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The most powerful fire pokemon. The most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Unfolding in Pokémon Go, the catching and battles of Pokémon inevitably lead to the question: who can defeat them all? Who is the strongest Pokemon in this game? Anyone who has already downloaded Pokemon Go to their smartphone and immersed themselves in augmented reality knows that it is quite difficult to catch and raise really powerful fighters. You need to stomp many kilometers with your legs, and apply your dexterity in catching Pokemon.

Luck will not hurt either. Pokémon, from which you can grow tough fighters, are very rare. There have already been recorded cases of real pandemonium due to a rare monster. Several hundred coaches gathered in one of the New York districts in the first third of July. People gathered on bicycles, cars, came running on foot - and all at one point on the map! The reason for the excitement was one of the rarest Pokémon - Vaporeon, which appeared in the area.

A similar situation happened in China. People rushed headlong towards one of the metro areas, where a rare monster sat down. As thousands of fans of the game have already understood, the capture of such a beast is an event in itself significant. What is the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go and how does it differ from its counterparts?

What is the strongest Pokemon and the rarest

Now there are many different ratings. They are all trying to answer the question of what is the strongest Pokemon in the game. There are ratings compiled by Americans, Europeans, residents of other parts of the world. Our compatriots, too, are vying with each other to make up all kinds of TOPs, trying to figure it out. pressing issue... This is really very interesting. The question is, what are the strongest Pokemon in fashion Pixelmon and Ash, were also interested in Minecraft fans. Now everyone is haunted by the task of finding the strongest monster in Pokemon Go.

The problem with most of these ratings is that they are made up of people who themselves are still at low levels in the game. They already have in their arsenal a lot of merit and strong monsters, but they still have not reached the most powerful. Since the game was released quite recently, it seems that only a few people on the planet have become the trainers of the most powerful Pokemon. And yet, he - the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go - exists, and some even managed to tame him!

What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Before figuring out which Pokemon is the strongest in this game, it is important to find a rating criterion. Any "pocket monster" has its own indicator of skill, degree of protection, possession of various attack techniques, etc. Since the meaning of the whole game is to conquer and hold arenas, the most important indicator of a Pokemon's strength can be considered its combat power, or Combat Power (in the game it is denoted by the letters CP located above the monster's head).

It is not so easy to determine which Pokemon is the strongest on the fly. The fact is that first you need to pump, or "evolve" the Pokemon to the very top stage of its evolution. Only after that you can find out what the "pocket monster" has the maximum indicator of the CP's combat power. However, not all monsters lend themselves to evolution. Some are not even capable of this. Others, if they evolve, are rather weak fighters.

To find out which is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go, you have to run around pretty hard with your phone in your hands and become a venerable trainer of this beast. At the same time, anyone wants to know, but what should they strive for at all. For the most impatient and enthusiastic, we offer the top strongest Pokémon in the game.

TOP 10 most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go

10. In tenth place in our TOP 10 most powerful Pokémon is Exeggutor. Its combat strength CP is 2955.18. This is a very high figure. In arena battles, this monster with the body of a palm tree and three heads can easily defeat many monsters. So feel free to leave Exeggutor to protect the captured arena (also called "jim" or training hall).

Exeggutor is also one of the top strongest Pokémon in the Pixelmon Minecraft mod.

9. The TOP 10 of the most powerful Pokémon is continued by none other than the Legendary bird Articuno. Her maximum CP is 2978.16. This bluebird with a huge wavy tail is the symbol of the blue faction of the Mystic. She sends snowstorms.

8. The eighth place of the top of the strongest was taken by the charming-looking, but at the same time formidable fighter Lapras (Lapras). His CP is 2980.73. A very decent indicator. The blue turtle-like Lapras is one of Ash's strongest Pokémon, so in Pokemon game Go, many will immediately recognize it.

7. In seventh place in the top of the most powerful Pokémon was Arcanine. This cutest of the cutest-looking Pokemon is a kind of fluffy tiger with a huge squirrel tail. Its maximum combat power is 2983.9. Arkanayn was literally a couple of points ahead of Lapras.

6. Another mile lurked in sixth place - the fat and lazy Snorlax. His CP is 3112.85. In spite of appearance hulk, it is very difficult to defeat him in open combat.

4. The fourth place was deservedly awarded to the third Legendary bird - Moltres. This is a very effective and powerful (CP = 3240.47) Pokémon. On his fiery wings, he carries the spring.

