Repairs Design Furniture

Dimensions of doorways: how to change correctly. How to enlarge the opening in height how to increase the doorway in the metal wall

If there is a need to expand the doorway, it is worth remembering that this process is quite time consuming and requires a responsible approach. And we are not only about the performance of physical work. Before proceeding with any work, it is necessary to achieve special permission. A little more about how the process of increasing the doorway is performed, you can read in the article.

Key features

The expansion of the doorway can be attributed to the redevelopment process, since as a result of this process, a change in the initial plan of the room occurs. In a private house it turns out to be done without difficulty, as there is no risk to harm the neighbors. The apartment is another matter. To extend the doorway, it is necessary to start to make the necessary project documentation for each type of work performed.

Methods of expansion

Several basic ways are known, among which you can note more popular:

  1. Using a perforator or hammer.

It is considered the easiest way. To start, you need to designate all the sections you want to delete, and after that it starts to the process. This method does not require special knowledge and skills.

Among the minuses, it is possible to note the possibility of cracking in a concrete wall with an improper handling of the tool. In this case, it will be necessary to carry out additional finishing works to shock all cracks. If the sizes of the applications formed are significant, then you will have to think about the additional strengthening of the wall.

  1. With the help of Bulgarian

This method allows without much effort to cut into the wall. Bulgarian without any difficulties copes even with reinforcement, if the wall is made of reinforced concrete. In this case, it is important to ensure that it cut the same size on each side of the opening.

Among the minuses are a huge amount of dust after the work performed, as well as the short life of the Bulgarian canvas. To reduce the amount of dust, it is possible to cut the surface of the wall before cutting using a water sprayer.

  1. With cutter

A convenient way that allows you to quickly and neatly, as well as without dust formation to expand the doorway. It is usually applied in wooden and brick houses. However, after performing work using a cutter, it is worth considering the walls on the presence of chips or cracks. If any will be detected, you need to immediately remove them to avoid possible destruction of the structure.

How to get permission?

As mentioned above, if work is required in the apartment, then you need to achieve the appropriate permission. To do this, first will need to prepare the necessary documents, including:

  • Project documentation;
  • Types of BTI;
  • Written application for permission to work.

To understand how to make the doorway in a brick wall or simply expand it, you need to understand the structure of the laying and the principles of mounting the jumpers above the door frame. Also, we should not forget that an ordinary partition can be in front of you, but may also carry a wall, and here the process becomes more complicated.

It is about this that we will talk, as well as in addition to the material we will see the video in this article.

Door and window openings

In the partition

  • In principle, from a technical point of view, there is no special difference in such actions as an extension or creation of a new landing place, as you transfer the doorway in the brick wall, it is, first of all, insert and fasten the jumper at the top.
    This feature is the most important and for partitions and for bearing walls, and dismantling is much easier. But, first of all, you need to spread the place of the day or its expansion.

  • As a rule, in such holes on partitions, a thick bar is installed on the partitions, and if you need to expand it, it is still, as well as when creating a new goiter, the jumper is needed.
    Therefore, in the first place, mark the place for such a beam and cut it out with a grinder (the building brick cuts a disk with a diamond spraying). Then insert the beam there and firmly firm that its ends absolutely did not have a backlash.
  • The ends of the jumpers must intercelace the edges of the day, at least 10 cm in each direction. A wooden timber or metal profile can be used as a beam, and the rigidity of the riglel ends will be responsible for the reliability of the attachment.
    Possible gaps lay down stones, broken bricks and throw the cement-sandy solution to make a monolith - such an instruction is unchanged for partitions and for bearing walls.

  • For the discovery to be neat, the vertical lines also need to cut through the grinder, as shown in the photo at the top.
    Of course, it is best to do with a diameter of 250 mm best for this, but such a powerful angular grinding machine is far from every house - the most common Bulgarian with a disc is 180 mm, but it is possible to use it.
  • The standard or double silicate brick M 150 has a width of a bed of 120 mm, so if the partition is made in the shelf, then even a large disk does not shift it through.
    But if the masonry is made by a full-dead single brick in the quarter, the disc on 230 or 250 mm will pass through it, and 180 mm is a little more than half. To dismantle this option is not a problem - the brick is still broken down and the contour will be relatively smooth.

