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History of medical discoveries. Scientific discovery: learned to turn brown eyes into blue

Today's world became very technological. And medicine tries to keep the brand. New achievements are increasingly associated with genetic engineering, clinics and doctors are already fully used by "cloud technologies", and the transplant 3D organs will promise to become common practice.

Fighting oncology at the genetic level

In the first place of the rating - medical project from Google. A subsidiary of the company called Google Ventures invested $ 130 million in the "cloud" project "Flatiron", aimed at combating oncology in medicine. The project collects daily and analyzes hundreds of thousands of data on cases of cancer, transmitting conclusions to doctors.

According to the director of Google Ventures Bill Marisa, in a short time, treatment of cancer will be held at the genetic level, and chemotherapy after 20 years will be primitive as a floppy disk or telegraph.

Wireless technology in medicine

Health bracelets or "smart watch" - A good example of how modern technology in medicine helps people be healthy. Through the usual devices, each of us can control cardiac rhythms, blood pressure, measuring steps and the number of calorie dropped.

Some bracelet models provide for the transfer of data "to the cloud" for further analysis by doctors. On the Internet you can upload dozens of health control programs, such as Google Fit or HealthKit.

Alivecor went even further and offered a device that is synchronized with the smartphone and allows you to do eCG snapshot at home. The device is a case with special sensors. This snapshot over the Internet is coming to your doctor.

Restoration of hearing and vision

Cochlear implant for hearing restoration

In 2014, Australian scientists offered a method for treating hearing at the genetic level. The medical method is based on painlessly introduce into the human body DNA-containing drug, within which the "sewn" cochlear implant. The implant interacts with the cells of the hearing nerve and the hearing is gradually returning to the patient.

Bionic eye to restore vision

Using implant "Bionic eye" Scientists have learned to restore vision. The first medical operation was held in the USA back in 2008. In addition to the transplanted artificial retina, patients are issued special glasses with a built-in camera. The system allows you to perceive a full picture, distinguish between the colors and outlines of objects. Today in the queue for a similar operation costs over 8,000 people

Medicine stepped closer to the treatment of AIDS

Scientists from Rockefeller University (New York, USA) together with a pharmaceutical company GlaxosmithKline held clinical tests of medical a drugbut GSK744.which is able reduce the likelihood of HIV infection by more than 90%. The substance can suppress the work of the enzyme, with which HIV modifies the DNA of the cell and then multiplies in the body. The work has significantly closer to scientists to the creation of a new medicine against HIV.

Organs and fabrics using 3D printers

3D bioprinting: organs and fabrics are printed using printer

Over the past 2 years, scientists in practice were able to achieve creating organs and tissues using 3D printers And successfully implant them in the patient's body.

Modern medical technologies allow you to create prostheses of hands and legs, parts of the spine, ears, nose, internal organs and even tissue cells.

In the spring of 2014, the doctors of the University Medical Center of Utrecht (Holland) successfully conducted the first in the history of medicine the cranial bone transplantation created using a 3D printer.

Hello everybody! At the urgent requests of my blog readers, I continue to talk about what great discoveries in medicine are made by chance. Beginning of this story you can read.

1. How the X-ray opened

Do you know how the x-ray was opened? It turns out that at the beginning of the last century, no one knew anything about this apparatus. This radiation first discovered the German scientist Wilhelm X-ray.

How did the transactions of the past century doctors? Blindly! Doctors did not know where the bone was broken or sits a bullet, they rely only on their intuition, and sensitive hands.

Opening occurred by chance of November 1895. The scientist conducted experiments using a glass tube in which the spaced air was located.

Schematic image of an X-ray tube. X - X-rays, k - cathode, and - anode (sometimes called an anticatode), C - heat sink, Uh - cathode voltage, UA - accelerating voltage, Win - water cooling intake, WOUT - water cooling.

When he extends the light in the laboratory and gathered to leave, then noticed a green glow in a jar on the table. As it turned out, it was the result of the fact that he forgot to turn off his device, which stood in another corner of the laboratory. When the device is turned off, the glow disappeared.

The scientist decided to cover the tube with black cardboard, and then create darkness in the room itself. He placed various items on the path of the rays: sheets of paper, boards, books, but the rays were easily passing through them. When the scholar hand accidentally hit the rays, he saw the dice.

