Repairs Design Furniture

Ventilation in a private house - Natural or forced? Ventilation system in high-rise buildings Residential premises Only air exhaust

This article will consider the appointment and classification of ventilation systems for residential premises. We will tell you how to calculate the ventilation system and give an example of calculating ventilation systems. Consider how ventilation works and give a detailed methodology for calculating ventilation systems.

Classification of ventilation systems

Ventilation systems of residential and public buildings can be classified according to three categories: according to the functional purpose, according to the method of motion of air movement and according to the method of moving air.

Types of ventilation systems by functional purpose:

  1. Supply ventilation system (ventilation system, which ensures the flow of fresh air);
  2. Exhaust ventilation system (ventilation system that removes exhaust air from the room);
  3. Recycling ventilation system (ventilation system, which provides the flow of fresh air with partial exhaust air beam).

Types of ventilation systems according to the method of motion of air:

  1. With mechanical or artificial (these are ventilation systems in which air movement is carried out using a fan);
  2. With natural or natural (the movement of air is carried out by the action of gravitational forces).

Types of ventilation systems by way of moving air:

  1. Channels (the movement of air is carried out over the network of air ducts and channels);
  2. Neckannye (the air enters the room is not organized, through the looseness of window openings, open windows, doors).

What threatens poor-quality ventilation?

If there is an insufficient inflow in the house, then there will be a lack of oxygen, increased humidity or dryness (depending on the time of year) and dustiness.

Missing windows with insufficient ventilation

If there is an insufficient hood in the house, there will be an increased humidity, fat soot on the walls of the kitchen, fogging windows in the winter, may mushrooms on the walls, especially bathroom and toilet, as well as walls covered with wallpaper.

Fungus on wallpaper with insufficient ventilation

And as a result, an increase in the risk of disease of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. In addition, most of the furniture and finishing materials constantly emits hazardous chemical compounds into the air. Their MPC (maximum permissible concentrations) in sanitary and hygienic conclusions to this furniture and finishing materials is set from the conditions of ventilation standards. And the worse the ventilation works, the more stronger the concentration of these harmful data in the air at home. Therefore, the health of residents at home directly depends on the supply of due ventilation.

How does your ventilation work?

First of all, you can check whether the extractor works. To do this, bring a lighter or sheet of paper to the ventilation grille installed in the bathroom wall or in the kitchen. If the flame (or sheet of paper) renewed towards the lattice, then there is a traction, the exhaust work. If not, the channel is blocked, for example, dried, leaves through the air duct. If you have an apartment, then it could cover the neighbors, making redevelopment of the premises. Therefore, the first is your task to ensure craving in the ventilation channel.

Check ventilation for thrust using a lighter

If there is a craving, but it is not constant, and the neighbors live on or under you. In this case, you can flow to the air, carrying the smells from neighboring rooms. In this situation, it is necessary to equip the hood with a check valve or automatic blinds, which is closed when reverse.

How to check if you have a hood cross section, we will look further.

Calculation of air exchange. Formula for calculating ventilation

In order to choose the ventilation system you need, you need to know how much air should be supplied or deleted from one or another room. Simple words, you need to know the air exchange indoors or in the room group. This will make it clear how to calculate the ventilation system, select the type and model of the fan and make the calculation of the air ducts.

There are many options for how to calculate the air exchange, for example, to remove heat excess, to remove moisture, to dilute pollution to MPC (maximum permissible concentration). All of them require special knowledge, skills use tables and charts. It should be noted that there are state regulatory documents, such as Sanpins, Gosta, Snigs and DBNA, in which the ventilation systems should be clear in certain premises, which equipment should be used in them and where it should be located. And how much is the amount of air, with what parameters and what principle should be submitted and deleted. When designing ventilation systems, each engineer conducts calculations according to the aforementioned norms. To calculate the air exchange in the residential premises, we will also be guided by these standards and use the two simple methods of finding the air exchange: along the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, by sanitary and hygienic standards and the dysfolia.


This is the easiest calculation. Calculation of ventilation in the area is based on the fact that for residential premises the norms are governed to supply 3 m 3 / hour of fresh air to 1 m 2 area of \u200b\u200bthe room, regardless of the number of people.

Calculation of sanitary and hygienic standards.

According to sanitary standards for public and administrative-household buildings, 60 m 3 / hour of fresh air is necessary for one permanent person in the premises, and for one temporary 20 m 3 / hour.

Calculation of multiplications

In the regulatory document, namely in tab 4.4 DBN B.2.2-15-2005 Residential buildings There is a table with multiplicated rooms (Table 1), we will use them in this calculation (for Russia, these data are given in SNIP 2.08.01-89 * residential buildings, Appendix 4).

Table 1. Multiplicities of air exchange in residential buildings.

Premises Estimated temperature in winter, ºС Requirements for air exchange
Influx Hood
Shared room, Bedroom, Cabinet 20 1-multiple --
Kitchen 18 - On air balance apartment, but not less, m 3 / hour 90
Kitchen-dining room 20 1-multiple
Bathroom 25 - 25
Restroom 20 - 50
Combined bathroom 25 - 50
Pool 25 By calculation
Premises for washing machine in the apartment 18 - 0.5-multile
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes 18 - 1.5-multiple
Lobby, general corridor, staircase, hallway 16 - -
Rooms of duty personnel (Conmente / Consertion) 18 1-multiple -
Unspecified staircase 14 - -
Lift machinery 14 - 0.5-multile
Garbage Camera 5 - 1-multiple
Garage-Parking 5 - By calculation
Electrical 5 - 0.5-multile

Multiplicity of air exchange - This is the value whose value shows how many times within one hour the air indoors is completely replaced with a new one. It directly depends on the specific room (its volume). That is, a single air exchange is when it was filled with fresh and removed "spent" air in an amount of equal to one room into the room; 0.5 Fixed air exchange - half of the room. In this table in the last two columns, multiplicity and requirements for air exchange indoors are indicated on the influx and exhaust air, respectively. So, the formula for calculating the ventilation, which includes the desired amount of air looks like this:

L \u003d n * v (m 3 / hour), where

n. - normalized multiplicity of air exchange, hour-1;

V. - room volume, m 3.

When we consider air exchange for a group of rooms within one building (for example, a residential apartment) or for the building as a whole (cottage), they need to be considered as a single air volume. This volume must meet the condition Σ L PR \u003d Σ L you are t That is, how much air we feed, the same must be removed.

In this way, sequence of the calculation of ventilation ventilation Next:

  1. We consider the volume of each room in the house ( volume \u003d Height * Length * Width).
  2. We count the air volume by the formula for each room: L \u003d n * v.

To do this, we first choose from table 1 norm by multiplicity of air exchange for each room. For most rooms, only the influx is normalized or only a hood. For some, such as kitchen-dining and the other. Digger means that this room does not need to serve (remove) air.
For those rooms for which the table instead of the diversity of the air exchange is minimal air exchange (for example, ≥90 m 3 / h for the kitchen), we consider the required air exchange equal to this recommended. At the very end of the calculation if the balance equation (Σ L Pr. and Σ l Vyt) We will not come out, then the values \u200b\u200bof the air exchange for these rooms we can increase to the desired number.

If there is no room in the table, then we consider the air exchange rate for it, given that the provisions of the norms are regulated by submitting 3 m 3 / hour of fresh air per 1 m 2 Room area. Those. We consider air exchange for such premises by the formula: L \u003d s premises * 3.

