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What is the sea buckthorn is cramping. Sea buckthorn: Composition and medical properties for the body of sea buckthorn Crush-shaped botanical description

The sea buckthorn is the healing properties due to a large number of active substances, such as vitamins C and E, flavonoids and beta-carotene. Thanks to them, the process of aging the body is slowed down, the work of the cardiovascular system is stimulated and the immunity of the body is strengthened.

Sea buckthorn is the treatment with therapeutic properties due to a large number of active substances such as vitamins C and E, flavonoids and beta carotene

Morphology and emergence

The sea buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides L.) was described in Tibetan medical books of the VIII century. e. In ancient Greece, sea buckthorn fed horses so that they had shiny wool, from here and her name: Hipp - horse, and Phaos - glossy. Currently, sea buckthorn is a decorative shrub in gardens and parks, and from recently it began to grow it for use in food. There are already several varieties with larger fruits than the wild form, with a pleasant, deprived of a taste. The description of its pharmacologically active substances in laboratory conditions allowed to actively use the various properties of plant extracts from it.

The sea buckthorn (Hippophaë Rhamnoides L.) is the form of a plant from the Loche (Elaeagnaceae) family. It is found in Europe and Asia, up to China, mainly along the sea coast. The plant is not required to the soil, can grow on sandy soil. It is resistant to frost and drought, does not like a very strong salinization of the soil, tolerate air pollution well.

The sea buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides L.) was described in Tibetan medical books of the VIII century. e.

Plant Characteristics: Sea buckthorn is a highly branched shrub, less than a low tree, reaching a height from 1.5 to 6 m. Its appearance resembles fluffy types of IV. Grows slowly. Young sea buckthorn shoots are completed with sharp spikes. The bark on the trunk and branches in the longitudinal direction cracks, peeling pieces, usually dark brown, sometimes black. Human-shaped kidneys, golden copper shade. Slopes with spikes form side branches in the form of spikes of the second row. The leaves are narrow and soft, have a length of up to 7 cm, the edges slightly bent. Sinking small, on branches before the appearance of leaves - from March to May. The fruits of orange color, juicy, fragrant, with characteristic acid-tart taste. Contain a lot of vitamins (A, B, C and E). Berries are saved on the plant all winter up to spring. They are tasteless, as they contain little sugar. After winter frosts become sweet.

The sea buckthorn is widespread in many countries due to the small requirements for soil, resistance to drought and air pollution, has a large decorative value. Especially beautiful abundantly fruiting bushes. Under the weight of the ripening bright fruits of the branches begged to the ground and often break.

The sea buckthorn grows well in a sunny place, it takes a weak soil salinity, loves lime soils. Poor grows on wet, swampy, cold, heavy, clay, dense soils.

Among shrub medicinal plants crushinovoid sea buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides), enjoys the greatest attention. The most fully value of this plant was realized only in the XX century. Plant successfully grows in a moderate belt of Europe and Asia. It can be found from England in the West to Eastern Transbaikalia in the East. On the territory of our country, sea buckthorn grows in Altai, Western and Eastern Sayan, in Buryatia, Tuva, according to the valleys of the rivers of the Greater and Small Caucasus, Syrdarya, Amudarya, Aksu, Tugai in Central Asia. Sea buckthorn is growing throughout Tien Shan and Western Pamir, rising to a height of 3500 m above sea level. Large natural thickets are sea buckthorn are in Mongolia.

Sea buckthorn is a branched shrub or a small tree with a height of 4-5 m of a locked family. The root system is urine, in the second year of life, the growth of the main root is somewhat slowed down and the intensive development of horizontal roots begins, at the ends of which, by the end of the vegetation, the fourth of the apparent shoots, giving rise to the right year, forming a curtain for the next year. The root system is located within a radius of 10m, penetrating into the soil to a depth of 2 m. Krone bush consists of shoots of different ages. The branches are angular, ends with a barr. Young shoots are thickly covered with ribbed, light, and later - rzavo-brown scales. The kidneys are small, round or spherical: women's plants are solitary, men's - are collected in small borders. The leaves are simple, the next, short-barrel, narcolatory. The plant is dwarm, small flowers: female - yellowish, men's - greenish. Flowers in April-May. The fruit is a bowl of golden yellow, orange or red, matures in August-September. Brown seeds, shiny, with a longitudinal furrow. A plant wind-sour.

