Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a ladder for Massandra. Ladder on attic: varieties and nuances of the design of the design. Build products of various species

The rational use of residential space allows you to create not only comfort, but also reduce the cost of service at home. One such opportunity is the organization of the attic floor. This room, which usually stands out under the attic. If the height of the roof allows you to make a small living room there, where it will be nice to spend time with your friends or relatives. But there still have to rise, so it is important to know how the staircase is done on the attic with their own hands.

Main selection

If you have already tried to imagine the future ladder on the attic, then managed to think about that it could be two main species:

  • outdoor staircase on the attic;
  • inner staircase on the attic;

Each of these solutions has both positive and negative parties. It is impossible to say exactly which one will be better. It is important to evaluate on the place depending on the specific project of the house. The outer staircase on the attic, for example, has such advantages:

  • does not reduce the living area;
  • may have an enlarged structure;
  • great safety due to structural solutions;
  • makes it possible to clearly designate the boundaries of residential space;

Of the minuses you can allocate an external attic staircase:

  • limitations in the choice of material;
  • accessibility for intruders;
  • the complexity of the work on the combination of the attic staircase with the facade;
  • high maintenance requirements.

The outer staircase on the attic is more susceptible to wear. This is due to the fact that it is constantly used by providing mechanical impact. Also, various precipitation also contributes in the form of rain, snow, icing and dusty. A ladder for attic within the house is greater popularity. Here is its advantages:

  • possibility of using in any weather;
  • variety in choosing materials;
  • may have advanced functionality in the form of shelves for storage;
  • a wide variety in constructive solutions.

From the shortcomings of such a solution can be noted:

  • reducing residential area;
  • high cost of production;
  • danger with insufficient area.

Regardless of which type of plants on the attic will be chosen, they all have common structural features and are divided into form and sizes.

Constructive decisions

In addition to the assessment of which of the stairs by the method of location will be the best, it is important to determine its design. Several major solutions. One of them is the staircase on the attic with one march. It often stops your attention.

It is connected with the simplicity of project implementation. It is one inclined plane that goes throughout the length of lifting. For the inner stairs to the attic such solution will be available only if there is enough space in the room. In order for the angle of lift to be comfortable, it should be no more than 45º. And in order to do not beat your head on a certain section of the staircase, you will have to increase the opening, which will increase the heat exchange and take the part of the room from above.

If such a solution is not suitable, then you can evaluate two-hours. Such a ladder on the attic takes two times smaller length. It is essentially a single-one, which was divided into two parts and mounted at an angle. The latter can be from 90º to 180º. At the same time, the space on it should be enough to unfold without the threat of falling and getting injuries. To accommodate such a staircase, an angle is usually used, since then, under it you can arrange a pleasant seat for seating, and the main area remains untouched.

Note! Another subspecies of the two-year staircase is the design without a platform. At its place, additional steps in the form of a trapezoid are mounted. It is less safe, but also space takes less.

Well to save space will allow a staircase in the shape of a screw or a screw. She perfectly complements the interior and gives him special solidity. It is not necessary to mount in the corner. With proper planning, it is capable of fit on Square in 1 m 2. For her, you can use several types of materials and combine them.

The most compact staircase on the attic - folding. They do not occupy space at all. When it is needed enough to simply pull over the lace, and it will move to the required state. But such a staircase is suitable if the attic is not used too often, since it is constantly spreading it is not entirely convenient.

Main components

Having gotten up with the main form factors, a deeper understanding of the case is required if you really want to know how to make a ladder on the attic. The basis serves Kosur. It is a central beam, which turns out to be the main load. This definition applies only to march staircases. In order for it to power the weight of users who partially increases at the time of the transition from one step to another, it is desirable to pick it up with a 50 cm width for a wooden staircase on the attic.

The place where the leg becomes on the step is called appeal. Its width should be sufficient so that you can fully put a foot. Only in this case can we talk about comfort for the user. In any other, it is easier to stumble or turn the ankle. If the places of stairs on the attic are at a great distance, then it is advisable to strengthen the sticking. This can be done using a retainer or riser. The latter is a reference central plate under each step. It does not allow to be fed off in the central part.

Note! Slots should not be too slippery. To avoid this, you can lay special rubber overlays or make the surface partially rough.

About the railings to talk for a long time, since everyone knows what it is. For them, too, have their own requirements. For example, their height should be sufficient that the center of gravity of the body is difficult to transfer them to their borders. The space between the stairs of the staircase on the attic and railings is closed using a decorative lattice or balusters.

What material is better

The design of the staircase on the attic should be perfectly in the surrounding interior or exterior, so the choice of material will depend on what the house is built and what it has design. For external use, metal and concrete options are suitable. The first less cumbersome and will be able to emphasize the exclusivity of the house. It can be done screw or march. A spiral staircase on the attic outside the house will look more interesting. The disadvantage of this ladder on the attic will be the need for its periodic service, which will be expressed in replacing the paintwork. If you do not do this on time, then the staircase can do, and someone will eventually become injury. The concrete version of the disembarkation of the attic can be made of bricks, ready-made blocks or cast in place. It is practical more and less susceptible to precipitation. But her appearance is pretty bulky, so such a staircase for the attic will look harmonious in a big house.

