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When and how to collect seeds of parsley. So that Parsley rushed faster. Harvesting and storage

Gardeners can collect seeds from their own plants. Collection planting material It is held from July to August, depending on the culture. On the dumart sites Collect pure varietal seeds is very difficult, since many plants are reversible. For example, for collecting varietal seeds of carrots, it is necessary to place the beds at a distance of 100 m from each other. Otherwise the root crops are worried and grow new Sort With unknown taste. Therefore, many dackets do not want to grow their seeds and buy them every year in horticultural stores.

Consider plants that are not reversible. From such plants you can collect your seeds. At the same time, the varietal features of the plants are preserved.

Collection of Kinse Seeds, Dill and Parsley

Seeds are called coriander. Coriander collection is carried out in mid-July, when Kush Kinza is fighting. Coriander seeds are in a box, which when ripening is revealed. Seeds are quite large, they can be used as seasoning for various dishes, and you can also dry and for the next season get high-quality planting material.

To dry, the coriander is collected in paper bags and stored at room temperature on the windowsill. The moisture from the seed will begin to evaporate, and after three weeks they will be ready for landing.

Dill flowers with yellow flowers, which are similar to umbrellas. In July, the seeds of dill ripen and inflorescences become brown. You can collect planting material by cutting the inflorescence with a knife. Dill is perfectly multiplied by self-sowing. Dill seeds can spread to a distance of 120 m around the plant. Therefore, on many gods, the dill grows independently and even oppresses other cultural plants.

Parsley, in contrast, from cilantro and dill - a two-year plant. Therefore, it is possible to get seeds only for the second year after landing. Parsley also multiplies with self-sowed, but the seeds do not apply to the site so far as the seeds of dill.

Seeds of parsley ripen in July.

Collection of seeds of repailing plants

To preserve a high-quality variety of recoverable plants, you need to use several rules.

  1. One year collect seeds only from one variety of roots or vegetables.
  2. Squake the varieties you like cultural plants In individual greenhouses and greenhouses.
  3. Sign containers with seeds, keep them in a dark cooler place.

Following these rules, you will get high-quality planting material and can save the varietal features of any plant.

It is difficult to imagine a farmer who does not grow greens in its plot. Any gardener will definitely highlight a bed for sowing parsley. Without this greenery, no summer dish is required. Petrushka has a fairly wide range of applications. It is added to hot dishes, salads, use for decoration, make billets for the winter in a dry or frozen form, eat in the food in the raw form as spicy grass. With proper care landing in open soil and under the winter, and the spring is not difficult.

Petrushka is two species - root and leaf. Contains a large number of useful substances:

  • vitamins PP, E, C (5 times more than in lemon and rosehip);
  • elements P (phosphorus), se (selenium), K (potassium);
  • calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • complex of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, retinol.

The root differs from the sheet that in food is used korneflodForming at the end of the season. It has the same taste properties as sheet.

Apply for the preparation of marinades and pickles.

Sheet can be - normal and curious. Curly use to add to dishes and as decoration.

Proper sowing of parsley seeds in the garden in spring

Sowing work must be carried out in Aprilas soon as frost and land will warm up +5 degrees.

Soaking for successful germ

It should be noted that the seeds contain essential oils that prevent the germination. In order for the seeds faster sprout before landing, you need to soak them.

This can be done in one way:

  • Method 1.. Before soaking the seeds dip in hot water (not boiling water). Under the influence of hot water with seeds, essential oils. Then on the bottom of the saucer pour water room temperature (19-23 degrees), pour seeds and leave for 12 hours. Then the seeds need to soak in the growth stimulator. In the process of soaking, they need to be pulled out every 3 hours so that oxygen flows to seeds. After three days, the seeds are ready for landing.
  • Method 2. Before soaking on the bottom of the saucer, pour vodka and lower seeds into it, wrapped in gauze for 15-20 minutes. It should be carefully observed over time so that the seeds do not get a burn. After driving out of a saucer with vodka, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed with water and dry.

Both ways will help the seeds faster to germinate.

Also, some gardeners use soaking parsley seeds, carrots or dill in milk, and satisfied with the result.

What to make processing and preparation of soil for growing

Before planting seeds in the garden, it is necessary to prepare and process the soil. The soil begin to prepare in the fall. Grokes are drunk and put into the soil mullein.

If the soil is predominantly clay add sided river sand and sawdust. Spring Earth must be well exploded and make mineral fertilizers (Parsley is better perfected into fertile soil).

To grow greenery, the Grocery is best suited, where tomatoes, zucchini, onions, cucumbers were grown. The beds should be in the sun, or a bit proplinated. Seying seeds need no deeper 1 cm. Put the grooves of the earth, is good to pour, climb with humus or cover with polyethylene.

Care after landing in open soil

When the first shoots are used explode the soil and prophete shoots. The first thinning is performed if there are 2-3 leaves. The distance between the bushes should be more than 2 cm.

Second thinning must be performed if there are 5-6 sheets. Between the plants to leave no more than 6 cm.

Per season need to make feeding 2 times and be sure to perform loosening no less than 4 times. The first feeding is brought into the soil if there are 2-3 sheets in the seedlings. It is best for this purpose fertilizer rich in nitrogen.

Cut the stems need as much as possible to the ground. It is not recommended to cut a large number of leaves from the bush on one day. Cut is needed 1/3 bush to give a bush time to restore. If the seed collection is not planned, then the stem with inflorescences must be removed, since new leaves will not grow.

A prerequisite for cultivation for good crop is regular watering, weed removal and soil looser. Watering must be exercised in the evening. Swimming is necessary to give oxygen access to the roots of the plant. If there is a need to get a crop to the late autumn parsley, it is recommended to weaken twice a month.

