Repair Design Furniture

Houses made of polystyrene foam blocks. DIY styrofoam house video Styrofoam molds for building a house

Modern house should not only be attractive and durable, but also economical and energy-saving. So Lately non-traditional methods of construction from materials that have not been previously used are becoming more and more popular. One of the relative novelties in construction is the so-called thermal houses, the walls of which are erected from foam blocks filled with concrete.

Insulation scheme for a polystyrene foam facade.

Today, in order to build a warm and quality house, not only building materials such as brick, concrete or wood are used, but also expanded polystyrene blocks, poured using ordinary concrete mortar. Styrofoam, or expanded polystyrene, long time was not considered a full-fledged building material, but recently, such designs have become more common.

How to build such a house? The technology itself is not very difficult, although it takes certain skills and time to build. Foam walls are erected using the following materials:

  1. Foam blocks, which have thick walls, are hollow inside. Blocks are produced only in an industrial way.
  2. Mortar made of concrete, with the help of which the cavities of the blocks are poured.
  3. Wooden formwork for blocks.
  4. Metal reinforcing bars that act as reinforcement when pouring wall blocks.

The construction process itself is as follows:

The scheme of fixing the foam to the wall.

  1. First you need to establish a foundation. In this case, you can use a tape, but since the house is poured from concrete, it is better to immediately calculate all the loads.
  2. After that, the laying of the wall blocks begins, around which the wooden formwork is installed. It is necessary to prevent deformation of the foam when pouring.
  3. The concrete is poured carefully, it is necessary to check that the blocks do not move, do not deform during work.

Features of the thermal house

Why does a Styrofoam house stand out so much from the rest? The fact is that blocks of foam, or polystyrene, act as insulation formwork, which reduces heat loss. But it is not enough just to order a house made of polystyrene, you need to plan it correctly. All windows of the house should be oriented to the south; it is recommended to arrange the so-called buffer zones at the entrance. For houses that are built from blocks filled with concrete, you cannot save on doors and windows.

Of the features of such structures made of polystyrene, it should be noted that they require the installation of a ventilation system and heating, that is, in winter months such a house needs to be heated, although energy consumption will be minimal.

People who put such warm house, but those who neglected the rules of its installation (not so difficult) often complain of dampness and fungus that has appeared on the walls. But this is a consequence of a violation of technology, and in no way material shortcomings. Walls made of foam and concrete are vapor-tight, so for support comfortable atmosphere the system should be installed inside forced ventilation... The most the best option are air handling units with recuperation.

Finishing options

The construction of foam houses has its own characteristics, but of the advantages over others, it should be noted that the walls in this case can be covered with almost any type of finishing materials.

Facade exterior walls are usually treated with a layer decorative plaster differing low cost and attractive appearance, but other options are also possible.

The scheme of thermal insulation of the foundation with expanded polystyrene.

For example, you can use ventilated facade systems, which are not only attractive and give the building a modern, stylish look, but also provide an optimal microclimate in the house.

Interior walls can be finished with the most various materials... Today, they are most often sheathed with plasterboard, which provides many design options.

For roofing materials there are no restrictions on foam houses. Due to the fact that it is poured inside the blocks concrete mortar, the house turns out to be practically monolithic, capable of withstanding even heavy loads. That is, even a natural one can be laid on the roof surface. ceramic tiles, characterized by high weight.

In order not to spoil the interior decoration of the foam house, all engineering Communication can be laid directly in the walls of the house, but this must be done even at the construction stage. The only difficulty is the use of only those materials that are acceptable for indoor installation.

Cons of construction

A lot has been said about the advantages and benefits of thermal houses, but is foam plastic as good as a frame? And is it possible to avoid some of the disadvantages of such houses made of concrete and foam? Let's consider the main difficulties and disadvantages that may arise during the construction and operation of such a structure.

The scheme of the wall made of expanded polystyrene.

