Repairs Design Furniture

Instructions for installing interroom doors with their own hands. How to put interroom doors fast and right fast door installation

Own forces Make the installation of the interior door - the work is not complicated. Below will be described simple step-by-step schemestarting from the choice in the store you like the interior door and ending with an independent installation interior doors With step-by-step photos.

Interior doors can be divided into several types

On the market manufacturers door structures offer pretty wide the lineup. Ready interior doors can be made of different materials. Most often are the following types of materials :,,

1. Fiberboard - Door: The frame is performed from the tree, and is trimmed with WHP sheets with lamination. These doors include such doors: a low cost relative to other species, a small weight that makes it possible to deliver them from the place of sale to the house on their own, ease of installation. Given these moments, they are successful among buyers, so that their wide range is most often presented in stores.

Of the minuses, it is possible to note the low strength of the DVP itself, because of which the door breaks and becomes unusable pretty easily, poor resistance to humidity, the door can twist. Therefore, we do not recommend it in bathrooms with a weak exhaust, this material loves dry rooms.

Photo - MDF doors models

3. Natural wood - Interior doors made from such material are the most durable. Their price directly depends on which breed of wood was used for their production. The doors of the valuable wood are used to install indoors with the author's design, they will fit perfectly in classic interior. The width of the interior doors is selected for the sizes of your opening.

Photo - Wooden Doors Models

The list of interior doors by type can be added, steel, but these species are not very popular among the wide masses of the population, so they are not included in the article for a detailed description.

Come here if you are interested and.

Types of door boxes of interroom doors

The correct interroom door should stand in a reliable box for the door, because from its quality will depend on how long the door will last, as well as the design of the doorway of your room. Door boxes can be divided into three main types.

1. Box of fiberboard. It looks pretty well, but when choosing a box of this material in question, the strength of the entire design. The middle of the boxes of the box begged on their weight, not to mention possible defamations from the weight itself door canvas. Since the main components in the Fiber W, if we speak in simple, are glue and paper, it is necessary to take into account that they are very fragile and not durable. They are not recommended to hang the doors from the tree and the MDF due to their greater weight.

Photo - Box of fiberboard

2. Unprocessed wood. The cost is at the level of boxes from the fiberboard, but unlike the latter, the boxes made from a dry profiled timber have a higher strength. Therefore, when choosing between boxes of fiberboard and unprocessed wood boxes, we recommend to stop your choice on the latter. It is also necessary to take into account that you will need additional materials for the final finish of the box.

Photo - Unprocessed Wooden Box

3. Laminated wood. Does not require final finish, as it is already laminated by paper. And there is one important point here, when choosing such a box, the quality of lamination is very important. If thin paper was used for this, there is a high probability of scratching, scratches, cracks, the coating loses its appearance. Perhaps more qualitative option There will be a box of untreated wood with self finish treatment and painting.

Photo - Laminated Wooden Box

Also, the entire doorway of the interior door may require additional processing after installing the doors. Everything will dwell from your opening, its size, the location of the doors in it, the interior of the room.

For such treatment, you can use a challenger and platbands. Necessary kits can be bought in the store. We recommend it to be determined with their need after the final installation of the door to understand what exactly final finish You need. After all, buying additional Materials - These are additional costs that may end up not needed.

The door is considered for an example with a box of fiberboard. If installation is required wooden klyobov, it is necessary to work according to the same steps. Installation will be simpler, as the wood is stronger than DVP.

Step 1. Selection Tools and the necessary additional consumables. For installation you will need:

  • saw;
  • electric drill ();
  • drills 3 mm and 4 mm on wood;
  • bras 4 mm and 6 mm on concrete;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • a pen;
  • screws on a tree;
  • fast mounting dowels;
  • foam assembly.

Step 2. Determine the circuit for fastening the box in the doorway of the interior door.

Photo - Diagram of fastening the door box in the opening

The figure shows the fastener scheme of the door box in the opening. As we see, the interroom door (2) is installed in the box (1), which is fixed in the opening on the screws (3). Between the wall and the box we blow foam (4). The process is as follows: Install the box in the opening, fix it with the wall, we throw.

