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Construction of houses made of polystrophilicular non-removable formwork. The use of polystyrene formwork for the foundation for the foundation of polystyrene foam

Material options for formwork a lot. Someone builds it from old boards, someone from OSP. This design is not always characterized by perfect geometry and durability, and its construction takes time. Excellent modern alternative - non-removable polystyrene formwork.

Construction and material

In the prepared trenches, formwork blocks are stacked and jumped with jumpers. As an armature, you can use the same rods and the same methods of mobility as the traditional filling technology of the foundation, only the rods are attached to special grooves inside the formwork elements (it has proven themselves well. For high weight fittings, additional racks may be required. Then the inner space is compounded by concrete which layer on the layer is recomposed and tram.

Like any novelty, especially in such an important case, like the fill of the foundation, the non-removable formwork from polystyrene foaming has raised questions from some masters. In particular, how the material will behave after several decades of service.

Weigh all "for" and "against" and make a decision, based on a specific project of the house, climate and soil, as well as time and money allocated to the construction site.

During the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations (technology of the foundation of the monolithic plate), the formwork plays an important role - the form in which the concrete mass is poured. Traditionally, this design is collected from shields - wooden (selection of boards for formworking foundation) or metal, which are removed after ripening.

Hence the definition of this type of formwork - removable. However, in recent times, many developers use non-removable structures that do not require dismantling (non-removable formwork device for the foundation).

This type includes formwork for the foundation from foam.

Elements of a non-removable formwork from foam plastic are hollow blocks formed by PSB-C stamps. Wall thickness - 40, 100 or 150 mm. In length, blocks are produced in two sizes - 1000 mm and 2000 mm (double block).

For registration of the edge of the foundation, the angular elements serve, each face of which is equal to the length of the single block - 1000 mm. The distance between the formwork walls is provided by jumpers. It corresponds to the thickness of the poured concrete.

Depending on the formwork assignment, this parameter can be 15, 20, 25 or 40 cm.

Benefits of polystyrene formwork

The main advantage of formwork from foam, to which manufacturers pay special attention - high installation speed (formwork device for the foundation with your own hands).

According to experts, the construction of a monolithic foundation using this formwork is accelerated by 30% compared with traditional methods.

The following points include the following points in the explicit advantage of polystyrene foam formwork:

  • ease of construction and its strength: having a small mass, foam blocks perfectly carry static and dynamic loads from concrete pouring;
  • good thermal insulation properties of polystyrene foams are eliminated by the developer from the operation on additional insulation of the foundation;
  • the properties of the polymer make it possible to pave all the necessary engineering communications without special complications.

Polystyrene foam inert with respect to chemical impacts, it is not subjected to rotting and does not absorb moisture.

Another important plus: it is very easy to collect a formwork from foam with your own hands, for connecting individual elements in their designs there are special locks.

Disadvantages of polystyrene foam formwork

There are foam formwork and a number of flaws:

  • regarding the short service life: thermal insulation properties, as well as waterproofing, polystyrene foam is reduced over time. In twenty years, a homeowner will have to take a number of measures for additional insulation and waterproofing of the underground part of the house or come to terms with an increase in its heat loss;
  • when pouring monolith in polystyrene foam forms, there remain uninsulated cold bridge between the basement and soil sole. This lack threatens to reduce the effect of thermal insulation, which are so proud of the manufacturers of the polymer formwork;
  • if the house is equipped with heated basement, the foam will be highlighted harmful substances - pairs of residual styrene;
  • special requirements are presented to the filling process of concrete - the mass will have to be poured throughout the perimeter in stages of small thickness. This inevitably leads to an increase in the timing of the execution of this operation;
  • high value formwork - prices start from 0.5 thousand rubles. For 1 square. m.

Many developers confuse another moment: in the finished lintel blocks are made of the same polystyrene foam. The question arises - how over time this fact will affect the strength of monolith?

However, some manufacturers are equipped with detachable polystyrentine blocks and metal jumpers.

Video about the fill formation technology with foam formwork.

Apartments with repair, houses and penthouses offers "YUGSTROYIMPERIAL"

The foundation concrete bases are very popular in private house-building. When erecting most of the types of foundations, it is simply not to do without such an important structural element as a formwork. It provides the specified outlines of the concrete element and geometric dimensions.

Failure formwork is separate elements or blocks. At the place of installation of the foundation, they are collected in a single design. This design is used in the construction of reinforced concrete and concrete structures and structures.

The box design is two types:

  • non-removable;
  • removable.

Forming design is different types. It can be manufactured from various materials:

  • steel;
  • chip-cement composite;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • fibrololite;
  • tree, etc.

The boxed design can be bought in a specialized store or make it yourself.

Features of the formwork for the foundation of polystyrene foam

Technology is used for purposes:

  • for insulation of warehouses and various industrial premises with heating;
  • for insulation of various pools;
  • for insulation of warm basements;
  • for the construction of housing.

What is polystyrene foam?

This is a gas-filled material.

For the manufacture of expanded polystyrene, such materials are used:

  • styrene copolymers;
  • polystyrene derivatives.

Consider the composition of polystyrene foam:

  • gas 98%;
  • polystyrene 2%.

Modern polystyrene foam is manufactured by the prestickable method. This method of manufacture allows you to increase water absorption up to 350%.

The elements of the box design are blocks. These blocks are formed by PSB-C stamps.