All values L. Round up to 5 to the biggest, i.e. Values \u200b\u200bmust be multiple 5.

  1. We summarize separately Late rooms Late roomsfor which the extractor is normalized. We get 2 digits: Σ L Pr. and Σ l out.
  2. Make a balance equation Σ L PR \u003d Σ L you are t.

If a Σ l Pr\u003e Σ l then to increaseΣ l Vyt to meaning Σ L Pr. We increase the values \u200b\u200bof the air exchange for the premises for which we at 3 points have taken air exchange equal to the minimum permissible value.
Consider calculations on the examples.

Example 1: Calculation of multiples.

There is a house of 140 m 2 with rooms: kitchen (S 1 \u003d 20 m 2), bedroom (S 2 \u003d 24 m 2), Cabinet (S 3 \u003d 16 m 2), living room (S 4 \u003d 40 m 2), corridor (S 5 \u003d 8 m 2), bathroom (S 6 \u003d 2 m 2), bathroom (S 7 \u003d 4 m 2), the height of the ceilings H \u003d 3.5m. You need to make an air balance at home.

  1. We find the volume of premises by the formula V \u003d s n * hthey will make V 1 \u003d 70 m 3, V 2 \u003d 84 m 3, V 3 \u003d 56 m 3, V 4 \u003d 140 m 3, V 5 \u003d 28 m 3, V 6 \u003d 7 m 3, V 7 \u003d 14 m 3.
  2. Now consider the right amount of multiple air (formula L \u003d n * v) and write to the table, the previously rounded unit part is up to five. When calculating the multiplicity n we take from table 1, we obtain the following values \u200b\u200bof the desired amount of air L.:

Table 2. Calculation of multiples.

Note:Table 1 does not have a position that would regulate the multiplicity of air exchange indoor living room. Therefore, I consider the norm of the air exchange for it, given that the provisions of the norms are governed to supply 3 m 3 / hour of fresh air to 1 m 2 area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Those. We consider the formula: L \u003d s premises * 3.

In this way, L. pr. Gostiny \u003d s living room*3 \u003d 40 * 3 \u003d 120 m 3 / hour.

  1. We summarize separately L of those roomsfor which the air flow is normalized and separately L of those roomsFor which the extractor is normalized:

Σ L. fort \u003d 85 + 60 + 120 \u003d 265 m 3 / h;
Σ l Vyt\u003d 90 + 50 + 25 \u003d 165 m 3 / h.

4. Make an air balance equation. As you can see Σ l Prake\u003e Σ l, so increase the valueL Vyt of that room, where we took the value of the air exchange equal to the minimum permissible. We have such all three rooms (kitchen, bathroom, bathroom). IncreaseL Vyt For kitchen to valueL velte kitchen\u003d 190. Thus, the totalΣ L. yout \u003d 265m 3 /hour. Table 1 condition(table. 4 DBN B.2.2-15-2005 residential buildings ) done: Σ L PR \u003d Σ l.

It should be noted that in the premises of the bath, bathroom and kitchen, we organize only a hood, without a tributary, and in the bedroom premises, a cabinet and a living room only a flow. This is to prevent the fighting of harm in the form of unpleasant odors in residential premises. Also, it can be seen in Table 1, in the cells of the influx opposite these rooms there are downtakers.

Example 2. Accounting for sanitary standards.

The conditions remain the same. Only add information that 2 people live in the house, and we will carry out the calculation of sanitary standards.

Let me remind you that according to sanitary standards, 60 m 3 / hour of fresh air is necessary for one permanent person in the premises of the person, and on one temporary 20 m 3 / hour.

We get for the bedroom L 2.\u003d 2 * 60 \u003d 120 m 3 / hour, for the cabinet we will take one permanent resident and one temporary L 3.\u003d 1 * 60 + 1 * 20 \u003d 80 m 3 / h. For the living room we accept two permanent residents and two temporary (as a rule, the number of permanent and temporary people is determined by the technical task of the customer) L 4.\u003d 2 * 60 + 2 * 20 \u003d 160 m 3 / hour, write the data obtained to the table.

Table 3. Calculation of sanitary standards.

MAKING THE EQUATION OF AIR BALANTS Σ L PR \u003d Σ l:165<360 м 3 /час, видим, что количество приточного воздуха превышает вытяжной на L.\u003d 195 m 3 / h. Therefore, the amount of exhaust air must be increased by 195 m 3 / hour. It can be evenly distributed between the kitchen, the bathroom and the bathroom, and can be submitted to one of these three rooms, for example, the kitchen. Those. The table will change L. vyt.Kukhni will be L Vyt.kukhnya\u003d 285 m 3 / hour. From the bedroom, the cabinet and the living room will flow into the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen, and from there by exhaust fans (if installed) or natural traction is removed from the apartment. Such a flow is necessary to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors and moisture. Thus, the equation of aerial balances Σ L PR \u003d Σ L yout: 360 \u003d 360 m 3 / hour - executed.

Example 3. Calculation on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Let us make this calculation, given that the provisions of the norms are regulated to supply 3 m 3 / hour of fresh air to 1 m 2 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Those. We consider air exchange by the formula: Σ l \u003d Σ l ode \u003d Σ l VOLE \u003d Σ s premises * 3.

Σ l VOL 3\u003d 114 * 3 \u003d 342m 3 / hour.

Comparison of calculations.

As we see options calculations differ in the amount of air ( Σ l Vyput1\u003d 265 m 3 / h< Σ l Vyput3\u003d 342 m 3 / hour< Σ l Vyput2\u003d 360 m 3 / h). All three options are correct according to the rules. However, the first third is simpler and cheap in the implementation, and the second is a bit more expensive, but creates more comfortable conditions for a person. As a rule, when designing the choice of the calculation option depends on the desire of the customer, more precisely from its budget.

Selection of the air duct

Now, when we counted the air exchange, we can choose the scheme for implementing the ventilation system and make the calculation of the air ducts of the ventilation system.

In ventilation systems, two types of hard air ducts are used - round and rectangular. In rectangular ducts, to reduce pressure losses and noise reduction, the aspect ratio should not exceed three to one (3: 1). When choosing a section of air ducts, it is necessary to be guided by the fact that the speed in the main air duct should be up to 5 m / s, and in branches up to 3 m / s. Calculate the size of the duct section can be determined according to the diagram below.

The diagram of the dependence of the air ducts from the speed and consumption of air

On the chart, horizontal lines display the flow rate of air, and the vertical lines - speed. Kosy lines correspond to the size of the air ducts.

We select the cross section of the branches of the main air duct (which go directly into each room) and the most main air duct for air flow L.\u003d 360 m 3 / hour.

If the air duct with the natural exhaust air, then the normalized speed of air movement in it should not exceed 1 m / h. If the air duct with constantly working mechanical exhaust air, then the speed of air movement is higher and should not exceed 3 m / s (for branches) and 5 m / s for the main air duct.

We select the cross section of the duct with a constantly working mechanical exhaust air.

On the left and right in the diagram are the costs, choose our (360 m 3 / hour). Next, we move horizontally to the intersection with the vertical line the corresponding value of 5 m / s (for the maximum duct). Now, along the speed line, we go down to the intersection with the nearest line of cross section. Received that the cross section of the main air duct 100x200 mm or Ø150 mm. For the selection of the branch cross section, we move on the flow of 360 m 3 / hour in a straight line to the intersection at a speed of 3 m 3 / hour. We obtain a branch cross section of 160x200 mm or Ø 200 mm.

