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How it is right and when it is better to put in autumn. Tui landing: Tips and recommendations on landing and care can it be planted in autumn

Before you think about how to plant it, you need to understand what kind of plant and what is its features. Tuya, or an outdated version of the Tuya, in translation from Latin means "a vitality", refers to the nature of the vicious conifers from the cypress family. It is popular with the arrangement of landscape design and the formation of the hedge. Thua creates a special comfort, because of which many people wish to see in the homeland.

Short description

A beautiful tree that can some resemble juniper, call Thuja, and this:

  • evergreen copy;
  • grows up to 20 m in height and 70 cm in diameter;
  • one-bedroom plant.

A young seedling has soft and needle leaves, and in adults they are transformed into scratched and opposite. As fruits there are cones of oblong size, but can be oval, on which 2-6 pairs of scales, and the top steam is sterile. In the rest, there may be 2-3 seeds of flat shape and with narrow pair wings. Ripening is falling on autumn.

Growing Tui

It is possible to grow in the suburbs and any other region possible without much effort, since the culture is not too twisting to the conditions in which it will germinate. The plant has resistant to smoke, and therefore the landing of the thuu in the summer is carried out as landscaping in industrial areas. Growing is carried out in the open soil. The most important thing is that the plant is frost resistant. The most common look is Tui Occidentalis and Placata.

Why is it so popular to landing the thuja in the summer at the cottage? Culture is valued not only for attractive appearance, but also for many useful properties. For example, plants wood contains:

  • aromodendrin;
  • toxiphollin;
  • yellow essential oil, which has a pleasant aroma.

Obtaining oil occurs in industrial conditions by distillation of the Tui foliage and contains such useful components as:

  • pinen;
  • karofillen;
  • sesquiterpen hydrocarbon fidren;
  • cedar;
  • pinipicrin;
  • pillen;
  • pinin;
  • tuyon;
  • tanning substance;
  • resin;
  • sesciterpene alcohol.

Tui oil

In the family there are 5 species of one-stage trees and shrubs that grow in North America and East Asia. Among the most popular varieties can be noted:

  • korean;
  • western;
  • folded;
  • gigantic;
  • japanese;
  • standish;
  • sichuan.

To the nature of this plant, such a culture as a flower dust, which has a thicker foliage and strong cones, as well as tetraklinis black, which has a fetal form of a fetal form of an intimate type, and there are thick wood scales on them. They are very similar to Thuya East, most often landed with the purpose of creating decorative gardens. In the genus of the TUT, it is also called the Eastern Plantener.

Tuich dusty

The soil is suitable for landing, which contains:

  • peat;
  • clay;
  • dry soup;
  • drainage.

If the soil is overwhelmed, it will be necessary to make drainage by 15-20 cm. In the case of a completely swampy area, the pipes are required to land. While buying and transplanting seedlings, you need to pay attention to the root to be surrounded by an earthen room. It is still important that the bustice is 2-3 years old, since it is at that age he is faster.


When is it better to plant a car, so as not to cause stress at the plant and not harm him? This culture will be able to take root on the site regardless of the year, except for the winter, of course. But experienced gardeners are recommended to make landing precisely in the period from April to May.

Important! If at this time the garden does not have time, then he still has a chance to catch up in August, when summer heat falls.

Why spring is the best time when planting a thuja? To get the most chic result, since then an evergreen shrub:

  • less susceptible to diseases and damage to pests;
  • actively grows and develops;
  • perfectly adapts to the surrounding atmosphere, in particular, the soil, climate and neighbors on the site.

Landing Tuii

How to put so much so that it grow and actively developed? As an ideal place, there will be something at which the sun is present, and the half. Because the impact of direct rays, it will burn out, and in the shade of Crown will begin to rain, the growth will decrease and will weaken the immunity, and the tree itself will gradually wake, poorly takes the winter and cold, and then simply will die. In addition, it is worth choosing windless sections and it is desirable that the groundwater slightly clutched nearby.

Step-by-step instructions how to plant a car:

  1. First, the pit is prepared at a depth of 80-100 cm. Its diameter should be exactly the same size.
  2. The bottom should be a sprinkled ground, which is mixed with wood ash or any other organic fertilizer.
  3. A seedling is put in the hole, but only so that the roots are preserved at the roots, so as not to harm them during the dustiness of the soil. It is also necessary to consider that the location of the root neck should be at the level of the soil surface.
  4. After final and smooth installation, the knocked out of the pit is completely covered with soil made of soil, sand and peat in a 1: 1 ratio. Next, the sapling is abundantly watered. It will be required at least 2 buckets per 1 seedling.

Important! If the process of large size, then the pit, respectively, should be such that the earthen car comes in there completely.

