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How to pump an aluminum frying pan and how to clean it? What to do with a new frying pan? How to fry a new aluminum frying pan

The fact is that aluminum is toxic only in large concentrations. In a small dose, he is present in the life of everyone and affects the body daily through food, water, medicines and even cosmetics. But the body absorbs far from all aluminum, which falls into it, but only his small part. The rest is displayed and does not bring him any harm.

The harm of aluminum dishes is mainly due to the fact that during heating it takes into a reaction with products, especially if they are acidic, such as tomato sauce. Thus, some amount of this substance falls into the food. But according to the statements of researchers, this is a number of no more than 3 mg, and this is negligible to at least somehow affect the human body.

It is not least to keep clean aluminum dishes clean. This is quite difficult, especially if you do not know how to proceed to the process. We will share with you simple advice, which will help to clean the usual aluminum saucepan.

How to clean aluminum pots?

Aluminum dishes has a taste of dark. There is a lot of reasons for this therefore it is worth responding on time to such changes. Do not panic and throw away the pan in which you like to cook so much, it is enough to clean it enough. We offer you several ways.

  1. To remove the darkening on the aluminum pan, it is enough to wipe it with a vinegar or hold some time in it some kind of sour product: kefir, acid tomatoes.
  2. You can make a simple mix from ordinary soda and water. Take a cloth, moisten it with water and then stuck in soda. Prettyly spend her place that darkened.

  3. The easiest way is vinegar. It is enough to moisten in it the blade and wipe the pan. After that, it is pretty wash it and wipe off dryness.
  4. If you want your saucepans to look perfectly, they can be boiled in an interesting mixture. To prepare it, you need to take a bucket of warm water, 100 g of silicate glue, 100 g of soda. All this must be dissolved in the water, dip in it dishes and boil about half an hour. Pretty wash and wipe dry.
  5. If food is burned to the aluminum saucepan, you should not rub it with iron washcloth, it is better to take an apple, cut it and rub it. After that, boil the saucepan in the water with a bow.
  6. So just cope with darkens on aluminum dishes. But the modern mistress faces not only with this problem. For example, many surprises the need to calculate an aluminum frying pan before use. We will tell you how to do it.

    How to pump an aluminum frying pan?

    Tips that we will be offered to you are very important. All because one incorrect movement can damage the surface of a completely new frying pan. There are several ways to do it.

Manufacturers of frying pan offer us many species of frying pan: with diamond, ceramic or teflon coating made of aluminum, steel and other materials. But the new dishes do not like everything, many are returned to old frying pan and cast iron. And if it's not left from the relatives, then the cast iron dishes are bought independently. But after purchase it is necessary to roll utensils.

Why need a procedure

Why many are returned to the old, proven years of utensils, not everyone is guessing. And all because in modern dishes it is impossible to achieve such taste of fried potatoes, pancakes or a kitlet. Modern utensils are more convenient and easier, does not need to be preprocessing before use, but the benefits and food taste are no longer such as before.

Cast iron is a carbon and iron alloy with a small amount of additional additives. With proper use, it can be considered eternal. It does not release toxic substances. Food prepared in Cast iron dishes is especially tasty and useful. The cast iron is evenly heated, and then it also gives his heat for a long time, without burning products. But it is worth knowing how to prepare a new cast-iron frying pan to use and how to pump an aluminum frying pan.

The calcination is necessary becauseThat forms in the manufacture of dishes are lubricated by a special composition, which is necessary to quickly extract the finished product. And before selling, the dishes are smeared with a special anti-corrosion composition so that it is not covered with rust. That is why the pan after purchase should be prepared for use and remove all lubricants from its surface.

Cast iron is considered a porous alloy. Therefore, only washing with detergent will not be enough. The calcination is a good way to check the quality of the frying pan. If deformed areas or cracks are formed, then the dishes are very low quality. You should return such goods as soon as possible.