Consider characteristic features:

  • Special jumpers provide distance between the walls. At the same time, the distance between the walls must correspond to the thickness of the concrete. This parameter may vary from 15 to 40 cm. It takes into account the purpose of the polystyrene formwork.
  • Corner elements are used to design rotation.
  • Blocks are produced 2 sizes (100 cm and 200 cm.).


The polystyrene formwork has both advantages and disadvantages. Consider first the advantages:

  • Durability. Polystyrene foam is made only from high-quality materials. Therefore, this product is durable.
  • A large number of diverse blocks are available. For each type of foundation, you need to use certain blocks. Most often, such blocks are used to inflate pile and tape foundations.
  • For the installation of polystyrene formwork, special lifting techniques will not need. All work can be done manually. And also for installation will require standard tools.
  • Installation of polystyrene formwork can conduct low-skilled workers. That is, builders not necessarily have special skills and knowledge. You can use the services of private developers who have a little experience. This will significantly reduce costs.
  • Concrete pouring at negative temperatures may be destructive. Forming design supports the necessary temperature mode. Therefore, concrete maintain its strength characteristics. Carnot can be carried out in the winter season. When the concrete is frozen, heat is highlighted. This heat will be enough to maintain the necessary temperature regime.
  • Forming design does not absorb moisture. Therefore, concrete retains its properties.
  • It is made of materials that are not susceptible to rotting.
  • Blocks are mounted passages that are used for various communications.
  • Can be used at any time of the year.
  • Excellent heat shielding properties. In the transverse section of the foundation, the temperature difference is significantly reduced. This contributes to an increase in durability. And also significantly reduces the effect of temperature.
  • Easy and high installation speed. Even non-qualified builders may build a foundation in a short time.
  • High quality design. Forming design has excellent characteristics.


Now consider the shortcomings:

  1. Polystyrene foam exposed to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, products are necessary outside. To do this, you can use a semi-rigid or rigid ready-made sheet material. It will provide excellent protection against rays.
  2. The strength of the foundation may decline due to polystyrene foam jumpers. Therefore, the so-called strengthen is required. For this use special transverse reinforcement.
  3. It is necessary to use separate waterproofing.
  4. Stop concrete must be uniformly. Therefore, this process takes a lot of time.
  5. High price.
  6. Bad thermal insulation at the bottom of the foundation.
  7. We need to flicker the walls.

Where to buy and at what price?

Products can be purchased at the construction stores of your city. There are firms that provide fill and installation services. If you want to save money, then buy products directly from the firm that is engaged in the manufacture of formwork.

Approximate prices for products:

  • Jumper 10 p.
  • Plug 20 r.
  • Wall (corner) 780 p.
  • Rotary 800 r.
  • End 780 r.
  • Wall 800 p.
  • Corner 135 ° 500 p.
  • Corner 90 ° 500 p.
  • Standard 495 p.

Application of non-removable formwork for the foundation of polystyrene foam

To fill the foundation, it is necessary to use the so-called formulating element. For this use formwork. Removable formwork has a large number of flaws. Therefore, a fixed polystyrene formwork is very popular today.

Preparatory work

First consider the preparatory work. First, the specialist should develop a project. After that, you need to align and clear the construction site. To do this, use construction equipment. Then conduct the placement of the site. This allows you to determine the contours of the foundation.

Collection of formwork

Now let's get to the most responsible stage:

  1. First you need to score reinforcement rods in a sandy-gravel pillow.
  2. Then poured concrete (top of the pillow). Thus, the bottom is leveled.
  3. Now it is necessary to wait for the pouring of concrete.
  4. Blocks are planted on the reinforcement bars. The protrusions of one block are inserted into the depressions of the other. The design is collected from individual blocks. In this case, the jumpers are located inside. And also the blocks are fixed with additional brackets. Blocks are cut in half at the corners.
  5. A special foam is used to increase the strength of the design. Corner elements are used to strengthen the corners.
  6. If a large foundation is erected, then you need to use additional fastening. To strengthen, you can use conventional boards. They are attached with the help of spacers.

Laying fittings

In a boxed design you need to lay metal fittings. In each block there is a place intended for reinforcement.

First of all, it is necessary to install steel vertical racks. They provide the sustainability of the entire design. After that, the horizontal fittings are installed. It must be installed longitudinally. The reinforcement is necessarily tied with wire.

Places for communications

You need to make the so-called passing holes for installing communications. How to make them? Cross pieces of pipes are laid in blocks. Passages need to be done in different places.

From the monolithic reinforced concrete, it is not without a formwork device. In the traditional understanding, the formwork is a fencing structure most often from wooden structures, which serves to impart accurate geometric parameters and positions in the space of concrete products. After curing the concrete solution, the formwork is removed. However, there is an alternative method that allows you to leave the formwork as an integral part of the construction structure.
Such a technology is called non-removable Far Penopele® formwork. This method allows to reduce the volume of construction and installation work per stage - to eliminate the rampage, and most importantly - the need for a wooden formwork disappears, which is a significant part in the work of work and then in the course of work is disposed of.
Unique technology with Penopelex® insulation helps to improve the many characteristics of the construction design. Failure formwork Penoplex® also performs the function of thermal insulation for the foundation and socket parts of the future at home. The non-removable formwork device technique has been actively used in Europe for a long time and is associated, first of all, with the energy efficiency of the builded structures.

