Repairs Design Furniture

Calculation of engineering communications for a wooden house. Laying communications in a wooden house. Wooden House Heating System

The possibilities of technological progress have reliefed a person from the need to make a painful choice between the arranged existence in the metropolis and the afflicted life in nature. Today you can create comfortable conditions anywhere, and country houses are equipped at no worse (and often better) urban housing.

Engineering communications of the country house include electricity, cold and hot water, heating and sewage. Even if the house is located far from centralized networks, there is nothing fundamentally impossible in the organization of thought-out engineering infrastructure.

The modern house is unthinkable without the well-established work of engineering networks. Source

Overview of engineering systems

Often, the owners of the country area there is no possibility of connecting to the main heat maintenance and water supply. Then the need to organize its own, home livelihood systems. In a modern country cottage, all major engineering systems are laid; If their design and installation is made without errors, the owners will not have problems during operation.

Water supply

Centralized water supply systems securely and constantly provide a country house with clean water. The overwhelming majority of private buildings are far from such a convenient source of water. If the main systems are not available, the construction company will develop an autonomous water supply system. Country cottage can be provided with clean drinking water in two ways:

    Individual well. Simple and fairly budgetary way of individual water supply. Well digging if the depth of aquifer is small (up to 30 m), the pump and the filter are installed.

Depth of the aquifer of aquifer for different types of water supply Source

    Individual well. Type of water intake well depends on housing use mode. If the house live periodically, the sandy well will be optimal (up to 40 m). The depth of the artesian well reaches 200 m, water from such aquifer is enough for a small village. To drill the artesian well, you need a license.

The thoughtful arrangement of the injection of water into the house, wet rooms (kitchens, bathrooms, saunas) and wastewater output will help avoid problems during operation. You should take care of the quality of pipes and fittings; Savings on these things are unacceptable.

A couple of dozen years ago dackets to swim or wash, raised water buckets. Modern hot water is designed much more practical. Hot water flows from the crane, and it heats its boiler, electric or gas.

Drilling well on water Source


If there is no possibility to connect to a centralized sewage system, the civilized output will be the arrangement of the autonomous system of groove and wastewater treatment. In practice, the installation of an individual septication, structures capable of cleaning up to 20 m 3 of sewage (depending on the selected model) per day. Septic taking place taking into account the height of groundwater and sanitary requirements. The main technologies (cesspool, as a morally obsolete version, do not consider) is:

    Arrangement of concrete septica - systems of 1-3 wells cleansing wastewater to acceptable quality. The output obtains technical water suitable for watering.

    Biological Cleaning Station. The underground tank made most often from plastic and consisting of 1-3 cameras. A more advanced and expensive option with a guarantee of a long (up to 50 years) of the functioning and processing of significant volume of wastewater. Purified water can also be used for watering the site.

One of the wastewater treatment options source


No communications in a private house will be complete if there is no own heating. Autonomous heating is a demanded engineering system whose features are:

    Source of heat. Heating is implemented in various ways, but the main element always serves a heating boiler. It can work on a diesel, gas, electrical or solid fuel energy source. Installation of gas or electric heating in a wooden house requires increased fire safety measures.

    Device. For heating in the premises, heating radiators are installed. Most often aluminum, steel, cast iron and bimetallic radiators are used.

    Alternative. It is possible to warm the house, adding (or completely replaced) radiators of heating with warm floors with a liquid coolant; They are most often mounted in the hallway, in the bathrooms or bathrooms. The system is preferred to be installed in the kitchen if the ceramic tile is on the floor. Specialists advise to arrange warm floors, if the house is erected not on the belt foundation, but on reinforced concrete slabs. For mounting, warm floors use metal-plastic or polyethylene pipes; After testing, the system is arranged cement-sand tie.

Gas heating with water contour Source TGS.SU

Electrical work service

    Manufacturability. Modern heating communications turnkey (including firewood boilers) work in automatic or semi-automatic mode, which greatly simplifies management and saves funds.

    Variety of models. If the country cottage is small or used periodically, it is advisable to choose a compact wall model that is conveniently placed in the kitchen. For a large house, a multi-mounted system is suitable for which it will be necessary to highlight the room equipped with ventilation and chimney. It can not only warm the water for household needs and warm the air in the ventilation system, but also to warm the floors and water in the pool. The powerful system is capable of damping the neighboring buildings.