Photo - Disassembled door frame and door before mounting

If, after installing the door, it will not be able to hide it in the floor, for convenience, choose a box without a p-shaped vengement. It does not have a lower crossbar therefore bothering you will just have nothing.

Step 3. Assembling the door frame.

Photo - Doorfire for easy installation must be assembled

Loops must be attached to the purchased box. The door should be cut down the handle, as well as under door lock Interior door. We start assembling the door box. You need to connect all parts of the box together and fit under the dimensions. The factory length usually goes with a reserve of 5 cm.

The surest option is not mistaken - the assembly of parts on the floor as they should stand in the doorway. Special attention must be paid to the metal bases of the loops, they must stick up, so that they could hang the door from above.

Select the side of the opening, depending on the premises, between which doors are installed. From small rooms, such as bathroom, pantry, doors better open outwards, from large rooms In the corridor - inside.

Photo - Proper position end planks

We attach the top bar on the tapping screw. Face planks (1) must lie through the line. If no lines, then the bar is incorrect and you need to deploy it.

Photos - Screws twist after pre-drilling

Considering the structure of the Fiberboard and the characteristics of its strength, in the box, before screwing, it is necessary to drill holes with a drill on a tree with a diameter of 3 mm. This action is carried out that our box would not crap during the assembly process. For the same reason, the place of attachment of screws should be closer to the center, away from the edges and corners.

Photo - Collected box

For fasteners, the bar will have enough sleds, two on each side.
If the door lies horizontally on the floor, put a soft tissue under it, so you reduce the likelihood of damage to the laminated layer.

Photo - Measurement Height Measure

Photo - Line of the extra box of the box

Speaker surplus better trim manual saw. The automatic saw is preferably not used to avoid damage to the coating.

Photo - Trimming Surplus Hand saw

As a result of all manipulations, we get a P-shaped door boxReady for installation in the doorway interior door.

Photo - Wooden box assembly

Step 4. Installing the box in the opening.

Put in the doorway. Align in level. The correctness and evenness of the box assembly is checked by hanging the door on the loop, and closing it.

Photo - checking box level

Photo - Drill diameter 4 mm on wood

The box installed in the opening must be secured by self-draws. Remove the end decorating bar and drill 7-8 through holes on each side. The distance between the holes is 25-30 cm.

Photo - drilled box

The tree drill is not designed to drill the walls, only a box of fiberboard drills. After that, check the position of the box again using a level, since during the drilling process it could shift. If no changes are starting to drill the wall. With the help of a thin drill on a concrete with a diameter of 4 mm, through the holes in the box, we apply markup on the wall. Fully drill the wall through the box is impossible, as you can damage it. The diameter of the hole is 4 mm, if you do more, the hats of the screws will fall out. Next, remove the box with the opening and begin to make holes using a 6 mm diameter. If the simpleness is brick, the holes for installation should be in solid brick, and not in a masonry seam, in which the dowels are very bad.

Photo - drilled brick simple

Photo - Dowels in solid brick

Photo - Self-tapping screws for quick installation - Left, Self-tapping screws - Right.

Dowels are mounted in finished holes. Fix the box in the wall with the help of screws. For convenience, you can use a screwdriver or drill with a nozzle under the screw screw. Self-tapping screws are not completely screwed, a box deflection is possible. In order to avoid the deflection, the lining of wedges is possible. To check the levels and lack of distortion, in the process of screwing the screws, additionally check the box in terms of level.

Photo - Lining Kliniev

At the end of the installation, the box is checked from the side of the room using a level.

Photo - Check box in level

Step 5. Installing the door on the loop.

How to put the interroom door? Enough to dress the door on the loop

If it is a door from the fiberboard, taking into account its weight, it is possible to make one. After installing it, let's try to open and close. In the closed position, the gaps between the box and the door should be about 3 mm.

Photo - Check availability of gaps between the box and door

Photo - Closing and opening doors - light, without distortion

The lock is carried out in the interroom door. And also setting the handle.

Step 6. Filling the seams by mounting foam.

An important step is to fill the gap foam between the wall and the box. It needs to be carried out at installed door. In the process of drying, foam increases its volume. If you overdo it with its number, it can snatch the screws, rumble the box and the door cannot be closed. Everyone will have to cut and start the installation again.