  1. Operational problems. This disadvantage is associated with the material itself - foam. To fix shelves or cabinets on its surface, it is necessary to arrange special overlays during the construction itself, which are fixed directly to the concrete. If this is not done, then when repairing or installing new furniture, you will have to cut the foam layer down to the concrete, and then attach to it wooden blocks, on which the cabinets will already be hung. As you can see, this problem can be solved, although there is a certain inconvenience here, since additional, not the simplest work is required.
  2. Heat capacity. Despite the fact that foam houses are considered very warm, they still require winter time good warm-up.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of using concrete and foam as a building material for walls is that the walls are vapor-tight. According to the owners of such houses, the atmosphere in them is constantly a little humid, which creates discomfort and not the most pleasant microclimate. This problem can be solved, so that it is not classified as critical, but it requires some effort and expense. You can make the microclimate in the house more comfortable by setting compulsory system ventilation. And given the fact that similar ventilation systems today they are installed not only for foam houses, but also for many other buildings, such a defect often goes simply unnoticed.
  4. Labor intensity. The construction of such a house requires some effort and skill. In this case, not only are the blocks poured with concrete installed, it is necessary to put them correctly, in strict accordance with all the requirements for technology. But it cannot be said that it is more difficult to install foam blocks than to build a house, for example, from bricks. In many cases, it is even easier to put such a house, although you will have to sweat when laying the first rows. Efforts and skills require outdoor and interior decoration the walls are made of polystyrene, as it may be difficult to fasten. Therefore, only special materials must be used.

Many also consider the disadvantages that the blocks are made of foam. Not everyone prefers this material as the main one for building walls at home, but this is a rather controversial issue. The harm of foam has not been proven, during operation it does not emit toxic substances, but it cannot be called natural either.

It is necessary to note the following moment: today the number of houses built from foam and concrete is not so large, that is, it is too early to talk about their advantages or obvious disadvantages over all the others. These houses are stable and very comfortable, they are distinguished by an attractive cost and the ability to take various forms, but for a more complete analysis of their operation, more than one year is still required.

Construction requirements

A foam house today is one of the options for a fairly quick and inexpensive construction of housing. Such a design can take any, often very unexpected, but such attractive forms, which greatly distinguishes a thermo-house from a traditional brick or wooden one. But if you have chosen just such a material, that is, blocks of foam filled with concrete, you need to remember some features.

Styrofoam panel diagram.

  • transportation, unloading and installation of blocks must be careful, as the foam can be damaged at the ends, where the edges can chip. This problem can be solved simply by gluing the material, but this takes time, which makes the installation more time-consuming;
  • when buying, you should choose the right blocks, since unscrupulous manufacturers can allow defects. All corners must be even, the dimensions must be the same as stated;
  • when concrete is poured into blocks, not only the installation of the formwork is required, but also a constant check of verticality using building level... This is necessary, since the foam expands during pouring, that is, the blocks can move, but this cannot be allowed;
  • after the installation of the structures of the house is over, you must immediately proceed to exterior decoration so that the foam is in direct sunlight as little as possible.

Today, for the construction of houses, not only are used traditional materials, such as brick, wood, concrete and others, but at first glance unusual, but no less high quality and reliable. It is about blocks of polystyrene, the cavities of which are filled inside concrete mix... After hardening, the house acquires attractive shapes, it is durable, keeps heat well, and is comfortable to live in.

The use of expanded polystyrene blocks in construction is very common today. However, before purchasing this material, it is necessary to evaluate its positive and negative sides, because this is the only way you will be able to make the right choice.


The use of expanded polystyrene blocks requires a preliminary assessment of their features. The product consists of hollow elements, the length of which is 95 centimeters, while the width and height are 25 cm. The dimensions are correct for the wall block. For the construction of walls, it is necessary to use blocks, the size of which is 95 x 13 x 25 cm. In the process of manufacturing such blocks, expanded polystyrene is used.

Positive aspects of the material

Before using polystyrene foam blocks, it is important to study them positive features... Among the main ones is the inability to absorb moisture. Among other things, the products demonstrate high resistance to long-term and direct exposure. They are distinguished by excellent sound insulation, as well as provide excellent thermal insulation characteristics. The blocks are able to breathe, that is, they slowly let air currents through themselves. This makes the surface resistant to fungal diseases and decay. The material of the described type has a low weight, which simplifies the work. Among other things, the blocks are quite easy to process.