3. The three leaders of our TOP of the strongest are opened by the charming Mew with a grandiose indicator of combat power - 3299.17. This cute little animal has many different skills. Because of this, he is often considered the ancestor of all Pokémon. True or fiction, probably only its creators know.

2. Silver in the top ten most powerful Pokémon was won by the mighty Dragonite. His CP is already 3500.06! In appearance, this dragon is not as terrifying as it really is. You can only get it by reaching level 55 in the game. He also has a whole arsenal of fighting techniques and lives somewhere near lakes and rivers. We advise you to go there if you dream of finding a Pokemon from which you can grow a Dragonite.

1. And in the first place in our TOP, as expected, was really the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go - Mewtwo. No one else can match his fighting power. Mewtwo's CP is a whole 4144.75! Pokemon Go players can only imagine what this cruel and skillful beast is capable of.

Mewtwo is a product of genetic engineering. He possesses powerful magic, hypnosis and knows no mercy in battle. If you're wondering what are the strongest Pokémon in Pixelmon's mod, don't forget about this monster. Mewtwo and in Minecraft seriously distinguished himself.

Who is in the TOP 100 of the most powerful Pokémon?

In addition to the monsters that hit our top ten, there are tons of other strong and ferocious fighters in Pokemon Go. The creators of Pokémon have created over 700 monsters. Of these, just over 300 have already made it into the Pokémon Go game. Perhaps, the rest will soon "catch up". I don't want to ignore other powerful monsters, because many players like them. Let's name at least some favorites that have entered the top 100 most powerful Pokemon Go Pokemon.

The monster Blastoise has a high combat strength value - 2542.01. He looks like a ferocious half-dragon-half-turtle in full combat gear.

The top 100 most powerful Pokémon includes Venusaur. Its maximum CP is 2580.49. Venusaur is also one of the most powerful Pokémon in the Pixelmon Minecraft mod. The animal looks very exotic.

Composing the TOP 100 of the strongest, one cannot fail to mention the four-armed monster Machamp. Its combat power is 2594.17.

Another serious opponent is Slowbro. CP = 2597.19. Outwardly, he seems rather harmless, but the toothed shell on his thick tail still makes you wary. Take this enemy seriously! He has a lot of deadly techniques in his arsenal.

Ash's next formidable beast - and also Ash's most powerful Pokemon - is the fearsome winged dragon Charizard. Its CP = 2602.2.

Among the strongest, you can also mention Muk, Gyarados, Flareon and many other Pokémon. However, they are much inferior in power and strength to the previously named heroes.

Now you know what is the most powerful Pokemon in the new reality, which the whole world knows under the name Pokemon Go. The terrifying and ferocious Mewtwo will help you become truly invincible in this game. The overwhelming majority of players have not yet seen most of the TOP-100, let alone TOP-10. But you need to strive to find them at least in order to find out what the strongest Pokemon can be capable of.

The hunt for pocket monsters is in full swing! New super popular free game for smartphones, Pokemon GO made it possible to catch Pokemon not in virtual spaces, but in real cities. Thanks to the "augmented reality" technology, a charming monster can be found in the kitchen, on the playground, in the museum or on the shore of the lake. Pokemon GO is primarily aimed at adult players nostalgic for the early games of the cycle. Therefore, its 151 monsters (now in the game you can catch or get 145 of them) are taken from the legendary video games Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue, released in the late 1990s.

These Pokémon also appear in the Pokémon animated series, which has been broadcast in Japan since 1997, and in Russia since 2000. To help you collect tame monsters, together with, we have selected ten of the coolest - that is, the most useful and most spectacular looking - Pokemon from Pokemon GO. Catch them all!

10. Pikachu - Type: Electric


Quite frankly, Pikachu isn't the best electric Pokemon available in Pokemon GO, and it doesn't look as cool as the taller ones in our top ten. But the little adorable Pikachu is the symbol of Pokémon, and, of course, he should be in the collection of every self-respecting Pokémon. By the way, you can get it at the very beginning of Pokemon GO. When prompted to choose one of three starting Pokémon, step away from them without making a choice. At some point, they teleport to your character. Move away from them again ... Do this three times, and the fourth starting Pokémon - Pikachu will appear.


