Repair Design Furniture

Pixelmon I Ancient Pokemon and their features. Pixelmon Mod: Fossils. Where to find? Pokemon mod how to find or get fossils

Minecraft has a very large number of different minerals. Let's take a closer look at everything. Experts from the "Hi-tech" section of the "Market Leader" investor publication were understanding their advantages and how to extract them most efficiently.

It should be noted right away that all the best and most useful is located deep in the bowels of the earth. The main advice in the search for fossils: dig as deep as possible, do not give up after several dozen blocks passed and do not be afraid to meet monsters or destructive magma. Quite often, beginners, trying to find a cube of coal, dig right below the surface. But the mine must be dug as deep as possible, and then the expansion can be started. In addition, in the depths there are often caves and treasuries, where many minerals are right in sight.

Another important mistake is too painstaking saving of materials. If you have a diamond pick, it's best to dig with it. If there is an iron one, dig it with an iron one. You always need to act according to the scheme: the more intensively and faster you dig, the more you can get.

So, let's figure out what resources are in Minecraft, and how to find them.

Coal is a simple and essential resource. It is the fuel used to light and fire the stove. Any kind of pickaxe can be used for mining. As a rule, coal is buried underground, but sometimes it can be found at the very surface of the earth. If you are a beginner and do not have the opportunity to dig a deep mine, it is worth looking on the slopes of the mountains or in the canyons.

Iron ore.

Iron ore is a metal from which iron tools can be made, which will greatly facilitate the game. It is found most often in caves underground, but occasionally it can also be found on the surface. Mining is possible with only three types of picks: diamond, iron and stone.
Gold Ore.

Gold ore is a metal that is mostly useless in the game, as weapons and tools made of gold are comparable to wood. But gold bars can be used to make electric rails to speed up minecarts. This metal is found very deep underground and is mined only with diamond or iron picks.

Red ore.

Red ore is quite common on the surface. Mining is carried out only with a diamond or iron pickaxe, after which red dust falls out of the ore, which does not require melting for further use. This makes it a fairly easy resource to mine.
Diamond ore.

Diamond Ore is the rarest and most valuable resource in the game. It is extremely difficult to find her. The ore is located closer to the bottom of the map. Mining is done with an iron or diamond pickaxe. Diamond products are the most durable, and, therefore, a diamond pickaxe will be the first of those things that should be crafted from this resource.

To extract diamonds most efficiently, it is worth digging a mine. When digging a mine, it is better to immediately dig to the very bottom and expand a little. After that, you need to count 8-10 blocks up. Then you can dig in any direction along a straight path.
Lapis lazuli ore.

This blue gem is located at 32-33 blocks or below (The highest concentration is at 18-19 blocks from the bedrock). Lapis lazuli is mined with stone, iron or diamond picks. From three to eight pieces of blue dye fall out of the stone, which is used to dye sheep wool, craft a lapis lazuli block, or to mix with various other dyes.


Obsidian is a resource formed at the confluence of water with a lava source (But if the water is still in contact with the flowing magma, then a cobblestone is formed). To maximize the safety of mining obsidian obtained by ordinary flooding a lake of lava with water, you need to place a block with water just above the mined block. As a result, obsidian will break down, and the lava will create new obsidian, which is much less likely to burn. Moreover, obsidian can be mined if the red ore, next to which the water is located, comes into contact with lava. This fossil can only be obtained with a diamond pickaxe.

There are currently 9 Ancients in Pixelmon. But in the game there are 8, although the fossils are 9. This is due to the fact that for some unknown reason they did not add Lileep / Cradily.

To get yourself an ancient Pokemon, you first need to dig up the ore (fossil). The ore from which the fossils fall out looks like this and is located in a block of gravel. The easiest way is to look at the bottom of the ocean.

====> Ore

The first row shows the cleaned fossils.
In the second row, non-refined fossils that are dropped from the ore.

To work with fossils, you need two machines:
Fossil Cleaner:

2. Fossil Machine:

First, the unrefined fossil needs to be placed in this cleaning machine.

Next, the already purified fossil must be placed in the reviving mechanism, and any Pokeball should be placed in the same machine so that after reviving the ancient Pokemon can be picked up. The whole revitalization process does not last long and will be displayed on the vehicle panel.

A little about ancient Pokemon

Omastar is a rather slow cn. damage dealer and physical tank, but it can be perfectly used as an alternative to Vaporeon, Blastoise or Lapras. Priority stats for leveling - physical. def and cn. atk. Top characters - Modest, Bold.


Kabutops is a very useful Pokémon for Tim, because if you choose the right ability for him - Swift Swim - he is able to outrun even Aerodactyl and Jolteon. But only in the rain. In addition, it is able to inflict damage with a priority water attack, but with such a speed and ability, this is not at all necessary. Usually taken as physical. damager. Priority stats for leveling - physical. atk and physical def / speed. Top characters - Adamant, Impish, Jolly.

