Repairs Design Furniture

How to separate the penplex outside except plaster. Plaster Technoplex XPS. Finish decorative finish

Penoplex is considered one of the most popular types of insulation presented in the domestic market. The material is actively used to finish the inner walls and facades of residential buildings and industrial premises. Since the synthetic thermal insulator is not a finish coating, it needs to be facing a special plaster for fastening. Application technology is not of great difficulty, so it is quite possible to cope with work on your own.

Facing material for polyplex - reliable protection of thermal insulation plates from biological and mechanical damage, extension of their life. Inside the room, the plaster not only protects the insulation from evaporation, but also serves as a spectacular decor. Therefore, before you buy material for finishing, it is necessary to study its composition and find out the nature of the surfaces being processed.

1. Mineral plaster - a combination of portland cement and polymers shows high resistance to biological aggression and atmospheric precipitation. The solution is suitable for facing walls outside and inside the building. It has a good clutch, easy and smoothly applied to the base.

2. Acrylic finish - material with good elasticity, moisture resistance and resistance to solar radiation. The use of plaster on acrylic resins is recommended for deformed planes and sections with high humidity.

3. Silicate composition - elastic plaster has the properties of an antistatics, excellent vapor permeability and resistance to atmospheric precipitation. The instructions contain recommendations for use on the outer and interior trim.

The service life of solutions is varied, so special attention should be paid to this indicator. The most good resistance to mechanical loads and durability is shown acrylic mixtures. The life of such a cladding is 15-25 years. The following in order are silicate and mineral. The durability of the finish also depends on the texture of the coating. Rough and embossed surfaces have increased resistance to deformations of various kinds.

Popular manufacturers

In the Russian market there are several main brands of special purpose materials.

1. Ceresit - the company presents a large assortment of finishing mixtures on the polyplex of all kinds. Adding to the composition of grain fillers allows to obtain textured surfaces. Packaging 25 kg of cement plaster "Winter Kameshkova" stands on the market 660-990 rubles. Acrylic type with the same texture will cost 1300-1500. The cost of the most expensive silicone solution is 1760-1900. For plastering from acrylic called "Coroed" will have to pay approximately 1350-1580 rubles. The price of a similar texture of silicone is 570-850.

2. Ecomix - application technology provides for high-quality processing of external and internal surfaces from the fastener. The mixture of economies is effective when filling cracks, seams, irregularities. The average cost of plaster - 140-170 rubles for 25 kg. "Coroed" costs 90-120 rubles.

3. Heaths - the basis is portland cement M-500. Different with excellent performance and aesthetics. Packaging weighing 25 kg "Coroed" costs 300-390 rubles. The factory composition of "lames" with polymer modifiers costs 1120-1300.

4. Bergauf Decor is a classic version of the decorative finishes for polyplex on the facades of residential buildings. The cost of "Coroed" is 390-580 rubles. The dry mixture "Kameshkovaya" is offered for 560-640, "Shub Diadem" for 395-520.

Preparation for plastering

The implementation of the technological scheme for finishing the fastener begins with the calculations of the required amount of materials. In accordance with practical knowledge, construction professionals offer such expenses for 1 m2:

  • 4 kg - for mounting the reinforcing grid;
  • 6 kg - to create and align the finish layer.

For plastering of the foam, you should purchase several tools:

1. Spatula wide (at least 350 mm) - for basic works;

2. Spatula narrow - for overlapping the solution;

3. Grater with a rigid web - for rubbing on the grid;

4. Roller foam or fur with a short pile - for priming;

5. Sponge hard coarse - for decorative plaster.

Create texture on the facade you can also use a grater or spatulas.

How to plaster Penoplex do it yourself?

Facade application technology includes several stages.

1. Preparation of the adhesive solution - the sequence of actions is usually indicated in the instructions on the package. In the container, first pour water and only then fall asleep dry mixture.

2. The starting coating is to evenly distribute the plaster over the plates of the polyplex layer 1-2 mm. A spatula move from below up, withsting angle of inclination to the wall of about 30 degrees.

3. Reinforcement is the end of the roll with the mounting grid to attach to the treated area starting from the angle. Deploy gradually, pressing the material to the wall with a spatula. Close down from the middle of the canvas, moving downwards.

4. Creating a leveling layer - the dried surface is watched with a skin and apply a fresh solution with a thickness of about 3 mm. Apply the leveling layer parts. Counters of plaster and mounting grid control, preventing coincidence.

5. Priming - when the mixture will dry well, thoroughly align the plane of the grater. After that, covered with soil composition, not leaving the flows.

6. Registration of decorative plaster - the finishing layer of the solution to apply in small fragments, withsting the same layer thickness. Decorative texture shape on a wet surface. Finishing to leave to seek for a few days.

7. Staining - indoors The plaster layer is covered with protective varnish. Outside the decor is more suitable acrylic paint.

Tips for specialists

1. The technological scheme for decoration provides for the mandatory use of the mounting mesh of fiberglass. It provides a reliable grip of a smooth surface of a fastener with facade plaster. It is desirable to choose a material with a density of 140-160 g / m2. The smaller the cells, the stronger the adhesion.

2. If the fox work is carried out in the summer, then it is necessary to consider that the solution on the facade in hot weather dries very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to apply it fragmentary, not exceeding the width of the roll. To securing the reinforced grid, it is better to invite assistants.

3. To glue the mounting mesh on Penoplex, a mixture with a more liquid consistency is used than this is indicated in the instructions. The same composition is carried out finishing alignment.

The grout of the processed walls produce only after complete drying of the plaster. The clutch duration of the outside depends on the weather conditions, inside - from the temperature regime of the room. The technological scheme allows for a time interval from applying a solution to a zatilka for a period of no more than four days. Otherwise, the plaster strongly hardens and grind it will be difficult.

Penoplex is a thermal insulating material, which is plates from extruded polystyrene foam with the addition of various components to reduce the risk of material ignition and increase its strength. Most often it is used for insulation outside the house. To protect the material from atmospheric influences and extending the operating time, plastering is carried out by polyplex.

Penoplex requires further finishes for the following reasons:

  1. The material does not have a sufficient level of mechanical strength. Even a weak impact may cause cracking of the entire stove.
  2. When heating or ignition, the PESEROPLEX is allocated toxic substances. The manufacturers partially solved this problem with the addition of flames that prevent ignition, but to protect against overheating, it is necessary to use plaster.
  3. The insulation is exposed to moisture, wind and ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Penoplex is made in the form of plates, in the junctions between which the so-called cold bridges can be formed. To eliminate this problem, a solid layer of plaster, covering joints.