  1. Petrushka Sheet " Ordinary" Refers to early grades. Maturing after 70 days. Spicy taste, disseated leaves, power socket. Only leaves are suitable for food.
  2. »- Sheet. The age of aging 80 days. The taste is gentle, long retains freshness and taste quality after cut.
  3. « Aster"- grade Kukhoray. Strikes after 65 days. After cutting, the bush is quickly restored and grows.
  4. "- the grade of the root greenery, has a pointed root root. Aging term of 130 days;
  5. "- Sheet parsley. The time of maturation is 56-65 days. The leaves have a dark green color, fragrant, strongly dissected. After cut, it grows well.

How to sow seeds for the winter

Sowing for the winter parsley is good because the greens will begin to appear as soon as the snow falls out and it will become warm.

Seeds who are overwhelmed in the ground germinate very active. Cutting both the first greens, the bed can be used again.

Soil for landing should be prepared in the fall. Disposable Grocery needs to make fertilizer. For this purpose it is better to use a korovyan.

In NovemberAfter the onset of frosts, when the upper layer of the soil is freezing for 2 cm, seeding can be performed. Seeds not recommended to soakso that they do not come up before the onset of frosts.

In the soil, it is necessary to make a groove with a depth of 2 cm with a distance between the rows of 15-20 cm. In the grooves fall asleep the layer of the negated lime with a thickness of 0.5 cm and the seeds of parsley are thickly sowed in them. The grooves to sprinkle the earth and climb by humus. Humus will save heat and protect against wind.

In the spring, as soon as germs appear, it is necessary to water 3 times a week warm water. Watering plants follows.

After the appearance of 2 sheets, the first thinning must be performed. Leave only the strongest shoots. The second thinning is performed if there are 5-6 sheets on shoots. The distance of honey with chests leave 10 cm.

Upborm must be made twice. The first time after the leaves appear. Second feeder to implement two weeks. After making feeding, watering is needed to nutrients Well penetrated into the soil and there were dissolved.

If the soil is not exhausted in the feeding there is no need, since Parsley does not like the abundance of fertilizers.

Causes of poor germination of seeds

Even experienced gardeners sometimes face the problem of poor germination of parsley. Let's try to deal with the reasons from which it may not attend:

  1. Elevated soil acidity. It is possible to normalize the level of acidity by adding ash to the soil;
  2. The soil is heavy. If parsley seeds are deeply planted, it cannot break through the thick layer of the soil. It is necessary to sow at a depth of no more than 1 cm in spring and 1.5 cm for the winter. In the event that the soil is clay need to add to the soil sidewged river sand and sawdust;
  3. Girling in shadow. Greens grows well on solar beds. In the shadow may not take at all. In the event of germs on shaded beds, it will be very pale, with a weak fragrance and poorly pronounced taste;
  4. Seeds with a bad shelf life. It retains the germination for only three years. To obtain good harvest It is necessary to sow only fresh seeds;
  5. Long germination period. Big content in seeds of essential oils repels water and makes it difficult to germination. To speed up the seed process soaked in hot water.

One of the reasons for bad germination - seeds with a bad shelf life

Harvesting and storage

Parsley greens can be collected throughout the season.

Best storage method sheet parsley Consider freezing. Why? - When freezing, the parsley does not lose fragrance, the color remains the same, taste quality does not change.

Peterish leaves wash, dry the towel, chop finely. Sliced \u200b\u200bleaves folded into polyethylene cun and put in freezing CameraEven in a frozen form, they will look great.

If necessary, the desired amount is easy to separate from the total mass (frozen parsley cuts easily). Stem parsley gather in small bundles and freeze.

Them use when cooking any hot dishes. It is enough 5 minutes before the end of the cooking, lower the beam of the stems in the hot dish. This will improve its taste. Also, the parsley can be stored in a dry form, having previously dried it in a dry room with weak lighting.

The root parsley is cleaned late autumn, before the onset of frosts. Crop the leaves and stored in the basement, moving it by sand.

This is a spicy and useful plant with proper landing and proper care will definitely please the rich, full vitamins harvest. To plant and grow it easy, the main thing is to perform the processing of seeds and take care properly.

Petrushka is a popular seasoning to dishes, which is used by culinary in fresh and dry form. Due to the short vegetation period, the plant is grown in all regions. One way to ensure yourself with spice, landing at home. For cultivation, you will need parsley seeds. You can collect them from an adult plant.

Juicy and spicy parsley favorite greenery gardery. The plant belongs to the umbrella family. There are two types of culture:

  • Root is the main part of the vegetable - the root of the cylindrical shape, yellowish-white color. Foliage is not abundant. It is stored as carrots, used in cooking.
  • Sheet - a variety is characterized by a small root and an abundant outlet of the leaves. It grows in an open and closed soil.

Stem plant depending on the grade reaches 30-100 cm. The leaves of grass are green, three times peristracted, with a shiny surface. The leaves are smooth and corrugated, 20-40 pieces grow on one bush. A biennial plant is fruitful for the second year of development. In the first year, the rosette of the leaves is formed, the root form is formed root. Frost-resistant culture can winter in the open soil, only shelter from peat or sawdust is required.

Petrushka blooms and gives fruit for the second year of development

Information. In cooking and medicine, leaves, root, root and plant seeds are used.

For the second year, Parsley is ready for reproduction. She grows a long stem with an umbrella inflorescence. Flower petals are yellow-green or white. For growing seeds, healthy root roots are taken, which are digging in autumn and stored in the sand until spring. Put them after germing in warm conditions. When choosing a sheet parsley, preferred instances with corrugated leaves.

Growing parsley

Purchased greens will not compare to taste and useful qualities with a culture grown in its own area. To B to winter time It was available daily, parsley planted in pots and containers. Capacity should be a height of 20-30 cm. Rights and seeds are used as sowing material. Soil is prepared from garden land, humus and peat (2: 1: 1) or buy soil for violets. Mandatory at the bottom of the container is satisfied with the drainage layer.

