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When the cherry blooms in the southern Urals. Such different cherry: Growing features

The cherry is a fairly common plant in our country, which relates to the family of plum. It is found in shrub thickets and wooded terrain. It can be seen in Asia, Western Europe And much where. And in Russia it is planted as a decorative plant. The tree loves to grow where more wet places, that is, on the banks of rivers, lakes and other water bodies or in nearby forests.

Cherry and her description

In appearance of the cherry, is tree or high bush. In height, it can reach up to ten meters and have a thick crown. Refers to the family of pink and has a black and gray shade bark. She matte with white splashes. The branches can be olive or cherry.

The cherry foliage looks quite simple. Sheets have an oblong lanceal form or elliptical. In length, they can be from 3 to 10 centimeters.

Particularly interesting are the colors of this plant. They have a white shade, but sometimes there are instances that have a slightly pinkish. The inflorescences are collected in falling thick brushes, the length of which can reach up to ten or twelve centimeters.

Flowers have a rather sharp fragrancewhich is difficult not to notice, passing near. Petals on a flower five pieces. The same and cups on the pedicle. And the stamens - 20.

After flowering, berries are formed on tassels, they are similar to currant. As they hate, they are black and have a sweet-kidnaya taste. They are very useful and contain a large number of Vitamins I. minerals. They have a lot of iron, manganese, zinc, cobalt, group vitamins P, s, etc.

When the cherry blooms

At the beginning of the spring, the kidney is just beginning to swell, but from the end of April and in early May There is a rapid growth of plants belonging to herbaceous. Just at this time you can see the bloom of the cherry. Sometimes it is called the Queen of Spring. Perhaps this is one of the earliest spring flowering trees.

The flowering of this representative of the Pink family is always associated with anticipation of agricultural work. It is believed that at this time it's time to sow wheat, plant potatoes, etc. And it says that good harvest. That is, the beginning of flowering for a long time for rural residents meant the time when you can begin to engage in sowing.

It should be noted that the cherry usually blooms in the first May week, however, due to the weather, its bloom can be seen for ten days earlier or later. therefore a certain number The blooming of this plant is not easy. Also, flowering time depends on the region in which the tree grows. For example, in Siberia, her bloom can be shifted at the very end of May.

In this way , Cherry blossom depends on:

  • growth region;
  • spring climate.

How blooms plant

Cherry blooms very beautiful And looks different. During this period, all plants are just beginning to wake up after the winter, and buds are already beginning to form, which will soon be revealed and will fascinate in the amazing aroma of passersby. Soon, around the drop-down flowers will be poured a bee, collecting the first nectar.

However, despite all this magnificence, you should not abuse. The scent of the cherry though even a pleasant, but rather sharp, and if they are near the long time, then some people can cause headache and even a lighter. Therefore, it is better to still enjoy this fragrance on fresh airand not cut the fragrant bouquets for the house.

The cherry flowers are very valuable and carrying great benefits:

Cherrychi varieties

Currently, about twenty varieties of this tree belonging to the pink family. For the Russian terrain, the cherry is the most familiar, which has white flowers and black binding fruits. However, you can note more types:

Time flies quickly: you do not have time to look back - the winter has already passed. On warm sunny days on the southern coast of Crimea, even in January - February already smells in the spring. And what spring without a black, without their frantic flowering and sweet-tart aroma of bitter almond?

Cherry - leaf falling trees (mainly) or shrubs. Domestic nerds, dendrologists separately distinguish the child of the cherry (Padus), but they do not agree with foreign scientists who consider the cherry as species of the kind of plum (Prunus), so both views will be reflected in the Latin names.

Cherry Magelebskaya. Photo

Among the selected country contenders have cherry, which feel great in middle lane Russia, in the Far East, in the southern regions.

Cherry Virgina (Padus Virginiana)

In appearance, it looks like an ordinary cherry, but blooms and fruits about 2 weeks later. Its dark red fruits are larger and much more tastier.

