Repairs Design Furniture

House without a bearing wall. Carrier walls of a frame house. Such a package includes

The last difference is most essential and according to the canons of drama, we will leave the interchange for later.

Specific features of the internal design structures

Deaf space depleteners - the simplest construction element of the house. They share rooms that require exceptional isolation, such as kitchen and bathroom. The main requirement for deaf ceilings is a high level of sound insulation.

It is at least foolishly engaged in increasing noise protection. They are made for windows or doors, and they and the latch are. But overlapping with rims require additional attention to hardness. The house frame form vertical racks, and if you remove one of them, the integrity of the design will break. Consequently, the movements must be made in space between the racks, and if it is not possible to provide additional horizontal fasteners.

Free overlaps are boring and monotonously erected. Builders, without breaking away from the discussion of the last football match, fought uniformly repeated elements. The loaded suggests the heavy household appliances hanging and in the fasteners, require an additional lining in the form of boards of the same type as for the frame. In the event of an installation of sound-reproducing equipment, it would be nice to still make damping by sound-absorbing composition, otherwise people in the next room will feel inside the audio column. All listed nuances can relate to carrier walls of a skeleton houseand to partitions. And now directly about them.

Installation of bearing walls of a frame house

Internal overlaps as it were to continue the carcass of the house and the task of them exactly the same - provide housing strength. They take part of the load from the roof, overlap and items, concentrated on an external perimeter. Evalnamed and economic benefit. Cheaper to install additional supports than to apply a thicker boards and a bar.

The third factor of necessity does not always occur. If the flooring boards may rely on the outer perimeter, it does not need an additional analogue, if not - without carrying the bearing walls, do not do. The recommended seating loss length is 4 m, the maximum no more than 4.5 m. This does not mean that it is necessary to jut in the Kamorca Pope Carlo size 4x4. One side of the square can be extended at least to the horizon, but the second will be limited. Want to exporious - put the carrying structure. From here it follows that decide where is beyond carrier Walls Frame House, it will be necessary at the initial design stage, because they are installed exclusively on the belt foundation.

The material of the carrier internal frame is identical to the material of the external perimeter and in form and in size. Fill the cavity of the bearing wall of the frame house with a sound insulation material or insulation. The last option is preferable - it allows you to make a house in parts. Standardly insulation serves mineral wool. If the heating in any case is planned from both sides, it is possible to limit the sound membrane of any kind, even cheap steam paper.

Partitions in the house of frame type

The inner walls that perform the role of partitions do not play any significant role for the stability of the frame house. Her load is its own weight and decor elements. All this without tension will endure the floor, without any help from the foundation, and therefore, there is no particular need for pre-layout. Frequently, the builders simply draw the drawing of the rooms on the floor, and then the racks exhibit on the lines. With this method, it is more convenient to place the doors and evaluate the volume of the rooms. Partitions are collected from the boards 100x50 mm, the racks are installed at a distance of 1.2 m, which corresponds to the standard of mineral wool sheet.

Partitions are also good to use for all sorts of small goods. For example, lay inside a steam insulating layer on the border of rooms with high humidity. Or hide from the eye with more wiring and other communications.

The project of the house is a package of documentation consisting of architectural, design and engineering sections. The project is based on the architectural and design partitions. In principle, if the customer trusts the foreman and believes that he can assemble the professional team of engineering communications professionals, then the development of the engineering part can be refused. But the fact is that the architect, the designer and engineer over the project work in the bundle and such moments, such as technological openings in overlaps and walls for laying engineering systems, are provided by them at the design stage.

Engineering section includes several subsections

  • Water supply and sewage (VC)
  1. water supply scheme
  2. channelization scheme
  3. general view of the system.
  • Heating and ventilation (s)
  1. scheme of heating
  2. ventilation scheme
  3. bottling
  4. general instructions and recommendations on the section.
  • Power supply (ETR)
  1. lighting wiring
  2. wiring of power networks
  3. scheme of hand
  4. system for grounding
  5. detailed description and characteristics of all system elements.

Make sure that the sections contained general data, the general and technical description, the specification of materials and equipment.

Price: from 40 UAH per m²

Package "Engineering Networks"

Package "Engineering Networks"

The project of engineering networks will allow competently paving the communications and make the house for truly comfortable and modern.

  • Price: from 40 UAH per m²

Changes in the project

All our typical projects take into account the main needs of the average family, however, in this case, it is not necessary to talk about the individuality of your future dwelling. But so that the house looks original and fully complied with your requirements, we are ready to make changes to the project.


  • changes should not affect the reliability and quality of the house
  • multiple changes are unlikely to drastically improve the project. In this case, it is worth thinking about individual design from scratch

The following changes may be made in the house project.

  • transfer wall partitions, but without moving bearing walls, allows you to make redevelopment and change the purpose of the rooms
  • changing the location of windows and doors will make it possible to maximize your ideas about comfort.
  • changing the type of overlaps and walls
  • changing the height of the ceilings (in projects the height of 2.8 m is laid);
  • add a mansard floor
  • change the angle of inclination of the roof and canopies
  • change type of foundation, taking into account the features of the soil on the plot, add or change the basement and the ground floor
  • add or remove the garage, canopy, open parking or make changes to an existing project
  • replace constructive composition or add building and finishing materials
  • get a project in mirror mapping

Price: from 500 UAH.

Changes in the project

Changes in the project

House built by typical project may look original

  • Price from 500 UAH.

BIMX model

We keep up with the times and today we offer you the opportunity to get along with project documentation BIMX Model - based on technology that provides simultaneous navigation of 2D documentation and 3D buildings models.

Now you can "twist, get into, see your future house from all sides." See all sizes and heights, specification of openings and so on. You will receive a file that will be your reliable, convenient assistant to control the construction.

* File you get electronically and use using the BIMX application on Apple and Android mobile devices

The Bimx app is available free of charge in Play Market, App Store

Demonstration Bimx

BIMX model

BIMX model

BIMX Model - Interactive viewing of the three-dimensional model of your home. Now you can "twist, walk inside, see your future house from all sides."

  • Project price 3 000 UAH.

Package "Foundation Adaptation"

It is difficult to predict which soil will be on the site where the house is planned to be built. Therefore, typical projects of houses are developed taking into account the averaged parameters of the soil. But often they differ significantly from the engineering and geological parameters of the real construction site. Consequently, the foundation will have to adapt to a specific project.

For this, a package "Foundation Adaptation" has been developed, which includes

  • choosing foundation designs
  • calculation of technical indicators:
  1. depth of bookmarking soles foundations
  2. bearing abilities
  3. limit stress of soil under the basement sole
  4. the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe work fittings, so on.
  • creating a zero cycle drawings
  • calculation of the cost of building materials.