Cons of expanded polystyrene products

Before purchasing expanded polystyrene blocks, it is important to consider that this material also has its drawbacks. Among them is the inability to endure exposure to high temperatures. The maximum allowable mark is +90 degrees Celsius. Among other things, this material is fire hazardous. That is why, after installation, appropriate measures must be taken. The products are quite easy to damage, although they seem to be very strong, they can simply be pierced. This necessitates the implementation of putty work. Some argue that expanded polystyrene is not an environmentally friendly material. It is impossible to refute or confirm this fact. However, in the production process, GOSTs must be observed, which speak of the compliance of products with sanitary standards. It is worth mentioning the moment that today foam is used not only when carrying out internal and exterior decoration, but also in the manufacture of household items.

The cost of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene blocks, the price of which ranges from $ 4 to $ 5 per cubic meter, are often compared to brick. In this case, it should be borne in mind that after construction, the building turns out to be ready for carrying out finishing, as for work inside and outside.

As decorative materials you can use plaster, siding, paint, and putty. When it comes to brick house, then it will be necessary to cover with putty and plaster at least interior walls... Among other things, you will have to insulate surfaces using the same foam, which will be much more expensive. This indicates that one should not be afraid of a significant cost, because it already includes insulated and ennobled walls. At the moment, GOST suggests the possibility of building houses from expanded polystyrene, the height of which reaches fifteen meters. These are 4-5 floors.

Preparation before starting construction

If you decide to use polystyrene foam blocks, the price of which was presented above, it is important to prepare Additional materials and tools. Among them are rebar, concrete mixer, cement, crushed stone, sand, as well as knitting wire. If desired, the work can be carried out using cement of the M600 brand.

Features of construction

The construction of houses from the described material resembles the assembly of a constructor. This indicates that the blocks are to be joined using a snap connection. It is important to reinforce the masonry using horizontal and vertical reinforcement. After five rows have been assembled, you need to pour liquid concrete by tapping on the side surfaces of the products with your palm. This will allow the grout to thicken. Next, you have to lay five more rows and repeat the above process. The number of rows will be determined by the dimensions of the building. If the building is relatively small, then it is quite cheap to fill in 4 rows around it, while if the building has many piers, as well as load-bearing walls, the number of rows increases, as well as the cost. The installation of the water supply system, as well as the sewerage system, is carried out by laying the elements directly into the walls.

Work technology

If you decide to start building a house from expanded polystyrene blocks, then you need to start laying the walls from the corner. Products must be installed along the perimeter of the future building, turning the connecting grooves upward. It is recommended to follow this technique until the first row is closed. If there is a need to cut a block, then this must be done in special grooves. Otherwise, use such material to conduct construction works it will no longer be possible due to its unsuitability.

When polystyrene foam blocks are used, the reviews of which are in most cases positive, it is necessary to form window and door openings. It is important to determine their location in the process. In the walls, you need to designate the zones for the location of the elements. The boxes are made from planks, and then they are installed in the corresponding openings. In the lower part, you need to leave holes, this will allow you to control the passage of the solution. Reinforcement, as well as the laying of lintels, must be done according to the project.

Laying the rest of the rows

After the first row has been laid, you can proceed with the installation of the second and subsequent ones. Alternating corner pieces in each row should provide some offset to the seams that are vertically oriented. It is important to observe the smallest displacement of the seams on adjacent rows. This figure should be equal to 400 millimeters or more. It is unacceptable to place vertical seams on top of each other. After the fourth row has been installed, you can use the scaffolding design. Do not forget about the presence of embedded parts that are necessary for technological holes. The final row of products on each floor must be vertically mated with wire.

Strengthening the walls

The production of expanded polystyrene blocks is carried out on a special modern equipment, so you shouldn't have any difficulty with the size of the products.