Photo - Cardboard in the gap between the door and the box during the gate

Swimming seams is the most simple work. Vertical seam is filled from below. You need to be attentive to the volume of filling. Foam is capable of increasing its volume when drying. Therefore, you need to fill out the third part of the space between the door frame and the doorway interior door. When overroclaiming, damage to both the box and the design as a whole is possible, as the foam can get on the front of the box and the door and spoil their appearance. Full frost mounting foam It occurs within 24 hours, the required temperature of 20 degrees.

Photo - widespread opening plaster

If the wood blade is installed, possible option Finishes may be the plaster of the slope (1). Cement-sand plaster profitable will emphasize your choice of doors from natural tree. But it is not recommended to be used for boxes from the fiberboard, as they are not compatible with high humidity Materials used for plastering.

Installation video for interroom doors

Submitted our reader Herman.

Step-by-step installation of interroom doors, not counting the training time will take about three hours.

Interior doors can be operated for years, but sometimes there are situations when they need to be replaced. The technology of the installation of interroom doors does not change since the invention of the loop. In order to install the doors, their owners often appeal for help to professionals, but this procedure can be done by itself, and you can spend money for something more useful. Of course, there will be some knowledge, patience and work, but the result will become a worthy award.

Of course, the door itself is not a high-tech system, but is not a simple board covering the entrance to the room. The canvas should be easily open and closed, not creaked, it is strong enough to "keep a blow."

To ensure the strength of the design, the master must properly assemble the box, which is the basis of the entire design, install on the canvas and the box of accessories - loops, handles, latch, lock, fix the box, smoothly hang the canvas, adjust the mechanism as a whole, supplement the picture of the installation of good and platforms. The first two stages can be performed in any sequence, but all other actions are performed sequentially. It depends on it proper installation Interior doors.

Installation procedure

Installation options may be different depending on the type of interior doors. Some plastic, as well as metal-plastic doors are supplied to the buyer in a fully assembled form. We will not sharpen attention on them. An option is interesting when the box is not yet collected and represents a number of wooden bars of various lengths, the canvas is not decorated with accessories, the planks for the platbands are not cropped.

Assembling boxes

The most difficult and painstaking process is a box assembly. Any errors and inaccuracies in the work may entail subsequent difficulties in operation, and in the saddest cases - the need to buy a new product. It should not be lazy, it is necessary to pay due attention to all measurements - "I will die 7 times, 1 time a revenue!"

Installation of doors is fully regulated, good manufacturers Interior canvases always have detailed instructions For procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to connect the box of the letter P. To do this, bars are taken (three pieces). If you need to build a threshold, the bottom bar of the plank. In this case, the box will be quadrilateral.

The main task is to ensure the accuracy of measurement of the size of the opening, as well as the canvas, racks, squeezed, taking into account all the gaps, smoothly drove the bars in the places of their mutual connection, high-quality assembly. It should be noted that the thickness of the bar should not be less than the thickness of the door canvase. Measurements should be performed using a roulette, separately measure the right and left sides of the opening and the canvas (they may not be mirrored). All the slightest deviations must be taken into account with further measurements.

Be sure to leave a gap with external side Bruus for mounting foam (not less than 10 mm). On the inside, the clearance may not be so significant, up to 5 mm. It is important to ensure the presence of a gap throughout the perimeter. In addition, it is necessary to leave the gap between the web and the floor depending on the type of floor covering. If this is a linoleum is about 10 mm if the carpet is 15 mm, for laminate 10 mm.

The technology of installing interroom doors implies the need for a bar for the box. To properly and smoothly make a pressure should be used by a special machine (troting). If there is no machine at hand (as it happens in most cases of an independent installation), a stub is suitable with manual knife.

Consider two methods allowing you to connect parts of the door box into one.

The first - washed at an angle of 45 degrees. Not the easiest way for unprofessional. It requires increased attention to the calculation accuracy. On the other hand, the reason to choose exactly this option is - a well-docked box, with this form, it looks, it looks great. In order to connect the components of the box, the screws are used, the holes for which drill through. You need to drill perpendicularly made cut. It should be noted very an important nuance - holes drill in advance in order to prevent damage decorative surface. Drill is used, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the screws. Slicing on self-drawing should be produced throughout the entire length.

