Repair Design Furniture

Efficient heating with electricity. The best electric home heating: expert advice and guidance. Wiring with division according to the type of circulation system

To begin with, I would like to note that the most effective today is the gas heating system. If for some reason it is not possible to install it (for example, there is no gas main in the country house), give preference to electric heaters. Next, we will consider the most economical electric heating systems for a private house and apartment.

Why electric heaters?

You will immediately ask yourself why the classic water or stove heating of rooms is not considered? The answer is simple - this is due to the fact that installation work and maintenance for about the same money will be minimized.

Now we will provide several reasons why it is obvious that the best and most economical heating system for a private house is electric.

  1. Electric heaters are silent, do not require additional resources (coal, firewood, liquid fuel) and, moreover, do not pollute the atmosphere. This suggests that in a private house there is no need to have a place in the utility block for fuel, to make a chimney and, moreover, to scare soot every year. It is enough to connect the system to the network and enjoy the warmth.
  2. Installing an entire electric heating system does not require a huge initial investment. For example, the installation of a water heating main is carried out once. A project is being created, all pipes, radiators, a boiler, as well as additional automation are purchased. To do part of the work (for example, in one room), and if you have money, you will not be able to complete the project over time, and if you succeed, then there will be many problems. It will be necessary to drain the water, crash into the finished line, etc. In the case of electric heaters, everything is much simpler. You can install equipment in each room separately as you earn money. At the end of spring, buy convectors for the bedroom, later for the kitchen, bathroom, etc.
  3. Today, there are many ways. Of course, this option is costly, but rest assured, over time they will pay for themselves. The installation of economical as well as solar panels on the roof of the house is popular.
  4. , a boiler or even a convector can be done by hand, significantly saving money on calling the master.

As you can see, electric heating in a private house really outperforms alternative options, so it is quite profitable to install such a system.

For your attention a video example of creating a cheap and at the same time effective autonomous system:

Homemade economical battery electric heating system

Heating system options

So, let's consider the existing equipment that will make electric heating in the house economical and cheap.

Boiler use

, which will heat the water in the home heating system, warming up the room, is the first, least efficient option. Of course, on the Internet you can see a lot of information that talks about economical boilers that can reduce consumption by up to 80%, but all this is nonsense. The only way to reduce costs is to install thermostats and various automatics, which will turn on only when the temperature in the room drops, as well as at a certain time of the day. All other talk about new designs of products or reduced power is just an advertising stunt. If you buy a small-capacity boiler, it will take more time for it to heat water to heat the house, so it will work out for that.

Using infrared panels

A smarter solution and most likely the most profitable. The fact is that these products do not heat the air in the room, but certain objects (floor, walls, cabinet), from which heat transfer occurs in the future. If in the previous version the hot air will rise to the ceiling and immediately cool down, then in this case the heat is directed to the floor, which is more reasonable (people do not walk on the ceiling).

This diagram shows the efficiency of an economical heating system for a private house:

You see everything for yourself, so there is nothing more to prove. It should only be noted that IR devices can work more efficiently if you add thermostats to them. One regulator is enough to control three heaters in the economical heating system of a private house. We talked about that in a separate article.

Using convectors

Many manufacturers are convinced that an electric convector effectively heats the room and at the same time consumes a small amount of electricity. The question is certainly controversial, because, in fact, the principle of operation of the products is similar to the version with radiators (the air rises up). The advantage of convectors is that their installation and connection is not difficult. In addition, heating of the heating element is about one minute, which is undoubtedly faster than in the case of water radiators.

Among the other advantages of electric convectors are:

  • low cost (from 2 to 10 thousand rubles);
  • fire safety (which is especially important when);
  • you can gradually build up the heating system (one convector is not enough for a room, buy another one and connect it to the network without any problems);
  • attractive appearance;
  • trouble-free work with power surges (in the private sector is also relevant);
  • compact size.

Underfloor heating applications

We analyzed the reviews of buyers who used this option, and we saw that the majority of people are happy with the purchase. The main thing is to additionally install a temperature controller in order to make economical electric heating in the house with your own hands.

Underfloor heating installation

Another modern and efficient way to heat your home economically is by using electric heating mats. They fit under the flooring and heat the room through the floor. As a result, warm air rises, completely warming up the room. It is better to install the underfloor heating system in combination with an additional heating source, for example, IR panels.

Speaking about the heating mats themselves, I would like to highlight the products of the EKF company. You can choose the heating mats exactly for your conditions - ready-made kits vary in size and power. The EKF thermomats can be controlled by a mechanical or electronic thermostat, with which it is possible to program on / off for a week. In addition, I would like to highlight the full-fledged shielding of current-carrying conductors, due to which uniform heating of the floor surface occurs. You can find out more about EKF heating mats by following the link:

Which option is better to bypass?

