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Nettle dwarm. Edible wild plants

What is an interesting dwarm nettle? Due to which this plant found widespread in folk and traditional medicine?

The nettle dwarm is called a perennial plant, which is represented only by the herbal form, belongs to the species of nettle. For its peculiarity, it hurts "stiff", it was awarded the increased attention of the people, which was expressed, including large quantities Alternative names - marching, giggles, cutting and many of them like. However, in fact, this plant is very valuable and useful, has a huge amount. healing propertiesAnd it can also be used while cooking for giving dishes some piquancy.

Morphological characteristics of the plant

The height of the straight stem can vary from 60-10 cm, on all its continuation it is covered with small burning hairs. Contrary to his name, two-color nettle is a plant with same-grade flowers (that is, on one plant there are only men or only female flowers). Moreover, no difference, sticky or pestile, flowers are collected in earrings. It grows throughout, however, preference gives wetlands with high humidity.

The characteristic property of nettle "stating" is due to the fact that in its hairs, which are thickly covered with an overhead part, in high concentrations there is formic acid, which, when a person, causes an unpleasant sensation. The healing properties of this plant are due to the presence of elevated concentrations of long-chain organic acids.

Young shoots - to collect it early!

What exactly for a person can be useful for bombing nets?

It is indispensable in folk, and in traditional medicine. If in the first case, everything is extremely clear - medicinal plants are widely used to prepare various info, decoctions and ointments, then the usual plant can be appointed by doctors with difficulty. However, this is true - on the basis of a squeezed extract, a lot of cosmetological agents (lotions, creams, scrubs), LS with a pharmacological evidence base and bodies are made. In addition, many phytoaptecs sell freshly squeezed nettles - it is very useful to drink with general ailment, which is caused by the most different reasons, as well as with hypoacid gastritis, hypo and avitaminosis. And just it would be very good to drink clean for the prevention - several tablespoons per day never hurt anyone!

This grass has been made recognition and doctors, and travelers. During the spring avitaminosis, the rod is actively used in cooking as a storehouse of vitamins.

Thanks to its gastronomic qualities, hostesses add nettle to various dishes, mainly in the first. Soup, vegetable soup or pickle with the addition of nettle acquire a unique flavoring (a peculiar spicy acid appears).

Folk healers have long been used by dummy nettle as a medicinal product with a variety of healing properties:

  1. Wound-healing (used even when processing stared wounds);
  2. Diuretic;
  3. A lining (activates nonspecific immunity);
  4. Laxative (helps to strengthen the reductions of smooth muscle intestinal cells);
  5. Anticonvulsant;
  6. Expectorant;
  7. Accelerating metabolism;

Folk Medicine involves the use of dwarm nettle in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  1. Anemia;
  2. Atherosclerosis;
  3. Rheumatic attacks;
  4. Allergic diseases;
  5. Skin diseases;
  6. Violation of the lactation process when feeding a child;
  7. Pathologies of the hepatobiliary tract;
  8. Hemorrhoids and paraporates;
  9. Digestive disorders associated with the evacuation intestinal function;

Consider carefully to leaves - you will see hairs

Important momentwhich should be understood when treating any diseases of drugs prepared from bombstorm - in different organs of the plant, different concentrations of biologically active substances are noted, which causes the need to use them separately during cooking medicines. That is why it is necessary to consider the scope of use of infusions and decoctions from leaves, stalks and rhizomes of nettle separately.

Recipes for cooking phytopreparations made of nettle leaves

In the event that a person has problems with the skin of the most different nature (ranging from minerals characteristic of the youth period, and ending with heavy forms of eczema), a very good effect will have the outer use of the brave, obtained by thermal processing of nettle leaves. It is prepared as follows (in the preparation recipe, the proportional ratio is considered at the rate of one course of treatment):

  1. It is necessary to take 500 g of dried leaves of the village. It is allowed to apply both fresh, but in this case it will be necessary to take them not 500 g, but half a kilogram;
  2. Two liters of water. The usual one, you can not even boil before;
  3. Two art. l. sodium chloride;
  4. It would be nice to add 50 g of souls. This grass is not better supplemented by the healing action of nettle nets.

