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Skin - galvanic reaction of the KGR. Electrojulography

However, modern psycho-physiology was born when the French physician Ferre first noted that the electrical properties of the skin change in emotional situations. Now we know that the Ferre indirectly observed the activity of the sweat glands.

The person has 2 - 3 million sweat glands, but their number in different parts of the body varies greatly. For example, on the palms and soles of about 400 sweat glands on 1 cm of the skin surface, on the forehead - about 200, on the back - about 60. The selection of sweat glands occurs constantly, even when it does not appear on the skin. During the day, it is distinguished near the liquid half liter. In severe heat, the loss of fluid can reach 3.5 l / h.
There are two types of sweat glands: apocryine and eccritine.

Apokrin Potion glands, located in the armpits and in groin, determine the smell of the body and react to stratum stimuli. They do not affect the regulation of body temperature.

Ecrine Potomy glands are located along the entire body surface and distinguish between the usual sweat, the main components of which are water and sodium chloride. Their main function is thermoregulation, i.e. Maintaining a constant body temperature. Heat is formed when cutting muscles and with metabolism. Our body seeks to maintain the inner temperature at a constant level of about 36-37 ° C by recoiling heat with exhaled air and through the skin. One of the means of increasing skin heat transfer is thermoregulation sweating.

All these reactions control the reflex center, which is in the hypothalamus and reacts to the blood temperature. The reflex sweating occurs automatically before the body begins to be at risk overheating.

Other eccrint glands react not so much on temperature changes as the external stimuli and stress. These sweat glands are focused on the palms and soles, as well as to a lesser extent, on the forehead and under the mouse. The unit of the glands is not absolute, but relative. Under conditions of strong heat, "emotional" glands may respond to it, and thermostat iron regulatory glands may be responsible for it.

History of the question

In 1888. year Dr. Ferre described the following case. The patient with a hysterical anorexia, which he tactically names Madame X, complained about the sensations of electric tingling in the brushes and feet. Ferr noticed that these sensations were intensified when the patient inhaled some smell, looked at a piece of colored glass or listened to the sound of the camera. We do not know whether in the patient of tingling in the limbs, but during the Ferne survey found that when the weak current is passed through the forearm, systematic changes occurred in the electrical resistance of the skin. Two years later, Tarkhanov independently showed that similar electrical shifts can be observed without an external current application. Thus, it opened the skin potential and, in addition, it has established that this potential changes both with internal experiences and in response to sensory irritation.

Currently, EAAC combines a number of indicators: skin potential level, skin potential response, spontaneous skin potential response, leather resistance level, skin resistance response, spontaneous skin resistance reaction. The indicators of the skin were also used as indicators: level, reaction and spontaneous reaction. In all three cases, the "level" means the tonic component of the EAC, i.e. long-term changes in indicators; "Reaction" - the phasic component of the EAC, i.e. Fast, situational changes in EAC indicators; Spontaneous reactions are short-term changes that do not have a visible connection with external factors.
The origin and value of the EAC. The electrical activity of the skin is mainly due to the activity of sweat glands in the skin of a person, which in turn are under the control of the sympathetic nervous system.

In psycho-physiology, the electrical activity of the skin is used as an indicator of "emotional" sweating. As a rule, it is recorded from the tips of the fingers or palm, although it is possible to measure with the soles of the legs and from the forehead.

The invention relates to the field of medicine and medical equipment, in particular to methods and devices for diagnosing the condition of the living organism on the electrical conductivity of the skin, can be used in experimental and clinical medicine, as well as in psychophysiology, pedagogy and sports medicine. The invention allows to eliminate interference due to human movement artifacts, as well as caused by nebiological reasons (various electrical interference and hardware noise). The method is characterized in that they analyze the shape of each pulse in the pulse sequence in the frequency band of the phasic component. For this, the first and second time derivatives from the logarithm of electrical conductivity of the skin are recorded. Determine the value of the trend due to the tonic component, and adjust the value of the first derivative, deducted from it the value of the trend. Further, the time of the arrival of the pulse is the first derivative at the time of exceeding the value of the second derivative of the threshold value, and then analyzes the form of said impulse. In the satisfaction of the parameters of this form, the established criteria include the mentioned pulse to the impulses of the phasic component, and at default - to artifacts. 2 s. and 9 zp. F-lies, 6 yl.