Skeleton, like metal, turned out to be impenetrable for rays. X-ray was also surprised when he saw the plate for the photo that was in this room also lit up.

He suddenly realized that this is some kind of extraordinary case that no one has seen. The scientist was so stunned, which decided not yet to tell anyone about it, but he himself explore this incomprehensible phenomenon! Wilhelm called this radiation - "Light of X". This is so surprising and suddenly an X-ray beam was opened.

The physicist decided to continue to spend this curious experiment. He called his wife Bert, offering her to put his hand under the "Ray of X". After that, they were stunned both. The spouses saw the skeleton of a man's hands who did not die, but was alive!

They suddenly understood that a new discovery in the field of medicine had happened, and such an important! And were right! Until today, all medicine uses x-ray. It was the first x-ray in history.

For this discovery in 1901, X-ray was awarded the first Nobel Prize in the field of physics. Then scientists did not know that the improper use of X-ray is dangerous to health. Many got heavy burns. Nevertheless, the scientist lived to 78 years old, studying scientific research.

At this greatest opening, a large area of \u200b\u200bmedical technologies was developed and improved, for example, computer tomography and the same "X-ray" telescope, which is able to capture rays from space.

Today without X-ray or tomography does not do any operation. So an unexpected find saves people's lives, helping the doctors to accurately organize the diagnosis and find a sick organ.

With their help it is possible to determine the authenticity of the paintings, distinguish real gems from the fake, and it became easier to delay the smuggling goods at the customs.

The most striking thing is that it is all based on a random, ridiculous experiment.

2.Cax opened Penicillin

Another unexpected event was the discovery of Penicillin. In the first world war, most of the soldiers died from various infections that fell on their wounds.

When the Scottish doctor - Alexander Fleming took up the study of staphylococcal bacteria, he discovered that mold appeared in his laboratory. Fleming suddenly saw the bacteria of staphylococcus, which were not far from mold began to die!

In the future, he brought a substance from the very mold, which destroys bacteria, which was called "Penicillin". But Fleming could not bring this discovery to the end, because It was not possible to allocate pure penicillin, suitable for injections.

Some time passed when Ernst Chain and Howard Flory accidentally found an unfamiliated Fleming experiment. They decided to bring it to the end. After 5 years, they received pure penicillin.

Scientists introduced him to sick mice, and rodents survived! And those who have not been introduced new medicine - died. It was a real bomb! This miracle helped heal from many ailments, among which can be called rheumatism, pharyngitis, even syphilis.

In fairness I must say that back in 1897, a young military doctor from Lyon Ernest Dushen, watching the Arab bumps lubricate wounds in horses, grated saddles, scraping mold from the same wet saddles, made the opening mentioned above. He conducted research on guinea pigs and wrote a doctoral dissertation about the beneficial properties of penicillin. However, the Paris Institute of Pasteur did not accept this work even to consideration, referring to the fact that the author was only 23 years old. Glory came to Dushen (1874-1912) only after death, 4 years after receiving Sir Fleming Nobel Prize.

3. How opened insulin

Insulin was also unexpectedly obtained. It is this drug that delivers millions of people with diabetes mellitus. In humans with diabetes, one common feature was accidentally detected - the damage to the cells of the pancreas, distinguishing the hormone, which coordinates blood sugar levels. This is insulin.

It was opened in 1920. Two surgeons from Canada - Charles Best and Frederick Banting studied the formation of this hormone in dogs. They injected a sick animal that hormone, which was formed from a healthy dog.

The result exceeded all the expectations of scientists. After 2 hours in a sick dog, the hormone level was reduced. Next, the experiments were carried out on patients with cows.

In January 1922, scientists dared to conduct a test on a person, making an injection of a 14-year-old boy with diabetes mellitus. It passed a little time as the young man became easier. So the discovery of insulin occurred. Today this drug saves millions of lives throughout the world.

Today we talked about three great discoveries in medicine that was done by chance. This is not the last article on such an interesting topic, go to my blog, I will please you with new curious news. Show an article to friends, because it is also interesting to know.

The beginning of the 21st century was marked by many discoveries in the field of medicine, which 10-20 years ago wrote in fantastic novels, and patients themselves could only dream of them. And although many of these discoveries are waiting for a long road to introduce into clinical practice, they are already not related to the category of conceptual developments, but are actually working devices, let it still be massively used in medical practice.