The second option - washed at an angle of 90 degrees. This is a very simple, but less aesthetic way. To complete the procedure you can use conventional knife on wood. For fastening, as in the first variant, screws are used. Calculating the size of the sprocket crossbar should be aware that it is necessary to leave the distance between the pretended and looped bar, which is equal to the amount of the width of the web plus 6mm for the gaps. If the door with the threshold, the bar should be stolen only at right angles.

An assembly of the box should be carried out on a flat horizontal plane (on the floor or in the entrance). On the flooring Cardboard is placed or plywood.

Installation of fittings

The next step is to install accessories on the cloth and the box. rules fire safety Invite the need to open the door out. The loops can be left or right, but the most common universal are used. In our time, high-tech designs there are hinge structures that do not require cutting the surface of the doors necessary for their installation.

The indentation from above and below is measured with a roulette, it, as a rule, ranges from 15 to 25 cm. If the door is equipped with a third loop - it is installed at 50 cm. From the upper boundary of the web. Consider and gaps equal to 0.3 mm.

If needed to cut planting For loops, you should know that the cutout should provide the possibility of installing the flag on the same level with a box and a web (flush). The cutout is carried out with a cutter, modify with the use of the chisel. If there are no cutters, you can complete the operation using only the chisels.
The correct installation of the loops for interior doors is captured on video.

Most people believe that much more convenient to fix the accessories at the initial stage, to the build of the box. Meanwhile, there is no particular difference in the order of these actions.

Where should be located doorhandle, the owner of the room decides. As a standard, a distance from 90 to 120 cm from the floor is used. It is attached depending on its type and presence or lack of a lock. In all cases used fastening toolwhich is included with the handle.

Fastening the door box

For fastening enough three kind-memorazes. Mounting foam will serve as a good addition for a stronger consignment. It must be remembered that before screwing the screws, the holes should be drilled before them.

The door frame is better to mount together. It rises from the floor and is located in the opening with the leaving of the necessary gaps for the mounting foam. The door is leveled with wedges both horizontally and vertical. For measurement accuracy, the level is used. If everything is correct and smoothly - screws screwed to fix the box.

After installing the box, the canvas hangs, the door turns. Uneven gaps and distortions are not allowed. The box is sickling with scotch, and cardboard is inserted into the gaps around the cloth. Next door closes, and mounting foam is used to fill the gaps. You should not marry all the space at a time, it is better to approach several approaches.

It is impossible to touch the door until the foam does not harder finally. If everything happened, we can assume that the installation procedure is completed. Finishing touch - cleaning space from building garbage and installing platbands.

So, the order of installing interroom doors is clear. Independent installation - Excellent experience and cash savings. In any man, golden hands appreciate, are proud of his skills and knowledge. Independent installation of doors - a way to prove your competence and skills to everyone!

The interior door serves to separate space indoors, and also provides sound insulation in a private house or apartment. In addition, the door canvas is an important detail interior, therefore, it must correspond to the design style. As mounting work It is quite expensive, the question arises, how to correct the installation of interroom doors with your own hands. The answer is in the detailed step by step instructions outlined on this page.

Dimensions and equipment

According to the door opening method, there are folding, sliding and swinging. The latter are most popular because it is constructively the simplest and easy easy-to-install. They are represented by B. large quantities modifications. According to the opening method, the following distinguishes:

  • double and single beds;
  • levo and right-sided.

Step 3: Installation of the box and mounted canvas

The box must be installed in a pre-prepared opening. Rack with hinges must be aligned primarily using a plumb or level. It is necessary to check it from all sides. Then the upper crossbar and the rack must be running with wedges. The rack will be displayed only when it takes a vertical position.
Next fold the second rack. Be sure to check the horizontal part of the box.

Old fashion - Side racks must be drilled. To do this, in the wall initially make holes for the dowels. The box must be attached to the wall with self-draws with a length of at least 150 mm.

