Repairs Design Furniture

Log house with your own hands. How to build from a log: all stages of work - from choosing materials to decoration, photo and video Building a wooden house from a log

If during the construction of the house from the rounded logs there are any technical questions, they must be solved not with the customer, but with a foreman. The controversial situations of the brigadier and foreman must first coordinate in order to subsequently not to redo all the work.

Algorithm for assembling houses from the following:

1. Check the foundation for dimensions and horizontality;

2. Make waterproofing. At the same time, glass insulation must be laid in one layer, and the rubberoid is two layers. The surface of the foundation should be fully covered with a smooth layer of waterproofing, as well as performing beyond its limits by two or three centimeters from all sides;

3. According to the drawing, we make installation of translations (first floor and the following, if provided) and lower strapping. We mean the timber from all sides by flame-protected composition. Since when drying, the beams can turn them with a screw, all pairs must fit tightly, which can be achieved with the help of brackets and nails. On the beams will subsequently stew the floor. If the floor transfers are not based on a full-altitude to the foundation, it cannot be loosen;

4. The maximum allowable discrepancy between the diagonals of the design should not exceed 5 millimeters;

5. To the foundation, the lower strapping is not attached;

6. Semi-branches (mortgages) should be installed only after re-testing the diagonality and the installation of the first crown on the brusade strapping, and fasten with the brackets;

7. When laying subsequent rows, verticality must be checked from the inside of the cut level;

8. In order to drill holes in the log on arrogant, it should be first set it up, and after temporarily nailing nails on both sides (this will prevent the log movement in the drilling process). At the end of the process, all nails are extracted;

9. For sealing the crowns, flax fiber is used, which is stacked in one layer, excluding the openings;

10. The liner layer must have a width smaller than 1-2 centimeters than the width of the groove;

11. Since in the door, window and other openings, shrinkage and drying of the log occurs more intense, the flabbling should be laid on one third of the logs in two layers, ranging from the opening. If the log length is less than one meter, with their assembly, the double layer of flax fiber is also used.

12. In order for parallel logs to rise in the openings at the same time, their horizontal needs to be monitored on each row;

13. The stapler makes the brackets so as to take into account the ending of the heads of the chainsaw, and subsequently do not fasten the chain;

14. In the checkerboard, the edges should be consolidated by brackets of flax fiber to the corresponding bowls and grooves. Next, the flax fibrous, protruding outwards. In the cups it should be laid in two layers. In the process of increasing the flaxolock, the tapes must be overtaken by five to ten centimeters;

15. The gap, formed when docking the two logs, should be about one centimeter. It should be immediately corrred by flabbing to avoid the formation of cold bridges. The foreman is obliged to check this stage of work;

16. Collecting a log house, be sure to control the positions of the top crown logs, which must be parallel to each other. Schedules of individual crowns are unacceptable, as as the house shrinkages, it will increase to increase. In this regard, it is necessary to provide in advance to provide the possibility of laying an additional layer of libolok;

17. In the chess, the holes are drilled under bent on each subsequent crown so that they do not get one thing. Begroen, which are already clogged, should be labeled with a pencil so that they are not visible on a litter;

19. In the log, the bells down to the depth of three centimeters. If you neglect by this rule, in the future, the log house will hang on the impudent. If the foreman has discovered uncomplicated begging in the process of work, the brigade at its own expense disassets the design and collects again;

20. In the process of work, it is periodically necessary to sharpen the drill with a file, not a grinder. It is strictly forbidden to strike a semicircular part of the drill (protruding, cutting) below the flat working edge. If you work with a blunt drill, it will very soon lead to overheating, and, as a result, breakdown. Repair drill due to its breakdowns as a result of working in the blunt state, the depreciation of the expenses of the pro-passage on trips, easy to work due to repair - all this is paid from the wages of the brigade;

21. Setting the logs and securing them with brazings, the design must be seeded with a large wooden inquiry made from a bar or log, or a sledgehammer;

22. Responsibility for those left in cups and fires, Nails are fully lies with the members of the brigade;

23. Sockets of logs in the receivers must be copped with brackets 8 * 250, which are taken into the existing, or pre-prepared groove potsopils flush.