We talked about cheap and efficient systems for economical heating of a private house, but I would also like to point out the most costly options that need to be bypassed. The top of the rating is occupied by oil coolers. They are all known for their high power, so when working in winter, you can see a noticeable increase in electricity consumption.

Not only do these products have high power, but also their heating efficiency is very weak. For example, an infrared panel of the same dimensions and the same power will make the house warm faster, so you better give preference to it.

In addition, the infrared heater is installed on the ceiling or wall, thus does not take up free space, which cannot be said about electric radiators.

Another not recommended option is fan heaters. These devices not only burn oxygen, but also "drive dust", besides, they are noisy. The efficiency of their use is not very high, because between the ceiling and the floor, the temperature may differ by several degrees, despite the fact that the power of the products is high (from 1.5 kW).

How can you improve efficiency and reduce costs?

Just buying an economical electric heater and installing it in a country house is only half the battle. At the same time, it is far from a fact that as a result of work you will be able to be convinced of the significant efficiency of the made economical heating system. The reason for this may be poor thermal insulation of the room. All kinds of cracks, gaps in the windows and even the absence of insulation on the walls contributes to the rapid cooling of the room. It has been proven more than once that with high-quality insulation of walls and ceilings, heating efficiency can increase up to 80%, although usually this figure reaches 40%.

Another important nuance is the use of automation. For example, if no one is at home all day (everyone is working), then there is no point in heating the rooms. It would be more correct to install a controller that will turn on the heaters an hour or two before your arrival. This time will be enough to completely warm up the premises.

One of the indisputable advantages of private houses over city apartments is the ability to choose the optimal type of heating yourself. It is much more pleasant to realize that the warmth in your home does not depend on the moods of various utilities, the prevention of systems will take place when it is convenient for you. In the end, you know exactly what you are paying for and how much. That is why, even in the course of designing a house, or in the process of construction, many ask themselves the question: “which option is better and ". One of the main criteria for such a choice is the concept of benefit.

And before determining what is the most profitable heating of a private house, it is worth figuring out what exactly it is about. After all, the benefits are also different.

For example, for someone, in the understanding it is profitable, I mean, it is inexpensive to invest in the installation of equipment, but the costs, over time, can easily reduce this benefit to zero, due to the high cost of the resources expended. Others, however, prefer to spend money initially, and then benefit from more economical costs.

Both options are fair in their own way, because in the first case, the house itself may well be built for sale. And the further fate, in terms of heating costs, is no longer your concern.

But, if the house is yours, and you plan to stay in it for a long period, then it is wiser to push off the benefits of the second option.

So, it is worth paying attention not only to the cost of the equipment, but also to the heating installation itself, and to calculate in advance the type of resources used that is optimal, specifically for you, to maintain the health of the heating system.

Types of heating systems for a private house

Think about which of the listed types of fuel in your case is more economical and available.

Used fuel types:

  • Sorted hard coal;
  • Ordinary firewood;
  • Briquettes based on wood or peat;
  • Liquid fuel (light fuel oil, diesel fuel, diesel fuel for);
  • Electricity;
  • Natural or liquefied gas.

Having decided, it is worth considering what type of systems, the type of fuel that is beneficial to you, will be powered.

  • Air;
  • Electric;
  • Water.

Electric heating systems of a private house

What are the features, advantages and disadvantages of the above heating systems? Let's figure it out:

Air heating system of a private house: pros and cons

The air heating system works on the principle of industrial supply ventilation, driving air through a heater or a built-in heat exchanger, where it heats up and spreads through the room through specially designated channels.

Key benefits of the system

Due to the lack of coolant, you will never encounter problems with freezing or leakage. From which follows the absence of expenses for off-season preventive work.

Due to the humidifiers built into the system, you can not worry about the dry air in the room.

The heating rate of the air in the living space is quite high; the efficiency is at least 90%.

The main type of consumption is gas. Although there are hybrid systems. The cost of such, initially higher than gas counterparts, but is compensated by the fact that one furnace can heat not only air, but also water systems. For those who plan to have combined heating for all occasions, it is worth considering this option in more detail.

What are the cons:

The disadvantages of the system include, first of all, the need for a fairly spacious room for the installation of a heat generator.

Domestic gas, due to the high content of paraffins in its composition, does not fit well with the equipment of an American manufacturer. As a solution, you can purchase a hybrid analogue of the production of germanium, operating on the type of fuel you need.

Noise. The system, unfortunately, is not silent. Therefore, if silence in your home is a priority for you, it is worth either abandoning the air type of heating in principle, or choosing the quietest option that the market offers.

Heating with electricity in a private house: pros and cons

The electric type of heating has a variety of uses and can be both the main and an additional source of heat regulation for your home. They can be built-in, overhead and even portable. There are several types:

  • Infrared heating;
  • Convection;
  • Underfloor heating system.

