Repairs Design Furniture

Tire crafts: flower beds, flower beds, shapes, garden furniture. Tire crafts: flower beds, flower beds, shapes, garden furniture than cutting a bus from the car

It is always nice from the barn things to do something useful, and if the craft is also obtained and beautiful - the pleasure is double. One example is crafts from tires. Of these, decorations for a cottage or garden plot are made, different vases and flowers, build children's attractions and even make dacha furniture - tables and chairs.

Floweries from Tires

Let's start with the most, probably simple flower beds and flower beds. Do you think make a multi-tiered difficult? Maybe but not from tires. You take a few pieces of different sizes, paint in bright colors and fold the slide - one to another. So that your slide does not fall apart, fasten the tires from the inside with the help of a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Two on one connection will be enough. Inside fall asleep soil, plant plants. So that the soil does not pumped out, it is possible to store the tire inside the piece. It will remove excess water, but will not give earth. Beautiful tier flower garden ready.

If you like the flower beds, you can do those. For example, folding the flower club in the form of a chamomile. First lay out and fasten the tires in the lower tier. Fill the ground middle of tires, as well as free space inside the circle. There for a better drainage you can lay a broken brick or other construction garbage, sprinkle the earth a little bit and tamper. On the prepared surface, retreating from the edge more than half the tire diameter, lay the second tier. They are also bonded among themselves, the middle falls asleep with soil, and the core is climbing from above. On the top of the tip, you can plant tall flowers, and on the lower tiers - curb or lowered.

Another option of flower beds in the form of a chamomile is in one tier. For its execution, tires will have to cut.

How to cut tires

In general, manufacturing crafts from tires, they often need to cut. It's not easy. It is less easily easily cut off the side surface from the tread. People with severe hands and good knives do it by hand. Good, by the way, training for the brushes and the entire shoulder belt. If you can cut a knife, lubricate the blade with solidol: the rubber is constantly "jars" the metal, and the blade covered well slides.

Also cut off the sidewall with an electric bolt or a grinder. Cut the grinder relatively quickly, but the stench is worth the wild. Because the grinder, even if it is, they only do the first to feed, so that you can enter the pylon of the electric bike. Further work this tool. For cutting rubber take the blade with a reverse toe of good steel.

If you have to cut the protector, do it with a jigsaw or the more knife, it is useless. In any case, an ordinary knife. Even iron cord can cut the blades from special steel, but it is unlikely that someone wants to urge such an old tire tool. Therefore, they work most often with a grinder. In order not to have trouble, the protector is fixed: always think about security. If the sidewalls are already cut off, the tape tape is rather elastic, it can be squeezed. Cut it will not be solved.

Wheel Vase: Soak tires

If there is a tire with an old wheeled disk, you can make a flower vase from it on the leg.

For this, one sidewall is cut along the tread. And turn out. This is not an easy thing: considerable physical strength and perseverance required. Rubber elastic and expand it from the first time it does not work. If at all at all, on the outside they make notches across the tread. They must be quite deep, but not through. It will also help if there is a depth of at least 5-7 on the edge of the cut. They will look like a fringe on the tire.

Why turn? The inner surface is smoother, and the form may turn out more interesting, especially if the edge is not linear, but toothed. It turns out an elegantly bent decoration.

In detail how to turn the bus, look in the video.

Similarly, you can turn the bus without a wheelbar. The sequence of action is the same. First cut off one of the sidewalls - directly or zigzag. To "petals" were even, they should be placed. Convenient to do it with chalk. By the mark then cut the electric bike or knife (if synthetic cord).

Soak like this: they come to the inner part of the tire, they are taken by the edges of the edge and pull up and on themselves. It is important to achieve the first result: when at least some part arched. If the tire looks like in the photo below, it is already success. It is developed, consistently turning the edge and standing on the part twisted already - so that it does not turn back.

Once again, look at the process in the video. This time turn the tire without a wheel (cut by way with a knife).

Even by itself, such a tire inside out is not bad. If you paint it - it becomes even better. If you wish, they can be combined - different colors, dimensions, differently installed: on the tire or on the legs.

Always beautifully high flower bed. Especially with ampel plants. It can also be made of tires, and several possibilities. In the photo below, two ways to fix cropped tires at different levels. The first is to use hemp for this, to which nails or self-stakes to mount vases. The second is to use fittings - three four rods to wear rubber. Having exhibit at the desired level of the tier, it needs to be fixed, on metal it can be done only with the help of clamps.