  • When the riglel is inserted and firmly fixed, you can proceed to dismantle the masonry and you need to start with one brick, as you can clarify the seams around it. Then you simply break this brick with a hammer and a chisel or a perforator.
    You can also, to facilitate dismantling, drill in a brick through 5-10 holes (perforator to do it simple) and after that the stone will be much better to split.

Council. With a disk with a diamond spraying there is a lot of dust, which is still settled for a long time.
To reduce its number, weanly wipe the place of cutting with water, and place the grinder on the vertical lines so that it threw the dust into the floor, and not in the ceiling.

In a carrier wall

  • If you do not know which laying on the bearing wall and the opening should be done initially (not expand), then go through the wall through the crown cutter for concrete and diameter, while trying to get the crown as much as possible, so that your hand crawled there, or it was possible to even highlight a flashlight .
    So you can find out the number of bricks that you have to go through, because, then the insulation, and then another Pollikirpich. You understand that the visible front of work is much lighter than incomprehensible, that is, invisible.

  • The beginning of the dismantling is the same as on the partition - they draw the discovery, cut the place under the bridge and fix it hard. Then choose the opening on one side of the wall and make metal suburbs for the riglel, as it can be seen in the photo above.
    At the same time, do not forget that the price of negligence or neglect of safety regulations in this case is human health or even life - not supported overlap can fall.
  • A brick laying of the doorway on both sides of the wall is dismantled so that the supports are on both sides and the design does not weaken. After the discovery is ready, metal suburbs are connected with metal strips for rigidity.

Council. In order for the opening coincided from two sides of the carrier wall, you need to drill it through the places of the cut (in the corners and several holes over the lines).
The perforator at the same time should be strictly perpendicular to the wall.

  • Well, if you are interested in how to put the doorway with a brick, then from two sides, after 2-5 rows, you will spur in the end of the wall of the fittings, so that there is a bandage. After such an operation, the masonry will turn out to be full and after plastering or shtcloth no one knows that it was before there. (see also )


Now you know how to lay a doorway with bricks or vice versa, how to cut it in such a wall. You can not doubt your abilities, and boldly start work - if you comply with the recommendations, you will succeed. But for a multi-storey building you will need to dismantle agreement with the relevant organizations.

Work on expanding the doorway in a brick house is similar to the same work in the wooden house, which we described in the works of software. We measure the doorway, me if necessary, the distance you need needed to expand the doorway needed to extend the markup line and carry out the tools on the markup line of the end of the opening.

If we used a chainsaw in a wooden house as the main tool, then for the expansion of the doorway in the brick house, we may need not a single type of instruments. Most often, the following tools are used to perform work on the extension of the doorway in a brick house:

  1. Electric jackhammer with peak (spatula).
  2. Drill - perforator with a brown and a blade.
  3. Flashing with diamond cutting circle.
  4. Bulgarian with reinforced or diamond cutting circle.

Now we will consider the principal moments of work on the expansion of the doorway using the above tools.

Expansion of the opening with an electric bump

If you use to extend the doorway tool specified in paragraph 1, then in this case we can get an unwanted result of us. Since when the wall is dinged, especially the masonry of which is made of small piece materials, it is possible to crack not only the plaster of the walls adjacent to the doorway, but also a violation of the masonry seams in places remote from that place where we carry out the expansion of the opening.

The use of electric jackhammer with a spatula or a peak is desirable to dismiss the slopes or a thick layer of the cement-sand mixture with the help of which the door opening ends were previously scored and the ends are shown.

In order to minimize the appearance of cracks in the plaster and get smoother ends of the doorway after the work performed on its expansion, you can use another version of work using the tool specified in paragraph 2.

Expansion of the doorway with a drill-perforator

For a more accurate way to expand the doorway, we need a tool specified in clause 2. We take a drill perforator with a rumble (A) installed in the cartridge. The length of the borax should provide end-to-end holes in the wall, that is, the length of the borax should be greater than the wall thickness.

On the applied markup line, we begin to pick the wall, making through holes. The distance between the holes is preferably made minimal to get the maximum unloading effect of the part of the wall with the doorway (b) that we need to dismantle.