The invention relates to the field of medicine and medical equipment, in particular to methods and devices for diagnosing the condition of a living organism on electrical conductivity of the skin, and can be used in experimental and clinical medicine, as well as in psychophysiology, pedagogy and sports medicine. It is known that the electrical conductivity of the skin of the living organism is a sensitive indicator of its physiological and mental state, and the parameters of the conductivity response to the external effect, the so-called skin-galvanic reaction (kGR), allows you to estimate the psychophysiological status of an individual. In the study, the Russian Federation distinguishes the indicators of the tonic and the phasic components of the electrodermal activity (EDA). Tonic activity characterizes changes in the conductivity of the skin, occurring relatively slowly with a period of several minutes and more. Fazic activity is processes that occur many faster on the background of tonic activity are their characteristic units of seconds. It is the phasic activity to greaterly and characterizes the body's reaction to the outer stimulus and is hereinafter referred to as the phasic component, or kGR. Known methods of registration of the CGR provide overlapping on the skin of the test pair of electrodes connected to the source of the probe current and the current recorder in the circuit of the electrode - the current source. The reaction takes place when sweat glands spoil the secret and short-term impulses arise in the chain. electric current. Such pulses are generated either spontaneously or as a result of a stressful or other stimulus. Known devices for registration of the CGR include the current source connected to the electrodes, as well as a block of registration of changes in the time of the electrical signal and its processing. The signal processing is the selection of the phasic component on the background of the tonic component. This can be provided, for example, in a block using a bridge and a number of DC amplifiers with an individual zero setting. The value of the tonic component (hereinafter referred to as the trend) is calculated analog path, and then subtracted from the signal. The baseline is shifted to zero on this value on the chopopostroitel. In another well-known device, the relative level of the phasic component compared with the tonic component of the electrodermic activity is highlighted by a circuit containing on the outputs of the appropriate amplifiers the filters of the upper and lower frequencies, as well as the division scheme. It should be noted that in the methods mentioned above and devices for registration of the skin-galvanic reaction are not provided for the means for analyzing the impulses themselves of the phasic component, while they can give additional information about the state of the subject. The closest to the claimed method is the method of registration of a leather-galvanic reaction implemented in the device. The method provides for the fastening on the human body of two electrodes, the supply of electrical voltage on them, the registration of changes in the time of the electric current flowing between the electrodes, and fixing the current pulses in the frequency band of the phase component of the electrodermic activity. The prototype of the device for registration of leather-galvanic reactions is the device implementing the aforementioned method. It has electrodes with the means of their fastening to the skin connected to the input device, the means for selecting signals in the frequency bands of the phasic and tonic components of the electrodermal activity, the means for detecting the phasic component pulses, means to reduce the amplitude of pulse interference, as well as the registration unit. However, the aforementioned method and the device are not free from artifacts, which are superimposed on the temporary sequence of kGR signals and are similar to the pulses of the phasic component. These artifacts are, for example, a consequence of uncontrolled human movements during registration (so-called. Motion Artifacts (AD)). In the signal can also appear noise due to changes in the contact resistance between, electrodes and human skin. The above-mentioned interference, including blood pressure, may have characteristic frequencies comparable to the phasic component, which puts them to identify and accounting to a special problem. Previously, this problem was solved by installing special sensors, in addition to the electrodermal, on the human body, which complicates the experiment (R.Nicula.- "Psychological Correlates of Nonspecific SCR", - Psychophysiology; 1991, Vol.28. No l, pp 86-90 ). In addition, the tonic component has minimal characteristic times of about a few minutes. These changes must be taken into account, especially in cases where the amplitude and frequency of the phasic component are reduced, and tonic changes are maximal. Such a process is characteristic of a hardware drift of the measuring path, and may be erroneously interpreted as an information signal. The objective of the present invention is to create a method for registering the KGR and the device for its implementation free of interference due to human movement artifacts, as well as interference caused by nebiological reasons (technogenic and atmospheric electrical discharges and hardware noise). This task is solved without using any additional devices similar to those described in the aforementioned work R.Nicula. Information about the interference is extracted directly from the KGR signal itself, and the method is based on a detailed analysis of the shape of each electrical pulse in the sequence of pulses coming from the electrodes. It is known that the impulse of the phasic component is a spontaneous short-term increase in the conductivity of the skin with the subsequent return to the initial level. Such a pulse has a specific form asymmetry: has a steep front and more gentle rear fronts (see "Principles of Psychophysiology. Physical, Social, And Inferential Elements. ED. John T. Cacioppo and Louis G. Tassinary. Cambridge University Press, 1990 P.305). To determine the desired parameters of this pulse, the KGR is differentiated in the logarithm of the input signal (for example, using an analog differential). The patent method includes the fastening on the human body of two electrodes, the supply of electrical voltage on them, the registration of changes in the time of the electric current flowing between the electrodes and fixing the current pulses in the frequency band of the phase component of the electrodermal activity. The method is characterized in that they analyze the shape of each pulse in the pulse sequence in the frequency band of the phasic component. To do this, the signal is recorded in the form of time derivative from the logarithm of the numerical value of the electric current, determine the value of the trend due to the changes in the signal in the frequency band of the tonic component of the electrodermal activity, and adjust the value of the first derivative, the value of the trend. Further, the second time derivative from the logarithm of the numerical value of the electrical current is determined, the beginning of the pulse of said signal at the time of exceeding the second derivative of the threshold value, and then determines the correspondence of the pulse shape set to the criteria. In the presence of such conformity, the analyzed pulse is referred to the pulses of the phasic component, and in the absence - refer to artifacts. The trend value can be defined as the average value of the first derivative over the time interval characteristic of the tonic component, mainly from 30 to 120 s. In addition, the trend value can be determined as the average value of the first derivative over the time interval 1-2 C under the condition that the values \u200b\u200bof the first and second derivatives are less than the specified threshold values \u200b\u200bduring this time interval. The arrival time of the pulse of the first derivative may be considered a moment when the second derivative exceeds the threshold value of at least 0.2%. When determining the pulse shape, the values \u200b\u200bof the maximum (F max) and the minimum (F MIN) of the first derivative minus the value of the trend are recorded, their ratio R, the time interval (T x) between the minimum and maximum of the first derivative. At the same time, the moments of achieving the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative are determined by the moment of changing the sign of the second derivative. The following inequalities may be the criteria for the accessories of the analyzed pulse to the signal of the phasic component of the electrocouctor activity (for filtered signal): 0.5< f MAX < 10; -2 < f min < -0,1; 1,8 < t x < 7; 1,5 < r < 10 Вышеприведенные существенные признаки патентуемого способа обеспечивают достижение технического результата - повышения помехозащищенности регистрации кожно-гальванической реакции в условиях реальных помех различного происхождения, а также артефактов движения самого испытуемого. Ниже описанные средства для реализации способа могут быть выполнены как приборным, так и программным путем и их сущность ясна из приведенного описания. Устройство для регистрации кожно-гальванических реакций содержит электроды со средствами их крепления, подключенные к входному устройству, средства для подавления импульсных помех, средства для выделения сигналов в полосах частот фазической и тонической составляющих электродермальной активности, средства для детектирования импульсов фазической составляющей и блок регистрации. Средства выделения сигнала в полосах частот тонической и фазической составляющих, средства для подавления импульсных помех и средства для детектирования импульсов фазической составляющей выполнены в виде последовательно подключенных к входному устройству фильтра нижних частот, блока преобразования логарифма входного сигнала в первую и вторую производные по времени и блока анализа формы импульсов, при этом выход последнего подключен к входу блока регистрации. Входное устройство может представлять собой стабилизированный источник электрического напряжения и резистор, подключенные последовательно к электродам, логарифмирующий усилитель с дифференциальным входным каскадом, при этом резистор шунтирует входы логарифмирующего усилителя. Блок преобразования логарифма входного сигнала в первую и вторую производные по времени может быть выполнен в виде первого и второго дифференциаторов и фильтра нижних частот, при этом выход первого дифференциатора подключен к входам второго дифференциатора и фильтра нижних частот, выходы которых являются выходами блока. Блок анализа формы может включать средства для определения максимальной скорости изменения проводимости на переднем и заднем фронтах анализируемого импульса, средства для определения асимметрии его формы, средства для определения ширины импульса, средства для сравнения упомянутых величин с установленными пределами для выработки сигнала принадлежности анализируемого импульса сигналу фазической составляющей электродермальной активности. Блок преобразования входного сигнала в первую и вторую производные по времени от его логарифма и блок анализа формы импульсов могут быть выполнены на базе компьютера, подключенного к входному устройству через аналого-цифровой преобразователь. По сведениям, которыми располагают изобретатели, технический результат - повышение достоверности при выделении импульсов фазической составляющей очевидным образом не следует из сведений, содержащихся в уровне техники. Изобретателям не известен источник информации, в котором бы раскрывалась применяемая методика анализа формы сигнала, позволяющая разделять полезные сигналы импульсов фазической составляющей и артефакты, в том числе обусловленные движениями испытуемого. Отмеченное позволяет считать изобретение удовлетворяющим условию патентоспособности "изобретательский уровень". В дальнейшем изобретение поясняется описанием конкретных, но не ограничивающих изобретения, вариантов его осуществления. На фиг. 1 представлена functional diagram Devices for registration of leather-galvanic reactions in accordance with the present invention; FIG. 2 - real example Forms of the source signal (A) and the results of its processing by the device according to the invention (B, C, D); FIG. 3 - hardware implementation of the pulse shape analysis unit; FIG. 4 - temporary diagrams explaining the functioning of the form analysis unit; FIG. 5 is an example of the implementation of the synchronization block; FIG. 6 - an example of a computer implementation of a device using digital signal processing; The patent method for registration of the skin-galvanic reaction is conveniently clarified on the examples of the operation of devices for its implementation. A device for registering a leather-galvanic reaction (FIG. 1) includes the input device 1 connected to the electrodes 2, 3 for connecting to the skin of 4 people. Electrodes can be performed in various versions, for example, in the form of two rings, bracelet on wrist and rings, bracelet with two electrical contacts. The only requirement for them: electrodes must provide stable electric contact with the skin of the subject. The electrodes 2, 3 are connected to a stabilized voltage source 5 through the R 6 resistor, and the resistor itself is connected to the input of the differential logarithming amplifier 7, the output of which is the output of the input device 1 and is connected to the input of the filter 8 of the lower frequencies. The filter output 8 is connected to the input of the first differentiation 9. The latter output is connected to the input of the second differentiator 10, the output of which is connected to the input 11 of the pulse shape analysis unit 12. In addition, the output of the first differentiator 9 is connected directly to block 12 through the input 13, as well as through the low-pass filter 14 to another input 15 of the form analysis unit 12. The signal from the release of the mentioned filter 14 of the lower frequencies is used in block 12 to compensate for the tonic component of the KGR. The cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter is about 1 Hz, and the filter frequency of the low-pass filter 14 is about 0.03 Hz, which corresponds to the upper boundaries of the frequency bands of the phase and tonic components of EDA. The pulse shape analysis unit 12 is connected to the registration unit 16. The invention can be implemented both hardware and software. In both cases, an analysis of the form of pulses of the phasic component of EDA, allowing them to separate them from the artifacts of motion and interference, is carried out using the characteristic parameters of the signal, which are then compared with the permissible limits. These characteristic parameters include: the maximum steepness of the front and rear pulse fronts: is expressed as the maximum (F max) and the minimum (F MIN) of the first derivative of the logarithm of the input signal (net of the trend); The width T X of the pulse, determined as the time interval between the moments of achieving the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative; The ratio of absolute values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative (net of trend) is maximum and minimum: R \u003d | (F max) | / | (F min) |. This value of G is a measure of the asymmetry of the analyzed pulse. Thus, the conditions for classifying the analyzed pulse to the impulse of the Fazic component of EDA, and not to artifacts of movement and interference, are inequalities: M 1< f MAX < m 2 ; m 3 < f min < m 4 ; r 1 < r < r 2 ;