Removal of factory lubricant

Before calcining the frying pan good and properly prepare. Before first use, the factory coatings are completely removed, and then create a new one so that when cooking does not burn food. Ordinary kitchen salt will help from lubrication. If there are traces of rust, they should be removed using a metal grater and act step by step:

It is impossible to say for sure how much time will take time. It all depends on the composition covering the composition and size of the dishes. It is worth paying attention to the color of the pan: when it becomes gray and will not smoke, then you can consider the goal achieved. Salt will pull out the remnants of lubrication and change its color. It will be almost black.

If there is a lid, it should be washed with soap and cover the fire by it. It is worth waiting when it becomes gray, and then cool under the jet of water and rub the salt from all sides. Leave for a while, and after Wash and dry.

Dilution in modern kitchen

In the old times, cast iron was treated in the stoves or on an open fire. If you do not have the opportunity to do it in the air, then at home can be done in some ways. But before proceeding with such a processing, it is worth rolling the utensil salt.

Method number 1.

This method is very fast and simple. Thanks to him, it is possible to create a new antiprigar layer in a frying pan. Oil must be taken refined to be less than Gary and smoke. You can lubricate lard. That was how our ancestors did.

Technique performing such a calcination as follows:

After completion of the manipulations, the utensils will remain fat, but it is not necessary to wash it with its detergent, since you melt the anti-field layer, which has just created yourself. After that, you will have to again do the manipulation. So that the skillet is clean, wipe it dry and dry on low heat.

Method number 2.

This method will allow to burn Kazan at home correctly. After all, it is very difficult to achieve a uniform warming up of high walls on the fire of the burner. It will be necessary to lay the cauldron side, periodically turning it over. But not to do this, you can use such technology:

Before using this option, it is worthwheeling to open the windows and turn on the hood, as the smoke will be very much. Because of this, in the winter, the firing is better not to spend.

Method number 3.

Why lose the precious time if you can do without long bumping in the oven. But it will need a large amount of vegetable oil. It should be refined and sunflower, and otherwise there will be a lot of chad. It is better not to use olive oil.

The phased calcination looks like this:

  1. Pour the oil in advance prepared frying pan. It should take at least half of the tank (the perfect option - to pour the dishes to the eye to the oil).
  2. For 30 minutes, warm the dishes with oil on medium-weak fire.
  3. After that, wait for the cooler of the container and pour oil out of it.
  4. Wash dishes dry.

It is impossible to conduct manipulations on a strong fire, as the oil can flare up. It will be better if the fire is weak, and the calcination is more long. Do not leave the process without control.


If you decide to pump the dishes in the winter or you do not have the opportunity to do it on gas, you can use the firing on the open fire.

This method is suitable for various sizes and form of dishes made of cast iron. You can breed a fire or apply heated furnace with wood, opening the top cover in it. The procedure for performing manipulations is as follows:

In order not to get burns because of very hot dishes, it is worth being very careful. There is no need to do without a folded cloth, tanks or gloves.

Treatment of old utensils

Do not rush to throw out the pan, which inherited you inherited with a large layer of Nagara. If you correctly approach the solution of this problem, such a dishes can serve for another decades. To clean the utensil from the old nagar, You can use the old, proven method with the stationery glue and the household soap. To do this, it is worth doing such actions:

  1. In the ten-tier tank, type water and heat it.
  2. Pour the bottle of the stationery glue into the water and soda ½ bar of the household soap.
  3. Stir well until the soap is completely dissolved.
  4. Pig-iron utensils place in a container with a mixture.
  5. Boil for 2 hours on high heat. When the water starts to pour, it is worth adding it.
  6. When the process is completed, the solution must be merged.
  7. Under the jet of cold water, cool the dishes from the cast iron and with the help of a metal brush to consider the nagar.

After that, it is necessary to return the frying ground with a frying pan. This is done by the same methods as new devices (calcining with salt, and after - with oil).

If you still had to apply the detergent for washing the cast-iron, then dry it on the fire and lubricate the oil with a thin layer until the product has cooled. Write all surplus and for 30 minutes learn it on fire. This procedure can be performed after each washing and in preventive purposes.