The cooking process looks very simple - all the above-mentioned ingredients are mixed and poured cold water, then put on a small fire. After the decoction is brought to a boil, stretch for another 20 minutes and throughout this time does not remove it from the plate, continuously continuing the cooking process. It is due to this method of preparation and it turns out to be removed from nettle leaves with a maximum of useful substances that are so necessary for sick skin.

The use of beam from nettle in this case is also quite simple. To obtain the desired result, it will be necessary to periodically process the skin sections affected by the pathological process - at least 5-6 times a day, and it is very important to apply the decoction only after having accepted a hot bath. The course of treatment should be held under duration from 7 to 10 days, depending on the stage of launching the disease.

The same decoction and from the resulting burns, as well as from different scars and postoperative traces, is superbly helped, but it should be used in the manufacture of compresses, and not just apply to the skin area affected by the pathological process. An important point - in the previous case, the decoction of room temperature should be applied to the steaming skin, it's all the other way around - a hot decoction is used during the preparation of the compress.

In addition, the decoction obtained in the indicated way is not better helps to get rid of problems associated with the work of the digestive tract. The pathologies of the hepatobiliary system (cholecystitis, hepatitis and many others) are held after treatment for a month - in the event that the process chronicization is observed, the use of this bravery can significantly reduce the severity of clinical symptoms.

In which cases it is necessary to consume freshly squeezed pet juice?

It should not once again emphasize the attention on the fact that it is natural juice obtained from stalks and nettle leaves that concentrates all the necessary nutrients in itself, and is the most preferred dosage form in all cases without exception, but it has one significant drawback - to get it It is possible only in the warm season, while dried nettle is preserved for several years without losing its qualities. In addition, obtaining a freshly squeezed wretched juice, the occupation is very and very difficult - it will be necessary to not only collect the highest and fresh plants, it is necessary to skip them through the meat grinder, and then you will have to press it enough after gauze. And the taste of such juice leaves much to be desired.

Indications to the consumption of cluster juice are the following pathological conditions:

  1. Bleeding from the nose, as well as internal bleeding (not in the intensive phase). The effectiveness of this tool is explained by the fact that in the rattular juice is contained in high concentrations of substances that increase the activity 2 and 3 of the coagulation factor;
  2. Problems with monthly (oligomenorrian and others);
  3. Hypoacide chronic gastritis;
  4. Pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

In all cases listed above, to achieve the desired result it will be necessary to adhere to the following course of treatment:

  1. 50 ml of juice is consumed in the morning, and after eating, in order not to cause heartburn. It will be necessary to wash 500 ml of ordinary boiled water;
  2. At lunch, it will be necessary to consume 100 ml of the rope juice, just - only after meals, and drinking water;
  3. After dinner, it is worth only 25 ml, otherwise discomfort may occur at night, which will be expressed in various dyspeptic disorders.

Indispensable fresh nettle juice and for the treatment of various problems of hair and skin. Divide it with water in terms of 1 to 5 and you will get a wonderful means for washing the hair that will allow you to as soon as possible Forget about dandruff or other trichological problems (no wonder because netting extract is added in shampoos).

Get rid of acne and black points will allow the mask prepared from nettle juice - it will only be enough to mix it with kefir or sour cream (ratio of 1 to 3).

How with health benefits to use nettle seeds?

It is very difficult to get it - it's easier to purchase in phytoapptext or on the market (in the latter case you need to beware of the fact that unscrupulous sellers instead of nettle seeds you will be sold to some other, using the fact that you do not understand the botanist, most likely). As a last resort - carefully look at the picture and remember how the nettle seeds look.

However, many people are ready to attach any efforts to extract the nettle seeds in downtown. This is explained by the fact that the tincture made with their use helps to return the ability of a man to commit sexual intercourse, and fully!

To achieve the desired result, it will be necessary to prepare a healing agent according to the following recipe:

  1. Nettle seeds - 50 g;
  2. Ethyl alcohol, 96% 300 ml;
  3. Carnation, 10 g;
  4. Bay leaf, 10 g;

All the above, the listed ingredients are mixed, poured with ethanol and withstand three weeks. After that, the resulting mixture will need to thoroughly strain and take 10 ml for a month three times a day. The result will exceed all your expectations - not a single cosmetology tool, even the most expensive, none bad, will not give such a result.

