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A half-haired roof with one fronton. Semi-haul roof with your own hands. Advantages and disadvantages of a semi-raid roof: Photos of beautiful houses

Experienced masters and roofing framework and coatings can confirm that from all existing structures, the rafter system of the semi-raid roof is considered the most perfect and at the same time complex in the manufacture. Its base was invented and sold three years ago in the conditions of a very wet and snow climate of the coast of the Baltic Sea, which imposed a certain imprint on the device frame of a half-haired roof.

Device of a half-haired roof

The half-wave is called a small scope or the roof sector, located between the short inclined rafters from the front of the front.

In modern designs of the half-haired type use two layout options:

In the latter case, a vertical section of the frontion remains between the skate and the upper edge, which is almost always equipped with a ventilation or auditory window for an attic room.

Advantages and disadvantages of the semi-union roof

Most people find the appearance and design of this type of roof quite attractive. Roofing with a half-haired, photo, looks more elegant and modern than old rectangular dual and even tent roofs.

What are the advantages of a half-ray roof

The unusual and slightly strange, at first glance, the roof with half-wild rods was originally appeared in Denmark and Holland, as the most optimal option, able to confront climate with a large number of fog, rain and snow, frequent frosts and regular icing roofing and fronts.

Therefore, in a semi-haul roof, some design features are initially laid, allowing moisture to fight:

  • Additional skates perfectly protected the upper part of the front, adjacent to the skate, from watering water, condensing fog and heavy rains with wind;
  • The use of the half-haul made it possible to reduce the pressure of the air flow on the frontaths in the conditions of a strong wind;
  • The use of a semi-walled construction instead of a full-fledged four-sheet roof made it possible to reduce the longitudinal dimensions of the building.

At first glance, it is not too important for modern realities, but also a recently shortened semi-racfish roofing was a solution to a problem in a very dense urban building. The design of the house with a shortened roof turned out to be quite attractive, so the Danish roof with a tile or a semi-haul broken roof has long become a classic architecture.

Important! The half-haul effectively reflects the wind pressure.

If you try to replace the half-haired roof with a flat, flat frontones, the latter will experience a load of several hundred kilograms, which can lead with strong wind to the extrusion of wall cladding.

Disadvantages of the roof with half hassle

In addition to elegant design and good adaptation to bad weather conditions, this type of construction has certain disadvantages. First of all, a high roof profile. Initially, the semi-haired roof frames were very high. In modern designs, the height of the skate is determined by the customer. But even at a small height of the installation of the skate beam, the installation of a semi-raid roof is much more complicated than in the case of two-tie rafaline frameworks of the classic scheme.

A second significant disadvantage is to increase the number of seams and docking lines of conjugate rods. In a semi-haul roof, there are less than that of tents or classic four-piece schemes, but still a list of places for potential water leakage than the two-tie system.

Therefore, additional visors are often installed on the upper half-halves of the roofs, reflecting a part of the rainwater streams and protecting the frontons and walls under them.

For four-tight semi-walled roofs, designers have found a different solution. Instead of visors, they extended two side scope planes, as a result, the window and the upper edge with the adjoining plank were under their protection.

Scheme of the rafting system of the semi-raid roof

In the simplest embodiment, the roof design with halves of hips attached to the rapid frame, resembles a four-tight scheme.

For example, if you see the drawing of the semi-haul roof with the lower arrangement of the half-haul, then it becomes clear how the supporting system of the rafting beams is formed:

  • The rafters of the semi-walled roof are divided into two groups - ordinary and holm. The first are stacked on the side rods of the roof, from the second form the halves of the Valm;
  • The central part of the rafter frame is made in the same manner as in the case of a conventional two-sheet roof, the length of the skate is approximately 2/3 of the distance between the side walls;
  • The shape and height of the inclination of the future of the half-robbed slide is formed by Valm rafters;
  • The half-halves are recruited from the spots, which, at the base, rest in Mauerlat, and the upper shelf on the transverse rigle with the liner.

For the top-arrangement schemes, the axillary system is formed by the hollow beams installed between the skate and the horizontal beam.

In this case, the frontal overhangs are lengthened by a distance equal to a step of ordinary rafters.

Varieties of a semi-haul fourth roof

In modern construction design, you can find a sufficiently large number of different modifications of the semi-haired roof, they are actively used for various attic schemes and residential attics, one and a half and two-storey buildings with balconies and open areas for recreation. All of them are based on two classic types - the Danish and Dutch diagram with the half-haul construction of the rafter frame.

Dutch half-haired roof

This type of roofing on the device fully coincides with the previously discussed design with the top arrangement of the half-hail.

Usually, a Dutch version of the construction of semi-haul rods is used for semi-storey houses, the rafter systems of which are made with long slots located at a large tilt angle.

The use of the half-haul allows to reduce the wind load on the rainstream system and simultaneously protect the balcony or windows from the rain, built on the front of the building.

The Dutch method of arrangement of the semi-haired roof makes it possible to securely isolate the upper part of the attic from the attic or residential swelling space. One of the variants of the Dutch Scheme of the Semi-Walm Roof is given on the video.

Dutch rafter systems are ideally suited for the arrangement of attic with the broken roof, country houses and country cottages.

Danish half-haired roof

This is a classic version of the rafter system with the lower position of the half-haul. Dutch models, despite all the simplicity and availability of the manufacture of a two-tie roof, got less distribution than Danish, since it is designed for sufficiently large sizes of rafter frames. Only in the last 10-15 years with the active construction of two and three-storey estates, Dutch systems began to use no less popular.

Danish semi-haul rafting frames can be used almost on any types of buildings, from mansions in three floors to small single-storey buildings. In the conditions of a very wet and cold climate of Denmark, the semi-degrees were built necessarily with broken skates, as in the diagram.

The upper part of the rafter frame was built under a very large angle - up to 70 o, the lower sows and half-haul rods were located under the tilt of just 20 o. As a result, the roof was obtained, in shape, a very resembling a pointed medieval hat, equally comfortable in the snow, and in the rain. In such a house, the owners live mainly on the second floor, there was a stove and a kitchen on the first, in the attic and in the cushionable space stored utensils and supplies.

For a long time, the Danish roofs with broken skates remained a Copenhagen business card. Modern semi-haul rafting systems only remotely resemble the roofing structures of two hundred years ago.

Important! In modern conditions, the Danish semi-haired soling system is chosen only as an alternative to a tent or conventional four-tie roof.

This design makes it possible to equip a couple of attic windows without resorting to more complex auditory and mortise systems.

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe semi-wave roof design

The calculation of the surface area is based on the school year of planimetry. Conditionally roofing can be viewed as two pairs of geometric shapes. For the Danish system, these will have two large and two small trapezings of the main rods and the half-hail, respectively.

To find the area of \u200b\u200bthe main skate, you must multiply the longitudinal length of the skate and the distance between the extreme dots along the cornice line. To calculate the area, the same formula is used. The distance from the riglel to the carnis is multiplied by half the length of the beam and the frontal line. It remains only to fold two areas and multiply by two.

How to make a half-breed roof with your own hands

The main difficulty in performing this kind of work is that even the most accurate calculations of the lengths and dimensions of the parts of the rare systems are rare when they coincide with what is required at the construction site. All the same in the place you have to customize with your own hands all the details of the rafter system.