Aerodactyl is one of the fastest Pokémon, only Electrode overtakes him, but even that one is not capable of inflicting more damage than Aerodactyl. One of the strongest ancients in attack. Even Archeops cannot compete with him (but only because of his poor ability). Priority stats for swing are speed and physical. atk. Top characters - Jolly, Adamant.

He has no evolution !!!

Armaldo / Anurite are ancient Pokémon. Armaldo is most often used, because he is both a damage dealer and a tank. But anurit is faster, and it does not lag behind in attack. Priority stats for leveling - physical. atk and physical def. Top characters - Adamant, Impish.

Rampardos is the strongest in terms of physical. pokemon attacks. With a powerful stone attack (Head Smash - without STAB 150, and with STAB - 225 power) shoots almost any Pokémon, even those that resist the stone type. The only drawback is low speed and stats of defaults, but they can also be eliminated, albeit with considerable effort. If you find Hidden Rampardos, he becomes almost immortal, because the recoil from the Head Smesha is removed, and the Head Smesh himself acquires the power of 292.5, if you also pick up a hat - all 380! Priority stats for leveling - physical. atk and health. Top character is Adamant.

Bastiodon is a uni-tank. We are only vulnerable to combat Pokémon, of which there are very few, most of which are physical. attackers. With the ability Sturdy is almost indestructible, but there is also a drawback. He has only 70 speed and less than 140 attacks, so you have to stuff him with different TMs with status attacks, which is very expensive. Priority stats for leveling - physical. def and cn. def. Top character is Impish.

Carracosta - nat. tank, physical damage dealer. Due to an unfortunate combination of types and low speed, it is vulnerable to many Pokémon, but this fixes the ability - Solid Rock. If you didn't manage to shoot him (he also has Stardy's ability, with which it is impossible to shoot purely technically), you better run, but without a normal cn. attacker in team do not attack people with Carracosta at all. Priority stats for leveling - physical. def and physical atk. Top characters - Impish, Adamant.

Archeops is a pretty fast physical. damage dealer. In terms of physical. Attack is stronger than Dragonite, but his ability (Defeatist) spoils everything. It is worth knocking it out a little more than 1/2 of its max. hp, how he loses half of his physical. and cn. attacks. If you heal him after that in battle, the attack indicator will still not change, you will only make it worse. The only way out is to buy / create Hidden Archeops. But he doesn't have a Hidden Abilka, you say? Yes, but Hidden Pokémon with unfinished Hidden Abilka also come across. Their ability is ComingSoon, which does nothing. It's better than walking with the Defestist. Priority stats for the swing are speed and physical attack. Top characters - Jolly, Adamant.

The guide expresses purely my opinion about these Pokémon, which may differ from yours.
I hope this guide will be useful for you. Good luck in the battles !!!


Ancient Pokemon

Let's start this way, in order to get yourself an ancient Pokemon, you must first dig it out)) The ore from which the fossils fall out looks like this and is in the rubble of gravel from 20 to 50 levels. You can also dig it at the bottom of the ocean, in the Deep Ocean biome.

After you get it or buy it, you will have such items in your inventory: the lower fossils have not yet been cleaned, and the upper row is cleansed. If you hover over a refined fossil, it will tell you what kind of Pokémon it will be made of.

There are 9 types of fossils, each of which drops a different Pokémon. But only 8 of them are currently implemented in the game. The 9th Lileep fossil and its Cradily evolution are not implemented in the game.
To work with the fossils, you will need two machines 1) A cleaning machine 2) A revival machine. I give you their craft

So, if your fossil is not cleaned, you need to place it in this mechanism with the right mouse button and after it is cleaned, pick it up. If you have a refined fossil, you can skip this step.

Further, the already purified fossil must be placed in the reviving mechanism with the right button, and any Pokeball must be placed in the same machine so that after reviving the ancient Pokemon can be picked up. The whole revitalization process does not last long and will be displayed on the vehicle panel.

Congratulations! So you brought your first Ancient Pokemon to life.))

Create a base. If you enter a cave right next to your main home / hideout then you obviously don't need a base. However, if you are exploring a cave or ravine away from home, you should definitely build a base. Don't make it pretentious; a small structure of stone or earth is fine. The base should be on the surface (not underground) or at least not too deep underground (for example, right in a cave would be great). It should be easily accessible from the surface of the earth, and from a cave or ravine, ideally it should be near the source of the wood. In this case, you can easily stop mining and head to the base to replenish supplies and collect more wood for torches, tools, etc. You will need a stove, a work table, at least one double drawer and (preferably) a bed.

Be ready. In a cave or ravine, you can find yourself in different situations - you have no idea how large the cave system is, what you will find inside and how many monsters you will have to defeat. Don't be afraid to spend a few in-game days collecting tools and materials to take with you. Below is a list of the items you need to grab.