Plaster allows you to protect the penplex from mechanical damage and exposure to surrounding factors

Required tools and materials

First you need to find out than plastering the penplex. For external surfaces, it is better to choose mixtures based on cement for internal plaster. At the same time, the use of conventional cement solutions is prohibited because they are corrosive the surface of the inferno. It is necessary to choose special compositions in which cement acts as a binder. You also need to correctly select the reinforcing grid. The product should be resistant to an alkaline environment and have a high density. At the same time, too rigid grids are difficult to install on the corners and openings, therefore the optimal version is a grid with a density of 160 g per square meter.

The following will be needed from the tools:

  • capacity for mixing and electrofer with a nozzle mixer;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • painting brush or roller;
  • sand paper or grinding machine.

The installation of this product is required, since the plaster can simply fall off from the base. Starting its installation is necessary from the corners. The main fragment is cut off strips with a length of 1 m for the angles of a wall or a length corresponding to the size of the opening. Width in both cases is 30 cm.

Cut fragments are folded in half and stroke the bend with the effort so that the product does not straighten during installation. When all the blanks are made, we should mix the adhesive solution or the universal mixture. It is necessary to do this as the manufacturer specifies. The prepared solution is applied to the penplex and roll up with a wide spatula, a narrow tool is used in hard-to-reach places. After that, apply the reinforcing mesh and pressed it into the solution. With the help of a curly spatula, the treated surface is stroked, after which they begin to finish the main areas.

Installation of the reinforcing mesh on Penoplex is necessary to strengthen the plastered surface

For this, the grid fragments are cut out again, but now their dimensions are 1x1 m. The solution is applied according to the same principle as in the case of angles, only on the sides are 5 cm for the design of the mesh joints. The product is installed and stroked. Then the angles and the main surface are separated by a thin layer of glue to completely close the reinforcing grid. After that, I leave the surface alone to give the solution to dry.

Leveling layer

Now consider how to plaster the penplex. At this stage, it is necessary to spend the grinding of the glue surface. To do this, you can use a conventional sandpaper or plastic grater with a web of the same type. The tool is pressed against the wall and processed it, carrying out circular movements. After the grout, you can start aligning the surface. To do this, a plaster solution or a universal mixture is prepared, and they apply to it with a thin layer (about 3 mm) with the help of wide and narrow spatulas.

Important! The leveling layer should be applied on the wall by fragments, and their boundaries should not coincide with the joints of the reinforcing grid.

After applying plaster, the surface is left to dry for a period of 2-4 days. Then re-conduct grout to the above method. If such an effect is enough, then at this stage you can stop. Only in the end it will be necessary to cover the wall with varnish.

Decoration of coating

Before placing the penplex with decorative material, you need to apply primer with a roller or painting brush. This composition provides a sufficient level of adhesion, which significantly increases the life of the finished coating. In addition, primers provide protection against fungi and mold. The mixture is applied to a plastered wall fragment of two layers with an interval of 3-4 hours. After drying, the material proceeds to apply the decorative layer.

Most often, structural or facades are used to design facades. In the first case, the application process is as follows:

  1. First they apply a solution with a spatula and smash it. The thickness of the layer should be equal to the size of the grain of the material.
  2. After a few hours when the plaster grabbies, it is necessary to sweep it again. Only now is used not sandpaper, but a culma or grater. The tool is pressed against the wall and processed by its movements vertically.
  3. Then the wall is left to dry, after which they put paint into two layers. The first layer of paint should be a bit darker than the second.
  4. After drying, the paint surface is treated with varnish.

The textured surfaces are made in the same way as structural, but instead of the grout use other techniques. It consists in applying relief patterns with a roller or brush. It is also permissible to use special stamps or ordinary sponge, which simply touch different parts of the surface, leaving traces. After drying, textural plasters paint and treated with varnish.

Finishing facade building textured plaster

When plastering fasteners, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • works should be carried out at a temperature of +5 to +30 degrees and humidity not more than 75%;
  • for finishing works, it is better to use the materials of one manufacturer;
  • it is forbidden to accelerate the drying of the material with various heating devices;
  • the smaller the reynching grid cell, the better the plaster will be held;
  • the primer should be applied with a short pile roller;
  • as decorative coverage, it is better to use textured plaster, since their life is longer.

Plaster Polympoth requires special equipment, experience and knowledge

Plaster for Penoplempix does not require a professional tool and rich experience. Therefore, even the novice home master will cope with this operation. It is only important to comply with the above instructions and follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

When the intake of the cold winter is already felt in the air, we do not leave the thought about how much the insulation is your home. Penoplex is very popular, optimal and quality option. In use, the material will not take much effort and time from the builder, but it will be necessary to protect the insulation from mechanical and weather influences. About how to do this, it will be speech in this article.

Penoplex is often used as insulation of buildings from an external or inner side. Work with it will always facilitate the physical characteristics and sizes of plates. The foster of the fastener is not enough for the plates to be destroyed from point blows and other physical influences (dents in any case cannot be avoided). Therefore, the material is required to protect against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, humidity, etc. and visually the wall, insulated with plates, seems even unfinished and requires additional finishes. The use of fasteners implies, except insulation, also an additional finish.

Simple and inexpensive method of improving surfaces after insulation is plaster. This type of construction work is appropriate in the case when the plates are attached to the surface of the gluing method. Penoplex can fit both differently: in the carrier frame, in cells of the crate. With this option, the cladding of the plane will be performed either by panels or lining, or something else.

We check whether there are no gaps between the plates. Almost anyone from the first time it is not possible to put the insulation perfectly. Close the joints if when installing this moment was missed. Pay attention to the curvature of the entire plane, because the adhesive solution is then applied with a thin layer. To align them irregularities will not succeed in the specifics of the composition. To remove the slots between the plates of the foam, you can make foam clearances for insulation systems (or usually assembly), for example, Ceresit CT-84. For one can, you will need to give approximately 600 p.

Warming facade penopleyxom

Making a plaster solution

Do not use a standard mortar based on cement with sand, since it will not give good quality plastering composition. The store is full of mixtures, according to the composition of suitable for laying on the penplex.

Experienced finishers advise apply:

  • "SOLUTS",
  • "Ceresit",
  • "Ecomix".