Installation of electric heating floor under the tile Source

Power supply

Construction companies hold a full range of work on the design and installation of internal electrical networks:

    Calculate electrical wiring parameters Country houses, taking into account the likely load (the number of electrical equipment and household appliances).

    Collecting power ShieldThe wires are laid, the electric cable is divorced.

    Installed accounting device Electricity.

    Mounted switches, lamps, sockets.

    Mounted electric warm floors.

    At the request of the customer for the suspension in the house installed generator (from the usual diesel, to an exotic windmill). Installation is possible solar batteries.

Outer LED backlight - part of a home power supply Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the system design and installation of sewage and water supply. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Ventilation system

Engineering system that becomes increasingly necessary for a country house. Air circulation in a private house is organized in several ways: there is a natural, forced (using fans) and a mixed type. According to the principle of action there are 2-way, exhaust and supply and exhaust systems.

In modern country cottages, a forced supply-exhaust ventilation system is often implemented. Supply-exhaust ventilation is compact, economical and can filtered, heat or cool air.

Gas supply

Natural gas, one of the most budget and affordable fuels, in everyday life is used in several ways. With it, they are heated the house and cook food, and recently use for design - gas fireplaces are firmly engaged in fashion. The easiest way to gasify the house is to connect it to the central gas pipeline. An alternative option is to install a reservoir for storing liquefied gas.

Video Description

On the bookmark of the private home engineering communications in the following video:

Specialized companies spend the gasification of country housing year-round; Works turnkey include:

    project development house gasification, including the selection of a suitable boiler, pipes, meter;

    drawing up the estimates;

    obtaining permits;

    installation of Gazgolder and the reducing valve, the pipe gasket to the house, test and running system.

Scheme of autonomous gas supply of a private house Source

Design of engineering systems of a country house: Nuances of training

Engineering systems and communications are the costly part of the construction; Their cost can reach 25-35% of the estimate. Such an expensive component requires special attention when choosing and installing; Otherwise, the price of alteration or repair will be too high. The optimal option for the arrangement of engineering systems is their planning and design simultaneously with the house and the gasket in compliance with the construction stages. Before the start of design, the following factors take into account:

    Frame budget.

    Features of operating house. Whether the owners want to live in the house constantly or periodically. It is also important how many people will live in the cottage, and which homework will be installed.

    Network laying features. Country house often has two floors and the area is greater than the urban apartment. The load on engineering communications will be higher and the equipment will need more powerful. If the main networks are not available, you will have to develop an alternative (autonomous) solution.

Video Description

On the design of the Communications of a Country House in the following video:

After studying the conditions and wishes of the Customer, it is developed:

    Preliminary design. The schematic diagram that includes the necessary systems.

    Technical task. Includes scheme of engineering networks, detailed drawings of communication of communications, preliminary estimates.

When developing a technical task, important details are taken into account:

    Determined relative location of the house, household buildings, well (wells) and septica. This will help determine the length of external engineering systems, the method of their laying (open or closed) and placing indoors.

    Calculated volume of water consumption. This is done on the basis of the data on the cottage area, the number of tenants, the method of heating.

    Calculated power consumption Houses (based on counting the amount of consumption of home appliances and devices). Based on this data, wiring and protective devices are selected, the location is determined for the installation of the switchboard.

    Way of supplying electricity. If the nearest pillar is far away (more than 25 m), you will need to install an intermediate pillar or pave an underground cable.

Country House Ventilation Scheme

Cottage Engineering Communications: Automation and Reliability

Country house has long ceased to be a place for summer holidays. Many families live in the city year-round, so engineering systems require impeccable work. If in the winter in the urban apartment for several hours electricity will disappear, it will look like an annoying trouble, without anything that does not affect. If this happens in a private house with autonomous communications, a water supply system, heating and sewage system can freeze, which otherwise, as a disaster, not to call.

A new generation of engineering communications in a private house has a high level of automation. They are able to work effectively and reliably, coping with the increased requests and loads of modern life:

    Square House. In most cases, it exceeds the area of \u200b\u200burban housing, which implies the increased engineering load.

    Number of equipment. In the country cottages, not only dishwashers, jacuzzi and home theaters are installed. Often, the house adorns the indoor pool or wellness center, and the system of protection and fire alarm is monitored.

