Repair Design Furniture

Thermal insulation of the floor in a frame house pie. How is the upper strapping of a frame house and an interfloor overlap made? Layout of air vents in the foundation

The device of a rough floor in a frame house depends on the type of foundation on which it stands. And the type of foundation even this light structure depends on the nature of the soil. And here there are no restrictions on materials - it can be concrete floors on the ground, and wooden floors on logs. But the first option, if used, is only on a slab or strip foundation. Although for a strip foundation, a rough floor on logs is more common. And given the fact that a frame house is usually placed on a screw or columnar foundation (if the geological features of the site allow), a rough wooden floor is most common.

All enclosing surfaces frame house arranged similarly - thin-sheet sheathing with insulation in the middle

General terms

Basically, there are two types of wooden subfloors on the first floor of a frame house:

    supporting ventilated structure on a strip or pile (screw) foundation;

    lattice structure on a slab or concrete screed.

In the first case, the horizontal level must already be observed at the level of the basement, grillage or trim, in the second - when pouring the base.

If there is a subfloor in a strip shallow foundation, air vents for ventilation must be laid in the bearing walls of the base along the perimeter and inside it.

Note... The air should also be left when arranging the pick-up (basement) of the pile foundation.

To prevent wood from rotting on contact with concrete or metal surface, the places of support of the load-bearing floor beams on the foundation are isolated with the help of rolled bitumen waterproofing.

Everything wooden elements must be treated with antiseptics, the metal fasteners used and the attachment points must have an anti-corrosion coating.

Subfloor structure

The structure of the floor in a frame house does not differ from the walls.

There are also power elements that are responsible for the reliability and strength of the structure - logs and jumpers. They are also attached to the load-bearing base - the foundation. And in section it is the same sandwich - a thin-layer skin of the frame, inside which there is a heater. And so that the insulation and wood do not get wet from condensation and atmospheric moisture, they are protected with special films and membranes.

They equip the rough floor in a frame house in two stages.

Features of the subfloor of the first floor. First stage

At the first stage, immediately after the completion of the construction of the foundation, the supporting structure of the floor is installed - logs and crossbars.

And there is different variants their mounts:

    The lags are fastened on top of the beam of the strapping of the pile foundation or the base of the strip foundation on nails. First, along two opposite walls, a facade (strapping) board for a log is attached to a beam or a bed. And then the lags themselves are placed between them. If necessary, they are built up with an overlap, which should rest on one of the internal bearing walls of the strip foundation or the internal beam of the grillage (run).

On our website you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects of frame houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Video description

The rigidity of the structure is provided by additional spacers, the length of which must correspond to the step of the log (minus their thickness). How Larry Hon does this can be seen in the video below:

    The lags are attached on top of the strapping or stanchion beam, fixing them directly to the wall posts with nails and brackets. In this case, the lag layout completely coincides with the pitch of the racks, and this is not always "convenient".

    The lags are fixed in the strapping beam, for which special slots are made.

    The lags are attached to the strapping beam on the inside using special brackets.

There is no unequivocal opinion about the lag layout step.

A more "economical" option is 600 mm. And if we talk about the axial distance, then taking into account the thickness of the log - 625 mm. But some experts recommend a pitch of 400 mm. And although when insulating with mineral wool, the mats will have to be cut, the construction of the subfloor will turn out to be much stronger.

Important! In places where heavy equipment is installed (stove, fireplace, floor boiler with a boiler), the layout (step) of the lag is additionally reduced.

Video description

The principle of reducing the layout of the lag in the installation sites heavy objects used not only in frame houses. For example, the same advice can be heard in the next video, although it tells about the construction of the subfloor of a log house. As you can see, in practice, there are no fundamental differences - this is the same wooden floor of the first floor:

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of reconstruction and rebuilding of houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Installation of the subfloor. Second phase

The second stage of the subfloor arrangement is started after the walls are up and the roof is installed. Although frame houses are prefabricated, precipitation can "happen" at any time, and mineral wool should be installed provided that it does not get wet from the rain.

There are three ways to make a floor in a frame house (more precisely, its lower part):

    The base is hemmed from below the lag... It is made from a board moisture resistant plywood or OSB. Since decorative qualities are not needed for this, the board can be taken unedged, but it is imperative to remove the wane (bark) and treat it with an antiseptic. The entire load that will fall on this base is the weight of the mineral wool. Therefore, it is enough if the board is 20 mm thick, and plywood or OSB is 10-15 mm. The disadvantage of this method is that the base is fastened from the side of the subfloor, and this is possible only with sufficient clearance to the ground.

This is how the floor plan looks like with a filing underneath.

    The filing of the base is carried out along the "cranial" bar... This is the name of a small bar in cross-section (usually 50x50 mm), which is attached to the logs along the wallpaper of the side at the very bottom. Base boards or cut boards are laid on these bars plywood sheets(OSB boards). Moreover, their attachment to the cranial bar is carried out purely "symbolically". The advantage of this method is that the installation is carried out "from above", so there is no restriction on the clearance between the ceiling and the ground. Disadvantage - the logs must be at least 200 mm high (even better - 250 mm) in order to compensate for the loss of useful space for floor insulation. You can also note the additional purchase of a bar as a disadvantage.

    Rough pie frame house floormounted on top of the lag... This method is used if the basement is low and there is practically no subfloor. In fact, it is necessary to lay additional logs perpendicular to the logs of the main subfloor. In this case, the base of the subfloor is attached to the main logs, and additional logs are mounted on it - they serve to fasten the finishing floor covering.

After the base is mounted, a waterproofing membrane and insulation are laid between the lags (basic or for the third method - additional).

