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How to grow forest mushrooms at the cottage? How to grow mushrooms on the garden plot How to grow mushrooms in the garden

Who among us does not like mushrooms. However, to go to the forest and gain them, many simply lack strength and opportunities. Of course, currently mushrooms are sold at any store, but there is always a risk of buying a low-quality product, and, that is not suitable for use. And the price of mushrooms is often translated. In this article we will talk about how to grow mushrooms on garden plot. You can not only reduce financial costs, but also get a lot positive emotions from this process.

How to create favorable conditions

Of course, the mushrooms will simply not be able to grow on a simple bed. The most important condition is the presence of trees on your site, as most fungi, grow precisely thanks to them, by penetration into root system Mribocornia. So, the mushroom gets in sufficient quantity Carbohydrates and amino acids. But it does not only consume, but also gives the tree minerals and natural antibiotics. They are protected for wood from all sorts of diseases and pests. Highlight the place under the landing of mushrooms far from the beds and plants on which berries, vegetables and others grow. It is necessary to create conditions as much as possible equivalent to natural.

Good crop mushrooms from a special solution

This article will allow you to learn how to grow mushrooms in the garden plot from mycelium. However, to achieve not very large, but regularly collecting mushrooms, many owners of country sites resort to the help of a special solution. Here is his recipe:

  • Mushrooms are taken, which are overripe, finely cut, then one spoon of flour and gelatin (powder) is added.
  • Then the water obtained into the consistency is added and start to water the land around the trees.
  • As a result, the fungocorn is formed, and two seasons, you just have an excellent crop of mushrooms.

So, the instillation method:

  • We collect young mushrooms and cut it very finely.
  • Then they hide them in the ground near the tree (the roots of the tree should consist of the threads of mycelium).
  • Further, the plot where you buried the mushrooms, we water very well.
  • And one year later you will see the first mushrooms.

You can still scatter grinding mushrooms and hide them with leaves that fall from the tree.

Growing oils and beyond the country

In order to know the answer to the question of how to grow mushrooms at the cottage. You need to read our publication, as well as watch a video.

If it is too much about to talk in detail about the cultivation process, then there are also their own characteristics here. Most. the ideal option it takes young tree straight from the forest already with the fungny and put on your cottage plot. But, of course, it is difficult, difficult and requiring a lot of strength. This method is most appropriate for cultivation and oil. In advance, you need to cook the place where you will plant a tree. In case there are insufficient lime in the Earth. IN obligatory Spend a fertilizer. Put trees in such a way that they were enough sunlight. If the tree is young, it perfectly moves the entire transplant process and will quickly get used in a new place. Watering make constantly. And after 1-2 years, you can collect a rich harvest of mushrooms.

To begin with, you will have to search for old Boroviki in the forest. After that, to gain water in bucket, for this will suit either rainwateror water from the well. And put the mushrooms there. So, the mushrooms will hold three or four days in a bucket. An important condition is that the bucket is in the house, respectively, room temperature. This time will be enough so that they are rascis and have a thread. And the fact that you will succeed, this and paint the ground next to the tree.

Breeding fungus with the help of mushrooms

Now it's time to tell about how to grow mushrooms at the dacha from mycelium. Well, the very first thing you need. It is a search for mushrooms in the forest. If you found it, I am very careful you cut it with a small plot of land, and just bring to your cottage. And immediately put it in small sizes pit This process must be made either in the morning or in the evening. But suitable for this period is considered the end of the summer. Start of autumn, as in this period in the soil there is an optimal ratio of heat and moisture. Watering make every day, and then when the yard is overcast. If you have fulfilled all the recommendations correctly, then a year later you will collect mushrooms. So that the mushrooms grew constantly, to the place where you were kicked by a fungouncing, throw small pieces of mushrooms.

White mushroom breeding with mycelium at home

To collect the harvest of white mushrooms, mycelium will help you. So, before planting a white mushroom, directly at the tree raising upper layer Soil. And they lay compost on this place and immediately on him pieces of mycelium mushrooms. The calculation process is carried out in a checker order. After that, shelter it all, the top layer of the earth, which you raised. And abundantly water. One tree should be poured with three water vendsa. Do it carefully, in order not to blur the earth. In order for the result of your efforts to appear faster, cover the place with leaves or straw, such a way will keep moisture, because the fungnyica, in no case can you dry. Add fertilizers to water water.

As soon as the cold will come, the fungne should be covered with branches, leaves, straw. The shelter layer must be thick for the land not frozen. And when spring comes, remove the shelter. Vintage you can collect immediately after mycelium takes place. Mushrooms will delight you for four years, and with fertilizer during irrigation, so all seven.

Some white mushroom

It is not very difficult to grow a white mushroom in the country area. The main point is the presence of deciduous trees and coniferous rocks.

Within 24 hours, mushrooms should be placed in a bucket with water. After that, with the help of hands, create a homogeneous mass, and ask me through the gauze. Water paint the roots of the tree, and lay the gauze with the resulting mushroom consistency. All this is covered with a dressing and well. Next, regular watering is also needed. Exactly one year later you can see the first mushrooms.