Automation greatly simplifies home management Source

Increasingly, the automation of country housing is carried out comprehensively (the smart home system), with maximum management and computer control. The system equipment costs non-sash, but in the future allows you to save time and finance, as well as reliably solve several tasks:

    Select optimal loadwith which systems will work.

    Develop a dynamic system With the possibility of flexible management and upgrades. The hosts will be able to set the mode of operation for signaling and video surveillance cameras. It is not difficult to set the schedule for switching on and off for lamps, blinds, household appliances, computer, or music center.

    Set up emergency prevention system (Disabling gas or water) and hazard alerts.

Video surveillance system will allow you to look after the house from the tablet or smartphone Source

Installation of engineering communications in a private turnkey house

Profile construction companies offer design and installation services for engineering communications. The cost of engineering communications can be assessed after studying the project of the house; An integrated approach allows you to take into account all technological nuances:

    Proper connection To existing infrastructures, taking into account their proximity and bandwidth.

    Design of home engineering systems With safety assessment, reference to the terrain, proximity to the tracks and seismicity of the area.

    Design of external networks. A project of a water supply and sewage network, supply of electricity and gas, drainage system is being developed. The type of heating, the project of boiler room, external lighting, drainage system, communication is thought out.

    Designing internal networks. Wiring pipes, power grid, ventilation and air conditioning, filtration and cleaning systems. At the request of the owners, a fire alarm system and a security system is added.

    Coordination. All projects are compiled taking into account fire and sanitary standards and are checked for compliance with the rules of SNiP and GOST.

Video Description

About decisive factors when choosing communications of one house in the following video:

Turnkey Engineering Communications: Work Sequence

Specialists of the company are developing engineering communications based on the task and budget defined by the Customer; The work passes several stages:

    Consultation. Studying the project of the house (perhaps it will be necessary to leave for the place) and drawing up a technical task. The customer inform about the advantages and disadvantages of various options for communications; The contract is concluded.

    Design. The designer engineer calculates the parameters of communications, chooses materials and equipment. The customer is provided in the phased estimate.

    Preparation. Materials and equipment are completed and delivered to the construction site. If the owner wants to replace the old system, an item on the dismantling of old communications is included in the contract.

    Installation. Work is carried out by professional profile installers. Each project is enshrined a foreman who is responsible for the time and quality of equipment and communications.

Installing fire safety sensor Source

    Commissioning works. Ready engineering communications are tested, a trial launch is carried out. The owners receive instruction instruction. Payment is carried out after performing the work.

    Service maintenance. The company provides an official guarantee and the possibility of maintenance in the warranty and post-warranty period.

Cost of engineering communications in a private house

A strong desire to save on engineering communications may once paralyze life in the house, subject to tests not only comfort, but also the safety of family members. Such savings often turns around the accident and inevitably leads to new (and very tangible) costs. The cost of laying networks depends on several components:

    features of the country house;

    qualities of selected materials;

    expert experience.

Solar panels can be part of power supply source

For a suburban cottage (150-200 m 2), the installation of engineering communications Moscow has such rates:

    Sewage: 60-70 thousand rubles.

    Water pipes: 100-110 thousand rubles.

    Heating: 350-400 thousand rubles.

    Power supply: 150-170 thousand rubles.

Depending on the equipment and materials of communication in a private house, turnkey invested in the price (water supply, heating and sewage):

    Economy: from 2-2.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

    Business: from 3-3.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

    Premium: from 4.5-5 thousand rubles / m 2.

Electric installation work:

    Economy: from 1-1.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

    Business: from 1.5-1.8 thousand rubles / m 2.

    Premium: from 2-2.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

Thoughtful engineering communications will make life truly comfortable Source


The optimal solution for the owner of a country cottage will be the order of all design and installation works in one construction company. This will save and relieve the need to search for a contractor for each engineering system and subsequent control and coordination of work. A comprehensive order of such complex projects guarantees high-quality execution and reliable operation of all life support systems of your home.

Communication in a wooden house in Podolsk

Wooden housing is gaining popularity as the most eco-friendly, economical, aesthetic, warm, and most importantly harmless accommodation option for housing. In order to live in such a cottage or in the country, it was comfortable and safely necessary to professionally design, and skillfully equip engineering systems of life support. Communication in wooden house They have their own characteristics that are associated with the characteristics of this building material.