The principle of operation of the first type consists in converting electrical energy into infrared radiation, which heats the room that falls within the radius of the radiation. It is also worth paying attention to the unique ability of the effect in question. Namely, the fact that objects are heated directly. All other types and types of heating heat exactly the air. And he, as you know, is not the best conductor of heat. Mounts to the ceiling, walls and even the floor of your home.

Advantages of electric heating of a private house

Has a number of special advantages. For example, a number of useful properties that are inherent in infrared therapies. Another feature associated with radiation is that even after disconnecting the system from the network, heated objects continue to give off heat.

Thus, saving your energy costs. If we consider a floor infrared heating system, then any type of coating is suitable for it, in contrast to an analogue of an electric one. With the high thermal insulation of your home, the developers guarantee a very economical consumption. The declared figures are not less than 65% savings. Easy to install. Not afraid of sudden power surges.

Cons of electric heating of a private house

If we are talking about ceilings, then it is not always possible to get into the interior composition. Therefore, lovers of aesthetics should consider in advance the design of the ceilings, into which the tapes will be mounted. If the thermal insulation of the house is low, then there are chances not to fall into the percentage advantage of the cost efficiency promised by the manufacturers.

Convection heating of a private house: pros and cons

It is built on the principle of natural air circulation, heated by a heating element built into the convector. Wall and floor mounted. It can also be a portable heat source.

Pros of convection heating

We can safely name mobility, the possibility of installation in an already built house. Modern convectors do not dry the air. Safety of use. If the convector suddenly falls or breaks, it is instantly disconnected from the network, thanks to the built-in protection against fire and short circuits in the network. Installation is elementary. Place it on the floor or attach it to the wall next to the lead out electric point. Low cost of equipment compared to other systems.

Cons of convection heating

There are no particular downsides. Except that the system's power supply is purely electric and cannot be hybrid.

Heating a private house with underfloor heating: pros and cons

The underfloor heating system is an electrical circuit consisting of a special, teflon-insulated heating cable. When current is applied, the filaments are heated up to the parameters set by the software, while generating heat that warms the floor.

Advantages of an electric underfloor heating

The benefits of this type of heating are usually referred to as the comfortable feeling of touching the bare foot with a warm surface. This is especially true for bathrooms and swimming pools. With high-quality installation, the system is quite long-term in operation, does not require maintenance.

Cons of an electric underfloor heating

There are also disadvantages to this kind of pleasure. There is an opinion that "warm floors" are harmful to health due to electromagnetic radiation. And this is partly true. Partly because, when installing a system from a cheap manufacturer, the screen protectors are not included.

More expensive counterparts use better materials with protection, reducing the harm of radiation to a level comparable to the operation of a conventional TV or microwave. So, basically, the minus of this heating method comes down to the financial side of the issue, since not only the cost and installation, but also the coating that follows after the installation of the system plays an important factor.

Covering the floor is not recommended or lay PVC tiles, the glue of which contains harmful chemical elements. Subject to these conditions, you can enjoy warm floors in your room with little or no harm.

Advantages of the electric type of heating a private house

All of the above types of electric heating have a number of positive aspects in common. They are easy to install, relatively inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and do not dry the air.

The systems are completely silent to use. The possibility of embedding into the interior. They do not need prophylaxis, they are easily replaced in case of breakdown. It is possible to regulate the temperature, and do it locally. For example, to warm up one room more, and in the winter garden, on the contrary, maintain lower temperatures.

Equipped with built-in thermostats that allow you to adjust the required degree of heating, without unnecessary energy consumption. When the set temperature is reached, the sensor will work and turn off the system. It is an alternative to combustible energy sources, subject to their high cost or lack of them, as such, in your region.

Unlike air or water heating systems, it is possible to connect to solar panels, which will allow you to receive an additional, free source, subject to sunny weather.

Disadvantages of the electric type of heating a private house

The reverse side of the coin will be a possible (with your individual calculations) disadvantage, relative to the current cost of electricity. There is also a risk of being left without heating in the event of a power cut in bad weather, or if there are power outages in the area where your home is located.

Water heating systems in a private house

Now let's move on to the third, water heating system. A closed circuit of pipes mounted or carried out outside, with a built-in heat generator (boiler or furnace) and heat transfer points (radiator batteries). The water heated by the boiler circulates through the system and heats the space. Sometimes, by analogy with electric "warm floors", it is mounted in the floor.

Let's consider three types of water circulation and their features.

  • Natural;
  • Forced;
  • Combined.

Natural circulation home heating system

Natural circulation, as the name suggests, is carried out by a natural process, the difference in the specific gravity of hot and cold water. Warm water, displaced by the cold liquid, goes up, goes through a cycle, gives off heat, and, when cooled, returns to the boiler.

When installing pipes, inlet and outlet, it is worth taking into account the nuance with an inclination of at least 3 ° for normal, natural circulation and helps to reduce the effect of air accumulation referred to as " airborne».