24. In order for the log cabin not to be placed over time along the long walls, it should periodically monitor its horizontal dimensions (optimally - every five or six crowns);

25. If a cup of a log has an insufficient depth, it hangs in it, which leads to the formation of a slit in the groove of this and the crown below. The presence of such a defect is unacceptable, so the situation is corrected by increasing the depth of the cup of chainsaw. To control the process is obliged to the brigadier;

26. If, when collecting a chub, builders have discovered visible log defects - black bones, oblave, chips, they are obliged to inform the foreman. The solution to the problem can be both the permutation of the log to another place and its replacement. If the defect is minority, the log can be moved so that it is low;

27. Installing round support poles with screw jacks required:

  • At the bottom of the pillar cut a cup;
  • Be care on the necessary height of the pillar, while taking into account the lowering of the jack in the following 8-10 centimeters;
  • If the pillar is not alone, place the installation sites of the remaining pillars on the lace;
  • Strictly in the center of the circle of the logs to sew holes under the jack;
  • Galvanized nails or self-drawing to consolidate the jack site;
  • Strictly vertically and on one line to install poles;
  • Adjust jacks.

28. By installing the frontones, it is necessary to constantly monitor the verticality of the wall, refreshing it into the process of installation of disclosures, which is especially relevant when installing high frontoths. Each log should be attached to no less than two heels. With further trimming of the frontons during the installation of the rafter, it is necessary to prevent spilivation of napillates. Temporary binding of a wall board vertically without blending Hats nails will help prevent the logging of logs from the front of the front.

29. After graduating from the graduation assembly, such actions should be made:

  • Check whether all the logs are clean, if not, wash them thoroughly;
  • Extract nails from the cut, if there are naval signs on the ends of the logs, remove them;
  • From the foundation and walls of the dream of sawdust and other construction trash in one place;
  • Lumber residues stored;
  • If it is necessary to disassemble and store forests to continue work, perform it;
  • Garbage and trimming boards transfer to one place;
  • The territory, the household and the sorter will lead to the state in which they were at the time of the start of construction;
  • Disable electricity and gas.

30. Reception of work is carried out by a procurement, on the basis of this, the act of acceptance is drawn up.

The instructions are familiar with the following: members of the brigade: __________________________ ____________________________________________________ ________________________________

Own house for many is a dream, which is in our time really implement. However, even in order to build a house from a log, you need to get permission. The procedure for registration of building permit is defined in the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

Building your own hands at home from the log today is a fully feasible task, the main thing is to know the procedure for its construction.

In Russia, traditionally built houses from logs or bricks, but with the advent of modern building materials, log house as a method for building housing began to apply less frequently. Currently, the construction of houses from a wooden bar or from logs is becoming in demand again, and there are reasons for it.

Looking at the already built house from the log, it may seem that it is quite simple to make the same hand. This is an erroneous representation, and, having decided to build a house of logs with your own hands, you must thoroughly prepare, this will help you with the above-step instruction.

Log as building material and tool for processing it

Image 1. Scraiber, thanks to two bubble levels, will help produce more accurate measurements compared to the feature.

For private house-building, wood can be considered an ideal building material. With a relatively small weight of the tree, it is possible to build a solid low-rise building. Therefore, if you wish, you can build a house, and a bath from the logs with your own hands. To build a house from a tree, the following tools will be required:

  • ax;
  • hand saw;
  • electric drill;
  • electroplated or chainsaw;
  • the tool for the markup "Damage" (scripers) shown in the image 1.

Manually processed by removing branches and bark, called wild, and processed on special machines - rounded.

Build a house from the logs processed by hand, much more complicated than from rounded. After processing in production, the material is almost ready for the manufacture of a log.

The main problem when cutting a log cabin is a bunch of logs in its corners. The logs can be connected so that they will not perform beyond the walls. This is an economically favorable fastening technology, as the entire log length is used with benefit. Such options for connections are shown in the image 2.

Image 2. Breed connection options.

A compound that is called "with the residue", gives the house originality, because in our time such a structure looks unusual. In this embodiment, the ends of the logs protrude beyond the walls, which increases the consumption of the material.

