Repair Design Furniture

All about Mason begonia the better to fertilize. Begonia Mason: leaf propagation, problems in care. Begonia Mason care

The bright green leaves with a dark cross-like pattern resembling the banner of the Crusaders are easily recognizable. Mason's begonia is a spectacular, and far from banal indoor culture, which, with proper care, will delight with its original leaves all year round.

However, it cannot be said that it belongs to the most unpretentious indoor plants.... Young leaves grow slowly, the tips of the leaves dry out, and it is not possible to grow new plants from the leaf. Beginners often have difficulties with plant growth and reproduction, and we will dwell on them.

General information

Mason's begonia flowers in the photo.

It is a typical tropical plant according to needs. Low - height 20-30 cm. In spring and summer, it can bloom with small flowers that have no special decorative value. The leaves are large, expressive, up to 20 cm long, the surface is warty. Like any culture native to the tropics, Mason's begonia needs appropriate conditions: humid air, bright but diffused light.

Dormant period

It takes about 2 weeks for Mason's begonias, during this period the plant stops growing, part of the leaves dries up. Watering, spraying should be limited, while it is advisable to wrap the plant in a plastic bag.

Basic rules of care

If you know them and learn how to perform in your own, individual microclimate (and in almost every apartment it is individual), the plant will not seem too difficult to care for:

  1. Begonia loves bright light, without direct sunlight. A good place could be a closet, bedside table, etc., in front of the south window. An excellent place is the east window.
  2. Very grateful for the backlight. Grows well under fluorescent lamps.
  3. Watering is plentiful and frequent, as the top few centimeters dry out (drying times are individual and depend on: soil structure, temperature, air dryness).
  4. Growing temperature - 18-25 ° C, does not tolerate drafts. At a lower temperature, it dies.
  5. If the begonia has bloomed, the flowers can be removed so that the plant does not waste energy.
  6. Air humidity is important, but the plant does not like getting drops of water on the leaves. Likewise, when watering, care should be taken not to overflow onto the leaves. There are two popular ways to provide air humidity without spraying: a commercially available humidifier (remember that for human health, humidity must be kept at 60%), and pallets filled with wet pebbles, expanded clay, moss.
  7. Accepts feeding well. They are fed once a month all year round, with the exception of the dormant period. Fertilizer is applied in the morning, after evening watering.

Why is Mason's begonia growing slowly?

The plant, in principle, does not grow rapidly. Among the reasons for the very slow set of green mass may be: lack of light, moisture, too dry air, lack of nutrition, too dense soil (the substrate should be taken either purchased or prepared special: perlite, peat, sphagnum are mixed in equal proportions.

Difficulties in leaving

If not cared for properly, the plant is easily affected. bacterial diseases, powdery mildew, root or gray mold, whitefly... Due to the structure of the leaves, it is difficult to treat with home remedies. The best way to combat bacterial diseases and rot: remove the affected parts of the plant, treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, plant in good soil and change the location, carefully monitor the humidity, temperature and lighting conditions.

Many come to the conclusion that they do not have a suitable place for a flower in their apartment. Get creative, perhaps it will feel good on a southern windowsill in the shade of taller plants, placed in a tray of damp pebbles.


Breeding begins in the spring. There are two ways:

  1. Tuber division.
  2. Leaves.

Tuber division is performed as follows:

  1. When transplanting, parts of tubers with buds are isolated. The possible number of new plants is equal to the number of buds.
  2. Delenki are cut off with a sharp instrument.
  3. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal or slightly dried.
  4. The plots are planted in a moist substrate.
  5. Each plant is covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm, well-lit place.
  6. It is enough to inspect the plants once a week, it is usually best not to disturb the planting.
  7. After a few days, the plants take root well, you can gradually accustom them to fresh air.

Leaf propagation:

You can also root the leaves in water, but, judging by the reviews, this procedure turns out to be more complicated for flower growers.