Features of designing communications in a wooden house

It is no secret that wooden houses differ from stone structures less resistance to moisture, and can also give a tangible shrinkage after a while. In this regard, the arrangement of engineering networks in buildings from a natural tree has its differences. Design communication in a wooden house There must be experienced specialists who know well the features of the installation technology. A competent approach to solving this problem will provide the placement of electrical wiring, sewage, water supply systems, heating in such a way as to combine their safety reliability, and most importantly provide aesthetic type of interior.

Features of montage of communications in a wooden house

Since wooden walls do not allow strobs, at the stage of design of the house, it is necessary to provide technological channels for wiring engineering communications. One of the main options for laying networks in a wooden house involves their placement between the lag, under the floor covering. For water supply of such a building, it is necessary to use pipes that are distinguished by corrosion resistance. For the sewer network, it is preferable to use plastic pipes, ensuring their reliable fixing with vertical assignment to level the implications of shrinkage. One of the most responsible moments is the installation of wiring.

Communications heating in a wooden house

When it is placed in the floor, it should be placed in special pipes or boxes. The possibility of such an embodiment is also provided for the design stage of a wooden house. For this, vertical technological holes or grooves are created. To ensure the safety of electrical wiring, a reliable grounding system is provided. There are also many other features of laying engineering networks that depend on the individual parameters of the house, as well as from the selected heating system.

The most reliable version of the arrangement of communications in a house made from a natural tree is an appeal to specialized companies that offer such a turnkey service.

Autonomous sewage was considered luxury, and hot water was perceived as amazing.

Now autonomous and semi-autonomous engineering systems natural and already familiarly increase the comfort of living in a wooden house.

The group of companies "Vitoslavitsa" has a huge experience in building internal engineering systems in wooden houses.

In order for your home to provide a proper level of comfort, modern engineering communications are needed. In this article, we will consider how the tasks associated with the engineering support of the wooden house are solved, and the details will be discussed in special sections on heating, sewage and ventilation systems, as well as water supply.

Device of heating system

Houses from the profiled timber or chopped houses are good because they can preserve a comfortable temperature inside. But our harsh winters make it use additional sources of thermal energy.

What are the options for heating in a wooden house?

As heating systems, it can be used: furnace heating, convectors, electrocurceptors, gas boilers, as well as boilers on liquid fuel.

Features of the Gas Heating System of the Wooden House

Gas heating can be performed only if the house gasification is manufactured according to all the necessary requirements and regulations of construction.

To carry out the installation of gas equipment in a wooden house, it is necessary:

  • Hold the heating pipeline;
  • Install a gas boiler. It is necessary for heating and supplying heat in pipes;
  • Gas pipeline. It is necessary for supplying gas to the boiler;
  • Installation of shut-off adjustment reinforcement;
  • Automation. It is necessary to ensure the safe and trouble-free operation of the entire heating system.

An excellent alternative to the classic water heating system is the installation of a convector. In this case, with minimal gas flow rate, a higher level of efficiency is ensured. Also, in this case, it is possible to adjust the temperature on a separate floor or in a separate room.

Electric heating system in a wooden house

The principle of electrocotals is based on the transformation of incoming electricity to thermal.

This is possible due to boilers with tubular electric heaters. So-called (tonam). In the process of heating the shadows, the coolant itself is heated. Which, thanks to the circulation delivers heat to the whole house.

It is very important to take into account the power of the heating and equipment devices.

Electric heating systems of wooden houses are one of the alternative replacement options to gas systems (in the case of its absence).

Speaking right, in a modern wooden house you can create a virtually any heating system. The main thing is to closely monitor the implementation of all technical requirements and strictly follow the safety rules.

That is why the design and installation of heating systems must be entrusted to the professionals of the group of companies "Vitoslavitsa", as very experienced specialists. We will build a wooden house that will be the subject of your pride, in advance providing all possible nuances!

Wooden House Ventilation Systems

The tree has an advantage over the rest of the construction materials. This advantage is in its ability to "breathe".

But this is not enough for a full air exchange in the house, an additional ventilation system is necessary. The hallway and swept, in principle, can be content with the theme of air, which provides natural infiltration. However, in the premises of narrow-controlled target, to which the toilet relates, the kitchen, the bathroom is not enough.