When planting seeds, the greens are cut in 40-50 days, and the seeds will appear only for the next year. From the root plates, leaves grow 15 days later. After a few months, the floweros will appear. Since the beginning of flowering, until the moment when the seeds ripen, it takes 30-40 days. In the open ground, the plant blooms in June-July. Fruit collection start in August or September. Seeds are oblong, ovoid shape, ribbed surface.

Information. 1 g contains from 550 to 1000 small parsley seeds. They retain the germination for 2-3 years.

When growing on the windowsill, culture requires moderate watering and spraying of leaves. Before the start of flowering, it is fed by superphosphates and potash salt. These mineral fertilizers contribute to the formation of healthy fruits.

Features of the collection of seeds

Before collecting fruits at home, it is necessary to check their maturity. On the state of the seed, it is possible to judge the color, when the biological ripeness is reached, it becomes brown. For the plant, the uneven ripening of fruits is characteristic. They pass 3 stages, changing the color from green to dark brown or black. In one umbrella, part of the seed is ahead of the development of others for 2-3 weeks. What to do in this situation:

  • You can pinch the mature seeds with your fingers. It should be done carefully that the material does not collapse from the swing.
  • If most fruits darkened, then the seed cap is cut. The remaining green fruits can be carried under the sun. To do this, the inflorescences are cut directly under the cap, at a distance of 3-5 cm. Umbrellas are unfolded on smooth surface in one layer. Selected room without drafts, with long hit sun ray. The procedure takes no more than 2-3 days.

An immature seed material is distinguished by a bad gesturity, so it is necessary to take care of its maturation.

Information. In the open soil, it is not always possible to obtain pure seeds of varietal plants. Natural conditions Contribute to resellers. Insects transfer pollen from parsley of one variety to another. When growing a house of one type of culture, this situation is excluded.

Fruit collection is carried out carefully, they easily fall out of the seeds and scatter in different directions. Collect the scattered material is quite difficult. Remove the fruit in several ways:

  • Shake the caps directly into paper bags.
  • Touch cut-off umbrellas on the canvase or film.
  • Move inflorescences with hands over a capacity or unfastened tissue.

The collected fruits need to dry for two weeks. They are stirred daily for uniform drying. For storage, spend in linen bags or paper bags. Seeds are kept in a dry, cool place, away from sunlight.

Council. Do not dry the fruit of parsley on the street, they can shove the birds.

Beneficial features

Parsley seeds are used not only for growing spices. The product has medical properties. In it chemical composition The B, carotene groups, retinol, trace elements and essential oils are contained. Decorations and infusion of seeds have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and bactericidal action. They normalize blood sugar levels improve the metabolism. Parsley fruits are a choleretic and diuretic. Seeds are used in cooking as seasonings to vegetable stew, meat, salads.

Buying bags with seeds and seedlings in specialized places, some do not think, but how plants breed in principle. Read: How to collect seeds with one-year and twilight crops, how to preserve their maximum germination, let us touch the difference between the variety and hybrid.

It is possible to reproduce the plants in several ways - stalling or tanks (shrubs), mustes (strawberries and strawberries). But most common gardening crops We breed precisely seeds. What is seed?

Seedly - this is a full-fledged plant with kidneys, roots and leaves, just very small. But it is from the state of a seed at the time of landing in the soil directly depends on the development of a full-fledged culture in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out how to collect and save seeds correctly, to get an excellent harvest of vegetables and greens for the next year.

Seeds can, of course, buy on the market or in a specialized store, but it is not possible to check them at the time of purchase possible, and it remains only to hope for the good faith of the manufacturer and the seller. There are cases when from the acquired seeds grows at all exactly what is drawn on the colorful packaging, and the time is already lost, the season passed. In order not to get into such an unpleasant situation, you need to learn how to grow the seeds of the varieties like themselves, especially since it is not at all difficult - and the places need a little, time and labor costs are not required for this process. The main thing is to learn some uncomplicated rules and learn to distinguish the concepts of "grade-hybrid".

What is the difference between a hybrid variety

The concept of "grade" means that all plants have identical genes. It should be noted that in wildlife This can not be in principle, as it takes the crossing of different parents. To obtain a variety, scientists take offspring only from one plant and cross it together. Such an intimidate "bloodstream" is repeated for many years, as a result of foreign genes does not remain, and children are always exactly the same as their parents.

If you are sure that you have a variety of one or another culture, you can safely collect seeds and no doubt that the same plant will grow up the same plant with exactly the same characteristics. Of course, in the garden, various insects can apply pollen from other plants, and after three or five years, the purity of the variety can go to no. Such degeneracy can be prevented if each year is to select the fruits of the most typically varietal crops.

It is convenient to grow varietal plants and easily - they are all, as a rule, standard and need the same produced by the years agrotechnik. But with a nearby crossing in a variety, except for useful, also harmful genes are accumulated and enshrined.

Practice shows that any variety has disadvantages - instability to diseases and various adverse weather conditions. The work of breeders today is aimed at creating new varieties that will not have any drawbacks. However, diseases and pests quickly adapt even to new varieties, so in some cases, hybrids have to use the highest possible crop.

The hybrid is the result of a specific one-time crossing of a combination of specific parents. Hybrid seeds are obtained with artificial pollination isolated from the outside of plants. To obtain hybrids, it is necessary to grow two varieties of the highest cleanliness in an isolated greenhouse and pollinate them manually. This is exactly what the most expensive seeds received.

Hybrids are distinguished by special growth and high yields, endurance to adverse conditions. ambient and resistant to pests and diseases, that is, they take all the most necessary from their parents. Most bright example The hybrid today is the cucumbers of a female type of blossom, that is, such that can tie fruits without pollination.