A common problem is decay of cuttings. Already on the second day, the cut leaves begin to become covered with spots, and as a result they rot before they have time to give young plants. There is a small nuance: for leaf propagation, you do not need to put too much soil in the bowl... Enough 1-2 cm of a suitable substrate, previously sterilized. The sheet should not be heavily added, it should only touch the ground - therefore sawdust is one of the most convenient ways - you can simply put a sheet plate on them. It is not necessary to leave a long petiole near the leaf, it will only interfere and contribute to the spoilage of the planting material - it is cut off close to the plate. If you are unsure, the cuttings can be inspected daily, allowing fresh air to flow and immediately moistening the substrate with a spray bottle - but this is usually not necessary. There is no evidence that root and other stimulants promote root formation in Mason's begonia, but they can be used.

Video consultation

How to propagate Mason's begonia with a leaf and its fragments.

Houseplants grow on the windowsills of many apartments. Some growers have many such pets, and are happy to combine them with each other. But caring for such a variety of plants is very difficult, you can give preference to only a few self-sufficient crops that will not be very capricious. Just one of those is Mason's begonia, the photo of which is in front of you. We will clarify what kind of care she needs at home, and discuss the reproduction of such a flower.

Mason's begonia is a fairly recognizable plant. After all, each of its leaves is covered with an unusual pattern - a cruciform pattern painted in dark brown. Therefore, such an indoor culture looks great on its own, and can become a bright accent in a flower arrangement.

Each leaf of such a plant can reach twenty centimeters in height, and the color of the foliage is different - from yellow to green. In older specimens, the foliage becomes slightly silvery. The leaves themselves look large enough, have a sharp end. Their shape is heart-shaped, and the surface is warty.

This is a photo of Mason's begonia

Mason's plant - care must be right!


Mason's flower at home needs systematic and fairly abundant watering. It is carried out after the topsoil dries out a little. The plant reacts negatively to both drought and excessive moisture. Usually, the soil is watered twice a week, and even less often in the cold season. In no case should the liquid get on the leaves of the flower, since in this case the begonia can suffer from powdery mildew or rot.

An important role is played by the organization of sufficient humidity in the environment.


Begonia Mason feels great in dense, diffused light. For readers of "Popularly about health" it is best to grow it in the south-west or south-east windows, shading from the direct rays of the sun.

Optimum temperature

Mason's begonia feels best at a stable room temperature - from eighteen to twenty-five degrees. In the cold season, there is no particular need for a strong drop in temperature and for a cool winter. Thermometer readings should not fall below fifteen degrees, otherwise the plant may die.

Any fluctuations in temperature negatively affect the health of Mason's begonias, as well as drafts.

Top dressing

The plant is able to maintain decorativeness and live for fifteen to twenty years, and even more. To do this, in your care for Mason's begonia, you must periodically include a supplement using special mineral products. Top dressing is usually carried out once a month throughout the year. In order not to harm the root system and not to provoke its burns, it is worth using fertilizers only after watering.

Dormant period

In the cold season, at home, Mason's begonia can dry out, indicating the onset of hibernation. At this stage of life, the plant needs rest, so it needs to be covered with a transparent container. After two to three weeks, new shoots should appear on the bush, and the shelter must be removed.

During the dormant period, it is only necessary to periodically moisten the soil as it dries. Top dressing is not carried out.


After the end of the dormant period, in the spring, you can transplant the plant. Mason's begonias need containers with a good drainage system. The pot should be one to two sizes larger than the previous one. During transplanting, it is not necessary to compact the soil, since a sufficient amount of air must flow to the root system of the begonia. The soil for the plant can be purchased at any flower shop.

Potential pests and diseases

Mason's begonia can be affected by the whitefly, when attacked by such a pest, the leaves of the plant curl up and become covered with dark specks. The affected parts must be removed, and the bush must be sprayed with an insecticide.