How to pump an aluminum frying pan

There are several wayswhich can be calcined aluminum frying pan. The main ones are:

Folk methods for processing aluminum and cast iron before the first use are always triggered and tested by time. It is only important to do everything right. It is worth remembering that high-quality cast iron can not be cheap. No need to feed illusions, if you are trying to sell an excellent product at the "lowest prices". The main thing is to understand that this is a fake, which even multiple calcination will not save (if it does not crack when he is first heated). Do not forget about elementary care, and then the kitchen utensils will serve you for a very long time.

ATTENTION, only today!

In order to extend the life of the dishes, it is necessary to know about its properties, as well as the proper preparation for use and care. Special relationship requires aluminum pans. For many years, disputes appear around the dishes from aluminum. Many say that it is harmful to human health, while others denied. There are those who believe that the main thing is the right departure for the aluminum frying pan. Now we will be together with you, how to properly prepare such dishes to use, as careful for her so that it does not lose their qualities.

Features of aluminum pan

Aluminum pans produce in two ways:

  • Stamping. Such products are made of metal sheet. They have a thin bottom, which is very often deformed during operation. The thinner of the wall of such a frying pan, it will last less, but there are such products cheaper.
  • Casting. To produce such frying pan in a special form, molten aluminum is poured. Such dishes has thick walls and the bottom, which makes it much stronger. Such pans are massive.

Aluminum pans have such advantages:

  • Lungs.
  • Quickly heated.
  • Do not rust.

But such kitchen utensils requires knowledge of some nuances and rules in care.

Benefit and harm

Aluminum is a soft metal, so it is necessary to be thought out and carefully approaching the choice of cleaning agents. Metal sponges, abrasive powders and brushes scratch the surface of aluminum pan. This affects negatively in the appearance and quality of the dish that is preparing on it, because the food will stick during cooking. Moreover, the oxide film will be broken on the surface, which serves as an obstacle from corrosion. Metal sponge and rigid brush damage the film when cleaning. But it can be restored, dropping cold water in dishes and leaving it for 15 minutes in this container.

Application of dishes from aluminum harm does not bring health.

Aluminum is endowed with the ability to oxidize. Therefore, it is not recommended to use such dishes for the preparation of acidic dishes, and even more so to store them in it. It is better to immediately shift into the enameled or glass container, cooked food.

Important! It is not recommended to use fine frying pan from aluminum on ceramic and electric plates, because they have the heating temperature higher than gas, and such a dishes will be deformed on them much faster.

Preparation for exploitation

Caring for the aluminum frying pan begins with its preparation. To remove the remnants of technical dust and pollution, it is necessary to wash the frying pan in warm water with a detergent for dishes or economic soap.

The product without non-stick coating is prepared for use with vegetable oil or salt. There are several options.


  • Boil the water in a skillet.
  • Drain it and leave the product to dry.
  • Wipe the dishes with the help of vegetable oil, leave for a couple of days.

Water without water, with salt:

  1. Pour salt by covering all the bottom.
  2. Gear on slow heat for 10 minutes, leave cool.
  3. Pour salt, lubricate the frying pan with vegetable oil and leave for 2-3 days.

Method with heating salt with oil:

  1. Pour vegetable oil in the product, covering the bottom.
  2. Add 1 tsp. Salts and stir.
  3. Gear on a small fire until the smell appears.
  4. Leave to cool.
  5. Rinse the dishes without detergents with water.

Important! Non-stick coating will serve a thin oil film that was formed.

Funds and ways to remove Nagar

During the operation of dishes, fat drops are settled at its bottom and walls. If you do not wash on time, the nagar layer is growing than it worsens both the appearance and the quality properties of the dishes.

How to get rid of fresh pollution?

A small nagar on a frying pan from aluminum can be softened by boiling, and then clean the peroxide, abrasive powder or ammonia.

How to remove fresh Nagar:

  1. Make a solution at the rate of 1 cup of water 1 tbsp. l. soda.
  2. Pour it into the product, boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Soft brushes wipe the frying pan.

