Repairs Design Furniture

Dranco on the roof. How to make a wooden roof from dranco on old Siberian technologies. Recommendations for the manufacture and laying of the roof from dranco with visual photos. Roof duch

Environmentally friendly today is becoming increasingly popular. Many owners of country plots cover the roofs of their homes, for example, some of the hosts of residential low-rise buildings are used to clamp their roofs and is at all exotic for our time material - dranco. At the roof, such spaces are stacked by a certain technology, which, of course, cannot be disturbed.

What is a shingle

They call the duncan (truncation) wooden planks, having a thickness of about 3-8 mm and a length of 35-50 cm. Made the shingle from ordinary log. This material is pre-seized on the scrabble of about the same size. Further, the last break actually on durank. Thus, the width of each plate is obtained approximately equal to the width of the chumbach.

Put the gear on the roof approximately the same technology as any other piece material. In the old days, the wooden roof of duranka was intended usually by connecting elements on the principle of spike / groove. Today, galvanized nails are used for the installation of such roofs.

Features of the selection of material

Effective attic protection and long service life is definitely what the roof is different covered with duncan. In the photo presented on the page, you can see how reliable such a roof looks.

However, in order for the roof of this type to be durable, for her, of course, you need to choose good stuff. Dranco wood should only use the highest quality. From the middle of the Churbaks, for example, the table is not allowed to make. It is also not suitable for duncut wood with knots, signs of rot or cracks.

In antiquity, the shingles were made mainly of oak or larch. Today, this material is also used quite often. The popularity of duranki from such wood is explained by its excellent performance and a very long service life. However, there are oak and larch in our time, unfortunately, quite expensive. Therefore, in most cases for the manufacture of a shingle owners country houses Still use cheaper pine. Dranco from this material also turns out quite reliable and durable. But it is less than that of oak or made of larch.

In addition, the owners of the country houses are very popular with Osin's duncan. This material, like oak, is also distinguished by durability.

Varieties of wooden tile

Used for the manufacture of roofs can tailor:




Wooden tile complex form Usually called gentlemen. Seams can also be used for roofing. This material is a simplified version of the wooden tile - rectangular plank length up to 1 m.

Sometimes roofing and lemeh are used to cover the roofs. The first variety of material in appearance resembles a tile. Lemeh can have a different form and is a real work of art. It is this kind of wooden tiles before the roofs of the termen rich princes were covered, as well as churches. It was actually very beautiful roofs From dunca. In the photo below, you can see such a spectacular dome.

How to make dranke and how much it costs

Get the shingle in our time usually already in finished video. In enterprises, this material is manufactured using special machines.

Stop drank on the roof today is considered pretty prestigious. Accordingly, there is such a material, in comparison with many modern, quite expensive. In order to buy a square meter of such a cladding, the owner of the house will have to spend about 600-700 rubles. The duncar on the roof is stacked in most cases in 3-5 layers. That is, the actual square meter of such a cladding will cost 1800-3500 rubles.

Is it possible to do yourself

The price for the finished duch is quite high. Therefore, many country house owners would like to know whether it is possible to make this material on their own. Of course, you can make a shingle with your own hands. After all, it was thus it was made and initially in the old days.

The cutting technology of drank looks like as follows:

    log in a 40-45 cm long scrolls;

    chocks are cut on the plank of the necessary sizes;

    drain drank in the sun.

It's believed that better time For the manufacture of a shingle with their own hands is spring. Drank drank in the shade can not. Otherwise, it can be understood. So that the roof of the dunca in the following looting more aesthetic, the masters advise to shoot with each faceday chamfer on both sides at an angle of 45 degrees (in one direction).

What tools will be needed for cladding

To coat the roof drank, you should cook:

    Galvanized nails or self-tapping screws in large quantities.

  • Guide board.

Preparation of roof

Like any other protective material, drank on the roof on the crate. As the latter, the timing is usually used by a cross section of 50 x 50 or 60 x 60 cm. Install the crate in a step of 1/3 of the length of the wooden tile.

It is believed that waterproof the roofs of the drank are optional. Anyway traditional technology Installation of this material use of the rubberoid or film, of course, does not imply. However, many experienced builders waterproofing the roofs of this type advise still to do. But this procedure is performed in most cases in the usual wayhow to use modern materialsAnd directly at the roof of the roofing of the roof.

How to determine the required number of layers

The tree - material is environmentally friendly, but, unfortunately, still in some extent, moisture-permeable. Dranco itself has a minor thickness. Therefore, for a more reliable protection of the inner space of the house, shingles and laid on the roof in several layers. The number of latter is determined by the angle of inclination of the roofing of the roof:

    up to 45 degrees - in 3-5 layers;

    more than 45 degrees - in 2-3 layers.