Little sea buckthorn fruits are truly pantry vitamins and many biologically active substances. Fruit juice contains up to 9.5% sugar, tanning substances and a large amount of organic acids. The composition of the berry juice includes vitamins C, A, E, K, P, B, B1, B9, B2, F, about 15 macro and microelements (iron, boron, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, etc.). The fruit pulp of berries (together with seeds) contains up to 20% of oily oil, which includes unsaturated fatty acids. From the sea buckthorn oil prepare highly efficient drugs for the treatment of burns, damping, cancer, some forms of eczema, senile cataracts, diabetes, anemia, gastritis, ulcers, hypertension, anemia, radiation sickness. Not less meaning than berries, has a bark sea buckthorn. It has a substance called serotonin, which has anticancer activity. The leaves of the sea buckthorn are rich in tanish substances, phytoncides, microelements, and by the amount of vitamin C exceed the content of it in the fruits of ferrous currant several times. They are used to prepare vitamin teas, as well as to improve the taste of the first dishes. In traditional medicine, sea buckthor fruits are used as anti-cutting, analgeal. The decoction of fruits, boiled together with the leaves, is used in the treatment of gout, rheumatism; decoction of fruits and branches - in baldness, decoction of seeds - as a laxative; Oil and juice - as an excellent cosmetic. Concentrated vitamin juices are prepared from the sea buckthorn, both in pure form and with black currant juice (on 1 l of black currant juice take 0.5 l of sea buckthorn juice and 0.5 l 30% sugar syrup), carrot juice (for 1 C carrot juice is added 0.5 liters of sea buckthorn and 0.5 liters of 30% sugar syrup), as well as jams, kisins, and even wine (kashev, 1991). The leaves contain a lot of tannins and are used as dyes and tankers. Sea buckthorn is a wonderful soil planting plant used in green construction.

Sea buckthorn - plant with big ecological plasticity. It places high demands for soil conditions, and to a lesser extent its productivity depends on the size of precipitation and air temperature. Plant is a light-chapter, frost-resistant. Flower kidneys are formed on short-circuited growth of growth escapes. On the roots of the plant, root novels develop, absorbing atmospheric air nitrogen. The atmospheric nitrogen asymalized atmospheric nitrogen provides normal growth and development of the plant. The sea buckthorn is growing well and fruits on lesilla sediments, on air-permeable pebble-gravel and light sandy, sandy soils, when the root system is constantly secured with flowing soil with high soluble oxygen in it. Blooming vegetatively - seedlings grown from wood or green cuttings, as well as seeds with mandatory subsequent vaccination.

For the cultivation in the middle lane, the following varieties are recommended: Dar Katun, Orange, Chui, nugget, Giant. These are all dessert high-yielding varieties, from one bush that can be collected from 11 to 25 kg of berries. The oil content in them reaches 7%. Oilseed includes a variety of oil, vitamin - vitamin and shcherbinka.

The sea buckthorn garden is laid for use of at least 20 years and therefore it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the soil. The sea buckthorn does not withstand long stagnation of waters, flooding. On the site allotted under the garden, the soil surface is aligned in advance. Present areas with groundwater levels are not closer than 1 m. Are unsuitable for cultivation of sea buckthorn. Heavy clay soils. Culture responsive to the content of nutrition elements in the soil. The exposition of the slope has no importance.

Bedmark the garden is best to take a plot at which many years of herbs grew up, or a year before the sea buckthorn landing (Lupine on green fertilizer). A plot with a green fertilizer or without it is picked up in autumn to a depth of 35-40 cm, introducing an additional 1 sq.m. Square 10-12 kg well-overwhelmed manure, peat or compost and 40-60 g of phosphate fertilizers. The best time for planting sea buckthorn seedlings is spring. It is necessary to plant only standard cuttings of the first and second class of one or biennium. According to the seedlings of sea buckthorn, must meet the following requirements: the first grade of planting material must have five skeletal roots with a length of 20 cm, the height of the above-ground part of the plants at least 5 cm, the diameter of the strain at the root neck is at least 8 mm; The seedlings of the second grade are three skeletal roots with a length of up to 20 cm, the height of the above-ground part of the plant - 35 cm, the diameter of the strain at the root neck is at least 6 mm.