T 1.< t x < t 2 "
M 1, M 2 - the smallest and most allowable values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative (net of trend) at the maximum,% / s;
M 3, M 4 - the smallest and most allowable values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative (net of trend) in a minimum,% / s;
T 1, T 2 is the minimum and maximum time between the extremums of the first derivative, C;
R 1, R 2 is the minimum and maximum value of R ratio. It is established that these limits vary greatly from one subject to another and for the same person with different measurements. At the same time, with statistical processing of research results, it was found that from 80 to 90% of the signals relate to the signals of the KGR, if the following numeric values \u200b\u200bare used: M 1 \u003d 0.5, m 2 \u003d 10, m 3 \u003d -2, M 4 \u003d - 0.1, T 1 \u003d 1.8, T 2 \u003d 7, R 1 \u003d 1.5, R 2 \u003d 10. FIG. 2 shows an example of processing the real signal of the KGR. On the curve A shows the form of the signal - U \u003d 100LN (i measuring) at the output of the logarithmic amplifier 7; On the curve B - the first U ", and on the curve C - the second U" Derivatives shown on the signal A signal. Since the scheme is provided to log forwarding, then after differentiation in the elements 9 and 10, the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the derivatives of the signal U "and U" "have the dimension% / s and% / s 2, respectively. There, in FIG. 2 Curve D is a result of the RAG signal recognition. The background of the trend and interference by the patent invention. Tags S 1 and S 2 show signals corresponding to the appearance of the appearance of the phasic component pulses. The experimental fact is drawn to the experimental fact that externally similar to the labeled marks S 1 and S 2 pulse in the time interval 20 - 26 C (shaded region) - is a hindrance. Checking the momentum compliance with the specified four criteria (*) is made by a form analysis unit 12. The trend value can be determined as the average value of the first derivative for the time interval characteristic of the tonic component, mainly from 30 to 120 s. except of that, the value of the trend can be determined as the average value of the first derivative for the time interval 1-2 and the condition that the values \u200b\u200bof the first and second derivatives are less than the specified threshold values \u200b\u200bduring this time interval. In the second variant, the trend is determined more accurately, however large quantities interference the aforementioned conditions may not be performed for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to determine the trend in the first way. FIG. 3 is represented as an example hardware implementation of the unit 12. In this embodiment, the trend is determined by the average value of the first derivative in the time 30 seconds. FIG. 4 shows the temporary charts explaining individual elements This block. The block 12 has three inputs 11, 13 and 15. Input 11, to which the second derivative of U "" is supplied, is a signal input of two comparators 17 and 18, and a zero potential is filed to the support input of the latter. The inputs 13 and 15 are inputs of the differential amplifier 19, the output of which is connected to the signal inputs of the schemes 20 and 21 samples and storage. The outputs of comparators 17, 18 are connected to the inputs of the synchronization unit 22, respectively, to the inputs 23 and 24. The output 25 of block 22 is connected to the tacting input of the sampling and storage circuit 20, as well as to the input of the launch of the generator 26 of the sawdust voltage. The output 27 is connected to the tacting input of the sample and storage circuit 21. The outputs of the schemes 20, 21 samples and storage, as well as the saw-shaped voltage generator 26 are connected to the inputs of comparison schemes 29, 30 and 31. In addition, the outputs of the circuits 20 and 21 are connected to the inputs of an analog divider 32, the output of which is connected to the input of the comparison circuit 33. Schedules of circuits 29, 30, 31, 33 are connected to logical inputs of the circuit and: 34, 35, 36, 37, 38. In addition, the output 28 of the synchronization circuit 22 is connected to the gating input 39 of the circuit and 34. The comparator 17 has an input for supplying the reference Voltage V S1, setting the threshold value of the second derivative, when the pulse shape analysis begins to be exceeded. The reference inputs of comparison schemes 29, 30, 31, 33 are also connected to sources of reference voltages (FIG. Not shown), which determine the permissible limits of the selected parameters. Indices in the names of these stresses (V T1, V T2; V M1, V M2; V R1; V M3, V M4) correspond to the above limits, within which the values \u200b\u200bmust be labeled (see inequalities (*)). In the case of such a correspondence at the output 40 of the circuit 34, a short pulse of logical "1" is formed. Functioning of the pulse shape analysis unit 12 shown in FIG. 3 is explained by the diagrams of FIG. 4. The diagram A shows an example of a single pulse at the output of the logarithmic amplifier 7. The following signals are fed to the input of the unit 12: the signal is the first derivative - to input 131 (diagram B), the signal is the first derivative, averaged for 30 s - on the input 15, and signal The second derivative is to input 11 (diagram C). The averaging time is chosen by the smallest, corresponding to the frequency range of the tonic component of EDA. As a result, at the output of the differential amplifier 19, there is a voltage of u ", corresponding to the first derivative of the logarithm of the input signal compensated for the value of the trend. The value U "is numerically equal to the increment of a voltage in one second, expressed in%, relative to the value of the tonic component (see FIG. 4, b). It is this signal that is analyzed by the rest of the circuit. The clock of block 12 elements is carried out by a synchronization circuit 22 as follows. Signal From the output of the comparator 17 is a positive voltage drop, which occurs when the voltage is exceeded from the output of the differentiator 10 of the threshold value V S1 (FIG. 4, C). The numerical value of the threshold voltage V S1 is selected in such a way that it corresponds to the change in the second derivative of less. The measure is 0.2%, which is determined by experimentally. This positive drop (FIG. 4, D) is a starting gate for the synchronization circuit 22. Comparator 18 (see FIG. 4, E) produces positive and negative voltage drops at their output When switching the input signal U "" After zero. After launching the synchronization scheme, the gating pulse with a comparch Ator 17, for each front of the signal from the comparator 18, short strobe pulses are produced. The first strobe pulse enters the output 25 (FIG. 4, F) and then fed to the sample and storage circuit 20, which fixes the value U "at the time of reaching the maximum (Fig. 4, G). The second gate (Fig. 4. H) comes From the output 27 of the synchronization circuit 22 to the gating input of the second sample and storage circuit 21, which fixes the value U "in a minimum (FIG. 4, I). The first pulse is also fed to the input of the generator 26 of the sawtooth voltage, which produces a linearly increasing voltage after the arrival of the strobe pulse (Fig. 4, j). The signal from the output of the generator 26 of the sawtooth voltage is fed to the input of the comparison circuit 29. The output signal from the circuit 20 enters the input of the comparison scheme 30. The signal from the output of the circuit 21 is fed to the circuit 31. In addition, the signals from the outputs of the circuits 20, 21 go to the inputs A and in the analog divider 32. The signal from the output of an analog divider 32, proportional The ratio of the input voltages UA / UB is fed to the input of the comparison circuit 33. Signals from the outputs of all comparison schemes 29, 30, 31, and 33 are fed to the inputs 35, 36, 37, 38 of the logical circuit 34 and, which is clocked with a strobe pulse (see FIG. 4, k) supplied to the gating input 39 from output 28 22. As a result, at the output 40 of the circuit 34, a logical "1" pulse is formed if the signal "1" is served on all four inputs during the arrival of the strobimpulse to input 39, the positive front of which corresponds to the negative front at the output 28. Comparison schemes (pos. 29-31.33) can be implemented by any of the traditional paths. They produce a logical signal "1" if the input voltage lies in the range defined by two reference stresses. All internal gating signals are provided with a synchronization circuit 22, which can be implemented, for example, as follows (see FIG. 5). Scheme 22 has two inputs: 23 and 24. Input 23 is connected to the S-input RS trigger 41, which is translated into a single state with a positive front with a comparator 17 (FIG. 4, D), i.e. Upon exceeding the value of the second derivative U "" threshold level. The Q's output of the trigger 41 is connected to the logic inputs of logical and 42 and 43, which is thus allowed to pass through them signals from the trigger 44 and inverter 45. The signal from the comparator 18 (Figure 4, E) arrives. The negative difference of the signal from the input 24 is inverted by the inverter 45 and through the circuit 42 enters another single-man 46, which produces a gating pulse at the outlet 25 (see FIG. 4. H). A positive difference from the input 24 translates the trigger 44 into a single state, which in turn starts at a single-seat 47, which produces a short positive impetus. This gating pulse is fed to the output 27 of the synchronization scheme (FIG. 4, F). The same pulse is fed to the input of the inverter 48, the output of which is connected to the input of the simultant 49. Thus, the circuit 49 is started with the rear edge of the pulse from exit 47 and produces a third short gating pulse (see FIG. 4, k). This pulse is fed to output 28, and is also used to reset the RS triggers 41 and 44, which is supplied to their R-inputs. After passing this pulse, the synchronization circuit 22 is again ready for operation until the next signal arrives at the input 23. As a result of the functioning of the synchronization circuit 22, the output 22 of the form 40 of the form analysis (see FIG.) The short pulse of the logical "1" is produced under the condition that the analyzed parameters lie at the specified limits. It should be noted that in FIG. 2, D labels S 1 and S 2 are valued by the specified pulses; For clarity, they are applied on graphs of the first and second derivatives of the analyzed signal. The above describes the hardware implementation of means of separation of signals of the tonic component and pulses of the phasic component. At the same time, the identification of the useful impulse of the phasic component against the background of noise and blood pressure can be carried out and programmatically. FIG. 6 shows an example of computer implementation of a device using digital signal processing. The device turns on the input device 1 connected to the electrodes 2, 3 to connect to the skin of man 4. The electrodes are connected via the R6 resistor to the source 5 of the stabilized constant reference voltage. The signal from the resistor 6 is fed to the input device - the operational amplifier 50 with high input and low output impedances operating in linear mode. From the output of the amplifier 50, the signal enters the input of the standard 16-bit analog-digital converter 51 (ADC) installed in the extension slot of the IBM compatible computer 52. Logarithming and the entire further analysis of the signal is performed in a digital manner. Using the transformed ADC values \u200b\u200bof the current flowing between the electrodes (I measured)\u003e, the first and second derivatives from the value of 100LN (i measuring) calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative are necessary with a correction to the trend. The value of the trend is defined as the average value of the first derivative during from 30 to 120 s. Next, it is determined to determine the belonging of the analyzed pulse to the kGR signal (checking the execution of conditions (*)). In the satisfaction of the parameters of the form, the established criteria include the mentioned pulse to the pulses of the KGR, and at no fulfillment - are attributed to artifacts. The described method and device can be used in various medical and psychophysiological studies, where one of the measured parameters is the electrical conductivity of the skin. This, for example: feedback simulators for skin resistance to produce relaxation skills and concentrations of attention, professional system systems, etc. In addition, the patent invention can be applied, for example, to determine the level of wakefulness of the driver of the vehicle in real conditions, Characterized by the presence of numerous interference. The implementation of devices can be easily implemented on a standard element base. A variant of a device with digital signal processing can be implemented on the basis of any personal computer, as well as using any microcontroller or single-chip micro-computer. The connection of the measuring part and the signal processing device (both analog and digital) can be carried out by any of famous methods, what is it in wired canaland wireless, for example, by radio channel or IR channel. There are many different options The device performs depending on the skill and professional knowledge, as well as the element base used, so the diagrams should not be limited when implementing the invention.