Roofs with an angle of inclination of the slopes of less than 14 degrees wash with duncut is not recommended.

Styling technology without waterproofing

In this case, collect the roof from the dunca with their own hands from the cornice, gradually moving towards the skate. Masonry accumulates with the help of a guide board. In the first row, which is often done double, you should arrange from the dunca of Svez.

Put the boards in the row usually just next to each other. Each element is nailed in two nails in the middle of the length. At the same time, the fasteners are located at a distance of at least 2 cm from the edge of each plate. The backstage is made on the guide board, in accordance with its width (usually, leaving 15 cm below). But in any case, each subsequent row must overlap the nails of the previous one. Also when calculating a step should take into account the length of the shingle and the width of the skate. Otherwise, in the last row it will have to be trimmed with a circulation saw.

Tightly to each other to lay a plank with a roof covering. Between them should be left a small gap. Otherwise, when swelling during the rain, the plank may later be swore. After the end of the laying of the first layer, duranka usually you can always endure the saw of the edge of the resulting coating from the frontal. When laying each subsequent layer, it is necessary to overlap the gaps of the previous one.

How to cover the roof with a duch with a waterproofer

For additional protection of the roof in this case commonly used rolled materials. The waterproofer is pre-cut into a strip of a width equal to the length of the ski. Work when cladding the roof with waterproofing is made in the usual manner. However, in this case, after packing, each row is covered by the runner rod.

Rules of the chimney device on the roof of drank

The benefits of the roof from duranka have many. Such a coating is able to maintain the optimal temperature mode On the attic, it looks very aesthetically and can serve for many years. However, there is roofs from duncas and some disadvantages. The main disadvantage of such coatings is low fire resistance.

Mount the duranka to the roof in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney follows the compliance of fire safety. Staying the plank close to the pipe is not allowed. Between chimney and cladding must be left clearances. The latter are further closed with a tiny apron with an overlap. In the case of the use of a thick duncar, this element is mounted before laying of powder.

What is worth knowing about

With dranco, among other things, such rules should be followed:

    first I. last rows on the skate should be laid out of low-length powder having a smaller length than the main material;

    the tin edge of the front alone and eaves, when using a lining room, it is not recommended.

On the lip of the roof, decorated with dunca, the overave is often stacked. Represents it a log on the entire length of the roof with longitudinal groove, under which the ends of the top row skid are.

Dranca is an environmentally friendly inexpensive and durable roofing material. In addition, it is capable of transforming a residential building, make it more attractive. The feature of the drank is that it can be made independently, although it is quite difficult to pretend, and the cost does not please.

What is duncan for roofing

Dranca is a wooden plate. This is usually aspen, cedar or oak. To cover the roof, a dunca of coniferous trees, such as spruce and pines, can be used. Resins that are necessarily present in such wood, warn the reproduction of bacteria and fungus, which allows them to be a natural antiseptic.

Duranka gives home the originality

Feature material

Feature wood coating The fact that it breathes freely. This is due to periodic swelling due to wetting and drying. The technical characteristics of the drank depend on the wood, which is used for the manufacture of plates.

You can make duch and yourself

Table: Technical characteristics of wood of different breeds

MaterialDensity, kg / m 3A typeSepher,%Resinity
Aspen495 Sheet2,6 Not
Larch660 Sheet0,3 Not
Cedar370 Coniferous1,2 Yes
Pine513 Coniferous0,4 Yes
Oak720 Decorative0,4 Not
Beech680 Decorative0,3 Not

Advantages and disadvantages

Dranca has plenty of advantage. Among the main allocate:

  • resistance to temperature drops and high humidity;
  • environmental safety - except that only duncas are used natural materials, in the process of manufacturing plates, various chemicals are also not used;
  • there is no need for additional processing, in particular, the roof of the duranka does not need to be painted;
  • resistance to rotting due to the presence of resins and tanning substances;
  • noise insulating and waterproofing properties, which makes it possible to significantly save money during the arrangement of roofing pie (in this case it consists only of the root and rafter system);
  • long service life;
  • aesthetic appearance.

During the decision to cover the roof cover, you need to remember about the shortcomings of this roofing material:

  • high price;
  • mounting complexity - for self-laying You need to possess special skills.

Dranca does not need special impregnation

How to do drank for roof with your own hands

You can make duch and do it yourself. For the manufacture of roofing material, trunks are selected only in perfect condition. On wood there should be no cracks, bitch. The diameter of the trunk is not important. The main thing is that the length of it was about 40-45 cm. The core of the trunk for the manufacture of duch is not used, since this part of the tree is strongly susceptible to cracking. The bark is also usually removed.

You can harvest the duch material at any time of the year, except for winter.

