Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a jewelry holder. Original stand for earrings with their own hands - create beauty. Ideas for Organizer Organizers

Unlike jewelry, jewelry storage methods are much more. But among them there are the most original that you easily create your own hands. In this express course, for fans of unusual solutions, we have collected 10 of the most interesting, economical and easy-to-implement.

What will required? In many cases, these are subjects that already exist in your home. Perhaps you will need to acquire some very inexpensive materials. But you will definitely like the result. On the one hand, you will save a lot of money. On the other hand, get the original thing that you will not meet any friend.

Sounds tempting? In this case, go to our selection of ideas with a detailed description, how to make every stand for the escape.


Special racks and displays for decorations have long been not rare. But even the simplest models are quite expensive, what can we talk about beautiful ... If you are not ready to spend money on such options, make it with your own hands. After all, it is not at all difficult!

So, what can be the stand for jewelry?

1. Wine glasses.

Your most luxurious decorations require a decent rim. For example, such as in the photo. To make these amazing cupcasters, you need a cover from tin can, pieces of fabric in size of the cover + 3 cm, foam rubber, red or brown velvet tape, beautiful wine glasses and glue.

Put the lid with a flat side, typoons. Wrap their cloth, glue the fabric ends from the opposite side, pull the tissue.

When the glue dries, turn the edge of the velvet, putting it with the pectorist (the point of intersection of the ends can be decorated with rhinestone or tiny buttons "under the pearls"). Place the decoration on the finished pad, cover them with glasses. Incredibly exquisite!


2. Porcelain jar.

At night we remove the decorations, but we do not always put them back into the box. We offer to make a bedside box that will not only eliminate you from the need to make extra movements, but also decorate the bedroom.

A simple monophonic porcelain jar or a cup that can be bought in the nearest supermarket is taken as a basis. Clean the surface from dust and dirt, and then apply a picture with a thin brush - for example, in the form of feathers. Stylish thing ready!


3. Real Tver.

Like metal and wooden trees for jewelry, but the prices for them are "biting"? Make it yourself - and from the present tree. Find a beautiful twig, paint it into white, put in a large beautiful vase and cheer decorations. What is not a miracle tree?


4. Photo frame.

In order to make this wonderful thing, you will need a metal frame. The "older" she looks like, the better. You also need a soft filling (for example, foam rubber), a fabric with a beautiful pattern and a furniture stapler or thread (depending on what kind of fabric fastening you choose).

Remove the rear panel from the frame (if glass or transparent plastic is attached to the frame, remove it). Wrap it with filler, hover the cloth. Secure the cloth with a furniture stapler or a trick. Insert the finished pad into the frame - and the display for your treasure is ready!


5. Handles for kitchen furniture.

Another interesting display for jewelry will turn out of plywood, a piece of burlap and ... kitchen handles from IKEA (better if the handles are different, including volume). Watch the fan of burlap, screw the handles, place your "treasures" and admire them at any time!


6. Sewing coils.

Love not only beautiful jewelry, but also sewing? Then you probably accumulated empty wooden coils. You will be surprised, but even they can be used in decorative purposes.

Drill in the wall of the hole where you want to raise the decorations. For fixing coils, long nails or self-tapping screws will be needed (each should be at least a centimeter longer than the coil, and the hat is greater than the hole in the coil).

Secure the coil on the screws, and then screw the screws into the wall. Coils can be used empty, and you can wrap a color tape. Original hooks for beads and chains are ready!


7. Buttons.

It is more difficult to keep in order of earrings, at the same time I want to boast. We offer to connect to beauty and utility, making this nice thing for storing earlings.

You will need something that is surely full of at home - buttons without a leg. And another piece of color felt and thread.

Success the buttons on the felt, but not crosswise, and sequential stitches (make a thread in the adjacent holes so that the square is in the end). Now insert the earrings in the holes - and they will not be lost on the bottom of the box!


8. Wooden cutting boards.

The location for storing jewelry does not necessarily turn into the likeness of the museum showcase. Come to the case with humor using for storage ... Kitchen utensils.

For example, wooden cutting boards. Unlike cheats, they will harmoniously fit into the interior and add credit notch.

Here's how to do them:
Drill holes for future hooks in the board. Cut the board to white (you can and in a bright color if I want creative). When the paint is driving, secure the hooks and hang the board on the wall. Just and tasteful!


9. Kitchen grater.

For the storage of your treasures, any, even the most ordinary trifle - including ... Kitchen grater. Color her in a bright color (for example, azure) - and hang pendants and earrings.

If the covers are wooden, attach furniture handles from above (on small screws).