Nasty from rhizomics

Prepare raw materials for the preparation of a unique drug as follows:

  1. Rhizome 300 g;
  2. Boiling water, 1 l;
  3. Bay leaf, 50 g;
  4. Grass wormwood, 50 g

It is necessary to insist the drug day, and then it is filtered through the gauze. It is used to treat gout and rheumatism. It will be necessary to drink 1 cup in the morning and in the evening, 30 days. There is another embodiment of infusion from a bombstorm. The remedy is preparing just, but it is used to external use against the fungus stop. It will be necessary to steer legs in the resulting brave, the duration of treatment will be about a month.

Nuts of the dioxide (lat. Urtica dioica) - Perennial herbate plantIt belongs to the flowering department, the class of dysdootomic, the order of rose colored, the family of speckle, the genus of nettle.

The latin name of the nettle is quite justified, it comes from the word meaning "burn". The second part of the doublome name says that it is necessary for pollination two bushes of the opposite "Paul", which completely eliminates self-pollution.

Nettle djobiva: description.

Nettle biplate is perennial plantsreaching a height from 55 cm to two meters. An herbal stem of a savory nettle ribbed, four-marched, sparkling, branched to the stubborn shoots, inside the hollow.

Nutty leaves of dwarm large, 7-18 cm long, usually egg-shaped (sometimes there are copies with an elliptic shape of a sheet plate), dark green with a pointed top and tooths around the edge. On the stem leaves the nettle leaves, there are contrary and attached to it long stiffs. Both stem and nettle leaves are pubes with burning hairs, touching itching itching and small blisters. Although there are views, fully deprived of the ignition ignition.

The cheating of nettle is the domestic one-sex, are in the sinuses, are a co-shaped pan with a flower of greenish tint. A cupid perianth is covered with numerous hairs and dissected on the 4 segment.

The fruit nettle is a small one-champed two-dimensional shape nut, just 1-1.4 millimeters in length and squeezed on the sides to the contours of the ellipse. The color of the fetus varies from yellow to brownish and is determined by the degree of maturation. By the way, one bush plants of the nettle plants can give by the end of the vegetative season about 22 thousand seeds!

Where does the nettle rattle grow?

The plant of nettle dwarm is distributed almost everywhere: in moderate climatic zone Europe and in hot Asia, in China and India, in Transcaucasia, North America and the Australian continent, in the Far East regions and Siberia. More often, digestive nettles occurs in the forest areas and in the territories of the forest-steppe, forming dense speckle thickets there. For gardeners and owners of vegetable vegetable vegetable gardens - hated and difficult to the weed.

Powerful rhizome with highly developed side processes allows nettle to grow on the most ungrees and scarce soils: Often this "burning person" can be found on wastehouses, in forest thickets, near the marsh, on weed places or along the half-jammed dog.

Nettle dwarf: collection.

Green leaves of nettle downtown and her stems are excellent medicinal raw materials and an excellent vitamin-stern supplement for livestock. The nettle sheet is collected from the middle of May to the end of July, they do it in dry weather, it is better in the downtown, when the dew has already gone, but not too baked the sun. Raw materials for feed are mounted throughout the vegetative period, dried to the state of the hay or add to the manufacture of a silage mixture.

Billet nettle dwarf (how to dry and store).

Cutting plant should be slightly lying in the shade for 2-4 hours in a shadow spot, then raw materials are either dried in special dryers, asking temperature mode In 45-50 ° C, either decomposed on clean fabric / paper in a ventilated room and dried naturally to the state of the perfect fragility of leaves. You can store dry nettle not more than two years, for this glass container with a dense cover or sewn from natural canvas bags is perfect.

Nheatwoman's nettle and cluster burning: distinction.

Frequent "neighbor" dwarm nettle is clusted burning. Plants are very similar and externally, and in chemical composition, and for use in medicine. However, these species can be distinguished.

  • The inflorescences of burning beaks are much shorter than bippy inflorescences. Stem of burning nettle more branched, the leaves are not so polarized and have an oval shape with a saw edge.
  • If two-walled nettle grows with large thickets from 55 cm to 2 meters high, then the burning form in the process of growth of small kurtins (flower beds), and it is much more modest and do not exceed 60 centimeters in height.