The variants of the angular docking of the cut "with the residue" is a lot, but the most common are three: a simple bowl, comb and in Kurdyuk. These options are shown in the image 3.

Comparing the variants of angular connections, it is easy to make sure that the connections "with the residue" are manually made easier, and such a connection, as a simple bowl, is made at production.

Image 3. Options for angular docking cut "with the residue".

If you want to increase the length of the log, then the method shown in the image 4 is simple.

Along the crown of the logs additionally fasten with anticipation. Agel is a metal or wooden rod. It is driven through the upper crown in the bottom so that between the bottom of the hole in the lower crown and the end of the heat was the gap to compensate for the shrinkage of wood. It is advisable to apply brazen from the tree of the same breed as the main log. For drilling holes for arrogance, the electric drill and the drill of the corresponding diameter will be required.

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Features of wooden buildings

Based on the centuries-old practice of building wooden houses, a forest having a natural humidity is used for their construction. To splashes from the rain and water from the melting of snow in the spring did not fall on the lower crown of the house, the foundation should rise above the ground level of at least 50 cm. To protect the walls of the rain, the ledge of the wooden structure should be at least 60 cm, better if It will be equal to 90 cm. True, there is no guarantee that such a design will be able to protect the walls from a strong shower.

Image 4. Method for increasing the length of the log.

Before deciding how to build a house, it is necessary to keep in mind that to maintain the house from the logs in proper condition, it is possible to initially carefully treat the wood insecticides, and during operation, periodically examine the log house for pests and process it with antiseptics.

In the absence of basement in the house, the log house can be installed on a ribbon monolithic foundation, without blocking it below the level of primerization of the soil. You can use both a column and screw foundation with painter. An example of a ribbon foundation is shown in the image 5, and in the image 6 shows an example of a screw foundation, where the lower crown of logs is used as a grill.

In energy saving, wooden structures are more efficient to brick, as they at night slower gives solar heat accumulated per day, but this does not exclude the need for their insulation. Modern energy saving requirements have become much tougher, and for their fulfillment, the thickness of the wooden wall is at least 53 cm. This means that it is not necessary to comply with the requirements for energy saving without insulation.

Images 5, 6. Examples of foundations.

In addition, you should not neglect some requirements that contribute to energy saving. So, residential premises are desirable to have a south side, provided on the same side and the maximum possible number of windows. Do not experiment with the form of structure. The protrusions should be as little as possible, unnecessary balconies too.

To preserve heat, the garage and boiler house should be placed on the northern side of the structure. On the same side, it is desirable to provide a window with which in the summer heat you can create natural ventilation that promotes air cooling indoors.

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About preparation for the construction of the house

Image 7. An example of a wooden house project.

Before starting to build, it is necessary to prepare well. It is advisable to use the services of a specialist who knows the features of the construction of steel structures and in particular from the logs. He will create a project taking into account the characteristics of the construction site and the wishes of the future owner. It is easier to build a house from rounded logs.

In this case, you can use ready-made projects by making minor changes in them, which will allow in production conditions to fully prepare a set of logs. An example of such a project is shown in the image 7.

Cylindered logs have a significantly less shrinkage, they are qualitatively treated with antiseptics. It is very important that the longitudinal grooves will be perfectly selected in them.

If the groove is prepared independently, the scraiber will be required. The process of markup and manufacturing a longitudinal groove with an ax or chainsaws is shown in the image 8.

Images 8, 9. Condition of the longitudinal groove and laying of logs.

It is necessary to prepare a material storage platform. The image 9 shows the laying of logs.

By purchasing material, you need to pay attention to its color. It should be yellow or dark yellow. The bitch should be as small as possible, and the resin pockets are absent. Cracks should not exceed the third part of the cut. The logs must be absolutely smooth over the entire length and not screw-like. Inspecting the ends of the logs, it is necessary to make sure that the core occupies more ¾ of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe cut and that the cut is smooth, and the wood is dense.

Wooden house is desirable to build in winter in areas where winter is real, frosty and without sharp thaws, therefore, and the humidity is minimal. However, the foundation should be built in the summer.

The foundation for the wooden house has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. The height of the base must be at least 50 cm. The foundation must be provided by the products that provide ventilation underground, which will exclude the formation of mold.