It should be noted that it is possible to collect seeds with a hybrid, however, as a result, unshaced varieties will grow, that is, those of which this hybrid was obtained by artificial pollination.

The production of hybrid and varietal seeds requires high accuracy of compliance with certain technologies, without which the quality of seeds suffers greatly. There are cases when from colorful bright bags that promise huge yields, it grows it is not clear that. Therefore, it is not always advisable to buy seeds in the store or in the market, especially since getting them on their own from the growing in the garden of various crops does not constitute. Let's figure it out how to do it.

How to collect seeds of annual cultures

Annual cultures are such plants, the entire life cycle of which (germination, flowering, fruiting and death) takes one growing season, they are almost always herbaceous and do not multiply in a vegetative way, that is, the division of stems or roots. To the most popular annual culturesThat we grow in your garden include: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, pepper, eggplants, peas, beans, radishes, as well as greens - salad, dill, coriander and others.

Annual culture grown on seeds is simple enough, this occupation does not require special labor and special knowledge and skills, just need to adhere to some simple rules.

To obtain dill and salad seeds, it is necessary to choose early varieties and it is best to sow them under the winter (in early November), after which the beds need to be closed with a humor or peat. Lined in this way, dill and salad will bloom earlier for 1.5-2 weeks, which means that the seeds will have time to grow well. It is necessary to remove inflorescences and umbrellas at the end of the summer, when the leaves on the plants will begin to push, and the seeds will get brown. Cut umbrellas together with the stem early in the morning and placed in a well-ventilated room for drying, after which the seeds are stripped and put it for storage until the next season.

In order to collect the seeds of the radish, it needs to fall as soon as possible in the spring. On the seeds leave plants formed good root, pods with seeds are cleaned when they begin to turn yellow and squeeze, and the seeds themselves become brownish. It should be noted that if you want to assemble the varietal seeds of the radish, it is necessary to ensure that there are no other varieties of this cult near with the left plants, and the wild radish has not grew, as the seeds can be converted.

Such cultures like beans and peas, for collecting seeds, are completely ripening, dried well with stems, and after that, seeds from the pods and fold for storage.

To obtain high-quality cucumber seeds, it is necessary to leave the fruits of the first collection, which grow on the ribs from the sinuses of the first or second sheet. Such screens over 5-6 sheet need to be segged. The seeds of the early grade usually ripen 40-45 days after the fruit tying. It is necessary to tear such cucumbers when the leaves and stems are already starting to yellow, and the fruits themselves become brown with a grid of cracks. After removing the cucumber from the bed, it is put on the ripe at 17-20 degrees, and the earlier you removed the fruits, the time the ripening is longer, on average it is 18-20 days. After the seed cucumber became soft, it is cut along and choose seeds together with the pulp, put them in a glass or enamelled container (in the metal - blacken). Over the course of three or four days, the seeds are fermented at room temperature, after which they are separated from the pulp and washed well with water through the siete, then lay out for drying with a thin layer on paper, phaneer or glass.

In order to get a good seed material of zucchini, pumpkins or patissons, it is necessary to collect overwhelmed fruits with a peasant coarse flesh. If the fruits are not strong enough on the garden, it is necessary to put them on pouring indoors at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Unlike cucumbers selected from the pulp, the seeds are not fermented, but immediately lay out for drying. It should be noted that if you want to get varietal seeds of mudflows, it is necessary to remember that, in order to avoid recovery, it is impossible to plant different varieties nearby. This rule also concerns the culture of bitter and sweet pepper.

To obtain good seeds, the tomato is selected overwhelmed healthy fruits with well-pronounced varietal properties, best with the first or second brush. Fruits are cut in half and a teaspoon choose seeds, laying out into the glass dishes with the flesh. Fresh 3-4 days, then rinsed well and dried on paper or glass.

After the seeds dried, they are stored in suitable for this conditions, which we will talk a little later. It should be noted that the seeds should be dried at room temperature in a well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight, and in no case use the oven for these purposes.

How to collect seeds of bilateral crops

Two-year culture is a plant, the life cycle of which lasts from 12 to 24 months. In the first year, leaves, stems and roots are formed, after which the plant flows into the state of rest during winter months. For the next season, such a culture produces a long stem on which the sementers appear. Two-year-old plants in nature are much smaller compared to annual or perennial. To the most common bilateral cultures grown on panstones, relate: different kinds Cabbage, beets, carrots, as well as celery and parsley.

Collect seeds with a two-year culture more difficult than with annual, as already noted, it can be done only for the next year, and before that time the plant you liked the plant you need to properly save. Let's figure it out in the basic intricacies of this process.

Carrot seeds and beets

To obtain seeds of carrots and beets before the onset of frosts, it is necessary to take away intact healthy smooth vegetables, clean them from dirt and gently trimmed the foliage, leaving the cutters in 2 cm long. It should be noted that it is not necessary to leave very large root roots on the seeds - they are stored worse and the seeds give not very good quality.

The tops need to trim immediately after cleaning, as even short storage together with leaves can promote development dangerous diseases. During the selection of roots, it is necessary to pay attention to that there are no small lateral roots, and they were smooth and evenly painted.

Next, selected specimens place in wooden drawer with sand and omit in the cellar. It is important not to give vegetables to grab - in the spring will be bad to grow. The optimal storage temperature ranges from 1 to 3-4 degrees, while there should be good ventilation in the room.

The next year, the spring carefully examines the preserved root roots and are taken intact with well-awakened top kidneys, after which 2.5-3 weeks before disembarking are cheered in warm greenhouses or on insulated beds. Depending on the weather conditions, at the end of April or the beginning of May, the prepared rootes are planted into open ground, while leaving the upper part over the ground level.