It comes from North America. Tree parameters:

  • height - 10 m, width up to 8 m;
  • the leaves are wide-elliptic, shiny, up to 10 cm long;
  • flowers are small, white, assembled into narrow hound brushes up to 10 cm long; bloom in the south - in May, in the north - in early June;
  • the fruits are small, rounded, from red to black, edible.

Cherry Virgin, inflorescences. Photos from Her fruits. Photos from

Pretty frost resistant, shadowed (but it grows better and is plentifully fruit at sunny places); It is not capricious with respect to soil, but does not tolerate a protracted convergence. We breed seeds and root siblings. For small dacha One tree will be enough for beauty, and for use of berries.

Ordinary cherry, or brush (Padus Avium, Syn. P. Racemosa, Prunus Padus)

Right from Europe, Northern Asia. It is the most common in culture. The flowering of this species often coincides with the annual spring cooling - "cherochny cold", which in the south are similar to "Alyuchev".

Cherry ordinary, photo

Many users of our site know this cherry from childhood. Especially effectively in flowering and autumn, thanks to yellow and red leaves. Tree parameters:

  • height up to 15 m, width - 10 m;
  • crown is wide, thick, with diluting branches;
  • the bark is smooth, dark gray, with orange-brown or white lentils;
  • white flowers, fragrant, in thick narrow hanging brushes, bloom in April-May;
  • fruits - rounded black busty.
In uncomfortable cultivation conditions, this species is a corneupry shrub.

Decorative forms

The following are especially interesting:
  • "Albertii."- flowers in dense brushes, bloom abundant;

Cherry ordinary "albertii". Photos from
  • "Colorata."- Young shoots reddish-purple, pink flowers;

Cherry ordinary "Colorata". Photos from
  • "Plena"- terry flowers;
  • "WateReri."- Flowers in elegant long (up to 20 cm) brushes.

Cherry ordinary "Plena". Photo from Cherry ordinary "WateReri". Photos from

We define seeds with autumn sowing or spring (with stratification in wet sand for 3-3.5 months, at a temperature of +2 ... + 5 ° C) and root siblings. Well tolerates half. Perfectly feels like a reservoir (as fertile moisturized soils prefers).

More on the site see the materials:

Cherry Malebskaya (Padus Mahaleb)

It comes from Europe, often a multi-tree tree. This cherry is widespread in the southern regions, where it is called antipoca, american or magal reception. But the British call her cherry Saint-Lucy.

Cherry Magelebskaya, foTO

Tree parameters:

  • height up to 10 m, width up to 8 m;
  • the leaves are rounded, shiny, up to 6 cm long;
  • white flowers, very fragrant, are collected into low-mounted palate brushes up to 5 cm long; bloom in April-May;
  • fruits - black small bitter busty.
Blooming and fruit starts from 3-4 years.

Cherry Magelebskaya Right at the top of the spring composition, foTO

Winter hardy: withstands -25 ...- 27 ° C. Extremely heat and drought-resistant. Normally develops on illuminated places and dry fertile soils. We conclude seeds. Root offspring does not give. Durable. From it you can create beautiful living hedges, as it moves well with a haircut.

Cherry Maacii (Padus Makii)

It comes from Northeast Asia. The British also call her manchurian cherry.

Tree parameters:

  • height - 10 m, width - 8 m;
  • krona conical;
  • the bark is smooth, reddish-orange, peeling;
  • elliptical leaves, up to 10 cm long;
  • white flowers, odorless, are collected in multi-flowered brushes up to 7 cm long; bloom in May;
  • fruits - dry black busty with a diameter of 0.5 cm, inedible.
Winter hardy. It grows fast, especially at sunny places, fertile moistened soils. This is a solitator, spectacular not only during flowering, fruiting, but also in winter, in a lightless condition.

Cherry PenSylvanica (Padus PensionLvanica)

It comes from North America. Thanks to the peculiar cortex of the trunk (with the horizontal series of lentils), the British call it strike cherry.

Tree parameters:

  • height and width up to 10 m;
  • the trunk is slim, with cherry-red bark;
  • croon oval, openwork, with thin bare branches;
  • ovalo-lanceal leaves, with an elongated top, up to 11 cm long;
  • white flowers are collected 3-6 in umbrellas;
  • fruits are small red edible busty.