1. Artificial heart abiocor

In July 2001, a group of surgeons from Louisville (Kentucky) managed to implant the patient an artificial heart of a new generation. The device that received the name ABIOCOR was implanted by a person who suffered from heart failure. Artificial heart was developed by AbiMed, Inc .. Although such devices were used before, ABIOCOR is the most perfect in its own way.

In previous versions, the patient had to be attached to a huge console through the tubes and wiring, which was implanted with the skin. This meant that a person remained chained to the bed. ABIOCOR is completely autonomously exist within the human body, and it does not need additional tubes or wiring, which come out.

2. Bio science liver

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a bio-special liver came to Dr. Kennenet Matsumura (Kenneth Matsumura), who decided to approach the question in a new way. The scientist has created a device that uses liver cells collected in animals. The device is considered to be bio-special, since it consists of biological and artificial material. In 2001, the bio-special liver was named the invention of the year version of the Time magazine.

3. Tablet with camera

With this tablet, you can diagnose cancer in the earliest stages. The device was created in order to obtain high-quality color images in limited spaces. The tablet camera can fix the signs of the esophagus cancer, its size is approximately equal to the width of the adult nail and twice it is longer.

4. Bionic contact lenses

Bionic contact lenses developed researchers at Washington University (University of Washington). They managed to connect elastic contact lenses with a printed electronic circuit. This invention helps the user to see the world, overlapping computerized pictures over its own view. According to inventors, bionic contact lenses can be useful to the chaffins and pilots, showing it routes, weather information or vehicles. In addition, these contact lenses can follow such physical indicators of a person as the level of cholesterol, the presence of bacteria and viruses. The collected data can be sent to the computer using the wireless transmission.

5. Bionic hand ilimb

Created by David Glow (David Gow) in 2007, the Bionic hand Ilimb became the first artificial limb in the world, which is equipped with five individually mechanized fingers. Users of the device will be able to take objects of various shapes in the hand - for example, pens of cups. Ilimb consists of 3 separate parts: 4 fingers, thumb and palm. Each of the parts contains its control system.

6. Robots assistants during operations

Surgeons have been using robotic hands for some time, but now a robot has appeared, which can independently carry out the operation. A group of scientists from Duke University (Duke University) has already tested the robot. They used it on the dead turkey (since the turkey meat has a similar structure with human). The success of robots is estimated at 93%. Of course, it is too early to talk about autonomous surgeons, however, this invention is a serious step in this direction.

7. Device reading thoughts

"Reading Thoughts" is the term used by psychologists, which implies subconscious detection and analysis of non-verbal signals, such as facial expressions or head movements. Such signals help people understand each other's emotional state. This invention is the brainchild of three scientists from Mit Media Lab. The car's reading thoughts scans the user's brain signals and notify those who are communicating with. The device can be used to work with autists.

8. Elekta Axesse.

Elekta Axesse is a modern device for dealing with cancer. It was created in order to treat tumors throughout the body - in the spine, lungs, prostate, liver and many others. Elekta Axesse combines several functionality. The device can produce stereotactic radiosurgery, stereotactic radiation therapy, radiosurgery. During the treatment of the doctor, the ability to observe the 3D image of the site that will be processed.

9. Exoskeleton Elegs.

Elegs exoskeleton is one of the most impressive inventions of the 21st century. It is easy to use, and patients can wear it not only in the hospital, but also at home. The device allows you to stand, walk and even climb the steps. Exoskell is suitable for people with growth from 157 cm to 193 cm and weighing up to 100 kg.

10 . Greoping

This device in order to assist in communication with people chained to bed. The chapel is the general creation of researchers from Ebeling Group, Not Impossible Foundation and Graffiti Research Lab. The basis of the technology is the cheap, tracking eye movement glasses equipped with open source software. Such points allow people suffering from neuromuscular syndrome, to communicate, drawing or recording on the screen using the movement of the eye and convert it to the line on the display.

Ekaterina Martynenko

Often, scientific inventions are pleasantly surprised and optimism. Below are six inventions that may be widely used in the future and will facilitate the life of patients. We read and wonder!