It is not always possible to put a rone to the ground: some sites are so mastered as one square meter is distinguished problematic. In this case, the people came up with various suspended vases and, too, from old tires. Only a small part remains from the entire tire, so you have to cut a lot ... Best patience. For example, you can make suspended porridge in the form of a dolphin, parrot, rooster and other fish birds. Several ideas see not a photo.

Kashpo from tires - parrot, rooster and dolphin

All these crafts from tires. Only a small part of them - the heads are made of dense foam. Cutting and polling the part of the desired shape, it is fixed with the help of self-tapping screws, lubricated with glue (this is a secret, remember), and after - paint. How to make a parrot from the tire look in the video.

The following are step-by-step photos, which capture the main stages of creating a table or a panphonic from a tire. We will need two more circles from plywood or fiberboard of a suitable diameter, a hemp rope is used for decoration. From the girlfriend, you need glue and adhesive lint, as well as varnish and brush to apply it. To connect circles with a tire, you will need a screw - pieces of 8-10 and each side.

Next, we take the adhesive gun and heating the glue, we apply on the sidewall. If there is no such luxury in the farm, take the glue, which is in a larger tube, such as "liquid nails". It is easier for them with an assembly gun. Apply a strip on the sidewall, stick the hemp rope. So - to the very top.

By the same technology, decorate the lid of the table (Purph). You need to start styling from the middle: We apply glue, put the rope.

End of work - varnish. We do not do well, so impregnating. That's what should happen as a result. If you did a table, you can put the glass - the rope, even covered with varnish, is not the best coating for the table, although beautiful ...

Diversity can be achieved at the expense of the cover. It can be sewed from a closed dense material.

Cute Puff ...

You can connect - a large binding looks interesting.

Knitted Case of Large Mark - It looks interesting

If you want to sew and knit, you do not want to use, you can use old knitted things cut on strips. They are cut on long stripes with a thickness of 3-5 cm, fed into the balls then wrap the emblem. It turns out interesting, especially if several colors are combined.

If you need a paddle a higher, twist two tires together with self-draws, and in this form work with them further.

For another option, look in the video

I think it will be clear from the snapshot: why cut the tire. Indeed, and they do not rot and frost will not spread from the sun. Random strikes, unlike asbotic sheets, they do not harm them. After all, the use of rubber bands can be found a lot. Even if not finishing like me, beds. Even if not cut the tire on the ribbon, hoops received from her You can use as a compost box or vertical bed. Yes, you have to hear a lot that, they say, harmful and terrible and all that ... I do not know. But my ants are about rubber arrange their summer masonry incubators where they keep their dolls. Be damage to harm - I do not think that they would have worked. And if they are not afraid, then I somehow not by the way.
Okay. This question is each decides for himself. But who decided to cut the tire for their needs - the more Soviets:
Start cutting the tire is needed a shoe knife. Several times one and the same cutting, pressing on board, so that the cuts diverged and cut through. Now we insert a good knife into the incision, sharpening to yourself (I made a special cutter from the canvas of the industrial handling) and cut the movement "up-on-yourself", along the way, flexing sliced \u200b\u200baside. Cut the tire How to cut bread - do not. Plow the rubber. And it is not necessary to be a knife to be a razor-sharp: light sawmill of burrs - only benefit.
I recommend to turn the tire for the winter and give it to be closed. Otherwise cut, it will become a wave. It is necessary to remove the habitat, which will give a long crossing of the hoop. And you can do differently. Make a bunch of cuts on the tires ...
Cutting hoops on ribbons can be ordinary, small grinder. Take care only so that the wind was not on the neighbors, otherwise it is not avoiding an untreated game of words (on one of the local dialects) for it is stinking. BUT! Rubber cute is cut with a grinder, the metal-chop is also stuck it and ... in general, cut the tire is a quick thing if you see how.
As an example, why do you need cutting tires, I can offer you

Modern industry produces many diverse types of rubber used in the most unexpected industries. It is quite simple and you can quickly find the desired rubber gaskets or the necessary rubber blank at the nearest bazaar. However, if you still need to make a rubber product with your own hands, then you will be useful for a couple of simple tips from how it is easy and gently cutting the rubber.

Rubber is quite diverse in its properties, ranging from very elastic and pretty pliable material and ending with elastic solid rubber plates. The use of rubber can be found in the most diverse, for example, cutting a suitable water gasket, heel for boots, or non-slip support for a glass surface. Many cut out of automotive tires of various kinds of animals, swing, or make interior items. You can make floral flower beds from automotive tires, but for this you need to know how and what to cut the car bus.