Ground Floor Subfloor Pie

The correct arrangement of the layers of the hardwood flooring on the first floor looks like this:


    diffusion waterproofing membrane;

    insulation between the lag;

    vapor barrier film;

    directly the subfloor itself, as the base of the final floor covering.

Note... If as topcoat use a tongue-and-groove floorboard, then it is mounted on logs on top of the vapor barrier.

Figcaption board>

This arrangement protects the insulation from the penetration of water vapors with warm air from the side of the room, and does not prevent them from being eroded outward - into the subfloor.

For the floor of the frame, choose mineral wool, ecowool, ordinary or extruded polystyrene foam. Mineral wool is preferred because of its incombustibility. But if you need to make the floor warmer with the same thickness of thermal insulation, then a combination of expanded polystyrene and mineral wool is used. Lay 10 cm thick foam plastic below, and mineral wool on top.

Second floor subfloor

The device of the subfloor in a frame house on the second or attic floor differs from the basement floor.

Here the vapor barrier is located in a different way and in addition there must be elastic spacers to compensate for impact and structure noises. In addition, only mineral wool... Moreover, this is explained not only by its incombustibility, but also by its ability to absorb airborne noise, which foam does not have. That is, it acts not as thermal insulation, but as sound insulation. Therefore, its thickness will be less (although for this case it is better to choose mats of special acoustic wool).

Note... TO airborne noise any waves in the acoustic range are considered - this is speech, music, a working TV or a stereo system. Impact sounds are walking on the top floor, sounds from objects falling to the floor or moving furniture. Structural noise propagates through structural elements from operating equipment (ventilation, air conditioners, water supply and heating system pumps).

    finish coating (for laminate - with a polyethylene foam backing);

    plywood or OSB plate;

    rubber or cork substrate glued on top of a chipboard (or plywood) board;

    rubber or cork gaskets on floor beams;

    mineral wool between the beams;

    vapor barrier;


    ceiling paneling(drywall, lining or panels);

Video description

Several Yet useful nuances on the construction of the sub-floor in the following video:


The sub floor must be reliable and durable - its main elements are included in the supporting structure frame house. In addition, it must have good heat and sound insulation properties - it is the observance of this part of the conditions that is responsible for comfort. Therefore, here everything must be done on the basis of the project, the calculation of which must be carried out taking into account regulatory requirements and climatic conditions of the region. And this is a job for professionals.

In houses with screw piles, special requirements are imposed on the flooring technology due to the structural features of the structure. In frame houses, the floor must be part power structure... The floors in a frame house on piles are more exposed to climatic influences, therefore, the requirements for materials, flooring technology and insulation methods are fundamentally different than in buildings with standard types of foundations. This material is about how to properly lay the floor pie in a frame house on stilts, so as not to violate the key parameters of the building and achieve comfortable living conditions for many years.

On screw piles

In most cases, building a frame house on screw piles is a forced necessity, rather than an image or aesthetic solution. Houses of this type are built in places where the soil is of low density or high level groundwater. Also, similar structures are found in coastal areas, where in the spring there is a threat of flooding of the home.

Building on the slope of a ravine.

For construction, you need to screw piles over the entire area of ​​the future frame house. The number of piles and their deepening are individually prescribed in the design documentation. The upper part of the pile foundation is combined using bottom strapping from a bar 150 by 150 mm, or 200 by 200 mm. The beam of the lower strapping of the frame house evenly distributes the load on the piles. Thus, the laying of the floors of the frame house is carried out directly on the timber.

Advantages of a pile foundation

This technological solution has a number of advantages:

  • minimum level of precipitation;
  • the ability to use on any type of soil;
  • quick installation of the foundation;
  • absence a large number earthworks;
  • high level of structural stability;
  • insignificant susceptibility to aggressive environmental factors.

An important point is that with the help of a foundation on screw piles, it is possible to build frame houses in areas with a significant height difference: on cliffs, slopes of lowlands or ravines, artificial embankments.

Note K weaknesses the described technological solution can be attributed to the inability to equip basement and difficult floor insulation in a frame house on piles.

Floor in a building on screw piles

Before covering the horizontal overlap of the first floor, you need to correctly select the type of wood in order to minimize heat loss, since the floor in a frame house on screw piles is not protected from the external environment like the floor in ordinary house... Therefore, wood grades are required that will ensure the most tight fit of the floorboards to each other.

In order to lay the floor of a frame house on screw piles, it is recommended to use conifers, which combine high strength, durability and an affordable price. For wealthy homeowners, it would be preferable to choose oak or aspen, which are many times superior conifers in many ways.

Insulation of the first floor floor.

The correct floor in a frame house will allow you to use any type of flooring of natural origin, be it parquet, parquet board or a treated solid wood board. You also need to keep in mind that you will have to use ceramics as a floor covering in order to sew up a bathroom with tiles. The tree must tolerate moisture-repellent impregnation well.

Ground floor floor

The horizontal ceilings of the first floor are most susceptible to heat loss, therefore, in this case, an insulation lining is required between the main floor surface and the floor covering. Thus, the thickness of the floor of the frame house on the first floor will be much greater than on the second. Additionally, it is required to pin plywood sheets or isoplat sheets to the logs from the outside.

The counter battens on which the flooring rests should be located directly on top of the logs above the insulation. The floor of the first floor in a frame house requires additional protection against moisture accumulation and evaporation. You need to think about waterproofing at the initial stage of laying the floor, even before installing the floor covering.

The layers of insulating material should be overlapped. The overlap must be at least ten centimeters wide. The arrangement of floors in a frame house on piles resembles a kind of cake, the "filling" of which are the subfloor, wind protection, layers of thermal insulation, vapor barrier, floor covering.