It is important to strengthen the walls in the process of work. After the four rows of blocks have been mounted, you should check the distance between adjacent racks, which should not be more than two meters. Fix the bases of the vertically oriented post profile with a pair of dowels to the surface of the concrete base. The upright post must be connected to the head of the clamp with a nut and bolt. The heel of the clamp must be anchored in soil or concrete. Using the building level, it is necessary to set the rack in a strictly vertical position by rotating the clamp handle.

Pouring concrete

The disadvantages of polystyrene foam blocks are not so numerous, but they should be found out before starting work. The technology involves the use of a filler solution when mixing, the fractional content of which can vary from 5 to 15 millimeters. Concrete is poured using a pump using conveyor technology. If you decide to use this technique, then it is recommended to install a nozzle on the hose at the end of the line, which will reduce the rate of solution delivery.


If you decide to use a polystyrene foam block in construction, the formwork with its use will turn out to be not only strong and reliable, but also insulated. This technology is used quite often today, but if you want to do the work yourself, you need to objectively assess your capabilities before starting this important process.

A private house made of polystyrene only at first glance seems to be an impracticable solution. In fact, the technology has been known for a long time, but in Russia it began to be used no more than 15-20 years ago. It has its pros and cons, but in general, it belongs to modern, energy-saving construction methods and is gaining in popularity.

The styrofoam house is really being built from expanded polystyrene, i.e. foam blocks... Such elements are produced with a cavity inside, into which it is poured.

In fact, this is a permanent formwork, which ensures the formation of reinforced concrete walls, because before pouring, steel reinforcement is inserted into the polymer. Thus it turns out wall, which is covered with insulation from the outside and inside.

Building foam blocks can be different types and size - blocks, size and stacking like cinder blocks; non-collapsible panels and large collapsible shields, which are assembled from 2 foam sheets, fastened with special ties.

For any type of these products, the principle of building a house is the same - a wall is assembled with an internal cavity for pouring concrete. At the final stage, wall surfaces plastered or finished with facing materials.

There is another option for foam houses. They are assembled from structural insulating (SIP) panels, which are a combination of and (expanded polystyrene). Unlike the previous case, polymer is inside reinforced concrete structure since is poured into cavities at the factory.

Advantages and disadvantages

SIP panels differ little from hollow OSB panels.

They just air in cavities is displaced by foam, which significantly increases the thermal insulation characteristics, even when exposed to moisture.

Using them requires lifting mechanisms, and therefore they are used in the construction of apartment buildings.

When building a private house foam hollow blocks and panels can be used.

The following pros such technology:

  1. Even panels measuring 2x1.5 m are lightweight, which allows them to be used without using lifting mechanisms, relying entirely on manual labor. The entire installation of the walls can be done by hand.
  2. The panels have all the advantages of foam as insulation. Excellent thermal insulation is provided on both sides of the wall, with good moisture resistance.
  3. High enough mechanical strength provided by pouring concrete. At the same time, there is no need to erect formwork, which significantly reduces the duration of construction.
  4. The simplicity of technology and low cost of foam helps to save on construction.

Certain limitations:

  1. Styrofoam creates a thermos effect... The walls do not breathe, do not allow steam to pass through, and reliably maintain the temperature that has been established inside the room. This circumstance requires the arrangement of a reliable ventilation system.
  2. Expanded polystyrene does not have ideal environmental friendliness... When heated, it releases substances that are hazardous to human health. Discharges from fire are especially dangerous.
  3. The material is considered a combustible material, so its use should be consistent with fire safety requirements.


Polyfoam has low compressive strength, impact strength and resistance to surface mechanical stress. A protective layer must be applied on top of it.

Required tool

Important. It should be noted that the fastening of the profiles must be done not to the polymer, but to the inner concrete layer... With cladding, a ventilated façade can be provided.

Japanese domed houses in the photo

A modern home should not only be attractive and durable, but also economical and energy efficient. Therefore, recently, unconventional construction methods from materials that have not been previously used have become increasingly popular. One of the relative novelties in construction is the so-called thermal houses, the walls of which are erected from foam blocks filled with concrete.