To grow these evergreen trees with beautiful, lush and healthy, you will need to withstand the distance between it and its neighbors in accordance with the characteristics of the variety. For example, the thuja can be a large, as well as the middle and decorative species. Little trees need to be searched at a distance of 1 m from each other, and in large, this run is 4-5 m.

When landing, you need to withstand the distance between the thia

There are species that have a height can reach more than 20 m, and the crown width is up to 4 m. These include Thuja Brabant, respectively, so that it grows fully and develops, it will need to provide maximum space.

Note! When forming an alley, a green corridor, a hedge and the like structures in the landscape design of the Tui are planted with a distance of each other 1 meter regardless of the type and variety.

How to plant in summer, step-by-step instructions will not differ from the one that is presented above. However, it is worth remembering that this is not the entire list of actions that need to be made towards the plant so that an adult tree has grown out of the seedling.

Further care

Proper care Even after the branch will allow one day to grow a huge plant from it, but it is necessary not only to comply with the recommendations from specialists in the content of landing, but also to love them. How to dissipate and not lose its properties? This type of conifer needs competent:

  • watering;
  • making feeding;
  • loose in the area of \u200b\u200bthe rolling circle;
  • forming a crown.

After the tree is seized from the pot during the landing (this is done no later than June-August, and not in the fall), you need to perform a primary feeder, for which the growth stimulator is used with natural components, so as not to harm culture. It contributes to the acceleration of rooting, and also increases the resistance to diseases and pests.

Undercotting Tui

As for watering, it depends on the amount of rain and climatic conditions of the region. But in summer, it is enough to water the plant 2 times a week, while in the spring enough one in 7 days. During rain, watering stops, as excessive soil moisture can adversely affect the health of the root system. Thua needs high-quality irrigation, regardless of its age, a seedling, until the end of his days.

It is possible to carry out this procedure up to 2-3 times a week, and if it is combined with irrigation, then you can affect:

  • elasticity branches;
  • improving painting on the scaly of the coating;
  • comprehensive color.

In addition, the holding of regular morning and evening bathing will make it possible to wash off the dust from the crown, refresh it, and also give her a maximum noble view.

The main watering is recommended to do in the roasting area, which is also important for the preservation of healthy, brilliant and beautiful foliage. The volume of water must be at least 10 liters per 1 approach. To determine the lack of moisture, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the top of the tree is. If it turns yellow, then watering needs to be increased.

Important! It is best to water during the morning or evening hours.

In addition to irrigation and bathing near the trunk, you need to regularly pull the weeds, as well as loosen the soil, mulch it with wood sawdust and straw.

It will be very original sawdust painted in a variety of shades, for which a natural dye is used, or you can use a nut shell instead. No need to neglect mulching, since it allows you to create a special obstruction of weeds and evaporation of moisture, and also contributes to the improvement of the overall state of the tree.

Giving Tui of various forms

The technology in which you can make a sharp self-like or give it a completely n form (in other words, art trimming) is categorically prohibited in the first 2 years, as it is a big stress for the bush. It is important to wait until the tree is finally captured in a new place.

As a rule, care for the crown from 3 years of life is beginning, counting not from the moment when the seed rose, and from the time when the tree was planted on its permanent residence. Further activities are to remove dried and weak branches, which will make it possible to create a better density. If reloading excessively, it will adversely affect the decorative properties of the culture. And in general, everything should be in moderation.

Potash-phosphoric additives

The feeding is as follows:

  • In the spring, potash-phosphoric supplements are made. This is done twice with a break in 10-15 days. They are especially useful for adult plants to prevent the occurrence of diseases, especially in the period from the end of autumn and at the beginning of spring.
  • Growth stimulants are used only immediately after transplantation. They accelerate rooting, strengthen the activity of the root system development and increase immunity.
  • To maintain the balance of nutrients in a developing young plant, organic fertilizers or a standard variant in the form of a compost mixture are used. It is made in the period from the end of April to May. The second time the procedure is repeated in late July - early August. If you combine the process with loosening, then you can increase the effectiveness of the action.

Preparation for winter

If you plan to grow a car in the regions with a cool climate, it is desirable to give preference by frost-resistant varieties. Despite the fact that they are unpretentious, of them, as well as the rest, you need to prepare for the onset of cold weather. Namely, during the autumn, the trees need abundant irrigation, since even in the winter time of the year the tree develops, although he is slow down.

Preparation of the Tui for Winter

In the first years of life, young seedlings need mandatory insulation, for which a dense polyethylene film is used, nonwoven spandbon and any other underfloor material. From it you need to form the most sealed cocoon that can save heat and at the same time passing the sun's rays.

Important! Experienced gardeners use special covers designed specifically for this purpose.