Tip! When calculating blanks for assembling and installing a semi-haul roof, the sizes of all parts are taken with a positive assumption of 5%.

Less accurate dimensions are achieved on specialized lines of industrial production of rafting frames. In this case, all the parts of the frame of the half-haired roof are almost exactly the drawing, and the carrier system can be collected as a constructor.

Start installation of the rafter system

Installation of a half-haired frame starts from a skate run. In the center of the ceiling overlap, exactly along the axial line of the roof, 2 vertical racks are installed on which the skate bar is attached. To the frame not deformed and did not deviate from the initial position, the system is fixed by temporary struts and struts.

The next step in the assembled skate frame, two pairs of rafter beams are installed, two pieces from each end of the horizontal crossbar of the skate. The framework of the frame is fixed and reinforced with stretch marks and struts.

Assembling semi-haul rods

In order to form a semi-haul plane, it is necessary to establish a support crossing or a bolt. It is attached to a vertical stand holding a skate beam, and temporarily stroke with ordinary rafters. The next step is cut and installed hollow rafters. This is the most difficult stage of assembling the rafter system of the semi-raid roof, as it is necessary to try as accurately as possible and stored the support planes of the beams. After alignment of the plane, you can capitally mount the rhegel.

The remaining rafters of the half-haired skate are cut and put on the results of the size of the sizes under each beam. The last stage is placed by ordinary rafters, the crate is coated, the vapor barrier and roofing coating are laid.

One of the most "narrow" seats of semi-degrees are associated with the arrangement of the adjacencing zone of the upper edge of the roofing coating to the vertical surface of the front. It is in this place that rainwater is often crossed, therefore, at the stage of assembling the rafter system, a metallic apron of thin-sheet galvanized steel is placed. This makes it possible to increase the stiffness of the joint line and prevent the separation of the label of the wall.

A half-haired four-sheet roof is considered the most interesting model, which has come to Russia from Northern Europe among many other options. The roof has a streamlined shape that makes it more resistant to strong wind gusts.

Thanks to shortened triangular skates, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic space without structures on the walls of massive roofing structures is significantly increased. Buildings with such a roof look quite stylishly regardless of the number of floors and destination.

The only disadvantage of the semi-haired roof is a rather complicated construction technology. But if you know and understand how the rafter system of such a roof is arranged, and make the right calculation of the semi-haired roof, you can cope with the work yourself.

Varieties of semi-raid roofs

The half-haired design cannot be called a four-page, although the basis for it is the technology of building the roof envelope. It has elements and a two-tie, four-piece design, and during the construction, the methods of both structures are used.

The design of the semi-haul roof has several features that are somewhat different from a four-tight family. First, the hip of such a roof is a bit shortened. Secondly, it is adjacent to the part of the fronton, if the house is stone, or tongs, if the house is wooden. In relation to these walls, a shortened triangle is located at an angle that can be concave or convex. The Valma itself can be located in the top of the nipper or the frontone or at the bottom of these walls.

Depending on the shape and location of the elements of the semi-haul double roof, two types of structures are distinguished:

  • The Dutch roof has a hip in the form of a trapezoid, which is located at the bottom of the fronton. The top of the trapezium is connected to the vertical triangle, forming a concave angle. The triangle can be fully sewn or have a window door.
  • At the Danish roof, the triangular half-halm is located at the top of the skate. Its base is connected to the vertical fronton, forming a convex angle.

Based on these structures, various roof options are created. They may vary in altitude and form of elements, have different rocks and angle of their tilt. Quite often there are four-piece structures with single elements of a semi-haired roof.

Regardless of the selected combination, the installation of the rafter system is performed on the basis of a bone roof, that is, using a considerable or hanging method. The utilization rafter system is arranged in the case when it is possible to create a solid support for the top of the rafter. Otherwise, the hanging rafter system is installed. In both situations, the lower heels of rafters must have a support on Maurylalat, overlap beams, top row of a log or brusade house.

In general, the rafter system is erected on the basis of one of the methods of the device of the semi-haul roof or on their integrated use. If you understand the subtleties of these methods, you can make a roof in Danish or Dutch technology with your own hands, as well as combine shortened hips with a conventional scope roof.

Device of the rafting system in Dutch technology

Its scheme resembles a split rectangle with trapezes on the sides. The initial steps are conducted using the technology of the device of a traditional four-tie roof.

Creating a basis

First of all, the supports necessary for laying a run of the skate are mounted. The support racks can be replaced by the frame that the upper part will act as a run. Next, you can perform the installation of rafter feet. Differences in technology begin at the moment when the installation of rafters and nurses of the Dutch half-haired roof is performed. It is these elements that form a plane of a shortened pentagonal skate.

Diagonal rafylics by writing are joined by a seboine. This element is a boards with a thickness of more than 5 cm and is nourished horizontally between ordinary rafters. The upper part of the central narigines is fixed to the seabo with nails or corners. Installation of other naturines is performed in the following way: the upper part is naked to the diagonal rafalines, the support of the lower part becomes the Mauerlat or the beam of overlapping.

It is possible to reinforce the halves zone with a pump that is installed in the places of jumpers and ordinary rafalines. The extreme farm is collected from dual rafaline. In the place where the jumper is nailed to the rack, additionally nourish the cuts of the boards - short. These elements help prevent the deformation process of construction from elevated loads.

The triangular frontton, located above the half-made hip, must be sewed using boards or any sheet material. This will require the calculation of the fronton to order the necessary materials. The most efficient option is the window opening device in this triangular element. Even small windows are a source of natural lighting and ventilation.

Combining the Dutch and Danish technology

Based on the Dutch version, a large number of roof options are being developed. One of them involves the use of the same form instead of the triangular frontone. This element when connecting to a shortened row in the form of a pentagon forms a convex angle. However, in some cases, the formation of a concave angle between these elements is possible. In the Scheme, the design is similar to the usual envelope, but in practice, the projection of the hip elements has some differences.

Differences are observed in the installation technology. The main part of the semi-raid duplex roof is mounted depending on the selected technology, urban or hanging rafting legs. Further, shortened rafters are installed next to the creation of a characteristic breaking near the extremely rafter farm.

On their corners there are diagonal rafters. The remaining works are performed in accordance with the drawings of the Dutch variant according to the scheme of the rafter system of the semi-raid roof. The upper triangular element is performed on Danish technology.

The device of the rafting roof system on the Danish method

The roofs erected by Danish technology have many interesting moments as the Dutch roof. But the rafter system is satisfied with a little different way. In general, both roof variants are two tiers licked to each other.

It is in this way that the broken structures are equipped in the case of the intended placement of the attic in the attic space. But the broken roof costs several times more expensive than half-hail. This encourages to study the last option in more detail.

Step-by-step construction of the roof on Danish technology

The Danish roof has a triangular valve, and the frontone adjacent to it is made in the form of a trapezium. At first glance, the roof scheme has similarities with a holm design, but a shortened hip smaller size, and its corners do not have coincidences with roof corners.

In order not to make mistakes during the construction of a half-haired roof with their own hands, it is important to correctly make a roof project and calculate the elements of the rafter system. It does not need to calculate the size of each element, you can define the parameters of the largest part. For the rest of the details, it allows to apply the same measurements or a little less.