Wood products are located inside the house. Such attic stairs are most susceptible to wear, and their repair is very expensive. In some cases, the owners make a decision to have such an outside, but the roof is installed above it or it can be a closed corridor. For the manufacture of such ladders on the attic use dense wood species. This, for example, may be oak, beech and ramp and other deciduous breeds. Larch and cedar are suitable made of coniferous. They have antiseptic properties, so it is perfectly opposed with putrid processes. Requires the 1st or 2nd grade. In the array there must be a minimum number of bitch and defects. For the attic stairs, the wood of wood is not suitable for the second floor, in which there is a large resin content. The latter will interfere with high-quality processing and applying a lacquer coating.

Combined embodiments of attic facilities can consist of metal and wood, metal and glass, wood and glass. These are usually designer solutions that are quite expensive. Although the idea can be brought and implemented independently. But it should be remembered that if there are children in the house, the glass should be chosen very strong so that it does not scatter into pieces and did not praise the chad.

Make measurements

If you have the skill work with power tools and carpentry machines, then you should not have difficulties with the manufacture of your own wooden staircase project. The main components of the attitudes on the attic can be ordered from the masters, and collect everything yourself. Before proceeding with the case, it is worth making an accurate drawing and choose the right location of the attic staircase.

The place should be such that the staircase does not take too much space. If we are talking about marching options, then it is better to choose a corridor or a small tambour. For screw stairs, such a restriction may not be. In the absence of a corridor or similar area, a long-distance or side wall is selected, where the minimum of useful area or it can be sacrificed for the sake of the stairs. In a small house, a simple design with one or two marches will be perfect.

With regard to the size of the stairs, there are adopted standards that have been tested for a long period of time and honed. So, for the internal installation it will be necessary for the ceilings with a height of at least 2.5 meters. The width of the final product should be from 80 cm. The width of the step is determined by the largest size of the legs of those living, but usually grabs size 30 cm. If there are small children in the house, then for their comfort it is worth making the height of 15 cm. The slope of one march should not exceed 45º, but also be no less than 20º. Otherwise, the design will be long and uncomfortable.

Now you can create a sketch of lifting on the attic and apply concrete sizes. First of all, it will be necessary to determine the number of steps. To do this, the height from the floor to the upper edge of the stairs must be divided into the height of one step. If the total height is 3 meters, and the height was selected 20 cm, then they will be 15 pieces. It happens that the number of fractional, then it is rounded into the biggest side. Now the length is calculated. To do this, the number of steps is multiplied by their width. In our case, it will be 6 meters. Pretty large staircase for attic, so it can be divided into two march. The length of the Kouryer is easy to calculate on the Pythagoreo theorem. To do this, it will take a square of the height of the height with the square of the total length of the staircase march and take out from under the root. In our case, it will turn out 6.70 m.

Stages of work

The beams under the boosters for the stairs are twice as wide than the height of the steps. They are trying on their place and are temporarily fixed. To do this, you can drill the holes in advance that will be used subsequently for fixing the stairs. On the fixed Koser, the ladder makes the markup of future steps. To securely consolidate it to the beam on the attic one is made square washed. Kosomers will need three or more if the span exceeds 1.2 meters. The remaining boosters are copied according to the example of the marked one.

The first is set by a shrine that will be near the wall. It is easiest to put it, but it is already equal to him. In addition, it is fixed throughout the entire length, it also needs to be emphasized at the bottom. Another or two components of the attic staircase is mounted with a clear observance of the angle of the first. To do this, you can periodically use several levels. For the staircases, the ladder, which are not fixed to the wall, you can apply additional supports in the form of columns.

Installation of steps begins with the foot of the stairs. So it will be possible to rise systematically up. Coasts are screwed to the base using self-tapping screws. After they are ready, the balusters are mounted. Often, for more reliable fixation of their entire length inside, the hairpin is placed, which is attached to the steps with the washers and nuts. On balasins are attached railing.

The final stage of installation of the staircase on the attic is finishing work. First, everything is well preparing grinding machines using sandwich with different grid. Varnish is applied in three or more layers with intermediate grinding of shallow sandpaper. The staircase on the attic is put up to complete drying, which can go to the month.


If you dare to such a project, then you will definitely share the acquired experience in installing the staircase on the attic with your friends, perhaps one of them will also light up the idea.

Expand the space of the house can be completed by the attic. This is a convenient option that can become a real courtyard decoration. Attic is always located on the second floor, so the staircase needs a staircase for such a building.


Different stairs have their advantages and disadvantages. But there are general signs that are characteristic of all.

First, the ladder with a wide platform allows you to further increase the space used for living. It is very convenient, regardless of whether the family lives in the room or small.