Nessie is not found in Loch Ness. But if you go there on vacation, you can try to catch Lapras's Pokémon, drawn based on Nessie's motives. This is the most charming and cutest Pokemon, which, according to games and anime, loves to transport people across the seas. As you might expect from such a large creature, Lapras holds the blow perfectly. Therefore, it is very useful in risky battles, when the fate of the battle hangs in the balance.

8. Skyter (Scyther) - Type: Insect / Flying


A guy-shirt is about a sincere person. Guy Slayer is about Skyter, a two-legged insectoid. Its blade paws can turn even very tough Pokémon into mince. Remember Baraka from Mortal Kombat? The same type. Only green, winged and much more graceful. Skyters are found in fields and meadows.

7. Alkazam - Type: Parapsychic


"There is no spoon," said The Matrix. "There is a spoon!" - assures Alkazam, who is fighting with two spoons in his paws. No, he did not have them in order to be more agile to eat the defeated enemy. Alkazam uses parapsychic abilities, and he loves to demonstrate strength by bending kitchen utensils with his mighty mind (Alkazam has an incredible IQ). In fact, the mind of this Pokemon is so strong that it has very weak muscles, and Alkazam controls his body, moving his limbs using telekinesis. Alkazams mainly live in cities. This is the final stage in the evolution of Pokémon Abra.

6. Gyarados - Type: Water / Flying


Gyarados is a game target for those who are not afraid of hard work. He evolves from Magikarp, one of the weakest and most useless Pokémon. It is very difficult to fight with Magikarp. But if you endure this test, you will receive as a reward the fierce and powerful water dragon Gyarados, whose strength more than compensates for Magikarp's shortcomings. As an aquatic creature, Gyarados lives in rivers, lakes and seas. Apparently, the easiest way to catch him there is in Pokemon GO.

5. Arcanine - Type: Fiery


Do you want to get a dog? Get a better Arkanain! He is stunningly handsome and fluffy, impeccably brave and sincerely loyal to his master. Arkanayn also runs so fast that he can run all over Russia from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka in 24 hours. It also bursts with fire, and is much more accurate and more powerful than a combat flamethrower. With such a guard, even the CIA special forces are not afraid of you! And he won't even have to fight them. As soon as they see him, they will forget about their mission, because they really want to stroke him. Arcanine evolves from Growlight.

4. Gengar - Type: Ghost / Poison


If Carlson was posing as a wild but cute ghost, then Gengar is in fact. His ghostly and toxic abilities are an excellent find for those players who like to win not with brute force, but with insidious tricks. For example, Gengar can lull or paralyze the enemy, making him defenseless for a while. In the Pokémon world, it can be used as an air conditioner as it lowers the temperature of the surrounding air. Unfortunately in real life it doesn't work ... Gengar is the last step in the evolution of Pokemon Gastly.

3. Dragonite - Type: Dragon / flying


According to gaming encyclopedias, this adorable little dragon can fly around the globe in less than a day. He flies three times faster than conventional planes, and he is so smart and kind that he rescues people from sinking ships and leads ships lost in the fog to the berths. In other words, this is a Superman Pokemon and could be on your battle team! Judging by the fact that in classic games, the Dragonites live on the ocean shore, in Pokemon GO they are easiest to catch while relaxing by the sea. Although who knows where such a fast dragon can fly ... Dragonite is the final form of the evolution of Dratini, more like a conger eel than a dragon.

2. Blastoise - Type: Water


What could be cooler than Ninja Turtles? Only a huge turtle with powerful water cannons under its shell! The Mighty Blastoise was impressive when Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue were first released and remains one of the most memorable Pokemon in the history of the cycle to this day. In older games, it was not difficult to get hold of by evolving the starter Pokémon Squirtle. In Pokemon GO, the evolutionary path is much more difficult than before, but the joy of owning Blastoise is greater. Plus, hunting him can be combined with summer swimming, since water Pokémon are often found near rivers and lakes.

1. Charizard - Type: Fire / Flying


There is a lot of controversy about which of the Pokemon GO Pokemon should be in the top ten, but all experts and many gamers agree that the best Pokemon of the first generation of games was Charizard - a dragon-shaped winged monster bursting with fire. One glance at him is enough to understand why souvenirs with him have always sold well and why he was one of the most spectacular characters in Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue. But, of course, Charizard is not only an impressive appearance, but also very useful and powerful combat abilities. Unfortunately, in Pokemon GO it is much more difficult to get it than in the old games, where it was not difficult to evolve from the starter Pokemon Charmander. But no matter how difficult it is, the Charizard hunt is worth the candle!