How to raise chanterelles

But if you have no one on the plot, not a single tree, what then? Then you or plant them, or transplant from the forest. The mushrooms of mushrooms of chanterelles produces mycelium that penetrates the roots of the tree. This type of mushrooms prefers pine and fir, and sometimes they grow at beaks and oaks. But near garden beds, they will not grow up. And in your country there should be a young treet. And chanterelles are among the most popular fungi among lovers. To collect chanterelles in your site you need to resort to one of the ways: to sow disputes or bring ready-made fungne from the forest. And Ideally take a little soil, where this mushroom grew. Such a method is the best, and thanks to him you will see your own chanterelles in the near future. And how to sow disputes we described above.

We grow vestives: Features of the care and harvest

This type of mushrooms grow pretty rapidly, and the harvest can get huge scales. To grow mushrooms in the country area. You should find for them separate room. It can be a garage, basement, cellar and others. It should be washed with a solution of lime 4%. And more, the premises need two. In one they will grow, and in the other germinate. After you have disinfected the room, it is worth closing it for a couple of days, and then it will not leave the smell until it takes.

Now it is the time of making a substrate. For its preparation, the husks of sunflower seeds, corn cobs, wood sawdust, straw or cereal plants are suitable. Cooking process:

  1. The raw materials you choose should be poured with water for twenty minutes;
  2. Then squeeze and pour the mixture hot water for seven hours. And put everything under jet;
  3. Again remove water and press the mixture;
  4. In the mixture, you smell superphosphate, urea and a slightly hammer limestone and gypsum.

Now they will need bags where our horses will grow. You can take ordinary polyethylene bags. They should make holes in two centimeters and at a distance of each other 15 - 20 centimeters. Mushrooms will grow through them.

Bags are filled according to the following scheme: the first is a wet substrate (its layer 15 centimeters), further, layer of mycelium and so alternate until the bag is filled by 2/3. It must be tied and put in the prepared room. You can either hang bags or just put them.

Temperature mode should be 22-24 degrees. And the temperature inside the bag is a maximum of 28 degrees.

Ensure the level of humidity in the room 95 percent. Bright light these mushrooms do not require.

Bags should be transferred to the vegetable room after the mushroom appears. Be sure to place them at a distance of each other, in order to circulate the air.

In the vegetation room, the level of humidity is the same as in the one in which they germinated. But the temperature should be from 12 to 18 degrees. Illumidity should only last 12 hours per day. And do not allow water to fall into bags. Be sure to create good ventilation. With increasing weighing, the hole itself increases. You can collect harvest on the eighth day, and stored them place them in the container or in packages.

Repeated harvest will occur after the expiry of two weeks. And also, you can grow oysteries even in the garden. Find some kind of foundation, whether it is a log or part of the wood. Make a hole in it, the groove and moisture well. In the deepening, place mycelium and close the crust.

Then put the foundation in the pits little size, pre-embelling sawdust, and close everything with a film. Regularly moisturize. The first visits will be two months later, as well as for three years you can enjoy harvest.

At the expense of the fungal

In case you have in the country there are trees of deciduous or coniferous rocks, then squeeze those mushrooms that wildlife, grow near the same varieties of trees.

The shelf life of mushrooms is ten o'clock after harvesting.

They cannot be frozen. If you frozen them. Then no matter how trying they will not grow up.

When you soak them, add alcohol into the water, from the calculation of 4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water, or add sugar, from the calculation of 50 grams per 10 liters of water.

Mushrooms - Delicates, followed by a "quiet hunt." Experienced mushrooms carefully hide places where they are mined. And they are notable for sale. But you can even get this food, because growing mushrooms in the country Already mastered thousands of Russians.

Mushrooms multiply mycelium. This is a vegetative body containing mushroom cells, which is the plexus of fibers - gifs. They are so thin that in 1 gram of the forest litter can be contained up to 35 km of these fibers. The gifs form a cannon resembling cotton, white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge, brown. If you create this fabric favorable conditions, then mushrooms will appear from it.

Reference.Mushrooms die with time. Life expectancy depends on the type of body: for some - just a year, for other decades.

The fungnya usually grows in the form of rays coming from the center. Fruit bodies are formed at the other end of the beam. This is how the conditional circle is formed, which is called the Witch Ring. The older the mushroom, the more its radius, sometimes it reaches 20-22 meters.

How to get a stuff material?

Mycelium happens:

  • mutan - produced in laboratories;
  • body mushroom - It turns out of ripe hats of the mushroom;
  • sowing - Ready to sowing.

Ready mycelium is now presented on the shelves of specialized stores. Manufacturers of such products are offered to grow dozens of mushroom types in the yard. "Seeds" are not suiced, and it is very necessary to make sure that the material. Responsible manufacturers indicate such information as: the release date, conditions and shelf life, the recommendations for sowing.

IN lately Popular sticks with mycelium. They are branches of hardwood trees that are infected with mushrooms. Such products have pretty long term Storage - until six months. The wand is placed in the nutrient medium, and it gives germanities.