Exists different tool For making dranco

After preparing wood chocks by hand. The thickness of the plates is 3-8 mm, the width is about 8-18 cm.

You can make duch and mechanical methodBut such a material will be characterized by a small service life. This method implies the initial cutting of the tree trunks on a chocks with a length of 80 cm, after which the process of making drank occurs in the following order:

  1. From chocks you need to carve a bar of the same length and similar sections.
  2. Now the bar can be dissolved on the plates using a special machine for this.

Choosing this method Dranco receipt should be borne in mind that the wood structure changes slightly, due to which the service life decreases.

For the manufacture of drank, you can use the machine according to old drawings. To make such a device, you need to take a log in diameter 12-16 cm and a length of 3 cm. 20 cm from the cut to make a hole in 3 mm, where to insert a metal pivot, which will fix the log in a wooden plate. At a distance of 1 m from the hole, you must install a knife bracket at an angle, it will cut the plates from the log.

Video: Manufacture of duncan with a mechanized manner

Dranco Roof Device

The feature of the roof of duranka is that the arrangement of roofing pie is not required, in particular, the laying of waterproofing material is not always needed. Ruberoid can be used as a preventive measure, but this layer may interfere with the free movement of air in the underfloor space, which will lead to a waterproof.

The arrangement of waterproofing under duncan is optional, but preferably

Special attention should be paid to the doom. It can be solid and rarefied. In the second case, it is possible to choose a timber with a cross section of 5x5 cm. The pitch of the root depends on the size of the drank, it is advisable to make it no more than 10 cm. To everyone horizontal bruus You need to attach one row of drank.

In general, roofing cake under duncar looks like this:

  • vaporizolation - it serves to protect not so much drank, how many landing system from moisture from the dwelling;
  • waterproofing - optional layer;
  • doom;
  • directly duch, laid in several layers.

Dranca stacked in several layers

Tools and materials

Special nails use special nails for fixing the duncar plates. Their length ranges from 4 to 6 cm. Previously need to be sure to peel in the olife, which will prevent the rusting process due to moisture. As for the tool, a specific list is needed to work with the race:

Video: Mahalov for duncas

Drawings and laying schemes

As such drawings, before laying a drank on the roof is not necessary. The preparatory stage implies the definition of the angle of the slope and need quantity layers of material.

The laying scheme is used, in which each subsequent layer overlaps the previous one, while the number of layers on the eaves should be one more than on the rest of the roof surface. This will significantly increase the service life of the roof from duncar and protects the ease of the water from the water rugs.

How to lay a duch on the roof

The minimum level of inclination of the roof under duncar must be 15 degrees. You need to label the material, and it can be both horizontal and vertical. The magnitude of the flask is selected in accordance with the number of dranco layers:

  • 2 layers - the magnitude of the flaw is equal to half the length of the plate;
  • 3 layers - ⅔ plate lengths;
  • 4 layers - ¾ plate lengths;
  • 5 layers - ⅘ Length of the plate.

These values \u200b\u200bare relevant for each subsequent layer.

The process of installing roofing is as follows:

Video: Montage drank on the roof with his own hands

Montage errors

With independent coverage of the roof of drank, some errors are possible, especially if there were no such experience before:

  • the big step of the root - for duncas is better equipped with a solid fit or with a small step, not more than 10 cm;
  • insufficient failure - due to this moisture will penetrate into the underpants space;
  • incorrect processing of plates, in particular, before the split, the bark and core was cut;
  • the absence of additional layers on the eaves and in the fields of endands, which can cause leakage.

Operating Rules

Dranca is a roofing material that does not require much care:

  • during the first year of exploitation, every month conduct an audit inspection for timely elimination of installation errors;
  • in time to perform repair workwhich in most cases consist in replacing damaged plates.

Life time

Dranca is characterized by long-term operation. The magnitude of this parameter can reach 50-60 years and more. Lifetime in most cases depends on the correctness of the workpiece:

  • making blanks for duncas need only in the period from spring to autumn;
  • before splitting wood, be sure to remove the bark and core (the bark is susceptible to rotten, and the core is cracking).

Roof repair from duch

One of the problems facing the owners of houses with duncan is the darkening of the roofing material. It is very easy to solve this problem. It is enough to wash the surface of the roof of water with a whitening agent.

The replaceable dranco plate must be a bit less space for her

After 8-10 years of duch operation, the plates may be required as roofing material. This necessity is associated with periodic moisure of material and its drying. Replacing the plates occurs in the following order:

  1. Delete a damaged area. To do this, under the plate, which is located over the spoiled, you need to drive the wedge and lift slightly.
  2. The damaged plate split the chisel and remove.
  3. Hats from nails trimmed with hacksaw.
  4. Now you can mount a new plate. If the plate is not installed on the existing space as it is necessary, it is recommended to trim from a thin end. To accommodate the replaceable item in place you need to tap. Sit the durank to the makeup necessarily nails fought in the olife.
  5. On nails hats, it is necessary to cause roofing glue.