Sking part of the rafter system

The beginning of the construction of the charter system of the semi-raid roof, as well as other options, is the installation of Mauerlat. He will perform as a support for the lower part of the main and diagonal rafaline. At the same time, the points of the supports will be located at different heights, which is explained by the unequal height of the bearing walls and the frontoths.

The first stages of construction look like this:

  • Construct Mauerlat, the design of which is different from the standard option. The bar must be laid several stripes. The first is placed on the same line with the inner plane of the bearing walls. The second is the central line of the inner bearing wall. The third is to flush with the inner surface of the frontoths.
  • Stay overlap beams. They must be located at a right angle to Mauerlat on the main carrier walls. If there is no possibility to use a solid bar, it is best to select elements so that the junction place is located on the inner bearing wall.
  • Install the supports for the drive under the skate on the carrier wall inside the house. Extreme supports are installed at a distance equal to the length of the main roof. Private racks are uniformly distributed on this site. In this case, the load will be the same in all parts of the roof. Before fastening the supports, you must check the verticality of their installation, using a plumb or construction level for this purpose. The fixed racks are reinforced by auxiliary elements.
  • The installation of ordinary lines of the main part of the roof is performed by inclined or hanging technology.

Installation of Walm Stropilin with your own hands

Diagonal rafting legs in the attic semi-haul roof are designed to connect the edge of the skate and the angles of the fronton. Their manufacture and installation has several specific points that allow you to do quite accurately:

  • A closure with the outside of Maurolalat on the front is a cropped chalkboard with a size of 5 * 15 cm and fix it with one or two nails. This element allows you to make a place mark without performing unnecessary actions.
  • In parallel, running on three or four nearby lines of rafylics laid another board. Checking the horizontal location, this element is pulled up to a previously baked board. The location of the intersection of these elements is a point through which the horizontal line is carried out.
  • Using a 5 * 20 cm board, a diagonal rafylic is manufactured. For this, the workpiece is applied to the top of the extreme farm and to the corner of the cropped board. To simplify the process, all actions are recommended to perform with a partner: one holds the workpiece, the other makes a mark.
  • On the outside of the board, the horizontal line is carried out, adhering to the central axis.
  • Determine the magnitude of the upper pressure and transfer it to the bottom edge of the workpiece.
  • The resulting value is postponed at four points, which determine the volumetric image of the rafylic.
  • The workpiece is removed on the ground and perform the necessary guilt.

Before installing diagonal rafting legs, you must remove the auxiliary board with Mauerlat. Finished elements are installed in place and firmly fixed. The attachment of the rafted above can be performed using nails, and at the bottom it is better to use the corners.

Installing the rafter feet of a semi-haul double roof

The height of the diagonal rafylic in the place of attachment to the Mauerlat should be measured. A similar distance is measured from the top of the skate bar and make a mark. From this point until the middle of the front, the lace is tightened by which you should navigate in the process of manufacturing central rafaline.

The central foot of the half-wave is set as follows:

  • Measure the angle between the stretched lace and the support, it is necessary to accurately roam the top-definition.
  • Measure the angle between diagonal rafylics, it will help accurately remove the face for a more dense fit into the node.
  • Take a board of a certain length and a size of 5 * 15 cm, they make the value of the first angle and sharpen it until the angular protrusion is obtained with the second value.
  • Perform fitting blank. To do this, it is applied to the stretched shoelace from above and measure the distance from the skate to the top of the workpiece.
  • The result is transferred to the bottom edge of the board. The distance is laid out strictly vertically and spend a horizontal line. So it creates wrote on the bottom of the structure.
  • After writing, the queue of the bottom line comes. With the help of the roulette, they debug the width of the eaves and carry out a vertical line to the intersection with the diagonal rafylic.
  • It is not recommended to mount the hip foot at once, it can be used for the manufacture of nurses.

Nonocents are manufactured by a similar technique, but it is important to consider the actual dimensions and features of the installation.

Completion of the mounting of the rafter system

After completing the installation of all the elements of the rafter system, including shortened rafyled, you must complete the final work. They suggest the preparation of the rafter system to install the crate and coatings of the semi-haul roofing the selected material.

To perform final actions, you need to do the following:

  • Mount the frontal fuels that form end skes. These elements should be fixed on extreme narons of the main rods and leaving the inclined elements of the front. Filmings should be placed at a distance of about 1 meter from each other. If the main box is made of concrete or brick, you must take care of the waterproofing of the elements. Moreover, it is enough to use cheap materials, such as rubberoid or pergamine, folded in several layers.
  • Ansit the perimeter of the roof of the wind board, applying a size of 5 * 15 cm. Fixed elements start on the frontal and main sv. The initial length of the board is determined by the roof project, but during the trim process you can make an adjustment. Wind boards, leaning towards the lumps, you must first try, to do, and then consolidate.
  • Increasing the diagonal elements need the board of the corresponding sizes.

The rafter system for Danish technology is considered complete. The completion of all works will be the entry of the eaves and the installation of the crate in accordance with the technical characteristics of the selected roofing material.

It is difficult to understand the construction of the charter system of the semi-raid roof, but it is necessary to do this for self-erection of the roof. Moreover, the highlights were presented in detail.

The semi-haired roofs are very convenient when using a attic as residential premises. Such a roof is a scope design with skes made along the ends. Thanks to this, the uniqueness, half-haul, or Dutch, the roof is able to withstand a large wind load. Nights additionally protect against precipitation. To figure out how to build a half-walled roof, you need to distinguish its variations:

  • duplex type of semi-haired roof;
  • four-tight type of semi-haul roof.

In this case, the design can undergo some individual changes that depend on the type of roof, the presence or absence of a residential area in the attic space, climate of the area. For areas with snow harsh winters, such roofs are trying to do with not very large skes and rods with a large steepness.

Advantages of a semi-haired roof type

In addition to the possibility of getting a large and practical space in the attic and equip it under a comfortable living room, as well as protecting the frontones from the consequences of bad weather, among the advantages of this roof - its beauty, effect and the ability to embody a variety of options.

Note! Such a roof is characterized by increased structural strength. It is very well suitable for locality with extreme climate conditions, also has resistance to vibrations.

Disadvantages of the semi-haul (Dutch) roof

Among the shortcomings of the construction of the Dutch roof:

  • the complexity of building a system of rafters;
  • high flow of roofing material and wood;
  • the complexity of purification and repair.

Early such a roof yourself, without the help of specialists, is very difficult. In the rafter system there are many elements that complicates the construction.

Erecting a Dutch roof

The design of the half-haul consists of many elements, eliminate at least one of which is simply impossible, as everyone has its own purpose. The basis is the Mauerlat and the complex system of rafters. If the walls of the building are elevated from the brick, it is good to arrange a reinforced concrete reinforced belt with a diameter of 10 mm between future rafters with a diameter of 10 mm and a pitch of 1.2 m, and to put the Mauerlat bar on top of the pairoid layers. For Maurolalat, a bar with a cross section of 150 × 150 mm is used. Next, with the help of the wrist and the use of iron brackets, it is suitable for which the covers and diagonal rafters (or narigines) are fixed.