Matchy mycelium do it yourself

This type of sowing raw materials are grown not only in laboratory, and at home. But it does not always end with success due to lack of sterility.

To independently getting the mushrooms, you will need a set of tools:

  • laboratory test tube with lid;
  • beer wort;
  • tweezers for capturing recreation raw materials;
  • vegetable gelatin agar-agar;
  • medical mask, surgical gloves, hat;
  • hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 - 3-percent);
  • burner;
  • disinfectants (for example, medical alcohol);
  • sterile napkins.

Attention!All work is carried out at the maximum cleanliness level. Tools are pre-sterilized, work surfaces are wiping with disinfectants, and they put on a mask, a hat and gloves (also sterile).

Slices of mushroom cap was washed in hydrogen peroxide and placed in a container. Then the nutrient medium is preparing: add agar-agar to wort and boil on minimal heat so that the mixture thickened. The resulting alive is spilled in test tubes and allow to cool to get a jelly mass. The test tube collapses pre-sterilized over gas burner The plug and leave in a dark place for 14 days. After that, myceliums can be soiled.

Sterilization of tools

Sterilization is carried out in several stages:

  • Cleaning. Tools cleans washing agents and water.
  • Disinfection with special solutions. The most affordable is a medical alcohol 70 ° C, a large or smaller concentration is unsuitable. They proceed all work surfaces and dishes. Exposure time in alcohol - 30 minutes.
  • Sterilization. Resort to boiling (15 minutes), processing in a double boiler (15 minutes) or oven (20 minutes).

If the tool is processed in advance, it must be placed in a sterile package and use for 3 days.

Attention!At each stage of cultivation, the established temperature indicators should be clearly held. Excessive cold or heat reduce the viability of mushrooms.

Mycelium Body Mushroom

Collect ripe hats without damage. They are soaked in cold boiled water for 24 hours. Then the water is drained, and the hats are kneading to the keshitce state. The workpiece will immediately be connected to the substrate.


The easiest way is to transfer a mushroom from the forest to the site. They dig a small part of the soil together mycelium and transfer to the garden and covered with the substrate. In some cases, the harvest can be collected in just 2-3 weeks after moving the mushrooms to the cottage. Another way is to bring home a piece of wood infected with the fungny.

Attention!The transfer of mushrooms from the forest is dangerous in that, together with the "seedlings" of edible mushrooms, you can also be reached and poisonous.

Preparation of soil

Substrate, or soil must match the mushroom.

Table 1. View of the substrate and mushrooms.


This is an affordable type of substrate, which is universal. It quickly collapses and gives food mycelium and mushroom spons. But it also has a disadvantage - exposure to the Mikozam. Mycelium Mushrooms will compete in such a nutrition environment. Therefore, sterilization is necessary.

For the cultivation of mushrooms, the straw is crushed to 5-10 cm long to speed up the colonization. Next, it is disinfected as follows:

  1. Boiled ½ buckets of water, cool up to 80 ° C. Then they try not to give the temperature to fall below this mark.
  2. The straw is placed in the grid as much as it gets into a bucket, the grid is immersed in water.
  3. Withstand 60 minutes, if necessary, pouring hot water.
  4. Pull the grid from the bucket and press its contents, immediately populate the mushroom.


Use for growing wood fruit trees. Gardeners discovered such a pattern. The softer wood wood, the better the mycelium develops, but fertility in it below. Therefore, if you need fast crop, I use the frying trunks of loosevae, and for abundant - solid oak.

The logs are soaked in water on one or a few days. Then the holes of 5 cm in depth are drilled in them, placing them at a distance of 10 cm from each other in a checker order. Inside the holes insert wands or other material infected with mycelium. The filled hole is sealed with wax or paraffin.

The logs are wrapped with a film with fine ventilation holes and are in a dark place. Update occurs in 4-8 weeks or a little longer.

When the white fluffy flare appears, the log is freed from the film and cheat on the "Groke", leaving its heights on the surface 2/3.


The soil uses waste generated during wood processing, mainly hardwood. The sawmills are mixed with bran in the proportion of 3 to 1. Before falling down mycelium, the substrate is poured with hot water, as in the case of straw, and sterilize 60 minutes. After the mixture is cool, pressed excess moisture.

It is interesting.Experienced "mushrooms" argue that it is more suitable for this goal, sawdust of wood, speiled 2-3 years ago. On the "young" substrate, the growth of mushrooms is less intense.

Other substrates

There are other types of soils for breeding mushroom crops in the country. This is a compost, waste paper (but without using toxic paints for printing), sleeping thick from drinking coffee or tea leaves, seed husks, fallen leaves and dried tops, compost.

Features of growing some kinds of mushrooms

Mushrooms have different habitat requirements, which should be considered.

White mushroom

White mushroom is usually grown only by amateurs, since such an industrial level activity does not bring profit.