If a small staircase with narrow spans is selected, then this is, on the contrary, allows you to save space. That is why the owners of small premises prefer screw or lifting models.

Secondly, a beautiful staircase and a properly decorated entrance to the room will become a real decoration of a private house. Wide steps and railing, decorated with wrought-iron elements or threads, perfectly complement the corresponding interior.

And finally, the stairs leading to the attic is a traditional element that does not overseas over time. Like a few decades ago, they are used to decorate houses even with a small square.


The stairs leading to the attic, as a rule, are metal and wooden. The first option is perfect for the manufacture of outdoor designs. If you cover the metal surface with additional protective agents, then it will not lose attractiveness over time and does not cover the rust layer.

The tree is more often used in the manufacture of stairs that are indoors. Wood is a rather double material. On the one hand, wooden stairs can be built on their own, on the other - the tree is short-lived and easily flammable. Moisture usually has a negative impact on such raw materials.

Types of designs and sizes

There are two main types of stairs: screw and marching. The first are considered more compact, but the second look more attractive.


If there is a lot of free space in the room, then it is better to give preference to wide march stairs. They are not only beautiful and comfortable, but also safe. On such stairs, not only an adult man will feel comfortable, but also a baby who only recently learned to walk.

The most beautiful option is a comfortable two-hours watchleading to the second floor. But if there is not enough space for such a design, it can be limited to a single-sample variation.

Some designers fit space under the staircase under the chosan. You can also install a wardrobe, custom, or shelves.


The second type of stairs is used a little less. The fact is that it is much more complicated to make them with your own hands, and it is quite difficult to move around them. But if you want to decorate your home with such an unusual design, it is quite possible to make it to order or choose the appropriate option in the furniture store.

The stairs are also distinguished by location. In some cases, it is more convenient to put it inside the house, in others - outside.


Outdoor stairs make their durable materials. The most common of them are -amine, metal or wood. Despite the seemingly short-life of this material, sometimes preference is given to wooden stairs. If you additionally treat them with a protective coating, they will be able to last no longer than the same stone or metal structures.

True, the outer wooden stairs has a significant minus. They are quite difficult to clean. But here you can find a way out. For example, use a retractable or dotted staircase. It can be removed for a while and use only when it is really necessary.


Above the project such a design has to reflect longer. It should be not only comfortable, but also aesthetically attractive. Complete everything in one model is difficult, but, as practice shows, perhaps. Inside the house there are either screw staircases or multifunctional with the space used under them.


Such a staircase, as a rule, is also located indoors and leads to the attic. Those who keep some temporarily unused things on the attic, or rarely visits this extra room, a similar model will suit, as it is impossible.

The device of such a staircase saves free space and use the room on the first floor completely. There are folding and retractable models. The first folds like a harmonicker, and the second, if necessary, rises and lowered. Such simple design turns out to be surprisingly useful in everyday life.

Design options

Like any detail in the interior of the modern house, the staircase must be his decoration. Now there are many interesting design options. Some of them are very modern, others, on the contrary, stylized under the old days.

Many designers prefer to use in the interior the march stairs with wide steps and beautiful railing. This move leaves a lot of space for creativity. The handrails can be decorated, for example, by carvings, if the base is used. And metal or stone stairs will decorate an elegant forging.

The spiral staircase can also be original.By itself, such a design looks unusual. Therefore, making a choice in favor of the screw staircase, you can emphasize your good taste and love for beautiful things. The model of this type resembles a spiral, so it should not be richly decorated. Too many decorations will merge together, which will spoil the overall impression of the structure.

Separately, it is worth noting that for residential premises and seats for meeting with guests, as a rule, different stairs are chosen. In the living room, for example, I want to put a luxurious, richly decorated model. But in the corridor or hallway you can do the simplest options.

Where to locate?

There are several options for the location of the stairs. It all depends on the size of the room and the features of its use. For example, if in the house and so little space, I want to save every free centimeter. In this case, it is much more rational to choose an outdoor model, while retaining the free space indoors.

If there is enough space, you can even highlight a separate room under a planted staircase. Such camps, as a rule, are made very small, and do not think about their arrangement and design thoroughly. The only requirement is that the room is warm and comfortable. The presence of Tambura is especially good if you do not want children to attack on the attic, or if it simply does not hear. It is enough just to hang on the door of the castle and close it tightly, and the cold will not penetrate into the house, and the path to the attic will be closed for children.

When the ability to put a staircase in a small separate room there is no, you have to use the free space of one of the rooms. As a rule, it is an entrance hall, a little less often - the living room. In this case, the transition from the first floor to the second must be beautifully decorated. You have to pick up the model of the staircase, which is suitable for style under the interior of the room, and think about how to use the space under it.

The best option is to put the staircase near the long wall of the residential premises. Ideally - on the side of the street, because in this case you do not have to sit or sleep next to the Cold Wall.

As a rule, the installation of the stairs advise to trust professionals. But it often happens that the owners want to do everything with their own hands. It is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to take advantage of simple advice.