Grilled blood vessels

20 percent of people in the US dying every year due to smoking cigarettes. The most commonly used non-smoking methods are actually ineffective. Researchers at Harvard University found during research that nicotine chewing gums and plasters weakly help avid smokers custody to quit smoking.

Nicotine chewing gums and plasters weakly help avid smokers with guard to quit smoking.

Chrono Therapeutics, located in Hayward, California, USA proposed a device that combines technology and smartphone, and gadget. In terms of its action, it looks like a plaster, but its effectiveness is increased many times. Smokers are on the wrist a small electronic device that occasionally, but when it is most necessary for a smoker with experience, it supplies nicotine to the body. In the morning after awakening and after eating, the device tracks "peak" for a smoker moments when the need for Nicotine is growing, and immediately reacts to it. Since nicotine can interfere with sleep, the device turns off when a person falls asleep.

The electronic gadget is connected to the application in the smartphone. The smartphone uses game methods (game approaches that are widespread in computer games for non-game processes) to help users track health improvements after refusal from cigarettes, giving tips at each new stage ,. Also, users help each other fight with a bad habit, overlooking a special network and exchanging proven recommendations. Chrono plans to explore the gadget additionally this year. Scientists hope that the product will appear on the market in 1.5 years.

Neuromodulation in the treatment of arthritis and crown disease

Artificial operational of nerve activity (neuromodulation) will help heal such heavy diseases as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease .. To achieve this, scientists plan to embed a small electric stimulator near the vagus nerve in the neck area. The company, located in Valencia, California (USA), uses in its work the opening of the Neurosurgeon Kevin J. Tracy. He claims that the wandering nerve of the body helps reduce inflammation. In addition, the invention of the gadget pushed studies proving that people with inflammatory processes there is a low activity of the vagus nerve.

Setpoint Medical is developing a device using electrical stimulation to treat such inflammatory diseases as. The first tests on the SETPoint volunteer inventions will begin in the next 6-9 months, says the head of Anthony Arnold.

Scientists hope that the device will reduce the need for drugs that possess side effects. "This is for the immune system," says the head of the company.

Chip will help move under paralysis

Researchers in Ohio seek to help paralyzed people move their hands and legs using a computer chip. It connects the brain directly to the muscles. The device called NeuroLife has already helped a 24-year-old young man with a diagnosis of quadriplegia (four limbs) to move the hand. Thanks to the invention, the patient was able to hold the credit card in his hand and to carry out it on the reading device. In addition, now the young man boasts a game of guitar in a video game.

The device called NeuroLife helped a man with a diagnosis of quadriplegia (paralysis of 4x limbs) to move the hand. The patient was able to hold the credit card in his hand and spend it on the reading device. It boasts a game on a guitar in a video game.

The chip transfers the brain signals to the software that recognizes which movements a person wants to make. The program discode signals before sending them by wires in clothing with electrodes ().

The device is developed by researchers in Battlele, a non-profit research organization and at the University of Ohio, USA. The most difficult task was the development of software algorithms that decipher the intentions of the patient through the brain signals. Then the signals are converted into electrical impulses, and the hands of patients begin to move, says Herb Bresler, senior Battlelle research leader.

Robots Surgeons

A surgical robot with a tiny mechanical wrist can make tissue micro-breaks.

Researchers from Vanderbilt University are striving to introduce minimally invasive surgery into the scope with the help of a robot. He has a tiny mechanical hand for minimal tissue cutting.

The robot consists of a hand made from tiny concentric tubes, with a mechanical wrist at the end. The wrist thickness is less than 2 mm, and it can be rotated 90 degrees.

In the last decade, robots surgeons are increasingly used. The laparoscopy feature is that cuts are only 5 to 10 mm. Such tiny cuts compared with traditional surgery allow tissues much faster to speed up restoration and make healing much less painful. But this is not the limit! Brokes can still be half less. Dr. Robert Webster hopes that its technology will be widely used in the igloft (microlaparoscopic) surgery, where cuts are required less than 3 mm.

Screening cancer

The most important in the treatment of cancer is the early diagnosis of the disease. Unfortunately, many tumors remain unnoticed until it becomes too late. Vadim Beckman, Biomedical Engineer and Professor of the North-West University, works on early diagnosis of cancer using non-invasive diagnostic test.