The use of expanded polystyrene

Today, in order to build a warm and high-quality house, not only building materials such as brick, concrete or wood are used, but also polystyrene foam blocks, poured using ordinary concrete mortar. Polyfoam, or expanded polystyrene, has not been considered as a full-fledged building material for a long time, but recently such structures have begun to be used more and more often.

How to build such a house? The technology itself is not very difficult, although it takes certain skills and time to build. Foam walls are erected using the following materials:

  1. Foam blocks, which have thick walls, are hollow inside. Blocks are produced only in an industrial way.
  2. Mortar made of concrete, with the help of which the cavities of the blocks are poured.
  3. Wooden formwork for blocks.
  4. Metal reinforcing bars that act as reinforcement when pouring wall blocks.

The construction process itself is as follows:

  1. First you need to establish a foundation. In this case, you can use a tape, but since the house is poured from concrete, it is better to immediately calculate all the loads.
  2. After that, the laying of the wall blocks begins, around which the wooden formwork is installed. It is necessary to prevent deformation of the foam when pouring.
  3. The concrete is poured carefully, it is necessary to check that the blocks do not move, do not deform during work.

Features of the thermal house

Why does a Styrofoam house stand out so much from the rest? The fact is that blocks of foam, or polystyrene, act as insulation formwork, which reduces heat loss. But it is not enough just to order a house made of polystyrene, you need to plan it correctly. All windows of the house should be oriented to the south; it is recommended to arrange the so-called buffer zones at the entrance. For houses that are built from blocks filled with concrete, you cannot save on doors and windows.

Of the features of such structures made of polystyrene, it should be noted that they require the installation of a ventilation system and heating, that is, in the winter months such a house must be warmed up, although energy consumption will be minimal.

People who have installed such a warm house, but have neglected the rules for its installation (not so difficult), often complain of dampness and fungus that has appeared on the walls. But this is a consequence of a violation of technology, and in no way material shortcomings. Walls made of foam and concrete are vapor-tight, therefore, to maintain a comfortable atmosphere inside, a forced ventilation system should be installed. The best option are air handling units with recuperation.

Finishing options

The construction of foam houses has its own characteristics, but of the advantages over others, it should be noted that the walls in this case can be covered with almost any type of finishing materials.

Facade external walls, as a rule, are treated with a layer of decorative plaster, which is notable for its low cost and attractive appearance, but other options are also possible.

For example, ventilated facade systems can be used, which are not only attractive and give the building a modern, stylish look, but also provide an optimal microclimate in the house.

Interior walls can be finished with a wide variety of materials. Today, they are most often sheathed with plasterboard, which provides many design options.

There are no restrictions for the roofing materials of foam houses. Due to the fact that concrete mortar is poured into the blocks, the house turns out to be practically monolithic, capable of withstanding even heavy loads. That is, even natural ceramic tiles, which are distinguished by their high weight, can be laid on the roof surface.

In order not to spoil the interior decoration of the house made of foam, all engineering communications can be laid directly within the walls of the house, but this must be done even at the construction stage. The only difficulty is the use of only those materials that are acceptable for indoor installation.

Cons of construction

A lot has been said about the advantages and benefits of thermal houses, but is foam plastic as good as a frame? And is it possible to avoid some of the disadvantages of such houses made of concrete and foam? Let's consider the main difficulties and disadvantages that may arise during the construction and operation of such a structure.

  1. Operational problems. This disadvantage is associated with the material itself - foam. To fix shelves or cabinets on its surface, it is necessary to arrange special overlays during the construction itself, which are fixed directly to the concrete. If this is not done, then when repairing or installing new furniture, you will have to cut the foam layer down to the concrete, and then attach wooden blocks to it, on which the cabinets will already be hung. As you can see, this problem can be solved, although there is a certain inconvenience here, since additional, not the simplest work is required.
  2. Heat capacity. Despite the fact that foam houses are considered very warm, they still require good heating in winter.
  3. One of the main disadvantages of using concrete and foam as a building material for walls is that the walls are vapor-tight. According to the owners of such houses, the atmosphere in them is constantly a little humid, which creates discomfort and not the most pleasant microclimate. This problem can be solved, so that it is not classified as critical, but it requires some effort and expense. You can make the microclimate in the house more comfortable by installing a forced ventilation system. And given the fact that such ventilation systems today are installed not only for foam houses, but also for many other buildings, such a shortcoming often goes simply unnoticed.
  4. Labor intensity. The construction of such a house requires some effort and skill. In this case, not only are the blocks poured with concrete installed, it is necessary to put them correctly, in strict accordance with all the requirements for technology. But it cannot be said that it is more difficult to install foam blocks than to build a house, for example, from bricks. In many cases, it is even easier to put such a house, although you will have to sweat when laying the first rows. Efforts and skills are required for the external and internal decoration of the foam wall, since difficulties may arise during fastening. Therefore, only special materials must be used.