The rooting of green cuttings of the sea buckthorn is produced in film greenhouses or warm greenhouses in a nutrient mixture consisting of sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 3. Green cuttings from the growth of this year are harvested in mid-June - early July 15-18 cm long in the morning. Before planting the cuttings, is treated with a solution of heteroaceuxer - 100 mg per 1 liter of water for 12 hours at a temperature of 20-25 ° C or kept in water during the day and planted to a depth of 3-4 cm with a power supply of 5x3 cm. High survival rate of cuttings - in The limits of 85-95% is achieved when maintaining a high relative humidity of air at least 85-90% and the optimal temperature is 22-25 ° C. To maintain optimal conditions, it is necessary, especially in the first days, frequent watering or the use of fog-forming installation and temperature control. The rooting occurs 30-35 days after the landing of the cuttings. Care of cuttings ordinary. The amount of standard planting material increases in the first year, if it is incorrectly feeding after rooting seedlings with nitrogen mineral fertilizers at a concentration of 0.5-1%, zinc salts at a concentration of 0.06%. The output of the standard planting material can be 90%. The remaining non-standard cuttings in the spring of next year are planted for growing in a nursery with a power supply of 15x70 cm.

Before the selection of landing pits, the plot should be disconnected and explode to a depth of 7-10 cm. 40x40 landing jamma. Cm. The center on the bottom of the pit is laid drainage with a layer of up to 10 cm from rubble, broken bricks. If the sea buckthorn is planted on a plot with good soil, then adding to this soil to one hole to 1 kg of humus and 200 g of superphosphate, it can be filled with the root seedling system. In the event that the soil is severe according to the mechanical composition, there are many clay fractions in it, you should add river sand and peat in a 1: 1 ratio, make organic and mineral fertilizers. The planted plant is abundantly watered at the rate of 20 l per 1 hole, mulched and tied to the support cola. The root cervix when landing is plunged below the soil level by 3-5 cm. Since the sea buckthorn is a bombing plant, then for every 8-9 female instances it is necessary to plant one male. Power area when bookmarking the garden 4x2 m or 4x2.5 m.

Fruit the sea buckthorn garden begins for the 3-4th year after landing. Care behind the garden and seedlings is to loosen soil, feeding, trimming, weeding, in the fight against pests and diseases. Swimming and weeding are carried out as needed, trying to constantly keep the soil in loose and clean from weed. Once already on the fruiting plantations in the middle of the rods, 3-4 south / sq.m are made under the autumn people. organic composts and 30-50 g / sq.m. Superphosphate. Since the root buckthorn system lies shallowly, the people is carried out not closer to 1 m from the tree trunk to a depth of 12-14 cm, and loosening in a rolling one-piece zone - to a depth of 6- 8 cm.

Pruning sea buckthorn is carried out in two directions: forming and rejuvenating. The first spend in the first years of the life of the plant under the general rules adopted in fertility, i.e. Leave 3-5 major skeletal branches, correctly oriented. Rejuvenating trimming is carried out once every 8-10 years. In addition, annually in the spring conducts sanitary trimming.

The most dangerous pest of the sea buckthorn garden is the sea buckthorn fly. Wintering the pest in the surface layer of the soil in the stage of the larvae in falcons. The departure of Flocks from Falcoon occurs in mid-June to the beginning of August. The female lays one or two eggs under the skin of a berry, of which the larva is fed after three weeks of the flesh of berries. Preventive control measures - cleaning of fallen leaves, soil resistance under the crown of trees, spraying the drug Aktellik (0.1 g / sq.m. by 50 g of water) at the time of the summer sea buckthorn flies.

The fruit cleaning is proceeded when the sea buckthorn berries acquire a characteristic color characteristic of a certain variety. In the initial period of ripening berries contain more vitamin C and less oil. By the end of ripening, oil accumulates more accumulates, and they are less than vitamin C. Berry collection is carried out manually or with the help of various devices - hooks, loops; Possible collection of sea buckthorn after the onset of frosts (-10-20 ° C) by shaving. Refined berries immediately go for processing. After pressing the juice, the meal is dried to a bulk state and used to obtain sea buckthorn oil.

The fruits of sea buckthorn are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Due to the unique composition of the berries, use for the production of drugs on an industrial scale, and some recipes for a home aid kit reached us through the century.

Other sea buckthorn names - Dereza, Buckle, Jide. In nature, two varieties of this sea buckthorn plant are crapped and solarmed. The first variety is cultivated.

Where can I get a sea buckthorn?

In natural conditions, it grows along the shores of water bodies on sandy soils and pebbles, in the mountains. Widespread in Siberia, almost everywhere in Europe and in the moderate climatic zone of Asia, can be found in the mountainous regions of China, Pakistan and India.

Sea buckthorn plantings are used to secure road slopes, ravines, sands, to create alive hedges, as a decorative plant and in order to produce crop fruit.