In order to avoid overstateing for the cultivation of root crops on the seeds, it is best to highlight a separate bed, away from other varieties of the same species. Collect seeds in the middle of the autumn, when the umbrellas in carrots or the floppers from beets will die and rude. Ripe seeds are cut together with stems, dry in a ventilated room or under sheds, then thunder and fold seeds for storage.

Cabbage seeds

To obtain seeds of various varieties of cabbage when harvesting, it is necessary to select healthy, well-formed and appropriate quochin varieties. The selected specimens should have a non-scholars to a well-formed kidney. Keep such cochanists are needed in the cellar or other room with good ventilation at a temperature of 1-2 degrees.

Looking around the seed cochanists directly in the open soil for the next year in mid-April, if you put it later, then the seeds may not have time to grow. 2.5-3 weeks before the disembarkation, it is necessary to carefully cut the knife, trying not to damage the main tidy kidney. The slice should be clean without rot, if at least the slightest signs of posting are observed, then such a nickerel is rejected. The plants cut in this way are stored in the room until the disembarkation itself, while the protective layer has time for a cut. If you cropped the cochanists right before landing, then such a layer will not and the Musician can bend under the influence high humidityAnd the plant will die slowly.

Sythelika landing is best on a separate bed at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other. The place should be solar and protected from strong winds so that the flowers are not broken.

Ripen seeds by the end of summer. You can collect the seeds when they have already dried and punched. After collecting, you suck them in a well-ventilated place, thunder and fold for storage.

To obtain seeds of parsley and celery for the second year of their growth, it is simply no need to trim the leaves from which umbrellas with seeds will grow by mid-summer. Umbrellas will need to cut, dry, spin and store or up to next year, or sow under winter (late October) to obtain early harvest greenery.

How to store seeds

To preserve the maximum germination of collected seeds, a number of conditions must be observed. First, all seed material should be well succeeded, but, as already noted, not in the open sun and not in the oven, but in a well-ventilated place.

Secondly, keep dried seeds is best in hermetic packaging (polyethylene packages, glass bottles, banks, various plastic bottles). Optimal temperature In this case, the range is not higher than 5 and not lower than 0 degrees, so the refrigerator or cellar is perfect for these purposes.

If the air humidity in the room is greatly increased (optimal is 60-70 percent), seeds begin to live actively - breathe and warm up, the germination in such cases is quickly worse.

Under the observance of optimal storage conditions, seeds of different cultures retain the normal germination of pretty for a long time. Practice shows that the most "short-lived" seeds in Pasternak - they already ride very weakly for the second year.

Seed material onion, sorrel, dill, parsley, celery can be sowed on the second, and on the third year. Carrots, salad, pepper retain a good germination of 3-4 years. Redisse cabbage, turnips and beets can be stored 5-6 years, however, the older seeds, the more they will give flexible plants.

All the aforementioned cultures are better to sow fresh seeds, which cannot be said about legumes and bacch plants. Seeds of cucumbers, melons, zucchini, pumpkins and patissons can be stored for 7-9 years, while the seeds of three or four years of exposure are best. Of such a weathered sowing material, more compact and more prolific plants are obtained. The same can be said about the seeds of tomatoes and eggplants.

It's not so difficult to grow your own sowing material. The main thing is to pay attention proper storage Seeds and take care that the seeds do not worry on the beds. Having spent some time and strength, you will not suffer from the unscrupulousness of some manufacturers and sellers and will always be provided with high-quality seeds, and therefore, and an excellent environmentally friendly harvest.

You can grow unpretentious parsley in the garden, in a greenhouse and even on the windowsill at home. Each gardener will definitely find a favorite grade of fragrant seasoning. Sowing and care secrets will help get a rich harvest of delicious roots and juicy greenery.

There are two main varieties of parsley - root and leaf. Varieties of each type of a huge amount. All of them are distinguished by sowing and harvesting, the sizes of the roots and the abundance of greens.

Parsley root

This type of parsley has the main value of the root, all the forces of the plant go to the development of this part of the plant. At the same time, greens can also be used, taste not suffer. The root, as a rule, grows a meaty cylindrical shape. It is good to use it for further preparation of dry additive in dishes and therapeutic tinctures.


Refers to late varieties. Harvesting occurs after 150-180 days. Cream root, 4 cm diameter has a cone-shaped shape with a sharp tip. Length can reach 20 cm or more. Gardeners describe the flesh, as incredibly gentle and tasty. Listed rosette spread with long stems and dark greens. Crop the harvest can be made from June to September, depending on the climatic conditions and landing terms. The roots are perfectly complemented by salads and pickles.


Refers to one of the most delicious varieties. It is clear from the name that the root has a sweet taste, but not shown. The yellow core and white-gray peel forms a conical root close of a length of no more than 30 cm. A distinctive feature is a large content of vitamin C, carotene, salts calcium. Refers to early grades, harvesting can be harvested already on 76-100 days from sowing. Spacidious leaves in the amount of 20-40 pieces form a powerful outlet. Under favorable conditions, the cultivation gives an abundant harvest to 6 kg per 1 square meter. m landing.


Great for additive to soups, borscht and sch). The leaves of the plant of saturated emerald color, below have a matte texture. Distinctive features:

  • special aroma of white cylindrical root;
  • good blender;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

The root of burgundy parsley reaches 120-160 grams, juicy leaves are successfully used in food.

Middle licorice

Sports 130-140 days after sowing. Socket semi-scatter with 20-25 leaves. From one square meter of the soil, you can collect up to 7 kg of harvest. Loves lighting, but will give good results and in half-directed places.

Petrushka Sheet

Such parsley is ideal for greenery in salads. The growth of shoots is fast and abundant. Different varieties Have their own unique aroma and taste. It is divided into two species - smooth and curly. The latter also has decorative qualities.

Such greenery has smooth leaves without curls, but with characteristic torn edges. Fluffy sockets with many dark green shoots. On one bush can grow up to 100 leaves. Roots in such varieties are not suitable for eating.