Pros of natural circulation systems

The advantages of this type include ease of installation, durability, quiet operation.

Disadvantages of natural circulation systems

Of the minuses, it is worth noting the inefficiency of such a system in a house with a heated area of ​​over 100 square meters.

It takes a lot of time to warm up the system and heat the room. Inability to adjust the heating temperature. It is necessary to monitor the temperature in cold weather, and it is necessary to keep the boiler working, even if you are not in the house, otherwise the pipes will freeze and may even burst.

Household heating system with forced circulation

A pump is built into the forced circulation system. Or, it is already built directly into the boiler by the manufacturer himself. Due to the operation of the pump, the heating efficiency increases up to 30% relative to the first option. Less pipe consumption during installation, relative to the first system. It is possible to regulate the temperature. For prevention from freezing, you can use a special liquid.

The disadvantage of forced circulation is in direct dependence on the power supply

The system combines the work of the previous two. The advantages are the same as for a "forced" heating system. But there is an opportunity to switch at any time convenient for you and not worry if suddenly the electricity supply to your home is lost.

Boilers for hot water heating systems offered on the market are very different and for any type of fuel. Including combined types. A choice for every type of consumption, taste and wallet.

The main disadvantage of water heat exchange systems

This is the cost of installation and periodic maintenance.

How to choose the most profitable heating of a private house

Key points worth paying attention to, based on the information received:

1.We decide on plans for the future of this house.

2. We determine the most favorable type of fuel for your region.

3. Pay attention to the area of ​​the house.

4. We think in detail about where and how much we need to warm up the room.

5. We choose the most suitable type of heating and its subspecies.

6. Do not forget about the quality of thermal insulation, which can be very significant, both increase and decrease your costs in the future.

You can save on heating your home if you draw up a plan in advance, which will take into account all the key parameters of your task.

From practice , we can say that the cheapest ways to heat a private house will be:

  • Liquefied gas
  • Diesel fuel
  • Firewood
  • Coal
  • Ready-made briquettes for heating

All these types of heating of a private house are discussed in great detail in the following video:

The cheaper to heat a country house video

Almost every cottage owner seeks to keep heating costs to a minimum. But when choosing the most economical heating of a private house, many often look only at the price of fuel.

However, here it is necessary to take into account both the heat loss of the structure, and capital investments for the arrangement of the heating system, and the cost of maintaining the network subsequently. Do not forget about the laboriousness of the operation of one or another option. Only an integrated approach to the issue will help to make the work of the heat supply network as economical as possible, don't you agree?

In the article, we have collected the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of the heating system, provided practical advice on reducing heat loss, and also assessed the feasibility of using renewable energy sources.

Before choosing a fuel, a boiler (or other heat generator) and a heat distribution system for the cottage, you need to take a closer look at the house itself. If heat loss through walls, windows, ventilation, underground and roof is huge, then no tricks to increase the efficiency of the internal heating circuit will help.

First, you need to take care of the insulation of all structures and engineering systems of the home.

With a high level of heat loss, any attempts to increase the efficiency of the heating system will turn out to be meaningless, all the same, most of the heat will go to the street. And it will be required a lot. The enclosed space of a cottage is one thing, and a street open to winds and bad weather is quite another.

Insulation technology and materials are selected based on the climatic conditions of the area where the house is located. There are certain building codes with minimum requirements for wall thickness and thermal insulation for each Russian region. But without knowledge in heating engineering, it is not worth doing a project on your own.

Either the calculations will be made incorrectly and the heat loss will be higher, or you will have to overpay for a too thick layer of insulation.

When viewing the finished project and the subsequent construction of a house, special attention should be paid to:

  • double-glazed windows- up to 25% of all heat losses go through the windows to the street;
  • roof and attic floor- this is another 10-15%;
  • ventilation system- the share of heat loss through ventilation with natural circulation can reach 40–50%.

Walls and floors are also places for heat to escape from the building. But initially no one neglects their insulation. But about ventilation, and the attic, many owners of private houses often forget.

Another point is the presence of "cold bridges" in the enclosing structures. Any iron part piercing through the wall from the street to the inside serves as a place for simply enormous heat losses.

Even a small metal pin, albeit slowly but inexorably “pulls” heat out of your home. The project should not have such bridges, and during construction it is important to ensure that they do not form from various metal fasteners.

In the picture with a thermal imager, it can be seen that the windows cause considerable heat loss, so you should not forget about the need to install energy-saving double-glazed windows.

In addition, the "bridges of cold" can be:

  • ends of floor slabs;
  • window and door slopes;
  • basement walls;
  • lintels and inserts made of concrete or iron.

All these places must be carefully insulated, otherwise you can not even dream of saving on heating. Nobody has ever been able to heat the street.