  • At least two full bundles of torches - you will never have enough torches!
  • Minimum 4-5 pickaxes - Wood is useless and although gold pickaxes work faster than other types of tools, they do not last long. You should use iron tools if possible, but if not available, stone will do. And of course, use diamond pickaxes wherever possible.
  • 1-2 Shovels - Digging through the ground / sand / gravel, etc. with a pick will wear out the tool faster and make it less efficient, so you should take at least one shovel with you. If you have an iron (or diamond) shovel, one will be sufficient, but you have to use a stone, it is worth taking a spare.
  • Minimum 50 Ladders - Taking ladders with you is a really good idea, especially if you are heading into a ravine. Many caves have ledges that you won't want to jump from, and the ravines can be very deep with many long drops.
  • About 30-40 blocks of earth or cobblestone - Small crevices can be easily crossed using small bridges made of earth or cobblestone, and if you have to cross a lava pool you will need something that does not burn. However, you shouldn't worry too much and carry a lot of dirt / cobble with you, as you can easily find a lot of cobblestones underground.
  • 2-3 swords - Stone will work, but iron or diamond will be perfect. You will likely encounter many zombies and skeletons, as well as a few reptiles, so arm yourself appropriately.
  • Armor - Full leather armor is fine, even a set of iron boots and a helmet will do. You don't need much, but let's face it - no one can figure out all the reptiles before it's too late. With a good set of armor, you will be slightly better protected.
  • Bed - If you are playing with someone else, you need to take a bed, then you can hide in a small hole or a separate section of the cave, and the other player can "stay awake" when needed.
  • Minimum 1 bucket of water - If you're careful you won't have to use it, but many cave systems have lava and you can put out flames with water if you catch fire.
  • Bow and as many arrows as you can get - Use the bow against reptiles and other enemies as you see fit.
  • Minimum 8 steaks / chops / bread / etc. - Food is needed for mining. You need to restore health, because even when you leave the cave, you will not last long if you have a few "hearts" left and you are hungry.
  • Workbench - You can do without it if you've built a base as you can make torches without a desk and take a lot of tools with you. If you decide to take it with you, you can restock picks / swords / shovels right in the cave, and you can also make a furnace or chest to store items. If you decide not to take the table, you can always return to base.
  • Don't let yourself get lost. When you're in a cave, it's easy to lose direction.

    • A great and easy way to avoid getting lost underground is to place torches on only one side of you. For example, if you are right-handed, place the torches only on the right - you can remember that this is your “right”, because you can remember that you are right-handed. When you want to go down below, continue to place torches on the same side. When you want to return, place them on the opposite side. It is very easy to accomplish and quite effective.
    • Try to remember where you have been and where you are. If you have forgotten which passage leads to where, or where you have already been, it is quite easy to get lost.
    • Is always place torches and keep the cave well lit. If you don't, you will not only miss out on iron / coal / stuff, but you will also get confused about which areas you have already seen.
  • Be carefull. After playing Minecraft for a while, you will learn to easily isolate the sounds made by various monsters - the moans of zombies, the rumble of skeletons, the sharp whistle of spiders, and so on. In the cave, you should use these sounds as a warning for enemies. Use your senses to take advantage. Of course, you can't figure out a reptile if you don't see it - you just hear the "shhhhh" sound when it appears next to you. However, this sound gives you a fraction of a second to get away and take less damage.

    In this article, we decided to talk about new Pokémon in the currently popular Minecraft game. To date, there are only sixteen species of them, but we decided to devote this article to the most popular of them, or rather, the conversation will focus on the petrified type of Pokemon. Currently, this species can be caught without much effort. However, this action will only be available to those players using a special mod called Pixelmon.

    If you have already started using this add-on, then you will probably immediately have a question about where to find fossils in Pixelmon. After all, it is with the help of this phenomenon that you can grow your Pokemon and endow them with special characteristics.

    Root Fossil

    In order to get a Stone Pokemon, you need fossils in Pixelmon, which are not so easy to get. But with the help of the above article, you can find out a lot more information. There are concepts like Root Fossil. With the help of them, you will not be able to get most of the Pokémon, but there will be eight more fossils presented in front of you, which are not at all difficult to get.


    First thing you need to do is get a special ore. It is called Fossil in the game. This ore is known to be found in mines with gravel walls. They are found at elevation 20 to 50, under the ocean biome. In Pixelmon, fossils can be obtained by every player who has installed a special mod. But not everyone can get the necessary minerals.


    After you get the fossils in the Pixelmon add-on, you need to clean them of the dirty particle. For this you need to use Fossil Cleaner. Once the fossils in Pixelmon are cleaned up, you can start getting your new Pokémon. By the way, some of these creatures can be found in the wild and tamed.