It is very important to produce the right measurements and calculate the required lengths of the rafted. It is best to prepare rafters longer than 50 cm from the calculated data to avoid trouble while working.

Note! From the reinforced double board, there are terry midnights, based on these fourths. Board pairing helps to achieve the required enhanced roof bearing.

When the covered rafters were firmly crossed with Mauerlat and the skate, they produce ordinary installation. In this case, take into account the width of the insulating material, according to which the step of ordinary rafters is calculated. To ensure that there is a rafter to the base, the ends of the ends are made of cutting, they can be made on the sides of them with metal corners to attach to Mauerlat. If the spans are obtained large, use the strengthening with the help of the pods with the stops. With the help of a split farm, you can strengthen the diagonal rafters.

If the plate, overlapping the house, reinforced concrete - racks with stops without problems can be rested into it. In another case, the overlap tanks need to put additional tightening.

All wooden structural elements before starting the installation should be treated with special solutions for protection against rotting and the effect of fire.

Completion of the construction of the half-hail

The end of the device of the Dutch roof, as any other, includes the laying of the crate, vapor insulation material, as well as the insulation, waterproofing film and directly the roof itself. It is necessary free space under the skate for circulation of air and ventilation.

Note! The vapor barrier film is better used with a foil side, which will protect the heat-insulating layer from moisture.

Insulation can serve as polystyrene foam plates, fiberglass or basalt plates. On top of them, condensate film or diffusion membrane are tight for protection against moisture and condensate. It is still used as a waterproofing, but referenced, but since its properties are short-lived, it is better to refuse him in favor of more modern materials.

Next, from wooden plates, a counterclaim is performed to fix the waterproofing and a gap device for ventilation. On top of the counterclaim make the main crate on which the roofing material is fixed.


The roof is one of the main elements of any home. Therefore, it is important that its type corresponds to the constructive features of the dwelling, created comfortable living conditions, reliably defended himself from bad weather and at the same time it looked aesthetic. A wide-range roof received widespread. Despite the seeming complexity, it can be built independently.

Features of the design of the semi-walled roofs, the difference from the holm

The half-haired roof has two or four slides. Walma (end-skate) can be a triangle or a trapezium. Frontones are also in the form of these figures. Side skates have the form of a trapezium. If the hip hip is triangles and reach the cornese swell, then in the half-hail, they are combined with the frontones of a different form. A semi-haul roof is created in cases where the area of \u200b\u200bthe required room cannot be entered into a triangular form.

Walm roof limits the use of the attic space by an oblique triangular shape of the skate

Types of semi-haul roofs

Distinguish between a duplex and a four-gravel half-haired roof.

Advantages and disadvantages of a half-haired roof


  • the semi-haul roof is well opposed to the wind;
  • protects against deformations due to the rigidity of the structure;
  • has resistance to vibrations;
  • creates the possibility of arranging additional useful area;
  • gives the house a unique appearance.


  • the complex system of rafters requiring a significant number of elements to strengthen;
  • high cost;
  • high consumption of material for laying roofing;
  • the complexity of cleaning and repair.

Calculation of the draft semi-raid roof

The basis of the calculation is: calculation of the area, the angle of inclination of the roof and its height, the step of the rafted, the consumption of the roof material.

Calculation of Square

Double semi-haired roof

  1. Side skates are divided into rectangles and trapezoids.
  2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle is calculated by the multiplication of the parties.
  3. To calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezium, it is necessary to multiply its bases to the height and the resulting product is divided into 2.
  4. The resulting data we fold and multiply on 2. This gives the side of the side skates.
  5. Triangular rods have the shape of an equifiable triangle. The value of such a triangle is calculated by multiplying the length of the base of the triangle to height and division by 2.
  6. Multiply the resulting value by 2, which gives the total area of \u200b\u200btriangular rods.
  7. We fold the area of \u200b\u200ball the rods and get the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof.

To calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof rods are divided into simple geometric shapes

Four-tight semi-haired roof

  1. Side skate divide on a rectangle and 2 rectangular triangles.
  2. The area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle is calculated in the same way as in a duplex roof.
  3. The magnitude of the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangular triangle is calculated by multiplying the length of cathets and dividing the resulting product to 2.
  4. The area of \u200b\u200bthe skate is equal to the sum of the areas of two triangles and a rectangle.
  5. Multiply the value obtained by 2.
  6. The value of the area of \u200b\u200bholmic rods in the form of a trapezium is calculated by the likeness of the binary semi-haul roof.
  7. We fold the values \u200b\u200bfrom clause 5 and p. 6 we get the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole roof.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe four-grade semi-haired roof is calculated by the formulas of the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoid, rectangle and rectangular triangles

Roof inclination angle and its height

The magnitude of the inclination affects the complexity of the roof. With its increase, the design becomes more difficult, and the cost is more. Here it is necessary to take into account the wind and snow load. If the place is windy, the bias must be made smaller, since the roof resistance is reduced by the wind. Almost angle of the slope should be no more than 30 °.

With a significant snow load, we increase the slope so that the snow does not delay on the roof. In general, the magnitude of the angle of inclination varies between 20 and 45 °.The choice of inclination also affects the convenience of movement in the attic space, especially for the attic roofs.

It is also important to choose a roof material. Its species affects the slope. Roll materials are used for flat and low-key roofs (up to 22 °). Bituminous roofs and folded metal sheets are placed both flat (from 2.5 to 3 °) and on low and cool roofs. Other types of roofing materials are suitable only for low-key and cooling roofs: fiber cement sheets, professional flooring, folding roof (from 4.5 °), metal tiles, bituminous tile, ceramic tile, slate (from 22 °), high-profile piece tile and slate ( from 22-25 °). In the diagram, these angles are indicated by blue

In some cases, in particular with the arrangement of the lower roof or an additional layer of waterproofing, allowable angles can be changed, their range is expanded. An additional range is indicated in a red scheme.

With special types of roofing device, the allowable angle of the slope can be increased

Knowing the angle of inclination, it is easy to calculate the height of the skate. This is done according to the formula H \u003d b: 2 x TGA, where b is the width of the house, and the angle of inclination of the skate, H is the height of the skate. Example: House width - 10 m, slope angle - 30 °. Tangent angle of 30 degrees is 0.58. Then the height of the skate is determined as follows: H \u003d 10: 2 x 0.58, which is 8.62 m.

Step rafal

Step is a distance between two adjacent rafters. Most often it is 1 m. The minimum value is 60 cm. The specific step value is calculated by a certain sequence of actions:

  1. We choose an approximate step.
  2. Determine the length of the skate. For calculation, use Pythagore's theorem: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the cathets. Katenets - the height of the roof in the skate and half of the base of the hip. From the value obtained, remove the square root. This will be the length of the skate.
  3. The length of the skate is divided into approximately the selected step size. If a fractional number turned out, the result is rounded in a large side and 1 is added to it.
  4. The length of the skate is divided by the number obtained in the previous paragraph.