The ventilation system of a wooden house affects not only aspects of a comfortable stay in it, but also retains the structure of the structure of the whole and unharmed for a very long time. Fresh air in the house, the absence of dampness, a comfortable microclimate and a long service life of the house is what you get through the equipping of a wooden structure with a ventilation system.

There are 2 ways to provide sufficient air exchange in a wooden house:

  1. Natural ventilation;
  2. Forced ventilation.

The natural ventilation scheme implies the installation of a system of vertical channels starting in the ventilated room and flowing under the rod of the roof. As a rule, such ventilation channels begin and come out of kitchen rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms and boiler rooms. Special supply valves are also installed, with the help of which air flow from the street in the house is organized.

The scheme of natural ventilation of a wooden house is quite in demand at present. The reason for this is two factors - simplicity of design and relatively low costs of its organization. The natural method of ventilating premises is possible due to the temperature difference inside the house and on the street, this is exactly what provides air exchange.

The minuses of the natural ventilation system include: the appearance of dust, insects in the house, a significant deterioration in the soundproofing of the house. In winter, there is a very large heat loss.

Forced suppression-exhaust ventilation system

To at any time of the year, in winter, and in summer, the air flowed into the house in quantities, which are provided for by the regulations, the organization of a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system is required.

The exhaust air is displayed in this case forcibly, from the street to replace it in the same volumes, purified, fresh air flows in the same volumes. The equipment of the forced system can heat or cool the air masses entering outside.

The main link in this system is a block of ventilation, which includes fans, heat exchanger, filters and other components.

Due to the use of a forced ventilation system, a significant heat saving is achieved - approximately 25% of thermal energy used for the heating of a wooden house.

Installation of forced ventilation will cost much more expensive than the arrangement of natural. But at the same time, the compulsory ventilation system does not depend on atmospheric conditions and is not accompanied by heat loss in winter.

Water supply in a wooden house

If your house is located near the centralized water supply system - to bring communication to it will not make problems. The main thing here is to get the necessary technical specifications for the connection, draw up a draft of the insertion into the pipe, coordinate it and organize pipe wiring. But, as a rule, such an opportunity is far from everywhere, and owners of country houses resort to the creation of water supply systems of a country wooden house.

Designing the water supply system in a wooden house should take into account factors such as the location of the main water source, the nuances of the water supply pipe laying, taking into account the shrinkage of the walls, etc.

Water supply at home

Well - the oldest device for the extraction of water. The construction of the well is inexpensive, and its digging and immersion in the pita rings does not take much time.

But there are also disadvantages. With the insufficient depth or power of the aquifer, the well can periodically rear in the arid period, it is also necessary enough (once in 3-4 years) to be cleaned, and the procedure is this time consuming and takes a lot of time.

The modern urban resident who is accustomed to the centralized water supply will be quite difficult to rebuild to water extraction with buckets of the well. It is possible to lower the electric pump to the well, but in the winter period this method of production will be impossible. In addition, water from the well does not always meet sanitary requirements. You can drink it with raw, but it is better to boil.

Water supply at home from the well

The well is the optimal option for autonomous water supply in a country house.

Drilling of wells on country and summer areas can be carried out regardless of groundwater depth.

At small depths, it is enough to use the manual drill on their own, but it is better not to experiment and entrust this business to our professionals.

Then the casing with the filter system is lowered into the rounded well, into which the selected submersible pump is immersed, and the water delivery system is mounted to the house.

Wells are divided into three main types:

  • Simple filter well (with a depth of a conventional well not exceeding 10-15 meters);
  • Well on the first aquifer;
  • Artesian well on the second aquifer.

Moreover, the depth of drilling wells to the first and second aquifers, depending on the drilling area, differ quite decently. If, for example, in one place in order to achieve artesian waters, there will be enough 50-meter well, then at a distance literally at 100-200 km from it will have to drill the same well to the depth of 100-150 meters and more.

After drilling in the well for all its depths, we lower the pipe. A casing column is formed from the pipes in the well, and its diameter is calculated from planned water consumption. On average, it is 125 - 160 mm, for the domestic needs of this is quite enough.

On the first floor of the house or in the basement, Vitoslavitian recommends installing a membrane tank with a capacity of 100-500 liters, where water from the well will be harvested after passing through a coarse filter. In the membrane tank, the water is stored under pressure, thereby creating conditions contributing to the extension of the service life of the submersible pump, since the need to automatically inclusion occurs only in situations where large volumes of water are spent, or when the pressure in the system falls below the set value. In this case, the pump injected water into the tank until the maximum level is reached.