Depending on the quality of insulation, the thermal conductivity coefficient for one building that appears in the heat engineering calculation may differ significantly. The thicker the insulation and the fewer points of heat “leakage”, the smaller the volumes of fuel have to be burned afterwards to heat the cottage.

The money spent on reducing heat loss will surely pay off. You should not be stingy in this matter, but you should not forget about the rationality of investments either.

Choosing the cheapest fuel

The second question in saving on heating is this. Moreover, it is necessary to look not so much at the cost of a kilocalorie at the exit from the boiler, as at the total cost of fuel, heating equipment and its maintenance. It is necessary to consider everything in the complex.

The cheapest in terms of the generated heat energy are wood pellets and main gas, but they are also the most expensive in terms of initial costs (+)

If we compare various water heating units, then they will be the cheapest. However, electricity bills are unlikely to please anyone later. Plus, for a large cottage, in most cases, you will have to lay an additional cable.

For a well-insulated house of 100 square meters, the existing capacity is probably enough. But to heat a two-story dwelling, electric "fuel" will require much more. At the same time, standard networks were not originally designed for such loads.

Natural gas in Russia is considered one of the most economical ways to heat private houses. However, there are several nuances here. If there is already a highway in the village, then it happens quickly and inexpensively.

But if the distance from the house to it is 200 m or more, then an insert into this pipe will cost a round pretty penny. Plus, all approvals and technical specifications can take up to a year.

For and equipment for it will have to pay from 150 to 250 thousand rubles. Fortunately, most of the companies engaged in such equipment perform all the work in a couple of days.

Liquefied gas for it, in the end, at a price in almost all Russian regions is equal to what comes from the main pipe. But the initial costs bite frankly.

Another rather cheap boiler is one that runs on mining or diesel. Moreover, if fuel can be obtained at a reasonable price, then this may well become the most economical way to heat private housing.

Averaged across Russia, the options for heating a country house by the aggregate of all costs are arranged in the following order:

  1. Wood or charcoal stove.
  2. Gas boiler on main gas.
  3. Wood-burning.
  4. Boiler equipment for liquid fuel.
  5. Electric boiler.

The most economical option is an ordinary wood or coal stove, provided it is true that there are no problems with fuel in the area of ​​residence. This is affected by the cheapness of fuel and the cheapness of equipment.

However, such an oven requires constant supervision. And this takes a lot of time and effort. Plus, it is unlikely that it will be possible to especially increase the efficiency of the heating system connected to it. It is difficult to adjust or somehow control the economical consumption of logs (coal) there.

Much about the cheapness of fuel depends on the availability of fuel in the area where the house is located - in some regions, coal or firewood is the cheapest, while in others gas will be ready to give them a considerable head start.

The most convenient and safe in operation is the electric boiler. He does not need a chimney, plus the automation itself monitors everything and, as necessary, heats the coolant in the system.

With proper installation of electrical wiring, the likelihood of a fire with this method of heating is reduced to almost zero. He definitely shouldn't present other problems.

However, electricity costs are frankly high. It's also good if you can connect a two-tariff meter with a reduced night rate. Otherwise, it is worth stopping your choice on an electric boiler only as a last resort. It is difficult to call it the most “economical” because of the high costs for “burned” kilowatts of electricity.

Improving the efficiency of the heating system

To increase the efficiency of heating a house, it is also possible and necessary to introduce various technologies that reduce fuel consumption into the heating system. There are a huge number of ways to lay pipelines from the boiler to radiators alone.

Some of them are cheaper to implement, while others are the most economical in terms of reducing losses during the transportation of the coolant to the batteries.

The efficiency of the heating system at home depends on the correctly selected boiler power, piping layout and even the material of the pipeline.

There are heating equipment of different design and various additional equipment that can increase the efficiency of the entire system by 10-15% or more. But here you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. In some cases, the costs at the initial stage may not be recouped later.

Don't go chasing the "most economical" and "most efficient" options. Often these are just advertising slogans and nothing more.

Method # 1: piping and "warm floor"

The most economical piping scheme is with a central manifold. When applied, each radiator receives the same volume of coolant.

Moreover, it is possible for each battery to adjust the amount of supplied heat individually. Excessive waste of heat energy when transporting heated water through heating pipes with such a wiring is practically excluded.

The collector circuit of the boiler piping is most effective in terms of balancing the hydraulic resistance of individual circuits and controllability of heat flows (+)

Almost always, with collector wiring, the heating system has to be supplemented. Thanks to him, the difference in water temperatures at the inlet and outlet to the network is significantly reduced.

As a result, the controllability of heating the coolant and the efficiency of the entire system increase. The boiler has to burn less fuel, resulting in direct savings on fuel.

The beam (collector) version is the most economical to operate. However, due to the large length of pipelines, it is also the most expensive to implement.