In the event that there is no one plate to be replaced, but several rows, then you need to start from the bottom, with the laying not close, but with a small gap. To do this, the new dust of the duch must be 12-13 mm already replaced.

How to make a duncar with your own hands in the workshop in the garage or on panstone? How the machine is arranged for making drank in industrial scale? How difficult to put this material correctly? Let's try to answer these questions.

Covered aspen roof duch.

What it is

To begin with, let's introduce those readers who are unfamiliar with the material discussed and with its key features.


Dranca is the brine, used as a roof covering. Raw materials for them serves aspen and wood coniferous breeds - larch, cedar and pine.

Key feature: duranka, like other natural roofing materials. Differentially from her form and order of laying - shingle, lemhech, Schindel - are made by longitudinal brightness of the workpiece. The sawmill will break the structure of the fibers and make the material excessively hygroscopic, which will definitely affect its service life.

Key features

  • All kinds of wooden roofs can be used without additional waterproofing on roofs with a slope of 12-15 degrees;
  • With a smaller slope, the waterproofing material must be separated from the roof with a controllattice that ensures the ventilation of its back side;

Good ventilation is the main condition for the long roof service.

  • Total layers in wooden roof can reach eight, which makes it creating very laborious;
  • The maximum duch thickness does not exceed 1 centimeter. The minimum thickness is at all is 3 mm;
  • The typical dimensions of this roofing material are 400x150 mm. Formal requirements for size, however, does not exist: it is determined by the dimensions of the chocks, from which the dunca is soles;
  • Chock requires a drop: the presence of a loose bark will lead to a rapid reinforcement of roofing material. For the same reason, a soft core is cut out of the wooden blank before making a drank or at the stage of sorting of powder;
  • Most resistant to unfavorable atmospheric conditions And durable duranka from larch: its wood is practically not rotting and does not absorb water. However, much more soft aspen dranco, despite hygroscopicity, also boasts a long service life: periodic changes in the level of humidity and linear dimensions The roof element does not harm the material structure.

Despite the hygroscopicity, the aspen does not rot.


The lifetime of the wooden roof of duch is, as a rule, no more than ten years. The exact value is largely determined by the skill of the master to choose the optimal structure of the wood and the direction of fibers; As a result, even the direction of annual rings affects. The laying procedure has a lot of complexity and a significant percentage of material rejection.

For comparison - overlap the roof on the finished crate of metal tile at a reasonable area of \u200b\u200bthe house, two people can be in one day. Life time metal roof Polymer coating will be at least 30 years old.



Dranco production with their own hands for a small barn or chicken coop does not require procurement or manufacture of any equipment: all the work is performed by a direct manual row - a knife with a knob from two sides of the blade.

Direct stroke.

The quality of the roof material thus obtained is the strongest influence of the structure of raw materials. What should it be?

For the manufacture of drank using a stamp, only reliable fixation of the bold chocks in a horizontal position is required. The layers of wood are removed from it with the movement of a pitch in the direction from the far edge to oneself; The core is removed by the same stroke of ready-made powder.


Traditional equipment for the production of dranco is a simple manual machine-wax. It is a moving stripped long lever with a knife, adjusted to the necessary thick wood, and focusing for fixing chocks.

Curious: massive logs are traditionally used as a lever and the beds. The mass of the bed makes Mahali farming without filling a stationary foundation; The mass of the lever and the inertia associated with it allows you to overcome the resistance of the fibers at the beginning of the rock.

Mahalov is a simple device for the handicraft manufacturer of small dranco volumes.


The industrial machine for duch production is a variety of horizontal guillotine: the return-translational movement of the knife is combined with manual or mechanical clamping. The machine performance is up to 40 skulls per minute and is determined by the boot speed of chocks. The core is pre-cut from the workpiece.

As an example, we present the characteristics of the SHS-1500 machine produced by the Italian company Biffol.

Exterior view of the machine.

The duch machine allows manual adjustment of its thickness in the range of 8-40 millimeters.


Instructions for laying roofing material is identical for other types of wooden roofing.

  • The board is laid down up with overlap of adjacent rows at least two thirds of length. Laying is performed at least three layers;

In the photo - three-layer laying.