Easy cancer is difficult to detect at an early stage without expensive X-ray pictures. This type of diagnosis can be dangerous for low-risk patients. But for the Beckman Dough, which indicates that the lung cancer began to develop, neither irradiation nor the preparation of lung election nor the determination of oncomarcers who are far from always reliable. It is enough to take samples of cells ... from the inside the patient's cheek. The test detects changes in the cellular structure using light to measure changes.

A special microscope developed by the Bekman laboratory allows you to make a survey available (about 100 dollars) and quick. If the test result is positive, then the patient will be recommended to continue further examination. PREORA DIAGNOSTICS, Bekman co-founder, hopes to present its first screening lung cancer screen on the market in 2017.

In the 21st century, scientists surprise the striking discoveries each year, which is hard to believe. Nanorobot, capable of killing cancer cells, converting brown eyes into blue, skin color, 3D printer, body tissue (it is very useful to solving problems) - Not a complete list of news from the world of medicine. Well, we are looking forward to new inventions!

Physics is one of the most important sciences studied by a person. Her presence is noticeable in all spheres of life, sometimes discoveries even change the course of history. Therefore, great physicists are so interesting and meaningful to people: their work is relevant even after many centuries after their death. What scientists should you know first?

Andre-Marie Ampere

The French physicist was born in the family of a merchant from Lyon. The parent library was full of works by leading scientists, writers and philosophers. Since childhood, Andre was fond of reading, which helped him gain deep knowledge. By the twelve years, the boy has already studied the foundations of higher mathematics, and next year he presented his work in the Lyon Academy. Soon he began to give private lessons, and from the 1802th she worked as a teacher of physics and chemistry, first in Lyon, and then at the Paris Polytechnic School. Ten years later he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences. The names of great physicists are often associated with the concepts, the study of which they devoted life, and the amp is no exception. He was engaged in the problems of electrodynamics. The unit of power of electric current is measured in amperes. In addition, it was the scientist who introduced many of the terms used and now. For example, these are the definitions of the "galvanometer", "voltage", "electric current" and many others.

Robert Boyl

Many great physicists led their work at the time when the technique and science were practically in its infancy, and despite this, they achieved success. For example, the native of Ireland. He was engaged in a variety of physical and chemical experiments, developing an atomistic theory. In 1660, he managed to discover the law of changes in the volume of gases depending on the pressure. Many of his great time had no idea about atoms, and Boyle was not only convinced of their existence, but also formed several concepts associated with them, such as "elements" or "primary corpuscles". In 1663 he managed to invent Lacmus, and in the 1680th he was the first to propose a method of obtaining phosphorus from bones. Boyle was a member of the Royal Society London and left behind many scientific papers.

Niels Bor.

Often, great physicists turned out to be significant scientists and in other areas. For example, Nils Bor was also a chemist. Member of the Danish Royal Society of Sciences and Leading Scientist of the twentieth century, Nils Bor was born in Copenhagen, where he received a higher education. For a while collaborated with English physicists Thomson and Rutherford. Bor's scientific works became the basis for creating a quantum theory. Many great physicists later worked in the directions originally created by Nils, for example, in some areas of theoretical physics and chemistry. Few people know, but he was also the first scientist who laid the foundation of the periodic system of elements. In the 1930s. Mounted a lot of most important discoveries in the atomic theory. For achievements, the Nobel Prize in Physics was noted.

Max Born

Many great physician scientists were from Germany. For example, Max Born was born in Breslau, in the family of professors and pianists. From childhood he was fond of physics and mathematics and entered the University of Göttingen to study them. In 1907, Max Born defended his thesis dedicated to the stability of elastic tel. Like other great scientists of the physics of that time, for example, Nils Bor, Max collaborated with Cambridge specialists, namely with Thomson. Inspired by Born and ideas Einstein. Max was engaged in studying crystals and developed several analytical theories. In addition, Born created the mathematical basis of quantum theory. Like other physicists, the Great Patriotic War, the antimylitarist Born categorically did not want, and during the years of battles he had to emigrate. Subsequently, he will oppose nuclear weapons condemnation. For all his achievements, Max Born received the Nobel Prize, and was also adopted by many scientific academies.