Independent laying of a rounded log into a log house, it is possible if you follow a certain order of work when assembling. Having putting your own knowledge and hands, you can save great on the services of professional masters. Actions are notable in understanding, however, require several participants - it is not possible to lift the log cabin alone, in addition, the assembly scheme of the house from the rounded log is fundamentally different from each other. How to build a house from the OCB correctly, described below.
Before the set of sawn timber will be delivered to the site, it is necessary to prepare and withstand the foundation: it will take at least a year for the assembling of the strength and stability of a concrete base. The starting assembly of the otillization is prohibited.
During this time, all the flaws of the pouring will be revealed, which should be eliminated, otherwise the risk of collapse or damage is large. What could it be:
  • Cracks are the most common defect of the finished platform. Installation of the house on the cracked base will result in further destruction. They occur for many reasons: incorrectly selected type of base, poor-quality concrete mass, not taking into account whims of soil, close grounding of groundwater.
Redo all the platform too expensive. The arisen defects are again filled with concrete mass, pre-reinforcing faults by the method of sticking. Distribute defect with a radically: arrange a formwork wider than previous, reinforced emptiness, fill them with boot and pour them again, watching the mass evenly. This will say that the white foam appeared on the surface. For communication, there are special glasses through which pipes will be laid. After the concrete mass is frozen, the foundation is thoroughly isolated from moisture using a molten bitumen for this. Regarding the material it is impossible, installation does not accept dampness.

To save the platform for a long time, you can not forget about internal and external insulation. The first is done at the fill stage, the second is immediately after waterproofing, pressing the polystyrene plates to the liquid bitumen. Then the insulation is also covered with mastic, special attention is paid to the joints and seams.

Before working on the assembly of the otillization, the foundation is separated from the crowns to the mortgage larch board - this breed is not as much afraid of dampness. It is drilled and put on the platform fittings, which should be asked by bitumen. Usually, the first row represents the OBS wider than the rest: in this case, the stability of the object is provided.
It is placed as follows: Now you can raise the walls, not forgetting to lay the grooves of each row by the seal. For such a goal, it is best to use jute, because the package and moss have less useful properties. For the assembly of log cabins from the rounded log goes along the rolled: fitting, hovering holes, installing elements. It is impossible to skip the fixation of the crowns in the subrows, otherwise the thermal insulation of the entire building will be broken. For fasteners, steel staples are used, the studs-brazen do not have a proper fortress on the places with a large load. Erecting a log house on the desired height, the work is completed by installing ceiling floors. If the structure is conceived in two floors, the process lead on and leave the lower rows on the shrinkage without any action to drink outlets for windows and doors: the natural change in the size will break the cooked propyl, and the assembly technology will be broken.

The finished log house is impregnated with protective compositions, covered with waterproofing and leave for a period of half a year to one and a half years, depending on the volume of the structure.

As a rule, for the strength of the roof is used by a timber with a cross section from 100 mm. It is possible to increase the parameter in the case of the structurality of the structure. Installation of roofing system - responsible occupation. The roof is a kind of dome, holding a heavy log building, so during construction it is recommended to use complex roofing schemes with farms, amplifies and other elements that ensure the stable construct.

It is customary to fit the roofing material immediately, so less risk to undergo a ready-made home for weather changes, in particular, rain. The choice of coating depends on the magnitude of the angle of the skate: the more cooler, the strategic material.

Drinking openings, inserting doors and windows

Assembly rules say: drinking occurs outside on advanced lines. The upper and lower should pass in the middle of the otling. The threshold is determined by this - the height of the second crown. The exemplary is calculated according to the size of the window or door plus 15 cm on the subsequent shrinkage. The work is carried by a grinder, then knocking on a log in the house. For inserting accessories, a placade is made - a box for the window and a door that does not give a shrinkage to crush expensive packages and blocks. The wicked moments are considered. IMPORTANT: The described technological assembly of a log of a rounded log cannot be high-quality, if you lose sight of any stage. Insecurity of their own forces is a reason to turn to professionals.