Non-removable formwork for private house-building

The use of a ribbon foundation in private house-building is due to its versatility, reliability and affordable price. One of the most expensive stages of creating a low-boiled and broken belt foundation is a formwork device for the foundation. Failure Far Penopela® formwork allows you to significantly reduce the cost and speed up the technological process. The part of the ribbon foundation protruding over the surface of the Earth becomes the base of the future house, which is already insulated with high-quality insulation Penopelex®. Thus, this technology allows you to connect the creation of formwork and insulation of the foundation with the basement into a single process.

Fastening of non-removable polyplex® formwork

Fastening the non-removable Far Penopela® formwork takes place with a universal screed. Thanks to the extension element, the screed can be adjusted with a concrete screed thickness. Such a screed will be universally used both when the foundations and the walls are found.

Type of universal screed assembled:

The non-removable polyplex® formwork device using a universal screed, as a rule, is as follows:

1. Outer layer: Penopelex®

2. Inner layer: Penopelex®

3. Universal screeding of non-removable formwork

4. Armature carcass

  • Acceleration of construction work. The construction is accelerated and the construction is simplified by combining several operations in one. Bearing structures and thermal insulation are mounted for one technological cycle.
  • Cost of financial resources. High-cost formwork, which is disposed of, after dismantling, will not need. Insulation Penopelex® also allows you to get a flat surface of the foundation walls, which reduces the consumption of the concrete mix.
  • Increase the reliability of the design. The main element of the non-removable formwork is a reliable insulation Penopelex® subsequently becomes part of the wall design.
  • High construction strength. Due to the high compression strength (more than 20 tons per 1 m2), Penopelex® is not limited and is not primed under the action of a concrete mix.
  • Design tightness. Zero water absorption and a stepped edge around the perimeter of Penopelex® allows mounting the plates as much as possible to each other and eliminate the leaks of water and concrete mixture.
  • Protection against biological damage. Protecting the structural components from the adverse effects of the outside environment, biostroofing and eco-friendly thermal insulation Penopelex® prolongs their life.
  • Exception of heat loss at home. The use of high-quality insulation Penopelex® allows preventing the fruit of the soil and the receipt of the cold to the foundation. The unchanged low thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.032 W / m ∙ ºК PENEROPLEX® eliminates the heat loss of the house through the foundation, respectively, the indoor premises remain warm.

An important factor that distinguishes the technology of a non-removable formwork from the traditional device of a tape basement is that with this technology of the thermal circuit of the base core of the foundation will be completely closed. (This will save up to 11% of thermal energy)

The cost of the device of the non-removable formwork, compared with the usual technology, will be about 20% cheaper. Calculated, it is understood that the ribbon foundation will be thermally insulated in that and in another case.

Consider the monolithic construction of the tape foundation of the house 12m on a 12m with a bearing wall in the middle with the use of penplex, as thermal insulation panels

Foundation using a removable wooden formwork

Foundation with the use of non-removable polyplex formwork

Parameters number Cost Parameters number Price Cost


Volume of wooden formwork, board 150x50mm + pegs + struts
8000 Volume of wooden formwork 0 0 0
Penoplex volume (base, scene) Penopelex volume (formwork + scene) 9,576 5000 47880
Concrete, cubic meter Concrete, cubic meter 13,83 4000 55320
Armature 4 rod D12, kg Armature 4 rod D12, kg 213 32 6816
Armature Clamps D8 with a step of 0.3 m, kg 150 32 4800
Knitting wire, kg Knitting wire, kg 5 450 2250
Fasteners for formwork (hairpin 65 rubles + 2 nuts 5 rubles) - 4pcs / m.pog. Fasteners for formworking (screed + extension) 8 pcs / m.pog. 460 50 23000
Nails 2.5x50 (20 pcs 1 mp) Tarbed screw fasteners (6 pcs \\ mp.) 346 12 4152
Production of Armokarkas, installation of shields of formwork, monolithic work, dismantling of the formwork shields, dismantling studs, m3 13 , 82 8000 110560 Installation of formwork, reinforcement, monolithic work, m3 13 , 82 6000 82920
Foundation insulation, m2 28,8 300 Fundament insulation


Delivery penplex Delivery of sawn timber
Delivery of sawn timber Delivery penplex
Delivery of fittings Delivery of fittings
Delivery of fittings Delivery of fittings
Total materials

150 160,80

Total materials

144 218,00

Taste of work

119 200,00

Taste of work

82 920,00

Total transportation

20 000,00

Total transportation

15 000,00


289 360,80


242 138 , 00

Using a universal screed together with Polyoplax Plates Fundam® as a non-removable formwork allows:

  • Set accurate dimensions and minimize the reservoir of the concrete mix.
  • Minimize labor costs. Installation using universal screeds is convenient and simple.
  • Secure the reinforcement directly on the tie, which will significantly simplify the installation.
  • Heat insulation the foundation both from external and from the inside, which will significantly reduce heat losses. When heating, there is no need to warm the entire volume of the foundation.
  • Implement the design of a complex foundation (for example, a tape in the form of a brand)
  • Reduce the work of work and material costs.

The classic version of the form for the foundation and walls in monolithic houses is a temporary construction that is made of wood and chipboard. A non-removable polystyrene formwork is an alternative construction method that does not provide for waste. This design increases the building strength and increases its energy efficiency, acting as thermal insulation. However, such material has some features that cannot be ignored.

Manufacturers of this material indicate a set of its advantages compared to standard building formwork options. These advantages need to know each person who decided to take advantage of a non-removable type of polystyrene construction.