When kneading strictly follow the instructions left by the manufacturer on the package. Experienced masters make a mixture, in thickness reminiscent sour cream. For gluing a fiberglass mesh, the consistency of the mixture should be obtained slightly albeit than the manufacturer requires. In the case of an aligning layer, the solution should turn out so liquid so that it is freely glasses from the spatula. From here and different consumption of the composition: on gluing the grid will be required to spend 4 kg per 1 kV. The meter, on the leveling layer - 6 kg of the mixture per square. meter.

Preparation of plaster mortar

The compositions of different manufacturers, despite the greater similarity, have different components. Therefore, it is better to use the products of one manufacturer on the same object to avoid unnecessary problems.

Use compounds, universal applications, and you will not have to think about additional nuances related to the restrictions of the scope of application.

Sketch of the primary layer

Prepare a penplex to shuttering the laying of the primary layer. For this purpose, a stable before alkali of PVC grid should be used. Using PVC, you insight yourself from the aggressive influence of cement on the set grid. Cement, as is known, react with many materials.

Cut the stripes whose length should be slightly larger than the height of the wall. Consider that the laying is performed from top to bottom. At one hand to the fiberglass, apply the strip, the second apply the solution on the grid exclusively at the top edge. Thus, the grid is "welded" to polyplex. As a result, the primary layer should turn out to 5 mm thick.

Insulation Flashing Scheme: 1 - Polystrax Plates, 2 - Glue, 3 - Dowels, 4 - Reinforcing Mesh, 5 - Primer, 6 - plaster coating

When the upper edge is reinforced on the plane, apply the solution on the grid so that it is evenly distributed across the entire width. Each movement comes from top to bottom. Mandatory on the right side, leave a vertical "tape" clean mixture, because each subsequent strip will lay on the edge of the previous one almost 1 cm.

In the end, it turns out that the wall will be a strip behind the strip covered over the entire surface of the grid. Browse all the places on the wall, where the geometry of the plane changes (the operators of the doors, slopes, winds, windows) - you first need to start laying the grid.

Reinforcement grid for foam

Smoothing of the first layer

This procedure must be carried out that the base under the second layer is smooth and monolithic. Weling with water heater, align the entire plane, slightly pressed on the penplex. On the cutting the grid sections, we do not pay attention to the solution - this is normal. It happens that by waiting for a solution to solve, experienced professionals are rejected again the primary layer.

Finishing decoration mixture

The second layer is necessary to complete the alignment of the wall and hide all auxiliary elements, for example, reinforcement. The third layer is possible if the quality of the second for some reason does not like the wizard. But this is only the "blacknie" finish before the final stage - the final design of the surface. The last stage is usually performed using decorative plaster. If the surface was made uneven, then the normal installation of "scenery" cannot be speech.

Plaster Facade Polynessee

Table. Required tools and materials.

1 Sudine to prepare a mixture
2 Capacity for water
3 Spatulas of various sizes
4 PVC grid for performing a reinforced layer
5 Brush Maslitsa
6 Malyary Valik
7 Halfury under Polyoplex.
8 Plastering or "Ceresit" or "Ecomix" or "Solo"
9 Mounting foam Ceresit CT-84 (850ml)
10 Primer "Betonactont"
11 Ceresitstand glue 83, or Kreisel 210, or Glims KF, etc.

What should be foreseen

Before buying plaster materials, make the number of purchased quantities. If work on the installed technology, the mixture consumption will be within 4 kg / m2 when laying the initial layer. The second layer will require from 5.5 to 6.5 kg / m2.

Such a tip: Take a spare mixture in the case, if you suddenly need to make the third correction layer.

Step-by-step instruction on fastening fastening

To affect the foam on their own, it is necessary to do a number of preparatory actions that consistently reaching one after another in strict order.

First step. Provide good adhesion by treating the surface deep penetrating primer "Betonacton" (from manufacturers such as Violux, Ceresit, Feidal). Price 700-1000 p. For 15 liters. For work, a large brush McList or a paint roller is suitable. Before applying, it is necessary to break the composition and pour some part into the appropriate plane. Dry the brush into the liquid and apply primer to the surface with a uniform layer. The liquid should not leak and accumulate in some sections. The primer is treated with the surface even once after drying the first layer.

Conconokontact Knauff

The second step. Attach the socket profile to the wall. It will take a measurement tool (for example, a ruler or roulette) to apply the marking of the points on the wall in which the drill make holes. It is better to take a perforator for this - lose less time.

Types of base profile

Fastening the base profile

Third step. Sleep the adhesive solution for the fitting to the wall of the fasteptic plates. To simplify the process and reduce the time of work, select the capacity under the entire bag of the mixture. It is most convenient to mix with an electric mixer with a collapsible nozzle.

Fourth step. Immediately, how the prepared solution will be on the facade, stick to it fasteptile plates. But it will be more convenient and economically applied glue on one side of the plate, evenly distributing it all over the perimeter. And in the middle, it is enough to throw several "cakes". Adapt the insulation to the wall neatly on the exhibited pre-carrier. It is recommended to take a slate several times. Use a spatula to remove an excess solution.

Facade insulation 5 cm facade and the framing of the corners of the penplex 2 cm

Fifth step. Each fasteptic plate should be strictly fixed with a dowel-umbrella. This operation is carried out using a drill. Over all area, 4-6 holes are made in which the dowel-umbrellas are laid. Hats Dowels Mail along with all the deepening in the penplex.

Facade dowel umbrella for thermal insulation

Sixth step. A reinforcing layer is performed from perforated corners and fiberglass mesh. Aluminum corners are glued to the outer corners. It is applied to the corners and grids the same glue either Ceresit St 83, or Kreisel 210, or GLIMS KF. Price 350-600 p. for 25 kg. It is necessary to make a cutting of the reinforced grid of fiberglass. It should be considered that the canvas should enter each other no more than 10 cm when they stick to the plates. Also leave the distance for the corners of almost 10 cm. The glue composition apply a thickness of about 3 mm - it is more convenient to do it from top to bottom in small areas at a time. His density should be slightly smaller than indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Compliance with these moments ensures that glue to the completion of the reinforcing layer will not have time to grab. Then with a spatula, glue fiberglass to the wall.

Tip! In the case when the fiberglass grid does not have sufficient flexibility and can not normally break the angles, in the folds of the folds, apply liquid glue so that the canvas become more elastic.

Corner with reinforcing grid for building corners

Seventh step. The adhesive solution is applied to the reinforcing layer. Equally apply a layer of glue to you will help you the ordinary spatula. In fact, it turns out as a blackname plaster.