Rights must be covered with fallen leaves, which are removed with the onset of spring immediately after thawing the upper layer of the Earth. If the crown of the tree has grown too much, then it must be tied up with a wide ribbon to eliminate the accumulation of snow inside the branches.

Thuja will be able to please any gardener with its spectacular species, but only with proper and competent care. He must consist of regular irrigation, timely removal of weeds, making feed and preparation for the occurrence of winter. Everything is quite easy and simple, and most importantly - forces anyone, even beginner!

Tui landing in autumn must be carried out on special technology, step by step description which is presented in this article. This will ensure good stability of the plant and the possibility of normal wintering. In the future, there is no special care for the thay, since this plant is undemandingly to growing conditions. Tuya grows well on any soil, in the shade and with unfavorable neighborhood, and also not afraid of drought and frosts.


Thuja is an evergreen tree that grows up to 10 meters in height. It has a soft, scratched jealous, well sufficiently haircut and molding the crown. Young plants of light green color become darker with age. There are many types of Tui, which are used in gardening. All of them are unpretentious and resistant to the harsh climate.

Sort for Garden

In our climatic conditions, only one type of Tui is grown - Western. There are 6 species of this plant, but the Thuja Western most common, including in outskirts of Moscow.

Frost-resistant varieties are suitable for creating alive hedges, as the shrub retains a bright green color all year round, and the garden plot will not even lose aesthetic look.

Character and dwarf varieties are planted in mountaineering. Such species grow up to 80 cm in height, decorating any garden composition. Solitary bushes look alone. They live in their shape all corners of the garden.

Tui do not lose a decorative look throughout the year and do not require special care. Among the many varieties are considered to be:

  • Emerald;
  • Brabant;
  • Column;
  • Column;
  • Holmnstrup;
  • Vagnery.

Emerald.This is a low cone-shaped plant, which grows up to 2 m in height. Crown branches weakly.

Vertical branches are located at a considerable distance from each other.

Brabant. The cone-shaped tree grows to 15-21 m in height.

An adult plant reaches in the widest part of the crown of 4 m in diameter. The needles of green color, and the bark reddish peeling.

Danika. This variety was brought out in Denmark what the name itself says. These are dwarf plants with a spherical crown.

The bark has a reddish or gray-brown, the green needles in the winter acquires a brownish color.

Woodward. This is a dwarf plant with a spherical crown, which does not exceed 2.5 m in height, but it grows up to 5 m in diameter.

Choosing healthy saplings

Good seedlings are determined by the following features:

  • The needle of a healthy bush does not appear and does not break.
  • Earth kom must be wet. Supervised suggests that the plant, most likely suffered during drought, and it will be difficult to restore it.
  • Rhizomes should have a juicy effect of whitic or yellowish color.

Important! Thuja does not fit if the seedling has chopped roots. Do not buy seedlings with bare roots, they are often damaged.

  • The crown of the trunk must be homogeneous.

Selection of place for landing

Thuja is unpretentious to the quality of the soil and the amount of moisture. However, this plant loves a lot of light, so it is important to choose a bright place to land so that the tree felt comfortable.

Of course, the thua is growing and location on In the shade, but will be rarely and not so magnificent, it will lose decorative attractiveness.

Thua perfectly tolerates a haircut, so it can be given any forms suitable for a specific composition-in the form of a bowl or high tree.

Interesting! It is also called a tree of life, since this plant contains useful essential oils and is used for medicinal purposes.

Despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious to the quality of the soil, it is better to plant it on fertile and well-permeable land. It is possible to add to the squeezing soil, peat and sand, improving the quality of the soil. Thuja will be beautiful and green with sufficient moisture, if it is not enough, then the needles will yellow and starts to crumble.

With the right choice of space for landing and compliance with all requirements, further departure for the plant will be minimal. In such conditions, Tuya will always be in green and will become an excellent decoration of any landscape.

Watch the video! Late planting of coniferous plants

Features of autumn landing

Tui landing time in autumn in open soil Depend on the peculiarities of the regional climate. The main thing to carry out the procedure before the onset of frosts. It is best to exercise landing in September or early October. In the southern regions, the deadline - the first numbers of November, however, the risk increases that the plant does not come true. Compliance with these deadlines will allow the plant to adapt to new conditions.

Pit preparation and Tui

If the landing of several trees is planned on the site, they are planted at a distance of 1-5 meters from each other depending on the variety and shape of an adult plant. It is necessary for the comfort of the development of trees.

After landing, it must be watered within a month once every 7 days, even with rainy weather.

Protection against diseases and pests

So that the young landing does not hit fungal diseases and the falsist, during the disembarkation in the open ground it is necessary to feed.

Evergreen plant is well taken by extractive feeding, which spray on a housing. To do this, it is recommended to use the drug. . The aqueous solution of the drug is sprayed on the crown, which quickly absorbs all the useful substances.