Example: an indicative step - 1 m; The height of the roof in the skate is 10 m; The base of the hip is 13.26 m; Half the base of the hollow - 6.63 m. 10 2 + 6.63 2 \u003d 144 m (with rounding). The root square out of 144 m is 12 m. Thus, the length of the skate is equal to 12 m. We divide the length of the skate to approximately the selected step size (12: 1 \u003d 12 m). To the resulting number, add 1 (12 + 1 \u003d 13 m). The length of the skate (12 m) divide on the resulting number (13 m). It turns out 0.92 m (with rounding). We obtain the optimal value of the step of the rafter.

However, if the thickness of the bars of the rafter legs is greater than the usual, then the distance between the rafters can be made more.

Table: Calculation of a step raftered from thick bars

Distance between
rafters in meters
The greatest length of the rafter foot in meters
3,2 3,7 4,4 5,2 5,9 6,6
1,2 bar.9x119x149x179x199x209x20
log11 14 17 19 20 20
1,6 bar.9x119x179x199x2011x2113x24.
log11 17 19 20 21 24
1,8 bar.10x1510x18.10x1912x22- -
log15 18 19 22 - -
2,2 bar.10x1710x1912x22- - -
log17 19 22 - - -

Calculation of roofing

Calculation is carried out after mounting rafters. It is necessary to take into account that the amount of material should always be larger than the roof area, since its consumption increases hydro, vapor, and thermal insulation, as well as the method of laying - brace. In addition, there is a role and addition elements. Some materials require the installation of additional doors. This applies, for example, tiles on a soft base.

Possible loss of material due to the presence of trapezoid and triangular rods. They can be about 30%. The exit will be the use of bitumen tiles or piece material.

General method of calculating roofing material

  1. The calculation of the overall coating of the roof is made (as shown in the section "Calculation of Square").
  2. The resulting value is divided into one sheet of material.
  3. Only the area of \u200b\u200bthe material is taken into account, which covers the surface (useful). At docking and tramplers leaves about 15 cm.

Calculation of the material for the roof of slate and metal tile

An example of calculating the material in the manufacture of a roof from slate:

An example of calculating the material in the manufacture of a roof of metal tile:

  1. With a decrease in the size of the material, the number of necessary joints increases.
  2. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is multiplied by the coefficient of 1.1.
  3. The resulting value is divided into the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet.

For example, the optimal size of the metal tile sheet: width from 1.16 to 1.19 m, the length is 4.5 m. Falls are 6-8 cm. The useful dimensions of the sheet determine the subtraction from the total size of the flaws. Take the average value of 0.07 m. Then the width will be 1.10 m (1.17 - 0.07), and the length is 4.43 m (4.50 - 0.07). The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet will be 4,873 sq. M (1.10 x 4,43). Roof Square - 26.7 sq.m. When multiplying the coefficient of 1.1 - 29.37 sq.m. Number of sheets - 7 (29.37: 4.87). The exact value is 6.03, but rounded in a big one.

Roofing cake of a semi-walled roof

Roofing cake is done in the same way as for any pitched roof. Its device depends not on the type of roof, and from the insulation and the coating material. The insulation must be present, especially if the residential roof is done.

Roofing cake consists of the following components:

  1. Parosolation: Designed to prevent steam penetration from both the residential premises under the roof and in the opposite direction. It stacked on rafters along the skate starting from the eaves with a 15 cm in the fall and is fixed by the construction scotch. Slinges are attached to roofing nails.
  2. Heater: Mounted by the versius between the rafters.
  3. Waterproofing: Designed for insulation of residential premises from moisture penetration from above. It is installed like vapor barrier, only over the insulation.
  4. Controlling: installed along the rafting legs.
  5. Gearing: stacked on top of the counterclaim.
  6. Roofing: attached to the doom.

Reliability of roof roofing depends on the availability and quality of all its elements

If the roofing pie is present in cross-section, it will look like this:

Heat and comfort in the attic room depend on the compliance with the technology of roofing cake

The rafters are the most important elements of the rafting roof system.

Slinge system of Dutch (mansard) roof

In the house with an attic, the upper floor has a smaller area. This is due to the roof rods. Therefore, often such a structure is called "house for a half of the floor". Most often, the attic is equipped with a double (Dutch) roof, since the space for residential premises is larger there. Over the Ceiling of the attic make an attic with auditory windows serving for lighting and ventilation. In this case, the ceiling is beserved only in two places, which makes the attic more convenient. In addition, the Dutch roof is distinguished by the presence of vertical fronttones in which you can install the windows, which is cheaper the installation of inclined windows. With the arrangement of the rafter system of the attic roof, sleeve rafters are used. It gives strength and increases the reliability of the entire system. In the attic room you can create both vertical walls. Then the rafter system is complemented by vertical partitions.

A feature of the device of a dutch-type semi-raid roof is a short hip, which is formed by the installation between ordinary rafters of the horizontal crossbar, called "platinum" (supporting board). If in addition to the skate run in the rafter system there are two side-parallel side, then the sample relies on them.

Methods for strengthening the rafter system:

  1. These places where the holes are attached to ordinary rafters, supported by pan. Their bottom rests on a litter or rack.
  2. Of the two pairs of boards, two rafter legs are made. They are installed instead of conventional rafters. At the connection site, the samples with a rack are attached with nails and are strengthened by a short one.

The lines of the attic roof can be steel, wooden, combined. For private construction with a small number of floors, a tree is more often used. Maurylalat is made from the bar 10x10 cm or 10x15 cm. For the manufacture of rafters, riglel, lateral runs, tightening, ducts are used 5x15 cm. Wood moisture should be natural (15%). The 1-3rd grade of coniferous trees without deep cracks and numerous bitch is selected. All wooden parts are processed by an antiseptic, as well as the composition that prevents fire. Compliance with all technical conditions in the selection of wood is mandatory, since the attic is a residential premises.

Distinctive elements of the rafter system of the Dutch roof are short hip, platoon, short and shrgel farm

Video: Sling System Nodes

Roofing for a semi-raid roof

There are quite a lot of roofing materials on the modern market. Consider some of them.

The soft tile is made of fiberglass or felt treated with a modified bitumen. It is racks to changes in ambient temperature. From above, a coating consisting of basalt granulate or mineral crumb is applied. This gives the material color and protects against ultraviolet, precipitation, temperature changes.

The dimensions of the elements of soft tiles allow you to avoid a large number of roofing waste

Advantages of soft tiles:

  • no fragility;
  • simplicity laying;
  • well suited for roofs with a complex profile;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • it is not susceptible to rotting, rust, wind gust, sharp change in temperature;
  • does not accumulate snow.


  • combustion;
  • the possibility of fading;
  • complexity of repair;
  • risk of deformation when laying;
  • the impossibility of mounting in the cold;
  • for laying, a surface is needed with an angle of slope of more than 12 degrees;
  • mandatory use of a special lining material.


Ontulin is a kind of soft roof. It is also called euroshipheral. During the production process, pressing at a large temperature of fibrous cellulose impregnated with purified bitumen occurs. Pigments and resin are protected from external negative impacts. Ecologically clean. The material, in contrast to ordinary tiles, does not include asbestos.

Ondulin has a beautiful appearance and good operational qualities

Pluses ondulina:

  • high level of waterproofing;
  • soundproof;
  • resistance to mold and fungi, effects and alkalis;
  • the possibility of operation in various climatic conditions;
  • low cost;
  • minor weight;
  • ease of installation;
  • beautiful appearance.