It is also possible damage with powdery mildew, in this case, fragments of snow-white bloom appear on the leaves. The affected parts should be removed and the plant should be sprayed with a fungicide.

Mason's plant - reproduction in different ways

Such a plant does not give seeds, it can only be propagated by leaves and by dividing the tuber.

For breeding begonias, you need to select long tubers - at least seven centimeters. Each of them should have kidneys.

The place of the cut must be sprinkled with crushed ash. After the tuber should be laid in moist soil. Until complete rooting, you need to cover the plant with polyethylene or a glass jar, and it should also be kept in a well-lit and warm place. Successful rooting is signaled by the appearance of young leaves. At this stage of growing, you can remove the shelter and plant young plants in new containers.

As for propagation by leaves, it can be carried out both in soil and in water. Having separated the leaf from the flower, you need to immediately attach it to the ground and make several cuts along the veins. After that, it is worthwhile to properly press the planting material to the ground using a hairpin. Sprinkle the sheet with soil mixture, cover with a glass jar and send to a warm and well-lit place. After waiting for the first shoots to appear, transfer the new begonia to a separate container. It is worth noting that for propagation of Mason's begonias with leaves, you need to use planting material with a small petiole.

Thus, Mason's begonia is an excellent ornamental plant that does not grow capriciously and grows normally on the windowsills of ordinary apartments.

Begonia Mason is the most beautiful representative of decorative deciduous. A compact, fast-forming bush, reaching a height of 20 - 25 cm, will perfectly fit into any interior, and the unusual color of variegated leaves will undoubtedly catch the eye, making this flower the center of your green collection.

The key to success in growing this type of begonia is the correct organization of watering during the period of active growth and the creation of all the necessary conditions for the dormant period, which most often occurs in November-February.

The decorative value of this begonia mainly lies in the unusual color of the leaves - a black cruciform pattern on a bright green leaf plate with dense pubescence. In more mature plants, the leaves may acquire a slightly silvery hue.

Basic rules for caring for Mason's Begonia

Manson's begonia (Begonia Masoniana) refers to unpretentious plants, does not require special conditions. Prefers loose, well-aerated soils with excellent permeability, during planting, it is necessary to create good drainage (put on the bottom of the pot) in order to avoid stagnant water, which can cause root rot, especially when the temperature of the environment drops sharply.

Watering should be moderate; it is best to use water at room temperature for this. Before the next watering, the topsoil should dry out by 2 cm.

Spraying on the green mass is undesirable - the leaf plates are quite fragile, prone to decay, therefore, if there is insufficient air humidity in the room, you can use air humidifiers, or install containers with water near the pot with this flower.

As for the light regime, diffused light will be the best option for such a begonia; harsh active sun rays can contribute to a change in the color of the leaf plate, which will ultimately lead to a loss of the decorative value of the plant, as well as insufficient lighting.

Top dressing is carried out only during the period of active growth, that is, from the beginning of March to the end of October, with complex mineral nutrients, twice a month.

If in the fall you began to notice that the adult leaves on your Mason begonia began to gradually die off, this is a sure sign by the beginning of the dormant period. It is necessary to gradually reduce the frequency and volume of irrigation, and then reduce it altogether, while trying to increase the humidity of the air. The temperature of the medium content, ideally, at such a time should be 15 - 16 ° C. 7 - 8 weeks after the cessation of watering, the plant wakes up, new shoots begin to develop. At this time, you need to start watering, increase the temperature of the content and, of course, maintain the light regime at the required level.

Reproduction of Begonia masoniana

There are several ways to breed this begonia:

  • Department of children;
  • Tuber division;
  • Leafy cuttings.

When dividing by children, the top of the rhizome (7 - 8 cm long) is cut off, trimmed with "Kornevin" and planted in a pot under a film. After the sprouts appear, the film is removed.

When dividing a tuber, it is cut into several parts, each of which must have a bud.

- a leaf plate with a shank is separated from the bush, and placed in a glass of water, when roots appear, it is transplanted into a pot.