10. Realies and midnight.

Use the most common kitchen rawing. But hang it out above the dressing table or chest. Earrings and rings will fit in cooks and midnters, bracelets and long beads can be hooked on hooks and rails. There you are susceptible to the mirror.

We think now the whole of your jewelry will be stored not only in order, but also original. After all, you probably looked at a couple of curious ideas on this topic. We wish you fascinating creativity and excellent results!

Any girl or woman likes the decorations - earrings, rings, bracelets, so such as the holder for jewelry will always be in demand. Especially if he is in the form of a fragile mannequin in a chic dress. As already mentioned, this gift is relevant for women of any age, it can be used as hangers for earrings, rings, chains, and also perfectly decorate the interior of the room. For the manufacture of this wondron, we use the following materials:

  • Polymer clay (flesh color).
  • Glue moment (transparent).
  • Holders of any form.
  • Ribbons, braid, beads, lace.
  • Acrylic paints.

Thermal process

The whole process begins, of course, from the modeling of a mannequin's body. Scroll in the hands of clay, pre-wash your hands. Cut the torso, neck, waist, hips. Use in the modeling a wooden wand for moving small wrinkles on clay, moving it from side to side. Crewing two breast bulbs, apply them to the body again with the help of a stick. Make sure that the figure is flat, the shoulders were on the same level. Riss out unnecessary folds to the back of the finger. Make sure that the fingerprints do not remain on the mannequin. Next, gently insert the holders instead of the hands, and instead of the legs, we screw into the clay also a wand or a metal twist as in my case. Holders can be used different, which will find, for example, adapted the curls from other unnecessary metal supports, you can make it possible to make them out of the wire or find plastic parts that are suitable in this case. Again, they can be inserted both instead of hands, and instead of the head in the neck of the mannequin, depending on which form they are. Now we will take a stand. Clear balls from clay, put it on polyethylene, so that the clay does not stick to the table and cut off the round shape. Do not forget to make a hole with a metal rod in the center of the stand, which will be inserted into it later. When the modeling is completed, go to the next step - cooking products in water.

Find a saucepan in which you can freely place a figurine with all the holders in the finished form. Standing while putting on a mannequin should not, cook it simply next to the mannequin in one saucepan. When the water boils, count the time for 10 minutes and turn off the furnace. Drain the water, cool the product, as it is still fragile after cooking, take care of it from falling. When it all cool, insert the carneck with an iron rod to the stand and start making your figure with different elements.

Mannequin design

To start, paint all the holders for jewelry and stand in one color, for example, in white or gold, looking out what color you wish to make a dress. Variations here can be very different. Stand can be decorated with a flower of fabric or a piece of lace.

Now that all secondary work is completed, it's time to do a dress. With satin tapes of different widths and glue form a dress. It is not necessary to use threads and needle, the main thing is to correctly guess with the width of the tapes. Around the waist, let the tape of the fond, on the skirt wider, the place of the joints are made by thin lace, as well as the edges of the skirt. For such crafts, such fabrics are fit very well, which will not suck and hold the form, such as fatin. With it, you can make two-three-layer air skirts. Even one layer of the fateground over the satin ribbon looks spectacular. If appropriately decorate the skirt by the beads, mini-bows. Bows are usually made from the most thin tapes. At the end of the chest line - the neckline will join thin lace. All parts of clothing glue glue. That's what happens in the end of this process.

Especially for our fashionistas, we have prepared a post about how to make a wide variety of supports under the decorations with your own hands.

Each of our stylish readers has just a huge number of jewelry. After all, you need to choose your accessory to anyone, so there is no need to eat a lot of decorations. But now let's move on to the practical side of the question. Where to store this countless earrings, rings, bracelets and catals? You can purchase large chests that are not cheap and at the same time very cumbersome. But there is another more democratic and creative decision - to include their skills and imagination. But you need to have several guide tips. Therefore, especially for our fashionistas, we have prepared a post about how to make a wide variety of staves under the decorations with your own hands, you will all learn from our video lessons.

Stand under the decoration photo

Stand for decorations with your own hands

In this video, you will see how you can make a multi-tiered stand for your jewelry and all sorts of cosmetic smallest things, like varnishes and glitters. To begin with, you will need a plate, a cup, a fueer and a frame of a candlestick, which you connect the super-glue, strictly observing the central axis. Cover your paint construction: Use paint in the canister and then acrylic paint. Dry the paint for 4-6 hours and then cover on top of a protective transparent coating in the spray. Decorate your stand fabric roses, rhinestones, beads. Ribs and lace - your taste and fantasy.