One of the tasks that stand in front of you as owners of a country wooden house is the correct sewage device or the removal system for various waste of life. Here it is necessary to accurately observe the strictest technical and sanitary standards, to ensure the maximum comfort of residents of the house and environmental safety of the environment.

The most important nuance, on which the entire course of sewage arrangement in a wooden house depends, is the presence or absence of a central sewage line.

After all, if there is a sewer highway next to the house, the system project will be simple and inexpensive. Well, if it is not, it is necessary to develop a project of autonomous sewage.

Modern autonomous sewer systems can be climbing in any soils, even in places with a high level of groundwater, as well as in places with large drops of land levels.

When developing a project for effective autonomous sewage in a wooden house, as a basis, we recommend taking the principle of collecting stocks inside the house and delivery to the outer cleaning system. That is, outside the outputs of sewage pipes should be located 4 meters away from the house. And inside the house, the system of sewage pipes must be mounted in such a way that each node and the articulation have hydraulic. The installation of the drainage system should be carried out above the level of groundwater, at a minimum depth of 1.5 m. If the house is located in the area with a high groundwater supply, wastewater treatment is satisfied with the help of filtration, but through ultraviolet and ultrasound.

Separately, we want to add that any of the sewage systems that can be used in a wooden house requires constant care.

The Vitoslavitsa Group of Companies offers you an integrated approach to solving the tasks of equipping a country wooden house with engineering systems, including installation of heating systems, water supply, warm floors, boiler rooms, electrics, air conditioning and ventilation, external and internal engineering networks. This means that now you do not have to contact various companies for the installation of various systems, and then search for a specialist who can customize the modes of their consistent work. All this you can get from us!

We carry out our activities in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and have all the necessary certificates, tolerances and licenses.

Unique and high-quality solutions in the spirit of Russian traditions are our profile!

Today, the wooden house is a unique combination of ancient building material and a complete complex of modern engineering systems that ensure a high level of comfort of accommodation. The company "Millog" is ready to carry out engineering systems in a wooden house in accordance with modern requirements. Our company has been engaged in construction and turnkey finish of wood houses. The level of professionalism of the company's employees and their considerable experience makes it possible to qualitatively solve the full range of environmentally friendly objectives for engineering communications.

To get the consultation

We are designed and implemented engineering systems in a wooden house of any level of complexity. We guarantee our customers the functionality and high level of comfort of the preliminary and repaired houses. Engineering systems in a wooden house, as in any other include:

  • water supply and drainage,
  • electrical wiring
  • heating,
  • ventilation and air conditioning.

Employees of the company are developed by engineering systems for a wooden house at the stage of creating a common design solution. Accordingly, they fully take into account all the features of the configuration of the indoor space and ensure full-fledged conditions for life.

Engineering systems in a wooden house concerning its electricity are developed on the basis of the norm of the highlighted power of the municipal power grid. If the estimated value of the required energy exceeds the isolated power, our experts will be asked an effective solution to install the balance between these values.

Engineering systems in a wooden house - implementation opportunities

Engineering systems for a wooden house must fully take into account its specifics. Ventilation and air conditioning systems by our experts will take into account the property of the wooden structure "Breathe". When implementing the heating system, high heat-saving characteristics of the structure will be taken into account.

The water supply system and drainage will be developed by our experts, taking into account the presence or absence of a supply of centralized profile systems. If necessary, the well can be burned, and then the house will receive their own clean water. The implementation of these systems is made taking into account the winter climate of our region, which guarantees the absence of freezing pipes for any frosts. For its clients, we always make maximum efforts to develop and create engineering systems for a wooden house of optimal configuration.

Modern technologies and equipment allow you to qualitatively implement engineering communications of any kind. The employees of our company in the design of the heating system may be laid at the request of the customer, the creation of fireplaces or a device of warm floors (water and electric).

The main heating can also be implemented in various ways:

  • electrical
  • gas with the help of a boiler
  • with the use of economical and efficient surfing stoves.

The comfort of living in a private house directly depends on how all engineering systems and communications work are electric and water supply, heating and sewage system. Moreover, the efficiency of work, durability and trouble-free operation of the "engineering" directly depends on its competent design and high-quality installation.

