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How to build your business to grow mushrooms. How much can make money on the realization of mushrooms. Where to sell ready-made products

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the room, you can grow mushrooms in the basement of a private house or in a barn. The walls indoors are recommended to be treated with a disinfectant solution.

To grow mushrooms, it is necessary to prepare a special substrate, which can include sawdust and straw. There are technological features of the preparation of the substrate for various types of fungi. For growing peeps, the substrate should be finely crushed and fervent in hot water. The substrate for opens is pasteurize the hot nutrient solution, which add starch, jam or corn flour. A ready compost is added to the champignon substrate.

The substrate is placed by layers into polyethylene bags of 40 per 90 cm. Between the layers, mycelium is laid out. Every 10-15 centimeters in the bag make a small hole.

Purchasing the fungne follows the proven supplier, as yield depends on the quality of mycelium.

It should be germinated in a closed dark and wet room at a temperature of about 22 ° C. As soon as mushroom shoots will appear in the cut holes, mushroom bags should be transferred to a cooler room. In order for the mushrooms to grow quickly, it is necessary that the room in the room is about 15 ° C, within 12 hours a day, the room with mushrooms should be covered.

Lamps of daylight can be used to illuminate the room.

Organization of business and product sales

At the initial stage, grown mushrooms can be in the basement of the rural house, in the garage or in the shed. The walls indoors are recommended to insulate the polystyrene foam. It is recommended to divide the room into three zones. The first zone will be published a substrate and mushrooms in packages. In the second zone, mushrooms will germinate, and in the third zone - grow and develop.

In order for mushroom business to bring a stable income, a large room is needed (about 600 sq. M.), Therefore, at the first stage it is worth treating this case as an additional income source.

The most difficult thing is not to grow mushrooms, but to sell. Find a permanent wholesale buyer for novice mushrooms is difficult. You can implement mushrooms through restaurants and shops, but for this you need to receive documents confirming the quality of mushrooms. Therefore, at the first stage it is best to sell mushrooms through friends and acquaintances. Keep mushrooms in the refrigerator you can not more than 7 days.

Growing mushrooms can be turned into a wasteless business, the substrate used can be used as an excellent fertilizer for the soil and implement the residents of the countryside.

The possibility of opening your own business is the interest of a large number of people, as the prospect of living, interrupting salaries to a salary, does not please anyone. More and more people are looking for options for earning, which will also like, and bring a stable income.

A lot of factors affect the choice of suitable business for you: from place of residence before starting capital. This is not even considering your personal abilities and inclinations. Equally important is the previous experience of its own business. If a person has already tried to open his work, the business plan was made up of all the nuances of entrepreneurial activity, he was much easier to decide on a new business. If you are in this newcomer, do not worry: business for growing mushrooms is a profitable business and simple. But before purchasing everything you need, you need to make a clear action plan and explore the question.

Experts argue that today the demand for mushrooms is significantly higher than the proposal. Artificially grown mushrooms are purchased wholesale restaurants, supermarkets, and in the markets at trays with mushrooms are built up.

Why is it worth choosing a business related to growing mushrooms?

Reliable, pay attention to the benefits of growing mushrooms (oyster).

  1. In order to start this business, you will not need large cash investments. And the absence of primary capital, as is known, the first reason why people refuse the idea of \u200b\u200bopening their business.
  2. The success of the enterprise does not depend on where you live. Growing mushrooms is relevant and available in the village, and in the city.
  3. Good demand. Buyers are well aware of the benefits and taste qualities of mushrooms. By the way, they trust artificially grown mushrooms more than the collected grandmother on the edge of the forest.
  4. Infinite business expansion options.
  5. In the first stages there is no need to hire employees: one person can well cope with all the tasks itself.
  6. There is no need to establish numerous business contacts.
  7. You will get a stable income.
  8. Create a business plan and calculate all risks can be independently.

Of all the types of agricultural production, mushrooms are the most profitable option.

Judge for yourself: from 1 sq. M. Earth can be obtained for the year about 80 kg of mushrooms, and potatoes or cucumbers - no more than 6-8 kg. And this is despite the fact that mushrooms are much more expensive.

If you have not been engaged in growing mushrooms before, select oyster. This kind of mushrooms is ideal for homemade cultivation. In addition, you will need a very small area in order to get a good harvest. On average, about 14 kg of mushrooms per month can be obtained from one square meter of the room. So, even if you equip under the cultivation of mushrooms a small room in 40-60 squares, your income will be decent. The first results will not make yourself wait. Already 30-40 days after landing, you can collect the first mushrooms. So immediately prepare a plan for implementing your product.

Can you imagine a business plan in which the starting capital is about 5 thousand rubles? It is about so much money you will need to start a business for growing oyster.