How to remove black spots:

  1. In a glass of water pour 4 tbsp. L.uksus.
  2. Boil the prepared solution for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Wipe the sponge black spots, after - rinse under water a kitchen product and wipe dry.

How to remove the Nagar:

  1. Mix soda and peroxide to form Cashier.
  2. Apply it to polluted places.
  3. Leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Wipe your napkin or sponge.
  5. Rinse with clean water.

How to deal with the solar Nagar?

If during operation did not ensure the correct care for the aluminum frying pan, then purify the solar nagar is needed by more radical methods.

Consider the most efficient and popular ways.

Lemonic acid with vinegar:

  1. Mix 1 glass of vinegar, 0.5 glasses of citric acid and 2 liters of water.
  2. Boil in the resulting solution for 15 minutes.
  3. After - wipe the tank with a sponge or brush.
  4. If all the dirt is not lazy, lower it again into the solution and boil for 20 minutes.
  5. Wipe again.

Glue and household soap:

  1. In a bucket or large volume, pour water, but so that the frying pan placed there.
  2. Cap water.
  3. Sutitate a piece of 72% of the household soap on the grater, add it to the water.
  4. Add 150 ml of silicate stationery and 150 g of soda.
  5. Boil the solution, lower the dirty product into it.
  6. Boil 30 minutes on medium heat.
  7. Clean the tight sponge to the Nagar, who softened.
  8. Repeat the process if necessary, and increase boiling time to 5 hours.

Burning fire:

  • Put the object for cooking on the medium fire, ensure the ventilation of the kitchen.
  • Warm the dishes within 2 hours.

Important! The frying pan will smoke and turn on, after that, the Nagar will turn into the ashes and will turn.

  • Leave to cool.
  • Clean and wash the frying pan.


The most popular equipment for the removal of nagar and fat:

  • Bugs Shumanit.
  • Pimolux gel.
  • Amway oven tool.
  • Care of the aluminum frying pan does not constitute any complexity. The main thing is to remember that it is impossible to wash it with caustic chemicals and rub with metal brushes, and also periodically needed a product. How to do it right - we told in the article above.

All women spend a lot of time at the kitchen plate. And each hostess wants to cook with pleasure. In this, an important role has dishes for cooking. The main tools here are frying pan and pans. From their species, sizes and, most importantly, the material from which they are manufactured depends on the quality of food. Very often women use aluminum dishes. Her advantages are that it is lightweight, comfortable and inexpensive. But often there is a nagar from the subtleties of the material. This spoils the taste of dishes and the appearance of the kitchen utensils.

How to clean the aluminum frying pan

The fact is that aluminum is a very gentle metal. It needs to be very carefully operated using only plastic or wooden blades. And to clean the cleaning with extreme caution. In no case cannot be used abrasives and metal washcloths. Then how to clean the aluminum frying pan?

There are several options:

1. Allow a means for washing dishes, vinegar and food soda in equal shares. Pour water in the pan (as much as possible), add a mixture there and put on fire. Boil about 15-20 minutes, after which it with the help of a sponge to remove the Nagar.

2. PRINCIP, as in the first embodiment, only instead of the previous ingredients in the water add only 2-3 spoons of citric acid.

3. It can be used when washing the frying pan is ammonia alcohol.

4. Caution in the mixture: 10-15 liters of water - 100 g of silicate glue, 100-200 g of soda calcined. Before cooking aluminum frying pan with soda, you need to remove all plastic components from it (for example, a handle) and choose a large container in which the frying pan is completely entering and which will not pount. In this solution, boil the frying pan for 30-40 minutes. Next, wash it in the usual way. Instead of glue and soda, you can try 100 g of finely chopped outbuilding soap. This can be cleaned not only the inner, but also the outer surface.