Within the framework of this article, we will respond to the following questions:

  • Engineering in a private house: where planning begins.
  • What nuances of the sewage, water supply and electricians need to pay attention to the first place.
  • How the construction of the house affects the features of engineering laying.

Planning engineering communications

Construction practice shows that engineering systems are one of the most expensive components in a country house. Depending on the value of the selected equipment, the method of its installation, as well as the options for laying communications, the price of "engineering" can be 25-40% of the total estimates for the construction of the house. Therefore, any error made at the stage of choice or laying engineering systems will result in the future to the need for alterations and expensive repairs performed by experienced specialists.

I remember the main rule: the choice and installation of the engineering systems of the country house is preceded by the design stage, which begins with competent planning.

Compliance with this principle will avoid errors. If a monolithic plate is chosen as a foundation, or in the future, on the basis of the belt foundation it is planned to make floors on the ground, the place of entering communications to the house (water, sewage) is necessarily designed in advance. Otherwise, after the construction of the box, the house will have to break their head, where and how to introduce engineering networks, up to the rework / drilling of the foundation or hollowing out the technical holes in the screed of the perforator.

In the absence of sufficient money, you can mount engineering systems gradually, stretching this process for a long time. But mortgages Under water supply and sewer pipes, electrics (if underground input) Channels, holes in the foundation, overlaps and walls provide in advance. This will avoid significant financial and labor costs with further work on the installation of "Engineering".

We have decided that our project document is the construction of engineering communications. Now let's wonder how to plan everything right. To do this, you should smash your actions to a number of consecutive steps, moving from total to private. To not forget anything, take a sheet of paper and write down that we need to do, namely:

  • Determine where the house will be built on the site, the household buildings, a garage, as well as well / well and septic, to determine the length of the summing highways relative to existing or planned engineering in the building;
  • Chery the distance from the pillar, from which electricity is supplied to the cottage. If the distance exceeds 25 m, then the installation of another intermediate pillar will be required, or, as an option, you can implement an underground entry of the electrocable into the house;

  • Depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe house, heat losses, the method of heating, points of water treatment, the number of residents and their preferences, pretend the volume of water and energy consumption;
  • Calculate the estimated load from all electrometters, because This data depends on the selection of electrical storage devices and protective devices.
  • We are determined with the place in the house where equipment is installed;
  • We look forward to how to lay a highway (open or closed way in the strokes), how they will start in the premises. How to carry out the penetration through the walls and overlaps;
  • In case the installation is made on its own, choose materials and equipment for installation of engineering systems. Or, deciding with its preferences, order a project in a specialized organization.

These are only common, basic data, on the basis of which a pre-project sketch of engineering networks can be made. Any trifle matters. If you lose something out of the view, then later, thinking to build further, make a landscape design or build a business building, it turns out that an electric cable is buried in this place, a septic tank with a filtering field.

Kki. User forumhouse.

Need an integrated approach. Those. , including its architectural and constructive component, must be inextricably linked with engineering networks. I would not like the beautiful retaining wall designed by the landscape designer, it was "corrupted" pipes of the heating main or underground power cable of the bath.

Based on this, proceeding to plan and further design engineering networks, you immediately think that and where it is planned to be done. Those. "Engineering" is a compromise between the functionality, the reliability of the work, the aesthetics of the laid communications and reasonable sufficiency without excessive complication of the system.

Nuances of Engineering Communications

The starting point of design of engineering networks is a prioritization. Only understanding with one task, go to the next, not trying to cover everything and immediately.

The first thing is based on the normal functioning of the country house, it is electricity and water. Those. A reliable source of water and power supply is needed, and for their introduction and dilution by consumers - engineering communications. Moreover, electricity and water will be required at the stage of the cottage.

Although it is possible to build a country house using a benzogenerator and imported water, but it greatly complicates all construction work.

If electricity comes centrally, from the power company, then the reliable source of water in most cases is the care of a homeowner.

Water can be extracted from the well or from the well. And the well, depending on the depth of the occurrence of aquifer and the soil structures, may be bursting in the sand, or the most expensive, but the most expensive artesian, or clogs right in the house / box shallow budget "Abyssink".

Therefore, at once, at the initial, planning stage of construction, we pretend to take water from where it will start to the house where the pumping equipment will be located. Inside the house, in the technical room or boiler room. Or right above the well, caisson is satisfied with water intake equipment, and already from it the water pipe is at home.