In the root fertilizer, the thuja absorbs only 20% of nutrients, and irrigation - 80%. Nutrients are absorbed by the plant fully 5 hours after the procedure.

Shelter Tui for the winter

Tip! For shelter it is better to use a burlap that does not interfere with the breathing of the plant.

In the first winter, the plant is covered with burlap to protect against cold and sunburn. To do this, use exclusively woven materials, since synthetics or polymers do not create proper conditions to protect against frost.

The burlap is not strongly tightened around the tree so that the air inside is circulated freely, otherwise the thua can recycle when warming.

In order for the plants normally overlooking, special complex fertilizers can be used. The main thing to apply them according to the instructions and make the specified amount. If there are no special fertilizers, then universal potassium sulfate and superphosphate are suitable.

The root system is insulated with leaves and plow ground. The fallen foliage creates heat and holds moisture, and during rotting enriches the soil with minerals.

Of particular difficulties does not represent the Tui autumn. Observing the rules proposed in this article, and correctly causing young plants, you can grow different types of Tui on your site, which will become an excellent addition to the landscape design. IN video Below is described how to strengthen it for the winter.

Watch the video! How to hide it right

With the onset of autumn comes a favorable time for performing plantings, including for the Tui. Tui landing in the fall is most favorable than a summer or spring, so among the gardeners spread the most. About technology and planting features, as well as about its step-by-step description, recommendations and advice of experienced agrarians will be told.

At the autumn time after harvesting, free time appears, so you can safely choose a seedling of a tree, fertilize the soil and start landing. You decided to plant the same autumn and did the right thing, because:

  • earth has already been powered by moisture and nutrients since the summer;
  • saplings can be bought with a significant discount;
  • you do not need to buy a special mulch, use the pile of autumn foliage, beveled grass;
  • there is no strong sun and heat;
  • minimized the risk of infection with diseases;
  • after wintering, the Tui will strengthen the immune ability.

In addition to the pros, the risks still have. It may be an incorrect time to landing Tui autumn, for example, you planted a plant in frost and the soil was poorly insulated. Then the weak root system will not stand frost, and the tree will die.


Put it no later than November, preferably since mid-October and until the end of the month.

Features of the Tui landing in the fall

Thuja is considered a small-caliped plant and comes out well if all the conditions for its cultivation are performed. Pay some time and study the nuances before planting the plant, then it will delight the green juicy crown all year round:

  • if you chose a seedling with an open root system, you must plant it in the period from the end of August to October. Dates of planting depend on the type of plant. Seedlings from containers can be planted until the beginning of November, they are more resistant to cooling;
  • with autumn landing, it is not desirable to carry out feeding;
  • be sure to insulate the root system you need to use a mulch;
  • landing must be made to the first snow;
  • after landing, the tree needs to be protected from sunlight, and the crown - from frost.

Before, proceed to landing, select a high-quality seedling with a good root system, determine the place where the tree will be grown. The further life of the culture, its health and appearance depends on the correctness of the implementation of simple tasks.

Selection of place for landing

Tuya does not like straight sun rays, so choose for her an inadequate place or a plot with multiple lighting. It is desirable that the site be protected from winds from the northern side, since a small tree can be brought or break from a constant draft. In the shade of large trees, the culture will grow slowly, so it will be better if it is located at some distance from high plantations. The level of groundwater in the landing site can be low. Thuja loves moisture in the ground, so it will be even a suitable option for it.

Even if you have already planted the plant, but I realized that the choice of place was incorrect, to transplant the seedling time. Complete adaptation of the Tui to a specific place is stretched and takes about 5 years. Therefore, wait until the autumn period and transplant the plant to a new place.

Choose a sapling

To buy a good seedling of a tree, go to the nursery. Choose landing material on the market, gardening fair, but be extremely attentive. A healthy sapling should be:

  • with whole, good shoots;
  • with a branched root system;
  • with a slightly wet excavation room.

Carefully inspect the hava of the tree. It should be green, thick. The needle in a healthy plant is tightly adjacent to almost the center of the trunk, there are no naked plots at the tree. If you buy a plant planted in a pot, turn the pot. The roots that look out of the drainage holes are a faithful sign that the tree has already grown. In addition, when buying a plant in a pot, look to the substrate to cover the root system completely. The air roots should not be.

On a note!

The color of the trees of the village varies depending on the variety. Varieties are considered the most common: Smaragd, Column, Rosenthal, Brabant, Holmstrup.

Planting process

The seedling you bought and brought him to the cottage, the place was chosen, now you can begin to the landing process. First you need to prepare a pit, add drainage to it, and then increase the fertility of the Earth. If the soil on the site itself is quite fertile, contains a large number of organic and minerals, then you do not need to blow such an earth. About the landing of the Tui Autumn with technology and step-by-step description detailed below.