First, planning the construction with your own hands, always need to consider a full-fledged project and to calculate everything. First of all, the location of the staircase is determined. It depends very much in the future.

If the house is small, then you should not choose massive luxury stairs.

Although they look really impressive, but always disappointing the owners of small rooms, not leaving a free place to install sofas, tables and other important furniture items.

The second thing to be done is to prepare all the necessary tools. Their choice depends on which materials the staircase is made and from the master's skills. All design details are usually made in several stages, and only then mounted together. This also applies to stairs to several openings, and screw or single-hour.

When the basis is made, you need to take care of your safety.Any staircase should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable and safe. In order to make it such, you need to use the handrails or other additional fences if there is a need.

Finally, the construction can be decorated, but this is an optional stage. Especially in the event that the budget is too limited, or the staircase is used wherever it sees almost no one.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Houses in several floors with a beautiful mansard staircase are considered a sign of luxury. So, each detail in such a building should look suitable. The same applies to the outdoor designs, because they are largely changing the exterior of the plot. Understand how you can embody your ideas in reality without any experience, difficult. To facilitate the task, you can look at real examples.

Also came to an end. It remains only to build a ladder on the attic floor. But what to choose? How to arrange, inside or outside? And how many marches should there be a staircase on the attic? In this article we will try to answer all these questions, and also tell me how to build a staircase with your own hands.

Designs and places of installation of ladders on the attic floor

Ladders for mansard floors differ in the types of structures and their place mounting. And in its choice, you need to be based on the needs of residents, square and specifications of the whole building. Next, we consider the most popular designs from those used for the attic floors.

Types of designs of ladders on the attic floor

Screw - the smallest in the area, it is occupied than all those designs that will be described below. If at your disposal is only 1-1.5 m 2, then the screw construction will be your salvation.

Designs of stairs on the attic: from the simplest to coupling

The picture below is a classic single-sample design. It is easier to calculate and mounted than the rest, but, as you can see, it takes place places. It is possible to correct this by increasing the angle of tilt march, but it will be not very convenient to climb the floor in this case.

Single-hour ladder on attic to your own hands install the easiest way

Classic two-time systems are straight, g- and P-shaped. The first appearance for the attic in private houses is rarely used, but the other two are very common.

If there is not a lot of place in the house, then the ladders of the attic on the two march

At the top you can see the location of the marches, and in the photo below are examples of finished designs. In space under the stairs to the attic floor, you can or install the heating system, as in the photo, or make a storage room.

Mansard stairs: Photo of classic two-hours studies

It is also worth saying about the method of compounds of the marches. The most familiar option for us is reversal sites. However, it is often done instead of sites so-called fattest steps, you can consider them on the left side of the photo.

Device of the staircase on the attic: running steps and reversal

Another kind of mansard stairs is foldable, attic. Such constructions are used more often if there is a attic on the second floor. When there is no need in the stairs, it is completely cleaned in the hatch in the attitude of the attic.

Folding, compact stairs on the attic floor

Installation of stairs on the attic floor inside and outside the construction

Lifting to the floor from the street is a good option, if two families live in the same house. Both floors are obtained isolated from each other, no one bothers anyone: it turns out two entrances to the house, internal and street.

Outdoor staircase on the attic: Private entrance to the second floor

The staircase on the attic from the veranda also makes it possible to use different entrances to residential premises, but there is no need to go out on the street, as it happens when the staircase is external.

On the photo the staircase on the attic floor located on the veranda

Installing the staircase inside the house is a more common option. If one family enjoys the structure on an ongoing basis, then, of course, it will be logical to choose this type of installation.

Inner staircase on the attic. Photo of the simplest design for lifting on the second floor

How to make and install the ladder on the attic floor

The stairs can be manufactured from almost any materials, but wooden, perhaps, are most often found. They will suit almost any attitude of the attic, especially if you consider how popular the finish is wooden lining today. Let's see how this is done, on the example of a direct single-meter staircase.

Calculate the parameters of the staircase march

  • Height of the floor. We measure the difference between the levels of the first floor and the attic. Let it be 250 cm.
  • Quantity and height of steps. We divide the height of the lifting to the recommended height of the risers - 18 cm. So: 250: 18 \u003d 13,88 pieces. Fractional numbers should not be round up to 14 pieces. Now we calculate the height of the steps: 250: 14 \u003d 17,85cm. We received 14 steps with risers at 17.85 cm.
  • Total march length. Take the width of the steps 27 cm. We consider: 14x27 \u003d 405cm.

Planning stairs on the attic. Beginning of settlements

Based on these calculations, we make a drawing and put all the sizes. Now we measure the distance from one attic floor to another, we mark the edge of the second overlap in the drawing. From it, we measure the distance to the steps of the staircase march, according to GOST, it should not be less than 185 cm. If it is less than less, we reduce the length of the march by reducing the number of steps and give them greater height.