Instructions for assembling a log of a rounded log is given in general provisions, each stage contains a plurality of nuances relative to the tree of wood, the architecture of the house, the length of the whips and other important points. Special attention should be paid to the finished structure for its processing before the start of finishing works. Nevertheless, the described technology is quite simple and, observing it to put its own home or a bath.

Wooden log house was used in Russia since time immemorial. And even in our time, despite the fact that new building materials appeared, the wooden house is very popular. Such a house is considered environmentally friendly, and in its strength is not inferior to stone and brick houses.

For the construction of a cut, the coniferous rocks of the tree are suitable.

We build a wooden house yourself quite possible, if you know the installation technology and all the subtleties of the assembly. To know how to collect a log house, you need to make a project at home, prepare wood and choose the desired type of foundation.

Siruba Study Technology

Log cabin is a design of horizontally laid logs that form the walls.

Each series of logs around the perimeter is called a crown. The lower row is a bustling crown.

The design at the corners is formed by connecting logs with protruding ends. If the house is represented only by outer walls, then it is called a four-lane, and if there is a partition inside, then it is a five-ranged log cabin with a T-shaped stitching log inside.

For the construction of such a house requires wood coniferous or hardwood. It is desirable that the trees be fresh and in winter. Such wood contains less moisture. For a cut, it is preferable to choose coniferous wood. The best option will be pine.

For the construction of a wooden log cabin, a diameter of 25-26 cm is used. For the terrain with a warm climate, a log of 22-23 cm is suitable. Material must be high quality: without wormwort and rot.

The construction of a church consists of several stages:

  1. Drawing up a project of the house. This stage includes the development of drawings, the choice of materials, the type of foundation and all the design features of the future structure.
  2. Preparation for work. It includes the construction of the foundation, the training of logs.
  3. Construction of the walls of a church. This is actually the bulk of construction.
  4. Roof arrangement.
  5. Finishing wall processing and internal finishing works.

To properly assemble a log house, you need to select technology. At the moment there are three: Russian, Canadian and Norwegian. The first two are based on the use of large-cylindered logs, and the Norwegian technology - on the logs left on both sides. These technologies differ in a different approach to the workpiece and laying wood.

Any technology requires careful preparation of material: calibration, grinding, selection logs in diameter.

Such types of foundations are suitable for wooden logs:

  1. Columnar. Suitable for small houses. Their erection requires careful calculations.
  2. Fundament of deep downstream. This is the most expensive foundation. It is used for the construction of bulky buildings with basement and garage space.
  3. Small breed. It is considered the most optimal for a wooden house. This base is suitable for any soil, as well as it is reliable and economical.

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How to assemble a log house

Breeding scheme logs.

To begin with, it is necessary to remove the bark from the constructed trees and cut the logs of the same length equal to the length of the walls plus 100 cm of the allowance. If there are no identical long logs, then they can be obtained by splicing short method "comb-groove". But the first crown of the church must be consisting of a solid high-quality material. The logs intended for internal works must be protest from two sides.

You can collect in two ways:

  • using wooden brazing;
  • with the help of nails.

The first method is preferable, since the area of \u200b\u200bcontact is copper and the logs are greater, and therefore the design will be securely fastened.

The compound of voices occurs in a checker order, the distance between which should be no more than 2 m.

In the case of assembly with nails, it is necessary to correctly calculate the length of the nails. If the thickness of the walls is 100 mm, then the length of the nail should be at least 250 mm. The nail hat is deeply comfortable in the wood, so that the material shrinkage did not occur.

When the foundation is dry, its surface is resurrected by waterproofing material: rubberoid. Next, you can lay the first crown of the thick logs. For strength - transverse bars-gaskets. The lower crown and gaskets should be carefully covered with antiseptic and tar.

The gaps between the lower salary and the foundation are closed with brick and concrete solution on a pre-laid runneroid.

The connection of the corners in the corners is most often carried out by the "Cup" method or the "in the paw" method. The first method assumes the strapping on the corners with the allowance of the logs, and "in the paw" - without an allowance. The "Cup" method is designed for round logs. The cut "in the paw" is used for both round and trimmed logs. But this method is more economical, since it does not remain extra wood at the corners.

During the assembly, it is necessary to control the evenness of the angles and the vertical of the walls..