Galileo Galilei

Some great physicists and their discoveries are associated with the sphere of astronomy and natural science. For example, Galilee, Italian scientist. Having learned medicine at the University of Pisa, he got acquainted with the physics of Aristotle and began to read the ancient mathematicians. Fasciating by these sciences, threw her studies and engaged in the composition of "small weights" - work that helped to determine the mass of metal alloys and described the centers of gravity of figures. Galilee became famous among Italian mathematicians and received a place at the Department in Pisa. After some time, he became the courty philosopher Duke Medici. In his works, he studied the principles of equilibrium, dynamics, drops and movement of bodies, as well as the strength of materials. In 1609, he built the first telescope, giving a three-time increase, and then with thirty dwellers. His observations gave information about the surface of the moon and the size of the stars. Galilee discovered Jupiter satellites. Its discoveries produced a furor in the scientific sphere. Garlie's great physicist was not too approved by the church, and this determined the attitude towards him in society. Nevertheless, he continued to work, which was the reason for the denunciation in the Inquisition. He had to abandon his teachings. But after all, in a few years, treatises about the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, created on the basis of the ideas of Copernicus, were published: with explanation, that this is only a hypothesis. So, the most important contribution of the scientist was preserved for society.

Isaac Newton

The inventions and statements of great physicists often become a kind of metaphors, but the legend about the apple and the law of the most famous for everyone. Every character is the hero of this story, according to which he opened the law of gravity. In addition, the scientist developed an integral and differential calculus, became the inventor of a mirror telescope and wrote a lot of fundamental work on optics. Modern physicists consider it the creator of classic science. Newton was born in the poor family, he studied in a simple school, and then in Cambridge, in parallel working a servant to pay for study. Already in the early years, ideas came to him, which in the future will be the basis for the invention of calculus systems and the discovery of the law. In 1669, he became a teacher of the Department, and in the 1672-member of the Royal Society London. In 1687, the most important work was published under the name "beginning". For invaluable achievements in 1705, Newton was granted a nobility.

Christians Guiggens

Like many other great people, physicists were often talented in different spheres. For example, Guigens Christians, Hague's native. His father was a diplomat, a scientist and writer, the son received an excellent education in the legal sphere, but carried away by mathematics. In addition, Christians spoke perfectly on Latin, knew how to dance and ride the ride, musitized on Little and Clavesis. As a child, he managed to build himself independently and worked on it. At the university years, Guigens corresponded to the Paris mathematician a mercury, which greatly influenced the young man. Already in 1651, he published work on the square of the circle, ellipses and hyperboles. His works allowed him to gain a reputation as a wonderful mathematics. Then he became interested in both physics, wrote several works about the colliding bodies, which seriously influenced the submission of contemporaries. In addition, he made a contribution to optics, designed a telescope and even wrote the work on calculations in a gambling game associated with the theory of probability. All this makes it an outstanding figure in the history of science.

James Maxwell

Great physicists and their discoveries deserve all interest. So, James Clerk Maxwell has achieved impressive results with whom it is worth familiar with anyone. He became the founder of the theories of electrodynamics. The scientist was born in the noble family and was educated at Edinburgh and Cambridge universities. For achievements was adopted in the London Royal Society. Maxwell opened the Cavendish laboratory, which was equipped with the latest technology for physical experiments. During the work, Maxwell studied electromagnetism, kinetic theory of gases, color vision and optics. He showed himself as an astronomer: it was he who established that stable and consist of non-related particles. He also studied the dynamics and electricity, having a serious impact on Faraday. Exhaustive treatises of many physical phenomena are still considered relevant and in demand in a scientific environment, making Maxwell one of the greatest specialists in this field.

Albert Einstein

The future scientist was born in Germany. Since childhood, Einstein loved mathematics, philosophy, was fond of reading scientific and popular books. For education, Albert went to the Technological Institute, where he studied his favorite science. In 1902 he became an employee of the Patent Bureau. Over the years of work, it will publish several successful scientific papers. The first works are associated with thermodynamics and interaction between molecules. In 1905, one of the works was adopted as a dissertation, and Einstein became a doctor of science. Alberta belonged many revolutionary ideas about the energy of electrons, the nature of light and photoeffect. The most important was the theory of relativity. The conclusions of Einstein transformed the representations of humanity about time and space. Absolutely deservedly he was marked by the Nobel Prize and was recognized in the whole scientific world.