  • The maximum shade of the crate should be not more than 10 cm. Often, dunca is laid on a solid boardy panel according to the counterclaim;
  • As already mentioned, the ventilation of the back side is obligatory;
  • The board of the lower layers is attached to the grade galvanized nails at the rate of one nail to the board. The duncar of the top layer is fastened with two nails;
  • So that the nails do not pour the board, the holes slightly smaller with a smaller diameter are often killed. Alternatively, the nails may be bought tips: a stupid nail does not split fibers, and sminets them;
  • In the endows (angles between adjacent ropes), an additional layer of duncar is stacked. Often, it is additionally paired by a layer of waterproofing material - bitumen or polyethylene.

Stacking scheme in Undova.


We will consider our acquaintance with ancient and so exotic in our time the type of roofing material. As always, additional thematic information to the reader will offer the video in this article. We will be happy to see your clarifications and additions in the comments. Successes!

From Circular

Machine for duncake with your own hands

Earlier, such construction material like duranka, manufactured mainly manual wayAnd used for this tool such as waved and the segust.

Today, when almost any production process is automated, special woodworking machines are used for making drank.

It is understandable, because the manufacture of drank at home, and even manually, the occupation is long and tedious. Nevertheless, it is possible to significantly simplify the manufacture of duranka for plaster with your own hands, if you adapt for these purposes a conventional circular saw.

Machine for duncake with your own hands

At this time, you do not have a problem for today, the problem is the price that is very high, on such woodworking equipment.

For this reason, many homemade craftsmen who do not need massive durank production, but only its small quantity is needed, for example for plaster wooden wallThe preference to the homemade duke machine is preferred.

Machine for duncakes do it yourself metal box, inside which in one row are located at a certain distance from each other discs for cutting wood. Material for sawing is supplied to the box on top, and a duncan is obtained from the bottom.

How to make a crusted duch at home

Koltaya duncar, unlike drank saw homemade machine, significantly different in its manufacturing technology. In order to prick a duncar at home, a column or a piece of springs from an old car is needed.

In this case, before making drank at home, wood is first soaked. You can use for this pine, so and fir, oxin or cedar. The basic requirement is that the material is without bitch. Otherwise, split it exactly to the required thickness will not work.

The dimensions of the roofing duncar, as a rule, do not exceed 0.5 cm in thickness and 5 cm in width. In this case, the length of the roof duch can be different. The thickness of the plaster duncar should not exceed 7 mm, and its length is on average, about 1 meter varies.

For the manufacture of duch, with your own hands, this power tools received the greatest application as a circular saw. And as the main raw material for the sawn duncar, is mainly used. edged board "Sortiece" or a thickness of 25 millimeters thick.

In this case, the cutting material is reliably fixed on the surface of the table by means of clamps. As needed, clamps move in the side, after which the new duncar party is cut with a circular.

In former times it was pretty hard to find a more relevant material for the roof than roofing aspen dranco. In the southern regions of the country houses were covered with straw and cane, but an urgent dranke was spread in the northern and central. The aspen grows, and grew earlier everywhere, and competently harvested and mounted on the roof duranka for many decades reliably defended the roof of the houses of peasants, and wooden churches. At this time, the roof of the duranka is elite, as well as reed, straw and shale, and from natural tile. Masters who know about the installation of the roof of duranki and who were able to preserve the long-standing traditions, there is not much, and their work is quite expensive.

roofing from dranco

Dranca is thin plates of wood that have an average thickness of 3 to 8 millimeters, and a width of 80 to 160 millimeters, as well as a length of 350 to 450 millimeters. For its production, not only such a tree like aspen, but also larch, spruce and pine. You can use for this trees with a small diameter, the main thing is that the trunks themselves are even so that of them it is easy to drink lamps with a length of 40 to 45 centimeters, and without bitch. Chocks will go to the production of duch, of which the core is cut, since it is most of all cracking. To remove the core, each is fully splitting first in half or on a quarter and cut down the core, and the remaining parts split into thin plates, which are called duch. You can produce duch blanks in summer, spring and autumn. The bark from the lanes before work is removed necessarily, otherwise the roof of durank will begin very quickly.

industrial way Dranco production

There is a method I. industrial production Dranco, when the log is initially sheds on the lamps only double-length, then the timber is made, which is equal to the width of the duncar, and after that the timber is blossoming. Since the length of a similar duch is equal to an average of 80 centimeters, it is possible to apply it on the roofs with a large area. For standard roofs Dranca with a large length does not apply, it is sawing, before using ingot. The sawn duranka will last a smaller period of time, compared with the kolota, because it is not blocked by naturally, which retains its fibers, and it cuts. Thus, in its structure, integrity is not stored, so if you wish to make a duncan personally, it is worth using a long-time splitting method. To do this, the lamps are needed by a specialized method with a knife with two handles, but this is a rather long lesson, to the roof with a large dunca area like a similar method will be long. So it is possible to apply simple for the manufacture of dunca the machine, which in the old days called "Mahalov".