Video: decorative leaf begonia

The bright green leaves with a dark cross-like pattern resembling the banner of the Crusaders are easily recognizable. Mason's begonia is a spectacular, and far from banal indoor culture, which, with proper care, will delight with its original leaves all year round.

However, it cannot be said that it belongs to the most unpretentious indoor plants.... Young leaves grow slowly, the tips of the leaves dry out, and it is not possible to grow new plants from the leaf. Beginners often have difficulties with plant growth and reproduction, and we will dwell on them.

General information

Mason's begonia flowers in the photo.

It is a typical tropical plant according to needs. Low - height 20-30 cm. In spring and summer, it can bloom with small flowers that have no special decorative value. The leaves are large, expressive, up to 20 cm long, the surface is warty. Like any culture native to the tropics, Mason's begonia needs appropriate conditions: humid air, bright but diffused light.

Dormant period

It takes about 2 weeks for Mason's begonias, during this period the plant stops growing, part of the leaves dries up. Watering, spraying should be limited, while it is advisable to wrap the plant in a plastic bag.

Basic rules of care

If you know them and learn how to perform in your own, individual microclimate (and in almost every apartment it is individual), the plant will not seem too difficult to care for:

  1. Begonia loves bright light, without direct sunlight. A good place could be a closet, bedside table, etc., in front of the south window. An excellent place is the east window.
  2. Very grateful for the backlight. Grows well under fluorescent lamps.
  3. Watering is plentiful and frequent, as the top few centimeters dry out (drying times are individual and depend on: soil structure, temperature, air dryness).
  4. Growing temperature - 18-25 ° C, does not tolerate drafts. At a lower temperature, it dies.
  5. If the begonia has bloomed, the flowers can be removed so that the plant does not waste energy.
  6. Air humidity is important, but the plant does not like getting drops of water on the leaves. Likewise, when watering, care should be taken not to overflow onto the leaves. There are two popular ways to provide air humidity without spraying: a commercially available humidifier (remember that for human health, humidity must be kept at 60%), and pallets filled with wet pebbles, expanded clay, moss.
  7. Accepts feeding well. They are fed once a month all year round, with the exception of the dormant period. Fertilizer is applied in the morning, after evening watering.

Why is Mason's begonia growing slowly?

The plant, in principle, does not grow rapidly. Among the reasons for the very slow set of green mass may be: lack of light, moisture, too dry air, lack of nutrition, too dense soil (the substrate should be taken either purchased or prepared special: perlite, peat, sphagnum are mixed in equal proportions.

Difficulties in leaving

If not cared for properly, the plant is easily affected. bacterial diseases, powdery mildew, root or gray mold, whitefly... Due to the structure of the leaves, it is difficult to treat with home remedies. The best way to combat bacterial diseases and rot: remove the affected parts of the plant, treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, plant in good soil and change the location, carefully monitor the humidity, temperature and lighting conditions.

Many come to the conclusion that they do not have a suitable place for a flower in their apartment. Get creative, perhaps it will feel good on a southern windowsill in the shade of taller plants, placed in a tray of damp pebbles.


Breeding begins in the spring. There are two ways:

  1. Tuber division.
  2. Leaves.

Tuber division is performed as follows:

  1. When transplanting, parts of tubers with buds are isolated. The possible number of new plants is equal to the number of buds.
  2. Delenki are cut off with a sharp instrument.
  3. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal or slightly dried.
  4. The plots are planted in a moist substrate.
  5. Each plant is covered with a plastic bag and placed in a warm, well-lit place.
  6. It is enough to inspect the plants once a week, it is usually best not to disturb the planting.
  7. After a few days, the plants take root well, you can gradually accustom them to fresh air.

Leaf propagation:

You can also root the leaves in water, but, judging by the reviews, this procedure turns out to be more complicated for flower growers.