How to clean the non-stick frying pan

Nowadays, there is a large assortment of frying pans against burning: Teflon, titanium, marble, ceramics. Such a type of dishes simply should not burn. Therefore, it is comfortable with a detergent. Only should not be used abrasive, alkaline and acidic products, as well as rigid lips and brushes. With persistent contaminants, it is possible to soak in warm water in warm water or boil water into the pan with a detergent.

But it happens that the food is burning on Teflon or in a ceramic frying pan and naiga appears. It may say that the coating is low-quality or it is damaged. In any case, such dishes can not be used. It is very harmful to health.

The non-stick coating is usually applied to the inner surface of the dishes, so the nagar can appear on the outer. How to wash the non-stick frying pan from the outside?You can boil the pan in water with food soda. Or use the method of silicate glue already familiar to us, as well as the household soap. These ingredients will not damage the coating. If the Nagar is strongly so much, you will have to resort to chemicals that can be purchased at any household chemical store. But here you need to be extremely neat so that such detergents do not fall on the inner surface of the dishes.

In order for the kitchen utensils to serve for a long time, and cooking was not in harm to the body, it is necessary to use it carefully, to wash it right and try to acquire only high-quality dishes. Sometimes people apply the method of calcination before the first use of frying pan, and many not even have no idea how to cross aluminum frying pan.

How to pump an aluminum frying pan

A new frying pan must be washed and dry well. Then pour sunflower oil to it so that the bottom is completely covered, and add 1 tbsp. l. Salt. Next, put the frying pan on the stove and rolling to a specific smell of hot oil.

There is one more option, how to pump an aluminum frying pan. Pre-flushed and dried frying pan slightly grasp by vegetable refined oil from the inner and outdoor sides, turn the bottom up and place in the heated oven. After 60 minutes, the oven turn off, and the frying pan does not take out until it cools.

In the process of calcining on the surface of the dishes, a protective film is created, which should prevent the burning and formation of the Nagara. After these procedures, it is desirable for several days in a frying pan not to use to secure the result.

Also for calcining aluminum frying pan use salt. Pour a centimeter layer to the bottom, then leave on fire for about 15-20 minutes. The calcination of the ceramic frying pan can also be carried out on fire with the addition of vegetable oil only. This will prolong her utilization and strengthen its non-stick properties.

Not only aluminum pans are very often used in the kitchen, but also a pan. Therefore, the hostesses are interested in creating aluminum pots. The answer is simple. All manipulations proposed by us, for cleansing pan, are suitable for aluminum pot.

Kitchenware is most often metallic, thereby ensuring greater reliability and practicality in use. Although some types of metal have a property to be subject to corrosion, which significantly complicates the operation of products. And when a new frying pan is purchased, the hostess / host often arises the question: how to prepare it for use, what would it serve for a long time and cares?

The first stage is a new frying pan need to rinse with a liquid or non-abrasive detergent for dishes and wipe dry.

Steel frying pan

Steel utensils are completely not subject to corrosion, if its alloy is the correct proportion of chromium and nickel (18/10), but still it must be prepared for the first use, namely, to roll the pan when it is new.

For this, the product is thoroughly washed, dried. On the bottom of the approximately thickness of 1 cm, vegetable (refined) oil is poured, salt is poured, the skillet is put on the middle fire for 15-20 minutes. As soon as the first smoke appears, the fire turns off - the calcination is completed.

Finishing step. Salt with oil from a frying pan is cleaned, surplus oil is carefully cleaned with a napkin. The product does not wash and in this form is ready for first use.

Cast-iron pan

The new cast-iron pan must complete the calcination stage in oil, which creates a natural anti-hatch layer, ensuring a golden crust in the product further on the product and not sticking it to the bottom. How does this happen?

The skillet is thoroughly washed with warm water and a tool for dishes (for example, Fairy, AOS). The outer side is wiped, the inner remains wet. The product is placed on the slab on the middle fire. As soon as the last drops evaporate, this is the signal that the frying pan varied to 100 ° C.