duch's trample

  1. You need to take a log, which has a length from 3 to 4 meters and the diameter from 120 to 160 millimeters. From the end, reflect 20 centimeters and we drill a hole in which the diameter should be 3 millimeters.
  2. In the hole you need to insert a hundred metal, it should move freely in it, the squastle must have such a length that would allow to fix the log in a wooden plate before proceeding to work.
  3. At a distance of one meter from the end, where the hole for the pivot is drilled, fix the knife bracket along the log, which has a length of 60 centimeters. The knife should be located under the angle that will allow you to remove the duch necessary thickness.
  4. In the opposite end, it should be kept with a handle, it must have a length of 40 centimeters. With this handle, the log can be moved during operation.

Floa from the tree, where the knews are driven, there should be such a length and widths so that it is convenient to lay the lamps under duncar, and "waiting" during the work process did not come across the place. In the event that the tree from which you are going to do drank, dried, then it is necessary for a day to soak or reveal for half an hour in the iron barrel in boiling water. The second option is used for coniferous trees. But not at all times the workpiece was carried out by a similar long-time method, for example, in 1939, in the USSR, the inventor Glazunov was given a patent for the machine for the production of duncas industrial method.

If you have a roof from a tree, but you don't want to do it yourself, then you can contact the company that I know how to produce durank, and will make it quickly and professionally. You can also make an order and on installation, and at the same time get a guarantee for the material and on the work done. If you cannot afford it, then the next section for you.

installation of duranki.

The inclination of the roof for laying duncas should be equal to no less than 15 degrees. The crate can be equipped with a solid or increasing no more than 10 centimeters. Since wooden planks have a small mass, then for the crate you can use bars 5 per 5 centimeters or acresses that have a diameter of 6-7 centimeters. The dranco on the roof can be laid from two to five layers. When laying in two layers, each next plate should close the previous half, on three rows 2/3, and if the laying is carried out in four rows, on 3/4, the capture should be on five rows. Two-layer type coating are used for non-residential premisesBut the other options are suitable for residential buildings. There are two mutually exclusive opinions about the arrangement of the waterproofing layer. The first opinion: waterproofing, i.e. ruberoid, can be placed directly on the crate, the second opinion: waterproofing can not be done at all. If you adhere to the traditions of the ancient masters, then in fact the waterproofing is not needed and a solid suit, as well as the natural building material should breathe in order to properly perform its task. A solid doomle and waterproofing interfere with this, and the roof will simply begin to rot. Stop duranka follows from the sink of the cornice to the skate. Since the roofs are the most vulnerable places, it is necessary to carry additional boards there, which have a width of 35 to 40 centimeters, and even on the descents, the number of lanes should be done on the entire roof. Mustocks are attached with special dranched nails, they have a length of 4 to 6 centimeters, before starting work, they need to be rejected in the olife.

The manufacture of duranki with the help of splitting forms the plate so that if the plate bend a bit, then the fibers will rise and "scones" will be formed. The lower first row should be laid so that such "scaps" were from the outside, and the remaining rows on the roof so that the "scaps" were from the inside. The most difficult thing is to lay the plates in the endows, here you need additional layers of drank and the arrangement of auxiliary slats on the crate.

material simulating dranco

Companies that are engaged in the production of materials for the roof offer a wide variety of dranco simulation options. For example, roofing drank from copper, what does it represent from themselves? In reality, this material even from afar is not similar to the plates of wood. Copper plates have different forms And sizes, it can be rhombus, squares and others. Copper has a thickness of less than a millimeter. Also, the plates are equipped with special "ears", for which they need to be attached to the crate. The cost of this material can be compared with the cost of plates from wood, which were made manually. Foreign manufacturers of bitumen types are offered for buying a collection taken under duncan. But, in addition, there is a polymer imitation of dranco, it is made of PVC, mineral additives, resins, according to external data, it completely repeats the color, shape and size of wood plates. This construction roofing material is produced in three colors: gray heated, new and brown cedar. This material for the roof combined the external data of the ancient coating and modern technological processes Production chemical industry. In addition to simulating a duranka for a roof, you can also find the ground siding duch, which is also made from PVC and use such a material in order to sneak the lower parts of the walls of the houses.

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Dranca for roofs do it yourself

The roof of dranco is durable, durable and unusually beautiful. Certificate of this - the structure of our ancestors, preserved to the present day.

The once considered easy in the installation and a cheap roof covered with a tree, currently became luxury. The material is absolutely environmentally friendly, so expensive and difficult in laying. And the masters knowing how to make duncas do it yourself correctly at long-standing traditions, there are few. However, the price justifies the attachment, since it is properly covered with a roof will serve not one dozen years.