These diameters will be sufficient when installing only one exhaust channel, for example, in the kitchen. If there will be 3 exhaust ventilation in the house, for example in the kitchen, bathroom and bathroom (rooms with the most contaminated air), then the total air flow that we need to be divided by the number of exhaust channels, i.e. By 3. And already on this digit we select the cross section of the air ducts.

For this schedule, it is quite difficult for this schedule. We consider them in a special program. Therefore, if necessary - ask, consider.

Natural air hood. This diagram is only suitable for selecting mechanical exhaust sections. The natural extract is selected manually or using sections of sections. Again, ask, consider.

Note: In our example it was not, but special attention should be paid to the room of the swimming pool when it is in the house. Pool This room with an excess moisture and when calculating the necessary air exchange, an individual approach is required. From practice I can say that the flow is obtained at least eight times. This is quite a big consumption and if we consider that the temperature of the supply air should be 1-2 ° C above the water temperature in the pool, then the cost of heating air in the winter period is very large. Therefore, for the premises of swimming pools more logically use air drainage systems. These systems work according to such a scheme - the desiccant takes the wet air out of the room, passing through itself, removes moisture from it (by cooling it), after heats up to a predetermined temperature and feeds back to the room. Also, there are air drainage systems with the possibility of a substitution of fresh air.

The ventilation scheme is purely individual for each house and depends on the architectural features of the house, from the wishes of the customer, etc. Meanwhile, there are some conditions that must be observed and they concern all schemes without exception.

General requirements for ventilation systems

  1. Exhaust air dropped outwardly above the roof. With natural exhaust ventilation, all channels are displayed above the roof. With mechanical exhaust ventilation - the air duct is also displayed above the roof either inside the building or outside.
  2. The fence of fresh air in the mechanical system of supply ventilation is carried out using a fence lattice. It must be placed at least two meters above the ground level.
  3. The air movement must be organized in such a way that the air from the residential premises is moving in the direction of premises with the excretion of the hazards (bathroom, bathroom, kitchen).

In this article we disassembled, what are the ventilation systems and how the necessary air exchange is calculated. This information will help you correctly pick up the ventilation system and ensure the most comfortable microclimate in your home.

In the annex to the article, you will find regulatory documents in which the issue of ventilation from a regulatory point of view is set out.


From the efficiency of ventilation, the quality of air we breathe depends on. The underestimation of the effect of air exchange to the state of the air environment in residential apartments leads to a significant deterioration in the well-being of people living in them.

Natural ventilation of residential buildings

E. H. Khaitseva, Assistant MGSU

E. G. Malyavina, Assistant MGSU

From the efficiency of ventilation, the quality of air we breathe depends on. The underestimation of the effect of air exchange to the state of the air environment in residential apartments leads to a significant deterioration in the well-being of people living in them.

SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings" recommends the following scheme of the air exchange apartments: The outer air goes through the open windows of the residential rooms and is removed through the exhaust grilles installed in the kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. The air exchange apartment must be at least one of two quantities: the total exhaust rate from toilets, bathrooms and a kitchen, which, depending on the type of kitchen plate, is 110-140 m 3 / h, or the tributary standards of 3 m 3 / h per each m 2 residential area. In typical apartments, as a rule, the first version of the norm turns out to be decisive, in the individual - the second. Since this version of the norm for large apartments leads to unreasonably overestimated expenditures of the ventilation air, in the Moscow regional regulations of the Mower 3.01-96 "residential buildings" provides for the air exchange of residential rooms with a consumption of 30 m 3 / h per person. In most cases, this norm is interpreted by project organizations as 30 m 3 / h per room. As a result, in large municipal (non-elite) apartments, air exchange can be understated.

In residential buildings of mass development traditionally, natural exhaust ventilation is traditionally performed. At the beginning of mass housing construction, ventilation was used with individual channels from each exhaust grille, which were connected to the exhaust mine directly or via the collectible channel in the attic. In buildings up to four floors, this scheme is still applied. In high houses to save space every four - five floors, several vertical channels were combined with one horizontal, from which the air then went to the mine on one vertical channel.

Currently, a fundamental solution of the systems of natural exhaust ventilation of multi-storey buildings is a diagram, which includes the vertical precast channel - "trunk" - with side branches - "satellites". The air enters the lateral branch through the exhaust hole, located in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet and, as a rule, in the interlaced overlap over the next floor, is constrained into the main collection channel. Such a scheme is a significantly more compact system with individual channels, it may be aerodynamically stable and meets the requirements of fire safety.

Each vertical of the apartments can have two "trunks": one by one transit air from kitchens, otherwise - from toilets and bathrooms. It is allowed to use one "trunk" for kitchen ventilation and Santekhkabine, provided that the location of the side branches to the collecting channel in one level should be higher than the level of the served room at least 2 m. One or the last two floors often have individual channels that are not related With a common trunk "barrel". This happens if it is constructive that it is not possible to connect the upper side channels to the main scheme.

In typical buildings, the main element of the system of natural ventilation is the Floor Ventblock. In buildings under individual projects, exhaust ducts are most often performed in the metal.

Wenblok includes a plot of a trunk channel of one or several side branches, as well as a hole connecting the ventball with the served room. Now the side branches are connected to the main channel through the 1st floor, while earlier solutions included connecting after 2 - 3 and even after 5 floors. Ventball intercom is one of the most unreliable places of exhaust ventilation. For its sealing, it is still sometimes a cement solution laid in place at the top end of the underlying block. When installing the next block, the solution is extruded and partially overlaps the section of the ventilation channels, as a result of which their resistance characteristic changes. In addition, there were cases of a leakage embossing between blocks. All this leads not only to the unwanted redistribution of air flow, but also to the flow of air through the ventilation network from one apartments to others. The use of special sealants still leads to the desired result in the context of the complexity of the seal operation during the inaccessibility of the seam.

In order to reduce heat lifting through the ceiling of the upper floor and to increase the temperature on its inner surface, most of the typical projects of multi-storey buildings provide a "warm attic" device with a height of about 1.9 m. It comes to it from several prefab vertical channels, which makes the attic with a common horizontal area Ventilation systems. The removal of air from the attic room is carried out through one for each section of the house exhaust mine, the mouth of which, in accordance with SNiP, "residential buildings" is located 4.5 m above the overlap over the last floor.

In this case, the exhaust air in the attic should not cool, otherwise its density increases, which leads to tipping the circulation or decrease in the exhaust consumption. At the pole of the attic over the ventblock, the headband is satisfied, inside which, as a rule, the lateral channels of the last floor to the mainstream are connected. When leaving the ledge in the "trunk", the air moves at high speed, so the exhaust air from the lateral channels of the last floor is added to it due to ejection.

Since the same vents used in buildings from 10 to 25 floors, for 10 - 12-storey building air velocity in the main channel when leaving the "warm attic" is insufficient for ejection of air from the side branch of the upper floor. As a result, in the absence of wind or with wind, directed to the opposite facade for the apartment under consideration, there are no discontinued circulation cases of the circulation and stuffing the exhaust air of other apartments in the apartment of the last floor.

Calculated for natural ventilation is the mode of open windows at an outdoor air temperature + 5 ° C and windless weather. With a decrease in the outdoor air temperature, the thrust increases, and it is believed that the air ventilation is only improved. The system is calculated isolated from the building. At the same time, the flow rate of the air is just one component of the air balance of the apartment, in which, in addition to it, the costs of air, infiltrating or exhausting through the windows and incoming or coming out of the apartment, can play a significant role. Under different weather conditions and directions of wind, open or closed forces, the components of this balance are redistributed.