There are 17 types of Pokemon currently in the Pokemon GO game. Each type, of course, has its own strengths and weak sides... And each type has its own strongest Pokemon. To clarify, we are not yet talking about legendary Pokemon - this is a different story, and we will definitely tell you about them.

In this post, we have collected information about the most powerful Pokemon in each type in Pokemon GO, i.e. about those that you will definitely meet in the game. Or have already met. So, in order of priority:

  • type "Normal": the strongest pokemon - Snorlax(max CP - 3112)

Gamers deservedly consider him the most the best defender Halls. It is difficult to find it, Snorlaxes are extremely rare in the wild. Therefore, players mainly obtain these Pokémon from Incubators. However, Snorlax can only hatch from 10 km of eggs, and even with that, it should be somewhat lucky.

  • type "Fire": the most powerful Pokemon - Arkanayn (max CP - 2983)

In the Kanto series, Arkanain evolved from Growlite after he touched the Firestone. In Pokemon Go, this is somewhat easier: you only need to collect 50 candies to develop Growlith to Arkanain. And also Arkanains come across in nature, not that often, but it happens.

  • type "Water": the most powerful Pokemon - Lapras (max CP - 2980)

In fact, Lapras is a dual type Pokemon - Water / Ice. Well, just cute. But Lapras cannot be developed from other Pokémon. He (or her) can either be caught (if you are very lucky), or grown from a 10-km egg (you also need to get lucky). Moreover, you can find Lapras with a normal CP and pump it to the maximum from about level 25.

  • type "Electric": the most powerful Pokemon - Jolteon (max CP - 2140)

Jolteon can be obtained by developing Evie. It can be accidental, or it can be controlled (the secret of Evie's development in Pokemon Go is here). According to legend, Joleton's fur enhances the electrical charge that is generated in the cells of his body. In mech, Jolteon can also generate and accumulate negative ions and constantly crackles, creating a characteristic sound background around Jolteon. Eevee hatch from 10 km of eggs, but in nature they can be found very often.

  • type "Vegetable": the most powerful Pokemon - Exeggutor (max CP - 2955)

Exeggutor develops from Exegut and also belongs to the dual type Pokémon. He is a "plant-psychic", and therefore he has also very well established himself as a defender of the pokejim (Zalov). Considering that there are quite a lot of wild Exegcuts in the game, more and more powerful Exeggutors appear every day.

  • type "Ice": the most powerful Pokemon - Dyugong (max CP - 2145)

Another "double" and also "Water / Ice". Dyugong develops from Sil. Thanks to the snow-white down, Dyugong supposedly camouflages itself in the snow. Forces in the game are found often (mainly near water bodies), as well as in an incubator (they are grown from 5 km of eggs). But Dewdong is considered rare, therefore it is most often developed from Strength. Although for this you need to collect 50 candies, which is not easy.

  • type "Combat": the most powerful Pokemon - Hitmonchan (max CP - 1516)

Classic Hitmonchan began to evolve from Tyrog (through Hitmonly and Hitmontop), but only on condition that Tyrog's Defense is better than Attack. Pokemon Go has been simplified a bit. But Hitmonchan still remained the coolest of the "fighting" Pokémon. In the game, you can catch him, or you can grow him (from 10 km of eggs).

  • type "Poisonous": the most powerful Pokemon - Victribell (max CP - 2530)

Victribellas are obtained from Vipinbells, wild ones are extremely rare and of all poisonous CPs you will not find anywhere else. This is probably why, to develop Viktribel from Vipinbel, you need as many as 100 Bellsprout candies. Victribell is also very good in Hall defense.

  • type "Earth": the most powerful Pokemon - Raydon (max CP - 2243)

This one, according to the classics, is "double" - stone-earthen Pokémon and the most powerful of all earthen. Raidon develops from Reichorn (50 candies). Reihorn is advised to look near the railway, the airport and on the beaches.

  • type "Flying and Dragons": the most powerful Pokemon - Dragonite (max CP - 3500)

Find and catch a wild Dragonite - in Pokemon GO, this is a gift pure form... This seemingly cute dragon has the highest Combat Power. If it was developed and pumped by a Trainer of a sufficiently high level, of course. To get Dragonite, you need 100 candies. Or a 10-km egg, but Dragonites hatch very rarely from them. You should look for wild Dragonite near water bodies.