The secret is very simple, so that carefully and just cut a piece of rubber, you will need a sharp knife, understandable. and ordinary water.

A piece of elastic rubber, a sharp knife and water.

To begin with, you need to schedule a cut line (I was just enough to install the knife blade).

We start cutting the rubber with a knife.

Cutting thick rubber with the help of a knife becomes rather difficult as the blade is deepened in the crowd. Rubber starts becoming viscous, and if you overdo it, the rubber can even be melted. That this would not happen, and the knife through the rubber passed like oil, it must be moistened with water (and not butter, in no case can be saved by oil).

Welcome tires with water and cut the knife.

Rubber when wetting becomes slippery, and the knife blade will not get stuck and does not pay the rubber, thereby get a smooth and high-quality cut without much effort.

Rubber bar cut with water.

How to do a round hole in rubber:

Sometimes there is a need to cut circles from rubber, for example, for non-slip legs under a stool, heel, or for gaskets between two stools. In order to cut mugs from a flat-shaped rubber, you need to choose a metal pipe of a suitable diameter, you still need a suitable piston on the diameter.

A - metal tube, b - piston

You need to sharpen the edge of the iron tube with a sharpening or filetry.

Sharpened iron tube

After you open the tube, you need to insert it into the drill cartridge, moisten the rubber with water and just start drilling holes, pre-inspired the wood.

Drill round rubber gaskets

With the help of such a simple adaptation and water, you can upset as much as smooth, neat rubber rounds (I use them in order to make non-slip legs for appliances). The sharpened tube acts on the principle of drill, but as circle drilling, it is filled with them, and in order to pull them and a special piston is needed.

How to cut the cargo tire on the part.

You are later just pushing the rubber bushes from the sharpened tube.

Let us squeeze the piston of gum from the tube

The main thing is not to forget to make tires with water when drilling or cutting. It should be noted that cutting the circle, with the help of a sharpened tube, is much easier and more convenient than a classic way - with a drill. However, if you need to drill a rubber with a drill, it is also quite simple to make it pre-sharply sharpening, and periodically periodically periodically drill into water.

You need to drill the rubber on small revolutions and periodically wasting the cutting edge. However, if you need to drill a large rubber bar on large speeds, you should surely immerse it in the water completely.

Drilling rubber in water using drill.

At the very extreme case, holes in thin rubber, as in plastic can be placed, heating with a lighter of a drill shank or an iron tube.

Plusted in rubber holes

The main thing, be careful, working with a split metal. Also remember that the rubber during overheating can be distinguished to poisonous substances, therefore, pay the holes under the exhaust or in a well-ventilated room. Observe all safety regulations even when driving rubber.

How to cut a car tire?

When you need cut the car tire (tire) with your own hands, It is better to know some tricks that will not only help make this process more enjoyable and less laborious, but also help to protect themselves from injuries and make more quality.

  • First you need to know the structure of the automotive tire (and any other technique).

Since the surface that the tire touches the Earth is harder, since there is a metal cord.

To do this, you can use, like a manual hacksaw, lubricating it with an oil or soap solution or a bracker with a metal disk.

Should warn you if you have never used the grinder, it is better to use a manual hacksaw, since it is not difficult to catch the disc when cutting the tire. For this procedure, you need to hold the tool hard and be able to saw correctly.

  • With the side of the tire, the case is much easier, here it is not necessary to have a special tool, but caution must be observed.

Since cutting is carried out with a sharp knife, which is constantly wetted with soap solution, butter or at least water.

When cutting, it is best to pull off the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece to reduce the resistance for the knife.

Such a procedure is indispensable in the manufacture of various homemade from the tires, starting with a variety of flower designs and ending with original garden figures and sculptures.

Car features: Auto dimensions The following, length - 3826, width - 1100, height - 1323 mm. The wheelbase is 2382 mm. Road clearance 211 mm. The car is equipped with a hybrid power unit. The 2-cylinder engine is equipped with a system that provides the output power of the motor. On each cylinder accounts for 4 valves.

cut the tire

The diameter of one cylinder is 72 mm, the stroke of the piston is 70 mm. Engine crankshaft and accelerates to 8000 revolutions per minute. The maximum torque is held up to 3000 revolutions per minute.

Holded the admin: at the request of Aristarha

Views: 2382.

Watch the video about what to cut tires from Kamaz.