1. The method of registration of leather-galvanic reactions, including the fastening on the human body of two electrodes, the supply of electrical voltage on them, registration of changes in the time of electric current flowing between the electrodes and fixing the current pulses in the frequency band of the physical component of the electrodermal activity, characterized by the fact that they are analyzed The shape of each pulse in the pulse sequence in the frequency band of the physical component, for which the signal is recorded in the form of time derivative from the logarithm of the numerical value of the electric current, determine the value of the trend due to the signal changes in the frequency band of the tonic component of electrodermal activity, and adjust the value of the first derivative, subtracting From it the value of the trend, register the second time-derived from the logarithm of the numerical value of the electric current, determine the beginning of the pulse of the said signal at the time of exceeding the second derivative of the threshold value, and then Eating the correspondence of the pulse shape of the established criteria and in the presence of such compliance refers to the analyzed pulse to the pulses of the physical component, and in the absence - are referred to as artifacts. 2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the value of the trend is determined as the average value of the first derivative for the time interval, mainly from 30 to 120 s. 3. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the value of the trend is defined as the average value of the first derivative over the time interval 1 - 2 C, provided that the values \u200b\u200bof the first and second derivatives are less than the specified threshold values \u200b\u200bduring this time interval. 4. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the time of the arrival of the pulse is the first derivative consider the moment when the second derivative exceeds the threshold value of at least 0.2%. 5. The method according to any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in that when determining the form of the pulse, the values \u200b\u200bof the maximum FMAX and the minimum FMIN values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative minus the value of the trend are recorded, their ratio R, the TX time interval between the minimum and maximum of the first derivative, This moments of achieving the maximum and minimum values \u200b\u200bof the first derivative are determined by the moment of changing the sign of the second derivative. 6. The method according to claim 5, characterized in that the criteria of the supplies of the analyzed pulse to the signal of the physical component of the electrodermal activity are inequality
0,5 < f m a x < 10;
-2 < f m i n < -0,1;
1,8 < t x < 7;
1,5 < r < 10. 7. Устройство для регистрации кожно-гальванических реакций, содержащее электроды со средствами их крепления, подключенные к входному устройству, средства для подавления импульсных помех, средства для выделения сигнала в полосе частот физической составляющей электродермальной активности, средства для детектирования импульсов физической составляющей, блок регистрации, отличающееся тем, что средства выделения сигнала в полосе частот физической составляющей, средства для подавления импульсных помех и средства для детектирования импульсов физической составляющей выполнены в виде последовательно подключенных к входному устройству фильтра нижних частот, блока преобразования входного сигнала в первую и вторую производные по времени и блока анализа формы импульсов, при этом выход последнего подключен к входу блока регистрации. 8. Устройство по п.7, отличающееся тем, что входное устройство представляет собой стабилизированный источник электрического напряжения и резистор, подключенные последовательно к электродам, логарифмирующий усилитель с дифференциальным входным каскадом, при этом резистор шунтирует входы логарифмирующего усилителя. 9. Устройство по п.7 или 8, отличающееся тем, что блок преобразования входного сигнала в первую и вторую производные по времени выполнен в виде первого и второго дифференциаторов и фильтра нижних частот, при этом выход первого дифференциаторв подключен к входам второго дифференциатора и фильтра нижних частот, выходы которых являются выходами блока. 10. Устройство по любому из пп.7 - 9, отличающееся тем, что блок анализа формы включает средства для определения максимальной скорости изменения сигнала на переднем и заднем фронтах анализируемого импульса, средства для определения асимметрии его формы, средства для определения ширины импульса, средства для сравнения упомянутых величин с установленными пределами для выработки сигнала принадлежности анализируемого импульса сигналу физической составляющей электродермальной активности. 11. Устройство по п.7, отличающееся тем, что фильтр нижних частот, блок преобразования входного сигнала в первую и вторую производные по времени и блок анализа формы импульсов выполнены на базе компьютера, подключенного к входному устройству через аналого-цифровой преобразователь.