Old way fasteners

In order to fix the box in the opening of a hidden way, you can use metal plateswhich are commonly used to install drywall structures. Most often, such plates are used with anchors. It is worth choosing the number of fasteners according to the expected load.

This is what the fastener looks

The use of such plates is a non-standard way and is possible only in the absence of finishing. It is recommended to stamp the wall of the wall so that fasteners are fastened.

It remains to hang the door on the frame. After that, you need to conduct final adjustment of the box. Then the rack for the lock should be fitted under the door so that it does not make it over the wall. It is worth remembering that to maintain the integrity of the box and the canvas, you must first drill several holes for screws.

Step 4: Switching

After fixing the web you need to simmer the gap between the box and the edge edges. The foam should be appropriately, along the layers, while the feed is produced from above so that it does not appear. Then the door will have to close and the time to do not touch it so that the foam is dried. Approximate drying time - 1 day.

If the composition accidentally hit the cloth - immediately remove it with a clean dry cloth, dried fragments are cleaned with the help of effective.

Step 5: Installation of the lock and handles in the door leaf

The most popular today are handles with a built-in lock. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Make a mark on the meter from the floor. The mechanism of the handle must be applied so that in the opening from above the mark is visible.
  2. Drill holes in a canvas from the end. The edges of the holes after that it is worth cutting off the chisel to align the hole.
  3. Insert the mechanism into the hole. At the same time, the lock must be aligned, and after fixed using self-samples. The plank on the lock should be burned with a pencil for a break of a veneer, then the mechanism is to remove. According to the outlined circuit, you need to choose a pad to determine the thickness of the locking plate. This is done when using the chisel.
  4. Drill holes for latch and handles. You need to attach the lock to the canvas from different sides, align it and place it. The holes must be made on both sides and at the same time they should not be through.
  5. Remove the resulting chips and set the handles.

Step 6: Installing Dobly Plans

Dobor is called a straight line about 2 meters, width - 250 mm, thick - no more than 3 cm. The bar should be applied during the installation of interroom doors, if the wall is thicker than the door frame.

The bar for the box is made in standard width - approximately 70 mm. It can be expanded according to the thickness of the discharge of good. This will allow you to more clearly combine the box and walls. The bar has a groove for the plank. Previously, it is necessary to measure the distance to the edge of the wall, ranging from the depth of the groove.

Dobor can be installed in different ways:

  • in the groove existing in the box;
  • with the cutting groove in the absence of finished;
  • attaching a problem with the inside of a bar in the absence of a groove, the box is installed with the goodness;
  • fastening of the goodness in the form "P";
  • if the good is not too wide and there is no groove in the box, the bar is to drill and fasten to the box.

The bar is poured into several pieces of circular to get several kind of necessary dimensions. You need to cook one short bar and two vertical. Examine our simple step-by-step instructions by .

Step 7: Fasteners

During the installation of platbands, the box must be located at the level with the opening on the front side. To connect platbands, you must first apply the vertical bar to the box and put the mark above 0.5 cm, retreating from the crossbar of the box. This mark will act as the edge for the cut. In the same way, it is necessary to place a cut on the other side.

Final stage of any overhaul In the apartment - replacement of interroom doors. Interior doors are usually an order of magnitude cheaper input, but to update the interior or a complete design change without their replacement can not do. Change them most often comprehensively, even if we are talking About a small one-two-bedroom apartment.

Technology installation of interroom doors. Video

Depending on what material do the doors and what kind of design they have, the installation technology will depend. Since the question arose about replacing interroom doors, the choice between the types of structures will be inevitable. The correct interroom door can save space in the apartment, if you give preference not by simple single-holder swing doors, and sliding, you can also consider the option to install the harmonica door.

SAMI simple design Without glasses for interior doors, it is performed from a set of canvas. Most often, the canvas are made from coniferous rocks Tree and almost all the doors of the economy class are lined with a felt plate. Fiberboard can be both profiled and simple, depending on the price category. The cheapest doors have a textured surface under painting, and models are more expensive.

Depending on the price category, it can be equipped with a door frame, loops and fittings. But most often, even in standard apartments panel housesIt accounts for a long time to customize the door under the box, because the nominal dimensions are not always followed, which is why before starting the installation of the door, you need to prepare the opening.