Distribution and ecology

Wiscardous in the moderate zone of both hemispheres: in Europe, the front and small Asia, in Transcaucasia, China, on the Indian subcontinent (and in the mountains of Nepal climbs to a height of up to 3,500-4000 m above sea level), meets in North Africa from Libya to Morocco , listed and naturalized in North America and Australia.

Russia grows in the European part and Western Siberia, listed in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, where it spread widely. Prevails in forest and forest-steppe zones.

Rueral plant. It grows at the weed places at the dwellings and fences, near the livestock, along the roads, on wasteland and abandoned lands, on uneasy forest cuts, on raw meadows and forests (especially crafts), shores of water bodies, duties and ravines. Due to its ability to breed vegetatively with long rhizomes, it often forms extensive, almost clean thickets - wipes.

Nitrophilic plant. Serves as a pointer of soil rich in nitrogen substances. In gardens and gardens - difficult to eradicate weed.

Neprug djobiva: Description

The nettle is the downtown is a perennial plant reaching a height from 55 cm to two meters. An herbal stem of a savory nettle ribbed, four-marched, sparkling, branched to the stubborn shoots, inside the hollow.

Nutty leaves of dwarm large, 7-18 cm long, usually egg-shaped (sometimes there are copies with an elliptic shape of a sheet plate), dark green with a pointed top and tooths around the edge. On the stem leaves the nettle leaves, there are contrary and attached to it long stiffs. Both stem and nettle leaves are pubes with burning hairs, touching itching itching and small blisters. Although there are views, fully deprived of the ignition ignition.

The cheating of nettle is the domestic one-sex, are in the sinuses, are a co-shaped pan with a flower of greenish tint. A cupid perianth is covered with numerous hairs and dissected on the 4 segment.

The fruit nettle is a small one-champed two-dimensional shape nut, just 1-1.4 millimeters in length and squeezed on the sides to the contours of the ellipse. The color of the fetus varies from yellow to brownish and is determined by the degree of maturation. By the way, one bush plants of the nettle plants can give by the end of the vegetative season about 22 thousand seeds!

Nettle dwarm: collection

Green leaves of nettle downtown and her stems are excellent medicinal raw materials and an excellent vitamin-stern supplement for livestock. The nettle sheet is collected from the middle of May to the end of July, they do it in dry weather, it is better in the downtown, when the dew has already gone, but not too baked the sun. Raw materials for feed are mounted throughout the vegetative period, dried to the state of the hay or add to the manufacture of a silage mixture.

Billet nettle bipty (how to dry and store)

The cut plant should be slightly in the shade for 2-4 hours in a shadow place, then the raw materials are either dried in special dryers, setting the temperature regime at 45-50 ° C, or decomposed on clean tissue / paper in a ventilated room and dried naturally Prior to the state of perfect fragility of leaves. You can store dry nettle not more than two years, for this glass container with a dense cover or sewn from natural canvas bags is perfect.


Nettle Prefers solar or half-titled plots and soils rich nutrient substances. Nettle is particularly demanding on increased nitrogen content in the soil, therefore, it is necessary to introduce mineral fertilizers. For seed shoot, there is a relatively high temperature of the soil, so sowing should be made not before May-June. For small squares Growing is recommended to breed nettledecision root.

Urentica Urens (Nuts) Little, one-year nettle variety. IN folk medicine The decoction of its leaves and roots is taken inside with long and abundant menstruation, hemorrhoids, with diabetes and nervous seizures (epilepsy, hysteria), is externally used for baths during edema, wounds, doughs, bruises.

Nuts dwarm and nettle burning: differences

Frequent "neighbor" dwarm nettle is clusted burning. Plants are very similar and externally, and in chemical composition, and for use in medicine. However, these species can be distinguished.

  • The inflorescences of burning beaks are much shorter than bippy inflorescences. Stem of burning nettle more branched, the leaves are not so polarized and have an oval shape with a saw edge.
  • If two-walled nettle grows with large thickets from 55 cm to 2 meters high, then the burning form in the process of growth of small kurtins (flower beds), and it is much more modest and do not exceed 60 centimeters in height.