    The skin-galvanic phenomena was studied in our country and beyond its turns with various authors and in the most different areas. Physiological, reflex, physicochemical mechanisms of skin electrical reactions, the physico-chemical nature of the electric potentials of the skin and the effect of the nervous system on them, skin-galvanic reactions in healthy and sick people are in the condition of the clinic.
    Registration and fixation of the leather-galvanic reaction (or skin-galvanic potential) in order to instrumental detection of lies are carried out using a polygraph and a special software. Sensor-galvanic reaction (hereinafter referred to as the text - the CGR) is made by means of the simplest sensor consisting of two electrodes, which, through the simplest devices, are attached to the surface of the skin of a person, in particular, to the "pads" of the nail (upper) phalanges of the fingers.
    Despite the existing research (Vasilyeva V.K. - 1964; Raevskaya O.S. -1985), confirming the presence of certain differences in skin potentials, depending on the site of the AGC (left or right part of the body), in my opinion, does not The fundamental impact on the results of the interpretation of polygraphs during surveys using a polygraph. However, with the possibility of choice, I recommend removing RAG from the fingers of the left hand, since it is traditionally considered that a more pronounced reaction is removed from the left hand, which is under the control of the "more emotional" right hemisphere of the brain.
    This paper uses research materials obtained using the CRIS polygraph produced by Varlamov and the corresponding Sheriff software.
    It has been established that electrical phenomena in alive tissues, including in the skin of a person, are due to ionic changes.
    The study of the KGR began in the 19th century. According to reports in 1888, the Ferre and in 1889 Tarkhanov opened two phenomena of skin electrical activity. The Ferr discovered that the resistance (electrical conductivity) of the skin is changing when the current of 1-3 volts is transmitted through it in the dynamics of the effects of emotional and sensory stimuli. An open a little later, the Tarkhanov phenomenon of the KGR is that when measuring the galvanometer, the skin potential is detected by changing this potential, depending on the emotional experiences of the person and the supplied sensory incentives. Obviously, under such circumstances, the Ferr's method measures the KGR by measuring the skin resistance, and the Tarkhanov method measures the KGR by measuring the skin potential. Both methods measure KGR in the dynamics of feeding (presentation) of incentives. Due to the explicit dependence of the KGR from mental phenomena, for some time the RAG was called a psychoalvanic reaction or a Ferre effect. Changing the skin potential for some time was called the effect of Tarkhanov.
    In the future, scientists (Tarkhanov I.R. - 1889; Butorin V.I., Luria A.R. -1923; Mezishchev V.N. -1929; Kravchenko E.A. - 1936; Poznanskaya N.B. - 1940; Gorez VP -1943; Krai N.P. - 1951; Vasilyeva V.K. -1960; Varlamov V.A. -1974; Kondor I.S., Leonov N.A. -1980; Kraklis A.A. . -1982; Arakelov G.G. -1998 and many others) developed and confirmed the indicated ion theory of bioelectric potentials. According to D.B. Vasilyeva V.K. (1964), one of the first in our country, the ion theory of bioelectric potentials and currents substantiated V.Yu. CHELETEN (1903).
    The most simple and clear concept of the KGR, from a psychological point of view, in my opinion, suggested in 1985 Karpenko LA: "Skin-galvanic reaction (kGR) is an indicator of the electrical conductivity of the skin. It has phasic and tonic forms. In the first case, the KGR is one of the components of the approximate reflex arising in response to a new stimulus and forth with his repetition. The Tonic Form of the CGR characterizes the slow changes in the skin conduction, which develop, for example, during fatigue "(Brief Psychological Dictionary / Sost. L.A. Karpenko; under the general ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. - M.ZH Politicize, 1985, p.144).
    In 2003, Nomov R.S. Gave the following definition: "Skin-galvanic reaction (kGR) - an involuntary organic reaction, recorded using the appropriate devices on the surface of the skin of a person. RAG is expressed in reducing the electrical resistance of the skin surface of the electric current of the small force due to the intensification of the operation of the sweaty glands and the subsequent humidification of the skin. In Psychology, the CGR is used to study and evaluate the emotional and other psychological states of a person in this moment time. By the nature of the Russian Federation also judged by the person different species Activity »(Psychology: Dictionary-Directory: 2 h. - M.: Publishing House Vlados-Press, 2003, Part 1 p.220).
    The most concise definition of RAGs can be found in Larchenko N.A.: "Skin-electroplating reaction - an indicator of electrical conductivity of the skin, changing with various mental illness" (Dictionary-directory of medical terms and basic medical concepts / N.A. Larchenko. - Rostov-on -Dona: Phoenix, 2013, p.228).
    The modern definitions of the KGR are quite a lot, while there is no strict and accurate generalizing theory of the skin-galvanic reaction. Given the numerous scientific research conducted from us abroad, you have to recognize that in the study of the Russian Federation there are many questions. "The electric activity of the skin (EC) is associated with the activity of sweating, however, the physiological basis is not fully studied." (Psychophysiology: a textbook for universities / ed. Yu.I. Alexandrov, St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012, p.40). Without going into the listing of theories, it should be noted that in order to instrumental detection of lies KGR - hardly the most effective indicator of the psychophysiological activity of man. The most important for the purpose of instrumental detection of lies is the connection of a leather-galvanic reaction with physiological and human mental processes, a steady connection of amplitude, the length and dynamics of the RAG with verbal and non-verbal incentives of it causing, as well as the fact of reflection of these relations to varying degrees. "Numerous studies conducted by various authors showed that RAG reflects the overall activation of a person, as well as its tension. With increasing the level of activation or increasing tension, skin resistance drops, while when relaxing and relaxation, the skin resistance level increases. "(Shishkova N.R., psycho-physiological assessment of stress level, dissertation for competition scientific degree Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Moscow-2004, p.17).
    According to Varlamov V.A. "Analysis of data on the mechanism of the emergence and regulation of the skin reaction, its informative features showed that:
    - a tonic skin reaction is a reflection of the deep processes of functional adjustment in the central nervous system;
    - the amount of the response of the skin-galvanic reflex is directly depending on the novelty of the stimulus, the typological features of the highest nervous activity, the level of motivation of the surveyed and its functional state;
    - The dynamics of the indicators of the Fazic CR may be the criterion of the degree of emotional overvoltage of the human functional system. If further growth emotional tension leads to a decrease in the Fazic Kyrgyz Republic, this indicates the limit of the functional capabilities of the examined;
    - methods of registration, measurement of skin resistance dynamics, or skin potential, there are no differences in terms of informative;
    - Informative signs of the CR Curve are common to any periodic curves.
    When analyzing the Kyrgyz Republic, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the mobility of the nervous system of people with regard to regional and national characteristics. On the KR Curve, it is impossible to determine the representative of which nationality is tested, but the fact that he, for example, a representative of southern peoples, temperamental, with a movable nervous system, can be determined. " (Varlamov V.A., Varlamov G.V., Computer detection of lies, Moscow-2010, p.63).
    Considering the above, I consider it appropriate to determine the main characteristics of the KGR required for accounting and understanding for the purposes of psychophysiological studies (surveys) using polygraph and the so-called tool detection of lies.
    Skin-galvanic reaction (kGR) is an indicator of electrical conductivity and resistance of the skin, its own electric skin potential. It has been established that these indicators change in humans depending on the external and internal conditions. To the most important, in my opinion, the conditions include: the psychological state of a person, the physiological state of the person, the adaptive opportunities of a person, the conditions of the environment, the strength, frequency and the intensity of the presented incentive and others.
    The skin-galvanic reaction (kGR) has the phasic and tonic components. The phasic component characterizes a psycho-physiological reaction associated with identification of an incentive. These characteristics are associated with identification of such components of an incentive, as its novelty, intensity, suddenness, surfaction, force, semantic content, emotional significance. The tonic component characterizes the psycho-physiological state of the body under study, the degree of adaptation to the preventing stimulus.
    Skin-galvanic reaction (kGR) under controlled conditions is almost not amenable to correct conscious control. In the presence of external or internal conditions affecting the state of the KGR, in the nature of the change in the phasic and tonic components of the KGR, it is possible to objectly objectively qualitative characteristics Factors of influence. This circumstance allows us to objectively to distinguish spontaneous RAGs from arbitrary kGR.
    The skin-galvanic reaction (kGR) at the time of psycho-physiological studies using a polygraph can be considered as an indicator of the degree of identification of an incentive, an emotion indicator, an indicator of the stress reaction, an indicator of the functional state of the body, as well as the entire listed simultaneous state.
    From classical psychophysiology, it is known that the CGR is associated with the Talalamic and cortical areas of the brain. It is believed that the activity of the neocortex is regulated by the reticular formation, while the hypothalamus maintains a vegetative tone, the activity of the limbic system and the overall level of human wake. It has also been proven that the Parasympathetic system of man has a partial influence.
    Fragment from the book "Encyclopedia of the Polygraph"