Mycelium is planted under the tree of the breed, from under which he is taken. The age of wood should be at least 20 years. Planting at the end of August or a little later, if the weather is warm. Around the selected tree at a distance of 0.5-1.5 m makes shallow ditch, the soil moisturizes, pouring under it no less than 4 liters of water. After the placement of mycelium ditch is covered with a soil shot. In arid weather on "Grokes" spray water, creating the effect of mushroom rain, but do not watered.

Attention!White mushroom does not tolerate the neighborhood with a fern and hoofs, mouse peas is preferable.

Plots where white mushroom is planted, protect against direct rays of the sun, planting a bushes nearby or equipping the awning.

Video - White mushrooms at the cottage


During the day, the wood is watered with water, and if it is very dry - soaked. Mycelium is placed in cracks or in drilled holes. The hole is closed with moss or wax. The soil around the stump is watered with water. A year later, the first harvest may appear.

The second way to get myself on my garden is to equip a bed. For this, the holes are done in the logs only on the one hand. The other side of the chocks is placed horizontally in the holes depth 15 cm.

Reference.To scare up the snails and save the crop, the ground around the mushroom garden is sprinkled with ash.

Conduct a regular watering of the site to prevent the soil drying. Logs with any fungouncing, including those who are as follows, are covered by foliage for winter so that it does not dilute from the cold.

If on panstone There are rooms where it is possible to maintain the temperature from 10 to 15 degrees of heat, then they are even grown in winter - in banks.

Pre-glass container sterilize at least an hour. Then, it is filled with prepared sawdust and a well-washed dry knife or another long tool, a hole is done to the bottom of the cans, placing mycelium there. The jar is closed with a film or a lid, in which holes are made for ventilation, covered with wool moistened in water to support required level humidity. Cash do not give drying. Leave the bank in a dark place for a month. Three more weeks need to appear first widespread.

When the mushroom sprouts, it is exhibited on the windowsill with the shadow side or correspond to the container. When mushrooms grow to the edge, the neck is turned around with a cardboard or paper cuff so that the legs of the fungi grow smooth. To support humidity, the harvest is regularly sprayed from the sprayer. The optimal level of humidity is 85-90%. It is also necessary to ensure air ventilation. Ripe fruit bodies are cut. In their place in three weeks there will be new hoists. However, as Says say, the next time the crop will be poorer.


Surrons are growing at similar technologies. The fallout of the vessels is recommended to spend in May so that the fungnya managed to germinate. The best temperature is considered to be 20 ° C.

Mushrooms are good on wood fruit trees - pears, apple trees. For them, they choose a diameter with a diameter of 20 cm. On a deck weighing 8 kg 300 g of mycelium take. The fungne is laying out on the one hand in the cuts on the stump, on the other - in the hole made in the soil, and on top of the cut, and are covered with a piece of wood.

Around the stump equalize the Earth. From above are covered with a wet burlap or cloth, which constantly moisturize. Next put the film to protect mycelium from the wash. The first harvest is expected at the end of summer or with the beginning of autumn. For the winter, the stumps are closed with fallen leaves, straw, sawdust and others. Next place mousetrap, to protect the future harvest. The next year, the oyster is already fruitful in the summer and autumn.

Pests and diseases

Attention!Mushroom cultivation tools are not used for other works. This can cause infection by antagonists.

Reduce yield ink mushrooms, or Merronts who compete, in particular, with champignon, lean. They appear with excessive moisture in the substrate. Another reason is an excess of nitrogen. The method of struggle is simple - this is the collection and destruction of the manure. Over time, the wild competitor disappears.

Buuray plastering Prefers champignons. The reason for its appearance - increased humidity, lack of air exchange. About infection shows white spots on the substrate and the stenched smell coming out of the alien mycelium. When disputes are formed, stains become brown. The prevention measure in this case is pasteurization and pollination of the substrate with plaster, ventilation and control of the level of humidity.

Among other common diseases should be noted:

  • bacterial spotting;
  • triphoderma;
  • rusty spotty;
  • white, dry rot.

Prevent the production of harvest can rodents and insects - mushroom mushrooms, mosquitoes, ticks. To protect against insects use special chemicals.

The cultivation of mushrooms in the garden is a troublesome occupation. But but the persistent dacket in a year, or even earlier, will receive a generous harvest. But the main thing - he will be sure that it consumes a safe product.


White mushroom is considered the most valuable and most delicious mushroom. Find in the forest Such mushrooms was considered great luck. Growing this species in forests that are at least fifty years old. However, progress does not stand still and the gardeners have come up with how to grow white mushrooms in the country or garden plot with their own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make it step by step at home.

For good grieving, white mushrooms are needed. certain conditions - Air humidity 60%. In drought conditions, even if there is moisture in the soil, the mushroom ceases to grow. Since the body of the mushroom is not protected from evaporation, it dries out.

Temperature regime is of great importance for good height. Spores of mushrooms can grow at a temperature of +9 degrees, however optimal temperature Good grove growth is the temperature from +19 to +27 degrees. If the weather is warm and rainy, the growth of mushrooms will continue for 30 days. Grow a white mushroom can up to 13 cm, and the diameter of the hats of such mushrooms will be 17.5 cm.