To increase the efficiency of the heating system to the maximum, you can simply abandon the radiators, replacing them with pipes of the "warm floor"

Heat from conventional batteries first rises to the ceiling, and only then, due to convection, spreads throughout the room. As a result, the hottest air is under the ceiling. And so that your feet do not freeze on the floor in the cold outside the window, you have to open the radiators to the full. And this is, again, additional costs for heat generation.

The system is the most economical way of heating residential premises. In this case, the warmest air is concentrated at the bottom at the level of a person's legs. At the same time, heat consumption is reduced, and the most comfortable conditions for people are created in the room.

Method # 2: the most efficient boilers

The highest efficiency is for pyrolysis and condensing boilers. It is difficult to find more economical heating equipment in heating equipment stores. The first option uses wood as fuel, and the second uses gas. In terms of efficiency, they overtake all other analogues on any combustible coolant.

The pyrolysis boiler differs from a conventional wood-burning boiler by the presence of a second furnace and by the fact that, in fact, it is not wood as such that burns there, but the gas obtained as a result of pyrolysis.

At first, the logs smolder in it at a high temperature and limited air supply. And only then the gases already obtained as a result of this are burned in the main chamber with the release of heat.

Compared to a standard wood-burning counterpart, it has a higher efficiency (by 30–40%) and requires less attention to itself. The interval between loading firewood, depending on the capacity of the furnace, reaches 10-16 hours.

Savings here are formed due to the absolutely complete combustion of fuel and a minimum of heat output with combustion products into the chimney.

The gas condensing boiler is even more economical - it takes heat energy not only from the combusted methane, but also from the products of its combustion.

Taking into account the collection of additional heat, the final efficiency of such a boiler reaches 105–110%. This takes into account the energy of both the burnt gas and the resulting condensation of water vapor in the second chamber.

Method # 3: choosing a heat accumulator

Another fairly effective way to save on heating is to connect a heat accumulator to a solid fuel boiler. The latter first accumulates heat in itself, and then gradually releases it to the batteries.

At the same time, it is not necessary to forcibly limit the power of the heating medium heating equipment, simply throwing heat into the chimney pipe.

If electricity is supplied to the cottage at different rates day and night, then the heat accumulator can also be included in the system with an electric boiler. In this case, it will accumulate heat at night, when electricity is cheaper.

Renewable heat sources

With a detailed calculation of costs with heat pumps, wind turbines, solar collectors and batteries, the situation looks like this. They generate heat and electricity for a private house only at first glance for free. Of course, the sun and wind are not billed for heating, but such generating equipment is very expensive.

It is in Europe that renewable energy is subsidized in places from the state budget. Plus the price tag for fossil fuels they frankly bite. Therefore, there "green technologies" are economically viable and relatively efficient.

In Russia, the situation is radically different. Our state is not going to subsidize yet. And the prices for domestic firewood, coal and gas, in comparison with neighbors in the west, are not so high.

As a result, in terms of the aggregate of all costs, heat pumps, solar panels and wind turbines can hardly be called particularly economical in our country. They generally show their effectiveness only in remote areas, where it is difficult and expensive to import the burnt fuel.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

When choosing the most economical heating option for your cottage, you should take into account many factors and parameters, and the following selection of videos will definitely help you with this.

Which heating is better:

What fuel is the cheapest to heat a country house:

How much does gas and electric heating cost:

There is no universal option for the cheapest and most economical heating. For each specific house, it is necessary to calculate all the costs of fuel, equipment for heating the coolant and the arrangement of the heating system as a whole.

Often you have to build on the availability of this or that fuel, and only then select a boiler for it. Plus, you should definitely not forget about the high-quality insulation of the cottage and pipes to radiators.

Comfortable living conditions all year round cannot be ensured if you do not take care of heating your home. Home owners experiment with various systems, choosing equipment with optimal parameters, studying what goes into heating a country house, options and prices. Recently, electric heating is gaining popularity, the most economical, without a boiler.

The general availability of such a system is due to the widespread use of electricity grids and the popularity of differentiated electricity billing. The installed special electric meter will allow you to competently dispose of the available resource.

Variety of electrical systems

The most economical electric heating of a private house is selected based on the options for its operation, as well as the cost of materials and consumables.

Warm electric floors - price from 800 rubles / sq.m

You can lay such an economical heating of a private house yourself. This approach will significantly reduce the cost of the result. Heaters in this situation are materials such as electric mats, heating cables, and infrared heat emitters. Some of them can be installed even without pouring a concrete screed over the heater. If the installation is carried out at the stage of building a house, then this approach will significantly reduce the cost of installing heaters. By applying the settings, the optimal output parameters are set, which will increase the efficiency of the system and extend the service life of economical electric heating of a private house.

When installing electric underfloor heating (cable, mats or infrared), special attention must be paid to thermal insulation to prevent heat loss.

For heating mats and infrared heaters, foil-clad heat-reflecting insulation is used, for cable - with a metallized substrate. It is forbidden to use foil covers in the cable system, this leads to a short circuit.