Electric skin activity - skin-galvanic reaction(KGR) - determined by two ways. The first, proposed by S. Ferere (Fere) in 1888, is a measurement of skin resistance. The second is the measurement of the potential difference between the two points on the surface of the skin - is associated with the name I.R. Tarkhanova (1889).

The comparison of the CGR, measured according to the Ferre method and according to the Tarkhanov method, led to the conclusion that changes in the difference in skin potentials and skin resistance reflect the same reflex reaction fixed in various physical conditions (Kozhevnikov, 1955). Resistance changes are always a single-phase wave of reducing the source skin resistance. Changes in skin potentials can be expressed in the form of waves of different polarity, often multiphase. According to R. Edel-Berg (EDELBERG, 1970), the difference in skin potentials includes an epidermal component that is not related to the activity of sweat glands, while the conductivity of the skin does not have it, that is, reflects the state of the sweat glands.

When measuring the skin resistance with an external source of current attached negative pole to the palm, the latent period of resistance changes turns out to be 0.4-0.9 seconds more than the hidden period of changes in the potential difference. The dynamic characteristics of F-ZHAGC reliably reflect the rapid processes in the CNS. The nature and form of the tonic component are individual indicators and do not detect clear dependence on the type of activity (Kuznetsov, 1983).

In the occurrence of the Russian Federation, two main mechanisms are involved: the peripheral (properties of the skin itself, including the activity of sweat glands) (Biro, 1983) and the transmitter associated with the activating and starting effect of the central structures (Lader, Motagu, 1962). Spontaneous RFR differ in the absence of external influence, and caused by the reflective reaction of the body to an external incentive.