In addition to the constructive solutions of the system itself and weather conditions - temperature and wind - the height of the building, the layout of the apartment, its connection with the staircase node, the size and air permeability of the windows and the entrance to the door are affected by the work of natural ventilation. Therefore, the values \u200b\u200bof the density and size of these fences should also be considered related to ventilation, as well as recommendations on the planning of apartments.

Air Wednesday in the apartment will be better if the apartment is provided with through or angular ventilation. This rule for SNIP "residential buildings" is only for buildings designed for III and IV climatic areas. However, now for the middle strip of Russia, architects are trying to post the apartment in the building so that they satisfy this condition.

The entrance doors to the apartment SNIP "OM" Building Heat Engineering "requires a requirement of high tightness, providing air permeability of not more than 1.5 kg / h · m 2, which practically must cut off the apartment from the ladder-lift mine. In real conditions, achieve the required density of apartment doors. It is not always possible. Based on numerous studies conducted in the 80s of the TsNIIEP of engineering equipment, the MNIITEP "OM, it is known that, depending on the degree of sealing the doors, the values \u200b\u200bof their aerodynamic characteristics of the resistance differ almost 6 times. The looseness of the apartment doors generates the problem of the flow of exhaust air from the apartments of the lower floors along the staircase in the apartment of the upper floors, with the result that even with well-working exhaust ventilation the inflow of fresh air is significantly reduced. In buildings with one-sided arrangement of apartments, this problem is exacerbated. The scheme of the formation of air flows in a multi-storey building with loose apartment doors is shown in Fig. 1. One of the ways to combat air flow through the staircase and the elevator shaft is a device of floor corridors or holls having a door separating the flight-elevator node from the apartments. However, such a solution with a loose apartment doors enhances the horizontal flow of air from one-sided apartments overlooking the winding facade, to the recent orientation apartments.

Formation of air flows in a multi-storey building

The air permeability of the windows of residential buildings on Snip "Construction Heat Engineering" should not exceed 5 kg / h · m 2 for plastic and aluminum windows, 6 kg / h · m 2 - for wooden. Their sizes, based on the lighting standards, are determined by SNIP "residential buildings", limiting the attitude of the area of \u200b\u200blight openings of all residential rooms and kitchens of the apartment to the floor area of \u200b\u200bthese premises of no more than 1: 5.5.

With natural exhaust ventilation, the window play the role of air devices. On the one hand, low air permeability windows leads to an undesirable reduction in air exchange, and on the other - to saving heat for heating of infiltration air. In case of insufficient infiltration, ventilation is carried out through open windows. The impossibility of adjusting the position of the outflows of the vents forces the tenants sometimes use them only for short-term ventilation of the premises, even with a tangible stuffing in the apartment.

An alternative variant of the inorganized influx is the supply devices of various structures installed directly in the exterior fences. The rational placement of the supply devices in combination with the possibility of adjusting the flow of supply air allows you to consider their installation rather promising.

Foreign research and numerous calculations of the air regime of the building allowed us to identify general trends in the change in the components of the air balance of apartments when changing weather conditions for various buildings.

Aircraft accommodation options

When the outdoor temperature decreases, the share of the gravitational component in the pressure difference outside and inside the residential building increases, which leads to an increase in the cost of infiltration through windows on all floors of the building. More substantially this increase affects the lower floors of the building. Increasing wind speed at a constant outdoor temperature causes an increase in pressure only on the covered facade of the building. The most strongly changing wind speed affects the pressure drops of the upper floors of high buildings. The speed and direction of the wind have a stronger impact on the distribution of air flows in the ventilation system and the cost of infiltration than the temperature of the outer air. Changing the outdoor temperature from -15 ° C to -30 ° C leads to the same increase in air exchange in the apartment as an increase in wind speed from 3 to 3.6 m / s. The increase in wind speed does not affect the consumption of air, removed from the apartment of the Tarnished facade, however, with poor entrance doors, the inflows in them decrease through the windows and increases through the entrance doors. The effect of gravitational pressure, wind, layout, resistance to breathing internal and external enclosing structures for buildings of increased floors is expressed more dramatically than in the buildings of small and medium storeys.

Due to the installation in the building of dense windows, the device only the exhaust system is ineffective. Therefore, for the supply of inflow to apartments, both different devices are used (special aeromates in windows, having quite large aerodynamic resistance and non-skipping noise from the street (Fig. 2), the supply valves in the outer walls (Fig. 3) and the mechanical supply ventilation is designed .

Abroad received distribution in housing mechanical systems of exhaust ventilation, especially for the buildings of increased floors. These systems are distinguished by steady work in all periods of the year. The presence of low-noise and reliable in the work of the roof fans (similar fans are equipped with the garbage chutes) made such systems sufficiently mass. For air inflows in window bindings are established, as a rule, aeromates.

Unfortunately, the domestic experience of applying common for the building or rising mechanical ventilation systems is associated with a number of problems, as evidenced by an example of operation of tens of 22-storey buildings of the I-700 series. As of the air, they were recognized as emergency at one time. Consequence of constructive and assembly defects, as well as poor operation (non-working fans) is the insufficient removal of air as a whole from all apartments and flowing it from one apartments for a non-working system to others. Other disadvantages associated with poor tightness of systems and the complexity of their installation adjustment are noted.

In the best position, from the point of view of fans, there are apartments with individual fans. These include apartments of a number of typical buildings, where small axial fans are installed on individual exhaust channels on individual exhaust channels.

A large number of complaints of natural ventilation systems made a legitimate question: can such a system work well under various weather conditions? The answer to this question was decided to obtain the method of mathematical modeling by jointly consideration of the air regime of all premises of the building with a ventilation system, allowing to identify a reliable qualitative and quantitative picture of the distribution of air flow in the building and the ventilation system.

For the study, a 11-storey single-section building was chosen, in which all apartments have an angular ventilation. The last two floors occupy two-tier apartments. The windows of windows and their breathability in the building correspond to the norms as well as the air permeability of the doors (the air permeability of the 1st floor windows was 6 kg / h · m 2, and the doors - 1.5 kg / h · m 2). In the staircase on all floors there are windows. Each apartment has two "barrels" of natural exhaust ventilation systems made in metal. All ventilation systems were accepted as they are designed to the project organization. The main channels provide one diameter in height. The diameters of the side branches are also equal. For side branches, diaphragms, leveling exhaust air expenditures on floors, are selected. The height of the mine over the floor of the upper technical floor towers 4 m.

The calculation was determined by air costs that constitute the air balance of each apartment at various outer temperatures, wind speeds and at open and closed vents.

In addition to the main version described above, options with apartment doors corresponding to air permeability of 15 kg / h · m 2 with a pressure difference in 10 Pa and with windows providing air permeability of 10 kg / h · m 2 on the first floor with an outdoor temperature -26 ° C .

The results of the calculation for the apartment with the required exhaust flow 120 m 3 / h · m 2 are presented in Fig. four.

Figure 4A indicates that under the normative windows and doors and closed windows, the costs of the exhaust air ventilation are almost equal to the costs of infiltration air throughout the entire heating season during wind and at faceless. Through apartment doors there are practically no air movement (all doors work on the inflow with a flow rate of 0.5 - 3 m 3 / h · m 2). Through windows of visa and tangle facades, infiltration is observed. Expenditures on the top floor belong to a two-level apartment, which explains the increased values \u200b\u200bof expenses. It can be seen that the ventilation works quite evenly, but with closed windows, the air exchange rate is not performed even at an outdoor temperature of -26 ° C and a front wind of 4 m / s per one of the facades of the apartment.

