Repairs Design Furniture

How to change the lock in the metal entrance door itself: Step-by-step instructions. How to change the lock in the metal door: Overview of the replacement of basic types of locks How to change the door lock on the entrance door

Manufacturers provide metal entrance doors with reliable closing systems and fittings designed for long-term operation. Using door box The key mechanism is most vulnerable to damage, since it is subjected to intense daily loads.

Change the lock on the metal structure is required due to breakdowns, hacking, inconsistencies with reliability requirements, with loss of keys, etc. With small damage, it is possible to change the core, substantial failures in the operation of the mechanism will require complete replacement of the system. You can reinstall the lock yourself, which will reduce the cost of repairs.

Replacement of castles B. metal door Required when buying an improved design. Often the box and the canvas producers are released without a closing mechanism, so the device is required independently. Some suppliers offer a complex from the castle and doors, but the installation and fitting works are still required.

Replacing the opening design is required after losing the keys. Even if a spare device has been preserved, allowing you to order a duplicate, it is required to schedule dismantling and installing the working mechanism. If all the keys are lost, urgent work on reinstalling the mechanism, since the safety of the apartment is difficult to provide.

The system breakdown requires operational work on replacing the locking device. Unfinished operation and low-quality materials can lead to the deformation of the mechanism. In such cases, the riglia breaks, fails of the larva, etc. Operation of the damaged device is unsafe.

Not all locks have a sufficient protection system that is necessary for the owners of the room. Therefore, the change in the unreliable device for an improved mechanism is disseminated. Restore is required and when repairing the room to match the accessories to the updated style and design.

The replacement of locks from the apartment is necessary when trying to hack. In some situations, it may be necessary to change not only the locking device, but also the handles on the bar, the door box. Difficult door repair is better to entrust professionals.

When transferring at home or apartments to other owners, the replacement of all shut-off. Precautions are required to ensure housing and hack protection.

Tools and preparation

To replace locks on metal doors, you need to prepare tools. Required: Drill with metal drills, needle file (addil), screwdriver, set of screwdrivers with nozzles, hammer, milling machine or perforator, drill with drill set, Pillet or jigsaw, scrap or mount. Works are performed using non-hard items: chisels, files, construction knives, pencil, roulettes. For fastening work, you will need dowels, screws, carbon black glue.

Before changing the lock in the metal door itself, you must prepare door leaf. The system's shift is preceded by working on disassembling designs and overhead elements. It is required to purchase details for replacement. Alone to buy a new lock is preferably taking into account the type of device, secrecy, cylinder sizes, compliance with interior design. Spare parts or a locking unit must be approached by the size and texture of the canvas iron DoorTherefore, measurements are required. Optimally use technical certificate on the previous device.

The case and the larva is then dismantled. It is required to unscrew the fastening screws from the end of the door canvase. Decorative linings are removed from two sides of the door. For operational work, you can unscrew the screws only on the inside, after that the overhead elements and handles are easily removed. Then you need to remove the rod that holds the drive. After removing the screws connecting the housing with the plank, the box is ready for reinstalling the system.

Different repair requires dismantling of the door box. Works must be performed carefully, without damaging the opening and without creating cracks. First remove the box, then the slopes are removed, old stucco and putty.

To install the lock, it will be necessary to place the cloth by attaching the mechanism. If the acquired device is more than the former, a drill with a thin nozzle drill the edge of the device input to the cloth.

How to replace the castle in the metal door

The method of replacing the door lock depends on the type of the closing device and the method of its installation. By constructive features The demand for input devices is divided into suvalde and cylinders. Systems require different approaches Installation. Installation can be made by an overhead, mortise or contributing method.

Before work it is necessary to evaluate the breakdown. When damaged separate element Not required full replacement Castle. When you encamp the key, damaged by the door tongue and internal pins, you can replace only the deformed parts. In many cases, it is enough to dismantle the core and change to a good part.