The uppermost crown of the church - Maurylalat serves as a support for the roof. The upper crown is performed from strong and high-quality logs.

For doors and windows leave the corresponding openings. But you can drink these openings and after the construction of a church. This method is preferred, since a uniform load on the foundation is provided with a design. This means that the house does not turn.

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Wall processing and internal work

After the construction of the cut, its walls should be caught moss, felt or packles. You can use artificial materials based on natural rubber. These materials tightly closed the slots between the logs, so that the walls acquire a monolithic waterproofing structure.

Crop the vertical surfaces begin to bottom with the help of hammer and caulking. This procedure should be done around the perimeter. This means if you canopt individual walls, the structure can turn. When the treatment of the outer walls is complete, the internal surfaces are moving.

Next, wood must be coated with antiseptic compositions. The treatment of fire fighting substances is required in those places where the furnace, fireplace and in the chimney zone will be installed. These procedures will significantly extend the service life of the house.

Cubbing in "Obla" bowl down.

The final stage of the scuba assembly will be its shelter by waterproofing materials. Such a procedure is held for six months so that the house gives a natural shrinkage.

When the walls are ready, go to the installation of the roof and interior decoration.

Usually, high-quality wood is grinning and simply covered with varnish. To do this, you can use both transparent and colored coating.

If you still want modern interior design, then the inner walls can be seen with wooden clapboard or plasterboard. But before this should take care of the installation of electrical storage. Electrical wires must be necessarily isolated: with copper veins in metal tubes.

Wooden logs do not need additional insulation, so the laying of foams between the walls and facing material is not needed. With a lot of need for insulation, you can use mineral wool.

The floors in the litigation are performed from the boards, the thickness of which is 40 mm. They are tightly placed together, fix it, grind and processed by the example of the walls. You can cover the floor to be lacquered, you can lay a laminate.

Before many acute, the issue of building an inexpensive house. After all, its separate housing is one of the main necessary vital factors.

Of the well-known building materials, the cheapest, warm, healthy, providing comfortable accommodation, is a tree.

From inexpensive wood the most budget is pine. And it is very desirable and preferable that it has been prepared in winter. Such brices are less prone to deformation and rotting. The diameter of the log so that the house does not freeze in the winter and was warm, not less than 250 mm., And better and 270 mm. But the more the size of the diameter, the more expensive the cost of login will be.

So that the house is really inexpensive, you need to build yourself. But without experience in this case it will be difficult. And marriage, and sometimes I am not correct, it is unlikely to be avoided. The optimal option will be to form a logging and its assembly in the enterprise, and to save on the interior, making work on their own.

Now there are very many firms offering their services for the design, manufacture and installation of log cabins. Check out several of them, listen to reviews, look at the objects built by them and make your choice according to the price and quality ratio.

Choose your favorite project from available, or pay for the design and settlement documentation of your individual project. Cheaper will be typical projects already available. Some enterprises take a symbolic fee for the finished project, subject to the placement of the order for the production of a church at their enterprise.

Each construction consists of several stages:

Fundament device

This type of work is expensive, time-consuming, but it can become much cheaper if you make it with your own hands.
Under the wooden log house, you need a strong, not wide foundation. It may be several types:

  • tape, monolithic,
  • column
  • concrete pillows
  • pile with a woodworking device.

On the sandy, sandy soils, a monolithic belt foundation can be built. On the soils with groundwater, the pile foundation with the woodworking device, which acts as a strengthening concrete beam, will be better suitable for the ground. In order to save it, you can make a foundation from concrete pillows at an equal distance from each other or the most economical option is a column foundation. He is also pretty durable.

In case of foundations, it is necessary to lay for the necessary communications tunnels or leave the holes so that I never had to pierce them in the ready-made foundation.

Erecting the walls of Srub

Such work is better to entrust specialists, but if there is a desire and experience, then consulting with specialists and this work may be on the shoulder.

Build the walls of the house from the login can be in any season. Under the lower crown, the foundation lay the layer of waterproofing material - for example rubberoid. And on top of it, the prepared plank, previously treated with antiseptic solution, is placed.