The next step. Protective mittens (gloves) wear and smeared the inner part of the hot frying pan with vegetable or linseed oil. The time is given that the product is cooled to a warm state. Then the same procedure is done a couple more times: heats up; lubricated inside oil; cool. If there is a cast iron cover, then this procedure must be done in the oven, and not on the cooking plate, turning the product itself.

Do I need to calculate salt? It is necessary if the new cast iron product is very covered with production lubrication. It is extremely difficult to fully wash with water and detergent. Then salt is poured into the pan, closing the bottom and walls as close as possible. The product is placed on the middle fire. As soon as the salt starts to change the color (it happens on 20-30 minutes), the calcination ends. Then the hot frying pan is also rubbed with oil, it turns around and a couple of times heats up, rubs off and becomes cold.

Some manufacturers are calcined cast-iron dishes and the creation of a natural opponor layer make themselves. To find out, you need to carefully read the label. In this case, the new frying pan is simply washed, dried and ready to use.

If the product in the process of cleaning and washing has been subjected to strong mechanical effects (scrambed, metallic washcloths and active, chemical means), then after such a procedure it is necessary to dry on fire and lubricate the inner part with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Aluminum Skovoroda

Preparation of the aluminum frying pan goes on the same principle, as in the case of a steel frying pan. The product is washed, dried onto a centimeter is filled with vegetable oil with two tablespoons of salt. Put on the middle fire. After 15-20 minutes, salt, as a rule, changes the color and light smoke appears.

At the next stage, the product is cleaned from salt, oil, excess carefully wip the napkin. Rinsing with warm water (without detergent) and dry wipes. Although you can not allocate.

Non-stick frying pan

Control frying pancakes are categorically impossible. In this case, the pan is thoroughly washed using a sponge and a soft tool for dishes, well dried. The inner part is wiping with a napkin moistened in a small amount of vegetable oil.

In the future, during operation, the inner layer can be periodically lubricated with a small amount of vegetable or linen oil to maintain the best non-stick properties of the surface. The same can be done with the dishes with a ceramic coating.

Ceramic frying pan

As in the case of products with a non-stick coating, ceramic frying pan shakes do not need. It is enough to periodically lubricate vegetable oil and wipe without diligence with a napkin or a paper towel.

Check out a 5-minute video, where it is shown how new frying pans are prepared for the first use of Professionals:

Required accessories for frying pan

To increase the service life of the frying pan and not throw out almost new due to scratches, chips and incurring outside, together with the purchase of the frying pan, it is necessary to provide for the purchase of the necessary accessories.

Special shovel

The blade can be silicone, wooden or plastic. Metal blade, and moreover, knives, forks can cause irreparable damage to the non-stick coating of the frying pan. It is fraught with the purchase of this accessory that in the hands of the habit of something acute and made of metal.

Cover for frying pan

Many skillers are sold without a cover, which can be purchased separately, knowing the size of the frying pan. In addition to holding heat, smell when cooking, the lid will not give food splashes to be stained both the surface of the plate and the outer side of the frying pan, which is due to the lack of a protective coating, as on the inside, quickly and is contaminated, which worsens the thermal conductivity of the frying pan.

Stands for pancakes

Stand under the hot and / or stand for several pans or any other design that allows you to store a pan, not necessarily, but it will help to avoid mess and chipping, as well as damage the surface of the table.

Yes, yes, you can do without all these accessories if you take a conventional frying pan from cast iron or a good stainless steel. But then it will be necessary after eating or put it to cry out what is not always aesthetic, or it is not enough to use vegetable oil when cooking, which may not allow or diet or the calorie counter.

Can I use a dishwasher

What frying pan can wash in a dishwasher, and what you can not? The question that worries many. As practice shows, all frying pan, except steel, do not recommend washing in the dishwasher. The reasons may be different: disappears the anti-hatch layer, and the cast iron dishes are very dark. As a result, the frying pan was washed "to the screens", but completely devoid of anti-excracial properties or aesthetic species. Although manufacturers often recommend using a dishwasher during the operation of a frying pan. This is a delicacy and explicit marketing technique to increase sales of their products.