With a large breakdown, it is required to replace the closing device and housing. After mounting work It is necessary to test the functionality of the lock, the beelectric device, the handles.

Suwald type

The suvalid type of closing devices is distributed on metal entrance boxes. The device presupposes mortise installation. The design includes an internal mechanism that consists of plates having curly cuts. When you open the device, the elements are pushed by protrusions at the end of the key.

Foreign manufacturers provide for the possibility of recoding Suwald under a fresh larva. Therefore, it is optimal to get the desired detail of the manufacturer of the same brand and set in place for the same. Some manufacturers do not release additional details To the castle, so it may be necessary to reinstall the entire system.

Replacing the Suwald Castle is more complicated by repair and dismantling cylinder mechanisms. It is recommended to take into account these manufacturer's instructions. It is required to open the door frame, remove the locking bolt. The key is extracted from the well. Then the pad is removed, hiding the body of the mechanism, as well as armoflastine. For comfortable work You can remove the goals and the door handle.

Then the screws are unscrewed in the face, the locking mechanism is retrieved. The system is sequentially disassembled if it is necessary to change only the core. Mounted a good larva or a whole mechanism is installed. It is then required to carefully tighten the screws over the elements from above and below by performing an inverse procedure.

Cylinder type

Cylinder locks have a flat key and simple designDifferent with stability in daily use. Blocks of locks and cores of different suppliers can be interchangeable. Mechanisms are made according to the similar line of size (typical), so you can easily find spare parts from another manufacturer. This led to the prevalence of mechanisms among household closing devices that are mounted in the door.

The system is used for entrance doors in apartment houses and exposed to large loads, so it needs a frequent replacement. You can perform work and on your own. The mechanism includes the cylindrical cylinder core, so when the key is lost, the larvae is allowed. With significant damage, it will be necessary to change the entire castle.

Works begin with dismantling the old mechanism. It is required to remove the bron alphabet with back side Doors. Then the locking mechanism opens the key and unscrew the plate from the end of the door frame. To free the riglia, the lock must be closed. In the central part of the mechanism, the screw is unscrewed, after a small press and the grinding is removed. Then the acquired mechanism is mounted, the nuts are twisted and the overlays are installed in the reverse order.

Core replacement

The change of larvae, which extended the work of the mechanism, because does not require complex work By dismantling a locking device and the door frame. When buying the core, not only its size, but also type, color scheme is important.

In order to reinstall the core of the mechanism, you need to fix the locking device in the open position. Then you need to remove the plate from the lock - the end and outdoor. To do this, unscrew the mounts. From the center of the mechanism, the screw is unscrewed, which holds the core. It is necessary to turn the key slightly and freely remove the larva from the design.

When the lock is damaged and the mechanism, you will need to drill the core. Used in work electric drill.

After extracting the faulty item, acquired accessories are mounted. The mount is performed using bolts or screws. Pads and fittings are returned to the door leaf.

After work on the replacement of the core requires testing. The functionality of the mechanism is checked on an open and closed door construction, with external and inside. In a competently mounted mechanism, the key is easily closed and opens, the rigls are moving freely and fixed in right position. Noise, screenshots are not allowed.

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Metal doors are most common to form input structures, since they differ in high strength, beautiful view and good reliability. Most often, they are equipped with resistant to hacking mortise locks. But even the most high-quality and expensive products can break or deform, after which you will need to replace locks in the metal door. This process It may be trusted by specialists, however, with a preliminary study of the instructions, it is quite realistic to perform work on their own by saving money.

Stages of work depend on which castle is installed in the door structure, therefore, for each option, its own, unique technology is used.

Cylinder lock replacement procedure

Change the cylinder lock installed on the metal door is quite difficult. Initially, the design of a product consisting of a special, secret mechanism is studied. It is concluded in a core with a form of a cylinder. During the rotation of the key, the transition of pins into special recesses.