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The composition and value of sea buckthorn

The value of sea buckthorn lies in its unique composition, rich in various biologically active substances. In aggregate with low calorie content, this berry is excellent for inclusion in the diet with dietary and healing nutrition.

The fruits are extremely rich in carotenoids. The brighter, the darker color of the berries, the higher their content.

In small quantities contains vitamin K.

From the list of water-soluble vitamins: C, PP, B Vitamins B.

From minerals in sea buckthorn berries are present: iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium calcium.

The leaves and bark sea buckthorn are also valuable medicinal raw materials. They contain tubyl substances and serotonin that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and overwhelming cancer cells.

Use of preventive and therapeutic purposes

The sea buckthorn is known as a medicinal plant has long been. True, it was originally discovered as a means of imparting an external gloss for horses. Currently, widespread use of sea buckthorn in medicine, both folk and official.

In preventive purposes, fresh berries are used as an immunostimulator and to replenish the deficit of vitamins and trace elements. They have a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system (prevention of atherosclerosis) and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

Fruits have sour taste, so more often used in the form of juice. Berries are drunk with sugar add in teas, cocktails, desserts.

The oil from fruits and bones of sea buckthorn has pronounced regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used externally for the treatment of burns, lesions of mucous membranes and skin, stimulation of regenerative processes in the postoperative period.

Sea buckthorn oil is prescribed for reception inside during gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Extracts and extracts from fruits and leaves are widely used not only in medical preparations, but also in cosmetics.


Sea buckthorn and preparations on its basis should be used with caution in exacerbation of the diseases of the horizontal bubble and liver. It is also not recommended that the use of fruits under urolithiasis and increased secretion of the gastric juice due to the high content of acids.

Methods of workpiece

The harvesting of the berries is produced during the ripening period in the fall or winter already frozen fruits. Useful properties of berries are maximally saved throughout the year. Water buckthorn berries due to high acid content can be stored in the refrigerator for several months. You can only dry the berries assembled to frosts, with intact skin.

The leaves and bark can be collected within the course of the year, but the most effective will be the spring fee. It is better to store them in dry.

Raw materials for the production of sea buckthorn oil can serve both solid fruits and cake, remaining after pressing the juice. It can be dried or freeze and use as needed to prepare fresh portions of healing oil.

The easiest way to get one hundred percent natural sea buckthorn oil is a cold spin. The juice obtained by the juice is designed for 2-3 days in a cool darkened place. A small amount of oil will bring together on the surface. It needs to be assembled with a pipette or spoon. Store in the refrigerator no more than six months. It is most suitable for cosmetic purposes, but the output of the finished product is very small.

A drop of sea buckthorn oil to a conventional cream will help keep the skin of a young and healthy, protects from dying and dryness, and rubbing into the skin of the head before washing the hair will strengthen them and give a special gloss.

To emphasize the taste of sea buckthorn juice, it is better to add sugar into it and dilute with boiled water from the calculation: a glass of water and 4 tablespoons of sugar sand on 3 glasses of pure juice.

Ideal for thick, thorny swelling. It looks good in the gardens, it is also used when landing urban green spaces. It has decorative, silver leaves and very picturesque, bright orange berries, which can be an excellent emphasis in the winter garden. Moreover, fruits sea buckthornedible, however, they should be collected only after the first frosts - they then get rid of the expressive tart of the taste.


Sea buckthorn, or crashing (Lat. Hippophaë RhamnoíDes) Shrub or tree, refers to the Loche family. In nature is growing in Europe and Asia. These plants are resistant to frost, drought, winds, contaminated air, are also not demanding for growing. Sea buckthorn can also be used as a household plant - it has decorative, silver-gray leaves, bright (and to this healthy and delicious) fruits, can also be used to create live elevations and to strengthen the slopes and slopes of the site. Sea buckthorn is sometimes called "Russian Pineapple". It has a very exotic, original appearance.


- Big, bulk shrub, grows quite slowly, but can grow up to about 4-6 m in height, with a diameter of the crown about 3-5 meters. It has improper, asymmetric cover and spread, tight, widespread branches that are covered with a smooth, brownish crust. The branches are covered with thin, rigid and fairly sharp spikes. The sea buckthorn forms thick, confused, and thanks to numerous root system processes, this shrub expresses quite widely.

Sea buckthorn seasonal plant. The leaves are developing in spring and are an interesting decoration of the plant - from above gray-green, silver, gentle, gently covered with snacks, 7 cm long, narrow and hard.