Heating boilers - price from 27,000 rubles.

Do not write them off completely. They can be powered by electrical heating systems. With their help, you can use hot water supply, since many of the models work on a two-circuit principle. Economical heating of a private house with them can be achieved due to a high degree of reliability, increased productivity and efficiency. In addition, manufacturers take care of their cost-effectiveness. This indicator in some premium brands is already at an acceptable level. A preliminary calculation is made according to the power requirement. Thus, the required amount that will need to be spent on the boiler is determined. In addition, in the total cost of the piping - pipes, pump, etc.

Heat pumps - from € 1000

Determining by price which electric heating is the most economical without a boiler, you should pay attention to the use of heat pumps. They consume a small amount of electricity, and use air, water or soil for heat exchange (the option depends on the model of the device). Savings in comparison with gas appliances are up to 50%. Due to the operation of such a pump, it is possible to convert 1 kW of electrical energy into 3-4 kW of thermal energy.

VIDEO: Heat pump in the house

The process takes place thanks to heat exchange with the selected medium. Inside the pump there is a special refrigerant that takes heat up to the set temperature of -15 / -20 0 C. When the air in the room warms up to 25 0 C, such pumps can automatically switch to the air conditioner operating mode.

Today it is the most progressive and economical source of home heating, in which natural energy is converted into heat. At the same time, it is also the most expensive installation method. If we recalculate the cost of installation and piping and the capacity of the equipment, such an installation will be able to pay for itself only in 5-7 years. With that in mind. that in houses they usually live much longer, this method has the right to exist.

Electric convectors and radiators - from 2500 rubles.

These devices are positioned as economical heating of a private house. Their design is based on the principle of natural circulation of warm air flows. A special heater is mounted inside them, which ensures the operation of the device at a low outlet temperature. Its operation is regulated using a reliable electronic thermostat.

Used in most cases as an auxiliary or temporary device that is not able to compensate for the lack of heat in spacious houses

Infrared heating systems - from 2000 rubles.

Systems that use infrared heating continue to win over their fans. They also use electricity to operate them. The advantage of such systems is fast warm-up and relatively low power consumption. The principle of operation is identical to the sun's rays, when not the air is heated, but all solids located in the path of radiation. Thus, comfortable conditions in the room are created, and the air does not dry out. Such heaters work without a boiler and are capable of being in working order for a long time. The maximum temperature value is recorded at the closest distance from the IR heater. The further you move away from it, the cooler it gets.

The disadvantage of some models is the relatively high power of the devices.

Supporting procedures

Before you save on heating, you need to take care of additional measures to increase the temperature in the room. These include various methods of building insulation. It is never too late to carry out work, therefore, it is allowed to protect the house from the effects of negative external factors both at the construction stage and after using it for a long period. According to statistics, a house that is not insulated with high quality loses up to 70% of thermal energy. Just think about it, 70% of the heat goes outside, and in fact you pay for it and generally a lot of money.

Thermal insulation works are carried out with the following zones:

  • foundation;
  • walls from the inside and outside;
  • roof and attic area;
  • floors and ceilings;
  • door and window openings.

Reliable thermal insulation will significantly reduce the consumption of electricity used for heating, as well as ensure the durability of the structure. At the same time, it will be possible to increase the sound insulation of the premises. It is advisable to use in the work proven material of well-known brands, which guarantee performance for several decades.

The use of automation in process control, in addition to relieving the owner of the home from the constant presence next to heating systems, will make it possible to rationally manage resources during the day. The devices will be able to set the selected algorithm according to which it is planned to turn on / off the heating or maintain it at a given value.

High-quality instruments must record the temperature parameter with a high degree of accuracy.

Particularly relevant is the function, which ensures that a reduced temperature value is maintained, for example, at a level of +17 0 C. This allows you not to overheat the room, not to dry out the air and not to waste energy. Such a regime is set during working days, when there is no one in the house.

In heating options for a country house, where the price is not decisive, a special device is used - a programmer. Such a sensor with an automatic system ensures economical consumption. It maintains the set temperature value, timely switching between operating modes. In addition to hardware control, it supports manual dialing and resetting of parameters.

VIDEO: Another original way to heat a house without gas and electricity

Buildings in the private sector are the most problematic objects for heating. Since houses cool down a lot in winter, there is an urgent need for heating. It is worth noting that the main factor slowing down the process of resolving the issue is the cost of work. Work of this nature is very costly. Many villagers are looking for options for more economical heating of a private house. In our article, we will consider the acceptable existing options for economical heating, perhaps determining the most economical way to heat a house for you.