This castle is installed in two different places:

  • Under handle, therefore is the main one;
  • Without a handle, speaking an additional element.

Design features

The design of the cylinder lock includes:

  • Cylinder that is a larva;
  • Pad with good armor;
  • Pen for convenient use of the door.

The simplest of the handle breakdown is considered, because in this case it is simply replaced by a new product. If the key breaks or is lost, then the castle larva changes, which is the main element of the castle.

How to replace the cylinder?

Replacing locks in such a design can be in replacing the cylinder.

Work consists of the following actions.

From the end of the structure, a locking screw is twisted. The wrench is inserted into the well from the inside, after which the cylinder is pulled out with the key holding. The same cylinder is purchased with similar dimensions and shape.

New cylinder.

From the inside, a new cylinder is inserted and fixed with a locking screw with a special hole in the design.

How to replace the castle case?

Often the problem in the performance of the product lies in the malfunction of the mechanism. In this case, the process of replacement of locks in metal doors is as follows:

  • Rigel ride, which ensure the opening of the castle;
  • Cylinder is removed from the well;
  • The handle is removed from the door, as well as valves and lining;
  • The fastening screws are out from the end of the structure, and their number may vary from two to four;
  • The castle itself is drawn, for which the appropriate plank is approaching a suitable tool;
  • It is purchased exactly the same product in size, form and parameters, and it is best that the design is made by the same manufacturer;
  • The same actions are committed as earlier, only in reverse order.

Thus, replace the lock in the metal door, which is cylinder is not too difficult, and the work can be implemented in different ways, depending on which problems were found in the design work.

Suwalde Castle Replacement Technology

Suwald construction is represented as a special mechanism, the secret part of which is a special set of plates having different forms.

Replacing the castle in metal doors of this type has certain features.

Nuances of work with suvald products

If the mechanism is installed in the door design domestic productionRegardless of the causes of the problem with opening or closing, you will have to fully change the entire mechanism. This is due to the impossibility of recoding.

If you have to work with an import product, which involves the possibility of transcoding, then only the secret element of the mechanism is usually replaced. However, after reprogramming of Suwald, in accordance with the new set of keys. In this case, you can not change the entire castle completely.

To replace locks in metal doors, which are suvalden, it is quite difficult, since such a design is considered one of the most specific and complex.

Before the direct work on the replacement is determined by the reason for the breakdown or deterioration of the mechanism. Depending on the reasons identified, the optimal method of repair or replacement is determined.

Design replacement process

Replacing Suwald door locksMounted in metal doors, is made according to the following sequence of actions:

  • The door itself opens;
  • The shift of the locking rigleel is produced, which will ensure the optimal opening of the lock;
  • The key is removed from the well;
  • If the door is installed on the door, lining or valves, they are removed, and if any decorative elements are mounted, then they are left on the spot;
  • Out the end screws are out, and their number may be different, since 2, 3 or 4 fasteners are installed;
  • The castle itself is drawn up for what to pose it for end bar;
  • Acquired the same mechanism with the same size and parameters, preferably the same company;
  • All the above actions are repeated, but only in reverse order.

If you have to work with a suvalid mechanism equipped with a transcoding ability, then the replacement of locks in the metal door is not required. It is enough just to make new keys, on the basis of which the transcoding is carried out.

Disk type lock replacement

The disk structures that are formed from a special secret element represented in the form of a cylinder are popular. It establishes special discs instead of pins. Their number may be different, and the safety and reliability of the product depends on it.

All discs are distinguished by their original shape, and also have a variety of cutouts. These elements must match all the excavations and configuration used to open the key.

Keys usually possess a semicircular cross section. The level of reliability of the lock protection is determined depending on how many disks are installed in the device, as well as on how many different positions there may be grooves located on the sides of the disks. If the secret mechanism is distinguished by a low strength indicator, it is leveled, so it is important to engage in design protection from intruders acting in hacking mechanical influence. For this purpose, a special cup is usually used, which is solid and armored.