The technique of execution in this video is the same as in the first, the only significant plus is the use of a lace napkin - a ctratera at paint, very elegant and beautiful. And do not forget to use gloves when painting)

Beautiful and very original thing, modern casket version - pattern holder for decorations. It is done very easily and simply, but it looks just great.

This stand is perfect for your necklaces, bracelets and rims. We again use the candlestick sufficient length to raise your beads. We attach sticks to it, on which your jewelry will hold. All stick and scratch. Decorate at your request.

This is no less complicated and not such a multi-tiered version. All the same candlesticks, plates, glue and paint.

Excellent jewelry stand: bracelets, rims, clock. Make such a thing very easy and simple. To do this, you will need: cardboard roller from a paper towel, plastic stand under CD discs, scissors, glue and cutting of black velvety fabric.

Have you ever seen beautiful stands for jewelry in the form of small doll mannequins? Somehow they are even called, but it does not matter))) So, such a stand-holding for jewelry can be made from ordinary Barbie. Well, and the entire process of rework can be observed from the video master class.

These were very easy ways to create caskets and supports for your jewelry. They will help you save the order in your room and store all your valuable accessories. So do not spend in vain time and proceed to creativity.

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Original stands can be not only a convenient storage destination jewelry, but also an excellent interior decoration. But not everyone knows how to do with their own hands, for example, a stand for earrings.


A very comfortable holder for earrings, which will be a bright decoration.

Make it is very simple, for this you need to take:

Take a suitable frame. Suitable and normal for photos. From the lace cloth, make patterns in the form of a rectangle in size frames. Attach it to the possession of the design and attach one edge to the stapler.

Tension the fabric is quite tight and in the same way attach to three other parties.

You can hang the finished product on the wall and attach earrings to it. There are many options for the manufacture of similar figures. Instead of lace you can take a plastic grid.

Stand for earrings do it yourself

You can create an interesting holder of plastic bottles.

To do this, you will need:

  • 4 plastic bottles;
  • metal thin rod;
  • scissors.

First do hard bottles, leaving only the bottom. Take one of them and turn down the cropped side. In the middle of the bottle, fasten the rod, having done a small hole. Next, take another bottle and make the same hole, descend to the cut side of the cut side, not reaching the base of the first bottle. Similar actions do with other bottles up to the end of the rod. For a more beautiful image, cut into a bottle of the hole in the form of stars or colors.

Cardboard stand for earrings with their own hands

This is a simple option that does not require serious effort and expensive material. You can take a sheet of cardboard from underwear or shoes. The main thing is that it is dense.

You will also need:

We will create a cardboard cracker, reproducing a silhouette of a beloved tree. First draw a template in the form of a tree on the cardboard.

Scissors cut out the harvested forms, and the hole punch holes.

After that, insert one piece to another and cover their paint.

When it gets free, secure the top of the tree with scotch. In the holes can insert earrings from your collection.

Another stand for wood-shaped earrings

When stored in the box, earrings can get confused or break. To avoid this, make a magnificent holder, such as a tree.

To do this, use:

  • floristic wire;
  • paper napkin;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;

Take the wire and twist the thin blanks from it - the twigs. Cut on a strip paper napkin. Lubricate each twig with glue and screw the paper strip on it. Product cover lacquer. The tips of the twigs can decorate beads. Crafts ready.

How to make a stand from disks for earrings with your own hands

To do this, you will need the following materials, as well as tools:

First, run the nail with fire. Use a lighter, candle or stove. Then make holes over the entire surface of one disk, as well as 4 holes in the center of two disks.

Cut the nail again and make 4-5 holes on one side of each bobbin.

Connect the bobbins by inserting one to another to get the long base for decoration. Connect discs in this basis. To do this, grind a wire into the hole, in the center of the disk fixing the bobbins.

Specify similar actions with another disk. Place of disk connection Close velvet paper or cloth. For beauty, drive the wheels acrylic. The holder of jewelry is ready, it remains to hang decorations on him.

Stand for marirings in the form of carnations

To do this, use:

  • 1 wide and 2 narrow wooden frames;
  • 4 loops window;
  • a piece of metal mesh with small cells;
  • white metal hooks;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • scissors, cutting on metal;
  • white primer for wood.

First wooden frames cover the primer. In the narrow frame from above, make holes and screw the hooks there.

Cut from the grid rectangle in size of a wide frame. Secure the rectangular mesh on it. Crerate the whole design with self-draws and window loops. The center for fastening the carnation earrings, and the hooks are perfectly suitable for bracelets or chains.