Building insulation

Remember, in order to spend less money on heating the room, it is important to take care that this heat does not escape through the walls. Simply put - before choosing an economy heating for a house, it is worth insulating it. The house can be insulated ready-made or at the stage of its construction. Thanks to good thermal insulation, you will start heating less often, and the system will maintain normal operation for long years. This will significantly reduce fuel consumption. Good house insulation - low heat loss and economical heating of a private house. When building a well-insulated house, it is important to make a foundation in compliance with all standards. Use insulating materials from the best manufacturers. For laying the base of the foundation, purchase building blocks, and insulate the facade with expanded polystyrene. Today expanded polystyrene is the only material with low thermal conductivity. It is the best material for insulating external walls of buildings.

Thermal insulation materials of good quality and at an affordable price will help you improve your home with minimal financial costs. For more reliability, consider an example. A well-insulated room consumes no less than 50% less energy. We compare an ordinary building with an insulated one. To heat the house before the insulation, you spent 100 kW, and after that, 50 kW will be enough for you.

The positive side of the insulated building is the fact that your heating system is less dependent on electricity.

What does it mean? This means only one thing, you will save money on reducing the consumption of electricity from which the heaters are powered, thereby your economical heating system at home will justify itself.

After high-quality insulation of the house, you can purchase any type of heating equipment. It will become possible for you to use solar panels, heat pumps or solid fuel boilers without gas.

Use of automatic heating means.

Such economical heating of a private house will significantly save the family budget. Remember, when using automation, you can increase the temperature by one degree. In terms of heat indicators of other fuels, you get 5% more heat.

Automation will save you from the rapid rise in prices for gas and other fuel resources.

Also, automatic economical heating systems of a private house can maintain the room temperature to a predetermined level. As you can see, it will not work all the time, but only as the room cools. This leads to the fact that the risk of overheating of the room is minimal.

Also, your presence is not needed to regulate the temperature of the given heat. Automation can constantly keep the air temperature in the room within 27 degrees. Automation allows you to heat the room up to 17 degrees Celsius. This function is relevant when you leave the premises for a long time, and it is necessary to maintain the climate.

Setting low temperatures will make it possible to maintain comfortable conditions in the house without overheating or cooling it.

The savings when using a system such as automatic economical heating at home are significant. It reaches rates of 30%. The cost of equipment and installation are acceptable for a family with an average budget. Also, all costs are paid off in a matter of months.

Maintain the temperature level at one specified degree

When installing equipment such as economical heating systems in a country house, in order to achieve savings in heating, the first step is to buy thermostatic heads and sensors for reading the temperature inside the room. They are mounted on heating elements. To install the temperature sensor, connect the pipes that will connect the sensors and the boiler.

This kind of work is best done during the construction phase of a house. If the house is already ready, we recommend paying attention to wireless sensors. You should understand that such sensors will cost more, but you save on labor costs if the equipment is hidden.

Maintaining low room temperatures

In this case, you cannot do without additional equipment. To do this, you need to buy a programmer and controlled sensors. Installation of the sensor is as simple as operating it. In order for it to work, you need to study the functions of several buttons. It is quite difficult to heat a country house without using a similar heating system. Such economical heating of a country house is acceptable and simply necessary for those who live in the house for a short time, and after leaving the house, you need to maintain a comfortable temperature.

It is enough to set the indicator at 17 degrees on the sensor, and the system will immediately start working in economical mode.

As soon as the need arises to warm up the room well again, set higher temperature readings on the sensor. As you can see, such an economical home heating system is a great option to warm up the house and not waste a lot of fuel.

It is capable of replacing an automatic sensor and allows you to reduce fuel consumption, thereby providing economical heating of the house. The device has earned many positive reviews from consumers. The programmer allows you to control yourself both automatically and manually.

You expose the indicators you are interested in, and they will be observed as long as they satisfy you. When using automatic mode, you can set the temperature change within a day. Before you come home for an hour, the programmer changes the indicators upwards and creates the conditions necessary for you.

Energy Saving Technologies

  • Condensing boilers. They have proven themselves well when installing energy-saving equipment. The efficiency of the condensing boiler reaches a maximum of 110%. Such a result can be obtained from such an economical heating system of a private house, made according to the type of long-term use at low temperatures.
  • Warm floor. An irreplaceable attribute for low-temperature heating. Underfloor heating and a condensing boiler work together to quickly and economically heat the room. In this case, warm air is distributed evenly and creates favorable conditions for human life.

What other devices are there for economical heating?

Many devices are known that allow, with good heating, to save consumers' finances. These are heat pumps, and economical heating of a house with electricity, and solar panels, and solid fuel boilers or a geothermal heating system. All these options are the most economical in comparison with gas heating.

But, it is worth noting that the cost of equipment and work on its installation is very high. Also consider the cost of spare parts for an economical heating system for a summer residence in case of necessary repairs. To reassure you, let's say that, despite the high cost, they will still pay off.

As you can see, there are many ways to economically heat a private house. To simplify the task, choose the most economical heating for yourself, and also use automatic energy-saving appliances.