After the holes are made all over the perimeter of the doorway, instead of a borax in the cartridge of the perforator drill, we set the blade or peak and begin to work on pumping parts of the wall guiding the work part of the blade or peaks according to the holes made.

Note:It is recommended that the perforator is recommended with a blow from 3 to 5 J. If the perforator has a blow to less than 3 J, then in this case, drilling in concrete, especially through holes will be problematic. Perferents with shock force over 5 J are heavier, and it creates additional physical exertion and hands will quickly get tired.

This way of expanding the doorway in a stone house is most popular and used more often than others. But sometimes you have to use another method using the tool specified in clause 3. Especially relevant this method when expanding the opening in panel houses or homes where the walls have a reinforcing strapping.

Expansion of the doorway with the help of benzorosis or grinder

Expansion of the doorway in a stone house using a grinder or a benzorosis allows us to get smooth ends of the doorway without subsequent revision, but the use of this tool has some serious shortcomings compared to the use of the tools specified in paragraphs 1 and 2:

  1. In the photo (1) shows an example of cutting reinforced concrete using a benzorosis with a diamond circle. In the photo (2), we can see how a large amount of dust and fine particles of concrete are formed during the cutting of concrete, if you expand the doorway in this way, it is desirable that the tool is equipped with a device for collecting dust.
  2. When working with a grinding with a reinforced cutting circle of a larger diameter and without protective casing (photo (3)), the risk of injury increases, since the cutting during operation can crack and fly into pieces (photo (4)), so it is necessary to comply with security measures when working with a grinder or gas.

The photo shows not only examples of working with the gas meter and the grinder to expand the doorway, but also how the elementary safety requirements are violated. Work is carried out without special means of protection, especially faces. What protective equipment is recommended to use when working with this tool? What else should be paid to comply with the safety rules when working with this tool?

As the main means of protection when performing work on expanding the doorway in a stone house, using a benzorosis or a grinder, it is necessary to use:

  1. Respirator - to protect the respiratory organs.
  2. Points - to protect organs of vision.
  3. Special gloves - to protect the skin on hand.
  4. If the work is carried out with a grinder or gas meter at the head level, then it is necessary to protect the head, for example, putting the construction helmet.
  5. Tightly fastened clothes - so that the dust and small pieces of concrete come under the clothes.

On the grinder or gasose during work on the cutting wall of the stone house, it is necessary to install a protective casing. It is also necessary to use special cutting discs that are designed for cutting concrete, and if the house is panel or a wall reinforced, then you need to install a disc for cutting concrete and metal.

After the markup is applied to the surface of the wall, the tool is prepared for operation and fulfilled all security requirements can be processed to the extension of the doorway. If the wall cutting is carried out using a diamond circle, then to reduce the amount of dust, you can resort to a simple method. Your assistant from a plastic bottle (a) can water a thin wearing water on a diamond circle (b):

Wetting the diamond circle with water, of course, will have a positive effect on his work (it will cool), this will also reduce the formation of dust. But immediately I want to make a reservation, moistened with water particles of concrete will stick together and, in simple language, dirt will appear instead of dust (a) instead of dust:

When cutting with a grinder or a be concrete or brick wall with a thickness of a thickness of less than 150 mm, it is recommended to do through the passage for several passes. That is, first cut through the wall over the entire height of the markup line to a depth of 50-80 mm, then we make the second cut into about the same depth, it turns out two or three passages with cutting circle along the markup line.

In the event that the wall has a thickness of 150 mm and more, then it may have to do to cut from two sides of the wall (depends on the power of the tool and the circle diameter). When cutting the wall of such thickness, it is first necessary to make a depth of equal half of the wall thickness, then go to the other side of the wall with the doorway and we do the same depth.

In order for the cuts in the wall coincide, you can make a markup on the other side of the wall as follows. After completion of the walls, the walls on one side drill through the holes at the top and at the bottom of the doorway in the propylene made, these holes will serve for us the markup benchmark on the other side of the wall with the doorway.

When the cuts in the wall are made using a chisel and a hammer or with the help of a perforator, carry out the work on the rocking part of the doorway doorway leading to the spatula of the punch of the punching line.

After working on the expansion of the doorway, we remove the garbage and proceed to the final stage of our work - to.