Floor requirements for the second floor

What kind of floor is used in timber frame houses on the second floor? The main requirement for the floors of the second floor is that they must bear the minimum load on the building, since it is not recommended to erect frame houses with a height of more than two floors. Ceilings of the second floor do not give off heat and are less demanding on the type of floor covering. The main requirement for floors of this type is lightness of construction and good sound insulation.

Sectional floor of the second floor.

On the upper floors of a frame house, it is unacceptable to use a thick layer of insulating materials. For less stress on the floor, you can do large quantity premises on the ground floor. Spacers and partitions will become part of the load-bearing structure of the house, thereby relieving the floor of the second floor of the frame house.

Floor insulation

Need to be given close attention types of insulation, so wooden floors in a frame house not only actively give off heat to the external environment in the absence of insulation, but can also be destroyed if the material of the insulating layer is selected with errors.

The main types of insulation

  • Mineral wool - this type of insulation has excellent insulating parameters. In addition, mineral wool does not burn, does not decompose, and does not accumulate toxic substances during operation. However, mineral wool loses its insulating properties if it comes into contact with water, therefore the construction of the floor of a frame house should be carried out with a minimum use of liquids. In this case, it is forbidden to process the floorboard with water-based enamel.
  • A frame house with water floors - this type of insulation requires significant technological competence from builders. It is required to lay the heating medium supply lines between the floor and the floor covering. Circulating hot water will heat the coating to the desired temperature. In order for this system to work without interruptions, a boiler with an ACS and thermostats must be installed in the house. This kind insulation is recommended for houses where people live all year round;
  • Electric underfloor heating - in a frame house, thermal elements are installed between the floor and the floor covering, which the user can activate at will. In this case, the floor covering must not be combustible.

Thermal insulation of a frame house implies variability, which is limited by the financial capabilities of the homeowner and the operating conditions of the home.

Floor installation work

Installation algorithm:

  1. Installation lag;
  2. The joining of the bars between the lags to strengthen the structure;
  3. Laying subfloor flooring from boards or plywood;
  4. Decking between the lags of the vapor barrier membrane;
  5. Insulation laying;
  6. The insulation should be covered with a vapor barrier film;
  7. Floor installation in a frame house.

Installers must ensure that the floor cake is laid in the correct order and that the boards are tightly connected.

Frame houses are gaining popularity as an alternative to wooden ones. Their main advantage is quick installation of walls and roofs. Since the weight of such a structure is insignificant, there is no need to build a capital foundation. The house can be installed on stilts.

Free air circulation occurs under the floor, which protects wooden logs and subfloor from mold and decay. This is also a big disadvantage of such a house. Even well-made thermal insulation will not protect from the cold from under the floor. To correct this deficiency, you should install a warm floor in a frame house.

Features of installation in a frame house

Installing a "warm floor" system in a frame house performs several tasks:

  • the comfort of living is improving;
  • removes the need to install wall batteries;
  • reduces the cost of paying for energy carriers.

Due to the low weight of the frame house structure, it is installed on columnar foundation... When installing a warm floor, it is not advisable to use a standard screed made of cement-sand mortar, with a size of 30 cm. This will increase the weight of the house and create an additional load on the foundation.

Warm floor in a frame house

In addition to installing a warm floor, you should also take care of the insulation of the outer walls of the frame house. Their thickness, as well as the overlap, is small. Without this event, it will not be possible to achieve the proper level of insulation at home.

The warm floor is installed using:

  • water circuit;
  • electrical circuit.

With the water type, heating occurs with a coolant that circulates through the tubes. The installation of an electric floor provides for the laying of cables that generate heat.

Both types of system can be used for frame houses. There are only a few differences in the arrangement of a water floor in a frame house on a pile foundation. Even at the stage of its construction, they diligently carry out the sealing of the joints and try to isolate all cold areas as much as possible.

Floor heating device diagram

Factors that influence the choice of a warm floor for a frame house:

  • house construction;
  • climatic conditions of the area where the housing is located;
  • geological characteristics of the site;
  • performed calculation of heat losses.

A water-heated floor is more optimal for saving and reducing energy costs for heating a house. But the ego device requires a bit more money than the electrical one.

Water floor system

Place water pipes under any kind of finishing flooring, be it tiles, laminate, parquet board, linoleum, porcelain stoneware and others. They use the technology of installing a warm floor in houses built from any material: wood, brick and cast concrete.

In addition to the described advantages, a warm floor in a frame house has its own disadvantages. First of all, this is the high cost of components, as well as hydraulic calculations and a limited choice of the type of screed.

Choosing the type of underfloor heating

The correct arrangement of the underfloor heating system will save heating costs and create comfort and coziness in the house. This is perhaps the most correct option space heating devices, as it heats up Bottom part premises.

After deciding to make a warm floor, you should choose its type: water or electric.

Electric underfloor heating

Is different quick installation and ease of connection. A significant disadvantage is the high cost of electricity, which makes the cost of heating the premises high.

An electric underfloor heating is installed under the floor surface free of furniture. Installing it under a sofa, wardrobes and bed is ineffective and the cables can burn out from overheating. When calculating the power of the system, it is taken into account that one square meter area, 0.1 kW of energy is consumed. Heating the room standard sizes(14-16 sq. M.) 1.5 kW of electricity may be needed.

Electric cable underfloor heating

There are two main types of electrical floor heating systems:

  • cable;
  • film.

The heating principle is infrared and convection.