  • type "Psychic": the most powerful Pokemon - Alakazam (max CP - 1813)

The final form of Abra, develops from Kadabra and is the coolest of the "psychic" Pokémon. Differs in a physically weak body and can barely hold his head with a powerful brain. Therefore, it moves thanks to purely psychic strength. However, he is capable of many things in battle.

  • type "Insects": the most powerful Pokemon - Pinsir (max CP - 2121)

Since he is essentially a beetle, you have to look for him in the fields and forests. But in Pokemon Go, Pinsirs are found in parks and playgrounds, so you don't have to travel far. This is if you cannot grow one for a long time in the Incubator (10-km eggs).

  • type "Stone": the most powerful Pokemon - Aerodactyl (max CP - 2165)

"Double" - stone-flying - Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go does not develop into anyone else. Unlike the canon, which evolved before Mega Aerodactyl. According to reviews, Aerodactyl is faster to grow (10-km eggs) than to catch.

  • type "Ghost": the most powerful Pokemon - Gengar (max CP - 2078)

The final form of Gastly and one of the best ghost Pokémon in the Kanto series. Gengar has the ability to hide perfectly in any shadow. The classic Gengar was also distinguished by an extremely mischievous disposition.

  • type "Steel": the most powerful Pokemon - Magneton (max CP - 1879)

In fact, Magneton is "electric steel". In Pokemon Go, the "trick" of Magnetons is that you can get it pretty quickly. For the simple reason that there are many previous Magnemites in the game (although it depends on the location, of course), and only 50 candies are needed to develop Magneton. And then you can pump out the top Pokémon with the highest CP among all iron ones.

  • type "Fabulous": the strongest Pokemon - Mr. Mime (max CP - 1494)

This is a double type Pokemon - a fairy-tale psychic. In the classic Pokémon, Mister Mime evolved from Mima Jr. But since this Pokemon is not in Pokemon Go (yet), then you either catch Mister or grow it. Like other fabulous Pokémon, Mister Maim is best used only to protect the Halls. And then, if you have more or less pumped his CP.

In the now popular game Pokemon Go, one of key parameters determining the power of Pokémon is CP (Combat Power). This parameter is set based on the totality of the creature's characteristics, such as hit points, height, size and impact power. Each Pokémon card has a scale that shows the CP limit for a certain level. The strongest Pokemon, the top 10 and the top 100 creatures are determined precisely by the Combat Power indicator at the maximum level.

What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

One of the most popular questions for Pokémon GO players is which Pokémon is the strongest? Ash's most famous and first Pokemon is Pikachu, but this cute creature does not have much power. A lot of players want to get it. It's quite simple to do this - you don't need to catch the first Pokemon at the beginning of the game and just wander around the neighborhood. After a while, Ash's Pikachu appears in the player's hands.

What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon GO? The leading creature in terms of Combat Power is Mewtwo with 4145 CP at the maximum level. Mewtwo belongs to the legendary Pokémon of the psychic species. He has a personal number of 150 and is named one of the rarest creatures in the game. Created from the cellular genes of the strongest Pokémon. Mewtwo is an evolved form of Mew. Looks like a mixture of a kangaroo and a long-tailed cat. Very similar to an alien and has a white-purple color. Instead of ears, the legendary creature has two small horns. When defending or attacking, Mewtwo's eyes emit blue color... Due to the rarity and fantastic power of Mewtwo, the phrase “to all Mewtwo” in Pokemon GO has come to mean a wish for good luck. Finding Mewtwo is very difficult. According to legends, it can be found in Time Square (New York) and the Banteay Srei Temple (Cambodia).

Top 100 Strongest Pokemon in Pokemon GO

The following creatures are in the lead in the top 100 most powerful Pokémon in terms of CP:

  • Dragonite - 3500;
  • Mew - 3299;
  • Moltres - 3240;
  • Zapdos - 3114;
  • Snorlax - 3113;
  • Arcanine - 2984;
  • Lapras - 2981;
  • Articuno - 2978;
  • Executor - 2955.

Dragonite is a large orange bipedal dragon with two turquoise wings on its back. It belongs to a special dragon type and is quite good in attack. Although Dragonite is one of the rarest creatures in the game, over time it appears for most experienced and determined players. Among the most powerful Pokémon included in the top 100, you can find creatures of any type (ghost, water, ice, electric, and many others). Among them should be noted Vaporeon (good for defense and attack), Flareon (attacking Pokemon) and Pidgey (takes quantity, not quality).