Adaptation of the foundation performed by professionals gives a complete guarantee of its reliability, which means the reliability of the whole house. Moreover, the construction of a foundation adapted for refined engineering and geological data may be cheaper than the option originally proposed in the project.

Price: 3000 UAH

Package "Foundation Adaptation"

Package "Foundation Adaptation"

Preparation of the foundation project for a specific area

  • Project price 3 000 UAH.

Individual design

For the desire to be original and unlike all, you have to pay.
This statement is true for individual designation of houses. Yes, such a project is always unique and fully takes into account all the wishes of the developer. But he will cost more than typical. But here, as they say, it all depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the client.

But sometimes it also happens that only individual design can save the situation. For example, when the customer saw a house in a glossy magazine and categorically demands that his housing looks like that. Here is a more prosaic case: a non-standard plot is selected for building. And so, the customer in the already selected typical project contributes to such a number of changes and additions, which is easier, and most importantly, the "project from scratch" will be cheaper.

Creating an individual project includes:

  • preparation and approval of technical design
  • conclusion of the Treaty for Project Works and Prepayment
  • creating a house concept, choice of style and planning solutions
  • coordination of plans of facades and premises
  • development of a draft project, which is necessary to obtain a construction permit
  • working partitions of the project.

Additionally, you can order:

  1. Projects of additional structures on the section-Garage, workshop, bath, so on.
  2. Visualization of the project in 3D format.

You can decide on the style of the future home in the "Individual Design" directory.

Price: from 50 UAH. /

Individual design

Individual design

Implement your individuality!

  • Price: from 50 UAH. / m²

Geology package

Engineering and geological surveys are held in order to determine the features of the land plot selected for development. And the main task of such work is to minimize all possible negative factors that may affect construction work and exploitation of a ready-made home. First of all, this data is required to bookmark the foundation. And, as you know, the reliability of the whole structure directly depends on its strength.

At the same time, the following types of work are performed:

  • survey of the site allotted for construction and adjacent territories
  • selection of soil samples on the plot
  • studies of soil samples to determine the physico-mechanical properties of soils
  • geodesic shooting of a plot with surrounding territories and the preparation of engineering-geological cut.

Engineering and geological surveys are divided into three categories of complexity.

  • Land surface horizontal
  • small quantity indicators of soil
  • lack of groundwater or the presence of one aquifer
  • lack of geological processes and technogenic factors.
  • Land with a noticeable bias
  • significant number of ground variability indicators
  • two or more aquifers
  • in this case, physico-mechanical characteristics do not significantly affect the changes in the parameters of the foundation laid out in the project.
  • Changeable relief of the land plot
  • the base of the site is soils of various origin
  • large heterogeneity of ground variability indicators
  • complex horizons of groundwater with alternation of aquifer and waterproof soils
  • there are geological processes affecting the construction and operation of the building
  • there are technogenic effects.

It is necessary to understand that geological work is reasonable expenses on which your safety depends. In addition, often engineering and geological surveys help reduce the total cost of building a house when it turns out that the materials initially embedded in the project are less expensive or reduced their consumption.

Price: from 6000 UAH.

Geology package

Geology package

If you want to build a good house in which there will be no one generation of your family, it makes sense to use the geology package, which will perform qualified DOM4M specialists

  • Price: from 6 000 UAH.

Package Geodesy

Geodesic works will not only optimally enter the building into the surrounding landscape and infrastructure, but will allow you to save time, money and prevent the diversion of materials.

Stages of geodesic work

Topographic shot of a plot

At this stage, it is important to take into account the heights, slopes, wetlands and vegetation on the land plot on which the house will be located.

Topographic shooting makes it possible to calculate engineering work as accurately as possible, such as the movement of the soil and the orientation of the building on the sides of the light.

In addition, all information is applied to the topographic plan, which will be further useful for the development of a landscape project, drainage, arrangement of household and storm sewage, automatic irrigation systems, in operations on the lighting of the site, etc.

Landustrial works

In the course of these works, the borders of the future household are determined and a package of land sustainable documents is created. This will allow you to make the right to use the Earth without any problems.

Engineering and geodesic work

During the survey, geodetic and topographic data is specified. The result of such works is a detailed technical report, which will be specialists of our company.

Broken work

The paper project is as accurate as possible to the land plot: the axes of structures and engineering communications are applied, the configuration of the pit and fencing is determined.

Price: from 3000 UAH.

Package Geodesy

Package Geodesy

Package "Geodesy" is a set of calculations that will allow competently located a house on a plot with reference to the relief. Also taken into account the availability and features of the location of neighboring buildings, engineering and transport communications

  • Price: from 3 000 UAH.

Package "Tender Offer"

The tender offer is a document in which building materials are carefully and detailed, their necessary quantities are indicated, and the list of upcoming works and their volume is also given. In other words, these are your construction costs of the future. But not only. It is also the ability to control costs and adjust the list of materials and works.

Tender offer allows

  1. calculate the total cost of construction
  2. independently adjust prices for each position
  3. attract the most profitable contractors
  4. competently control the contractors at each stage of construction
  5. control the consumption of building materials
  6. the tender proposal, indicating prices for materials and work, will facilitate the receipt of a loan for construction in the bank.

As a rule, the customer receives a tender proposal from our company in the format in * .xls format. This will allow the developer to further analyze and edit the document.

Price: 3200 UAH.

Package "Tender Offer"

Package "Tender Offer"

Tender offer:

Order a detailed estimate. Build with benefits for yourself!

  • Project price 3 200 UAH.

Package "Anail"

In the snowy winter, drifts and ice on the roof deliver a lot of trouble. The overlaps in the modern house are unlikely to bother under their weight, but the snow behind the collar and hanging icicles are not the most pleasant. You can, of course, make a deeds to clean the roof. To wave a shovel in the cold for 2-3 hours, from time to time shifting on households in the spirit of Vasily Alibabaevich from "Gentlemen of Good luck": "You don't go here, you go here! Snow Baska will get" ...

But in the modern world, convenient and efficient synthetia and anti-change systems have long been invented. And, by the way, they are used not only for the roofs. Their base is heating cables. Systems work on the "warm floor" principle, but they differ in greater power and smaller step of laying the cable.

The "Anail" package is a project documentation developed taking into account the characteristics of the energy supply of a particular home:

  • for flat roofing and drainage
  • for the entrance group
  • for the entrance to the garage.


  • for a complex multi-communion roof, the specialists of our company will design an "antiy" system for individual order.