The advantage of a non-removable formwork from this material is primarily due to the fact that such a design has auxiliary functions. The main one is the organization of the form for the walls and the foundation of a monolithic building. Thanks to its physical qualities, polystyrene foam is a good insulation. This is a very important property, since the formwork of this type will not dismantle after the pouring of the concrete.

If planks for formwork are used, then they are subject to dismantling. The tree is not a heat insulator, so polystyrene foam blocks are considered a more advantageous attachment. A non-removable formwork from this material allows you to build a lightweight concrete structure. Moreover, such a building retains 30-35% more heat, rather than a structure with an analogue of red bricks. Thus, the use of polystyrene foam allows to reduce the cost of other materials from which the foundation or walls are performed.

An alternative to polystyrene foam forms is plastic formwork. The price of such a design is somewhat higher, but it is characterized by more reliable strength. Failure plastic elements can be purchased in a construction store or place their order via the Internet.

Another advantage of such forms is that they provide the protection of reinforced concrete from moisture. In winter, this is especially important. As a result, thanks to polystyrene foam blocks, the operational period of the foundation and walls increases by approximately 20%. Quite often, this fact pushes people to apply such a formwork for building a house. Polystyrene is performed different (in shape and dimensions) elements.

Note! Building construction using polystyrene forms reduces financial expenses by approximately third.

The price of the formwork of overlapping, made of polystyrene, as a rule, is a determining factor when choosing it. However, the most beneficial property of such forms is that their use allows you to maintain the structure of concrete at low temperatures (but not lower than +5 ° C). Concrete in this case is hardening in normal mode, which is positively reflected on his qualities after frozen.

In turn, the pouring of concrete material in a wooden form gives a completely different result. In such formwork (at low temperatures), the concrete is hardening faster, and its structure is broken.

Non-removable polystyrene formwork: Disadvantages of construction

Similar structures have their drawbacks. Some of them are quite substantial. For example, one of the most serious minuses is the fact that the building made using such a formwork is not subject to restructuring. Therefore, its design is recommended to think over in advance. In addition, all communications located in the construction must be laid at the construction stage.

The house from a non-removable formwork is performed taking into account some rules, which are very important to obtain a reliable construction that is resistant to adverse environmental factors. Blocks made of polystyrene foam require careful laying. It is very important to observe tightness, since otherwise moisture will penetrate in emptiness.

Another disadvantage of such technology for the construction of residential structures is that the forms of polystyrene foam cannot be used at temperatures below +5 ° C. In such a situation, concrete simply will not be able to fit. In hot weather, concrete requires additional moisture, since otherwise it will find it wrong.

It is also worth noting that blocks of non-removable formwork made from polystyrene foam, prevent the normal ventilation of the concrete structure. The solution to the problem in this case is the installation of ventilation communication. This compulsory system will provide the necessary ventilation, while maintaining the high efficiency of the non-removable design.

Types of non-removable formwork depending on the manufacturing material

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to study various options for non-removable formworks that can be purchased today in the construction market. The main feature, according to which the classification of these products occurs - the material of manufacture. The choice of raw materials depends on the complexity of the future buildings and its individual characteristics. Consider from which raw materials are most often performed for concrete.

Polystyrene foam. Many people are interested in the question of what is polystyrene foam. This material is standard raw material, which is used in the production of non-removable formwork. The second name of the polystyrene is a gas-filled foam. It is characterized by a number of positive qualities that determine the popularity of the use of forms made of it.

Helpful information! The polystyrene foam is distinguished by fairly high strength characteristics and provides reliable heat insulation of concrete.

Arbolit. This material includes 2 main components: wooden chips and concrete. Separate elements of a non-removable formwork from arbolite are represented by blocks. They have empty gaps that are reinforced when installed and poured with a solution. The advantage of this raw material is that it has high strength. The soundproofing qualities of Arbolita are also its strength. Of the minuses of this material used for the manufacture of a formwork, low thermal insulation and high cost can be noted.

Fibrololite. This raw material, as is the previous one, consists of 2 components. The first of these is wood chips, which provides the fibrous structure of individual elements of such a formwork. The second component is represented by an inorganic binder. The main plus of such a formwork is resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Schepocement. Such material is considered less popular than the above variants of non-removable formwork. Scope-cement mounting technology has its own nuances. Of the advantages of this material it is worth allocating very good sound insulation and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Economical Option: Funny Flight Floodwork

Today there is the possibility of mounting a non-removable formwork from the plates of the fastener. This option is quite common, as it allows you to significantly save finances during the construction of the house. Penoplex is a material used for insulation and having good strength characteristics. This allows you to apply it as concrete forms.

Polympoths have dimensions 60x100 cm. The dimensions of these products prevail over the parameters of standard structures made of polystyrene foam. In order to establish a formwork around the house of the inferno, it is necessary to perform the correct calculation of the material. It is also important to understand that such products do not have their own fixative elements. Thus, before purchasing the material, it is necessary to consider the system of fixtures of individual parts with each other.

The use of fasteners reduces financial costs to a minimum. This is especially felt if they compare them with the expenses necessary for the construction of a standard design. The formwork of floors on telescopic racks, shields for the walls and the use of plywood will cost much more expensive.

Helpful information! The common version of the organization of fixative parts is the use of special jumpers that are equipped with carvings at the edges. Such elements are made of reinforcement. The main thing is to remember - the installation of such jumpers is carried out between the plates of the fox.

A similar embodiment of the design is less expensive, but at the same time more complex due to the selection of clamps. The price of a non-removable formwork made of polystyrene foam above, but its installation does not require extra actions. If necessary, you can purchase for plates from the fastener, the clamps that are used when installing the polystyrene foam construction.