Redevelopment in our time has become a common type of improvement of housing conditions and giving the house of modern appearance. Designer projects are sometimes surprised by their unusual, and often it is necessary not only to make decoration of the room, but also to make the extension of the doorway. For these changes there are established norms, instructions. When taking into account the features of the house, compliance with safety, the process will not be too time consuming.

If you need to narrow or make the wider opening of the doors of a multi-storey house, you need such actions to agree with the BTI.

In the technical passport on the apartment, doorways and doors are schematically indicated and, as a rule, without specifying dimensions. However, the BTI has such information, because when changing the dimensions, even the entrance door is violated the scheme of the room plan, and problems may arise problems with future sale of apartments.

Changes in size and location of the opening, according to the country's legislation, is redevelopment and should be legalized. Permission to expand the doorway is issued by BTI.

Permissible parameters and standards

An increase in the size of the doorway is a simple task, provided that the wall is not carrier. The main thing is to pay attention to, the valid standards parameters.

As a rule, it is necessary for the basis of the SNiP norms, providing for dimensions:

  1. Width - starting from 55 to 80 cm, depends on the purpose. For example, the doors for the kitchen or bathroom can be 55 cm in width, but for living rooms and residential rooms - 80 cm.
  2. Height - starting from 190 to 210 cm.

Do not exclude the restrictions on this type of work:

  1. The span of the carrier wall is no more than 200 cm with a maximum height of 210 cm.
  2. Extended passages It is advisable to strengthen the support even in the center.

IMPORTANT: Appropriate documents are needed to continuously increase the dimensions of the doorway:

  • certificates from BTI;
  • architectural plan;
  • extract from the house book (if it is);
  • phased repair plan.

Tools and devices

To change the width of the doorway door in the apartment of a multi-storey house, you will need a number of standard tools:

  • plane;
  • perforator;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • bulgarian;
  • passatia;
  • screwdrivers;
  • saw on a tree;
  • a hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • chisel.

If we take into account that there are various methods of expanding or destruction of the wall, then the tools for each method will be different:

  1. Rough way. A sledgehammer and a jackhammer are used. Initially, the contours are noted, and with the help of the tools, the unnecessary is charged.
  2. Dry cutting passes with a grinder that cuts out the contours.
  3. Wet cutting occurs with the help of a pulverizer and a grinder.

Experienced specialists are advised after the expansion procedure to view the walls on the presence of cracks or defects that are necessarily eliminated.

Safety of safety reconstruction in the apartment

When carrying out any installation work or dismantling, you must comply with security. Even with the expansion of the doorway, use the means of protection, such as respirator, glasses, gloves. It is also best to wear a special construction suit. It is necessary not to get dirty.

Remember: Construction work is always very dangerous, so adhering to the rules of security, you protect yourself from unpleasant cases.

Expansion of the doorway

Changing the doorway into width is the task of time-consuming, requiring prior approval, therefore, such construction work is better in advance prepared drawings. When accessing specialists, calculations will be correct.

Reconstruction in the panel house

Most often, the question of changing the opening occurs in panel premises, because many do not know how to expand door openings in the concrete wall.

Redevelopment in multi-storey buildings should be carried out in a short time, and if a new partition is created, it must be quickly transmitted, since the procedure is very noisy.

So that the neighbors do not have a negative reaction, it is pre-necessary:

  • warn them about upcoming work;
  • prepare workspace;
  • purchase special containers for garbage collection.

The reconstruction of the doorway in the panel house is carried out at stages:

  1. Dismantling the old door design. Moreover, it does not matter, from which material it is made - from the metal or it was a wooden instance.
  2. Remove with loops canvas. Racks cut with a grinder.
  3. If the height is also increased, the jumper is removed.
  4. Dissection of the contour by which the extension will occur.
  5. Along the contour, holes are made using a shock drill - to simplify further work.
  6. Cutting panels are performed alternately.
  7. At the end, the sledgehammer is cleaned too much.

In such a house, it is desirable to strengthen the doorway with the help of planks, the corners so that the structure does not accidentally collapse.

Change of opening in a brick wall

To expand the doorway in the brick wall of a multi-storey building, it is necessary to perform everything according to safety, carefully, not to destroy the masonry. It is not recommended to work with a sledgehammer.

If you do everything carefully, observing the next action algorithm, then the increase in the opening will be successfully.