Preparation of facilities for installation

In the room there must be a floor, and the walls are prepared under finish finishThey must be plastered or past. Door box should be installed after all wet finishing workOtherwise, it can be a story, turn, especially at the bottom, which can deliver extra problems.

The door frame can be sold along with the door cloth, and maybe separately. In the case when the box is bought separately, it is very important to pay attention to the thickness of the door leaf and the status of the racks from which the box will be collected. The curvature and cracks are not allowed, it is also undesirable for bitch on the door frame elements.

Good loops and necessary tools

It is impossible to bypass the loop. Despite the fact that the loops on interior doors do not carry a special load, it is better to choose the models detachable and more expensive. Savings on the loops will further add trouble, and if the door is relatively heavy, it is better to install not two, but three loops. As a rule, those self-tapping screws that are sold complete with hinges are not suitable anywhere. They are disposable and made of low-quality steel. It is better to immediately replace them with proven good screws of a suitable configuration.

To install interroom doors with their own hands, the minimum set of tools will be required:

  • construction level;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • roulette, ruler, square, marker;
  • assembly construction foam;
  • a set of a chisel or an electric tool that replaces them;
  • fantasy saw or stubble with a hand saw on a tree;
  • planer or mill.

The installation of the door block begins with the markup of the racks of the box. Internal size The boxes under the door should be 3-4 mm more sizes of the door itself, and the distance from the lower edge of the door to the floor should be at least 10 mm. The rack is placed, after which they scream at an angle of 45 degrees fantorial saw and hand-made woodcut. The assembly scheme is shown in the figure - the assembly uses self-tapping screws or wooden pins. Upper Planck The door frame is also cut down on the same principle - from the side of the castle and from the side of the loops of the gaps should be 4-5 mm.

It is more convenient to cut the loops and the castle when the box and the door are still in hand, so first you need to measure 20 cm on top and 21 from the bottom of the door and along the inside of the rack on which the loops will be mounted. The loop is attached to two self-pressing temporarily on the door frame, after which the contour of the pencil is burned. The loop can be removed and with the help of the chisel, perform a recess in the rack. The depth should be such that the loop is completely hiding in thickness.

It remains only to collect the door frame and consolidate it in the doorway. As a rule, interior doors are strengthened with mounting foam, but it is desirable to fix the box with large self-drawing or anchors to the wall. The box is set strictly by level and is recorded temporarily with a piece of drywall, foam plaster, boards, after which the free space is filled with foam.

The screws for fixing the box to the wall is best located on the hinge sites and on the pad to fix the lock. So the screws will not be visible, and three points are enough for durable attachment. You can hang the door and gate the space between the box and the wall. After checking the performance of the design, the box is closed by platbands that can be mounted on glue or thin nails.

The design is installed, it remains only to lubricate the loop and solve which lock will be necessary for the door. Successful to all repairs!

In the house and apartment there are elements that their appearance are capable of dramatically change the stylistics of the entire interior, visually change the spatial proportions of the rooms or serve as the center of perception of the room. One of these elements are interroom doors. It is they indicate the end of one zone and the beginning of another, and also help to ensure a sense of privacy.

Any errors made in the installation may dramatically lower the quality of repair, so the doors should be treated with full seriousness. This process is quite time consuming. To fulfill it yourself, it is very much to do, but only real professionals are capable of doing it with a qualitative and small flaws. For impeccable installation, it is necessary to master new technologies for mounting doors, which appeared over the past years.

The main tasks and new methods of their implementation

When installing there are several standard problems that invariably accompany this process. They are not new, and they always had to decide. But now, with the advent of new approaches, technologies and tools, it has become much easier. The main ones are:

  • high-quality dismantling;
  • uneven doorway;
  • locking lock;
  • inserting loops;
  • dunning door handle.

With the advent of new technologies, the majority of these tasks have become much simpler, now it takes much less time, and the time factor is a very important indicator during repair or construction.


As a rule, before the installation itself, dismantling the former design. In order for all further steps to be immaculate, it is necessary to remove old door, loops, platbands and an old door frame, even if its replacement is not provided. In the case when this component is replaced, it is worth a little to write it in a convenient location.