Chemical composition

In the leaves of nettle, carotenoids are contained (β-carotene, violaxanthine, xanthofill, xanthofill-epoxide); Vitamins C, K, in 1, in 2; tanning substances (3.2%); chlorophyll (up to 5%); Glycoside Urticin, Flavonoids (1.96%): Quercetin, Isochin, Kempferol; Organic acids (oxal, ant, fumaric, dairy, amber, lemon, fry); Phenolcarboxylic acids (coffee, gallovaya, coumaro, ferulovaya); starch (up to 10%); Alkaloids (0.010-0.29%): nicotine, histamine, acetylcholine, 5-hydroxytriptamin; Kumarin Ecoletin; Macro- and trace elements.

Application and Medical Properties

Nepruge digestive has a hemostatic, diuretic and common, choleretic, sugar, stimulating and activating metabolic processes of action. Preparations from the plant stimulate the activity of the respiratory and vascular centers, contribute to the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ulcers, laying out.

In folk medicine, nettle is widely used in hypovitaminosis as a strengthening after severe diseases, for diarrhea, gout, diabetes, rheumatism, chronic skin diseases, kidney disease, liver, urinary bubble, renal disease, during hair loss, diabetic periodontal disease.

Fresh juice is treated with wounds, varicose sores, diameters, lying. The netwoman's nettle is part of the Allohol preparation used in the disease of biliary tract. It is included in many fees and is used independently with radiation lesions. In antiquity, the plant was used as a dietary product in the treatment of Malokrovia.

However, it should be remembered that the crude nettle is contraindicated with an increased blood coagulation (as well as atherosclerosis, hypertension, polyps, uterine tumors and appendages, during pregnancy, in old age, with menopausal disorders with bleeding from the uterus). Dry nettle does not affect blood clotting and can be used to treat atherosclerosis, in which increased blood viscosity is usually observed.


  • Buckle of nettle leaves dwalome:1 tbsp. l. Dry or fresh leaves poured Art. Water, adjust to boil and boil under the lid for 1 min. 30 minutes insist Then fool and drink 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day before meals in diseases of the kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus.
  • Infusion of nettle leaves.1 tbsp. l. poured 1 tbsp. Boiling water and insist half an hour. Focus and take 3 tbsp. l. Three times a day before meals for anemia, dialoch, gout, diabetes, radiation lesions, kidney and liver diseases.
  • The decoction of the roots of nettle nets:1 tsp. Crushed dried roots pour 1 tbsp. Water and boiled for 5 minutes. Insist half an hour. Fix and take 1/4 tbsp. 3 times a day before eating with rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, renal disease, edema, hair loss.
  • Leaf decoction and nettle stems dwarm for baths:0.5 kg of dry naughty raw materials poured 3 liters of water and boiled 5 minutes. It insists 2 hours, filter. Take a bath with a decoction with eczema, psoriasis, weave skin lesions with diabetes mellitus.
  • The decoction of rhizomes and seeds of nettle1 tbsp. l. Mixtures of dry seeds and rhizomes are poured with 1 glasses of water and boiled 5 minutes. It insists 30 minutes, flickering and take a quarter of a cup 3 times a day before meals with diabetes, anemia, edema, liver diseases, thyroid glands.
  • Nasture leaf leaves dwalome:Collect leaves in a jar and poured with alcohol (40 °). Insist in warm place 2 weeks. Fix and, before use, dilute half boiled water, Make rims on purulent ulcers and fistulated moves for purulent processes in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  • Oil from the roots of nettle nets:The crushed roots of the nettle is poured with hot sunflower or corn oil (1: 2) and insist 2 weeks. Focus and applied for rubbing with neuralgic pains.
  • Nasture roots of nettle:Smalled dry or fresh roots are cut and poured with alcohol (70 °). Insist 1 week when room temperature. Focusing and used for rubbing at articular and neuralgic pains.

Nettle in cooking

As polyvitamin edible plant Nettle is especially valuable in spring: young leaves are added to vegetable salads as the main green mass, boils, borscht, bridins. Fitoncid, that is, antimicrobial, nettle properties have long been used to eliminate the duration of storage of perishable products.

Salads from nettle: 150 g of nettle, 1 egg, 20 g sour cream, vinegar, salt.
The leaves of young nettle are boiled 5 minutes, crushed, fill with vinegar, top the boiled eggs and sour cream.