Cons usage:

  • susceptible to small fading;
  • the possibility of the appearance of traces of bitumen.

Metal tile.

Metal tile - metal sheet made in the shape of a tile. Such a sheet has protective layers. The top of them is polymer.

Metal tile has durability and fast installation

The advantages of the material:

  • a small price;
  • simplicity and installation speed;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • large color gamut;
  • ease;
  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety.


  • low noise insulation;
  • low thermal insulation;
  • high percentage of waste during installation.

If the questions of noise and thermal insulation are solved due to the heat-insulating layer, then the non-economic of installation with a complex roof profile is difficult to get around.


Slate (asbestos) is made from sheet asbestoscent and other fiber-cement materials. It happens flat and wave. For coating houses is often used by the wave.

Slate is an excellent material for economical developers.

The advantages of slate:

  • low cost;
  • simple installation;
  • resistance to temperature change;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • excellent noise insulation;
  • resistance to fire.


  • fragility;
  • property accumulate moisture and gradually decreased moisture protection;
  • harmful asbestos for health.


Profile is a sheet of galvanized steel sheet, produced by cold rolled products. Such a sheet is profiled and a wave or trapezoidal form is applied for hardness. The material used for the roof is covered with a polymer coating in order to protect against corrosion and giving aesthetic species. Roofing professional flooring has a wave height from 35 mm.

Professional flooring combines high quality and acceptable price

The advantages of the roof of the profile:

  • ease of installation;
  • good corrosion protection;
  • wide color gamut;
  • low weight;
  • durability;
  • low cost.


  • insufficient noise insulation;
  • corrosion exposure during damage to protective layers.

The choice of material for the roof always remains for the developer. It is necessary to take into account the financial capabilities, whether the arrangement of attic, aesthetic preferences are planned. The influence of the root deficiencies during skillful use can be reduced. So, the correct arrangement of roofing pie can remove the problem of poor noise insulation of metal tiles and corrugated flooring. However, in terms of material savings, it is better to use a soft roof or ondulin, as due to the complex profile of the semi-haired roof, the materials with small sheet sizes are more rationally.

Video: Comparison of Roofing Tile Views

Doborny elements

Doblyin elements are called standard components used when installing the roof. Their tasks are the protection of the roof from the leakage, the sudden convergence of large masses of snow, wind, dust and improving the appearance of the roof:

  • skates protect the joints of the rods from the penetration of moisture and dust. Connect the top rib coating. These elements are of different shapes: triangular, flat, semicircular. The triangular prevents the penetration of the rain, snow, moisture. Most often it is equipped with roofing with a slope of 30 °. If the slope is less than 30 °, then it is better to use a flat rustle. A semicircular protects the edges of the roof from severe busting winds, gives the roof a beautiful appearance. The type of skate also depends on the coating of the roof. It is important to calculate the number of skate slats. For example, for tent or dome roofs, they will not be required at all, as the skates are not connected in a straight line, but converge at one point. For a bartal roof, one skate is enough, and for more complex structures you will need two or more of the challenges. The usual length of their length is two meters, but it should be considered overwhelmed. It takes 0.1 m lengths. Thus, the real length of the skate is 1.9 m. To calculate the number of required skates, the length of the roof slide is divided by 1.9;

    Skates enhance the protection of the roof from dust and moisture

  • snowpotoreners are protected from the rapid convergence of snow on the roof. They delay or break the snow mass into small parts, protecting the facade of the building or people below. According to the design, the fasteners are different. It is she precludes avalanche-like snow gathering. The gear snowstores cut large snow arrays, making it safe safe. Others: tubular, lattice, corner delay snow on the roof;

    Installation of snowcases is mandatory for areas with a cold climate

  • endovists are used to remove water from the roof rods. Are placed between the skates in vulnerable places, and also decorate the roof. Endahs are upper and lower. The top perform an additional decorative function. The easiest way is open endow, since it is not necessary to equip an additional layer of waterproofing, but it cannot be used for steep roofs. With this method between roofing joints there is a gap in which the plank is stacked. For roofs with sharp corners, closed endands are used. They are mounted between parallel planes and are closed with roofing panels that are joined. The closed form of accommodation is characteristic and intertwined undershones. The decorative bar is mounted on metal tile instead of the inner joint. On the inclined rods there is an internal endow;

    UNDODS provide additional roof moisture protection

  • roofing seals are designed to prevent leaks through the passage of chimneys, antennas, ventilation. Also, they level the expansion and compression of the material from temperature change. Seals are tightly adjacent to the roof and ensure its tightness. They can be manufactured from different materials (for example, silicone and EPDM) and have different temperature limitations for operation. So, for silicone, the maximum temperature is 350 °, and for EPDM - 135 °. For chimneys, it is necessary to use silicone, although it is more expensive, and in other cases you can use EPDM. Straight seals are recommended for a flat roof (tick, membrane or rolled), combined - for a roof of metal tile or metal products with a bias from 0 to 45 °, but most often from 10 to 30 °, angular are used for coating from different types of tiles, ondulin, slate, composite materials;

    Chimney seals are the necessary element of the roof of the house with furnace heating

  • salves serve to remove water. These include drainage gutters with connecting elements and windows. The gutter is removed away from the walls of the house and the foundation. The elements of them are: the canades for which water passes, funnels - cones, where water flows from the canadas, bent the knees, designed to drain the water down, the drain pipes mounted along with the knees, blood plugs, fasteners. One of the options is a peak of 50 cm. For its reliable operation, add 2-3 bracket for fastening. Window fits are designed to protect the masonry of the window sill from rain and snow. They are usually done under the color of the window frame;

    Salves are applied when building any home

  • smokes - metal caps, worn on chimneys and ventilation pipes from above. Designed to prevent the rain and snow pipe from entering the pipe, as well as for amplifying thrust. Pipelands are also used in risks and ventilation outputs. Fluggers - devices indicating the direction of the wind. Both smoke and floods are used not only in their intended purpose, but also as decorative elements;

    The smoke is needed for normal operation of the ventilation and heating systems of the house.

  • roofing strips are served to close the joints of the roof. Made from galvanized or metal sheet. They are coated with a polymer, the color of which corresponds to the main coating. The thickness of the planks - 0.45-0.50 cm. Length - 2 m. There are different types of slats: end - protect the end parts of the roof from moisture and strong wind gusts, the adjoining bar protects from water and snow to the roof to the pipe and serve An additional waterproofing, skate - isolate the rafter system from moisture in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, the cornese - do not give to penetrate the rainwater to the end part of the bottom of the root and the counterclaims and send it into the drainage system, the symborate planks are protected from falling into the inner space of the roof, the rods are sealed Roof in water removal places.

Without roofing slats, the roof is vulnerable to external influences.

Video: installation of the skate and good items do it yourself

Installation of a half-raid roof

The main feature in the arrangement of the semi-haired roof is the installation of its solo system. Consider stages as it is produced.