Non-removable polyfoam formwork: varieties of structural parts

Formwork elements can have a different design that is caused by their operational destination. To date, there are such variants of these products made of expanded polystyrene:

  • panels;

  • blocks (cast and prefabricated);
  • frame systems.

Systems related to frame, are two-circuit structures, between the walls of which is empty space. When installing inside such a formwork, reinforcement is laid and the solution is poured. If you make a cutting of the finished wall made according to this technology, then three layers can be isolated: two outer, represented by formwork, and medium - from reinforced concrete.

Polyfoam blocks are divided into two large groups: cast and prefabricated. During the formwork assembly, it is built to build these elements in such a way that they are located on each other. And no clutch mixtures are used for docking (for example, glue). Block layout is carried out in a checker order.

Alloy products are also called the thermoblock. This is due to the fact that they have a rather high density (up to 40 kg / m³). Features of the structure have an impact on thermal insulation characteristics. A block of this type consists of 2 sheets that are joined with each other by special jumpers. The assembly of such parts and the compound of their individual elements are made at the manufacturing stage. It is worth noting that such structures have one disadvantage: they are quite poorly warmed. This is due to the location of the insulation from the inside of the wall of the wall.

The dimensions of the molded formwork blocks can be different. However, the standard option is considered to be products having dimensions 1000x250x250 mm. The mass of such a block is usually about 1 kg. The thickness of the insulation, located on both sides (outside), is 50 mm. Accordingly, the same indicator of the concrete layer will be 150 mm.

The insulation in the forms that are used to fill concrete may be different. Future design characteristics depend on the selection of the insulator material. It is important to remember that such a layer traditionally performs two main functions. The first of them is a forming, and the second is thermal insulation. Depending on the type of blocks varies and the cost of polystyrene foam. How much are different types of forms? Pricing occurs, taking into account the design, as well as the thickness of the insulation layer.

Note! It is not recommended to concrete more than 3 rows. The ideal option will be laying concrete in 2.5 rows, as in this case the seam will be located in the middle of the block.

Prefab blocks made of polystyrene foam for formwork

The formwork can be represented by prefabricated elements that differ from cast by their structure and have some features of application. There are such blocks of two sheets that are collected in a single design before starting installation work. It is important to note that such elements can be manufactured not only from polystyrene foam, but also from other materials. The distance between 1 and 2 sheet remains unchanged due to special component parts, which are called struts.

Building a non-removable formwork of this type has several features that need to focus. The main difference between the collection forms is that their use allows the use of more than 3 layers in the walls. Moreover, the combination of materials in this case does not play roles, while the buildings made using cast blocks require a clear observance of the sequence of materials. The insulation in such a situation will always be located outside.

A common solution is a wall pie that includes two facing layers of rigid sheet material. Close to the outer sheet of this type is placed insulating material (expanded polystyrene). The second layer in this situation is reinforced concrete.

The project of the house from a non-removable formwork is made in advance. It indicates all the necessary data indicating the features of the design, dimensions and individual solutions in accordance with the situation.

It is worth noting that such forms have one essential advantage over cast counterparts. It lies in the fact that, if necessary, you can change the width of the inner cavity into which the reinforcement is stacked and the solution is poured. Changing this indicator is performed by applying spacers. If such a need arises, you can purchase longer fixative elements.

All costs are required to indicate a formwork. Device, rates, dimensions of individual elements - all this is recommended to be marked in the preliminary circuit.

The design features of the collection forms affect the degree of heating the wall. The absence of polyfoam allows you to increase this indicator. If necessary, collapsible structures used to build buildings can be performed with their own hands.

Installation of formwork for a belt foundation: Mounting features

The most popular type of foundation used in the independent construction of houses and other structures is tape. Before organizing such a reason, it is necessary to carry out appropriate preparatory work. They include the development of the project and the preparation of the construction site. In addition, you need to mark the placement of the place allotted under the construction of the base.

The formwork device for a belt foundation is not particularly difficult, however, there are some nuances that need to know and observe. For example, it is recommended to fill in layers. The process itself occurs as follows: the cavity in the block is filled with a solution of concrete, after which it remains only to wait for its frost.

Helpful information! The organization of reinforcement is not a prerequisite. It stacked in the event that there is a need to increase the strength characteristics of the structure.

The valve of the reinforcement is performed inside the block elements. It is not necessary to dismantle the polystyrene foam, as it will perform the function of the heat insulator. It is important to remember that before the fill of the cement mortar, it will be necessary to check the accuracy of the location of the blocks in the ditch.

If necessary, a non-removable formwork for the foundation from expanded polystyrene is strengthened with additional elements. It is very important to achieve the right geometry of the foundation. Such technology has many advantages. When using fixed blocks made of polystyrene foam, the cost of organizing the foundation is reduced at least one third.

Formwork for monolithic foundation: Stages of self-installation

After organizing the foundation of the future structures, it is possible to start the installation of the formwork. This operation is conventionally divided into three stages: the installation of blocks, the mating of the reinforcement and the fill of the solution. Each stage is performed in accordance with the construction regulations and rules. While you need to follow security. Consider each stage in more detail.

Installing blocks. First, the first row of forms will be mounted to fill the concrete. It is worth noting that the installation is performed only on the waterproof base surface. The formwork for the foundation from expanded polystyrene should be tightly fixed at the expense of the rods of the reinforcement. These elements are a link between the base and the formwork itself.