Cherry Pennsylvania in flowering. Photos from Her fruits. Photos from

It blooms plentiful and fruits from 3-4 years. Rights up to 10 years old, then growth slows down. Winter hardy in the northern regions, drought-resistant, not capricious for soil. Gives abundant root Poroslfar extending from the tree, so when landing it is immediately necessary to limit the roots with slate, high-quality plastic, metal sheets. Trimming tolerates badly.

Cherry Late (Padus Serotina)

It comes from North America. The British are called this cherry black cherry, wild rum cherry.

Cherry Living in bloom. Photo from Her fruiting. Photos from

This is rather large (in the homeland reaching the height of 35 m) a leaf fall tree with a rounded crown. In the middle lane of Russia, its size is much more modest (height is up to 10 m); May acquire a bush form.
Plant Parameters:

  • elliptical leaves, up to 12 cm long;
  • white flowers, in rejected brushes up to 15 cm long; dismissed in May - June;
  • Fruits - black busty; Save and after leaffall.
Flowers and fruits from 5 years. Grows quickly. Winter hardy, but less than other species; In the middle lane of Russia and north in the harsh winters, shoots can freeze. We breed seeds and root siblings. Normally develops on sunny places with fertile draned damp soil; It grows well on dry.

Cherry Sori (Padus SSIORI)

This is a Far Eastern Beauty: in a wild form grows on Sakhalin, Kurilla, where it is called cherry Ainskaya; Her Area captures Northern Japan and North China.

Tree parameters:

  • height up to 10 m;
  • dark green leaves (young - reddish), up to 14 cm long;
  • flowers with pink, collected in a brush up to 15 cm long;
  • fruits black, diameter 10-12 mm, edible.
In the middle lane of Russia, where in winter frosts are repeatedly replaced by thaws, the winter hardiness of this kind of low is low, so the bet must be made on more stable and acclimatized seedlings grown in local conditions. But at home - in the Far East - she is more comfortable.

And in conclusion - traditional questions: Does the cherry grow on your site? What? What does she give you more: joy or trouble and trouble?

The cherry, or PrunusPadus L., is a fairly popular leaf fall tree, less often shrub, from a roster family. This fruit I. decorative culture Unpretentious and becomes a real garden decoration. When the cherry blooms, the household plot is transformed, and the bloom itself is accompanied by a non-comparable aroma.

Botanical features

Blooming in the cherry garden in last years meets more and more. Like other bone crops, the cherry flowers consist of five cups and five rose petals. Pollen plants anticipating in anthers, at the stage of coloring flowers consists of a plurality of pollen grains. The main advantage of the cherry is considered to consider the extraordinary beauty of snow-white flowers of this leaf padded long-term plant. In fact, cherry flowers are not white, but completely colorless. All petals consist of colorless cells and voids that are filled with air. The light of the Sun is reflected from the voids, as a result of which the effect of snow-white flowering is created.

As a rule, the cherry blooms in the early spring period. Flowers have a characteristic and strongly expressed smell, which can cause people prone to allergies, aggravation of the disease. Also, the scent of the cherry often becomes the cause of headaches, and in some cases a fainted state. White cherry flowers later possess a strong smell, so the plant is very in demand as decorative in gardening gardening.

Flowers have therapeutic properties. They must be harvested during the mass flowering of decorative and berry culture. Middle time The shelf life of the collected and prepared raw materials is one year. Using flowers B. therapeutic purposesIt is very important to strictly observe not only the rules for collecting vegetable raw materials, but also a dosage. It should be remembered that the flowers contain amygdalin glycoside, capable of splitting to glucose and syntile acid, which is very toxic.

Cherry: Useful properties (video)

Features and dates of flowering in Siberia, in the Urals, in Ukraine

The blossom of the cherry is a real luxury of nature, an explosion of a dizzying aroma of white hanging flower brushes. To activate the flowering process, the cherry needs cool temperature, therefore the duration of blossoming cherry in the middle lane in Russia, in the Urals and in Siberia can vary significantly.