Replacing locks in metal door structures represented in the form of a disk mechanism, differ in certain features and difficulties.

If the domestic disk mechanism is broken or stops working, then the only output from the situation is its complete replacement, and it is desirable that the new device is imported, since it will have an increased strength and reliability.

Quite often, the cause of the breakdown is exactly the larva of the castle, because in domestic structures they are created too high quality and durable. The replacement of the castle in the metal door in this case will be similar to work with other varieties of locks.

Features of repair of castles

In some cases, buying and installing new expensive products is impractical, because high-quality, fast and inexpensive repair work.

The repair of locks in metal doors is highlighted in difficulty, so if you wish, it should be done by our own forces with some experience, knowledge and specialized equipment. The specificity of the process depends on the cause and complexity of the breakage, so the problem is pre-studied and the method of solving it is determined.

Preliminary stages

Both repair and replacement of locks in metal structures require the execution of some preparatory work. They are as follows:

  • The key hole is checked, since it is often a problem in the performance of the device consists in the presence of clogging;
  • If the warranty period lasts, the work is trusted by specialists, and if it has expired, the case is revealed independently to study the mechanism in detail;
  • The mechanism is cleared from different contaminants, as well as lubricated;
  • If such simple actions did not succeed in solving the problem, then it is determined by independently or with the help of a guest specialist, the reason for the breakdown.

If there are some skills and little experience, you can try to realize yourself and repair the product.

Suman mechanism repair nuances

Repair of the lock in metal door structures depends on the device of the shut-off mechanism and from the manufacturer.

It is most often necessary to reprogram, and the repair often consists in installing spare plates sold complete with all equipment. This is usually found in the most expensive models. In the course of work, suvalds are careful, not suitable for further operation, and new elements are inserted into their place.

All other problems are usually so complex and specific that the only solution is considered the complete replacement of the mechanism.

Specificity of repair locks with cylinder

It is believed that repair work with similar mechanisms is quite complex and incomprehensible even for experienced masters. The secret part of the equipment is most often about, it is simple to fix it, it is not possible that it is completely replaced.

So look tools for repairing cylinder locks.

If other less breaks important detailsthen they can be replaced, but it is important for this to have specialized tools and some experience.

Thus, the replacement of the lock in the metal door design is a complex and specific work that requires a thorough, thoughtful and neat approach. If allowed serious mistakesIt will be difficult to eliminate them, and in some cases it is impossible at all. Therefore, in the absence of skills and work experience, as well as special tools, it is not recommended to engage in these works on their own. Rational decision There will be an appeal to specialists who quickly determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate the problem.

Even the most reliable castle may fail for various reasons. Often it is a banal wear of any moving parts. The door lock may be in disrepair due to foreign particles, dust or moisture. In the end, to breakage of the castle entrance door May give an attempt to hack. And if the door manufacturer has installed the lock without a removable code unit, the replacement may be required in the case of a simple loss of keys.

Those who keep up with the times may simply show a desire to replace the morally outdated castle in the apartment and put a new, with a more advanced protection mechanism. In any case, there is no need to call specialists. If there is an elementary tool and knowing the main nuances of how to change the castle in a metal door, this procedure is in most cases easily performed on its own.

Selection of the door lock

For modern metal doors, overhead and mortise locks are used. The invoices are used quite rarely and their replacement does not cause special difficulties - you just need to remove the old lock and install a similar configuration in its place.

From mortgage locks on safety and performance characteristics The most common varieties are the most common:

To simplify the process of replacing the door lock in the apartment, you can choose similar on the principle of action. It is necessary to take into account the main dimensions of the castle, namely:

  • case height and thickness
  • country depth under lock
  • position of a response bracket for riglia
  • the position of the keyboard

In the presence of a system of vertical riglels or when using the advanced class of protection with mortgage locks, make a replacement without dismantling and disassembling the door itself, most likely it will not work. The best option Before replacing will be pre-consulted at the manufacturer doors.