In fig. 4B shows the change in air costs of the same option for fences in the building, but with open vents. The doors still isolate the apartment of all floors from the staircase. At + 5 ° C and the streets, the air exchange apartments are close to the regulatory with a small overrun on the first floors (curves 3). At the outdoor temperature of -26 ° C and wind 4 m / s air exchange exceeds the normative 2.5 - 2.9 times. Moreover, the submarine facade (curve 1H) operates on the inflow, and the side - on the exhaust (curve 1b). The ventilation system removes air with a large overrun. The same figure shows air costs in the warm period of the year (the outdoor temperature by parameters A). The difference between the temperatures of the outer and inner air is 3 ° C. With wind 3 m / s through the windows of one facade, the air flows (curve 5n), through the windows of the other - is removed (curve 5B). The air exchange is sufficient. When eyelord (or under the tangled facade), all windows compensate for the exhaust, which ranges from 35 to 50% of the norm (curves 4).

Figures 4B and 4G illustrate the same modes as Figures 4A and 4B, but at doors with increased air permeability. It can be seen that ventilation is still steady. With closed windows, the flow of air through the apartment doors is insignificant, when open - in the lower floors, the air leaves through the door in the staircase, in the upper - enters the apartments. In fig. 4G Air costs through doors refer to options 1 and 5. In options 3 and 4, air costs through the doors are insignificant.

Options for windows and doors of increased air permeability with closed windows are shown in Fig. 4d. Calculations show that with air-permeable windows, infiltration provides ventilation rate of air only during the colder period of the year.


In apartments with bilateral orientation, natural ventilation can work well most of the year, if it is properly calculated and mounted. In hot weather, only the impact of the wind can provide the required air exchange.

Modern windows permeal standards are forced to think about special events to ensure the influx of outdoor air to the apartment.

Significant improvement in the air regime of residential buildings can be achieved if the air permeability of the apartment doors closer to the normative. On the one hand, the normal air permeability rate could even be increased somewhat, and on the other, it is necessary to give an approach to the calculation of the required resistance to the breather of the apartment door. Now it is impossible to choose the doors corresponding to the norm for buildings of various floors and planning, taking into account climatic factors.

Today, there are consisted in modern construction, in which research is being conducted to improve the technology of the structure, also improve the quality during operation, not an exception is the air exchange of premises in the building. Problems in this area are relevant and solved by selecting multiplicity under the ventilation system. Full-scale tests are carried out and standards are written on them. The most successful country in this case is the United States. They developed the ASHRAE Standard, using the experience of other countries, namely Germany, Denmark, Finland, and their scientific developments. The post-Soviet space also has a developed analogue of such a document. In 2002, Avok were developed standards of the norms of air exchange of public and residential buildings.

The construction of modern structures is carried out with the calculation of increased insulation and large tightness of windows. Therefore, the optimal exchange of air is very important in such cases for performing sanitary and hygienic standards and the corresponding microclimate. It is also important not to cause damage to energy saving so that in winter to ventilation does not stretch all heat, and in the summer - cool air from the air conditioner.

To determine the calculation of the air exchange in the premises, except for hospitals, a new method was created, which is described in the ASHRAE 62-1-2004 edition. It is determined by summing indicators of the value of fresh outdoor air, which is supplied directly for breathing, given the area of \u200b\u200bthe room falling on one person. As a result, the value was significantly lower than the late edition of ASHRAE.

Air exchange rates in residential buildings

When calculating, it is necessary to use the data of the table, provided that the level of saturation of malicious components is not higher than the norms of the MPC.

Premises Air exchange rate Notes
Living sector Multiplicity 0.35h-1,
But not less than 30 m³ / h * people.
When calculating (m 3 / h), the space of the room is taken into account by the multiplicity of the room.
3 m³ / m² * h living quarters, with an apartment area less than 20 m² / person. Premises with air enclosures require additional extracts
Kitchen 60 m³ / h for electric stove Air supply to residential rooms
90 m³ / h for using 4-kilt gas stove
Bathroom, Toilet 25 m³ / h from every room Same
50 m³ / h with combined bathroom
Laundry Multiplicity 5 h-1 Same
Wardrobe, pantry Multiplicity 1 h-1 Same

In cases of non-use of accommodation for housing, indicators decrease in this way:

  • in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence 0.200-1;
  • in the others: kitchen, bathroom, toilet, pantry, wardrobe by 0.5h-1.

At the same time, it is necessary to avoid flowing airflow from these premises in residential if it is present there.

In cases where the air entering the room from the street passes a large distance to the exhaust, then the multiplicity of air exchange increases. There is still a concept as the intake of ventilation, which implies the lag behind the fall of oxygen from the outside before its use in the room. This time is determined using a special chart (view in Figure 1), given the smallest air exchange rates in the above table.

For instance:

  • air flow 60 m³ / h * people;
  • housing volume 30 m³ / person;
  • time delay 0.6 h.

Air exchange rates for office buildings

The norms in such buildings will be significantly higher, because the ventilation should effectively cope with a large number of carbon dioxide allocated by the office staff and there are techniques there, to remove excess heat, while supplying clean air. In this case, there will be no natural ventilation, the use of such a system will not be able to provide the required hygienic and air exchange standards. During construction, it is used hermetically closed doors and windows, also the device of panoramic glazing completely limits the air from the outside, which leads to a stagnation of air and the deterioration of the microclimate of housing and the overall condition of the person. Therefore, it is necessary to design and install special ventilation.

The main requirements of such ventilation include:

  • the possibility of ensuring sufficient volume of fresh clean air;
  • filtering and eliminating used air;
  • no exceeding standards for noise;
  • convenient control;
  • a small level of power consumption;
  • the opportunity to fit into the interior and have small sizes.

The conference rooms require the installation of additional supply devices, and the exhaust must be installed in toilets, corridors and in the halls for copying. In the offices, the mechanical extractor is mounted in cases where the area of \u200b\u200beach cabinet exceeds 35 square meters. m.

As practice shows, with incorrect distribution of a large air flow in offices with low ceilings, a feeling of drafts is created, and in this case, people demand to turn off the ventilation.

Organization of air exchange in a private house

Healthy microclimate and well-being dependent in many respects from the right organization of the supply and exhaust system in the house. Often, during the design of ventilation, it happens or pay little attention, thinking that one exhaust in the toilet will be enough for this. And often the air exchange is organized incorrectly, which leads to many problems and in themselves a threat to human health.

In the case when there is an insufficient yield of polluted air, there will be a large level of humidity in the room, the ability to infect the walls of fungus, fogging windows and a feeling of dampness. And when there is a bad influx, there is a lack of oxygen, a large dustiness and increased humidity or dryness, it depends on the season outside the window.

Properly arranged ventilation and air exchange in the house looks like shown in the figure.

The incoming air in the dwelling should be first through the window or open windows, the trim valve is from the outside of the housing wall, then passing through the room, penetrates under the door web or through special ventilation holes and enters the bathrooms and the kitchen. It turns out longer through the exhaust system outside.