The installation of such a system is carried out in a screed. Almost all types of flooring are used on top. It could be ceramic tile, linoleum, laminate. Natural parquet or cork flooring is considered an undesirable surface. These materials can dry out, and besides, the cork does not transmit heat very well.

When choosing a cable floor, you should consider it electromagnetic radiation... In residential premises, it is recommended to use a two-core wire, Negative influence which is less on the human body.

The foil electric floor can be installed without screed. It is spread directly under the floor covering. This greatly speeds up the installation process and reduces labor costs.

The advantages of an electric floor heating system include the absence of a screed or a very thin layer of it, quick installation and instant heating.

Installing an electric floor with a cable

There are also disadvantages. This is a high consumption of electricity and dependence on its constant availability. It is not recommended to install in rooms with high humidity.

Water heat-insulated floor

The operation of a water-heated floor is cheaper. Heating comes from a coolant that is heated by a gas or solid fuel boiler. The system is not so dependent on electricity, especially when using a wood or coal boiler.

The standard installation of a water floor involves laying it in concrete screed, the size of which is 5-7 cm. This limited its design in frame houses, where it is technically difficult and impractical to fill the floor or overlap with cement-sand mortar. Therefore, a more innovative system was invented - a light water floor, which is carried out without a screed.

It has several advantages:

  • less weight of the structure, which allows the installation of a warm floor in a frame or wooden house
  • the system is ready for use immediately after installation;
  • less thickness of the floor layer;
  • the ability to customize.

There are two types of lightweight underfloor heating:

  • wood;
  • expanded polystyrene.

Price wooden system cheaper, but its installation is more laborious. Used for installation by lags. The thickness of the structure is small and does not bear additional stress on the structure of the house. For greater efficiency, an insulation with reflective foil is additionally installed on the wooden floor.

Installation of beacons when installing a water floor

To prevent the direction of warm air downward, a lightweight floor heating system with expanded polystyrene is used. Aluminum plates are fixed on its soft layer, and from above the structure is covered with a gypsum fiber moisture resistant sheet.

To control the water floor system, bulky additional equipment is used, which allows the system to be turned off in each room separately.

Installation of different types of underfloor heating

Electric underfloor heating is mounted in several ways:

  • cable;
  • heating mats;
  • infrared mats and foil.

Each of these methods has some differences. Underfloor heating using cables can be placed inside the screed or laid on the boardwalk. The infrared foil can be placed directly under the finishing floor.

The operation of the system is controlled by a thermostat. Therefore, installation work begins precisely with its installation on the wall. Mount it on the wall, at a distance of 30 cm from the floor surface. The thermostat is placed in a hole on the wall surface and cable ducts are connected to it.

If there is high humidity in the room where the cable floor will be installed, the thermostat should be moved to another room.

The surface on which the cable electric floor will be installed is covered with plastic wrap and heat-insulating material. Then a reinforcing mesh is laid on which the cable is attached.

Cable floor installation diagram

The output of the heating cable is connected to the thermostat and the system is checked for functionality. Then the screed is poured in a thin layer.

The electrical system of underfloor heating in a frame house is installed on wooden logs. A layer of waterproofing and a heat-reflecting layer of special foil are spread under them. On the logs, in the places where the system is laid, cuts are made, in which the cable is laid, in any of the ways.

From above, to protect the underfloor heating system, a finishing coating of plywood or chipboard is laid, and then the finishing floor.

The device of a water-heated floor in any frame house is carried out in two ways. The first of them is the device of a floating screed, the thickness of which should not exceed 5 cm. The structure of the house should withstand this load without problems.

Installation of the floor "snake"

Pouring the floor begins with a waterproofing layer. It is laid on the rough base of the floor. For these purposes, use plastic wrap. It is spread on the floor with an overlap. The strips of material are attached to the wall and to each other with mounting tape.

The film serves to exclude the absorption of moisture from the solution by the rough base and interferes with its adhesion to concrete.

The next step is the construction of a heat-insulating layer. Any roll insulation and heat-reflecting foil are used. On top of this layer, a reinforcing mesh is spread and a damper tape is glued to the wall.

Method of laying water pipes

With a large room area (more than 40 sq. M.), It is divided into several independent parts, where the pipe contours are laid separately.

The tubes themselves are placed in two ways: snake or snail. In a frame house, laying is done in 10-15 centimeters increments.

The water contours are attached to the reinforcing mesh with clamps so that they do not move during pouring.

After complete installation of the system, it is tested for leaks. For this, the system is filled with water and left for a day. At a constant pressure level in the pipes, they begin to pour the screed.

For this, beacons are set up, along which the cement-sand mortar will be poured. They begin to pour the screed from the wall opposite from the door. When the mortar sets, the beacons are removed, and the voids are poured with liquid cement mortar. Excess pieces of plastic wrap are removed.

The floating screed, the creation of which was described above, has no contact either with the wooden floor or with the same walls of the house. Therefore, the tree will not be subject to expansion and drying processes, which can lead to damage to the frame house.

Installation of a wooden underfloor heating system

The underfloor heating system is mounted on a wooden flooring as follows. The initial stage is to lay a layer of polyethylene film on the base. Then the insulation is spread - foil polystyrene foam.

Then a frame for the water circuit is made from the boards. To do this, grooves for pipes are cut out in the boards. Laying is carried out with minimum step... From above, the water floor system is covered sheet metal for a more even distribution of the radiated heat. The next layer is sheets of plywood or chipboard, on which the finishing flooring is laid. The system must be checked for leaks by pressure testing.

Dry polystyrene screed device for laminate

A lot has been said above that a standard screed is not quite suitable for a wooden house.