Castles of this type have general device. The main elements are:

  • protective patch
  • cylinder, or as it is also called "Larva"
  • castle case with mechanism
  • doorhandle

In case of losing the keys, there is no need to change the castle in the whole apartment. You can replace the cylinder, and the lock will unlock with a new set of keys. It is better to pre-insert a secret key from the inside, unscrew the lock screw on the door of the door and pull the larvae for the keyside.

Choose a new larva. Best taking with you old as a sample to avoid buying an unsuitable detail. It should be borne in mind that the cylinders themselves differ in the degree of protection. Various cylinders for the castle in the apartment are protected from hacking with a wash, selection of keys, knocking out and other things. Therefore, choosing a new cylinder in order to replace it in the lock on the front door, you should rely on your needs.

Installing a new cylinder is performed in reverse order. Before the final tightening of the locking screw, make sure that the lock is unlocking without excess efforts and extraneous sounds. Sometimes a small adjustment of the position of the cylinder is required.

Replacing the castle hull

If it is necessary to replace the entire mechanism of the cylinder lock, you must first switch all the rigleels in the lock - open it. Then, it should be removed, as described above the larva, remove the door handle, unscrew the screws and remove the protective overlay. After that, unscrew the locking screws, pry and pull the castle housing itself. Installing a new lock is carried out in reverse order.

Replacement of Suwald Type Castle

Here, one regularity should be taken into account - import systems provide for the replacement of the code part and the subsequent recoding of the installed secret to a new set of keys. In the case with the domestic manufacturer, there are no other options, except to change the door lock completely.

To replace the Suwald Castle in the input door, it is necessary to push all the riglia, in other words, simply opening the lock. The key from the Suwald Castle must be pulled out. After that, the door handle is removed, all the valves and armor layout (if present). Decorative elements With the outer and inside of the iron door, when replacing the lock in most cases, it is not necessary to remove.

After that, it is necessary to unscrew the locking lock of the screws. Depending on the design of the lock, they are provided 2 or 4. Then you can pose and pulling the old one, change the lock in the door to a similar one.

Replacing disk type lock

The secret portion of this lock also has a cylinder form, but inside the spring-loaded pins, a set of cylinders is located. As in the case of Suwalden, when determining the need to replace the input door lock itself, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • in domestic mechanisms, when a breakdown occurs, you must fully change the lock input door. This is determined by the fact that it is almost impossible to choose a qualitative replacement of the secret cylinder.
  • in imported mechanisms, it is possible to replace the secret part without changing the lock entirely.

Before the start of dismantling the old castle, you need to push all the riglia, that is, bring the lock in the open position. The next action you need to remove the secret part. Its fastening is sometimes somewhat more complicated than in cylindrical type locks, the locking screw can affect the spacer elements or the system of pins. After that, removed doorknobs and protective overlays. And then the lock screws of the castle itself are twisted on the end part of the entrance door, after which the lock can be pushed and pull out. To install a new lock in the entrance door yourself, it is necessary to do all the above-described actions in the reverse order.

In any case, when choosing a new lock for installation at the front door in the apartment, it should be borne in mind that security is ensured not only by the complexity of the code part, but also the total strength of the design and the availability of additional means of protection against bumping and drilling. Based on the above factors, preference when buying a lock on a replacement in the input door, you should give imported devices.

Hello readers of my blog! Today I will tell you how to change the castle on the metal entrance door with your own hands. Causes of replacement may be the same, such as a key loss or hacking. However, the solutions are slightly different, each species is mounted with their own characteristics. About how to replace, and what types of locks exist today about everything, read about it below.

1. Device and types of locks

Let's start with the small, we will analyze what types of the lock system are. After all, it is from the type of castle that the repair will be different, its value and complexity of work will be different. We will analyze firstly used locks on metal doors.