Before the pits, look at the root system of seedlings. Using a roulette or just an eye meter, present an approximate length of the roots and multiply it twice. The magnitude that you have turned out - the depth of the landing pit. It is best to put on a depth of 50-70 cm, no more. The pits diameter should be no more than 1 m.

When landing on a plot of several trees, observe the distance between them, at least half a meter. Too frequent landing leads to the fact that the plants become closely, the root system is not enough food, and the tree will start to hurt over time. For Tui, it is better to choose a chess scheme for performing plantations, it is convenient for both plants and for their maintenance.


To the soil where the tree grows is unnecessarily not injected, you need to lay the drain layer in advance when landing. Drainage will absorb an excess of moisture, and with a low groundwater, it will protect from pulling the car in the soil. As a drainage, most often use:

  • ceramzit;
  • shallow rubbank;
  • crushed brick.

Especially in the drainage needs clay land. The solid material must be chopped before filling in the pit to the state of crumbs or small pieces. Then, the drain layer is placed in the hole with a height of about 15-20 cm. Such a magnitude is quite enough to grow the car.

I fall asleep substrate

The more fertile will be soil for filling, the better the plant will later look like. When digging a pit, divide the ground to 2 layers: lower and top. The top is considered more valuable because it contains nutrient components. The soil for the Tui should consist of:

  • a mixture of peat, river sand, land in proportion 1: 1: 2;
  • mixture of leaf land, peat sand, humus in proportion 2: 2: 1: 3;
  • a mixture of a delicate land, sand and humus in proportion 3: 1: 2.

Fill the well with a nutrient soil at about half of the volume, and then remove the seedling from the container and together with the earthen room, draw its remaining earth. The root neck of the plant needs to be left outside, not to jumper the earth. However, if it is lifted too high, young thuja can start driving. The correct option is when the root neck is located at the surface level of the soil.

On a note!

Root neck to determine simply: Find a place on the trunk of a seedling where the color changes with brown on the green.

Subsequent care

Immediately after landing, paint the plant with water: the soil must compact, and the air empties will disappear. For quick root, use root additives like "Kornin", "Zircon", "Epina". Call the priority circle peat mixture and cover the bagnit. It is possible to take a wood chip, compost or crushed boring as a mulch. Mulch will make it easier for the seeding of the plant in a new place, protects from frosts and keep moisture in the soil. The thickness of the mulching layer should not exceed 7-10 cm.

In addition to mulching, further care consists of:

  • remove dry processes. The procedure must be performed in spring and late autumn;
  • crane formation. So that the culture has grown beautiful, it needs to trim. The root is laid down while the plant is still in growth;
  • feeding fertilizers. Evergreen plant needs regular additives;
  • permanent polishes. If drought is behind or there has been no rain for a long time, the tree should be poured;
  • treatments from diseases and pests. To hold them most often use the carboofos powder and fungicidal agents.

Tuya is not considered a pending plant, but the failure to comply with any condition can immediately affect the appearance. For example, with a lack of nutrition or watering of the needle, it begins to change the green color to yellow, and the tree slows down in growth. When such signs appear, think about whether you care for the culture.

Falker for conifers

Young gardeners are interested, is it possible to feed the tree immediately after landing? The answer is no. Only every 2-3 years, the tree need to make root feeders. If the ground is poor, then the feeding should be made annually. In the case of laying mineral fertilizers when landing, feeding no more 2 years, since there is enough nutrition in such soil.

The best time to use fertilizers - spring and autumn. In spring, it is better to make organic components better, but only with the minimum content of nitrogen, since the tree reacts badly to it. Good feeding for culture serve humid and compost. At the end of summer and in the fall, preferably use potassium-based additives and phosphorus: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, any other potash salts.


Extra-root feeders for culture are not carried out, they can damage the crown.

How to hide

The young tree before wintering is necessarily covered. Its root system is still weak, so frosts are destructive. To climb the ground with peat, and the tree itself is wrapped with light, but breathable material. In no case cannot use ferrous tissue for shelter, film. The process of photosynthesis lasts all year round, without interrupts, so the Tue needs light. Choose any shelter material from those listed:

  • sackcloth;
  • gauze;
  • spunbond;
  • agrosite;
  • kraft;
  • loutrastil.

When snow falls, remove it from the branches so that they do not resist. It is necessary to cover it when in the region in the winter in the winter does not rise above the election -15, and freezing in - 30 degrees flow regularly. For the middle strip and the south of the country, it is only necessary until the age of 3-4 years. Further wintering culture tolerates trouble-free.