One of the innovative options for installing a warm floor under a laminate in a frame house is the use of a dry polystyrene screed. It is carried out in several stages.

First, the lungs are laid on the floor polystyrene foam blocks... They are interconnected by locking mechanisms that are on each panel. In a room up to 40 sq. m. installation is carried out in a few hours due to the light weight and convenient dimensions of polystyrene foam blocks.

The use of polystyrene foam blocks

Then flexible tubes are installed on this base in the prepared grooves. The scheme of their laying can be different: a snake, a spiral, a snail and others. After the final installation of the pipes, they are carried out hydraulic test... The purpose of this activity is to identify leaks and other system errors.

At the next stage, special plates are laid on the surface of the expanded polystyrene blocks, which distribute heat and install a waterproofing material.

The final step is to lay the laminate on the produced dry screed.

Rules for the operation of a warm floor

Underfloor heating systems, regardless of their type, are characterized by low operating costs. They do not need special maintenance, and the service life itself is tens of years.

"Pie" underfloor heating

If damaged electrical elements systems, they do not pose a threat to human life, but replacing them is a very troublesome business.

The water and electric floor heating system will serve you well if you follow some of the recommendations for correct installation and ensuring optimal conditions for work:

  • The first important factor for optimal performance system are the parameters of its power. A common mistake is to install cable floor heating in a screed with low or high performance. The step of laying the cable depends on the power. At a low value (up to 100 W per cubic meter), it is 16 cm. In this case, the floor heating will occur unevenly in linear stripes. If the power is higher than necessary (from 190 W per cubic meter), the laying step may be less than 6 cm. This will lead to overheating of the turns passing nearby and the system failure.
  • Underfloor heating is installed under the floor surface, on which there will be no furniture, large Appliances, plumbing. The lack of uniform heat transfer can lead to overheating of the joints of the system and its breakdown.
  • For the underfloor heating system, use the same finishing floor covering that is compatible with it. For example, carpet, laminate, linoleum, porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles. It is not advisable to install a material with low thermal conductivity on a warm floor. Heat generated by pipes or cables will be reflected, causing the system to overheat.

It is necessary to use the thermostat correctly in electric type warm floor, preventing it from working under heavy load. Without this element, it is strictly forbidden to use the system. For reliable and durable operation of the warm floor, it is recommended to take breaks in its work.

Correct installation of the floor in a frame house

A frame house is built very quickly. This is a simple and reliable technology, which is why it is very popular now. But the device of the floor in a frame house is somewhat different from that in a classic structure. They begin to do it immediately after the foundation is poured, and only then the walls and roof are erected.

Do-it-yourself floor of a frame house: what is needed for this

First of all, before starting construction, a project plan must be created according to which the house will be built. When the project is ready, purchase necessary tools and materials. To build a floor, you will need the following:

  • hammer;
  • plane;
  • chisel;
  • Circular Saw;
  • pencil;
  • plumb line;
  • level;
  • screwdrivers;
  • stairs;
  • drill with drills;
  • brushes.

It is important to make the floor strong, reliable and even, because it will hold the whole house, including walls and other details. The floors in a frame house on piles, where the foundation is made in the form of metal pipes, and the whole structure rests on them.

Before starting construction, you need to find out at what depth the groundwater... This will allow you to decide how many layers are needed - one or two.

Cake designs

First, a rough floor is made, which is also an overlap for a frame house. The floor beams are fixed to the foundation strapping. At the same time, make sure that there is a layer of waterproofing between the foundation and the tree so that the wood does not begin to decompose from natural moisture... For this, a double layer of roofing material or waterproofing is laid.

Secondary beams or logs in a frame house are used to ensure that the pitch of the main beams is large. But at the same time, the consumption of materials increases, the thickness of the overlap increases, more work needs to be done.

If there are no secondary beams, the main ones can also be used as logs. Then the floor cake looks like this (bottom to top):

  • cranial bars with a cross-sectional size of 50x50 mm, fixed to the load-bearing floor beams;
  • a layer of boards - a filing;
  • protective elements against wind and moisture;
  • load-bearing beams, between which there is a heater inside;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • rough flooring made of planks or thick chipboard.

What is a sub-floor

It is a plank covering that sits in the space between the girders and provides a level surface for the installation of the final floor covering. The device of the subfloor involves the use of insulation, which makes it possible to additionally heat and soundproof the building from below. And only in the attic, the rough flooring is made the main one, since there is no need to additionally spend money on parquet, laminate or floorboard.

When choosing a material for a subfloor, only little attention is paid to quality, so inexpensive types of wood can be purchased.

The subfloor is under almost no stress. On top of it there can be only a layer of insulation (it is very light), as well as a front covering. He himself, after the end of all installation works will be completely hidden, so its appearance also unimportant.

Overlapping frame house

In frame buildings, wooden beams between floors are used, the height of which is 150-250 mm. The step between the beams is 60 cm. Thanks to the use of such floors, the load is evenly distributed. The thermal insulation of the floor is carried out when the subfloor is installed.

The overlap between the basement and the first floor is usually made exactly the same as the rest. To do this, the subfloor is installed on logs that stand on supports. This allows the weight of the entire structure to be transferred to the foundation. Thanks to this method, less materials, the requirements for wood are reduced, therefore this solution is used most often and is even considered a classic.

A layer of insulation is laid in the same way as with an interfloor overlap. Therefore, the principle of installing the subfloor is the same for all levels.

Subfloor and overlap on lags

From under the basement, a negative effect can be exerted on the house due to its proximity to the soil, high humidity etc. Therefore, when the bottom floor in a frame house is close to the foundation or to the ground, the tree is isolated from concrete, brick or soil. This reduces the likelihood of condensation forming and also prevents wood decomposition.