1.1. Cylinder castle

Most often, this species is installed on metal canvas. So the probability of facing this is much higher. But on the device he is the easiest. Therefore, when replacing there will be no problems. The cylinder locks are manufactured according to the standard, so that if some part is not working, it can be replaced, even the detail of another company.

1.2. Suwald Castle

Very reliable castle, it is almost unreal to hack. For such a quality of its replacement is quite complex. It is worth talking about companies that produce them. Domestic firms make the system entirely, and if something breaks, it will have to replace the entire mechanism. It has its own reasons for such locks. low pricesHowever, they are not very comfortable when replacing.

Foreign firms, it has provided, and on their castle structures it is possible to replace the larva separately, but it is worth buying it the same brand as the main design. However, the price of such locks is high.

1.3. Castle with sliding beegles

This kind of reliably protects from hacking and will serve quite a few years proper montage and use. But his replacement is very difficult, it is better to take masters for her who know their business.

Most often it can be found on modern models Metal doors. Such a system when locking the door fixes it not only with the beams with side, but also metal elements on top and bottom of the canvas. All the complexity of the replacement is that this lock is located inside the web, so that when replacing the doors will have to disassemble.

2. Causes of malfunctions of locks

Castles on the inlet metal doors can serve long yearsAnd maybe without any reason to fail. The reasons may be different, and on some details, it is worth paying attention to especially and not wait when the castle "stands up".

  1. The lock system serves you for many years, its details are aging, and may fail;
  2. It was not timely care for the larvae, that is, not purified from dust and dirt, also not treated with oil. In this case, the mechanism fails and breaks. The failure of the mechanism may not be correct operation of the lock, as well as not high-quality parts;
  3. If your canvas is hazardous, which means that the larva was spoiled. Perhaps inside the larvae got the garbage (children's attacks), then it will soon break down;
  4. If, from the very beginning, not high-quality cheap design was installed, it is better to replace it in a timely manner, and not wait for her breakdowns.

3. How to replace the castle in a metal door

The replacement is made not only because of the breakdown of the mechanism, but also for other reasons, for example, the loss of the key. The replacement should be done high quality, because the service life of the mechanism directly depends on the installation.

3.1. Replacing the Suwald Castle

The replacement of such a system is quite complex, but if everything is fulfilled to correctly and show patience, everything will be fine.

We will start work. Open the doors and see the riglels to be pulled into the maximum. Take out the key and remove the door handle, overlays and goals. On the end part, unscrew the screws that perform the function of fastening the plate to the canvas. We take out the mechanism (we seem to the plate on the end side). Insert a new castle, it must be the same size as the old one, and better than the same brand that the shut-up screw gets into its hole. Installation is in the reverse order.

3.2. Replacing the cylinder lock in the metal door

For this type, the replacement is very easy, so it is not even an experienced master with it.

Consider two types of replacement, the first is the replacement of the cylinder, the second replacement of the entire mechanism.

Replacing the cylinder.From the end side, unscrew the locking screw, on the inside of the door (the party that in the house) insert the key into the lock and turn a little about 10-15 degrees. This is done to push the tongue inside the mechanism, and then pull out the larva pulling the key. The work is completed, now insert a new cylinder in the reverse order. If the locking screw does not match the hole, then move the larva to the state when the screw falls into the hole, and fasten it (it works if the acquired larva corresponds to the parameters of the old).

Replacing the mechanism.To replace, remove the larva. How to do you already know, further removes the door handle and protective plates. If the mechanism provides a valve, it is also removed. Out with the end of the door of the self-tapping screws that hold the entire design. We take out the mechanism of the canvas, for this we upset the end bar. We establish a new door lock, as well as taken out, only in the opposite direction.