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Methods of making dranco

Dranca is plates from aspen, cedar or oak used to install the roofing and plating facades. Dranco for roofs can be made from low-cost coniferous species of trees, like spruce and pine. Resin in the trees prevents the occurrence of bacteria and fungi because it is good antiseptic. Also, plates made of coniferous rocks can withstand different temperatures.

Choose wood with smooth trunks without bitch and cracks. In the diameter, the trunk may not be larger, the main thing is that after cutting the length of the fucking was 40-45 cm. The core of the tree should be cut, because it is susceptible to cracking. So that the roof lasts longer, the bark, prone to rapid rotting, is also removed from the Churbaks.

Made duncan and mechanical way. The logs are cut into a scrabble with a length of about 80 cm, of which the timber is made of the same width as duncas, and blossoms on the plates. It is convenient to cover the roof of the roof of a large prayer, for a smaller - saw.

Splitting bar on plates

The disadvantage of the sawn duch is a smaller service life. The fact is that wood when sawing does not preserve the fibrous structure, as it happens when the result is a crushing method, where the tree is split naturally. Thus, the cut influences the structure of its integrity.

To extend the life of the drank, as well as the preservation of its initial species use special impregnations for wood.

More relatively recently, duranka was used almost everywhere, when performing construction and repair in the house. For today, it is successfully replaced by many modern building materials.

But, nevertheless, still you may need to know how duch is done with your own hands, from which material it is preferable to do and where to use.

Dranca do it yourself

For the manufacture of duncas, they are mainly used coniferous breeds Woods like: spruce and pine. Much less often draw ducts from Cedar and Osin.

Depending on the manufacturer, duch can be:

  • Kolota;
  • Sawn;
  • Mosaic.

Dranca is made manually or by means of a special machine, which greatly facilitates the entire process of its manufacture. It is necessary to protect the duranka from damage during operation and to increase its fire safety, when it is manufactured.

Dranca do it yourself from pine or ate, is manufactured as follows:

- It is originally produced wood blank, it is desirable that it was without bitch. For this log, the logs without bark are cut into a scrabble, 40 centimeters long.

- Next, it is necessary to lay the chumbas in a large metal boiler and reveal them for half an hour. At home, it allows you to give the material of greater strength and resistance to the development of fungi and mold.

- Then, for the manufacture of duncas, you will need such a tool as a column, which the duch is thick with a thickness of no more than 1 centimeter.

- Slipped duch, since it is still wet, it is necessary to dry before use. For this, duranka is placed in small stacks and dry in this position a few days, or even more with a not too high temperature.

It should be known that in the manufacture of duncas, you can do without cooking wood. But it is recommended before making drank in this way, paint the ends of the prepared paint material and put it on drying in a closed room.

When the duch is ready for their own hands, it can be used for roof. Previously before installation, the duranka is assembled by a solid drying coating from the frontieroid or other waterproofing material.

Further, a duch of the joint is laid out on the roof thus prepared in the junction or the same in each other. You need to nail the dranco to the roof with special dranched nails, and the duch installation with your own hands is made from below.

Everything large quantity People want to live in homes from natural materials.

Return to them is explained not only by fashion and their harmlessness: The natural organic guide seems to be specifically adjusted to the vital activity of its owners.

After its wear, it is disposed of, not polluting nature and without disturbing its balance during operation, nor after.

Among the "pop-ups" from the forgotten building materials, a wooden dranke took a worthy place, as well as others, it would seem already forgotten due to labor-intensive installation and quite greater cost.

Meanwhile, it is drank that can cover the roof rather economically. This is not so complicated as it may seem. However, the potential roofer will have to be stocking not only by the effort and diligence, but also to remember a number of forgotten rules.

In an option with the tail, tipped sheets and fixed to the crate, and fasten with each other by the "Schip-V-Grocery" method.

If the unpleasant material is used, that is, rectangular and trapezoids in a cut part, their connection to each other and the mount directly to the crate is made by means of nails or self-tapping screws. Such fasteners permeates through a pair of plates (without a tongue), and two centimeters enters the reshetin.

Important remark! The material sawn is very significantly inferior to the cooler for technical and operational qualities. The fact is that when sawing, the natural structure of the wood fiber is broken, and it is no longer so valiative opposed by various negative impacts from outside.

Ships and drank

Chips and duncas - a simplified and lightweight variety of shingles. Between themselves they differ in thickness and sizes. In Roofing Drain, the length indicators range from 40 to 100 cm, the chips are smaller. And the chip and duch can be made independently: by ringing chocks on separate suites of different formats. You need to dry for such chocks, and it should have impressive sizes, otherwise there will be many unfasteless doctors.