A common problem is decay of cuttings. Already on the second day, the cut leaves begin to become covered with spots, and as a result they rot before they have time to give young plants. There is a small nuance: for leaf propagation, you do not need to put too much soil in the bowl... Enough 1-2 cm of a suitable substrate, previously sterilized. The sheet should not be heavily added, it should only touch the ground - therefore sawdust is one of the most convenient ways - you can simply put a sheet plate on them. It is not necessary to leave a long petiole near the leaf, it will only interfere and contribute to the spoilage of the planting material - it is cut off close to the plate. If you are unsure, the cuttings can be inspected daily, allowing fresh air to flow and immediately moistening the substrate with a spray bottle - but this is usually not necessary. There is no evidence that root and other stimulants promote root formation in Mason's begonia, but they can be used.


Mason's begonia, also referred to as the Maltese Cross and Antlers, is distinguished by its extremely spectacular foliage and at the same time faded and useless blooms.

Read more about this original houseplant later in the article.

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Begonia Mason is able to recognize from a thousand even a person who is absolutely indifferent to floriculture. Her the leaves are decorated with an extremely unusual pattern, on each sheet a cross-shaped pattern of dark brown color is "drawn".

On a note. This begonia can be combined with absolutely any interior.

For the first time, Mason's begonia was discovered in New Guinea, after which it quickly found amateurs all over the world. The height of this begonia usually does not exceed 30 centimeters.

It is of great value because of its leaves. therefore it has the following features:

  1. In the spring-summer period, small flowers of a pale green color appear on the plant.
  2. Each begonia leaf can grow up to 20 cm in length, with a range of colors ranging from yellow to green. The older the plant, the more its leaves acquire a silvery tint.
  3. The leaves are large, with a sharp end, cordate, have a warty surface.
  4. Nondescript pale flowers are collected in a panicle inflorescence and rise high above the leaves, but do not carry decorative value.

In these pictures you can see begonia in all its glory:

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Indoor plant description

This home-cultivated herbaceous perennial plant cannot be confused with any other thanks to its impressive leaves with a five-lobed cross pattern, somewhat reminiscent of a stylized Maltese cross. The leaves themselves are capable of reaching a length of up to 0.2 m, have an asymmetric shape in the form of a heart, are painted in yellowish or green tones, have a bumpy surface, dotted with many small hairs.
With age, the leaves acquire a pronounced silvery hue. The very same drawing on the leaves is sustained in dark green or dark brown tones. The leaf mass forms a bush with a maximum height of 0.3 m and has a tuberous root system. Twice a year, in spring and summer, small greenish flowers, collected in panicles, appear on the plant. These flowers do not represent any decorative value and look wretched against the background of luxurious foliage. Moreover, they still do not give seeds, that is, they are devoid of practical value. Mason's begonia lives at home on average for up to 20 years, but in favorable conditions it can live for a quarter of a century.

Did you know? In addition to its external beauty, begonia also has internal advantages that help it cleanse the air in the room from harmful substances and microbes.

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This begonia loves bright and diffused sunlight, or you can place the plant in partial shade.

Attention! In no case do not allow direct sunlight to hit the begonia, it is destructive for it and can lead to the death of a houseplant.

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Optimal conditions for growing at home

This flower does not belong to the overly capricious types of houseplants, however, it requires some effort on the part of flower growers when growing it.

Location and lighting

Best of all, this begonia feels on windowsills facing the southwest or southeast, on which there is powerful but diffused lighting. This plant does not like exposure to direct sunlight. At the same time, it also does not tolerate low light, in which its leaves lose their brightness and expressiveness. With a lack of light, Mason's begonia responds well to artificial lighting.

Temperature regime

The most favorable temperature for the comfortable existence of the described plant is in the range of + 18 ... + 25 ° С. In winter, during the dormant period for a flower, the temperature may be slightly reduced, however, it should be remembered that it reacts extremely negatively to temperature changes, and temperatures below + 15 ° C may generally be destructive for it. Drafts are also contraindicated for Mason's begonias.