Stripping from this information, as well as determining where the house is located on the site, we can calculate the distance of the track from the point of water intake to the entry point in the house of the pipeline. Depending on the region of accommodation and the depth of the primer of the soil (in Moscow and the region of about 1.5 m), we pretend, at what depth is the pipe so that it does not frozen.

If the plumbing is paved above the depth of the soil freezing, then it is necessary to provide installation of a heating cable or insulation. Heat insulator for pipes "fur coat" from polyethylene foamed or polystyrene "shell".

It is important to determine the input point in advance. If the pipeline is passing under the slab foundation And it will be released through its horizontal plane, it is necessary to envisage (even at the stage of design of the foundation) the mortgage pipe. Similarly, act with a basement or a bellulated belt foundation, with the only difference that the pipeline passes horizontally through the wall of the foundation.

Girphalko User forumhouse.

At the stage of building the foundation, all basic communications are laid. We remember about mortgages that we may need in the future in the construction of other buildings.

Those. We must pre-reserve all the places for entering the communications and determine the depth of their location.

Mihalch User forumhouse.

The plumbing is better to lay below the drainage depth, by 1.7 m. The angle of inclination of the pipe is notable, because Water will swing the pump.

Traditionally, a bottleneck of home water supply is a penetration through the foundation. This place should be sealing, and it is so that the pipeline does not crush with a possible progress / sediment of the foundation.

As a passage of the sleeve, a metal tube can be used, the inner diameter of which is 2 times the external diameter of the tap or sewer pipe. The sleeve with the installed tube on both sides is close to moisture-resistant, not subject to rotting by the material compensating for a possible progress of the structure. Cabinet - resin rope from flax, jute or hemp.

The node of such a penetration clearly demonstrates the next drawing.

When bookmarking the sewer tube, several factors are taken into account. It is the depth of the soil freezing, type of septica or a local sewage treatment plant, the magnitude of the slope on the site, the distance from the septica to the house.

Interesting the next opinion about the freezing of the sewer tube:

Andrei 203. User forumhouse.

If there is always water in the plumbing pipe, which can be frozen, then in the sewage, water is present only during washed, and it will not leave, because It goes into the septic tank, in which the process of processing wastewater is being processed with heat release.

Users of our portal are not advised to combine the entry of the electrocabel to the house (if electricity is planned to be introduced underground) with water pipes and sewer pipes. To enter the electrocabyl, we mount a separate mortgage tube, which goes into the room where the electrical power is mounted.

When designing electrical intercommunications, you can use the algorithm from the portal member with nickname Ivanva.. We take the plan of the premises and celebrate it on it, where and how much is expected sockets, switches, lamps, etc. We celebrate points C. virtual placement of furniture. Otherwise, it may later be that the mounted outlet will close the sofa or wardrobe.

Also we count the number of other electrostators. It is boilers, pumps, street lighting baths or saunas, all light bulbs, etc. After that, we draw an electrician structural circuit and calculate the total power consumption of all equipment. Based on this calculation, it will be possible to select types and sections of cables and calculate the set of electrical shields. After that, choose a place to accommodate electrical panels, cut boxes and cable tracks. We celebrate them on the plan. Next, select the equipment and calculate the length of the cables. After that, I get everything you need and engaged in installation.

Such an approach is careful planning, you need to apply when calculating other engineering networks.


Ideally, designing engineering systems, you need to be able to look at them as the eyes of the designer, as well as the eyes of the installer, taking into account the material from which the house is erected - wood, aerated concrete, brick, frame building, etc. Since the properties of the material and the construction of the house directly affect the methods and the complexity of laying engineering communications.

The construction of the house and the foundation also affects the ways of installing engineering communications. If there is an underground, then sewer pipes and water supply can be carried out in it.

During the construction of a low-boiled foundation (MZLF), plumbing and sewer pipes are laid under the sole of the ribbon, provided that the ground is not a stepdown. Next, the pipeline is turned inside the perimeter of the foundation, rises vertically and passes through the overlap. When the floor is running along the soil to maintain the continuity of the steam and waterproofing layer, we start it on the pipe, on the thickness of the screed.

All of the above is only an introductory part associated with the gasket and installation of engineering systems of a country house or a country house. You can learn more if you use the following information.

And from these videos you will learn