The life expectancy of mushrooms is 13-15 days. After this period of time, the feet of the mushroom stops growing, in two days, growth stops the hat. At the beginning of education, the argument of the mushroom ages.

Conditions to land Boroviki on the household plot

Boroviki grow in coniferous forests, as well as in birch groves and in places where oaks and aspen are growing. The roots of these trees have a beneficial effect on the growth of mushrooms. This feature It is worth considering when landing Borovikov on the household site. Planting the mushroom on the garden is needed in the place where spruce or pine grows. Data resin tree has an antiseptic effect, killing around pathogenic infections.

Borovik does not endure the neighborhood with fruit trees! Near them, the mushrooms do not take root!

If there are no pine trees in the garden, you can arrange the mushrooms next to the styles of the pine tree.

Mushrooms will grow in the garden plot if you choose the right place away from fruit trees

Technology of growing mushrooms in the cellar at home

To grow mushrooms there is no need to create additional lighting. Accordingly, they can easily grow home in the cellar, if you comply with the growing technology. Boroviki grown in the basement will differ from mushrooms that grew up in natural environment habitats are only hats having a brighter color.

Preparing the premises for the growth of Borovikov, it is necessary to adhere to these recommendations:

  • paul, walls and ceiling must be concreted;
  • walls should be whiten of lime with the addition of copper mood. This will prevent the infection of the mushrooms of all kinds of infections;
  • equip additional air ventilation;
  • the temperature in the basement should be maintained from +12 to +15 degrees;
  • humidity in the basement should be at least 80%.If the humidity is lower than the required norm - to create additional moisturizing;
  • ventilation shells must be tightened mosquito net.To prevent entering insects in the basement.

For growing mushrooms, it is important to prepare a substrate. It can consist of sunflower seed husks, dry stems of corn or sawdust deciduous tree. The substrate is good to dry, so that there are no signs of mold or rot. Treat it with hot water.

For the cultivation of Borovikov, it is better to use mycelium, grown in a special laboratory. You can try to grow seed material from the mushroom brought from the forest, but in this case the positive result is not guaranteed.

Grow white mushrooms are best in drawers filled with substrate. For the preparation of the substrate will need:

  • hay;
  • sunflower seed husks;
  • sawdust.

Substrate sterilize and then lay out layers in boxes. Boxes arrange on racks, at a distance of 7 cm from each other. The fungal is plugged into the substrate by 5 cm. The room temperature should be 24 degrees, humidity 88%. At this stage, it is not necessary to ventilate the room. After the first germs appear, the temperature is reduced to 10 degrees and start airing the room.

Watering to spend twice a day with a spray gun. Watering water should be warm. Light turn on six hours a day. After 21 days, you can harvest.

Mushroom landing

If the fungnya was taken in the forest for growing in the country area, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to plant it under the tree of the same breed, otherwise it does not fit. In order to plant the fungnea, under the tree, remove the top layer of the soil with a radius of 70 cm. From the barrel. The depth of the layer dropped should be 26-28 cm. The resulting deepening is filled with a cooked substrate:

  • soil, shot under the tree;
  • leaves and pine needles;
  • the bark of the tree under which the mushrooms are planted.

White mushrooms on an industrial scale

They put on this mixture the fungne and pour it from above the soil mixed with sand and pine needles, slightly press. Then pour out the soil and expect the appearance of the first mushrooms.

You can also grow mushrooms from the hats. To do this, collect mushroom hats with a diameter of 12-14 cm ten pieces. Hats should not be worm. Next to the tree where mushrooms were collected also to collect:

  • a little soil;
  • needles;
  • leaves;
  • splits.

It will be needed when crops. Wash the collected hats, put in a bucket with spring water, or water assembled during the rain for 24 hours. After this time has expired, the cap is good to smooth up to a homogeneous mass. You can hand over them through a sieve. Drain the water separately into the container and prepare the bed.

The top layer of the soil next to the tree must be exploded, pouring water remaining from soaking mushroom hats. After the moisture is absorbed evenly scatter the overgrown caps over the surface, sprinkle with a soil taken under this tree and on top to pour water. The soil must be constantly moderate. Water consumption for one tree -40 liters. The water water temperature should correspond to the ambient temperature.


To grow mushrooms with a solution, you must take overwhelmed mushrooms and chop them finely. In the sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms add 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 tablespoon gelatin. Pour water into this mixture, mix everything thoroughly and pour from this solution near the trees. When merging this solution with the roots of trees, mbocornia is formed. Two seasons later, it will be possible to assemble the first crop of white mushrooms.

Installing the dacha

For growing mushrooms, this method requires:

  1. Collect young mushrooms and chop them.
  2. Drink finely chopped mushrooms next to the tree.
  3. Plenty of water to water. Water consumption per tree-40 liters.
  4. The first crop can be collected in 12 months.

Grocery prepared for growing mushrooms by instillation

With the help of mycelium in the garden

If mycelium is purchased in a specialized store, then it is already possible to plant it in May. Sowing the sowing of mycelium can be held until September.