3.3. Castle replacement with sliding riglels

Very complicated replacement, here you will have to remove the web with the loops, and open it. Since the entire mechanism is equipped with the door. After the door is revealed, the same actions are performed as when replacing the suvalde design. Only before work, the upper and lower riggers are uncovered with wrench. After replacing the castle, the rigleels arrive again. In words, this work is simple, and in practice everything is much more complicated. Calculate your strength in advance, and decide whether you will handle yourself.

4. How to extend the life of the castle

How to change the locks in the metal entrance door you already know, but how to extend their service life, now will understand.

  1. Cylinder cleaning. Used special toolwhich cleans and protects the design from moisture. The tool is poured into the lock cylinder (within a reasonable, need some good droplets) and insert the key, then pull it out (do not rotate the key). Such manipulations are carried out to purify the cylinder from contamination. At the end of cleaning, wipe with a dry cloth;
  2. Lubrication system. For this procedure, machine oil is perfectly suitable, it is also used with lubrication. door loops, Oh there how to lubricate the loops you can read here. You can also buy a special means for lubrication. We apply it to the door well, insert and remove the key. At the end of work, wiper with a dry cloth;
  3. Clean the riglia. Open the canvas and push the riglel to the maximum, then produce their cleaning and lubrication. In order for the lubricant to fall on all parts of the mechanism, it is worth putting forward and push the batter with the key.

If these manipulations did not help your locking system, then the problem is here in another, to find out the reasons you will have to call a specialist or independently replace the lock.

Probably, every homeowner came across the problem of changing the castle on the door. For example, lost the keys or the lock mechanism works badly. How to quickly and correctly change the lock on the entrance door?

To change the lock on the entrance door, they invite a locksmith, but you can make this operation and do it yourself. We invite you to study our instructions.

Make it is quite simple, follow our recommendations, following the sequence of actions:
1. We advise you to choose if your metal door. IN wooden doors The mortise type of lock is not practical, because such an entrance door the robber easier to knock out than messing with the lock.

Cutting door lock 2.

Do not forget to purchase fasteners, as they must be included with the lock, but it happens that they are not fully laid.

Important! If the door with a beeble closure system, i.e. The locking mechanism consists of 3 or 5 metal rods, then you need to fully disassemble the inside of the door.

The lock is needed in order to planting The old and new castles coincided 3.
  • first unscrew all the bolts and slowly remove the accessories with the outer and on the inside of the metal or iron door.
  • then unscrew the last bolt, which is located on the door of the door, and pull out the old castle.

The replacement of the lock begins with the eating of the old castle 4.

After the locking mechanism is inserted into the hole, where it used to be an old lock, - screw the turnkey handle with an external and on the inside of the inner side.

Installing a new lock 5.
Checking the work of the castle

How to change the larva on the old castle?

If you do not want to completely get rid of the old castle, you can only change the larva in it. This item that has a secret mechanism. A suitable key is inserted directly into the larva.

Replacement castle larva

Important! Before installing, be sure to lubricate the lock and the door itself so that there are no hotels and other problems in the work.

1. To start a screwdriver, remove the door handles.

So remove door handles

2. After fixing the adjustable key at the bottom of the secret mechanism.

Important! The larva, after removing the handle of the input door, should perform at 1-1.5 cm.

Fixation of the adjustable key on the bottom of the secret mechanism

3. Smoothly rally the larva of the lock mechanism to the left and right. It will break into two equal parts.

Removal of the larvae

4. Pull out both broken parts, then remove the screw for fastening and slowly remove the mechanism from the lock the input door, which leads to the opening of the key mechanism itself.

On our site posted if a few tips, how to make different kinds small home repairs. You, how to fix this is a difficult device

If the battery flowed central heating, then refer to the advice on

5. Now insert a new larch by fixing the screw from the end door.

6. Check the lock functionality on open door. If everything opens well, then make the same actions and a closed door.

Checking the lock with a new larva

This is the change of lock on the inlet metal or iron door. This process is painstaking and requires careful work. A little patience and hard work, and everything will succeed.