Nuts dwarm: contraindications

The main thing is not to forget that recipes with nettle are not suitable for everyone: people or irritation may appear in people with sensitive skin. Before proceeding with any procedures with the use of calm nets, you should study contraindications.

Infusions, decoctions, teas and other preparations for intakes with a nettle content categorically contraindicated to people with increased blood coagulation, atherosclerosis, in the presence of cystic formations, polyps, hypertensive, as well as during pregnancy, especially in the last months.

  • A downtown nettle burns less than burning nettle, due to the fact that the content of formic acid is much lower in it, but it is not inferior to her "Zhugia Colleague."
  • Brooms for bath procedures associated from dwarm nettle are saved from rheumatism.
  • In Russia, the bombardment of the domestic nettle was used as a guidance potion in love affairs, and on believing Kuste nettle, landed near the threshold or under its window, distilled off the hosts of evil spirits and all sorts of evil.
  • The dried dwarm net exudes the hardly caught smell, screking cockroaches.
  • If the limb frostbite happened, effective way It is possible to alleviate the condition of the victim using a dried and cold-cold crawling from dried nettle, imposing it to the affected areas.
  • Water infusion of calm nets - a great remedy for male dysfunction.
  • The British are made from the leaves of dwarm nettle wine: it is tart and a little bit.




Family - spectacular - uurticaceae.

Used parts - grass, seeds and rhizome.

Narodnaya name - Rugged, Laggli, Strakva, Sthekava, Draking, Gigcake, Bugka, Dragonfly.

Pharmacy name - nettle grass - urticae heiba, nettle seed - urticae semen, nettle root - Urtyae Radix.

Botanical description

A perennial herbaceous plant, up to 2 meters high, with a powerful root and long horizontal branching rhizomes.

Stem nettle - hollow, straight or ascending, the surface of which is covered with simple and burning hairs.

The leaves are opposite, long-coal, whole, oblong, ovoid or elliptical shape, dark Green, up to 17 cm. The top of the leaves is pointed, drawn, the edge is cooled or large. Leaves are covered large number burning hairs. The burning hairs of nettle are clarifying cells that contain a complicated hard liquid chemical composition. When touching the skin, the end of the hairs is rolled, the skin is punctured and the liquid from the full hairs falls into the wound, causing itching itching and light inflammation.

The flowers of the plant are yellow-green, collected in inflorescences - spikelets, and are located in the sinuses of the leaves, pretty small. Flowers nettle dawnedomous since May to October.

Fruits - greenish-gray egg-shaped nuts.

The nettle is wounded everywhere - in Europe, the front and small Asia, in Transcaucasia, China, on the Indian subcontinent, is found in North Africa from Libya to Morocco, in North America and Australia. Russia grows in the European part and Western Siberia, listed in East Siberia and the Far East. Prevails in forest and forest-steppe zones.

Collection and harvesting

In May, June and July (August), they collect leaves of wild nettle, which carefully (in gloves) are separated from the stem, and then dried in the air. Fully the grass is used to prepare the spectal juice. Rhizome digging in spring or autumn, free from the land on it and dried in air or with an artificial heating (up to 40 ° C).

Active substances

Flavonoids, chlorophyll, carotenoids, vitamins, mineral salts, beta-sitosterol, plantic acids, sterols and sterilglygicosides, as well as lignans and tanning substances.

Use in homeopathy

In homeopathy, only nettle is burning. Urentica ureens homeopathic facility is prepared from leaves, stems and rhizomes collected during flowering.

Healing Action and Application

It has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, polyvitamin, anti-loving, immunotropic, choleretic, diuretic, hepatoprotective, blood purified, expectorant, painkillers, antiseptic and anticonvulsant actions.

Nettle still in antiquity was widely used by ancienthearters. Avicenna in his "Canon of Medical Science" noted the numerous drug properties of nettle.

It is believed that nettle - good tool For the elderly, it is very useful as a strengthening agent for the elderly, it activates and increases its own protective forces of the body.

IN therapeutic purposes The leaves, flowers, roots and seeds are used. The nettle is used in the uterine, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding, with sleep disorders, rheumatic pains, with physical and mental fatigue, with a loss of appetite, under cholecystitis, ulcerative disease of the 12-rosewoman and stomach, with gastritis.