Package "Anail"

Your comfort and safety in winter

  • Project price 1 100 UAH.

Package "Lightning protection"

Some private developers do not attach values \u200b\u200bto protect their own houses from lightning. Causes are different: someone is trying to save, someone generally thinks that it is nonsense. But, as practice shows, after 3-4 years after the construction of the house, many are returned to this issue. Toli "Thunder I hit", and the neighbor in a thunderstorms the household appliances came out, statistics came across the eyes: "About 3,500 fires caused by a lightning strike happened in Ukraine ...

We suggest to immediately solve this question: choose the type of protection and plan its placement at home design. First, zipper can hit the house and immediately after the construction - it will be offensive, and secondly, from purely aesthetic considerations - it will not be necessary to break the walls of the house and pull the tank in the facade, the violated appearance of the building.

Protection of the house from lightning is a system of devices located both outside the house and indoors. External lightning protection warns lightning in the house, internal - ensures the protection of the power grid from sharp voltage jumps. And additional devices protect the technique in the house from sharp changes in the electromagnetic field within the radius of the lightning strike.

In the package "Lightning protection" includes

  • plan-scheme of the location of lightning parameters that make up straight blows of lightning
  • claiming scheme, reducing current from lightning memory to grounding
  • scheme of the grounding circuit that distributes lightning energy in the soil, providing full safety
  • averaged resistance calculations
  • detailed list of essential materials
  • recommendations for project implementation.

Choosing a "Lightning Girl" package from DOM4M, you can be completely calm for the safe of your home even in the most strong thunderstorm.

Price: 1100 UAH.

Package "Lightning protection"

Package "Lightning protection"

Lightning protection: Think about safety in advance

  • Project price 1 100 UAH.

Package "Central Vacuum Cleaner"

"Central Vacuum Cleaner" is a kind of aspiration system(Removing small particles by sucking them with air flow).

The system consists of:

  • a vacuum cleaner (installed in the technical room);
  • air duct systemwhich moves the dust-air mass (more often the hidden installation is carried out in the preparation of the floor or in space behind the tail ceiling);
  • pneummators and Pneumoshovka (The first flexible hose with a telescopic barbell and nozzle is connected, as in the usual vacuum cleaner, the second is designed for express cleaning, as a rule, in the kitchen).


  • removed dusty air does not fall back room, and "throws out" after the unit to the street;
  • No noise In the removed premises.
  • Easy cleaning Without the "tightening" of the vacuum cleaner from the room to the room, without the use of extension cords.
  • Hidden mounting Systems, there is nothing in the room except pneumators.

Project price: from 1100 UAH.

Package "Central Vacuum Cleaner"

Package "Central Vacuum Cleaner"

"An integral part of the modern house - Comfort, Cleanliness and Fresh Air"

  • Project price: from 1 100 UAH

Package "Comfortable House"

Intelligent dictionaries argue that comfort is a totality of household amenities, without which life is unthinkable.
modern man in a modern house. Most of such amenities are laid at the design stage. But we are ready to expand their list and help customers make their own accommodation as comfortable as possible.

Package "Comfortable House"

Do not deny yourself in comfort. Additional package "Comfortable house" for those who truly appreciate home comfort

  • Price: from 3,500 UAH.

Package "Warm floor"

Knowing people argue that the heating of the floor was used by the ancient Romans. And they really knew the lot in comfort. Today, this method of heating is not only not forgotten, but also develops on the basis of modern materials and technologies. The "warm floor" has become an important component of comfort and an excellent addition to any heating system.

  • uniform heat distribution;
  • fast and economical air heating;
  • convenient control system and maintain a given temperature.

Package "Warm floor" involves individual design:

  • optimal selection of system design;
  • selection of circulation pumps;
  • calculation of the parameters of the heating system;
  • calculation of heat loss;
  • schemes of the heating system: contour area, laying step, pipe diameters;
  • specification of materials and equipment.

Price: 40 UAH. per m.²

Package "Warm floor"

Package "Warm floor"

Create a comfortable climate in your home

  • Price: 40 UAH per m²

Architectural passport

Each country house is obliged to have his passport. This document contains the most common information about the project at home. What is called without going into details and details. Because, more complete information can always be found in the architectural and constructive section of each project. And only the most basic sizes, heights and technical and economic parameters are indicated in the passport.

The architectural pass includes documents that will significantly speed up all sorts of harmonization in the local organs of architectural supervision and, ultimately, obtaining a construction permit.

Sections of architectural passport

  • Certificate of GUI for Ukraine
  • Sketch of the project:
  1. plans of facades
  2. floor plans
  3. cuts along the axes
  4. roof plan
  • Explanatory note.

The architectural passport is better to order in the same company that the project of the house prepared and the very project: as they say, "with a large amount, a discount is supposed." Agree that the issue of saving for any developer is important. And, in addition, it is architects and designer engineers of our company who worked on your project will be able to do it organically and quickly.

Price: 800 UAH.

Architectural passport

Architectural passport

An architectural passport allows you to enable building permission to local organs of architectural supervision

  • Project price 800 UAH.

This is a big problem - choose a house project for a seismic area. The number of specialized projects is very limited, so it is difficult to choose something corresponding to your ideas about a comfortable and cozy home.

We offer your solution to this issue. You do not have to agree on a compromise option - security to the detriment of appearance or vice versa. We are ready to adapt any of our project under a seismic area where residential development is allowed.


  • adaptation implies changes in the project for its compliance with the construction standards of Ukraine under construction in seismically dangerous regions;
  • the number and complexity of changes depends on the chosen project and the seismic characteristics of the area.

Price: 5000 UAH. - House up to 150 m² .

6000 - house up to 300 m² .

Over 300 meters² - negotiable

Adaptation of the project for seismozons

Adaptation of the project for seismozons

Seismically safe house: and reliably and beautiful

  • Price: from 5 000 UAH.

Additional copy of the project

Order an additional copy of the project with printing.

With a typical order, we ship two instances: one copy is transmitted to builders, one remains at the customer. You can recall another instance if you need to provide it to third parties (suppliers of materials, for example).

Also, an additional copy of the project can be useful if the time "presses". Then, this will help to significantly speed up the work on the adaptation of the project, and the presence of such copies immediately in several specialists will reduce the construction time. In addition, it can help to help with restoring lost or damaged documents.

Additional copy of the project

For prudent: Additional copy of the project with printing

  • Project price 500 UAH.

Departure architect

Departure of the architect is carried out in Kiev and nearby settlements.

Primary departure involves: obtaining a technical task and collecting information, communication, architectural data of buildings, refinement of linear and high-altitude sizes of the site, photo spix.