Ukrainian Spring has significant differences from Russian weather conditions, which slightly shifts flowering time. In the middle strip, the flowering period lasts from the last decade of April and in the first decade of May, depending on the climatic conditions in the cultivation region. In the Siberian region, the plant blooms closer to the last decade of spring.

Usually, the cherry in the suburbs begins to bloom in early spring terms. The earliest bloom of the cherry is observed in the first days of May. Later, flowering falls in the last few days. Cherry blossoms are well known in March or April, as well as blossom shift for June.

If this year the bloom was early, this does not mean that all subsequent years the plant will bloom on the same time. No data and how long the flowering period will last. Abundant, decorative culture blooms on well lit sunny rays Plots, and fruiting very often depends on weather conditions at the stage of formation of uncess.

What is useful and the smell of cherry

Cherry flowers, although they have small sizesBut very odorous, they are collected in a decorative type of brush. The branch of flowering cherry in the room is capable of destroying flies and mosquitoes. The cherry brushes are widely used in order to aromatize the linen and prevention of moth appearances. Reminder bitter almond fragrance cherrychi repeats very effectively ticks. A strong smell also frightens the flies well, so very often the cheremukh was planted in front of the window at the window. Flowers of this decorative and berry culture are characterized by a huge amount of phytoncides that are able to destroy the pathogenic microflora.

In the colors of the cherry, in the crust, seeds and the foliage there is a significant amount of amygdaline glycoside. As a result of the splitting of this glycoside, such a toxic substance is formed as a syntic acid. The fragrance is able to provide a poison effect on almost all living organisms, so the bouquet of the cherry is not recommended to be put in residential premises.

Superstitions and signs

With a cherry, a large number of old-Russian and slavic admission, Knowledge of which goes from generation to generation:
  • when the cherry blooms, you should wait for a significant cooling;
  • if the kidneys are bursting, and blooming is very abundant and lush, then summer will be rainy and cold;
  • if the cherry blooms early and bloom will be long, then the warm summer is expected;
  • the longer period of blossoming cherry, the hotter and land will be summer;
  • plant potatoes are preferable at the stage of mass flowering cherry;
  • if a plant for a long time does not fight, then the crop of any cereals will be very rich;
  • cherry blossom period is the best for seeding wheat and millet;
  • at the stage of active flowering, there is a wonderful Klevel of such fish as the bar, pike and bream;
  • the plant that has grown out from under the foundation of the house, promises troubles and trouble in family relationship;
  • if the cattle scratches himself to strong wounds, then on the neck of the animal you should wear a wreath of fresh branches of the cherry with swollen kidneys or fresh flowers.

How to plant a baby (video)

Chiery is considered not too good plant For home-generating I. family well-being. It is for this reason that it is necessary to land it on some distance from the house. However, when proper growing The cherry is capable of becoming a real ornament of the garden and a storehouse of healthy fruits.


Also our ancestors planted a cherry near the house. And not only because it blooms beautifully and exudes a wonderful fragrance. During flowering, the tree allocates phytoncides into the air, which are destructive effect on pathogenic bacteria. It was believed that if you stand in the shadow of the tree, then you can scare the disease. Let us consider more than consider the varieties of ordinary cherry and the area of \u200b\u200bits use.

Tree blooms in May or early June. Flowers assembled into oblong fights are pleasantly smelling and attracting bees. Cherry beautiful honey. This is another reason why they tried to plant close to houses or on panstones. A tree or shrub is widespread throughout Russia: from the European part to Siberia and the Far East. That is why, along with a birch, it can be considered a symbol of the Midground Ribbon.

The most common kind of cherry ordinary, it is also called a brush. It throws the brushes of white inflorescences. Of the 20 varieties of the tree on our territory are cultivated 7. Of them allocated decorative species. Their unusually beautiful inflorescences, from yellowish multicolored to terry pink, use in landscape design For decorating garden and park compositions and household plots.

More familiar to us a cherry cherry, with white flowers. The people there are signs that during flowering the cherry can begin to sow wheat and plant potatoes. There is an opinion that at the time of blooming the tree the air is most fresh and clean. Still bind blossoms with temporary cooling, "cheremakh cold".