The strongest Pokemon in attack, defense and life in Pokemon GO

According to statistics, the most powerful attacking Pokemon in Pokemon GO are:

  • Mute with BaseAttack 284;
  • Dragonite (BaseAttack 250);
  • Moltres (BaseAttack 242).

Three of the top ten attacking creatures are fire-type Pokémon. They are best used when attacking gims.

If it comes on defense, Articuno (BaseDefence = 242), Blastoise (222) and Mew are the best at this. Also, some creatures of the stone and earthen type - Polyvrat, Omastar and Marovak - have proven themselves quite well. High Defense Pokémon - best options to protect the hyms.

Chansey, Snorlax, and Wiglitaff have the highest BaseStamina (HP or HP) in Pokémon Go. This means their ability to absorb a lot of damage. However, they all belong to the normal type of Pokémon, and therefore have a great vulnerability to the combat type. The strongest Pokémon in HP, Chansey, has a base stamina of 500, up from Diglet's 20. Surprisingly, none of the three toughest Pokémon are legendary, but Mewtwo makes it to the top 10 creatures with the highest HP.

10 most powerful Pokémon in mod for Minecraft

In the Pixelmon mod for Minecraft, the 10 most powerful Pokémon are legendary. Legendary creatures are much harder to meet than normal ones. This unique category includes Mewtwo, Zapdos, Articuno, Mew, Moltres, and others. They are larger and stronger when compared to regular Pokémon. The chance of finding a Legendary Pokemon is pretty low. To increase the success rate, it is recommended to use a GS Ball, Master Ball, or some good Pokeball. Using simple pokeballs in this case is a waste of resources. The 10 most powerful Legendary Pokémon can only be found in certain zones (biomes), namely:

  1. Articuno - Mountains (Extreme Winter Hills);
  2. Zapdos - Savanna (Savanna M, Savanna Plateau and Savanna Plateau M);
  3. Moltres - Table Mountains (Mesa Plateau F and Mesa Plateau F M);
  4. Mew - Jungle (Jungle Trees);
  5. Rayquaza - Sunflower Plains;
  6. Groudon - Deserts & Plains;
  7. Kuogre - Ocean (Ocean);
  8. Antey - Mountains (Extreme Hills and Extreme Hills M);
  9. Raiku - Savanna / Plains;
  10. Suikun - Beach / Cold Beach / Ice Plains Spikes.

Thus, the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO and Pixelmon mod for Minecraft is Mewtwo. In Minecraft, all 10 of the best Pokémon are legendary, while in Pokémon Go, this list also includes non-legendary (but rare) creatures. The top 100 includes Pokémon of any type, which are distinguished by high characteristics of strength, life, attack and defense.

Pokemon GO is a game that does not lose popularity even after a lapse of time since its release. Yes, she had problems related to the fact that the developers swung at something that in the end they could not support - the detection of Pokémon located near the player. The radar went out of order a couple of days after the launch of the project, but gamers waited patiently for it to be repaired. They only waited for this function to be simply removed from the game. However, this does not mean that the project has ceased to be popular. And if you still collect "pocket monsters" on the street, then you will be interested to know what is the most powerful Pokemon in this game. Top 10 creatures from this project will be presented in this article. Each of the monsters has three main characteristics that are worth paying attention to - attack, defense and endurance. The higher these characteristics, the stronger the Pokemon. It is also worth considering what type of monsters your creature is more effective against in order to use it as competently as possible in battle. And if you don't want to go through all the monsters that you have in your collection on your own, from this article you can find out which one is the strongest Pokemon in this game. The top 10 best monsters in the game will allow you to choose your strongest fighter without any problems.


Naturally, you will not immediately find out which is the strongest Pokemon in the game. The top 10 will tell you about the ten most impressive creatures of the project, starting, of course, with the tenth place, where the Venusaur is located. This is the third form of Bulbasaur - it immediately belongs to both herbal and poisonous monsters. To get it, you need to develop Bulbasaur into Ivizaur, and then you will get Venusaur. What is it good for? The fact is that it has a very high defense rate - 8 out of 10. And together with an attack rate of 7, this Pokémon can show incredible performance in the arena. Only low endurance prevents him - only three points. This is why Venusaur is not the most powerful Pokemon. The top 10 will include a wide variety of creatures, each of which will have its own advantages and disadvantages, and the Venusaur's disadvantage is its low stamina. It is worth noting that it is best to use this monster against water and magic opponents.