Price:200 UAH at one o'clock*

* The time is taken into account from the moment of departure from the office and until the return back

Departure architect

Departure architect

Get advice and recommendations from the architect on your site

  • Price: 200 UAH. / hour *

Obtaining a building passport building

The construction passport of the land plot is a document, on the basis of which the complex of urban and architectural requirements for the placement and construction of an individual private residential building is determined (including gardening, country houses, household buildings and structures, which are located on a household plot, garages, elements of engineering Protection, improvement and landscaping of the land plot) - but not higher than 2 floors (excluding the attic floor) with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 300 square meters.

For construction objects to which a construction passport is provided, the construction of a construction project is carried out exclusively at the request of the customer. Design on the basis of a construction passport is carried out without obtaining urban planning conditions and restrictions.

In case it is planned to build a private residential building above 2 floors (excluding the attic floor), and also if the house area will exceed 300 square meters, then it is necessary to obtain urban planning conditions and restrictions on the construction of the land.

To obtain a construction passport, the developer refers to the General Directorate of architecture and urban planning with a written statement on the intentions of the development of the land plot.

The application also includes:

The urban planning and architecture bodies determine the compliance of the intentions of the land plot of the current town planning documentation (the general plan of the settlement, the zoning plan and the part of the territory, the planning scheme of the territory) in terms of functional, target, construction and landscape use of the land plot. The refusal to provide a construction passport together with an appropriate rationale is issued by a specially authorized branch of urban planning and architecture within a 10-time period. The reason for refusing to provide a construction passport is the inconsistency of the intentions of the land plot of the requirements of urban planning documentation at the local level, construction standards, state standards and regulations.

Price: from 6000 UAH.

Obtaining a construction permit (notification or declaration of start of construction work)

Construction work - these are works on new construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, restoration, overhaul. Construction work can be carried out by the Customer only after receiving a document certifying the ownership or use of the land plot:

The notice of the start of construction work is a document that concerns objects whose construction is carried out on the basis of a construction passport, and which do not require the registration of the Declaration on the start of construction work or obtaining permits for construction work. The construction of such facilities is carried out after the direction of notification on the start of construction work in the inspection on the location of the construction facility and is filed only under the condition that the area of \u200b\u200bthe new building does not exceed 300 square meters.

Declaration, as well as notification of the start of construction work, provides the right to construction. It is needed to perform construction work at facilities belonging to the I-III complexity category. Connecting the construction object to engineering networks and facilities without registration of notification or declaration is prohibited. According to the current legislation, the Customer is responsible for the performance of construction works without a registered declaration or without filing notification.

Price: from 3000 UAH.

Obtaining urban-planning conditions and restrictions

The city planning conditions and restrictions on the development of the land plot are a document containing a complex of planning and architectural requirements for designing and building on the floor and density of the development of the land plot, deviations of houses and structures from red lines, the boundaries of the land plot, its improvement and landscaping, other requirements for the object Construction established by legislation and urban planning documentation. These documents consist of a textual and graphic part.

The graphic part contains:

Situational scheme of the location of the land plot with the display of the influence of the object of urban planning;

A scheme for the use of a land plot with the display of planning restrictions, the limiting area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, improvement, other types of use, the proposed location of buildings and structures, entrances, existing engineering networks;

Schema (model) of a volume and spatial solution.

The customer is entitled to apply to the local government body, as well as to persons who have provided technical conditions, with a request to extend the validity of the source data.

The city planning conditions and restrictions on the development of the land plot are provided to the Customer with the management of urban planning and architecture of the city council during a two-week period from the date of registration of the petition in the event that the intention specified in the statement belong to the preferential or permissible assembly of the relevant territory.

For urban-planning conditions and restrictions on the application are attached:

  • certified in the prescribed manner a copy of the document on the right of ownership (use) by the land plot;
  • situational plan-scheme about the location of the land plot (in arbitrary form);
  • cutting from the topographic-geodesic plan M1: 2000;
  • cadastral certificate with a town-planning cadastre (if available);
  • another cadastral plan (extract from land inventory - in the absence of a town-planning cadastre);
  • photo imaging of a land plot (with a surroundings);
  • urban-planning calculation with technical and economic indicators of the planned construction object.

In the event that the intentions of the land plot do not meet the requirements of urban planning documentation and types of use of the territory, local government, within a month from the date of registration of the application, provides the applicant with a conclusion on this inconsistency and recommendations for the possible change in the intentions of the land plot. Urban planning conditions and limitations of land development are grounds for obtaining other source data to design the object of building and implementing this design.

Price: from 6000 UAH.

Manufacturing and coordination of the master plan

The detailed option of the master plan is called a detailed area plan. It is being developed for the territories of residential areas, microdistricts, new buildings, complex reconstruction of quarters, microdistricons of an outdated residential foundation, territories of production, recreational and other development. Sequence The development and area of \u200b\u200bthe territories for which detailed plans are created, determines the appropriate authorized body of urban planning and architecture in accordance with the General Plan of the settlement. A detailed area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is developed by business entities in which there are architects with an appropriate certificate confirming their qualifications.

The decision to develop the master plan, the plan zoning the territory, a detailed plan of the territory located within the settlement, as well as amendments to this urban planning documentation, adopts the appropriate rural, village, city council. The decision on the development of a detailed plan of the territory, located outside the settlement, or on amending it adopts the relevant district government administration.

Price: from 10 000 UAH.

Technical oversight of buildings and structures

Technical supervision is carried out throughout the entire construction period of the projected facility, in order to prevent the possibility of violation of state construction norms, rules and legislation in the field of construction. The presence of a specialist who conducts technical supervision of construction is one of the requirements when receiving a document that allows you to begin construction work, as well as a document certifying the successful delivery of the construction facility.

Technical examination of building structures and engineering networks is carried out in cases where it is necessary to establish the fact of the reliability of the building and its safe operation.

Technical supervision provides the customer (developer) during the entire construction period. The purpose of the control is to comply with project decisions and requirements of state standards,

construction standards and rules. The volume of work performed during construction and change (including by demolition) of such an object should also be monitored. Tekhnadzor can carry out persons who have a qualifying certificate issued by the architectural and construction certification commission in accordance with the legislation.

Price: from 2000 UAH.

Construction supervision

It is carried out by the architect - the author of the project of the object of architecture, other developers of the approved project or authorized persons (hereinafter referred to as the General Designer) in accordance with the current legislation and the contract with the Customer (Developer) during the entire construction period. At the same time, it is planned to monitor the compliance of construction and installation work project.