If you make them out of wet wood, then during drying, individual elements can crack. If a soft core of a log is going to work, called Oolona, \u200b\u200bthen the plank will not serve for a long time. There should be no defects, knuckles and cracks on separate parts of the roofing drady. It is best for this aulh or aspen, but you can use soft breeds of coniferous trees.

Separate tile elements are not mounted tight, leaving a free space to increase in size during wetting, so that the planks restless to each other are not exhausted. Making Syndel, carpenter takes into account the nature of the arrangement of the annual rings of the tree. Otherwise, with moisturizing and subsequent drying.


This is a special wooden roofing coating that has become truly legendary. This burst splendor on Russia has been decorated with a boyars and wooden churches. Each individual element of the leverage coating is a real artistic product. They are made manually and necessarily from the aspen.

Moreover, wood should be harvested at a certain period - when the maximum amount of juice circulates by fibers. It happens in the spring, at the very end. Each individual element is similar to a neat shovel with edging, and the material for it needs to be selected particularly carefully. It is expensive roofing, is manufactured in specialized artels for rare or valuable architectural forms.


Told is simple coniferous boardsthat make up the roof along or across the cornice line. The last option is more practical, as it is exploited longer. In the center of the board installed across the boards make a special gutter for outflow of water. From Tesa is made in disperse, in two layers, with a gap between them or without it.

Fix one nail. The boards of the lower layer are placed down, the upper boards are first sharp, then put the core outward. If the laying direction goes along the cornese line, first fix the trim board, which will be required as the stop for the first row itself. Each subsequent row should have a total of at least 5 cm on the previous one.

Making scrap or dunca does not require special experience and high qualifications. Such work is completely under the power even inexperienced master. Although material having natural humidity, It is not necessary to process it. It is necessary to fold all the logs into a neat stack for drying.

The whole logs matures until readiness for about three years.. This period can be reduced if you cut it in advance to 40 cm chocks. Then after 6-9 months you can start making drasia. Solid, well dried wood is quite difficult to prick. But for the sake of high-quality and wear-resistant roofing material worth work.

Calculation of sawn timber and estimates for a wooden roof

Of course, it is necessary to take care in advance that so thoroughly preparing for laying material was enough for the planned area of \u200b\u200bthe roof of the tree. It is advisable to calculate the required number of logs in advance. For such calculations, special tables have been developed that can be used.

With their help, it is easy to calculate the amount of associates required for laying into a given number of rows with a known slope. The material is worth taking with a reserve at least five percent. Suddenly unsuccessful attempts have a certain amount of material be spoiled?

The home roofer also focuses on the steepness, size and area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. But first of all, they find out how many plates will be required for one square meter of coating.

A thick log in four meters long, cooked for duncar, is divided on average for ten chocks. Of each of them, there are three or four fifteenisantimeters.

Accurate calibration is not needed here. For one meter, the roof along the longitudinal line is stacked approximately seven plates. From the number of alleged coating layers, further calculations are made. For example, with three-layer laying used in the construction of housing, only a third of the element is provided on the day surface.

Over the verandas, baths and arbors, the tile of wood is more likely to fill in two layers. That is, the number of harvested plates doubles, as a result we get them fourteen. With the overlapping of each previous row of ten centimeters, in the case of two-layer laying, about thirty cm will be seen from under the next row.

It turns out about three rows vertically. If rounded and multiplies the data obtained, it will turn out about 42 pieces. It is better to round up to 50: in any case, the residue will not disappear. The shned be finished the facade, the fronton, make an inner cladding out of it.

Important remark! Roofing with tiles may have a rational steepness from 55 to 71 degrees. Emplifier indicators Experienced roofers consider the main determinants for the operation of such a coating. The critical limit is the slope slope with an angle of 14-18 degrees. Than the slot cooler, the more material for it will be required.

Roof Dranco: Styling Technology

The roof made of wooden material is considered an element of medium severity.

Roofing drank has a mass of up to 17 kilograms. It does not need to arrange a powerful rafal system. But the shadow step must correspond to the step of fixing individual elements. Qualified specialists recommend to make a cable without gaps, solid filling.

In the case that we understand now, with a two-layer montage of the shingle, individual decishes should be located at a distance of thirty, see. When arranging the finished roof in three layers to calculate one step of the crate value separate element It is necessary to divide by three, and roundate the resulting number in a smaller side.

Special galvanized self-drawing for working with wood fixed and fix the plates. You can use special groove or screw nails for this. The mount should be not closer to two centimeters to the edge, in the upper corners of the drank.

Important remark! If the roofing device is supposed wood material With insulation, unacceptable direct contact of the waterproofing material and the shingle.

With the help of the installation of a special counterbalableca between them make sure