Types of landing errors

Inexperienced gardeners are sometimes mistaken, and their incorrect actions have a sad outcome. To properly put in autumn, pay attention to the most common mistakes:

  • the earth was damaged, which means there is a risk of damage to the root system. When you pull the plant from the container, wrap one gauze, so that the earth does not pour;
  • incorrect landing pit. Too close pit, as the excessively large is the cause of slow growth of the plant. The situation can be corrected, you only need to transplant the culture into a new pit of the right size;
  • violations in the landing technology: the dipling of the root neck, the lack of drainage badly affect the growth of the Tui;
  • excessive shelter for the winter. If winter is warm, and you wrapped the plant in 2-3 layers of burlap, it is likely that it overheats.

Since the tree has a few varieties, the autumn landing of the thuu is carried out in different ways. For example, landing Tuiu Smaragd is carried out immediately at the beginning of autumn, at the end of October, plant disembarkly.

If you have never grown culture earlier, select the view that is most suitable for the climatic features of your region. For subsidiaries - newcomers, the Western Thuja is well suited, since it is unpretentious in care, adapts to any climate. Stick up a few ordinary sensible tips, they will help in cultivation and make it easier to care:

  • for irrigation, take cool water with low rigidity. Water can be filtered or give it to stand. The irrigation rate on one tree is 10 liters;
  • in the summer heat, so that Krone does not heat up, pour it from the hose. Be sure to adjust the head of the jet, it should not be strong;
  • when performing trimming, remove approximately 1/3 part of the total number of shoots. The tool (the secateur, knife) must be clean. It is possible to treat it by manganese for disinfection;
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Favorite Many Gardeners Evergreen Thuja is often used in landscape design, or simply as a living hedge, protecting from the winds and the scorching sun. Most fans of this plant believe that the work on the Tui landing should be carried out in spring. But if for some reason this event has to be postponed until autumn, then without complying with some important rules, a healthy plant cannot be obtained.

What is better to plant: seeds or seedlings

The plant planted too late in the fall is likely to die. The maximum time to which you can land - mid-October.

Choosing an autumn fit, you should give preference to landing seeds. They easier tolerate the cold winter and give early shoots in the spring. Moreover, young plants require a minimum of care.

If the seedlock is planted in the fall, then its root should be well insulated with leaves or compost. It is also necessary to ensure that heavy snow damaged the village.

Choosing a place

Tuya is not picky. But, choosing a place for its landing, some points should be taken into account:

  1. The tree should be protected from dry and cold winter winds.
  2. Tuya badly tolerates excess moisture. Therefore, on the ground where the groundwater is too close to the surface, the tree may die.
  3. The place to land the car should not be under the scorching sun. Optimally, if the tree will grow where the bright sunlight alternates with the shadow. This will help avoid dehydration of coniferous.

Did you know? Many Thuja are familiar as a low color or shrub, but in China and Japan, where she comes fromtuyacan reach thirty-meter height.

Sort for Garden

In our climatic conditions, only one type of tuy is touched by the Tuya Western. In total, this plant has 6 species, but Tuya Western most popular.

These evergreen coniferous plants are indispensable in landscape compositions. They do not lose their decorativeness all year round and do not require special care.

Among the large number of varieties are most popular:

Technology landing

The right landing of Tui autumn guarantees that in the future the tree will need minimal care, will not hurt and accurately transfers winter frosts.

Seat selection You can purchase a healthy and adapted plant for the local climate in a specialized nursery. Buy seedlings in natural markets are not recommended. The branches of a healthy tree must be elastic, not to have spots and signs of diseases. The needle of a good seedling does not run.

PRESSING PUM The pocket diameter usually does not exceed one meter, it completely depends on the size of the root of the tree. At the bottom of the pit should add peat or sand, a nutritious turf and leafy ground.

Drainage Slowing into heavy land or in the place where the groundwater is very close, special drainage should be ensured. It can be medium-sized stones, small pieces of brick or clamzite laid on the bottom of the pit.

Sedna landing A bush is neatly immersed in the middle of the holes, following the root cake be with a soil on the same level, and trying not to damage the land com on the rhizome.

Substrate The wells fall asleep with a mixture of equal parts of the soil, peat and sand. After that, everyone is well tumped and pouring abundantly.

Video: Tui landing

Important! The root system of this tree is superficial, so it is necessary to either provide a mulch plant, or take care of regular loosening and weeping.


Despite his unpretentiousness, Thuja still needs to be careful - minimal, but regular. If it is absent, the tree becomes unattractive and dim, it forms a large number of cones.


For a month after the landing of Tui, she needs a weekly watering (1 liter of water for 20 cm height). Also on its growth will be favorable daily sprinkle. This is vital for wood, the crown of which evaporates a large amount of moisture. In the hot season, we need to water at least two times a week.