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Make a business plan of the future enterprise

Before starting to build any business, you need to study the question well and make a business plan. It is necessary, first of all, for those who plan to attract investors, but come in handy and others to navigate how quickly your business will pay off.

The business plan for the cultivation of oysteries is a description of your business, including all aspects of its existence. Here you will write, what costs you are waiting for, with what problems you may encounter and how to solve them.

It is worth understanding that any business plan must comply with specific requirements in order to actually display the state of affairs. You must clearly write down the economic feasibility of this type of business. Be sure to calculate how much money is necessary for the start and what expenses are waiting for you monthly. Decide on the way to implement the goods. And, of course, to register the expected profit. It is necessary to display a business development plan and take into account inflation.

Composing a business plan, do not forget that this business has additional income graphs. From the sale of hemp with mycelium for dachens, wishing to grow mushrooms in their site, to paid training to the intricacies of this business.

By the way, a ready-made business plan for the cultivation of an oyster can be bought on the Internet. Accordingly, if you have your own successful business plan, you too can offer it online for newcomers in this matter.

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Determine the first expenses

  • rental of premises;
  • mushroom mushroom;
  • organization of microclimate indoors;
  • substrate;
  • plastic bags.

Regular expenses:

  • rent;
  • communal payments;
  • salary, if there are employees;
  • transportation costs, delivery to the place of implementation.

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Growing technologies of mushrooms

Western cultivation plan is very simple and does not cause special difficulties. First you need to find a suitable room. There are not much room requirements: the garage, basement, shed, abandoned the house. The main thing is that there was the ability to create the necessary humidity and temperature. The room temperature should not exceed 18-23 ° C.

The room needs to be disinfected in advance. All surfaces that will come into contact with mycelium and substrate should be sterile. Wash your hands very well with the household soap before working with mushrooms. Do not forget that it is better to work with any mushrooms in a marelier bandage, since their disputes can cause allergic reactions.

Spores of oyster or mycelium can be purchased in an agricultural store. One kg of mycelium costs about $ 3. You can experiment and buy from different manufacturers, prices often differ significantly. Over time, you can produce mycelium yourself and also sell it to those who want.

Oyshemka grows well in different substrates. You can use sawdust (any, except coniferous), straw cubes, paper, stalks and corn bars, sunflower husk, cotton seed husks, stems and coffee leaves. Make sure the substrate is clean, without impurities, unnecessary smells and mold.

Depending on the selected substrate, your plan of its preparation will differ significantly. The straw must be pre-grinding, and then subjected to hydrothermal processing. If Straw is last year, it is enough to soak it in cold water for 40 minutes. For those who came across fresh straw, the procedure is slightly complicated. It will be necessary to catch a straw in a large container, pour with warm water, heat to a temperature of 65-70 ° C. At such a temperature you need to withstand a straw 3 hours. And only then you can merge water and cool.

Luzu seeds use only fresh. It is poured with water and as quickly as possible adjust to a temperature of 90 ° C. 1-2 hours you need to maintain the temperature at this level. Then the water needs to be drained, and rinse the substrate with cold water.

There are alternative substrate processing methods. Perhaps the first time will have to try out several to choose which better suitable for your conditions.

For landing, large polyethylene bags are used (40x80 cm, 50x100 cm). But you should not take those that are more than 50 cm in diameter.

The landing plan is very simple. On the bottom fall asleep the layer of the substrate and it's good to be tamed, then there is a layer of mycelium. And so continue to the top of the package. The layers should be at least 12. Mycelium in the package must be 3-5% of the total mass. Some mushrooms to increase the yield use mineral additives, but in the first stages it is better not to do.

In bags, make slots in a checker order. After 14 days, the blocks can be transferred to a more illuminated place, but avoid direct sunlight. It is best to use daylight lamps. The room should be covered 12 hours a day. Here you will need to maintain temperature and humidity, periodically spray the blocks with water. And after 10 days in the slits, there will be bones of future mushrooms (Primorye). A few days later there will be adults, good mushrooms. Do not cut them too early, let them grow to a good diameter of the hats. To avoid rotting the frozen, the oyster is better twisted, and not cut. If you cut mushrooms, be sure to disinfect the knife.

Do not forget that this kind of fungi loves fresh air. The room must be regularly ventilated and 5-6 times a day include ventilation.

About two weeks after collecting the first harvest, the second wave of rising mushrooms is waiting for you. There is a technique for which after that blocks again carry into the dark room and repeat the entire process again. So you can repeat 3-4 times.

Exhaust bags can also be sold, especially if you were used as a straw substrate. Residents of the villages buy fungouncing on animal feed or as fertilizer to gardens. For example, the crop of cucumbers on the soil, a fertilized thus rises by 30%.

Growing mushrooms as an idea for your own business is not new, but still relevant. This is a means to make a profit at relatively low cost. The process of growing entirely depends on the knowledge and their proper use, so everyone can do this business.

All cards in hand to implement this business idea - in residents of the countryside, summer residents or owners of spacious utility rooms.

What attractive "fungal business"?

  • Mushrooms grow all year round. Weather conditions for them are not a hindrance.
  • Products do not determine: in case of excess products, mushrooms are easy to dry, freeze, preserve.
  • Business easily scaled. You can start your business with a small production and increase as financial opportunities grow.
  • Mushrooms do not require daily painstaking care, the production process can be suspended and quickly resumed.

Technology growing mushrooms

The cultivation technique depends on the types of mushrooms that are planned to be manufactured. A lot of special literature has been written for this account, which, of course, must be taken and applied. But in order to evaluate their capabilities, on the embodiment of the idea, you can take advantage of common knowledge.

White mushroom

Delicious product in demand in the market. Loves to grow under berets, pines, oaks. Its growing is more laborious and expensive, so it is better to switch to white mushrooms. The easiest way to grow a white mushroom is to take a hat of a mature handsome man, break into the small pieces and soak on a day in cold water. Under the selected wood in the garden, remove the top layer of the soil (rod), pour water there with the mushroom spores and cover with a row. It should be noted this place for yourself and not forget to water. Mushrooms can be waited for the second year.


Mushrooms grow on a compost of a special composition. There is a straw, organic fertilizer (manure, litter), chalk or gypsum, ammonium sulfate. The composition is prepared on technology for three weeks, sowing mycelium and wait for the result.


Grows on vertically suspended polyethylene bags. They are filled with vegetable material (straw, sawdust, cake). The composition of the bags is sown with mushroom disputes on technology. The mushroom grows well on broth, trees, stumps.


They are grown on the land plot in the dug burea. First, the bourge is placed with straw and manure with several layers. Daily water this mixture, shake a bit. They fall asleep from above fertile land and planted prepared mycelium.

Production conditions


Mushrooms feel great in basements, in warehouses, in greenhouses, in garden sites, on brica and hemp. To make a business without interruption, it is better to use the room.


Fresh air flow should be sufficient. Mushrooms allocate a lot of carbon dioxide and consume oxygen.


Maintain the temperature is necessary in the cold period. Mushrooms require stable from +8 to +10 degrees. With such work there will be a small stove on hard fuel. In the heat, the room is ventilated.


Humidity is always supported at a high level - 90%. Mushroom is gentle, quickly dries. Install the tanks with water. In the heat spray surfaces.


When mushrooms are developing only, they do not need light. With the beginning of fruiting enough natural daylight lighting. Direct sunlight should not be allowed. In winter, additional crop lighting is required, but not a long time.

Sales products

Many mushroom products deliver foreign firms. For the most part, these are canned and dried mushrooms. Fresh product market needs a domestic manufacturer. It is necessary to find its niche in this business.

The main areas of product sales are only three:

  1. Place of sale - market where you sell yourself. It is advantageous only at very not large revs. The price of mushrooms can be high, but time to spend a lot.
  2. Products can be counted in the store. Plus is a negotiable, acceptable price and large volumes for both parties. The minus is the design of the documentation, the cost of the possibility of getting into store suppliers, the need for packing goods, at the request of the store.
  3. Delivery of wholesale intermediaries. Minus: Small product cost. Plus - no issues with sales.

Permits and documents

Legislation requires to legalize your income. Without this, sales will be very difficult. First, place private entrepreneurship. Secondly, choose the tax form. Most likely, a small income will fall under a single agricultural tax in the amount of 6% of income.

It will be necessary to undergo control in the SES and Mrs.inadzor, but it applies to large premises and volumes. With small volumes, sanitary control you will pass in the market laboratory.

In order to implement its products in the markets and in stores, you will need to present the following documents:

  1. Conclusion of the SES.
  2. Radiology protocol.
  3. Approved instructions for storing and transporting mushroom products.
  4. Certification of products.

Before collecting documents, specify their list. Depending on the distribution area, it may change.

After reading the theory of growing mushrooms, we should weigh your circumstances. What factors are already in favor of the beginning of the "mushroom business", how many funds need to be investigated? What equipment and materials will have to be purchased? How much is the mycelium of different types of mushrooms?

Although there are no special difficulties in the cultivation, it is not possible to avoid errors at the beginning, so it is better to try yourself in a small amount and, by taking your own experience, build production.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

200 000 ₽

Minimal starting capital



9 months

Payback period

54 919 ₽

Net profit

Draft growing oyster mushrooms is distinguished by a low level of risk due to the simplicity of its organization, small starting attachments and low current costs. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months.

Summary of the project

The purpose of this project is the cultivation of mushrooms (mushroom) in order to implement them in a fresh form in Rostov-on-Don, followed by an increase in production capacity and expanding the range of other types of fungi. Mushroom Oyshemka is in constant demand among the population, it is unpretentious to the temperature fluctuations, to the level of humidity and illumination, is easy to care, has a quick germination. Hurrying costs are not great, thanks to which business is characterized by good profitability indicators.

Production has unlimited resources in raw materials (straw, sawdust, corn bars, seeds, husks of seeds, etc.) and is located in an eco-friendly area, 15 km from the city, thanks to which the cost of transporting products without losing its quality for the end user is minimal.

The process includes 4 main stages:

    Purchase of the sowing material (mycelium);

    Preparing the substrate (bag with a nutrient medium and mushroom);

    Cultivation of mushrooms;


The cost of the project will be 202,500 rubles, which will be taken from personal savings. Mainly, funds will go to the creation and equipment of the greenhouse in the territory of the country area, as well as the purchase of mycelium, fertilizers and other consumables. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months.

* Data for 12 month from the date of starting sales

The term of the preparatory part of the project will be 2 months. The first harvest is planned to get 40-50 days after landing.

Profitability of growing mushrooms (oyster)

Oyshemka refers to cultured mushrooms. The cultivated mushroom market, unlike the market of wild mushrooms, is easy to calculate. Until 2014, imported products occupied the greatest share of the domestic market (about 85-90%). The volume of Russian production in 2014 was limited to 8.02 thousand tons of fungi. However, in August 2014, mushrooms fell under the embargo. Import began to decline in all positions. Foreign manufacturers began to leave the market, freeing the places to Russian entrepreneurs. According to the magazine "School of Murbs", for the first 9 months of 2015, Russian mushrooms increased by 17% increased overweight production compared to the same period last year.

Similar trends are recorded in the production of other fungi, in particular, champignons. As a result of the devaluation of the ruble, vacation prices for cultured mushrooms rose. Today, it will take at least 158 \u200b\u200bthousand tons of fungi to cover the deficit in the market and transition to full import substitution. The current market situation, as well as a weak level of competition contribute to the discovery of its own production.

Production itself is located on the territory of the country area, 15 km from Rostov-on-Don. The area of \u200b\u200bgreenhouses and premises in which the process of growing mushrooms is 60 square meters. meters. For the cultivation of mushrooms, the specialized firm purchases the sowing material (mycelium), the cost of which is 50-55 rubles. per kilogram. Further, the substrate is prepared on the spot and the process of growing oysteries with the provision of the required level of humidity. The raw material for the preparation of the substrate is prepared independently either partially purchased (the cost of 1 ton of straw - 2 thousand rubles). The term of one production cycle is about 40-50 days. The goods are implemented on a non-stationary trading point at Rostov-on-Don's products market.

Since at the initial stage, the company is focused on a small amount of production (about 1 tons of mushrooms per month), it will not be necessary for service staff and hired personnel. The main responsibilities, including the purchase of mycelium, disembarking, fertilizer and garbage collection lead members of the owner's family. The business owner is directly involved in the main processes of production, and also carries out retail trade on the vegetable market. As a form of ownership, IP was selected with a simplified taxation system - 6% of the income received.

Product Description (Oyshemka Mushrooms)

The oyster is an environmentally friendly product, which does not use chemical processing to grow. Unlike other popular cultivated mushrooms - champignons that grow on a rift manure, trees prefer trees. The popularity of this mushroom is explained by various ways to prepare. Oyster can be frying, cooking, salting, marine. Also, the oyster is actively used as the ingredient of various dishes, added to salads. Especially enjoys the demand of the oyster in the cold season, when their own mushroom stocks are exhausted.

Mushroom Oysterka not only has excellent taste properties, but also useful for health. The oyster decreases the level of cholesterol in the blood. Juice of oystered prevents the development of intestinal sticks. These mushrooms have low calorie (about 38 kcal in the fresh form). Oyster contains a large amount of carbohydrates, contain vitamins D2, E, C, B, PR. In these mushrooms, there are also enzymes that burn fats and glycogen. The melt mushroom contains calcium, iodine, potassium, iron, biotin and thiamine. Another beneficial property of the oyster is considered to reduce blood sugar levels. Easy use helps to prevent the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hepatitis, stomach and cholesterus ulcer. Also, doctors recommend drinking mushrooms to people who are ill bronchitis or past chemotherapy.

The main disadvantage of Veshinsky It is considered to be fragility, in connection with which this mushroom is hard to transport long distances. Fresh uncooled mushrooms are considered a very delicate cargo, which requires a special temperature mode and as fast as possible. Also, the oyster has a rather weak mushroom fragrance. If the spore is hit in the lungs can cause allergies.

The quality of goods and safety for end users is planned to be provided by purchasing certified mycelium, disinfection of industrial premises and equipment, as well as through the use of modern production technologies.

The cultivation of oysteries belongs to practically waste-free production, since the substrate used is used as a biologically active additive, which is used to feed pigs, as well as fertilizers for gardeners and gardens. The spent substrate is planned to be implemented as an additional source of income.

Sales and marketing in the supply of mushrooms Oyshemka

The main requirement of consumers to products of this species is freshness that determines the quality. The location of the mushroom farm is 15 km away. It allows you to organize transportation on our own transport (Lada Largus van) without loss for quality. Product sales takes place on grocery and vegetable markets of Rostov-on-Don. No special packaging for mushrooms will not need. Plastic boxes are used for transportation.

The prices of products are based on material costs for production and fuel, as well as the price of competitors, which is on average around the city is 150 rubles. per kg. As a competitive advantage at first, it is planned to establish a retail price of 140 rubles. per kg. Depending on the level of demand and other factors (for example, the devaluation of the ruble) it is possible to increase or decrease the vacation prices.

As a method for increasing sales, it is planned to use advertising on the Internet to attract wholesale companies.

Mushroom production plan

Geographically, the Mushroom Farm is 15 km from Rostov-on-Don, thanks to which the time of delivery of mushrooms to the place of implementation is no more than half an hour. The process of growing mushrooms occurs in an environmentally friendly rural area, on the territory of the country area. Business technology can be divided into several main steps:

At the first stage There is a purchase of mycelium from specialized firms laboratories. Supplier selection criterion - availability of relevant documents, customer reviews, quality and available cost of products (50-55 rubles per kg.). The purchase of mycelium does not work out, and several times a year, since the shelf life does not exceed 3-4 months. At the initial stage, it is planned to purchase myceliums from different suppliers for a visual comparison of the results and making a further decision.

Ready ideas for your business

Second phaseit implies an independent preparation of the substrate, that is, the nutrient medium for mushrooms. Due to the lack of experience of commercial mushrooms at the beginning of the work, it is assumed to prepare a substrate from various components to determine the best yield. Among them: Wheat, rye, barley straw, oats, flax bonfires, bars and corn stems. The substrate must have aerobity, the presence of air gaps between the particles, the possibility of rapidly mastering it by mycelium.

It is also assumed to use additives to increase yields: sawdust, chips, trees, plants and other vegetable waste. The pasteurization procedure is applied to clean the straw from microorganisms. The raw material is maintained in a special chamber, into which water steam is injected about 6-8 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C. The pasteurization temperature should be supplemented within 55-60 ° C: the lower temperature does not kill diseases and microorganisms, and higher contributes to the development of triphips, which will destroy sowing. After that, the temperature decreases, and the raw material remains in the chamber for another two days.

Next, the substrate is cooled and stacked in polyethylene bags of 10-12 kg and silent oyshelium oyslands at the rate of 150-200 grams per bag. To remove excess moisture at the bottom of the bag, holes are done, after which the bags are placed in the chamber for germination.

Third stageit is to ensure the conditions for growing mushrooms. The room is not allowed direct sunlight. For the extension, the mushroom blocks are installed vertically, and the distance between them is 10 cm. The temperature is about 24 ° C, the relative humidity is about 60-65%. The mushroom is germinated for 10-17 days, after which the bags need to be transferred to the chamber for fruiting. Mushroom blocks are installed in one row into several tiers, the distance between the rows along the axes is 1 m. In the fruiting chamber, a lower temperature level is maintained - about 12-18 ° C, and the humidity is 80-85%.

Ready ideas for your business

To maintain high humidity, a special irrigation system is used. When complying with the conditions of the embryo, fruit bodies appear for 2 weeks. Harvest from each bag is going to 3 waves, after which mycelium is replaced with a new one. Mushrooms are collected by druses (fragments), at a young age. The optimal size of the hat is up to 40 mm. The minimum yield with 1 wavelength of the offerings is 150-200 kg with 1 ton of the substrate, 350-400 kg - from 2 tons. The total duration of the production cycle is about 2 months.

The final stage implies the realization of the resulting crop. Mushrooms belong to perishable products that can be stored in the refrigerator no more than 5 days. The main channels of the realization of mushrooms are markets, grocery stores, restaurants and catering points, enterprises feeding agricultural animals. Due to the relatively small starting volumes of production, it is planned to sell on the non-stationary trading point of one of the vegetable markets of Rostov-on-Don in the non-stationary trading point. Rental price per day with VAT is 250 rubles.

The project will require an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. meters. To eliminate costs for rent, the cultivation of mushrooms is planned to be organized on the territory of its own country area. It is planned to equip 2 separate rooms - an incubator where mycelium will overgrow, as well as a germination chamber with an exhaust. The planned production volume for the production cycle is 2000 kg, for the year (6 production cycles) - about 12,000 kg.

The cost of building the greenhouse will be 100 thousand rubles. Another 114 500 rubles. It will be necessary to equip. The cost of equipment is given in Table. 1. Construction work is planned to be completed within 2 months.

Table 1. Equipment costs

For the work of the enterprise, members of the family of the owner who, along with the owner, carry out the main functions, including landing, fertilizer and garbage collection, are attracted. Family Business Format is designed to reduce the cost of paying employee staff. The necessary experience is supposed to be purchased in the course of activity, as well as with the help of reading special literature.

Ready ideas for your business

Current costs is the payment of electricity, the purchase of mycelium (50-55 rubles per kg.), Food costs. Costs for the purchase of mycelium may increase or decrease due to seasonal demand oscillations. Also, the expenses of the main period include the rent for a trading place on the market - 250 rubles. a day (on average 7600 rubles per month).

Financial Plan for Growing Mushrooms (Oysterka)

The main responsibilities of management are assigned to the project's owner, which carries out business planning, as well as functions to ensure the conditions for the extension of mushrooms, their delivery to the place of implementation, as well as directly leads sales on the outlet. Responsibilities for cultivation, care, the collection of fungi is also assigned to family members of the owner.

For the preparatory period, 202,500 rubles will be required. This amount includes the construction and arrangement of the greenhouse (100 thousand rubles), the purchase of equipment (92.5 thousand rubles). The cost of the main period includes the purchase of mycelium, payment of the LCA, rent a trading point, fuel. Financial indicators of the project are presented in Appendix 1.

Evaluation Evaluation of Growing Mushrooms

Draft growing oyster mushrooms is distinguished by a low level of risk due to the simplicity of its organization, small starting attachments and low current costs. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months. Discounted payback period - 9 months. Indicators of the project efficiency, calculated for the five-year period, are shown in Table. 2.

As the main prospects, it is possible to distinguish: an increase in the selling price to exit the project to payback by 10% (up to 150 rubles per kg), an increase in production volumes, expansion of the proposed range, search for new sales markets and access to wholesale buyers.

Table 2. Project efficiency indicators

Risks and guarantees

The cultivation of the oyster is well mastered in the business industry. The technology of growing oyster is pretty simple, moreover, there are many ways to increase yield without harm to the end user. Risk reduction somewhat contributes to the current market situation. Today in Russia there is a deficit of mushrooms due to the introduction of the embargo. Imported products went from the market, as a result, the cost of domestic fungi rose without any negative consequences for demand. Consequently, with a decrease in the price, demand acquires a significant level of elasticity.

The main risks are marked in Table. 3.

Table 3. Evaluation of the risks of the project and the event to prevent their offensive or their consequences


Production plan and main financial indicators in the five-year perspective

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Business for the crackging of the oyster is a promising business idea that does not require major initial investments. This business can be organized in the basement or garage and, according to experts, can provide high profitability. Weighs have an unusual spicy taste. They are good in pickled, salty and fried. Used as a component of boors, salads and soups, as well as in many other dishes. The best time to start growing mushrooms Autumn. Independent cultivation of mushrooms is safer than their collection in the forest glade, because The house is missing likely to rip the poisonous mushroom. The demand for oysteries and champignons, according to statistics, is constantly growing. Oyster is obtained without the use of "chemistry", there are no preservatives and dyes in mushrooms. In Russia, more than 80% of all cultivated fungi imported, mainly from Poland. In Russia, the customs of the use of mushrooms are not as common, so the average resident of the Russian Federation consumes 300 gr. Mushrooms per month, whereas in Belgium 4 kg.

Advantages and disadvantages of the opening of business for the cultivation of mushrooms of mushrooms

Main consumers of mushroom mushrooms: retail stores, specialty stores, vegetable markets, restaurants and supermarkets. Consider the key advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of this business idea.

Benefits disadvantages
No initial large financial investments in business opening are required. The complexity of the implementation of large lots of mushrooms
Simplicity of growing mushrooms at home, fruiting after 6-8 weeks. Up to 3 phases harvesting from one sowing The need to have expert knowledge of mushroom
The ability to reduce the rent due to the use of the own garage or basement area Seasonality, maximum sales peaks are observed in November-December, when their own stocks of forest mushrooms have erected away

Weighs are delicious mushrooms that are not inferior to the maintenance of nutrients with white mushrooms. It contains an easily absorbed by a person's protein, vitamins of the PP, C, B, H, amino acid group, and the oysters are withdrawn radioactive elements, improve blood pressure, reduce the risk of oncological diseases. Growing mushrooms Oyshemka as a business is a promising area to open your case. Take care of the oysteries is easier than, for example, about champignons. For the cultivation of the oyster, the substrate blocks can be used in stores or independently produce. The easiest and cheapest way is a mixture of straw and sunflower husks,which is sealed and covered by 4-5 hours to eliminate mold. There are many competitors in the mushroom mushroom market, the most common: champignons, phlammulin, shiitake.

Business registration for growing mushrooms

To start a business, it is necessary to register its entrepreneurship in the tax inspection. It is necessary to determine the code of activity in OKVED, in our case: 01.12.31. - "Growing mushrooms and mushrooms (mycelium)." This type of business may have the following legal form: IP, LLC. It should be noted that the form of doing business as LPH (personal subsidiary farming) will not fit!The table below presents possible forms for the organization of business:

Form of business organization Advantages of use
LPH ( personal household) This form of business is not suitable.
IP ( individual entrepreneur) Ability to grow and sell mushrooms. The registration procedure consists of the following steps:
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified application for a notary in form No. 21001;
  • application for the transition to the Eskhn or USN (otherwise it will be by default);
  • copy of all passport pages.
LTD ( limited Liability Company) The ability to attract additional funds to business through government support programs and Credits. Registration stages are as follows:
  • statement in form No. 21001;
  • charter LLC;
  • decision on the opening of LLC or the Protocol in the presence of several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (4000 rubles);
  • certified by the notary copies of passports of founders;
  • application for the transition to the Eskhn or USN (by default there will be a general tax system based on).

According to the law, the authorized capital of LLC can not be less than 10,000 rubles.!

KFH ( peasant farming) Since the cultivation of mushrooms belongs to the agricultural type of activity, it can be organized by KFH, which is a simplified form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as IP and Ltd. is subject to legal force. Read more detail: →. For KFH, ECHN or USN is installed.

An entrepreneur can go to the Eschn if it produces more than 70% of agricultural products in its main activity.

After registration, it is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the fire inspection. To pass the SES, it is necessary to attribute a box with the production of mushrooms for examination. After the mushrooms increase, it will be necessary to get a quality certificate in the SES (cost ~ 40-80 $). Below in the video lesson features a single agricultural tax (ESN).

Growing mushrooms: Preparation of mycelium (sowing material)

Currently, there are the following oyster species: pulmonary, oyster, lemon, florid, steppe, horns. All of them grow in wildlife, special strains are used for production, which are simpler and unpretentious.

At the initial stage, the preparation of sowing material - mycelium. Mycelium is the basis for germination of mushrooms. Domestic manufacturers produce a cheaper sowing material, so the cost of mycelium by the Saratov company Santana is 4 times cheaper than the Hungarian "Silvana".

When buying mycelium, it is necessary to pay attention to the strain and the grade of the mushroom (on the label on the package), speed and percentage of grainfall, storage, resistant to mold. Check the temperature of mycelium inside, the optimal temperature of + 20-22 ° C. There should be no black or green spots with the smell of ammonia. Mycelium should have a bright orange color with a small admixture of yellow. Mycelium can be stored 90-120 days at temperatures up to + 2 ° C and even freeze. For vegetation, such storage conditions do not affect. From one sowing can be obtained up to 3 crops.

Making mycelium alone

Oyshemka belongs to wood-cutting organisms, grown on widths of hardwood. The optimal growing environment is straw, corn numors, sunflower husk. Businessmen's mushroom pickers use blocks with substrates with adding linen waste or straw. It is necessary to ensure that the material is not infected and did not have the Sora. Produce blocks better in separate clean rooms.

For the manufacture of straw substrates in a crushed form or sawdust is sealed in hot water. 1 kg of mycelium takes 10 kg. Substrate. The material is cooled, combined with mycelium and is caught in polyethylene bags (80 x 40 cm.). Mass of one package - 10-12 kg. Bags are tied up and stored on the shelves in a dark room with compliance with the temperature regime (+ 18 ... 20ºС).

Myceliums immediately before the bookmark grind, without opening the packages, equalize the temperature of mycelium and the substrate to avoid thermal shock of mycelium. The package with mycelium before opening is treated with a disinfectant solution for compliance with sterile conditions. Manipulations when bookmarking mycelium spend in gloves.

In bags are made slots in a chess manner over the entire surface with a step of 10-15 cm. The slots make a sharp clean subject (the chisel, knife) at an angle of 45 °. The length of the slot - 0.5 cm. Then mushrooms will make their way with dense fragments, have a large amount of fruit bodies. If you need smaller in size, side cuts are made in the form of a "cross" or "tick" with a depth of 0.2-0.3 cm. The rammed mushroom blocks are installed on the incubation shelves in such a way that the perforated sides have good air access, in the wall.

Bags are placed on the shelves with free air access both between them and below. Between blocks, the minimum should be 5 cm. During the incubation period, the room is not ventilated to create a high concentration of carbon dioxide and increase the percentage of humidity. It is necessary to carry out daily humid cleaning with chlorine-containing solutions.

The process of growing mushrooms: technology

After raising the substrate after 2.5 weeks, small borders appear in the grocery pre-done in bags. Packages with a substrate are transferred to another room with good lighting at least 12 hours a day, with a certain humidity and temperature + 10 ... 15 ° C. During the ripening and growth of mushrooms, the air humidity must be 85-95%.

The color of the mushroom hats depends on the room temperature. The higher the temperature, the that the hat is lighter, although it does not affect the taste. Lighting also affects the color of the mushroom hats. Hat is darker with greater light intensity.

The irrigation of mushroom blocks is desirable to conduct "dry", using humidifiers, then the body of the mushroom will not be watery. As it is grew, the use of ordinary irrigation is allowed, but water with a temperature of 10-25 ° C is sprayed from top to bottom on the mushroom hats 1-2 times a day.

The room must be well ventilated. Wechbirds should have time to dry between irrigation, they are no excess of moisture. Hats mushrooms with excess moisture will be waters-shaped, covered with yellow plates. Mushrooms during fruiting form a large number of disputes that can cause allergies. Therefore, the premises of cultivation should not be located close to residential rooms.

A week later, the mushrooms acquire a commodity look, you can cut them. The remains of the legs are removed and mushroom blocks are moved. Blocks affected by mold, out of the room and apply as an organic fertilizer. A week later, the mushrooms are fruit again. With 1 bag of substrates, 3 mushroom batch collect, then the sowing material is replaced with a new one.

The problem for intensive growth of mushrooms are mushroomsTherefore, you need to close the ventilation hatches with a mosquito net with a cell size of 1 mm. Beginners Entrepreneurs are encouraged to buy ready-made blocks of substrates. There are firms that implement sowing material for the breeding of mushrooms. The cost of one block weighing 10 kg - 60 rubles. It turns out about 2 kg of mushrooms. The price of wholesalers for grown mushrooms - 40 rubles. per kg. Income with 1 bag of sowing material - 20 rubles.

Video lesson: "Growing mushrooms of the mushrooms as a business"

Profit assessment: How much can you earn?

We will estimate the profit for 400 blocks that can be placed on the area up to 200 m2. It should be noted that the production of madges is several times more economical than champignons!Income when buying 400 blocks income will be 8000 rubles. If you make a substrate yourself, then the profit can be enlarged. After the acquisition of experience, the period of obtaining finished products to decrease to 30 days, while the cost of 1 kg. The messenger will be 12.6 rubles. The cost of selling mushrooms to the consumer - 50 rubles. per kg.

Revenue brings not only the realization of mushrooms and substrate. You can sell so-called "mushroom hemps". We do a hole in a chock made of wood, put mycelium and substrate in it. "Mushroom Hemps" enjoy in good demand. The second option for the sale of used sowing material, which is good feed for animals and fertilizer for the garden. The third business development option is the production of mushroom canned food. Fourth option, the organization of special courses on the cultivation of mushrooms at home.

Sales products

The main risk of this business idea is marketing, i.e. Not the ability to make sales in the required amount. So that business for growing mushrooms is successful, the sales market is needed. In Russia, competition in this area is still low, and the demand for mushrooms is always there. Main buyers of mushrooms: restaurants, cafes, food stores, vegetable markets. In winter, weighing need is increasing, as the eigenous reserves of mushrooms are completed. In December, the cost of a kilogram of the oyster reaches 60 rubles.

Evaluation of business attractiveness magazine site

Profitability of business
(4.2 of 5)

Attractive business


Payback project
(4.0 out of 5)
Easy business creation

(3.0 out of 5)
Business for the cultivation of mushroom mushrooms is promising. The main advantages are minimal investments and the possibility of creating at home (garage, basement). The payback period is 4-7 months., Profitability of ~ 40%. Investment costs ~ 500,000 rubles. For the production of fungi, it is necessary to have expertise and maintain the necessary microclimate indoors. The main complexity of this business is the sale of finished products, for this it is necessary to form a sales network. The second drawback is seasonality and uneven sales, the peak of which falls at the beginning of winter (November-December).