Such control will eliminate all sorts of inaccuracies with which you have to deal with construction or repair, as well as save money in the selection of building materials, lighting and other things.

There are two versions of the author's supervision:

  • After the start of repair (construction) works at the facility, the architect's departure schedule is drawn up on the object. Usually, this happens 2 times a week. This scheme allows the architect to verify the compliance of the work carried out by the approved project, evaluate the quality of work, hold consultations and respond to builders' questions.
  • The architect goes to the object on demand. This happens exclusively in cases where problems arise and ambiguities that cannot be resolved by the builders in place.

The customer must understand that the architect does not solve such questions as: ordering and delivery of construction and finishing materials, their unloading. It cannot affect the timing of certain works. The main task of the architect is to control the repair (finishing) work and achieve their compliance with the developed project.

Author's supervision is a guarantee that all repair and finishing work will lead to the desired result, which was recorded in the project. Such results are fixed in the journal, which is issued by the general designer in two copies, one of which is kept by the Customer, and the second is the general designer. After the object is adopted, the general designer must store the copyright journal in the archive.

Price: from 2000 UAH.

Obtaining a declaration on the readiness of the object to operation

The adoption of objects related to the I-III complexity category, and the construction of which was carried out on the basis of a construction passport, is carried out by registering the state architectural and construction inspection and its territorial bodies filed by the Customer of the Declaration on the readiness of the object to operate. The date of commissioning of the object is the date of registration of the declaration or issuing a certificate. Operation of facilities not commissioned is prohibited.

The registered declaration or certificate is the basis for the conclusion of supply contracts, the object being taken to operate necessary for its functioning of resources - water, gas, heat, electricity, including data on such an object into state statistical reporting and design of ownership of it.

Price: from 3000 UAH.

BTI services

Price 4-10 UAH. per m2 Minimum price package 600 UAH.(Garage), apartment from 800 UAH.

Services for the manufacture of technical passport.

The technical passport is a document that is compiled based on the materials of the technical inventory of the real estate object and contains basic information about it. The technical support is manufactured by BTI. The procedure of technical inventory is required. It is a survey and technical measurements of real estate (residential or non-residential fund) with the definition of the actual area, the technical condition of the real estate object and the definition of its inventory value.

Technical inventory is carried out:

  • before commissioning facilities with completed construction or after reconstruction and overhaul;
  • before conducting state registration of ownership of the object of unfinished construction;
  • before conducting state registration of property rights to the object of immovable property formed as a result of separation, association or secretion of a share from the real estate object, except when, as a result of such separation, association or separation of the share, the completed object was commissioned.

In other cases, technical inventory is carried out at the request of the customer.

The objects subject to technical inventory include:

  • apartment buildings, hostels;
  • single-welded (manor) residential buildings;
  • Multifunctional buildings and complexes;
  • buildings and facilities of public and industrial purposes, engineering networks, elements of improvement, etc.;
  • Household buildings (sheds, garages, summer kitchens, workshops, restrooms, cellars, canopies, boiler houses, boiler, transformer substations, garbagers, etc.);
  • Economic buildings such as: wells, cesspools, fences, gates, wickets, etc.;
  • Garden and country houses, garages (not related to economic: multi-storey, underground, single-storey - block);
  • Protective buildings of civil protection (civil defense).

Property Evaluation Services

The assessment of property is mandatory in cases:

  • the creation of enterprises (economic societies) on the basis of state property or property in communal property;
  • reorganization, bankruptcy, liquidation of state, utilities and enterprises (economic societies) with state share of property;
  • allocations or determination of the share of property in general property in which there is a state proportion (share of communal property);
  • identifying the cost of contributions of participants and founders of the economic company, if the property of economic societies with the state share (communal property shares) is made to the specified society, as well as in the event of a participant or founder of a participant from such a society;
  • privatization and other alienation in cases established by law, lease, exchange, insurance of state property, property in communal property, as well as the return of this property on the basis of a court decision;
  • revaluation of fixed assets for accounting purposes;
  • taxation of property under the law;
  • determination of damages or amount of compensation in cases established by law;
  • in other cases, by the court decision or due to the need to protect public interests.

Expert evaluation of residential buildings, as well as the assessment of the real estate of other types, often needed:

  1. For tax purposes when selling, donation, exchange;
  2. for the transfer of property in pledge (lending);
  3. For presentation in court, in particular in the division of property;
  4. To reissue the right of ownership upon receipt of inheritance.

A feature of the assessment of residential buildings is that in most cases, when evaluating the house, the expert monetary assessment of the land plot is also required, which is located this house.

The estimated value of real estate, except for objects of unfinished construction, is determined by applying a comparative approach based on the sale of real estate, which was sold no more than six months before the date of assessment or is offered for sale at the date of the assessment.

The total algorithm of applying a comparative approach is:

  • identification of the object of assessment and related rights, that is, the establishment of compliance of such an object with existing source data and information about it;
  • selection of comparison objects;
  • determining the characteristics to be adjusted;
  • amendments;
  • determination of the value of the assessment object by coordinating the value of the value of comparison objects.

The estimated value of the assessment object can be determined by applying other methodological approaches to choose from a subject of evaluation activities, taking into account the individual characteristics of the object and features stipulated by national evaluation standards.

Privatization of land plots

The privatization of the Earth is the transfer of property rights to a land plot to a physical or legal entity. A citizen who is the user of the Earth and is interested in its privatization, must submit an application to the local government authorities at the location of this site. The local government or executive body is considering a submitted statement within a month and issues a decision to develop the project privatization project.

The development of documentation takes 1-2 days. The issuance of permits occurs on time from 14 to 180 days, depending on where the land plot is.

To privatize the Earth, it is necessary to submit the following documents:

  • original decision of state bodies. administration, whose competences are the transfer of land ownership. This is the decision of the rural, urban, district, Kiev or Sevastopol administration;
  • a copy of the master plan or the project of the formation of the boundaries of the site;
  • copies of documents on buildings and structures (if registered);
  • copies of the passport and INN (for individuals), a notarized copy of the registration certificate, a copy of the tax payment certificate, a copy of the certificate from a single state. Register of enterprises and organizations (for legal entities).

Changing the target

Each land plot has a definite intended purpose. Sometimes there are situations when the owner needs to change the purpose of the land plot. To do this, it is necessary to apply (a petition) to the appropriate administration, in which this site is located. To the application you must attach copies of the following documents:

  • state act, which confirms the ownership of land;
  • copies of the passport and the INN;
  • justification of the change in the purpose of the land (it needs to explain the reason for the purpose of the purpose of the site).