Harvest ordinary

Fragrant greens with excellent yield. Early grade becomes ripe 70 days after shooting. The socket is characterized by the presence of up to 100 leaves dark green. Korneflood do not eat.

Green crystal

High-yielding parsley of universal application. Green grows intensively and abundantly. Large leaves grow after cutting for short time. This variety is good for any use, especially for freezing. Suitable for canning and drying for the winter.


Since the first germination to ripeness passes - 55-60 days. Strong bush consists of 30 to 60 dark green leaves. The grade is resistant to frozen. The optimal beam height for cutting 10-14 cm, if the greens are needed for consumption in the fresh form. For drying, the collection is better to start at the time of the formation of buds.


Matures 55-60 days and gives high yield. Powerful bush green. Leaves are large, emerald, juicy. It has high aromatic and complex of essential oils, vitamins and mineral salts. It is appreciated for the high yield of leaves, resistance to disease and cold, rapid growth after cut. Recommended for use in any form: Fresh, dried and frozen. The kitchen uses as a seasoning for the salting and first dishes.

Curly grade sheet parsley

Curly parsley is not only excellent taste, but also the opportunity to decorate the dish. The aroma is persistent and well expressed. The advantage is the rapid growth of new shoots after a crop cut. The freshness of the collected greenery is preserved up to 7 days.


From one plant you can collect 50 grams of greenery. In the beam at the same time 30-40 leaves. After cutting, the plant quickly restores the green mass. Up to 1-1.5 kg of harvest can be obtained from the square meter of the Earth.


The German guest is known for its beautiful swirling leaves. Greens are good both in a dry and fresh form. The variety belongs to the impervious, therefore fell in love with gardeners.


Early and high-yielding grade. It is suitable for growing and greenhouse, and in the open ground. Bustic grows low with large leaves. Perfectly transfers long distances and storage in the refrigerator.


The variety is derived by Russian breeders. The plant has long vertical stiffs. Leafs are very curious and have a bright color. It is characterized by a strong fragrance.


Refers to a late satiety. The best taste is fresh. High yields brought popularity with this parsley. After cutting the first leaves, new beams grow rapidly.


Feature of this parsley - the ability to carry well low temperatures and a long lack of watering. The bush is pretty compact, the stems are low and spread, the leaves are swirling and have a saturated emerald color. For one season, the bush can be cut several times. He loved gardeners Slavic parsley because of the ability for a long time to keep freshness after cutting.

Growing parsley on the windowsill

Parsley grown in the apartment is capable of providing vitamins in the winter and spring period. The culture is unpretentious, and any, even a novice gardener, will be able to grow fragrant and juicy greens on the windowsill. So that it accurately happened, you need to be guided by advice and rules for care.

Parsley purchased in the store does not compare with utility and taste with that greens, which is grown by self-care.

Preparation of soil and landing

For landing mini-garden on the windowsill, the store is suitable for violet. The composition of this soil is good for any greens, parsley is no exception. If there is no confidence in purchased mixtures, then it is not difficult to prepare the soil. It is necessary to connect fertile land, double superphosphate and potassium salt. The weakly acidic soil enriched with minerals and humus is preferred. Well parsley will grow in a mixture of peat, humus and garden land in such a proportion: 1-1-2. Phosphoric and potash fertilizers contribute to the finished soil.

The volume of the planting capacity is limited, so it is important that the plant gets nutrients throughout the growth. Containers will need a depth of 20-30 cm. It can be boxes, pots, trays. Mandatory small drainage holes.

At the bottom of any container laying a layer of stones at 1.5-2 cm. Peat pots are also suitable for sowing, but after you need to transplant seedlings in a more spacious container or in open ground.

There are two ways to grow parsley houses:

  • from seeds;
  • from the roots.

With the first way, the harvest is removed 40-60 days after sowing. Properly selected seeds - half of the success. Experienced gardeners When growing the greenery at home, prefer preference early varieties.

Curly variety of greenery tolerates dry air and short-term irrigation. Just such conditions are often found on the windowsill during heating.

To speed up the crossing of seeds, they are soaked for 24 hours in water temperatures 37-40, which should be changed every 3-4 hours. Then it is necessary to displaced the planting material in the manganese solution.

Sequence of actions when landing:

  • make a well with a distance of 50 mm from each other., 6-15 mm depth;
  • shed every pit with water;
  • seeds decompose and sprinkle soil;
  • again irrigate the water all the landing;
  • to cover the film sowing and put it on the windowsill, the temperature is desirable to maintain in the region of 17-20 degrees.

Until that moment, the first sprouts will be thrown, it is necessary to moisten the ground as it dry out. It is undesirable and mold on the basis under conditions of dampness, so ironing is needed. The first shoots quickly go into growth and the film is no longer needed. During this period, it is necessary to follow the irrigation. Recommended irrigation 2-3 times a week.

The second way to planting with the help of roots is easier. The harvest of the first leaves is obtained after 15 days. Large and healthy roots weighing 65-70 grams for landing is a pledge of plentiful and healthy harvest.

Before planting, long roots are not separated, and cut the sharp blade so that 12-16 cm. Slices are sprinkled with ash or crowded coal.

For rapid rooting uses corneser.

The order of landing in containers or pots such:

  • between the roots leave the gaps of 3 cm;
  • the top should be braided from the soil;
  • landing containers are exposed to a darkened place with a temperature of 11-16 degrees. It is necessary for root system Estimated in growth.

The first sheets are a sign of rooting, which means you can set a mini-garden to the windowsill at a temperature of 20 degrees. Now the parsley can be fed and water.

Petrushka care at home

How to care for parsley on the window until it grows intensively? Juicy, scattered and bright greens will definitely work out at home truck if it applies such rules of care:

  • watering to carry out with ate warm water, raw - contains unwanted to increase the greenery of impurities;
  • in the heat from the sun or heating spray planting;
  • if the crust formed on the surface of the Earth, then it must be carefully disappeared.