The argument of the car owner named Victor: the price of 309 thousand people has a simple machine. All the hammer and some mother)))) Many complain about the stove, but no complaints cause

Original name:

Release date: 18. 10. 2013

Duration: 1:12

Quality: HDRip.

Laughter in the subject: Grandma enters the bus and everyone immediately became interesting to look out the window.

Video instruction: How to cut the tires from KamAZ

uAZBUKA.RU\u003e Technical\u003e General technical issues\u003e The better cutting the tire?

View the full version (in russian): is it better to cut a tire?

Alex .Ogor.

23.08.2007, 10:08

What is better to cut the tire?
2. Lobzik?
3. knife?
Who had experience share!

23.08.2007, 10:34

For some purposes (when I will show you), you need a piece of tread with an old tire.
What is better to cut the tire?
1. Bulgarian? (cuts, but stinks everything in soot)
2. Lobzik?
3. knife?
Who had experience share!

Solzhenitsyn in the "Archipelago Gulag" writes that the tanks were made from the auto strokes, the boat shoes called "Chuni from the CHTV" bold Tires with 2 axes (one as a chisel, the second beat). And stitched copper wire. 🙂

When painting, the grinder does not have to do physical education. Thus, it is possible to remove the rubber with the wheeled disks.
The diameter of the disk on the grinder is smaller and ok.

23.08.2007, 11:16

Lobzik not worth cutting - longer.

Forum "Your house in the village"

A good sharpened strong knife (in the sense of the handle stuck than the table). Wheel the sidewall and forward a little wetting knife in the water (it is possible to work it, but then try not to freeze the knife handle - it will be sliding)


23.08.2007, 12:13

Lobzik not worth cutting - longer. A good sharpened strong knife (in the sense of the handle stuck than the table). Wheel the sidewall and forward a little wetting knife in the water (it is possible to work it, but then try not to freeze the knife handle - it will be sliding)
I did a container for water cut the balloon from the K-700 completely successfully. And the balloons from the passenger cars are generally easy. If only the cord cut, then on the metal of the knife.

1. The sidewall cut the usual table knife with salidol or lithol. The mother-in-law satisfied flowerbeds remained.

A sharp knife and grease glycerol can be perfume - glides both by oil and then easily washed with water. The method is recommended in the "Chemical Reference" for cutting rubber plugs, and they are very hard.

Alex .Ogor.

23.08.2007, 14:10

Thank you!
I realized that better than a knife!
Today I will try.

Alex .Ogor.

27.08.2007, 10:24

Cut is needed by a jigsaw, a rough saw,

Many thanks!
And a melted coarse saw with a big tooth. I first tried the saw on the metal with a small tooth (cut the tire along the protector, and there is a metal cord, then-o-onane such wires :), but there are many of them: confused :). The saw for metal with a small tooth saws the wires, it goes slowly, the feet falls quickly. And the servant of a smoothed tooth - the wires tears, the case goes an order of magnitude more fun. In order to make the tire it took 2 pinks with a large tooth and 10 minutes of time. The protruding wire rags are perfectly primed together with rubber grinding (thick) Bulgarian disc.

To make something beautiful and useful things are always nice. A visual example of such creativity is beautiful flower beds. It is easy to build them, and the benefits of them are huge. But on this fantasy of country masters is not limited. Of the old wheels, which often simply roll on the road and pollute the environment, they make outdoor furniture, sculptures for the garden and even remove small children's towns.

Such a simple and unsightly look at the first eye, as old car tires, in fact, as if specifically created in order for each dachnik to feel like a real artist and decorate his plot with real designer flower beds and original copyright sculptures. Cut from tires can be, without exaggeration, anything. Such crafts are along with those that are made of plastic bottles all year round will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the cottages, and most importantly, they will not require special financial investments.

It is also nice that the benefit from the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking crafts with your own hands from the tires is double: on the one hand we will dispose of a wheel that contaminated the environment, and on the other we get original garden decoration or flower bed.

Crafts from rubber, used tires, are affecting the variety and how much the fantasy of their authors. Here are the ones that are most common:

In the photo - flower beds from tires

Small flower beds. The easiest way to manufacture a bed of tires is to leave the tire as it is, it is only bright to decorate it and fill the earth. Nothing difficult. Even a weak woman or child will cope with this, and such a flower garden will look great.

On this photo - Cups made of old wheels

Floral flower beds from old tires in the form of various items. Make them harder. The tire is cut into two unequal parts and the one is more, turned inside out. It is worth noting that the edges of the tires can be made of various shapes, the whole thing is only in fantasy and agility of hands. In such a technique there are flower beds in the form of a mug, flower, vases. A huge rubber cup of tires looks very funny. And some craftsmen, thus, build a whole tea service on their plot.