Outward ragners and infusions medicinal plant Apply as a row with seborrheic dermatitis, trophic ulcers, eczema.

Urtica Dioica L. Family of Nature - urticaceae

This is unfriendly at close acquaintance the plant is known since time immemorial. The generic name is formed from the Latin "Urr" (burn) and caused by the property of nettle to cause burning and itching of the skin when contact with it. The burning is explained by the fact that the hairs of nettle, it is easy to rush due to a significant content of silicic acid in them. Circling the skin and, highlighting formic acid, cause sharp irritation.

Nettle - Well-known wilderness of a long-term grassy plant with a height of up to 170 cm with creeping branched root. Stems upright, stupid-branded, furillary, brown, covered, like all the plant, long burning hairs. The leaves are opposite, puffy, ovoid-lanceal, coarse, up to 17 cm long, the top of the leaves is dark green, seated with burning hairs; The bottom side is light green with residents, also covered with burning hairs. Flowers are small, greenish, with a simple four separate perianth, are collected into branchy intermittent ears, leaving the sinuses. Fruit - egglike or elliptical nut, yellowish gray.

Flowers from June to September. It grows as weed near the housing, on wasteland, along the roads, on cutting, in the mountains, as well as in shady wet forests, ravines and coastal shrubs. It is found almost throughout the European part of Russia, including in the Caucasus, in Central Asia and in Western Siberia, less often as a communal plant - in Eastern Siberia and in the Far East.

When harvesting should be distinguished by the nettle from possible impurities:

Deaf nettle, or tiny white, which does not have burning properties. Shees are smooth with alternating fine and large cloth;

Nuts of burning, characterized by a smaller size, branched stem and small leaves with deep stupid teeth.

In medicine use leaves of nettle bipquet. It should be done during flowering - from June to September. In order to avoid a burn, the collection of leaves is produced in mittens, or the entire plant is oblivioned, they give to plant, after which the leaving the leaves are plugging.

Drying in the shade, in attics, under a canopy, in the ventilated rooms, laying out the leaves on the litters a very thin layer. After drying, leaves that have changed their natural color are removed, as well as stems and flowers. The dried raw material consists of dark green leaves with a weak odor and bitter taste.

The nettle leaves contain a significant amount of ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins of groups in and k, forming, pantothenic and other organic acids, tanning and protein substances, glycosidulticin, phytoncides, proteins, sugar, salts of iron, potassium and calcium, sulfur.

The nettle has long been widely used in folk medicine of various countries. It has a hemostatic effect, enhancing blood clotting, increases the content of hemoglobin and red blood cells, has a tonic effect on the walls of the vessels and a smooth muscles of the uterus, lowers the blood sugar content. Due to the high content of chlorophyll - green pigment of plants, which for the chemical structure is related to the Pigment of the blood of a person, - nettle has a tonic effect, improves the main exchange, stimulates the granulation and epithelization of the affected tissues.

The decoction of nettle leaves has long been used with pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, bronchitis, malaria, spleen diseases, muscular and articular rheumatism, diarrhea, hair loss. Fresh young grass of plants rubbed into the skin for the destruction of warts, as well as with articular rheumatism and radiculitis.

Back in the XVII century, Russian doctors using the bactericidal properties of fresh nettle, they treated her wounds, ulcers and fistulas. Fresh nettle juice was used for liver and kidney stones, pulmonary diseases, fever, internal bleeding, treatment of infected wounds, for rubbing into the skin of the head during hair loss.

In folk medicine, 100 g of chopped leaves are poured with a mixture of 0.5 liters of water and 0.5 table vinegar, boiling 30 minutes, filter and use for washing the head when hair loss.

IN scientific medicine The infusion of nettle leaves is used as a hemostatic remedy for pulmonary, renal, uterine and intestinal bleeding. Offered fast transportation of special equipment at special prices.

Infusion is preparing for general rules At the rate of 2 tablespoons of finely crushed leaves on a glass of water. Take 1/2-1 / 4 glasses 3-5 times a day half an hour before meals.

The industry produces briquettes from nettle leaves, liquid and thick extracts. In addition, nettle is part of the choleretic drug "Allohol", collecting No. 2 for the preparation of medicine on preschool health, laxative collection number "1, gastric fee # 3 and multivitamin fees.