Many also consider the disadvantages that the blocks are made of foam. Not everyone prefers this material as the main one for building walls at home, but this is a rather controversial issue. The harm of foam has not been proven, during operation it does not emit toxic substances, but it cannot be called natural either.

It is necessary to note the following moment: today the number of houses built from foam and concrete is not so large, that is, it is too early to talk about their advantages or obvious disadvantages over all the others. These houses are stable and very comfortable, they are distinguished by an attractive cost and the ability to take various forms, but for a more complete analysis of their operation, more than one year is still required.

Construction requirements

A foam house today is one of the options for a fairly quick and inexpensive construction of housing. Such a design can take any, often very unexpected, but such attractive forms, which greatly distinguishes a thermo-house from a traditional brick or wooden one. But if you have chosen just such a material, that is, blocks of foam filled with concrete, you need to remember some features.

  • transportation, unloading and installation of blocks must be careful, as the foam can be damaged at the ends, where the edges can chip. This problem can be solved simply by gluing the material, but this takes time, which makes the installation more time-consuming;
  • when buying, you should choose the right blocks, since unscrupulous manufacturers can allow defects. All corners must be even, the dimensions must be the same as stated;
  • when concrete is poured into blocks, not only the installation of formwork is required, but also a constant check of verticality using a building level. This is necessary, since the foam expands during pouring, that is, the blocks can move, but this cannot be allowed;
  • after the installation of the structures of the house is over, it is necessary to immediately proceed to the exterior decoration so that the foam is in contact with direct sunlight as little as possible.

Today, for the construction of houses, not only traditional materials are used, such as brick, wood, concrete and others, but also at first glance unusual, but no less high quality and reliable. We are talking about foam blocks, the cavities of which are filled with concrete mixture inside. After hardening, the house acquires attractive shapes, it is durable, keeps heat well, and is comfortable to live in.

Expanded polystyrene blocks are a material that combines strength, sound insulation, thermal insulation and speed of construction. That is why the technology of construction with fixed formwork is gaining great popularity. In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this material in more detail, and you can also learn how to build a house from expanded polystyrene with your own hands.

Expanded polystyrene blocks, or rather a house built of them, has a number of positive sides... Considering them, many decide to build a house from this material:

  • Compared to traditional technologies, construction time and labor costs are reduced by up to two times. Accordingly, the cost of the building is reduced to 30%.
  • You can build a house of any configuration without much difficulty.
  • Savings on heating in winter and air conditioning in summer are noticeable. In contrast to the same houses built of bricks, it is 3 times more economical.
  • By reducing the wall thickness, more useful area... At the same time, the heat-insulating and sound-insulating qualities are not lost.
  • During construction, it is not necessary to build a strong foundation, since the walls are made of permanent formwork create a specific load.
  • Thanks to monolithic wall, which has a rigid frame-load structure, after finishing the internal and external walls, cracks will be absent.
  • The fire resistance of the wall is up to 2.5 hours.
  • If we talk about the price, then unlike bricks, polystyrene foam blocks are 1.5 times cheaper.
  • Also, savings are achieved due to the fact that there is no need to rent special equipment.

The construction process is reminiscent of a Lego child's game. Therefore, if desired and the presence of basic skills, all work can be done independently.