Specialists advise you to check the accuracy of the work done, since it is possible to deviate from the initial design dimensions. The presence of deposits for partitions is also a very important point to which you want to pay attention. After the organization of the first row, it is possible to start laying the second. The blocking technology implies a chess system in which each subsequent row is shifted relative to the previous one. As a result, the shale of the elements of the first row should fall on the middle of the block of the second strip.

Band fittings. Metal construction is one of the most important points of organization of any type of building cake. Armature is used to strengthen bases, walls, as well as monolithic floors. The formwork for the foundation consisting of blocks that are stacked in the ranks should be Oboyan on the perimeter of the rods located in the horizontal plane.

In order to simplify the installation of reinforcement, special grooves are provided in each block that are in jumpers (internal). Horizontal bars are mounted in such a way that each subsequent element goes to the previous (braziness). Next, the rods are connected to each other, as well as with vertical elements using a special wire.

Note! Reinforcement allows not only to increase the strength of the structure, but also reduce the pressure of cement on the form.

Pouring solution. Before starting the fill with their own hands, a non-removable formwork is recommended to take care of the laying of communications inside the forming design. The cement solution used for formwork forming should not contain extraneous additives and impurities (for example, rubble). Operation itself is fairly simple. The fill is made step by step, and the height of the concrete layer should not exceed 1 m. This indicator corresponds to the dimensions of 3-4 of the fixed blocks of the structure.

The price of a non-removable formwork for the foundation is lower than the cost of standard analogues, which involve the use of plywood and boards. It is important to remember that the flooded solution requires a spinning. For these purposes, a special tool is applied - the vibrator. In the absence of the necessary electrical equipment, you can use the usual bayonet shovel.

Non-removable wall formwork: Technology casting

Independent use of such a method of wall casting requires an understanding of the technological process. Most often, this type of construction is used by non-cellionals in the event of the construction of private single-storey houses, as well as garage structures. The construction of the formwork made from polystyrene can be spent alone. However, several people will fulfill the wall mounting much faster.

The advantage of using forms from polystyrene is that they have a small mass. Thus, physical exertion in this case decreases to a minimum. Before starting construction, it is necessary to study the step-by-step algorithm of actions and nuances, allowing to answer the question of how to properly make a formwork.

Walls made using this method are recommended to be installed on a belt foundation. This basis is best suited for construction using non-removable foam forms. It is important to remember that the use of cement mortar for pouring walls often imposes a certain limit on the number of blocks of blocks. Experts advise 4 rows of forms, and they must be reliably related to the basis of the construction through reinforcement.

Helpful information! It is not recommended to immediately fill the entire concrete. First, you should perform a partial fill and wait for a while required for shrinkage of the solution. As a rule, such a procedure takes no more than 3-4 hours. Next, the addition of cement mortar is performed.

When erecting monolithic structures for casting walls, special forms are often used - shields. They are connected using special coupling bolts and form a lumen in which concrete is poured. Such products can have different dimensions. For example, their maximum height is 3.3 m, and the width indicator ranges from 0.25 to 2.4 m. After the solution is frozen, this design is disassembled. The size of the formwork shield is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the built-in facility.

It is worth noting that another feature of a non-removable formwork used to fill the walls is its instability. This is due to the fact that the concrete filled into the forms has a greater mass. Thus, even blocks laid in 4 rows and equipped with reinforcement need daily waiting. This time is quite enough for the solution of donkey and compressed.

When installing non-removable blocks made of expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to pay special attention to their docking. Separate structural elements must be connected to the special care so that the surface of the first rows is as smooth as possible. Otherwise, when adding the following rows, the walls of the walls may occur due to their skew.

An alternative to polystyrene foam is plastic. Plastic formwork for monolithic construction is used when it is required to ensure good strength and stiffness of the structure. The advantage of such products is that they are distinguished by high wear resistance.

Facing work allows not only to give a wall, cast in a formwork, completed, but also strengthen its protective characteristics. Finishing is done almost on all types of structures. After filling the wall, as a rule, there is no need for its alignment. This is caused by the design of forms. Thus, the need disappears in applying a thick layer of plaster.

It is not worth saving on the finishing finish of the walls and other surfaces, since the total cost of work is already declining through the use of expanded polystyrene. The price of this material is much lower than the cost of traditional formwork options.

Most often for wall decoration is a fairly special grid, which can be made of fiberglass or metal. Such a mesh is joined with a concrete surface with an adhesive composition, after which it is closed with plaster or spacure.

It is in this way that not only standard rectangular walls are processed, but also round columns. Formwork for such designs is most often produced from plastic. There are also cardboard options forms.

Note! In addition to the standard methods of finishing the outer surface of concrete, there are other, no less popular options. For example, very often a tile and artificial stone are used as a cladding.

For interior decoration of walls is used, as a rule, plasterboard material. Installation of HCL is performed in two ways - using profile elements or glue. This cladding method is very popular not only due to its simplicity and efficiency, but also due to the fact that this material provides good sound insulation.

Racks for organizing a non-removable shape of overlaps

The traditional version of the organization of overlaps in monolithic or any other buildings provides for the use of special telescopic (sliding) racks. These products are used to fix temporary flooring, which is made of moisture-resistant plywood for formwork. This method is not convenient, as it requires a lot of time and quite large physical exertion.