The method of organizing air exchange in the use of ventilation systems is varied: mechanical or natural, but in all cases air flow occurs from residential areas, but it turns out in technical: bathroom, kitchen and others. When using any system, it is necessary to make ventilation channels in the inner part of the capital wall, this will avoid the so-called tipping of the flow of air, which means the inverse movement before it is indicated in Figure 2. Over these channels, the exhaust air is given out.

What is the air exchange?

The air exchange is the flow rate of the outdoor air of M3 / hour, which falls into the building using the ventilation system (Figure 3). Pollution of the medium in residential rooms comes from sources located in them - it can be furniture, various fabrics, products of consumption and human activity, household goods. It also happens by gas formation from the effect of exhalation of carbon dioxide by humans and other vital processes of the body, more different technical evaporations that may be present in the kitchen from gas combustion on the plate and many other factors. Therefore, the air exchange is so necessary.

To maintain normal air indicators in dwellings, control over the saturation of carbon dioxide CO2 by adjusting the ventilation system with concentration. But there is a second way, more common is the method of controlling the air exchange. It is much cheaper and in many cases more efficiently. There is a simplified way to evaluate it using Table 2.

But when designing a mechanical ventilation system in the house or apartment you need to make calculation.

How does the ventilation work?

First, it is checked whether the extractor works, for this it is necessary to launch a sheet of paper or flame from the lighter directly to the ventilation grille located in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The flame or sheet should end up toward the drawing, if so, it works, and if this does not happen, the channel can be blocked, for example, to clog leaves or for any other reason. Therefore, the main task is to eliminate the cause and provide craving in the channel.

More articles on this topic:

How to make it so that the house is fresh, warm and dry, without drafts and dust?

In private homes, a natural ventilation system has received widespread distribution, in which air movement is due to the difference in air temperature in the room and on the street. The popularity of natural ventilation is explained by the simplicity of the design of the system and its cheapness.

As a rule, simple and cheap is not the most efficient and profitable. In countries where people are more careful about their health and consider the cost of housing in private houses, various systems of forced ventilation were obtained.

In private homes apply the following forced ventilation systems:

  • Forced exhaust ventilationWhen the removal of air from the premises of the house is forcibly, and the air flow from the street occurs naturally through the supply valves.
  • Forced supply-exhaust ventilation, in which the influx and air removal in the room of the house is performed forcibly.

Forced ventilation can be local (distributed) or centralized. IN local compulsory ventilation system Electrical fans are installed in each room at home, where necessary. IN centralized system forced ventilation Fans are in one ventilation unit, which pipes are connected to the rooms at home.

Natural ventilation system in a private house - features and disadvantages

The system of natural ventilation in a private house is vertical channels that begin in the ventilated room and end the roof skate.

The air movement up the channels occurs under the action of forces (thrust) caused by the difference in air temperature at the input and channel output. Warm air indoors are easier cold on the street.

There is also an impact on the ventilation channel in the ventilation channel, which can both enhance and reduce cravings. The thrust force depends on other factors: the heights and sections of the ventkane, the presence of turns and narrowings, the heat insulation of the canal, etc.

Room ventilation scheme in a multi-storey private house

According to the construction rules, the channel of natural ventilation must provide regulatory air exchange at an outdoor temperature +5 About S. , without taking into account the impact of wind.

In the summer, at the air temperature on the street above said, the air exchange is worsening. Air circulation through natural ventilation channels is almost completely stopped at an outdoor temperature above +15 About S..

In winter, the colder on the street, the stronger the thrust and above. Winter losses in winter through the system of natural ventilation according to some estimates can reach 40% of all heat loss at home.

In houses, natural ventilation channels usually leave the kitchen, bathrooms, boiler room and dressing rooms. Additional channels are arranged for ventilation basement or, for the device.

On the upper floors of the private house It is also often necessary to arrange additional channels of natural ventilation from residential rooms to provide air exchange rates.

In the premises of the attic Natural ventilation, as a rule, cannot provide the required air exchange due to lack of traction in low height ventilation.

Natural ventilation norms

Russian Construction Rules SP 55.13330.2011 "Houses residential houses", paragraph 8.4. Require:

Minimum performance of the ventilation system at home In service mode, must be determined at the calculation no less than one-time air volume exchange for an hour In rooms with a permanent stay of people.

From the kitchen in service mode should be removed at least 60 m 3 of air per hour, from the bath, restroom - 25 m 3 air per hour.

The multiplicity of air exchange in other rooms, as well as in all ventilated premises, in non-working mode should be at least 0.2 volume of the room per hour.

The room with a permanent stay of people is a room in which people stay at least 2 hours continuously or 6 hours total during the day

For comparison, I will give the requirements for ventilation performance in an apartment building, at a minimum:

The magnitude of the air exchange must be provided for the calculated conditions: the outdoor temperature is +5 About S., and indoor air temperature in the cold season, (for residential premises +22 About S.) .

The arrival of outside air in the premises should be provided through special supply devices in the outer walls or windows.

For apartments and rooms in which the outdoor air temperature is +5 ° S. The removal of the normalized air flow is not provided, the mechanical exhaust ventilation should be provided.

Mechanical ventilation with partial use of natural ventilation systems for inflow or air removal (mixed ventilation) should also be provided in the periods of the year, when the parameters of the microclimate and air quality cannot be provided with natural ventilation.

For example, at an outdoor temperature above +5 About with,the productivity of natural ventilation channels is reduced. In this case, it is allowed in rooms with windows to increase the air exchange by opening windows, forctures and fraamug. In the premises without windows, mechanical forced exhaust ventilation should be provided.

The natural ventilation system in a private house works as follows.

In old houses, fresh air from the street penetrates residential through looting in wooden windows, then through the running holes in the door (Usually the gap between the edge of the door and the floor) comes to the kitchen and bathrooms and goes to the channel of natural ventilation.

The main purpose of such ventilation is the removal of gas burning products, moisture and smells from the kitchen and bathrooms. Residential rooms in such a system are not ventilated. In Rooms for venting, you have to open the windows.

In the case of applying modern hermetic design designs in the house, for the influx of fresh air, it is necessary to install in the outer walls of the rooms or in the windows special supply valves.

Often, the supply valves do not even do in new homes. For influx of air have to constantly keep open windowsAt best, establishing the "Microwing" accessories to this window. (First choose and pay money for sealed windows with several levels of seals to protect from cold, noise and dust, and then keep them constantly open!?: -?)

Also, you can often see how sealed doors are installed in the premises of the house, without a gap from the floor or another hole for the passage of air. Installation of hermetic doors overlaps the natural circulation of air between the rooms at home.

Many do not even suspect the need provide a permanent influx of fresh air into rooms and air circulation between the premises. By installing plastic windows and sealed doors, it lives in a stuff, with condensate and mold. And in the air of the premises an increased concentration of deadly gases - and insidious.

Disadvantages of natural ventilation

All these open windows, ajar sash, slots in the windows, holes-valves in the outer walls and windows are the cause of drafts, serve as a source of street dust, allergenic pollen of plants, insects and street noise.

The main disadvantage of natural ventilation in our homes is the lack of control and regulation of the number of supplied and removed from the air room.

As a result, often in the house there is a stuffy, increased humidity of the air, falls condensate on the windows And in other places, the fungus appears and mold. Usually, this suggests that ventilation does not cope with its task - to remove the air pollution and excessive moisture. The amount of air flowing through ventilation is clearly not enough.