On forums and other construction portals, you can find a lot of discussions about how environmentally friendly and long-term such construction is. If we are objective and trust the hygienic certificates of this material, then the safety of this polymer is fully confirmed. For example, there are already real facts that people who have lived in a house for more than 5 years do not feel any deterioration in their health and any discomfort.

If speak about fire safety, then expanded polystyrene does not go beyond the existing standards. So, it belongs to the category of hardly flammable and low-combustible materials G1 and B1. However, the minus concerns smoke generation. The level of this indicator is high - D3.

With regard to hygiene, then all the necessary information can be found in the certificate, which provides data expanded polystyrene plates(fully corresponds to the material of the permanent formwork).

Such hazardous substances both formaldehyde and styrene are kept within reasonable limits.

The only place where questions may arise is the scope. Blocks from the inside must be additionally processed. Apply a layer of putty on them and paint is not enough. So, for cladding the inside of the walls, it is recommended to use fire-resistant gypsum plasterboard or glass-magnesite sheets. On top of this material, you can already carry out the finishing.

In the event of a fire, fire-resistant drywall will allow you to leave the room in time until the polystyrene foam begins to emit toxic gases.

According to the studies, expanded polystyrene is less dangerous, in terms of protection from direct contact with fire, than furniture made of chipboard, linoleum, curtains, laminate and other finishing materials.

As for the decoration of the facade of the house, the material also needs to be processed. Otherwise under the influence sun rays it will collapse. Therefore, you should not delay with finishing work, especially with finishing the facade of the building, after the end of construction.

Walls built using the technology of permanent formwork from expanded polystyrene blocks have the following characteristics:

  • V load-bearing wall the block has such dimensions as 1200 × 250 × 250 mm. So, 100 mm of thickness is polystyrene foam from the outside and inside, as well as concrete filled between it with a thickness of 150 mm.
  • A block with dimensions of 1200 × 250 × 300 mm is also used. Here 100 mm in outside and 50 mm from the inside. The concrete is also poured with a thickness of 150 mm.
  • The constructed wall without finishing (internal / external) is 280–300 kg / m 2.
  • The level of thermal conductivity ranges from 0.036 to 0.045 W / mK.
  • The degree of acoustic insulation is up to 49 dB.

As for the construction technology itself, then the following points should be taken into account:

  • In the process of laying the foundation, it is necessary to lay vertical rods in it, which will serve as a bundle with the wall.
  • The height of the reinforcement outlet must be at least 3 rows.
  • When laying the first row, it is necessary to carry out waterproofing. Otherwise, moisture will penetrate into the concrete, and this will affect the thermal insulation properties of the wall. For the manufacture of waterproofing, it is necessary to use compounds that do not dissolve polystyrene foam.
  • To continue vertical reinforcement cage, inside the rows, reinforcement is laid in the vertical direction.
  • The concreting process is carried out every 3 rows. Once the concrete has set, construction can continue.
  • For the organization of window and doorways special jumpers and plugs are used. Their use will prevent concrete spreading when pouring it. Reinforcement in 2 layers must be placed in the opening. A spacer is also installed below.

For finishing expanded polystyrene walls an adhesive mixture is used, which has the necessary adhesion to the polymer surface. It is also recommended to use a fine mesh when applying the starter coat. You can also use gypsum or glass magnesite for decoration.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main stages of building a house from expanded polystyrene.

  • First of all, the strip foundation is laid. Horizontal deviation of no more than 10 mm is allowed.
  • Vertical reinforcement pins are laid in the foundation, which should look out to the height of three rows.
  • When the foundation is ready, the surface is cleared of construction debris.
  • Next, the markings for future walls are applied. You can use a chokline for this.
  • You should also make sure that foam polystyrene blocks are prepared around the perimeter of the building at a distance of up to 2.5 m. Their close location will allow the laying of walls without distraction.

The construction process begins with the formation of a corner. To do this, lay the block so that the connecting grooves are directed upwards for connection with the next row. Pre-waterproof the base. It will protect the concrete from moisture penetration. When laying, be sure to check the wall for vertical evenness. Also, make sure that the blocks are stacked strictly along the marked line.