To register kGR

used non-polarized electrodes that are usually superimposed on the palm and back surface of the hands, finger tips, sometimes on the forehead or feet feet.

The most effective kGR in

cumbling with other methods in assessing the emotional state of the subjects (Fig. 2.24).

All described methods for obtaining psychophysiological information have their advantages and disadvantages. Simultaneous use of several of them at once in one experimental situation allows you to get more reliable results.

Associative experiment as an analysis tool

Mental phenomena

For the first time associative experimentit was proposed in 1879 by F. Galton, relatives Ch. Darwin. He showed himself an innovator in various fields of human knowledge. F. Galton introduced a dactyloscopy in Scotland-Yard, appreciated the importance of the twin method in genetic analysis, offered new statistical methods When analyzing biological data, he created the first test to evaluate intelligence. Like most researchers in the field of psychology of that time, many experimental studies he spent on himself.

The variant of the associative method proposed by F. Galton looked like this. He chose 75. english words, I wrote each on a separate card and postponed for several days. Then one hand took a card, and the other with the help of a chronometer was the time when the word read had two different thoughts. F. Galton refused to publish the results of the experiment, referring to the fact that "they expose the essence of human thought with such amazing clearness and reveal anatomy of thinking with such a liveliness and accuracy that it is unlikely to be able to save, if you publish them and make the world's property" (Miller, 1951).

Systematically, the method of free associations to assess the state of the person began to be used 3. Freud (1891). In his interpretation, the method looked differently: the patient, lying on the couch, uttered words, phrases for an hour, expressed his thoughts on topics that came across his mind.

Sometimes this kind of association was associated with dreams that have struck the patient in childhood and often repeating in adulthood. 3. Freud showed that the occurrence of long pauses or difficulties in the process of association testify, as a rule, the approach to the region unconscious to the test mental conflict itself.

A further contribution to the development of the associative method was introduced by K. Jung (1936), substantially modified him and created the actually associative experiment. At the same time, such a study was carried out by Max Vertheimer e. A., 1992, whose works are less known and have a smaller impact on the further development of psychophysiology.

K. Jung used 400 various words, among which were 231 noun, 69 adjectives, 82 verb, 18 prepositions and numerals. Special attention was paid to all the words to be known to hurt

mu, they differed sharply in meaning and sound, did not limit it in the selection of associations by any one area. With the help of a chronometer, a latent period of verbal response and qualitative features of association were evaluated. K. Jung believed that, despite the seeming arbitrariness of the associative process, the examined involuntarily issues what is mistakenly considered the most hidden.

K. Jung emphasized that during the analysis of association, several processes are examined at once: perception, individual features of its distortion, intraxicheskic associations, verbal design and motor manifestation. He discovered the objective criteria for the connection of the imposed word with the complex, displaced in the unconscious. These criteria are: lengthening the latent period of verbal response, errors, travelers, stereotypes, reservations, quotes, etc. However, K. Jung subjectively interpreted the results obtained, and its branched classification of associations is a compilation of several analyzing principles, the transition from one to another In which is extremely subjective, and the methods themselves proceed from different prerequisites (grammatical, psychological, medical or physiological).

At the same time, K. Jung first facilitated the study procedure as much as possible. The result of this work, in addition to the criteria for determining the region of an unconsciously existing conflict, was the detection of the fact that the associations often constitute the nearest emergence of the comprehensive content, but a consequence of a number of associative processes. He drew attention to the difficulty of finding healthy tests for the survey, especially among educated people.

The unsolved issue of high-quality analysis of associations has been preserved until now.

J. Diz (Dees, 1965), analyzing the principles of generally accepted classifications of associations, noted that they are "partly psychological, partly logical, partly linguistic and partly philosophical (epistemological)". These classifications have nothing to do with the associative process and are raised to it quite arbitrarily. At the same time, an attempt is made to squeeze the associations in those schemes of relations, which are found in grammar, various kinds of dictionaries, psychodynamic theories, as well as various ideas about the organization of the physical world.

One of the first classifications was suggested by D. YUM (1965), which allocated 3 types of associations: in similarity, on arrangement in time and events related to causal relations. The most typical classification proposed by J. Miller (Miller, 1951), in which the associations are grouped in contrast, similarity, submission, coenses, generalization, Assonance, due to the connection "part - the whole" and the ability to consider it as an addition, in relation to egocentrism , links based on one root, the ability to be represented as a projection. D. Slabin and J. Green (1976) noted that "these classifications are very witty, but not entirely clear to which conclusions they can lead, how their foundations are determined and what their limits are determined.

Associative experiment was widely used to analyze higher nervous activityhealthy and patient brain adult and child (Ivanov-Smolensky, 1963). At the same time, a latent period of verbal response was taken into account and its average variation, type and nature of the association in accordance with one classification, comprehensive reactions, i.e. Completely defined reactions caused by affectogenic stimuli.

A.R. Luria (1928) proposed its modification of an associative experiment called them conjugated engine techniques.Test

mu is offered a word-incentive, in response to which he should utter the first word-association and simultaneously pressing a pneumatic pear. This procedure allows, besides the latent period of verbal response, measure the hidden period and explore the shape of the conjugate motor reaction, recorded by the recorder. It turned out that in the case when words that do not have emotional significance for it, the latent period of verbal response and the conjugate motor reaction coincide, and the motor reaction itself has a simple form.

Upon presentation of affectogenic words, the Latent period of the Association changes significantly, since the subject is trying to hide the first arising association, which he can not inform the experimenter for any other reasons. However, with an unspoken response, a light pressure on the pear is associated with a pear, and the miogram appears a break or characteristic jitter. This mismatch between the verbal and motor components of the response reflects the peculiar stressful nature of the associative process.

Associative experiment is often accompanied by

higherizing vegetative reactions, in particular KGR (Levinger, Clark, 1961; Leutin, Nikolaev, 1988; Nikolaev et al., 1990) and encephalograms (Voronin et al., 1976) (Fig. 2.25).

The use of an associative test for analyzing the reactions of athletes for neutral words, words associated with success / failure, found the following: In the state of mental rest, the latent period of associations on emotional words increases by 40%, and in individual, emotionally unstable athletes - by 200 %. Before the start of psychologically sustainable athletes, the latent period changes little, slightly exceeding the source data. However, athletes experiencing a high level of emotional stress, an increase in the latent period for words associated with success / failure, reaches 300% (Dashkevich, 1968).

Thus, an associative experiment may be effective tool As for the analysis of the individual emotional sphere of man, and to assess the change of this state under the influence of any impacts.

Artifacts -

unnecessary at the moment for the explorer recording electrical activity, which are interference.

Caused by potential -

averaged recording of the wave activity of the brain during re-presentation of the same incentive.

Skin-galvanic reaction -

record electrical activity of the skin.

CT scan -

a modern method that allows you to visualize the characteristics of the structure of the human brain using a computer and an X-ray installation.