After consideration of the package of documents, permission will be made to change the target of land. After that, it is necessary to develop a project, coordinate it with all instances and provide an approval to the authority that issued permission to change the target of land. Only after that the new state act will be registered, in which the new purpose of the land plot will be indicated.

The change in the target of land is carried out in several stages. The development of the project takes 1-2 days, and the approval can take up to one and a half months.

To carry out this procedure, you must provide:

  • the original decision of the State Administration, whose competence includes issuance of permits for changing the purpose of land.
  • resolution of architecture organs (if available).
  • to individuals, it is necessary to submit copies of passports and the INN, for legal entities, it is necessary to submit notarized copies of the certificate of registration, statute, certificates of taxes and certificates of statements from the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations.

According to the Land Code of Ukraine of October 25, 2001 (with changes and additions), the change in the purpose of land plots of private property is carried out:

  • in land, located within the settlement, - rural, settlement, urban council;
  • in land located outside the settlements, - district state administration;
  • in land, located outside the settlements, not included in the territory of the district or, in the event that the district government administration will not be formed, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the regional state administration.

The draft land management on the allocation of the land plot of private property, the purpose of which is subject to change, is being developed for the order of the land owner without providing permission to develop it. This permit is issued by the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the executive authority, the body of local self-government.

Price: from 10 000 UAH. Full construction

Section and Union of Land

The section of the land plot is possible in the following cases:

1. At the request of the owner of the land plot, provided that as a result of the separation, the boundaries of the site will not be violated;

2. The section of the land plot in case of alienation of one or several parts;

3. division in kind in the sharing between the shared co-owners of the land plot;

4. The section of the land plot can be carried out if each of the parts obtained after separation can become an individual area of \u200b\u200bland.

The section of the land plot is carried out at the request of the owner to separate one or more parts. When dividing the land plot into several - new flight signs are installed.

The section of the land plot is possible after the development of documentation on land management and the formation of a plot in the State Land Cadastra in order to assign the cadastral number and conducting state registration of ownership separately on each of the sites that arose as a result of the section.

The unification of land plots is possible subject to the following conditions:

  1. all land belongs to one owner;
  2. plots have a common border;
  3. combined sites have an identical target purpose.

The union is carried out at the request of the owner of the land.

Land plots created as a result of separation or association after issuing documents in the Government, is mandatory registered in the State Registration Service.

For the section / unification of land plots, you must provide the following documents:

  • a notarized statement on the division / association of land plots;
  • a notarized copy of the state act on Earth;
  • a copy of the passport and identification code (for individuals), notarized copies of the certificate of registration, statute, tax evidence, certificates from the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (for legal entities).

Price: from 10 000 UAH. turnkey for each site

Assigning cadastral numbers

Cadastral number is a unique number assigned only to one land plot. The obligatory stage of the assignment of the cadastral number is to make this number to the electronic database. The cadastral number is preserved for the entire period of the existence of the site (both physically and legally). At the same time, the change of the owner of the land plot or its purpose does not provide grounds for changing the cadastral number.

The list of documents required to assign the cadastral number to the sites on which state acts of the old sample (until 2003) were issued:

  • a notarized copy of the state act of an old sample;
  • catching with an indication of the location of the land plot, certified by the seal of the rural council (garden partnership) and the signature of the Chair;
  • certificate from the rural council (garden partnership);
  • help from the district center of the State Directorate of GZK (State Land Cadastre) that the State Act is registered in the State Registration Book. acts on land;
  • a copy of all passport pages and an identification code for an individual or notarized copies of all constituent documents of a legal entity.

The owners of land, which issued the right of ownership or the right to use until 2003 (the states of red and yellow), may face difficulties in the alienation of the land plot, since these acts do not have the cadastral number. In the contracts of sale, donation, exchanges, as well as in the mortgage contracts, in order to identify the land plot, the cadastral number is indicated.

Our company implements a range of services for the preparation and introduction of information in the database of state cadastral accounting of land.

Price: from 6000 UAH.

State registration of rights to real estate.

State registration of rights is carried out by the state registration authority and notary, by making entries to the State Register of Right. The notary at the same time acts as a special subject on which the functions of the state registrar of the rights to real estate are imposed.

The state registration authority holds:

  • state registration of rights to real estate at the location of such property;
  • state registration of encumbrances of rights to real estate, regardless of the location of such property;
  • accounting for incomplete real estate at the location of such property.

If immovable property is located within the territory on which two or more state registration authorities are valid, the registration of rights and accounting of incomplete real estate is carried out by one of these bodies chosen at the discretion of an interested party or the person authorized by him.

The State Register of Rights is registered property rights and their encumbrances on real estate facilities, namely: land plots, enterprises as uniform property complexes, residential buildings, buildings, structures, or their individual parts, apartments, residential and non-residential premises.

Price: from 3000 UAH.

Package "Building Permission"

Package "Building Permission"

For those are built in Kiev and Kiev region, as well as in some other cities, we can offer assistance in paperwork.

  • Specify the price of the manager

13-04-2016: Olga

Hello, my parents built a single-storey house 9x12 from the aerated concrete blocks of the aerobel D500, B \u003d 3.5 (625x300x200) plus a facing brick. The foundation is a ribbon 1.2 m depth, a red brick base. Inside 2 walls of silicate brick (thickness 65 mm), which have a foundation for 0.6 m and a red brick base. It was planned to make wooden floors. But it turned out without bearing walls inside the beam more than 6 m do undesirable. As a result, put the ZBB plates. The construction team, in which there were 2 people with the highest construction formation, in front of the plates laid out 3 or 4 rows of red bricks with a reinforcing grid. I understand it was necessary to pour concrete with fittings by type as a foundation? Above the windows are jumpers with reinforcement and concrete in P-shaped blocks. Even before installing plasterboard ceilings, it turned out that the plates are not in terms of the level, then the buys the builders laid out the walls of an unequal height. The house is already 4 years old. There are no cracks. Tell me, will the house can't fall?

13-04-2016: Dr. Lom.

According to your description it is difficult to make unambiguous conclusions. In my opinion, nothing terrible here (if there is about 9 m long slabs). However, look at all in case the article "Simplified Calculation of Walls from GSB", reference at the end of the article.

13-04-2016: Olga

Thank you. I just thought that if not inside the carrier wall and a span of about 9 m, then these are seams and for overlapping on wooden beams and on zhb plates. In addition, the reinforcing belt before the ceilings is the rows of red bricks. I will add to the description of the part: the roof is two-screwed from the metal tile, over the stove there in the center lies - a bar or a beam, on which wooden columns are called, are they called? Podksov seems no. Height from floor to plates - 3 m.