The stand that performs the reference role consists of several structural elements. The lower part of the telescopic product is equipped with a tripod, which ensures the stability of the pipe. In turn, at the top there is a special nozzle, which is necessary for the capture and retention of the construction beam - Rigel. All overlap racks are divided into two categories depending on the location of the thread. Some of them are equipped with open threads, while others are closed.

A pipe that has a smaller cross section is distinguished by the presence of special holes throughout its length. The step of the holes can be different - from 11 to 17.5 cm. The outer tube is equipped with a support nut. As a result, when there is a need to fix the rack at a certain level, a special earrings is made through holes in the pipes. This element has a support (nut), so it is held in the desired position.

Telescopic racks for formwork can differ in length. This indicator ranges from 1.7 to 4.5 m. They are withstanding quite large loads (up to 4 tons). It should be noted that such supporting products are made of metal, so they are covered with special anti-corrosion compositions, as steel can rust.

Failure formwork for overlaps: Features and features

Unlike the standard method, which involves the presence of reference racks, the polystyrene foam formwork for overlap has a completely different installation technology. As the basis for such a system, special matrices are used, which are made of dense and durable expanded polystyrene.

Such matrices should be put on the bearing walls. The advantage of this method is that these elements have a small mass, so they do not require serious physical efforts.

Note! Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the formwork of the overlap.

The docking of matrices is performed quite simple. Each product is equipped with a puzzle system for connecting. Thus, any person who does not have experience in this area will be able to perform this installation. Thanks to the puzzle system, the possibility of a rapid organization of solid flooring appears.

Such a formwork for monolithic overlap is able to withstand a layer of concrete thick up to 15 cm. As a rule, this value is quite enough to organize a reliable design. Before proceeding with the pouring of concrete, it is necessary to position the reinforcement between the butt zones of the overlap elements. The metal frame must be collected in a continuous beam occupying the entire width of the gap.

Then from above, matrices are required to position the reinforcement grid. It is performed from the rods, the diameter of which ranges from 10 to 15 mm. The assembly of reinforcement is made in the traditional way - by means of a special wire.

The final stage of creating a bulk formwork of floors provides for the fill of concrete, after which it is required to wait for it. Thus, the organization of overlaps with polystyrene foam matrices is performed. The result of this process is a solid design that is capable of withstanding significant loads.

After soaring the cement solution, the formwork made of polystyrene foam is dismantled. It remains in the cake of overlapping and from this moment begins to perform the heat insulating function. This method of organizing a design is more technological, if you compare it with a traditional method, taking into account the use of removable beams for the formwork of overlaps.

It is important to remember that the independent use of such technology requires an understanding of its nuances. The main thing - before the start of work you need to know that the laying of the elements of the overlap requires accuracy. Any design errors or block offset during their laying can lead to constructs.

Non-removable formwork: priceson the modern market

The cost of blocks is an important point to pay attention to. At the price of building blocks, from which a non-removable formwork is performed, two key factor influence:

  • polystyrene density;
  • dimensions of details.

The price of a non-removable formwork for a foundation from polystyrene foam must necessarily be taken into account in the construction estimate. When choosing individual elements of the forming design, it is recommended to pay attention to their density. This indicator affects the stability of the design to pressure. The higher the density of the details, the, respectively, higher loads they can withstand.

Note! Specialists are advised to acquire blocks whose density ranges from 25 to 35 kg / m³.

The average value of the value of the block made of expanded polystyrene is approximately 160 rubles. It is worth considering that this price corresponds to the products with dimensions of 1500x250x250 mm, having a density indicator of 30 kg / m³. Designs with a length of 1.5 m possess the adjustment function by mounting the jumpers of different sizes (15-25 cm). Products whose length is 1 m, cost cheaper - from 130 rubles. For 1 pc.

If it is planned to use standard construction technology, then it is recommended to study the cost of various materials. The price of telescopic racks depends on the characteristics of their design and manufacturer's company. Currently, these reference elements can be purchased for 500-5000 rubles. It is not recommended to buy the cheapest materials and tools, since they are most often distinguished by low technical characteristics.

The support elements are used to hold the wooden structure, which is performed from laminated plywood for formwork. The price of 1 sheet of such material varies from 600 to 3000 rubles.

Failure forms are a good alternative to standard structures that are harvested from wood and plywood. Such a formwork allows not only to fill the concrete, but also serves as a reliable thermal insulating material. It is actively applied in private construction, but it requires the study of the installation instructions and compliance with security rules.

Traditionally, in the construction of monolithic structures, the liquid concrete solution is poured into a temporary wooden formwork, which is dismantled after the foundation or walls harde. This method considers pretty expensive and labor costs. The non-removable formwork made of polystyrene foam (foam) is much easier to install and does not need to be dismantled. The concrete solution is poured right on top of it, and the porous material located in the thickness of the construction mixture plays the role of an additional insulation.

In addition, the design of this type has a mass of other advantages.

Benefits of polystyrene formwork

The foam frame has the following advantages:

  1. Differs on high heat insulating characteristics. In the case of mounting the foundation or walls of foam concrete, the surface does not have to additionally knock out foam sheets.
  2. Suitable for the construction of complex multi-storey buildings and for simple buildings;
  3. Mounting process takes significantly less time.
  4. The minimum weight of the blocks.
  5. Not susceptible to fungi, mold and termitic attacks.
  6. The polystyrene foam is much cheaper than wood.
  7. Differs in high moisture resistance and tightness.

In addition, the foundation mounted on polystyrene foam formwork will be distinguished by increased energy-saving properties and vapor permeability.