But most people have fragrant flowering symbolizes the renewal of nature and spring optimistic mood.

What are the sorts of cherry

Besides familiar to all ordinary cherry, the variety of the cherry of virgin. it beautiful plant Swimmed from North America.


The tree grows up to 15 meters. Unlike a cherry cherry, with black fruits, Virgin bunch of berries painted into a dark red color. Flowers white sinks. A particularly spectacular plant looks in autumn. Leaves become burgunduous red. Well tolerate hot weather and winter. Loves wet soils and light. Breeding from seeds and root processes. Virgin Cherry has a few varieties, by type of fruit (black, yellow, light red). Form of wood is low and with lowered branches (molding cherry).

Ordinary Coloratta

More resembles a shrub, as it reaches a height of up to 5 meters. Unusual leaves painted in spring in shades of purple and red color, by the summer become green. Autumn foliage again acquires red. But a particularly beautiful plant during flowering period. Lush inflorescence pink colour with delicate aroma of almond. Spreads and barks also have a purple shade. Pushes the proof from the root, so it is easily multiplied. He loves moisture, light, well tolerate winter. Like most types of cherry susceptible to spring frosts. Black fruits ripen by August.


The main agricultural area of \u200b\u200bNorth America, but passed on the temperate latitudes of our country. Powerful tree with a well-developed crown up to 20 meters. Bright green foliage in the summer, becomes yellow-red in autumn period. "Late" is called because it blooms for 2 weeks later, at the end of May- early June. Black rounded fruits ripen in late August. Fruits are twice as large as a conventional cherry, juicy and there is no astringent lift. She is also called "Roma Cherry", thanks to the dessert taste. It turns out of it delicious tinctures. The tree has a high self-slope, well tolerates winter, has a powerful root system.

Antipipe (Magalebskaya)

Amazing shrub with powerful roots, which can live up to 200 years. Not demanding to the soil, it can grow on stony slopes. Middle East and Europe consider homeland. The value of this variety is that it is perfect for cherry shaking. Since the cherry is referred to a family of plum. A bush is used to strengthen the sweeping slopes. The shrub cortex contains a coumarin, a fragrant substance that is used in perfumery. Small white inflorescences covered during flowering the whole bush, making a pleasant fragrance. Fruits small, black.


Well passed on in the middle and northern latitudes. Different with abundant bloom. Dark fruits brown color Have a sweet sour and tart taste. High yield I. early time Ripening, winter consistency make a tree suitable for cultivation in cold climates. Tree tall up to 5 meters gives up to 15 kg of berries.

Self-free and Sakhalin (Siberian cherry)

Early varieties, a berry ripens in July, are derived by Siberian breeders. Great frosts. Give a stable good harvest to 20-22 kg. Resistant to diseases. Easily tolerate spring frosts. Trees with a powerful crown up to 8 meters, bloom in large white inflorescences. Different varieties of flavors of berries.

Melkopilica Amanogova (Sakura)

Sakura Amanogov is different blossoms. The cherry is referred to the skin of the plum, according to the species sign to the cherry. Therefore, the famous Japanese Sakura is also a cherry. Melkopilica Amonogov decorative tree Kid-shaped form. The terry flowers of white and pink color cover all the tree. Unusually beautiful flowering and gentle fragrance glorified Sakura as one of the wonders created by nature.

Correspondence (Far Eastern, Ainskaya)

Beautiful powerful tree reaching from 10 to 20 meters altitude. Distribution area Kurile Islands and Sakhalin. When it is blooming, they are painted in red-purple, later become white. Self-detention facility up to 15 centimeters, with beautiful bell-shaped flower shape and a gentle aroma. Large berries up to 12 mm.

Healing properties of a tree

ABOUT healing properties The plants that are contained in the crust, the leaves and berries knew still the signs in ancient times.

Therefore, actively used for treatment:

  • phytoncides.which are contained in the tree cortex, used in the form of decoctions or made tincture. Removed the bark with thin stripes in the spring. Used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-core and campphic agent. Help the tincture in rheumatism.

