as long as possible. In addition, they do not have mercury or other harmful components. And the durable case of such a lamp is very difficult to smash.
  • Solar panels - a street lamp with their own hands on the basis of them can be installed even where it is not possible to bring the wiring. They operate from the battery, which absorbs solar energy. With full charge, a similar lamp will work for 12 hours. However, it is necessary to establish them only where the sun warms up for most of the day.

What can the lamp make?

Very often, homemade street lamps are made of plastic, but such a solution is not the most successful, because the plastic product can easily crash or break.

Best of the street lamp do from:

  • Copper.
  • Brass.
  • Bronze.

Important! The steel model will be the most resistant to precipitation and other impacts from the outside, however, its appearance leaves much to be desired. But the lanterns from copper made by personally will be able to harmoniously complement the exterior in retro style. But do not forget that over time, copper in the street is oxidized and acquires an inesthetical greenish tint. And the bronze product has a property to darken, so it will need to be cleaned regularly.

The most optimal material for the street lamp will be brass, which is characterized by external attractiveness and durability.

Making a lantern with your own hands

To make a street lamp with their own hands based on metallic raw materials, you will have to prepare the following:

  • Drills.
  • Drill.
  • Screws and so on.

Often, the lanterns are made from undergraduate materials, for example, use:

  • Wooden chips.
  • Tin and glass jars.
  • Plastic bottles and cups that serve as a garlands.
  • PVC pipes.
  • Cardboard packages from drinks.
  • Old kitchen utensils.
  • Unused building materials and so on.

Such products will have a particularly original look, and they will not make them their own work. But at the same time they will differ fragility and short service life.

In the manufacture of street lamp for giving, many are not shy to use their fantasy to the maximum. At the same time, modifications can be very different. Let's look at a few options how you can make a lamp at the cottage.

Glass bottle lamp

Make a glass can be done very simply, while transparent glass will give the opportunity to pass through the walls and create wonderful special effects.

For the manufacture of a street lamp, you will need it:

  • Glass jar or bottle.
  • Cartridge.
  • Pliers.
  • The knife for stripping isolation.
  • Insulating tape.
  • Indicator.
  • Decor elements.


  1. Install the wiring - connect the wires in the cartridge and screw the bulb there.
  2. Take a bottle with a narrow neck (preferably an interesting color and shape), put on its bottom of the decor, for example, transparent balls, small beads or grinding glasses.
  3. Screw to finger a thin colored wire so that it gets a spiral shape, and also put in a bottle.
  4. Lower the cartridge with a light bulb in the ceiling and fix it with silicone.

Worn lamp do it yourself

Worn street lamp do it yourself - a longer and reliable option. To make it, you will need:

  • Corner.
  • Steel bars.
  • Stripes.
  • Welding machine.


  1. From 4 steel frames Make a housing in the form of a trapezoid or rectangle.
  2. Close up frame with lattices. They should be boiled from steel rods.
  3. Case from above Cover the iron cap.
  4. From the steel bar of the square form, make a bracket that serves as a mount to the wall.
  5. From thin steel strips Make the bottom curls.
  6. Weld the ends of curls and connect them with interceptions.

Features of connecting the lamp from the network

When you do street lighting at your own hands, you should pay due attention and the procedure for connecting wiring. To connect the lamp to the network, you will need:

  • Electric jn cable.
  • Terminal blocks for fixing compounds.
  • Corrugated pipe or metalworking for protection.
  1. For instruments made by hand, most often use a cable with two veins with a thickness of 1.5 mm.
  2. It is better to buy immediately bay, where the wire length will be 100 m.
  3. The diameter of the corrugation must be about 18-25 mm. It will be needed to protect the cable from rodents and damage in the process of digging the soil.
  4. The diameter of the hole in the terminal blocks should be 2.5-4.4, consist of one or two slats - everything will depend on the number of compounds and plafones.
  5. Pads should be chosen at the rate of current 5-10 A.

Mounting work

Installation involves the following actions:

  • Drop the trench for laying the cable, the depth of which is 80 cm, and the distance from the house to the ditch is a maximum of 60 cm.
  • In the process of installing the lamps, you must first put metal knives, then take turns through them the cable. At the place of its location in the trench, put it in the corrugation. After conducting through all devices, the cable should be cut so that its tail length is no more than 15 cm.
  • Prepare the second segment of the wire and also swipe it through the pipe, connect two cables using the terminals on top of the device.
  • If the lamps are located on the facade or wall, you need to securely insulate communication boxes. It is advisable to make the wires in the boxes connected by clamping nuts. Screw seats Wrap using a tape.

Important! You can also use passage, but in this case each connection will have to be sought.