Air humidity

This plant is sensitive to ambient humidity, which should be at least 70%. To ensure a humid atmosphere in the room, it is recommended to use humidifiers, as well as to place the flower pot in wet pebbles or expanded clay.

Important! To improve the humidity regime, in no case should begonia leaves be sprayed with water, as this can cause putrefaction and powdery mildew disease.

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Begonia Mason care

Temperature conditions... The optimum temperature for keeping is 18 - 24 ° C. Begonias do not tolerate frost, and at temperatures below 13 ° C they can get damaged.

Begonia Mason at home - lighting... Bright light shaded from direct sunlight, grows well when supplemented with fluorescent lamps.

How to care for begonia... If your plant suddenly starts to dry out, don't throw it away. This kind of begonias can go into hibernation during the winter period of time. At this time, reduce watering and keep the soil only slightly damp, preventing it from drying out completely. Cover the dormant plant with a plastic bag or plastic cap and keep it cool at about 16 ° C for 6 to 8 weeks. You will soon see new leaves appear. During the period of active growth, this beautiful begonia prefers high humidity.

Substrate... Peat-based, porous, slightly sour. Ready-made soil for Saintpaulias is perfect.

Top dressing... Fertilizers in half concentration every month all year round. Feed only when the soil is wet to avoid fertilizer burns. Do not hibernate plants.


When Mason's begonia blooms... Spring Summer.

Air humidity... Moderate to high humidity. Use a humidifier or place the pot on a tray of wet pebbles to increase the humidity. Keep the plant out of drafts.

Watering Mason begonias a. Begonia masoniana is a rhizome begonia and its root system stores water, so let the soil dry out a little between waterings.

Transfer... In spring, a larger pot with large drainage holes. Compact the soil a little with your fingers so that it doesn't stick too tightly to the roots.

Mason's begonia reproduction... Stem cuttings that take root easily. Take cuttings 8 cm long in early summer. Cover the seedlings with plastic wrap or plastic wrap to maintain moisture. Leafy cuttings. Keep containers of cuttings warm and well-lit. Rooting will take place in about two weeks.

Pests and diseases... Powdery mildew may appear on leaves and stems. Poor air circulation and high air humidity create favorable conditions for fungal diseases. Also, this type of begonias is susceptible to bacterial leaf spots, rot. Pests include aphids, mealybugs and spider mites.

Note. Begonia is able to clean indoor air from harmful impurities.


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The soil

As with all other begonias, the soil should be loose and enriched with various trace elements. Peat and black soil can be added to the ground in a one to one ratio. You can buy the soil at any flower shop, or mix it yourself. Adult begonia is not particularly whimsical to the soil, but when planting and germinating, the soil must be loose, have a large supply of oxygen, and must also be enriched with mineral and trace elements. Soil is one of the most important factors in the beauty of your begonias.

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Home care

In addition to the generally accepted watering, fertilizing and pruning, the care of Mason's begonia also includes some actions associated with the winter period in the life of the plant. If its leaves begin to dry out in the fall, this means that it is preparing for the winter dormant period. On this signal, it is necessary to stop fertilizing with fertilizers, reduce the intensity of irrigation and increase the level of humidity.
It is useful during this period to arrange greenhouse conditions for begonias by covering the plant with a transparent film. The dormant period can last only half a month, and it can take up to 2 months, after which the plant begins to wake up, releasing new shoots. After that, the cover must be removed.

Top dressing

It is necessary to feed begonias monthly, with the exception of the dormant period, using fertilizers designed specifically for begonias. But it should be borne in mind that since the flowers on a given plant are of no value, and its original leaves play the main role in it, nitrogen should prevail in fertilizers, which stimulates the growth of the green mass. Top dressing must be combined with preliminary watering, so as not to burn the sensitive root system of the flower.