Petrushka requires 13 hour light mode for growth of splashing busta. With lack of lighting, LEDs or white fluorescent lamps are used. It is important to comply with this recommendation at the leaf formation stage.

The first harvest with landing in this way is collected with the length of shoots - 10-18 cm when there is already a young low piglet. Scrolls are made from the lowest leaves, leaving the stalks at 3-6 cm.

Attentive care and the right gathering will allow to receive harvest of greenery round year.

Growing parsley in the open soil from seeds

Parsley is great for growing in the open ground. Sowing can be carried out several times per season. Seeds of this spiced greenery germinate on 20-25 days, but there is a way to speed up this process with special processing before planting.

Preparation of seeds to sowing

The planting material is better to take not fresh, but with a term of charge in the past year before last - they have more growth energy.

So that parsley fastest gave shoots, the seeds are pre-prepared for sowing. To do this, they are soaked in warm water, which is changed every 4-5 hours. After two or three days, the seeds are placed 24 hours in the growth stimulator.

There are other ways to accelerate germination:

  1. for 2-3 weeks before landing, the seeds are placed in a bag of cotton fabric and bury into the ground to a depth of 20-30 cm. Before sowing them, they are dried on paper until they start crumbling in their hands. This method will allow to obtain the first shoots for the fifth day;
  2. soaking in vodka. Ethyl dissolves the esters on seeds that prevent moisture penetration. For this method, you need to pour vodka in a saucer and put seeds there, pre-wrapped marks. Be sure to after 15-20 minutes, the planting material is riveted and washed well in running water. Otherwise, seeds can burn. After drying, you can start landing;
  3. soaking with the use of ash. In a volume of 1 liter, 2 spoons of ashes are placed and poured with water slightly above room temperature. From time to time, the solution is stirred, after 2 days are placed inside the cans of seeds in the gauze nodule for 5 hours.

If parsley is needed for sale in large quantitiesIt is recommended to boost germination.

This is done like this:

  • seeds soaked in milk 2 hours before landing;
  • in the furrow make lime burned in moderate quantities;
  • swimmed seeds are laid in bed, sprinkled with water;
  • the furrows fall asleep and condense slightly soil.

Shoots may appear for the next day.

Plant landing scheme

It is convenient to plant a parsley into the grooves, no more than 2 cm depth. Sowing can be carried out with a solid line, then it takes a thinning. This can be avoided if you immediately plant a seed after 7-18 cm from each other depending on the variety.

Before falling asleep seeds, the grooves are spilled by water. Then, they fall asleep soil and pour out again.

After the first leaves, shoots are thinned. The gaps are left at 3 cm. After 10-16 days, the parsley is pulling out, leaving the lumen at 10-15 cm. At the same time, the all the remote groin removed from the beds is successfully used in food.

Dates of planting seeds

For germination of greens, a temperature is needed - 20-24 degrees. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the primer after sowing. At the same time, it is necessary to join the landing, raise the shelter for a short time.

You can sow parsley under the winter. Then the seeds lay in bed in the second half of October and to the first frosts, insulating sowing from above peat. Additionally, later planting sprinkled with snow. With the arrival of spring already at a temperature of 4 degrees, the sprouts begin to touch. At this time, you can cover the future crop film.

Care during cultivation

After the first appearance of the greenery on the surface of the soil, the film must be removed to give more light to shoot. At the same time, the greens will not freeze, because it can withstand up to 9 degrees of frost.

For abundant harvest perform simple rules Care:

  1. the first germs to cut forward so that 18 cm remains between the sheets, between the root - 7-15 cm.
  2. for a continuous harvest, seeds will subscribe once every 1-2 weeks;
  3. be sure to produce heavy soil;
  4. the struggle with weeds will help culture grow strong and healthy.

It is observed that the taste of parsley depends on the timeliness of watering. Bright and juicy leaves in a culture, if it has received enough water throughout the growth. For growing greenery for the purpose of further drying, it is necessary to limit watering. So, seasoning will be more fragrant, although the leaves will get rigidity.

Watering and feeding

The feeder is carried out in conjunction with watering. It is enough to make fertilizers one or twice for the season. Suiter suitable (5-7 grams per 1 square meter). In the same quantity you can make a nitrogen additive.

At the beginning of growth, the root parsley needs complex fertilizers, closer to the autumn are ideal - phosphoric and potash. They prepare for such a recipe: 7 grams of superphosphate mixed with 5 grams of potash salt. The mixture is enough for 1 square meters. meter soil.

Growing parsley in the open ground from the root

A quick and reliable method that does not require time to germinate seed. For the growth of King, you need to create favorable conditions and proper care.

Landing parsley into the ground

For landing, the strongest and healthy roots are selected. Their thickness ranges from 2 to 5 cm, permissible length no more than 8 cm. Too long copies can be shortened by a knife blade. At the same time, the cut is processed by coal. Roots should be smooth without tops. Before planting, they are maintained at a temperature of +2 degrees in the sand.

When planting Parsley

You can start to plant an open primer from April to June.

How to plant parsley

For landing it is better to choose solar places with shades. The soil must be sufficiently drained, if it is not so, then it needs to add sand into it.

At the selected section, narrow grooves are made with an interval of 15-16 cm., Water them with water. The roots are removed from sand and laid on the beds with rows at an angle of 45 degrees. There should be a distance between cultures - 5 cm. When falling asleep on the surface, the tip of the root should be stitching by 2 cm. After, the earth is rambling and shed abundantly water.

Parsley care in the ground

To landing, the temperature should be kept not lower than 15 degrees. Leaves after appearances are regularly sprayed with water. Mature greens height 25 cm can be cut off. The soil must be constantly loosened to access the oxygen to the roots. Weeds, taking useful substances from culture, you need to destroy in a timely manner.