Those materials that are used in the construction of the coating must also undergo similar processing. Waterproofing work is quite simple, you can do it yourself. The waterproofing layer must be installed before the installation of the insulation, in order to prevent it from dampness and destruction.

Using bulk aggregates

Bulk insulation frame houses very popular, because with the help of various substances (slag, sawdust, perlite, expanded clay), you can fill the entire space between the beams. Such a flooring is able to withstand even an increased load.

Usually, bulk aggregates are used to fill the basement of a frame house when the sub-floor is installed on joists. It is enough to install cranial bars 50x50 mm, as well as OSB 15-20 mm thick, and this structure will be enough to withstand large expanded clay or other thermal insulation materials.

This type of insulation is convenient in that it is neatly distributed over the base until reaching required thickness... You can fill it up yourself, which allows you to significantly save at this stage.

It is best to use heavy filling materials only on the basement floor so as not to load the building structure with additional weight.

Instead of expanded clay, you can also use ecowool. This insulation has organic origin, it is very lightweight, so it does not overload the frame. As for other fillers (sawdust, perlite), they are either very expensive and rarely used, or are considered an outdated option.

Piece and roll insulation

This type of insulation includes mineral wool and foam. They have the advantage of minimum volumetric weight. These materials need to be used small enough to warm the house (the middle layer is 10-15 cm thick).

Therefore, such insulation does not create a serious load on the floor frame. To install it, it is enough to additionally use only thin boards or even chipboards, which are installed on thin cranial bars measuring 30x30 mm.

Polyurethane foam insulation can also be applied to the resulting flooring. Although this option has many disadvantages (the need to attract strangers and equipment, the high cost of materials), this insulation considered the best option for insulating a sub-floor on a basement floor.

As soon as the foam stops forming, a continuous volumetric coating is obtained, which has sufficient rigidity and the ability to protect the structural element from high humidity and other negative phenomena.

Layout of air vents in the foundation

In order for the lower floor, made of wood and laid on a strip foundation, to be durable, a certain number of airflows must be performed in the foundation. These are holes in the foundation to ensure natural ventilation space under the house.

How to make a floor with your own hands: step by step instructions

Even if you are not going to do the construction yourself, study the algorithm in order to competently control the performers.

Preparing to create a floor in a frame house

First, they check whether the foundation is even. To do this, measure the height of different sections and check the diagonals. If there are any inaccuracies, they are eliminated. Further, along the perimeter of the building, holes are made in the foundation and anchor bolts are installed there in order to fix the legs.

Then the foundation is waterproofed by coating it with an appropriate solution or installing a waterproofing film.

Laying the bed

Beds are planks or beams that are fixed anchor bolts along the entire perimeter of the building. They should be flat and securely and accurately held together. The requirements for the planks are such that they have a thickness of at least 50 mm and a width of at least 150 mm.

  1. Planks are laid directly on concrete plates and mark out where to cut off the excess.
  2. Calculate where the bolts are best drilled
  3. Prepare holes in the concrete.
  4. Laying waterproofing
  5. Install the boards and fix them with anchor bolts. After installation, check the compliance with the horizontal plane. If it is not there, the work is adjusted.

Floor supports and beams

Beams are the main supporting elements that support the entire floor structure of a frame house. They are necessarily treated with protective equipment.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. Mark on the plan of the house where exactly the supports will be located and what their height will be. Then the supports are installed and the string is pulled to make sure that everyone has the same height.
  2. A bar with a section of 100x100 mm is cut according to the measurements indicated in the first paragraph and placed in the sections indicated in the plan. A waterproofing layer is laid under the timber. Fix the supports with nails.
  3. Begin to put the beams in the pocket with the ends. To install them in height, use special inserts. It happens that the workpieces are longer than expected. Then the excess is cut off. And if the length is insufficient, the beams are joined on the support.
  4. Fix the beams to the benches with grooved nails. If their height exceeds 1 m, it is necessary to use wooden slopes.

Strapping and logs

For strapping, boards with a thickness of 50 mm are used. The width is determined depending on the thickness of the insulation and the expected load. The installation is done like this:

  1. The harness is laid on the sides of the house, setting the boards parallel to the floor beams. The material is installed on the end, aligning it along the outer edge of the bed, and then hammered in with nails in increments of 20 cm.
  2. Mark where the lags will be. To do this, measure 40 cm from the strapping board near the corner.Lag boards are immediately placed on the beams and placed on their side, aligning along the markings.
  3. If the length of the board is sufficient, a similar marking is made on the opposite side of it. The logs are trimmed and fixed to the logs and strapping, as well as to the beams if they cross them.
  4. If the length is insufficient, an overlap is made. The joint must be on the floor joist.

Floor insulation

It is best to insulate the floor in the frame with mineral wool. She has only one drawback - the loss of thermal insulation properties when wet. Therefore, it is important to make high-quality hydro, wind and steam protection.

If the density of the insulation is low, a filing treated with bioprotective agents is installed under the logs.

  1. Across the lag, they begin to hem the vapor barrier film, allowing a slight sagging. This is necessary so that the insulation can fit in the openings between the lags. All joints are sealed with tape, and the film itself is attached to the tree with a stapler.
  2. Insulation is laid between the lags so that there are no gaps. With a double layer of insulation, it is necessary that it overlap.
  3. A layer of waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation and is also fixed to the stapler. It is needed to prevent the insulation from getting wet due to moisture that can come from the house.