How to plant. Technology for beginners:

  1. The cultivation area must be chosen under a tree where a sufficient level of humidity and lighting. On the square of 3 square meters The meter must be removed 30 cm of the upper layer of the soil (the package of mycelium is designed for such an area).
  2. The bottom with a layer of pine needles, put the leaves and a bark from the trees, under which white mushrooms have grown. The layer of litter should be at least 10 cm.
  3. Sprinkle with humus.
  4. Mycelium Mix with sand and sow on the cooked litter. To prevent the washing of mycelium, it must be sprinkled from above by humus. The layer of humus should be a thickness of at least 4.5 cm.
  5. Hiding a plot with drip watering. If there is no such water, then the watering can be used.
  6. Ensure that the ground is not swam in the garden.

After some time, a mushroom is formed at the landing site. With this method of cultivation from one place you can collect the harvest of fungi for five years.

Borovikov reproduction by disputes on the garden plot

If mushrooms have grown a little multiplying them with a dispute. To do this, you need to take overwhelmed mushroom, choose the whole pulp out of the hats. It resembles a sponge in structure. In this pulp are the arms of the mushroom. Puffed the pulp or grind on the meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting mass is placed in a two-liter bottle, add 3 teaspoons of sugar, 20 grams of bakery yeast, pour this mixture with rain or spring water and put on 10-14 days in a warm and dark place.

Next 150 gr. The resulting liquid is diluted in 10 liters of water, strain through several layers of gauze to pour into a watering can. Sprove with these mortar near growing trees. You can also pour a bed with a newly planted strawberry.

In order for the disputes deeply penetrated into the soil, it is necessary to shed these areas with rainwater. The places where the disputes were cleared need to be kept in a wet state. The next season you can assemble the crop of mushrooms.

Designed to comply with the technology of growing Borovikov, given the characteristics of growth and adhering to the recommendations, the breeding of mushrooms is quite real.

  1. Choosing a place. Sowing mushrooms need to be conducted under the trees under which they will form mushrooms. To do this, scatter the disputes under the trees. For example, white mushrooms grow well under the pines, curls - under the apple trees, Boroviki - under the blue firs.
  2. Sowing a dispute. The method is more effective, rather than scattering pieces of mushrooms in the meadow or under the trees. To obtain a dispute, it is enough to twist in the water a porous part of the fungi, let it stand up for the night, after which it is to pour areas under the trees of this water. After a year, the rooted mushrooms can be observed.
  3. The choice of trees, taking into account the survival of forest fungi. For breeding the mushrooms, one birch is enough and the maximum spilling place under it. The main thing is to choose trees for planting and reproduction of mushrooms, by nature suitable for this or in a different kind.

Methods of breeding

The reproduction of mushrooms in the garden plot is possible in several ways.

  1. Mounting young mushrooms, to stick them with mycelium threads closer to the roots of aspen, or birch. In this way it is possible to breed even white mushrooms.
  2. Collect young mushrooms in the forest in rainy weather, decompose them with a bunch of birch or aspen, bias foliage. If it is regularly moisturized, then in a year new first fungi will appear.
  3. Save from the spore of the fungntic, adding gelatin to the composition (1st art. L.) And food flour, watering a slighter from mature mushrooms area under the tree. After a year, the disputes will be sprouting, after 2-3 years they will begin to be fruit.
  4. To put on the plot of several small trees, under which the mushrooms grew earlier. First crop can be expected in 2-3 years. New pines transplants are not afraid. They can be spitting on the site around berry bushes And more often water in the future. In the country, the masolins are growing well, quite fruitful on lime soils throughout the season, but the appearance of the first mushrooms after planting trees will have to wait 2-3 years.

Features of growing oyster in the garden plot

For the cultivation of the oyster, the improvement of the mushrooms and the acquisition of a nutrient mixture with mushroom disputes is mycelium. Mushrooms to do better in autumn, not covered with a chumbach to spring. He must be soaked and fasten with water for better breeding Mycelium with the onset of spring and summer season.