Watering and feeding

Root parsley loves watering, they need to be carried out until the end of August. If summer is increasing, the essential oils are accumulated under the heat. Green exudes a more intense fragrance, but the taste and shoots are treated with rude. Therefore, special attention in drought should be given to watering. In the rainy summer, the parsley may have a weak fragrance, but the leaflets are in gentle and soft.

For proper technique Planting and leaving the first harvest is collected in 30 days.

Collection and storage of parsley

For consumption in the fresh form, the parsley is collected from beds as needed. For short storage, refrigerator and special packages for vegetables are used. After the cutting of greenery from the socket, a new seasoning grows after a while. The roots of the culture are collected before the onset of frosts when the temperature will be below 5 degrees. Harvest At higher temperatures are less stored.

In order for the leaves of the plant more fragrant, it is necessary to reduce watering in 8-15 days.

For long-term storage, greens can be knocked. For this purpose, the leaves are harvested in dry weather during the day, when the dew only sued. It is desirable that the plant is not yet blooming.

Choose only strong and green shoots. After washing, the leaves are folded on paper.

To put the root roots, they are well washed well, they believes the upper thin skin and cut with thin circles or straw. Parsley is dried in the air, in the oven or in special devices. Whole roots stored in the sand in basement.

Salt serves good preservative and for parsley, including. Greens cut or tear into pieces, fall asleep along with salt by banks. The workpiece is well tumped. It turns out an excellent supplement in salads, the main thing is not to salt the dishes additionally.

Green seasoning can be freezed. For this, strong shoots are washed, slightly dried and placed in packages or containers for freezing.

You can get an excellent refueling to salads, if you grind the greens and the ravarity of it in the jar. Then, on top everything to pour refined oil so that it closes the whole greens. Keep such a refrigeration in the refrigerator.

Getting parsley seeds yourself

Culture that is grown for the sake of seeds is called - the seed. The soil for their cultivation should not be very fertile. So, the growth period will increase, and the seeds will not have time to increase. Tsemenniks must be healthy, without defects and deformities.

So that there is no transcender, the leaf and root parsley should be planted apart from each other.

In the fall, they choose the most healthy and beautiful roots and store them at a temperature of 0-2 degrees in a sand container. In the spring, the planting material is well examined and discarded the fallen or right specimens. The remaining roots are transferred to more warm roomWhere after a while they are formed shoots. Then the seeds are planted on the bed. All summer, they care for them, as behind the usual parsley. Blossom will occur in 40-43 days. Next, for ripening seeds will be required 120-130 days.

The collected seeds are moved and stored in a ventilated shaded place, without sunlight. It is unacceptable to dry the planting material in the oven.

After, seeds lay out in banks or paper bags. Store indoors with air temperature not more than 5 degrees. Suitable place - cellar or refrigerator door. It should be monitored by humidity, with its high performance, the germination of the planting material will decrease.

For right standards Storage Seeds can keep germination from two to four years.

What to plant after parsley

After parsley in the soil, it is good to plant vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers. Not recommended soil for any other greenery.

Petersley itself is undesirable to sow in place for the previous growth of dill, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, abraise.

Pests and parsley diseases

Greens and roots of parsley are rarely infected with diseases and pests. It's all about scaring insects essential oils.

There are such diseases affecting the plant:

  1. puffy dew False. The fungus is recognized in white spots that are growing after a certain time. Only the leaves are affected, but at the same time root varieties, the root crust will be small and underdeveloped;
  2. white rot ruins the root, gradually corrosive it;
  3. rust - visible on the underside of the leaves in the form of brown or yellow spots. Most often infected bushes in the summer;
  4. white spotty - fungal diseaseshown on the leaves like numerous rounded stains of the blurred form. Color - yellow with dark brown edging. In the launched form, the leaves are yellow and dry;
  5. disease caused by fungus - churrosposition of leaves. Symptoms - elongated crushed brown stains or yellow color On shoots of plants.

Parsley rarely, but may attack such insects:

  1. Carrot fly. In the roots of the insect makes the passages. The leaves become red with a purple tint, after yellowing and dry.
  2. Strong nematode. Adults and their larvae feed on juice. As a result, the plant lags behind and is urged.
  3. Bahch wave. It takes the lower side of the leaves, settled on the plant with a whole colony. Insects feed on parsley juices, as a result of which the leaves are wrinkled and dry.
  4. Listoblushka - light green insect, larvae - yellow. Feed on plant juices.

Protective measures will prevent the emergence of diseases and insect attacks. One of the most eco-friendly methods Consider proper selection Sort parsley. It is important that it will be resistant to diseases, such include: Moscow, Element, Natalka, Fresco, Titan, Fakir, Dark, Novas.

Enhance resistance to diseases Such measures:

  • sowing in early terms;
  • not the assumption of the presence of the coniferous rocks;
  • the soil is preferable to choose dry and light;
  • soil acids need to be known.

As a landing material, the most integral and strong seeds collected from a healthy plant should be used. Calibration is recommended in this way:

  • prepare salt and two-percent ammonium nitrate;
  • seeds immerse in a glass with a cooked liquid and mix;
  • after 3-5 minutes, seeds, which appended at the bottom to select and use for landing.

The seed produced on the surface is unsuitable for sowing.

For disinfection and disinfection, heat treatment is used. For this, the seeds are placed in water with a temperature of 50-52 degrees and get from there in 25 minutes.

It is possible to disinfect with such a solution: one part of the formalin is taken at 300 parts of the water. In the resulting liquid, the seeds in Marle are 5 minutes away. After, placed on 2 hours under a tarp or film. This procedure is recommended to do 1-2 days before the planned landing, not later - otherwise the germination will decrease.