At the autumn time to provide a plant necessary for successful wintering the reserve of forces will help the grounding of the soil. For these purposes, you can use or. It will be favorable on the ground around the tree and in the future will provide coniferous strong immunity.

Also for feeding the thui are used:

  1. Comprehensive fertilizers for conifers.
  2. Organic fertilizers (,) and various sites.
  3. (, Sylvinitis). This type of fertilizer avoids the yellow needles to which the lack of calcium in the soil leads. Potash fertilizers provoke the intensive growth of the car, so it should not be made in the fall. They are suitable as feeding for weak and lagging in the growth of seedlings.
  4. - They provoke the enhanced growth of the tree, so they cannot be used in front of the autumn plant in the ground. This is a good option of winter feeding tui growing in pots or containers.
Video: Fertilizers for coniferous plants The amount and frequency of using feeding depends on the age of the tree and the composition of the soil. In any case, fertilizers should be made in strict accordance with the instructions.


The decorative trimming of the thuu can be carried out early in spring or at the end of summer. This event suggests the removal of no more than the third part of the shoots. All dry, sick and damaged branches are removed in spring during sanitary trimming.

Did you know?Canadians use fresh thound branches as fragrant brooms.

The most important thing when trimming Tui - regularity. The shape of the crown should be adjusted little by little, but constantly. You should not perform these works during the rain or in crude weather. This will lead to the fact that open wounds will appear on the tree, which will not be lit for a long time.

Preparation for winter and wintering

Before the cold of the crown of an adult tree should be linked with twine. It will protect it from the destructive action of wind and heavy snow. Young teui protect from winter frosts, biting with special materials: sweetheart, kraft paper, or one of the modern underfloor materials, such as or "agrotherm".

Protection against winter colds is required and roots. To do this, under the crown laid a special pillow of leaves, mature manure or compost. This will prevent the soil freezing and the possible death of the root.

Diseases and pests

Although Tuya is almost not susceptible to disease, improper care and excess watering can lead to development of various diseases.

  • Symptoms: fungus is striking roots. The plant is tugged and painted in gray, the root highlights the rotten smell and becomes soft and brittle.
  • Treatment: Regular watering fungicides for prophylaxis. If the tree is already sick, it is better to destroy it and completely replace the land.

  • Symptoms:this fungal disease appears in early spring and manifests itself with yellowed scales.
  • Treatment: Constant feeding and lumping limestone root. From July to October, the crown can be sprayed with 2% solution. Operational removal of affected shoots prevents the dissemination of the disease.
  • Symptoms:the beginning of the disease is evidenced by the appearance of yellow spots on the cortex, which in the absence of treatment can cover the entire barrel.
  • Treatment:for treatment, Rogor preparations are used, "antio" ,. In addition, by noting the first caterpillars on the trunk, they can be tried carefully, so as not to damage the bark, write a knife.

Spit and rust

  • Symptoms:the disease is mostly striking young trees. It begins in the spring and develops throughout the year. Manifested by darkening and falling.
  • Treatment:you can stop the disease, if you cut and burn all the affected branches. Also, the tree can be treated with a solution of the preparation (40 g per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out in preventive purposes twice in the season (spring and summer). Effective in combating spider and rust and solution of the drug (15 g per 10 liters of water). Processing is carried out in the spring, as soon as the threat of night frosts passed.

Also for treating trees, you can use a familiar bordeaux mixture.

Important! After falling down the Tui in the autumn period, it can get yellow and start dropping a hive. Do not be afraid, this phenomenon is characteristic of a tree planted in autumn.

Among pests, the greatest danger to these green plantations represent:

Thus, the Tui landing does not represent any particular difficulties. In compliance with some simple rules and systematic care, the likelihood that the tree does not arrive is minimal. Take care of him, and it will still please you with your beautiful and healthy view.

One of the most popular and favorite plants from modern gardeners - Tuya. This is a magnificent view, which will certainly become a real decoration of any garden. This plant relates to the family of cypress. There are different types of trees and shrubs. In Russia, for example, the Thuja Smaragd is often found. Landing in the fall of this plant will require certain knowledge from you that you will receive from this article.

Thuja Smaragd: Description

This plant was brought to Europe in the 16th century. The French king was fascinated by the beauty of the Tui and demanded that all areas in the Royal Park be planted exclusively by it. In Russia, they met with her only in the 18th century, but she quickly passed on here.

Thuja is a pretty high tree. Her petty needles resembles the scales. She is small, about 1 centimeter. A tree has a specific smell resembling the aroma of camphor.

The variety of colors and shades - that is how the height and the appearance of this plant stands can be diverse. It all depends on the conditions of cultivation.