14-04-2016: Dr. Lom.

In principle, thinking and assume anyone and nothing is not allowed, well, to sleep peacefully, you just need to check your designs with the calculation. For example, the load on your overlap plates depends not only on the design of the roof, but also on the value of the snow load, and whether the attic will be operated and if it is, how. In addition, standard wetting plates of overlappings can be calculated on the load 400, 800 or 1200 kg / m. But in general, even the plates with the calculated load of 400 kg / m in your case should be enough.

Well, the fact that instead of a monolithic reinforcing belt is made by several rows of brickwork with a grid reinforcement - this is certainly not very good, but in principle, if the foundation is done well, then there is nothing terrible in it.

14-04-2016: Olga

Unfortunately, there is no construction education, although it graduated from the construction university (Economic Faculty). The calculation may not be mastered ..

In the attic lay the boards, old furniture and every trash. The frontoth is also posted from the armed blocks and facing bricks. There are racks in two rows, relying on the slabs of the overlap.

14-04-2016: Dr. Lom.

Olga, you first try to calculate, and then you will regret. There, in the article indicated by me, the entire pair of simple formulas. And from the description "on the attic lay the boards, the old furniture and any trash" I cannot determine the value of the load even approximately I can't even if I really wanted, so let's yourself. And the fronton, if it is based on the most part on the underlying walls, does not affect the load on the stove.

Walls of private houses, cottages and other low-rise buildings are usually two-layer with a warming layer. The insulation layer is located on the carrier part of the wall of brick or low-format blocks. Developers are often asked:
"Is it possible to save on the wall thickness?"
"Do not make the carrying part of the wall of the house of a fonder than a neighbor or, what is provided by the project?

On construction sites and in projects to see a brick wall with a thickness of 250 mM.., And from blocks - even 200 mM.. It became commonplace.

The wall was too thin for this house.

Loads and impact on the walls of the house

Design standards (SNIP II-22-81 "Stone and Armocamenic Constructions") Regardless of the results of the calculation, limit the minimum thickness of the bearing stone walls for masonry in the limits of 1/20 to 1/25 height of the floor.

Thus, at the height of the floor 2.5 ... 3 m.. the wall thickness in any case should be greater than 120 - 150 mM..

A vertical compressive load is valid for the carrier wall From the weight of the wall itself and overlapping structures (walls, overlaps, roofs, snow, operational load). The calculated resistance to the compression of masonry from bricks and blocks depends on the brand of brick or class of blocks for compressive strength and grade of the building solution.

For low-rise buildings, as shown by calculations, the strength to compress the wall thickness 200-250 mM. The brick is ensured with a large margin. For walls from blocks, with the corresponding selection of class blocks, problems usually do not happen.

Besides vertical loads, on the wall (section of the wall) there are horizontal loads, caused, for example, the head pressure or the transmission of the rollers from the rafting roof system.

Besides, rotating moments act on the wall Which seek to rotate the wall of the wall. These moments are associated with the fact that the load on the wall, for example, from slabs of overlappings or from a layer of insulation and facing facade, is not applied in the center of the wall, but shifted to side faces. The walls themselves have deviations from the vertical and straightness of the masonry, which also leads to the emergence of additional stresses in the wall material.

Horizontal loads and rotating moments create bending load In the material on each portion of the bearing wall.

How to make walls durable and resistant

Strength, wall stability thickness 200-250 mM. And less, the bending loads does not have a large stock. Therefore, the stability of the walls of the specified thickness for a particular building must be confirmed by the calculation.

For the construction of the house with the walls of such thickness, it is necessary to choose the finished project with the corresponding thickness and material of the walls. Project adjustment with other parameters for selected thickness and material of the walls must be assigned to those skilled in the art.

Practice of design and construction of residential low-rise houses showed that the bearing walls of bricks or blocks of more than 350 - 400 mM.. have a good margin of safety and stability, both compressing and bending loads, in the overwhelming majority of the structural designs of the building.

The walls of the house, external and internal, based on the foundation, form together with the foundation and overlap of a single spatial structure (core), which jointly resist the loads and influences.

The creation of a solid and economical island of the building is an engineering task, requiring high qualifications, pedanticity and culture from construction participants.

The house with thin walls is more sensitive to deviations from the project, from the norms and rules of construction.

The developer needs to understand that strength, wall stability decreases if:

  • the wall thickness decreases;
  • the height of the wall increases;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bopenings in the wall increases;
  • the width of the simpleness between the openings is reduced;
  • the length of the free plot of a wall that does not have a subjoiler, interface with a transverse wall increases;
  • channels or niches are arranged in the wall;

Strength, the stability of the walls changes in one direction if:

  • change the material of the walls;
  • change overlap type;
  • change the type, the size of the foundation;

Defects, reduced strength, wall stability

Violations and deviations from project requirements, norms and rules of construction, who admit builders (in the absence of due control by the developer), reduced strength, stability of walls:

  • wall material (brick, blocks, mortar) are used with reduced strength compared with the project requirements.
  • not performed by the anchoring with metal bonds of overlapping (plates, beams) with walls according to the project;
  • masonry deviations from the vertical, the displacement of the axis of the wall exceeds the installed technological standards;
  • deviations of straightness of the masonry surface exceed the installed technological standards;
  • it is not fully filled with a solution of laying seams. The thickness of the seams exceeds the established norms.
  • excessively much in the masonry uses halves of bricks, blocks with chips;
  • insufficient bandage of masonry of internal walls with outdoor;
  • passing of masonry masonry;

The developer is necessary in all cases listed above cases of changes in the size or materials of walls and overlaps, be sure to contact the designer professionals to make changes to the project documentation. Changes in the project must be certified by their signature.

The proposals of your pro-type "Let's make it easier" must be coordinated with a professional designer. Control the quality of construction work that contractors make. When performing work with its own forces, do not allow the above construction defects.

The norms of the rules of production and acceptance of work (SNiP 3.03.01-87) is allowed: deviations of walls on axle displacement (10 mM.), by deflection on one floor from the vertical (10 mM.), on the displacement of support plates of overlapping in the plan (6 ... 8 mM.) etc.

The thinner the walls, the more they are loaded, the less they have a margin of safety. The load on the wall multiplied to the "errors" of designers and builders may be excessive (in the photo).

The processes of destruction of the wall are not always manifested immediately, it happens - years after the completion of construction.

House of blocks from wall thickness 180 mm.

Principles of home design with minimal wall thickness are clearly visible in the following photos. In the structures of the house with thin walls, elements from the monolithic reinforced concrete are widely used.