  1. On the bearing walls we put Mauerlat. It is also installed on the top faces of the frontoths.

    Mauerlat is the basis of the rafting roof system

  2. Mount the skiing bar.

    The upper ends of the rafter are stripped to the skate bruus

  3. Install rafters.

    Rafters are the main part of the rafter system

  4. The distance between the fronton and the extreme rafter can be chosen at its discretion, but we recommend calculating it by dividing the length of the upper face of the front of the fronton in half.

    The length of the top edge of the front is the original value for calculating the distance between it and the extreme rafters

  5. Installation of corner rafters We produce in such a way that the angular rafter was the line of intersection of the planes of the skate and half-hail. Cut off a small piece of the board with a cross section of 50x150 mm, we set to the edge of the frondon Maurolalate. Temporarily fixed with two screws.
  6. Take a flat board. One end of it lies with 3-4 rafters, and the other on trimming. The board must be parallel to the skate. After checking parallelism with the help of a roulette on a bar we make a mark. In the figure, it is depicted as a blue vertical line. Bar cutting around the mark.

    Preliminary marking plays an important role for the high-quality installation of lateral rafters

  7. After that, the board with a cross section of 50x200 required length is necessary. Hold it in the position indicated in the figure below and make marking. For convenience, this work is better to perform together.

    The blank of the side rafter is important to hold in the right position.

  8. The markup of the top of the corner rafter is done along the side plane of ordinary rafters.

    The side plane of ordinary rafters is an important element when the top of the corner rafter was marked.

  9. We measure the distance on the top marking. For example, we take it equal to 26 cm.

    Accuracy in measurements is necessary for high-quality production of corner rafal

  10. The resulting size meat from the front of the front and mark it in 4 points. Thus, we make the markup of the bottom drum down the corner rafter.

Semi-War roofs are one of the most interesting options borrowed in the North European architecture. Their streamlined form is extremely adapted to the gusty winds. Cropped triangular slots allow you to significantly push the boundaries of the useful attic space, without omnating the massive roofing structures on the walls.

It looks stylish on buildings of any floor and destination. The only drawback is imprisoned in the difficult construction technology. However, those who know how the rapid system of a semi-raid roof is built with work without any special problems.

The half-haired "family" cannot be unconditionally attributed to a four-piece class. Moreover, explicitly served as the parent base for development. Rather, this is the Commonwealth of Designs with two and four skates, the construction of which predetermines the use of both methods of facilities.

From four-page parents, the semi-haul category is characterized in that the characteristic triangular element of tent roofs is shortened. It is adjacent part of the vertical frontone of the stone house or a similar tongs of the wooden structure. The shortened valves, naturally, is located at an angle to the specified frontal walls. The angle between them can be convex or concave, and the halves of the hip is located on top or bottom.

In the form and location of the structural components, semi-haul roofs are divided into two dominant varieties:

  • Dutch. The roof with a trapezoidal half-haired, which occupies the lower part of the frontal skate. The trapezium of the upper base is adjacent to the vertical triangle, together with which they form most often a concave angle, less frequently convex. The triangle can be a solid or equipped auditory window.
  • Danish. The roof with a triangular half-haired, which occupies the upper part of the end segment. The triangle base relies on the vertical trapezoidal fronton, together they create a convex angle. The Danish version is very similar to a conventional walm roof, only the end skates in her shorter.

Based on two basic varieties, many variations with half-haul topics have been developed. Among them are not only structures that differ in height, size of the skates, angle of inclination, the form of elements. There are four-tight roofs, all sides of which are built on a Danish or Dutch principle, there are buildings having a shortened valve with only one end or one side.

In all structural combinations, part of the rafter feet is mounted according to the rules of the device of frames for banta roofs, i.e. hang or change in the way. Hanging rafylics are installed if the boxed box does not have an inner bearing wall or the ability to install support for the skate run. The ultimate technique is implemented when it is realized when it may exist or a reliable support for the upper heels of the rapid legs of the row roof segment. The lower heels of both types of rafters should be relying on Mauerlat, to replacing its upper crown of a church or on the beams of overlapping.

Regardless of the number of design versions, the construction of the charter system is based on one of the main semi-random methods or on their cumulative use. Having understood with them, you can understand how the Danish or Dutch technology is applied to the arrangement of your own home and as a conventional pit part of the roof to combine with shortened valves.

Slinge system of the Dutch roof

Construction of a design with a trapezoidal short hip and a triangular fronton over it is a little different from the constructions of a traditional four-sheet species. True, in terms of the scheme of the rafting system of the half-raid roof of a Dutch type, does not resemble the sealed mail envelope. It looks like a split rectangle with trapezes along the edges of the end sides. True, before the stage of the construction of short skates, all work is underway.

The process of building a baseline

First, the installation of the supports under the laying of the skate run. Instead of individual reference racks, the frame can be used, the top side of which will serve as a run for the future roof. Then set ordinary rafting legs. Technological differences begin when installing diagonal feet and nurses of Dutch half-hail. They are obliged to form the plane of a shortened pentagonal skate, and not a full-fledged triangular hip, as in standard four-tight roofs.

The goal is achieved by installing the horizontal jumper-sample, to the corners of which the diagonal rafylics are attached to the corners. Some of the nurses located in the center of the future skate are fixed to the top to the seaboine of nails or corners. The remaining ninamers are mounted by the usual method: to the diagonal rafylic of the riding, to the Mauerlate or the beam overlap.

To ensure rigidity in the semi-wave zone, the plots of jumper attachment to the ordinary rafters are reinforced with pins. The extreme rafal farms on both sides are made double. Places of fixation of the jumper to the rack and to the rafalines are additionally strengthened with shorts - baked from the bottom segments of the board. They will prevent the deformation of the design when the load is exceeded.

The triangular part of the crown is towering over the shortened valves is cured with a board or sheet material. However, the sensible hosts are arranged in the vertical triangle small windows for the receipt of natural lighting and ensuring ventilation.

With the common types of Dutch roofs of a semi-raid variety and shapes of rafting systems, photos of the photo will introduce a photo:

Mix of Holland with Denmark

As usual, the base Dutch version has become the soil to develop the mass of modifications. According to one of them, the place of the front-distance triangle occupies a semi-haul of a similar configuration. With a pentagonal shortened row, it forms a convex, and not a concave angle. It is worth noting that both concave angles take place in a number of architectural solutions. In terms of the scheme, it looks like a familiar envelope, but the projection of the hip components is different.

The difference is in the construction algorithm. At the stages of the structure of the duplex, the roof of the work are performed as dictates a change in or hanging technology. Then, to create a characteristic break, the first thing before the extreme ordinary rafter farm is mounted its shortened analogue, and the diagonals are already joined to its corners. Further, everything is produced by the above plan and according to the drawings of the Dutch rafter system for a semi-haired roof. Only the upper hip triangle is constructed through the Danish method.

Slinged Danish Type Frame

Danish variety is no less interesting than her Dutch "girlfriend", but at the head of the solving system, a slightly different way is laid. In fact, both types of roofs can be organized from two yaruses ornaments. So it is being built, which is quite suitable if the attic is to be found in the attic space. However, the broken method is significantly more expensive and more stuffing than the semi-degrees, with whom it is worth familiar with due attention.

Construction of the Danish roof in steps

Already found out that a triangular shape has a triangular shape in the short Danish hip, and in the adjacent front of the trapezoidal. In terms of the roof, the hip design is very similar, but the shortened hips are much smaller and their corners do not coincide with the corners of the roof.