Table to determine the optimal dimensions of the steps

Kosomers and sticky

For Kosomrov, we will need the following formula: Height 2 + Length 2 √22,65 \u003d Kourow Length. That is: 4.05 2 +2.50 2 √22.65 \u003d 4.75m. The width of the Kosomrov is calculated so that it is twice as much as the size of the risers. In our case, it is 17.85x2 \u003d 35.7 cm. More can be less - it is impossible.

The marking of the slots on the crosses is made using a joinery. If it is not, mastwork homemade, from plywood and pairs of rails. Noumerable steps. Boards for Kosomov We purchase with a reserve, with a 4.75 m time, we take 5m.

Marking of the Kosomov: a) the height of the risers; b) width steps

All calculations we carried out without taking into account the boards of steps. We measure their thickness, and smoothly suck the lower part of the cososov. Now about the width of coming. To their width, we must take into account the thickness of the riser. According to the diagram below, it is: b + d \u003d e, where b is the width of the sticking, D is the thickness of the risk. This is a calculation without a sink, if it is planned to do it, then add it to the width to "b". The diagram shows both options, with a sink and without it.

Downtown stairs do it yourself: width sticking with a sink and without it

Important: Kosomers should be perfectly coincided with each other. Otherwise, we will not get to assemble the stairs. After both Kosher are cut down, fold them together and check how identical they are.


Its width is equal to the width of the future staircase (90cm) + two thickness of the Kooowar + 14 cm on the edges. The last digit varies depending on the parameters of the stairs. So: 90 + 10 + 14 \u003d 114cm Our area beam. All of them will need 2 pieces.

In the figure you see the methods of fastening the cosome to the platform: with a drink and without it. You can choose a way that will arrange more. On the right side of the figure two options for the execution of the frieze stage: ordinary and tailored to the site. Cut the desired number of steps, then squeak all the details.

How to make a staircase on the attic: the attachment of the cosome to the platform and the frieze stage

Departing 7 cm from the edges, we make the flooring on the width of the thickness of the cosome in the area beams. In the latter, we also make a pressure, if the method you choose the attachment implies. Now secure platform beams to overlaps. This can be done with anchors. The figure shows the attachment methods for the upper and lower floors.

Construction of landing stairs: Fastening of platforms to the first and second floor

Assembling stairs on the attic floor

We put in the grooves of the boosters, fasten them to the pads of the beams with bellows or studs. Kosur, adjacent to the wall, attach to it by anchors, if the material of the wall itself allows. Now fasten steps and risers. You can choose any method of presented in the picture.

Methods for fastening steps and risers

Now it remains to consolidate the balusters. At the top it makes screws, burned, down with the help of a wanking. The shape of the Balyasin and the steps you can choose any that suit the design of the attic.

Under the condition of competent arrangement, the ordinary attic room turns into a comfortable and beautifully suitable nursery room. To ensure safe and most convenient access to the attic floor, you must install a reliable staircase. With the assembly and installation of the ladder, if you wish, you can cope with your own. Explore the instructions and proceed.

There are several basic varieties of stairs suitable to provide access to the attic room.

The most compact and easy-to-manufacture option. Such steps are gathering and hiding behind the lid closing the entrance to the underpants room.

The design is based on a spring mechanism that allows you to quickly and without much effort to open the staircase - you only need to pull the hatch down, after which the spans smoothly decompose. The last flight march usually has to spread manually.

To raise the design, it is best to install special automation - with it to use the staircase will be simply more convenient and easier.

Traditional and most common option. Such stairs are maximally reliable and easy to use. Stairs of the stairs can be recorded on the growths, parodes and cosos.

Installation of the usual single-stage staircase is performed at some angle. The specific value of the tilt is selected individually, taking into account the height of the ceilings indoors. If the distance from the floor to the ceiling is large, the staircase will have a fairly steep descent, which is not very convenient.

With the help of stairs from two and three marches, you can organize the most secure and convenient lift to the attic. However, it takes quite a lot of space to accommodate such swivel structures. Typically, such stairs are envisaged at the planning stage of the attic.

The spiral staircase on the attic can be equipped exclusively using running steps. This design allows you to significantly save the useful space, but the trapezoidal steps can hardly be called completely safe and very comfortable, especially for the elderly and young children.

The spiral staircase must be equipped with comfortable and resistant railings.

Very beautiful and original design. It is placed on the curved Koser. Alone to calculate and collect a similar staircase in the absence of proper skills is extremely difficult.

However, subject to competent arrangement, the evolvent staircase will become an excellent addition to any interior.

Pay proper attention to the design of the staircase on the attic. The optimal depth of the steps is considered to be 30 cm. The most comfortable step between the steps is about 15 cm. The stairs with such parameters can be conveniently and safely rising and descended, leaning on the entire surface of the foot on the steps.

The most convenient width of the staircase is considered an indicator of 80-100 cm. If the width of the staircase is more than 1.2 m, the additional central Kosur is needed into the design.