Warm floor in a frame house

When planning a frame house, you need to immediately decide whether it will have a warm floor, and if so, where exactly (for example, in the bathroom, throughout the house, in the living room, etc.). After all heating equipment must be installed in advance, at the stage of floor installation.

There are many options for underfloor heating, so you need to research them and determine which one is right for you.

To organize the underfloor heating system for water heating, plastic pipes are used that are carried inside the ceiling throughout the house and organize a system control center to regulate the operation of all elements.

At electric heating It is most economical to use an infrared warm floor. It consumes less energy than cable, easier to install and maintain.

How to save on floors

In order not to spend a lot of money on organizing overlapping in a frame house, you can use one of the following methods:

  • the use of wood that has already been in use;
  • usage door leaves instead of boards.

No new boards are any worse than those just purchased. Moreover, they are already dried, so their use is sometimes considered more beneficial. Moreover, such a board is several times cheaper than a new one.

As for the door leaves, this is also the best option... They are flat, durable and no worse than a rough board. A clean floor will be installed on top (for example, parquet board), so no one will know that you have a lot of door leaves below. But this will significantly save on material without losing quality.

Video: the nuances of insulation

Watch this video to understand in detail the insulation of the floor in a frame house.

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Friends , I will tell you that for those who are interested in this topic, who want to independently or to replenish their knowledge base in construction, this story will be very useful and interesting.
The fact is that Sergey Filipov tells in detail in his plot about the procedure that can be used not only in the construction of a frame house, but also in a house of a different constructive format, be it stone, brick, log, or aerated concrete. The main condition for the application of such a solution should be the applied floor along the logs or the overlap of I-beams, in general, the use of engineered wood in the overlap.
We took screenshots from the video and arranged them in the order of installation order, for a more visual format for understanding the laying and installation of the layers and materials used in the floor pie.
Subscribe to Sergey's channel, there are a lot of useful and informative videos about the construction of frame houses in Finland.

It is advisable to install the vapor barrier on the walls of a frame house in advance, because it is more effective protection and much more convenient fastening of the protective film. Then the supports of the timber are mounted under the load-bearing logs.

After the installation of the beams, a dry board with a section of 20 * 90 mm is laid along the joists, with a step of 90 mm. and is fastened with two 60 mm nails. at each intersection with the beam.

In case you use I-beams to organize the floor or floor, ventilation and other communications are carried out in pre-prepared holes.

After the installation of the subfloor or lathing, the next layer of the overlap pie is laid by the sheets of gypsum board ( gypsum plasterboard), which are attached with self-tapping screws to the sub-floor boards at the rate of 8 self-tapping screws per 1 square meter. These are the requirements for fasteners when building a frame house in Finland.

The next photo shows a sectional view of the first layer of gypsum board mounted on the crate.

The next in the sequence of laying the layers of the cake can be both the installation of a water tube for warm floors, and the installation of the next sheet of gypsum board, in which you can subsequently grind the channel for the installation of the tube. In any case, the next sheet of gypsum board is attached to the base by gluing with special mounting glue from balloons similar to polyurethane foam... Then this construction of two sheets acquires solidity and strength, it is much more convenient to work with it.

In case you do not shtrob the glued second sheet of gypsum board, but on the first you put the water pipes of the warm floor, they are attached to the sheet with special clips.

After the underfloor heating pipes are laid and attached, a leveling compound will be poured between them. Of course, along the perimeter, it is necessary to mount the second layer of gypsum board, which will be level beacons.

The next step is to fill in a self-leveling solution to form flat surface on which the next layer will be laid.

The next stage in the construction of a warm floor in the overlap of a frame house, installation of gypsum board for the floor (15.4 mm with fibers) on construction glue.

The application of construction adhesive for laying GKL 15.4 mm is the same as you would install tiles, only of a large size.

In places where there was no jelling compound for the field, where there was a slitting under the pipes of a warm floor, the consumption of glue is much less, since the gypsum board sheet is smoother than the poured surface. However, the work is carried out in the same order as the gluing of the floor tiles.

In the GKL, slots are organized for the passage of communications. They are cut out in Giprok using a jigsaw.

After all the trimming, laying on glue, we get a very durable, one might say, a single pie from three sheets of drywall.

The pie lying on the crate of the ceiling along the logs of three sheets of gypsum board is ready.

After the pre-finishing coating is ready, it is necessary to proceed with the installation of insulation between the floor joists.

The thickness of the insulation itself, 100 mm, is more of a sound insulating material than insulation, in this particular case.

In the distance formed between the layers of gypsum board and the layer of soundproof wool, communications and ventilation ducts are laid.

The final stage of the pre-finishing finishing during the installation of the floor in the frame house along the logs, with the installation of the water pipes of the underfloor heating, is the installation of a protective film. It is not necessary to install a vapor barrier in the ceiling of a frame house, since it is only needed on the outer walls. In this case, the film performs the functions of protection against the penetration of elements and particles of cotton wool used in the ceiling into the room. Therefore, gluing the film joints is not necessary.

We would like to thank Sergey Filipov for a detailed professional story about the device and stages in a Finnish frame house.

Subscribe to Sergey's channel Construction of houses in Finland .

In turn, I want to thank all the readers on our website for their interest in technologies for the construction of frame and other wooden houses... We know that the future belongs to high-quality and professional construction, our team of builders, the whole project "Doc's House" We constantly strive to improve and train all personnel, applying our knowledge in the construction of houses for our clients.

Roman Dekhtyarev, project manager.
+7 918 622 99 12

If you decide to build a frame country house, then you should pay attention to the designs of all building elements. The roof, walls (street, interior), ceilings and floors are made in the form of a "pie", a multi-layer structure. If all the technology is followed, then in fact we get a thermos.