They establish the first row of login, aligning it in a horizontal plane for the construction level. After the correct installation of the first crown, it is necessary to place a sealing material throughout the plane. It happens a few species:

  • tow,
  • jute,
  • Psyl
  • PPE (foamed tape from polyethylene with adhesive layer), etc.

The most traditional and eco-friendly moss, now there are many new seals, with good indicators. But nevertheless, preference is better to give natural.

Between themselves, the crowns can be fastened with metal pins, or wooden brakes in a checker order.

After installing the cut, he is given time for sitting, from 4 to 6 months, depending on the quality and dryness of wood. Boards are placed on the assembled logboard and they are covered with waterproof material.


When the time of shrinkage was run out of a log house, you can make a roof. First, for laying the ceiling beams in the last, the top row is buried to the size of the ceiling beams of the excavation or shutting. This is done through an equal meter distance, they put the beams in them and proceed to the construction of the roof. On a wooden house, so as not to have twisted the roof, or so that it does not break any elements, it does not tie it hard to Mauerlat and Frontones.

Collect the roof frame, and after that it is satisfied with the shap. For soft tiles, they make a continuous drug inset, and if the roof is covered with ondulin. enough doom. Recommended trim drying with vapor barrier materials.

Device of window and doorways

This work is done after the shrinkage of the cut, with the help of chainsaws. Window and doorways are strengthened by clubs.

The rest of the work, to reduce the cost of construction, you can do itselves:

Processing Breed and Staffing, Antiseptic Processing

Proceed with brass stripping, and then grinding, with the help of grinding or grinder, with a solid-caliber sandpaper. After such treatments, the appearance is significantly improved, reformed.

Cosopate the joints between the upper and lower broths, joints. This makes harms from different natural and synthetic materials, or pastes. Konopka is needed outside and inside so that the cold bridges are not formed, and there were no cracks.

Complete with antiseptic solutions. The benefit is now in stock complex means - "two in one", or "three in one", which, when applied, be created in addition to antiseptic processing and decorative effect, since they are at the same time lacquer on which you save if you use universal solutions.

Installation work and doors

This can be trusted by a specialist, and can be done in order to save.

Ceiling device

When they make a ceiling in a wooden house, usually make it from two parts: rough and clean. The draft ceiling has a type of box where insulation materials are placed. And already on it is fixed clean. It can be made from various materials from OSP, boards, lining; Suspended and tensioning. The most inexpensive will be the ceiling of OSP.

Installation work

They imply laying the lag, the manufacture of roughing, which, like a rough ceiling, can be filled with insulating material. The finishing floor is done as desired of boards or plywood, chipboard or OSP.

Installation of electricians

If you do not have a skill, then all the work on the electrics must perform specialists. This includes work:

  • paving wires in cable channels,
  • connecting to the electrical protection,
  • installation of switches and sockets,
  • installation of lighting devices.

Installation of water pipes

It is carried out by PVC pipes, metal-plastic and metal. Works plumbing consist of:

  • connecting devices.

Sewerage and sanitary work

If the site does not provide for central sewage, then it is suitable for themselves. With close underground water, one or more septic plants are bought, for cleaning and filtering livestock products. And if the soil with deep groundwater occurs, you can build a cesspool from concrete rings.

Inside the house lay the riser and plumbing appliances are connected:

  • toilet,
  • bath
  • sinks.

Finishing of interior walls

It can be done by any taste and color, from any materials suitable for you. But the wood itself, polished and covered with wax, or varnish will be very decorative for a long time. And this is the most economical option.

Specialists advise the walls inside with wooden panels, a block chamoque or clapboard. And in the kitchen and in the bathroom in front of the walls of the walls with tiles, for strength and evenness to the walls are fixed by GVL sheets.

Many types of work can be done with their own hands. Saving funds in this case will be significant, but the construction time of an inexpensive house from a log house in this case will be delayed. Here you need to come from opportunities and desires. Combining one with the other, arrange priorities in the order of importance. If you need an inexpensive house from a turnkey cut in a short time, then it will be better for all work to make specialists of one enterprise, in many organizations there are discounts on a range of services. Well, if you are limited in finance, then in such enterprises there is a system of loans for the work of work, or graduate for those types of work in which you are sure to handle.