  1. To improve the mushrooms you need to prepare chocks From poplar, willow, birch diameter 20-25 cm and up to 150 cm long. Chocks should be freshly sawed or larger in dryness no more than 1 year. In rotten wood, disputes are not formed.
  2. Chocks need to be treated with copper vigor (2%), give dry.
  3. Make grooves in a chumbage To the depth of up to 4 cm from the side, which will further adjoin the soil, also cut the ends of chocks.
  4. To lay a chumbach in a privided place with moderate humidity.
  5. You do not need to drag the platform for the placement of the Churbak, the main thing is that it fits tightly along the entire length to the ground.
  6. first you need to lay a layer by humus up to 5 cm in thickness, then drown a chock in it.
  7. Purge from the leaves of a chock from the sides, without falling asleep at the same time made of the propelles.
  8. Mid-May - best time For laying mycelium. The propyls should be disinfected, shed a solution of manganese with a boil temperature, after rinse with water and slightly add.
  9. Putting a chumbach with a hay, straw. It is important to create a moist in the propils, but a warm decor for better reproduction of mycelium. From above, you can cover the treated by mangartee burlap, then a film with velocked holes up to 50 pieces per quarter. Meter for air penetration.
  10. For 2 months, burlap must be sprayed regularly with water, keeping the place around the chumbach in a wet state. After 3-4 weeks you need to plug woodwood around the circumference of the Churbak.
  11. Did the mushroom appear? You can check in a couple of months, removing the burlap with a film, or a straw. In propilch should appear white flag. If it is not, you can still wait. The main thing is to always maintain moisture near the Churbak. In order to avoid damage to the mushrooms, it is better to water the chorbak with warm water.
  12. If everything is done correctly, there should be oysters soon, to collect that need carefully, not harming the fungne. For 1 year you can collect up to 3 crops of mushrooms.
  13. In the absence of mushrooms in the propylas, the old mycelium needs to be removed, Place to disinfect, lay a new portion of mycelium. If the crop appeared not on all the chumbans, it means that the lamps of wood are fruitless, they are infected with mold. The chumbach is to burn, otherwise it will become a focus of infection of other nearby chocks.
  14. Bubbach under the winter should be covered with sawdust, cheese, sweetheart. From above sprinkle with snow. When the snow comes down, you can check the condition of the mushroom.

Features of growing white mushrooms

For the cultivation of white mushrooms, you need to purchase mycelium dry powder.

  1. Pick the place to accommodate, better - in the shade, under the trees.
  2. Drop the pit in a depth of up to 30 cm, unlock wood crust and fallen leaves, layer up to 10 cm.
  3. Lay out the layer by humus, hereinafter - a thin layer of dry mycelium, pre-mixing it with dry ground and sand.
  4. Cover the garden to the remains of the plants, layer up to 3 cm, hereinafter - the soil layer to 5 cm. It will be a mushroom.
  5. Pour a drip area. Water, from time to time not allowing dryness in the fungny.
  6. Optional to buy planting material, that is, mycelium in the store. For example, Boroviki can be cut off under the birch, and there are already hymenoform - a layer under a hat, twisting it through the meat grinder into the minced meat and adding water in the 1x2 ratio. After insisted, the composition will not fall up to the pulp, and mycelium does not fall on the bottom. The pop-up mixture needs to be removed with a spoon, topping the water and wait for a saturated suspension.
  7. Next, mix the resulting concentrate (1 part) with gelatin and starch, diluing with water (10 liters). Watering need a prepared tree 1-2 times a week.
  8. The fungal in the garden needs to periodically water to see the first harvest can be possible not earlier than 1 year.
  9. The "domesticated" mushrooms must be periodically fertilized. You can water the usual coffee grounding to accelerate the growth and the guard from the invasion, moths, the development of mold. You can add mineral complexes in the coffee thickness and pour the mushroom garden, evenly scattering the mixture.
  10. Together with the boarding of mycelium, you can enter the soil hydrogel, then the plantation will not need frequent irrigation.

Features of growing OPY

Growing technology is quite simple and not much different from the cultivation of other common mushrooms that create symbiosis with trees.

The landing procedure is reduced to the introduction of mycelium or other sowing material into the tight of the tree and infection of wooden decks with sowing material.

For this, the woods are made on the end and side surfaces or drill several holes with a depth of 5-6 cm and a diameter of 3-5 mm with a drill, which are then filled with mycelium. All rods and holes filled with sowing material are smeared with a mixture of land and straw or dry grass.

The easiest way to planting themselves in the drowing deck is the introduction of mycelium into the gap or under the bark.For artificial cultivation, it is best to use grain mycelium, which is purchased on specialized enterprises and is grown in sterile conditions in micrological laboratories.

For many, this method may not be applicable, but it is reliable and effective. Method of receipt good harvest It is useful only to those who have access to the sale of mushrooms in artificial conditions available.

As a sowing material for cultivation, it is possible to successfully use pieces of mushrooms obtained from brutged wood parts infected with mushroom spores, hemps, stems of fallen trees or used decks.

Found in the forest or brought from a mushroom farm part of the tree inspecting in search of parts of well-developed mushrooms. They can be found in a white or white-cream flare or threads on the surface, with a pronounced pleasant mushroom smell.

Gently cut out or drink such places and, dividing into small pieces, bring into a slot or slot on pre-cooked fresh chocks or decks.

To accelerate the development of mushrooms, it is better to bite the "plantation" of the cellophane film. Then, for proper careThe harvest can be obtained in the fall.

Various factors are influenced on the growth rate of mushrooms: climatic conditions, the quality of mycelium, the breed of wood, humidity and daytime temperatures. Do not wait for the harvest immediately. After making the sowing material, the first harvest can be expected only for the next year. The number of yields may vary from 4 to 8 years.

Not to infect a mushroom fruit trees and subsidence wooden buildings, you need to watch the funglae \u200b\u200bfarm is isolated from garden landing . For example, around you can dig a small trench and fill it with sand, gravel so that the mushroom does not apply to garden trees.

Learn to grow real forest mushrooms on your dacha or the preservation site seems quite a difficult occupation, but in fact, the task is quite perfect.