The technological process of arranging each element of the building offers a different sequence and combination of components of a multilayer structure.

So for the roof its own set of layers, for the floor and your own. In this article we will consider with you the features of the "pie" of the floor of a frame house, installation methods.

Before choosing a floor material, you should decide on the type of foundation.

In most cases, frame houses are erected on or on a type foundation. This is primarily due to the fact that the house is not heavy up to 16 tons. And the pile foundation is the cheapest, since it does not require the use of special construction equipment. Therefore, we will assume that the foundation of our house has a pile appearance.

For the reliability of the insulation, a double layer is laid. Also, instead of a timber, you can use boards with a width of 15-25 cm and a thickness of 5-6 cm. The laying technology is the same on the edge.

For attics, the subfloor must be strong to withstand the weight of the insulation and an adult. Usually in the attic glass wool (insulation) is left in open form, therefore, the entire load falls on the rough floor of the attic.

To protect everyone wooden structures use processing special means antiseptics and penetrating compounds. But there are small nuances, it is better to process everything before installation, each element separately.

If the height allows, then the subfloor is stuffed from below directly onto the supporting beams. As it was said above, everything must be treated with protective agents.

The second method is to make secondary guides on top of the lag, but this method has not become widespread, since it will require additional costs.

In most cases, the foundation is low and cranial bars are used, which are made of a 5 x 5 cm bar. Which are attached to the bottom of the log or beam, using self-tapping screws or nails.

Around this place, it is better to use basalt glass wool, the boards are well treated with a penetrating compound.

And the surface of the finished floor is covered with a metal sheet or a sheet of asbestos.

Pile foundation plinth

Since we are using the foundation, there is a space between the subfloor and the ground. Many people make the mistake of stitching up this space completely.

Thinking they diminish heat losses, but in fact, moisture accumulates in this space and has nowhere to go, which leads to the acceleration of the process of wood decay.

In order to prevent this from happening on opposite sides, ventilation holes are left, which are decorated with gratings. Also, you should not close the vents for the winter.

Arrangement of underfloor heating in a frame house

For use both water heating and electric.

Let's start with the electric method, as it is often used in the arrangement of warm floors. They use cable floors, infrared and heating mats. It is best to trust the experts.

Recently, water heating of a wooden floor has become more and more popular, since it is much cheaper than electric heating.

Water heating can be arranged in three ways:

  • Swedish plate.
  • Use of heat-reflecting plates.
  • Using a concrete screed.

Swedish plate - quite an expensive method of arranging a warm floor.

It is as follows:

Wait until the concrete has completely set. We get that the Swedish plate is full-fledged. Subsequently, we build a frame house on this slab.

Use of heat-reflecting plates.

In today's conditions, the operating costs for the maintenance of private houses, about half of which are associated with the cost of heating the building, have become of serious importance. Therefore, it is not surprising that close attention is paid to ways to reduce them.

Effective and effective option to reduce the loss of heat by the frame house - to correctly execute the floor pie. According to some reports, with an insufficient level of thermal insulation, up to 20-25% of the total heat loss of the building occurs through the structure under consideration. This becomes even more significant when buildings are used during construction. pile foundations raised above the surface of the earth.

The composition of the "pie"

The basis of the construction of the floor in the house, erected by frame technology, the floor beams protrude. They are usually made from timber, the size of which depends on the parameters of the building and the load calculated taking this into account. Required condition for long-term operation wooden beams- reliable waterproofing of the pile connection. For this, as a rule, inexpensive roofing felt or glassine are used.

The device of secondary beams, laid with a smaller pitch than the main ones, is allowed. Such an overlap is more reliable and stronger, however, it requires additional costs necessary for the production of work and the purchase of materials. Often only the main beams are involved in the construction of the floor.

Floor work in a frame house involves the following operations:

  • placement of cranial bars on the beams in the form of load-bearing elements of a rough boarding;
  • plank flooring device;
  • laying a waterproofing layer. Ordinary film or more modern materials are used, for example, moisture-proof and windproof membranes;
  • stacking thermal insulation material, which is placed between the floor beams in such a way as not to leave voids.
  • device of a vapor barrier layer. Reliable vapor barrier implies the use of modern materials eg membranes or foamed polyethylene films. They do not allow moisture to the insulation, however, they do not impede the movement of water vapor from it. If it is necessary to save money, ordinary polyethylene film is used, which does not have such impressive characteristics;
  • the device of a rough floor from boards or chipboard. The first option is cheaper, the second is more convenient and durable.

The final floor covering is made according to the tastes and wishes of the owner of the building. For this, various Decoration Materials, in significant quantities presented in the Russian construction market.

Features of technology and selection of materials

The "cake" of the floor structure, performed in a frame house, is considered traditional and is used in other building structures. This takes into account a number of features characteristic of flooring work in wooden buildings:

  • the waterproofing layer is laid along the boardwalk and passes on top of the floor beams, while entering the walls of the house;
  • vapor barrier membrane or the film is also wound on the walls, which prevents moisture from entering the insulation through this structure;
  • for insulation is often used:
    • mineral wool. At the same time, various types of material are actively used - basalt wool, slag and glass wool. The advantages of this heat-insulating material are its reasonable cost with excellent technical and operational qualities;
    • Styrofoam. Is not inferior in terms of insulating characteristics to mineral wool. However, widespread use is hindered by the flammability of the material;
    • extruded polystyrene foam and foamed foam insulation. Modern heaters, the main disadvantage of which is the relatively high cost. At the same time, from the point of view of thermal insulation parameters, their performance is usually higher than that of other heaters.