Stand for decorations in the form of an elegant bust

For the manufacture of this accessory you need to take:

First, draw a template on paper that will have a female elegant silhouette. It can be any size. If you do not draw or unsure that you have an attractive drawing, try to find anything on the Internet and print an image.

Contour move to the surface of plywood, then carefully cut out the drawing.

If necessary, paint the paint pattern, better acrylic.

After the paint is driving, prepare special mounts for the holder. You can install it on the chest or table, then the mount will be horizontal. If you are planning the wall position of the product, the fastening will be vertical.

Wire Stand for Beading

For this thing they will need:

  • one sericulture wire is 0.3 millimeters;
  • nail or brackets;
  • drill;
  • round-rolls;
  • screwdriver;
  • nippers;
  • shape for pouring holder;
  • gypsum;
  • sandpaper;
  • paint;
  • pVA glue;
  • primer;
  • cardboard.

Cover wire with a drill. Secure it on the bracket and at a distance of 50 cm screw the wire on the bracket and a screwdriver in 20-25 revolutions. Twist the wire with a screwdriver.

At one time, I was not picky in jewelry. I bought everything that I liked, at the same time I did not even think about it, she was suitable for me for any kit. In general, I have accumulated a sufficient number of trinkets that I never dressed. But recently, your casket, I realized that this method of storage of jewelry is very uncomfortable. All beads are intertwined, the earrings in this pile can not be found at all. I decided to find ways how to streamline jewelry. Oddly enough, there are many options to put this beauty in order.

And so I made a selection of photos for you, where to store decorations. See and choose.))))

How to keep decorations?

And the first decision is very original, although you further find even more amazing ways to organize jewelry. This option is based on attaching simple door handles to the sidewall of the chest. Most likely, he will suit those who do not complain a large number of jewelry. Or makes thematic selections, such as summer kits, to work or evening. In any case, this method is very convenient and does not take up much space.

Lovers will decorate themselves beats, bracelets and earrings will suit this organizer. It is very voluminous and takes not a small number of space, but it is very convenient to store the decorations. As can be seen from the picture, the whole design consists of a shelf and frame. They can be bought separately, paint into one color, and you will be happy))). Hooks and carnations attach, I think it will not be difficult. With your own hands, you can make it possible to make various options for such organizers, and for a penny. But in the store he would cost a lot of money.

For those who love simplicity, originality and eco style will fit the following idea. A tree branch with a lot of bitch can become a very useful thing.

Well, if you do not have a piece of wood, you can take an old log and fasten different handles. Is it really unusual?

It is this way of storing jewelry that attracts me most. The crossbar with a multitude of hooks is located inside the cabinet, more precisely on the inside of the door. Nothing else can be seen, and at the same time everyone is in sight.

As they say, the classic of the genre. Bust Stand for Necklaces and Hanging Ornaments. It takes a considerable amount of space - it is her minus. But if you want to use it as a decor of the dressing table, why not. In addition, you do not need to spend money on the acquisition of such a pollen. At the end of the article, you can see several video master classes for making decoration storage devices.

The ordinary wooden hanger is usually used for storing clothes, but it is easy and easy to remake to other needs. Several hooks or carnations will reincarnate it under the organizer for jewelry.

Last time, this plan has become popular for trifles. Of course, they can be adapted for any small items. I personally use such an injury to the children's jams and rubberry.

Special mini trees for organizing jewelry storage occupy a worthy place in my list. First, it looks cool. Secondly, you can make it yourself. To do this, it is worth picking up a suitable branch, it is a bit to handle emery paper and cover with varnish or paint, and you can do without it. Thirdly, convenient when used. Well, if you decide to purchase such a tree in the store, you can find them from sets of materials: plastic, ceramics, glasses and wood.

The following idea is similar to one of their previous ones. But the difference lies only in the fact that the fabric or grid is glued to the place for the photo, it is glued around the perimeter. Thus, you can easily hang earrings.

Finger Excellent alternative frame for photo.

Want creativity? The solution is - traffic jams from wine bottles. Single snag: Where to take them so much?))

Variation number two: instead of a solid segment of the fabric or grid, a wire, thread or lace tape is used.

A good way to organize storage of jewelry is to highlight one or more sliding lockers. Cardboard boxes will serve as cells and partitions. Well, if you do not have them, then there are on the blog how to make them yourself.

Here the jewelry is stored in mordes from under cookies.

Small store inventory will also come down to store jewelry at home. Such devices are usually used in stores. Why not buy it for yourself?

A very beautiful composition of the panels on which decorations are placed, will take a worthy place in your home. Unusually and functionally.

Bracelets also need to store correctly. For them there are special stands.