Eighth step. In the heat insulation cake, the finishing layer (or two) of the primer is distributed. This is done using a wide paint brush.

Facing brick for facade

Description of species and installation of facing bricks for the facade can be found in this article. We also recommend reading the decorative elements made of polystyrene foam for the facade.

Ninth step. The plaster and painting of the facade are performed at the final stage of work using a plastering and painting roller falcon. Before that, the primer must dry. After drying, the finish is completed with decorative plaster. She rubs after it starts to be captured by the layer. When the plaster is dry, the surface is painted with special facade paint. For these purposes, water-dispersion formulations are used.

Facade decoration with decorative plaster

At the ninth step of work on insulation and the protection of walls from the freezers can be considered completed. When insulation is performed inside the structure, instead of plastering on the reinforced layer, putty is applied, then decorative trim (wallpaper sticker or painting). We follow to note that staining must be performed in all cases. When the question is when to make staining, and when not, you can find an answer on the packaging used by the putty.

Video - Plaster Facade Polynemia do it yourself

More and more people in order to comfortably survive the winter heating season using the insulation of their home Polystoleks is one of the types of foam.

But since it has the properties to collapse under the influence of various climatic factors, the plaster uses the plaster, in fact, which does not have alternatives as a barrier between external weather conditions and the penplex itself.

Choosing a plastering mix

Before purchasing a decorative plaster to protect the insulator of the Penoplex, you need to consider several factors when it is selected. This concerns not only its own technical and individual characteristics, but also the surface on which it will be used.

Each type of plastering mixture is different from the rest of the benefits and disadvantages that can play a significant role in their operation.

In order to answer the question of which solution for plaster you can work on a penplex, you need to figure it out in all the differences of its species.

Mineral plaster produce on the basis of cement mixtureIn which a substantial role is played by a variety of additives in the form of polymers.

Mineral Plaster

It is sufficiently resistant to various biological stimuli, such as fungi and mold, and also has a low water absorption coefficient, because of which the favorable environment for the development of these microorganisms does not occur.

The application of mineral plaster on the surface is quite easy, and the effectiveness is high.

The acrylic type of plaster differs in that it has high indicators of elasticity, the properties of repelled the liquid, and not exposed to ultraviolet exposure.

Acrylic plaster

It is enough to use an acrylic plaster mixture in places where the humidity is increased, as well as on surfaces that can experience some deformations over time.

Among the possible options for plasters, the silicate mixture has the greatest efficiency. This is due to its properties, among which it is possible to distinguish a high level of elasticity, antistaticity, steam permeability, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and climatic conditions.

Silicate plaster

Silicate plaster for polyplex can be used both indoors and its facades.

In this case, the selection should also be based on the service life of the material that often indicates the manufacturer on the package. In addition, the surface texture is plays an essential role in terms of service.

The impact of the external environment on the smooth surface is more noticeable, while the relief structure is less sensitive to this factor.

Plaster for fastening the koroede is becoming increasingly popular.

To properly apply the plaster, the cored should be aware of how to calculate its consumption per 1 m2.

Plaster koroed

If there is a chance of mechanical impact on the wall, it is best to buy acrylic plaster. A less stable for this parameter is a silicate mixture.

Mineral plaster is most strongly exposed to shock and mechanical loads.

What better plaster on fastening should be applied to solve depending on the tasks and the requirements that it should perform. When choosing any kind of plaster, it is desirable to know the time of breathing.

Sequence of performance

If the selection of insulation for the walls fell on the penplex, it is necessary to protect it from mechanical impact, humidity, air temperatureAs well as ultraviolet radiation using shockting with a special selected mixture.

It is not easy to implement a person unfamiliar to such activities, as it is necessary to comply with all the rules and norms. The process itself has several stages in the following order:

  • preparation of a plaster mix;
  • stagnation of the grid on the walls;
  • wall molding;
  • putting the leveling layer;
  • padding.

If everything is done correctly, the plaster of walls on fondrance outside will be securely protected by performing functions in the heating period - retention of heat inside the house.

Preparation of mixes

In order to prepare the plastering mixture to apply it to the Penoplex, you need to fully follow the instructions of the manufacturer, since in each case the process is carried out with certain nuances.

The general description of the technology of preparation of plaster on fastening is almost identical for its species, while specific numbers differ everywhere.

It is very important to work on a whole house with only one type of material without changing the process of one manufacturer on another. This is important due to the fact that the differences in the properties of different types of plaster mixtures can be destructive to influence each of them, which is why they will stop performing their functions.

Manufacturers can produce both one and two different mixtures for finishing the fastener. If there is only one plaster on store shelves for these purposes, it means it is universal and can be used for different works - for fastening the insulation to the wall and to protect it from external influence.

Mixtures and their preparation

Two different material are designed strictly for their purposes. It is easiest to apply universal structural mixtures, since with them fewer difficulties.

Approximately for calculating the amount of material for the wall decoration, the figure is used in the form of 4 kilograms of the material for the first stage, which consists in mounting the reinforcing grid. About 6 kilograms of material are needed for the leveling layer to the same area.

The practical use of facade plasters showed that it is necessary to prepare a mixture somewhat more liquid than the manufacturer recommends. This allows, among other things, also slightly reduce the consumption of material and save funds.

In addition, it will be easier to work with such a mixture than with a more thick plaster.

Mesh sticking on the walls

Before making a sticker of foam on the wall, you need to do a few things to make the fastening happened quite well and reliably. For this requires reinforcing mesh.

Construction practices shows that it is best to choose a material with a density of about 150 grams per square meter.

Among the entire diversity of finishing materials for construction in the domestic market, the most popular is considered to put the Rotband's putty from the famous company Knauf. By clicking on the link, familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics.

Wall panels for the bathroom are fairly easy to install, they are durable, coped with temperature drops, serve for a long time, if necessary, dismantling is easily removed. Here are all about various types and methods of installation.

When conducting certain repair work, it is worth understanding that the foundation should be necessarily durable and reliable. Dry band screed - fast, high quality and cheap.

High density allows you to exactly put the subsequent layer, but the work at the corners is complicated with an increase in this indicator.

Mounting mesh

Start work with a grid sticking, you need from the corners of the building, window and doorways:

  • it is necessary to cut off the strip of the grid of a width of about 30 centimeters and length in accordance with the size of the angle;
  • it is necessary to determine the middle of the cut strip and bend it in this place to form the rib;
  • with the use of a spatula, a plaster mass is to apply on the surface of the wall near the corners with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters;
  • the grid must be applied to the laid plaster mixture, press, as well as smooth down with a spatula in the direction of the corner down and the Block.

After finishing the grid of the corners you need get to work on solid surfaces:

  • first cuts the grid with dimensions of 1 meter;
  • the plaster mass is applied to the surface, a length of 100 centimeters, a width of 90 centimeters (5 centimeters on both sides will be used for the joints of the joints) and a thickness of 3 millimeters;
  • the grid must be applied to the ground strong enough so that it is almost drowned in it, smoothing from the center or from top to bottom, sometimes adding an additional plaster mix at the same time if it is required;
  • after the cloak of one band, you can start up to another, laying the remaining 5 centimeters of the brass mesh on each other;
  • also, the brass must also lay the joints between the surface grid and the grid near the corners.

The laying of the reinforcing element of the Vangest is a very important technological rule that cannot be ignored.

Grouting walls

After the grid was applied to the mixture, or rather completely pasted into it, it is necessary to carry out the grout process of the entire surface.

For the grout, a special plastic grater is used, on which the abrasive band is located.

It is necessary to pelt only when the universal plastering mixture will dry. Duration of drying is completely dependent on air temperature and humidity. It can take a few hours in hot weather and more than a day in a cool autumn or spring day.

Grouting walls

Grout must be made with circular movements with a small arm force. You need to move the spatula counterclockwise. It is worth remembering that when you get into the abrasive lane, plaster, which is not dried, the sandpaper will have to be replaced with another.

Mass appliance

After the first surface grout was performed, you need to completely align the wall with a special layer. For this purpose, the same mixture of the universal nature of the use for fasteners is used.

Mass appliance

Several stages are produced:

  • a small spatula on a wide tool (from 350 millimeters) is applied to the wall alignment;
  • a large tool is applied to the surface and is evenly distributed on it with a layer of about 3 millimeters, depending on the quality of the grouting process;
  • the connection of the boundaries of this layer should not be on top of the joints of the previous one.

After the leveling layer was applied, you need to wait for the moment of breathing it, after which go to the next stage.

Grouting leveling layer

The grout process for alignment is made by similar technology as the layer at which the grid was launched. There are no differences in the implementation of these stages.

It is worth noting that there are deadlines for the grout process. It is necessary to start not earlier than the first day after applying the leveling layer. But longer than four days after drying it is not necessary to wait.

Grouting leveling layer

Since the long period of non-compliance of this stage will require more time to grout using considerable effort.

Pulling should be made until the maximum level of the smooth surface is obtained.

It will be the basis for applying the final coating.


In order for the final finish of the wall surface to be securely attached to the base, it is necessary to carry out the primer of the walls. Special attention should be paid if the ceiling plaster will be made.

The choice of fluid for this should be carried out depending on which the finish coating will be applied: a decorative plastering mixture for facades or paint.

In the first case, it is best to use primer with quartz splashes, in the second case, no special components should have a mixture.


Application of primer is made using a roller with thin soft villi.

It is important not to leave the lamps on the wall, evenly distributing the fluid on it.

This stage is the last preparatory stage before applying directly finishing coverage.

Application of plaster on the prepared wall

The process of plastering the prepared surface must be carried out in accordance with a specific technology:

  • to begin with, a layer, which is basic, evenly over the entire wall with the same thickness, depending on the grain size (large grains in the composition of the mixture require greater layer thickness);
  • after applying the base layer, it is necessary to start the process of formation of a decorative surface, for which a sponge, spatula or grater is used;
  • after coating the entire surface of the wall, it is necessary to wait for the moment of its drying, after which the process of painting or apply a protective colorless layer is made.

Application on the prepared wall

Video application of plastering for fondix can help more clearly understand the process of work and production technology.

Some owners of the houses have a question than to paint the penplex without plaster, as its technology is not easy enough.


Based on the chemical-physical characteristics of this insulation material, it is possible to paint with mineral paints, finishing facade material based on silicate glass or water-emulsion solutions.

Compliance with all technological production in practice allows you to work quite efficiently and correctly. This in turn directly affects the fulfillment by the materials of their properties that the manufacturer gave them.

The heating period will become more comfortable, simple and economical, as it does not have to use additional funds. Plaster for polyplex on the facades is one of the most optimal options for insulation of the premises.

Penoplex refers to the new formation of the heat insulator, represented as a plate of extruded polystyrene foam. Its main difference from ordinary PPS is a higher density, strength and fire resistance. Its excellent thermal insulation qualities allow to significantly save on the heating of the room. In this article we will talk more about the finishing of the walls of plaster for fastening.

Pros and cons of the insulation of the facade of the penplex

The main advantages of the material:

  • low thermal conductivity (coeff. thermal conductivity 0.03 W / m · ºК)
  • resistance to compression and ability to withstand mechanical loads, due to the homogeneous structure of the material, where uniformly placed pores, increasing the strength of the heat insulator;
  • low water absorption (0.2 - 0.4% of the volume in 24 hours with full immersion);
  • withstands a wide range of temperatures: from-50 to +75 degrees;
  • resistance to mold and rotting;
  • fire resistance;
  • good soundproofing qualities;
  • small weight material - simple transportation;
  • easy installation, installation of plates is possible by one person alone. Standard fasteners: width 600 mm, length 1200 mm, thickness from 20 to 100 mm;
  • universality, the ability to warm any elements of the building: walls, base, foundation, roof, floor;
  • safely, does not secrete poisonous substances;
  • a long service period, subject to proper use of at least 50 years.

The disadvantages of the material refers:

  • low vapor permeability (0.007-0.008 mg / m · h · par). When using the indoor material, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation to avoid the appearance of condensate and mold. It is also impossible to warm aerated concrete without internal vapor barrier.
  • high price is more expensive than foam and min.vaty by about twice.

Thanks to its heat-saving quality and simplicity, the installation of the penplex was widespread and is increasingly used for the insulation of buildings, ousting the usual foam.

Is it possible to stack it?

Despite its moisture resistance, the penplex should be closed from atmospheric precipitate. In addition, it is necessary to create an attractive appearance of the building. Inside the room for finishing this insulation, PVC and MDF panels are suitable. Outside the house you can organize a ventilated facade of siding or wall panels.

You can fly to the penplex both indoors and outside. It will be a universal version of the finish finish. How to do it, and what will be necessary for work, we will look at below.

What mixture is better?

When choosing plaster, its features and climate conditions should be considered. Since the plaster should protect the insulation from mechanical, chemical and climatic factors, guarantee fire safety, increase the heat and sound insulation characteristics, smooth out the irregularities of the base, giving the room an impeccable appearance.

There are such types of plastering mixtures:

  • Mineral. Mixture based on cement, sand, as well as plasticizers and adhesive additives. This is a good choice for use as a basic layer under painting or decorative plaster. The solution is easily applied, resistant to fire, moisture and mold. At the same time it is worth it.
  • Acrylic. Presented in the form of a solution based on acrylic resins with mineral additives and dyes. Main advantages: rich gamma colors and textures, elasticity, strength, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. Creates a dense moistureproof film.
  • Silicone. Differs high elasticity and strength. The universal mixture with high operational qualities, has a rich color palette and is proposed in the form of a finished solution. The disadvantage is the high value of the material.
  • Silicate The mixture is made on the basis of liquid glass, protects well from frost, winds, humidity and temperature differences. The composition has good vapor permeability, so it supports the comfortable climate in the room. In work requires efficiency, because it is quickly seized.
  • Silicate-silicone The plaster has in the composition of water-repellent additives, mineral fillers and coloring pigments. The technical characteristics include increased mechanical resistance and elasticity, resistance to atmospheric precipitation and good grip with the surface.

Plastering fastening

Let's summarize which plaster is better. To create a mechanical damage and for additional thermal insulation, the building is suitable for cement-sand-based plaster. But the plastered surface will be unattractive. Therefore, it will be necessary to further paint the facade or apply a layer of decorative shocking.

Of the above compositions, silicone, but also the most expensive. When choosing a texture and color, the customer's opinion will be crucial, which finish is closer to him: "Coroed", "Shuba", imitation of stone or other species.

How to plaster outside and indoors: phased instruction

The plastering process is not particularly difficult, but must be carried out in compliance with technology.

To work will need tools:

Necessary materials:

Preparation of the foundation

  1. Blew the seams between the plates of the mounting foam;
  2. After pouring the surplus foam to cut off with a knife and wipe the grater;
  3. Deepen the hats of the dowels. If you fail to drive them, then you need to trim the hat and clutch another dowel, having done a hole in advance;
  4. At the end of the work of the wall, to treat primer deep penetration.

Reinforcement net

  1. Move the caps of the dowels and the depressions on the insulation.
  2. For external angles, fasten aluminum perforated corners.
  3. Remove the fiberglass mesh, given that the canvas will be mounted on top of each other.
  4. Cove the base with adhesive composition with a thickness of 3-5 mm and attach a grid. Align it with a wide spatula, indulging in the plaster.
  5. On top of the reinforcement, apply another layer of adhesive composition.
  6. The dried layer of reinforcement to lure the grater with circular movements, without excessive zeal and with an equal pressure.

Plastering fastening

  1. After reinforcement, you can start plastering the walls of the room. We assign a mixture with a small spatula to a large building spatula, we apply on the wall and recall. The layer thickness should be 3-5 mm.
  2. After drying, you need to wash the sandpaper again until the smooth surface is obtained.
  3. To get rid of elevated dampness and the appearance of mold apply two layers of primer with an interval of 3-4 hours using a short pile roller.
  4. After drying the soil, decorative plaster is applied with a wide spatula. Relief rollers and stamps are used to create on the wall texture. The choice of the tool depends on the type of mixture. For example, the pebble plaster is enough to simply dissolve. The "fur coat" on the wall is created by roller.
  5. If the caloring of the solution was not made before applying to the wall, then it is stained after drying.
  6. When plastering indoors, the mixture on plaster-based walls can additionally be treated with a special varnish.

The application of facade plaster should be carried out under favorable weather conditions:

  • air humidity - 65-70%;
  • pilical temperature indicators ranging from 5 to 25 degrees above zero;
  • no strong wind.

How to paint the penurex?

imitation of brick masonry

The plastered insulation prepared for the finishing finish, you can paint any facade paint: acrylic, silicate, latex or water-emulsion.

Sometimes the penplex is used not as a heater, but as a material for the decor. For example, on his sheets cut brick or stone masonry.

In this case, when painting cannot be used with solvent paints. They will destroy polystyrene foam. Acrylic or water-emulsion formulations are well suitable.

Let's summarize. Plastering fasteners does not require greater experience or special skills. But you need to remember the use of reinforcing mesh and adhesive plaster solutions. Simple technology gives great opportunities for decorating walls and allows you to create a unique view for warm facades.

We hope that this article was useful to you. Leave your feedback and questions in the comments below.

According to experts, the most common option for finishing the exterior walls of the building is the plaster of the facade of polyplex. The finishing layer will reliably protect the insulation from the effects of the aggressive medium. With the help of plaster, you can drastically transform the appearance of the building. Increase the service life of such a coating will allow the correct technology of work, and the laying of thermal insulation and plaster can be carried out independently, without the help of expensive specialists.

Choosing plaster

When selecting a protective coating for finishing the surface of the fastener, the technical characteristics of the insulation should be taken into account. According to experts, silicone formulations are best for this purpose. The surface of such coatings has high resistance to exposure to atmospheric precipitation in the form of rain, snow and hail.

Facade Polyplex Facade Scheme

A good result can be obtained when finishing the surface of the polyems with mineral plasters, which adds polymer components. Such solutions are rapidly fixed on the ground, they have low water absorption indicators, oppose the appearance of fungus and mold.

Note! In the case when the facade is subjected to various mechanical effects, it is best to choose acrylic plasters for its finish. Such formulations are well applied to the surface, do not fade under the action of ultraviolet light.

And now consider the features of specific types of decorative plaster.


As part of such a solution, there is a white powder and pebbles of a small fraction. According to builders, the final drawing, applied on the wall, will depend on the size of these pebbles and movements carried out by the plaster.

Fucker type "Coroed"

Typically, granules with a particle diameter of 2.5 millimeters are added to such mixtures. Coroede is mineral plaster with polymer additives. Its advantages are excellent frost resistance, no harmful additives.

Cameshkow plaster

It is a textured coating consisting of small pebbles, similar in appearance on pebbles. For the manufacture of the material under consideration, such types of natural raw materials are used as marble or granite with particle size of up to 4 millimeters.

Structure of brassy plaster

The specified mixture is fastened with the help of binder and sand. The main advantages of the pebble solutions are resistance to sunlight and moisture, the plasticity of the composition and strength relative to mechanical loads.

Plaster Barashka

It comes to building stores in the form of a dry mix, which consists of white cement, as well as small aggregates, such as marble, quartz and dolomite. The material is well fixed on the base surface, has excellent water repellent properties, opposes mechanical loads, influence of fungus and mold.

Mosaic decorative plaster

It is manufactured on the basis of an acrylic resin with the addition of colored crumb. Such compositions have good elasticity and mechanical strength.

Mosaic plaster

For finishing the facade of the building along the insulation, solutions with a diameter of color particles from 1 to 3 millimeters are used.

Preparation of base and gluing plates

The base surface for applying plaster is the plates of the fastener. This material must be attached to the wall using a special adhesive, and the product should be located on the surface of the facade on the principle of brick masonry.

The jokes close up with a special mounting foam for foam. The remains of the protruding foam can be cut off with a sharp stationery knife. This variant of the insulation device will prevent the formation of cold bridges.

The glue mixture is applied with a toothed spatula, after which the plates on the surface are fixed. If the surface of the walls is uneven, then the desired layer of the solution is pasted on the insulation plates, then the product is fixed on the surface according to the construction level indications.

Application of adhesive on the insulation plate

The finish fixation of the insulation is carried out by plastic dowels made in the form of a parachute, but such work is carried out the day after the stove of the insulation plate. At the end of the work performed, we should get perfectly even foundation. Places in which umbrellas are clogged with a solution, while each sheet goes 5 dowels.

Note! It is forbidden to use solutions of different brands for stickers of polyplex.

Reinforcement net

For reliable fixation of the decorative finishing layer, it is necessary to put a special grid on the surface of the insulation. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose materials with a density of 140 to 160 grams per M2.

Grid for reinforcement

Such a grid has sufficient density to obtain a smooth layer of plaster. Such products can be used for corner pasting.

Note! Cement is present in some types of plaster, so the mesh for the facade should be resistant to alkalis.

The grid installation begins with the corners of the building, as well as the slopes on the window and doorways. For gluing the material in these places, 30 centimeter slice is cut off with a length equal to the length of the slope. The strip is bent in the middle and apply to the angular part. After that, a universal glue mixture is applied with a spatula with a thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters.

At the next stage of work, it is necessary to apply the mesh to the solution and carefully press the spatula. Armopolito is attached to the surface by smoothing from the center to the parties. For pasting the remaining plane, we cut the grid with equal slices of 1 meter in length, then we applied the adhesive mixture along the area of \u200b\u200bthe product and apply armmovoloc.

The grid is pressed against the wall by the movements of the spatula from the center in the upper and lower direction. Materials glue a flask, combining joints by 5 centimeters. It is recommended to avoid the docking of the grid with places of the insulation plates.

Note! If you leave on the wall areas free from the grid, then these places will look rather even on the surface of the plaster.

Next, the surface grout is carried out using a special grater with a fixed emery web. Wall processing should be carried out by dried glue solution. If with warm weather, a similar mixture dries out for 2-3 hours, then with cloudy weather with low air temperatures for conducting such operations, no less than a day should be waited.

  1. We assign small portions of glue on a wide spatula;
  2. Light movements apply a solution on the wall;
  3. After drying the adhesive mixture, a thorough surface grout is carried out.

Applying decorative plaster

For reliable mounting of the plaster layer, it is necessary to carry out the surface torture. When using the primer, the base receives protection from the effects of mold and fungus, the surface adhesion increases.

Note! Decorative stucco should be applied to the wall after the complete drying of the primer.

The finish mix is \u200b\u200bapplied to the facade with a wide spatula. During these works, it is necessary to ensure that the solution is located on the wall of the same layer. Its value will depend on the fraction of the grain of plaster.

Finish applying plaster

To obtain a textured surface use rollers or sponges. Such tools are especially effective when laying a core. At the last stage of work, after complete drying of the finishing layer, the facade is painted or additional protection of the coating with colorless varnish.

Some nuances of the Plaster Plaster Facade Polyplex:

  • Work is recommended to carry out in the warm season with positive air temperatures;
  • The plaster is better kept on the facade, if a grid with small cells was used for reinforcement;
  • When finishing, you need to use plaster, adhesive mixture and a primer of one manufacturer;
  • Hold a break in time to dry out separate layers;
  • The primer is applied using a paint roller with a short pile;

The absence of a reinforcing grid will soon lead to the detachment of plaster.

5035 09/18/2019 4 min.

Penoplex is modern thermal insulation of buildings, the most effective at the moment. The only substantial lack of fasteners is excessive susceptibility to the external environment. The light of the sun, strong wind and other adversity adversely affect this material, destroying its structure and leading to the loss of thermal insulation properties. Wonderful protection for the polyems will serve as a good layer of plaster - a proven means from the destruction of the fastener.

How to choose correctly

In order to choose the plaster on the penplex, it is necessary to consider a number of parameters that have a specific product. It is capable of providing the best protection of fastening, but to obtain a qualitative result it is necessary to take into account environmental conditions.

On the video told about plaster on the penplex:

What is better to make walls with plaster or plasterboard can be found in this

Necessary materials

For facing the wall covered with penplex, it will take several types of material:

  • Reinforcing grid. On each square meter, the coating requires 4 kg of material.
  • Large and small spatulas.
  • Natural grater to align the mesh layer.
  • For priming it will be necessary roller with a short pile surface.

How to use silicone plaster for the facade can be found from this

If desired, the last layer of plaster can be decorated with a porous sponge to create an uneven decorative plan. Any tools, spatulas and rollers can go into move - restrictions leave only the fantasy of the builder. However, this step is not required. In some cases, the plaster is preferably not painted, some mixtures cannot be stained at all. You can find out if you can make a purchased plaster, you can read the instructions on the packages.

The same rules concern external walls - in a rainy climate, it is better to take a moisture-resistant, for windy weather conditions a texture acrylic plaster is suitable.

What is the difference between the plaster of the walls from the shtlock, you can learn from this

With the right choice of material and compliance with the technology of application, rubbing the penplex covered by plaster, will save its properties for a long time. Manufacturers produce many varieties of mixtures for plaster. As a rule, there are 2 types for each product - for mounting the mesh to polyplex, and to cover the layers after. Some manufacturers produce universal mixtures suitable for both gluing and coating.

Due to some peculiarities of the inferno, it cannot be left untreated. With the constant effects of ultraviolet rays, it can crack and lose its strength. In addition, it is easily damaged by mechanical effects. Therefore, it is necessary to find out if it is possible to plaster the penplex and what it is best to do. The article will describe the preparatory and practical stages of work.

Do you need to plaster

The structure of the fastener makes it a rather hard material, but it is not enough to withstand the installation of the external finish. When mechanically exposed it is easy to scatter than the insulation layer will decrease. With prolonged heating of the polystum, which consists of polystyrene granules, the emission of harmful substances can begin. In this case, the plaster will provide an additional layer of polyplex that will prevent this process. The continuous impact of ultraviolet rays in a pair with temperature and humidity drops can be unreasonable insulation without it. The layer of plaster will additionally protect the penplex on the possibility of fire when exposed to the source of fire from the outside.

Than plastering

Manufacturers who are engaged in the manufacture of adhesive compounds for gluing fasteners also took care to be released a special mixture for shockting. Facade plaster for fastening can be purchased from producers with sides, ceresit and emphasis. On the packaging of each tool, an instruction is given to what should be the proportions for plastering the fasteners. It is necessary to follow these instructions so that the solution scores the required strength. For mixing, it is better not to use the remedies, but to use a mixer, it will allow you to achieve high homogeneity. For various tasks, glue must have a different consistency. When mounting the mesh, its density should be higher, and when aligned below.

Preparatory stage

The surface of the insulation is very smooth so before plastering the penplex, it is necessary to produce some preparatory work. The first thing is carefully examined by the storage fasteners. In the process of installation, it should have been filled with adhesive composition. If this was not done, then you need to walk and make them foam. An excellent option will be cresit CT-84, but the usual polyurethane is suitable. This is an important stage, if you do not observe it, then the finish finish can crackue over time due to the presence of emptiness. The next step will be the monitoring of the flatness of the plane. The wall should not have drops and protrusions. To make sure that you need a rule with a length of 3 meters. It must be rearranged in different points, watching the differences.

If there is a protruding fungus, then it needs to try to drown the tapping. If it is impossible to cut his cap and score another. In the case of a convex part of the insulation itself, it is necessary to clean it with a grater. To increase the adhesion of glue to the insulation, it is necessary to make it a little rough. To do this, you can use various remedies. Simply put, it must be scratched. Before placing the penplex, the primer composition is applied. It is necessary to shake well and pour into a comfortable container where the roller can fit. The layer of application should be such that there are no drowshes. After drying the first layer, another one is applied.

Mounting mesh

An important component that will be able to give the required stiffness to the insulation is a special grid. It should be fixed in the poet before placing the penplex. It is necessary to acquire such that has sufficiently resistant to the effects of various building materials. The cells in it should be as small as possible, since such a grid has a greater resistance to mechanical effects. In addition to the mesh for fasteners, metal corners will be needed, which are mounted on external angles. First of all, the glue is applied on the heats of fastening of the fasteners, they should not interfere in the process.

For the application of glue, you will need a wide spatula and a toothed spatula. With the help of a conventional spatula, the surface is covered with adhesive composition. Its layer should be no more than 3 mm. Penoplex must be completely covered without gaps. After that, it is necessary to walk the toothed spatula on the plane. It will remove excess glue. The grid is cut depending on the length and height of the surface, which will be placed. It is applied to the glue and slightly pressed into it using a conventional spatula. For this, the spatula is simply necessary to carry out on top. The solution that was applied to the Penoplex through the cells will be pushed and forms a homogeneous mass, covering the grid from above.

Note! Work is most convenient to spend the bottom up. At the same time, the grid must dive exactly half the thickness of the solution. In this case, it will be quite firmly glued as the fastening itself, it can hold the outer layer of plaster.

Separate mesh stripes are stacked without intervals. Between them should be a minimum of 10 cm. It will be more convenient to work if it is not more than one meter of the composition at a width. Metal corners for putty will simplify the process of processing the corners. If their use is not planned, then it will be necessary to cut off the mesh strip with a width of 30 cm. It is flexing exactly in the middle to form a rosary angle. After that, it is applied and bleeded into the composition. After covering the entire surface, it is necessary to wait for its complete drying. Video about sticking mesh, you can see below.

After drying, the surface molds. For this, they will need special half-seas, which can be consolidated by sandpaper. Circular movements that will be directed counterclockwise, it is necessary to process the entire wall. For personal security, it is better to use glasses, gloves, as well as a respirator that will save from dust from getting into the respiratory tract. The next step of the outer plastering of the fastener is to apply the leveling layer. For this, the same composition applies to which the grid was glued. The layer is also not more than 3 millimeters, and you need to work a straight spatula.

Tip! It should be borne in mind that in hot dry weather, the drying of the composition takes place several times faster than in cold and wet.

Final stage

After the day after the application of the alignment layer, it is necessary to repeat the procedure for the grout. It is not necessary to wait too long to carry out this process, because the composition will be quite solid and the task will complicate. It should be attentive so that the recesses in the grouting process are not formed on the stucco. After grouting plaster, which is applied to the Facade of Polystone, it is necessary to prepare the surface to further finish. For this, the plaster is covered with a primer composition. Its choice will depend on how the fastener is further performed. If you wish to cover the surface of the water-mounted paint for the outer decoration, it will take a soil that will connect all the grains of sand, forming a perfectly smooth surface.

If the plans are the presence of a core or another type of finish, then in the primer composition there must be additives from quartz. They will contribute to the perfect fixation of the finish. Apply the primer to the plastered insulation of the Penoplex is necessary so that there are no drowshes. With proper preparation of the surface with the finishing finish, there will be no difficulties. The composition is stirred with water in the required ratios. After that, he is applied with a spatula on the wall. Its layer will depend on what size of the grain components. Grout or finish processing is made using various tools. The pattern of the core, for example, is attached to the direction of the motion of the molded half-stero.

The finishing layer after drying can be covered with paint or protective layer, which will not let it crack. The interior decoration is made by the same algorithm, but the finish layer can act, for example, tile. It is necessary to glue it on special glue. It is advisable to choose the same manufacturer as the glue that was applied to the Penoplex. Or be sure that the various compositions will well interact with each other. Video about finishing finish can be viewed below.


Independent plastering of the fastener and his finish finish will take a lot of time if this is done for the first time. The main condition for successful completion will be lack of a rush and concentration on the process. Do not regret funds for high-quality materials, since they will depend on the service life of the coating.