Watering features

During the growing season, the frequency of watering on average should be 2 times a week. Air humidity and room temperature can make adjustments to the intensity of irrigation, so it is necessary to monitor the condition of the upper layer of the substrate, which must be slightly dried before watering. This is due to the fact that begonia, no less than drought, does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil.

Important! In no case should the water in the pan under the begonia pot accumulate and stagnate.

How to prune and replant correctly

Typically, begonia is pruned in October before it leaves during the dormant winter period, removing dried and damaged leaves. In addition, Mason's begonia often undergoes specific pruning of flowering shoots. Flowers, which are neither decorative nor practical, are an unnecessary burden on the plant and significantly accelerate its aging. Pruning is also done before replanting the bush in a new, more spacious pot.
This operation is carried out annually or once every 2 years in spring, between winter dormancy and the beginning of active vegetation, and is accompanied by preliminary pruning of excess leaves. Then the earthen lump is removed from the pot, the soil is carefully removed from the root system, which is then placed in a new pot. Previously, a drainage layer of small pebbles, crushed brick or expanded clay is laid on the bottom of a new and simpler container. The roots of the transplanted begonia are covered with a substrate that is not compacted to provide better oxygen access to the roots. After that, the transplanted bush is watered, and excess water is immediately removed from the pan.

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The whole article in a few sentences: to summarize

  • Mason's begonia is an ornamental leaf. However, sometimes this flowerpot blooms, but small light flowers against the background of luxurious foliage do not seem so beautiful.
  • In care, the plant is not capricious: it needs to be watered often, kept in partial shade, once a month fed with mineral fertilizer. In winter, begonia needs rest and may even dry out - don't worry, this is temporary.
  • The plant propagates by a leaf (by dividing a leaf or by rooting a whole leaf with a cutting), dividing a tuber, dividing a bush (planting children). But the flowers of the plant, even pollinated by insects (or by you personally), will not give seeds.

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Reproduction methods

The general rule: whichever method of reproduction you choose, in any case you need to work in a warm place. The room should be at almost greenhouse temperature. And no drafts!

Dividing the bush (seating children)

After wintering, old tubers often release not one, but several shoots. Because of this, the bush becomes more and more magnificent.

When replanting, simply separate the young "babies" from the mother bush. This is done with a sterile instrument. The babies take root in the water, and then they are planted in the ground.

In this video you will see all the work with a transplanted and shared bush + an experienced florist will share with you the experience:

Tuber (tuber division)

When transplanting, a large (from 7 cm in length) tuber with several buds is selected.

The tuber is cut into parts (each should have a kidney - you need to look for them not like potatoes, all over the "carcass" of the tuber, but from above, as in the photo). Rub all sections with ash or crushed coal - this is protection from rot.

Plant the halves of the tuber in separate small-sized pots. For a start, you can even use a common pot (when the tubers grow leaves, plant them in separate "houses").

Cover the tubers with fresh soil, cover with a jar on top to create a greenhouse. Sprout the tubers in a warm, bright place. When the first leaves come out, the greenhouse can be removed.


The sheet is laid on top of slightly moistened (preferably from a spray gun) soil. Cuts are made along the veins. Each part of the leaf should lie firmly on the soil, so the leaf can be lightly pressed down with perlite. From above all this "structure" must be lightly sprinkled with earth.

The leaf is germinated in a lighted and warm place, under a jar.

When you see green shoots, you can dig up young plants and transplant them into separate pots.

You can see a good example of propagation of begonia leaf fragments (not Mason, but approximate in vegetative properties) here:

By hand

Cut off a healthy and strong leaf, always with a petiole (small). It can be rooted in water or buried in the ground. When using water, purchased chemicals (such as "Kornevin") will help increase your chances of success.

A practical example of rooting a cutting of an ornamental leafy begonia is here:

Remember: if other flowerpots reproduce well in a similar way, begonia with leaves reproduces weakly. If your leaf begins to become covered with dark spots, it means that rot has begun in it, and it will not take root.

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