If it is necessary to cut a block, then this can be done in special grooves. Otherwise, it may lose its strength. Moreover, if you make the cut incorrectly, then you will not be able to connect the blocks together.

An important stage in the construction of a house from expanded polystyrene blocks is reinforcement. For this, reinforcement is used, which must be located vertically. It is inserted into the special grooves of the block jumpers. The first 3 rows are inserted into the reinforcement that sticks out of the foundation along the entire perimeter. To organize the ligation, the subsequent pieces of reinforcement are tied with a knitting wire. So, the process continues until last row.

Particular attention is paid to the construction of openings for the installation of windows and doors:

  1. According to the project, designate the location of doors and windows.
  2. Next, cut the blocks, forming the required opening.
  3. From boards 40 × 150 mm you make a box for windows and doors. Install them in the openings.
  4. After that, fix the box around the perimeter with a board 25 × 150 mm.
  5. It is also necessary to leave a hole at the bottom of the opening of the box, which will allow you to make sure that the concrete passes through.
  6. As for the lintels, special blocks are used here, in which the reinforcement is laid horizontally to strengthen the structure.
  7. If it is necessary to make an arched opening, then the blocks are cut according to the template of the desired shape, and the formwork is made of plywood.

Corner, right and left blocks are used to form corners. They allow you to stack blocks with offset vertical seams. As for the alignment of the stacking of blocks in relation to the previous one, at least 400 mm is allowed on each row.

When building houses from expanded polystyrene, it is not allowed to place vertical seams on top of each other.

The reinforcement process also takes place, as already mentioned in this article. When you have laid the first 4 rows, then you need to mount scaffolding... For this, mortgages in the wall should be foreseen in advance. For the last row of each floor, the blocks should be tied vertically to subsequent rows with knitting wire.

After laying 3-4 rows, it is necessary to reinforce the wall. To do this, the gap between the racks should be up to 2 m.Then, screw it to the jumper of the blocks with self-tapping screws vertical posts leveling system. TO concrete base fix the stand with dowels in a vertical position. Using a nut and a bolt, connect the clamp to the upper strut. The heel of the clamp is fixed in concrete or soil. Mandatory requirement is to use a level to position the rack vertically.

To concrete are presented special requirements... The minimum compressive strength class of concrete is B15. As for the filler, its fraction should be from 5 to 15 mm. The slump of the cone of the mixture is up to 150 mm. Immediately before placing the concrete, it is necessary to level the system by turning the handles. The concrete itself is laid in several ways:

  • Crane with a bucket.
  • By pump.
  • Conveyor.
  • From a dump truck directly on the tray.

According to the degree of filling the inner part of the block with concrete, it must be compacted. For this, the internal / external vibration or bayonet method is used.

When arranging the roof, an anchor bar or Mauerlat is fixed along the top of the wall with special studs. The gables, in turn, are formed by cutting the block to the desired angle. The interior is filled with concrete. Planks are fixed on both sides of the pediment, and a sheet of plywood on top. This will keep the concrete from flowing out. When the concrete is dry, the fasteners are dismantled.

If it is necessary to carry out a T-shaped junction of the walls, then this can be done with standard blocks. Special blocks are used to perform a 90-180 ° turn.

Finishing work

After the concrete has acquired sufficient strength, you can proceed to finishing works... First of all, such communications as electrical wiring are laid. Using a thermal knife, you can easily make channels into which the wires will be laid. As for the fastening of the junction boxes, this is done directly to the concrete wall with dowels. For laying the pipeline, it is allowed to carry pipes Ø38 mm in the wall, but not more.

When all communications have been completed, you can start finishing work. Walls below the wall are covered with a waterproofing layer. As for the walls above the level of the wall, they are treated with special mixtures that have good adhesion to the surface of expanded polystyrene, using fiberglass mesh. You can also install drywall and use other finishing materials.

So, we examined with you the subtleties of building walls at home from blocks of expanded polystyrene. If you have experience in such construction, then write your comments at the end of this article. This will help newbie masters to cope with this difficult task.


You will learn more about how to build a house from expanded polystyrene by watching the video: