Repairs Design Furniture

Gypsum lodge with his own hands. Crafts for the garden. Garden gnomes do it yourself from cement. Step by step making crafts from gypsum with their own hands

Integrated lesson from - literature - the world On the topic "House like fungus"

Making a mushroom made of plaster for later painting (transfiguration) with paints.

Today I want to present to your attention an integrated lesson on Fine art with objects literature and the world.
The lesson is designed for elementary school children.
Familiarization of children with kinds of fungi, their role in nature.
A task:
Teach a child to work with volumetric objects, form a need to acquire new knowledge, skills, skills.
The desire to create unique work with your own hands, develop creativity.
Accuracy in work, diligence, effort in work.


Prepare materials for making fungus.
Pick up the material by the age of children for more easy learning theme lesson.

We need:

Taste material, such as:
Bottle of milk 1l
Bottle 0,75.
Water bottle
Top cover from cake (plastic)
Plate (deep)
Malyan Scotch
Knife or Shily
Old toothbrush
Plastic bowl for gypsum or alabaster
the spoon
3 halves package

W. plastic bottle From milk (it is more even) cut off the neck and bottom, we need a form of approximately 20 cm high.

Scissors cut a bottle on one side (for simpler seizure of the form)

We put this incision with a molar scotch. Done It is also stuck with a molar scotch.

We harvest a bottle of 0.75, cut off her neck

Now you can proceed to kneading a mixture of alabaster for casting the legs of the fungus. Everym must resemble sour cream.

We do it quickly. The alabastrix quickly collapsing, pour into the form on 2/3 of the bottle volume.

We take a bottle of 0.75 hugging it with a cellophane package and insert into the alabaster strictly in the center. We leave for 20-30 minutes for better solidification.

Pull out the bottle and package, leave until complete drying.

Remove the greasy tape from the sides and from the bottom, pull out the shape.

Now shell or knife watched the door on the feet of the mushroom to the nose itself.

Watch the boards and imitate the bark of the boards on the door.

An old toothbrush remove the extra formed gypsum crumb.

From either side of the door, we watches the sequel round window

Also the brush is removing an extra crumb.

For the manufacture of a mushroom hats, we will need a plate and package. Make a cellophane package on a plate and slightly deepen it

Fill the sour cream-like mixture

I'm shaking a plate to remove extra bubbles and quickly stick the leg of the mushroom

We leave until complete drying for 20-30 minutes.
Now we take the cover from the cake and cover it with cellophane, like a plate. Pour a mixture of plaster or alabaster, slightly shaking to get rid of bubbles.

Immerse our mushroom there, but not in the center, but shifting to the edge in order to draw a track later on the lawn. (Pay attention to the location of the door in the feet of the mushroom, it should look at the wide place of the lawn.

After 30 minutes, pull out the fungus. Operate a seer or knife track from the door of the house. You can buy pebbles on the track. Sharch up an excess brush.

All to the lesson we are ready in this part.

Now material on the world around the world.

At the very beginning of the lesson, raise the topic about the world around the edible and non-edible mushrooms that are found in our forests.

A mature white mushroom hat reaches in diameter up to 30 cm (in some cases there are instances having a cap 50 cm). The form is convex, flat-convex, open depending on the age of the fungus. The surface of the hat is slightly wrinkled, smooth, thinner, in some representatives - fiber-scaly. Mushrooms growing in dry conditions are distinguished by a matte (brilliant) cap, a little cracked. In the wet forests of a white mushroom hat slightly mucous. The color of the cap can vary from white to brown. There were white mushrooms with an orange, yellow, purple hat. However, in all cases, the hat tends to darken with age.

Mushrooms have low calories, there are few fats and carbohydrates. The average caloric content of one kilogram of mushrooms does not exceed 300-500 calories, at the same time kilogram of fat - 9100 calories, kilogram of meat - 4100.
In mushrooms a lot of proteins, minerals, vitamins and other valuable substances for humans. That is why mushrooms are increasingly attracting the attention of people of our time, leading a sedentary lifestyle, inclined to excessive completeness and performing intensive mental work.

It is not by chance that the global production of cultured mushrooms only for last years It grown almost three times and back in 1982 reached a million tons.
Mushrooms are also attractive in that they contain those necessary vitamins that are missing or contained in meager quantities in vegetables, for example, vitamins B1, B2, WB, D, H, Nicotinic and pantothenic acid.
Nutritional value of mushrooms occupies an intermediate position between meat and vegetables and equal to nutritional best vegetables Higher grades. Therefore, mushrooms are valuable as a product enriching poor proteins vegetable food, such as potatoes and bread. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account that the excellent taste of mushrooms can make a pleasant variety in our food, which in itself is important.
While children paint the mushroom. They are given material for reflection.

To unload children and make not a large pause in an informative lesson you can show a wonderful cartoon film SUYEEVA "Under the mushroom"
And go to the literary part of the lesson.
The poem "Mushroom train"
P. Sinyavsky

Drive in train
Waves and chanterelles
With girlfriends friends,

From station Podgharkino
At the station bucket
From the station Podhilokino
At the station Slaskino.

Wheels with steel
On rails tauratte
Went on schedule
The company will be called.

From station Polyankino
At the station Smetanekino,
From Penkovkino station
At the station Dwittle.

Amania has a cunning look
Echidial smile -
Climbed into the train and sits,
As if the cheek.

But here comes the controller,
Displays a mumor.
And fly-free flymother
Blushing from shame.
And the old man is boring,
Intelligent fat man
Lifts his believer
And places your ticket.

At the ticket are attached
Fourteen receipts.
Fourteen receipts
Station names:

Magnifier, Lukkino, Ducky, Zassushkino, Castrevilkino, Bulbulkino, Luchekovo, Celermushkino, Morovkovikino, Perlovkino, Little-potato, Lavrushkino-Petrushkino, Tarelkino and Lozhkino.

The lesson comes to an end and you can arrange the exhibition of our fungi.

And this is my mushroom, painted with the children, finished simultaneously, so that they did not copy.

All creative success! Thanks for attention!

For today, there are many materials from which you can make crafts. One of them is gypsum. Products from gypsum are pretty easy to do. Gypsum is non-toxic materialwhich can be purchased at any construction store or on the market. He quickly freezes, and products from it are quite strong. Another one positive Moment It is that gypsum crafts do not require large material costs.

From this material you can make various products. They will serve as an original ornament for home and garden, and can also be used as toys for children and souvenirs for loved ones. It may be all sorts of vases, figurines, angels and various animal figures or fabulous characters.

With the help of paints, it is possible to decorate products, apply different drawings on them and ornament.

How to breed plaster for crafts

To start work, you need to know how to prepare a gypsum solution. It is done very simple. It should be remembered that the gypsum has a property to quickly stick, so it is worth it directly before the start of the creative process. It is better to make a large portion of the solution so that the product is high-quality and non-typical. In a large tank, a gypsum powder with water and smear it. It is important to know what is first poured water, and then gradually add gypsum powder.

Crafts from gypsum for garden

The garden is not only the place where they grow various plantsbut also a seating area. In order to comfortably spend time in the garden you need to decorate it. Crafts are wonderful in the design of any plot.

Gallery: crafts from plaster (25 photos)

Master class on the manufacture of gypsum leaves do it yourself

With this cradle, even a beginner will cope in this matter. Stone leaves can be beautifully postponed along garden track Or near plants.

At first it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

The plant leaf should be carefully flushed out of dust and dirt. After that, it is laid out on the tumal liner (more textured) side up. Under the sheet you can put a crumpled foil to create bulge.

Next, the solution is smelted and poured on the selected leaf of the plant. When the gypsum freeze, flipped the sheet, remove the foil and carefully remove the sheet. The resulting irregularities on the edges can be corrected using sandpaper.

Then the workpiece from the gypsum is painted with white acrylic paint and varnish. After, the product from the gypsum can be toned with acrylic paint of any color.

In order to make mushrooms, the following materials are needed:

The feet for the mushroom is made of a plastic bottle, which is trimmed by the bottom. In order for the leg is more resistant inside the bottle, you can put the wire. Next, the gypsum solution is poured into a bottle. After drying, the bottle is neatly cut and get the feet for the mushroom. Next, the leg is sandwiched.

Hat for the mushroom is manufactured from round deep plateswhich needs to be caught up with a film. In the plate pour the solution, and without waiting for drying, insert the leg. After the solution freezes, take out the resulting fungus from the plate. To decorate the fungus you should use a variety of paints and fantasy.

Master class on making a house of gypsum with their own hands

For this work, the following materials will be needed:

  • plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • vegetable oil;
  • stationery knife;
  • paint;
  • sandpaper.

The house from the gypsum is quite simple to do at home.

First you need cut out of plasticine shape for a house. What it will be depends on your skill and fantasy. Next, you should knead the gypsum solution and pour them the shape of plasticine.

After drying, it is necessary to carefully, not hurry, remove plasticine. The resulting gypsum shape should be carefully lubricated vegetable oil. Then the plaster is filled into the form. After drying, the house is removed from gypsum form. Thanks to vegetable oil, it is easily removed from the form.

Master class on making decorative mask from clay with their own hands

For the manufacture of a mask will need:

  1. Gypsum.
  2. Plasticine.
  3. Tassel.
  4. Paint.
  5. Wire.

On a flat surface, it is necessary to cut out of plasticine shape for a mask. Further, the plaster mortar is applied to it until the product becomes durable. The first layer must be applied with a tassel and follow the bubbles not formed. Between the layers it is worth putting a copper wire. It will serve as a reinforcement grid.

After soaring the plasticine, remove. If any irregularities were formed on the workpiece, they can pouch the blade or stationery knife. Then the shape of the gypsum must be covered with colorless varnish.

Now you can proceed directly to the manufacture of mask. The gypsum solution is poured shape. It is important to ensure that the gypsum goes down evenly and covered all empties. In a still unfaithful solution put a loop at which the mask will continue to hang on the wall. When the product will dry, its carefully Take out of the form. Finished mask hanging emery paper, painted with various colors and open with varnish.

Molds for the manufacture of various figures can be purchased in stores. It is best to use silicone forms. They are not necessary to lubricate, the figures are removed from them quite easily. Previously, made from gelatin. Now the new materials appeared, of which it is easy pull shape. Such material may be two-component silicone.

Analogue of gypsum is alabaster. Externally, it is very similar to the plaster, but some differences between these two materials exist.

Alabaster It has a property to quickly capture when mixing. Therefore, during the preparation of the solution, some additives are used that slow down this process. Alebaster products are stronger, however, this material is not as safe for human health.

With the help of a master class, it is possible without much difficulty and costs to make original products For home and garden, as well as various figures for your child.

What could be more interesting to those crafts that were created independently? They are capable not only to decorate housing, but also to serve as the pride of the owner. In addition, independent design You can make such a thing that will be not only beautiful, but also unique, unique. But it should be understood that the creation of souvenirs requires increased accuracy and attentiveness. Yes, and fantasy will need to use in full so that the product is really original and attracting a look. So, the topic of our today's conversation is crafts. You can create a real masterpiece from the gypsum. Do not want to try?

Wonderful hobby

With your own hands, this is an interesting and fascinating hobby that will allow you to immerse yourself in the creative process, having received a beautiful decoration for a home or garden as a result. In addition, you will serve for a very long time, almost in any conditions that it cannot but rejoice directly the creator of such products.

What is needed to create gypsum figures?

To implement the conceived in reality, it is not so much. With all you can cope with the help of remedies that are almost always in stock. If you felt the woken talent, and are ready to express yourself with a sculptor, then you will need the following materials:

  1. Sculptural gypsum. This sufficiently durable material is perfect for creating figures. It can be purchased in specialized stores.
  2. Water. The most common, from under the tap.
  3. Plasticine for modeling. You can use both special and children's product.
  4. Foil (appropriate - for food).

In addition to the above supplies, To create a craft, you will need to stock yourself from the gypsum required tools. You will need:

Capacity for mixing plaster and water;

Acute stationery or ordinary kitchen knife;

Tassel for drawing (of rigid bristles, medium sized);

Smooth smooth board;

Flat small shovel of wood or metal.

First steps in creating gypsum products

Preparing everything you need for modeling, you can move directly to the process itself, upon completion of which your house will decorate crafts from plaster. Do with your own hands to make them not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. Of course, you should not forget about accuracy so that they acquire the desired appearance.

The first thing to do is put on smooth surface Sketch and cut out of plasticine desired figure. Using a thin knife, along the entire figure you need to schedule the connector line. Next, on the planned line, it should be gently pressing small pieces of foil. Naturally, they should be dense. Due to the foil, you can prevent gypsum sticking. After complete hardening Foil figurines can be removed without applying great effort.

In the container, pour water and add plaster itself. This requires carefully stirring the mixture until it reaches the state of the liquid-flow test for pancakes or a non-neat source. Only from such a mass you can create crafts with your own hands from gypsum, which will delight with their beauty and durability.

Using a small bruster, the gypsum is applied to the plasticine figure, layer behind the layer. To frozen the first layer, the next one is applied on top of it, then another one else.

Finishing stage

The number of layers that must be applied in the process of creating a craft with their own hands from the gypsum depends on what strength you want to give the product. Applying the last layer, you will need to leave the figure for a while until it finally freezes. It can go about thirty minutes. After a given time, from the figure, it is necessary to delete everything too much and again postpone the cradle until it is final grazing. After that, it will be possible to remove the plastic form with the plasticine base.

Finished, well-dried crafts from gypsum make a lightweight ringing when climbing. Figures can be decorated or left in pristine. In this business, it all depends on your imagination and creative potential.

Create and enjoy!

Crafts from gypsum, created with their own hands, are usually most interesting and original than the standard purchased in the store. In addition, it is possible to make them with the whole family, when everyone is able to add something to something - a unique, unique and unexpected. We hope that your crafts are made of plaster, the master class on the creation of which was given above will become decent decoration The interior and will take a suitable place among other products created by the personnel.

Finally, I would like to wish you good luck in this creative and interesting process, hopefully, he will bring a lot of pleasure and give a good mood.

Gypsum is an ecological material, harmless and very cheap, which means that it is available to everyone who wants to make interesting and necessary products to do it. Work with a plaster is a real pleasure, because this material can take absolutely any form and quickly freezes. By the way, it can also be painted in different colors. Our master class will tell you how without much difficulty you can master this skill.

What is needed for color crafts from gypsum with their own hands

To start working on making crafts from plaster, you need to stock whole set of materials:

  • Gypsum;
  • Paints;
  • Water;
  • The spoon;
  • Molds;
  • Plastic jar.

Many who decided to do the manufacture of gypsum crafts are asked: how much is the plaster for crafts. It is worth saying that this material has a low price, therefore it is considered one of the most affordable types of needlework. You can buy it in any construction store.

It is especially worth saying about the molds. In fact, you can use both molds any capacity, but the silicone forms are fit perfect for working with plaster. Where to buy molds - absolutely no matter.

Divorce plaster for white and colored crafts

How to breed plaster for crafts, everyone knows who at least once worked with these material. You need only water and a mixture of gypsum. To begin with, pour water into the container, and then add plaster, as in the photo:

The mixture must be brought to such a state to seem that it is liquid sour cream. Immediately after that, it can be spilled by molds.

If you want to make a color craft, then you need to follow MK:

1. To begin with the gouache. You can add a little water in a jar, close the lid and shake. This is necessary so that the paint is completely dissolved.

2. In the container for the preparation of the solution, we pour the divorced gouache.

The weight should resemble liquid sour cream on consistency.

4. The next step is to pour plaster in the form

5. And finally, it remains to dry.

It can be made of colored plaster anything, such as hearts.

Or here are such swans for the garden:

Crafts from gypsum do it yourself for the garden

In order to make wonderful plaster garden mushrooms, you will need:

  • Round plate;
  • Bottle;
  • Food film;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Construction plaster;
  • Wire.

How to make mushrooms quickly and efficiently, find out here:

First of all, you need to make a feet of a mushroom, for this we take a bottle and cut off her donyshko. You can still add a wire into the high leg, then the fungus will be stable.

Then it is worth divorcing plaster with water and pour it into a bottle. The consistency should be like a thick sour cream.

As soon as the plaster freezes, it should be separated from the bottle, for this there is a small incision directly diagonally.

The next stage - go to the mushroom hat, put the food bag inside.

After that, we divorce the gypsum and fill the cup inside, and we have a leg. As soon as the gypsum freeze, it can be removed from the cup.

Well, finally, it is worth painting and covered with varnish your product.

Making such a craft will be fascinating not only for adults, but also for children.

Selection of video for the manufacture of all sorts of plaster

Gypsum - lightweight and maneuverable material, with which you can create real masterpieces for home. Crafts from Gypsum will decorate any interior and garden, it is enough to show fantasy and armared by inspiration. Master Classes interesting decorations They will help to understand all the intricacies of work with the building material.

Gypsum - functional and easy-to-use material. The advantage of it is natural composition and non-toxicity. Showing creativity, you can turn simple building material into a real work of art.

Dilute plaster for crafts at home. Buy powder for mixture is possible in any construction department. The cost of its low.

Powder for the mixture should be prepared immediately before starting work, since the gypsum has a property very quickly. In order for the product to be qualitative, it is desirable to make a large portion of a mixture of proper consistency.

Water poured into the container, and then gradually shine powder. Mix it carefully, breaking lumps. The correct mixture should not be too liquid. Ready gypsum on consistency resembles the dough.

Gardening amansor and freight

In a great way to try your hand in the laying of gypsum sculptures will be a master class to create crafts from plaster. For children, such an occupation will be a good opportunity to decorate the yard decorations made by their own hands.

For the manufacture of garden mushrooms It will take:

In order not to complete the creation of mushrooms with long cleaning, before the start of the process is prepared working surface. The table can be displayed with a newspaper or oil. When working with children, it is important to choose an outfit that will not mind will spoil. It is very difficult to wash the plaster, and sometimes almost impossible.

Step-by-step instruction mushroom modeling:

Imprette simple souvenirs

The easiest way to learn how to make out of building material - Make plaster at home and arm simple master classes By modeling.

It is important to prepare the right gypsum, so when it is kneading, a rush should be avoided. Even the most accurate proportions will not save the product from cracks, if during the kneading the mixture will be a mercury.

To create the first crafts, you can use ready-made molds. Any curious containers are suitable as blanks. For example, silicone forms for baking cookies and cupcakes. You can also use culinary foil forms.

In order for the product to be easier to extract, silicone forms are lubricated with vegetable oil. If the billet is used from the foil, after the mixture is frozen, it can be cut and removed. It is important to pay attention to the mechanical resistance of the form. Too soft blanks will be deformed by weight of heavy gypsum. And the paper simply splashes.

Bay the mixture into shape, places in it elements of decor. While the plaster is not frozen, it can be decorated with seashells, stones or other beautiful items.

Domelki for home interior

Not only the garden, but also a room can be decorated with plaster products, with their own hands to make which very simple. To create an interior decor you can use combinations of gypsum with stones and other tandems of materials. In practice in creating crafts, you can, building a house from plasticine and gypsum.

To make a house, you will need:

To create a house, you will need a plasticine form that should be cut independently. It takes a lot of plasticine, so you can use a cheap single-color material, which is used to create sculptural sketches.

The correct mixture can be prepared by mixing the seven pieces of ten-piece powder clean water. Pulling out the shape for the house, it is poured with a plaster mixture.

It is necessary to wait until the liquid hardens. After that, plasticine is carefully removed. It should be done carefully, since the damaged form will have to redo it again.

When the latest plasticine particles are removed, the resulting product should be prepared for the next fill. For this, the gypsum craft is abundantly lubricated with vegetable oil. It is important to miss every millimeter of the form, so that the fresh mixture was not mixed and did not stick to the existing billet.

When the blended mixture dries, the oil will allow you to remove it from the form. The finished handicraft may need some amendments. With the help of the blade, unnecessary parts are cut. A sharp object draws windows and doors.

Grind the craft emery paper with a shallow texture. The sandy surface of the sculpture can be painted and decorated in any way.

Genuine magnitude

Mask - interesting pallet From the gypsum for the house, with their own hands to make not at all difficult. To do this, you will need a standard set of materials, as well as a patient model that will become a "form" for the product.

To create a mask, you will need:

Before starting work on the face of the "model" impose a thick layer of vaseline. Special attention is paid to eyebrows. Insufficiently blurred hairs may make it difficult to remove the mask.

Gypsum powder mixed with water. You should prepare a lot of slightly than for ordinary crafts. If there is a gauze bandage, it is cut into small pieces and swollen in water. Applied to the face, they instantly grabbed, after which it is possible to apply the following layer of plaster.

It is necessary to carefully smear the area around the eyes. Accidents will not add mood. Put the mixture, bypassing the mouth, nostrils and eyes. The layer of the mixture on the nose and cheekbones should be a little thicker. This will provide a mask for additional support and density.

When the mask grab a little, carefully remove it. The product is very fragile, so it is not worth a hurry. To strengthen the product, you can apply some more layers of plaster with the brush. Liquid plaster can be smoothed all irregularities on the surface of the crafts.

After applying several additional layers, the mask is sent to the heated oven. The furnace warms up to 180 degrees. The mask is baked for half an hour.

After baking, the mask is sent to hammer in a cool dry place. It will "depart" about a day. After that, you can proceed to its design.

First, the surface of the product is ground with pva glue or blame white paint. Before applying the drawing, you can make a sketch simple pencil. Next, the mask is painted using the character that you like the one as an example. For example, angel.

Fasten the finished mask on the wire or wooden stick. With hot glue.

Leaves for jewelry

Made with handicrafts made from plaster - a great way to diversify the garden decor. In addition to mushrooms and houses, you can make elegant leaves that will decorate any garden.

To create leaves, you will need:

  • Gypsum solution.
  • Maple or other leaves.
  • Rope.
  • Wax paper.
  • Hard brushes.

Green leaves are placed on a wax paper. Each leaf is treated with solid brushes. Based on the toothpick sheet, a hole is done. DIY are left for drying.

Finished products are suspended on the lace. Crafts can be painted acrylic paints and decorate sequins.

Gypsum sculpture is an infinite field for children and adults. You can decorate with crafts as an interior of the house and the household plot.