One person of the average set will feel comfortable and when using a staircase with a half-meter width.

Tilt spit Try to make no more than 45 degrees.

The current regulatory documentation requires that the stairs to have a depth at 25-40 cm, and the approach height was 12-22 cm.

Try to construct the staircase so that between each step and the ceiling it was at least 200 cm of free space. There will be no discomfort even high people on such a staircase.

Otherwise, focus on your own preferences, not forgetting about personal comfort and, of course, security.

What makes a staircase?

For the arrangement of attic stairs, a wide variety of materials are used. Their list includes:

  • glass;
  • concrete solution;
  • wood;
  • metal.

In practice, the stairs are most often performed from wood or use a combination of materials. At this moment, you must decide on your own, focusing on the features of interior design, personal preferences and an affordable budget.

Each material has both a number of strong qualities and certain disadvantages.

For example, metal stairs with steps made of glass look very effectively, however cost enough.

Wooden structures make a certain sophistication and comfort in the interior, but require competent and regular care.

All-metal and concrete structures withstand even very heavy loads, but not very well fit into the interior of residential premises and create heavy loads on the base (overlapping).

In general, when choosing a material manufacturing material, focus on your personal preferences.

Where to install a staircase?

The ladder on the attic floor can be installed on the street and indoors. The most convenient option is, of course, the internal placement of the stairs. In such a situation, you do not have to go out, which is especially valued in bad weather.

However, in some situations there is a need to external arrangement of the ladder for the separation of an attic room. The external staircase is best made from metal. In such a situation, be sure to install reliable anti-burglar doors to the attachment to the attic to protect your property from attackers' encroachments.

You can come up with original versions of the outdoor staircase. For example, quite often the owners attach to the house beautiful tower around the steps. Such a solution contributes to the architecture of the site its highlight.

Choose the optimal option for placing the ladder on the attic, taking into account the above recommendations. If possible, try to give preference to the internal location of the structure.

Wooden stationary staircase with her own hands

The easiest option for self-erection is a single-sighted staircase, which is based on the design of which is a platform. This design is convenient and practical. It does not require a lot of free space and without any difficulty is equipped with their own. It is the order of assembling such a design that will be considered further.

Set for work

  1. Glued bar (preferably made of pine or other durable rock) for the arrangement of the Kosomrov.
  2. Board for decorating steps. Use the elements with a thickness of at least 4-5 cm. Also, the steps can be bought in the finished form. Do as it is more convenient for you.
  3. Boards for making risers. The optimal thickness of the elements is 2 cm. In most cases (if the load on the staircase is not too big) from the use of these components of the design you can refuse.
  4. Fastening elements.
  5. Railing to choose from.
  6. Balaasins.

In the manual under consideration, an instruction on the manufacture of a ladder with wooded outsters is given.

Start the preparation of the Kourow. To do this, make marking on the source beam. The product must be divided into triangles. The hypotenuse of each such triangle will perform the function of the edge of the beam, one of the cathets will be responsible for the depth of the step, and the second is for the height of the risk.

Cut triangles with a suitable tool. It is more convenient and faster than this is done using a circular saw.

Splind the edges of the products. The optimal chamfer size is 2-5 mm.

For greater convenience of performing marking works, you can pre-manufacture a triangle pattern of the desired size.

Start the installation of the Kourow in the place intended for this. The top edge of the product should be adjacent to the end of the inter-storey overlap. As a result, a reliable and stable system will be created.

Fixing method Pick in accordance with the design features of the staircase, the thickness of the beams and the rest of the meaningful parameters.

The optimal version of the fixation of the Kooowa to the above-mentioned beam is applied. You can also attach spaces with an approach to the surface of the site and without direct cut into the beam.

Technique with embedding is the most reliable and common. To perform such a connection, make a suitable size in the supporting beam and insert the edge of the cowra. The created poisoned should not be too big, because Any depressions lead to a decrease in the strength and reliability of the design.

Instead of embelling, you can use options with mounting on bolts or corners. However, such installation options are suitable exclusively for light designs of stairs.

Kosur must be fixed as hard as possible and reliably so that the risk of shift is completely excluded. For fastening the lower end of the Kourow can use two methods.

In accordance with the first way, the bottom of the element needs to make an angular neckline for the carrier beam. Directly in the beam prepares the groove of the corresponding size. As a result, you will remain insert a cower cutout in the groove prepared in the supporting beam and fix the element with the help of the corners or to pull it with vertical studs.

In accordance with the second method, the cutout is created directly in the support beam, after which the lower angle of the staircase rower is inserted into it. Such a fixation option is reliable, but the support beam in such a situation should have a fairly large cross section.

If you plan to make a ladder from two marches, pre-determine the dimensions of the site. The platform must be fixed before the attachment of the Kosomrov. For this, refer to the walls of stable and reliable mortgages. If you cannot attach the platform to the wall, use the support vertical poles.

To connect coming and risers, it is best to use screws and glue. Nails over time weakened.