Stabber and boosities, butter, chanterelles and white mushrooms that you were raised, will delight you with nutritional in summer and tasty conservation in winter.

The big plus of such mushrooms, unlike the purchased, is the confidence that they are grown without adding chemicals in an ecologically clean place.

For successful cultivation Mushrooms in the country need to create certain conditions: the trees should be present on the site as trees, near which mushrooms grew in nature.

The fungita (mushroom root) penetrates the root tree of the tree, getting food and giving an excessive moisture. There is a close relationship, which "remembers" the disputes of mushrooms. Most often with such trees become: birch, aspen, pine, spruce or oak. Two enough - three trees on your site to create a favorable microclimate.

The cultivation of forest mushrooms depends not only from proper landing, but also from other factors: weather conditions, natural precipitation, average daily temperature. For favorable conditions The first harvest can be collected for the next year, and this crop can be 2-3 kg of mushrooms with 1 sq.m. Your garden.

To raise forest mushrooms on the site, several ways are used. They are suitable for both planting material and direct growing mushrooms.

Method 1 - Grind and scatter

The easiest way to sowing a white mushroom, kindergartens and boomes:

  1. in the root system area, remove the soil layer, about 10 cm
  2. grind young mushrooms that consist of mycelium threads
  3. lower the finely chopped mushrooms on the spot shot
  4. above all cover the layer of wet deciduous or spruce compost
  5. as the shelter is drying, it is necessary to moisturize.

First harvest (in several mushrooms) you will get the next season.

Method 2 - perringe a layer of soil

One of the most simple ways Breeding forest mushrooms (Maslenok, Ryzhik, Boostyl, Podberezovik) - Transferring the upper layer of the soil, along with a sprouted mushroom, from the forest to the country area:

  • mark the forest place where the liked mushroom grows
  • at the end of the season, remove the soil layer, about the bayonet shovel, and transfer to the site
  • the time between the removal of the soil and the landing should be minimal to avoid drying.

Important: Please note that the inedible mushrooms do not grow nearby. Make sure the soil is not infected with their disputes. The mushroom is more likely to take root under the same tree tree, near which you took the soil.

Method 3 - Mushroom "Seedlings"

This method is more complicated, but brings the best result, since the seeds (mycelium) of the fungus will be adapted to landing and have a sufficient feed base.

  1. choose old, overgrown mushrooms
  2. place them in a container or bucket
  3. fill with rainwater or water from the well (do not use water from under the tap)
  4. put the container into a dark room with a constant temperature of approximately 20 degrees for several days. Through time, the mushrooms will lay on the thread.
  5. add gelatin to the mixture and wheat flour on one tablespoon, stirring with a wooden spoon or stick.
  6. sweep this scene in the site that you have been diluted to breed mushrooms.

After a year, the spores of the fungus will warm, penetrate into the root system of the tree, and in 2-3 years they will begin to be fron.

There is one more option awakening the dispute: after you grind and plug the old mushrooms with water, you need to add to this mixture "French" (dry) yeast at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 1 liter of the mixture.

In a month, the flesh of mushrooms will fall on the bottom, and you can use the resulting liquid for sowing. Consider that the solution turned out to be concentrated. For sowing, add 1 cup of solution on a barrel of water.

After that, you can start cropping mushrooms: with the help of garden watering can be soldered surveillance Circles Those trees under which mushrooms will grow.

Method 4 - Trees Transplant

The longest I. labor-intensive way. It consists in a transplant of several young trees from the forest, near which mushrooms needed to us, in the garden. Here we need to be patient here, because the crop will have a long time, for several years.

Although the way is not simple, but thanks to him, you can grow and the most complex mushrooms, for example, the masolok, which will be froning from May to September. In general, it is worth trying!

When growing forest mushrooms, several tips should be followed. They will help you, no matter which of the functions of the fungi you chose:

  1. for landings Choose the most cool time of day
  2. the soil must be constantly moisturized. If you can organize drip watering
  3. place the landing place in a thick shadow, within the meter radius from the tree trunk
  4. in the spring, enter fertilizer with the growth activator
  5. best time for planting mushrooms - period from the end of summer before the beginning of autumn
  6. forest mushrooms are badly joining fruit trees

Method 5 - Oyster

Of all the mushrooms, the most arrogant and not requiring special care is an oyster. Recently, many enterprises appeared, which are bred, grow and sell planting material - grain sterile fungal.

Oyster in nature grows on a dead wood, preferring to birch and poplar. For self-cultivation It will be necessary to harvest chocks of hardwood of a tree with a length of no more than 30 cm and a width of at least 15 cm. Examine them in water within two days. In the prepared lanes, drill holes at least 10 cm. Or make cuts saw. These holes are filled with moisturized mycelium.

Usually the mushrooms that you transplanted from the natural habitat, begin to be fron at the same time as their forest "counterparts", but under favorable conditions, the harvest can be several times more. Do not be afraid to experiment, as well as pardimate, and you can create a real forest glade on your site.

Published Decorateme. Updated January 31, 2019.