  • - Schiff Reaction) - a test that allows you to identify the presence in the tissues of glycoproteins, polysaccharides, some mucopolysaccharides, glycolipids and a number of fatty acids ...

    Medical terms

  • - bioelectric activity, fixed on the surface of the skin and caused by the activity of sweat glands, is an indicator of the electrical conductivity of the skin. Speakers the component reactions of emotional organism, ...

    Big psychological encyclopedia

  • - Skin - galvanic reaction - bioelectric activity, fixed on the surface of the skin, caused by the activities of sweat glands and protruding the component of the approximate reflex -, emotional ...

    Psychological Dictionary

  • - Galvanic Corrosion -. Corrosion associated with electrical energy transfer ...
  • - Galvanic Couple -. Insulating no behavior, usually metals, in electrical contact ...

    Dictionary of metallurgical terms

  • - Galvanic Cell -. The container in which the chemical reaction is an electrical source. Bath or system in which the redox reaction directly occurs ...

    Dictionary of metallurgical terms

  • - "... - electrochemical Protection Metal constructions by connecting a galvanic anode to it ... "Source: Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 29.12 ...

    Official terminology

  • - Method of studying the vestibular analyzer based on the appearance of a rotator fine-dyed nystagma in the norm when irritating the aurous labyrinth by a permanent electric shock ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - The method of studying hearing in children based on the registration of the skin-galvanic reaction under the action of sound stimuli ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - change in the potential difference and reduction of electrical resistance between the two areas of the surface of the skin, which occurs during irritations causing an emotional reaction ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - exacerbation of the flow of syphilis, which is sometimes observed at the beginning of antibiotic therapy in the treatment of this disease. The effect is transient and does not require any special treatment ...

    Medical terms

  • - "... - Communication of electrical chains by means of an electric field in a conductive ..." Source: "Electrical Equipment. Terms and definitions of basic concepts ...

    Official terminology

  • - Electric, or electroplating P., otherwise - P. electrodes, is called a special opposition, which, in addition to resistance, undergoes electric current with its passage through the chain ...
  • - Electric, or electroplating P., otherwise - P. electrodes, is called a special opposition, which, in addition to resistance, undergoes electric current with its passage through this in the chain ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - apparatus for applying the product galvanic coatings, as well as for the manufacture of products with a galvanoplastic way. See galvanotechnics ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a device serving an electric current excitation consisting of copper and zinc plates immersed in weak Solution Circular oil and connected between sofa over liquid copper wire ...

    Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

"Galvanic reaction" in books


From the book Personal Life Alexander I Author Sorotokina Nina Matveyevna

The reaction of the Holy Union could not provide peace and tranquility "in the corrupted Europe damaged" (so characterizes Europe Vigel). France Bunzala, in Spain, King Ferdinand dismissed Masonic lodges and restored in the rights of the Inquisition, in Italy the inhabitants scared


From the book Kerensky Author Fedyuk Vladimir Pavlovich

The reaction from the morning on July 6 to the Warsaw and Nikolaev railway stations began to arrive echelons with troops caused from the front to suppress the riots. As part of the consolidated detachment were the 14th Cavalry Division, the 117th Isborsky Regiment, the 14th Don Cossack and a few more regiments and

5. Reaction

From the book Alexander I. Sphinx on the throne Author Melgunov Sergey Petrovich

5. The reaction already in 1819. We are revealed by a picture of a complete reactionary vakhanlia, which was directly extended by the pan-European reaction, which covered both the government and the dominant classes, who came to the winners in the fight against revolutionary principles. In Europe


From the book I myself Author Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich

I think the reaction began with the following: with a panic (maybe overclocking) to the demonstration of Bauman's memory to me (fallen) got a big drum on the head. I was afraid, I thought - myself


From the book History of DJs by Brewster Bill

The reaction for all this madness was its system. Club Sphere is a free market, regulated by supply and demand. DJs pay only if they are beneficial to promoter in terms of attracting the audience. Similarly, the worthless actress can

Okch reaction

From the book a plot against Hitler. Resistance activities in Germany. 1939-1944. author Doych Harold with

OKC reaction If the actions of the Varlimont and Reichena reflected the mood of the part of the command formulation, which did not have any contacts with the opposition and the more so could not be attributed to it, it is not difficult to imagine what the reaction has caused Hitler's plans to implement

9.2. US reaction

From the book by driving risks. Clearing with the participation of central counterparties in global financial markets author Norman Peter.

9.2. The US response by the time Bernanke's article was published, central counterparties in the United States have already taken steps to eliminate the most obvious disadvantages that were discovered during the 1987 crisis. OCC replaced its main external supplier


From the book Volume 5 Author Engels Friedrich

Cologne reaction, June 5th. Smooth the road to the dead men. Mr. Campghausen rents against the revolution, and the reaction dares to offer to the conciliation assembly to glue it like a riot. At the meeting on June 3, one of the deputies contributed to erect a monument to soldiers killed 18


From the book Apostolic Christianity (1-100 g. R.Kh.) author Shaff Philip

Reaction among scientists - representatives of the most radical critical direction are essential differences: while some students of Baura (for example, Strauss, Folkmar) surpassed their teacher in the radicality of views, others go for concessions

1. Chain reaction of uranium and chain response of sensations

From the book of Prometheus is discovered Author Snow Sergey Alexandrovich

1. The chain reaction of uranium and the chain response of the sensation boron overestimated its spiritual forces when he promised to be silent while Frish would not publish his discovery from the Maitner. The steamer has already given a farewell beep when Bor with Erico rushed along the ladder upstairs. Assistant was waiting for them on the deck

Galvanic bath

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia (ha) author BSE

3.3.2. Acute stress reaction (acute reaction to stress, OSR)

From the book of psychiatry wars and disasters [Tutorial] Author Shamrey Vladislav Casimirovich

3.3.2. The acute stress reaction (acute reaction to stress, OSR) of the OSR is a pronounced transient disorder that develops in mentally healthy faces as a reaction to catastrophic (i.e., an exceptional physical or psychological strength)

Galvanic epilation

From the book School of Beauty for Bitch by the author Shatskaya Evgenia

Electroplating epilation This method implies the removal of the hair onion due to the chemical reaction occurring at the end of the electrode when passing through the DC bulb (supplied with a special electrode). - The method gives a persistent effect. By

the consequences of preaching: Mixed reaction (13: 42-52) The subsequent listeners reaction was positive:

From the book Acts of the Holy Apostles author Stott John

the consequences of preaching: Mixed reaction (13: 42-52) The subsequent reaction of the listeners was positive: when they exit them from the Jewish synagogues, the pagans asked them to talk about the same on the next Saturday; 43 When the meeting was dissolved, many Jews and god honors,

5. "Sensory-motor reaction. Motor Boxer Reaction on the appearance of an external stimulus "

From the book His Majesty strike Author Kamaletdinov Rashid

5. "Sensory-motor reaction. Boxer motor response on the appearance of an external stimulus "In the high-speed impact, an important role is assigned to how the boxer reacts to the appearance of an external stimulus (sound, signal, lighting light bulbs on the dynamometer before