A silic acid is present in the composition of the bark and leaves, so you need to be extremely careful in dosages.

  • for lung diseases A decoction of leaves and flowers is useful. Infusion of colors treats mucous membranes of the eyes. Corior is used to treat rheumatism;

  • fruits-stores of vitamins and useful elements. Vitamins P, the so-called flavonids, strengthen the walls of the vessels. Amigdalin (B17, most of all in the bone) is used as an antitumor and anti-cancer. Sugar, citric acid, ascorbic, apple, ethereal and fatty oils (in the bone), mineral elements, including molybdenum and titanium, are kept in the fruits. Therefore, they are used as a reducing agent with many diseases of the stomach, colds. Tubil and binders of fruits are used to combat diarrhea;

It is thanks to these properties that the cherry has found application in medicine and home cooking.

Use in cooking

Widely use the cherry in cooking. On taste quality berries are inferior to relatives - cherry, and plum Because of a bit of astringent taste and sourness, but they are useful for the body and fragrant.

Dried berry fruit grinding on flour. Used as an additive to bakery products. Baking is acquiring a thin gentle aroma.


  • from cherrychova flour bake cake;
  • do delicious cherry kvass;
  • based on it makes tincture, emphasis;
  • fresh berries - beautiful filling for pies;
  • make kisels, frost, syrups;
  • young leaves can be used for salads;
  • brew tea;
  • boiled jam.

Especially valuable cherry for the northern regionswhere the berries cannot be ripening, which can be raised in moderate latitudes.

The cherry is widespread throughout our country. She pleases flowering and a gentle aroma. Used in medicine and cooking. Gardeners plant grades new breeding. Decorative trees are used in garden gardening. With warmth and love, poets and writers wrote about the cherry.

Cherry healthy beauty until recently the cherry was considered exclusively decorative plantwho decorated our parks and squares. However B. lately More and more gardeners give preference to the fruits of the cherry, although they do not cease to admire the beauty of her flowering. And always this image of a gentle maiden beauty, the image of the bride in the wedding dress. The cherry is a permanent companion of gardens and parks. It is a brown unique aroma of flowers in spring, dark green foliage and ripe black berries in the summer. It is difficult to find a person who would stay indifferent to a bouquet of blooming cherry or to cherry cherry cakes. When it is a tree in a white festive decoration, he is called a bride-beauty, since blooming tree Reminds an elegant girl in a white dress. Fascular cherry - a symbol of pure heart relations. As the princess-swan dealt its wings, and the cherry in blossoms spread his twigs and raised them up, as if he was trying to fly away in the sky. The flowering of this tree very smoothly transfers us from the late spring in the early summer, and the cherry does it so solemnly, gently, bright and clean, as only nature can do!

Beautiful blooming cherry! If only not cold. Widely known folk sign: "At the end of April - the beginning of May, the cold comes - blooms the cherry." This time is called - "cheremakh cold". The people are noticed: two cold in May: when the cherry blooms; When the oak blooms. Returning cold weather - a phenomenon for the last spring month almost an annual, traditional: the rare year is done without them. Cold is a cherry blossom condition. It is so it turns out that the bloom of the cherry is like beauty that flies in the cold. Rainy cold May is not very good for gardeners, it can harm fruit trees. The fields and gardens and cold rain will not hurt. The cherry is so notic that the people are folded about it a lot of mysteries, proverbs, will take the weather. For example, abundant blossom The cherry foreshadows rainy summer. Even in the song begins: "I did not believe in an admission a long time ago: Flowers a cherry for cooling." Our ancestors said: "When the cherry blooms, the cold always lives." "May Frost will not squeeze the tears", "May came under a bush of paradise." It is believed that if the kidneys revealed on the cerema - it means that spring entered full strength, finally woke up and warmed the earth; And when the lush flowers of flowers bloom on the cheremoche - the end of the mosquitoes appear in the forest. Noticed: If Birch dismissed, then the cherry and lilac bloom in a week. Fortunately, short-sided May cold. In the nature of a special mission in nature: he is a spring crown - summer meets. You can forget the songs about the cherry, the songs of our parents ..