All items old finish It is necessary to clean carefully. With the use of spatulas, it is necessary to remove the cement and plaster, which peelled or fit loosely. From how qualitatively the wall coating is made in this zone, the final result of the entire attachment directly depends.

Increasingly, after dismantling the old interior door, the plaster of slopes is updated. The level and technology of execution of this stage depends on the aesthetics of the installation and the convenience of further operation.

With the help of plaster, it is possible to eliminate small gaps between the box and the door of the door. The largest cracks first masked with a plate mixture, and then plaster. These measures improve sound insulation and thermal insulation of the internal space. In addition, the absence of the smallest cracks prevents dust and small sera, which can move into a room with air flows.

Watching transforms slopes and makes completion in the interior. If in the future the finishing of this space by wallpaper, tiles, any type of panels, then this stage is mandatory.

Overlook the doorway is a very common situation. According to statistics from 10 such designs, only 1 is initially smooth, therefore, it will be necessary to align the punishment almost for sure. Check the level of walls, slopes and other design elements are now very easy with laser level - appliance high precisionwhich is useful at many stages of construction.

The door canvas should navigate strictly vertically in a single plane with a box, since any skew in as soon as possible It will be aggravated, the degree will increase, the door will become known, which will affect its operation. This defect can completely interfere with closing.

If the doorway does not comply with these requirements, then the cash will not be established without problems: on the one hand, the slots are drawn, and the protruding wall will be disturbed.

Corner cash

New technologies for the installation of interroom doors offer installers to apply angular navigate. It is one of the corner in the prepared grooves, which are provided on the box. Thanks to this, the groove box is installed only as it is necessary, in the same plane. Such a system guarantees strictly vertical orientation of the canvas, smoothing all possible errors.

Corner platband with card loops

Box with groove flush accommodated with common surface Opera, while the other side is reliably blocked by an angular platband. This allows you to solve all problems with the goodness, besides, there is no need for the subsequent build-up of the depth of the box.

If the groove does not allow you to fully enter it with a platband, then the protruding outward cut off, after which the density of the fit to the doorway becomes perfect.

Previously, the process of the inserts of locks demanded manually to make significant in size of the recess using the chisel. Now this procedure is not so complicated thanks to new offers in the construction market. First, the locks have become more compact, secondly, manual frezer I simplified the insert.

With this tool you can perform in a couple of minutes required holes To install a lock or loops. At the same time, the edges of the holes are perfectly smooth, without small jar.

On the this moment Installation of loops with full immersion technology into a box or without immersion is allowed. To facilitate the cutting technology, special card loops are designed and coming on sale, which allow you to spend the process very quickly without too much effort. The novelty of their design lies in the fact that they are superimposed on top of another, tightly adjacent and without forming the slightest gnesks.

It is not necessary to make samples to install such loops, and the canvas at the same time hangs very softly and conveniently.

Special attachment sets

Under certain new installation technologies for interior doors, whole fasteners are being developed that allow you to facilitate the process and make it easily fulfilled even for those who are not a professional.

These include patented SMS installation technologies, which was developed in Samara. She took into account all the complexity of the installation process and offered a whole list of principal innovations.

The technique is based on the use of a special attachment set, step by step guide To which it allows you to easily and high quality installation even to those who do it for the first time, not to mention specialists.

Each set consists of two half, one of which is attached to the inner surface of the box bar, and the second is on the work. When they are combined, you can affect the adjustment of the box even with the door inserted. Adjustment is carried out manually or using standard electrical tools.

SMS kits have a submersible mount, but the box is not drilled through, which saves the decorative layer intact. In addition, in such a set there is all the elements without exception, so nothing needs to purchase anything else to install doors.

Another advantage is that it is possible to use such technology in the openings from different materials: from wood, concrete, brick, drywall, foam concrete, etc.

Thanks to the emergence of new technologies in the construction, allowing the perfectly installed doors, not only the convenience, but also the life of the product has improved. Therefore, it is still less likely when installing with old methods, but prefer new, which make it possible to make the process less time consuming and rapid.