Turtle from old wheels

Flowers and sculptures in the form of animals and fabulous heroes. Funny tire frog, good gnome, mysterious unicorn, beautiful swans, three-headed dragon, turtle, luxurious carriage, huge phone - easier to list what is not made from this available material. The only condition is to think over the composition from the very beginning so that there is no unpleasant surprises later.

In the photo - multi-tiered flower beds for flowers or berries

Multi-tiered flower beds from multiple tires. The simplest performed is a three-core, but the number of parts can be more. There are several identical or different tires, put on each other or in a checkerboard order. Speecually looks at a tire well, stylized under the real and equipped with all the attributes inherent in it: a chain, a visor, a bucket. Such a flower garden can be used as a vertical bed for growing berries and vegetables.

Tire beds for strawberries

The flower bed for strawberries from the tires will take at least a place and give a rich harvest. It is perfect for the cultivation of seedlings, greenery, pepper. From such a flower, you can make a fence for the bush of raspberries or currants or make them a few and distinguish between the vegetable garden to cultural zones. It is worth mentioning that the tire well often make not only decorative, and they mask the drainage pit or septic tank.

Experienced masters and masters know many secrets that help them create garden sculptures and flower beds with their own hands. They understand the best of all, how to make unique and unique copyrights from an old nobody. Here are just some of these secrets:

  • The best tires are suitable for work, as the rubber on them is softer and easy to cut it. But for their lack of absence, domestic products will rise. In principle, and they are fairly easy to process and allow you to give different shapes from them.
  • Tires intended for operation in winter roads, more pliable, lungs in stripping and convenient in processing than those used in summer.
  • The longer the tire was used and the more she was worn out, the more thinner, softer and the easier it will work with it: cut and turn.
  • Before proceeding with the creation of the crafts, the material must be prepared: thoroughly clean from dirt, but before painting degreases.
  • For cutting of automotive tires, use a sharp knife, with a subtle volat. Check how well it is sharpened, you can spend the blade by a notebook sheet, holding it on weight. If the knife does not cut or bloom the paper is not acute enough.
  • Cut the car tire for garden sodes is more convenient if you periodically lubricate the knife with machine oil. So it will be easier to enter the rubber. The oil is suitable and spent.
  • When you need to cut some curly elements, markup is applied to the bus. It will help achieve a more accurate and accurate result. Apply it is most convenient than the usual white chalk, as a last resort, the marker.
  • From what paint to paint rubber, the durability of crafts depends. For old wheeled tires, both automotive paints and any paints for street work are suitable.
  • Before painting the tire, its surface is recommended to be primed. The primer with the addition of a small amount of PVA will strengthen the strength of the coating and will reduce paint consumption.
  • Paints in aerosol can accelerate the process of staining to 20-30 minutes, and the stainable layer itself makes more uniform.
  • Decorative finish can be made of girlfriend. For example, plane the surface of pebbles, bottled fragments, or lay out pictures of colored covers from plastic bottles.

Collect the flowerbed from the tire is better not only with external, but also from the inside. So they will look more aesthetically, and black rubber will not break from the inside.

Of course, each wizard has their own secrets, and all of them are unrealistic. And when you do this exciting business - a tire sculpture, they will certainly appear with you.

Several master classes for making crafts from old tires

As mentioned above, crafts from tires are diverse. Their appearance and purpose are limited only to the fantasy of the wizard. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the basic models. After reading them, you will learn how to make a flowerbed from the tires with your own hands and you can create original, unlike other and useful garden accessories themselves.

Simple flower bed

A small flower bed, made as a chamomile from one tire - the simplest basic model. Such flower beds can be done somewhat, arrange them hardly and decorate the approach to the house. Sometimes they are placed on asphalt or paved tiles.

We need:

  1. One old tire.
  2. A sharp knife.
  3. Marker or chalk.

Marker are placing a cut scene. We will cut the tire on them, from thickening to thickening.

Before cutting the tires, make sure that they do not have metal cord that can spoil the knife. Usually they are inserted into the tires for trucks.

We cut the tire throughout the circumference with smooth zigzag petals of any form on your choice (triangular, oval, semicircular).

I turn over the tire and work with its back side. Driving a knife along thickening, cut the circle from the back side.

Then throughout the circumference inside the tire approximately every 20-25 cm we make transverse cuts from the cropped edge to bend (the end of the tread).