Fixing elements are placed in votay. Also for bonding design can be used corners and planks. In addition, a fairly reliable and very strong version of the connection is the installation with the use of wooden brazing.

If the staircase is made of solid wood, the fastening brazings are recommended to be made from a soft tree of wood, and vice versa. Otherwise, fasteners will split the main material.

Fix the steps so that their edges go beyond the risks of the risk of 2-4 cm.

Secure all planned steps.

At the end, you will remain mounting the railing and balasins, and then process all the wooden structural elements by an antiseptic agent. It will not be covered with wood with antipiren. Also, the material can be subjected to such treatment even before the finish assembly of the stairs. Do as it is more convenient for you.

If you wish, you can cover the staircase with a paintwork or decorate it with another finishing material on your choice.

Good job!

To acquire the finished staircase on the attic is not always the right decision. The internal dimensions of the premises are different, and the design may simply not come in size. An individual order is expensive pleasure. Therefore, many think about making the stairs with their own hands.

Work at the place is the optimal action plan. That is how it will be possible to take into account any nuances of planning at home and to eliminate inaccuracies in time. Correctly construct a staircase from a tree under the power to any master who has the slightest carpentry skills.

Options for landfills on the attic: the advantages and disadvantages of the main species

The devices of the attic room is a relevant and effective method of expanding the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe private house. However, in this case, it is necessary to resolve the issue of lifting on the top floor. Errors made in design and installation of the staircase are able to "reset" all the advantages of the attic room. An ill-conceived place of placement and design type can "eat" additional meters purchased during the arrangement of the residential room.

Based on the variant of the location of the stairs relative to the house, two types of structures are distinguished: outer and internal.

The external staircase can be used as temporary or constant. Outdoor design has some features:

  1. The attic floor with a separate entrance allows the residential space to distinguish. This is especially true if the owner of the "attic" room wants to go to himself, not disturbing the other households.
  2. The external staircase does not clutch the space indoors, which is very important for homes with a small area.
  3. It must be borne in mind that the intruders and thieves are often trying to penetrate the external staircase. To improve the house in a unguarded summer village, it is better to choose internal compact designs.

The internal layout of the staircase is the most common option. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe house allows, such a design is the optimal solution. A mansard staircase can be an interior decoration, and in winter it will not be necessary to go through the street for lifting to the second floor. Possible disadvantage - use of the useful area.

By type of construction, five main types of landfills on the attic:

Comparing "for" and "against", given the dimensions of the premises and existing circumstances, it will be possible to determine the optimal design of the stairs for the house.

Device staircase for attic: Basic terms

The main structural elements of the stairs are: Kosur, coming and contemporary.

Kosur - carrier beam. In essence, this is a board on which fragments damaged to the installation of steps. In the manufacture of a wooden staircase, the thickness of the Kouryer should not be less than 50 mm, the minimum allowable width is 250 mm. As a rule, two beams are used. Additional Kosor is mounted if the width of the attic staircase exceeds 1.2 meters.

Apartment is a horizontal part of the stage on which they occur during walking. When developing the drawing, it should be borne in mind that the larger the distance between the beams, the stronger should be the steps. For the manufacture of these parts, boards with a thickness of 25-50 mm are used. Shutters have an obsion over the proper step in the amount of 20-40 mm.

Applying - the vertical part between coming. This structural element is usually not loaded. In some embodiments, the stairs are missing at all - such a rise visually seems easier.

Selection of material for the manufacture of wooden staircase on the attic

The staircase is a full part of the interior, and in the case of the outer staircase on the attic - an important architectural element. Choosing the design and material of the stairs, you need to navigate the interior of the house.

Wooden stairs are suitable for many stylists and easily fit into the interior. In addition, it is easier to work with a tree than with another material. Therefore, if independent manufacture of the ladder is planned, it is better to choose the wood.

Important! The tree needs protecting processing that increases the stability of the material to humidity and fire.

You can build a staircase from coniferous and hardwood wood. The perfect version of coniferous - cedar and larch. Wood looks good, easy to process and is practically not amenable to rotting.

A spruce is a bit inferior in its characteristics. Its main drawback is the presence of a large number of bitch. Easy to work with sucks, an extra plus wood is an affordable cost.

Oak is better suited from hardwood for creating a staircase. In second place in operational characteristics - the beech, and on the third - ash.

Metal attic stairs emphasize the individuality of the house design. The design is very durable and reliable. Metal can be given any color or order chrome - the solution depends on the stylistics of the attic and the entire premises.

Alone to build a metal staircase is quite difficult - a welding machine and experience with it will be required.

Stone or concrete stairs are heavyweights who visually agitate the interior of the house. A similar lift is better erected outside the house. Subsequently, the staircase can be placed and paint into a suitable shade.