However, given all the advantages of this material, the non-removable formwork from the foam has a mass of minuses.

Disadvantages of non-removable polystyrene foam formwork

Despite the fact that the polystyrene foam is often labeled as an environmentally friendly material, it is not quite so. First, it contains styrene, which is a very dangerous substance for humans. Despite the fact that this component passes the polymerization process, the poison continues to be disturbed into the environment (active under the influence of oxygen and heat), and, accordingly, inward residential buildings. In addition, the material is processed by antipirens to increase its fire resistance. These components are also harmful to humans.

In addition, you can allocate the following minuses:

  1. After the end of the service (after 30-50 years), polystyrene foam must be disposed of, as it does not decompose, but only poists the environment.
  2. The house built using foam, it is almost impossible to reconstruct.
  3. Mount the removable foam formwork and pour concrete at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.
  4. Despite the fact that the foam refers to the category of weakly thorough (G1) and the reflected (B1) materials, its smoke level is very high - DZ. During a fire, polystyrene is released toxic gases.

All these nuances must be taken into account, before installing the formwork of polystyrene foam for the foundation and walls. Also worth determining with the type of formwork.

Varieties of polystyrene foam carcasov

Failure formwork of this type is made in several ways:

  • Fontoam hollow blocks are used, equipped with removable or non-removable stiffeners, which externally resemble the elements of the children's designer. In the process of manufacturing the frame, a wall of polystyrene foam and reinforced concrete is formed, which is sufficiently covered with finishing and plastering material. Most often, such technology is used in the construction of bearing walls.
  • A fixed facing formwork is installed.
  • Special reinforced polyfoam panels are used, the thickness of which is from 1 to 2.5 cm. Additionally, the canvas are strengthened by the reinforcement grid. Such structures are concreted by splashing.

Also today on sale you can meet a huge amount of polystyrene foam blocks with complex geometry. Thus, to prepare a formwork design, it is enough just to purchase the panel of the desired size and put them correctly.

How to install a non-removable foam formwork

To make a strong formwork design of polystyrene foam with your own hands, you must perform the following steps:

  • Make the marking of the territory (the angles need to be carefully measured) and make a plan of the future building.
  • Prepare a trench with a depth of 0.5 m and a width of 0.4 m around the perimeter of the future facilities. The bottom of the pit need to thoroughly align. Since the formwork will not dismantle, it is necessary that it is installed on the perfectly smooth surface.
  • Push up on the bottom of the trench drainage pillow (and sand and rubble) 15 cm high. Failure and smuggle the underlying layer.
  • Install the reinforcing rods in the pillow (they will be needed for fixing and connecting formwork blocks).
  • Pour a thin layer of concrete on the pillow. This is necessary that the formwork blocks are laid on a flat and durable surface.
  • When the concrete "sole" will freeze, put the blocks of polystyrene foam on reinforcing rods. The masonry must be started from the corner in a checker order.

  • Set interconnect jumpers between the formwork elements. Blocks are recommended to connect using the ridge and groove technology, so you can reduce the number of mounting seams. For angular formwork elements, it is better to use the corresponding fasteners.
  • When there are 3 series of blocks, be sure to align them not only horizontally, but vertically. The side surfaces of the elements should fit tightly to each other. In the same stage, it is necessary to fill in the inner space of the formwork with a concrete solution with a density of at least B15. If, when preparing a concrete solution, you used rubble, then ensure that its fraction does not exceed 0.8 cm.
  • Continue to lay blocks, filling them with concrete every 3 rows.
  • When all empties are filled with a solution - we can assume that the non-removable polystyrene formwork is ready. Now you can proceed to the immediate fill of the foundation or walls. It is best to use a deep vibrator for this.

With the help of such a formwork, you will get walls that are in the context resemble a sandwich, consisting of 2 rows of polystyrene foam with a stroke of durable concrete monolith. At the same time, they will have to spend less strength and money than to build a bulky wooden formwork design.

How many foam formwork will cost

When choosing formwork elements from expanded polystyrene, it is better to give preference to blocks whose density is at least 20-35 kg / m 3. Such products will be better to withstand the pressure of the concrete solution. The average cost of products is given in the table.

Block nameDensity, kg / m 3How many blocks can be poured concrete for one "approach"Cost, rub
Block Wall Collection (BSS)18-20 2 150
BS.20-25 3-4 180
20 2 200
BSS with a thickened wall (75x50)25 3-4 234
BSS for internal partitions20 2-4 120
Block wall main (BSO)20 2 150
BSO25 3-4 210
BSO30 5-6 230
Stroke plug (ZT)25 -/- 25-30

The standard length of the polystyrene foam unit is 1.5 m, however, you can find meter formwork elements.

The prefabricated blocks are much more convenient, since you can adjust the width of the structure using special jumpers of different lengths (from 150 to 250 mm).

If you are engaged in construction in harsh climatic conditions, it is better to give preference to products with enlarged walls.

In addition, it will be necessary to purchase lightweight, thickened and standard metal-plastic jumpers, the cost of which ranges from 8 to 12 rubles. Also, it is recommended to buy a funnel for pouring concrete from galvanized tinsel for 2000 rubles.

  • 3.3 blocks;
  • 0.12 m 3 concrete;
  • 10 kg of reinforcement.

If we take into account the cost of boards, bars, metal fasteners and other parts that would be required for a wooden formwork, the foam design will be cheaper at times. In addition, after its manufacture, it will not have to extract from the concrete mass.