After that, the tire must be turned out. Flowerba is ready. It remains only to paint it, giving it a more attractive look, fill the earth and plant plants.

For greater visibility, see the following video:

Garden Vase from Old Wheel

From the old wheel in a short time you can make a beautiful garden vase.
Such vases look better in a pair in front of the house, on different directions of the door or a porch. Consider a step-by-step master class in their manufacture.

We need:

  1. Tire with disk.
  2. A sharp knife.
  3. Chalk or marker.

With a chalk or marker along the entire frontal circumference of the tire, place a zigzag line, on which we will cut. Thanks to her, the vase will look like a large flower with a lot of petals.

Cut the tire along the placed line with a sharp knife. To facilitate the process, the knife is periodically loose into the machine oil (suitable and spent).

After the wheel is cut, check whether it is not left to the end of the cut plots, and proceed to turning it. It is better to do it together with an assistant, not in a hurry, in parts.

After we managed to turn the tire for future flower beds, it turned out that there is a camera in the wheel. It must be cut and throw it out.

Vazon ready. Its bowl turned out of the main part of the wheel. Disk from tire no need. It serves for a vase with an elevation and stand, and the tire remains at its base is an extra support.

We can only clean, degrease and decide how beautiful to paint our new garden vase. When you fall asleep in the bowl of the earth, do not forget to put the gasket on her bottom, so that the Earth does not pour and do several holes in it for draining water.

Video Instructions for the manufacture of a vase:

Swan from the old tire

Most popular garden sculptures from tires - swans. Usually they are placed near the artificial pond, which gives the site a stunning view. You can land the grass and in the bird itself, then the impression will be created that it looks out due to vegetation. Make it will help detailed step by step instructions with photos.

We need:

  1. A sharp knife.
  2. Electrode to do the holes for entering the knife rubber.
  3. Grinder or file.
  4. Electrolzik.
  5. Chalk or marker (better still marker).
  6. Wire 5-6 mm in diameter (rigid, to give the shape of the neck "Swan").
  7. Plastic clamps (for giving the shape of the head).
  8. Roulette.
  9. Gloves.

According to the scheme, we place on the surface of the bus surface of the future swan to the following video, in which the author uses the size of inches, calling them in the international measurement system - Inch. Inch (1 inch) \u003d 2.54 cm.

The accuracy of markup depends on how beautiful and neat our sculpture will turn out.

Start cutting out. In the initial section, the drill drill 3-4 holes at a distance of 3-5 cm and cut the tire between them with a knife. Insert the jigsik into the resulting section and start cutting the swan.

After all the contours are cut off, turn the tire. We try to do it carefully, since careless movements in the most subtle places can be broken.

To the figure of the bird looks more neat, all sections are smoothing along the contour of grinding.

To give a shape, swans insert wire into it. For this, in the center of the neck and to the end of the body every 20 cm drills holes. We put the wire and fix it in the holes with soft brackets.

We form your head. We make longitudinal feeders and holes, as shown in the photo and with the help of the same wire or plastic clamps give the swan's head.

Our tire swan is ready. It remains to paint it and make a stand.

Swan can be painted white or not to paint, leaving black. Kryv make red. Very nice looking swans in a pair: black and white.

Without stand, soft rubber swans will not stand. As it, you can simply take any bus and paint, for example, in a blue color. Thus, it will symbolize the pond. And you can not be lazy and make it curly.

Figure stand is made similarly. Location on the bus tire, according to which we cut, cut the tire on it, turn and paint.

In a similar technique from tires, you can make any figures: animals, birds, fairy creatures.

But if you do not want to mess with complex markup and sharp, you can do it easier. For example, assemble from the whole tires of a cute frog.

In the photo - Flowerbed in the form of a frog

A frog made of tires is very simple. From one or more tires rarely collect the body and head, from small wheels, for example, from a baby carriage - eyes, and from rubber cuts of the paws.

Flowerbed Romaista

The decoration that is being done is easier than this flowerba is difficult to come up with. Despite the fact that there are several automotive tires for her, it is possible to assemble it literally for 15-20 minutes, it looks pretty, carefully and will never be superfluous.

We need:

  1. Three old tires of the same size.
  2. A sharp knife or Bulgarian.

All tires, pre-denotably sections, cut in half. Before cut to find out if metal cords are in rubber. The knife will not take them, so use the grinder.

To give the future flowerbed aesthetics, you can paint the tires. Do it better in advance, immediately after cutting.