Before construction is extremely desirable to acquire a worthy project and make calculations of the elements of the rafter frame. To start with the calculations of the sizes of each item too much. According to the assurances of experienced roofers, it is enough to calculate the longest detail of the system. Other elements are allowed to be equivalent or slightly smaller.

The device of the skunk part of the frame

The construction of a half-haired frame begins on the rules with the installation of Maurolalat for all the roofs. It will have to drink the lower heels of ordinary and holmic rafting legs. It should be noted that the opiir will be made at different levels, because The upper planes of the bearing walls and the frontones are at an uneven height.

The construction of the first stage of the rafter system is made in four stages:

  • Construction Mauerlat. In the example described, it will not be similar to the traditional wooden frame. The ram for the Mauerlat device is placed by separate strips: 1 - flush with the inner surface of the outer walls, 2- in the center of the inner bearing wall and 3 - flush with the inner plane of the frontal walls.
  • Laying beam overlap. It is performed perpendicular to the bars of Maurolate of the main bearing walls. If you need to dock two bars, a weak point of the connection must be placed above the carrier inner wall.
  • Installation of support for the skate run on the inner wall. Extreme support racks determine the length of the main part of the roof. The distance between ordinary racks should be equal so that the load from the roof is distributed evenly. Before fastening the vertical of the supports is checked with a plumb or a more serious laser instrument. After attachment, the position of the racks is temporarily complemented by auxiliary bodies.
  • Installation of ordinary rafting legs of the main part of the rods, for the implementation of which the traditional applies.

There are no images of the beam overlap on the drawings given in the example, because it would prevent the principle of the process. In reality, the overlap must certainly be.

Installation of diagonal rafalines

Diagonal rafters of the Danish roof connect the edge of the skate with the angles of the frontones. For their manufacture and installation, a number of specific actions are carried out to perform work with sufficient accuracy:

  • A flush with the outer plane of the front-distance Mauerlalate is set up a cutting board with dimensions of 50 × 150mm. It should be temporarily cared for a pair of nails, so as not to move and do not drop during the subsequent fitting. The trim is needed to mark the position of the Wide with one feather without unnecessary manipulations during fitting.
  • The board of arbitrary sizes is placed on 3-4 ordinary rafters so that it is clearly parallel to the skate run. The horizontal of a kind of reference is controlled by measurements with a tape measure or a laser level gauge. Next you need to tighten the board to a pre-native segment. The crossing of the board and the segment will indicate the point by which the horizontal line of the upcoming washed.
  • A diagonal element of the rafter system is made from a 50 × 200mm board. According to tradition, fitting is first. The board should be applied to the top of the extreme rafter farm and to the corner of the trimming. It is better to work together: one holds a blank, the second marks.
  • On external, i.e. Deployed to the half-hail, the side of the workpiece is a horizontal line clearly along the central axis.
  • Given the fact that the element's mirror element will be tightly tightly to be tightly adjusted, the line marked the line in the plane. You can, of course, not to take into account immediately planted, and adjust both diagonal blanks later in fact. As more convenient, the master is to decide on the spot.
  • The highest value was measured. It is needed to postpone it at the bottom of the measurement distance to accurately draw the lower node. In the example it is equal to 26cm.
  • The 26 cm obtained by measurements are deposited up from the front-bottom Mauerlalate at four points repeating the imaginary 3D contour of the rafting board.
  • On solid soil, all marked marbles are performed - the diagonal foot is ready. If there were no special flaws in the construction of the box and laying Maurolat, you can immediately make the second rafying of the same half anvalm.

Before installing the diagonal rafaline, the front-distance Maurylalate is released from the auxiliary cutting of the board. Finished rafting legs move to the place laid and securely fixed. For the attachment of the rapid heels, nails are suitable, it is better to use corners below.

Production and installation of hip feet

The lower heel of the diagonal rafting leg rises above the Mauerlat for a distance requiring mandatory measurement. The result should be postponed from the top of the skate and mark. From the point found in this path to the middle of the front, the lace is stretched. It will serve as a benchmark for the manufacture and installation of central hip milliline.

In order to set the central leg of the half-haired:

  • Measure by a small - a construction grid angle β, which is between the lace and the support resistant. It will help accurately draw the top of the top of the top.
  • Measure the angle φ between the diagonal elements. It is needed to throw two faces on the top heel in the form of a chamfer for tight entry into the node.
  • The board of the appropriate length of 50 × 150mm first washed at an angle of β, then it washed down on both sides so that in the end it turned out the corner protrusion with the value φ.
  • The workpiece must try again. It is installed right on top of the stretched lace to measure the magnitude of the elevation of the workpiece over the skate node.
  • The result is transferred down to determine the depth of the lower no. In the example above it is 6cm. They are laid out strictly vertically, the resulting point is carried out horizontal. The lines for wrote the words of the lower node are ready.
  • Immediately, after the markup, the lines of the bottom was marked. To do this, it is necessary to put the width of the eaves with the roulette and from the imaginary point to carry out a vertical crossing the harvesting of the valve rafylic.
  • After performing all the outlined marches, the holm foot is not attached immediately, but is used as a template for the production of nasha.

Nonocents are made to fill the holm rods, not retreating from the studied technique, but taking into account the real size and the specifics of the installation. The top washed down only on one side to an angle equal to φ / 2. With the lower node, everything is simple - all lines with proper scenario should be symmetrical. Upon completion of the processing of the workpieces, all hip elements are installed and attached like ordinary collections.

Similar actions are carried out in the manufacture and installation of these focusing rods. To form the lower margins, one of the hip elements is used. For the top mine, the line is cured at an angle β, then it is tested from the required side at an angle obtained by calculations using the formula 90º - φ / 2.

Among the preparation stages:

  • Installation of the frontal kills forming the end svet. They are fixed with galvanized metal corners to extreme nariginople of the main rods, refrigerate to the inclined sectors of the shortened fronton. The installation step of the mare is approximately 1m. Between the brick or concrete wall and wooden elements, it is obliged to be a waterproofing gasket. There is no reason to apply expensive polymer or bitumen-polymer material. Under the kills, you can put pieces of rubberoid or several layers of parchment.
  • Installing the wind boards around the perimeter of the roof. Start work from fastening a 50 × 150mm board to the frontal and basic skes. The length of the board for registration of frontal eaves is determined by the project, corrected by fact. A roulette or lace from a diagonal rafting leg should be held a straight line to the wind board of the front. Then it is necessary to verify the future position of the diagonal rafylic in relation to the corner of the wind cover with the testimony of the project. The wind boards located at the angle adjacent to the lumps, first try on and roasted, are attached.
  • The extension of the diagonal elements is made equivalent to the size of the board. Spliced \u200b\u200btrite segments with a segment of an inch.

Danish type rafter frame ready. It remains to be used the eaves and to build a crate according to the technical features of the coating laid on the roof.

The principle of construction of rafal systems for roofs with shortened Valmami is not easy, but is understandable. The complexity consists only in the device of the end parts, and we described the rules and specifics of their facilities in the most detailed as possible. Now we need to apply the information received in practice: the very practice itself in construction or check the hired brigade.