Flowers appear even before the development of leaves (March-April), they are small, yellow-green, quite characteristically smelling, but do not have too much decorative value. Sea buckthorn plant dwarm , There are male and female specimens. Fruits appear only on female individuals, but to come to dusting, at the close distance, from each other, at least two types of shrubs should grow. After pollination, fruits appear on women's bushes - small, spherical, orange bonuses that begin to ripen in August, but they completely mature only in October. The fruits of sea buckthorn are edible, but they can only be collected after the first frosts (earlier very tart). During harvest due to spikes, it is necessary to use gloves. If they are not assembled, they will hang on the bush until the spring, being feed and delicacy for birds. The sea buckthorn is straightforwards with fruits, it is also an interesting decorative element in the garden.

Growing conditions

Sea buckthorn is required solar plot. The bushes planted in the shadows, chant. This plant prefers light soil, sandy, permeable and sufficiently dry. It grows very poorly in heavy soil, clay, podmokh. But they like the high humidity of the air, therefore it grows very often in coastal areas (on dunes and rocks). Shrubs carry the salinization of soil and air pollution, also completely frost-resistant.

Sea buckthorn can be planted as early spring and autumn. The plant is planted in a hole in a depth and a width of about 80 cm. On the bottom of the hole is worth putting a layer of compost - then it is not necessary frequent fertilizer application (this plant lives in symbiosis with bacteria binding nitrogen with air). If we want to create a live fence from sea buckthorn, the bushes should be planted at a distance of about 80-100 cm. Earth around planted bushes needed to ram, and the seedling should be abundantly pouring. Plants watered abundantly during the first 3 years from landing. Adult specimens are sufficiently resistant to drought. Every year, in the spring, the ground around the bushes is leaving, let's sweat. Also, planting should be poured.

If we count on fruits sea buckthornIt should be remembered that this is a bombing plant - dusting flowers on the bushes with female colors occurs in pollen from the colors of men's bushes. Therefore, on 6-8 female species should plant at least one male copy. Female copies can be recognized only when they are 3-4 years old and begin to bloom - their floral buds are smaller and the total amount is less.

Care procedures

Recently, planted bushes need to shorten shoots so that the plant makes new sprouts and thickened well - we do it in early spring. After a few years from landing, you can thus form a sea buckthorn. Later, shrubs are not trimmed, because they are very poorly restored. Cut out only dry, broken, damaged branches.

Sea buckthorn grows burly And over time, it can drown out the rest of the plants, so it is necessary to systematically remove the root processes that quickly multipliate. The processes should be out, and not cut off. We do it in late autumn or at the beginning of summer, when young roots are not yet worn.

Shrubs pretty resistant to pests But sometimes it may appear or. Weathequent plants can be infected with such diseases as: fusariosis, verticillosis.

Sea buckthorn can be prompted seeds (generative reproduction), from root Cherenkov or escape (Vegetative reproduction). Seeds are sulving in the soil in autumn or withstand () and sow spring. After 3-4 years it will be possible to separate men's individuals from female (when to bloom).

Root cuttings They dig, cut off (the bush is rooted rather finely), and then cut into smaller parts and put in penetrating soil, which should be constantly slightly humid. Newly emerging plants plant in the spring.

Vegetative escape We take at the beginning of the summer, should have a length of about 15-20 cm and several leaf kidneys. We put them in the sand and peat mixture, the mixture should be constantly slightly humid, in a bright place, but not the sun. In the soil planted in the spring next year.

Application and useful properties

The sea buckthorn is suitable for thick, thorny alive hedges. It looks beautiful in large gardens or forest land, in urban landings. It has decorative silver leaves and very decorative, bright orange edible fruits. Fruits sea buckthorn contain vitamins (A, groups B, D, E, F, K, P a lot of vitamin C, which does not disintegrate during cooking, because the plant does not have enzymes folding this vitamin), mineral substances (boron, manganese, iron), and Also sugar, carotene, folic acid, tanning substances, anthocyans and much more. Sea buckthorn can be used for diseases of the digestive system (stomach, liver), respiratory organs, with skin disease . Favorably acts on the immune system, in addition, counteracts aging skin (oil from seeds). Therapeutic raw materials are fruits and seeds (oil).

Fruits juicy and fragrant, after frosts become sweeter, suitable for jam, marmalade, jumped (contain a lot of pectin), mashed potatoes, jelly, juice, puff. They can also be dried.

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