Choose a place

The main positive quality of the Tui is not too despicable to the quality of the soil and the amount of moisture. Meanwhile, the plant is very lightless. A comfortable place is the key to the fact that there will be a healthy and beautiful thuja smaragd on your site. Landing in the fall is not an exception. At this time of year, you also need to choose the most sunny plot. If you land in a shady spot, it will grow rare, and therefore it will not look so attractive.

Although this plant is unpretentious to soils, but still it is worth landing it into a well-permeable and fertile soil. A favorable factor will also be a sufficient amount of water. On too dry soil, Thuja can get yellow and crumble.

If you purchased seedlings, you will definitely ask, and what is her roots, since some species have their own characteristics.

If the landing place is chosen correctly, then the care of this evergreen tree is practically no need.

Locked Tuy

What do you need to do so that in your site passed on and grown thuja? There are several general rules:

  1. First you need to prepare a place. For landing it is necessary to dig a hole in the ground. Its depth and width depend on how developed by the seedling the root system. Basically, its diameter is no more than a hundred centimeters.
  2. Sometimes it is planted in a heavy or wet soil. In this case, the landing pit is covered with drainage. Its layer should be no more than fifteen centimeters. To do this, most often use clay or broken bricks. But other solid material can be applied.
  3. Fall asleep the pit need a mixture from the ground, sand and peat. It is also desirable to add fertilizers to help the root system of the plant grow and root.

During the landing, pay special attention to the root neck. It must be placed on the same level with the Earth. The main thing is to act very carefully. The neck can not be very lifted over the soil or strongly plunge. If planting the plant is wrong, it will just dry and die.

Here in essence and all the efforts that will require the landing of Tui Smaragd from you. we learned. Now it is necessary to care for a sapling.

Care for saplings

The seedlings of this evergreen plant requires feeding to be completely rooted in the soil and quickly passed the period of stress from landing.

For feeding Tui, phosphoric or potash fertilizers are used. But remember: in the spring period it is necessary to make two-three-week breaks.

Watering seedlings need every day, and once a week to sprinkle with the help of the hose. Thanks to this procedure, dirt and dust will come from the surface of the plants. If the weather is very hot, then the procedures are repeated daily, in the morning and in the evening.

Thuja Smaragd. Landing in autumn: features

Autumn has its subtleties. In order to do this correctly, you need to follow several rules.

It is impossible too late. The plant will not have time to strengthen and unlikely can survive the winter cold.

What time will the Tui Smaragd come across the site? Landing in the fall in the ideal version should be made in September or at the very beginning of October, before constant freezing will begin. By the time the real cold will come, the roots of seedlings should already have to fully take care.

The land in the trunk of the Tui should be covered with fallen foliage, cheese or compost. Then the roots of the plants will be reliably protected from frost.

When snowfall starts, the thuu must be cleaned from snow, since weak young branches may not withstand gravity and break.

If you listen to these tips, then your plant will easily survive your first winter.

The reproduction of Tui Tuynyki

It is very easy to multiply with cuttings. This task is for even novice gardeners of lovers.

The best is sometimes considered to be autumn. In the spring and summer period, the cutlets often dry and do not have time to root. In this part of the article, the main thing is that you need to do so that you have grown a healthy thuja: landing and care in the fall. Smaragd Western Character - The plant is not too whimsical. It remains only to listen to some tips and suffer a little.

  1. It is necessary to find in plants the strongest side shoots and tear them off with a sharp movement. Try to remain the so-called "heel" (piece of bark) at the tip of the branch.
  2. Be sure to remove the entire bottom needle. After that, the cuttings are planted in pots. They are deepened by 2-3 centimeters in fresh soil. Best of all in equal shares mix leafy land, sand and peat. The remaining foliage should not touch the Earth.
  3. To cut the cuttings faster, it is necessary before disembarking to suck into the solution of the preparation of "heteroaceuxin". After planting, the cuttings are covered with transparent tanks (you can, for example, use banks). Pots with seedlings are placed in a greenhouse on not sunny, but bright place. Cuttings need daily ventilation. If the level of moisture is too high, the sprouts can be contrary. In such conditions, the cuttings will be before the occurrence of summer.
  4. If new sprouts appear on the cutting tree, then your escape has taken root. However, it is not necessary to transplant it to a permanent place. As soon as the first warm days come, it must be started to start. Plant leave on the street for several hours.

As you already understood, landing and reproduction of the Tui SMARAGD, further care of the plant will not require any significant effort from you.


For the winter plants need to be stolen. Best for this purpose is a burlap that will not interfere with the breath of the Tui. Remember: polymer, as well as synthetic material does not protect against frost. The fabric does not need to tighten too tightly, it can disrupt the circulation of air, which will lead to an impairment of the Tui when thawed and further damage.

You can also use a special fertilizer that helps plants to worry cold cold. Just do not overdo it!