In other houses in the winter, more often, on the contrary, the air is very dry With a relative humidity of less than 30% (comfortable humidity is 40-60%). This suggests that too much air goes through ventilation. The frosty dry air entering the house does not have time to enjoy in moisture and immediately goes to Ventkanal. And with air goes and warm. Receive discomfort of the microclimate of the premises and the loss of heat.

In the summer, the thrust in the channel of natural ventilation decreases, up to the complete cessation of air movement in the channel. Rooms in this case are ventilated, opening the windows. Other rooms without windows, such as bathroom, toilet, wardrobe will not be able to ventilate in this way. Such rooms that remain without ventilation, the wet air is easily and quickly and quickly.And then appears smell, fungus and mold.

How to improve the work of natural ventilation

Natural ventilation work can be made more economical, If you install an automatic valve controlled by a humidity sensor at the entrance to Ventkanal. The degree of opening of the valve will depend on the humidity of the air indoors - the higher the humidity, the more the valve is open.

In rooms set supply valves, controlled by the outdoor temperature sensor. With a decrease in temperature, the air density increases and the valve must be covered to eliminate the receipt to the premises of an excessive amount of cold air.

Automation of valve operation will reduce heat loss with air-flowing by air by 20-30%, and the general heat loss of the house is 7-10%.

It should be understood that such a local automation of each individual valve will not be able to completely eliminate the disadvantages of the natural ventilation system in the house. Installing automatic valves will only slightly improve the operation of the ventilation, especially in winter.

You can, at a minimum, install adjustable grids and valves on the supply and exhaust channels, and regulate them manually, at least twice a year. For the winter, it is covered, and with the onset of heat, the exhaust grilles and supply valves open completely.

Construction rules allow the multiplicity of air exchange in the non-working mode of the premises to reduce up to 0.2 volume of the room per hour, i.e. five times. The house will always find rarely used premises. Especially on the upper floors of the house. In winter, be sure to cover ventilation valves in rarely used rooms.

The ventilator in the outer wall provides a forced influx of air into the room. Fan power only 3 -7 T..

Compared to the supply valve, the ventilator has the following advantages:

  • The volume of the air arriving from the street is limited only by the power of the fan.
  • Create an overpressure in the room, so that in houses and apartments with a poorly functioning channel of exhaust ventilation increase the air exchange, and the contaminated air seats from the adjacent rooms and the basement is eliminated.
  • Reduce the dependence of the work of natural ventilation from climatic factors.
  • Reaching deep cleaning of air from dust, allergens and odors as a result of the use of more efficient filters with high aerodynamic resistance.
  • Provide the best.

The ventilators equipped with an electronic climate control system, heated air, special filters are often called bizers.

There are inexpensive electronic devices for home use, which measure air humidity. Hang such a device on the wall and adjust the bandwidth of the ventilation channels, focusing on the instrument readings. Maintain optimal air humidity in residential areas 40-60%.

Check the presence and size of the ventilation holes for moving the air between the rooms in the house. Square of the streaming hole for air outlet from the residential room must be at least 200 cM 2.. Usually leave the gap between the edge of the door and the floor in the room 2-3 height cm.

Prett hole for air inlet into the kitchen, bathroom Or to another room, equipped with a ventilation exhaust channel, should be an area of \u200b\u200bat least 800 cM 2.. Here it is better to install a ventilation grille at the bottom of the door or the inner wall of the room.

Moving from the room to the room with Ventkanal, the air should pass no more than two overleaches (two doors).

Ventilation channels that pass through the unheated room (attic) must be insulated. The rapid cooling of the air in the channel reduces the thrust and leads to the condensate from the removed air. The route of the natural ventilation channel should not have horizontal sites, which also reduce the thrust.

Fan in the Canal of Natural Ventilation

To improve the work of natural ventilation, kitchen hoods are installed, as well as electrical fans at the inlet of ventilation. Such fans are suitable only for short-term and intensive ventilation of the premises during the period of significant moisture and pollution discharges. The fans are strongly noisy, their performance, and therefore power consumption, exceeds the values \u200b\u200bnecessary for constant ventilation.

It should be noted that installing the fan to the existing channel of natural ventilation reduces the abill of the channel. The autoctor of the blades (rotation under the pressure of the incoming air blades of the non-operating fan) further increases the aerodynamic resistance of the channel. As a result, installation the fan significantly reduces the power of natural traction in the channel.

A similar situation - when the kitchen hood over the stove is attached to the only canal of natural ventilation in the kitchen.

Filters, valves and fan in the kitchen hood almost overlap natural traction in the ventilation channel. The kitchen with the hood turned off remains without ventilation, which worsens the air exchange in the whole house.

To correct the situation in the duct between the channel of natural ventilation and kitchen hood it is recommended to place a tutor with a check valve. On lateral discharge. With non-working hood, the check valve opens, providing a free passage of air from the kitchen room into the ventilation channel.

When turning on the kitchen hood the street is thrown into a large amount of warm air With the sole purpose - remove odors and other contaminants that are formed over the kitchen stove.

To eliminate heat loss, it is recommended to install an umbrella, equipped with a fan, filters and smell filters for deep air purification. After filtration, the air purified from smells and contaminants is sent back to the room. Such an umbrella is often referred to as a filtering extract with recycling. It should be borne in mind that saving from reducing heating costs is somewhat leveled, due to the need to periodically replace filters in the hood.

There are available fans managed by humidity sensor. The fan turns on when a certain moisture threshold is reached in the room and turns off when it decreases. All of the above features of the fans in the natural ventilation system are saved and when working with a humidity sensor.

The fan operation in any case leads only to an increase in thrust in Ventkanal and to a decrease in humidity in the room. But it is not able to limit the natural traction, preventing excessive dryness of air and heat loss in winter.

In addition, in the system of natural ventilation, several elements are coordinated, located in different parts of the house - the supply valves, exhaust channels, alert grilles between the rooms.

The inclusion of the fan in one of the channels often leads to a violation of the operation mode of other elements of the system. For example, the supplit valves in the house often cannot miss the resulting amount of air necessary for the fan operation. As a result, when the exhaust is turned on in the kitchen, tipping the thrust in the exhaust channel in the bathroom - the air from the street begins to flow into the house through the exhaust channel in the bathroom.

Natural ventilation in a private house is a system:

  • simple and cheap in installation;
  • does not have any mechanisms requiring an electric drive;
  • reliable, does not break;
  • very cheap in operation - expenses are connected only with the need to perform periodic inspections and cleaning of ventilation channels;
  • no noise;
  • the effectiveness of its work strongly depends on atmospheric conditions - most of the time the ventilation is not working in optimal mode;
  • has a limited ability to adjust its performance, only towards the reduction of air exchange;
  • in winter, the work of the natural ventilation system leads to significant heat loss;
  • in summer, the ventilation system does not work, the ventilation of the premises is possible only through open windows, the vents;
  • there is no possibility of preparation of air supplied to the room - filtering, heating or cooling, moisture changes;
  • it does not provide the necessary comfort (air exchange) - which causes a stuff, damp (fungi, mold) and drafts, and also serves as a source of street dust (pollen of plants) and insects, reduces the soundproofing of the premises.

Ventilation of the upper floors of a multi-storey private house

In a multi-storey house, like in a large ventilation channel, there is a natural thrust, under the action of which air from the first floor rushes up the lumen of stairs, on top floors.

If you do not take any measures, then on the upper floors of the house we will always have a slightness and increased humidity, and in the house the temperature difference between the floors.

There are two options for the device of natural ventilation of the upper floors of the house.