The most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO could not do without the public favorite Flareon - this fiery form of Eevee has stats very similar to those observed in the previous creature in question. Flareon is also not hardy (its indicator is also equal to three), only now the indicators of attack and defense have become directly opposite. This creature has an attack of 8, and a defense of 7, so if you need to actively attack, then it is better to use this creature. Moreover, Flareon's advantage is that his attack works very well on Pokémon most different types, from grassy and icy to steel and insects. The strongest Pokemon in Pokemon GO, however, have great stamina, which is why Flareon was only in ninth place.


When people are asked which monster is the strongest ("Pokemon GO" in recent times is the most popular game in this Universe, so it doesn't even make sense to specify exactly where), some point to Gayardos. It may well be due to its intimidating appearance, but in reality this creature is not the best - only one of them. He has the same high protection, like Venusaurus, and the attack is also about the same. So why is Gayardos in eighth place and Venusaurus in tenth? It's all about the stamina, which this water dragon has a little higher. So if you are asked about which Pokemon is the strongest, do not rush to name Gayardos - he is undoubtedly strong, but far from perfect.


As many expected, more than one Eevee form got into the top of the most powerful Pokémon - the water variant of development, Vaporeon, turned out to be even stronger than the fiery one. Of course, many may ask the question - why? After all, his attack is lower than that of Flareon, and his defense is at the same level. The whole point here, again, in the stamina, which this monster has much higher, which guarantees him the seventh place among the 10 most powerful Pokémon.


This is a very interesting Pokémon that evolves from Wartortle, resulting from one of the basic starting creatures, Squirtle. Naturally, you will have to make a lot of effort to go the full path of evolution and development, but the effort is worth it. Blastoise's attack is quite strong, while stamina is very low. What brings this Pokemon to such a high place? It's all about his protection, which is almost perfect. This monster can be a very tough nut to crack even for the most powerful opponents.


While all the previous Pokémon were quite famous, Eggzeggutor is not so popular, but it is in this game that he is one of the strongest - largely thanks to his incredibly powerful attack, which is combined with good stamina. All this is complemented by relatively high-quality protection, and the result is a versatile monster that can seriously strengthen your team.


Many gamers are not particularly happy when they come across Growlites, since these Pokémon are not as strong as many would like. However, you should not ignore these monsters, because if you collect them diligently, you will get the opportunity to evolve one of them into Arkanain, which is a legendary Pokemon. He has similar stats to Eggseggutor, but he is located higher than the previous monster, due to the fact that his attack equally well affects Pokémon of absolutely all species existing in the game, while Eggzeggutor is good only against water, earth and stone creatures. So do not give up the Growlites - it is better to be patient and develop them into Arkanain, which is one of the strongest creatures in the game.


Well, it is already very little time left before you find out which Pokémon is the strongest in this game. Until then, meet Lapras, who came in third. His attack is relatively high, his defense is very good, but similar indicators are shown by many Pokémon on the list. The main difference between Lapras and them is high stamina, thanks to which he can carry out his special attacks much more often, on which the outcome of the battle can depend.


At first glance, this Pokemon resembles a good-natured fantastic bear or cat. He loves to sleep very much, but at the same time if he is called on the battlefield, then he becomes one of the most serious opponents in the entire game. The fact is that his indicators are as balanced as possible - he does not have a very high attack, his defense is not prohibitive, but all these stats are on a relatively high level... And their excellent stamina complements - Snorlax has the best indicator of this type among all the creatures that are on the list. It is thanks to this that he ended up in second place. But who then took first?


Well titles best pokemon in the game Pokemon GO earned Dragonite. At first glance, he looks like a good-natured and friendly dragon, but in battle he becomes an incredibly powerful and dangerous enemy. To get it, you need to catch Dratini, develop him into Dragonair, and then this form will evolve into a new one, which will be Dragonite. Why is this Pokemon so strong? Many people are in a hurry to give up using it due to the fact that it has a very low stamina, but if you do so, then you will do big mistake... After all, special attacks are not the main thing that this creature has. His whole secret lies in the maximum attack and defense indicators - this is the only Pokemon in the game that has the maximum score for both of these stats. Thus, you can demonstrate incredible results on the battlefield even without high stamina if you use Dragonite wisely.