  • Install the power supply. Since it has two wires, one "phase", and the second "zero", then it is necessary to see the switch to clean the phase wire. Then in it in the off position when changing the distilled lamp, the risk of lesion to the current will be excluded. The phase wire is determined by the special indicator.
  • As a connection point, a simple socket will also be suitable - in this case you can delay the entire system, just pulling out the plug. Also, the cable can be connected directly to the terminals on the shield equipped with an automatic fuse, which, if an emergency, turns off the voltage.

Important! When installing the switch, it is necessary to check whether its power loads this network.

  • Before you bang the trench, you should make sure that all lamps work, and then strengthen around the pillars by tamping fine rubble and clay. If the soil is very light, then the supports for the instruments are desirable to pour concrete.
  • Ideas for the design of street lighting at the dacha with their own hands there are quite a few. Like many variants of the lanterns themselves, which can be made independently from the girlfriend, saving on an expensive designer lamp. If there is a fantasy and a bit of free time, you can easily consider interesting and original lighting for your site without extensive costs.

If you want to decorate the territory near the house or dacha with unusual lamps, but finances do not allow to acquire expensive lighting devices, then you can do it yourself. How to make a street lamp with your own hands? You need to be patient and desire, then the homemade source of light for the street will delight the eye. Next, we will provide simple instructions for the manufacture of the lamp at home.

Choosing a place and preparation of materials

Before you begin to make a lighting device with your own hands, you need to consider where the street lamp will be located. Depending on the place, the method of fastening the design will be selected. The homemade lamp will become an excellent solution at, veranda or perimeter of the whole house.

The method of fastening can also be different. The street lamp can be installed on the support or attached to the wall or simply suspended. The most difficult thing to make a flashlight on the support, as it is required to find the necessary pillar. If you make lighting devices yourself, it is best to select simpler options, as in the photo below:

You can take any of the girlfriend. It may be wood, plastic, metal or glass. If you want to make a device that will serve for many years, then the best solution will be a metal lamp.

For work it is necessary to stock metal (sheets and bars) and the welding machine. If this is not, then you can apply a fastener fastener.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

To assemble the street lamp from the metal, you must first select its model. It may be retro style (under ancient) or minimalism. The homemade wrought iron is considered popular, which we offer.

The first stage of work is to create a sketch of the future lamp for the street. The picture below shows the common option:

To make such a product, durable and durable, must begin with drawing up the drawing. The design consists of such elements:

  • side walls (4 pieces);
  • top cover;
  • bottom cover (bottom);
  • decorative finish.

Example drawing:

When making a homemade lamp for the street, a cold forging is used. If there is welding equipment, then connect all the details will be easy and simple, it will greatly simplify the task. If there is no such device, it will be necessary to prepare the fasteners in advance. It can be bent corners of the walls of the product. Do not forget about glass. Before collecting the design, you must first install the glass. You also need to invent in advance how to fix the electrical cartridge in the lantern, if it is provided for by the design.

Installation and Connection

To connect the street flashlight to the electrical network (it can be an ordinary or diode lamp) you need to stock the following elements:

  • Cable production (). To connect, it is recommended to use a two-housing cable.
  • . With their help, a reliable fastening of wire connection places are carried out. Their type depends on the number of connections. Pads are calculated on the current up to 10 A.
  • Corrugated pipe. Diameter is better taken up to 25 mm. Corrugation provides protection against various rodents and mechanical damage.

As a rule, the street lamp, which is installed near the house, connects to the power source through the cable wiring. To position all the wires, you need to prepare a special trench for them in advance. The average and optimal trench depth should not exceed 80 centimeters. By air, the cable is not recommended for security purposes. We were told in the relevant article.

Also in order to collect a safe lamp for the street, it is recommended to use a cable corrugation. Follow the wiring in such a sleeve before laying it into the ground. About that quickly and correctly, read in our publication.

When the lighting device is installed on the wall or the facade, the connection to the electrical network is as follows: the first thing you need to do is isolate contacts. Then the wires for the connection are summarized to the switch box. It is also advisable to make the following: to solder contacts and wrap them with a tape. The connection point in this case can be the usual outlet. But there is such an option as a cable connection directly to the terminals in the shield. The last step is to install the lamp. For street lighting, it is more expedient to use everything, because They shine brightly and at the same time the most economical.

To pay less for the light, you can additionally equip your homemade street lamp by the motion sensor and photowork. Pro, actually, as well as about, we told in separate articles with which we strongly recommend familiarizing themselves.

As you can see, make the street flashlight with your own hands you can quickly and easily. The main thing is to have a great desire, the desire and, of course, the material necessary for work. This type of lighting for the street is considered more secure, as its body is completely closed.

Master classes

Well, the last thing I would like to provide you - visual video instructions on how to make a street lamp from metal, tree and even glass jars. You can see all the most simple master classes below:

That's all that I wanted to tell you how to make a street lamp with your own hands. We hope our instructions were interesting for you and helped in assembling our own garden lamp!