  1. Initially, it is necessary to make marking (contours).
  2. If necessary, it is better to transfer the jumper, then strengthen the masonry from above.
  3. The intended piece of the wall cuts into a special tool - as a rule, with a grinder.
  4. The inner end is knocked out with a sledgehammer.
  5. Pulling perimeter occurs with hammers.
  6. The edges of the passage are cut into the grinder.

After completing this work with a brick wall, you need to make sure of its integrity. When forming cracks, they are processed by plaster.

Please note that the width of the doorway according to the rules does not exceed two meters, since the redistribution of loads is dangerous. To avoid this, you can make the installation of the column.

Changes in the bearing wall with strengthening

If there is a need to increase the doorway of the bearing wall, follow the load level and strengthen the design. Additional fittings, partitions or other structures are used.

To strengthen the carrier wall, you should adhere to the Soviets:

  1. Mount the steel jar into part of the opening, which is at the top. Under it cut a small niche, the size of which is no more than one and a half bricks.
  2. Fill empty places in advance prepared cement mortar.
  3. Secure in Nishe Channel.
  4. Give time to cement to dry.

One of the most acting and reliable ways to change the opening and strengthening of the bearing walls is considered to be the fixation of the frames of two sides of the span.

With an increase in the opening of the bearing wall, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that no cracks are formed, which in the future can lead to the destruction of the entire building.

An increase in the opening of the arch

An increase in the opening arc is painstaking work, which is only under the power of experienced builders. Such work is accurately accomplished, with special equipment. The most common is the technology of diamond cutting.

It is important to remember: the arch can be any form. Not very smooth bend can be written off the designer's idea. The arch thickness should not be more wall thickness.

Reconstruction begins with dismantling the old door. Then the old plaster is eliminated and the opening is aligned.

It is best to use diamond cutting at a pre-made markup. However, you should not forget to periodically wet the walls to avoid dust formation.

At the end of the work, the design must be secured by plates and special bolts. The finished arch is picky or punishable by wallpaper.

Of course, with a great desire, the owner of the housing is able to fulfill these works on its own by purchasing the necessary set of tools and materials. It is first worth familiar with the information on this kind of work - there are many text and video materials on this topic.

To avoid trouble, when working, it is recommended to initially consult with knowledgeable people, and even better - to use them.

To increase the doorways, you will need plaster, primer, nails, self-tapping screws, metal frame and guides, as well as spatula and squares. The transfer process consists of two stages: the transfer of the opening to several centimeters and the expansion of the opening in width and height.

The increase in the height of the opening in the panel house is carried out by cutting the monolithic design to the necessary height. If the doorway is in the interior partition, then in this case the opening is increased with the help of the corners. Reducing door openings are made using a special design of plasterboard.

A height refinement to 6 cm is carried out by plastering the doorway, and over 6 cm - you need a design of plasterboard or brick. Brickwork is distinguished by durability, and drywall - ease. Sometimes it is necessary to transfer the doorway. The opening from the monolithic wall can be cut off. And if the doorway is in a brick wall, then you will need to transfer all the elements. Both processes imply either the wall extension or cut.

Stages of work on increasing openings

An increase in openings in height includes a range of preparatory work. First, with the help of the level, labels are applied on both sides of the opening. Next is the dismantling of the old opening. After that, the holes are made by the outline. Gently with a sledgehammer and hammer remove concrete or brick. This method is traditional, but the best result is achieved when using special equipment equipped with diamond cutting discs. For the specified labels along the entire length of the bar, plaster is removed. The next step is the laying of bricks on the side of the wall to the labels.

In brick and monolithic walls, you can change the size of door openings for no more than 21 cm in height and 20 cm in width. The expansion of door openings may be accompanied by cracks or chip. Therefore, upon completion of work, you should carefully examine the wall and eliminate all defects. A cement layer is superimposed between the upper part of the opening and brick masonry.

Often there is a need to strengthen and strengthen the openings. If it is a concrete wall, then it is possible to strengthen the opening with the help of chambers. Brick design enhance with metal or concrete jumper. If the doorway is located in the bearing wall, then work is carried out in the presence of permission and project, which describes the steps of events, the procedure for increasing the opening and the procedure for strengthening the design.