A simple architectural form of the house allows you to use publicly available materials for construction and contributes to the optimization of construction costs.

The house has 114. m 2. Useful area and is designed for a family of 4 -5. On the attic there are three bedrooms and a bathroom.

On the first floor along the southern facade with large windows there is a spacious living room combined with a dining room and a kitchen. In another part there are a cabinet, bathroom and technical room.

Silicate blocks are used for the masonry of the outer walls of the house. Wall thickness 180. mm. Thin walls increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

The house is designed so that there are no inner bearing walls. Inside the house there is a carrier beam, which relies on two columns inside and two columns embedded in the laying of the outer walls. The beam itself and columns are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. Such a solution allows you to perform free space layout on the floor.

To increase the stability of the walls to loads, in the level of overlapping the first floor there is a monolithic reinforced concrete belt. The site of the walls with wide, high windows and narrow stones on the southern facade is also made of monolithic reinforced concrete.

The roof of the house relies on the monolithic reinforced concrete belt over the nurse's walls. In the attic walls of the attic, which relieves the roofs, reinforced concrete columns are arranged. The need for a device in the outer walls of the columns is caused by the fact that these walls do not have transverse links inside the attic. The lack of transverse walls allows you to perform a free planning of the indoors of the attic.

Formwork for the device of a monolithic column in the outer wall of the house. The column serves as a support for the carrier beam inside the house.

Device formwork for monolithic columns along the edges of wide window openings.

In the background you can see a formwork for the columns inside the house. Two columns inside are located on one axis with columns embedded in the outer walls.

Overlapping in the house Collected-monolithic portions are in the same level with a monolithic reinforced concrete belt of walls.

The monolithic overlap, made at the same time with the monolithic belt of the walls, is created together with the walls of a single and solid spatial design - the cozoise of the house.

Attic walls of attic height of 1.3 m.which is based on Mauerlat roofs, reinforced with monolithic columns embedded in the masonry.

Formwork for the device of monolithic columns and belt of the nansard walls.
The southern facade of the house with openings for high big windows. Inside, a monolithic beam is visible, which relies on two columns inside and two columns embedded in the laying of the outer walls.

The rafters of each roof slide above rely on the farm, the ends of which, in turn, lie on the opposite nipples of the attic. This decision made it possible to abandon the intermediate racks of the skate beam. As a result, the space inside the attic is free to plan. The angle of inclination of the roof of the roof is 42 o.

Foundation of the house - monolithic reinforced concrete plate 250 thickness mm. The foundation plate lies on the insulation layer. Formwork non-removable insulation. On the perimeter of the foundation, under the slate, plates of the insulation. Such a solution excludes the freezing of the soil under the foundation.

Thickness of the walls 200-250 mM. Of the brick or blocks, it is certainly advisable to choose for a single-storey house or for the upper floor of the multi-storey.

House in two or three floors from the thickness of the walls 200-250 mm. Build if you have a finished project attached to the ground conditions of construction, qualified builders, and independent technical oversight of construction.

In other conditions for the lower floors of two-three-storey houses, reliable wall thickness of at least 350 mM..

To ensure the strength and stability of the private house with a minimum wall thickness, the standard of monolithic reinforced concrete belt has become the standard. The belt is placed on the top of the exterior and internal bearing walls on each floor of the house. Beams and slabs of overlaps, Mauerlat roofs are necessarily connected (encircling) with metal connections with a reinforced concrete belt on the walls of the house.

About how to make bearing walls thick total 190 mm.,

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Today you will learn about the possibilities of modification of one of the most common series of residential houses in Moscow and-700.

Serial houses and-700a differ from other standard houses not only by technical characteristics, but also appearance. These are high buildings of the tower type. These houses are often considered blocks because of the appearance, but in fact, when it is built in this series, they used panel technology. Lightweight panels allowed not only to increase the floors to 22-23 floors, but also make at home.

The I-700A series was recognized as successful and was actively built in major cities from 1980 to 1990, until more modern analogues came to replace it. 700A has many advantages, such as a sufficient area of \u200b\u200bapartments, isolated rooms, loggia in each apartment and the absence of intra-quarter capital walls (with the exception of three-bedroom apartments). All the carrier loads of the wall are located around the perimeter of the apartment, which allows for a large-scale redevelopment, and we will now demonstrate its possible versions of the reorganization on the example of a two-room apartment.

The apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b50.3 meters consists of a kitchen (8.5 square meters. M), separated bathroom, hallway, two residential rooms and loggias. The apartment has two ventilation mines that are located in the capital walls. Also, the initial layout in the corridor includes built-in wardrobes.

First option. Without demolition.

The initial characteristics of the apartment are acceptable, so it is possible to create a convenient environment for living without redevelopment.

A large room was chosen for the living room, and a bedroom is located in a smaller place. However, pay attention to the bed. Its size is 1600x1900, which is the minimum sizes of the mattress, and if this size is uncomfortable for you, it is worthwhile to change the purpose of the rooms.

In the bathroom, everything is unchanged, and a small shell has been added to the bathroom, which will ensure compliance with sanitary standards.

The built-in wardrobe in the corridor will perform its functions if you replace the old opening doors to new sliding doors with a mirror. Sliding doors for the cabinet are convenient because it does not need space for their opening and they will not block the door to the bathroom.

Second option. As the first, but more interesting.

If you make a minor redevelopment, you can use the space more efficiently: in the bedroom to organize hidden cabinets and enlarge the bathroom.

The enlargement of the bathroom at the expense of non-residential space is permissible, and we, using the resolution, not only increased the bathroom and organized a full-fledged second bathroom, but also found a place for a minor: on the left of the sink, you can place all the equipment for washing and drying, as well as for ironing and Storage of clothes.

The kitchen equipment is located along narrow walls, which allows not only to organize storage space, but also put the dining table at the window.

Third option. Maximum features.

The non-residential part of the apartment is slightly smaller than living, and in a particular situation is a big advantage, since it allows you to re-equip the apartment and not break housing legislation. We believe that the space should be organized effectively, so instead of a large bathroom, as in the second version, placing the kitchen in the corridor, which is permissible. Dismantling part of the partition of the old kitchen will allow combining space and fill it with light from the window. On the site of the old kitchen, we have a living room and a storage room. Even a bicycle will fit in the latter.

In the residential rooms, a partition is transferred, which allowed to create premises of the required area.

In the third version there is one drawback - the combined bathroom, which can provoke household conflicts. But they can be avoided by organizing the second restroom on the place of the pantry, especially since the necessary communications are undergoing there: water, sewage and extract.