Ventilation in a wooden house

Interestingly, traditional for Russia houses with walls from a log or bar do not have special devices for ventilation. The ventilation of the premises in such houses occurs due to the walls ("breathable walls"), overlaps and windows, as well as as a result of moving air through the chimney when furnace furnace.

In the constructions of a modern wooden house, various methods of sealing are increasingly used - machine profiling of mating surfaces of logs and bars, sealants for interventic seams, steamproof and windproof films in floors, hermetic windows. The walls of the house are trimmed and insulated, treated with various poisonous compositions.

In the rooms at home, as a rule, there are no stoves.

The ventilation system in such modern wooden houses is simply necessary.

Wardrobe and Storage Room Ventilation

In the wardrobe room, ventilation must be made. The smell will appear without ventilation in the premises, humidity will increase and even may appear on the walls of condensate, fungus and mold.

The scheme of natural ventilation of these rooms should exclude air flow from the dressing room or storage room in residential rooms.

If the doors of these premises go to the corridor, a hall or kitchen, then the premises are ventilated in the same way as residential rooms are ventilated in the house. For the influx of fresh air from the street, in the window (if there is) or in the wall there is a trim valve. In the door of the dressing room, the storage rooms leave the slit downstairs, between the door and the floor, or they make another hole for air pass, for example, in the lower part of the door insert the ventilation grille.

Fresh air enters the room of a wardrobe or storage room through a trimming valve, then goes through a hole in the door to the corridor, and then goes to the kitchen, in the exhaust channel of natural ventilation at home.

Between the room of the dressing room or storage room and the room where there is a canal of natural ventilation should be on more than two doors.

If the doors of the dressing room go into a residential room, then the air movement for ventilation wardrobe should be organized in the opposite direction - from the living room, through a hole in the door, in the watership ventilation channel. In this embodiment the dressing room is equipped with a canal of natural ventilation.

Ventilation in your city


Ventilation of a private house. Airflows in the house - Video:

The purpose of the ventilation is to improve the quality of the air in the house. There is a conflict between the need to improve air quality and minimize costs for modern ventilation and reduce energy consumption.

Meanwhile, ventilation is not the only way to improve the quality of air indoors. The most important is to control the sources of air pollution. We are talking about everyday habits, such as a ban on smoking in the room, care that bacteria and mushrooms do not multiply in the apartment.

The quality of air in the house clearly depends on whether materials with low levels of harmful discharge are applied. Natural materials, such as wood, stone or glass, are considered primarily such.

With a reasonable selection of materials at the construction stage, good home air quality can be supported, even if less expensive and energy-intensive ventilation system is installed.

More articles on this topic:

Our health depends on ventilation efficiency. Therefore, every residential building must be equipped with an air exchange system. Ventilation of the residential building is always organized in one scheme: clean air is supplied to the room, and removes through the air holes in the kitchen, bathroom and pantry. There are several ways to organize an air exchange in a residential building.

Types of ventilation

Natural air exchange system

Ventilation systems are with forced and natural motivation. In natural ventilation systems, air flows are driven by a traction arising under the influence of temperature difference, pressure drops and wind load. In forced systems, the air exchange is performed with the help of fans.

Classification of ventilation for purpose:

  • Supply - served air to the room;
  • Exhaust - removed from the house spent inner air;
  • Supply-exhaust - perform functions and intake, and exhaust systems.

Support systems

Forced ventilation

Supply ventilation is designed to supply fresh air to the room with air pumping devices. Such systems may have a different package and cost.

The varieties of air supply devices in the house:

  • Trim valve;
  • Trim fan;
  • Supply unit.

The valve provides air inflows in a natural way. At the place of installation of the valve, they are window and walls. For window ventilation, they are mounted in the upper part of the plastic window. To set the wall valve in the wall, the through hole is drilled, the optimal location is between the window frame and the battery, so that the incoming air in winter warmly warmed up.

Air fans are installed in the outer wall or window frame. Such simple devices such as valves and fans have a number of shortcomings, namely: weak filters, no heating of air and cooling air - in summer. These minuses are deprived of typical and monoblock installations.

Exhaust systems

Exhaust forced ventilation

Exhaust ventilation ensures the removal of air from the room, it can be natural and forced. The removal of air masses naturally occurs through the vertical exhaust pipe, the top end of which is removed beyond the roof. Air ducts from different premises (kitchens, bathroom, pantry) can be connected to a central exhaust pipe, but only if they are located next to each other. For rooms located in different parts of the house, you need to mount individual exhaust pipes.

Important! In order for the system to work efficiently, the air ducts cannot be placed parallel to the ceiling (permissible angle of 35º), and sharp turns should be avoided.

Rules for installing an exhaust pipe:

  • From the height of the pipe depends the effectiveness of the traction, the upper end of the channel should perform above the level of the skate at least 1 m;
  • Exhaust pipes should be installed strictly vertically;
  • To avoid the formation of the condensation of the place of the pipe adjustment to the roof, it is necessary to thoroughly seal using cement mortar or sealant.

If you correctly select the model and the type of fan, taking into account the purpose and size of the room, the exhaust device will function especially efficiently. Such fans are installed in the kitchen or bathroom. There are devices for mounting into round and rectangular ducts.

Supply-exhaust ventilation

Natural supply-exhaust system

The supply and exhaust ventilation simultaneously performs the functions of the supply and exhaust installation. In systems, special attention should be paid to the installation of an exhaust pipe, as it provides craving, and consequently, the receipt of air to the room. As already mentioned, fresh air flows come to the house through the gaps in building structures or supply valves. The air exchange in the forced supply and exhaust ventilation can be provided in several ways: fans, monoblock or di-air exchange system.

Set and monoblock installations

Elements of set ventilation

Set and monoblock installations, by type of action, are divided into supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust devices. A typical ventilation consists of a powerful supply fan, filters, air humidifiers, a carrier, noise absorbers and air ducts, ventilation grids. Placing a typesetting requires a lot of space, usually the main nodes are installed in a separate room (ventkamer) or in the attic. In addition, no hidden layout of air canals does not look aesthetically. Therefore, it is hiding behind suspended structures, which is difficult to make indoors with low ceilings.

Monoblock installations are distinguished by silent operation and small size. Do not require a special place to install, they can be attached to the wall in the corridor, loggia. All elements (filter, fan, calorifer recuperator) are enclosed in a housing of noise absorbing material. Monoblocks are suitable for installation in small cottages and apartments.

Air flow

Properly organized air exchange

For any ventilation, both natural and forced, it is important to properly organize the movement of air flows in the room. The air should freely move from the tributary to the hood.

Sealed interior doors often interfere with the free movement of the air masses. To avoid stagnation, it is recommended to leave a two-chamber gap between the floor and the door web or to embed a special streaming grille.

Systems with recovery

Recovery ventilation system

Ventilation systems with recovery are becoming increasingly popular. This is explained by the fact that in the cold season is spent a huge amount of energy heating. The recuperator saves from 40 to 70% of heat due to the heating of incoming flows removing, warmer air.

Important! In winter, recovery is not enough to bring the air temperature to comfortable (20º). It is necessary to additionally heat the air flows built into the system by the carrier.

The heat exchanger is a heat exchanger, which passes the incoming and removing from the house. Air masses are separated by thin metal plates through which heat exchange occurs. Summer air will be partially cooled in the same way.

Based on the foregoing, we see that the air exchange is comfortable for one or another room can be in several ways, and each chooses the type of construction, which does not go around for those or other needs or type of structure.