How to make a ladder on the attic: step-by-step installation of a marching structure

Choosing a place to install the stairs

To mount the stairs, it is necessary to determine the most optimal place:

  1. Optimally, if the attachment of the attic is located in a separate tambour room. This is allowed to equip the staircase with convenient dimensions and provide additional thermal insulation of the room. If necessary, the tambour can simply close and the cold air from the attic will not fall on the lower floor. It is convenient if the attic is used as a living room only in the summer.
  2. In the absence of a tambura, the lifting design is better to erect near the distance wall of the room. Such a layout saves the useful area, and the steps will not interfere with walking around the room.
  3. When planning the installation of folding steps, it is better to provide in the overlap not just a passage, but a closing hatch - this will help minimize the heat loss.

Calculation of stairs and drawing up the drawing

There are certain norms that determine the permissible values \u200b\u200bof the basic parameters of the ladder. Production of structures with compliance with the size of the sizes guarantees the safety and convenience of movement along the stairs. It is necessary to follow the following rules:

  • the width of the stairs should not be less than 80-100 cm;
  • the convenient width of the stage is 20-32 cm (optimally 30 cm);
  • a narrow part of the overtook level - at least 10 cm;
  • the height of the opponation is 15-19 cm;
  • the slope of the march staircase is 20-40 °.

Approximate procedure for calculating the dimensions of the stairs:

  1. Measure the height of the floor is the difference between the level of the net floor of the lower floor and the attic. Suppose the value is 250 cm.
  2. Determine the height and number of steps. To do this, the height of the lift should be divided into the height of the approacon (18 cm), that is,: 250/18 \u003d 13.88 pieces. Since fractional numbers are not suitable, then 13.88 must be rounded up to 14 pieces. Accordingly, the real height of the steps will be not equal to 18 cm, but 17.85 cm (250/14).
  3. Calculate march length. If you take a width of steps in 27 cm, then the total march length will be 405 cm (14 * 27).
  4. Based on the computing made drawing and put markup.
  5. Then measure the distance between the edges of the attic floor. Mark lines in the drawing.
  6. Measure the distance from the edge of the attic floor to the steps of the stairs. According to GOST, this value should be at least 185 cm for unhindered movement on the stairs. This size was less, then the march length should be reduced by increasing the height of steps and reduce their quantity.
  7. The calculation of the cosomov is performed by the formula: the height of the step + length of the stage * 4.76. That is: 4.05 + 2.5 * 4.76 \u003d 4.75 m.
  8. The width of the kosomrov should be twice as the size of the approacon, that is, 17.85 * 2 \u003d 35.7 cm.

Procedure for assembling stairs

Prepare Boards for Kosomrov - They must be purchased with a small margin. For example, with the desired length of the Kowra, in 4.75 m, it is necessary to take a board with a length of 5 m. The marking of the slots on the cosoms is made using a joinery. Discharge the places under the cuttings and numb them.

Since the calculations were performed without taking into account the thickness of the boards, then this value should be taken into account when cutting the lower part of the Kourow.

Important! After cutting the cosomes, they must be compared with each other - they must clearly coincide, otherwise it will not be possible to collect a solid staircase.

The next step is cutting the platform beam. The size of the beam width is calculated as follows: the width of the stairs (90 cm) + the double thickness of the KOOKO + 14 cm (depends on the parameters of the stairs). So, according to the above example, the platform beam is: 90 + 2 * 5 + 14 \u003d 114 cm. There are two such beams.

In the prepared beams, they will be shot, retreating from the edge of 7 cm. The width of the marbles must correspond to the thickness of the Kosher. Then the beams are fixed on overlap with anchors.

In the grooves to install the boosters and consolidate them to the beams with stiletts or brazers. Kosur, who docks near the wall to fix anchors to her. Then the steps and risers are installed. The fixation of the structural elements is performed in one of the ways: with a wrinkle, screws or dowels.

Final stage - installation of balastine and installation of the handrail.

Installing the screw staircase on the attic

The design of the screw staircase has a number of features that need to be considered when designing and installing:

  • in the screw staircases, there are usually absent conversion;
  • when people move the main load to the middle of the steps, so the width of this part should be at least 20 cm;
  • the narrowest part of the stage should not be less than 10 cm;
  • the optimal diameter of the screw construction is 220 cm;
  • the branches of the steps must be at a distance of each other about 2 meters;
  • steps are located with a small overlap - this ensures additional strength of the design, the edges of the adjacent steps are connected by the brackets.

Screw staircase assembly sequence:

  1. Installation of the support rack. The wooden floor of the beam is fixed with special fasteners, to cement - concreted with stretch marks.
  2. In expact, cut holes and "wear" them on the support rack.
  3. Split the steps between themselves bushings of the desired height. Between degrees and bushings to place safety washers.
  4. Distribute the steps according to the plan and secure the brackets.
  5. Mount the railing and handrails.

Ladder on attic in a private house: photo

Ladder on the attic: design dimensions allow you to effectively use space. Under the stairs posted a built-in kitchenette and library.

Compact plants for attic mounted in the corner - the optimal option for small rooms.

Metal exterior staircase on the attic: photo